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Scope : Unit 6 - Unit 10 ( Grade 11 NEW)
1. Vocabulary : Global Warming; Further Education; Our world heritage sites; Cities of the future; Healthy
lifestyle and longevity.
2. Grammar & Language focus:
- Verbs tenses: present perfect (continuous) - Questions tag
- Perfect gerunds and participle - Conditional type 0 , type 2
- Reduce relative clauses - Reported speech with to-inf, gerunds
- Reported speech with conditionals
I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. heritage B. excavate C. generate D. stage
2. A. dynasty B. assignment C. infrastructure D. city
3. A. numerous ju B. luxury C. perfume ju D. monument ju
4. A. expectancy B. citadel C. intact D. undergraduate
5. A. vegetable B. hygiene C. sugary D. longevity
6. A. energy B. generate C. technology D. assignment
7. A. liveable B.inhabitant C. environment D. information
8. A. detect B. sensor C. dweller D. budget
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the rest in the group
1. A. abundant B. magnificent C. imperial D. innovate
2. A. scholarship B. demolish C. masterpiece D. infrastructure
3. A. infectious B. renewable C. longevity D. meditation
4. A. understand B. imperial C. remain D. sustainable
5. A. prevent B. injure C. sugar D. fitness
6. A. healthy B. consume C. diet D. headache
1. Doctor said that if he practiced ___________ every day, he could keep his mind stress-free.
A. immune system B. meditation C. acupuncture D. a diet
2. Sleep, rest and relaxation can slow down the ________.
A. ageing process (lão hóa) B. life expectancy C. cholesterol D. health
3. The boy __________ to me for breaking my flower vase.
A. advised B. suggested C. apologized(xin lỗi) D. accused
4. If you catch a cold, you should try natural _______ before taking any medicine
A. medicines B. remedies C. foods D. ways
5. Fast food __________ can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease.
A. consumptions B. consuming C. consume D. consumption
6. City ________ can enjoy better health care than people living in the countryside, but they are usually busier
and more stressed because of the city’s fast pace of life.
A. dwellers B. inhabitants C. infrastructure D. ancestors
7. Scientists working on the site found many ancient tools, tombs, and pottery, and made some important
________ discoveries.
A. geological B. archaeological C. exploring D. preservation
8. A large amount of carbon dioxide ________ are released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.
A. gases B. emissions C. effects D. levels
9. I believe that the only way for us to reduce global warming is to cut down ________ energy use.
A. on B. to C. at D. in
10. Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental threats to the ………………….. in the world.
A infectious disease B. greenhouse gas C. ecological balance D. heat-related illness
11. When finishing an undergraduate course successfully, students can get a ________.
A. master's degree B. doctoral degree C. doctorate D. bachelor's degree(bằng cử
12. Some students decide to study in the United States or the United Kingdom to ________ their language
skills, which can help them to get a better job.
A. upgrade(nâng cấp) B. improve C. increase( tang lên) D. enrich(làm giàu)

13. The archaeological ________ that led to the discovery of the ancient city lasted several days.
A. excavate(v) B. excavating C. excavations D. excavators
14. Hoi An Ancient Town is preserved in a remarkably_________ state.
A. damaged (bị phá hủy) B. unspoiled(hoang sơ) C. intact( nguyên vẹn)D. unharmed(không hề hấn gì)
15. The government is making plans to install sensors and cameras in the city center to ________ traffic
problems and help drivers to avoid traffic jams.
A. discover B. detect C. find D. watch
16. Your body may not be able to fight infections naturally if your ________ is weakened.
A. natural remedy B. immune system(hệ miễn dịch)C. nutrition D. life expectancy
17. The public praised the local farmers for ...................millions of trees on the surrounding hills.
A. being planting B. having planted C. being planted D. having been planted
18. ________ a hotel, they looked for somewhere to have dinner.
A. Having found B. To find C. Found D. Finding
19. Visitors ________ through the streams in small traditional boats can enjoy the beauty in the caves.
A. carried B. are carried C. to be carried D. carrying
20. Mrs. Black doesn't believe her son is able to draw such a picture, __________?
A. does she B. is he C. doesn't she D. isn't he
21. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang, __________?
A. had he B. hadn't he C. did he D. didn't he
22. Lona is exhausted these days. She (work) ________ too hard recently.
A. has worked B. has been working C. worked D. works
23. No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _______.
A. expected B. unexpected C. expectedly D. unexpectedly
IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase in the sentence that needs correcting.
1. Jessica reminded Robin joining in the contest the next morning. Reminded to V
2. The local person prevented us going to the mountain in that season because it was very dangerous.
Prevented sbd from V-ing/N
3. John apologized to his mother about breaking her favorite vase the morning before.
Apologized to sbd for V-ing
4. Having told about the dangers of chemical fertilizers, the farmers turned to bio-fertilizers.
Having been told
5. Phong Nha - Ke Bang is the oldest and largest tropical limestone region be formed about 400 million years
6. Everyone believes the students will not be punished, will they? Don’t they
V. Use the words given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fit in the gap in the same line.
1. The bookcase and the table are 5 feet and 3 feet high, …repectively…(adv) (respect)
2. Further education offers courses that help us develop …analytical…(adj) skills and knowledge. (analyze)
3. Loss of species is a matter of great concern for human since we cannot exist without species
Diversity on Earth. (diverse)
4. At the postgraduate level, you get a master’s degree or a ………doctoral……… degree. (doctor)
5. I’d like to make a .....presentation........on energy use. (present)
6. We enjoyed the ....breathtaking.......view in Ha Long Bay a lot. (breath)
EX1: Combine the 2 sentences into 1, using perfect participles.
1. After I watched the documentary about wildlife, I made a donation to an environmental society.
Having watched the documentary about wildlife , I made a donation to an environmental society.
2. After I ate my evening meal, I decided to go for a walk.
Having eaten my evening meal, I decided to go for a walk.
3. After I finished all my homework, I watched my favourite film on TV.
Having finished all my homework, I watched my favourite film on TV
EX2:Combine the 2 sentences into 1, using perfect gerund.
1. He risked his own life to rescue the little boy. He was really admired for that.
He was really admired for having risked his own life to rescue the little boy
2. She raised $20,000 for wildlife protection. She was praised for that.
She was praised for having raised $20,000 for wildlife protection

3. I have advised you on how to cut down your energy use. I remember that.
I remember having advised you on how to cut down your use
4. Some scientists have not reported the effects of climate change. They are accused of that.
They are accused of having not reported the effects of climate change
EX3: Rewrite the sentences using Perfect Participle or Perfect Gerund.
1. The world’s largest IT companies have powered their operations with 100 percent renewable energy.
Local authorities praise them.
Local authorities praise them for having powered their operations with 100 persent renewable
2. Mary installed a wind turbine to provide energy for all light and air-conditioners in the home. She
remembers that.
Mary remembers having installed a wind turbine to provide energy for all light and air-
conditioners in the home
3. After we made all necessary preparations, we put our plan into action.
Having made all necessary preparations, we put our plan into action
4. Since the authorities had managed water resources irresponsibly, they had to deal with water
shortages in the region.
Having managed water resources irresponsibly, they had to deal with water shortages in
the region.


EX1: Put the verbs in the brackets in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Your hands are really dirty! What (you/ do)? Have you been doing
2. Who (eat)has eaten all the cake?! There's none left.
3. I (write) have been writing five emails today.
4. Sorry the kitchen's a mess. Ollie (cook)has been cooking.
5. I have seen (see) that film! It was terrible.
6. They've been playing for forty minutes but no one has scored (score) a goal yet.
EX1. Reduce the relative clauses to participle phrases
1. I don’t like people who arrive late. (arriving)
2. I live in a house which was built a century ago. (Built)
3. The handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful. (Embroidered)
4. The path which leads to the pagoda is very narrow. )Leading(
5. A competitor is someone who takes part in a competition. (Taking)
6. He was the first man that left the burning building. (To leave)
7. Kate was the youngest girl who swam a length of the pool. (To swim )
8. Animals that are born in a zoo generally adjust to captivity better than those that are captured in the wild.
1. He sometimes reads the newspaper, doesn’t he..?
2. You are Indian, aren’t you…..?
3. Peggy didn't use the pencil, did he..?
4. Mary has answered the teacher's question, hasn’t she?
5. Nobody complained about the noise, did they_?
6. Sue wasn't listening, was she..?
7. Andrew isn't sleeping,   …is he…..?
8. Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow, won’t they?
9. Mary hardly ever cooks, does she_?
10. We have to wait for a long time to get our visa, _don’t we__?
EX1: Complete the sentences using Conditional Sentences Type 1 or Type 0.
1. If you (use)…use solar water heaters in your home, you (reduce)…will reduce . your carbon footprint.
2. If you (go) go.. shopping tomorrow, I (go)……will go …… with you.
3. If my husband (have)…has …. a cold, I usually (catch)…catch … it.
4. Oil (float)…floats …. if you (put)…put …. it in water.

5. If it (be)…is ……. a sunny day tomorrow, we (have)…will have …….. a pool party.
6. If you (have)…have … an extra ticket, I (go)…will go …….. to the concert with you!
EX2: Rewrite the following sentences
1. You have to study hard, or you will fail the next exam. (if) if you don’t study hard , you will fail the ….
2. Please come before 8 a.m., otherwise, you can’t meet her. (if) if you come before 8a.m ,you will meet her
3. Tell her the truth when you see her tomorrow. (if) if you see her tomorrow, tell her the truth
4. You press this button to stop the machine. (if) if you want to stop the machine, you press this button
5. I hope it is sunny tomorrow because I can go to the beach then (if) if it is sunny tomorrow , I can go to the
beach then
1. “If you go to bed on an empty stomach, you won’t be able to sleep well.”
 Tom's father told him if he went to bed on empty stomach, he wouldn’t be able to sleep well
2. “If you follow my advice, your health will be much better.”
 Ann's doctor said if I followed his advice, my health would be much better
3. “If I consumed a lot of fast food, I could become overweight.”
 Alice said that if he consumed a lot of fast food, he could become overweight
4. “Don’t forget to take your medicine regularly.” Quan’s father said (reminded)
Quan’s father remined him to take his medicine regularly
5. “you need to have a health check-up every six months”, Peter’s doctor said (suggested)
~ Peter’s doctor suggested that he should have a heal check-up every six month
6 “ You should eat less fast food and more vegetable.” Jim’s friend said (advice)
~ Jim’s friend advice him to eat less fast food and more vegetable
7 “I’m very sorry for not following your instruction.” John said to his doctor (apologized for)
~ John apologized for not following his instruction
8 “ Don’t jump into the pool off the high diving board”, The swimming instructor said to the children
~ The swimming instructor told the children not to jump into the pool off the high diving board..
IV. Reading: Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer:
Our human body is made up of many muscles. All these muscles work together to help you move. They
form the muscle system. 650 muscles are wrapped around your bones. They basically cover the bones like a
blanket. Muscles are fastened to the bones by tough bands. These bands are called tendons.You can see your
tendons when you wiggle your finger . Moving your fingers back and forth makes your tendons move.
These muscles around the bone must be told when to move. They are controlled by your thinking. If
you want to walk, talk or smile, you send a message to the brain. Your brain picks up the message. It receives
it and processes it. Then it sends out an electrical signal through the nerves. The nerves make connections until
the signal reaches the proper muscle. This signal tells a muscle what it has to do. The muscle simply does
exactly what the brain tells it to do. When you jump, hundreds of muscles work to help you do that.
Muscles work all the time.They even work when you are fast asleep.They keep your body firm and
strong.Therefore, it is important to be in good shape.You need to stay healthy so that your muscles can remain
powerful too.One thing that muscles need is good food.Muscles develop when they have protein.Milk, eggs,
red meat, fish and beans are rich in protein.A healthy diet includes these food types.Muscles also need to be
exercised to remain firm and toned.Regular exercise makes your muscles bigger, strengthens your heart and
lungs and makes you more flexible.Good ways to exercise our walking, swimming, cycling, dancing or playing
soccer.These activities improve your stamina.If you have good stamina, you can keep going for a long time
without getting tired.
1. What is the topic word of paragraph 1?
A. Muscles B. The muscles system C. Bones D. Tendons
2. The word “wiggle” in paragraph 1 means:
A. spin B. raise C. move D. cross
3. In what order do the following happen?
A. Processed message, nerve connection, electric signal, execution
B. Execution, electric signal, nerve connection, processed message
C. Execution, nerve connection, electric signal, processed message

D. Processed message, electric signal, nerve connection, execution
4. What are two things muscles need to stay strong?
A. Protein and walking B. Milk and eggs
C. Protein and good exercise D. Sleep and good food
5. What does the author think about regular swimming?
A. It makes you stronger and flexible
B. It helps you to keep going for a long time without getting tired
C. It is better than walking and dancing
D. It is not as good as playing soccer.


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