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Managerial Economics Final Output

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Activity – Documentary/Article Review


1. Each student will be required to read/watch an assigned article/topic/video to review and


2. Due to the current situation, the selection of video to be assigned per student shall be pre-
selected by the professor. In the spirit of fairness, selection of topic shall be via draw lots to be
conducted by the professor.

3. The selected articles/topics/videos are from different educational/news and public sites thus all
are available for viewing/reading anytime via the internet.

4. With the wide selections of articles/topics/videos available for reading/viewing, two (2)
selections shall be assigned to each student.

5. To view the assigned video/article, please search for the full episode/article.

6. All chosen videos/articles tackle a specific issue that has an economic implication which is
closely related to our course and subject.

7. Stated below is the format for the documentary review as your guide for your output.

A. Summary of the documentary/article presented.

What is your take or understanding of the story based on the following questions?

I. What is the documentary/article all about?

II. What does it want to convey to the viewers or the concerns of the story?
III. Who you think does the documentary/article want to reach?

B. What do you think is the relevance of the documentary to you as?

I. Viewer/audience/listener
II. Student studying Accountancy
III. Future manager or a Decision Maker working in a related industry

C. Do you think the topic discussed in the documentary Is presenting a problem?

If YES, what to do you think is the problem?

If NO, what do you think is the purpose or the reason behind the presentation of the
D. Basing your answer from question C, what do you think you can do or your
insight/position on the issue, if your answer is YES. If your answer is NO, how can you
make the story relevant or important?

E. What do you think is the economic relevance or importance of the issues that was raised
based on your answer on question C?

8. You may present your review/evaluation in paragraph form or in any format that you are
comfortable with in presenting your case. Just be sure that you have discuss the important
questions that was raised and follow the prescribed format.

9. Required output

A. Written form
I. Format: PDF
II. Font: Arial 12
III. Single space
IV. Minimum page – 2 or Maximum page – 3 pages (excluding table, if any or anything
that will stretch the page.

10. Tip: Research additional information about the topic that were given to you. It will be helpful in
the presentation of your analysis. Put yourself in the scenario of the article/documentary, as if
you are part of it (time & situation).

11. Other instructions:

A. This output will form part of your final grade for the subject.
B. Final output to be submitted via GOOGLE CLASSROOM and shall be subjected to Turnitin
check for plagiarism. (Note: points shall be deducted from the final grade based on the
number of copied items.)
C. Each student will submit two separate files. One file for the article review, one for the
documentary. Saved in PDF format using the student’s name:

Name: Erik Cruz CruzArticleReview.pdf CruzDocumentaryReview.pdf

12. For the date of uploading/submission: wait for further announcement.

Thank you and happy viewing and reading!





As a Viewer

As a student

As a Future Manager or a Decision Maker working in a

related industry


If YES, what is the PROBLEM all about?

If NO, what is the purpose or reason of the


If YES, what can be done or your suggestion?

If NO, how can you make to story relevant/important?


What is the economic relevance or importance of the topic


Submitted by : NAME OF STUDENT

LIST OF Articles

Student Topic Harvard Business School

Working Knowledge


19-58034 Cruising in Crisis: How Carnival Is Riding Out by Michael Blanding

the COVID-19 Storm

19-51045 How Four Women Made Miami More Equitable by Carolyn DiPaolo
for Startups

19-54842 Walmart's Workforce of the Future by Julia Hanna

19-52055 The Ferrari Way by Michael Blanding

19-51389 On Target: Rethinking the Retail Website by Dina Gerdeman

19-51793 How Would You Price One of the World's Great by Roberta Holland

19-59826 Why Millennials Flock to Fintech for Personal by Michael Blanding


19-58185 Business Solutions That Help Cut Food Waste by Dina Gerdeman

19-57929 Food Safety Economics: The Cost of a Sick by Dina Gerdeman


19-57599 Bigbelly's Big Bet on the Digital Trash Can by Michael Blanding

19-51094 HBS Cases: Stella McCartney Combines High by Brian Kenny

Fashion with Environmental Values

19-54888 Tate’s Digital Makeover Transforms the by Michael Blanding

Traditional Museum

19-53476 How Restaurants in Lima and Copenhagen by Michael Blanding

Became Best in the World

19-55039 The Business of Behavioral Economics by Michael Blanding

19-57573 Marketing Obamacare by Michael Blanding

19-56913 Decommoditizing the Canned Tomato by Maggie Starvish

19-57318 D’O: Making a Michelin-Starred Restaurant by Carmen Nobel & Joanie

Affordable Tobin

19-50037 HBS Cases: LEGO by Maggie Starvish

19-58901 HBS Cases: Against the Grain by Martha Lagace

19-52419 HBS Cases: A Startup Takes On the Credit by Maggie Starvish

Ratings Giants

19-50415 KFC’s Explosive Growth in China by Maggie Starvish

19-51714 Mobile Banking for the Unbanked by Carmen Nobel

19-52456 QuikTrip’s Investment in Retail Employees Pays by Julia Hanna


19-51572 Developing Asia’s Largest Slum by Julia Hanna

19-55960 Customer Feedback Not on elBulli’s Menu by Julia Hanna

19-50589 The Energy Politics of Russia vs. Ukraine by Garry Emmons

19-56186 Economics of the Ethanol Business by Julia Hanna

19-54444 Twenty-first Century Skill: Trading Carbon by Julia Hanna


19-58597 Negotiating with Wal-Mart by Julia Hanna

19-59348 The New Challenge of Leading Financial Firms by Carmen Nobel

19-52761 Culture Changers: Managing High-Impact by Sean Silverthorne


19-54137 Built for Global Competition from the Start by Kim Girard

19-59670 Innovation Is Magic. Really by Dina Gerdeman

19-50413 COVID Killed the Traditional Workplace. What by Dina Gerdeman

Should Companies Do Now?
19-51957 How Retailers Can Thrive in a Shopping Season by Danielle Kost
Like No Other

19-55917 Are Digital Organizations Better at Overcoming by Danielle Kost


19-50924 Post-COVID Health Care: More Screens, Less by Danielle Kost

Red Tape?

19-58554 Nonprofits Hurt by COVID-19 Must Hoard Cash by Danielle Kost

to Hold On

19-56121 COVID-19’s Hard Lessons Might Prepare by Danielle Kost

Business for Climate Change

19-53578 6 Ways That Emerging Technology Is by Danielle Kost

Disrupting Business Strategy

19-50208 Can These Business Students Motivate by Dina Gerdeman

Londoners to Do the Right Thing?

19-52532 The Internet of Things Needs a Business Model. by Michael Blanding

Here It Is

19-50474 Companies Love Big Data But Lack the Strategy by Dina Gerdeman
To Use It Effectively

19-52961 A Luxury Industry Veteran Teaches the by Carmen Nobel

Importance of Aesthetics to Budding Business

19-54764 Panic Management: Keep Your Eyes on the by Dina Gerdeman


19-56067 Managing the Family Business: Market Basket’s By John Davis

Lessons About Buyouts

Student Topic Retrieve from:

19-56067 How the rich get richer – money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6m49vNjEGs

in the world economy | DW

19-56186 Real Value | Economics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez3CWXQrgVo

Documentary with Dan Ariely |
Sustainability | Social

19-55960 The Economy of Japan: how a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU_yyadYgG8

Superpower FELL from Grace
in Four Decades

19-57573 How China Got Rich | ENDEVR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAYRd8IqAxg


19-52532 The Economics of Happiness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2kHUKbPogQ

19-54137 Money, Power and Wall Street: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Q9AOp2FW8

Part One (full documentary) |

19-50413 The True Cost: Who Pays the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-0zHqYGnlo

Real Price for YOUR Clothes |
Investigative Documentary

19-50415 Logistics of the Future | Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EDCnhbUpgE

19-52961 Bitcoin Documentary | Crypto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz8ymvqUMrU
Currencies | Bitcoins |
Blockchain | Digital Currency |
Money | Gold
19-59348 Documentary | Financial System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNIE7qUePq8
| Gold vs Dollar | How Money
Became Worthless | Bretton
19-57929 End of the Road: How Money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJd6RKsY5H4
Became Worthless | Gold |
Financial Crisis | ENDEVR
19-50208 Germany: The discreet lives of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXaVLXSZdEw
the superrich | DW Documentary
19-50924 Who Killed Capitalism? (Global https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPSkhgXMPJ8
Crash Documentary) | Real
19-52456 Corona's consequences – how https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1z-gVc6HZg
the pandemic is changing
globalization | DW

19-55917 How The Rich Get Richer: The https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giHS0nHVJRQ

Great Divide (Wealth Gap
Documentary) | Real Stories

19-56913 Brand Irish | DOCUMENTARY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksoZK_QRD4k

| Economy Of Ireland | St.
Patrick's Day | Ireland's
Economic Growth

19-51714 Oil and ruin — exodus from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNDJSp8FCjI

Venezuela | DW Documentary

19-55039 China: Rise of an Asian giant | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIF-ujSeQho

Insight | Full Episode

19-58034 How cash is becoming a thing of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbECT1J9bXg

the past | DW Documentary
(Banking documentary)

19-53578 Sustainability Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjrPiIem30g

19-57318 The Final Years of Majuro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J06af5xHD0


19-59826 Inequality – how wealth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFIxi7BiScI

becomes power (1/3) | DW

19-53476 Rethinking The World's Waste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EfsD7xNLIo

Circular Economy | Climate For
Change: Closing The Loop | Ep
19-54764 J.P. Morgan Documentary: How https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jjdErDkDZE
One Man Financed America
19-51045 World's Richest Country & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9zT-4mNpaE
Unknown World under Moscow
| Mystery Places | Free

19-56121 Chile, Santiago´s fast economy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUnPK6rn3_o

and the search for happiness |
VPRO Documentary

19-54842 China: Rise of an Asian giant | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIF-

Insight | Full Episode ujSeQho&t=39s

19-50037 Global Junk Food: How the Fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEJwbGBrXfk

Food Industry is Making Poor
Countries Fat | ENDEVR

19-50589 Park Avenue: Money, Power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6niWzomA_So

and the American Dream⎜WHY

19-51793 Ceramics Documentary | Seven https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJl-vdmvdiA

Days in Helsinki: Conversations
with Kyungmin Park | Jesse

Artificial intelligence and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0dMTAQM4cw

19-54888 algorithms: pros and cons | DW
Documentary (AI documentary)

19-54444 Rwanda Rising: Development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tCKJuQOqWU

Story (Documentary)

19-52761 Artificial Intelligence | Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEoU9k5hApM

Learning | Documentary |
Canadian Economy | Robots |
Robotics | AI

19-59670 Are we ready for the next crisis? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7PQdCDiE44

| DW Documentary

Billion Dollar Flower Market | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-E6oOGeq0A

19-58554 ENDEVR Documentary

19-57599 Poverty in Europe | "Poor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2T1XxHf-_Q

Europe" - Documentary on
European unemployed and
social exclusion (2017)

19-51957 The Future of Work: A VICE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iaKHeCKcq4

News Special Report

19-52055 Tomatoes and greed – the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlPZ0Bev99s

exodus of Ghana's farmers | DW

19-51572 The impact of the coronavirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz7ELOhFfyQ

on the economy | VPRO

19-50474 Money And Power in North https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN-RbGxJs9o

Korea‫ ׃‬Hidden Economy. Watch
Documentary in HD quality
19-52419 Documentary "Solidarity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjTccAF7qZw
Economy in Barcelona" (English

19-51389 The New Silk Road | Laos & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waP-UYf9yfk

China | Laos New Investment |
Documentary | China's Economy
| English

19-58185 Economic War CHINA vs USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLXh1JeZSn4

Full Documentary

19-58901 "HAPI: The Role of Economics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjlKJf-thgw

in the Development of
19-51094 Finance Technology | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv-9vqcgsjI
Documentary | InsurTech |
Finance | Expert Interviews

19-58597 Wall Street Week - Full Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwhi8DgXMb4


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