Math-Based - Arrays - Strings - Data Structures - Algorithms Based
Math-Based - Arrays - Strings - Data Structures - Algorithms Based
Math-Based - Arrays - Strings - Data Structures - Algorithms Based
• Math-Based
• Arrays
• Strings
• Data Structures
• Algorithms Based
Question 1
Problem Statement-:
The numbers in the series should be used to create a Pyramid. The base of the Pyramid will
be the widest and will start converging towards the top where there will only be one element.
Each successive layer will have one number less than that on the layer below it. The width of
the Pyramid is specified by an input parameter N. In other words there will be N numbers on
the bottom layer of the pyramid.
If input is 2, output will be
• 00006
• 00028 00066
• 00006
• 00028 00066
• 00120 00190 00276
Input Format:
• First line of input will contain number N that corresponds to the width of the bottom-
most layer of the Pyramid
Output Format:
• The Pyramid constructed out of numbers in the series as per stated construction rules
• 0 < N <= 14
Question 2
Problem Statement-: There are two banks – Bank A and Bank B. Their interest rates vary.
You have received offers from both banks in terms of the annual rate of interest, tenure, and
variations of the rate of interest over the entire tenure.You have to choose the offer which
costs you least interest and reject the other. Do the computation and make a wise choice.
The loan repayment happens at a monthly frequency and Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)
is calculated using the formula given below :
Input Format:
• Example 1
o Input
o 10000
o 20
o 3
o 5 9.5
o 10 9.6
o 5 8.5
o 3
o 10 6.9
o 5 8.5
o 5 7.9
• Output: Bank B
• Example 2
o Input
o 500000
o 26
o 3
o 13 9.5
o 3 6.9
o 10 5.6
o 3
o 14 8.5
o 6 7.4
o 6 9.6
• Output: Bank A
Question 3
Problem Statement-:One person hands over the list of digits to Mr. String, But Mr. String
understands only strings. Within strings also he understands only vowels. Mr. String needs
your help to find the total number of pairs which add up to a certain digit D.
• Take all digits and convert them into their textual representation
• Next, sum up the number of vowels i.e. {a, e, i, o, u} from all textual representation
• This sum is digit D
Now, once digit D is known find out all unordered pairs of numbers in input whose sum is
equal to D. Refer example section for better understanding.
Time Limit
Example 1
Now from the given list of numbers {1,2,3,4,5} -> find all pairs that sum up to 9.
Upon processing this we know that only a single unordered pair {4, 5} sum up to 9. Hence
the answer is 1. However, output specification requires you to print textual representation of
number 1 which is one. Hence output is one.
Note: – Pairs {4, 5} or {5, 4} both sum up to 9. But since we are asking to count only
unordered pairs, the number of unordered pairs in this combination is only one.
Example 2
7 -> seven -> e, e
Since no pairs add up to 5, the answer is 0. Textual representation of 0 is zero. Hence output
is zero.
Question 4
Problem Statement:- Jaya invented a Time Machine and wants to test it by time-traveling to
visit Russia on the Day of Programmer (the 256thday of the year) during a year in the inclusive
range from 1700 to 2700. From 1700 to 1917 , Russia’s official calendar was the Julian
Calendar since 1919 they used the Gregorian calendar system. The transition from the Julian
to Gregorian calendar system occurred in 1918 , when the next day after 31 January was
February 14 . This means that in 1918, February 14 was the 32nd day of the year in Russia. In
both calendar systems, February is the only month with a variable amount of days; it has 29
days during a leap year, and 28 days during all other years. In the Julian calendar, leap years
are divisible by 4 ; in the Gregorian calendar, leap years are either of the following:
• Divisible by 400
• Divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100
Given a year, y, find the date of the 256th day of that year according to the official Russian
calendar during that year. Then print it in the format, where dd is the two-digit
day, mm is the two-digit month, and yyyy is y.
For example, the given year is 1984.1984 is divisible by 4, so it is a leap year. The 256 day of
a leap year after 1918 is September 12, so the answer is 12.9.1984.
Function Description
• Complete the programmerday function in the editor below. It should return a string
representing the date of the 256th day of the year given.
• programmerday has the following parameter(s):
o year: an integer
Input Format
Output Format
• Print the full date of programmerday during year y in the format, where
dd is the two-digit day, mm is the two-digit month, and yyyy is y.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Question 5
Problem Statement:- Hobo’s Drawing teacher asks his class to open their books to a page
number. Hobo can either start turning pages from the front of the book or from the back of the
book. He always turns pages one at a time. When she opens the book, page 1 is always on the
right side: When he flips page 1, he sees pages 2 and 3. Each page except the last page will
always be printed on both sides. The last page may only be printed on the front, given the length
of the book. If the book is n pages long, and he wants to turn to page p, what is the minimum
number of pages he will turn? He can start at the beginning or the end of the book. Given n and
p, find and print the minimum number of pages Hobo must turn in order to arrive at page p
Function Description
Complete the countpage function in the editor below. It should return the minimum number
of pages Hobo must turn.
Input Format
• The first line contains an integer n, the number of pages in the book.
• The second line contains an integer, p, the page that Hobo’s teacher wants her to turn
Output Format
• Print an integer denoting the minimum number of pages Hobo must turn to get to
page p
Sample Input
Sample Output
Question 6
Problem Statement:- Dr. Vishnu is opening a new world class hospital in a small town
designed to be the first preference of the patients in the city. Hospital has N rooms of two types
– with TV and without TV, with daily rates of R1 and R2 respectively.
However, from his experience Dr. Vishnu knows that the number of patients is not constant
throughout the year, instead it follows a pattern. The number of patients on any given day of
the year is given by the following formula –
• (6-M)^2 + |D-15| ,
where M is the number of month (1 for jan, 2 for feb …12 for dec) and D is the date
All patients prefer without TV rooms as they are cheaper, but will opt for with TV rooms
only if without TV rooms are not available. Hospital has a revenue target for the first year of
operation. Given this target and the values of N, R1 and R2 you need to identify the number
of TVs the hospital should buy so that it meets the revenue target. Assume the Hospital opens
on 1st Jan and year is a non-leap year.
Input Format
• First line provides an integer N that denotes the number of rooms in the hospital
• Second line provides two space-delimited integers that denote the rates of rooms with
TV (R1) and without TV (R2) respectively
• Third line provides the revenue target
• Minimum number of TVs the hospital needs to buy to meet its revenue target. If it
cannot achieve its target, print the total number of rooms in the hospital.
Test Case
Example-1 :
1500 1000
Using the formula, the number of patients on 1st Jan will be 39, on 2nd Jan will be 38 and so
on. Considering there are only twenty rooms and rates of both type of rooms are 1500 and
1000 respectively, we will need 14 TV sets to get revenue of 7119500. With 13 TV sets Total
revenue will be less than 7000000
Example-2 :
1000 1500
In the above example, the target will not be achieved, even by equipping all the rooms with
TV. Hence, the answer is 10 i.e. total number of rooms in the hospital.
Question 7
Problem Statement:- You will be given an array of integers and a target value. Determine
the number of pairs of array elements that have a difference equal to a target value.
For example, given an array of [1, 2, 3, 4] and a target value of 1, we have three values
meeting the condition: 2-1 = 1, 3-2 = 1, and 4-3 = 1.
Function Description
Write a function pairs. It must return an integer representing the number of element pairs
having the required difference.
Input Format
• The first line contains two space-separated integers n and k, the size of arr and the
target value.
• The second line contains n space-separated integers of the array arr.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Question 8
Problem Statement:- A jail has a number of prisoners and a number of treats to pass out to
them. Their jailer decides the fairest way to divide the treats is to seat the prisoners around a
circular table in sequentially numbered chairs. A chair number will be drawn from a hat.
Beginning with the prisoner in that chair, one candy will be handed to each prisoner
sequentially around the table until all have been distributed.
The jailer is playing a little joke, though. The last piece of candy looks like all the others, but
it tastes awful. Determine the chair number occupied by the prisoner who will receive that
For example, there are 4 prisoners and 6 pieces of candy. The prisoners arrange themselves in
seats numbered 1 to 4 . Let’s suppose two are drawn from the hat. Prisoners receive candy at
positions 2,3,4,1,2,3. The prisoner to be warned sits in chair number 3
Function Description
Write a function saveThePrisoner. It should return an integer representing the chair number
of the prisoner to warn.
Input Format
• The first line contains an integer t, denoting the number of test cases.
• The next t lines each contain 3 space-separated integers:
o – : n the number of prisoners
o – : m the number of sweets
o – : s the chair number to start passing out treats at
Output Format
• For each test case, print the chair number of the prisoner who receives the awful
treat on a new line.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Question 10
Given a binary matrix, find out the maximum size square sub-matrix with all 1s.
Question 11
[ 3 -4 6 -5 1 ]
[ 1 -2 8 -4 -2 ]
[ 3 -8 9 3 1 ]
[ -7 3 4 2 7 ]
[ -3 7 -5 7 -6 ]
[ 8 -4 -2 ]
Question 12
Given an n x n square matrix, find sum of all sub-squares of size k x k where k is smaller than
or equal to n.
Question 13
Today we will learn program to count common subsequence in two strings. We will take two
strings as an input, then we will 2-D ”cnt[][]” array that will store the count of common
subsequence found. Now we will iterate each character of first string and each character of
second string from of the string to its end , then if the characters matches we will check if the
previous character of both string are same or not if they are same we will assign ”1 +cnt[i][j –
1] +cnt[i – 1][j]” to our 2D else we will assign ”cnt[i][j – 1] + cnt[i – 1][j] – cnt[i – 1][j – 1]”
to our 2D array. As the iteration ends we will get our count.
Question 14
Pangram Checking
Given a string check if it is Pangram or not. A pangram is a sentence containing every letter in the
English Alphabet.
Examples : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ” is a Pangram [Contains all the characters
“The quick brown fox jumps over the dog” is not a Pangram [Doesn’t contains all the characters from
We create a mark[] array of Boolean type. We iterate through all the characters of our string and
whenever we see a character we mark it. Lowercase and Uppercase are considered the same. So
‘A’ and ‘a’ are marked in index 0 and similarly ‘Z’ and ‘z’ are marked in index 25.
After iterating through all the characters we check whether all the characters are marked or
not. If not then return false as this is not a pangram else return true.
Given a string, find the second most frequent character in it. Expected time complexity is
O(n) where n is the length of the input string.
Input: str = "aabababa";
Output: Second most frequent character is 'b'
Input consists of two Integer lower and upper value of a range
The output consists of a single line, print the count of unique digits in a given range. Else
Print"No Unique Number"
Input -
Question 17
There is a range given n and m in which we have to find the count of all the prime pairs whose
difference is 6. We have to find how many sets are there within a given range.
The output consists of a single line, print the count prime pairs in a given range. Else print"No
Prime Pairs".
Sample Input:
(5, 11) (7, 13) (11, 17) (13, 19) (17, 23) (23, 29) . we have 6 prime pairs.
Input -
Question 18
Write a program to print all the combinations of the given word with or without meaning (when
unique characters are given).
Sample Input:
Input -
Question 19
Bastin once had trouble finding the numbers in a string. The numbers are distributed in a string
across various test cases. There are various numbers in each test case you need to find the
number in each test case. Each test case has various numbers in sequence. You need to find
only those numbers which do not contain 9. For eg, if the string contains "hello this is alpha
5051 and 9475".You will extract 5051 and not 9475. You need only those numbers which are
consecutive and you need to help him find the numbers. Print the largest number.
Note: Use long long for storing the numbers from the string.
The first line consists of T test cases and the next T lines contain a string.
For each string output the number stored in that string if various numbers are there print the
largest one. If a string has no numbers print -1.
This is alpha 5057 and 97
dream job 100 and 101
Question 20
There is a range given n and m in which we have to find the count all the prime
pairs whose difference is 6. We have to find how many sets are there within a
given range.
The output consists of a single line, print the count prime pairs in a given range.
Else print”No Prime Pairs”.
2 ≤ n ≤ 1000
n ≤ m ≤ 2000
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
(5, 11) (7, 13) (11, 17) (13, 19) (17, 23) (23, 29) . we have 6 prime pairs.
Question 21
You have 100 cards, numbered 1 to 100. You distribute them into k piles and collect
back the piles in order. For example, if you distribute them into 4 piles, then the first
pile will contain the cards numbered 1, 5, 9, … and the 4th pile will contain the
cards numbered 4, 8, 12, … While collecting back the cards you collect first the last
pile, flip it bottom to top, then take the third pile, flip it bottom to top and put the
cards on top of the 4th pile and so on. Next round, you distribute the cards into
another set of piles and collect in the same manner (last pile first and first pile last).
If we have 10 cards and put them into 2 piles, the order of the cards in the piles (top
to bottom) would be 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 and 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
We flip the piles to get the order 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
We put the second pile at the bottom and first on top of it to get the deck 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Given the number of rounds (m), the number of piles in each round (ki), you need to
write a program to find the Nth card from the top at the end of the final round.
Input: An array arr[] representing the number of piles in each of the round.
Output: One integer representing the Nth card after all rounds have been played.
Constraints: Number of rounds ≤ 10, number of piles in each round ≤ 13.
Input: arr[] = {2, 2}, N = 4
Output: 13
We have two rounds. The first round has two piles.
At the end of the round, the deck is in the following order: 1, 3, 5, …, 99, 2, 4, 6, …,
The next round also has 2 piles and after the second round, the cards are in the
order 1, 5, 9, 13, …
The fourth card from the top has number 13.
Input: arr[] = {2, 2, 3, 8}, N = 18
Output: 100
Question 22
Three characters { #, *, . } represents a constellation of stars and galaxies in space. Each galaxy
is demarcated by # characters. There can be one or many stars in a given galaxy. Stars can only
be in the shape of vowels { A, E, I, O, U }. A collection of * in the shape of the vowels is a
star. A star is contained in a 3x3 block. Stars cannot be overlapping. The dot(.) character
denotes empty space.
Given 3xN matrix comprising of { #, *, . } character, find the galaxy and stars within them.
Note: Please pay attention to how vowel A is denoted in a 3x3 block in the examples section
3 <= N <= 10^5
Input consists of a single integer N denoting the number of columns.
The output contains vowels (stars) in order of their occurrence within the given galaxy. The
galaxy itself is represented by the # character.
Example 1
As it can be seen that the stars make the image of the alphabets U, O, I, E, and A respectively.
Example 2
As it can be seen that the stars make the image of the alphabet U, I, and A.
Possible solution:
Question 23
Hop Game: Dr. Felix Kline, the Math teacher at Gauss School introduces the following game
to teach his students problem-solving. He places a series of “hopping stones” (pieces of
paper) in a line with points (a positive number) marked on each of the stones. Students start
from one end and hop to the other end. One can step on a stone and add the number on the
stone to their cumulative score or jump over a stone and land on the next stone. In this case,
they get twice the points marked on the stone they land but do not get the points marked on
the stone they jumped over. At most once in the journey, the student is allowed (if they
choose) to do a “double jump” – that is, they jump over two consecutive stones where they
would get three times the points of the stone they land on but not the points of the stone they
jump over The teacher expected his students to do some thinking and come up with a plan to
get the maximum score possible. Given the numbers on the sequence of stones, write a
program to determine the maximum score possible.
Question 24
You have 100 cards, numbered 1 to 100. You distribute them into k piles and
collect back the piles in order. For example, if you distribute them into 4
piles, then the first pile will contain the cards numbered 1, 5, 9, … and the
4th pile will contain the cards numbered 4, 8, 12, … While collecting back the
cards you collect first the last pile, flip it bottom to top, then take the third
pile, flip it bottom to top and put the cards on top of the 4th pile and so on.
Next round, you distribute the cards into another set of piles and collect in
the same manner (last pile first and first pile last).
If we have 10 cards and put them into 2 piles, the order of the cards in the
piles (top to bottom) would be 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 and 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
We flip the piles to get the order 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
We put the second pile at the bottom and first on top of it to get the deck 1,
3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Given the number of rounds (m), the number of piles in each round (ki), you
need to write a program to find the Nth card from the top at the end of the
final round.
Input: An array arr[] representing the number of piles in each of the round.
Output: One integer representing the Nth card after all rounds have been
Constraints: Number of rounds ≤ 10, number of piles in each round ≤ 13.
Input: arr[] = {2, 2}, N = 4
Output: 13
We have two rounds. The first round has two piles.
At the end of the round, the deck is in the following order: 1, 3, 5, …, 99, 2, 4,
6, …, 100
The next round also has 2 piles and after the second round, the cards are in
the order 1, 5, 9, 13, …
The fourth card from the top has number 13.
Input: arr[] = {2, 2, 3, 8}, N = 18
Output: 100
Test Cases
Case 1
• Input – 1A
• Expected Output – 27
Case 2
• Input – 23GF
• Expected Output – 10980
Problem Statement
Our hoary culture had several great persons since time immemorial and king vikramaditya’s
nava ratnas (nine gems) belongs to this ilk.They are named in the following shloka:
Among these, Varahamihira was an astrologer of eminence and his book Brihat Jataak is
recokened as the ultimate authority in astrology.
He was once talking with Amarasimha,another gem among the nava ratnas and the author of
Sanskrit thesaurus, Amarakosha.
Amarasimha wanted to know the final position of a person, who starts from the origin 0 0 and
travels per following scheme.
… And thus he travels, every time increasing the travel distance by 10 units.
Test Cases
Case 1
• Input : 3
• Expected Output :-20 20
Case 2
• Input: 4
• Expected Output: -20 -20
Case 3
• Input : 5
• Expected Output : 30 -20
Case 4
• Input : 7
• Expected Output : 90 -20
One programming language has the following keywords that cannot be used as identifiers:
break, case, continue, default, defer, else, for, func, goto, if, map, range, return, struct,
type, var
Test cases
Case 1
• Input – defer
• Expected Output – defer is a keyword
Case 2
• Input – While
• Expected Output – while is not a keyword
Given a maximum of 100 digit numbers as input, find the difference between the sum of odd
and even position digits
Test Cases
Case 1
• Input: 4567
• Expected Output: 2
Explanation : Odd positions are 4 and 6 as they are pos: 1 and pos: 3, both have sum 10.
Similarly, 5 and 7 are at even positions pos: 2 and pos: 4 with sum 12. Thus, difference is 12
– 10 = 2
Case 2
• Input: 5476
• Expected Output: 2
Case 3
• Input: 9834698765123
• Expected Output: 1
Accept two natural numbers D, P >1 corresponding respectively to a number of hours per day
and the number of parts in a day separated by a space. D should be divisible by P, meaning that
the number of hours per part (D/P) should be a natural number. Calculate the number of
instances of equivalent prime hours. Output zero if there is no such instance. Note that we
require each equivalent hour in each part in a day to be a prime number.
Input: 24 2
Output: 3 (We have 3 instances of equivalent prime hours: 5~17, 7~19, and 11~23.)
10 <= D < 500
2 <= P < 50
The single line consists of two space-separated integers, D and P corresponding to the number
of. hours per day and number of parts in a day respectively
Output must be a single number, corresponding to the number of instances of equivalent prime
number, as described above
Example 1
36 3
In the given test case D = 36 and P = 3
Duration of each daypart = 12
5~17~29 - an instance of equivalent prime hours
7~19~31 - an instance of equivalent prime hours
Hence the answer is 2.
Possible solution:
49 7
A Company has decided to give some gifts to all of its employees. For that, the company has
given some rank to each employee. Based on that rank, the company has made certain rules to
distribute the gifts.
The rules for distributing the gifts are:
Each employee must receive at least one gift.
Employees having higher ranking get a greater number of gifts than their neighbours.
What is the minimum number of gifts required by the company?
1 < T < 10
1 < N < 100000
1 < Rank < 10^9
First line contains integer T, denoting the number of test cases.
For each test case:
First line contains integer N, denoting the number of employees.
Second line contains N space separated integers, denoting the rank of each employee.
For each test case print the number of minimum gifts required on a new line.
Example 1
For test case 1, adhering to the rules mentioned above,
Employee # 1 whose rank is 1 gets one gift
Employee # 2 whose rank is 2 gets two gifts
Employee # 3 whose rank is 1 gets one gift
Employee # 4 whose rank is 5 gets two gifts
Employee # 5 whose rank is 2 gets one gift
Therefore, total gifts required is 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 7
Similarly, for testcase 2, adhering to rules mentioned above,
Employee # 1 whose rank is 1 gets one gift
Employee # 2 whose rank is 2 gets two gifts
Therefore, total gifts required is 1 + 2 = 3
Possible solution:
Given an array of integers, perform atmost K operations so that the sum of elements of final
array is minimum. An operation is defined as follows -
Consider any 1 element from the array, arr[i].
Replace arr[i] by floor(arr[i]/2).
Perform next operations on the updated array.
The task is to minimize the sum after utmost K operations.
1 <= N, K <= 10^5.
First line contains two integers N and K representing size of array and maximum numbers of
operations that can be performed on the array respectively.
Second line contains N space separated integers denoting the elements of the array, arr.
Print a single integer denoting the minimum sum of the final array.
20 7 5 4
Operation 1 -> Select 20. Replace it by 10. New array = [10, 7, 5, 4]
Operation 2 -> Select 10. Replace it by 5. New array = [5, 7, 5, 4].
Operation 3 -> Select 7. Replace it by 3. New array = [5,3,5,4].
Sum = 17.
Possible Solution
20 7 5 4
Given schedule of trains and their stoppage time at a Railway Station, find minimum number
of platforms needed.
Note -
If Train A's departure time is x and Train B's arrival time is x, then we can't accommodate Train
B on the same platform as Train A.
1 <= N <= 10^5
0 <= a <= 86400
0 < b <= 86400
Number of platforms > 0
First line contains N denoting number of trains.
Next N line contain 2 integers, a and b, denoting the arrival time and stoppage time of train.
Single integer denoting the minimum numbers of platforms needed to accommodate every
Example 1
10 2
5 10
13 5
The earliest arriving train at time t = 5 will arrive at platform# 1. Since it will stay there till t =
15, train arriving at time t = 10 will arrive at platform# 2. Since it will depart at time t = 12,
train arriving at time t = 13 will arrive at platform# 2.
Example 2
Platform #1 can accommodate train 1.
Platform #2 can accommodate train 2.
Note that the departure of train 1 is same as arrival of train 2, i.e. 6, and thus we need a separate
platform to accommodate train 2.
Possible Solution
1 <= N <= 10^5
0 <= K <= 10^5
0 <= A[i] <= 10^9
First line contains two integers N and K where N is size of the array and K is a number as
described above. Second line contains N integers separated by space.
Print a single integer denoting the total number of happy elements.
Example 1
5 5 7 9 15 2
Other than number 15, everyone has at least 1 element in the range [X-3, X+3]. Hence they are
all happy elements. Since these five are in number, the output is 5.
Example 2
All numbers have at least 1 element in the range [X-2, X+2]. Hence they are all happy elements.
Since these three are in number, the output is 3.
Possible Solution
The war between Republic and Separatists is escalating. The Separatists are on a new offensive.
They have started blocking the path between the republic planets (represented by integers) so
that these planets surrender due to the shortage of food and supplies. The Jedi council has taken
note of the situation and they have assigned Jedi Knight Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka
to save the critical planets from blockade (Those planets or system of planets which can be
accessed by only one path and may be lost if that path is blocked by separatist).
Skywalker is preparing with the clone army to defend the critical paths. He has assigned
Ahsoka to find the critical planets. Help Ahsoka to find the critical planets(C) in ascending
order. You only need to specify those planets which have only one path between them and they
cannot be accessed by any other alternative path if the only path is compromised.
M <= 10000
N <= 7000
First line contains two space separated integers M and N, where M denotes the number of paths
between planets and N denotes the number of planets.
Next M lines, each contains two space separated integers, representing the planet numbers that
have a path between them.
C lines containing one integer representing the critical planet that they need to save in
ascending order of the planet number if no planet is critical then print -1
Time Limit
Example 1
Since all the planets are connected with one path and cannot be accessed by any alternative
paths hence all the planets are critical.
Example 2
If the republic loose the path between 2 and 3 then the two system of planets will not be able
to communicate with each other. Hence 2 and 3 are critical planets.
Possible Solution:
Some prime numbers can be expressed as a sum of other consecutive prime numbers. For
example 5 = 2 + 3, 17 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7, 41 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13. Your task is to find out
how many prime numbers which satisfy this property are present in the range 3 to N subject to
a constraint that summation should always start with number 2.
Write code to find out the number of prime numbers that satisfy the above-mentioned property
in a given range.
There are two banks – Bank A and Bank B. Their interest rates vary. You have received offers
from both banks in terms of the annual rate of interest, tenure, and variations of the rate of
interest over the entire tenure.You have to choose the offer which costs you least interest and
reject the other. Do the computation and make a wise choice.
The loan repayment happens at a monthly frequency and Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)
is calculated using the formula given below :
EMI = loanAmount * monthlyInterestRate / ( 1 – 1 / (1 +
monthlyInterestRate)^(numberOfYears * 12))
Input Format:
• First line: P principal (Loan Amount)
• Second line: T Total Tenure (in years).
• Third Line: N1 is the number of slabs of interest rates for a given period by Bank A.
First slab starts from the first year and the second slab starts from the end of the first
slab and so on.
• Next N1 line will contain the interest rate and their period.
• After N1 lines we will receive N2 viz. the number of slabs offered by the second
• Next N2 lines are the number of slabs of interest rates for a given period by Bank B.
The first slab starts from the first year and the second slab starts from the end of the
first slab and so on.
• The period and rate will be delimited by single white space.
Example 1
5 9.5
10 9.6
5 8.5
10 6.9
5 8.5
5 7.9
Output: Bank B
Example 2
13 9.5
3 6.9
10 5.6
14 8.5
6 7.4
6 9.6
Output: Bank A
Juan Marquinho is a geologist and he needs to count rock samples in order to send it to a
chemical laboratory. He has a problem: The laboratory only accepts rock samples by a range
of its size in ppm (parts per million).
Juan Marquinho receives the rock samples one by one and he classifies the rock samples
according to the range of the laboratory. This process is very hard because the number of rock
samples may be in millions.
Juan Marquinho needs your help, your task is to develop a program to get the number of rocks
in each of the ranges accepted by the laboratory.
Input Format:
An positive integer S (the number of rock samples) separated by a blank space, and a positive
integer R (the number of ranges of the laboratory); A list of the sizes of S samples (in ppm), as
positive integers separated by space R lines where the ith line containing two positive integers,
space separated, indicating the minimum size and maximum size respectively of the ith range.
Output Format:
R lines where the ith line containing a single non-negative integer indicating the number of the
samples which lie in the ith range.
Example 1
Input: 10 2
345 604 321 433 704 470 808 718 517 811
300 350
400 700
Output: 2 4
There are 10 samples (S) and 2 ranges ( R ). The samples are 345, 604,811. The ranges are
300-350 and 400-700. There are 2 samples in the first range (345 and 321) and 4 samples in
the second range (604, 433, 470, 517). Hence the two lines of the output are 2 and 4
Example 2
Input: 20 3
921 107 270 631 926 543 589 520 595 93 873 424 759 537 458 614 725 842 575 195
1 100
50 600
1 1000
Output: 1 12 20
There are 20 samples and 3 ranges. The samples are 921, 107 195. The ranges are 1-100, 50-
600 and 1-1000. Note that the ranges are overlapping. The number of samples in each of the
three ranges are 1, 12 and 20 respectively. Hence the three lines of the output are 1, 12 and 20.
Input Format: The input is a comma-separated list of positive integer pairs (N, k)
Output Format: The kth highest factor of N. If N does not have k factors, the output should
be 1.
Constraints: 1<N<10000000000. 1<k<600. You can assume that N will have no prime factors
which are larger than 13.
Example 1
• Input: 12,3
• Output: 4
Explanation: N is 12, k is 3. The factors of 12 are (1,2,3,4,6,12). The highest factor is 12 and
the third-largest factor is 4. The output must be 4
Example 2
• Input: 30,9
• Output: 1
Krishna loves candies a lot, so whenever he gets them, he stores them so that he can eat them
later whenever he wants to.
He has recently received N boxes of candies each containing Ci candies where Ci represents
the total number of candies in the ith box. Krishna wants to store them in a single box. The
only constraint is that he can choose any two boxes and store their joint contents in an empty
box only. Assume that there are infinite number of empty boxes available.
At a time he can pick up any two boxes for transferring and if both the boxes say contain X
and Y number of candies respectively, then it takes him exactly X+Y seconds of time. As he is
too eager to collect all of them he has approached you to tell him the minimum time in which
all the candies can be collected.
Input Format:
Output Format: Print minimum time required, in seconds, for each of the test cases. Print
each output on a new line.
• 1 ?T?10
• 1 ?N? 10000
• 1 ? [Candies in each box] ? 100009
S. No Input Output
1 4 19
2 5 34
Football League Table Statement : All major football leagues have big league tables. Whenever
a new match is played, the league table is updated to show the current rankings (based on
Scores, Goals For (GF), Goals Against (GA)). Given the results of a few matches among teams,
write a program to print all the names of the teams in ascending order (Leader at the top and
Laggard at the bottom) based on their rankings.
Rules: A win results in 2 points, a draw results in 1 point and a loss is worth 0 points. The team
with the most goals in a match wins the match. Goal Difference (GD) is calculated as Goals
For (GF) Goals Against (GA). Teams can play a maximum of two matches against each other
Home and Away matches respectively.
The ranking is decided as follows: Team with maximum points is ranked 1 and minimum points
is placed last Ties are broken as follows Teams with same points are ranked according to Goal
If Goal Difference(GD) is the same, the team with higher Goals For is ranked ahead
If GF is same, the teams should be at the same rank but they should be printed in case-
insensitive alphabetic according to the team names. More than 2 matches of same teams, should
be considered as Invalid Input.
A team can’t play matches against itself, hence if team names are same for a given match, it
should be considered Invalid Input
Input Format: First line of input will contain number of teams (N) Second line contains names
of the teams (Na) delimited by a whitespace character Third line contains number of matches
(M) for which results are available Next M lines contain a match information tuple {T1 T2 S1
S2}, where tuple is comprised of the following information
Output Format: Team names in order of their rankings, one team per line OR Print “Invalid
Input” where appropriate.
Example: Consider 5 teams Spain, England, France, Italy, and Germany with the following
• Match 1: Spain vs. England (3-0) (Spain gets 2 points, England gets 0)
• Match 2: England vs. France (1-1) (England gets 1 point, France gets 1)
• Match 3: Spain vs. France (0-2) (Spain gets 0 points, France gets 2)
Test Name Matches Played Goals For Goals Against Goal Difference Points Ranking
Spain 2 3 2 1 2 2
England 2 1 4 -3 1 3
France 2 3 1 2 3 1
Italy 0 0 0 0 0 4
Germany 0 0 0 0 0 4
Since Italy and Germany are tied for points, the goal difference is checked. Both have the same,
so, Goals For is checked. Since both are the same. Germany and Italy share the 4th rank. Since
Germany appears alphabetically before Italy, Germany should be printed before Italy. Then the
final result is: France Spain England Germany Italy
Input Format: The first line consists of two space-separated positive integers giving the
number of boxes (N) and the position of the Head Post Masters office (k) where the heaviest
box must be.
The second line consists of N space separated positive integers giving the weights of the boxes.
You may assume that no two weights are equal.
Output Format: The output is one line giving the total effort taken to get the boxes in sorted
order, and the heaviest in position k.
Sample Input-output:
Q8. On A Cube
A solid cube of 10 cm x 10cm x 10 cm rests on the ground. It has a beetle on it, and some sweet
honey spots at various locations on the surface of the cube. The beetle starts at a point on the
surface of the cube and goes to the honey spots in order along the surface of the cube.
• If it goes from a point to another point on the same face (say X to Y), it goes in an arc
of a circle that subtends an angle of 60 degrees at the center of the circle
• If it goes from one point to another on a different face, it goes by the shortest path on
the surface of the cube, except that it never travels along the bottom of the cube
The beetle is a student of cartesian geometry and knows the coordinates (x, y, z) of all the
points it needs to go to. The origin of coordinates it uses is one corner of the cube on the ground,
and the z-axis points up.Hence, the bottom surface (on which it does not crawl) is z=0, and the
top surface is z=10.The beetle keeps track of all the distances traveled, and rounds the distance
traveled to two decimal places once it reaches the next spot so that the final distance is a sum
of the rounded distances from spot to spot.
Input Format: The first line gives an integer N, the total number of points (including the
starting point) the beetle visits
The second line is a set of 3N comma separated non-negative numbers, with up to two decimal
places each. These are to be interpreted in groups of three as the x, y, z coordinates of the points
the beetle needs to visit in the given order.
Output Format: One line with a number giving the total distance traveled by the beetle
accurate to two decimal places. Even if the distance traveled is an integer, the output should
have two decimal places.
Constraints: None of the points the beetle visits is on the bottom face (z=0) or on any of the
edges of the cube (the lines where two faces meet)
Sample Input-Output:
Problem Description
Find the minimum number of coins required to form any value between 1 to N, both inclusive.
Cumulative value of coins should not exceed N. Coin denominations are 1 Rupee, 2 Rupee and
5 Rupee.
Let's understand the problem using the following example. Consider the value of N is 13, then
the minimum number of coins required to formulate any value between 1 and 13, is 6. One 5
Rupee, three 2 Rupee and two 1 Rupee coins are required to realize any value between 1 and
13. Hence this is the answer.
However, if one takes two 5 Rupee coins, one 2 rupee coins and two 1 rupee coins, then to all
values between 1 and 13 are achieved. But since the cumulative value of all coins equals 14,
i.e., exceeds 13, this is not the answer.
Input Format
A single integer value
Output Format
Four Space separated Integer Values
1st – Total Number of coins
2nd – number of 5 Rupee coins.
3rd – number of 2 Rupee coins.
4th – number of 1 Rupee coins.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
The minimum number of coins required is 6 with in it:
minimum number of 5 Rupee coins = 1
minimum number of 2 Rupee coins = 3
minimum number of 1 Rupee coins = 2
Using these coins, we can form any value with in the given value and itself, like below: Here
the given value is 13
For 1 = one 1 Rupee coin
For 2 = one 2 Rupee coin
For 3 = one 1 Rupee coin and one 2 Rupee coins
For 4 = two 2 Rupee coins
For 5 = one 5 Rupee coin
For 6 = one 5 Rupee and one 1 Rupee coins
For 7 = one 5 Rupee and one 2 Rupee coins
For 8 = one 5 Rupee, one 2 Rupee and one 1 Rupee coins
For 9 = one 5 Rupee and two 2 Rupee coins
For 10 = one 5 Rupee, two 2 Rupee and one 1 Rupee coins
For 11 = one 5 Rupee, two 2 Rupee and two 1 Rupee coins
For 12 = one 5 Rupee, three 2 Rupee and one 1 Rupee coins
For 13 = one 5 Rupee, three 2 Rupee and two 1 Rupee coins
Problem Description
The problem solvers have found a new Island for coding and named it as Philaland. These
smart people were given a task to make the purchase of items at the Island easier by distributing
various coins with different values.
Manish has come up with a solution that if we make coins category starting from $1 till the
maximum price of the item present on Island, then we can purchase any item easily. He added
following example to prove his point. Let's suppose the maximum price of an item is 5$ then
we can make coins of {$1, $2, $3, $4, $5} to purchase any item ranging from $1 to $5. Now
Manisha, being a keen observer suggested that we could actually minimize the number of coins
required and gave following distribution {$1, $2, $3}. According to him, any item can be
purchased one time ranging from $1 to $5. Everyone was impressed with both of them. Your
task is to help Manisha come up with the minimum number of denominations for any arbitrary
max price in Philaland.
Input Format
First line contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. Next T lines contains an
integer N denoting the maximum price of the item present on Philaland.
Output Format
For each test case print a single line denoting the minimum number of denominations of coins
Sample Input 1:
Sample Output 1:
Sample Input2:
Sample Output2:
For test case 1, N=10.
According to Manish {$1, $2, $3,… $10} must be distributed. But as per Manisha only {$1,
$2, $3, $4} coins are enough to purchase any item ranging from $1 to $10. Hence minimum is
4. Likewise denominations could also be {$1, $2, $3, $5}. Hence answer is still 4.