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A Review of Plant Embryo Culture

Mark P. Bridgen
Department of Plant Science, U-67, 1376 Storrs Road, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269
Tapping germplasm resources to improve cultivated plants de- coconut milk. This discovery ultimately led to understanding the
pends on introducing natural variability through traditional and bio- importance of reduced N in the form of amino acids for embryo
technological breeding methods. Intervarietal and interspecific crosses, culture.
followed by selection, have accounted for the improvement in quality Since the early 1940s, embryo culture has been used increasingly
and yield potential of practically all major crops (Raghavan, 1986). to understand the physical and nutritional requirements for embryonic
One biotechnological technique that has been beneficial is embryo development, bypass seed dormancy, shorten the breeding cycle, test
culture. seed viability, provide material for micropropagation, and rescue
Embryo culture involves isolating and growing an immature or immature hybrid embryos from incompatible crosses (Hu and Wang,
mature zygotic embryo under sterile conditions on an aseptic nutrient 1986).
medium with the goal of obtaining a viable plant. The basic premise for
this technique is that the integrity of the hybrid genome is retained in APPLICATIONS
a developmentally arrested or an abortive embryo and that its potential
to resume normal growth may be realized if supplied with the proper Embryo culture is one of the earliest forms of in vitro culture
growth substances. The technique depends on isolating the embryo applied to practical problems and is probably the tissue culture
without injury, formulating a suitable nutrient medium, and inducing technique that has proven of greatest value to breeders (Dunwell,
continued embryogenic growth and seedling formation. 1986). Its major application in plant breeding has been for interspecific
The culture of immature embryos is used to rescue embryos that hybridization.
would normally abort or that would not undergo the progressive Many unsuccessful crosses result from embryo abortion. Early
sequence of ontogeny. This process is difficult due to the tedious embryo abortion occurs primarily because the endosperm fails to
dissection necessary and the complex nutrient medium requirements. develop properly (Hu and Wang, 1986). With interspecific crosses,
Success with this type of culture depends strongly on the developmen- intergeneric crosses, and crosses between diploids and tetraploids, the
tal stage of the embryo when it is isolated (Monnier, 1978; Raghavan, endosperm often develops poorly or not at all. By aseptically culturing
1980). the embryo in a nutrient medium, this problem may be overcome.
The culture of mature embryos from ripened seeds is used to Embryos of some nonviable hybrids may possess the potential for
eliminate seed germination inhibitors or to shorten the breeding cycle initiating development by avoiding postzygotic barriers within the
if, for example, dormancy is a problem. This culture is easy and only mother plant. Several successful cases have been documented with
requires a simple nutrient medium with agar, sugar, and minerals. embryos arising from interspecific hybrids and intergeneric hybrids
(Ramming, 1990; Sharma and Gill, 1983; Williams, 1980; Williams
HISTORY and De Lautour, 1980; Williams et al., 1982).
Embryo culture can shorten the breeding cycle by overcoming
Embryo culture, sometimes called embryo rescue, is an in vitro dormancy in seeds. Dormancy may be caused by endogenous inhibi-
technique that has been used for more than half a century to save the tors, light requirements, low temperatures, dry storage requirements,
hybrid products of fertilization when they might otherwise degenerate. and embryo immaturity (Yeung et al., 1981). Seed dormancy factors
Success was first achieved in 1904 by Hannig who obtained viable may be localized in the seedcoat, the endosperm, or both. By removing
plants from mature embryos of two crucifers that were isolated the embryos from the influences of these factors, the embryos germi-
aseptically and grown on a mineral salt medium supplemented with nate and grow quickly and the breeding cycle is shortened. Isolated
sugar (Norstog, 1979). In 1924, Dietrich cultured mature and imma- embryos can also be vernalized and may, in some instances, reduce the
ture embryos of various plant species to determine whether they could generation time by 40 days (Sharma and Gill, 1983).
still germinate without completing the dormancy period. He reported In addition to the applied uses of embryo culture, the procedure is
that the mature embryos grew immediately, circumventing dormancy. useful in basic studies. Growing embryos outside the ovule (ex ovulo)
The immature embryos germinated precociously without further em- is an excellent way to study the nutrition and metabolism of the
bryo development. Laibach first described zygotic embryo culture for embryos at various stages of development. The technique can also be
interspecific hybridization in 1925. He observed that seeds from used to examine the growth requirements of embryos, the effects of
interspecific crosses between Linum perenne L. x Linum austriacum phytohormones and environmental conditions on zygotic embryogen-
L. were nonviable; however, if embryos were excised early during esis, and the regeneration potentials of whole embryos and their
seed development and cultured in vitro, then embryo abortion was segments (Yeung et al., 1981). Embryo culture can be used to localize
overcome. Later, van Overbeek et al. (1941) discovered that small sites of germination promoters and inhibitors, for studies of embryo-
Datura hybrid embryos could be grown in culture on media containing genesis, and for cryopreservation (Grout, 1986).
Embryo culture can be used to produce haploids through eliminat-
Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station no. 1503. The cost of publishing this ing chromosomes following distant hybridization. This can occur by
paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal rescuing haploid maternal embryos in which the paternal chromo-
regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely somes have been eliminated. In these situations, fertilization occurs,
to indicate this fact. but the pollen parent chromosomes are subsequently eliminated by the

HORTS CIENCE, VOL. 29(11), NOVEMBER 1994 1243


seed parent. The viability of the haploid embryo can only be achieved embryo implantation or transplantation, have been adapted to other
through embryo culture. Chromosome doubling of the rescued em- species (Williams, 1980; Williams and De Lautour, 1980). By using
bryo produces a homozygote monoploid. embryo rescue, one can achieve a 30% to 40% success rate with
Embryo culture can be used to propagate plants vegetatively. intergeneric crosses compared to a 1% success rate when embryo–
Embryos from genera that have both juvenile and adult characteristics nurse endosperm transplants are not used.
are used as starting material for vegetative propagation. Embryos are Small or young embryos that abort at early stages of development
responsive because they are juvenile. With the Poaceae, organogen- are often difficult to isolate. The nutritional requirements of young
esis occurs easily from juvenile callus tissue. Conifer propagation via embryos vary greatly and the chances of damaging the embryos are
immature calli derived from young embryos and axillary shoot forma- great. In such situations, it may be possible to rescue embryos by ovary
tion is also easy. A major problem with this technique, however, is that or ovule culture methods (Rangan, 1984). Ovaries are excised after
clones are not produced from the zygotic material unless the embryos pollination and the calyx, corolla, and stamens are removed. The ovary
have developed from nucellar tissue, as in many types of Citrus. is surface-sterilized and cultured with the cut end of the pedicel
Embryo culture can be used to study precocious germination, the inserted into the nutrient medium. If all goes well, the ovary then
germination of embryos before the completion of normal embryo develops into a fruit with fully developed seeds. For ovule culture, the
development. Usually, precocious germination causes the formation sterilized ovary is opened and the fertilized ovules are scooped out and
of weak seedlings. To understand the factors that regulate the orderly transferred to the surface of the culture medium. The reasons for the
development of embryos in nature, embryos can be cultured under successful recovery of hybrids from ovary or ovule culture rather than
various conditions to determine what simulates embryological devel- through embryo culture are probably related to nutritional and physi-
opment. Precocious germination occurs because inhibitors are lost cal factors and protection of the embryo by the maternal or sporophytic
when the testa is removed or because the negative osmotic potential is tissues.
a higher value in vivo. Precocious germination has been prevented in Light and temperature are two environmental factors that are of
Prunus through ovule culture, where the integument acts as a natural major concern in embryo culture. Embryos sometimes grow best when
inhibitor (Ramming, 1985). maintained in darkness for the first 1 to 2 weeks of culture and then
Embryo culture has been very useful in determining seed viability. transferred to light to allow chlorophyll formation. Isolated embryos
This use arose out of early findings that there was a good correlation frequently germinate in a wider temperature range than intact seeds.
between the growth of excised embryos of non-after-ripened peach The optimum temperature depends on plant species, but normally a
[Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.] seeds and germination of the after- high range of 25 to 30C is used (Narayanaswamy and Norstog, 1964).
ripened seeds (Tukey, 1944). Embryo culture allows the rapid testing Some embryos, from species such as Lilium, require a lower tempera-
of seed viability when seed dormancy can be circumvented. ture, i.e., 17C, and others require a cold treatment of 4C to break
dormancy (Pierik, 1987).
TECHNIQUES The growth conditions of the mother plant are also a consideration
in embryo culture. The endosperm and the cotyledons will develop
In most situations, embryos are located in the sterile environment more if the mother plant is grown under well-controlled conditions;
of the ovule and surface sterilization of embryos is not necessary. embryo growth will consequently be promoted.
Instead, entire ovules or ovaries are surface-sterilized and then em-
bryos are removed aseptically from the surrounding tissues. Since the MEDIA
embryo is often well-protected by surrounding tissues, harsh proce-
dures may be used in surface disinfection. Thus, axenic cultures of Dieterich (1924) showed that mature embryos could grow nor-
embryos are often easily established. Direct disinfection of embryos is mally on a semisolid medium containing only Knop’s mineral salts
needed if seedcoats are cracked or if endophytic pathogens exist inside and 2.5% to 5% sucrose. However, many scientists believe that the
the seedcoats, as with fescue (Festuca spp. L.), corn (Zea mays L.), and most important aspect of embryo culture is medium selection. Several
dogwood (Cornus spp. L.) seeds. formulations of mineral salts have been used for embryo culture
The dissection of the embryos can produce problems. Large without much critical evaluation of the role of individual elements
embryos are not difficult to excise. However, small embryos require (Bhojwani and Razdan, 1983). Murashige and Skoog (1962) and
the use of microdissecting tools and a dissecting microscope to excise Gamborg’s B5 medium (Gamborg et al., 1968), with certain degrees
without injury. Embryos are easily damaged when the seedcoat is cut; of modification, are the most widely used basal media in embryo
it is also important that the excised embryo does not become desiccated culture.
during culture (Rangan, 1984). The exact nutritional requirement depends on the stage of embryo
The process of excising immature embryos varies with species. development. Raghavan (1966) identified two phases of embryo
However, many times an incision can be made at the micropylar end development. In the heterotrophic phase, the young embryo depends
of the young ovule and pressure applied at the opposite end to force the on the endosperm and the surrounding maternal tissues, and requires
embryo out through the opening. If liquid endosperm surrounds the a more complex medium and higher osmotic pressure than older
embryo, the pressure it exerts may injure the fragile embryonic tissue embryos. The continued development of young embryos requires
if caution is not exercised. When heart-stage and younger embryos are complex media supplemented with combinations of vitamins, amino
excised, it is important to keep the suspensors intact (Hu and Wang, acids, growth hormones, and, in some cases, natural extracts, such as
1986). tomato juice and coconut milk, to support development.
During the autotrophic phase, the second stage of embryo growth,
REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCCESS the embryo is metabolically capable of synthesizing substances re-
quired for its growth from the salts and sugar. In this phase, embryos
Successful development of an embryo depends on many factors. can germinate and grow on a simple inorganic medium supplemented
As with most other processes, the plant genotype greatly influences with a carbon source, such as sucrose.
success. Embryos of some species are easier to grow in culture than are Ammonium nitrate and potassium nitrate are the most frequently
others, and differences sometimes occur between closely related used sources of inorganic N in embryo culture. Ammonium in the
cultivars (Collins and Grosser, 1984; Rangan, 1984). medium is essential or preferential for proper growth and differentia-
As already indicated, small embryos are difficult to grow in vitro. tion of immature embryos (Matsubara, 1964; Umbeck and Norstog,
Specialized techniques can be used to improve success. The use of 1979). Ammonium usually is combined with an organic acid, particu-
“nurse” endosperm involves inserting a hybrid embryo into an en- larly with malate or citrate anions. Among various amino acids,
dosperm dissected from a normally developing, self-pollinated ovule glutamine and asparagine are the most effective (Sanders and
from one of the parents or a third species. The embryo and endosperm Burkholder, 1948). Casein hydrolysate is a complex mixture of amino
are transferred together to the surface of the culture medium (Williams acids and is commonly used in embryo culture media to stimulate
et al., 1982). Modified versions of the nurse endosperm, such as growth. Vitamins, such as biotin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, nicotinic

1244 HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 29(11), NOVEMBER 1994

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Embryo culture is a valuable in vitro tool for breeding. It is most Tukey, H.B. 1944. Excised-embryo method of testing the germinability of fruit
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mination. As research continues with this technique, new and valuable milk essential for growth and development of very young Datura embryos.
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