Hunter The Vigil - The Hunt
Hunter The Vigil - The Hunt
Hunter The Vigil - The Hunt
Author: Editor:
Zack Walters Genevieve Podleski
Contributors: Layout:
Shamus Glass, Chuck Wendig Jessica Mullins
The Game
Hunter is a Storytelling (or roleplaying) game. In it, a group of players
cooperates to tell a story. Each player takes on the role of a single hunt-
er, except for the Storyteller. This player essentially takes on every other
role, describing the world to the other players, acting out the parts of other
characters and determining what challenges the players’ characters face.
Players roll dice to determine whether their characters can overcome the
challenges before them. In a typical exchange, the Storyteller describes the
scene in which the players’ characters find themselves. (“You rise from a
night’s rest in the small shack on the outskirts of town you use as a hideout.
A scratching at the door tells you someone is trying to get in. What do you
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the game|the rules
do?”) The players in turn describe their characters’ actions, usu- Sometimes you’ll be asked to take an extended action,
ally in the first person. (“I sneak up to the door and look through which represents doing something over a period of time, like re-
the peep hole.”) The Storyteller then describes the results of the searching something in a library or searching a room. In this case,
action, and he and the players go back and forth until the scene each roll of the dice represents a fixed amount of time (usually
is resolved. Dice are rolled when players have their characters 10 minutes, but it varies for some more involved actions). You
try things that aren’t guaranteed success. Jumping out of a mov- accumulate successes from roll to roll until you run out of time or
ing car without getting hurt would require a dice roll; leaving a get a certain number described in the text.
stationary one wouldn’t. Some actions can also be contested, which means two
This booklet contains everything you and five of your friends people are working against each other, such as in an arm-wres-
will need to play your first game of Hunter, except for some pen- tling match or when a character tries to sneak past a watchful
cils, paper for notes and several 10-sided dice. (These specialty guard. In a contested action, each player (or the player and
dice are available in most hobby shops and are sometimes called the Storyteller) rolls the dice pool for his character, and the
“d10s.”) Those of you who are going to be players should read person with the most successes wins.
over the character backgrounds in the back of this booklet and Finally, some actions are reflexive, which means they hap-
choose the one you want to play. The Storyteller should read the pen automatically and don’t take up any time. You can perform
rest of the booklet in preparation before playing. them and still perform a simple action in that turn.
Turns and Scenes: A turn is a 3-second period used to
The Rules
track time passing in combat. A scene is a longer period of
time, usually as long as it takes for everyone to do what they
want in a particular place.
Hunter uses a set of rules called the Storytelling System.
Many of the rules are introduced in the scenario proper or on
the character sheets, but there are a few basics to go over first.
Rolling Dice: When rolling dice in the Storytelling The Character
System, you do not add the numbers together. Instead any
single die that comes up 8 or better is considered a success. Sheet
You usually need only one success to accomplish a task, but This booklet contains character sheets for the five char-
more is always better (causing more damage in combat, for acters players will use in “The Hunt.” These sheets contain
example). Any die that comes up 0 (considered a 10) counts all the game numbers that define a character’s capabilities,
as a success and can be rolled again to potentially get an- divided into a variety of traits. Most traits are rated from one
other success. If you roll no successes at all, your character dot (•) to five (•••••), much like a star rating system for
has failed that action. movies. Different traits represent different things.
Dice Pools: The number of dice you roll to attempt some- Attributes represent inherent capabilities, such as
thing is called your dice pool. It is usually made up of the total of Strength, Intelligence or Presence. Nearly every roll uses
one Attribute and one Skill on your character sheet, along with one of these as a basis for the dice pool.
modifiers imposed by adverse conditions or any special equipment Spirits and ghosts use three special Attributes: Power,
your character uses. Finesse and Resistance. Power represents a ghost’s ability to
Modifiers: The Storyteller determines what modifiers ap- affect its environment. Finesse represents a ghost’s capability
ply to any dice pool. These either add to or subtract from the in interacting with or manipulating elements of its environ-
number of dice rolled in the dice pool. Modifiers usually come ment. Resistance represents a ghost’s ability to withstand
from tools used, Merits the character has or general circum- forces that could banish or destroy it.
stances. The Storyteller should grant or impose a bonus or pen- Skills represent learned abilities, like Firearms or Medi-
alty if the circumstances are especially favorable or deleterious, cine. A word or phrase in parentheses next to a Skill indi-
usually ranging from +5 to –5 (although modifiers tend to be cates a Specialty, an area of the overall Skill in which the
closer to +2 to -2). For example, an attempt to climb a wall that character is particularly talented. If you are asked to roll a
is slick with rain and slime could suffer a –2 penalty, whereas dice pool in which your character doesn’t have the right
doing so on one with a few handholds could gain a +1. Skill, you suffer a penalty of either –1 (for a missing Physi-
Chance Die: If modifiers reduce your dice pool to zero or cal or Social Skill) or –3 (for a missing Mental Skill). If, on
fewer dice, you should roll a single die called a chance die. the other hand, you have a relevant specialty in the Skill in
A 10 rolled on a chance die generates a single success, while your dice pool, you get a +1 modifier.
any other result is a failure. Rolling a 1 on a chance die indi- Health determines how wounded your character is, and it
cates a dramatic failure, and the Storyteller should describe has both dots and points. Your character’s dots are filled in on
especially troublesome results (a gun jamming, a blowout your character sheet, and they represent the total number of
during a car chase, etc.). Health points available to him when he is uninjured. His lost
Actions: Almost anything a character does is considered a Health points are recorded in the corresponding boxes, denoting
simple action. You determine the dice pool, roll the dice, and his current state of health. (See “Health and Damage” for how to
see whether you succeed or fail. In combat you can perform one mark off Health points and the effects of wound penalties.) Spir-
simple action per turn. its and ghosts use Corpus points instead of Health points.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Willpower represents your character’s reserves. You can Unarmed close combat: Strength + Brawl, minus target’s
spend only one point of Willpower on any roll, and you get Defense and armor (if any)
three additional dice in your dice pool. Alternatively, you can
spend a point to raise your Defense trait by two against a single Armed close combat: Strength + Weaponry, minus tar-
attack. Further, hunters can risk Willpower (see “Risking Will- get’s Defense and armor (if any)
power,” p. 7). Willpower is valuable, and it’s regained by acting
in accordance with your character’s Virtue and Vice (see indi- Touching an opponent: Dexterity + Brawl, minus
vidual character descriptions). It is ranked from 1 to 10, unlike target’s Defense
most of the other traits. Ranged combat (guns and bows): Dexterity + Firearms,
Merits are special edges a character has, such as Con- minus target’s armor (if any)
tacts or Resources or Stunning Looks. The effects of each are
explained in the character’s description. Ranged combat (thrown weapons): Dexterity + Athlet-
Profession represents what the hunter is good at. It’s not just a ics, minus target’s Defense and armor (if any)
job; it’s what the hunter is. The character’s profession relates to her
Add bonus dice based upon what weapon is being used
Professional Training Merit, and is listed on the character sheet.
or what effect is being performed, then subtract penalties for
Tactics are special maneuvers hunter cells develop in or-
circumstance conditions. The player rolls the remaining pool.
der to combat supernatural monsters. Most of the members of
Each success equates to a Health point of damage inflicted, the
the cell need to participate in the Tactic for it to be effective.
type of which is determined by the nature of the attack. The
How to use Tactics is detailed in “Tactics” on pp.7-8, and the
Storyteller describes the attack and wound in narrative terms.
Tactics the cell has are detailed on the character sheets in the
Once everyone has acted, a new turn starts and the
back of this booklet.
player with the highest Initiative gets to act again. Players
Defense and Initiative Modifiers are traits used in com-
do not make new Initiative rolls every turn.
bat, and are explained below.
Speed is the number of yards a character can move in one
combat turn and still perform an action. A character can run Complications
up to twice his Speed rating yards in a turn if he sacrifices his Avoiding Damage in Close Combat: Your character’s De-
action. Speed will most likely come into play in a chase. fense trait represents his instinctive ability to duck and weave
Morality is a measure of your characters’ sense of com- and make an enemy’s close-combat attacks more difficult, and
passion and basic respect for the rule of law. Your characters so serves as a penalty to incoming attacks. If your character
can lose Morality over the course of play. Morality is ranked hasn’t yet acted this turn and is willing to forgo that action, he
from 1 to 10, with an average Morality of 7. can dodge, which doubles his Defense for the rest of the turn.
If your character is attacked multiple times in the same turn,
however, it becomes harder for him to avoid being hurt. For ev-
ery attack targeted at him past the first, reduce the character’s
Defense by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If your character is dodging,
Violence is inevitable in the life of the hunter—some the doubled Defense reduces by 1 for each additional attack.
would say it’s at the core of the Vigil. When a fight breaks Avoiding Damage in Ranged Combat: Unless a ranged
out, it can be important to keep track of who is doing what, attacker is only a few feet away or is throwing a weapon, De-
and how badly they are hurting each other. fense doesn’t apply. To avoid damage in a firefight you can ei-
First, the Storyteller tells the players their characters are ther hide behind something solid or fall prone to the ground.
entering combat. Until the combat ends, everyone acts turn-by- Falling prone constitutes a character’s action for the turn but
turn, with each character getting one chance to act each turn. levies a –2 penalty on ranged attacks. Anyone within a few
Next, have everyone roll Initiative, which is the result feet gets a +2 bonus to hit a prone character, though.
of the roll of a single die + the character’s Initiative modi- Concealment and Cover: If your character is partially
fier as listed on the character sheet. This is a rare case in concealed behind an object, she is harder to hit with ranged
which you add the number that comes up on a die to the attacks. The penalty goes from –1 (crouching behind an office
value of your trait, instead of rolling a dice pool and look- chair) to –3 (poking up out of a foxhole). If you are completely
ing for a success. concealed, the attacker suffers no dice pool penalty but has to
Starting with the character with the highest Initiative re- score enough successes to shoot through the intervening ob-
sult and continuing to the lowest, each character gets to take ject (called the cover). Piercing an object reduces the number
a single action (usually an attack). The player can choose to of successes rolled by a number based upon the durability of the
yield her character’s action until later in the Initiative queue, cover: from 1 (for wood or thick glass) to 3 (for steel). If this
or until the next turn if she wishes. The Storyteller resolves penalty reduces the number of successes to 0, the attack fails
each character’s action before asking the next player what to penetrate the cover and you take no damage.
her character does. Range: Every ranged weapon has three ranges listed in
If a character attacks another character, the attacker yards, in the format “short range/medium range/long range.”
rolls the appropriate dice pool: An attacker suffers no penalty when her target is within the
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combat|health and damage
short range. If the target is at medium range, she suffers a –2 Aggravated damage is marked with a large asterisk (*) by
penalty. At long range, this penalty goes to –4. adding a vertical bar to an X. It also pushes any existing lethal
and bashing damage right on the track (so that it always ap-
Health and Damage pears to the left of lethal or bashing damage). If Gabreski next
suffered a point of aggravated damage, his track would be:
Damage Types: There are three types of damage, each
more serious than the last: bashing, lethal and aggravated.
Bashing damage generally results from blunt or stunning attacks.
Lethal damage often comes from cuts, gunshots and other more
serious attacks. Aggravated damage is the result of especially vile No More Health: Marking off a character’s last Health box
supernatural attacks or extremely damaging effects (like fire). usually means the character has become incapacitated. If that
Marking Damage: When a character suffers damage, rightmost wound is bashing, she falls unconscious. If that right-
the player marks off that number of Health points, starting most wound is lethal or aggravated, the character quickly bleeds
with the box under the leftmost dot of his Health trait and to death. Note that this would mean the character has no bashing
proceeding left to right. The symbol used depends upon the damage at all, since it will always be the rightmost. Supernatu-
type of damage. ral creatures may react differently to damage—nothing is certain
Bashing damage is marked with a slash (/) in the first avail- with monsters.
able empty box. So imagining that Gabreski (one of the characters Additional Damage: An unconscious or severely battered
in this scenario, who has eight Health dots) had just taken one hunter can still be damaged by further attacks. Without further
point of bashing damage, his Health boxes would look like this: Health boxes to mark off, you represent this damage by upgrad-
ing existing wounds. Any new bashing wound upgrades an ex-
isting bashing wound to lethal (make the leftmost / into an X),
while new lethal damage can upgrade older wounds to aggra-
vated (make the leftmost X into an asterisk). Additional aggra-
Lethal damage is marked with an X, and it pushes any
vated damage also converts a point of bashing or lethal damage
existing bashing damage right on the track (so that it always
to aggravated (make the leftmost / or X into an asterisk).
appears to the left of bashing damage). If Gabreski next took a
Healing: Hunters recover from damage thanks to rest and med-
point of lethal damage, his track would be:
ical attention. Left to heal naturally, characters recover one point of
bashing damage every 15 minutes, one point of lethal damage every
2 days, and one point of aggravated damage every week. Lost Health
is recovered from right to left on the character sheet.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Risking Willpower
given city features dozens, if not scores, of hunter cells.
Tier Two: Hunter Compacts Instead of spending a Willpower point to get three additional
Hunter cells that survive long enough will eventually dice for a roll, a player can risk Willpower on a roll once per scene.
stumble across the existence of others like them, each going Risks don’t stack; that is, if a player didn’t risk Willpower last
about the Vigil the best way they know how. As more cells scene, he can’t do it twice during the current scene. The roll must
pool their knowledge and resources to pursue a common goal, directly relate to the Vigil. Rolls to uncover information about a
their network of communication becomes more elaborate known monster, to break into a monster’s home, to interrogate
and better organized. This is how many hunter compacts take the monster’s minion, to sneak up on a sleeping creature, to resist
shape, starting out as a collection of isolated groups that come a monster’s powers and, of course, combat rolls against monsters,
together to pursue the Vigil on a much larger scale. can all benefit.
The Ashwood Abbey: A decadent Hellfire Club dedicated When a player wishes to risk Willpower, he states this before
to experiencing everything that life (or unlife) has to offer. rolling the dice. If the roll succeeds, the character regains the point
The Long Night: Christian hunters who fight the agents of spent Willpower and an additional point on top of that (for a
of evil in an attempt to stave off the end of the world. total of two Willpower points gained), though this can never go
The Loyalists of Thule: Hungry for knowledge, this oc- beyond the character’s pool limit. The character feels a flush of
cult group seeks things man was not meant to know in places exhilaration and a sense of invincibility. If the roll fails, however,
he was not meant to tread. the world comes crashing down around the hunter. The roll is con-
Network 0: Network 0 uses radio, television and Internet sidered a dramatic failure, no matter how many dice were rolled.
to not only hunt monsters but also to publicize their existence. Risked rolls can benefit or suffer from environmental or
Null Mysteriis: Skeptics who battle the supernatural in equipment modifiers, just as other rolls can.
an attempt to prove it does not exist.
The Union: Rag-tag blue-collar monster hunters, mem-
bers of the Union work without government sanction to
Successful cells of hunters develop Tactics, specialized ma-
protect humanity against its most dangerous enemies.
neuvers to damage, hinder and even learn from supernatural
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Tiers|Risking Willpower|tactics
creatures. Tactics require practice and discipline to execute cor- resources and information to help protect the people, places and
rectly, and they don’t bestow supernatural alacrity or strength on things important to the hunter. Either way, the hunter is frequent-
the hunters who use them. The Tactics possessed by the hunter ly confronted with having to decide what is right and wrong.
characters are listed with the character sheets in the back of this Morality tracks this delicate balance as the hunter strug-
booklet. There are a few unique rules for implementing a Tactic: gles with his conscience. A hunter with high Morality is con-
One character is the primary actor for the Tactic. The player cerned about the rules of society, and is better able to relate
of that character makes the last roll in the Tactic, the one that to people in it. By contrast, a hunter with low Morality finds
ultimately determines whether the Tactic succeeds or fails. her sanity spiraling out of control. She becomes more like a
monster herself, capable of virtually any depraved act.
All other characters are secondary actors. They make their When the character commits such an act, the player rolls a
rolls before the primary actor. number of dice based upon the severity of the sin; Willpower can’t
Any successes on a secondary actor’s roll add to the primary be spent on this roll. The worse the sin, the fewer dice are rolled:
actor’s dice pool. A failure adds nothing, and may have addi- petty theft is four dice, manslaughter or massive property damage
tional effects (see individual Tactic descriptions). A dramatic is three dice, murder is two dice. If the roll fails, the character loses
failure imposes a –4 penalty on the primary actor’s roll, in a point of Morality. Characters with reduced Morality find a way
addition to any of the effects of a failure. to cope with their loss of perspective, and allow themselves to drift
further out of touch. It will now take a worse sin to cause another
A player can choose to risk Willpower as either a secondary
roll to degenerate. At a rating of 7 (where most of the characters
or primary actor, with all the benefit and risk that entails. A
start) petty theft or shoplifting can cause a loss of Morality. At Mo-
player can also spend Willpower normally.
rality 6, only grand theft or burglary can spark such a roll. At Moral-
If the primary actor succeeds in his roll, the Tactic is success- ity 5, it takes intentional mass property damage, such as arson. At
ful, and the benefits listed under “Success” take effect. If the prima- Morality 4, it takes an impassioned crime such as manslaughter.
ry actor fails, however, refer to the “Failure” section of the Tactic. Characters who do lose Morality also risk becoming un-
hinged mentally. If a player fails a degeneration roll, he should
Morality immediately roll his character’s reduced Morality as a dice pool.
If he fails that roll, the character gains a derangement. This
Hunters hunt. It’s what they do. For some, this is extremely
literal—guns drawn, bullets blazing, the hunter tracks her prey and can be any form of minor but pervasive mental disorder, such
puts an end to its profane existence. For others, the pursuit is more as depression or a phobia. The player should roleplay this new
figurative, capturing and studying the supernatural, or gathering character quirk, but it has no mechanical effect.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
The Hunt
This story takes the characters deep into the World of
Darkness, and reveals some of the terrible secrets that exist Treatment
just outside human understanding. It is meant as an introduc- “The Hunt” revolves around an investigation into
tion to the strange lives of hunter characters and as a launch- several ritualistic murders. Jeremiah Quaker, a wealthy
ing point from which Storytellers can begin chronicles of socialite with the power to utterly bend people to his
their own devising. Though the characters start out in Phila- will, is obsessed with finding a lost piece of Philadel-
delphia, their ultimate fate is in your hands. This standalone phia’s occult history and sees no problem with murder-
scenario is meant for the Storyteller’s eyes only. If you are ing strangers to achieve his goal. The cell is asked to
planning to take on the role of one of the characters in “The look into the first of these killings, but the false evidence
Hunt,” please stop reading now. Storytelling games are much left at the scene points them to another of the city’s su-
more enjoyable if you experience the plot twists and surprises pernatural denizens.
along with your characters, so don’t spoil the fun for yourself. Rag Man is a homeless man who is able to assume
the shape of a dog, and he is set up by Jeremiah to take
Preparing for Play the rap for the murders. Rag Man flees from the charac-
ters when first encountering them, but quickly attempts
First, read through the rules at the beginning of this docu-
ment, just to get an idea of how the mechanics of the game to ally himself with them once captured. After some
work. Then, have a look at the character sheets at the end of simple interrogation, he reveals that while he kills dogs
the booklet, and note the characters’ different capabilities and to fuel his shape changing, he is utterly repulsed at the
advantages. We don’t expect you or the players to memorize thought of killing people. Even though he offers to help
everything right out of the gate, but if you give the characters them find the real culprit, the cell is left with little for-
a quick once-over in conjunction with the rules, the numbers ward momentum.
will make more sense in game play. After several days of chasing down false leads, two
Let the players read over their characters’ backgrounds, role- more murders are reported, matching the profile of the
playing hints and traits, and answer any questions they might first. The victims this time are a couple found dead
have. Help them understand how the rules work with regard to in their low-rent apartment, and again there’s little
the dots and numbers on the character sheets. Also, read through evidence left at the scene. However, the cell catches a
“The Hunt” once before attempting to act as Storyteller. We’ve break when it’s discovered that the neighboring shop’s
tried to make it as easy as possible on you, but you should have an security camera covers the front door of the apartment
idea of what’s coming up. Plus, players will always make decisions building. As they’re looking into this, a battered and
that you—and we—didn’t see coming. That’s great! That’s part of bruised Rag Man shows up at the precinct house look-
roleplaying. It does, however, require you to think on your feet. ing for them. He claims he was attacked in the night
If you know how the plot progresses, you can take what by the man he saw before, the same man seen on the
the players do and allow those decisions to steer the game to- security tape. As proof of his story, he offers up the
ward a satisfying conclusion, rather than having to say, “No, man’s finger, which he managed to chew off in the
you can’t do that because it would take us too far off track.” fight. The prints come back with the name of a man
accused of rape several years ago: Jeremiah Quaker, a
wealthy socialite.
Finally, the characters confront Jeremiah and find
About the Format him in the middle of an inexplicable ritual. He seems to
The format we use for scenes in be consuming the missing eyes of the murder victims,
this and after barely acknowledging the cell member’s pres-
quickstart is our Storyteller Adve
nture ence, he sets the spirits of his victims on them, all while
System (or SAS for short). To keep
this attempting to control Gabreski with his powers. Dur-
quickstart lean and focused, we
included many of the core premises ing the fight, the cell members can see the object of
Storyteller suggestions that are Jeremiah’s power beginning to take shape inside a ru-
at the
heart of the SAS. If you want to nic inscription on the floor, but once they kill him all
more about how our stories work evidence of his actions winks out of existence, leaving
in this
system, be sure to read the free SAS them to explain the ruined house to both the police and
found at the SAS website:
Task Force: VALKYRIE.
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The Hunt
Back on the
Pounding the
Rag Man
When It Rains
It Pours
Tiger by the
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
investigation has been shelved and they are tasked with looking
Theme – Man’s into a gruesome (and clearly occult) murder.
Inhumanity to Man Jeremiah Quaker
The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Jeremiah Quaker took over leadership of the Par-
murders, and their fallout, are all very mundane—gruesome, liament of Philosophers nearly five years ago, but the
certainly, but still something that happens with distressing society’s lack of any real occult knowledge left him with
regularity. The only things that set Jeremiah’s actions apart little to do except spend his money and enjoy the thrill
from any other serial murderer are his supernatural motives. of total domination of the people around him. Several
Monstrous and inhumanly powerful as he is, Jeremiah is still months ago, however, that all changed.
committing these crimes for the same reason any regular person Jeremiah spends some of his copious leisure time research-
would, and that should frighten the characters. ing the occult history of the early United States, and Philadel-
phia in general. Recently, his studies led him to the story of a
Mood – Frantic strange artifact supposedly used by the founding fathers to bol-
ster their political hold over the colonies and eventually lead
The classic detective story utilizes slow, deliberate pacing
them to revolt. The artifact, said to look like a piece of lime-
punctuated with bursts of violent action. In many ways, “The
stone with an unknown fossil protruding from its surface, was
Hunt” still uses that formula, but it also draws from newer sources
originally discovered by Thomas Jefferson during the surveying
of inspiration, particularly television cop dramas. The characters
of a plantation in 1762. It was hurled into the Schuylkill by
are dropped into situations they know nothing about, and left to
George Washington in 1799. Shortly afterward, Washington
figure things out as they go. The only certainty they have is the
died and the Capitol moved to Washington, D.C.
knowledge that the longer they take to track down the murderer,
Jeremiah seeks to locate the stone, and believes the only way
the more likely he is to kill again. The story should feel as if it
to do so is through an occult ritual of dowsing. In order to success-
has a finite length, as if the characters need to act quickly if they
fully complete the ritual, he requires the eyes of both a long-time
want to avert catastrophe. You should strive to impress upon the
resident of the city and those of someone newly moved there. He
players that every scene is moving the plot that much closer to a
feels no remorse for these acts, believing them necessary to bring
final conclusion—whether or not it’s one they want.
about his utopian vision, but he fears being stopped by the police
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The Hunt
Professional Training
Many of the characters in this scenario possess the
Professional Training Merit, allowing them to roll a sim-
ple dice pool to simulate putting their professional con-
nections to work. While the mechanics for this Merit are
located in the appropriate characters’ sections, its im-
pact on the story as a whole bears mentioning here. The
Merit is an important resource, one the characters are
expected to utilize at several points in the story in order
to move the plot forward; however, you should be cau-
tious not to allow it to wholly replace good roleplaying.
A large portion of any good police story involves talking
to people and puzzling through conflicting testimonies
in order to reach the truth and the guilty party, but too
little or too much of this kind of gameplay can render
an otherwise interesting mystery boring and lifeless. Try
to judge your players’ interest in the investigative side
of the story, drawing out an interrogation when they’re
intrigued and summing up two days of phone calls in a
single dice roll when they’re eager to move on.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Back on the Street
Mental Physical — Social
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Scenes|Back on the Street
with. Raimundo knows more about Dogtown and its epony- Success: Even a single success yields the following three
mous gang than anyone else in the cell, and is able to tell pieces of information:
them where to look for a crew that might know something
The victim’s fingerprints have already been sent to
about Jessie. Likewise, Karl can take a stab at deciphering
the station, and quickly come back with a positive
the runes.
match. His name is Jessie Cabrera; he’s 62 and has
been picked up for vagrancy several times in Dog-
town. This scene places him a long way from his
This scene is all about gathering data before mov- usual haunts.
ing forward with the investigation. It is possible for
many of the characters to bring their areas of expertise The medical examiner’s initial opinion is that the
victim was still alive when mutilated. There don’t ap-
to bear here, resulting in a much clearer picture of how pear to be any signs of a struggle, and he suspects the
to proceed. man went into shock from the pain and died from the
Getting up to Speed blood loss.
Dice Pool: Presence + Socialize. The first responders The runes on the floor and walls are extremely ob-
and the medical examiner have most of the case’s relevant scure. Karl has difficulty identifying them, let alone
details; the trick is asking the right questions. reading them.
Action: Extended. Each roll represents an hour spent Exceptional Success: You not only learn the three major
grilling the officers who responded to the call. pieces of information listed above, but the medical examiner
Hindrances: Raimundo or Karl are present (-1), Darnell is able to make an accurate guess as to the time of death:
Waters is mentioned (-1) only two hours ago.
Help: Jack takes point in the discussions (+1)
Roll Results Recalling Dogtown
Dramatic Failure: Your recent brush with the IAB Dice Pool: Intelligence + Streetwise. When it be-
has spooked the other cops, and they’re only barely comes known that Jessie is from Dogtown, Raimundo
cooperative. can be called upon to supply information about that area
Failure: You learn only that the victim is homeless; of town.
you’ll have to dig up anything else on your own. Action: Instant
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Pounding the Pavement|Dogtown thugs
Dogtown thugs
Quote: I got what you need, son, soon as I see some green.
Background: Just like thousands of others in the city, these kids
were born into a tough life and have only dug themselves in deeper.
They were all beat into Dogtown at an early age, and though they’ve
seen gang leaders come and go since then, the only way out for them
is either in an orange jumpsuit or a body bag.
Appearance: Everything about them speaks of leanness: short hair, drawn
faces and very little body fat. Dealing isn’t as profitable for these guys
as it is for their lieutenants, so they don’t dress at the height of urban
chic. A motley collection of tattered jerseys, dirty jeans and secondhand
sneakers are the order of the day, but each banger sports a green bandana
somewhere on his body.
Storytelling Hints: This life is all you’ve ever known, but it was ei-
ther join the gang or get caught in the crossfire. You don’t give much
thought to the future, but you’re certain no church or after school
program can give you what Dogtown promises.
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 1
Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 2
Mental Skills: Academics (Law) 1, Investigation 2, Medicine 1
Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Larceny 2,
Stealth 1, Weaponry 1
Social Skills: Intimidation 1 (Threats), Persuasion 1, Streetwise 3
(Drug Trade), Subterfuge 2
Merits: Allies (Dogtown) 2, Fleet of Foot 2, Resources 1
Willpower: 3
Initiative: 5
Defense: 3
Speed: 13
Virtue/Vice: The gang bangers’ Virtue is Hope. Once per session of
play they regain all spent Willpower when they refuse to let others
give in to despair, even when doing so risks harm to their own goals
or wellbeing. Their Vice is Greed. They regain one Willpower point
whenever they acquire something at the expense of another. Gaining it
must come at some potential risk (of assault, arrest or simple loss
of peer respect).
Size: 5
Health: 8
Equipment: Glock 17 pistol (+2 to Firearms rolls, with a range of 20/40/80
yards), army surplus knife (+1 to Weaponry rolls), several bags of heroin
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
Knife 1(L) n/a 5
Punch 0(B) n/a 4
Glock 17 2(L) 20/40/80 7
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Dogtown thugs
Allies: These guys may be simple foot soldiers, but their gang mates won’t
hesitate to retaliate against anyone who hurts them.
Fleet of Foot: Gang life offers many opportunities to practice sprinting, and
the Dogtowns have gotten pretty fast. They add +2 to their Speed (this
is already factored into their listed Speed).
Resources: The drug trade is lucrative, but most of the money that passes
through their hands gets passed up to their superiors in Dogtown. What lit-
tle remains is often spent on clothing and jewelry, leaving the gang members
with little more than a couple hundred dollars to spend at any given time.
Damn’ things was sliced up, missin’ their faces, and some of ’em had
this writing around ’em. Thought it was Arab. But I didn’t look too Actions
close—shit was written in blood. I ain’t seen him in a few weeks, so The primary action in this scene is almost certainly going
maybe he finally went all the way and moved up to people.” to be combat, but the characters have a small window they
can utilize to avoid it. The Dogtowns are being influenced by
Storyteller Goals some terrible power, but it hasn’t completely subsumed their
This scene is the first chance for the characters to direct reason. A forceful appeal to their common sense and self-pres-
the course of the investigation, and it’s your first chance to ervation has the possibility of giving them enough strength of
present some opposition. The key to this scene is to play the will to overcome the suggestions buried in their minds.
Dogtown members to the hilt: full of bravado, absolutely un-
afraid of either the cops or Raimundo. As the conversation
Calming the Dogtowns
Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion. This action may be at-
goes on, have the dealers get angrier and angrier for no ap-
tempted only once. If it fails, the Dogtowns attack immediately.
parent reason, until they jump the characters. The possibility
Action: Instant
for a peaceful solution does exist, but don’t be afraid to make
Hindrances: The Dogtowns are excessively violent due
it as miniscule as you can. The fight, and resulting revelation
to the mind control (-4), speaker verbally threatens the
about the gang members’ states of mind, will go a long way to-
Dogtowns (-1), anyone touches the Dogtowns (-1)
ward convincing the characters they’re up against something
Help: Speaker is Raimundo (+1), speaker pulls his gun (+1)
serious and insidious.
Roll Results
Once the situation breaks down, be sure to point out what
Dramatic Failure: The Dogtown dealers immediately
the characters would notice immediately: the bangers aren’t go-
draw their guns and fight until it is clear their only choices are
ing for their guns. They’re clearly serious about a fight, but they
to surrender or die.
don’t seem to want to make it immediately lethal. If the charac-
Failure: The Dogtowns draw their knives and attack.
ters resort to the use of their own guns, the Dogtowns will too,
They will all surrender after only one of them goes down.
but will quickly surrender when one of them is taken down.
Success: Though they still attack, the gang members use
Finally, despite whatever else happens, Rag Man’s name needs
only their fists and surrender after trading only a few blows.
to be dropped. He’s an important next step for the characters, and
Exceptional Success: The drug dealers are talked down,
without his name to go on, their investigation will stagnate.
and Jeremiah’s hold over them is broken.
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Rag man
Rag man
Mental Physical Social
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
rag man
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Rag man
After the cell captures Rag Man, its goal is to interrogate Roll Stamina + Athletics for each participant. This is
him, extracting everything he knows about the murder. not quite the conventional extended and contested task,
however. Rolls are made for each participant in each
Actions stage, but the quarry has a different goal than the pursuer.
The number of successes that must be acquired for the
When Rag Man starts running, there are two options
quarry equals the pursuer’s Speed. So, if the pursuer has
available to the characters: go after him on foot or hop back
a Speed of 12, successes accumulated for the quarry must
in the van. Once he starts talking, he’s so eager to cooperate
reach 12 for him to get away.
no roll is required.
The pursuer, however, does not seek to get away.
Foot Chase His goal is much more specific: to stop the quarry from
Dice Pool: Stamina + Athletics versus Stamina + Athletics escaping. The number of successes the pursuer needs
Action: Extended and contested (each roll represents is therefore different. He seeks to tally a number that
one turn of running) equals or exceeds the quarry’s current total of successes
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
at any point in the chase. If the pursuer gets that num- smashing into the side panel and temporarily stunning
ber, he catches up. himself. Should this happen, he changes back to human
Hindrances: (All) Crowded street (-1) form immediately.
Help: (Rag Man) +1 for every three points his Speed
exceeds that of his fastest pursuer
Roll Results
This scene not only brings the cell one step closer to
Dramatic Failure: The participant trips, falls or wipes
finding the murderer, it also reveals more of the city’s occult
out. He may suffer a Health point of bashing damage at the
character, almost certainly to the surprise of the characters.
Storyteller’s discretion. The race is over.
Rag Man’s attitude and utter pacifism stand in stark contrast
Failure: The participant gains no ground in the pursuit.
to the other supernatural entities the characters have encoun-
Success: The participant gains some ground in the chase,
tered so far. But regardless of how they feel about Rag Man, he
whether fleeing or in pursuit.
provides the characters only a vague description of the man he
Exceptional Success: The participant gains a great deal
saw, leaving them to turn to other, more mundane, sources.
of ground through a mixture of luck and capability.
If the characters decide to take Rag Man to the
Car Chase crime scene, move on to “Bloodhound.” Otherwise,
While Rag Man’s dog form is built for running, he’s if they feel they’re finished with him, skip ahead to
not nearly fast enough to outrun a vehicle. Any charac- “When It Rains, It Pours.” If you do skip “Blood-
ter who opts to chase him down in the van need only hound,” this is an ideal time for the characters to uti-
accumulate three successes on an extended Dexterity + lize their Professional Training before moving on (see
Drive roll to pull in front of him and block his escape. An the “Bloodhound” Storyteller Goals section for more
exceptional success on a single roll results in Rag Man details, p. 19).
Mental Physical — Social
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the nature of Jeremiah’s powers. The lack of any other new Dramatic Failure: Karl’s lack of tact upsets his contacts, and
information regarding the case is likely to leave the cell sty- they refuse to speak with him for the remainder of the story.
mied at this point, making the latter part of the scene ideal Failure: No one is familiar with either the symbols or
for each of the characters to exercise their Professional Train- the magic. He’s on his own.
ing Merit. The answers won’t come right away, but rather at Success: A poster on, a site Karl fre-
the beginning of “When It Rains, It Pours.” quents, suggests the runes look like a script used by an
ancient Sumerian cult whose members could supposedly
Character Goals change their shapes.
Exceptional Success: As a success, but a second person
The characters continue their search for the murderer, po-
tentially learning more about his capabilities and desires from also suggests the lack of a struggle and the strange behavior
Dog Man. It’s possible they might still be leery of the bum and the of the gang bangers might indicate mind control.
powers he uses so lightly, but his desire to please them should at Raimundo’s Professional Training
least be beginning to convince them he’s no threat to anyone. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion or Socialize
Should the characters decide to make use of their Pro- Action: Instant
fessional Training Merits, they will begin their individual Raimundo can ask his crew whether they’ve had any
procedures, but will not see any kind of return until the be- weird run-ins with the Dogtowns.
ginning of “When It Rains, It Pours.” Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Raimundo’s focus upon helping with this
Actions case has strained his relationship with his crew members, and he
has to put them back in line before they’ll go out of their way to
Karl’s Professional Training help him. He cannot use this Merit for the rest of the story.
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion or Socialize Failure: None of the Siete Muertos knows anything unusual.
Action: Instant Success: One of Raimundo’s lieutenants admits to dating a
Karl can get his contacts working on further identifying girl in Dogtown, and remembers seeing a well-dressed white guy
the runes or identifying the magic used on the victim. giving a group of the Dogtown boys the business. He thought it
Roll Results was weird that the bangers just stood there and took it.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Exceptional Success: As a regular success, except the block remembers seeing a sports car drive off in a hurry the
banger saw the man drive away in his new Mustang. night of the murder. He couldn’t make out the model, but
he’s sure it was a sports car.
Andrea, Jack or Vince’s Exceptional Success: As a normal success, except a uni-
Professional Training form reports that after the medical examiner removed the
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion or Socialize body, he discovered tire marks down the street. They fit the
Action: Instant pattern for a new Ford Mustang.
Any one of the cops can follow up on any leads their
colleagues may have uncovered.
Roll Results
The information the characters could potentially learn in
Dramatic Failure: Before they get a chance to talk to the this scene is significant, but it does not move the story forward
rest of the detective pool, Captain Johnston pulls the trio into in the same way as previous scenes. Ideally, what the charac-
his office and grills them about the investigation so far, tying ters learn here will better prepare them to face Jeremiah, but
them up for hours. the vague nature of the information available to them, cou-
Failure: The other detectives are still leery about being pled with the scene’s optional nature, makes it highly unlikely
involved with the trio so soon after the IAB investigation they will be able to solve the case just yet—they will have to
was mysteriously called off and refuse to help. wait for the next scene for things to fully develop. Once the
Success: A detective sent to knock on doors around the cell has finished up at the crime scene, progress the story 48
area of the murder reports that a security guard down the hours and move on to “When It Rains, It Pours.”
The victims this time are a young husband and wife, Khaek
Overview and Syphay Soungpradith, found dead in their apartment in
The characters have reached a dead end in their in- Chinatown. Both were in their early thirties and only recently
vestigation, and are faced with the hardest part of police emigrated from Laos. Just like Cabrera, their faces have been
work: waiting for something else to develop. After nearly skinned and their eyes are missing, but unlike him they appear to
48 hours with no further leads, they’re finally presented have put up a fight. The apartment is wrecked, and the strange
with a new piece of evidence, a second murder scene. The runes written on the wall are noticeably sloppier, as if written in
victims this time are a couple found dead in their low- a hurry. Mrs. Soungpradith has bruises on her arms and shoul-
rent apartment in Chinatown. Again, there’s no sign of ders and a gunshot wound on her chest. Her husband is still
a struggle. The cell catches a break when it’s discovered clutching a revolver, and has no visible wounds.
that the neighboring shop’s security camera also covers The second murder scene is slightly more complex
the front door of the apartment building. As they’re look- than the first, but still shouldn’t take the characters long
ing into this, a battered and bruised Rag Man shows up at to analyze before leaving the ME and forensics teams to
the precinct house looking for the cell. He claims he was do their work. Eventually, they should stumble upon the
attacked in the night by the man he saw before, the same neighboring grocery store’s security camera. When they do,
man seen on the security tape. As evidence, he offers up read the following:
something he managed to take in the fight: the man’s As you’re looking around the apartment, you find yourself
right index finger. The prints on the finger come back glancing out the window to the storefront next door. You notice
with the name of an accused rapist from a case several a security camera clumsily attached to an awning. It’s hanging
years ago: Jeremiah Quaker, a wealthy socialite. at an odd angle, and looks like it may catch the front door of the
apartment building in its field of view.
Description When the cell investigates the camera, the manager of
the grocery store is unwilling to cooperate, but after some
It’s been two whole days since you last spoke with Rag persuasion (and possibly threats), he hands over last night’s
Man, and you can’t shake the feeling that the case has gone security tapes with only a few grumbles.
cold. Every lead you dig up just ends up another victim, an- After returning to the precinct, and handing the se-
other person manipulated by whoever killed that old bum, curity tapes over to forensics (probably along with Jack)
and you’re left with nothing else to look into. So when word for analysis, Rag Man barges in, demanding to speak with
of a double murder fitting the same MO as the last one comes Gabreski. He sports several large bruises, and is still bleed-
in, you’re almost relieved. Almost.
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When it rains, it pours
ing from a gash over his left eye. He claims to have some- If you’re playing up the antagonism between Gabres-
thing for them, but doesn’t want to talk about it out in ki’s Boys and their captain, this scene is an excellent op-
the open. portunity to give him ammunition. Not only has the team
Rag Man looks around nervously and says, “I, uh, I’ve got failed to turn up any good leads, but the killer has struck
something for you guys, something that will help you catch the again, mutilating two more innocent people. Very few
guy you’re lookin’ for.” He lowers his voice and leans in close; witnesses have been brought in for interrogation, and he
you can smell the stink of blood and sweat on his coat. “It’s in (rightly) suspects the cell is hiding something about the
my pocket, but I can’t show you here. Don’t want no one to see case from him. In particular, he doesn’t trust its associa-
it an’ lock me up for the murder or nothin’.” tion with Rag Man, and if he learns about the finger, he
After Rag Man is taken somewhere he feels safe talk- will try to prevent the Boys from running the print. Play-
ing, he produces a bloody finger from his coat pocket. It ing up Johnston’s impotent outrage here is a great way to
extends from the fingertip to the second knuckle, and make the characters’ eventual triumph over Jeremiah all
looks like it was chewed off. Rigor has set in, and it feels the sweeter.
cold and hard to the touch. Finally, should you decide to add more emotional
“That man I saw talkin’ to them gang boys came after weight to the Soungpradiths’ deaths, you can add another
me last night. I was diggin’ through some scraps behind a character witness to the mix: Khaek’s brother, Choumma-
Mexican place when he steps out the door from the kitchen. ly. He is also a recent immigrant to the country, and ada-
He starts tellin’ me to sit and shit, like I’m some kinda pet, mantly denies any accusation against either his brother or
and pulls out a gun. He looks kinda confused when I don’t sister-in-law. He steadfastly maintains their marriage was
listen to him, so I go for his throat. He hits me with the piece, ideal, though he does mention their stress over the hostile
then we get into it, him with his fists and me with my teeth. grocer next door.
I manage to chew off his trigger finger, and while he’s cryin’
out to wake the dead, I tear off down the alley.” Rag Man
sighs and slumps his shoulders, “Man, I hope this helps you
Character Goals
After their investigation stalled due to the lack of evi-
catch the sick fucker. I hate the way people taste.”
dence, the characters should be extremely eager to capital-
Analysis of the finger’s print and the surveillance videos
ize on the new developments that crop up in this scene.
come back at roughly the same time, and for once, both are
Though the new murders are likely to leave them feeling
good news. Both pieces of evidence point to the same man:
angry and a little helpless, the evidence Jeremiah leaves
Jeremiah Quaker.
behind at the scene should make them feel as if the end
When Jeremiah’s picture in the police database is
is in sight.
compared to the surveillance videos, it is an exact match,
Once the fingerprint comes back, you should emphasize
leaving little doubt that he is the murderer. Other than
the importance of double-checking the facts before moving
the rape allegation, there is little in the way of public re-
on Jeremiah. When the characters discover he’s in the po-
cords on Quaker. He is a wealthy socialite, a descendent
lice database due to an alleged rape case, they will undoubt-
of some of the city’s oldest money, and he leads a very
edly be ready to take him down, but you should take the
private life funded by real estate investments. Should the
extra steps to make sure they’re ready to do whatever it takes
cell speak with Agent Carver, he paints an entirely differ-
to stop Jeremiah, including killing him.
ent picture of the man.
Carver informs the cell that the Quaker family is a
central player in a utopian secret society, the Parliament
of Philosophers, which has operated in Philadelphia Most of the actions in this scene involve processing the
for nearly a century. His intelligence initially reported new evidence that comes in.
them to be nothing more than a bunch of old white men
giving to charity and playing at mysticism, but recent Investigating the murder scene
rumors have been painting Jeremiah as something dif- Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation
ferent. Carver had come to suspect he had developed Action: Extended. Each roll represents 10 minutes spent
strange powers, but couldn’t be sure until he had the combing the scene for clues.
cell look into it. This roll can only be made by the officer who takes
point, but the others may assist.
Storyteller Goals Hindrances: The characters are rushed for time (-1)
Help: Each additional character assisting (+1)
This scene reveals the final pieces of the puzzle, fi- Roll Results
nally giving the cell a suspect on which to pin three mur- Dramatic Failure: The characters misinterpret the
ders, an assault and a host of strange occurrences. Your scene as a combination domestic dispute and a copycat
primary goals in this scene are to reveal the last bits of mutilation.
information the cell needs before it can move to put a Failure: The scene is obviously the work of the same
stop to these murders, and finally be accepted into Task killer, but the presence of the gun and fatal gunshot wound
Force: VALKYRIE. throws them off.
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Tiger by the tail
Overview Description
The cell converges on the row house and confronts Jeremiah, You pull up outside Quaker’s row house and immediately feel
the warlock responsible for the murders. They find him in the the hair on the back of your neck stand up. There’s a strange energy
middle of an inexplicable ritual that looks quite different from the in the air, and you can’t help but feel your spirits lift—everything
bogus markings left near the bodies. He seems to be consuming seems a little bit brighter, like nothing can go wrong. You manage to
the murder victims’ missing eyes, and after only a brief moment of catch yourself before you actually smile, and look around the car,
gloating that they’re expected, he sets the spirits of his victims on hoping no one saw you. The unnatural brightness you feel just fills
the cell while attempting to mind control Gabreski. During the you with more disgust for Jeremiah and what he’s done. Nothing he
fight, a strange watery vortex seems to be flowing up from the sym- could be planning is worth doing that to innocent people.
bol on the floor, and a glowing stone slowly emerges from within. Jeremiah’s two-story row house is in the middle of a block
After Jeremiah is killed, the vortex winks out of exis- that overlooks the Schuylkill River. If the characters arrive
tence, taking the ghosts, Jeremiah’s body and a large chunk at night (which is likely, given their intentions) it is the only
of the floor with it. Most of the water stays, left to splash house still illuminated. Unknown to them, Jeremiah is upstairs
down onto the level below (along with the characters). in the middle of his dowsing ritual. Fearing for his safety after
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Quote: (Complete and utter silence)
Background: These three restless spirits were enslaved by Jeremiah’s pow-
er and summarily murdered, but he was not content to simply let them pass
on. He controls them now, even in death. He plans to put their ghostly
corpus to use in the activation of the artifact, but sees his own defense
as a more immediate concern.
Appearance: Each apparition is a pale reflection of the person it once was.
All three appear just as they did at the moment of death, contorted and
bloodstained, with gaping holes in place of their eyes. They appear human
in a dark room, but once exposed to light become indistinct and almost
transparent. Their faces are twisted by the impotent rage that fills them,
making them appear maddened and desperate (which they are).
Storytelling Hints: The ghosts are bound to serve their master, Jeremiah,
but they still retain enough self-awareness to resent him. They will fol-
low his every word to the letter, but always hesitate slightly before
carrying out an order, trying in vain to resist his commands.
Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 2, Resistance 2
Willpower: 4
Initiative: 4
Defense: 2
Speed: 14
Virtue/Vice: The ghosts’ Virtue is Hope. Once per session of play they
regain all spent Willpower when they refuse to let others give in to
despair, even when doing so risks harm to their own goals or wellbeing.
While they remain under Jeremiah’s control, they cannot act on this.
Their Vice is Wrath. They regain one Willpower point whenever they un-
leash their anger in a situation where doing so is dangerous. If a fight
has already begun, no Willpower points are regained. It must take place
in a situation where anger is unwarranted and inappropriate.
Dread Powers:
Manifestation: The ghosts are only barely there, physically. Subtract
one point of damage from every successful attack upon a ghost before
reducing its corpus. Once a ghost’s corpus has reached zero, it loses
its hold on the physical world, returning to its normal Twilight state.
Telekinesis: Each of the ghosts was brought into existence amidst over-
whelming feelings of anger, pain and helplessness, and their very na-
ture continues to echo with these emotions. By spending a point of Es-
sence and concentrating for a turn, a ghost may focus this negative
emotion into raw kinetic force. They lack any fine control with the pow-
er, making it essentially a ranged attack.
Terrify (••): see p.26
Size: 5
Essence: 5
Corpus: 7
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
Telekinesis 1(B) 10 5
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Ghosts of Jeremiah’s victims
Terrify (••)
The ghost spends a Willpower point and an action engaging the target in eye contact
and activates this power with a Power + Finesse + Terrify roll (6 dice), reflexively
resisted by the target’s Resolve + Composure. If the attack succeeds, the target
flees the scene as quickly as possible, via the nearest available escape route. She
will not stop running until she reaches a location she considers to be safe.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The target is unimpressed by the ghost’s attempt to frighten
her. It in fact emboldens the target, and she may gain a point of Willpower.
Failure: The ghost fails to frighten the target, but may spend another
Willpower in the next turn and try again.
Success: The result for success is described above. If the target cannot escape
(or spends a point of Willpower to remain), she suffers a penalty to all rolls equal
to the ghost’s dots in Terrify (-2). This effect lasts for one scene. Multiple uses
of the power against the same target do not accumulate; instead, the most successful
use of the power is used to determine the target’s dice pool penalty.
Exceptional Success: The effect so terrifies the target that she also loses one
Willpower point.
Storyteller Goals
his failed assault on Rag Man, he has surrounded himself with
the ghosts of his victims. He intends to sacrifice the ensnared
souls as a means of activating the stone once he recovers it, Your goal in this scene is to provide an exciting cli-
but sees them as adequate protection for the time being. max to the investigation. Though he is no tougher than
When the characters enter the house, read the following: a normal person, Jeremiah’s offensive capabilities (along
As you move into the kitchen and toward the stairs, you can hear with his ghostly servants) make him a formidable op-
the sound of rushing water coming from upstairs. As you crest the stairs, ponent. He should not go down easily, but the odds are
you can see Jeremiah in the room at the end of the hall. He is chanting stacked in favor of the characters, ensuring their even-
in what sounds like Latin, and gesturing wildly over a luminescent spot tual victory.
on the floor. What started as the sound of a bath being run now grows
louder and louder, until it becomes the roar of river rapids. As the sound
increases, the spot on the floor widens, turning into a swirling vortex of
Character Goals
By this point in the story, the characters should want
water. Jeremiah pauses his chanting long enough to pop something small
to take down Jeremiah hard. Once they locate and gain en-
and round into his mouth. He stares into the whirlpool and pulls back
trance to his house, it’s really just a matter of surviving his
his lips to reveal one of the missing eyes clenched between his teeth. He
assault long enough to bring him down.
bites down, squirting vitrious ichor into the pool of water, and reaches
for another eye. He is missing his right index finger.
Once the characters have Jeremiah’s attention, read
the following: Once Jeremiah is dead, and the vortex has dissipated,
“I see that stupid dog put my finger to good use,” Jeremiah shouts the cell is left to clean up the mess. Officers will quickly
over the roar. “It doesn’t matter, though. Once I recover the stone, you respond to the house after receiving numerous reports of
won’t be able to thank me fast enough for putting you out of a job.” gunshots, and the characters will likely be at a loss to ex-
Regardless of how the characters gain entry to the house, plain the situation. Their captain will attempt to pin ac-
Jeremiah reacts in the same way: he sends the ghosts to distract cusations of murder and conspiracy on them, but Carver
them and attempts to control the most obvious threat with his and Task Force: VALKYRIE will take care of any official
Command power. His righteous certainty prevents him from inquiries into the characters’ actions. After all, they are
accepting the possibility of defeat; thus he fights to the death. now fellow operatives.
After Jeremiah is dead, read the following: Should you not wish to leave the ending ambigu-
The warlock crumples to the floor, and you can feel his control over ous, you may rule that police find Jeremiah’s body
the forces around you lapse. The last of the ghosts quickly fades from floating in the river several days later, and through
view, a smug smile on its face, and the crash of the water begins to sub- regular forensics can determine his guilt in the Chi-
side. As the whirlpool shrinks, it appears to be sucking in anything around natown murders. Unless the cell can produce any evi-
it, including the floor. After it finally dissipates, Jeremiah’s body, along dence linking him to the first killing, Jessie’s case is
with a large section of floor, is gone, presumably sucked into the river. never officially solved.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Jeremiah Quaker,
Quote: I’m going to make this city a paradise. It’s too bad you won’t be
here to enjoy it.
Background: Jeremiah was introduced to the occult at a young age by his
father. The Parliament of Philosophers, the secret society to which he
belonged, saw potential in his boy, and demanded he be all but given
over to them. Raised as much by the society as by his parents, Jeremiah
developed both an aptitude for magic and a warped sense of morals. His
powers allowed him to easily take control of the Parliament, bending
its members toward what he sees as the greater good. Several years ago,
Jeremiah’s attention was drawn to the legend of a powerful artifact,
lost somewhere in the Schuylkill River. He is convinced it will give
him the power to transform Philadelphia into the idyllic city it was
always meant to be.
Appearance: Jeremiah is in his early thirties, with short, thinning
brown hair. Though he stands only 5’9”, his bearing makes him seem
taller. He dresses for comfort—mostly sweaters and chinos—but always
has at least one accessory that shows off his wealth (gold watch, ex-
pensive shoes, etc.).
Storytelling Hints: You’re the most powerful warlock in the city, able to
bend others to your will with just a glance. You’re not dumb enough to
be blind to your own arrogance, but your power makes up for so many of
your shortcomings that you often mistake it for competence. The artifact
you seek will allow you to bring about such positive change in the world
that nothing you do in its pursuit can be considered immoral—even mur-
der. You genuinely think you’re doing the right thing, and that’s what
makes you most dangerous.
Mental Attributes:Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3
Physical Attributes:Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 3
Mental Skills:Academics 2, Computer 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 1, Oc-
cult 4 (Philadelphia secret societies), Politics 1
Physical Skills:Athletics 1, Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Stealth 2
Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 3, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 2,
Streetwise 3
Merits: Danger Sense 2, Fast Reflexes 2, Resources 4, Retainer (souls of
his victims) 3
Willpower: 6
Initiative: 8
Defense: 3
Speed: 10
Virtue/Vice: Jeremiah’s Virtue is Fortitude. Once per session of play
he regains all spent Willpower when he withstands overwhelming or
tempting pressure to alter his goals. This does not include temporary
distractions from his course of action, only pressure that might cause
him to abandon or change his goals altogether. His Vice is Pride. He
regains one Willpower point whenever he exerts his own wants over oth-
ers at some potential risk to himself.
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Jeremiah Quaker, Warlock
Jeremiah Quaker,
Warlock Continued
Dread Powers:
Command (••••): see below
Size: 5
Health: 7
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
M9 Beretta 2(L) 20/40/80 7
Equipment: M9 Beretta (+2 to Firearms rolls with a range of 20/40/80
yards), book of occult rituals, 6 human eyeballs
Danger Sense: This Merit functions as the Merit of the same name possessed
by Gabreski.
Fast Reflexes: This Merit functions as the Merit of the same name possessed
by Raimundo.
Resources: Quaker is heir to an impressive collection of real estate
holdings throughout New England. Though most of his money is tied up
in property at any given time, he still has easy access to roughly
$10,000 at any given time.
Retainer: Jeremiah isn’t content to allow his control of a person to
lapse when they die. He has enslaved the souls of his three murder
victims, and plans to use them to fuel the artifact. They are under
his total control.
Command (••••)
The target is entranced by Jeremiah’s voice and gaze. After spending a Willpower
and making a Manipulation + Expression + Command roll (10 dice, resisted reflexively
by the target’s Wits + Resolve), he needs to hold the target’s attention long
enough to implant a verbal suggestion. That suggestion could be simple, such as
“Take your clothes off,” or complex, such as “Go to Riley’s bar, wait until you
see a brunette in a blue dress and ask her if she’s a Libra.” A suggestion may
overtly involve violence.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The target sees right through the trick, and can’t be
hypnotized again for the rest of the scene.
Failure: Jeremiah may try again next turn.
Success: The target obeys to the best of her ability, for up to one round
Exceptional Success: The target goes so far as to believe the suggestions are
her own idea in the first place, following them for the rest of the scene.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
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Lt. Vince Gabreski
ones are those that can control his thoughts and feel- Success: For the next scene, successes on the primary
ings. Hunters have long been aware that many creatures actor’s roll are added to the hunters’ Resistance traits for
of the World of Darkness can do this sort of thing— purposes of countering mental and emotional supernatural
some even cause memory loss by their very presence. attacks. For example, the primary actor rolls three successes.
The Moral Support Tactic, hopefully enacted before it If a vampire attempts to mind-control a member of the cell
becomes an issue, gives a cell some protection against during the scene and the usual resistance roll is Resolve, the
this kind of attack. appropriate player rolls Resolve +3.
The secondary actors exchange words of encourage- Exceptional Success: As above. In addition, the
ment and support, psyching each other up, as it were. characters are inspired by the primary actor’s words, and
The primary actor then says a few words to the cell: last- ready to go into battle. Each participant regains one
minute advice, reminders about Tactics, or just an ad- Willpower point.
monition to “kill the bastards.” The cell can then enter
a dangerous situation knowing the members have each
other’s backs. While this isn’t a foolproof method of pre-
Danger Sense: Used to watching his back, Gabreski is
venting infiltration or mind manipulation, it’s certainly
very adept at spotting an ambush. He receives a +2 bonus on
better than nothing.
his Wits + Composure roll to spot one.
Note, though, that moral support does nothing to help
Professional Training: Gabreski has a great deal of train-
with existing mental manipulation. If a vampire catches a
ing as a detective, which also means he meets many people
hunter out alone and implants a hypnotic suggestion, this
in his job. After Gabreski has had some time to talk to his
Tactic does nothing to remove or weaken it. The hunter
network of contacts, he can roll Manipulation + Persuasion or
is protected from other mental incursions, but the prior
Socialize to get information from one of three groups: the po-
one stands.
lice department, street gangs and the media. If he gets at least
Roll Results
one success, he can get information on a particular topic.
Dramatic Failure: The cell is demoralized. Each member
Resources: Being a cop doesn’t pay much, but some of
loses a point of Willpower, and all Tactics rolls suffer a –2
Gabreski’s “side investments” have made things a little more
penalty for the next 24 hours.
comfortable for him. He has a comfortable (if small) apart-
Failure: The cell isn’t in synch today, for whatever rea-
ment and a working car without too much rust on it. Given a
son. No special protection from mental attacks.
few hours’ notice, he could scrape up $1,000 during this story.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
danger sense
professional training
dirty tricks
moral support
Beretta Model 92
clasp knife
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Raimundo Guttierez
Raimundo Guttierez
Quote: You better watch where you point that thing, vato. The primary actor then says a few words to the cell: last-
You don’t know who’s watching my back now. minute advice, reminders about Tactics, or just an ad-
Background: In many ways, Raimundo’s story is a mirror monition to “kill the bastards.” The cell can then enter
of Vince’s. He moved with his parents from Guatemala, and a dangerous situation knowing the members have each
grew up in the gangs of Kensington, but unlike Gabreski, he other’s backs. While this isn’t a foolproof method of pre-
never got out. Instead, he worked his way slowly through the venting infiltration or mind manipulation, it’s certainly
ranks, earning enough respect to put together a crew of his better than nothing.
own, the Siete Meurtos. With the SCU’s help, Raimundo led Note, though, that moral support does nothing to help
the Muertos to prominence in the district, dominating the with existing mental manipulation. If a vampire catches a
gun and drug trades. hunter out alone and implants a hypnotic suggestion, this
He has a sister, Lupe, who is a nurse. She is his only Tactic does nothing to remove or weaken it. The hunter
surviving family member, and he loves her dearly, but not is protected from other mental incursions, but the prior
enough to find a safer occupation. one stands.
Description: Raimundo’s complexion and speech mark Roll Results
him as an obvious Latino gang member. He tends to wear Dramatic Failure: The cell is demoralized. Each member
thick jackets over sweatshirts, but regardless of the details loses a point of Willpower, and all Tactics rolls suffer a –2
his clothes are always excessively baggy. He has a boyish penalty for the next 24 hours.
face that would normally make him look ten years younger Failure: The cell isn’t in synch today, for whatever rea-
than the twenty-five he is, but his constant scowl more than son. No special protection from mental attacks.
makes up for any softness. Success: For the next scene, successes on the pri-
Roleplaying Hints: The world is a hard place, and the mary actor’s roll are added to the hunters’ Resistance
only way to get what you want is to take it. You don’t take traits for purposes of countering mental and emotional
crap from anyone except Lupe, and go out of your way to supernatural attacks. For example, the primary actor
remind your men why you’re in charge. Rewarding loyalty is rolls three successes. If a vampire attempts to mind-
important, but not as important as punishing disobedience. control a member of the cell during the scene and the
You have no time for social niceties, and swear constantly in usual resistance roll is Resolve, the appropriate player
both English and Spanish. rolls Resolve +3.
Equipment: Siete Muertos jacket, Luger 9mm pistol Exceptional Success: As above. In addition, the
(+2 to Firearms rolls with a range of 20/40/80 yards), roll characters are inspired by the primary actor’s words, and
of cash ready to go into battle. Each participant regains one
Virtue/Vice: Raimundo’s Virtue is Hope. Once per ses- Willpower point.
sion of play he regains all spent Willpower when he refuses
to let others give in to despair, even when doing so risks
harm to his own goals or wellbeing. His Vice is Lust. He
Fast Reflexes: Living on the streets has made Raimundo
regains one Willpower point whenever he satisfies his lust in incredibly fast. He has a +2 to his Initiative (already calcu-
a way that compromises others. lated on the sheet).
Language (Spanish): Raimundo speaks fluent Spanish.
Tactics Professional Training: Raimundo has learned a great
deal about being a criminal on the streets, and he’s gotten
Moral Support to know many shady characters. After Raimundo has had
Dice Pool: Primary (Andrea): Manipulation or Presence some time to talk to his network of contacts, he can roll
+ Empathy. Secondary: Wits + Expression. Manipulation + Persuasion or Socialize to get information
Action: Instant from one of two groups: street gangs and gun dealers. If
Description: A monster might be able to tear a man’s he gets at least one success, he can get information on a
arm off or bite through his throat, but the truly terrifying particular topic.
ones are those that can control his thoughts and feel- Resources: Raimundo’s drug and gun trafficking has
ings. Hunters have long been aware that many creatures made him a little bit of money. He has a small apartment
of the World of Darkness can do this sort of thing— and a used car. Given a few hours’ notice, he could scrape up
some even cause memory loss by their very presence. $1,000 during this story.
The Moral Support Tactic, hopefully enacted before it Retainer (bodyguard): Raimundo doesn’t go anywhere
becomes an issue, gives a cell some protection against dangerous without his personal bodyguard, Miguel. If you need
this kind of attack. mechanics for Miguel, use Raimundo’s Attributes and Skills
The secondary actors exchange words of encourage- as a basis. Miguel is a character handled by the Storyteller.
ment and support, psyching each other up, as it were.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
fast reflexes
language (Spanish)
professional training
retainer (Bodyguard)
stolen goods
moral support
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Karl Rivers
Karl Rivers
Quote: I’ve seen this before, and…well, if you’d calm down, I’d You don’t let on, but the things you read about often
be happy to show you. rattle your nerves, so you smoke constantly in an effort to
Background: Karl worked as an investigative reporter calm yourself. You hate it when Gabreski calls you “Junior.”
for the Philadelphia Inquirer until he was fired six months Equipment: Battered laptop (+1 to Computer rolls),
ago for his wild conspiracy theories. He has been living in cell phone with built-in camera, pack of cigarettes, Colt
his car ever since. He has spent the time working freelance M1911A1 pistol (+3 to Firearms rolls with a range of
for various tabloids and calling the SCU with all sorts of 30/60/120 yards)
strange cases, trying to convince them to help him find evi- Virtue/Vice: Karl’s Virtue is Faith. Once per session of
dence of the Truth he knows is out there. When Gabreski play he regains all spent Willpower when he is able to forge
took out a restraining order against him, he turned to his meaning from chaos and tragedy. In Karl’s case, his faith isn’t
Internet contacts, many of whom work with Network 0. in a divine being, but rather in the belief that everything ties
After he started uncovering what was really out there, together in the end. His Vice is Gluttony. He regains one
he purchased a handgun for protection. Willpower point whenever he indulges in his addiction or
Description: Karl has always looked a little crazed and appetites at some risk to himself or a loved one.
disheveled, and living out of his car isn’t helping any. His
T-shirts always look like they’ve been slept in (which is fre-
quently true), and his cologne doesn’t always cover up the
smell of body odor and cigarettes. His lack of regular groom- Moral Support
ing has left his black hair long and greasy, and his wispy Dice Pool: Primary (Andrea): Manipulation or Presence
beard is starting to fill in. + Empathy. Secondary: Wits + Expression.
Roleplaying Hints: You have a certainty to your atti- Action: Instant
tude that many people find unsettling, and you’re frequently Description: A monster might be able to tear a man’s
labeled as a crazy. You’re aware of these reactions, and even arm off or bite through his throat, but the truly terrifying
their cause, but that doesn’t sway you from your search for ones are those that can control his thoughts and feel-
the Truth. People need to know about the things that stalk ings. Hunters have long been aware that many creatures
them, whether or not they want to. of the World of Darkness can do this sort of thing—
vic neitte (free product) 2
Hunter: the vigil quickstart
some even cause memory loss by their very presence. attacks. For example, the primary actor rolls three successes.
The Moral Support Tactic, hopefully enacted before it If a vampire attempts to mind-control a member of the cell
becomes an issue, gives a cell some protection against during the scene and the usual resistance roll is Resolve, the
this kind of attack. appropriate player rolls Resolve +3.
The secondary actors exchange words of encourage- Exceptional Success: As above. In addition, the charac-
ment and support, psyching each other up, as it were. ters are inspired by the primary actor’s words, and ready to go
The primary actor then says a few words to the cell: last- into battle. Each participant regains one Willpower point.
minute advice, reminders about Tactics, or just an ad-
monition to “kill the bastards.” The cell can then enter
a dangerous situation knowing the members have each
Encyclopedic Knowledge: Karl is extremely smart
other’s backs. While this isn’t a foolproof method of pre-
and knows minute facts about a variety of strange and
venting infiltration or mind manipulation, it’s certainly
unusual topics. Whenever he is confronted by a situa-
better than nothing.
tion outside his normal realm of knowledge, he may roll
Note, though, that moral support does nothing to help
his Intelligence + Wits to produce a helpful fact about
with existing mental manipulation. If a vampire catches a
the given topic.
hunter out alone and implants a hypnotic suggestion, this
Fame: Karl has gained a small following for his expo-
Tactic does nothing to remove or weaken it. The hunter
sés and reports. He gets +1 to his Socialize or Persuasion
is protected from other mental incursions, but the prior
rolls among those who follow his career or otherwise re-
one stands.
spect his work.
Roll Results
Professional Training: Despite his checkered past,
Dramatic Failure: The cell is demoralized. Each mem-
Karl’s made a few contacts as a reporter. After Karl has had
ber loses a point of Willpower, and all Tactics rolls suffer a
some time to talk to his network of contacts, he can roll
–2 penalty for the next 24 hours.
Manipulation + Persuasion or Socialize to get information
Failure: The cell isn’t in synch today, for whatever rea-
from other reporters. If he gets at least one success, he can
son. No special protection from mental attacks.
get information on a particular topic.
Success: For the next scene, successes on the primary
Resources: Karl makes just enough money from his free-
actor’s roll are added to the hunters’ Resistance traits for
lance reporting to pay for food and gas.
purposes of countering mental and emotional supernatural
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Karl Rivers Reporter Journalist
Faith Gabreski’s Boys
The Hunt Gluttony
encyclopedic knowlege
theory fame
internet professional training
Breaking and
moral support
colt m 1911 a 1
vic neitte (free product) 2
Hunter: the vigil quickstart
Moral Support
Dice Pool: Primary (Andrea): Manipulation or Presence
+ Empathy. Secondary: Wits + Expression.
Action: Instant
Description: A monster might be able to tear a man’s
arm off or bite through his throat, but the truly terrifying
ones are those that can control his thoughts and feelings.
Hunters have long been aware that many creatures of the
World of Darkness can do this sort of thing—some even
cause memory loss by their very presence. The Moral Sup-
port Tactic, hopefully enacted before it becomes an issue,
gives a cell some protection against this kind of attack.
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Sgt. Andrea Taggart
The secondary actors exchange words of encourage- Exceptional Success: As above. In addition, the charac-
ment and support, psyching each other up, as it were. ters are inspired by the primary actor’s words, and ready to go
The primary actor then says a few words to the cell: last- into battle. Each participant regains one Willpower point.
minute advice, reminders about Tactics, or just an ad-
monition to “kill the bastards.” The cell can then enter
a dangerous situation knowing the members have each
other’s backs. While this isn’t a foolproof method of pre- Favored Weapon: Andrea’s had her ACP autoloader
venting infiltration or mind manipulation, it’s certainly since she first joined the force, and it’s served her well all these
better than nothing. years. As long as it’s on her person or within reach and easily
Note, though, that moral support does nothing to help with accessible, she gains a +2 to Resolve + Composure rolls.
existing mental manipulation. If a vampire catches a hunter Iron Stamina: Andrea is as tough as nails, and she’ll
out alone and implants a hypnotic suggestion, this Tactic does keep on kicking long after some of the other guys are curled
nothing to remove or weaken it. The hunter is protected from up in a ball and crying. She ignores up to a -2 modifier for
other mental incursions, but the prior one stands. wound penalties, meaning she loses only one die when she’s
Roll Results close to going unconscious, instead of -3.
Dramatic Failure: The cell is demoralized. Each member Professional Training: Even though Andrea is in the
loses a point of Willpower, and all Tactics rolls suffer a –2 detective division, at heart she’s a cop, and that’s where her
penalty for the next 24 hours. training lies. After Andrea has had some time to talk to her
Failure: The cell isn’t in synch today, for whatever rea- network of contacts, she can roll Manipulation + Persuasion
son. No special protection from mental attacks. or Socialize to get information from the guys in the police
Success: For the next scene, successes on the primary department. If she gets at least one success, she can get in-
actor’s roll are added to the hunters’ Resistance traits for formation on a particular topic.
purposes of countering mental and emotional supernatural Resources: Being a cop doesn’t pay much, but Andrea
attacks. For example, the primary actor rolls three successes. has spent enough time in the force to net a few good rais-
If a vampire attempts to mind-control a member of the cell es. She has a small, comfortable apartment and a car that
during the scene and the usual resistance roll is Resolve, the doesn’t need too many repairs. Given a few hours’ notice,
appropriate player rolls Resolve +3. she could scrape up $1,000 during this story.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
moral support
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Det. Jack Dean
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
common sense
professional training
moral support
motives Glock 17
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Scene Cards
SCENE: Back on the Street physical —
Getting up to speed: Raimundo or Karl are Getting up to speed: Jack takes point in the
present (-1), Darnell Waters is mentioned (-1) discussions (+1)
STs Help evoke the proper mood and understanding of the characters’ motives.
PCs Get up to speed on the details of the crime and determine the next step in the investigation.
mental —
SCENE:Pounding the Pavement physical
The Dogtowns are excessively violent due to Speaker is Raimundo (+1)
the mind control (-4)
Speaker pulls his gun (+1)
Speaker verbally threatens the Dogtowns (-1)
Give the cell with a chance to direct the course of the investigation,
STs and provide some opposition.
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Hunter: the vigil quickstart
SCENE: Rag Man physical
Crowded street (-1) Every three points the Ragman’s Speed
exceeds that of his fastest pursuer (+1)
STs Connect the cell with Rag Man, but don’t make it too easy on them.
PCs Track down the Rag Man to move the investigation forward.
SCENE: Bloodhound physical —
Rag Man isn’t quite saneLeave the tunnel alive. Rag Man has heightened sensitivity to magic
Use Rag Man’s heightened sensitivity to magic to increase the characters’ awareness of the
STs nature of Jeremiah’s powers. Also, get some information from the cell’s professional contacts
PCs Learn more about the murderer, and get information from your professional contacts.
Investigating the murder scene: The characters are rushed for time (-1)
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Scene Cards
SCENE: When It Rains, It Pours physical —
Interrogation: The characters speak too Investigating the murder scene: Each ad-
highly of the victims (-1 to cell), Choummaly ditional character assisting (+1)
is present (-1 to cell), the manager is shown Interrogation: Raimundo threatens to bring
pictures of the murder scene(s) (-1 to grocer) his crew in to trash the store (+1 to cell),
each additional cop participating (+1 to cell)
Analyzing videos: The character hasn’t
slept in awhile (-1), the viewing room is Analyzing videos: The character drinks
warm (-1) some coffee (+1), each additional person
watching (+2), exceptional success in inter-
Running fingerprint: A thunderstorm flickers rogating the grocery manager (+2)
the power (-2), Johnston catches wind of
the finger (-1) Running fingerprint: The forensics tech offers
to help (+1)
STs Reveal the final pieces of the puzzle and give the cell a suspect.
SCENE: Tiger by the Tail physical
social —
Vortex Jeremiah distracted by ritual
Controlled ghosts
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Criminal Intent
Stuck between an Elder and a court
Officer... How far will you go to
protect the Masquerade?
(39 pages, $6.99)
The Fear-maker’s
A child is going to be sacrificed
... or rescued. You decide.
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