Surgical Treatment of Cyst of The Canal of Nuck and Prevention of Lymphatic Complications: A Single-Center Experience
Surgical Treatment of Cyst of The Canal of Nuck and Prevention of Lymphatic Complications: A Single-Center Experience
Surgical Treatment of Cyst of The Canal of Nuck and Prevention of Lymphatic Complications: A Single-Center Experience
Department of Surgery - Unit of Lymphatic Surgery, University Hospital San Martino - University
School of Genoa, Italy
Case 2
Case 4
early and late lymphatic complications. No groin masses are inguinal or femoral hernias,
patient had any recurrence of the pathology in enlarged lymph nodes, soft tissue tumors (lipo-
the follow-up period, which varied from six to mas, leiomyomas), Bartholin's cysts and en-
eighteen months. dometriosis of the round ligament. Other rare
causes of groin masses are arterial and venous
DISCUSSION aneurysms, ganglion cysts and paraspinal
abscesses surfacing in the groin (15,16).
The processus vaginalis peritonei, called However, the clinical history and imaging
"canal of Nuck" in the female, is a tubular findings (ultrasonography and MRI) can help
fold of the peritoneum that follows the round identify the nature of groin mass. High-reso-
ligament of the uterus as it passes through the lution sonography is a very accurate imaging
female inguinal canal (9). In males, the upper modality (17). In ultrasounds, the cyst of the
part usually closes at or just before birth and canal of Nuck appears as a tubular anechoic
obliteration proceeds gradually, while in fe- mass extending along the course of the round
males, the entire processus normally becomes ligament with a circumferential echogenic
obliterated (10). However, in some women margin, usually without any internal struc-
the canal of Nuck does not completely close tures (9,18). However, internal septations are
and if it remains completely patent, it forms a not uncommon and multiloculated cysts are
pathway for an indirect inguinal hernia. If the reported in the literature (13,16,19,20). Ultra-
obliteration is partial, fluid may also become sonography can be also a therapeutic instru-
trapped within the canal not communicating ment: US-guided drainage of the cyst has been
with the peritoneal cavity. This pathological reported in the literature as an effective proce-
condition is called the cyst of the canal of dure to provide immediate symptom relief (9).
Nuck, and it is represented by a cystic lymph- An MRI can give a conclusive diagnosis but it
angioma. Enlargement of the cyst is due to is more expensive than ultrasonography and
the hypersecretion or underabsorption of the can be avoided if the diagnosis can be made
secretory membrane that covers the processus by US. The first report of MRI findings in this
vaginalis. This imbalance may be a result of an condition described a cystic, thin-walled struc-
impairment of lymphatic drainage caused by ture in the inguinal region with hypointense
inflammation or trauma but in most cases it is T1 signal and hyperintense T2 signal charac-
idiopathic (9). teristics (21). During operation, the macro-
The diagnosis of a CL is often difficult scopical aspect of the lesion can confirm the
because this condition is rare and there are clinical and instrumental findings, and histo-
many differential diagnoses for groin masses. patological assessment finally defines the exact
Its incidence in adult females is not clear be- nature of the cyst. The usual pathological
cause there are few cases of cysts of the canal findings consist of the presence of hemorrhag-
of Nuck in the literature. Huang et al reported ic extravasation and lymphoplasmacytic-his-
that the incidence of this condition in children tiocytic infiltrate within the cystic wall. On the
is 1% (11). Sometimes the diagnosis is made other hand, only in some cases are lymphatic
during surgery performed for suspicious ingui- vessels demonstrated in the wall. It sould be of
nal hernias. Diagnosis is often entertained first interest to add immunohistochemical study of
because an inguinal hernia is present in one- the wall specifically to detect lymphatic vessels
third of the patients with a cyst of the canal endothelium. Even if it is possible to consider
of Nuck (12,13). The typical presentation of a a conservative treatment (aspiration, sclero-
cyst of the canal of Nuck is a painless or mod- therapy), the optimal therapeutic option is
erately painful fluctuant inguinal mass which surgical excision of symptomatic cysts of Nuck
is irreducible and can be transilluminated (14). because of the patency of duct of Nuck that
The most common differential diagnoses for leads to recurrence of the cyst after conserva-
16. Schneider, CA, S Festa, CR Spillert, et al: 20. Rathaus, V, O Konen, M Shapiro, et al: Ultra-
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University School of Genoa, Italy
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16132 Genoa, Italy
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