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Section 1: Correct

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Tinjau jawaban, umpan balik, dan skor pertanyaan Anda di bawah ini. Tanda bintang (*)
menunjukkan jawaban yang benar.

Section 1
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
1. The Oracle Academy courses are intended for self study. True or False?
(1/1) Point
False (*)

2. The strategies for learning used in this course include:

(1/1) Point
Instructor led training
Industry recognized certification
Project driven curriculum
All of the above (*)

3. A database is a centralized and structured set of data stored on a computer system and
provides facilities for retrieving, adding, modifying, and deleting the data when required.
(1/1) Point
True (*)

4. Which transformation in computing allows for storage and delivery of applications and
data over the internet?
(1/1) Point
Mainframe computing
Desktop computing
Grid Computing
Cloud Computing (*)

5. What is the difference between "information" and "data"?

(1/1) Point
Data is held and understood only by users.
Data turns into useful information. It is stored in a database and accessed by systems and
users. (*)
Information is held and understood only by users.
Information and data have no differences - they are two words for the same thing.
Halaman 1 dari 10 Berikutnya 


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Section 1
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
6. Today, all industries have a need for database systems. True or False?
(1/1) Point
True (*)

7. In a _______ database model the data is organized into a tree-like structure and to
retrieve data the whole tree needs to be traversed starting from the root node.
(1/1) Point
Hierarchical (*)
Object Oriented

8. A flat file may contain many fields, often, with duplicate data that are prone to data
(1/1) Point
True (*)

9. In a hierarchical database model the data is stored as records that are connected to one
another through ________.
(1/1) Point
primary keys
links (*)

10. A network database comprises of a collection of records connected to one another

through links.
(1/1) Point
True (*)
Sebelumnya Halaman 2 dari 10 Berikutnya 


Tinjau jawaban, umpan balik, dan skor pertanyaan Anda di bawah ini. Tanda bintang (*)
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Section 1
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
11. The reason or drive for using databases rather than files has been …
(Choose 3)
(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
(1/1) Point
Integration of data for easier access and modification for complex transactions (*)
Availability of data to a diverse set of users (*)
Use of blocks
Reduced redundancy of data (*)

12. Once you have learned how to write programs and build systems, you no longer need
any input or involvement from any users as you are perfectly capable of delivering the
systems that businesses need and want.
(1/1) Point
True. Users delay the delivery of a system by changing their minds and adding new
True. The only requirement for creating a perfect system is a perfect programmer.
True. Users never know what they want anyway, so building systems is best left to the
False. Business requirements can and will change. For instance new legal requirements
may arise. (*)

13. Business rules are important because_________.

(1/1) Point
They allow the developer to understand the relationship and constraints of the participating
entities (*)
They are complex and difficult to understand.
They can all be incorporated into the database design structure.
They can become outdated quickly.

14. When completing the conceptual modeling process we must take into account the
(1/1) Point
Business Rules
All of the above (*)

15. If information requirements are clearly communicated during conceptual modeling the
following will result:
(1/1) Point
A well designed conceptual model (*)
Delays due to reworking model caused by incorrect assumptions
A conceptual model that does not fully reflect the business will be created.
Some business rules may not be taken into account
Sebelumnya Halaman 3 dari 10 Berikutnya 


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Section 2
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
16. Which of the following is not a goal of ER modeling:
(1/1) Point
It is acceptable to include information that is derivable. (*)
Locate information in a logical manner
Ensure information appears only once.
Capture all required information.

17. Which of the following statements is true regarding Implementation-Free logical

(0/1) Point
The model changes depending on operating system that is being used.
The model changes depending on the relational database software being used
The model stays the same regardless of the DBMS or operating system used. (*)
The model does not need to implemented on a DBMS.
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6.

18. Using ERDish, which wording represents cardinality? (Choose Two)

(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
(0/1) Point
one and only one (*)
one or multiple
one only
one or more (*)
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6.

19. In an ERD diagram how is an optional relationship represented ?

(0/1) Point
With a crows foot
With a solid line
With an arrow
With a dotted line (*)
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 6.

20. Data Integrity ensures ______ in the information.

(1/1) Point
no duplication (*)
Sebelumnya Halaman 4 dari 10 Berikutnya 


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Section 2
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
21. In the relational model, data is organized in a basic storage structure called a
(1/1) Point
Table (*)

22. A candidate UID that does not get chosen to become the primary UID is called a
_________ .
(1/1) Point
Secondary UID (*)
Primary UID
Composite UID
Unique UID

23. The candidate UID that is chosen to identify an entity is called the Primary UID; other
candidate UIDs are called Secondary UIDs.
(1/1) Point
No, after UIDs are first sorted, the first one is called the Primary UID, the second is the
Secondary UID, etc.
No, it is not possible to have more than one UID for an Entity.
Yes, this is the way UID's are named. (*)
No, each Entity can only have one UID, the secondary one.

24. All entities must be given a new artificial UID. True or False?

(0/1) Point
False (*)
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.

25. Which of the following would be good as a Unique Identifier for its Entity? (Choose
(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
(0/1) Point
Personal Identification number for Person (*)
Vehicle Registration Number for Car (*)
ISBN Number for Book (*)
Date of birth for Baby
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 4.
Sebelumnya Halaman 5 dari 10 Berikutnya 


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Section 2
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
26. An ERD is an example of a ______ Model.
(1/1) Point
Conceptual (*)
Data Integrity

27. Which of the following are reasons we create conceptual models?

(1/1) Point
It facilitates discussion; a picture is worth a thousand words
It forms important ideal system documentation
It takes into account government regulations and laws
It forms a sound basis for physical database design
All of the above (*)

28. The physical model shows all table structures. True or False.

(0/1) Point
True (*)
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 2.

29. Which of the following statements about attributes are true? (Choose Two)
(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
(1/1) Point
They describe, qualify, quantify, classify, or specify an entity. (*)
They must be single valued unless they belong to more than one entity.
They are the primary container for data.
They are often adjectives. (*)

30. When creating entities in a logical model you must follow these rules: (Choose Two)
(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
(1/1) Point
Exclude Attributes
Name them in Singular (*)
Name them in Plural
Include Attributes (*)
Sebelumnya Halaman 6 dari 10 Berikutnya 


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Section 2
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
31. Which symbol is used to show that a particular attribute is optional?
(1/1) Point
o (*)

32. Entities are usually _____________.

(1/1) Point
Nouns (*)

33. Which of the following is NOT a relationship type?

(1/1) Point
Many to Many
One to One
One to Many
Some to None (*)

34. In a relationship , _________ are used to helped describe the meaning of the
connection between the entities.
(0/1) Point
crows feet
names (*)
Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Lesson 5.

35. In a business that sells pet food, choose the best relationship name between FOOD
TYPE and ANIMAL (e.g. dog, horse, or cat). (Choose Two)
(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
(1/1) Point
Each ANIMAL must be the seller of one or more FOOD TYPES.
Each FOOD TYPE must be suitable for one or more ANIMALs. (*)
Each FOOD TYPE may be given to one or more ANIMALs. (*)
Each FOOD TYPE may be made from one or more ANIMALs.
Sebelumnya Halaman 7 dari 10 Berikutnya 


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Section 2
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
36. A __________ relationship is a relationship between an entity and itself.
(1/1) Point
Recursive (*)
One to one
Section 3
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
37. Which of the following is true about subtypes?
(1/1) Point
Subtypes should not be exhaustive.
Subtypes must not be mutually exclusive.
Subtypes must be mutually exclusive. (*)
One instance of a supertype may belong to two subtypes.

38. A ___________ relationship is created when the UID for an entity includes the
relationship with another entity.
(1/1) Point
barred (*)
many to many
one to one

39. An arc can also be modeled as Supertype and Subtypes. True or False?
(1/1) Point
True (*)

40. A recursive relationship has cardinality of ___________.

(0/1) Point
One to One
Cannot be determined without more information. (*)
One to Many
Many to Many
Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 1.
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Section 3
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
41. All instances of the supertype _____ be an instance of one of the subtypes.
(1/1) Point
must (*)
will sometimes

42. A ______________ is frequently used to track information about a relationship that

changes over time.
(1/1) Point
non-transferable relationship
many to many relationship
recursive relationship
intersection entity (*)

43. The transformation from an ER diagram to a physical design involves changing

terminology. Primary Unique Identifiers in the ER diagram become __________ and
relationships become ____________.
(1/1) Point
Foreign keys, mandatory business rules
Primary keys, Foreign keys (*)
Foreign keys, Primary keys
Unique Keys, Primary keys

44. Table names can contain all of the following except:

(1/1) Point
Some special characters
Spaces (*)

45. An entity name is converted to a table name by making it plural.

(1/1) Point
True (*)
Sebelumnya Halaman 9 dari 10 Berikutnya 


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Section 3
(Jawab semua pertanyaan di bagian ini)
46. When data is only stored in one place in a database, the database conforms to the
rules of ___________.
(1/1) Point
Normalization (*)

47. A table is in 1NF if …

(Choose 2)
(Pilih semua jawaban yang benar)
(0/1) Point
Each row contains different columns
There are no duplicate rows (*)
There is only one data value. (*)
The entries in a column are of different type
Incorrect. Refer to Section 3 Lesson 3.

48. A business rule such as "We only ship goods after customers have completely paid any
outstanding balances on their account" is best enforced by:
(1/1) Point
Hiring a programmer to create additional programming code to verify no goods are shipped
until the account has been settled in full. (*)
Making the payment attribute null.
We need to trust our customers, and we know they will pay some day.
Making the payment attribute optional.

49. Why is it important to follow the rules of normalization?

(1/1) Point
To reduce redundant data in the existing design
To increase the integrity of data and the design's stability
To eliminate other types of data inconsistencies and anomalies
To identify missing tables, columns, and constraints
All of the above. (*)

50. Which of the following is not true regarding normalization:

(1/1) Point
It does not impact the performance of the database. (*)
It helps with the performance of the database.
It is the process of organizing the attributes and tables of a relational database to minimize
It assists in handling insert, update and delete anomalies.
Sebelumnya Halaman 10 dari 10 

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