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7 CRLT Teaching Philosophy Rubric

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Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan

Rubric for composing and evaluating statements of teaching philosophy

Categories Excellent Needs Some Revision Unsatisfactory

Goals for student learning: Goals are clearly articulated, specific, and go Goals are articulated but may be too Articulation of goals is
What knowledge, skills, and attitudes are beyond knowledge level, including skills, broad or not specific to the discipline. unfocused, incomplete, or
important for student success in your discipline? attitudes, career goals, etc. Goals are sensitive Goals focus on basic knowledge, missing.
What are you preparing students for? What are to the context of the instructor’s discipline. ignoring skills acquisition and
key challenges in the teaching-learning process? They are concise, not exhaustive. affective change.
Enactment of goals (teaching methods): Enactment of goals is specific and thoughtful. Description of teaching methods not Enactment of goals is not
What teaching methods do you use? How do Includes details and rationale for teaching clearly connected to goals, or if articulated. If there is an
these methods contribute to your goals for methods. The methods are clearly connected to connected, not well developed (seems attempt at articulating teaching
students? Why are these methods appropriate specific goals and are appropriate for those like a list of what is done in the methods, it is basic and
for use in your discipline? goals. Specific examples of the methods in classroom). Methods are described, unreflective.
use within the disciplinary context are given. but generically; no example of the
instructor’s use of the methods within
the discipline is communicated.
Assessment of goals (measuring student Specific examples of assessment tools are Assessments are described, but not Assessment of goals is not
learning): clearly described. Assessment tools are connected to goals and teaching articulated or mentioned only
How do you know your goals for students are aligned with teaching goals and teaching methods. Description is too general, in passing.
being met? What sorts of assessment tools do methods. Assessments reinforce the priorities with no reference to the motivation
you use (e.g., tests, papers, portfolios, journals), and context of the discipline both in content behind the assessments. There is no
and why? How do assessments contribute to and type. clear connection between the
student learning? How do assessments assessments and the priorities of the
communicate disciplinary priorities? discipline.
Creating an inclusive learning environment, Portrays a coherent philosophy of inclusive Inclusive teaching is addressed but in a Issues of inclusion are not
addressing one or more of the following education that is integrated throughout the cursory manner or in a way that addressed or addressed in an
questions: statement. Makes space for diverse ways of isolates it from the rest of the awkward manner. There is no
How do your own and your students’ identities knowing and/or learning styles. Discussion of philosophy. Author briefly connects connection to teaching
(e.g., race, gender, class), backgrounds, roles is sensitive to historically identity issues to aspects of his/her practices.
experiences, and levels of privilege affect the underrepresented students. Demonstrates teaching.
classroom? How do you take into account awareness of issues of equity within the
diverse learning styles? How do you integrate discipline.
diverse perspectives into your teaching?
Structure, rhetoric and language: The statement has a guiding structure and/or The statement has a structure and/or No overall structure present.
How is the reader engaged? Is the language theme that engages the reader and organizes theme that is not connected to the Statement is a collection of
used appropriate to the discipline? How is the the goals, methods, and assessments ideas actually discussed in the disconnected statements about
statement thematically structured? articulated in the statement. Jargon is avoided statement, or, organizing structure is teaching. Jargon is used
and teaching terms (e.g., critical thinking) are weak and does not resonate within the liberally and not supported by
given specific definitions that apply to the disciplinary context. The statement specific definitions or
instructor’s disciplinary context. Grammar and contains some jargon. examples. Needs much
spelling are correct. revision.

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