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The Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981

Act 25 of 1981

Building Line, Carriage, Cart, Casual Vacancy, City of Coimbatore, Hut,
Hutting Ground, Infectious Disease, Municipal Office, Occupier, Ordinary
Vacancy, Palanquin, Private Street, Public Street, Public Water-Courses,
Reconstruction, Sanitary-Worker, Residence

Amendments appended: 6 of 1985, 32 of 1985, 6 of 1986, 63 of 1986, 65 of

1986, 14 of 1987, 5 of 1989, 14 of 1989, 15 of 1989, 34 of 1989, 8 of 1991, 18 of
1991, 21 of 1991, 27 of 1991, 14 of 1992, 45 of 1992, 31 of 1993, 42 of 1994, 53 of
1994, 34 of 1995, 46 of 1995, 16 of 1996, 17 of 1996, 22 of 1996, 26 of 1996, 3 of
1997, 65 of 1997, 51 of 1998, 59 of 1998, 26 of 2000, 10 of 2001, 22 of 2001, 10
of 2002, 14 of 2002, 29 of 2002, 31 of 2002, 42 of 2002, 53 of 2002, 8 of
2003, 19 of 2003, 33 of 2003, 18 of 2006, 37 of 2007, 9 of 2008, 24 of 2008,
35 of 2008, 36 of 2008, 37 of 2008, 38 of 2008, 55 of 2008, 57 of 2008

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some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts
may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the
relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the
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to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document.
178 Coimbatote City Municipal Curpotation (1981 : T.N.-Act 25

1. Slzort title, cxlcnt and collzllzencelnent.

2. Definitions.

3. The municipal authorities and their incorporation.
4. Bar of application of Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920.
5. Coustitution of council.
6. Constitution of standing comnlittees.

~ 7. Elec~ioiiof standing committee.

~ 8. Term of office of chairman of a standing committee.

9. Powers of the standing cxnmittecs and sanction of staff for
the standing comnittees.

I 10. Additional standing committees.

11. Commissioner and other officers to assist the commissioner.



The Commissio~zer.
,12. Withdrawal of cominissioner from office.
13, Powers of commissioner and other officers.

14. Custody of recor Is. .?.

. .
15. Extraardinar y powers of comrnissioller,
1981 :T. N. Act 253 ~ ri i~j .!,'rozicipul
C o i i i l b ~ iC 179 d
Corporation :
t "
16. Salary of commissioner or other officers appointed under sub-
section (2) of section 11.
17. Service regulatjons of co~nrnissionercr other officers appointed F
' !i
' 1
& : ; ~ k e ~ : i + nt'2) i;f zzio;l 1 1.
18. Delegation of commissioner's polyer to the holder o f any
municipal office. Iri !
19. Reservation o f control in respect of powers delegated. L,
20. Delegation of commissioner's extraordinary powers.
21. Delegation of powers to commissione~ by a standing corn
22. Functions of council.
23. Resolutions and orders of council.
24. Duties and pol~ersof individual couacillors. e
25. Mayor, Deputy Mayor or councillor not to receive remune-
rat ion.
26. Requisitions by council or a standing comnlittee for commis-
sionei's records. 1
27. Council's power to call for records of committees. 1
28. Appointment of joint committee.
Proviyions commoli to the collncil n d the committep-
. 29. Election of Mayor and. Deputy Mayor.
30. Term of office of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
31. District Collector to be Mayor till a llew Mayor is elected.
32. Mayor and Deputy Fdayor ineligible for i-c-olcction.
33. Rules and re ylntions for procecdil~gsof ccuncil and com-
34. Presidency of council and committees.
180 Coimbatore City Mmicipd Corp~ratiort [L981 :T. N. Aft ;%s

35. Commissioner and other officar wha;i~ to aELei~d meetings, etc.
36. C~mcillurst~ abziain from taking pari in discursion and
voting on questions in which they sro pecuniarily iillerested.
37. Resignations.
38. Saving of validity of proceedings.

The Mayor.
39. Prerogative of the Mayor.
40. Mayor to be Inembar of all committees.

The Deputy Mayor.

41. The functions of Depaty Mayor.
42. District Collector to perform functions of a Mayor.

Allm l~lstrationreport.
43. Submission of adr histration repxt to Government.
Powers of the Government.
44. Government's power. to call for records.

45. Government's power to cause inspection to be made.

46. ~overnment'spower to direct the taking of action.
47. Government's power to appoint a person to take action in
default at the expense of corporation.
48. Submission of copies of proceedings, resolutions and by-laws to
49. Power to suspend or cancel resolutions, etc., under this Act.
$0. Government's power to dissolve or supersede or reconstitute
the council.
1981 : T.N. Act 251 Coilnbalore City Municipal Corporation 181

Qualijcations and disqual~f?cationsof voters, candit lutes nnd councillors~
51. Election of councillors.
52. Number of councillors for each division.
53. Electoral rolls for divisions and qualifications for inclusion
54. Preparation and publication of electoral rolls, etc.
55. Election of same person for more than one division.
56. Disqualification of voters.
57. Qualification of candidates.
58. Disqualification of candidates.
59. Disqualification of councillors.
60. Disqualification of candidates for corruption or dislusalty.
61. Oath or affirmation io be rnade by councillors.
62. Decision of questions of disqualification of councillors.
General procedt~re for clectiorz and co-option.
63. Term of office of councillors.
64. Electicn of couccillors.
65. procedure on failure of election.
66. Procedure in case of equality of votes.
67. Notifiw.tion of elections and co-options.
68. Power of Government to make election rulcs.

69. Infringement of secrecy of electiot.

70. Minimum penai Ly t a:. an electic P.

182 C~hbatoreCity M~tnicipalCorporation 25.;
[1981 :T.N.'Ac~
,, ...

71. Promoting enmity between classes in connection with electid&:

' 72. Prn4ibition of public meetings on the day preceding tl!c
election day and on the electioil day.
73. Disturbances at elect ion mzetings.
74. Restrictions on the printicg of pamphlets, posters, etc.
75. Officers, etc., at election not to act for candidates or to inftu-
encc voting.
76. Prohibition of canvassing in or near polling stations. -

77. Penalty for disorderly conduct in or near polling stations. -

78. Penalty for misconduct at the polling station. .
79. Penalty for illegal hiring or procuring of conveyances ";at
80. Breaches of official duty in connection with election.
81. Removal of ballot papers from polling station to be an offence.
. ,-I

82. Other offences and. penalties therefor.

* .
83. Prosecution regarding certain election offences.
84. isq qualification' of persons convicted of election offences.
Requisitionrng of property for election purposes.
85. Requisitioning of premises, vehicles, etc., for election p~rpos&.
86. Payment of compensation.
87. Power to obtain information.
88. Powers of entry into and inspection of premises, etc.
89. Eviction from requisitioned premises.
90. Release of premises fron requisition.
91. Delegation of function of the Government with regard to
92, Penalty for contravertion of any order o i reqcisitioning. .
93. Limitation of power to accept property in trust.
94. Acquisition of property and interests therein.
95. Disposal of property and interest, therein.
96. Procedure for acquisition of immovable property under the
Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
97. Objects not provided for by this Act.
98. Power of council to determine whether works shall be executed
by contract. E

99, Power of the several authorities to sanction estimatzs.

100. Works costing 111orc than one lakh of rupccs.
101. General provisions regarding contt acts.
102. Mode of making contracts. 11

103. Invitation of tenders.

104. Saving of certain irregularities.
105. Securi~yfor pet;ul,n;:::r of contracin

106. Corporation establishment.
107. Emergency powers of commissioner.
108. Conditions of service of corporation establishment.
109. Time within which vacancy in certain posts must be filled up.
110, Leave, pensionary and leave contribution of certain officers..
I". ! , < ~

, i;,


F 184 Coimbatore Cit v Munic@ai Corporation ~1981: T.N. Act 25

111. Power of Gowmment to appoint special health officer.

113. Power to grant leave to establishment.

114. Commlssloner ta control corporation establishment.
115. Provjncialisation of any class of officers or servants under the


117. Enumeration of c rdinary taxes r,nd duti~s.

118. Powers of contro: of Government.

119. Notification of new taxes.
120. Saving for certain provisions of the Constitution.

The property krx.

121. Descriptioll of prolerty tax.
122. Method of asse>ssmer.tof property tax.
123. General exemp:io.ls from. property tax.
124. special exemptions and alternative bases of property tax.
125. p;operty tax, a first charge on property and movables.
126. Property tax when payable.
127, Vacancy remission.
128. Obligation of transferor and transferee to give notice of tiansfer,
129. Own!x's obligation to give notice of construction or rec&truc.
tion or demolition of building.
1981 : T.N. Act 251 Cori~zbatoreCity Municipal Corporation

130. Remission of tax in areas incli~dedor excluded in the middle oi a

half year.
131. Power of commissioner to condone omission to give notice.
132. Commissioner's power to call for information and to enter upon
I[rje profession t ox.
133. Profession tax.
134. Liability of members of firms, associations and joint Hind4
families to profession tax.
135. Liability of servants or agents to profession tax.
136. Service of notice on failure of payment of tax.
137. Statements, returns, etc., to be confidential.
138. Requisition on owner or occupier to furnish list of persons
liable to tax. '!! I
/I I

139. Requisition on employers or their representatives to furnish list.

4 . ~ e d u c t i o nof profession tax from salary or wages or other sum.
141. Special exemption from profession tax.
Tax on carriages and animals.
1/12. General provisions regarding tax on carriages and animals.
143. Liability to tax according to period for which carriage or animal
has been kept.
144. Exemption from carriage and animal tax.
145. Composition.
146. ~equisitionon occupier to furnish statement of persons liabl,- t~
147. Forms to be sent to and returned by tax-payeiss.

148. Grant of licence on p~yxWnt3f tax.

Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation [I981 : TS. Act 25

149. Power to require numbers to be affixed to carriage.
150. Registration and control of taxable carriages or animals.
Tax on carts.
151. General provisions regarding cart-tax.
152. Registration of carts.
153. Exemption.
154. Power to remit tax on cart kept for less than fifteen days o
not used.
Power to seize carriages and carts not bearing numbers.
155. Seizure of vehicles not bearing numbers.
156. Procedure after seizure.
Taxes levioble under sections 142 and 151.
157. prepayment of municipal tax conditi ~n precedent to registratia
under Tamil Nadu Act V of 1911.
Tax on advertisements .
158. Tax on ad vertisements.
159. Prohibition of advertisements without written permission
160. permission of the commissioner to become void in certain cau
161. Owncr or person in occupation to be deemed responjible.
162. Removal of unauthorised advertisements.
163. Collection of tax on advertisements.
Duty on transfers of property.
164. Method of essessment of duty on transfers of property.
165. : & 4
%- - &
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166. P ~ w e rto make rules regarding collecrion of trs-duty.

General provisions.
167. Power to exempt from taxes.
168. Power to assess ill case of escape from asscss:nent.
169. Application of Schedule 11.

2 &e hllaricryul Fulid.

170. Definition of municipal fund.

171. Audit of accounts.
. ~
172. Financial rules.
173, Contributions to expenditure by other local authorities.
174. Power of corpor~~tion
to borrow money.
175. Time of repayment of money borrowed under section 174.
176. Limit of borrowing powers.
177. Form and effect of debentures.
178. Payment to sur~~ivors
of joint pa.yees.
179. Receipt by joint holder for inlcxest or divieend.
180. M?.intenance and investment of sinking funds.
181. Application of sinking fund.
182. Annual st~tementby trustees.
. 183. Power of corpor~.tionto consolid~.telowns.
I 184. Priority of payments for interest and repayment of loens over
I other payment.
185. Attachment of municipzl fund for recovery of money borrowed
from Governme1:t.
186. stirn nates of cxpcnditure and incorne l o be prepared annually t
by t hc GO mmi ssioner. J\

187. uonsideration of the budget estimzte by the ~0Wtcil.
188. procedure of council* 4
189. gbligaioll lo passtI~'cbudget before the 15th day of 4

of the yepel..
to pass the budget before the dm date.
190. Failure of the co~mcil ,?

191. Council may pass supplemental budget.
192. Reduction or drausfer of budget grants.
193. Readjustment o! income and expenditure to be made by the
rnrnorati~n during the course of official year whenever
necessary. .3

Public Water-Supply .
> t

194. Vesting of w o r k in corporation.

195. Construction of water works.
196. provision of gr~tuitoussupply of drinking water.
197. Trespass on water-supply premises.
198. Prohibition of building over w?.ter mains.
Private water-$Upply. Y

199. Control over house connexions.

200. Private water-supply lor aonlez~t iFcA ~consumption and

powers of commissioner to etivl y.u. .".v--- ---

P c i n n of ' w8te --

Private wat er-supply for nun-domestic purposes.

~ ) 1 ammissioner's
. power to supply water for non-domtsti~
purposes at rates fixed by the standing committee.
1981 :T'N. Act 25) Coimbalore Cit;; Municipal Corporation

JuppZy in special cases.

202. Supply of water to LocaAlAuthorities.
Cost of ulnkiitg tlte contzexioi~,etc,
203. Cost of making house connexion aild of meter.
Cuttirtg ofl water-supply.
204. Power to cut offwater -supply.
205. Non-liability of corporation when supply reduced or not made in
certain cases.
206. Provision for lighting public street, etc.
Public drainuge.
207. Vesting of drains in corporation.
. 208. Maintenance of systein of drainage by the corporaation.
Private drainage!.
, 209. Control over house-drains, privies and cess-pools.
216. Connexion of house-drains with public drains.
211. Oommissioner's power to drain premises in combination.
212. Commissioner's power to close or limit rhe use of existing private
213. Buildings, etc., not to be erected witliout permission, over
drair-s .
214. Construction of culverts by owner or occupier.
215. Maint pnance oft roughs and pipes for catching wa~eg.
Public latrines.
216. Provision of public latrines.
217. Liwnsing of public latrines.
e&&atorc City ~ u n i c & a corporatior;
l [1981 : T.N. kct 25

Private latrines.
218. Provision of latrines by owner or occupier. -4
219. hovision of latrines and urinals for labourers. 4
220. Provision of latrines and urinals for m~~rkets,
cart-stmds and
ca.tt le-sheds.
221. Latrines to be screened from view.
- -.--.--rRowers.
Gpnpral ,. - -

Iwer to carr y wire,, pipes, dra ins, etc.,thra1% a pri v?.te prop
sub.ject to a u si n,g as little inconvenierice . as possible
pzying for direct damage.
223. Prohibition against making connerion without permission,

224. Power to require milway level, etc., to be raised or lowered.

. .
225. Powers of corporation in respect of works outside the City. j


226. Provision for removal of rubbish and filth. L

227. Pudic notice ordering deposit of rubbish and filth by owner or .'
228. Removal of rubbish and filth accumulating in large quantities on
premises. I .

229. Contact with owaer or occupier for removal of rubbish and

. . 230. Provision for daily cleansing of streets and removal of rubbish
and filth.
231. Right of property of corporation in things deposited in receptacles
232. Directions as to removal of rubbish and filth.
233. Maintenance of establishment for removal of rubbish a
234. Prohibition against accumulation of rubbish or filth on p
235. Contributions from persons having control over pl
pilgrimage, rtc,.
1981 :?.N. Act 2 3 Cointbatore City M~micipalCorporation 191 ,

Public Street.
236. Vesting of public streets and their appurtenances in corporation.
a d
237. Maintenance and repair of streets. * !I
238. Powers of authorities in regard to streets.
Ni I
239. Powers of commissioner to regulate access to land or building
abutting public streets.
240. Power to dispose of permanently closed streets. ;; 1
241. Acquisition of lands and buildings for improvements ofstreets.
242. Power to prescribe building line and street alignment.
i! II
243. Restrictions on erection of or addition to buildings within street
alignment or building line.
244. Setting back projecting buildings or walls.
245. Setting forward buildings to improve lioe of street.

246. Projected streets. 1

247. Temporary closure of streets.
248, Protection of appurtenances and materials of streets.
249. Power of thk COrporation to recover expenses caused by extra-
ordinary traffic. I

Private streets. la
250, Owner's obligation to make a street when disposing of lands as !i
building sites, !

251. Making of new private streets.

252. Applicatioll of sections 242, 243 and 244 to private streets.
253. Alteration or demolition of street made in breach of section 251.
254. Pawer of commissioner lo order work to bc carried out ox te
carry it out himself in default.
255. Power to declare private street as public street.

e . 7 -
EncroacJtments on street&
256. Prohibition against obstructions in streets.
257. Prohibition and regulation of doors, gro~nd-floorwindows and
bars opening outwards.
258. Removal of encroachments.
259. Power to allow certain pro,iections and erections.
260. Power of council to set up hoardings and levy fees.
261. Precautions during repair of streets.

262. Prohibition against removal of bars and lights.

263. Making holes and causing obstructior .

264. Licence for work on buildings likely to cause obstruction,

265. Clearing of de5ris of fallen houses, etc., by occupiers.

Naming or numbering of streets and buildings, eeic.

266. Naming or numbering of public streets and naming of localit
or municipal property, etc.
267. Numbering of buildings.

General powers.
268. Building rules.
269. Power of co: yoratioa Lo regulate future construction of certai
classes of buildings in particular street or localities.
270. Buildings at corner of streets.
271. Prohibition against use of inflammable materials for. buildi
etc., without permission.
Buildings other than huts.
272. Application to construct or reconstruct building.
273. Necessity for prior approval of the site.
274. Prohibition against ommencement of work without permission,
275. Period within which commissioner is to signify approval or
disapprova! .
276. Period within which commissioner is to grant or rekse to
grant permission to execute work.
277. Reference to standing committee if commissioner delays grant
or refusal of approval or permission.
278. Grounds on which approval of site for; or permission to
constuct or reconstruct building may be refused.
279. Special powers for suspending permission to construct buil-
280. Lapse of permission if not acted upon within six months and
completed within two years.
281. Inspection by commissioner.
. "

282. Power of commissioner to require alteration of work.

283. Power of commissioner to impose penalty in the case of un-
authorised constructions or alterations.
284. Stoppage of work endangering human life.
285. Sections 272 to 284 shall not apply to huts.
286. Demolition of buildings. ..
287. Application or' certain sections to wells.
288. Application to construct or reconstruct huts.
389, Rtrki\\ili t \ ( \ ~\yait\nl t*omn\enwn\trat of w t d i without prmi8-
125-12.- 1)
i 94. cOirrl&atoreCity ~ u t i c i p a z 11981 :3'. N. A@ %

290. Period within which commissioner is to grant or refuse to

grant permission to execute the work.
291. Reference to standing comnlittrz if commissioner delays,
granl .*- refusal of permission.
292. Grounds on which permission to construct or reconstruct
but may be refused.
293. Lapse of permi~siollif not actcd upon within three months
and completed within one year.
External walls, alterations and a&itions.
294. Maintenance of external walls in repair.
295. Application of provisions to alterations and additions.
' 8'

Powers of commissioner.
: 296. Demolition or alteration of building or well-work unlawfblly
commenced, carried on or completed.
297. Power of commissioner to direct removal of pelsons dire&
ing or carryiug on construction of buildings, etc.
298. Exemptions.
Prel imiptary.
299. Power of standing committee to defme and alter limits of
hutting grounds.
Improvem,ent of hutting grounds.

30. Power of commissioner to require owner of hutting ground
i to carry OU*L certain improvenlents.
301. Power of commissioner to require preparation of,standard
?I plan by owner or occupier of hutting ground.

'\ 302. Preparation of standard plan by commissioner where owner

or occupier disagree, etc.
*#rz!.g03.Suspension of buildings pending preparation of smdari
I ___*- -- -
.__.^_ -

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i j i : . T.N. k t 2jl cOjmbatorecity ~unicipol 192- - . --%- ---GG

I i


304. Prohibition of buildings contrary to standard plan.
1 I

305. Power of commissioner to require removal of building or hut

not in conformity with standard plan.
306. Power of commissioner to require carrying out of other
improvements in conformity with standard plan.

307. Inspection report and preparation of standard plan by health

officer and engineer in cases requiring expedition. >!?

308.Approval by standing committee of standard plan and Schedules 1;

annexed to report. I/'
309. Power of commissioner to require owner or occupier to carry
out improvements specified in Schedule A.
310. Payment of expenses incurred in carrying out improvements. ,1

311. Disposal by the commissioner of materials of buildings of I

huts pulled down.

312. Power of standing committee to dire3 commissioner to pure
chase or acquire buildings or land i I hutting ground.
. 313. Application of sections 304 to 306 to hutting ground for
which standard plan has been approved under section 308.
314. Alternative power of commissioner to make standard plan,
to purchase or acquire hutting ground and to carry out impro-
vements himself or through purchaser or lessee.
315. Proportion of area of hutting ground to be shown in standard
plan as streets, passages and open lands.
316. Regulation of plots by standard plan and compensation f;,l
adjustments of plots.
317. Streets and passages shown in standard plan if not public
streets to remain private.
3 18. Bathing arrangements and privy accommodations ln huttins
ground as shown in standard plan, to be kept open for use
of tenants.
319. Owner of land in hutting ground to maintain certain c o n v ~ ~
njencev on his land.
f96 Coinibdrore c i t y ~ u n i c i ~ c t l '[1981 :t k . Act 9s
Corporat ion

320. Right of owner of land and owner of building or hut over

streets, land and drains shown in stardard plan.
321. Hutting ground wken to be deemed a remodelled hutting
322. Power of owner to take land out of the category of hutting
ground in certain cases.
Hutting ground streets.
323. Power of stallding committee to prescrib5 alignment .for hut-
ting ground streets.
324. Power of commissioner to require removal of existing - huts
within the streets or hut alignment in hutting ground.
325. Power of commissioner to require space tp be kept between
masonry buildings in hutting ground and centre line of hutting
ground street.
326. Application of provisions of this Chapter to alterations or
Dangerous structrures, trees and places.
327. Precautions in case of dangerours structures.
328. Precautions in case of dangerous trees.
329. Precautions in case of dangerous tanks, wells, holes, etc.
330. Precautions against fire.
Control over waters, etc.
1 331. Prohibition of construction of wells, tanks, etc., without the
1 '
i ;ornmissioner's permission.
332. Power to stop dangerous quarrying.
. .
I: I
333. Power to order filling in of pools, etc, which are a nuisance .
-!+, , and reylstion of agriculture within C~ty. L

334. Power to order cleansing of insanitary private water course,

spring. tank, well, etc., used for drinking.
335. Duty of commissioner in respect of public well or receptacle
h . of stagnant water.

336. Prohibition against, or regulation of washing animals or

clothes or fishing in river or estuary.
337. Prohibition against contaminating water-supply.
11, Control over abandoned lands, untrimmed hedges, etc.
f 338. Untenanted buiMings or lands.
i -339. Removal of filth or noxious vegetation.
340. Abatement of nuisance from dust, smoke, etc.
341. Fencing of buildings or lands and pruning hedges and tree:.
Control over insanitary buildings.
342. Lime washing and cleansing of buildings.
343. Further powers with refereroe to inssnitary buildings.
344. Buildings unfit for human habitation,
345. Abatement of over-crowding in dwelling house or dwelling
346. Power of commissioner to use or sell materials of dangerour
building taken down, etc.
347. Limitation of compensation.
General provisions as to licezces.
a 348. Government and market committees not to obtain lianaes
b and permissions.
Food establishments.
340. Prohibition in respect of eating houses.
, .. (. .

Keeping of animals or birtlls.

350. prohibitio~in respect of keeping animals and birds and
feeding animals.
351. Destruction of stray pig, dog and monkey.
352. Licences for places in which a&ls are kept.
353. General powers of control over stables, cattle-sheds and
354. Power to direct discontinuance of use of building as a stable,
8 , cattle-shed or COV?-house.
1, Landing places, cart-stands, etc.
355. provisions of landing places, cart-stands, etc.

356. prohibition of use of public place or sides of public street

as cart-stand, etc.
35?. Recovery of cartostand fees, etc. . .
338. Licence for private cart -stand.
Carcasses o j atbit nals.
359. Removal of carcasses of animals.
industries and factories.
. .- . .
, ,

360. Purposes for which places within the limits of the City may
no1 be used without a licence.
361. Application to be made for construction, estatlishment or
installation of factory, workshop or work-place in which
steam or other power is to be employed.
362. Commissioner may issue directions for abatement of n u i w a
caused by 835, steam or other power.
363. Powsr of commissioner ra =quire owner a oecnpLr of
factory, workshop, etc.,. to put md maintain the factoryp
workshop, etc., in a cleanly state.
. ' ::
-19811 T.N. Act 251 Caimbntore City Municipal ,199
364 Power of Commissioner to require owner or occupier of
factory, etc., to discontinue the use of such factory, etc.
365. Commissioner may enter any factory, workshop or work-
366. Standing committee to inspect rites and works.
367. Power of Government to pass orders or give directions to
Washing and bathing.
368. Provision of places for bathing and lor washing animals.
369. Provision of public bathing houses, wash houses, etc.
370. Prohibition against washing by washermen at unautborised
Slaughter houses.
371. Provision of corporation slaughter houses.
372. Licence for slaughter house.
373. Slaughter of animals during festivals and ceremonies.
374. Slaughter of animals for sale or food.
375. Slaughter of animals for religious ceremonies.
376. Power to grant licences be subject to Tamil Nadu Act =XI1
of 1950,

The milk trade.

377. Regulation of milk trade,

Markets, butck r's shops, a tc.

378. Public market:.
379. Powers of municipal authorities in respect of pubilc rnarku~s.
380. Commissioner's control over public market.
$81. Ebtabliahment of private markets.
i 200 Coidatore City Municipal Corporation Act 25
[L981: TONo

' 382. Licensing of private markets.

383. Period of licence*
384. Licen:~fee for private markets.
385. Sale in unlicensed private market.
386. Powers of conlmissioner in respect of private markets.
387. Suspension or refusal oP licence in default.
388. Power of commissione; to make regulations for bazaars,
slaughter houses and places set apart for sacrifice of animals.
389. Acquisition of rights of private persons to hold private
390. Duty of expelling lepers, etc., from market and power to expel
disturbers. 'i

i P
391. Butcher's, fishmonger's and pou1tcr:r's licence.
1 .
392. Power to prohibit or regulate sale of animals, birds or articles .C
in public streets. B
393. Decision of cdsputes as to whether places are markets. d

Inspection of places for sale, etc.



! 394. Duty of commissioner to inspect. "A*

i .
. P. "' 9 4
. . I

I 395. Powers of commissioner for purposes of inspection. 7%

i wt
396. Preventing inspection by commissioner. i
1 i "1

! i'
I 397. Power of commissioner to seize diseased animal, ?~oxiousfood,
398. Removing or interfering with articles seized.

/ ,



:I 1
399. Power to destroy article seized.
, iq
i ; '.' 400.&oduction of articles, etc., seized before Magistrate and powers
i! of Magistrate to deal with them. 5%
f 1981 :T.N. Act 251 Ceimbatore City MuniCipuZ 291 !
Corporaston !
Disposal of the dead.
401. Re@strations or closing of ownerless places for disp~salof
402. Licensing places for disposal of dead.

403. Provision of burial and burning grounc'~snd crematoria within
or without the City by the Corporation.
5 4

904. Register of registered, licensed and provided places and

prohibition of use of other places.
405. Report of burials and burnings.
406. Prohibition against making of -iault or grave in place of
407. Prohibition against use of burial and burning grounds dangerous
to health or overcr~wdedwith graves.
408. Prohibition in respect of corpses.
409. Fencing, etc., of private burial grounds.
410. Grave-digger's licence.

Tyfkt;ous diseases.

411. Obligation of medical practitioner or Jwner or occupier to

report infectious diseases. I llI
5' '1

412. Power of entry into suspected places.

L - Prevention of infection.
413. Provision of conveyances for carriage of patients.
414. Power to order removal of patients to hospital.
415. Disinfection of buildings and articles.
416. Destruction of huts and sheds when necessary,
- -202 Goimbatore City MuniciVal [I981 a TA.Act 25
, 4 : .
417. Provision of places for disinfection and powa to de&oy
infected articles. % \ *
. -

418. Prohibition against transfer of infer~cdarticlesl.

419, Prohibition against hfected p e r a ~ ~
;tx;i.rg on occupstio&
. ' 4;10. kohibition against ( Liszased person entering public conveyanot.
421. Disinfection of public conveyance after carriage of patients.
422. Letting of infected buildings.
423. Power to order closure of places of public entertainment.
424. Minor from suffering infectious disease not to attend school.
425. Provision as to library books.
426. Power of Commissioner to prohibit use of water likely to spread
427. Compulsory vaccination.
428. Obligation to give information of small-pox.
429. Prohibitioh :$ variolation for small-pox.


430. Power of Government to make d e a .
/ ' 431. Rules and notifications to be placed before tho Eegisla ture?

I \ BY- LAWS^ /

1 !

i; .
432. Power of council to make by-laws.
[; ' 433. Power to give retrospective effect to certain byalaw g,

$981 :TIN. Act 251 CoirnbatU:.-City Munici'pal 203
434. Penalty for breaches of by-laws.
435. Confirmation of by-laws by Government.
436. Conditions precedent to making of by-laws.

Rule# fn lieu ofbplawr. I

437. Power of Government to make rules in lieu of bplaws.

Publication of rules, by-laws and regulat ions.
438. Publications of by-laws or rules.
439. Publication of regulations.
440. Exhibition of by-laws, rules and regulationsi

441; General provisions regarding penalties rpeciiied in tho

442. Penalty for voting when pecuniarily interested and a&g ar
, PC councillor when not entitled.

443. Penalty for acquisition, by municipal officer of interest in con-

tract or work.
444. Penalty for continuing meeting in contravention of rules, etc.
445. Penalty for omission to take out licence for vehic1o or
446. Penalty for wiVully preventing distraint.
447. Penalty for unlawful building.
448. Notice to sanitary workera before discharge.
449. Wrongfbl restraint of commissioner and his delegates.
mePenalty for not giving information or giving false informatioa
\. 204 . . Coimbatore City Municipal [I981: T.N. Act 2%
.. Co?poratlon

_ . I
Licences and permissions. 1

45 1. General provisions regarding licences, registrations and .per-

452. Appeals from commissioner to standing committee. I
. ..

453. LimiFtion of time for appeal"

Power to summon.
454. Power of person conducting election and other inquiries. , :.

455. Summons to attend w d give evidcnce or produce docummts,

456. Form of notiws and ytrmissions.
ts I-. 457. Proof of consent of municipal authorities or municipal offiki.

- 1
458. Signature on documents.
C ,

459. Publication of notifications.

460. Publication of ordr:r, notice or o i k ct~cilmezt.
~ " *

461. Publication irz new spapers.

462. Notice of prohibition or setting apart of places.
, .
Service or sending of notice, etc.
463. Method of serving documents.
Relatiorr of occupier to owner.
464. Recovery by occupier of sum leviable from owner.
f h :?*H*
Act 253 Gimbatore City Munic@a/ 265
Corporation I


commissioner's power of entry and inrpection. k

467. Power of entry to inspect, survey or exocute the work.

468. Power of entry on lands adjacent to works.
469. Inspection and stamping of weights and measures.
Power to enforw licenring pro visions.
470. Consequences of failure to obtain licences, etc., or of breach /I '
of the same.
Commiksioner's power to execzte in de/dt.

471. Time for com.pIying with order and power to enforce in , I

default. 1. i:

472. Recovery of expenses from persons liable and liPlitation

on liability of occupier.
473. Power of commissioner to agree to receive payment of expen=
in instalments.
474. Power to declare expenses on certain work to b improvem~ni
475. Improvement expenses b y whom payable.
476. Redemption of charge for improvement expenses.
477. k i e f to agents and trustees.
Payment of compenraiion, etc., by and to the Corporation,
478. Recovery of sum due as taxes.
479. Determination by district munsif of sums payable.
480. Proceeding befort: District Munsif's Court.
: 48 1. Recovery of sums payable by distress.
482. Limitation for recovery of dues.
483. Procedure in dealing with surp1us sale prome&
Provisionr regurdiug municipal prosenrtiom.
484. Period of limitation for making complaints.
485. Cognizance of offences.
486. Imprisonment in default of payment and application of costs, etc.
4a1/. Payme..: of compensation for damage to municipal properw.
Legal proceedings in general.
488. Recovery of tax, etc., by suit.
489. Institution of suits against municipal authorities, officers an4
490. Provisions respecting institution, etc., of civil and ammal
actions and obtaining legal advice.
Protecthg clawes.
491. Indemnity to Government, municipal authorities, officers and
492. Liability of commissioner and couocillors for loss, wask or '

493. Sanction for prostcution of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, etc. "

494. Assessments, etc. not to be impeached.

495, Dutia of police ~ffictrrli.
496. Power of police officers to mest persons.
497. Exorcise of powers of police officrr by municipal servant&
498. Application of term 'publis servant' to municipal ~ f i i c e a&ntg
and sub-agents.
499. Prohibition against obstrudion of municipal authorities, m b
and ooatzwtors. f
500. Prbhibition against removal of mark.
501. Prohibition against removal or obliteration of notice.
502. Prohibition against unauthorised dealing with public
rnakriafs. or
s 3 . I r t ~ . mnot
s to be granted in election or as.-mcnt p-

505. Control over municipal electrical undertakings.

506. Appointment of Special Officer in cases when ordinary ele&om
. .
are not held in-time.
. .Appointment of judicial officer to exercise and perform the
functions of Taxation Appeals Committee.
Transitional and transitory provisions.
$08. Passing of property and rights to corporation as constituted.
509. Procedure for recovery of arrears of taxes, etc.
510. Adjudication of disputes between local authorities.
. 5 11. Legal proceedings.
512. ~ cto tbe read subject to Schedule M I in regard to the constitution
of the Corporation of Coimbatore.
513. Construction of reference to "Municipality", "Municipal
Town", etc.
Schedule I-Rules regarding proceedings of the council and
Schedule 11--Taxation rules,
Schedule, 111--Financial rules.
Schedde IV--Purposes for which places may not be used without
a licence.
Schedule V-Ordinary penalties.
Schedule VI-Penalty for continuing breaches.
- ,, -
s 208 Coitnbatore City Munic&al [mi :T.N. A&"
Corporation . ..,
r .
, I.
> 9 * J L '
lt. .

TAMIL NADU ACT NO. 85 OF l98lq* . '-:

i ,


' .
[Received the asseat of the President on the 30th April 1981,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Goveinmqt
Gazette Extraordinary on the 30th April 1981 (Chi-
thirai 18, Thunmarhi-2012-Thiruvalluvar Aazdu).]
An Act to providr for the establishent of M ~ i c i p aCorp-
ration for thz City of Coimbatore in the State of T d
BEit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu
in the Thirty-second Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-


Sbrt title, 1. (1) This Act may be called the Coimbatore City
extent aad
commenmt. Municipal Corporation Act, 1981.
(2) It extends to the City of Coimbatore.
(3) It shall come into force on such date, as. tbe
Government may, by notification, appoint.
Definitions. 2. Inthis Act,unlessthe contextotherwiserequires,--

(1) "appoint" includes to appoint temporarily or in

an officiating capacity 3
. .

(2) "appointment" includes temporary and oWating

appointmerits ;

(3) "budget grant" means any sum entered on the

expenditure side of a budget estimate which has been
adopted by the council ;
*For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nit&
Governmenf Gazefte, dated the 1st April 1981, Part W-Saction 1,
page 4 76.
1981 :f .N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal 209

(4) "building" includes-

(a) a house, out-house, stable, latrine, godown,
ahed, hut ,wall and any other structure whether of masonry,
bricks, mud, wood, metalor any other material whatsoever ;
(b) a structure on wheels or siinplyresting on the
ground without foundations ; and
(c) a ship, vessel, boat, tent, van and any other
structure used for human habitation or used for keeping
.or storing any article or goods ;
(5) "building line" means a line which is in rear of the
streetalignment and to which the main wall of a bidlding
abutting on a street may lawfully extend and bzyond which
no portion of the building may extend except as prescribed
in the building rules ;

(6) "carriage" means any wheeled vehicle with

springs or other appliances acting as springs and includes
any Iund of bicycle, tricycle, cycle-rickshaw and palanquin.
but does not include any motor vehicle withir the meaning
of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (Cent~alAct IV of 1939) ;

(7) "cart" includes any wheeled vehicle which is

not a carriage but does not include any motor vehicle
within the meaning of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (Central
-Act IV of 1939) ;

(8) "casual vacancy" nleans a vacancy occurtii~g

otherwise than by efflux of time and "castcal election"
means an election held on the occurrence of a casual
vacancy ;
(9) "City or C2ilnbatore" or "City" 1il:ar;s the local.
area comprised in the Cimbatore Mu tiicipa li ty and
includes any local Lrea which after the cs mllzenccment
of this Act, is included in the City but does not include any
local area which after such commence~nentis excluded
from the City ;
(10) "Coimbatore Municipality" means tile Coirnba
tore Municipality as constituted under the Tamil Nadu
District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil N::d.l Act V of
135-91 2-1 4
210 Coilitbatore City Municipat " N. ACt
11981 :*.T. is
(11) "company" means-
(a) any coxipany as defined in the Companies Act,
1956 (Central Act 1of 19561, including any foreign company
within the meaning of section 591 of that Act ; ,

(b) any body corporate ;or

(c) any firm or association, whether incorporatd
or not, carrying on business in the Stare of Tamil Nadu
whether or not .its principal place of business is situatd
in the said State ;
(12) "Corporation" means the Municipal Corpora-
tion of Coimbatore constituted under section 3 ;

(13) "dairy" includes-

(a) any firm, cattle-shed, milk-store, milk-shop or
other place from which milk is sold or supplied for sale,
or in which milk is kep"lor sale or manufactured for sale
into butter, ghee, cheese, cream, curd, butter -milk or dried,
sterilized or condensed milk: ;and
(b) in relation to a dairy man who does not occupy
any premises for the sale of milk, any place in which he
keeps the vessels used by him fcr the starage or sale of
milk but does not include-
(i) a shop or place in which inilk is sold for
consumption on the premises only ;or
(ii) a shop or glare fvn which milk is sold or
supplied for sale ill airtight and hermetically sealed and
anopened receptacles in the same original condition in
which it was first received in such shop or place ;

(14) "dairy =an" includes any occupier of a dairy,

any cow-keeper who trades in milk or any seller o f milk
whether wholesale, or by retail ;

(1 5 ) "dairy produce" include& milk, butter, ghee,

cheese, cream, curd, butter-milk and any and every product
of milk ;
(16) "date of commencement of this Act" means the
date appointed under sub-section (3) of section 1 ;
-- -2 -1_1__ ._-__. _ - -- <---- -- .. ---- - . . --....a- .--uY1*l-.-w3r*d
I i

- '1981:T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal 21 1 ,u


Corpora [ion L '(I

(17) "filth" means-
(a) night soil and other contents of latrines, cess- \ ,

pools and drains ;

(b)dung and refuse cr useless or offcnsi~ematerial
thrown out in consequence of any process of manuhcture,
industry or trade ;and
(c) putrid and putrefying substances ;
(18) "food" includes-
(a) every article (other than drugs r;ud water)
used as food or drink for human cons~mption ;
(b) all materials used or admixed in the comn~osition
or preparation of such article ;and
(c) flavouring or colouring matter, confecuu .:ry,
spices and condiments ;
(19) "Government" means the State Government ;

(20) "hut" means any building which is constructed

principally of wood, mud, leaves, grass, thatch or metallic
sheets and includes any temporary structure of whatever
size or any small building of whatever naterial made
whick, the council n ~ a ydeclare to be a hut for tl: e purposes
ofthis Act ;
(21) "hutting ground" means an area containing lacd
occu ied by or for the purpose of any collection OF h uts
stan 'ngon aplot of land, or two or more plots of land
which are adjacent to one another and not less than two
hundred and twenty square metres in area ;
(22) c'infectious disease9'shall have the same meaning
as in section 52 of the Tamil Nadu Public Health Act,
1939'(Tamil Nadu Act 111 of 1939) ;
(23) '%trine" msans r ?lece set apart for defecating
or urinating or both and includes a closet of the dry or
water-carriage type and urinal 1
(24) "local authority" does not include a cantonment
authotrty 1
125-1214 A
-? l 2 Coimbatore City Mu~icipal [ 1981 &: T.N. k : 2 5

(25) "milk" means the milk of a cow, buffalo,

goat, ass or other animal and includes cream, skimmed
milk, separated milk and condensed, sterilized or disicatad
milk or any other product of milk ;
(26) "municipal oftice" means the principal office of
the corporation ;
(27) "nuisance" includes any act, omission, place or
thing which causes or is likely to cause injury, danger,
annnvance or offence to the sense of sight, smell or hearing
cr diwuibance to rest or sleep or which is.or #may be
dangerous to life or injurious to the health or property
of tnz pul~licor the people in general who dwell or occupy
property in the vicinity, or persons who may have occasion
to use any public right ;
(28) "occupier" includes-
(a) any person for the time being paying o r liable
to pay to the owner the rent or any portio~lof the rent.oEshe
land or k;.ilding or part of the same in respect of which the
word is used or damages on account of the occupation of
such land, building or part ; and
(b) a reat-free occupant ;
(29) "ordinary vacancy" means a vacancy occurrinh by
effiw r )f time and "ordi lary election" meansvan elictibn
held on the occurrence of an ordinary vacancy ;
(30) "owner" includes-
(a) t b person for the time being receiving-or
ectitled to receive whether on his own account1~br:ols
agent, trustee, guardian, manager or receiver .for.anothir
person, or for any religious or charitable .purpose fkalrent' ..
or profits of the property in connection with which the
word is used ; and -
(b) the person for ihe ti ine being in charge-of $he
animal or vehicie, in connection with which the word is
used ; ,
(31 "palanquin" includes to iljo ns, manchili. and
chairs carried by men by means of posts, but not slings
or cots used for the conveyance of children or aged or
sick persons ;
1981: T.N. Act 25j Coimbatorc C itj? '1 3 U

Muni c ipal Co~poratiotz

(32) "private street" means any street, road, square,
court, alley, passagc ur :iding-path, -.vhichi s I I G ~n "public
street" but does t ~ c include
t a pathway n n d e by the owner
of premises on his own land to secure access to cr rhe
convenient use of such premists ;
(33) "public street" mcnns any strect, road, .;.*are,
court alley, passage cr riding-path over which the public
have a-right of way, whctlzcr it thoroughrzre c,r not, and
(a) the roadway over any public bridge or cause-

I way,; .

(b) the footway attached to cny such street,

public bridge or causeway ; and
(c) the drains attached to any sucli street, public
bridge or causeway and thc land, whether cover~dor nct
by any pavement, verafidah, or other structure, which
lies on either side of the rcladway up to. the boundaries
of theqadjacent property whether that property is private
property or property belonging to the Central or sily State
Government ;
(34) "public water-courscs, springs, wells and
tanks" include those used by the public to suc?z an extent
as to give a prescriptive right to such use ;

(a) the re-erection wholly or partially of any

building after more t'zan one-half of its cubical coiltents
has been taken down G r burnt down, or has fallen down
whether at one time or not ;
(h) the re-eret=tion wholly or partially of any
building of which an outer wall has been taken down or
burnt down or has fallen down to or within three metres
of the ground adjoining the lowest storey of the building,
and of any frame building which has so far been taken
down or burnt down or has fallen dowa as to leave only
the frame work of the lowest storey ;
(c) the conversion into a dwelling-l~ouseor a
place of public worship of any building not originally
constructed for human habitation or for public worshipa
214 Coirnbatore City Municipal [1981: T. N. Act 25
as the case may be, or the conversion into more than one
dwelling-house of a building originally constructed as one
dwelling-house only or the conversion of dwelling-house
into a factory ;
(d) the re-conversion into a dwelling-house or a
place of public wcrship or a factory of a ~y building which
has been discontinued as, or appropriated for any purpose
other thac a dwelling-3ouse or a place of public worship
or a factory, as the casa may be ;
(36) "residencew-~'reside"-a person is deemed to
have his ~'reskience" or to '(reside" in any house 02 hut
if' he sometimes uses any portioa thereof as a sleeping
apartment, and a person is not deemed to Cease to reside
in any such house or hut merely because he is absent
from it or has elsewhere another dwelling in which he
resides, if he is at liberty to return to such house or hut
at any time anct has not abandoned his intention of
retu;millg 1
(37) "rubbish" means dust, ashes, broken bricks,
mortar, brc~kenglass, and refuse of any kind which i s
t, ('filth"; , $ 2

(38) "salary" means pay and acting pay or payment

by way of commission and includes exchange compensa-
tionallowances, but not allowances for house-rent, carriage-
hire or travelling expenses ;
(39) "sanitary-worker " means a per scn employed
in co!lecting or removing rubbish or filth or in cleansing
drains, latrines, or slaughter-houses or in driving cans
used lol :he removal of rubbish or filth ;
(40) "Scheduled Castes" shall have the same
meaning as i z the Constitution ;
(41) "Scheduled Tribes" shall have the same meaning
as in the Constitution ;
(42) "street-alignment " means a line dividing *he
land comprised in and forming part of a street from the
adjoining land ; / ...
(43) ccwater-course" includes any river, stream cr
channel whether natural or artificial ;
< .. .
. .
(44) "year" means the financial year,
1981 : T.N. Act 251 Coimbarore City Mulzicipal 215

3. (1) There shall be a corporation charged with the The Municipal

municipal government 6 f the City of Coimbat ere t o be their
known as the Municipal Cqrporation of Coimbatore. poratjon. I

(2) The corporation shall, by tbe said name, be a

body corporate, shall have perpetual succession and a
common seal and subject to any restrictions or qualifi-
cations imposed by this Act or any other enactment, shall
be. vested with the capacity of suing or being sued in its
corporate name, of acquiring, holding or transferring
property movable or immovable, of entering in to contracts
and of doing all things necessary for the prrposc of its
(3) For the efficient performance of the functions
of the corporation, there shall be the follolving municipal
authorities of the corporation, namely :-
(a) a council, 1% I
, -
(b) standing committees, and
. l
: I
. ,(c) acommissioner.
" I
- .

(4) The Government may, by notification ,declare I .

t heir intation-
(a) to exclude from the City any local area com-
prised therein and defined in such notification ;or
+ ,
(b) to include within the City any local area in the
vicinity thereof and defined in such notification :
Provided that no cantonment shall be included within
the City. a

(5) Any inhabitant of a local area in respect

which any such notification has been publisl!ed or any
of -

local authority affected by any such notification, or the

council of the corporation desiring to object to anything
t herein contained, ma3 submit the objections in writing
t' o the Government within six weeks from the publication
0 f the notification and the Gwernment shall take all su@
~bjectioQS into co nsidgatioq,
21 6 Cairnbatore City J4~1dc$al [ 1981 :T.N. Act 25'

(6) When six weeks from the publication sf the

notification have expired, and the Government have
considered the objections, if any, which have been sub-
mitted, they may, as the case may be, by notification,
exclude from or include in, the City, the local area or any
portion thereof.
(7) This Act shall cease to apply to, or come into
I forrx In, any such local area or any portion thereof, as
the caJe may be, on such date as may be specified inqtha
notification under sub-section (6).

(8) Tf any lo :a1 area in which the Tainil Nadu District

Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920).
or the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1958 (Tamil Naduz-
ActsXXXV of 1958), is in force, is constituted as, or included'

in, the City, the Government may pass such orders as

they may deem fit as to the transfer to the corporation
or disposal otherwise of the assets or institutions of any
municipality or panchayat in the local area and as to the
discharge of the liabilities, if any, of such municipality
or panchayat relating to such assets or institutions, as t b
case may be.

Rar of appiica- 4. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub- section^ (2)

tion of Tamil and (31, the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act,
Nadu Act
1920. of 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920) shall, with effect from
the date of commencement of this Act, cease to apply to
the City.

~ (2) Such cesser shall not affect-

(a) the previous operation of thc; Tamil Nadu

District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act \r of'
1920) in respect of [he C'ty,
(b) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment inourred"
in respect o? an] offence committed against the Tamil
Nada District Municipalities Act, 192C (Tamil Nadu Act V ,
of 1920). or
inuesiigation, legal proceedings or remedy
(cj a n y
in respect of such penalty, forfeiture or punishment
and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may
imposed,aq if this Act had not been passed.
' I..

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..i,cr--- .


C- -5
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d,# ?*d-&?-G*
z- *,- - .
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f ~&t@fior&
b , z n t ; 6 - ~ z5z z e , i s w d 0; lonfcrred
under the Tamil Nadu District Munjcipa1:ties Acr,
1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920), and in force on the
date of commencement of this Act shall, so far as they
are not inconsistent with tha provisions of this Act,continu;
t t be
~ in force in the City, until they are replaced by the
notifications, rules, by-laws, regulations, orders, directions
and powers to be made, or issued, or conferred under this
5. (1) The Government shall, from time to time, Conrtitution of
by notification, determine the total number of councillors council.
to be elected to the council :
Provided that the total number of councillors shall
be not more than eighty and not less than forty-eight.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3),
all the councillors of the council shall #beelected in the
manner laid down in this Act.
(3) Among the. elected members of the councl!
there shall be-
(a) five persons belonging to Scheduled Castes
or Scheduled Tribes ; and
(b) five) persons who are women
a8 councillors :

Provided that if the requisite number of persons

specified in clause (a) or clause (b) of this sub-section.
is not elected to thk council, then, the elected members
of;thk; council shall, in accordance with such procedure
as may bi: prescribed, co-opt to itself as councillors, the
required number of persons specified in clause (u) or
clause (b) :
Provided further t bat no person shall . be co-opted
under this sub-section unless such person is eligible for
being el~ctcdas a councillor from any one of the divi-
Provided also that the counciilors so co-opted shal!
hiwe all:.the riphts, powers and privileges of an elected
218 Coimbatore City Municipal (1981: T.N. Act 25
1 : : ,

Provided also that if among the members of the

council, there is any woman belonging to Scheduled Castes
or Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be, then for the
purposes of reckoning the number of members of the
Schedr~ledCastes or Scheduled Tribes to be co-opted
under the first proviso, such women shall not be deemed
;o represent the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes
and shall bc excluded and accordingly the requisite number
of membcrs of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes.
specified in the first proviso shall be co-opted.

Constitut ion of 6. (1) There shall be six standing committees for

st anding dealing r~spectivelywith-
(1) Accounts,
(2) Education,
(3) Health,
(4) Taxation and Finance, excluding Taxation
Appeals, i

( 5 ) Town Planning and Improvements, and ,

I i
, a
(6) Works. . ,J

(2) Wherever in this Act the expression '4he standing i

committee" occurs it shall, unless the context otherwise
requires, be deemed to refer to the particular' standing
committee to which the power or duty in connection with . ':
which the expression is used, is assig~edby this Act or by
l-egulations made by the council ;and all references to the
standing committee in any other law shall be:cpnstrued
as references to the particular standing mmmittee to ,

which the power or d ~ t conferred

y or imposed by such law ;
is assigned by this Act or by regulations made by th .a
count dl. . . 3
t ' -

Sleaion of 7. (1) Every -standing committee shall .co&ist of s&

standing members elected by the council fr3m among its.councillo~s -
committee by a majority of the councillors present and 'voting i!i .q1 '5

accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed; an$

the chairman of such standing committee shall be el&-
ted by such standing committee from among its members
on such date as may be fixed by the Mayor' in this behalf :,
in accordance with such procedure as may be prcsdkd :$
1981: T. N. Act 251 Coirnbatore City Municipal 21 9
Corporut ion
Provided that tio councillor shall be a membar of
.more than one standing committee at the same time.
(2) A councillor elected to be a member of a standing
committee shall hold ofice as such, unless he sooner resigns
the same till his term of officeas councillor is in any
manner determined.
(3) When a vacancy occurs in the office of member
a standing committee, the council shall fill up the vacancy
as soon as may be, by the election of another councillor.
8. (1) The term of office of chairman of any standing T C of~ office
5 zommittee constituted under this Act, shall be, only one of chairmac of
4 year from the date of his election as such chairman ;and a "and1%
on outgoing chairman of any standing committee shall committee.
not be eligible for re-election.

(2) If a vacancy occurs in the office of chairman . .,

of any standing committee, the Mayor shall convene a
- - -
,I .,
meeting of that committee for the election of another '

chdrman and the chairman elected at such meeting shall

be entitled to hold officeas such only SO long as the person
in whose office he is elected would have been entitled to
hold office if the vacancy had not occurred. , I

9. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the pmers of the
rules made thereunder and subject t o the previous approval standing
of the Government, the council shall, by regulations committees
framed for the purpose, aetermine the powers and duties of and sanction
of the standing committees. the standing
(2) he council shall sanction such staff as may
rsasonably be required by each standing committee, to
discharge its filncti~tls.

(3) ?he standing committee on accounts in addition

yo the powers and duties assigned to it under s u i ~ -J0 ~~- ~
(a) shall supervise the utilisation of the budget
grants ;
(b) shall have access to the accounts of the tor.
poration and may require the commissioner to furaish
any explanation which it considers to be necessary as to
the and srpenditure of the municipal fund ;
220 Coirnbatore City,. [IPS$ :TeNeAct25
M i o&al Corporation

(c) may conduct a monthly audit of >the\muniri-

pal accoui~tsand .shall be bound, % t ocheck t&e%
abstract of receipts and disbursements for the preceding
month . as furnished: by the commissionw -:2nd.

(d) may write off any tax, fee or other amount

whatsoever due to the corporation, whether under a con-
tract or otherwise, or any sum payable in connection there-
witli:, if .it appears to the committee that ,such tax, fee,
amount or (sum-is irrecoverable.

(4) The standing committee on taxationi and finance

sKa11, in addition to: the duties and powers assigned; to it
under the regulations referred to i n sub-section (I), be
also entitled to exercise the powers referred to in clause
(b') of sub-section (3)

~dditiond 10: The council may, with the previous sanction of the
standing Government,. constitute additional standing-committees
committees. for such purposes as the council thinks fit.

Cornmissioaer 11.. (1) There shall1 be a commissioner who. .shall be

and other appointed by the Government.
ofxicers to
assist the
co&ssioner 9 (2) The Government may appoiilt such otller officers
to assist ~the.commissioneras may be necessary.

(3) The commissioner and other oflicers appointed

under sub-section (2) shall be whole-time.officers .of the
corporation and shall not undertake any work unconnected
with theii offices without the sanction of the council and
the Government..

(4) The Government may recover from the corpo-

ration the whole of the salary and allowances paid to the
commissioner and other officers appointed undez sub-sec-
tion (2) and. such contribution towardd their leave+-allow-
.ncec, pension and provident fund as the Government
may, by general or special order, determine,

(5) Subject to the provisions of section 12, the Gover

merit. shall \ave power t o regul?.te the methodst of recru
merit, coiiditiors of service, pay and allowances and fis-
cipline and conduct of the cominissionei-, and-other ofears
appointed under sub-section (2)'.
1981 :.T.N. Act%] Coimbatore City 2il
Municipal Corporation

The Commissioner.
12. :The Government may, at any time, withdraw the Withdrawal of
commissioner vfrom office.and shall do so if such witl.drawal commissioner
is recommended .by a resolution of the council.passed at a from office.
special meeting called for the purpose andssupported by
the votes of such number of councillors as shall cons-
titute .not-;less than two-thirds of the sanctioned strength
crf tlie .councii.
13. (1) Subject, whenever it is hereinafter expressly powel$ of
directed, to the sanction of the council or the standing commis~iancr
. committee, -as the case may be, and subjzct to all other and other.ofi-
restrictions, slimitations and conditions as may-be presc-I-cers.
bed or as are hereinafter imposed in this Act,the executive
power for the purpose of carrj ing o tit the provisions of this
Act be vestCd in the commissioner.
(2) The commissioner may, without the saqct'1011 of
the council incur petty contingent expenditure incidental
toithe municipal administration, not exceediqg five hundred
rupees in each case:
Provided that-
(a) provision to meet the expenditure is available
under the relevant head of account in the budget framed
by[& council, with the modifications, if any, made therein
by the Government ; and
(b) the commissioner shall report any expendi-
ture incurred under this sub-section and tile reasons therefor
to the council at its next meeting.
(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (I), the
commissioner and other ~~~~~~s sl~allperform all t l ~ cduties
and exercise all the powers, spccilically ill~poscclor con-
ferred on the commissioner or other officers, as the case
may.be, under this Act.
14. The commissioner shall be responsible for. the custody if i
custody of all the records of the corporation incloding.al1 recoris. !
papers and documents connected with the proceedings
of the council, the standing cointnittees and other com-
mittees and shall arrange for tlic perforn~a~cc of such
duties relating to the proceedings or the said bodies .as
they lnoy i*especti~ely
222 Cofmbatote City 11981 :T.N.-Act 25.
Municipul Corporation

Extraordinary 15. The commissioner may, in cases of emergency

Powers ofcorn-direct the execution of any work or the doing of any
missioner. act which .would ordinarily require the sanction of any
municipal authority and the i mmedi ate execution or doing
. - ., of which is, in' his opinion, necessary for the service or
safety of the public and may direct that the expense of
executing the work or of doing the act shall be paid from
the municipal fund :
Provided that he shall report fortl~withthe action taken
under this section and the reasons tkrefor to such authority.
salary of corn- 16. The commissioner or other officers appointed under
mission@Or Ot- sub-section (2) of section 11 shall be paid out of the m h i -
bet officers
pointed Under cipal fund such salary and allowances as may from time
sub-oe~tton(2) to time be fixed by the Government.
of section 110
Service regula- 17. I:f the commissioner or other officers appointed
tions of c0-i- under sub-section (2) of section 11 is a civil or military
ssioner Or Other officer in the service of the Government, the corporation
t ed under sub- shall make such contribution towards his leave allowance,
section 2) of pension and provident funds as may be required by the -
section 1 I. conditions of his service under the Government to be
paid by hin or on his behalf.
Delestion of 118. The commissioner may delegate any of the powers,
powerto the duties or functions conferred or imposed upon or vested
holder of cay in him by or under this Act to the holder of any municipal
j municipal office :
088ce. Provided that-
(a) such delegation shall be ia writing 8nd a copy '
of 'the order of delegation shall be laid before the council *

at the meeting held next after the order of delegation is

(b) when the commissjoner delegates under this
section any power, duty or fun:tion which is exercisable .
or is required to be performed subject to the approval
of any other knunicipal authority, the commissioner h U
send a copy of the c:?.:r c f deleeation to such authority.
19. The exercise or discharge by the holder 'of any '

Reservati0n of municipal office of any powers, duties or functions dele- .

control in res-
pect of powers Elated to him under section 18, shall be subject to such
delclrpted. restrictions, limitations and conditions, if any, as m y
be 1aY.d down by the commissioner and shall also be
subject to his control and revision.
*Act251 . Coimbatore City
Mioricipal Corporation
20. The. commissioner may, on his own responsibility Delegation of
and by an order in w~iting,authorise the holder of any cf)mmiss.ioner's
municipal office or any person in temporary charge of the extraordmary
duties of such municipal office to exercise the extraordi- powers.
nary powers conferred on him by section 15.

21. (1) In any case in which it is provided by this Act Delegation of

or any other law that the commissioner may take action powers t d
subject to the approval, sanction, consent or concurrence commissioner
of a standing committee, the committee may, by resolution by a standing
cornmi ttee.
in writing, authorise him to take action in anticipation
of its approval, sanction, consent or concurrence subject
to such conditions as may be specified in such resolution,
(2) Whenever the Commissioner, in pursuance of
such resolution, takes any action in anticipation of the
approval, sanction, consent or concurrence of standing
committee he shall forth-with inform the committee of the

The Council. 1
22. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the muni- Functions of ,
cipal Government of the city shall vest in the co~ncil,butcouncil.
the council shall not be entitled to exercise functions ex-
pressly assigned by or under this Act or any other law to a
standing committee or the commissioner.
. (2) If any doubt arises as to the municipal authority
to which any particular function pertains, the Mayor shall
refer the matter to the Government wbose decision thereon
shall be f i d .
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-section
(I), it shall be the duty of the council to consider all perio-
dical statements of receipts and disbursements and all
progress reports and pass such resloutions thereon as it
thinks fit.
23. (1) The standing ~0mmitteesand the commissioner Resolutioas
shall be bound to give effect to every resolution or order and orders of .
of the council unless such resolution or order is cancelled council.
in whole or in part by the (3overnrnent.
. (2) If, in the o inion of the commissioner, any.
, I 3

resolution or order 0 the councjl or a committee cons- I

tituted under this Act, contravenes any provision of this I

i '
224 ~ o l d a t o r city
c [198l :@.d:~c$l$

or.any other Act or of any rule, lnotification; <regulation.or

*.by-law.made or issued under this or any other '*Actortany
order passed by the Government, or if there 4s %no,pro-
vision in the budget of the council authorising the doing
I of any action contemplated in such resolution $or.dder,
or if the doing of any such adion contemplated in such
resolutioll or order involves expenditure ,in excess, df the
amount provided for in the budget of the coun~il,~,or.~if
there wou!d be any ii~iscarriageof justice in the imple-
mentation of such resolution or order relating >tolw r -
-poration establishment, he shall $withina period of ithirty *.

days from the date of passing of the resolution. or,order

or such further period not exceeding fifteen dziy~,.~asi,the I

Government may, by general or special order specify .from .

time to time. nfcr the matter to the Government for
orders, and inform the council or the committee, as the
; may be, of the+action taken by him at its next
meeting and until, the orders of the Government on slrch
reference are received the commissioner shall not be
hound to give effect to the resolution or order.

&tics an1
24. (1) Any councillor may call the attention of the
powers of jnii- p.roper authority to anyne lect in the execution of muhi-
,,idunl !?
oouncil-ctpaI work, to anzr~wasteo municipal property or to the
lor$. wants of any .locality; and may suggest any -ilpprovement
which he considers desirable.

(2) Every . councillor shall have the right.

pellate the Mayorqon matters connected ?withthem
administration bisuhjectto isuch ,regulations as 13

framed by the council.

(3) Every councillor shall-,have access dur

hours .to the records of the -corporation.,kiftcr-jj$
notice ro the.~commissioner,provided that tb-
sioner may for reasons given in writing foibid such
The c3uncillor may appeal against such order to the
wllose decision thereon shall be final.
i Mayor, , a p u l 25. Neither the Mayor nor the ~ e ~ u t ) i - ~ a ~ o r , ~ o o
'.^ r . a n y

Mayor, or .CC- co~ncillorrhall receive or be paid .from ,t6 fmds at ;I;

uncillor not to disposal of or under the control of the corporation, any +;
services rendered ,byhim ,{
eive rorr.unc-salary or other remuneration &for
in any capacity whatsoever : :. .,$ I
1*1! T.X. Act 251 Coh6utore Ctty 225
Mm!c&al Corporation
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the
payment of any conveyance allowance or travelling allo-
wance t~ the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor or any councillor
by the corporation at such rates as may be prescribed:
Provided that the number of such persons shall not
exceed one-third of the total number of members of the
joint committee.
26. (1) The council or a standing committee may at Requisitio- by
g,i any time require the commissioner- council or
a standing
committee - for
(a) to produce any record, correspondance, plan ,dsrioner,s
or other document which is in his possession
- or under his records.
control as commissioner ;
(b) to furnish any return, plan, estimate, statement,
account or statistics connected with the munici,wl
. . adminis-
tration ;
(c) to furnish a report by himself or to obtain
from any head of department subordinate t o him and fir-
nish. with his own remarks thereon, a report upon any
subject, connected with the municipal administration.

(2) The coinmissioner sball comply with every such

requisition unless in his opinion immediate compliance
therewith would be prejudicial to the interests of the cor-
poration or of the public, in which case, he shall make a
declaration in writing to that effect and shall, if required
by the council or the standing committee, as the case may
be, refer the question to the Mayor whose decision thereon
shall be final.
27. The eou~~cilmay at any time call for an extract Council's
from the proceedings of a standing committee or of afiy powers to call
other committue or for any return, statement, account for records of
or report connected with any matter with which such corn-
mittee is empowered to deal and every such rrny1;qi- A

tion shall be complied with by such committee.

18. (1) The council may, and if so required by the Appointment of
Government shall, join with one, or more thao one other joist
boa1 authority in constituting a joint committee for any
purpose in which they are jointly interested or for any
matt@ for which they arc jointly responsible.
226 Coimbatore City [I981 ..i TbNbAct.
. @5
Municipal Corporation
(2) A joint committee may include persons who are
not members of the local authorities concerned, but who
may in their opinion possess special qualifications or special
interest for sex ving on such committee.
(3) The constitution of a joint committee shall be by
means of regulations which shall not, except in the cases
referred to in sub-sections (6) and (7), have effect unless
assented to by each of the local authorities concerned.
(4). The regulations shill1 determine-. .
(a) the total number of members of the joint
committee ;
(b) the number who shall be members of the local
authorities concerned and the number who may be outsiders;
(c) the PerstJm ~ r h n<hallbe members ofthejoint
committee or the manner in which they shall be elected
or appointed ;
(d) tho persons who shall be the chairman of the
joint committee or the manner in which he shall be elected
or appointed ;

(e) the term of office of members and chairman; %

(f)the powers, being powers exercisable by one or

more of the local authorities concerned, which may be
exercised by the joint committee; and
x .
* *
r ?
(g) the procedure of the joint committee.

(5) Regulations made under sub-sections (3) and (4)

may be varied or revoked provided that all the local authori-
ties concerned assent to such variation or revocation.
(6) If the Government take action under sub-section
(I), they may issue such directions as they think necessary
or desirable in respect of all or any of the matters referred
, sub-section (4).
t ~ :-
(7) If any difference of opinion arises between local
authorities under any of the foregoing provisions of this
section$ shall be referred to the Government whose decision
thereon shall be final.
1981 :f.N.Act 25J Coimbafore City 229
Mtmic i p d Corporation
Provisions common to the council ~ n dcommittee.
29. (1) The council shall, at its first meeting after each Election to
ordinary election to the council and at its first meeting after Mayor and
the expiry o f t wo years thereafter- Deputy Mayor.
( i ) elect one of its members to be the Mayor; and
(ii) elect one of its members other than the Mayor
to be the Deputy Mayor.
(2) A Deputy Mayor on being elected as Mayor shall
cease to be the Deputy Mayor.
30. (1) The Mayor or Deputy Mayor shall be entitled Termof
to hold officefor a pedod of two years from the date of of Mayor and
his election and the Mayor or Deputy Mayor shall continue Deputy Mayor*
as such Mayor or Deputy Mayor until the elcction of his
sucessor provided that in the meantime he does not cease
to be a councillor :
Provided that when there is an ordinary election, the
term of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor holding office on the
date of the ordinary election shall hs upto the date of the
election of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, as th.: case may be,
under section 29, notwithstanding that such term is less
than two years.
(2) On the occurrence of any vacancy in the office
of Mayor or Deputy Mayor, the council shall at its next
~ e e t i n gelect a successor, who shall be entitled tb ?qld
orfice so long as the person in whose place he is electcd
would have been entitled to hold office if the vacancy had
not occurred.
31. Notwithstanding anything contained in tlus A?, *istact Collec-
after each ordinary election to the coundl and untll tor t~ be Mayor
such time as a Mayor is elected, the Dist~ict Collector till a new
shall on and from snch date as may bbe spc-ified by the ted. is elec-
Government be the ex-officio member iind Mibyor of
the council.
32. An 0~tg01ng Mayor oi Deputy Mayor, as the Mayor and
case may be, shall not be eligible foi re-election as Mayor Deputy Mayor
or Deputy Mayor during the period upto the next ordinary ineliOible for
elections and in case of*extension of term of oflice of the re-election.
~ouncillorsby any law for the time being in force, during
the remainder of the period of such extension.
f 28 himbatore City ~1961:TS.Act $8
Municipal Corporation

Rules and 33. The council and the standing committees shall
rc~lationsfor observe the procedqre laid down in Schedule I and.may
pq*eeedjn@ of make supplementary.regulations, not inconsistent there-
, c?!{t#r?c
" with, or with other provisions of this Act or any rules
made by the Government, for the conduct of their respec-
tive proceedings and also for the maintenance of order at
their me ttings.
Exp1anution.-Any supplementary regulatioq made
under this section shall, if it is inconsistent with the provi-
sions of any rule made subsequsntly, become void40 the
extent of such inconsistency.
RYrosid-aof 34. (1) Every meeting of the coun{:il shall be presided
c ~ m c i (and
~ over- by the Mayor, in his absence by the Deputy Mayof +
committwb. a n d in the absence of1 both the Mayor and the Deputy
Mayor, by a. councillor chosen by the meeting to preside
for. the occasion.
(2) Every meeting of a standing committee shall be
presided over by its chairman. and in his absenca by a
member thereof ohosen.by the meeting to presida for the
(3). The Mayorstbe-Deputy Mayor, the counoiUor-or
the chairman, as the case may be, presiding at a meeting
of the council or committee shall preserve order and shall
decide all points. of.order and procedure arising at or in
connection with meetings. There shall be no discussion
an any point of order and the decision of the Mayor, tb
Dpputy Mayor, the .councillor or the chairman themnr
shall, save as,is otherwise expressly provided in this. Aot,
be hd.
(4) The. ~ e ~ u t y . ~ a oyr othe
r councillor presiding at
of th9 couocil and tho member presiding *+a
w f i n g of a, standing committee shall fur that meetinp,and
duqiging.the. pericd that :he pzesides over it have all t b
pawprs and be subjectto"all the obligations of the*Mayor
or the chairman, as the case may be.

(5) The Mayor, the Deputy Mayor or the COUQ&O~

presiding,at a meeting of & bodubil may drect any coan-
&lor whose. conduct 1s in his opinion grossly d i s o ~ d eto
withdrasr iminedately from the meeting and any wun-
cillor SO ordxred to withdraw shall do so forthwith and
absent himself during the remainder of the day's meeting.
I981:T.N. ~ c251
t Goimbatore City 2215)
Municipal Corporation
If such councillor refuses to withdraw, the Mayor, the
Deputy Mayor or the councillor presiditlg at the meeting
may arder his removal by force. The councillor so directed
to be absent shall not be deemed to have failed to attend the
meeting of the council For the purpose of clause ( I ) of sub-
,ection (1) of section 59.
35. (1) The commissioner shall have the right to attend Commissioner
the meetings of the council and of any standing committee or other offimr
or other committee constituted under this Act and to take when to attend
part in the discussio~but shall not have the right to move meetings, etc.
any resolution or to vote.
(2) The commissioner, or other officer appointed
under sub-section (2) of section 11 sh: 11 attend any meeting
of the council or of any standing committee or other corn-
nnittee constituted under this Act if required to do so by tho
Mayor or the chairman of the committee, as the case may
36. (1) No councillor shzll vote on or take part in the ~ u t l a i 1 l o nto
discussion of any question coming up for consideration at abstain from
a mecting of the council or of any standing committee or of taking Part in and
other committee if the question is one in which, apart from voting on qucs.
its genera application to the public, he has any direct or tions in which
indirect pecuniary interest by himself or his partner. they are pecu-
(2) The Mayor or chairman of any committee may
prohibit any councillor from voting on or taking part in
the discussion of any matter in which the councillor is I
believed to have such interest, or he may require the
councillor to absent himelf during the discussion.
(3) Blch councillor may challenge the decision of the
Mayor or chaiman of the committee concerned who shall
thereupon put the question to the meeting. The llecision
of the meeting shall be final.
(4) If the Mayor or chairman of any committee is
alleged by any councillor present at the meeting to have
any such interest in any matter under discussion, he may,
on the motion of such councillor if carried, be required to
absent himself from the mseticg Co:.i3g the discussion.
(5) The councillor concerned shall not bc entitled
to vote on the question rererred to in sub-section (3) and
the Mayor or chairman of' the committee concerucd shall
not be entitled to vote on the motion referred to i n sub=
230 CotmBaiore City [1981: TON. ~ e t - 2 5
Munf cipal Corporation
Exp~anatlon.--In this section "Mayor" ineludes a
Deputy Mayor,or councillor presiding for the occasion and
~'chairmad'i~cludes a member presiding for the occasion
at a meeting of a committee.
ResignatiOllS. 37. The Mayor rnay resign his office by giving notice in
, . writing to the council; and the Deputy Mayor or any coun-
. I cillor other than the Mayor, or any member or chairman of
a standiug committee or other committee may resignhis
office by giving notice in writing to the Mayor. Such
resignation shall take effect in the case of the Mayor from
the date on which it is placed before the special meeting
ofthe council to be convened by the Deputy Mayor or in
his absence, by the District Collector within ten days from
the date of receipt of such notice and in any other cases
%omthe date on which it is received by the Mayor.

saving of vall- 38. No act or proceeding of the council or of a standing

dity 0'f'~rocmd-,wit tee or any other committee constituted under this
inas. 1 ~ c ort of any person acting as Mayor, Deputy Mayor or
member of the council or committee shall be deemed to
be invalid or ever to have been invalid b reason only of a
defect in the establishment of the counci;Yor committee or on
the ground that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or any member
. of the council or coinmittee was not entitled to hold or
continue in such office by reason of any disqualification
. or on the ground that it is discovered subsequently that the
Mayor, Deputy Mayor or any member of t k ~ council took
part in any proceeding or voted on any question or mot ion
in contravention of section 36 or by reason ofanyirregu-
larity or illegality in his election or appointment or in the
service of any notice of meeting of the council or of any
committee or by reason of such irct having been done
during the period of any vacancy in the office of Mayor
! or Deputy Mayor or member of the council or committee.

The Mayor.
. - - -

prerogative of 39. (1) The ~ayor-..ihallhave full access to f l the

the Mayor- records of the corporation and may obtain reports from the
eommissior ~ e on
r any matter connected with the adminis-
tration of the corporation. ,/'

(2) NO official correspondence bct ween the corpora.

*tion and the Goverament shall be conducted except through
the Mayor,
1981: T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City 231
Mmic@a2 Co.~po-rm'on
(3) The Mayor shall be bound to transmit communica?,
tions addressed through him by the commissioner to the
Government or by the Government to the commissioner.
While transmitting communications from the commissioner
to the Government, the Mayor may make such remarks as
he may think necessary.

40. (1) The Mayor shall ex-oficio be a member of Mayor to be

every standing committee and of every other committee member of aU
except Taxation Appeals Committee but shall not be eligible committees-
to be elected as the chairman of any standing committee.

(2) lfthe Mayor was at the time of his election the

chair ma^ or an elected member of a standing committee
and Taxation Appeals Committee he shall cuase to hold
office as such chairman or member:

Provided that the Mayor shall not have sight to vote I


in any meeting of the standing committee.

37re Deputy Mayor.

41. (1) When the office of Mayor is vacant, his func- he functions
tions shall devolve on the Deputy Mayor until a new Mayor of Deputy . .
is elected. Mayor. -

(2) If the Mayor has been continuously absent

from the City for more than fifteen days or is incapacitated,
his functions shall de-~ol:.e ol; tI..c Ecauty Mayor until the
Mayor returns to the City or recovers from his incapacity,
as the case may be.
(3) The Mayor may, by an order in writing, delegate
nny of his functions to the Deputy Mayor.

42. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act,

when the office of Mayor is vacant or he has been continu- f ,
ously absent from the City for more than fifteen days or is of a Mayor.
incapacitated and the office of the Deputy Mayor is also
vacant or if the Deputy Mayor is also absent as aforesaid or
is incapacitated, the District Collector shall exercise the
powers and perform the functions of the Mayor, until a
new Mayor is elected or the Mayor, or Deputy Mayor
returns to the City or racovers from his incapacity, as the
ase may be.
e 232 CofmbatoreCity [I981: TS. Act 25
Mzarkipol Corporation
Administration Rbport.

Submission of 43. (1) As soon as may be after the first day d April
administration ixi every year and not later than such date as may be fixed
report to by the Government, the corporation shall submit to the
mvemment* Uovernment, a 'detailed report of the administration dwixig
the preceding year in such form as the Governtnent ha4
I direct.
(2) The commissioner shall prepare such report and
the council sllall consider the report and forwsrd the same
to the Government with its resolutions there on, if any.
(3) Copies of the administration report shall be kept
for sale at the municipal office.
Powers of the Govenrrnent.

C)o~ernmeart's 44. The Government may at any time require the councjl
powerto or the cornmissior;er-
call for (a) t o produce any record, correspondence, plan or
other dc1cument;
(b) to furnish any return, plan, estimate, statement,
acc~untor statistics ;
(c) to furnish or obtain any report.
45. The Government may depute any officer to inspect
power to or any municpal department, office, service, work
cause inspep or thing and to report thereon; and any officer so deputed
tion to be may, for the purposes of such inspection or examination,
made. exercise dl the powers conferred by section 44.
' Government.s 46. If, on receipt of any information or report obtained
po wet to under section 44 or section 45, the Government are of
direct the opinion-
taking of
act ion. (a) that any duty imposed on any municipal authority
by or under this Act or under any other Act has not been
performed or has been performed in an imperfect, in-
efficient or unsuitable manner ; or
(b) that adequate financial provision has not been
made for the performance of any such duty,
the Government may, by an order, direct the muni~5pal
authority concerned, within a period to be specified in
order, to make arrangements to their satisfaction for
;he proper performance of the duty, or to make financial
provision to their satisfaction for the performance lot tb
duty, as the caseimay be :
1981 : TeNeAct 251 CofmbatoreCity 233
Municipal Co~porat

Provided that, unless in the opinion of the Govern-

ment the immediate execution of such order is necessary,
the Government shall, before making an order under
this section, give the council an opportu~ityof showing
cause why such order should not be made.
47. (1) If' within the period fixed by an order issued Government's
under section 46, any action directed under that section powertoa
2~ not been duly taken, the Government may by order- person to
take action
(a) direct the commissioner or appoint some in default
person to take the action so directed, at the expense
of corporation.
(b) fix the remuneration to be paid to such
person, and
(c) direct that sach remuneration and the cost of
taking such action shall be defrayed out of the munici-
pal fdfid, and, if necessary, that any one or more of the
taxes authorised by Chapter V of this Act, shall be levied
0~ ihcreased, but ~ o SO t as to exceed any maximum pres-
cribed by that Chapter.
*(2) For the purpose of taking the action directed
gb aforesaid, the person appointed under sub-section (1)
shall have power to make such contracts as are necessary,
m y exercise any of the powers conferred on any muni-
cipal authority by or under this Act and specified in this
behalf in the order issued under sub-section (I), and shall
entitled to protection under this Act as if he were a
municipal authority.
(3) The Government may, in addition to, or instead
of, directing the levy or increase of any of the said taxes,
direct by notification that any sum of money which may
in their opinion be required for giving effect to their orders
be bornowed by debenture on the security of all or any
of the said taxes at such rate of interest and upon such
terms as to the time of repayment and otherwise as may
be specified in the notification.
'(4) The provisions of sections 174 to 185 shall,
fai as may be, apply to any loan raised in pursuanm
df this sectioh.
48. The Mayor shall *submitto the Government copies Subm~ss;o,,
of an important resolutions of the council and of the of copies of
~0mmitteMor other ~0mmitteesand all bmW s
~f FUC Q U ~ ~ , resolutions aad
by-l aws to
234 Coimbatore City [1981:T.N. Ad 25
Municipal Corporation
kumr to 49. (1) The Government may at any time by order
s c D d or in
cancel resolu-
; (i) suspend or cancel any resolution passed, order
this Act.
issued, or licence or permission granted, or
(ii) prchibit the doing of any act which is about
to be done or is being done, in pursuance or under colour
of this Act, if, in their opinion-
(a) such resolution, order, licence, permission
or act has not been legally passed, issued, granted or
(b) such resolution, order, licence, permission or
act, is in excess of the powers conferred by, or in contra-
vention of, this or any other Act or of any rule, notifica-
tion, regulation, or by-law made or issued under this
or any other Act, or is an abuse of such powers or adver-
sely affects the financial stability of the corporation at .
the efficiency of municipal administration as a whole,
('c) such resolution, order, licence, permission or
act is in coutravention of any direction issued by the
Government, or
(4 the execution of such resolution or order,
the continuance in force of such licence or permission
or the doing of such act is likely to cause danger to human
life, health or safety, or is likely to lead to a riot or an
affray :
if Provided that the Government shall before taking
action under this section on any of the grounds referred
to in clauses (a), (b) and (c) give the authority or person

? $
1%: concerned an opportunity for explanation :
Provided further that nothing in this sub-section
shall enable the Government to set aside any e l d o n
which has been held.
(2) If, in the opinion of the commissioner, immediate
action is necessary on any of the grounds referred to in
clause (d) of sub-section (I), he may suspend the1reso1u-
tion, order, licence, permission or act, as the case,may be,
and report to the Government who may tliereupon *either
rescind the commissioner's order or after giving the autho-'
rity or person t:oncerned a reasonable opportunity of
explanati~n,direct that it shdil co- ti-me in force with or
8 4 .
without modification permanently or for such period
ar t h y tl ink fit.
1981 :T.N. Act 251 C~imBato~e City 235
Mtm icipal Corporat fm
(3) The Government may, at any time, by notifi-
cation repeal wholly or in part or modify, any by-law:
Provided that before taking any actio~;under this
s u b i o n , the Gowrnment shall cornmumate to the
council the grounds on which they propose to do so,
fix a reasonable peliod 5: :k: cocncil to show cause
against the proposal and consider its explanations and
objections, if any.
(4) The repeal or modification of any by-law shall
take effect from the date of publication of the notification,
if no date is therein specified, and shall not affect anything
done, omitted or suffered before such date.
SO. (1) If, in the opinion of the Government, the council Government's
is not competent to perform or p'ersistently makes default POWer to dig-
solve or super-
in performing the duties imposed on it by law or exceeds sede
or abuses its powers, the Government may,by notification, titut. the
direct that the council be dissolved and reconstituted on council.
such date as the Government may fix in zhat behalf or
they may, if they think necessary, supersede the council
for a specified period not exceeding three years :

Provided that for the purpose of completing the

elections to the council when it is dissolved the Govern-
ment may, from time to time, extend the time fixed by
them under this sub-section for its reconstitution.

(2) Before publishing a notification under sub-section

(I), the Government shall communicate to the council
the grounds on which they propose to do so, fix a period
.of not less than thirty days for the council to show cause
against the proposal and consider its explanations or
objections, if any.

(3) Nothing conitained in sub-section Z1) shall affect

the office of the commissioner.

(4) On the date fixed for the dissolution of the coun-

cil under sub-section (I), all its members as well as the
Mayor and'the Deputy Mayor (including councillors who
are member's of committees established or constituted by
or under this Act) shall forthwith be deemed to have
vacated their offices and fresh elec~ionsshall be held
ja a-rdanc~; with the provisions sf this Act.
.236 Coimbator$ QW [I931 :T.N. Act35
(9 $uper:rsession sh2!1 +9ke effect from noon on
the d t e of publication of the notificarion, if no date is
therein .specifed, and thereupon the following consequen-
u s shall ensu 2 :.-
(a) all the menibers of the council as well as-the
Mayor and the Deputy Mayor (including councillors who
We members of committees .established ar constituted
'by or under this Act) shill forthwith be deemed to have
vacated their offices ;
(5) all or any of the funtions of the council, of
the Mayor and of the cornmitt es cst::bli-,hcd or constitu-
ted by or under this Act except the Taxat ion Appeals
'Committee may, during the period of supcrsession, be
exercised and pt rfcrmed, as far as may be, and to such
.extent as the Oovernment may determine, by such
.person ac the Governm-nt may appoint in that 'behalf
and any such person may, if the Government so direct,
re~eivepayment for his services from the rn~nicipal~fund
'the %ovemment may %determinethe relations of such
Person with .th(:mselvzsand mqy direct the commissioner
.to exercise md perform any powers and duties of the
cow-il and of the committees aforesaid except the
Taxation Appeals Cornmiltee in addition to his own;
(c) all or any of the funtions of the Taxation
Appeals Committee may, during the period of super-
session, be ex(-rcisedand p~rformedby the chairman of
the said committee.
(6) On o: before the expiry of :he period of super-
session notified under sub-section (I), the Government
may, by notification, for reasons to be stated in the
notificat ian, postpone the reconstitution of the 3~unoil
for a further period not exceeding one year at any one
time but the total period of supersession shall not in
any caae exceed three years.

(7) The Government may reconstitute the

before the expiry of the period notibd under sub-section
(1) or sub-section (6).
(8) Thc term ofoBbe dt he newly elected co1;n~llbrs
gt b the wu.ficillors4e1e%ted
in their pleces at casual
~ ~ahdle 'be
s six yeah beginning and expiring st iloon QE
wch date .as tho Oove~nmentmay, by notification, appoint
bknthgt be@? t
1981: T.N. Act 25j doimbtore City 237
Mun icipal Corporation
Provided that the Government may, by notidcation,
for sufficient cause, direct that the. te1.m of. offioe of the
councillo~sas a whclle be extended or educed by such
period nut exceeding one year a&may. spaci&dlin the
(9). Notwithstanding anything contained in1 tnis
section, if in the opinion oft he Government, it,is necessary
so to do, they may, by nctification, oanalianyinctiflt
oztion, supelseding the, council under sub-section: (1)
and$onand from th5 date of.pub1ic~tion.ofthe n~ti3cation
under this sub-sation the following consequences. shall
ensue :-
(a) the council shall be deemed to be reconsti-
t uted ;
(b) all persons who, on the date on which super-
session took effect, were members ofitfie: counc~1 shall be
dm@to have been I estoied to theiriofficas of councillors~;
(c) .the persons who, on the: date. referred; to in

clause (b), were holding office as Mayor or Deputy Mayor

or;member of any committee shall be deemedfto. have
been restored to the office of such Mayor, Deputy Mayor
and member respectively ;
(d) *themembers oft he oounclil i nclnding it cr Mayor
and Deputy Mayor restored to their ofiices :as.aforesaid
shall hold their offices only so long as they would have
been entitled,to hold such ofices if the :council had nut
been superseded :
Provided that before publishing a no:i&ation,
under this sub-section, the Governmert shall, publish
in the Tamil Nu& Government Guzette, a notia specifying
the grounds on which they propose to publish such notifi-
cation, fix a period of not less than four weeks for any
person interested to show cause against the proposbl and
considel the objections, if any.
(10) When the council is dissolved or superseded
under this section, the Government until the date of the
reconstitution thereof and the reconstituted council
thereafter shall be entitled to all the assets and be subject
to dl the liabilities of the council a w n the date of the
dissolution or supersession and on the date of the roe
mnstitution rospdvely.
238 Coimbatolre City [I981 .: T.N. k t 25
' Municipal Corgorution

Quul$cations and di$qualificarionr of voters, can&tes

and comcillor~.
Election of 51. (1) For the purpose of the election of the coun-
councillors. cillors to the council, t he Government, after consulting
the council and after taking into consideration the
strength of the council as determined under sub-seaion (1)
of section 5, may, by notification, divide the City into
(2) All the electors of a division, inespective of
their communi~yor sex, shall be entitled to vote at an
election to the $eat in that division.
(3) When issuing under sub-section (1) a notifbation
which mate~iallyalters the existing divisions of the aty,
the Government may direct that the alteration shall take
effect from the date of the next ordinary elections.
Number of shall be elected far each divi-
52. Only one co~~ncillor
C O U ~ O ~ ~ forsion.
eacb division.
Electoral ~ O U S 53. (1) For each of the divisions referred to in section
for divisions 51, there shl~llbe a electoral IOU which shall be prepared
and qualifica- in accordance with the provisions of this Act and such
tions for mdu-
sion therein. directions 'not inconsistent with the provisions of this
Act as the Government may, from time to time, issue
in this behalf.
(2) A pelson shall be disqualihd for registr2~on
in an elector a1 r 011 if he
(a) is riot a citizen of India ;or
(b) is of unsound mind and stands so declared
by a competent court ;or
(c) is ior the time b ~ i n gdisqualified from voting
under the provisions of section 84 or any law relating to
corrupt practices and other offellces in connection with
(3) No person shall be entitled to be registered in
the electoral roll for the more than one division or in
t& -1ectoral rou for any division in more than one plsa.
- 1981t T.N, Act 251 CofmbatoreCity 239
Munic ipol Corporation
(4) No person registered in the electoral roll f o ~
a division shall be entitled to be registe~edin the electolal
roll for any territorial division or ward,a.s the case may be,
of any City (other than the City of Coimbatore),
municipality or panchayat .
ExpImtion.-For the purpose of this sub-section,
the expression6'City ', ' municipality ' and 'pmchayat'
shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in
the Madras (3ity Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (Tamil
Nedu Act IV of 1919) and in the Madurai City Municipal
Corporation Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1971) or
in any other law for the time being in force, the Tamil
Nadu District Munidpalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act
V of 1920) and the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1958
(Tamil Nadu Act XXXV of 1958).
(5) Subject to the provisions of sub-sections (1) to
(4), every person who -
(a) is not less than eighteen years of age on the
qualifying date ;and
(b) is ordinarily resident in th-: City,
shall be entitled to be registered in the slectoral roll for
any one of the divisions referred to in section 51.
&xplmation. -For the purposes of this section, ..
'qualifying date ' in relation to the preparetion or rt ,;-on
of an electoral roll under this Act, means the fiist day of
January of the year in which i L is SO prepared or revised.
(6) (a) A person shall not be deemed to be ordinarily
resident in the City on the giound only that he owns, 01
is in possession, of a dwelling house therein.
(b) A pcrscn absenting himself tempolarily from
his place of ordjnary residence shall not by reason thereof
mase to be ordin?rily resident therein.
(c) A person who is a patient i n any establish.
merit maintained who112 or mainly for the reception and
treatment of persons suffeiing from menral illness or
mental defectiveness, or who 5s detained in prison or
other legal custody at any place, shall not by reason
thereof be deemed to be ordinarily resident therein.
(9If in any case a question arises as to wbetkt
a persou.:-ordinarily iesident in. the City at any rtleYlurt
Ane the question sh211 be determined by the Govern-
ment in accordance with such rules as may be pr esori-
preparation 54. (1) Any person authorised in this behalf by tk
and publica- Government skli, for the purposes af this Act, prspsre
tion of electoral and publish in such mamnez and at such time as tbc
rolls, etc. Government may dii cct, the elector?1 rcll for each of tb
divisions of the councils as determiried under sectioq 51
or the alterrtions to such roll, as the case may be.
Explanation.-The power conferred by this sub-
section on the person so authoiised shall include tb
power to omit, in the manner and a t the times aforesaid,
from the electoral roll for any such divisioq published
under this sub-section, the name of any parsor) who ir
dead or who incurs any of the disqualifications specifkd
in sub-section (2) of section 53 :

Provided that the name of any person omitted from

t h electoral r()ll for the division by ieason of a disqualifi-
cption under tLuse (c) of sub-seetior (2) of swtion 53
shal foxtnwith be roinsttted in that rcll if such disquaB4i-
cation is, du~ingthe period such roll is in foice, removed
unde~any law authcxising such removal.

12) Where after the electoial rolls far the divisions

of the council as determined by the Government under
section 51 or any alterations to such rolls hay$ b , e p
published under sub-section (I), the boundaries oP any
such divisions are altered, the person autborised uder
that sub-section shall, in order to give effecg to such
alteration of boundaries, t e-arrr nge and re-p~blihin
-suchmanna as the Government may direct the elgq,crxd
rolls fcr each of the divisions concerned.

(3) No alteration shall be made in the electoral

for my division, published under sub-section (11, redsd
by any alterations thereto subsequently published mde,
that sub-section or under sub-redojl (2)after the dab
1981 : ?a.Act 251 Coimbatore City 241 .
Mun i c i p ~ lCorporation
of publication of the notice of election and before the
result of the election for that division is notified under
section 67.

(4) The electoral roll for any division published

under sub-section (I), as revised by any alterations thereto
subsequently published under that sub-section or under
sub-section (2), shall remain in force until the publication
under sub-section (1) of a fresh electroal roll for that
division. . . .

(5) Every person whose name appeqrs in the electoral

roll for any division as so revised, shall, so long as such
roll remains in force, be entitled, subject to tha provisions
of this Act, to vote at an election for such division and
no person whose name does not appear in such roll
shall vote at such an election.
(6) No civil court shall have jurisdiction-
(a) to entertain or adjudicate upon any question
whether any person is or is not entitled to be registered
in an electoral roll for the divisions referred to in section
51, or
(b) to question the legality of any action by any
authority under section 53 or under this section,
(7) If any person makes in connection with-
(a) the preparation, revision or correction of an
elzctoral r ~ l l or
(b) the inclubion or exclusion of any entry in or
from an electoral roll,
a statement or declaration in writing which is false and
which he either knows or believes to be false or d Jes not
believe to be true, he shall be punishable with imprison-
ment for a term which nay extend to one year, Jr with
fine, or with both.
55. (1) If any person has been elected for two or more Elmion of
divisions, he shall within seven days from the date of the same perm
last of s w h elections, intimate to the commissioner, the for more than
alvision, for which he chooses to serve. one division.
24i Coimbatorore City [l9gl :T.N. Act 2g
Municipal Corpor~ti NJ
(2) In default of such intimation, the commissioner
shall determine by lot and notify the division for which
such person shall serve.
(3j The said person shall be deemed to have been
elected ocly for the division so chosen or so notified, as
the case rnay be, and the vacancies thereby arising in the
representation of the other divisions shall be filled by
fresh elections,

i ~ person
i f No
~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ l 56. ~ ~is unsound miad as declared so by
~ t i who
of voters. the competent court shall be qualified to vote and no person
who is disqualified under section 84 shall be qualified to
vote so long as the disqualification subsists.

Qualification 57. (1) No person shall be qualified for election or

ofcoujiaates. co-option as a councillor unless-
(a) his nanle is included in the electoral roll of
any one of the divisions of the City ;
(b) he has completed his twenty-first year of age;
(c) in the case of co-option under the proviso to sub-
section (3) of section 5, such person is a member of the
Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Woman, as the
case may be.
(2) No officer or servant either whole-time or part
time of the Central or any State Government or any local
authority or any body corporate, owned or controlled by
the Central or any State Government, remunerated by
either salary or fees, shall be qualified for election or co-
option as a councillor:
Provided that if any question arises either before or after
an election or co-option whether any person is or is not.
disqualified under this sub-section, the question shall be
referred to the Government whose decision shall be final.

~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ l 58. i ~A ~person
i f (1) t i ~who
~ has been sentenced by a crimin
~ f c a n d i d a t e ~ .court to imprisonment for life or to imprisonm
period of more than two years for any offence othe
than an offence of a political character or ap 'offence
involving moral delinquency (such sentence not - h
been reversed or the offence pardoned) shall be di
fied for election or co-option as a councillor while<
going the sentence and for five years from the date of t
expiration of the sentence.
:f.#. ~ c 251
t ~oimbaioreCtty Mrmnic@aZ 243
4 (2) A p:;ssn convicted of an offence p~lnishabl~
under the Protection of Clvil Rights Act, 1955 (Ccntrai
Act 22 of 1955), shall be di~quiified foi election or co-
option as d councillor for a period of rive years from
i the date of such conv~ction:
Provided that the person concerned shall not
incur the disqualrfication under this sub-section if he has
been sfltenced by a criminal court for m y offenc- of a
% political character.

(3) A person shall be disqualified for eleciion or

co-op:ion as councillor if such person is on the date of
filing nomination, electioi.2 or co-option-
(a) of unsound mind and is declared so by the
competent court;

(b) an applicant to be adjudicated as a bankrupt

or insolvent or an uncertified bankrupt or undischarged
insolvent ;
(c) directly or indirectly, by himself or his partner,
interested in a s~ibsistingcontract made with or any work
being done for the corporation except as a shareholder
(other than a director) in a company :

Provided that a person shall not be daemed to have

any interest in such contrici or work by resao n only of
his having a share or intetest in-
(i) any leate, sale or purchase of iinmovabIe
property or any agreement for the same ;

I (ii) any agrzement for the loan of money or

any security for the payment of money only;
(iii) any newspaper in which any advertise.
~nentrelating to the affairs of the corporation is inserted;
(iv) any company or association, whether
incorporated or not, which contracts with the corpora-
tion for lighting or supplying water to any part of the
City or insuring against fire any property of the corpora.
tion ;
125-1 2-1 6A
244 Coimb~toreCity ~ u n i c i j ~ [I981
d i $.W Aft .-25

(v) any company ;
(vi) the sale to the corporation
in whic I he regularly trades, or the pur
corporaxion of any articles in which he re
Provided further that where any contract has been
fully performed by the person by whom it 'has. been.
entered into with the corporation, then such. contract
shall be deemed not to subsist by reason of the fact that
the corporation has not performed its part of the contract
either whol1y;or in part ;
(d) employed as paid legal practitioner on behalf
of the corporation or as legal practitioner against the
corporation ;
(e)a representative or officer of any association
or union representing, or purporting to represent, any
section of the corporation establishment or any class of
employees of the corporation ;
Cf) an officer or servant holding office under thir
Act, or a Public Prosecutor or a Government Pleader;
(g) already a councillor whose term of office as
such will not expire before his fresh election or co-option
can tak2 effect or Lc*, cl:.cs.fy h e q elected a councillor
whose tern1 of office has not yet commenced ;
(hj in arrears of any kind due by him (otherwise
than in a fiduciary capacity) to the corporation up to
and inclusive of the previous year, in respect of which a
bill, no:ice or direction has been duly served upon him
and the time, if any, specified therein for payment has
expired :
Provided that tlte persons concerned shall not
incur the disqualification under this sub-section unless
he has been given a reasonable opportunity by the commis-
sioner for making his representation, if any; or
( i ) debarred from practising as a legal practi-
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in s u b
section (1), or sub-section (2), the Government may direct
that such conviction or sentence shall not operate a8 a
1981:gT.N.Act 25J
I Coimbatorc City Municipnl

(5) No person who is disqualified under section 84


shall be qualified for election or co-option as a councillor

1 so long as the disqualification subsists.

59. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 62, a ~issualidcation
councillor shall cease to hold office as such if he-
(a) is sentenced by a criminal court to suclr punish-
of councillors,

ment and for such offence as is described in sub-section

(1) of section 58;
'Z I
(b) is convicted of an offence punishable under
5 the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 (Central Act 22
t of 1955);
(c) becomes of unsound mind and declared so
by the competent court;
(d) applies to be adjudicated or is adjudicated as a
bankrupt or insolvent ;
(e) subject to the provisos to clause (c) of sub-
section (3) of section 58, acquires any interest directly
or indirectly, by himrelf or his partner, in any subsisting
contract made with, or work being done for, the corpora-
tion except as a shareholder (other than a director in a
company) ;
(f) is employed as paid legal practitioner on behalf
of the corporation or accepts employnient as legal
practitioner against the corporation;
(g) becomes a representative or o,Ecer of any
association or union representing, or pllrporting to
represent, any section of the corporation establislunent
or any class of employees of the corporation ;
(h) is appointed to any office or post referred to
in clause (f) of sub-section (3) of section 58;
( i ) is disqualified under section 84;
(j)ceases to reside in the City;
(k) fails to pay arrears of any kind due by him
otherwise than in a fiduciary capacity) to the corporation,
within three months after a bill, notice or direction has
been served upon him under this Act, or where in the
case of any arrear this Act does not requirz the service
of any bill, notice or direction, within three aonths after
246 C3inrbatore City Municipnl [I981 :T*N. .kt - 25
a notice requiring payment of the arrear (which notice
it shall b2 the duty of the commissioner to servedat the
earliest possible date) has been daly served upon him by
the comrnrssioner :
Provided that the persons concerned shall not incur
the disqualification under this sub-section unless he has
been given a reasonable opportunity by the commissioner
for making his representation, if any;
(!) failq to attend the meetings of the couacil
for a period of three consecutive months beginning f r ~ m
the date of the commencement of his term of office ~t
of the last meeting he attended, or of his restoration to
office as councillor under sub-section (4); as the case
may be:
Provided that no meeting which a councillor does
not attend shall be counted against him under this clause,
if due notice of that meeting was not given to him:
Provided further that no meeting that was adjour-
ned for want of quorum shall be counted
under this sub-section.
Explanation.-A meeting held under
of rrle 3 of Schedule I or rule 6 of that Schedule shdl
not be deemed to be a meeting within the :meaaing
of this clause;
(m)debarred from practising as a legal practi-
Notwithstanding anything contained in 'clause
(a) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) the Government may
direct that such sentence or conviction shaIl not operate
as a disqualification.
6)P r k e 2 ar3 be a
(u?or c l a w (6) a C ~ U 6 ) afsa
~ mch pcrtion of the+
shall k reto& to o f f i cfir & .
which he wms elected or co-opted as m a y remain W X P : ~ ~
at the date of such restcrration if and when t b seaen=,
oon~ictirn, or crder is annulled on appeal or revision
or t k Cisqualification caused by the senten,ceor conktion
or incurred under section 84 is removed by an order of @
Government and any person elected or *cooptedto 811
the vacancy in the interim shall on $ucb rcstoratbp va-tc
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Cointbaiorr City M~~ilicipal 247
(4) In the case of a person who has ceased to be a
councillor in consequence of failure to attend meetings
the matter shall be reported by the com~issionerto the
council at its next. ordinary meeting and the council may
at that meeting restore such person to office.
60. (1) A person who having held an office under the ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ l i f i ~
c~rporationhas bczn dioc,ioab"rcm such office for of candidates
cxruption or for disloyaltyto the State shall be disqualified for corruption
for election or co-option as a counci;lor, for a period of or dlsloyalty.
five years from the date of such dismissal.
(2) For the purposes of sub-section (11, a certificate
issued by the commisc:ioner or such other person authorised
by the commissioner, in this behalf that a person having
held office under the corporation, has or has not been
dismissed for corruption or for disloyalty to the State
shall bt conclusive proof of that fact :
Provided that no certificate to the effect that a
person has been dismissed for corruption or for disloyalty
to the State shall be issued unless an opportunity of being
heard has been given to the said person.
61. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Oaths oath or amqa..
Act, 1969 (Central Act 44 of 19691, every person who is to be made
elected or co-opted to be a couucillor shall, before taking by councillars.
his seat, make, at a meeting of the council, an oath or
afl5rmation in the following form, namely:-

- elected
I, A.B. having been co-opted councillor of t h i ~council
in of God that I will bear true faith and
. solemn v affirm

allegiance to the Constitutioll of India as by-!a a esta bli-

sbed, that I willuphold the sovereignity and integrity of
India and that I will faithfully discharge the duty upon
which I am about to enter.
(2) Any person who having been elected or co-opted
to be a councillor, fails to make, within three months of the
date on which his term of office commences or at one of the
first three meetings held after the said date, whichever
is later, the oath or affirmatic n as laid down in sub-section
(1) shall cease to hold his office and his seat shall be deemed
t~ have be~omevacant.
248 Coimbatore City Municipal [1981: T.N. Act 25
.-,. Corporatiofi

(3) Any person who has been elected or co-opted to be

a councillcr shall not take lris seat at a meeting of the
council or do any act as such co~tncillorunless he had
made the oath or affirmation as laid down in sub;section
(4) 'Noiwithstandinganything contained in sub-section
(3), the Msyor or Deputy Mayor or the chairman or a
member of a standing committee, who has not m ~ d ethe
oath or aGrmation as a councillor shall be entitIed to
act as such Mayor, Deputy Mayor, chairman or member:

Provided that he makes the oath or affirmation and

takes his scat at the first meeting of the council which he
attends within two month after he is elected as Mayor,
Deputy Mayor, ch2irman or member, as the case may be.
Drcision of 62. (1) 'Whenever it is alleged that any person who has
questions d been elected or co-opted as a councillor is disqualified
di squlificationunder sub-section (I) of section 57, section 58, section 59,
of councillors,
section 60, section 61 or section 84 i?nd such person does
not admit the allegation or whenever any councillor is
himself in doubt whether or not he hss become so disqua-
lified for office, such councillor or any other councillor
may and the commissioner,at the request of the council,
.. . or on a direction from the Government, shall applyto the
subordinate judge having jurisdiction over the City or if
no Subordinate Judge has such jurisdiction, to the District
having such jurisdiction.

(2) The said Subordinate Judge or District Munsif,

tlfter mz.king such inquiry as he deems necessary slrall de-
tern~ii~e whet!ar or not such person is disqualified under
sub-sec~ion(1) <ifsection 57, section 58, section 59, section
60,sectio~~61 or section 84.

(3) Pending the decision under sub-section"(2j, the

councillor shall be entitled to act as if he were not dk-

(4) (a) Against any decision under

any councillor may and the commissioner,
the council, or on a direction from the Go
appeal to :he District Judge having jurisd
1981: T.N. Act 25; Z,imbgtorc Cirp :249
(b) No snch appeal shall be entertained after the
expiry of thirty days from the date of the decision appealed
from, unless :such district judge is satisfied that the
appellant had [iufficient cause for not preferring the
appeal within those days.
(5) Where an appeal has been preferred under sub-
section(4) the district judge may, on sufficient cause being
shown, stay the operation of the decision appealed f r ~ m
in such a case, the decision appealed from shall be
deemed never to have taken effect.
(6) The decision of the district judge on appeal under
subsection (4), and subject only to such decision, the
decision of the subordinate judge or the district munsif
under sub-section (2) shOallbe final.
General procedure for Election and Co-option.
63. The term of officeof councillors sh*ill,save as other-Tem of ofice
wise expressly provided in this Act, be si.c years beginningof ,,,iUors,
and expiring at noon on such date as the Government
may, by notification, appoint in that behalf:

Provided that the Government may, by notifications,

for sufficient cause, direct that the term ~f office of the
co~ncillorsas awhole be extended or reduced by such period
not exceedingone year as may be specified in the notification.

64. (1) (a) Ordinary vacancies in the office of ~lectionof

elscted cou~~cillors sha 11 be filled at ordinzr y electic ns councillorsa
which shall, subject to the approvd of the Go'vernment, be
fixed by the commissioner to take place on such d~ayg
within three months before the occurrence of the vacancies
as he thinks fit :
Provided that the Governmelit mzy, for sufficient
cause, diiect or permit the holding of any ordinary election
after the occurrence of the vacancy.
(b) A casual vacancy in the office of a,. dected
councillor shall be filled at a casual election which shall,
subject to the approval of the Government, be fixed by the
commissioner to take place as soon as may be after the , .

occ~~rrence of the vacancy : . . & .

250 Coimbatore CitY 11981 : T. N. Act 15.
Provided that no casual election shall be held to
fill a vacancy occurring within six months befcre the drte .
of retirement by efflux of tlme and that such vacancy'shall
be filled at the next ordinary election.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Acts
the Govzr nment may, for sufficient cause, direct from
time to time the postponement or alteration of the date pf
an ordinary or. casual election or any stage of any such
elect ion.
(3) A councillor elected at a casual eltction shall
enter upan oftice forthwith but shall hold office so long
only as the councillor in whose place he is elected would
have been eatitled to hold office if the vacancy had not
(4) If a casual vacancy in the office of a co-opted
c~uncillorarises, the elected members of the council shall,
in accxdance with the: rules made by the Government
under the first proviso to sub-section (3) of section 5,
co-opt to the council as its councillor a person who is a
member of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes
or who is a woman, as the case mey be, and eligible for
being elected as a councillor from any one of the divisions.
(5) The term of office of a councillor co-opted mde:
sub-section (4i, shall continue for so long only as the
c~mcillorin whose place he is co-opted would have beer,
entitled to hold ofbe if the vacancy had not occurred.
Procedure on 65. (1) If for any cause no councillor is ekcted at
failure of
elc4iod ' an ordinary election held under section 64, the retiring
councill3r, ;hz-II, if willing to serve, be deemed to have ken
(2) If, in any such case, the retiring councillor is n ~ t
willing to s:rve or if at a casual election no councillor is
elected, the c~mmissioner shall fix a day for a fresh
(3) The term of office of a c~uncillorelected or
deemed to hsvz beenrr-elected under this section shallexpire
at the time at which it would have expired if he had been
elected at the ordinary or the casual election, as the case
may be.
Procedure in 66. If there is an equality of votes between two or
case of equality
of votes. more candidates, the commissioner shall decide by drawing
lots which ~aodidateshall be deemcd to have &a&,
011 : T.N. Act 251 Cotmbatore City Municipal 251
67. All electiom of the Mayor and Deputy Mayc r and Notification of
all elections or ca-options of c3uncillors and all electi~ns and
of the chairman aud members of the standing committee co-opt ions.
shall be notified iii the Tamil Nudu Government Gazette.
68. (1) The Government may make rules regulzting the Power of Gov-
procedure with regard to elections or ccp-options.
make election
(2) Without prejudice to the genera lit y of sub-section
(I), such rules may- !
(a) provid~for the adjudication by the District
Munsif's Court of disputes arising out of elections or co-
options and for appeals in such cases to the Subcrdinatc
Judge's C .)urt h n v i ~jurisdiction,
g or if there is no such ccurt
to the district clourt having such jurisdiction and,
(b) provide for all matters nct expressly provided
for in this Act rciating to the election of the Mayor, the
Deputy Mayor o r councillors including deposits to bc
made by canciids+es standing for elect ion as councillors
and the c~nditionsunder which such deposits may be
forfeited :
Provided thgt the deposit required shall not exceed
one hundred rupees.
69. Every officer, clerk, agent or other person per- ~nfringement-'of
forming any d u t ~in connection with the record in^ or election,
secrecy of 1
eounting of votes at an election who, exec;+ for some
purpose authorised by law, communicates to any person
any information skciwing directly or indirectly fcr which
candidate any voter has voted and every person who by I

any improper means, procures any such informction, I

shall be punished aith imprisonment which may extend
to six months or with fine, or with both.
70. Notwithstanding anything contaiAledin sect ion1 71 -FMinimum
of the Indian Penal Code (Central Act XLV of 1860), any penalty for at
person who in connection with an election under this Act an ekctjon.
commits a n offence of personation punishable under that l

section, shall be punished. with imprisonment fcr a term

which shall not be less than six months and not mere
than two years and with fine,
Promot :ng en-
71. Any person who in connection vith an election mity between
under this Act promotes or attempts to pior.l~teon grounds classes
of religion, race,caste, community or language, feelings of cl~ion,
' 252 Coimbetore City [ 1981:T*Ne Act 25
MutticipaZ Corporation

enmity or hatred between diffzrent classes of the citizens

of India shall be punish ble with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to three ycars, or w ~ t hfine, of with
Prohibition of' 72. (1) No pcrson shall wnvenc, hold or attend any
public meet- public meeting in any division within forty-ej&t k ~ s
in@ On the bcfo~ tl:ltc: of lqmjnafjon of the poll or on the date or
, 11.:
day prcced- +

vn which a poll is taken for an election in that division.

ine.tae Jeccion .':~tes
day and on
the elsction (2) Any pcrson who contravenes the provision of
day. sub-section (I) shall br: punishable with h e which may
extend to two hundred and fifty rupees.
Disturbances at 73. (1) Any person who at a public meeting to which
m'et- this section applies, acts, or incites others to act, in a
disordzrly manner for the purpose of preventing the trans-
action of the bnsiness for which the meeting was called
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two
hundred and fifty rupees.
(2) This section applies to any puf)lic meeting of a
p~liticalcharacter held in any division between the earliest
date fcr making ncllljnation of candidates for an eleciicn
and the date on w%ch such election is held.

(3) If any police officer reasonably.suspects any

person of committing an offence under sub-section (13, he
may, if requer ted so to do by the chairman of,the'me@i@,
require that pc:rson' to declare to him immediately his name
and,address and, if that person refuses or fails so to declifre
his name and address, or if the police officer reasonably
suspects him of giving a false name or address, the pslice
officer may arrest him without warrent. .
Mrri~tionson 74. (1 1 No person shall print or publish, or cawe to be
printing printed or published any election pamphlet or poster,.
~ ~ which does
' ~ not bear~ o n its face~the names ~and addresses
s *
of the printer and the publisher thereof. I , 't

f -
(2) No person shall print or cause to be prin!ted any
election pamphlzt or poster--: ,; :,
. & "
. .
(a) unless a declaration as to the identity of the
, ) -
publisher thereof signed by him and attested.bytwo persons
, to whomhe is personally known, is delivered by him to
. -.. th: printer io duplicate 1. and
4 .
. . . I

3 .
_ , ,
j9tii: $No Act 15j Coimbatora c 'ity 263.
Municipal Cprporation
(b) unless, within a reasonable time after the
ninting of the document, one ccpy of the declaration
i$.sent by the printer together with one copy of the dccu-
mnt lo the ~~rnrni(,(;iore.

(dl a n j p r a c l s fr,r mhipIying copks of a dccu-

ment other than copying it by hand, shall be deemed to be
printing and the expression 'printer' shall be construed
accordingly; and
(b) "election pamphlet or poster" means any
printed pamphlet, hand-bill or other document distributed
for the purpose of promoting or prejudicing the election
of a candidate or group of candidates or any placard or
poster hsving reference to an election, but does not in-
clude any hand-bill, placard or poster merely announcing
the date, time, place and other particulars of an election
meeting or routine instructions to election agents or
(4) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions
of sub-section(1) or sub-section (2) shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months,
or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees or
with both.
75. (1) No person who is a returning officer, or an Officers, etc.,not
assistant returning officer or a presiding or polling officer t o for a,,
at an election, or an officer or clerk appointed by the didates or t o
returning officer or the presiding officcr to perform any influence vot-
duty in connection with an election shall in the coriduct ing*
or the management of the election do any act (other than
the giving of vote) for the ftlrthcrancc of the PI-ospccts of
the election of a candidate.
(2) No such person as aforesaid, and no member
of a police force, shall endeavour-
(a) to persuade any person to give his vote at
an elect ion, or
( b ) t o dissuade any person from g'ving nis vote
a t an election, or
(c) t oillfhuenc~~ L Lr; iing of any person a t an
election in any manner.
(3) Any person who contravelles the provis. ons of
sub-9ection (1) or sub-section (2) shall b: punishable
with imprisonment for a term which ma). extend to six
months or with fir~eor with both.
' 84 coimbatore city [19& :*.&. Ad #'
Municipal Corporation

Prohibition of 76. (1) No person shall, on the date or dates on which

canvassing in a poll is taken a t any polling stat ion, commit any of the
Or near poL- following acts within the polling station or in any public
ling stations* or p~ivateplace within a distance of one hundred metms of
the polling station, camelyit-

(a) canvassing for votes; or

(6) soliciting the \ G : , ;f ax;. elector ;or
(c) persuading any elector not to vote for any
particular car didate ; or
I or
i d ) persuading any elector not to vote at the election ;
(e) exhibiting any notice or sigc (cther than offiial
notice relating to the election).
(2) Any person who contravenes the provision:, of
sub-section (1) shall be punishable with fine which may
extend to two hundred and fifty rupees.
(3) An offence punishable undzr ibis section shall be
Penalty for dis- 77. (1) No person shall, on the date or dates on which
duct incon-or a poll is taken at any polli ~g station,-.
near polling (a) use or operate within or at the entrance of the
stat ions. polling s t a t i ~ nor in any public or private place in the
neighbourhood thereof, any apparatus tor amplifying or
reproducing thz human voice, such as a megaphone
or a loudspeaker, or
rh) shout, or otherwise act in a disorderly manner,
..ithin or at the entrance of the polling station or in any
public or private place in the neighbourhood thereof, so as
to cause annoyance to any person visiting the polling
staiion for the poll, or so as to i ~terfere with the work
of the officers and other persons on duty at the pol-
ling station.
(2) Any person who contravenes or wilfully aids or
abets the contravention of, the provisions of sub-section (I j
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
. m a y extend to three months or with fine or with both.
(3) If the polling officer of a polling station has reason
to believe . that any person is committiilg or has committed-
an offence punishable under this section, he 'may dire%
any police officer to arrest such person and thereupon tw
police officer shall arxest hlm.
(4) Any police officer may take such steps, and use
such force, as may be reasonably necessary for preventing
any contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1) and
may seiz,: any apparatus used for such contravention.
Explanation.-In this section, the e ~ p r e s s i r"~olling
officer" means the polling officer of a polling station or if
there is a presiding o@ccr at the polling station, such
presiding officer.

78. (1) Any person who during the hours fixed for the Peaaltyfor mis-
poll at any polling station misconducts himself or fails to conduct at tb c
obey the lawful directions of the polling officer may be polling sta-
removed from the polling station by tPe polling officer tion*
or by any police efficer on duty or by any person authorised
in this behalf by suchpolIing officer.
(2) The powers conferred by sub-section (1) shall not
be exercised so as to preven: any elector who is otherwise
entitled to vole a t a polli g station from having an
opportunity of voting a t that polling stat ion.
(3) If any person who has been so removed from
a polling station re-enters the polling statior without the
permission of the polling officer, he shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
months, or with 6ne or with both.
(4) An offence punishable under sub-sectiotl (3) shall
be cognizable.
Explanation.--.-Inthis section, the expression "polling
officer" has the same nieaning as in section 77 .
79. (1) No candidate or his a p n t or any other person Penalty for
with the consent of a candidate or his agent shall hire gal .hiring d r ,
or procure whether on payment or otherwise a:y vehicle p:oturing .of
or vessel for the conveyance of any elector (other than the at elictions.
candidate himself, the members of his family or his agent)
to or from any polling station :
Provided that nothing in this su b-section shall
apply to-
(a) the hiring of a vehicle or vessel by an elector or
several ( lc ctors at their joint costs for the purpose QT con-
veybg him or them to or from the polling station, if the
vehicle or vessel so hired is a vehicle or vessel not pro-
p elled by mechanical power ;and
256 Coirnbatore City Municipal [I981 :f .N. Act '% "

Corparat ion

(b) the use of any public transport vehicle or vessel

or any railway carriage by any elector at his own cost for
the purpose of going to or coming from the polling station.
,: .>

Expl anntion.-In this sub-section, the expression

'vehicle' means any vehicle used or capable of being used
for the purr ose of road transport, whether propelled by
mechanical I lower or otherwise and whether used for ' d r a y
ing other vehicles or otherwise.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of
sub-section (1) at or in connection with an election shall be
punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred
and fifty rupees.
Breaches of 80. (1) If any person to whom this section applies is
oadal duty in without reasooable cause guilty of any act or omission in
with dection. breach of his official duty, he shall be punishable with fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees.
(2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against
any such persoIi for damage in resp ect of any such act or
omission as aforesaid.
(3) The persons to whom this section applies are the
returning officers, assistant returning officers, presiding
officers, polling officers and any other person appointed to
perform any duty in connection with the receipt of
nominations or witbdrawal of candidsture, or the recording
or counting of votes at an election; and the ' exptession
"official duty" sh8rrllfor the purpose of this section be
construed accordingly, hut shall not include duties impcs
ed otherwise than by or under this Act.

1 gi&o~al of bal-
bt papers
81. (1) Any person who at any election fraudulently
takes, or attempts to take, a ballot paper out of a polling
from p0lUn8 station, or wilfully aids or abets the doing of any such act,
statqOn*to be shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to
five hundred rupees or with both.
(2) If the presiding officer of a polling statioil has
reason to believe that any person is committing or has
committed an offencepunishable under sub-section (I), such
officer may, before such person leaves the polling station
arrest or direct a police officer to arrest such person and m y
search such person or cause him to be searched by a mum
Corinbatore City 25j
Municipal Corporution
Provided that when it is necessary to cause a wcman
to be searched, the search shall be mad(: by another
woman with strict r e g ~ r dto decency.
(3) Any ballot paper found upon the person arrested
on search shall be made over for safe custody to a police
officer by the presiding c fficer,or when the search is mzde
bya police officer shall be kept by such officer in a safe
(4.) An offence punishable under sub-section (1) shall
be cognizable.
82. (1) No person at an election shall- Other offexic es
and paaltjea;
(a) fraudulently deface or fraudulently destroy any thereform
nomination paper ; or
(b) fraudulently deface, destroy or removesny list,
notice or other documc~ltaffixed bv or under thr: authority
of a returning officer;or
(c) frau dulently deface or fraudulently destroy any
ballot paper or the official mark on any ballot paper ; or
(d) without due authority supply any ballot paper
to any person or receive any ball0 t paper from any person
or be in possession of any ballot paper ;
(e) fraudulently put into any ballot box anything
other than the ballot paper which he is authorised by law to
put in; or
(I) witlloot tluc :lutllority destroy, take, open or
interfere with any ballot box or ballot papers
thenin use for the purposes of the election; or
(g) fraudulently or without due authority, as the
case may be, attempt to do any of the foregciing acts or
wilfully aid or abet the doing of any such acts.

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of

sub-section (1 ) shall-
(a) if he is a returning officer or an assis tiant re-
turning officer or a presiding officer at a polling station
or any other officer or clerk employed on official duty in
connection with the election, be punishable with imprl-
so.nwnt for a term which may extend to two years or wjth
fine or with both ;
258 Coimbatore city
Munic &a1 Corporation
(b) if he is any other person, be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months
or wit11 fine or with botlz. I

(3) For the purposes of this section, a person shall be

dwrned to be on official duty if his duty is to take part 'in
the condu.ctof an election or part of an election including
the counting of votes or to be responsible after an election
for the used ballot papers and other documents in connec-
tion with such election, but the expresion "official duty"
s;,:ll not include any duty imposed otherwise than by US P

under this Act.

(3) An offcnce punishable u d e r clause (6)of sub-sew
tion (2) shall be cognizab!e.

prosecution re- 83. No court shall take cognizance of any offence

garding certain punishable under section 75 or under section 80 or
election under clause (a) ox' sub-section (2)of section 82 except on
offences. a ccmplaint in writing made by order of or under authority
from the Government.
Disqualification 84. Every person convicted of an offence punishable
of Persons under any of the provisions of sections 69 t~r82 cf this
victed of
tion offen-es. Act or under Chapter IX-A of the Indian Penal Code
(Central Act XLV of 1860)shall b: $isqv.ali&d from voting
or from being elected in any electi~nor co-cpted as a
councillor to which this Act applies or from holdisg
except on, a complaint in writing made by or& of,.or
under authority from the Government.
of Property for election purposes.
~e~ui&ionirfg '4-3
Requisitioning 85. (1 If it appears to the Government that in connec-
of Premises, tion with an election under this Act-
vehicles, etc,,
for election (a) any premises other tlun residential buildi
Purposes. actually occupied are needed or art likely to be needed
the purpose of being used as a polling station or for
storage of ballot boxes after a poll has been tahn, or .

(b) any vehicle, vessel or animal is needed or

likely to be meded for the purpose of transport d
boxes to or from any polling station, or transpo
members of the police force for maintainicg order d
the conduct of such election or transport of
or other person for performance of any duties
tion with such election,
i98i :% A C ~ 25 1 Gimb~torecity 259
Municipal Corporation
the Government may, by order in writing, requisition suck
premisec, or such vehicle, vessel or animal, as the case
may be, and may make such further orders as may appear
to then, to be necessary or expedient in connection with
the requisitioning :
Provided that no vehicle, vessel or animal w5ich
is being lawfully used by a candidate or his agent for an)
purpose car=;~ectic!-:i:h the election of such candidate
shall be requisitioned unde:~ this sub-section until
completion of the poll at such election.
(2) The requisition shall be effected by an order in
writing addressed to the person deemed by the Govern-
ment to be ihe owner or person in possession of the
property, and such order shall be served on the person
to whom it is addressed.
(3) Whenever any property is requisitioned under
sub-section (I), the period of such requisition shall not
extend beyond the period for which such property is
required for any of the purposes mentioned in that sub-
(4) In this section-
(a) ' premises ' means any land, building or
part of a building and includes a hut, shed or other structure
or any part thereof ;
(b) ' vehicle ' means any vehicle used or capable
of being used for the purpose of road transport, whether
propelled by mechanical power or otherwise.
86. (1) Whenever in pursuance of section 85 the payment of
Government requisition any premises, there shall be paid compensatjc
by the corporation to the persons interested compensatiw
the amount of which shall be determined by the Govern-
ment by taking into consideration the following, namely :-
(i) the rent payable in respect of the premises or
if no rent is so payable the rent payable for similar pre-
mises in the locality :
Provided that the rent payable in respect of the
premises to which tbe provisions of the Tamil Nadu
Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu
Act 18 of 1960) apply shall be the fair rent payable for
the premises under that Act ;
a60 C'oimbatore City t l g i i : T.N. Act 25
Municipal Corporation
(ii) if in consequence of the requisition of the
premises the person interested is compelled to change
his residence or placo of business, the reasonable expenses
(if any) incidental to such change :
Provided that where any person interested, being
nggrieved by the amount of compensation so determined
makes an applichtion to the Government within one
month from the date of service of the order determining
the compensation for referring the matter ta an arbitrator,
the amount of compczcn2in? tq be paid shall be such as
the arbitrator appointed in this behalf by the Government
may deter .nine :
Psov:ded further that where :here is any dispute
2s to the titJe to receive the compensation or as to the
apportionment of the amount of compensation it shall
be referred by the Government to an arbitrator appointed
in this behalr" by the Government for determination and
shall be determined in accordance with the decision of
such arbitrator.
Exp1uncztion.-In this sub-section, the expression
" person interested" means the person who was in hctual
possession of the premises requisitioned under section 85
immediately befare the requisition or where no person
was in such actual possession, the owner of such premises.
(2) Whenever in pursuance of section 85 the Govern-
ment lequisition any vehicle, vessel or animal there shall
be paid by the corporation to the owner thereof compen-
sation the amount of which shall be determined by the
Government on the basis of the fares or rates prevaihng
irr the locality for the hire of such vehicle, vessel or animal :
Provided that where the owner of such vehicle,
vessel or animal being aggrieved by the amount of compen-
sation so determined makes an application tc the Goverz-
ment within oue month from the date of service of the
order determining the compensation for referring the
matter to an arbitrator, the amount of compensation
to be paid shall be such as the arbitrator appointed in
this behalf by the Government may determine :
Provided further that where immediately before
the requisitio~ingthe vehicle or vessel was by virtue of
a hire purchase agreement in the possession of a person
other than the owner, the amount determined under this
1981 ; T.N. A L 25j
~ Coinrbntorc City 261
Municipal Corporation
9ub-section as tha total compensation payable in respect
of the requisition shall be apportioned between thlt
person, and the awner in such manner as they may agree
upon, and in default of agreement in such manner as an
arbitrator appcinted by the Governmsnt in this behalf
may decide.
87. The Government may, with a view to requisition- power to
ing any property under section 85 or determining the obtain i ~ f o r m r
compensation payable under section 86 by order, require tion
any person to furnish to such authority as may be specified
in the order such information in his possession relating
to such property as may be so specified.
88. (1) Any person authorised in this behalf by the powznrofeatq
Government may enter into any premises and inspect-into and
such premises and any vehicle, vessel or animal therl:in jns~cctionof
for th*?purpose nf determining w'lothcr, a--kd if so in what premises, et c.
manner, an order under section 85 shcul'd be made in
relation to such premises, vehicle, vessel, or animal or
with a view to securing compliance with ady order made
under that section.
(2) In this section the expressions "premises''
and " vehicle " shall have the same meaning as in section 85.
89. (1) A?y person remaining in possession of any Eviction from
requisitioned premises in contravention of any order rrquisitionzd
made under section 85 may be summarily evicted from r)remiscs.
the premises by any officer empowered by the Government
in this behalf.
(2) Any officer s o empowered m2y, after giving
to any woman not appearing in pu5lic, reasonable warning
and facility to withdraw, remove or open any lock or bolt
or break open any door of any building or do any other
act necessary for effecting such evicti~n.
90. (1) When any premises requisitioned under section Release of
85 are to be released from requisiticn, the possessior, .remises fr,, tn
thereof shall be delivered to the person from ,,:,7m requisition.
possession was taken at the time when the premises were
requisitioned, or if there were no such person to the person
deemed by the Government to be the owner of such
premises, and such delivery of possession shall be a full
discharge of the Government from all liabilities in respect
of such delivery, but shall not prejudice any rights in
262 Coimb~toreCity [I981 :T.N..Act 25
Municipal Corporation

respect of the premises which any other person may be

ent ir led by due process of law to enforce against the person
to whom possession of the premises is so delivered.

(2) Where the person to whom possession of any

premises requisitioned under section 85 is to be given
under sub-section (1) cannot be found or is not readily
ascertainable or has no agent or any other person em-
powered to accept delivery on his behalf, the Government
shall cause a notice declaring that such premises are
releasec from requisition to be affixed in some conspicuous
part of such premises and publish the notice in the Tamil
Nadu C;overnment Gazette.

(3) When a notice referred to in sub-section (2) is

published in the Tmil Nadu Government Garette, the
premises specified in such notice shall cease to be subject
t o requisition on and from the date of such publication
and be deemed to have been delivered to the person
entitled to possession thereof, and the Government shall
not be liable for any compensation or other claim in respect
of such premises for any period after the said date.

Delegat ion of 91. The Government may, by notification, direct' that

function of any powers conferred or any duty imposed on the Govern-
Oovernmencment by zny of the provisions of sections 85 to 90 shall,
' with regard to
- . under such conditions, if any, as may be specified b the
direction, be exercised or disdarged by such *I m
class of officers as may be so specified.

Per,aIty for 92. If any person contravems any order made under
contravention section 55 or section 87, he shall be punishable with
any order of imprisonment ibr II term which may extend to one year
or with fine or with both.

Limitation of 93. The council may accept trusts relating exclusively
power to aceeP* to the furtherance of purposes to which the municipal
' Property trust ft-nd may be applied.
CoirPlbnfore Ci?y 263
l'dwtic@aZ Corporation
-+- 94. Sobject to the provisions of section 101, the Acqolsitioe
commissioner may, for the purpose of this Act, acquire of property
on behalf of the corporation movable or immovable .and interest3
proprrty within or without the City or any interests in therela
such property :
Provided that-
(a) the commissioner shall be bound by any
resolution of the standing committee fixing terms, rates or
P maximum prices for a particular case or f ~ anyr class of
cases ;

(b) the sanction of the stauding committee shall be

required for the exchange of any immova5le property,for
the taking of any property o n lease for a term exceeding
twelve months, or for the acceptance of any gift or bequest
of property burdened by an obligation ; and
(c) the sanction of the council shall be required-
(i) for the acceptance or acquisition of any
immovable property if the value of the property which it
is proposed to accept, acquire or give in exchange exceeds
one thousand rupees;
(ii) for the taking of any property on lease for a
term exceeding three years ; or
(iii) for the acceptance of any gift or bequest
of property burdened by an obligation, if the value of
such property exceeds one thousand rupees.
' 95. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 101, the Disposal of
commissioner may, lease or dispose by sale or exchange property and
of any corporation movable property the value of which intereststhe?e=
does not exceed five thousand rupees in each instance, in*
and cf any corporation immovable property the value
of which does not exceed ten thousand rnoees, or grant
for any term not exceeding twelve months a lease of any
corporation immovable property or a lease or concession
of any right of fishing or grazing or of gathering and
taking fruit and the like :
Provided that every such disposal, lease or conces-
sion made or granted by the commissinuer shall be
reported to the standing committee within fifteen days.
(2) With the sanction of the standing committee,
the commissioner may lease or dispose by sale or exchange
of any corporation movable property the .value of whi&
264 Coimbatore City 1981: T.N. Act 25
Munic ipal Corpomtion .
exceeds five thousand rupees but does not exceed ten
thousand rupees in each instance, and of any corporation
immovable property the value of which exceeds ten
thousand rupees but does not exceed twenty thousand
rupees or grant for any term not exceeding three years a
lease of eny corporation immovable property, or lease
or concession of any such right as aforesaid.
(3) With the sanction of the council the commissioner
may lease, sell or otherwise dispose of any corporation
movable property, the value of which exceeds ten thousand
rupees and of any corporation immovable property, tho
value of which exceeds twenty thousand rupees.
(4) The sanction of the standing committee under
uub-sectioxi (2) or that of the council under sub-section (3)
may be given either generally or for any class of cases or
specially for any particular case.
(5) The commissioner may lend or let out on hire
m y corporation movable property on such conditions and
for such periods as may be specified in regulations made
by the standing committee in that behalf.
Procedure for 96. Any immovable property which any municipal
pquisition of authority is authorized by this Act to acquire may be
*-OvaMe acquired under the provisions of the Land Acquisition
Landunder Act, 1894 (Central Act I of 1894) and on payment of the
Acquisition compensation awarded under the said Act in respect of
Act, 1894. such property and of any other charges incurred in
acquiring it, the said property shall vest in the corporation.

Objects not 97. The Government may with the consent of the
providedfor council transfer to the corporation the management'of
by this Act* any institution or the execution of any work not rovided
for by this Act and it shall thereupon be lawfu for the
corporation to undertake such management or execution :
Provided that in every such case, the funds requ&d
for such management or execution shall be placed at the
disposal of the corporation by the Government.
Power ofcouncil 98. The council may determine either generally for
whether works any class of cases or specially for any particular case
shall be e x w ~ .whether the commissioner shal? execute works by contrwt
99. (1) The commissioner may sa~ctionany estimate, Power of the
the amount of which does not exceed fifty thou rand rupees. several autho-
rities to sanc-
(2) When the amcunt of the estimate exceeds fifty tion estimates.
thousand rupees, but docs not exceed one lakh of rupees,
the sanction of the concerned standing committee (other
than the standing committee on taxation and finance)
shall be required, and when the amouiit of the estimate
exceeds one lakh of rupees but does not exceed two lakhs
of rupees, the sanction of the standing committee on
taxation and finance shall be required; and when the
amount of the estimate exceeds two lakhs of rupees
but does not exceed ~ h r e c lakhs of rupees the
sanction of the council shall be required ; and when the
amount of estimate exceeds three lakhs of rupees, the
sanction of the Government shall be required.
100. (1) Where a project is framed for the b.:ecution Works costing
of any work or series of works the entire estimated cost more than onti
of which exceeds one lakh of rupees- lakh of rupees.

(a) the commissioner shall cause a detailed report

to be prepared including such estimates and drawings
as may be requisite and shall lay the same,-
(i) before the standing committee on taxation
and finance if the entire estimated cost exceeds one lakh
of rupees but does not exceed two lakhs of rupees;
(ii) before the council if entire estimated cost
exceeds two lakhs of rupees ;
(b) the standing committee on taxation and finance
or the council, as the case may be, shall consider the
report and may reject the project or may aprrove it either
jn its entirety or subject to modifications.

(2) (a) Where the council approves the project and

the entire estimated cost exceeds three lakts of rupees, the
report, subject to any modifications as aforesaid, shall be
submitted to th: G?~~t'n"~nt;
( b ) The Government may reject the project or may
sanction it either i l l its entirety or subject to modification ;
(c) The work shall not be commenced until the
project has been sanctioned by the Government with or
&bout modification ; i _
266 Cohbatore City Municipal [ 1981 : T.N. Act 2s
... ,'. . r -, .
(d) No material change in the project sanctioned
. as aforesaid shall be carried into effect without the sanc-
tion of the Government.
wneral pro- 101. (1) The council may enter into and perform all
visions regar- such contracts as it may consider necessary or expedient.
d i ~ gcontracts* for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act.
(2) With respect to the making of contracts under
or for any purpose of this Act, the following provisions
shall have effect, namely :-
(a) every contract shall be made on behalf of the
corporation by the cornmls~ioi~~l
(6) no contract for any purpose which, in accor-
- dance with any provision of this Act, the commissioner
may not carry out without the sanction or approval ofone
or the other municipal authorities, shall be made by him
unless such sa~ictionor approval has been given ;

(c) contract involving an expenditure not ex-

ceeding five thousand rupees shall be made by the com-
missioner ;

(d) no cor?tract involving a n expenditure exceeding

five thousand rupees, but not exceeding fifty thousand
rupees shall be made by the c~mmissionerunless it has been
sanctioned by the standing committee concerned (other
than the standing committee on taxation and finance);

(e) no contract involving an expenditure exceeding

fiRy thousand rupees, but not exceeding two lakhs ofrupces
shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanc-
tioned by the standing committee on tax~tion and

V) no contract involving an expenditure exceeding

two lakhs of rupees, shall be made by the commissioner
unless it has been sanctioned by the council ;

(g) ever) contract made by the commissioner

involving an expenditure exceeding one thousand rupees
but not exceeding five thousand rupees shall be reported
to the standing committee within fifteen days after it &ig
bee4 made, . ., .I;
1981: T.N. Act 251 Coimhatore City 267
H~nicipidCorporat ion
(3) The provisions of s~b-section(2) shall apply to
any variation of a contract involving an increase of more
than ten percenturn on the expenditure involved in the
original contract.

(4) The power conferred by this sectioll to make

or sanction contract shall be subject to such rules as may
be prescribed in regard to the conditions on which and the '

mode in which contracts may be made or sanctioned by A

or on behalf of the council. I

102. (1) Every contract entered into by the commssioner ~ , a , of making
on behalf of the corporation shall be entered in to in such contracts.
manner and form as would bind him if it were made on
his own behalf and may in like manner and form be
varied or discharged :
Provided that- 1
(a) the common seal of the,corporation shall be
atfixed to every contract which, if made between private
persons, *uould require to be under seal; and
(b) every contract for the execution of any work
or the supply of any materials or goods which will involve
an expenditure exceeding one thousa!ld nlpees shall be
in writing and shall be sealed with the common sealofthe
corporation a nd sha 11 specify--
(i) the work to be done or the materials or goods
to be suppiied, as the case may be ;
(ii) the price to be paid for such work, materials
or goods; and
(iii) in the case of a contract for work, the rime
within which the work or specified portions thereof shall
be completed ;
Provided further that individual dealer or firm
may be exempted from executing sucb contracts after the
commissioner has recorded in writing his reasons therefor.

(2) The common seal of the corporation sha 11 remain

in the custody of the commissioner and shall not be affixed
to any contract or to other instrument except in the pre-
%nee of the ctvnxnissioner or of two members df the
268 Coimbntore City [lgSl: T . N Act 25
Municipal Corporation

standing committee an+ the commissioner or the said two

members shall sign the contract or instruinci~t in token
that the same was sealed in his or tl~eirpresence.
(3) No contract executed otherwise than as pro-
vided in this section shall be binding on the corporation.

rnvitation of 103. (1) At least seven days before entering into any
tenders. contract for the execution of any work or the supply of
any materials or goods which will involve an expenditure
exceeding five thousand rupees, the commissioner shall
give notice by advertisement inviting tenders for such
contract :
Provided tlat the standing committee in case the
amount of contract sxceeds five thousand rupees,but does
not exceed fifty thousand rupees, and the council, in case
the amount of the contract exceeds fifty thouand rupees,
may, at tbe instance of the commissioner and for reasons
which shal! be recorded in its proceedings, authorise the
commissioner to enter into a contract without inviting

(2) Where the amount of any contract does not

exceed t went y-five thousand rupees, the commissioner,
on receipt of the tenders in respect of such contract made in
pursuance of the notice given under sub-section (1) may,
subject to thi: provisions of section 101, accept any tender
which appears to him,upon a view of all the circumstances,
to be the most advantageous.
(3) Where the amount of any coiltract exceeds
twenty-five thousand rupees, but does not exceed one
lakh of rupees, the commissioner, on receipt on the tenders
in respect of such contract made in pursuancheof the notice
given under sub-section (11, shalt place the tenders before
the standing committee on taxation and finance which
may approve any tender whiclb ++;cl; to it, upon a view
of all the circumstan~es, to be t hi: most advantageous,
and thereupon tbe commissioner shall subject to the
provisions of section 101, accept the tender so approved.

(4) Where the amount of any contract exceeds one

l a b of rupees, the commissioner, on receipt of the
tenders in respect of such contract made in pursuance of
the notice given under sub-section (1) shall place the
t&s bdore the council, which may approve an
i9$l : T.N. Act 251 ~oimbatoreCity ~ u n i c i p a i 289
tender which appears to it, upon a view of all the cir-
cumstances, to be the most advantageous, and there-
upon the commissioner shall, subject to the provision
of section 101, accept the tender so approved.
104. ~ h c nwalk is given on contrac at unit rates Savi& of cer-
anti the number of units is not prcciaely determinable, tain irregulari-
tht contract shall noi be deemed to contravene tbe ties
provisions of section 101, section 102 or section 103
merely by reason of the fact that the pecuniary limits
therein laid down are eventually exce.:ded.
105. Subject to such rules as may be made by the Security for
Government in this behalf, the commissioner shall take performance of
sufficient sccurily for the due performs nce of contracts.
every contract into which he enters after a tender has
been accepted, an3 r:27 t-ke security for the due per-
formance of any other contract ifito which l ~ eenters
under this Act.
106. (1) In addition to the officers appointed under Corporation
sub-section (2) of section 11, the corporation establish- establ~shment.
ment shall consist of the following classes of officers,
namely :-
Class I .. .. All heads of departments in the
corporatjon other than officers
appointed under sub-section (2)
of section 11.
Class I1 , . .. All officers appointed to assist
Class I officers.
Class I11 .. All others (not being persons hold-
ing posts in z service classified by
the Goverizment as a basic scrvice)
appointed to serve under the
Ciass 1V .. All persons holding posts in a
service classified by the Govern-
ment as a basic service.
530 Cohbatore di)tubiunjcbai [1981 : ~ . k~. c 28t

(2) (a) Every appointment to any post included in

Class I shall be made by the Government.
(b) Every appointment to any post included in
Class II shall be made by the council and shall be subject
. confirmation by the Government.
* .

(c) Every appointment to any post included in

, Class 111 or Cliisr IV shall be made by the appointments
committee consisting of the Mayor, the commissioner aod '

one member elected by the council, which shall be estab-

lished for ' the corporation.
Emergency 107. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act,
powers of corn- the commissioner, may, in case of emergency, appoint
missions. , temporarily such officers and servants as may in his

opinior ba required for the purposes of this Act and the

ern~loymeniof whom for any particular work has not
been prohibited by any resolution of the council; and
every appointment made shall be reported by the com-
missioner to the appointments corninittee at its next
conditions of 108. (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the
service of tor- classification, methods of recruitment, conditions of
poration service, pay and allowance and discipline and conduct
blishmento of the corporatiou establishment shall be regulated by
rules made by Government in this behalf and such rules
may provide for matteis relating to the constitution of
appeals committee for entertaining appeals in respect of."
any penalty imposed upon any member of the corpora-
tion establishment and other matters connected *herewith:
Provided that any Class I or Class I1 officer may be
removed from office by the Government : .
Provided further that-
(i) the amount of any salary, leave and leave'
a110wances, allotvances for house rent, carriage hire,
travelling expenses or any other a110wances, gratuity
or pension granted under the said rules shall in no case
exceed what would be admissible in the case of Govern-'
ment servants of similar standing and status, and
(ii) the conditions under which such salary 9nd
allowances are granted or m y leave, superannuation or
retirement is sanctioned shall not be more favourable
than those for the time being prescribed for such Govern-
ment servaots.
i9$1: ?.N. Act 241 doimbatore City ~ u n i c i ~ aif1
Corporat i on
(2) The Government may-
(a) recover from the corporation the whole or
such propr rtion of the salary and allowances paid to any
Class I officer and such contribution towards his leave
allowances, pension and provident fund as the Govern-
ment may, 5y generd ;;cia1 order, determine;
(6) at any time, withdraw any Class I officer and
appoint anothcr in his place.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in section
106, but subject to such rules as may be made by the GOT-
trnment under sub-section (I), the commissioner may
cellsure, fine. withhold promotion from, reduce, suspend,
remove or dismiss any Class I11 or IV officer or other
employee of the corporation except Class I and I1 officers
for any breach of departmental rules or discipline or for
carelessness, unfitness, neglect of duty or other mis-
(4) No officer or other employee of the corporation
establishment shall be dismissed or removed or redu-
ced in rank until he has been given a reasonable opportu-
nity of showing cause against the action proposed to be
taken in regard to him :
Provided that this sub-section shall not apply-
(a) where a person is dismissec or removed or
reduced in rank on the ground of conduct which has
led to his conviction on a criminal charge ;
(6) where an authority empowered to dismiss
or remove a person or to reduce him in r m k is satisfied
t h ~for
t rez.sons to be recorded by t h ~~~~t t h o r iint ywriting,
it is not reason,z.bly pr?.dicr.ble to give to t h2.t person
an opportunity of showing w.use ; or
(c) where an authority empowered to dismiss or
remove a person or to reduce him in ranks is satisfied
that in t b interests of the security of the State it is not
expedient to give to th2.t person such 2.n opportunity.
(5) If any question 2,rises whether it is re~sonnbly
p;zcti~.ble to give to z.ny person 2.11 opportunity of show-
ing crrusc under sub-section (4) or whether in the interests
of the secuiity of the State, it is not expedient to give to
i'li CohnSatom citj
Municipal Corporation
bsei : i N . kcti4
any person such an opportunity under thatesub-deotion,
the decision thereon of the autholity empowertd to dis-
miss or remove such person or to reduce him in rank,
as the case may be, shall be final.
(6) Every officer of the corporation establishment
sh.?.ll be a wholetime officer of the corporation and no
such offies shall undertake any work iuncoanecied with
his officewithout :he permission of the c~mmissioner:
Provided that the order of the commissioner granting
such permission shall be placed before the next meeting
of the council.

Time within 109. (1) If a v2.cancy c:c~rr. ir. my post included in

which vacancy Class 11 or ?.ny new post in the said Ciuss is created, the
4 in certain c o u , ~ ~sh~Ii11l within three months appoint any qualified
posts must be and suitable psison to hold such post.
filled up.
(2) If the Government refuse to confirmthe appoint-
ment so mrde, the council shall appoint some other quali-
fled and suitable person within forty-five days from the
receipt of the order refusing confirmation.
(3) 111 defzult of any appointment being made in
accord2.nce with sub-sec~ion(1) or sub-section (2), as
the cT.se m2.y be, the Government may appoint a person
who in their opinion, is qualified and suitable to hold the
post and such per son shall be deemed to have been appoin-
ted by t he counci1.
(4) Pending en iippointrnent under sub-section (1)
or sub-seciion (2), the council may appoint a person to
hold the post temporarily and assign to him such salary
as it may think fit.
-Leave, penlion- 110. (1) If any Class 1 or C12.s~11 oIEcer is a civil or
:ary afid leave militp.1 officer in the service of the Government a d if

,con:r'bVltioaof 2 -:y oth3r officer 01 servant serving or having served &r

certainofficers*the corpore.tion is or has been transferred from or to the
service of t b Government or is employed partly under
the Government and pm.tly under the corporation, he shall
be entitled to leave and other privileges in ac&rd-
ance with the rulesand regdations of the branch
of the Govern~nent service to which he belongs
and in force for the ti me wing 2nd the corporation shall
make such contribution towards his leave a&wanas,
.- . ...--4-4- --

1981 : T.N. Ac? 251 Coimbatore City Mmfc[pa] 273

pensions, and provident funds and m8.y be required to be
made by him or on his behalf under the rules 2.nd regula-
tiom of the branch of the G.overnment service to which
he belongs.
(2) If any such officer is not a civil or military officer
in the service of the Government, his leave and leave
aJlowances, his superannuation or retirement, his gratuity
or pension and the proportions of his pensionary or pro-
vident fund contribution payable respectively from his
salary and from the municipal fund shall be governed by
rules framed by the Government :
Provided that -
(a) the amount of any such leave and leave aflo-
wances, a llowanoes for house rent, carriage hire, travelling
expenses or any other allowances, gratuil y or pension
sbll in no case exceed what would be admissible in t8e
case of Government servants of similar standing land
status; and

(b) thc conditions under which such allowanoes

are granted or any leave, supermuation or retirement is
sanctioned shall not be more favourable than those for
the time being prescribed for such Government servants.
111. In the event of the occurren* of any unusual pow, ,f
mortality or the prevalence or apprehended outbreak of Government
any infectious disease within the City, the Government, to appoint
special health
if they consider immedizte zction is necessary, may of offis,.
their own motion asppint a special hedth officer wholly >

or partly at the expense of the municipal fund :

R<rvidedthat -
(a) the duration of the special he~lthofficer shall
not exceed six months ;and
dt (b) the corporation shall not be bound to pay more
than one thousand five hundred rupees per mensem on
acoount thereof.
112. (1) The commissioner shall lay before the appoint- ZJstablilhmat '

mentn committee a schedule setting folth the designation6 schedule.

and trades of the officers other than Class 1 office~sand
servants who should in his opinion constitute the corpo-
ration establishment.
274 Coimbcrtore City Munic&al [I981 :T.N. Act 23
(2) The appintments committee nay either approve
or amcnd such schedule as it thinks fit and 6he,ll lay it
before tile council flitithits reinarks,if any.
(3) The council shall sanction suoh schedule with or
without modifications as it thinks fit.
(4) The commissioner may#from time to time, lay
before the appointments committee for its remarks, if
any, his proposals to amend the schedule sanctioned by
the council under sub-section (3). Thr. proposals of the
comnlissioner together with the fenlarks of ths appoint-
ments commitiee thereon shall be placed before the
council. The council may either approve, reject 'or
modify the amendments aforesaid.
(5) No new post in the corporation establi~hment~the
maxim~~rn monthly salary of which exceeds eight hm&ed
rupees,r;hall be created by the council without the sanotion
of the C+overnment,
113. (1) The authority competent to grant leave to
Power to
grant leave to t& officers and servants of the corporation shall be the
e s t a b ~ & ~ , commissioner .
(2) In the case of commissioner, leave may be
grated by the Government.
Commission~r 114. Subject to the provisions of this Act and the rulea,
to control the commissioner shall prescribe the duties of the corpora-
corporation tion estabIi shment and exercise supervision m d control
cstabliswnt* owr their acts and proceedings.
Provincialisa- 115. Notwithstanding anything cantained in this Ad,
tion of' ad the Government may, by notification, constitute any
or servantscers class of offiwrs or servants of thc corporation into a
the civil service for the State of Tamil ~ a d u .
116. Notwithatanding anything contained in this Act
PO wcr of or in the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920
Government (Tamil Na4u A ~t I7 0of 1920) the Government shall have
to traa~fer
o&ers and power--
servants of the
corporation or (a) to transfer any officer or servant of the.corpora-
municipaliti~s. tion to t le service of the municipsl corporation of Madras
constituted under the Madras City Municipal Corpora-
tion Act, 1919 (Tamil Nadu Act I V of !9 19) or the muni-
cipal corporation of Madurai cgnstituted under the
Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (Tamil.
Nadu Act ;5 of 1971) or a ~ other y municipal corporation
that may be coastitutcd under any law or any mu*-
1981 :TON*Act %5] Coirnbatore CIty Manic igal 275
pality constituted under the Tamil Nadu District Muni-
cipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Aci v of 1920) or to
transfer any officer or servant of any such municipality or
the municipal corporation of Madras or the municipal
corporation of Madurai or any other municipal corpora-
tion that may be constituted under any law to the service
of the corporation.

I .
(b) to issue such general or special directions as
they may think necessary for the purpose of giving due
effect to any transfer made under clause (a).

117. Tbe council may levy- Enumeration
of ordinarb)
taxes an d
(a) a property tax ; duties.
(b) a profession tax ;
1 (c) a tax on carriages and animals ; !
I (d) a tax on carts ;
(e) a tax on advertisements other than advertise-
ments published in the newspapers ;and
( f ) a duty on certain transfers of propprtv in the
form of surcharge on stamp duty.
118. Any resolution of the council determinin to powers of
levy a tax shall specify the rate at which and the date rom Govefnment.8 :
which any such tax shall be levied : .I

Provided that before passing a resolution imposing a
tax for the first time or increasing the rate of an existing
tax, the council shall publish a notice in atleast one
Tamil newspaper and on the notice board ofthe municl-
pal of6ce and in such other places within the City as may
be specified by the council and by beat of drum, of its
intention, fix a reasonable period not being less than one
month for submission of objections and cocsider the
obj-ctions, if any, received within the period specified :
Provided further that any resolution abolishing an
existing tax or reducing the rate at which a tax is levied
shall be im~ediatelyreported to the Government and in
cases where there is any outstanding loan due trom the
276 CoimMfore Cfty Muniripal [1981 :T.N. Act 25
corporation to the Central or to any State Government
or to the public -or to any other local authority, such
abolitioll or reduction shall not be carried into effect
without the sanction si thr: Governmeat :
Provided also that, where any resolution under this
section has taken effect for a particular half-year, no pro-
posal to alter the rates cr date fixed in such resolution so
far as that half-year is concerned shall, without the sanc-
tion of or direction from, the Government, be taken into
consideration by the council.

Notification 119. When the council shall have determind subject

of new taxes. to the provisions of sections 117 and 118 to levy any tax
for the first time or at a new rate, the commissioner shall
forthwith publish a notification in the District Gazette
and by beat of drum specifying the rate at which, the date
from wbich and the period, if any, for which' such tax
shall be levied.
Saving fb. 120. Nothing in this Chapter shall authorise the council
@rtain to levy any tax which the State Legislature has no power
Of the to impose in the State under the Constitution :
Provided that any such tax which, immediately before
the conmwcement of the Constitution, was being law-
fully levied by council may continue to be levied uhtil
provisions to the contrary is made by Parliament by law.
The property tax.

Description 121. (1) If the council by resolution determines that

of property a property tax for general purposes shall be
tax. tax shall be levied on all buildings and lan
City save those exempted by or under this
other law.
(2) Save as otherwise provided in this
perty tax shall be levied at such percentage
value of buildings, or lands which are
adjacent md appurtenant to buildings or
Gxed by t le council subject to the provisions of

Provided that the aggregate of the

fixed shall not in the case of any land or
than fifteen and a half per cent or greater tha
per cent of its annual value.
1981: T. N. Act 251

(3) For the purpose of assessing the property tax

the annual value of any building or land shall be dctcr-
mined by the commissioner :
Provided that the annual value of any building OF
land the tax for which is gapble by the commksionu
rhaN bc deterniined by the .Mayor.

(4) (a) Save as otherwise provided in clause (b), the

council shall, in the case of lands which are aot used ex-
clusively for agricultural purposes and are not occupied
by, or adjacent m d appurtenant to, buildings, levy the
property tax on the capital value of such lands at such
percentages as it may fix which shall not exceed six per
cent of their capital value ;
(b) In the case of railway lands which are not
used exclusively for agricultural purposes and are not
occupied by, or adjacent and appurtenant to, buildings,
the council shall levy property tax on the rnnual value of
such lands at such percentages which shall not exceed
seventeen and one-third per cent of their annual value
and the Government shall have power to make rules regard-
ing the manner in which, the person or persons by whom
and the intervals at which the annual value of such
lands shall be estimated or revised, and they may also
by such rules, restrict or modify the application of the pro-
visions contained in Schedule TI to such lands.
(5) (a) The council shall, in the case of lands used
exclusively for agricultural purposes, levy property tax
at such proportions as it may fix, of the annual value of
such lands calculated in the manner specified in clause (b) :
Provided that the proportion shall not exceed the
maximum, if any, fixed by the Government.
(b) (i) In the case of lands held direct from Govern-
ment on ryotwar; ;eLLureu, v i :~,.:;e or licence, the assess-
ment, lease amount, royalty or other sum payable to
Government for the lands together with any water-rate
which may be payabl .: for their irrigation, shall be taken
to be the annual value ;
(ii) In the case of lands held on any tenure
other than ryotwari tenure, the annual rent payable to the
landholder,sub-landholder or any other intermediate land-
holder holding on an under-tenure created, continued or
recognized by a landholder or sub-landholder, as the case
may be, by his tenants together with any water-r ate which
may be payable fur their irrigation, shall be taken to be the
annual value; and where such lands are occupied by the
owner himself or by any person holding the same from him
free of rent or at a favourable rent, the annual d u e shall
be calculated according to the rates of rent usually paid
by occupancy ryots for ryoti lands in the neighbourhood
with similar advantages, together with any water-rate
which may be payable for the irrigation of the lands so
occupied ;I

(iii) In the case of lands,,the assessment of rent

which is paid in kind, the annual ~ a l u shall
e be calculated
according to the rates of rent estabAishedor paid for neigh-
bouring lands of a similar description and uality,together
with any water-rate which may be payab e for the irri-
gation of the lands first mentioned ;
(c I If such lands be occupied by tenants, the council
shall levy the taxes in equal shares, from the landholder
and the tenant respectively ;

(d)Subject to any rules which the Government

may make in this behalf, the commissioner shall have the
power to require the staff of the Land Revenue Depart-
ment to collect the taxes due to the council in respect of
such lands on payment of such remuneration not exceeding
five per cenrum of the gross sum collected as the district
~ollectorhaving jurisdiction over the City of Coimbatore
may, by general or special order determine.

leth hod of 122. (1) Every building shall be assessed together with
arsersmmt of its site and other adjacent premises occupied as lu appur-
pro~cnvtax. tenance thereto unless the owner of the building is a diffe-
rent person from the owner of such site or premises.

(2) The annual value of lands and buildings shall be

deemed to be the gross annual rent at which they may
reasonably be expected to let from month to month or from
year to year less a deduction, in themcaseof buildings, of
ten per cent of that portion of such annual rent which
is attributable to the buildings alone, apart from their
aitos an.d the adjacent lands occupied as an appurtenance
1981 : TN. Act 251 Coimbatore Cirg 2 79
Municipal Corporatlou
thereto; and the said deduction shali be in lieu of all
allowances for repairs or on any other account whatever:
Provided that-
(a) in the case of--
(i) any State Government or railway building, or
(ii) any building of a class not ordinarily let the
gross annual value of which cannot, in the opinion of the
commissioner, be estimated,
the annual valuc of the premises shall be deemed to be six
per centum of the total of the estimated market value of
the land and the estimated present cost of erecting the
building after deducting for depreciation a reasonable
amount which shall in no case be less than ten per centum
of such cost ;
(b) in calculating the value of any land or building,
the value of any plant or machinery, on such land or in
such building shall be excluded, but all fixtures including
lifts and electric and other fittings which add tc) the conve-
nience of the building shall be valued, subject in the case
of a lift to such deduction from the valuation as may be
prescribed by the council on account of the cost of repairs
to maintenance of and attendance on, siacli lift :
Provided furthcr thqt the annul vdlue of any

land or buildiqg is attributable partly to the use of such

land or building or any portion thereof for the display of
any advertisement 01. advertisements and tax is levied
under this Act in respect of such advertisement or adver-
tisements, the annual value of such land or building for
the purpose of assesfring the property tax thereon shall
be ascertained as if such land, building or portion is not
used for the display of such advertisement or advertise-
(3) The Government shall have power to make rules
regarding the mann :r in which, the person or persons by
whom and the intervals at which,the value of the land, the
present cost of erecting the building and the amount to be
deducted for depreciation, shall be estimated or revised,in
any case or class of cases to which clause (a) of the proviso
to sub-section (2) applies, and they may, by such rules,
restrict o r modify the application of the provisions con-
tained in Schedule I1 to such caw or class of cases.
&W Coimbatore City r1981: TS. Act 3.5
Municipal Corporation

Q ~ c~m
c p- ~ 123.~ The following buildings and lands shall be exempt
tions from from the property tax-
tropest y tax*
(a) places set apart for public worship and either
actually so used 0:: used for no other purpose ;
(b) choultries for the occupation of which no rent
is charged and choultries the rent charged for the occupad
tion of whichis used exclusively for charitable purposes ;
(c) places used for tho charitable purpose of
sheltering the destitute or animal!; and orphanages, homes
and schools for the deaf and dumb, asylum for the aged
and fallen women and such similar institutions rw.
purely on philanthropic lines as are approved by the
council ;
(d) such ancient monuments protected under the
Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, 1904 (Central Act
VII of 904) and such ancient and historical monuments

declarec. by or under the Ancient Monuments and Arch

eologica,l Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (Central Act 24 of
1958) to be; of national importance and also such ancient
monuments and archaeological sites and remains protected
under the Tamil Nadu Ancient and Historical Monuments
and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1966 (Tamil
Nadu Act 25 of 1966), or parts thereof as are not used
ar residential quarters or public office ;
(e) charitable hospitals and dispensaries but not
including residential quarters attached thereto;
(f) such hospitals and dispensaries maintained by
railway administration as may from time to time be notified
by the Government, but not including residential quarters
attached thereto ;
. (g) burial and burning grounds included in the
book kept in the municipal offic: under section 404;
(h) any building or land the annual value of which
is less than one hundred and nineteen rupees provided
that the owner thereof is not liable to profemion
tax or income-tax and provided further that no other
building or land is owned by him or the aggrepte annual
value of all the buil3iz6; acd lands owned by him is lm
than one bundred and nineteen rupees ;
(0the bed ofanyriver or canalor any river or
canal beloagiging to ~ o v e r m e n and
t which
any incon;- to the Gov- or any OD
1981 :T.N. Act251 Coh~batoreCity 281.
set apart for recreation purposes or any other Govern-
ment property being neither building nor land from
which in the opinion of the Government any in come could I

not be derived, as may from time t o time be notified by

the Government ;
V) any building cr land owned by the Central Go vern-
mat :
Provided that nothing contained in clauses (a),(c)and v ,
(e) shall be deemed to exempt from property tax any
building or land for which rent is payable by the person
or persons wing the same for the purposes referred to in
the said clauses,,
124. The rates of property tax fixed by the council Special exemPo
may be proportionate to the value of each building or land ~ ~ ~
or may advance in systerna tic progression with the value property tax.
of the building or land, but shall in no case decrease as the
~ i or land, increases. When a progres-
value of the b ~[ding
sive rate has been adopted by the couricil, it shall prescribe
the principles of classification (as that a certain sum which
shall be tax free shall be d.educted from the assessment of
each building or land or that the progression shall be frclo
a m a i n percentage in the lowest to a certain percentage in
the highest class) and the precise number and limits of
each class :
Provided that-
(a) the council, may with the sanction of the Govern-
ment, exempt any local area, from the whole or a portion
3f S U C ~tax on the ground that such area is not deriving
any or the full benefit from the water-supply and drainage
or from the lighting system ;
(b) in the case of any land which is not appurtenant
to any building or which is occupied by or appurtenant
to huts, the commissioner may assess the land or premises,
as the case may be, with reference to extent in lieu of
annual value and at such rates as he may himself deter-
mine subject to the maximum of rupees two per three
square metres.
125. The property tax on buildings and lands shall, Propere *ax#
subject to the prior payment of the land revenue, if any, first charge on
due to the Government thereon be a first charge upon tho movables,
282 Coimbatore City [I981 T.N. Act as
M ~ i c ? pCl Q I ~r iutO ~ ~
said bliilding:, or lands and upon the n~ovableproperty, if
any ground within or upon such buildings or lands and
belonging to tbr: person liable to such tax.
Property tax 126. The property tax shall be levied every half-year
w.leo payable. and shall, save as otherwise expressly provided in Schedule
I1 be paid by the owner of the assessed premises within
fifteen days after the commencement of the half-year.
Vacancy remi- 127. (1) When any building whether ordinarily let or
ssibn. occupied by the owner himself has been vacant and
unlet for ninety or more consecutive days in any half-
year, the cornmissioncr shall reinit s:) much,not exowding
one half of suc11 portion of the taxas relates to the building
only as is porportionate to the number of days during which
the building wss vacant and unlet in tbe half-year. .
(2) Every claim for remission under sub-section (1)
&all be made &wing the half-year in respect of which the
remission is sought or in the following half-year and not
''; No claim for such remission shall be enter-
& h e dunless the owner of the building or his agent has
previously thereto delivered a notice to the commissioner,-

~ (i) that the building is vacant and unlet; or

(ii) that the building will be vacant and unlet
from a specified date either in the half-year in which notice
is delivered or in the succeeding half-year.

B (b) The period in respect of which the remission

is made shall he calculated-

lq '(i) if remission is sought in respect of the half-

year in which notice is delivered, from the date of deliver?
of the notice or from the date on which the buil
came vacant and ualet, whichever is la-ter; and
(ii) if remission-is sought in respect of the half-
year succeeding that in which the notice is delivered, from
the commencement of the half-year in respect of whip&
remission is sought or from the date on which the buifdkk
became vacar .t and unlet, whichever is later. ,,'
.* (c) Every notice under clause (a) shall expim' with
. the half-year succeedingthat during which it is so &liver4
and &all have no effeot thereafter. * I
1981 :T.N. .Act 251 Coimbatore City
128. (1) Whenever the title of any pel son primarily Obligatioa of
liable to the payment of the propertytax un any premises transferor sad
to or over such prmirep, ir *-.sferred the person whose transferee
give to
title is transferred and the person to whom the same transfer. of
shall be transferred shall, wiihin three months after the
execution of the instrument of transfer or after its regis-
tration if it be registered or after the transfer is effected,
if no instrument be executed, give notice of such transfer
to the commissioner.
(2) In the event of the death of any person primarily
liable a s aforesaid the person to whom the title of the
deceased shall be transfei-red as heir or otherwise shall
give notice of such transfer to the com~nissionerwithin
one year from the death of the deceased.
(3) The notice to be given under this section shall be
in such form as the commissioner may direct and the trans-
feree or the person to whom the title passes, as the case
may be, shall if so required, be bound to produce before
the commissioner, any document evidencing the transfer
or succession.
(4) Every pzrson who makes a transfer as aforesaid
without giving such notice to the commissjoner shall in
addition to any other liability which he may incur
through such neglect continue to be liable foi the payment
of the property tax assessed on the premises transferred
until he gives notice or until the transfer shall have been
recorded in the municipal registers, but nothing in this
section shall be held to affect-
(a) the liability of the transferee for the payment
of the said tax; or
(6) the prior claim of the corporation under section 125.

129.(l)(a) If any building in the City is constructed or Owner's obliia-

reconstructed, the owner shall give notice thereof to the tion to give
notice of coos-
commissioner within fifteen days fiom the date of comple- tmction or re-
tion or occupation of the building whichev2r is earlier ; construtionor
demolition of
(b) If such date falls within the last two months building.
of a half-year the owner shall, subject to notice
being given under clause (a) be entitled to a remission of
the whole of the tax or enhanced tax, as the case may be,
payable in respect of the building only for that hail-, ,.r ;
284 Coimbatore City 11981: N. Act -25
Mun ic iprr1 Corporation

(c) If such date falls within the first four 'months
of a half-year, the owner shall subject to notice being given
under clause (a), be entitled to a remission of so mu&, not
exceeding a half of the tax or enhanced tax, as the case
may be, payable in respect of the building only, for that
half-year as is proportionate to the number of days in
that half-year preceding such date.

(2) (a) If any building in the City is demolished or
destroyed, the owner shall, until notice thereof is given to
I the commissioner, be liable for the payment of the property
tax for which he would have been liable had the building
not been demolished or destroyed ;

(b) If such notice is given vvithin the first two

months of a half-year the owner shall be entitled to a
remission of the whole of the tax payi~blein respect of t b
building only, for the half-year ;

(c) If such notice is given within the last four

months of .r half-year, t'ne owner shall be entitled to a
remission oi' so much, not exceeding a half, of the
tax payable in respect of the building only for that half-ymr
as is proportionate to the number of days in that halfiyear
succeeding the demolition or destructior, as the case may

130. (1) If any area is included in the City, the owner

0 ,tar in areas of every building or land in snch area sha.ll--
included or ex-
cluded in the
middle of a
half year. (a) if the date of such inclusion falls w i m the
last two months of a halGyear, not be liable to pay any
property tax in respect thereof for that hah-year ;and

(b) if such date falls within the first four months

of a half-year, be entitled to a remissio~of so muoh, not
a half, of the property tax payable in ram
therrof for that half-year, as is proportionate to the number
of days in that half-year preceding such date.
m1r TsNbAct 251 C ~ i m b ~ t oCity
ie 283 -
Municipal Corporati on
(2) If any area is excluded from the city, the owner
of every building or land in such area shall be entitled-. r.

(0) iftbe date of such excl~~sionfalls within the

first two months of a half-year, to a remission of the whole
of the property tax payable in respect thereof for that
ha Lf'- year; and

(b) if such date falls within the last four months

of a half-year, to a remission of so much, not exceeding a
half of the prope7ty tax paysble in respect thereof for
that half-year as is PI-oportionateto the number of days
in that half-year suceeding such date.

(3) No remission shall be granted mdir sub-section

(2) in respect of any building o; land unless an applica-
tion for such emission is made to t h commissioner
~ with-
in i r e e months from the date ofthe exclusion of the area
in which the building or land is situated.
131. 'The commissioner may at his discretion condoni; of
omission to give notice under sections 127, 128 or 129, commissioner
or any application ander section 13U, giving his reasons in to condone
writing for every such condonation. mission to
give notice.

132. (1) For the Purpose of assessing the property tax Commissioner9s
the wmrnissioner may, by notice, call on the owner on power to call
ompier of any building ur land to h!,dish him within for informati02
and toprcmipes,
&ity days after the hervice of the ~ 9 t i c ewhere the notice upon enter
is served upon the Gcvernment, a railway administration
or E comgany i:nd within fifteen( ays after s ~ c hservice in
other cases with retcrns of the rent payable for the buil-
ding or land, the cost of erecting the building and t~~

measuement of the land and with such other info1dation

as the commissioner mzY require, and every owner or
ompiel upon whom any such notice is served shall be
bound to comply with it a ~ to d make :rue I ctu;n to the
best of his knowledge or belief.

(2) For the purpose aforesaid the commissioner

may enter, inspect, survey an(! measure ally builiing or
land,after giving twcllt)i-fcui hours lloticc to tf e owner or
586 ~aim~atore
Mun i cipul Corporation
The profession tax.
p,ofcssion taa. 133. (1) If the council by a resolution determines that
profession tax shall be levied, every company which after
the date specified in the notification published under
section 119 transacis business in the City for not less than
sixty days in the aggregbte in any halfwar and every person,
who after the said date, in any haff-year-
(a) exercises a profession, art or calling or transacts
businass or holds any appointment, public or private-
( i ) within the City for not less than sixty days
in the aggregate, or
(ii) outside the City but who resides in the City
for not less than sixty days in the aggregate, Qr
(b) resides in the City for not less than sixty days in
the aggregate and is in receipt of any income from iuvest-
shall pay a half-yearly tax assessed in accordance
with the rule! in Schedule 11, but in no case exceeding one
hundred and twsnty-five rupees per half-year.
(2) A person shall be chargeable under &a class
appropriate to his aggregate income from all the sour
specified in sub-seotion (1) as being liable to the tax. .
(3) V a company or person proves that it or he has
paid the sum due on account of the profession tax levied
under this Act or any other Tamil Nadu Act, or the com-
panies or profession tax levied under the Madras Cify
Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (Tamil Nadu Act IV of
1919), or profession tax under the Madurai City Municipal
Corporation Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of :971), or
any tax of the nature of a profession tax imposed under 't&
Cantonments Act, 1924 (Central Act I1 of 1924), for the
same half-year to any local authority or caatonmeht
authority in the State of Tamil Nad
person shall not be liable, by reason
place of busisess, exercise of profess
appointment or residence to pay to aa
rity or cantonment authority more t
between such sum and the amount t
otherwise liable for the profession or companies
the half-year under this Act, or auy of the aforeeaid
.- . - , . L r A - - -

_ -- - ---- -
tih1 T.N. Act 25 C'oimbatort C it^, 283
Mun icipal Corporation
(4) Nothing contained in this section shall be deemeO
to render a person who resides within the local limits of any
local authority or cantonment and exercises his profession,
art or calling 01- transacts business or holds any appoint-
ment within the limits of any other local authority or
cantonment liable to profession tax for more than the higher
of the amounts of the tax leviable by any of the local
authorities or cantonments. In such a case the Govern-
ment shall apportion the tax between the local authorities
including cantonments in such manner as they may deem
fit and the decision of the Government shall be final :
Provided that where one of the local authorities con-
cerned is the port authority of a major port or a canton-
ment authority, the decision of the Government shall be
subject to the concurrence of thc Central Government.
134. The profession tax leviable from a firm, asso&a-Liability oi
tion or joint Hindu family may be levied fror- any adult rnernbel4sof
ma, associa-
member of the firm, association or family. tions andjoint
Hindu families
to profession
135. (1) If n company or perso2 employs a servant or Liablity of
agent to represent it or him for the purpose of transacting servants or
business in the City, such company or person shall be fession tax. pro*
deemed to traasact business in the City mid such servant
or agent shall be liable for the profession tax, in respect
of the business of such company or person, whether or not
such servant or agent has power to make binding contracts
on behalf of such cotnpaliy or person.
(2) Where one company or person is the agent of
another company or person,the former company or person
&all not be liable separately to the profession tax, on the
m e income as that of the principal.
136. If the ~rofessiontax due from any company or Service of
person is not paid, the commissioner shall cause a noti- notice on
to be served on such company or person to pay it within failure
fifteen days of the date of such service. tax.
137. All statements made,return$ furnished cr accounts Statements,
or documents produced in connection with the assessment returns. Ma,. to
of profession tax by any company or person shall be treated be confidentlal*
as confidential ano copies thereof shall not be granted to
the public.
588 &trrsbato~e etty
Municipal Corporation

Requisitiofi on 138. The coinmissioner may by notice require the

owner or occu- owner or occupier of any building or land and every
pier to furnish
list of persons secretary or rnanager of a hotel, boarding or lodging house,
liable to tax. club or residential charjk;;~ tc furnlsh within a specified
time a list in writing containing the names and residential
addresses of 211 persons occupying such building, land,
hotel, boa~ding or lodging house, club or residential
chambers and specifying the profession, art, calling on
appointment of every such person and the: rent if any,
paid by him and the period of such occupation.
Requisition of 139. The commissioner may by notice require any
employers or
their represen- employer or the head or secretary or manager of any public
tatiws to or private office, hotel, boarding house or dub or of a
furni~hlist. firm or company-

(a) to furnish within a specified time a list in writing

of the names and residential addresses of all persons
employed by such employer or by such office, hotel,
boarding house, club, firm or company as officers, servants,
dubashes, agents, suppliers or contractors, with a statement
of the salary or income of such employed persons, and
(b) to furnish particulars in regard to any company
of which such employer, head, secretary or manager, as
the case may be, is the agent.

beduction of 140. (1) Every employer shall, on receipt of a requisi- 'r

profession tion from the commissioner, deduct from the salary or j
taxfrom salary wages of any person employed by the employer as an
Or wages Or
other sum. officer or a servant or from m y sum payable by the employer
to any person employed by the employer as
dubash, agcnt, supplier or contractor, such amount of
profession tax as may be specified in such requisition, as
being due fiom such employed person.

Explanation.-In this sub-section " employer ss

includes the head or secretary or manager of any public
or private office, hotel, boarding house, club, firm or
company. , I

(2) Every person respon3ible for making any, deduc-

' -
tion under sub-sect i m (1) may, a t the time of making the
deduction, increase or reduce the amount to be deducted .
under sub-section (1) for the purpose of adjusting any
excess or deficiency arising out of any previous deduction
or Pdwc to deduct duringthe wyw. .I "
(3) Any deduction made in accordance with the
provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) and paid to the
corporation shall be treated as a payment of profession tax
on behalf of the person from whose salary or wages the
deduction was made c r on behalf r,f the pcrson to wkom
the sum from wbich tbe deduction was made is payable
and credit shall be given to him for the arnollnt so deducteu
on tke production-of the certificate furnished unocA sub*
secticn (5) in resptct of the profession tax, if any, due
from that person fur therelevant balf-year under this Act.
I (4) Any sum deducted in accordsnce with the
provisions of subsections (I ) and (2) sball be paid within
the prescribed time to tne credit of the cofporation.
(5) Every person m a ~ i n gthe deduction under sub
section (I) or sub-section (2), shall, at the time of payment
of the salary or wages or sum, furnish to the person to
whom such payment is mad^ a certificare to the eff:ct that
pn fession tax has been deducted, and specifying the
amovnt so deducted and such cther particulars as may be
(6) Wherz pr~fessiontax due from any errployed
person is deducted under sub-,ectic il(1) or sub,ectio n (21,
the person lrom whose salary or wages the dedcction was
made cr tbe person to whom the .sun? frorn which the
deduction was maae is payable shall not be ca1l:d upcn
to Pay the tax himself to tke extent to whict, tax hat. been
so dek.ucted.
O Ev~rypersfin making the deduction under s u b
section (I) or sub-.;ection (2) shall prepa?s and, within
such period as maj be prescribed aher the expiry of tm,
half-year, deliver or Gauze tc be delivered to the commis-
sion:r in th, r;rcsnil)ec fcrm and ver~fieai)?tnp crezcribed,
f manner, a return ill wrltirg showing the name ard re&
deatial address c f every pel-son from wllc se salary or
k wages deduction was made under sub~sectior ( I 1 c t ;ub-
I section a),and of every pscson to whom tile sum from
[ which such deduction was made is pay8 ble, tk e amount PC
I deducted, am the bal f-year to which the d;.duction I Batw
18) If any tjerson resaonsibl~for making any dedu*
tion under sub-sectior (1) or sud-sccticn (2) fails to comply
wltrltb any of the provisions of this sccticn, he shall h
punishable with fine ~vhicnn a y extend to five hundred
rupees :
125-42-1 9
9 koimbtcre City j k j r i c i d rigs1 : $,NA
' d 25 '

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section

shall apply to the Central or any State Government or any
officer s f any such Government.

(9) The provisions of this section shall apply notwith-

standing any law to the contrary for the time being in force.
%lccial exemp- 141. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act,
tian pro- any amount paid by way of pension by the Central or any
fessioa tax. State Government or any local or other authority or any'
other employer to any person on the eve of his retirement
from service, shall be exempt from the levy of profession
tax under this Act,
General ~ r o v i - 142. (1) If the council by a resolution determines that
siOns a tax on carriages and aoimals shall be levied, the conhis-
tax on car-
riages and ani- sioner shall levy the said tax half-yearly on carriages and
rnals. animals kept within the City which are of the kinds specified-
in Schedule 11.
(2) Thc rates of the tax shall be determined by the
council, provided always that they shall not exceed the
maximum lai ;ldown in Schedule 11.
Liabiliy totax 143. (1) Every person having possessiod, custody or
according to control of any taxable carriage or animal shall be liable
period for
which carriage r the full Lalf-yearly tax if the carriage or animal has
or animal has be-n kept within the City for an aggregate period of not
been kept. IMS :han sixty days in the half-year.
(2) If such aggregate period exceeds fifteen days
but is less than sixty days, a moiety only of the half-yearly
tax shall be leviable.
(3) If such aggregate period does not exceed fifteen
days, no tax shal! be leviable for the half-year.

(4) Every person having possession, custody or

control of any taxable carnage or animal within the City
shall, nntil the contrary is shown, be presumed to have kept
the same within the City for sixty days in the half-year*
iM1: ~.h.
Act %] Coldatore bity 29 i
Municipal Corporation
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
sections (1) and (2), no person shall be liable-.
(a) to taxation during any half-year on account
d any carriage or animal in respect of which the full tax
for the same half-year has already been paid by some other
person; or
(6) to taxation on account of any carriage or
animal in respect of which tax has already been paid t o
any other local authority or cantonment authority, whether
under this Act or any other Tamil Nadu Act or the Canton-
ments Act, 1924 (Central Act I1 of 1924), mc re than the
excess, if any, of the tax payable in the City in respect of
such carriage or animal over the tax already
paid to the other local authority or cantonment iiuthority.
144. The carriage and animai tax shall not be le-vied on-- Exempt ion from
carriage and
(a) carriages and animals belonging to the Govern- animal tax.
ment ;
(b) carriages and animals belonging to members of
the police or to offitnrs or servants of the corporrtion i

employed on out-door duties, provided that the exemp: ion

under this clause shall extend only to a carriage or animal
required to be kept by any such member, officer or serv3,nt
for the discharge of his official duties;
(c) carriages and animals kept solely for sale by
carriagemakers and dealers ;
(d) carriages which have been under repair or
standing at a carriagemaker's during the whole of I he half-
year ;
(e) animals which during the whole of.the half-year
have been kept in any institution fcr the rec :ption of infirm
or disused animals or which #-.recertified by a veterinary
surgeon to have been unfit for use during the whole of the
145. With the sanction of the council or in a1:cordanre ComPo@ition.
with regulations framed by that body, the commissioner
may compound, for any period not exceeding one year,
with any livery stable-keeper or other person keepillg
carriages and animals for sale or h i ~ e ,for a ccrtain sum
to be paid in lieu o f t hc can-i .ge and a n i n ~tax.
292 Coimbatore City [IN1 : T&. Act 23
Munic&uZ Corporation

Requisition on 146. (1) The commissioner may by notice require thc

occupier to fur- occupiet of any premises to furnish him with a statement-
ni sh statement
of persons lia-
able to tax, (a) ~howingthe name and address of every person
kvI.-\as possession, custody or control of any carriage or
mima1 which i s kept in such premises and is liable to the
carriage and animal tax;
(b) co~taininga description of every such carriage
or animal,
(2) The occupi~rshall sign the statement and transmit
it to the mullicipal o,%sewithin one w ~ e kfrom the &.te
of his receipt of the notice.
Forms to be 147. (1) The conmissio
sent to and re- person supposed to have beco
tax- the tax on carriages and aniwals
up with such information re
and animals kept by him as the co
ders necessary for the assessment of the tax.

(2) : uch table shall be filled up with

in writing, signed and dated and returned
of its receipt to the municipal oBce by the perso
it has been sent.

(3) On the expiry of the period of one week r

to in sub-section (2) the commissioner
to be served on such person re
fifteen days of'the date ofpuch se
in the opinion of the commissioner such person is
account of the tax on carriages and animals,

Cirant of 148. When any person pzys the amount of

liceno r on pay. respect of any cat riage or animel, t
m:nt of tax* grant him a licence to keep such oarrir.ge or
the period to which the payment relates.

Power to re- 149. (1)Tiic commissioner shall

puke numbers number shall be affixed to every c
to be aftired
to carriage . City.

(2) The numbers a&ed under f.ub-section (1

be registered in the municipal offioe.
1981:T. N. Act 251 Coimbatose City 293
Jd'unicipal Corporati 011
150. (1) The Government may, by rules made in this Registration
behalf -- and control of
(a) require the registration, by the registration animals.
authority appointed by the commissioner ir this behalf,
of any taxable clrriage or znima.1 kept within the City;
~ +q he used and the conditions
(b) pressribs t h f9.m
to be complied with in the making of appliotion for the
registration of such c?rri;lge or animal r?nd the procedure
in the matter of such application ;
(c) prescribe the period within which and th:
authority to which an appeal mp.y be preferred by any
person aggrieved by any decision of the registration
authority refusing to register any such c%rrie.geor animal
and the procedure to be followed in presenting and dispo-
sing of any such appeal;
(d) require that imetal token to be issued by the
registration authurity shell be attached to every registered
carriage or animal;
(e) require that any taxable carriage or animal
which h~ not been registered or to which such token is
not attached shzll, if found in any public place, be detained
at a place set apart for the purpose ;
( f ) provide that any such carriage or animal shall be
liable to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of unless it is
claimed and the fee in respect thereof is p d d within one
week; and
(g) Ax the fees which shallbe payable for such
iegistration, appeal and metal token and such detention.
(2) No damqge shill bc pap2ble in respect of any
cwriage or animal des~.royedol othewise disposed of under
this section.
Tax on cart$.
151. If the council by a resolution determines that a Oeneral provi.
tax shill be levied on carts, the commissioner shall levyt$:zardi*g
the said t.rx hdf-yearly at the rate which shdl not exceed
eight rupees per cart per half-year tixed by the council
a d from the dat: speciffed in the notice published under
loution 118 on all classes of carts kept within the Uity :
294 ' Coimbatore City [I981 : T. N. Act 25
MmIc ipal Corpora?ion
Provided that a9 person shall be liablc to tax during
half-year on acco~lntof any cart in lespect of which the tax
for the same half-year k.s already been paid by some other
person :
Provided further that in the case of single bullock clatts,
the tax st all not exceed four rupees half-yearly:
Provided also that in fixing the said rates, the couacil
shall h we regard to the extent ofdamage caused by different
classes of carts to the road.

Registlation of 152. (1) Every owwr of my cart shall register it ance

carts, in every half-year in the municipal ofice.
(2) Th3 commissioner may direct that a munioipal
number shall be afliixed to every registered cart.
(3) The commissioner shall notify certain days in
evory half-year for the registration wd a(umberiag of
carts and the, paymeat of the tax.
(4) All I egistrations made and numbers affixed unda
this section shall be exitered in a book to be kept for the
purpose at the mdcipal office.
(5) Such book shall be opened to the inspection of
any tax-payer at all reasonable times without charge.

Exemption, 153. Nothing in section 151 shall apply to-

(a) gun carriages, ordincnce carts or wegons or
other such property of the Government or the Central
Government ;and
(b) W X ~ Skepi solely for sale by ca:i-m&eTS and
power to remit 154. The commissioruer may remit the whole or a
tax on cart portion of the art tax in respect of any cart which is
kept jess
shown to his satisfaction to have been kept within the City
oogn for an aggreg9te period not exceeding fifteen days in the
half-year or to have beec under repair or s t a m g at a
cart-maker'sduti~~the~holeofthehaK-year. .,
Power to seize carriages and cart&not bearfng [numbers.
Seizuro oi 155. If a mtdcipal number is dot affixed t
not or cart in pursuance of a direction issued unrier scation
b a r ~ nambW.
1981 :T. N. ~~t 251 Coirnbatore City 295
Municipal Corporation
or section 152, as the case may be, the commissioner
may at a.ny time seize and detain the vehicle and the
animal, if any by which it is drawn:
Provided that no vehicle other than a bicycle, tricycle
or cycle-rickshaw sha 11 be seized or detained when actua.lly
employed in the conveyance of any passenger or goods.
156. (1) If a vehicle or animal is detained under section Procedure
155 and the owner or other person entitled thereto does after seizure.
not c12im the same and pay the tax, if my, due thereon
within ten days from the date of seizure, the corn- ,

missioner may direct thqt the vehicle or 2 nimd shr.11 be

sold in public auction and the proceeds of the szle applied
to the payment of -
(i) the tax, if any, due o a the vehicle or animal sold ;
(ii) G U C penalty
~ not exceeding the amount of the
tax as the cornmissioner may direct; 2-nd
(iii) the chstge6 incurred in connection with the
seizure, detention and sale.
(2) If there is a surplus after such payment, the
commissioner shall, on demand made within six months
from the d?te of sale, make it over to the owneI or other
person entitled thereto. If no such demand is milde, such
ggrplus shsll be forfeited to the oorporatioa.
(3) If the owner of the vehicle or animal or other
person entilled thereto clsims the same within ten days
ftom the dqte of seizure or at any time before the sale,
i t shall be retruned to him on pa*yment of-
(i) the tax due thereon;
(ii) such penalty not exceeding the ?rr,olmt of the
tax as the comrnissior~ermay direct ;2nd
(iii) the charges incurred in connection with the
siczurc and detention.
Taxes leviable tlrlder sectiorrs 142 and 1 1'
157. Where the Tamil Nadu Hackney Carriage Act, of municipal
1911 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1911) is in force in ally area of tax co~dition
recedent to
the City, thc persrson appginted to perfornl the fl-ctions ~egistration
of the GO rnrmssioner or deputy commissio ner under under amil
Nadu Act V
296 Coimbatore City [I981 f T.N. Act 25
Municipal Corporation
the said Act in respect of such area shall, before registering
any hackney carriage thereunder satisfy himself' that the
council has received payment of the tax, if any, due under
section 142 or section 151, as the case may be, on accouut
of the las preceding half-year and the current blfiyear
and that the provisions of the rules, if a
section 150 have been complied with.
O Tax od advertise~ne

Tax on 158. Every p~rsonwho erects, exhibits, fixes or letains

advertisements. upon or over any land, building, wall, hoarding or structure
any advertisement, or who displays any advertisement to
public view in any manner whatso~verin any place whether
public or private, shall pay on every advertisement which
is so erected, exhibited, fixed, retained or displayed to
public view, a tax calculated at such rates and in s ~ c h
manner and subject to such exemptions as the oouncil may,
with the approval of the Government, by resolution deter-
Provided that the raks shall be subject to the maxima
and mihima laid down by the Government in this behalf
and in any case such rate of tax shall not exceed rupees
td o hundred for each advertisement per haGyear:
Provided further that no tax shall be levied under this
section on any advertisement or a no ti-
@ of a public meetin:: or
(b) of an election to any legislative body or the council;
(c) of a candidature in respect of such an election:
Provided also that no such tax shall be levied on
' advertisement which is not a sky-sign and which-
(a) is exhibited within the window of any building; or
(b) relates to the trads or business carried on, within
the land or building upon or over which such advertisement
is exhibited, or to any sa!e or letting of such land or
building or any effects therein or to any sale, entertainment
or meeting to be held upon or in the same ;or
(c) relates to the name of the land or building up00
or over which the advertisement is exhibited, or to tFe
name of the owner or occupier of such land or buill'hg;
$981: T.N. Act 251 Cairnbatore City 297
Mvnicipal Corpouat ion

(d) relates to the business of any railway administra-

tion; or
(e) is exhibited within any railway station or upon
any gall or other property of a railway administration
except any pwtion of the surface of such wall or property
fronting any street.
E x p h t i o n 1-The word "structure" in this section
shall include any movable board on wheels used as an
advertisement or an advertisement medium.
i Explaitation 1e- expression " sky-~ign" shall,
in this section, mean any advertisement suppcrted on or
attached to any post, pole, standard frame-wcrk or other
support wholly or in part upon or over any land,building,
wall or structure which, or any part of which sky-sign
shall be visible against the sky from some point in any
public place and includes all and every part of any such
post, pole, standard frame-ork or other support. The
expression " sky-sign " shall also include any baloon,
parachute or other similar device employed wholly or in
part for the purposes of any advertisement upon or over
any land, building or structure or upon or over any public
place but shall not include-
(a) any flagstaff, pole, vane or weather-cock, unless
adopted or used wholly or in part for the purpose of any
advertisement 3 or
(b) any sign or any board, frame or other con-
trivance securely fixed to or on the top of the wallor
parapet of any building or on the cornice or blocking
course of any wall, or to the ridge of a roof:
Provided that su clz board, fra ~ n eor ctftcr contrivance
shall be of one continuous face and not open work, and
does not extend in height more than one metre above any
part ofthe wallor parapet or ridge to, against or on,
which it is fixed or supported ;or
(c) any advertisement relating to the name of the
land or building, upon or over which the advertisement is
exhibited or to tlle name of the owner or occupier of
such laid or building; or
(8)any advertisement relating exclusively to the busi-
ness of a railway administration and placed wholly upon
i- ,.._
0 I .
298 Coimbatore City [1981: T.N. Act 25
Municipal Corporation
or over any railway, railway station, yard, paltform
or station approach belcnging to a railway administrar
tion, and so placed that it cannot fall into any street or
public place; or
(e) any notice of land or building to be sold, or let,
placed up3n such land or building. ..

Explaniltio~~ place" shall, for the pur-
poses of this section mean, any place which is open to the
use and enjoyment of the public, whether it is actually
used or enjoyed by the public or not.
ex plan at in^ IK--In this Chapter, the expression
"advertisement " shall not include any advertiwmnt
published irk any newspaper.
Prohibition of 159. (1 ) No advertisement shall. after the levy of the
advertisements tax under section 158 has been determined upon in the
without written council, be erected, exhibited, fixed or retained upon or
aermission of over any land, building, wall, hoarding or structure
within the City or shall be displayed in any manner
whatsoever in any place without the written permission
of the commissioner.
(2) The commissioner shall not grant such permission
(i) the advertisement contravenes iny by-la w
made by the council under olause (30)of section 432; .or
(ii) the ~ R X if, any, duo in respect' of the advertise.
ment has not bee n paid ;or
(iii) the erection, exhibition, fixation or retention
of the advertisement is a n offence under the Tamil Nadu
Open Places (Prevention of Disfigurement) Act, 1959
(Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1959).
(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) in the
case of an advertisement liable to the advertisement tax, . .
the commissioner shall grant permission for the period
t o which the payment of th9 tax relates and no fie shall
be charged in respoct of such permission :
Prcvided that the provisions of this section shall not'
apply t o any advertisement erected, exhibited, fixtd or
retained on the premises of a railway administration
relating to the buslncss of a railway administ~ation. b

Permission of
to hecnraemd
160. ~ h rpermission
boome void in the followng cases, narnel!~: -
granted under section 159 sbaQ
1981: T.N. Act 251 C o j i ~Wore
~ t Ci t ~ ' 299
(a) if the advertisement contravenes any by-law
made by the council under clause (30) of section 432 or the
Tamil Nadu Open Places (Preveation of Disfigurement) Act,
1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1959) ;
(b) if any addition to the advertisement be made,
except for the purpose of making it secure under the direc-
tion of the engineer for general purposes ;
(c) if any material change be made in the advertise- . ,
ment or any part thereof ; ., J

(d) if the advertisemrnt or any part thereof falls

otherwise than through accident ;
(e) if any addition or alteration be made to, or in the
building, wall or structure upon or over which the advertise-
ment is erected, exhibited, fixed, or retained if such addi-
tion or alteration involves the disturbance of the adver-
tisement or any part thereof ; and
( J ) if the building, wall or structure b;9n or over
which the advertisement is erected, exhibited, fixed or
retained be demolished or destroyed.
161. Where any advertisement shall be erected, exhibited' O\knrr or per-
fixed or retained upon or over any land, building, wall*son in occupa-
hoarding or structure in contravention of the provisions of dec tionmedto be
section 158 or section 159 or after the written permission ,sponsjti,e.
for the erection, exhibition, fixation or retention thereof
for any period shall have expired or become void,
the owner or person in occupation of such land, buildin*,
- wall, hoarding or structure shall be deemed to be the person
who has erected, exhibited, fixed or retained such advertise- ,
ment in such contravention unless he proves that such
contravention was committed by a person not in his
employment or under his control or was committed without
his cocnivance.
162. If any advertisement be erected, exhibited, fixed Removal o f u ~
or retained contrary to the provisions of section 158 or authorised
section 159 or after the written perm.ission for the erection, advertisemat
exhibition, fixation or retention tber1:of for any period shall
have expired or become void, the commissioner may, by
notice in w;itine. require the owner or occupier of the land,
building, wall, hoarding or structure upon or over which
the same is erected, exhibited, fixed or retained to take
down or ;:emove such advertisement or may enter any
building, ;.and or property and have the advertisement
163. lire Commissioner may farm out the collection of Collection 0
a n l tar oa advistiscments levitable under sccti~n158 fog tax on a d w
ti scmcnits,
300 Coimbatore City
any period not exceeding one year at a i.ime on such terms
and conditions as may be provided for by by-laws made
under section 432,
Dzrt y 012 traqfers of property.

~ e t h o dof 164. The duty on traasfcl: cl'21qert>-shall be levied4

assessment of
duty on trans- (a) in the form of a surcharge on the duty imposed by
fa8 of ProP*fy the ~~a~~Sts.mp Act, 1899 (Central Act I1 of 1899), as
in force for the time being in the State of Tamil Nadu
on every instrument of the description specified below,
which relates ti, immovable property situated within the
limits of the City ;and
(b) at such rate as may be fixed by the Government not
exceeding five per centurn, on the amount specified below
against such instrurnmt :-

Description of inrnuments. Amount on which duty

should be levied.
(i) Sale of immovable pro- The market value of the
perty. property as set forth in
the instrument or as deter-
mined by any autho-
rity under section 47-A
of the Indian Stamp Act,
1899 (Central Act I'I of
1899),as the case may
(ii) Exchange of immovable The market value of -the
property. property of the greater
value ':as set forth in t b
instrument or as deter-
mined by any authority
under section 47-A of
the Indian Stamp Act,.
1899 (Central Act 11 of
1899), as the case may be.
(iii) Gift of immovable pro-

-- - -- - -- ." --.".
19ti : T.N. A C i5j
~ Coimbatore (fity Mmicipai 401
Description of instruments. Am~tdntorz which duty
should be levied.

(1) (2)
authority under ~ t i o n
47-A of thL I-dian Stamp
Act, 1899 (Central Act I1
of 1899), as the case may
(iv) Mortgage with posses- The amount secured by the
sion of immovable mortgage, as set foi th in
property. the instrumen.t.
(v) Lease in perpetuity of An amount equal to one-
immovable property. sixth of the whole
amount or value of the 1
rents which would be
paid or delivered in res-
pect of the first fifty years
of the lease, as set forth
in the instrument.
165. On the introduction of the transfer duty- Provisions
applicable on
(a) section 27 of the said Stamp Act shall be read as if theintroduction
it specifically required the particulars to be set forth of transfer
separately in respect of property situated within the limits
of the City add o~:;idc czth limits ;
(b) section 64 of the fame Act shall be read as if it
,referred to thr: corporation as well as the Central Govern-
ment and the Government.

X66. The C overnment may make rules not inconsistent power make
with this Act for regulating the collection of the duty, the rules regardim
payment thereof to the corporationea.nd the deduction of transfer duty.
. any expenses incurred by the Government in the collec-
.tion thereof.
General provisions.
167. With the sanction of the Government the council power to
may exempt any person or class of persons wholly or in exempt .
part from the payment of any tax. But nothing in this from taxes*
section shall be deemed to authorise the exemption of any
proon aolely on the ground that he is a councillor.
. t

302 &imbatore city ~ w l i c i ~ a i [14$2 :~.fi.~ c 28t


power to assess $68. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained

in case of ia this Act or the rules made thereunder, if for any reason
escape from a7v person liable to pay any of the taxes or fees leviable
assessment* mder this Chapter has escaped assessment in any half-year
9r year or has been assessed in any half-year or year at a
rate lower than the rate at which he is assessable, or in
the case of propel ty tax has not been duly assessed in any
half-year or year consequent on the building or land con-
cerned having escaped proper determination of its annual
value, the commissioner may, at any time within three
years from the date on which such person should have
been assessed, serve on such person a notice assessing him
to the tax or fee due and demanding payment thereof
within fifteen days from the date of such service ;and the
provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder shall
so far as may be apply as if the assessment was made in
the half-year or year to which the tax or fee relates.

Application of 169. The rules and tables embodied in Schedule I1 shall

S:hedule 11. be read as part of this Chapter.

Thr Municipal Fund.

170. Allnmoneys received by the corporation shall cons-
titute a fund which shall bc callcA +hq vunicipal fund and
shall be applied and disposed of in accordance with the
previsions of this Act or other laws.
171. The Gover~~llle~~t shall appoint auditors of the
accounts of receipt and expenditure of the municipal fund.
Such auditors shall be deemed to be " public servants "
within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code
(Central Act XLV of 1860).
linancial rules, 172. With regard to the deposit, investment and expen-
diture of the municipal fund and the audit of the municipal
I accounts the rules in Ssheduls 111 shall be observed.
:ontributionr 173. (1) If the expenditure illcurred by the Government
3 expenditure or by any local authority in tho State of Tamil Nadu for
y other
cal authorities. any purpose authorised by or under Schedule I11 i s such
as to benefit the inhabitants of the City, the council may
make a contribution towards such expenditure.
... t . .
igdi : T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipd 30j

(2) The Government may direct the council to show

cause, within a period fixed by the Government in this
behalf and not being less than one month after receipt of
the order containing the direction, why any contribution
described in sub-section (1) should not be made.
(3) If the council fails to show cause within the said I
period to the satisfaction of the Government, the Govern-
ment may direct it to make such contribution as they shall
name and it shall be paid accordingly.
174. (1) The council may, in pursuance of any resolution power of
passed at a special meeting, borrow by way of debenture corporation to
or otherwise on the security of all or any of the taxes, duties, b ~ ~ moner.
~ o w
fees and dues authorised by or under this Act, any sums of
money which may be required-
(a) for the COL%.L;:IC~ of works, or
(b) for the acquisition of lands acd buildings, or
(c) for &urn clearance and construction of tene-
ments, or
(d) to pay off any debt due to the Government, or
(e) to repay ti laan previously raised under this
Act or other A b previously in force :
Provided that-
(i) no loan shall be raised without the previous -
sanction of the Government ; and
(ii) the amount of the loan, the rate of interest and
the terms including the date of floatation, the time and
method of repayments and the like shall be subject to the
approval of the Government.
(2) When any sum of money has been borrowed under
sub-section (1)-
(a) no portion thereof shall, without the previous
sanction of the Government, be applied to any purpose
other than that for which it was borrowed, and
(21) no portion of any sum of mont;y borrowed under
&use (a) or clause (c) of sub-section (1) shall be applied to
the payment of salaries or allowances to any municipal
officers or servants other than those exclusively employed
upon the work for the construction of which the money
was borrowed. I,
I * ,

$04 ~oinzbatoredity ~ u n i c i ~ a i j198i : ~ . kA .C ~49


Time for 175. The time for the repayrncnt of any money borrowed
repayment of under section 174 shall in no case exceed sixty years, and
inoney the time for the repayment of any money borrowed for the
ed under
seaion 174, purposc of discharging any previous loan shall not except
with the express sanction of the Government, extend be-
yond the unexpired portion of the period for which such
previous loan was sanctioned.
Limit of 176. ~ ~ ~ i v i t h s t a n d anything
ing hereinbefore contained
borrowt ng the borrowing powers of the corporation shall be limited
powers. so that the sum payable annually for interest and for the
maintenance of the sin king funds as hereinafter provided,
and for interest and repayment of any sums borrowed
otherwise shall not, except with the express sanction
of the Government exceed twelve and a half per cent of the
annual value of buildings and lands as determined under
Chapter V.
Form and 177. All debentures issued under this Chapter shall be in
effect of such form as the ceuncil, with the previous sanction of the
debentures* Government, may determine, and shall be transferable in
such manner as shall be therein expressed ; and the right
to sue in respect of the moneys secured by any of such
debentures shall vest in the holders therzof for the time
being without any preference by reason of some such
debentures being prior in date to others.
Payment t o 178. When any debunture or security issued ' under
survivors of this Act is payable to two or more persons jointly and either
joint or any of them dies, then notwithstar~dinganything in
section 45 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (Central Act
IX of 1872), the: debenture or security shall be payable
to the survivor or survivors of such persons : . .

Provided that nothing in this section shall affect any

claim by the representative of a deceased person against
. such survivor or survivors.
.:Receipt by 179. When two or more persons are joint holders bf
.,'joint holder any debanture or security is-sued under this Act, any.one,
;for interest of such persons may give aa effectual receipt for any
or dividend.
interest or dividend payable in respect of such debenture
or security, unless notice to the contrary has been given.,
to the corporation by any other of such persons.
a d d investment 110. (1) The corporation shall maintain sinking funds'
hndr, for the repayment of, money borrowed on debenture
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbaiore City Municipal 305
issued and shall pay by quarterly instalments into such
sin king funds such sum as will be sufficient for the repayment
within the perioa fixed for the loan of all rnooeys borrowed
on debentures issued.
(2) All money paid into the sinking funds shall, as
soon as possible, b~ inv-~te?by the commis~:ionerin-
(a) securities of the Gavernnent or the Central
Government, or
(b) securities guaranteed by the Government or
the Central Covernment ,
(c) any municipal debenture of Tamil Nadu,
(4 debentures issued by the Government under-
takings such as the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development
Corporation Limited, and the Small Industries Develop-
ment Corporation,
and shall be invested in the joint names of the Secretary to
the Government of Tamil Nadu, Finance Department and
the Examiner of Local Fund Accounts, Tamil Nadu to be
held by them as trustees for the purpose of repaying at
due date the debentures issued by the corporation. Every
such investment shall be reported by the commissioner to
the council within fifteen days.
(3) All dividends and other sums received in resped
of any such investment shall, as soon as possible after
receipt, be paid into the sinking funds and invested in the
manner laid down in sub-section (2).
(4) When any part of a Qnkiog fund is invested in
. Tamil Nadu municipal debentures, or is applied in paying
offany part of a loan before the period fixed for repay-
ment, the interest which would otherwise have been
payable on such tiebentures or on such part of the loan
shall be paid into the sinking fund and iovested in the
manner laid down in sub-section (2).
(5) Any investment made under this section may,
subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), be varied or
181. The aforesaid trustees may apply a sinking fund App!ication of
or any part thereof in or towards the discharge of the sinkrng fund.
loan or part of a loan for which such fund was created,
and until such loan or part is wholly discl~arged shall
not apply the same for any other purposc :
125-1 2-20
provided that when any loans or parts thereof have been
consolidated under section 183 the t.rustees shall transfer
to thc sinking fund of the consolidated loan so created
ruch part of the sinking funds of the original loans a may
be proportionate t c ~the amount of the original loans
incorporated in the consolidated loan.

Annual state- 182. (1) Tlie aforesaid trustees shall, at the end of ewry
by trua
te es.
- year, submit to the corporation a statement showing-
(a) the amount which has been invested during
the year under section 180, 4
(b) the date of the last investment made previous 8
to the submission of the statement, Y

(c) the aggregate amount of the securities then in
their hands, and

(d) the aggregate amount which has up to the date i

of the statement been applied under section 181 in or
towards dischar~ingloans.
(2) Every such statement shall be laid before the
council and published.
Power ~f clr- 183. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
poratio tito contained in this Chapter, the corporation may consolidate
loans. all or ; - ~ r of their loans and for that purpose may invite
tenders for a new loan (to be called the municipal consoli-
dated loan 19 ) and invite the holders of municipal
lebentures to exchange their debentures for scrip of such

(2) The terms of any guch consolihted loan and t

form of its scrip aild the rates at which exchange into su
consolidated loan shall be permitted shall be subject to the
prior approval of the Government.

(3) The period for the extinction of any such

solidated loan shall not, without the sanction of
Government, extend beyond the farthest date wit
which any of the loans to be consolidated would
otherwise repayable.
;*J /
- - F

j%f : T. N. A& 25,. .r~ij.

Municipal Corporation

(4) lVhccorpora1ion shall provide for the repayment

1 1 1 1 sinking fund in the
t~01140lidtttcd loan by
111111111t~1 Ii~ltI~ I O Will having rcgard to the
I I R I Y *illti~ I80
11 l i l c r l l ~ l l I I ~ i l ~ f c i 'Ituci
~ l 1 4 , r i t ~ c : l !:ill
~ fund undcr section 181.
184. All payments due from the corporation for Priorityof
interest on and repayment of loans shall be made in priority payments for
to aU other payments due from the corporation. interest
repament zndof
I&S o\.er
other payment.
185. (1) If any money borrowed by the corporation from Attachment of
the Government whether before or after the date of corn- for municipal fund
recovery of
mencement of this Act, or any interest or cost due in money
respect thereof, be not repaid according to the conditions borrowed from
of the loan, the Government may attach the municipal ~ o v e ~ l l m e n t .
fund or any part thereof.
(2) After such attachment, no person exct pt an officer
appointed in this behalf by the Government shall in any
way deal with the attached fund; but such officer may do
all acts in respect thereof which any municipa.1 authority,
officer or servant m,ight have done if such attachment
had not taken place, and may apply the proceeds in satis-
faction of the arrears and of all interests and costs due in
respect thereof and of all expenses caused by the attachment
and subsquent proceedings:
Provided that no such attachment shall defeat or
prejudice any debt for which the fund attached was previ
ously charged in accordance with law ; but all such prior
charges shall be paid out of the procecds of the fund
I?cForc any part of the proceeds ic applied to the satisfac-
tion of the debt due to the Government.
Budge f .
186. (1) The commissioner shall, in consultation with
the heads of departments of the corporation prepare and e,i to be
submit to the standing committee on taxation and finance pleparcd annu-
on or before the 1stJanuary of each year,a budget con1aining ally by th,:
a detailed estimate of income and expecditure fol the commissioner*
ensuing year, and if, it is, in his opinion necessary or
expedient to vary taxation or to raise loans, shall,
submit his proposals in regard thereto ; and the standing
cornittee on taxation and finance shall in consultation
with the other standing committees consider and finalise
the budget estimate and submit the same with its secommen-
dations, if any, tci the council on or before the 20th jancary
of each year.
308 Coimbat ore C& Municipal [ 1981 : T.N. Act 25
r2) In such budget estimate the commissioner shaU-
(a) provide for the payment as they fall due of all
instalments of principal and interest for which the corpo-
ration may be liable on account of loans ; ,

(b) a1 ow for a cash belance, at the end of tbe year,

of not less tllall one lakh and fifty thousand rupees under
General Acccsunt--Revenue ;
(c) allow for the allotment from General Account-
Revenue of the corporation of such sum not exceeding
ten per cent of the total amount at credit on the said
account as is considered necessary far such expenditure
as is of a capital nature :

Provided that n o such allotment from the General

Account- Revenue of the corporation shall be made by
the commissioner in case where the said account of the
year immediately preceding the year for which such allot-
ment is proposed discloses a deficit balance :

Provided further that in all cases where allotment of

any sum exceeding ten yzr cent of the total amount at
eredit in the General Account--Reve nue of the corporation
is considered necessary, then the previous approval of the
Government for such allotment shall be obtained by the

(3) The commissioner shall cause the budget estimate

as finally prepared by the standing committeeon taxation
and finance to bc published not later than the first day of
February and shall not later than the said date forward
a printed copy thereof to each councillor.

Consideration 187. The council shall at its meeting, to be convened

of the budget for the purpose on or before the first day of Marsh,
estimate bythe corsider and approve on or before thc fifteenth day of
March, the budgct estimate and proposals placed before
it by the standing committee on taxation and fmance
with or without modifications and additions ; and in my
case tlie council shall, finally adopt, a budget estimate
of income and expenditure of the corporation for the
next year, as finalised by the standing committee on taxa-
tion and finance on or before the said date.
" " --- - . -
1981 : T. N. Act 2q Coimbat ore City
Municipal Corporation

188. The council may refer the budgt estimate back :kwedvta
to the standing committee on taxation and finance for of council.
further consideration and re-submission within a specified
time well in advance of the due date specified in section187
or adopt the budget estimate or any revised Budget
estimate submitted to it either as it stands, or subject to
such alterations as it deems expedient:
Provided that the budget estimate fini.11~adopted by tte
council shall make adequate and suitable provisions for
each of the matters referred to in clauses (a) to (c) of sub-
section (2) of section 186 :

Provided further that in all cases where the council

proposes to refer the budget estimate back to tlie standing
committee on taxation and finance for reconsideration,
the council shall refer the said budget estimate to the
said standing committee well in ad-gance of the due date
specified in section 187 so a s to ensure that the budget
estimate as finalised by the said standing committee is
finally adopted by the council before the date specified
in the said section.
189. The Council sl~allfinally pass the budget estimate OblkafiontO
before the fifteenth day of March of the year to which pass the
it relates and forthwith submit a copy thereof to the &a, the
Government. If the budget as sul~mittedto the Govern- fifteenth
ment fails to make adequate and suitable provisions for day of
M7 rch of
each of the matters referred to in clauses (-') to (c) of sub- the year.
section (2) of section 186, the Government may modify
any part of the budget so as to enfure that such provisions
are made.

190. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, Failure of the

if the council in any case fails to adopt finally thc budget ~ ~ ~
before the due date referred to in section 169 and if such budget
failure is, in the opinion of thr Government not due tc beforethe
any valid reason then, the Government may direct the due ds te.
commissioner to forward the budget as prepared by
him and as finalised by the standing corninittee on taxation I
and finance to them for approval ; and the commissioner
shall forthwith forward the budget as prepared by him
and as finalised by the said standing committee to the
Government who shall scrutinise the budget and intimate
their approval to the commissionar on or before the first
day of April of the year.
3 10 Coirnbatore City [l981: P: N. Act 25
Municipal Corporation
1 Council may 191. The council may, on the recommendation of the
i pass standing com~nitteeoo taxation and finance from time to
t supplementa 1 time during any year, pass a supplemental budget estimate
budget. for the purpose of meeting any special or ~nforeseen
requirements arising during that year, but not so that the
estimated cash balance under General Account-Revenue
at the close of the year shall be reduced below one lakh
and fifty thousand rupees.
192. (1) The standing committee on taxation and fina~ce
II Reduction or
tramfer of
miry, if it thinks necessary, at any time during the year-

I (a) reduce the amount of a budget grant ; or


(b) tranfer and add the amount, or a portion of #:

the amount, of one budget grant to the amount of any 7k
other budget grant r

Provided that-
(i) dile regard shall be had, when making any such
reduction or transfer, to all the requirements of this Act;
(ii) the aggregate sum of the budget grants contained
in the budget estimate adopted by the council shall not be
increased except by the council under section 191 ;
(iii) every such reduction or trans
brought to the notice of the council at its n
(2) IP any such redimtion or transfer is
ox~eeding rupees five h~
regard there1.o such order
incumbent on the standing corn
iinaoce and the commissioner to gi
i Re-adjust- 193. (1) If it shall at any time duri
i sent ' of to the council, upon the representati
! incomeand committee on taxation and finance t
I sxpenditurt
i to be made any reduction of budget grants that may
bythe under sction 192, the income of the mun
corporation the said year will not suffice to meet the
during the
Jourse of tioned in the budget estimat
official year at the close of the year a
whenever lakh and fifty thou
UGWSS~~~.. Account-Revenue, it shall be
? either to diminish the sanctio
so far as it may be possible so to do
1981 ! T.N.Act 251 Coimbatbrc City 311
Municipjl Corporation
the requirements of the Act, or to have recourse to supple-
mentary taxatioq cr to adopt both of these expedients
iaauch -sure as m?.he mcssagv r o s r c ~ 2c S - G ~
cash Warice of not 16s than one lakh and fifty thousand
rupees under General Account-Revenue at the close
of the year.
(2) Whenever the council determilies to have recourse
to supplementary taxatioi~in any year, it shall do so by
increasing for the unexpired portion of the year the rate
at which any tax or duty is being levi~d, subject to the
condition., limitations and restrictions laid down in Chap-
ter V.
3 { , ~ ?sy : L V ~ Z ~ T;G
I ? -rbi D ~ i . 2 ;~

Public Water-supply,?
194. All public reservoirs, tanks, cisterns, fountains, vesting d
wells, pumps, pipes, taps, conduits, aqueducts and other works in cor-
works (not vested in the Government) connected with the poratio~*
supply of watsr to the City whether made at the cost of the
ooxporation or otherwise,and all bridges,buildings,engine~,
works, materials and other things connected therewith and
all lands (not being private property or property vested in
the Govrnment), adjacent and appcrtaioing to the same, I

shall vest in the corporation and be subject to its control.

195. (1) The coporation may, with the sanction of the Con~tc~ction
~overment,construct,~ay or erect filtering tanks,reservoirs, of watc~works,
engines,condu.its, pipes or other works without the limits
of the City for supplying it with water and may
provide tanks, reservoirs, engines, mains, fountains and
other conveniences within the said limit:; for the use of the
(2) The corporation may cause existing works for
the supply of water to be maintained ~ n d supplied with
water or it may close any such works and substitute other
such works and may cause them to be maintained and
supplied with watt:r.
196. (1) The corporalion shall provide a supply of gratuitious
Provision of
whole-some drink~~ng wrter within the City and shall erect of &in-
sufficient stand--pipes,fountains or other conveniences fcr king water :
the g'rtuitious supply o f water.
312 Coimbatore City [1981: T.N. Ad 25
Municipal C u r p a t ion
(2) The corporation shall, as far as possible, make
. adequate provisio~that such supply is continucus through-
out the; year.
Trespass on 197. It shall not be lawful for any person except with
water supply permission duly obtained to enter on land vested in the cor-
premises. poratio~along which a conduit or pipe runs or 011 any pre-
mises connected with the water-supply.

Prohibition of 198. (1) Without the permisaioli of the commssioner

buildiu over no building, wall or other structure shall be newly erected
wats maim. and no street or railway shall be constructed over any
municipal water-main.
(2) If any building, wall or other structure be so
erected or any street or railway be so constructed the com-
missioner may, ~ i t the
h approval of the standing committee,
cause the same to be removed or otherwise dealt with
as sh8.11appear fit to him and the expenses thereby incurred
shall be paid by the persons offending.

Private wafer-supply.

Control over 199. All house-connexioy2s whether within or wiihout

house conne- the premises to which they belong, with the corporation's'
xions. water-supply mains shall be under the control of the corpo-
ration, but shall be altered, repaired and kept in proper
order, at the expense of the owner of the premises to which
they belong, or f i r the use of which they were construc-
ted, and in conformity with by-laws made in that behalf.

Private 20P (1)The commissioner may, on applic~~tian by the '

water-supp!~ nwn8:r or occupier of any building arrange, in accordance
for domesrlc with the by-laws, to supply water thereto for domestic
and use and consumption and use :
powers of
commi3sioner Provided that the commissioner shall not without
to enforce pro- the sanction of the standing committee agree to supply
vision of water water to any building assessed at an annual value of less
supply than one hundredand twerty rupees.

(2) Whenever it appears to the commissioner that

any dwelling-how sad at an annual d u e ofpot tsa
than one hundrrd and twenty rupees is without a p r b p
su~plyof water for domestic consumptio~and use and that
such a supply can be furnkhed from a main not more than .*
thirty metres distance from any part of such building,
the commissioner may by noti~icerequire the owner to obtain ' .
.- +

l9gl: T.N. Act 251 Coitnbatowe City 313

M unic i p l Corporation
such supply and to execute all such works as may be neces-
sary for that purpose in accordadce with the by-laws.
(3) It shall not be lawful for the owner of any dwelling
house assessed at an annual value of not less than one
hundred and twenty rupees which may be constructed or
re-constructed after the commencement of this Act, to
occupy it or cause or permit it to be occupied unui he has
obtained a certificate from the commissioner that there is
provided 13-ithin or withjn a rearonabie distance of, the
house such a supplr70f~ h o l ~ s o r water
n e as appears to the
commisiionrr to & sufficientfor domsstic consumption
and use of the inmates of the house.
(4) Where on any land there are two or more super-
structures the annual value of each of vvhich is less than
one hundred and twenty rupees and the owner of the land
is not the owner of all the superstrucfircs, the commissioner
may,if it appears to him that the superstructures are with-
out a proper supply of water for domestic consumption and
use and tkt such a supply can be furnished from a. main
nct more than thirty metres distailce from any part of
any such superstructures, by notice, require the owner of
the land to obtain such supply.
(5) For all water supplied under this section, in excess
of a maximm determined by regulations of the standing
committee, payment shall be made at such times and under
such conditions as may be laid down in such regulations
and shall he recoverable in the same manlier as the propertJ
Explanation.--Supply ot water for domestic consum-
ption and use shall not be deemed to include a supply-
(a) for any t cede, manufacture or business,
(b) f c r gardens or for purposes of irrigation,
(c) for building purposes,
( d ) for contains, swimming baths, public bcths, or
tanks or for any ornamental mechanical purpose,
(e) for animals where they are kept for sale or hire
or for sale of their produce or m y preperation
therefrom, or
(f)for washing vehicles where they are kapt for sala
or hire,
but shall be deemed t o include a supply-
(i) for flushing latrines or drains,
(ti) for all baths other than ~ ~ i m m l nbathsg Or
public baths,
314 Cointbatore C i t y [I981 : T.N.Act 25
Muni cipal Corporat ioi t
(iii) for tile consumption and ase of inmates of
hotels, lodging houses and residendial clubs and
for baths used by such inmates, or
(iv) for the consumption and usc; of persor s resop
ting to theatres and cinemas.
Private water-supply for non-domestic purposes.
.Commissioner's 201. (1) The commissioner may, with the sanction
-powerto supply of the standin ; committee, supply water for any purpsii
(water for non- other than domestic consumption and use on recaving
idomestic pur- a written application specifying the purpose for which
poses at rates
iixed by the such supply is required and the quantity likely to be
Aktanding consumed.
.c~mittees. (2) For all water supplied under sub-section(l), pa
ment shall be made at such rates and such conditions shalI
imposed as may be laid down by the standing committee
b general or special order a d the amount &all ba recover-
a le in the same manner as the property tax.
Supply in special cases.
~ u p p l yof watsr 202. The corporatiozl may supply any water to other
to local aurhori- local authority whether within or without the City, on such
ties. terms as to payment and as to the period and conditions
of supply as shall be determined by the council, subject
to appeal, in respect of such terms to the Gaverament,
whose decision shall be final.
Cost of making the connexion, etc.
cost of making 203. (1) Where at? owner or occupier applies for a
house conne- connexion for th9 supply of water he s%,allpaydthe cost of
xion and of making slrch connexion as well as the cost of the meter,
meter. if any, and the charge for fixing.
(2) Where a connexion for the supply of water is
made at the ilstitnce of the commissioner, he may require
the owner or occupier concerned to pay--
(a) the cost of making the connexion;
(b) the cost of the meter, if any or such rent in
respect thereof as may be fixed by the council; and
(c) the charge for fixing the meter, if any.
(3) Where at the instance of the commissioner
meter is fixed to any connexion for the supply of water,
he may require the owner or occl~pierconcerned to pay-
(a) the cost of the meter or such reat in respect
tbreof as may bs fixed by tbe council ; and
(6) the charge for fixing the meter.

. - A - - '----

1981 : T.N. Act 251 Cofmbatote City 315

Municipal Corporation

(4) All sums payable under sub-section (I), sub-

section(2) or sub-section (3) shall be recoverable in the same
manner as the property tax.
(5) Where an occupier has paid the cost of a meter or
of fixing the same, he shall unless the m:ter has been fixed
as part of a connexion for which he has applied be entitled
to recover such cost from the owner and may deduct it I

from the rent then or thereafter due by him to the owner.

Cutting of water-supply.
204. (1) The commissioner may cut off the supply of Power to cut off
corporation water from any premises- water supply.

(a) if the premises are unoccupied ;

(b) if a meter is not fixed to the service connexion
of the premises in accordance with the provisions of the
by-laws made by Lhr ~ ~ a z cunder i l section 432;
(c) if the owner or occupier neglects to comply
with any lawf~lorder or requisition regarding water-supply
issued by thu commissioner within the period specified
therein ;
( d ) if any property tax or any sum due for water or
for the cost 01' making a connexion or the cost or hire of a
meter or the cost of carrying out any work or test connected
with the water-supply which 1s chargeable to any person
by or under this Act is not paid within fifteen days a bill
for such tax or sum has been presented;
(e) if after receipt of notice from the commissioner
requiring him to refrain from SO doing the owner or occu-
pier continues to use the water or to permit it to be used
in contravention of any by-law made under this Act;
Cf) if the owner or occupier wilfully or negligently
damages his meter or any pipe or tap conveying corpora-
tion water ;
(g) if the occupier refuses to adnit the commissioner
into premises which he proposes to enter for the purpose
of executing any work or of placing or removing any appara-
tus or of making any examination or inquiry in connection
with the water-supply or prevents the c ~mmissioner doing . I

such work, placing or removing such apparatus or

making, such examination or inquiry ;
(h) if any pipes, taps, works or fittings connected
with the oorporation water-supply are found on examination
by the commssioner to be out of repair t~ such an extent
as to cause waste or coatamination of water;
3 16 Coimbatore City I1981 : T.N. Act ;5
Municipal Corporatian
(i) if the owner or occupier causes pipes, taps,
works or fittings connected with the corporation water-
supply to be placed, removed, repaired or otherwise inter-
fered within viol~xionof the by-laws:
Provided that in cases falling under clauses (0,(a,
and (h) except in case of contamination of water or in cad%$
falling under clause (i), the cornrnisvioncr dull riot tukg
action unless notice of not less than twcnty-four hours
has been given to the owner or occupier of the premium.

(2) ti, The owner and the occupier of the premises

shail be jointly and severally liable for the payment of all
sums referred tc; i~ clause (d) of sub-section (I), except
property tax.
(b) The sums refeired to in clause (a) shall be a
charge on the pre~nises.
(3) The expense of cutting off the supply shall be
paid by the owner and occupier of the premises jointly
and severally.
(4) In cases falling under clause (d) of sub-section
(1) as soon as any money for non-payment of which water
has been cut off together with the expense of cutting off
the supply, has been paid by the owner or occupier, the
commissioner shall cause water to be supplied as before
on payment of rupees ten for reconnecting the premises
with the corporation water main.
(5) No action taken undw this section shall relieve
any person from any penalties or liabilities which he may
otherwise have i~bcurred; ,

Nan-liability 205. The corporation shall not be liable to any ponabr

ofwr- or damages for cutting off the supply of water or for
when not supplying water, in the case of unusual drought, or
supply other unavoidable cause or accident, or the necessity for
redubedor relaying or rzpairing pipes.
not made
in certain Lighting.
Provision for 206. The commissioner shall take measures for lighting
lighting '
in a suitable manner the public streets and public markets
public and all places of public resort vested in the corporation
$met,eEc. by .r ici ty, gas, oil or such other illurninant as the co until
may determine.
1981 : T.N. Act 251 a i m Batoi:e City 317
Municipal Corporation


207. All public drains, pipes and drai~lageworks existing Vesting of

at the date of commencement of this Act or afterwards drainsin
made at the cost of the corporatiorl or otherwise, and corpora-
all works, materials and things appurtaining thereto shall
vest in the co;poration.

208. The corporation shall, so far as the means at their Maintenance

disposal permit, provide and maintain a sufficient system of
of public drains throughout the City. by the

Private drainage.

209. All house-drains whether within or without the Control over

premises to which they belong, and all private latrines house--
and cess-pools within the City shall be under the control privies
of the corporation, but shall be altered, repaired and kept and cess-
in proper order, at the expense of the owner of the premises ~ 0 0 1 ~ -
to which the same belong or for the use of which they were
constructed and in conformity with by-laws framed
by the council in this behalf.

owner or occupier of any premises or the owner of a private

street, arrange, in accordance with the by-laws for the public
210. (1) The commissioner shall, or application by the Connexion

connexion, if practicable, of the applicant's drain with drains.

a public drain at the c?pp1icant9sexpense.

(2) If there is a pllblic drain or other place set apart

by the corporation for the discharge of the drainage
within a distance not exceeding thirty metres of the
nearest point of any premises or if within such distance, a
public drain or other place for the discharge of drainag
is about to be provided or is in the process of construc
tion, the commissioner may-

(a) by notice direct the owner of the said premise

to construct L? drain leading the-efrom to such drain o
place and to execute all such works as may be necessar
in accordance with the by-laws at such owner's expense,or
318 Coimbat o i e City [I981 : T.N. Act-@
Municipal Corporation
(b) cause to be constructed a drain leading from
the said premises to such public drain or place and cause
to be executed all such works as may be nt cessary:
Provided that-
(i) not less than fifteen days before cmstructing any
drain or executing any work under clause (h), the commis*
sioner shall give notice to the owner of the nature of the
intended work and the estimated expenses recoverable
from the owner ; a ~ d
(ii) the exrenses incurred by the commissioner in
constructing any drain or executing any work under
clause (6) shall be recoverable from the owner in such
instalments as the standing committee may think fit and
in the same manr!er as the property tax.
(3) If any premises are in the opinion of the commis-
sioner without sufficient means of effectual drainage, but
no part thereof is situated within thirty metres of a public
drain or other place set apart by the corporation for the
discharge of drainage, the commissioner may by notice
direct the owner of the said premises to construct a closed
cess-pool or other sewage disposal plant of such material,
dimensions and description, in such position and at such
level as the commiss!oner thinks necessary ar?dto construct
a drain or drains emptying into such cess-pool and to
execute all such works as may be necessary in accordance
with the by-laws.
(4) It shall not be lawful for the owner of any building
constructed or reconstructed after the commencement of
this Act to occupy it or cause or permit it to be occupied
until he bas obtained a certificate from the commissioner
that the saiu building is provided with such means of
drainage as appear to the commissioner to be sufficient.
cor mi^^^'^ 211. (1) When the commissioner is of opinion that any
power to group or block of pr-mises any part of which is situate
drain within thirty metres of a public drain already existing or
premises in about to be provided or in the process of construction, may
tion. be drained more economically or advantageously in com-
bination than separately, the commissioner may, with
the approval of the standing committee, cause such
group or block of premises, to be drained by such method as
appears to the cornmissioner to be best suited therefor
and the expenses inc11.rred by the commissioner in so doing
shall be paid by the owners in such proportions as the
standing committee may think fit and shall be recoverable
in the same manner as the property tax.
1981: LN.Act 231 Coimbatore c i t y 319
Municipal Corporatr on

(2) Not less than fifteen days before any work under
this section is commenced, tbe commissioner shall give
written notice to the owners of-

(a) the nature of the intended work,

(b) the estimated expenses thereof, and

(c) the proportion of such expenses, payable by

each owner,

(3) The owners for the time being of the several

premises constituting a group or block dr; .ined under sub-
section (1) shall be the joint owners o f every drain con-
structed, erected or fixed, or continued for the special use
and benefit only of such premises and shall, in the pro-
portion in which it is determined that 1 hey are to contri-
bute to the expenses incurred by the commissioner under
sub-section (I), be responsible for the expense of main-
taining ever) such drain in good repair and efficient con-

212. (1) Where a drain connecting arly premises with Commissioner's

a public drain or other place set apart by the corporati~npower to close
for the discharge of drainage is sufficient for tho effectual Or limit the use
of existing p i -
drainage thereof and is otherwise unobjectionable, but is "ate drains.
not, iathe opinion of the commisrioner, adapted to the
general drainage system of the City, cr of the part of the
City in which such drain is situated the commissioner with
the approval of the standing committee concerned,

(a) subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) clox,

discontinue or destroy the said drain and do any work ne-
cessary for that purpose ; or

(b) direct that such dxain shall, from such date as

he fives in this behalf, be used for sewage cnly, or for
water unpolluted with sewage c nly, and may construct
at the cost of the corporation an entirely dislinct drain
either for water unpolluted with sewage or for sewage.
320 Coimbatore City [I981 :T.N. Act 25
Municipal Corporation
(2) No drain may be closed, discontinued or destroyed
by the commissionrr under clause (a) of sub-section (1)
except on condition of his providing another drain as
effectualfor the drainage of the premises and communicat-
ing with a pnblic drain or other place aforesaid and the
expense of the construction of any drain so provided by
the commisioner and of any work done shall be paid by *

the corporation.
Building, 213. (1) Vithout the permission of the commissioner no
ctc.,not to person shall place or construct any fence,building, culvert,
be erected pipe, drain, drain-covering or other structure or any
-- without street, railway or cable over under in or across any public
over drain or stop up, divert, obstruct or in any way interfere
drains. with any public drain, whether it passes through publio
or private grouad.
(2) The commissioner may remove or otherwise' &a1
with anything placed or constructed in contravention of
sub-section (1) ss he shall think fit, and the cost of so doing
shall be recoverable from the owner thereof in the manner
provided in section 478.
Construction 21.4. (1) The commissioner may by notice require the
of culverts owner or occupier of any building or land adjoining a public
by owner street to construct culverts or drain-covering over the side
or oocupier. channels or ditches at the entrances to tha said building or
(2) Such culverts or drain-coverings shall be of
form and size and consist of sucb materials and be provided
with such means of ventilation as may be specified in the
said notice, and shall be maintained ard kept free from all.
obstruction at the expense of the said owner or occupier.'
Maintenance 215. The owner or occd$;lc.- 3f :ny hii!ding in a pub&
of troughs street, shall, within fifteen days after receipt of notice in
and ~ i r n that behalf fi-01-11the commissioner, put up, and thence-
for catch-
ing water. forward maintain proper troughs and pipes for catching
and carrying the water from the roof aud other parts of
such building and for discharging such water ;n sucb
manner as t h commissioner
~ may allow.
Public latrines.
Provisioa 216. The corporation shalI provide and maintain in
of proper and convenient places a sufficient number of public
latrines. latrines and shall cause the same to be kept clean and- io
proper order.

-9 .
" - "" *.---.,-- .-
Mun ic ipal Corporation
217. (1) Thecommissioner may licence for any period Limsjne
not exceeding one year the provision and maintenance of of public
latrines for public use. latrines.

(2) No person shall keep a public latrine without a

licence under sub-section (1).
(3) Every licensee of a public latrine sh 111 maintain it .
clean .and in proper order.
Private !@trines.
218. (1) The commissioner may, by notice, require the Provisioa of
owner or occupier of any building, within such time and latrines by
in accordafice with such directions as may be specified owner
or ocoupicr.
therein, to provide flush-out or other latrines for the use
of the persons employed in or about or occupying such
building or alter or remove from an unsuitable to more
suitable place any existing latrine. Such ovner or occupier
shall keep every such latrine clean and in proper order.
(2) Every owner or occupier of the ground on .which
any block of huts stands shall, within such time and in
accordance with such directions as may be specified in a
notice issued by the commissioner, provide flush-out or
other latriues for the use of the inhabitants of such block
of huts or alter or remove from an unsuitable to a more
suitable place any existing latrine and shall keep the same
dean and in proper order.
219. Every person employing workmen, labourers or Provisim of
other persons exceeding ten in number shall provide and latrines
maintain for the separate use of persons of each sex so ~,"~1,"~,"~~
employed flush-out or other latrines of such description .,
and number as the commissioner may by notice require,
and within such time as may be k e d in the notice and
shall keep the same clean and in proper older.

220. The commissioner may, by notice, require any provisionof

owner or manager of a market, cart-stand, cattle-shed, latrines ,
choultry, theatre, railway station, dock, wharf, cinema- and urinals
house or other place of public resort within such time as for
rnav be specified in such notice to provide and maintain
for-the separate use of persons of each sex flush-out or and cattle. *

other latrines af such description and number on and in she&

such position as may be specified and to keep the same
clean and in proper order.
322 Cb imbdtore Ctij, [mbl!T.N.+A&. 28 L A

Municipal Corporation

La trine&to 221. A11 flush -out or other latrines shall be so construc-

be screened ted as to screen persons using the same from the view of
from view. persons passing by or residing in the neighbourhood. +

P 3wer to 222. The commissioner may carry any cable, wire, pipe,
carry wire, drain or channel of any kind to establish or maintain
pipes, any system of drainage, water-supply or lighting, through,
drains,etc., across, ui~deror over any road, street or place laid out
private for a road or street and after giving reasonable notioe
PrOpefiY to the owner or occupier through, across, underyoveryor
subj,wtto up the side of, any land or building in the City and mcj
causijng as
little piare and maintain posts, poles, standards, brackets
incon- or other contrivances to support cables, pipes, channels,
venience wires and lights on any pole or post in the City not vested
as possible in the Government and may do all acts necessary or
and paying expedient for repairing or maintaining any such cable;
for direct
Q mage. wire, pipe, drain, channel, post, pole, standard, bracket
or other similar contrivance in an effective state for the
purpose for which it is intended to be used, or for removing
the same :
Provided that such work shall be done so as to cause tho
least practicable nuisance or inconvenience to any person :
Provided further that the commissioner shall, with the
sanction of the standing committee, p ~ ycompensation
to any person who sustains damage by the e
such power.

prohibition 223. (1) No person shali, without the permi

against '
commissioner, make any connexion with any mun
m a g -,
cable, wire, pipe, drain or channel or with
without connexion of any other person.
(2) The commissioner may, by notice, r
connexion made in contravention of sub-secti
demolished, removed, closed, altered or re-m
-- --__

Power tb 224. If the corporation conducts any pipe

require , other work zonnected with the water-supply
railway of the City across a line of railway they
level, etq, sancticn of the Government and with the co
tob .-
rai.sed or " Central Government and at the cost of the mmicipd '
lowered, furd, require the railway administration to raise or lower
the level thereof. . ..) -

. : ..
+' 1981 T.l!?, ~ c251
* t Coimbutote~Ci:y Municipal . 323

225. (1) The corporation shall not undertake new works Powers of
beyond the limits of the City without the sanction of the TrP?rat-
10n in
Government. respect 01
(2) The corporation may, in the execution and for outside tho
the purposes of any works beyond the limits of the City City.
sanctioned by the Government whether before or after
the date of commencement of this Act, exercise all the
powers which it may exercise within the City throughout
the line of country through which conduits, channels,
pipes, lines of posts and wires and tht: like run, and over
any lake or reservoir from whi2h a supply of water for
the use of the City is derived, and over all lands at a distance
not exceeding two kilometres beyond the high water level
of any such lake or reservoir, and over any lands used for
sewage farms, sewage disposal tanks, filters and c+her
works connected with the drainage of the CitJ.

226. (1) The commissioner shall- Prdvision !of

(i) provide or appoint in proper and convenient removal of
situations, depots or places for ths temporary deposit of rubbish and
rubbish and filth and for the final disposal of rubbish,
filth and carcasses of animals ;

(ii) provide dust-bins for the temporary deposit of

rubbish J
(iii) provide vehicles or other suitable means for
the removal of rubbish and carcasses of animals ; and
(iv) provide covered vehicles or vessels for tho
removal of filth.
(2) The commissioner shall make a(lequzte provision
for preventing the depots, places, dust-bins, vehicles
and vessels refured to in sub-section (1) from becoming
sources of nuisance.
227. (1) The commissioner may with the previous Public notic0
sanction of the standing committee by public notice direct ordering depo- ,
that all rubbish and filth accumulating in any premises tid"ff1f;"hb;fh :
in any street or quarter of the City specified in the notice ,,o,, or 060u,. n

shall be collectcd by the owner or occupier of such premises, pier.

' 324 Coimbutore City [I981:T,N. A'ei 25
Municipal Corporation

and deposit2d in a box or basket, or other receptacle, of

the kind specified in such notice, to be provided by such
owner or occupier and kept at or near the premises.
(2) The commissioner may by ~~ublic notice- direct
that all rubbish md ath accumulating in any latrine not
connected with a drain and in respect of which no contract
under section 229 has been entered into, shall be collected
by the owner or occupier and deposited in municipal carts.
(3) The commission-r muse public dust-bins at
other conve~iieut receptacles *to be provided at suitable
intervals and in proper and convenient situation in any
street or quarter in respect of which no notice issued
under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) is for the time
being in force and may by public notice 6lrect that all
rubbish and filth accumulating in any premises, the enttaace
to which is situated within fifty metres, of ally such re-
tacle shall be collected by the owner or occupier of such
premises and deposited in such receptacles.
Removal of 228. When any premises are used for carrying on any
rubbish and manufacture, trade or business or in any way so that
filth accumula1- rubbish or filth is accumulated in quantities which are,
ting in large in the opinion of the commissioner, too considerable to
quaatit.eS on
premises. be deposited in anjr of the metnods prescribed by a notics
issued under section 227 the commissioner may-
(a) by notice require the owner or occupier of such
premises to collect all rubbish and filth accumulating
thereon and to remove the same at such times, in such
carts or receptacles, and by such routes as may be specified
in the notice, to a depot or place provided or appointed
under section 226 ; or
(b) after giving such owner or occupier notice of- his
intention, cause all rubbish and filth accumulating in such
premises ta be removed, and charge the said owner or
occupier for such removal such periodical fee as may,
with the sanction of t h 4 standing committee, be specified
in the notice isslied under clause (a).
Contract pith 229. The commissione~may contract with the .owner
o d e r ar OECU- or occupier of any premises to remove rubbish orhth
pier.for.rew-, from such premises on such terms as to time and period
Vai-of,mbbrsb of removal and other matters as may seem suitable to the
-. !filth,
i !
commissioner, and on payment of fees at such ram ar
1 '
the council may determine.
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal 325
I 230. The commissioner shall provide+ Provision for
daily cleansing
(a) for the daily surface-cleansing of all public streets of streets and
removal of
and the removal of the sweepings therefrom, and lubbish and
(b) for the removal of-
(i) thc contents of all receptacles and depots and
the accumulations of all places providcd or appointed by
him under section 226 for the temporary deposit of any of
ihe things specified therein ; and
(ii) all things deposited by owners or occupiers of
premises in pursuance of any notice issued under section

211. All things deposited in depots or places provided R:ght of pro-

or appointed under section 226 shall be the property of perty of COrpQ-
the corporation. ri?t on n t h ~ a g s
depos t :d la
232. In cases not provided for by any notice issued under Directions as
section 228 the commissioner shall, with the sanction of to removal of
the standing committee, lay down- rubbish and
(a) the hours within which rubbish a id filth may be
'(b) the kind of cart or other receptacle in which
rubbish and filth may be removed, and
(c) the route by which such carts or other receptacles
shall be taken.
233. The corporation shall maintain an establishment Maintenance
under the conti01 of the commissioner for the removal of of
e sti-rblish-
rubbish and filth from latrines which are not connected ,,,,l,f
with a public drain. rubbish and
234. (1) No person who is bound by any notice issued Propbition
under section 227 or section 228, as the case may be, to agalnSt
mu1 rtionaccu*
collect and deposit or remove rubbish or filth accumulating rubbish or
on any premises shall allow the same so as to accumulate filth on
for more than twenty-four hours. premises,

(2) No person shall deposit any rubbish or filth

otherwise than as provided in a notice issued under sectio~
227 OF section.*228, as the case may be.
326 Coimbatore City Municipc I [I981 :T.N. Act. 25 .,

(3) No person shall after due provision has been

made under sections 226 and 230 for the deposit and remo-
val of the same-
. . $

(a) deposit the carcasses of animals, rubbish or

filth in any street or on the veranda of any building or
on any unoccupied pound alongside any street or on any
public quay, jetty or landing place or on the bank of a
water course or tank ; or
(b) depxit filth or carcasses of animals in any dust-
bin or in any gehicles not intended for the removal of the
same ;or
(c) deposit rubbish in any vehicle or vessel htend~d.
for the removal of filth except for the purpose of deodoriziop
. , or disinfecting the filth. b . ..
" - - (4) No owner or occupier of any premises shall k@ .-
i or allow to be kept for more than twenty-four hours, o r .
otherwise than in a receptacle approved by the commissioaer
any rubbish or filth on such premises or any place belonging. ,,

. thereto or neglect to smploy proper means to remove the :

. . rubbish or filth from or to cleanse such receptacle a ~ to. d *
dispose of such rubbish or filth in the manner directed.by .
the commissioner, or fail to. comply with any requisition
of the commissioner as to the construction, repair, paving ;
or cleansing of any latrine on, or belonging to, the premises.
(5) No owner or occupier shall allow the .water of -
any sink, drain or latrine or the drainage from any stable
or place, or any other filth.to run down on, or to, or be
put upon, any street, or into any drain m or alongside of '.
any street except in such manner as shall prevent any
' . avoidable nuisance from any such filth soaking into the
walls or ground at the s i d ~uT ~:LC said drain. ..
~ontflbutio* 2.15. Where a mosque, temple, mutt or any place of
from ~ r s o n s religious worslip or institution or any place which is
over places of used for holding fairs, festivals or any large gathering-of
pilgriinage, eto. people or other like purposes in the City or in its neigh-
bourhood, attracts on particular occasions a large number
of persons, the commissioner shall make special arrange-
, . ments whether permanent or *temporarywhich may be -
necessary in the interests of public health,sak:ty or conje-
niencz and require the trustee or other person having
control over such plzce to make such recurring or non-
recurring contribution to the funds of the corporation as
the Governmeat mar determine. . " .
1981 : T.N. Act 251 Coimb~fore
Q i fy Mtmicipd 327
Corporat ior;
Public Streets.
236. (1) All public streets including tunnels, sub-ways Vesting of
and fly-overs in the City not reserved under the control pu5lic streets
of the Government or the Central Government, with the and thl ir appur-
pavements, stones and other materials thareof, and all tenances in
works, materials, implements and other thin-gb provided
for such streets including all sewers, drains, street lights,
drainage works, tunnels and culverts whether made at the
cost of the municipal fund or otherwise in, alongside, or
under any street, whether public or private, aud all works,
materials, implements and other things appurtaining there-
to and all trees do; bekg ;.-i:-?e property growing on
public streets or by the side thereof, shall vest in the cor-
poration. . , .

(2) The Government may, by notification, withdraw

any such street, sewer, drain, street light, drainage work,
sub-way, fly-over, tunnel, culvert or tree from the control
of the corporation.
237. (1) The corporation shall cause the public streets Maintenance
to be maintained and repaired and may make all improve- and TePlr of
mentsthereto which are necessary or expedient for the
public safety or convenience.
(2) Where any public street has been withdrawn from
the control of the corporation under sub-section (2) of
section 236 and placed under the control of Highways
Department of the Government, it shall be the duty of
the corporetion to provide at the cost of the corporation
fund to such extent as the Government may, by general
or special order direct,-
(Q) for I h- lighting, watering, scavengi lg, drainage
of such street ;
(b) for the provision, maintenance and repair of
the water-supply mains, drains and sewers in, along side
or under such street ;

(c) for the provision, maintenance and repair . dl

footways attached to such street ;

328 Coimbatore City Municipal 11981 :TeNeAct 25
Provided that where in the discharge of such duties
it is necessary for the council to open and break up the
soil or pavement of any such street, the council shall
obtain th3 previous consent of such officer of the High-
ways Department as the Government may, by general
or special order specify :
. Provided further that in the case of an emergency,
the council may, without such consent, open and break
up the soil or pavement of any such street, but shall as
far as practicable, restore such soil or pavement to the
o nwhich it was immediately before it was opened
~ ~ 3 i t i in
and broken up, and a report of the action so taken a d
the reasons therefor shall be sent forthwith to the officer
Powers of 238. (1) m e cummissioner may, subject always to such 4
in sanction as may be required under Chapter N,-
regard to ,{
streets, -2
(a) lay out and make new public streets ;
(b) construct bridges and sub-ways ;
(c) t u n , divert or with the special sanction of the
council and the Government permanently close any
public street or part thereof ;
(d) widen, open, extend or otherwise improve any
.pibIic street ;
(e) lay out and make new public
covered by huts.
(2) Compensation shall be paid to
occupiers of any lands or buildings wbi
for or affected by any such purposes.
(3) In determining such compensa
shall be made for any benefit accruing to
occupier concerned, from the construction
made by the commissioner.
Powers of .239. Subject to such,regulation' as may be mademby
to regulate council, the commissioner may regulate the means;
aaess to land manner and extent of access to, and the purpose - of
or building of, any,Iand or building which may abut on any pu
abutting public street, \
Wootr. 7 .
lPSl f T.N. Act 251 Cohbatore City Murtici'pa 1 329

Q40. - (1) When any public street is permanently closed Power to di*
under section 238, the corporation may dispose of the site pose of oscd
or so much thereof as is no longer required making com- ,,,ee,s~ P
pensation to any person injured by such closing.

(2) In dett;rrniu& su;> compensation, allowance

&all be made for any benefit accruing to the same premises
or any adjacent premises belonging to the same owner
from the cons!ruction or improvement of any other
public street at or about the same time that the public
street, on account of which the compensation is paid,
241. (1) The commissioner may, subject always to Acquisitioncl
such sanction as may be required under Chapter IV, lands and
acquire,- improvement
of streets.
(a) any land required for the purpose of widening,
opening, extending or otherwise improving any public
street or of making any new public street, and the
buildings, if any, standing upon such land ;
(b) any land outside the proposed street alignment,
with the buildings, if any, standing thereupon which the
council may consider it expedient to acquire.
(2) Any land or building acquire:d under clause -.
(b) of sub-section (I), may be sold, leased or otherwise a /

disposed of after public advertisement, ant 1 any conveyance

made for that purpose may comprise s u ~ hconditions as , .
the standing committee thinks fit as to the removal of the
existing building, if any, the description of the new building, +

if.any, to be erected, the period within which the new

buildings, if any, shall be completed and any other similar
(3) The standing committee may require any person
to whom any land or building is transferred under sub-
section (2) to comply with any conditions comprised in the
said conveyance before it places him in possession of the
land or building.
242. The standing committ-e may--
power to
prescribe bui3-
(a) prescribe for any public street a building line or a ding line and
street alignment or both a building line and a street align- street align-
ment : ment.
330 Coimbatore City Munic&wZ a [I981 :T.N; Act.2S
.;" ; " . d
(b) from time to time, but subject in each case to
* <.
. . ..
.. . , its receiving the authority of the council in that behalf'
define a fresh line in substitution for any line so defined
or for any part thereof, provided that such authority shall-
not be accorded-
(i) unless, at least one month before the meeting:
of the council at which the matter is decided, public notice
of the proposal has been given by tho commissioner by.
advertisement in the local newspapers and in the Tamil:
Nodu Government Guzette, and special notice thereof,
signed by the commissioner, fias also teen put up in the '

street or part of the street for which such fresh line is

1 - a ,.,. . , proposed to be defined ; and
G .
- . (ii) until the council has considered all objections
a , e - . to the said proposal made in writing and delivered at thk
C .
municipal offic.: not less than three clear days before the
day of such meeting :
Provided that in respect of any public street maintained ,
by the Highways and Rural Works Department of the
Government, the council shall exercise the powers under ,
t this section in consultation with the said department. ,

Rest rid ions 243. (1) No person shall construct any portion of any
on erection of building within a street alignment prcscr~beaunder section
or addition to 242: provided however that the commissioner may in his $
buildings with-
in aljp- discretion permit additions to a building to be made witsn ,
merit or buil- a street alignment, if such additions merely add to the ,
ding line, height and rest upon an existing building or wall, upon .
the owner of the bgilding executing an a9eement binding '

himself and his successors i~interest-

(a) not to claim compensation in the event oftbe

commissioner at any time thereafter calling upon him or ,
such successors to remove any building erected or :
to in pursuance of such permission or any portion thereof ; :
and :

(b) to pay the expeEses of such removal r '.

2 .
. I
/ I *
.. Provided that the commissioner shall, in every a s e
a "
. in which he gives permission, report his reasons in w~itjnbj
'' - to the standing committee.

.' %-- --
(2) If the comm-ksioner refuses to grant prmission
to erect or add to any building on the ground that the
proposed site falls wholly ot in part within a street alignment
prescribed under section 242 and if such site or the portion
thereof which falls within such alignment be not acquired
on behalf of the corporation within three years after the
date of such refusal, the corporation shall pay compensation
to the ownel of the site.
(3) No person sh2l.f erect or add to any building
between a stieet alignment and a building line prescribed
u.lder section 242 except with rhe pel mission of the com-
missioner, who may when granting permissioil impose such
condition as the standing committee may lay down
for such cases.
244. 1) When my building or part thereof abutting settj* b a a
on a pub ic stvet is within a street alignment prescribed pro' aiw
&idel section 242, the commissioner may, wheneve1 it is walls. P

(a) to rebuild such building or teke it down to an
extent exceeding one-h?.lf thereof above the ground level,
such half to be measured in cubic metre ; or
(b) to remove, reconstruct or make any addition
to any p ~ r t i o nof such building which is within street
alignment ;

in any order which he issues concerning the rebuilding,

~Jter2,tionor repair of such building, ~equiresuch building
to be set back to the street alignment.

(2) When any building or any pert thereof within

the stleet rlignment falls down or is burnt down or is,
whether by ordm of the commissioner or otherwise, taken
down, the commissioner may fotthwith take possession
on behalf of the corporation of the portion of land ,.:'bin
the street alignment the1eof occupied by the said building
and, if necessary, clear it.
(3) Land acquired under this section shr.11 be deemed
a pr.rt of the public stieet and shall vest in the corporation.

, (4) When any building is set back in pursuance of

any requisition made under sub-section (1) or when the
332' Coimbatore City
Municipal. Corpbration .

commissioner takes possession of a

section (2), the corporation shallfordb
tion, to the owner for any direct damage which'
sustain thereby.

market value o

Sotting fornard 245. The corpmissioner may, upon s

bui14b@!J 9:':;rihinks &, allow any building to be set
i pro*iao*.f,
-ld~: ::., burpose of i rnproving the line o
, l j ,:,with the sanction of the stan
require any building to be so
of reconstructioq thereof or of a new construction,

and dimensions as are

erected along the said line.
Pro-wed street.

each side or" them,

details as may appear desirable.
(2) 'fit:width of such proposed streets shall-not
ordinarily bc less than fifteen metres, or in any .area
covered by huts, nine metres.
(3) %,en any plan has been prepared under sub- *

section (I), the provisions of section 244 shall apply to all

buildings, so far as they stand across the street alignment
of the projected street.
, Temporary
lolsum of streets. close my street to
idti ; &.A C9%
~ d~imbatoreCity
Municipa I Corporation

out any work connected with- drainage, water-supply

-or lighting or any of the purposes specified in Schedule
111 :

Provided that such work shall be completed and such

street re-opened to traffic with all reasonable speed.

248. It shall not be lawful for any person, without the Protection of
permission of the commissioner, to displace, take up or appurtenances
make any alteration in the fences, posts, pavement, flags streets.
or other materials of any public street.

249. When by a certificate of an officer of the Public power of the

Works Department of the Government of a rank not below corporation to
recover caused
that of an Executive Engineer it appears to the commissioner expenses
that having regard to the average expense of repairing roads by extraordig
in the neighbourhood, extraordinary exFenses have been nary traffic.
incurred by the corporation in repairing a street by reason
of the damage caused by excessive weight passing along
the street or extraordinary traffic thereon, or by any process
of loading, unloading or deposting excessive weights thereon
the commissioner may recover in the civil court, from any
person by or in consequence of whose order such damage
has been caused, the amount of such expenses as may
be proved to the satisfaction of such court to have bee-
incurred by the corporation by reason of the dams* -rising
from such weight or traffic as aforesaid I

Provided that any person from whom expenses are or

may be recoverable under this section may enter into an
agreement with :he corporation for the payment to it of a
composition in respect of such weight or traffic and there-
upon the persons so paying shall not bt: subject to any
proceedings under this section.

Private Sti'eets* I

250. (1) If the owner of any land utilises, sells, leases Owner's obliga-
' io or otherwise disposes of such land or any portion or ow^^^ a
portions of the same as sites for the construction of buildings disposing of
he shall, save in such cases as the site or sitw may abut on lands as
an existing public or private street, lay-out and make a buildins sites.
street or streets giving access to the site or sites and con-
necting with an existing public or private street.
334 %oimbatdrt! city
hfunicipal Corporution

(2) In regard to the laying out or making of any such

street or streets the provisions of section 251 shall apply,
subject to the conditions that the owner shall remit a sum
not exceeding 50 per cent of the estimated cost of la);-out
improvements in the land and that the owner shall also
reserve not exceeding 10 per cent of the lay-out for the
common purpose in addition to the area provided for
laying out streets. ~f any owner contravenes any of the
conditions specified above he shall be liable for grosccu-
(3) If, in any case, the provisions of sub-sections
(1) and (2) have not been mmplied with, the commissioner
r q v , by notice, require the defaulting owner to lay-out
and make a street or streets, on such land and, in such
manner and within such time as may be specified in the
(4) If such street or streets are not laid out and made
in the manner and within the time specified in the notice,
the commissioner may lay-out and make the streat or
streets, and the expenses incurred shall be recovered from
the defaulting owner.
(5) The commissioder may in his discretion issue the
notice referred to in sub-section (3) or recover the expensm
referred to in sub-section (4) to or from the owners of any
building or lands abutting on,the stret or streets concerned
but any such owner shall be entitled
ble expenses incurred by him or all expenses psi
the case may be, from the defaulting owner r
sub-sectlon (3).

Makhg af new 251. (1) Any person intending

private dew private street must send to the c
application with p l a aud
~ sections
particulars, namely :-

, . street ;
I '
(b) the street alignment and the bugding & ;
(c) arrangements to be made, g& &&-
- metalling, f&@ug, channelling, %wring-8;
==rvi4 li&ting the street ;
(4 the e z e ~ tof each site
i98i :T,N. Act 25j Coimbatore City 335
Municipal Corporation

(e) the extert of open space around the building -I

; and
t fte allowed C. . i'
(f) the extent of open space allowed for public , ?
purpose. i- !. L \.

(2) The provisions of this Act and of any rules or

r by-laws made under it as to the level and width of public
streets and the height of buildings abutting thereon shall
apply also in the case of streets,referred to in sub-section
(1) ; and all the particulars referred to in that sub-section
shall be subject to approval by the commissioner.
(3) Within sixty days after the receipt of any applica-
tion under sub-section (1) the commissioner shall either
sanction the making of the street on such conditionc as
he may think fit or disallow it, or ask for furthe: ;nformation
with respect to it.
(4) Such sanction may be refused-
(i) if the proposed street would conflict with any
arrangements which have been made or which are in the
opinion of the commissioner likely to be made, for carrying
out any general scheme of street improvement ; or

(ii) if the proposed street does not confirm to the

provisions of this Act, rules and by-laws referred to in
sub-section (2) ; or
(iii) if the proposed street is not designed so as to
connect at one end with a street which is already open.
(5) No person shall lay-out or make any new private
street without or otherwise than in conformity with the
orders of the commissioner. If further information is
asked for, no steps shall be taken to lay-out or make the
street until orders have been passed upon receipt of such
information :
Provided that the passing of such orders shall not in
any case be delayed for more than sixty days after the
commissioner has received all the information which he
considers necessary to enable him to deal finally with the
said application. F

252. The provisions of sections 242, 243 and 244 shall Application of j
apply so far as r a y be, to private streets, including streets sections 242,
243 and 244
to be laid out and made under section 250 or section 251. t o private
1 ,* -, '

a : 396 cbimbatore city ~ u n i c i p d $981 :T. N;.AC~ #


Altzrstion or 253. (1) If eny person lays out or makes any street
dmolition of referred to in section 251, without or otherwise than:in
streets made conformity with the orders of tho commissioner, the
in breach ' commissioner may, whether or not the offender be prose-
sectiod251' cuted under this Act, by notice-
(u) require the offender to show sufficient causes
by a written statement signed by him and sent to the
commissioner on or before such day as may be specified
in the notice, why such street should not be altered to the
satisfaction of the commissioner or iJ such alteration be
impracticable, why such street should not be demolished, or
(b) require the GE.,Z<L; :O appmr before the
commissioner either personally or by a duly authorised
agent, on such day and at such time and place as may be
specified in the notice, and show cause as aforesaid.
(2) If any person on whom such noece is served
fails to show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of the
commissioner why such street should not be so altered
or demolished, the .commissioner may pass an order
directing the alteration or demolition of such street.
POwer of 254. (1) If any private street or part thereof is not levelled.
commissioner paved,metalled, flagged, channelled, sewered, drained, con-
to order work served or lighted to the satisfaction of the commissioner,
to be carried
out or to he may by notice require the owners of such street or
zarryit out part and the owners of buildings and lands fronting or
himself i n abutting on such street or part including in cases where
default. the owners of the land and of the building thereon arc
different, the owners both of the land and of the building
to carry out any work which in his opinion may be necessary,
and within such time as may be specified in such notice.

(2) -If such work is- not carried out within the time
specified in the notice, the commissioner may, if he thinks
flt,exec~~r+it and the expenses incurred shall be paid by the
vwners referred to in sub-section (1) in such proportions
as may be settled by the commissioner. I

pow to d e c 255. (1) If' aay street has been levelled, paved, metalled,
lare private as flagged, channelled, sewered, drained, conserved and
public stred. lighted under the provisims of section 254, such stree t
shall,.on the requisition of a majority of the owners referred
, . to in sub-section (1) of that section, be declared as abpublic
,: . ' .8tf0&9
)& :'r.lV.Act i5j Coih~batoi.eCity Mrnieip~l 3 3 f

(2) The commissioner shall publish every declaration

made under sub-section (1) in the Coimbatore District

I Encroachme~ztson ctreets.
356. No onc shall build any wall or erect any fence Prohibition
or other obstruction or projection or make any encroach- against
ment in or over any street or any public place the control inobstructions
of which is vested in the corporation except as hereinafter
I provided.
257. (1) No door, gate, bar or ground-fioor window ProI~ibitioa
shall without a licence from the commissioner be hung or and regula-
placed so as to open outwards upon any street. tion of
(2) The commissioner may by notice require the owner groud-
floor I

of such door, gate, bar or window to alter it so that no windows

part thereof when open shall project over the street. and bars
258. (1) The commissioner may by notlce require the Removal of
owner or occupier of any premises to remove or alter encroachm
any projection, encroachment or obstruction (other than a ments.
door, gate, bar or ground-floor window) situated against
or in front or such premises and in or ovei any street
or any.public place the control of which is vested in th;
(2) If the owner or occupier of the premises proves
that any such projection, encroachment or obstruction
has existed for a period sufficient under the law of limira-
tlon to give him a prescriptive ~ i ~or l ewhere such period
is less than thirty years ,for a period of thirty years or that
it was erected with the consent of rtnymunicipal authority
duly empowered in that behitlf, and that the period if any,
for which the consent is valid lias not expired, the corpora-
tion shall make compensation to every persol1 who su ffers
damage by the removal or alteration of the same.
259. (1) The Commissioner may grant s licc.;ci- subject Power to
to such conditions and restrictions as he may think fit to eertam
the owner or occupier of any premises- projections
and erec-
(a) to put up or continue to have verandas, balconies sun- tions.
shades, weather frames and the like, to project over a
street, or
(b) in streets in which the construction of arcades has
been sanctioned by the council, to put up 01- continue to
have an arcade, or
125-1 2-22
238 Coirnbotore city h b i c i p a l [1981: f .fieA d $3
(c) to construct or to continue to have any step or
drain covering neccessary for access to the premises.
(2) With the concurrence of the Superintendent of
Police, Coimbatore or any officer authorized by him
in this behalf, the commissioner may grant a
licence subject to such conditions and restrictions as
he may thii k fit, for any temporary construction in any
street or in any public place the control of which is vested
in the corporation.
(3) No licence shall be granted under sub-section (1) if the
proj~ction or construction is likely to be iinjqrkus
to health or cause public inconvenience or otkwist
materially interfere or result in material interference with

the use of the road as such.

(4) On the expiry of any period for which a licence has
been granted under this section or after due communication
r suspension or revocation of such licence, the
of an o r d ~ of
commissioner, may, without notice, cause any projection
or construction put up under sub-section (1) .or sub-
section (2) to be removed, and the cost of so doing 'sbll
b e recoverable in the manner provided in section 478
rom the persou to whom the licence was granted.
(5) The council shall have power to lease road sides and
street margins vested in the corporation for occupation
on such terms and conditions and for such period as it
may deem fit:
Provided that no such lease for any term exceeding thrse
years shall be valid unless the sanctio~~ of the Government
therefor shall have been first obtained :

Provided further that if t he Government consida tbst

any occupation of a road side or street margin tlndcr a
lease grapted by the wurcd; u r d ' ~ t t i s $mion is fibb
to be injttr io1.s to health or causc public inconvenieace or
otherwise mltcrially interfere with the use of the wad
side or street margin as such, the Government may &ect
the ~ouncilto cancel or modify the leas%,and the councg
~1all thereupon cancel or modify the lease accordingly.
Power of 260. Subject to the provisions of the Tamil ~ i d Open
=07solrilto Places (Prevention cf Disfigurement) Act, 1959flamil N~du
set up
hoardings Act 2of 1959)and sections 158to 163of this Act, the commis-
and levy sioner may, witF the sanction of the council, set up, fcr tbe
feats. exhibition of advertisements, hoardings, erections or otha
1981: T,N. Act 251 Coirnbatore City M m ic i p d 339
things in suita blc places owned by or vested in the corpora-
l tionand ma ypermitany person to use any such hoarding
erection o r thing on payment of such fee as r a y be pres-
I aibed by regulztiors made by the council in this behalf.

I Explanat ion I. -For the purposes of sections1 61 and

162 tht person who has been permitted to use any hoard-
ing, erection or thing under this secticn shall be deemed
to be the nwner or the person in occupatioo cf such hoard-
ing,erection or thing.
Explmtation 11.-For the removal of doubts, it is hereby
d ~ c l ed
a ~that any fee payable by any person #ho has been
permitted to use any howding. erection or thing urdel this
szctioo.shall be in r 1ldit;r n to the actvertistsnent tax pa y-
able by him under section 158 on advertisim~nts,exhi~it-
ed by him on such hoarding, erectian cr thing.
261. The Commi:jsi~nershall, so far e s is practicable Pre cautions
during tbe coastrvction or r eyair of any street, drain or during
premises vested in t be corporation,- repair of
s ~ ~ 1 a b

I (a) cause the same to be fenced and guarded,

(b) take proper precautions against accident by
shoring up and protecting the adjoining buildings, .
1 and
(c) cause such bars, chains or posts t o be fixed across
or in any street in which aDy such work is under
execution as are necessary in older to prevent the passage
of vehicles or animals and avert danger.

(2) The commissioner shall cause such strtet , drain

or premises to be sufficiently lighted o r gusrdi:d during the
night while under onstruction or repair.

(3) The commissioner shall, with all reasonable

speed, cause the said work to be completed, the ground to
be filled in t he said street, drain,or premises to be repaired
and the rubbish occassioned thereby to be remc vcd,
I1 *
262. NO person shall without lawful a u t ~ o f i tremove
y Prohibition
any bar. chain, pod or shoring timber o r remove or of
4 e x t i n g ~ i ~any
b light set up under section 261, bars and lights,
125- 12-22~
'340 (5oimbatdre City iki~nicipal [1981: $.fi.Act 28
Corporat ion
Making holes 263. (1) No person shall makt a hole or cause any

and obstr~rtion in any street unless he previously obtains the

permiesio n of the commissioner and complies with such

conditions as he may impcse.

(2) When such perzission is granted, such person shall
at his own expense, cause such hole or obstruction
to be sufficiently fenced and enclosed, until t h hole
or obstruction is filled up or removed and shall cause
such hole cr obstruction to be sufficiently lighted during
. the night.

Licence for 264. If any person illtends to construct or demofish

work on
likely to
any building or to alter or repair the outward art thereof,
a,,:' ;f any street or footway is likely to be o structed 01
rendered inconvenient by means c.f such work, he sha 11
obstruction. first obtain a licence from the commissioner in tbat b:-
half and shall also-
- ,, I

(a) cause the said building to be fenced and guarded;

(b) sufficiently light it during the night; and
(c) take prcper precautions a gainst accidents durjng
such time as the tublic safety or convenience requires.
Clearing of 265.lf any obstruction is caused in any sirect by tke fall
debris of of trees, structures or fences, the owner or occupier ofthe
houses, etc., premises concerned shall within twelve hours of the
by occupiers, . occurrence ~rfsuch . fall or within such furtb
as the commissiomr may by not ice ail0w, clear t
of such obstruction.
Naming of numbering of streets and buildings, etc.

Naming or 266. (1) With the approval sf the Government the

numbing council shiill give names or numbers to new pufifiC
of public streets and shall also give name to park, playground,
S t m a s and bus-stand, arch or new municipal property and may.mb-
naming of ject to the approval of the Government alter the name ~r
municipal number of any public street, park, playg~ound,b ~ g - ~ t ~ n d ,
property, etc. arch or municipal property :

- A

Provided that no such public street, park, playground,

*. ...... .. ,: :
bus-stand, arch or municipal property shall be named after

. .-,
". , *r .
alivi~lgperson irrespective of his status or the
8' "
-* . .
. ' A

- - occupied by him.
I 1981: T.N. Act 251 Coimbarore City 341
i Munic ipal Corpor~t
a) The Commissioner shall cause to in put up
or painted in Tamil and in English on a c3nspicuous
part of some building, wall or place, at or ilear each end.
corner or entrance of every public street, the name or
number by which it is to t.: 3:zw-,-;;;.
(3) No person shall without lawful authority destroy,
pull down or deface eny such name or number or put up
any name or number different from that plit up by order
of the commissioner.
267. (1) The Comtrdssioner may cause a ilumbes to be Numbering of
affixed to the side or outer door of any building or to some buildings.
place at the entrance of t b enclosure thereof.
(2) No pzrson shall, witbout lawful authority.
destroy, pull down or deface any such number.
(3) When a number has been affixed under sub-section
(I), the owner of the building s ball be bound to maintain
such number and to replace it if removed or defaced ;
and if he fails to do so, the commissioner may by notice
require him to replace it.

General powers.
268. (1) Tbe Government may make rules - Building
(a) for the regu1a.tion or restriction of the use or
development of sites for building, and
(b) for theregulation or restriction of building including
the location, design, construction, its use for reridence,
commerce, trade, industry, recreation, culture and other
purposes, and
(c) for the regulation of erection, maintenance and
safety of building.
Q) Without prejudice to the generality of the power
conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (11, rules made
under tkat clause may provide-
r: (a) that no insanitary or dangerous site shall be
used for building, and
342 Coimbatore City [198l: T.N. Act 25
Mmic ipal C~rgoration
(b) that no site shall be used for the constructioq of a
building intended for public worship if the construction of
the building thereon will wound the religious feelings of
any class of persons.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the power
conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (I), rules made
under that clause may provide for the following mtters,
namely :-
(a) information and plans t c ~be submitted together
with applications for permissicn to build ;
(b) height of buildings, whether absolute or
relativs to the width of streets;
(c) level and width of foundation, level of lowest
030r and stability of qtrllctllre:
(d) mmber and height of storeys composing a
bulldiag a nd height of rooms ;
(e) provision of sufficient open space, external or
internal ,and adequate means of ventilat.:.on;
( f ) prclhibition or restriction of the construction of
buildings within such distance as may be specified from
the boundary of any street;
(g) provision of means of egress in case of fire;
(h) provision of st;condary means of access for
the removal of house refuse ;
(i) materials and methods of construction of external
and party walls, roofs and floors;
(j) position, materials and methods of construction
~f hearths, smoke-escapes, chimneys, stair cases, latrines3
drains, cess-pools ;
(k) paving of yards ;
(1) restrictions on the use of inflammable mater*
ir h.rli:dingl
(m)in the case of wells, the dimensions of the well
the manner of enclosing it and if the well is intended for
drinking purposes, the means which shall be used to
prevent polluticn of the water; and
: f ~ r&q;ldft ~g,-ki;rg
building site. b
1981: T.N. Act 251

(4) No piece of land shall be used as a site for con-

struc tion of a building, and no building shall be con-
structed or reconstructed otherwise than in accordance
with the provisions of this Act and of any rules or by-
laws made thereunder relating to the use of building sites
or the construction or reconstruction of buildings:
Provided that the Governmetlt may with the consent
of the council in respect of the whole area, or portion thereof
exempt all buildings or any class of buildings from all or
any of the provisions of this Chapter or the said rules.
269. (1) The ccuncil may give public noltice of its p,
intention to declare- corpora-
tion to
(a) that ,in any street or portions of stre(:ts specified regulate
in the notice, - future
(i) continous building will be allowed, tion of
(iil the elevation and construction of the frontage of C I ~ S W S 0 r
all buildings thereafter constructed or reconstructed shall, buildings ,
in respect of their architectural features, be such as the ~ d a , ~ ~ ~ & ,
1 commissionermaycon:sidersuitabletothelocality,or locall.
(b) that in any localities specified in the notice the ties.
construction of only detached buildings will be allowed, or
i (c) that in any streets, portions of streets or
localities specified in the notice, the construction of shops,
warehouses, factories, huts or buildings of a specified
architectural character or buildings destined for particular
uses will not be allowed without the special permission of the
(2) No objection to any such declaration shall be
received after a period of three months from the publication
of such notice.
(3) The council shall consider all objections recelvd
within the said period and may then confirm the declaration
and before doing so, may modify it, but not so as to extend
its effect.
(4) The commissioner shall publish any declaration
so confirmed and it shall take effect from the date of
(5) No person shall, after the date of publication of
such declaration, construct or re-constuct any building in
contravention of any such declaration,
344 Coimbafore Ci t y [I 981 : T.N..Act. 25.
MtWcipd Corporation
, Buildings at 270. (1) The council may require any building intended
, )
corner of to be erected at the corner of two streets to be rounded
streets. off or splayed off to such height and to such extent or
otherwise as it may determine, and may acquire such
portion of the site at the corner as it may consider necessary
for public convenience or amenity.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3)
for any land so acquired the corporation shall pay an
amount which shall be the market value of such land on ,
the date of acqaisition.
(3) In determining such an amount, allowance shall lie
made for any benefit accruing to the same premises from the :
improvement of the streets. ' .'
* .

Prohibition 271. '1) No external roof, verandah, pandal; or wall

aga iast of a building and no shed or fence shall be constructed or
use of reconstructed of cloth,grass, leaves, mats or other inflam-
infl a mma-
b1e ' mable mdterials except with the permission of the commis-
materials sioner nor shall any such roof, verandah, pandal, wall, shed '
for bi-ild- or fence constructed or reconstructed in any year be
ings, ec., , retaincd in a subsequent year,except with such permission.
permission, * 0
(2) Every permission granted under sub-section (1) ,
shall expire at the end of the year for which it is granted.
Buildings other than hats.
to conj
272. (1) If any person intends to construct or re--. *
struct or
construct a building, he shall send to the commissioner-
re-con- (a) an application in writing for approval of the
struct site together with a site-plan of the '!and, and .
(b) an application in writing for p
execute the work together with a ground plan,
and sections of the building and a specification 0
(2) Every document furnished under sub-
shall contain such particulars and be prepar
mmner as may be required under rules or by-laws.

Ntcessitu fox 273. The omm missioner shall not grant

prtor construct or re-construct a building unless and until he has
approval approved of the site on an application ma& -
of tne
dte. section 272.
1981 :T.N. Act 25j

274. (1) The construction or re-construction o f a Prohibition

building shall not be begun unless and until the corn- gain st corn.
missioner has granted permission for the execution of the mencement of
work, work without
permissi on,
,I *
(2) While granting permission under sub-section (11,
the commissioner may specify in writing, the precautions
to be observed with reference to the constructions or
re-construction by the person making the application under
sub-section (1) of section 272 and such person shall be
responsible For the due observance of the precautions.

275. Within thirty days after the receipt of any applica- Period within
tion made under section 272 for approval of a site, or of which cpmmi-
any information or further information required under signifyssioner appro-
I S to
rules or by-laws, the commissioner shall, by written order, val dis.
either approve the site or refuse to approve the site on one approval.
or more of the grounds mentioned in section 278.

276. Within thirty days after the receipt of any applica- Period wit hin
tion made under section 272 for permission to execute any which commis-
work or of any information or of documents or further grant sioneroris refuse
information or documents required under rules or by-laws to l..lnt per-
the commissioner shall, by written order, either granc such mission lo
permission or refuse to grant such permisslo,, on one or execute work.
more of the grounds mentioned in section 278 or section

Provided that the said period of thirty days shall not

begin to run until the site has been approved under section


277. (1) If within the period laid down in section 275 Reference to
or section 276, as the case may be, the commissioner has st and1ngif com-
neither given nor refused his approval of a building site,
or his permission to execute any work, the standing corn- delays grant or
mittee shall be bound,on the written request of the applicant refusa: of
to determine by written order whether such approval or approvbl
permission should be given or not. or permission.

(2) If the standing committee does not, within thirty

days from the receipt of such written request determine
whether such approval or permission should be given or
346 Coimb~toreCity Municipal [I981 ;Td. A f t ' s '
not, such approval or permission shall be deemed to have
been given and the applicant may proceed to execUtq
the work, but not so as to cotravene any of the provisions
of this Act or any rule or by-law made under this Act.
()rauelga on 278. (1) The only grounds cn which approval of a
w@h a provat site for the construction or re-construction of a buildin8
'ltc Or* Or or permission to construct or re-construct a building may
permission to
construct or re- be refused, are the following, namely: -
construct buil- (1) that the work or the use of the site for the work
ding may be
ref used. or any of the particulars comprised in the site-
plan, ground-plan, elevations, sections, or specification
would contravene some specified provision of any law
or some specified order, rule, declaration or bplaw mado
under any law;
(2) that the application for such permission dqes
not contaiu .he particulars or is not prepared in the -r
required under rules 01 by-laws ;
(3) that any of the documents rcfcrred lo in rreollon
272 have not been sipled as required under rules or by.
laws ;
(4) that any information or documents required by
the commissioner uudzr the rules or by-laws has or have
not been duly furnished;
(5) that Streets or roads have not been made as
required by section 250;
(6) that the proposed building would be an enor*
achment upon Government or municipal land; i

. .
(7) that the site of such building does not
- , on a street or a ;projected street. and there is no a
such building from any such street by a passage or p
appertaining to such site and not less than 3.5
. . - wide at any part ;
(8) that the site is required for a public purpose .
under any law for the time being in force.
(2) Whenever the commissioner or the stanan; '

committee refuses to approve the site for a buifding, or to

grant permission to construct or re-construct a buildiq
the reasons for such refisal shall be specifically stated 10
the 0 t h .
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Mmicipal 347
279. Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter special powerr
if any street shown in the site-plan is intended to be for suspending
a private street the commissioner may at his discretion mrmission to
refuse to grant permission ro coostruct a building, until construct
the street is commenced or completed. buildings.

280. (1) If the construction or re-construction of a Lapse of per-

building is not commenced. within six months after the missionif m
date on which permission was given to execute the ac:ed withinand
work, the work shall not be commenced until an applica- cmpletedwith-
tion has been made for the renewal of permission granted in two years.
under this Chapter; and the provisions of sections 272
to 279 shall, so far as may be, apply to such application
for renewal of permission.
(2) If the construction or reconstructlun of the
building is not completed within such period(no: exceeding
two years from the date on which permission was given
for the construction or reconstruction) as may be specified
in this behalf it shall not be continued thereafter until an
application has been made for the renewal of permission
granted under this Chapter ;and the provisions of sections
272 to 279,shall, so far as may be, apply to such application
for renewal of permission.
381. The commissioner may inspect any building Inspec, ,on by
during the construction or reconstruction thereof, or cmmissioner*
within one month from the date of receipt of the notice
given under section 129.
281. (1) If the commissioner finds that the work,-
power of corn
missioner to
(a) is otherwise than in accordance with the plans require alters-
or specifications which have been approved, or tion of work.
(b) contravenes any of the provis'ons of this Act,
or any rule, by-law, order or declaration made under this
he may by notice require the owner of the building, within
a period stated either-
(i) to rrake such alterations as may be specified
in the said notice with the object of briaging the work in
conformity with the said plans,specifications or provisions,
: (ii) to show-cause why such alterations should
not be made.
348 Coimbatore City Mbtkipal [ 1981 :T.N. Act 1s.
, . .
+ , . (2) If the owner does not show-cause hs af~risaid,
he shall be bound to make tbe alterations specified in.
such notice.
. 4

(3) If the owner shows cause as aforesaid the com-

missioner shall by an order cancel the notice issued under

sub-section (1) or confirm the same subject to such modi-,

fications, as he may think fit.
Power of corn- 283. Notwithstanding any adion taken under section
migsionerto 282 or under sub-section (1) of section 441 where in the
impose Penalty opinion of the commissioner any building has been con-
in the case of
unapihorised structed or altered otherwise than in accordance with the
construotion plans and specifications which have been approved or in
or alterations* contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or any
rule, by-law, order c+rdeclaration made under this Act,
the commissi~nermay direct rue uwnc: of such building
to pay by way of penalty a sum not exceeding fifty rupees
for evcry half-year or part thereof in respect of every
nine square metres or part thereof covered by the portion
or portions of the building so const.ructed or altered, the
area of the ground floor and the other floors, if any, being
reckoned separately. Such penalty shall be recovered
in the same mamer as the property tax ulltil the portion
or portions aforesaid are removed or rectified by the
, . owner and the resulting construction is approved b:? the
I commissioner.
S t o ~ ~ a of
se 284. Notwithstanding anything contained in any of
work endan- the preceding sections, the commissioner may, at any time
Bering human stop the construction or reconstruction of any building
life, if in his opinion the work in progress contravenes any of
the rules, regulations or by-laws framed under this Act,
or endangers human life.
Sections 272 to 285. In sections 272 to 284 the word " building " does
284 shall not not include a hut.
apply to huts.
r>emolitioaof 2 9 . (1) If any person intends to demolish a building
buildins.. either in whole or in part, he shall send an application to
the commiwicmer in writing for permission to execute the

(2) The com.nissioner shall grant permission to

execute the work subject to such conditiow as he may
deem necessary for ensuring the health or. safety of the.
people living withh or mar the building.
f9$i : 't.P?. Act 2g] Coinbatore c i t y 449
Municipal Corporation
(3) The demolition of a building shall not be t :,?m
unless and until the commissioner has grant~; :srmiss~on
for the execution of the work, and the work shall not be
executed without complying with the conditions, if any,
subject to which the permission has been granted.
wells. I
287. The provisions of sections 272, 273, 274, 280, Application cf
281,282 and 284 shall, so far as may be. apply to wells. certain
sections t o

Htrts. wells.

288. (1) Every person who intends to co~lstruct or Application to

reconstruct a hut shall send to the commissioner- construct or
(a) an application in writing for permission to
execute the :vork, and
(b) a site plan of the land.

(2) Every such application and plaa shall contain

the particulars and be prepared in the manner required
under rules or by--law..

289. The construction or reconstruction of a hut shall Prohibition

not be commenced unless and until the commissioner has against
granted permission for the execution of the work on of work t
an application sent to him under section 288. without
290. Within fourteen days after the receipt of any Period
application made under section 288 for permission to within
construct or reconstruct a hut, or of any information or which corn- I

plan or further information or fresh plan required under is to pant

rules or by-laws, the commissioner shall, by written order, or refuse tc'
either grant such permission or refuse to grant such per- grant.
mission on one or more of the grounds mentioned in section perrnlssion
to ex,te
292. the work.

291. (1) If within the period laid down in section 290 to


the commissioner has neither granted nor refused to grant wmmitt- ,

permission to construct or reconstruct a hut, the standing if cornmi* .

committee shall be bound on the written request of the sioner delays ..
applicant, to determine by written order whether such qrant orof
permission should be granted or not. permission,
330 Coim8ut0ie City ti981 : T.N. Act 25
cor ooration
MU^ i c i p d
(2) If the standing committee does not, within thirty
days from the receipt of such written request, determine
whether such permission should be granted or not, such
permission shall be deemed to have been granted ; and
the applicant may proceed to execute the work but not
so as to contravene any of the provisions of this Act
or any rule or by-law made under this?Act.
Grounds 292. (1) The only grounds on which permission to
on which construct or reconstruct a hut may be refused are the
permission following, namely :-
to constFuct
or re-
construct (a) that the work or the use of the site for the
hut m y work would contravene some specified provision of any
mfbd. law or somc: specified rule, by-law, order or declaration
made under any law ;
(b) that the application for permission does not
contain the particulars or is not prepared in the manner
required under rules or by-laws ;
(c) that any information or plan required by the
comm;ssioner under rules or by-laws has not been duly
(d) that streets or roads have not been made as
required by section 250 ;
(e) that the land on which the hut is to be construct
ted or the street or.streets on which such land abuts are
not adequately drained, levelled or lighted ; or
that the proposed hut would be an encroach-
ment upon Government or municipal land ;
(g) that the land on which the hut is to be construc-
ted is required for a public purpose under any law for the
time being in form.
(2) Whenever the commissioner or standing com-
mittee refuses to grant permission to construct or reconst-
ruct a hut, the reasons ior such refuxl shall be specifically
stated ia the order.
Lapse of 293. (1) If the construction or reconstruction of any
permission if hut is not commenced within three months after the date
not acted upon on which permission was given to execute the work, tho
wit* tbvet
wntbr an&
within one year.
981 : T.N. Act Sf C~imbatoreCttp 351
Municipal Corporation
work shall not be commenced until an application has
been made for the renewal of permission granted under
this Chapter and the provisions of sections 288 to 292
shall, so far as may be, apply to such application for renewal
of permission.
(2) If the construction or reconstruction of the hut
is not completed within such period (nl3t exceeding one
year from the date on which permission was given for the
construction or reconstruction) as may be specified in this
behalf it shall not be continued thereafter until application
has been made or the renewal of permission grdnted under
this Chapter ; and the provisions of sections 288 to 292
shall, so far as may be, apply to such application for renewal
of permissiou.
Exter~talwalls, alterations and additions.
294. The owner or occupier of any building adjoining Maintaanm
a street shalI keep the external part thereof in proper repair of external
with lime-plaster or other material to the satisfaction wall! in

of the commissiorxer. reparr.

295. (1) The provisions of this Chapter and of any Applicatim

rales or by-laws made under this Act relating to construc- of
tion and reconstruction of buildings shall also be to alteratians
applicable to any alteration thereof or addition thereto : and additions*
Provided that works of necessary repair which do
not affect the position or dimensions of a building or any
room therein shall not be deemed an alteration or addition
for the purposes of this section.
(2) If any question arises as to whether any addition
or alteration is a necessary repair not affecting the position
or dimensions or a building or room such question shall
be referred to thp standing committee, whose decision
shall be final.
Powers of commissioner.
296. (1) If the commissioner is satisfied- Demolition
or a1teration
(i) that the construction or reconstruction of of building
any building or well- or well-work
(a) has been commenced without obtaining the commcncied,
on or
permission of the commissioner or where an appeal or completed.
Municipal Corporation

referen% has been made t o the standing cummitteq, 'in

contravention of any order passed by the standing commit-
tee, or
(6) is being carried on, or has been completed
otherwise than in accordance with the plans or particulars
on which such permssion or order was based, or
(c) is bcing carried on, or has been completed
In breach of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule
or by-law made under this Act or of any direction or re-
quisition lawfully given or made under this Act o r ;uch
rules or by-laws, or
(ii) that any alterations required by any notice
issued under section 282 have not been duly made, or
t that any alteration of, or additions to, .any
building or any other work made or done for any purpow.
into or upon ariy building has been commenced or i s be-
carried on or has been completed in breach of section
he may make a probisional order requiring the owner or
the bullder or the occupier to demolish the work donej
or so much of it, as, i7 the opinion of the commissioner
has been unlawfully executed, or to make such alterations
as may, in the opinim of the commissioner be necessarj
to bring the work into conformity with the, provisions
of the Act, rules, by-laws, direction or requisition as afore-
said or with the plans or particulars on whch such perc
mission or order was based, and may also direct thatxntil
the said order is complied with the owner or builder -or
i the occupier shqll refrain from proceeding with.. the
. building
or well. - <:I ?*.

. (2) The commissioner shall serve a copy of the $&:

visional order made under sub-section (1) on the owner
or the occupier of the building or well together- with a
notice reqi iring him' to show cause within a reasonable
time to be named in such,notice why the order should.not
, . . be confirmed. I
. . *-.

,. (3) If' the owner or the occupier fails to show cause


*. to the satisfaction of the commissioner, the commissioner

may confirm the order with any modification he m a y thiok
'' . . .. fit to make and such order shall then be binding an the
" <

, .-* . .'.. owner or tbe occupier.

& - .
..$ fi
2981 :T.N. Act Coimbatore C i t y Mm ic ipat 353
297. (1) If the construction or reconstruction of any powerof
building or well- commissioner
to direct
(a) is commenced wlthout the permission of' the removal of
commissioner, or persons
or carrying
(b) is carried on otherwise than in accordance 0x1~nstruc-
with the particulars on which such permission was based, tion of
or etc,

(c) is carried on in contravcntior. of any lawful

order or in breach of any provisior. contained in this Act
or in any rule or by-law made under it, or of any direct-
ion or requisition lawfully given or made,

tne commissioner may, after three days notice, direc,

that any person directing or carrying on such C O ~ ~,:tion
or reconstruction, or any person employed in the execution
thereof in such building or well or any other place adjacent
thereto shall be removed from such building, well or place.

(2) It shall be the duty of every police officer to assist

the commissioner or any officer or servant of the corpora-
tion reasonably demanding his aid for carrylng into effect
the direction given by the commissioner under sub-section

298. Any building constructed and used or intended Exanptionfi '

to be constructed and used, exclusively for the purpose
of a plant-house, meter-house, summer-house (not being
a dwelling-house), poultry house or aviary, shaI1 be exemp-
ted from the provisions of this Chapter other than section
271 provided the building be wholly detached from and
situated at a distance of atleast three metres from the
nearest adjacent building.

1 :
299. The standiug committee may, subject to the Power of
approval of the council, decide whethcr any particular sta**lng to
area is or is not a hutting ground as defined in clausa (21) committee
define and alter ,
i of section 2 and thls decision 01' the standing committee limits ofhuitbg
I 3 grounds.
$54 ~oirn&,ntdreCity!Akunicipai [198i :'%.HiAct 38
Colrporut ion
shall, on such approval, be final. The standing corninittee
may also, subject to the approval of the council,. define
the external limits of any hutting ground and from time
to time alter such limits.
Tmprovement af'hutting grounds.
, Power of 300. (1) The cornmissioner may, for sdnitary reasons,
commissioner. require the owner or occupier of any hutting ground of
to requirt
owner of which the total area as comprised within the limits defined
huttiig under section 299 is less than one thousand four hundred
ground to and fifty square metres,--
carry out
certain (a) to o2en up and constrtct such passages, not
improve- exceeding 3.5 metres in width, between the buildings or
ments. huts and to provide such surface drains and latrines for
the use of the tenants of the hutting ground, as the commis-
sioner may think necessary ; and
(b) to remove rhp vbolz or any portion of a hut
provided that the owner or occupiw of the building or hut
shall be entitled to receive from the municipal fund such
compensaiion calculated according to the estimated value
of the structure removed, as the commissioner may deter-
(2) 'When the commissioner pronos& to issue a
requisition it1 respect of any hutting ground under sub-
section (1): be shall prepare a standard plan showing the
proposed improvements and may then by written notide,
cail on the owner or occupier of the hutting ground to
show cause why the hutting ground should not be improved
within a date to be fixed in conformity with the said plan.
(3) Thc provisions of sections 308, 309, 310, 315,.
318, 319 and 322 shall with all necessary modifications,
be deemed to apply in the case of every requisitlon.issued
under sub-section (1).
Power of 301. (1) The commissioner may, at any time, if it
c~mmissiona appears to him that any hutting ground, for sanitary
preparation reasons, requires improvements, serve a notice upon the
ofsmhrd owner or occupier of such hutting ground requiring him
plan by tc nrepare and submit a plan of the hutting ground*.to
owner or the scale of four metres to the centimetre, showing-
occupier of ., ,.
huttins (a) the manner in which the hutting graudd sbuldr.-
@~ma. be laid out, with the buildings or huts standingrinregular.
is1 ; %.N. Act 251 ~oimbatoreCity ~ u n i c i p a ~ 355

11nes and wit11 a free passage, In front of and behind each

line, of such width as may be necessary for proper venti-
lation and for scavenging ;
(b) the drains for the general use of tenants of
the hutting ground;
(c) the means of lighting, common watt, supply,
bathing arrangements , if any, and common privy accom-
modation to be provided for the use of the tenants ;
( d ) the streets and passages which are to be inaintain-
ed for the benefit of the tenants ;
(e) the tanks, wells and low lands which are to be
filled up and the tanks which are to be ccnserved ;and
(f) any other proposed improvements:
Provided that when there are two or more owners or I
occupiersof a hutting ground the commissioner may require
them to prepare and submit a joint plan of the hutting
(2) The streets referred to in clause (d) of sub-section
(I) shall be not less than five metres wide and ordina-
rily not more than sixty metres apart, and the passages
referred to in that clause shall be not less than 3.5 metres
(3) If there is any masonry building within the limits
of the hutting gro~nd.the said ~ l a nshall bt so prepared as
clearly to distinguish such building and the land pertainin~ d

to it,
(4) The said ,plan shall be considered by the commis-
sioner who may approve of it without modifications or
with such modifications as he thinks fit and the said plan
as approved by the commissioner shall be deemed to be
the standard plan of the hutting ground.
302. (1) If, after the service of a notice under seztion Preparation
301, on the owner or occupier of any hutting ground- of standard
commlssio ner
(a) such owner or occupier prefers for any reaqon to where
have a plan
- prepared for them by the commissioner; or owner-or
(b) such owner or occupier fails to comply within disaercc, ttc.
sixty days with such notice ; or
356 ~oimbatorecity ~ u n i ~ & t i [iyai :T.N. Act 3
(c) such owner or occupier does not agree among
themselves in the preparation of a plan as required by such
notice, the commissioner shall cause the hutting ground to
be inspected by two persons appointed in that behalf, one
of whom shall be the health officer of the corporation or a
person holding. the diploma of Public Health or having
such other quahfication as may be prescribed by the council
in this behalf, and the other an engineer, and the commis-
sioner on receipt of their report shall cause a plan to be
prepared to the scale and sliowing the particulars prescribed
in the said section.

(2) When a plan has been prepared under sub-section

(I), the commissioner shall fix a day for the hearing of
objections, if any, made by or on behalf of the owner or'
occupier of the hutting ground and the owner or occupier
of the huts or masonry buildings therein, and after hearing
such objections, may in his discretion, appro
either with or without modifications,
(3) Every plan of a hutting ground approved under
sub-section (2) shall be deemed to be the standard plan of
the hutting ground.

(4) When the commissioner causes a plan to be pre-

pared under sub-section (I), he may charge the owner or
occupier of the hutting ground therefor at a rate not exceed-
ing two rupees per seven hundred and seventy square
Suspension 303. When the owner or occupier of a hutting ground has
of building been required under section 301 to prepare a plan,no new
pending. building or hut shall be erected and no addition shall be
preparatton made to any building or but in such hutting ground until
of standard
pIan. a plan .has been prepared and al7proved under that
section or under section 302.

Pxohibition of 304. When a standard plan has been approved for any
build@ con- hutting ground under section 301 or section 302 no new
trary to Rtan- building or liut shall be erected and no addition shall be
dard plan, made to any building or hut in such hutting ground
unless the bcilding or hut or the portion to be added, as
the case may be, occupies a site, or portion of a site,
marked in t3.e standard plan as the site for building
or hht.
1981 :-T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City M ~ i c i p a l 357
305. (1) When a standard plan has been approved for pow
any hutting ground under section 301 or section 302, commis-
the commissioner may, at any time ,by notice, require the sionert0
owner or occupier of any building or hut in such hutting removalof
ground, which is not in'conformity with the standard plan, buildkg or
to remove the whole or any portion of such building hut nor in
or hut. ~ndbrmity
(2) When a building or hut or portion of a building or standard
hut has been removed in compliance with a requisition made plan*
unde- sub-section (I), the owner or occupier thereof shall be
entitled to receive from the municipal fund such compensa-
tion calculated according to the estimated value of the
structure removed, less the value of the materials, if the
owner or occupier elects to take these as the commissioner
may determine.
306. (1) The commissioner may at any time, by notice Power-of
require the owner or occupier of any hutting ground commls-
1 sioner to
for which a standard p h i 3-c- prepared under section ,,,ire
301 or secti~n302,- carrying out
(a) to construct the drains, privies, streets and other
passages, provide th.: means of lighting, water-supply and ments in
common bathing arrangements and carry out the other conf-fy
improvements shown in such plan, so far as may be with
practicable having rzgard to the existing arrangement of plan.standard
the huts, and
(b) if any tank, well or low land is shown in such
plans as to be conserved or filled up, to conserve or fill up
such tank, well or low land.
(2) Until such notice is complied with, the commis-
sioner may refuse to sanction the erection of a new building
or hut or the making of any additior, to any building or
hut in the hutting ground.
307. (1) If it appears to the commissioner that any hswaion
hutting- ground-
- report and
(a) by reason of the manner in which the buildings preparation
of standard
or huts are crowded together, or ~ l a nbv
(b) for any other reason, hea lthbtElcer
gnd engineer
is in such an unhealthy condition that the pract:dure provi- in
ded by the foregoing sections of this Chapter would be too
dilatory to meet the emergency he may, after giving notice
to .the owner or occupier of the hutting ground, cause the
hutting ground to be inspected by two persons appointed
358 Coimbatore City Municipal [I981 ;T.N. Act 25.
t ion

in that bd~iilf,otlc or who111sIi.iI1 bc tJlo 1lcuIlIl Oficer of

the corporation or o person holding the di2loma of Public
Health or having such other qualification as may be pres-
cribed by the council in this behalf, anti the other an
engineer. In appointing such persons the commissioner
shall consider any proposals made by the owner or oc~upier
of the hutting ground in this connection.
(2) Ihe said persons shall forthwith-
(a} submit a written report on the sanitary condi-
tion of the hutting ground ;
(b) anncx to the repori: a plan approved by them as
a proper standard plan of such hutting ground, and

(i) which of the improvements required to bring

the hutting ground into conformity with such plan should
be taken in hand forthwith in consequence of the un-
healthy condition of the hutting ground, and
(ii) which, if any, of such improvements should
be deferred for action under the foregoing sections of
this Chapter.
(3) The improvements referred to in sub-clauses (i)
and (ii) 3f clause (c) of sub-section (2) shall be specified in
two separate Schedules which shall be annexed to the repod
and called Schedule A and Schedule B, respectively.
(4) The said Schedules shall clearly indicate-
(a) the buildings or huts which should be removed
wholly or in part,
(b) the streets, passages and drains which should be
(4 the means of lighting, water-supply, common'
bathing arrangements and common privy accommodation
to be provided for the use of the tenants, I,s

(d) the tanks, wells and low lands which should 'be
filled up, ,. ./'
. .. *-

(el ally other improvements which the two permhe

appointed under sub-section (1) may consider ne=ss8fyf 4*

in order to remove or abate the unhealthy condition of tkq* ,

hbttiog ground, and . . "*+-. , , r

--- - - -- - - - -- -...
a 1981 :T.N. Act 251 C o i i ~ ~ b ~ tCiry
o r r Mmzicipnl 359
(0 any masonry building within the hutting ground,
and any land pertaining to such building which it may be
necessary to purchase or acquire for the purpose of making
such streets or passages or effecting any such improve-
(5) A report (together with the iSchedules annexed
thereto) submitted under this section by any two persons
appointed under sub-sectiou (1) sh.211 be sutficient evidence
of the result of such inspection.
308 (1) The s~andingcommittee shall consider every Approval
report together with the plan and Schedules A and B by standing
annexed thereto made under section 307 and after con- committee
sidering the objec,ions, if any, of the owner or occupier of of standard
the hutting ground in respect of which the report has been Schedules
made and of any owner or occupier of any hut which is annexed to
required to be demolished or altered and of the owner or report.
occupier of any masonry building which is to be dealt with
under sub-section (4) of section 307 may approve such plan
t and Schedules after making such modifications, if any,
therein as it may think fit.
(2) The plan so approved shall be deemed to be the
standard plan of such hutting ground.

309, When Schedule A annexed to a report made undex Power 0:

section 307 has been approved under section 308 the corn- cornmis-
missioner may cause a written notice to be served upon- sioner to
owner or
(a) the owner or occupier of the buildin :or hut referred occupier to
to in such Schedule A, or carry out

I (b) the owner or occupier of the hutting ground in

which such buildings or huts are situated,

requiring them to carry out all or any of the improvements

specified in that Schedule or any portion of such improve-
310. When any improvements required by a notice under Payment of
1 ,: section 309 are carried out by the commissioner under expenses
section 471 all expenses incurred thereby, including such incurred in
compensation as the comn~issionermay think lit to pay to improve.
the owner or occupicr of building or hut removed shall be ments.
paid by the owner of the hutting ground to the corporation
i and shall consitute a charge upon such hutting ground :
360 Coim&ntore c i t y M W ~ Cf p d [I981 :Ts

Provided that notwithstanding anything con1ai

section 473, if it appears to the standing ~ ~ m m i
any such owner is unable by reason of poverty, to
expenses or any portion thereof, in the ease of
relating to work which should in the opinion of t
ing committee have been done by the owner or occu
huts within the hutting ground, it may order th
any portion th2reof to be paid out of the
fund, and in the case of expenses which should
the owner or occupier of the hutting ground, it
the same or any portion thereof to be advanced
the municipal fund, but thereafter to constitute a
upon such hutting ground.
Disposal by 311. (1) If, in carrying out any improvements as provide
the oom- in section 309, the commissioner causes any building or hut
dssiqner of or any portion thzreof to be pulled dow11, he shall-.
mnatensls of
buildings or
huts pulled (a) cause the materials of such building, hut or por-
down. tion to be given to the owner of the building or hut if such
owner elects to take them ;or
(b) if the owner does not elect to take t he materials or
if the owner be unknom or the title to the building or hut
be disputxl, clwet: such materiels to be sold, and hold in
deposit, the proceeds of the sale, together with ray sum
awarded as compensation under section 310.
(2) Any amount held in deposit under clause (6) of
sub-section(1) shall be so held by t k corporetion until any
person obtaihs an order from a competent court for t ne
payment to him of such amount.
(3) A court of district mu~lsifshe.11 be deemtd to be
a competent court for the purpose o f t his section.

Power of 312. The standing ~ommitteemay, at any time after the

standing reoeipt of a report made under section 307, direct the
c0-t tee
to direct com-
commissioner to purchase or acquire - I
missioner to
purchase (a) any building within such hutting ground, or
or acquire
buildings or
land in (b) any land appurtaining to such building, or ;
(4 q ~ c hbuilding, together with the land appw-
ta:-ing thireto 91 arry portion thereof,
1981:T.N.Act25] CoimbatorrCityMzmicipaZ 361

which i s mentioned in t hzt behalf in Schedule A or Schedule

Byannexed to such report provided however, thr.t it shall
be competent for the commissioner to purchese m y item of
property mentioned ?*bove,if it does not exceed rupees one
thousand in value.
313. When a standsrd pl2.n of a hutting ground and any A~~licatiou
Schedule B, znnexed to the report mcde under section 307 of304sectio~:,
to 306
with respect t o th?*t hutting ground, hzve been ?.pproved to huttbg
under section 308 - ground for
(a) the provisions of section 304 shell 2.pply to such plan has
hutting ground , and been
(b) the provisions of sections 305 and 306 sh2.11 apply section 308.
to such hutting ground in respect of the improvements
indic?.ted in t h2.t Schedule 2.s provided in sub-section (4: of
section 307.

314. (1) Not withstanding anything coutziined in secti cns Altmative

308 to 313 the standing committee mr.y, after receipt of a power of
report mr.de under section 307 with respect to any hutting commis-
ground ?.nd ?.fter giving an opportunity of being hecrd to sioner to
the owner or occupier thereof,pass a resolution to the effect standard
that the hutting groun d is an unhealthy area and that in its plan, to pur-
opinion,tdhe purqhese or ac~uisitionof the hutting ground chase or
or any portion thereof is necessary for the purpose of acquirehutting
making the improvements referred t o in the said report. ground and
to carry
out improve-
(2) When any such resolutias has been passed, the ,,,,,
commissioner shall make a plan for the in~provementof the hilnself or
said hutting ground or portion thereof. together with through
sucl~estimates as may be necessxy for a due understand- ~ ~ ; ~ , ~ ~ ~ , " , r
lag of the same, and may then purchase or acquire the
said hutting ground or portion, and such plan shall be
herned to be standard plan of the hutting ground.
(3) When any hutting ground or portion 6; .- huttjng
ground has been SO purchased or a~quired~the commissioner
shall, as soon as is reasonably practicable, either -
(a) sell or lease the same or part thereof to any
person for the purpose and under the condition that he
wi!l, as regards the land so sold or leased to him, carry out
the improvements shown in such standard plan, or
362 Coimbatorr City Mwiicipal [I981 : T.N. Act 25
(0)lGmsclf bring the shid hutting ground or portion
or any part of the same which has not been sold or leased
under clause (a), illto conformity with such standard plan,
(c) take measures for the erection of sanitary dweU-
ings for the working classes or for the poorer classes or for
both on such land.
(4) Whenever the commissioner desires to sell or
lease under sub-section (3) any hutting ground or any
portion thereof, he shall, on application made on that
behalf, give to the person from whom the same was pur-
chased or acquired or his heirs, executors or adminis-
trstors, a preferential right to purchase o;r take on lease
such hutting ground or portion at such rates and on
such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the standing
committee if the $tanding committee considers that sue.
right can be given without detriment to the carrying out
the purposes of this Act. If more than one person so applies,
the standing committee shall determine which of such
persons shall have the preferential right under this gub-
section to purchare or take on lease such hutting gr
or portions thereof.
Proportion 315. (1) No standard plan approved for a hutting
of area ground under this Chapter shall without the consent of
of hutting
ground to the owner thereof show more than-
be shown (a) one-third of the whole area of such hutting
in standard
plan as ground as streets or passages, or
m € W (6) one-half of such area as open lands not to be
ind open built upon, whether such open lands be common ground,
streets, passages or spaces bahind a line of buildings or
(2) In calculating the said proportions of one-third
and one-half of - any such area no tank situated 'here in
that has not been filled up shall be taken into t~ccount.
.egulation 316. (1) When the h d included in a hutting ground
Tplots by is owned by more owners than one, each owAlingone or
andard more separate plats of such land, the standard plan
an and
tmpen- approved under this Chapter ?or such hutting ground shll,/'
tion for as far as practicable, provide,-
wts (a) for one or more buildings or huts being cow
plots* pletely contained in each such plot, and

i 1981: T.N. Act 25) Cnimbatore City 565

Municipal Corpoiat ion
(b) for such proportion of each such plot being -.
taken for streets, passages and open lands as is specified
in section 31 5.
(2) If a greater proportion of any one such plot than
the proportion specified in section 315 i:) so taken such
standard plan shall indicate-
(i) the compensation which shall be payable to the
owner of such plot, and
(ii) the person who are liable to pay such com-
pensation by reason of their benefiting by such greater
proportion having been taken.
(3) If no person can equitably be called upon to PLY
such compensation, the same shall be paid by the corpora-
(4) Any compensation payable under this section to
the owner of any land in a hutting ground shall not be
paid until such land has been brought into complete
conformity with the standard plan.
317. (1) Every street or passage in a hutting ground Streets and
which is shown in the standard plan approved under thisA:sge::
Chapter for that hutting ground and which is .--t already ,tanda;i
a public street,shal?, unless such street or passage is declared plan if
to be a public street undzr section 255 be deemed to be not public
a private street and the portion thereof which falls on the to meets
land of each owner shall belong to such owner : private.
Provided that any portion of any such street or passag
which is situated on land purchased or acquired under
section 312 shall remain the property of the corporation.
(2) Every such private street shall, at all times, be kept
open for sanitary purposes and far all other purposes of
this Act in such manner as the commissiooer may require, I

and shall also be kept open for the use of all the tenants
of the hutting ground :
Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained
in the Limitation Act, 1963 (Central Act 36 of 1963), no
use of any such street shall, by reason of any lapse of time,
be held to 2onfer a right of way on the public so as to
bring the street within the definition of a public street in
clauseL(33) of section 2.
364 Coimba tore City [1981: EN.Act25:
Bathing tbnauge. 318. The bathing arrangements and privy accommo-
merits and piivy dation in a huttiqg ground, which are shown in the standard
accommodation plan approved mder this Chapter for such hutting ground
in hutting groU-as being common to the use of all or some of the tenants'
nd as shown in of the hutting ground shall at all times be kept available
standard plan to
be kept open for for the use of slmh tenants :
use of tenants.
Provided that notwithstailding anything contained in
the Limitation Act, 1963 (Central Act 36 of 1963), if, at
any time the land on which any such bathing arrangements
or privy accommodation are provided ceases to form
part of such hutting ground, no such use shall, by reason
of any lapse of timz, be held to confer any right on any
person so as to prejudicially effect the rights of the ow1ler
of such land.
Owner of 319. (1) The owner of any land in a hutting ground, for
iand in which a standard plan has been approved under this Chapter
hutting shall maintain in proper order and repair, to the satisfac-
ground to tion of the commissioner such streets, passages, drains,
certain common bathing arrangements, common privy accom-
conveniences modation, means of lighting, means of water supply and
on his other works on the land as may be si~owcin the plan.
(2) TI, rnmmissioner may,at any time, cause a notice
to be -5rved upon such owner requiring him so to maintain
such streets, passages, drains, common bathing arrange-
ments, common privy accommodation, means of lighting,
means of water-supply and other works :
Provided that any convenience made by the owner of a
building or hut for his own use shall, subject to such notice
as aforesaid, be maintained by him and not by the
owner of the hutting ground.

(3) If the commissioner is satisfied that any street,

passage, dxain, bathing arra ngements, privy aceomme
dation, means of water supply or other work or any
portion thereof has been damaged by any tenant or .
tenants of the hutting ground, the commissioner may, if
he thinks it desirable to do so, call upon such tenant or
any one or more of such tenants by a notic0
repair such street, passage, drain, bathing rcrr~ln~omnnfrr,, ,

pnv accommodation, moan9 of' W W ~ P U P ~ ~ Ytrr d~?fwf,i

K mgwtir,nt~rr/&
dg wf6tSng.cA)&& in this
or scavenging of gtrests and comw,
prim sban be dins by the w'poraction frce of qhhrge.
i981: T. N.Act 251 Coimbarore City 365
Municipal Corparat ion
320. (I) The owner of any land in a ,hutting ground Right of
for which a standard plan has been approved under this owner of
Chapter, shall be deemed to be the occupier of- land and
owner of
(a) all the streets, passages and common ground ; Or

(b) all drains provided for the use of more than one land and
but ; and drains
shown in
(c) the common bathing arrangements, common standard
privies and means of lighting the hutting ground on such
land so far as the same are constructed in accordance
with the standard plan.
(2) The owner of any building or hut in sr -11 hutting
ground shall be deemed to be the occupier of-
(i) the land on which such building or hut stands;
(ii) the open space behind such building or hut which
appurtains thereto ; and

(iii) every drain, privy, means of lighting or water

connection (if any) provided for the sole use of such
building or hut.
321. When a huttiog ground has been brought into con- Hutting
formity with the standard plan approved under thischapter ground
for such hutting ground$ shall be deemed to be a remo- when to be
delled hutting ground. deemed a
322. (1) The owner of any land included in a hutting Power of
ground which bears a separate number in the assessment owner to
book may, at any time, whether a standard plan for the take land
hutting ground has been prepared under this Chapter or category
Out of the
not, send notice to the commissioner that he intends to of
remove all the buildings or huts standing on s ~ c land
h : ground in
Provided that the receipt of any such notice by the com- Cases.
missioner shall not b~:a bar to the approval by the commis-
sioner or the standi.lg committee under this Chapter,of a
standard plan for such hutting ground.
(2) From the daie of such no~iceno application shall bc
entertained for erecting on such land any new building or
hut or adding to any building or hut standing on the land.
486 ~oimbatorebitY ii9ill: TN. A& 1g
lMunicipal Corporad ion
(3) Such owner shall within six months after the a t e
of such noti :e, or within such further time as the com-
missioner may .from time to time allow, remove all
buildings or huts standing on such land,an&if he does not
do so, the notice shall be deemed to be cancelled*
(4) When all such buildings or huts have been so
removed, such land shall, according to its situation, either-
(i) be altogether excluded from the limits of the
hutting ground, or

(ii) be shcwn in a standard plan approved for the

hatting ground under this Chapter, as not being a part
of such hutting ground :
Provided that, if in the standard plan, any street or
passage is shown on such land, the provisions of sections
306, 309, 313, 317, 319 and 320 shall with all necessary
modifications, be deemed to apply to such street or passage
unless the commissioner otherwise directs.
(5) If, after all the buildings or huts standing on any
land have been ramovcd under sub-section (3); any appli-
cation is receiked for erecting any building or hut on such
land, the commissioner may, by notice. require the owner
of the land tc carry out such improvements included
in the standard plan as he may think fit.
(6) When all the buildings or huts standing on an):
land within a hutting ground have been removed under
sub-section (3), the standing committee may either-
cancel the standard plan, if any, already appro-
ved under this Chapter, for such hutting ground, or
(b) modify ~ u c hplan,after hearing the objections,'.if ,"r3 4
any, of any owner of land included in such hutting ground, .ip
(7) Where any lanu, forlnerly included in a hutting
ground, ceases to be so included and where any street or
passsage was shown on such land in the standard plan and
where on such land ceasing to be so included the commis-
sioner does not consider it to be practicable or expedient
to change the alignment of such street, he shall, in applying
the proviso to sub-section (4) to such street,compensate .
the owner of suoh land for any area that is included in such
1981: ZN.~ c 25j
t Coimbatore d i t ) ~ 367
Municipal Corporafiolz
street which is in excess of one-seventh of the entire area
of the land which ceases to be i~cludedin tl;e hutting
fitting ground streets.
323. (1) In any hutting ground, in respect of which Power of
ristandard plan has not been prepared or in any area in standmg
which it appears to the commissioner,ihat huts are likely committee
to prescribe
io be erected, the standing committee may, after considering alignments
the objections, if any, of any owner of land in such hutting for hutting
ground or in such area, prescribe alignments, not more ground
than five metres in width, for such private ~ t r e e t sas it streets.
may think fit.
(2) When the land within such hulling ground or area
is owned by more owners than one, each owning one or
more separate plots of such land, such alignments shall as I

far as practicable, be so prescribed as nbt Ic occupy,within

any such plot, more than one-fourth of the area thereof
and shall not ordinarily be less than thirty metre. apart.
(3) If, in any such plot, more than one-fourth of the
area thereof is occupied by such alignments, the corporatice
shall pay such compensation to the owner of the plot as
the standing committee may fix :
Provided that no compensation s b l be paid i n res-
pect of any such plot as long as any hut 01 other structure
other than a ma:onry building is left standing within anv
such alignment in the plot.
(4) No building or hut or portion thereof shall be
erected within any alignment prescribed under cub-section
(5) The provisions of section 317 sha:), w1t11 all
necessary modificstions, be deemed to apply to every street
the alignment for which has been prescribed under th's
sectj on.
324. (1) In any hutting ground, at any time after the P ~ w e rof
expiration of seven years from the time when any align- to commissio~er
ment has bsen prescribed- removai of
exi,t ing huts
(a) far a street under section 323, or within the
Street or
hut align-
ment in
368 Coimbatore City [ 1981 : T. N. Act 25
Mun icipd Couporation
(b) for buildings or huts,
C.2 commissioner may, by notice require the owner of
the land or the owners or occupiers of the existing buildings
or huts to remove such buildings or huts or portions thereof
as fall-
(i) within any such prescribed street alignment,
(ii) within 1.5 ~ t t r e on
s either side of any such
prescribed building or hut alignment, as the case may be.
(2) When a building or hut has been removed under
the provisions of sub-section (I), the corporation shall
pay to tbe owner thereof such compensation as the standing
committee may fix, but such compensation shall in no
case exceed the value of the building or hut less the value
of the materials thereof.
Power of 325. Ally person who erects a masonry building--
to require (a) in any hutting ground in respect of which a standafd
apace to plan has been approved under sections 301,302 or 308 ;or
be kept
between (6) in any autting ground or area in respect of which
masonry. alignments for streets have been prescribed under section
building in
hutting 323 ;
ground and shal1,if so required by t 'ceissued by the commitsioner
centre line leave a clear spa= of 4.5 metres between the centre line
of hutting
ground street* of any street or passage show in such plan, or of any
street the alignmeot for which has been so prescribed, as
the case may be, and the nearest part of slich building.
Application 326. (1) The provisions of this Chapter and of any.
of provisions rules or by-laws made under this Act in so far as they -
of thls relate to construction and, reconstruction of buildings or
Chapter to huts in hutting grounds shall also be applicable to any .
additions. alteration or additior to, such buildings or buts :
Provided that works of neceeseary repair which do
not affect the position or dimensions of a. building or hut
or any room therein shall not be deemeu to be an altera-
tion or addition for purposes of this section. ,

(2) If any qucsrior, arises as to ahether any add&

or alteration is a necessary repair not affecting the position
or dimensions of a building, hut or room, sucb question
shall be referred to the standing committee whose decisioa '

shall be final

Dangerous strtrctures, trees aitdplac~s.


327. (1) If any structure be deemed by the commissioner mcaurions

to be in a ruinous state or dangerous to passers-by or to in of ,,
the occupiers of neighbouring structures, the commis- dangerous
sioner may, by notice, require the owner or occupier to stmctures.
fence off, take down, secure or repair such structure so as
to prevent any danger therefrom.
(2) If immediate a c t i ~ nis necessary the commissioner
may himself, before giving such notice or befo *ethe period
of notice expires fence off, take down, secure or repair
such structure or ferrc2 off tr part of any street or take such
temporary measures as he thinks fit tc. prevent danger and
the cost of doing so shall be recoverable from the owner
or occupier in the manner provided in section 478.
(3) If, in the commissioner's opinion, the said struc-
ture if imminently dangerous to the inmate thereof, the
commissioner shall order the immediate evacmtion thereof
and any person disobeying may be removed by any polie
328. (1) If any tree or any branch of a wee or the fruit Precautions
of any tree be deemed by tbe conxnissioner to be likely in ease of
to fall and thereby endanger any person or any structure, dange*cus
the commissioner may by notice require the owner of the
said tree to secure, lop or cut down the said tree so as to
prevent any danger therefrom.
(2) If immediate action is necessary, the commis-
sioner may himself, before giving such notice or before
the period of notice expires secure, lop or cut down the
said tree or remove the fruit thereof or fence off a part of
any street or take such temporary measures, as he thinks
fit to prevent danger, and the cost of doing SO shall be
recoverable from the owner in the manner provided in
section 478.
329. (1) 1f any tank, pond, well, hole, stream, dam, precaution8
in case of
bank or other place be deemed by the commissioner to be,
for want of sufficient repair, protenion or erclosure, tanks,wells.we&
dangerous to the passers-by or to persons living i n the holec,etc.
390 ~oimbotoreCity [lkl:T.N.&t
Mmic ipal CorporatioPt
neighbourhood, the comfnissioner miiy by notice, require
the owner to fill in, rcmove, repair, protect or enclose the
same so as to prevmt any danger therefrom.
(2) If immediate action is neeeswy, the commis-
sioner may hiinself, before giving such notice or before
the peliod ctf rlotice expires take such temporary measures
as he thinks .fit to prevent danger and the cost of doing
oo shall be recoverable from the owner in the manner
provided in section 478.
330. (1) The commissioner may, by notice, require the
I owner of any structure, booth or tent partly or entirely
Precautions composed of or having any external roof, verandah,
against fire.
pandal, fence or wall partly or entirely composed of,
cloth, grttss, leaves, mats or other inf lamrnable materials

toremove or alter such structure, booth, tent, roof,

verandah, pandal, fence or wall or may grant him per-
mission to retain the same on such conditions as the com-
missioner may think necesszry to prevent danger from
(2) The commissioner may by notice require any
person using m y place for the storage for private use of
timber, fire-wood or other combustibJe things to take
special steps to guard against danger from fire.
(3) Where the commissioner is of opinion that the
mea-s of egress from any structure are insufficient to
9110~01 safe exits in the event of fire, he may, with the
sanction of the standing committee,by notice, require the
owner or occupier of the structure to alter or reconstruct
any staircase in such manner or to provide such additional
or emergency staircases as he may direct ; and when any
structure, booth or tent is used for purposes of public
2ntertainment he may require subject to such sanction ar
aforesaid, that it shall be provided with an adequate number
of clearly indicated exits so placed and maintained as
readily to afford the audience ample means of safe egress ;
that the seating be so arranged as not to interfere with
free access to the exits and that the gangways, passages
and staircases leading to the exit shall, during the presence
of the public be kept clear of obstructions.
Cont rol over ware rs, ere.
Of cons:m* 331. (1) NO now well, tank, pond, cistern, founta& or
'ion of .
tanks, etc.* the like shall be dug or constzucted without tile per&ssioa
without the of the C O ~ S S l W W .

- . --

i98l T. N. Act 251 ~oirnbatureCity Mtdcfpal 371

(2) The commissioner may g m t permission subject
to such conditions as he may deem necessary or may refuse
it for reasons to be recorded by him.
(3) If any such 'work is begun or completed without
8*;lchpermission, thr commissioner may, eith:r-
(a) by notice require the owner or other person
who has done such .,vork to fill up or demolish such work
in such manner as ihz commissioner shall direct, or
(b) grant permission to retain such work buf such
permission shall not exempt such owner from proceedings
for contravening the provisiolls of sub-section (I).
332. If, in the opinion of the commissioner, the working p,,
of any quarry, or the removal of ston.e, earth or other stop dsngb
materra1 from any place, is dangerous to persons rending rous quarry-
in or having legal access to the neighbourhood " g o
thereof or creates or is likely to create a nuisance, the
commissioner may, with the approval of the standing
committee, by notice, require the owner or persoc having
control of the said quarry or place to discontinue working
the same or to discontinue removing stone, earth or other
material from such place or to take such order with suck
quarry or place, as he shall deem necessary for the put,
pose of preventing danger or of abating the nuisance
arising or likely to arise therefrom.
333. (1) If, in the opinion of the ~~rnmnission~r- Power to
order filling
(a) any pool, ditch, tank, well, pond, bog, swamp, in of pool<

. collection of water, or
quarry-hold, drain,cesspool, pit, water-course or any etc., awhich
(4 any land on which water may at any time rccu~of agriculture
mulate, is, or is 1ik:ely to become, a breeding place of withip
mosquitoes or in any otlier respect a nuisance, tlie com-
missioner may by notice require the owner or person
having control thereof to fill up, cover over, weed, stock
with larvicidal fish, treat with kerosene oil, d r ~ i nor drain
off the same in such manner and with such materials as
the commissioner shall direct, or to take such order with
the same for removing or abatins the nuisance as the
commissioner sha 11 direct.
(2) I f a person on whom a requisition is made under
sub-section (1) to fill up, cover over or drain off a well,
delivers to the commissioner, within the time fixed fog
372 Coimbatore City h h i c i p a f [I981 :*.N*Act a5
Corporat ion
compliance therewith, written objections to such req&
sition, the commissioner shall report such objections to
the standing committee and shall make further inquiiy
into the caso, and ha shall not institute any prosecution
tor failure to comply with such requisition except with
the approval of the standing committee but the c o d s -
sioner may, nevertheless, if he deems the execution of
ths work called for by such requisition to be of urgent
importance, proceed in accordance with section 471 %nd
pending the standing committee's disposal of the questlon
whether the said well shall be permanently filled up, covered
ovef or otherwise dealt with, may cause such well to be
seourely covered over so as to prevent the ingress of mos-
quitoes and in every such case the commissioner shall
determine, with the approval of the standing committee,
whether the expenses of any work already done as afore-
said shall be ps;id by the owner or by the commissioner
out of the municipal fund or shall be shared, and, if so,
in what proportions.
(3) On the report of the health otlicer that the culti-
vation of any Specified crop, or the use of any specified
maplure, or the irrigation of land in aty place within tlie
tlrnlts of the City is injuriaus to the public health, the
council may, with tht: previous sanctlon of the Govern-
ment, by publlc notice, regulate or prohibit the culti-
vation, use of manure, or irrigation so reported to be
injurious :
Provided that when such cultivation or irrigation
has been practised during the five years preceding the
date of such public notice with such continuity as the
ordinary courye of husbandry admits of, compensation
shall be paid from the municipal fund to all persons inter-
I ested for any damage caused to them by such prohibition.
Power 10Order 334. (1) The commissioner may, by notice, require
insa4itary pri- the owner of or person having control over any pnvate
vate water- water-course, spring, tank, well or other place the water
course, spring, of which is used for drinking, bathing or washing clothes to
tank, wefl, etc., keep the same in gcod repair, to cleanse it in such manner as
used for the commissiooer may direct and to protect it from pollu-
drinking. tion caused by surface drainage or other matter in such
manner as may be provided in the notice.
(i) If the water of any private tank, well, or other
placer which is used for drinking, bathing or washing
clothw, as the case may be, is proved to the satisfaction
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal 373
of the commissioner to b3 unfit for that purpose, the com-
missioner may, by notice, require the owner or persen
having control thereof to-
(a) refrain from using or permitting the use of such
water, or
(b) close or fill up such place or enclose it with a
substantial wall or fence.

335. If it appears to the commis~ionerthat any public D U ~ Yof

well or receptacle of stagnant water is likely to be inju- ~mmissionrr
rious to health or offensive to the neighbourhood, he shall
cause the same to be cleansed, drained or filled up.
of stagnant
336. The commissioner may regulate c r prohibit the Prohibition
washing of animals, clothes or other things or fishing in against?or
any river or estuary within the City in the interests 0t+o"fg;53;~
publio health. anima 1s or
clothes or
fishing in
river or
337. It shall 001: be lawful for any person to- Prohibition
againsi con-
(a) bathe in aily tank, reservoir, conduit, fountain, taminating
well or in other place tet apatt by the corporation, or by water-supply.
the owner thereof, for drinking purposes ;
(b) wash or cause any animal or any vehicle such as
lorry, bus and the like or thing to be washed in any auch
place ;
(c) throw, put or cause to enter into the water in any
such place, any animal or any vehicle such as lorry, bus
and the like or thing whereby the water may be foulea
or corrupted ; or I

( d ) cause or suffer to drain into oi upon any such

place, or cause or suffer anything to be brouge therein to
.- or do anything, whereby the water may be fouled or cor-
1I rupted.
Control over abandoned lands, untrimmed hedges, etc.
338. If any building or land, by reason of zbandon- Untenanted
! mmt, disputed ownership or other caupe remains unte- or buildings
nanted and thereby becomes a recost of idle and disorderly
j persons or in the opinion of the commissioner becomes a
nuisance, the commissioner may, after due enquiry, by
notice, r e ~ c i r ethe owner or person claiming to be the
omer to secure, enclose, clear or cleaose the same.
374 C~irnbdtoreCity Municipal [1981: T.N. Act 25 1
Removal of 339. The cammissioner may, by notice, require tbo
f3th or. noxious owner or occupier of any building or land which appears
vegetation. to him to be in zl filthy or unwholesome state or overgrown
with a+ thick or noxious vegetation, trees or undergrowth
mjurious to health or offensive to the neighbourhood, to
cleanse, clear or otherwise put the building or land in
proper state or to clear away and remove such vegetation,
trees or undergrowth within twenty-four hours or such
longer period and in such manner as may be specified in
the notice,

Abatement of 34d. 11 in the opinion of the commissioner, the storage,

nuisancefrom dumping or deposit in any building or land of coal,
dust, smokes charcoal, ashes, cinders, gunny bags, wool, cotton, or
any material or the sifting, breaking, cutting or burning
of such coal, charcoal, ashes, cinders or :materialor subject-
ing the same to any process, causes or is likely to cause
nuisance to the inhabitants in the neighbourhood of such
building or land, by the emanation of dust, Boating particles,
smoke. unwho1esoa.e smell or noise or otherwise, he may,
by notice. require the owner or occupier of such building
or land to take such steps as may be specified in the notice
for the abatement of such nuisance.

~ & o g of 341. The c:ornmissioner may, by notice, 'requi

bdldlnm Or owner or occupier of any building or land near a public
Ian& and
pruning street to-
hedges and
(a) fence the same to the satisfaction of the com-
missioner ;

(6) trim or prune any hedges bordering on the said

street so that they may not exceed such height from the
level of the adjoining roadway as the commissioner may
determine ; or
(c) cut and trim any hedges and trecs overhanging
the said street and obstructing it or the view of tratec
or causing it damage ; or .,

( d ) lower an enclosing wall or fence which by reason

of its height and situation obstructs the view of traffic
as to cause danger. .,
%3, fl

1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatofe City Municipal 375

Control over insanirary buildngs.
342. The commissioner, if it appears to him necessary Lime washing
for sanitary purposes so to do, may, by no ticle, require the and cleaning
of buildings.
owner or occupier of any building to lime was 1 or otherwise
cleanse the building inside and outside ia thr: manner and
within a period to. be specified in the said notice.
343. (1) Whenever the commissioner considers- Further
powers with
reference to
(a) that any building or portion thereof is, by rea- insanitary
son of its having no plinth or having a plinth of insufficient buildings.
height, or by reason on the want of proper damage or
ventilation or by reason of the impracticability of cleansing,
attended with danger or disease to the occupiers thereof
or to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood, or is for any
reason likely to endanger the public health or safety, or

I (b) that a block or group of buildings, is, for any

of the said reasons, or by reason of the manner in which
the buildings are crowded together, attended with such
risk as aforesaid,

he may, by notice, require the owners or cccupiers of suc;

buildings or portions of buildings or at his o p t l ~ the,
owners of the land occupied by such buildings,or portions
of buildings to ':execute such works or to take such measures
as he may deem necessary for the prevention of such danger.

(2) No person shall be entitled to compensation for

damages sustained by reason of any action taken under
or in pursuance of this section save when a building is
demolished in pursuance of an order made hereunder, or
so far demolished as to require reconstruction, in which
cases the corporation shall make cmnpensation to the
owner thereof. I

(3) When any building is entirely demolished under

this section and the demolition thereof adds to the value
of other buildings in the immediate vicinity, the owners
of such other buildings shall be bound to contribute towards
the compensation payable to the owner of the first-named
building in such proportion to the increased value acquired
by their respective buildings as may be determined by thg
376 Coimbatore City M ~ i c i p d [.I981 ;T.N. Act
(4) When any building is so far demolished under
this section as to require reconstruction, allowance shall
be made, in determining tL&,~~iApWesaticn, for the benefit
accruing to the premises from the improvement thereof.

~uitdings 344. (1) If any building or portion thereof, intended

unfit for for orhsed as a d wellingeplace appears to the commissioner
human. to be unfit for human habitation, he may apply to the
standing cornnittee to prohibit the further use of such
building for such purpose and the standing committee
may, after giving the owner and occupiers thereof a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such order
should not be made, make a prohibitory order as aforesaid.
I (2) When agy such prohibitory order has been made,
the comrnissionet shall communicate the purport thereof
to the owner and occupiers of the building and on expiry
of such period as is specified in the notice, not being less
than thirty days ~ f t ethe
r service of the notice, no owner or
occupier shall use or suffer it to be used for human habi9-
tion until the commissioner certifies in writing that the
causes rendering it unfit for human habitation have been
removed to his satisfaction or the standing committee
withdraws the prohibitory order.
(3) When such prohibitory order has remained in
operat:?* for three months, the commissioner shall report
:':J case to the standing committee which shall thereupon
consider whether the building should not be demoslihed.
The standing committee shall give the owner not less than
thirty days notice of the time and place at which the ques-
tion will be considered 2nd the owner shall be entitled to
be heard when tfie question is taken into consideration.
(4) If upon such consideration the standing committee
. is of opinion that the building has not been rendered &
for human habitztion and that steps are not being taken
with due diligence to render it so fit and that the continuance
thereof is a nuisance or dangerous or injurious to the heal&
of the public or to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood
it shall record a d.ecision to that effect, with the grounds
of the decision, and the commissioner sliall in pursuance
of the said decision,by notice,require the owner to demolish
the building. ,,
( 5 ) If the owner undertakes to execute forthwith .
the works necessary to reder the building fit for human
habitation and the commissioner considers that it can k
80 made fit, the commissioner mav postpone the exemtian
of the decision of the standing committee for such time
not exceeding six months, as he thinks sufficient for the
purpose of giving the owner an opportunity of executing
the necessary works.
345. O j If iz ~ - 7 e r 5
ZQ c& ~ C ~m y A baMment
C C ~ ~ S : L - fiat of
d welling-house or other building which is bsed as a dwelling- overcrowding
is so overcrowded as to endanger the health of the inmates
thereof, he may apply to a magistrate to abate such over-
place, or any room in any such dwelling-house or building, in d w e a n o

crowding ; and the magistr~teafter such inquiry as he

think8 lit to make, may, by aritten order, require the
tnvrr~r 01' hu:lding or room, within c rsasonzble time,
not exaxding four w-eks to be laid down in the said
order, to abate such overcrowding by redwing the ,umber
of lodgers, tenants or other inmates 01 :3e building
or room, or n a y pass such other order as he may deem
just and prcper
(21 772~s : ~ z b g ~ n m i m emay d ~ ~ l eahax
i : amount
of superficial and cubic space shall be deemed for the
purposes of sub-section (1) to be necessary for each occu-
pant of a building or room.
(3) If any building or room referred to in sub-section
(1) has been sublet, the landlord of the lodgers, tenants
or other actual inmates of the same shall, for the purposes
of this section, be deemed to be the owner of the building 1

or room*
(4) It shall be incumbent on every tenant, lodger,
or other inmate of a building or room, to vacate on being
required by the owner so to do in obedience to any re-
quisition made under sub-section (1).
346. (1) When the commissione. takes down ally p o w of
building or part thereof or cuts down any tree or hedge commissioner
or shrub or part thereof or remove:: any fruit by virtue 'materials
0 Or gfl
of his powers under this Chapter or under section 471, dangerous of
the commissioner may sell the materials or things taken building
down or cut down or removed and shall in the case oftakendown,
sale apply the proceeds in or towards payment of the eft-
expenses incurred and pay any surplus accruing from such
sale to the owner or other person entitled thereto on
demand made within twelve months from the date of
sale. If no such demand is made such surplus shall be
forfeited to the corporation.
378 Coimhatore City Municipal [I981 :T.N. Act 25
Q If a h rasonabb h qw II rppesn tb. thr
commissioner that there ir no owner or occupier to whom
notice can be given under any section in this Chapter-he
may himself tak: such order with the pioperty mentioned
in such section, 3s may appear to him to be necessary and
may recover the expense incurred by selling such p
(not being land), or any portion thereof.
Limitation of 347. No person shali be entitled save as provided in
oompeasation. section 333 and 343 to compensation for any damages
sustained by reason of any action taken by a municipal
authority in pursuance of its powers under this Chapter.
General provisions as to licences.
Government 348. Nothing in this Act or in any rule, by-law or
and markat regulation made thereunder shall be construed as requiring
to obtcrjn the taking out of any licence or the obtaining of any
licences and permission under this Act or any such rule, by-law or
permissions. regulation in respect of any place in the occupation or
under the control of the Government cir the Central
Government or of a market committee established or
deemed to be establishetl under the Tamil Nadu Agri-
cultural Produce hlarkels Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act
23 of 1959), or in respect of any property h:longing to the
Government or the Central Governmeilt or to such market
Food establishments,
Prohibition 349. (1) No person shall without or otherwise than in
in respect of conformity with the terms of a licence granted by the
eating houses* commissioner in this behalf, keep any eating house, tea-
shop, coffee-house, cafe, restaurant, refreshment room,
or any place, where the public are admitted for the con-
sumption of any food or drink or any place where food
C , is sold or prepared for sale.
(2) The commissioner may at any time cancel or
suspend any licence granted under sub-section (I), if he
is of opinion that the premises covered there5y are not
kept in conformity with the conditions of such licence or
with the provisions of any by-law made under section
432 relating to such premises whether or not the licensee
i s prosecuted under this Act.
1981 :T.N. Act 251 C~imbatorrCity Municipal 379

350. No person shall- Prohibit: n

in respect of
(a) without the permission of the commissioner animals and
or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of such f"f~$~~,"nimafs,
permission, keep pigs in any part of the City ;
(b) keep any animal or bird on his premises so as
to be a nuisance or so as to be dangerous ; or
(c) feed or permit to be fed on filth any animal which
is kept for dairy purposes or may be used for food.
351. Any- of stray pig,
dog and
(a) dog or pig not taxed under section 142 ; or monkey.
(b) monkey, 1
found straying, may be summarily destroyed by any person
authorised in that behalf in writing by the commissioner.
352. (1) The owner or occupier of any st able, veterinary, Li~ences
infirmary, stand, shed, yard or other place in which for places
which animals
animals or quackupedc kept or taken in for purposes ,re
of profit shall apply to the commissioner for a licence not
less than forty-five and not more than ninety days before
the opening of such place or the commencement of the
year for which the licence is sought to be renewed, as the
case may be.
(2) The commissioner may, by an order and under
such restrictions and regulations as he thinks fit, grant or
refuse to grant such licence.
(3) No person -shall, without or otherwise than in
conformity with a licence, use any place or allow any
place to be used for any such purpose.
General powers
353. (1) All stables, cattle-sheds and COW-housesor of ,,trol
structures to house animals or pets shall be under the survey over stables,
and control of the commissioner as regards their site, cattle-sheds
constructions, materials and dimensions. and co w-hwses,

(2) The commissioner may, by notice, require that

any stable, cattle-shed or cow-house be alt~red,paved,
drained, repaired, disinfected or kept in such a state
380 Coimbotare City Municipal [I981 : T O N . AN.%
as to admit of its being sufficiently cleaned or be supplied
with water or be connected with a sewer or be demolished
or be improved by constructing a diaphragm.
(3) Every such notice shall specify the time-limit
within -which the work referred to under sub-section (2)
has to be carried out and shall be addressed to the owner
or person having control of the stable, cattle-shed or cow-
(4) The expense of executing any work in pursuance
of any such notice shall be borne by the owner.
(5) If the execution of any such work referred to
in sub-section (2) is not carried out within the timelimit
specified in the notice issued under that sub-section, the
commissioner may, if he thinks fit, execute it or cause
it to be executed and the expenses incurred shall be paid
by the owner within such time as may be specified by the
Power to direct 354. If any stable, cattle-shed or cow-house is not
of use of
constructed or maintained in the manner required by
building as or under this Act, the commissioner may, by notice,
a stable, direct that the same shall no longer be used as a 'stable,
cattleshed cattle-shed or cow-house. Every such noticeLshall .st-
Ox *wghouse* the grounds on which it proceeds.
Landing placest cart-stands, etc.
ProVf~ions 355. (1) The oommissioner may construct or provih
Of landing
places, public landing places, halting places, cart-stands, cattle-
sbeds and cow-houses and may charge and levy such
fees for the use of the same as the standing committm
may fix.
Exp lanation.--A cart-stand shall, for the purposes
of this Act, include a stand for carriages including motor
vehicles within the meaning of the Motor Vehicles ht,
1939 (Central Act IV of 1939) and animals.
(2) A statemeat of the fees fixed by the standing.
committee for the use of each such place, shall be put
up in Tamil and English in a conspicuous part thereof.
(3) The kommissioner may farm out the colle&on
of such fees for any period not exceeding three years
at a time, on such terms and conditions a:s he may t a
- -
198t: T.N. Act 251 Cotmbatore Crty 381
bfunicipal Corporation
356. 'Nhere the commissioner has provided a public
landing place, halting place, cart-stand, cattle-shed or use of publicof
cow-house, he may prohibit the use for the same purpose place or
by any person within such distance there01 as may be sides of pub-
determined by the standing committee of any public place lic Streetas
or the sides of any public st~eet: cart-stand,
e tc.
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall
be deemed to authorise the commissioner to prohibit
the use of any place in ~ L LC;; by tbe Government as
a stand solely for motor vehicles.
357. (1) If the fee leviable under sub-section (1) of Recovery of
section 355 is not paid on demand, the person appointed car t-stand
g,s, etc,
to collect such fee may seize and detain such portion
of the appurtenances or load of such cart, carriage, motor
vehicle or animal as will, in his opinion, suffice to de-
fray the amount due in the absence of any such appur-
tenances or load or in the event of their value being in-
sufficient to defray the amount due, he may seize and
detain the cart, carriage, motor vehicle or animal. t4

(2) All property seized under sub-section (1) shall

be sent within twenty-four hours to the commissioner
or to such person as he may have authorised to receive
and sell such property and the commissioner shall forth-
with give notice to the owner of the property seized or
if the owner is not known or is not resident within the
City, to the person who was in charge of such property
at the time when it was seized or if such person is not
found, give public notice that after the expsry of two
days, exclusive of Sunday from the date of service or
publication of such notice, the property will be sold in
auction at a place to be specified in the notice.

(3) If, at any time before the sale has begun, the
amount due on account of the fee, together with the
expenses incurred in connection wlth the seizure, deten-
tion and proposed sale is tenderad to the ~ ~ m m i s s i o n ~ r
or other person authorised as aforesaid, the property
seized shall be forthwith released.
(4) If no such tender is made, the property or a
sufficient portion thereof may be sold and the proceeds
of the sale applied to the payment of-
(i ) the amount due on account d the fee ;
(ii) such peralty not exceeding the amount of
the fee as the commissioner may direct ; and
(iii) the expenses incurred in connection with the
seizure, detantio~ and sale.
(5) If, after making the payments referred to in
sub-section (4), there is any surplus sale proceeds or any
property remaining unsold, the same shall be paid or
delivered to the owner or other person entitled thereto.

Lice- for 358. (1) NO person shall open a new private cart-
vate cart- stand or continue to keep open a private cart-stand unless
stand. he obtains from ths commissioner a licence to do so.
(2) Application for such licence shall be made by
the owner of the place in respect of which the licence
is sought not less than forty-five and not more than ninety
days before the opening of such place as a cart-stand or
the commencement of the year for which the licence is
sought to be rexlewed, as the case may be.
(3) The commissioner shall, as regiirds privrrte
cart-stands already lawfully established and may, at h i 6
discretion as regards new private cart-stands, grant the
licence applied for subject to such regulations as to super-
vision and inspection and to such conditions as to con-
servancy as he may think proper or he may refuse to
grant any such licence for any new private cart-stand. The
commiac:oner may, at any time for breacb of the condi-
tims thereuf, suspend or cancel any licence which has
been granted under this section. The commissioner
may also modify the conditions of the licence to take
effect from a specified date :
Provided that the commissioner shall, before refusing
to grant or renew any such licence or suspending or
cancelling any suc3 licence for breach of the condition
thereof, give reasonable opportunity to the persons con-
cerned for making their representations.

(4) When a licence is granted, refused, suspended,

cancelled or modified under this section, the commis-
sioner shall cause a notice of such grant, refusal, suspen-
sion, cancellation or modification, in Tamil ard English
to be affixed in some c~nspicuousplace at or near th
entrance to the place in respect of which the licence
souplrt or had been obtained.
I#n : i s Ad 257 ~uinddore dv 38j
Municipal Corpora lon
(5) The commissioner may levy for every licence
granted under this section a fee not exceedingone thousand
and two hundred rupees per anniim.
(6) Every hcence granted under this section shall
erpire at the end of the year for which it is granted.
Carcasses oj' animals.
359. (1) The occupier of any premises in or on which Removal of
any animal shall die or on which the carcass of any animal
shall be found, and the person, having the charge of of animals.
any animal which dies in a street or in any open place,
shall, within three hours after the death of such animal,
or if the death occurs at night, within three hours after
sunrise, either-

(a) remove the carcass of such animal by such

receptacle, depot or place as may be appointed by the
commissioner in that behalf, or
(b) report the death of the animal to as cfficer of
the heallh department in-charge of 1he division of ihe
City in which the death occurred with a view to his cau-
sing the same t o be removed.

(2) When any carcass is so removed by ihe health

department a fide for the removal, of such amount as
shall be fixed by the commissionel, shall be p ~ d. : by t h ~
owner of the animal or if the owner is not kncwn by the
occupier of the premisss in or upon which or by the
person in whose charge, the animal died.
Industries and Factoric.7.
360. (1) No place within the limits of the City sha 11 be Purposes for
used for any of the parposcs mentioncid in Schedrtle IV ~ ~ ~ ? & ~ ~ , " s
without a licence obtained from the commissioner and lim;,wofthe
ex,ept in accordance with the conditions specified t h ~ i vCity
* may not
be used with
out a licence.
Provided lhat no such licence shall be required for
the use of any plr.ce for a lodg'ng house as defined in
the Tam I Nadu Public IItaltfl Act, 1939 (Tamil Nadu
Act 111 of 1939), if the keeper thereof has beell registered
under that Act.
384 CoirnBmore City [I981 :T.N. Ad. PS
Mwa ic i'al Corporation

(2) The owner or occupier of every place ior ihe use

of which for any purpose a licence is required under sub*
section (1) shall apply to the oommi~sionerfor such
licence not less than forty-five and not more than ninety
days before the place is used, for such purpose.

(3) Every :~pplicationfcr a licence for the use of

any place for the purpose of storing or selling explosives,
timber or other combustible materials shall contain a
statement showing the boundaries and measurement of
such place.

(4) (a) On receipt of any such application as is

referred to in sub-section (2), the comrrissionzr may
subject to the provisions of clauses (b) and (c), grant
the licence specifying therein such conditions as he may
think fit to impose in accordance with the rules, if any,
made by the Government in this behalf,or refuse to grant
the same.
(b) Before granting or refusing to grant a licence
under clause (a), the commissioner shall cause a full
and complete investigation to be made in the prescribed
manner in respect of the application and shall have due
regard to- 1~6
(i) the suitability of the place in respect of which 3
I the licence is applied for ; .4
(ii) the possibility of any danger to life or he&h
or property or tho likelihood of any nuisance being it3
created either by reason of the manner in which or by
the conditions under wluch the place is pr~posedto be
used or by the nature of such use ;

(iii) the provjsions of other Acts, if any, and

the rules and by-!aws made thereunder, regulating the
use of pleces for the purpose for which a licence is applied
for under this Act ; and
1981 : Ta'Aet 25] Cosmbatore City 385
Municipal Corporcxtb

(i) a licence granted under clause (a) has been


obtained by misrepresentation as to an essential fact,

(ii) the holder of a licence has, without ream
sonable cause, failed to comply with conditions subject
to which the licence bas been granted or has contravened
any of tbe provisions of this Act or the d e s rrdt there-
then, without prejudice to any other peralty to which the
* holder of the licence may be liable under this Act, the
commissioner may, after giving the holder of the licence
an opportunity of showing cause, revoke or sgspend the
(4 Subject to any rules that may be made in this
behalf by the Government, the commissioner may also
vary or amend a licence granted under clause (a).
(5) Every sucb licence shall expire at the end of the
year for which it is granted or at such earlier date as the
commissioner may, for special reasons, specify in the
(6) Applications for renewal of such licences shaU
be made not less than forty-five and not more than ninety
days before the commencement of the year for which
the renewal is sought.
36t (1) Every person intending- Application to
be made for
(a) to construct or establish any factory, work- ,o,~t,uction,
shop or work-place in which it is proposed to employ establishment
steam-power, water-power or other mechanical power or installa-
or electric power, or tion offactory,
worksh o or~
work-place in
(b) to construct any building, hut or structure which s earn
wbich is intended to be used for any of the purposes or other
mentioned in Schedule IV, or power is to
be emnlo~ed
C -
(c) to install in any place any machinery or manu-
facturing pIant driven oy stedlu, wiier, electric or other
power as aforesaid, not being machinery or manufact-
uring plant exempted by rules,
shall before beginning such construction, esatblishment
or installation make an application in writing to the -
commissioner for permi:~sionto undertake the intended
386 Cairnbatore City t1981 : T. N.Act. 25.
Municipal Corporati~n . .

(2) The application in respect of matters specified

in clauses (a) and (c) of sub-section (I) shall specify.thc
maximum number of workers proposed to - be - simul-
taneously employed at any time in the factory, work-
shop, work-plzce or premises and shall be accompanied
(a) a plan of the factory, workshop, work-placu .
or premises prepared in such manner as may be pres-
cribed by rules made in this behalf by the Government, ;$

(b) such particulars as to the power, machinerya' '
plant or premises as the council may require by by-laws-.
made in this behalf.
(3) The application in respect of matters specified;:
in clause (b) of sub-section (1) shall contain such 'parti&
culars as the council may require by by-laws. made in
this behalf'. - . <

(4) The commissioner, with the previous sanction ;

of the standing committee, shall, as soon as may be,
after the receipt of the application-
(a) grant the permission applied for either abso-:-
lutely or subject to such conditions as he thinks .fit: toi:
iqpose, or
( b ) refuse permission if he is of opinion that'suc&:;

construction, establishment or installation is objecj.iona&, .

by reason of the density of the population i n the-nt$&.
bourhood or is likely to cause a nuisance.
' I .
- f
-. C

(5) Befo.:e granting permission under sub*&tion+

(4), the comnissioner- .. I

.. ,:a

(a) shall, if more than nine workers aie prop*,

to be simultaneously employed at any time in the'factor~~
workshop, work-place or premises, obtain the appra~alof
the Inspector of Factories appointed under the Factories...
Act, 1948 (Central Act LXII of 1948) having jurisdi**&
in the City or if there is more than one such 1n~ie&6i;'''
of the Inspector designated by the Government. & this
behalf by general or special order, as regards b . p b . * :
of the factory, workshop, work-place or- premises .wi&.:
reference to- ,- ,..-I
.,, ;/ 3

(i) the adequacy of the provisic n fcr veoti!ati;Mi::
and light, *
- 9

I r

2 J-:?
- 4
.. -. 7 -' .1
1981. : T.N. Act. 23j Coimbatore City 38'1
Municipal Corporalion
(ii) the sufficiency of the height and dimensions
of the rooms and doors,
(iii) the suitability of the exists to be used in
the case of fire, and
(iv) such other matters as may be prescribed
by rules made by the Gov$rnment, and
(b) shall consult and have due regard to the opinion
of the health officer as regards the suitability of the site
of the factory, workshop, work-place or premises or
building or hut or structure for the purpose specified in
the application.

(6) All chimneys in connection n-irh 33:. niiA

fadory, worksb~por -;*~rk-;!2-;t or a?- .-
5221, =:-.--.x,-i!-
nranuf~riwphnt i:W1 k c f heirfir and dim:n-
tirjnq a, tfiE ujmrniisioner may determine.

(7) More than nine workers shrll not be

simultaneously employed at any time in any factory, work-
shop, work-place or premises, unless the permission
grated in respect thereof under sub-section (4) authorises
such employment or unless fresh permission authorising
such employment has been obtained from the commissioner.
Before granting such fresh permission, the c o ~ lissioner
shall obtain the approval of the Inspector of Factories,
pferred to in clause (a) of sub-section (9,as regards the
plan of the factory, workshop, wor~-placeor premises
with reference to the matters specified in hat clause.
(8) The grant of permission under this section-
(a) shali, in regard to the replacement ol machinery,
the levy of fees, the cor.ditions to be observed, and the
lib, subject to such restrictions and control as may be
prescnbad ; and
(b) shail not be deemed to dispense with the
necessit for. compliance with the provisions of sectlons
272 an 274 or sections 288 and 289, as the case may be.
(9)-The standing committee shall, before giving
euct~onto the commissioner for the granting or refusing
to. graot permission under sub-section (4), give due regard
tbe provisions of this section.
388 Coimbatore City [1981': T. N. A&&
Municipal Corporalion
362. (1) If, in any factory, workshop or work- lace
may issue
i~ which
c a ~power or electric power is w:d, nuisance is in the
gas, steam power; water-po wer, or otber mec abil
for opinion of the commissioner caused by the particu1a.r
caused by gas, kind of fuel used or by the noise or vibrations crated,
steam or he may issue sucn directions as he tizinks fit for the abate-
other power. ment of the nuisance within a reasonable time to be specified
for the purpose.
(2) 1.1 there has been wilful d~faultin c a r r a g out
such directions or if abatemeut is found impracticable,
the cornmi ssioner may-
(a) prohibit the use of the particular kind of fUel ;
(b) prohibit the working of the factory, workshop
or work-placz altogether until such directions have been
carried out or between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. or
during any particular time or times between such hours.
Power of 363. Whenever it shall appear to the commissioner
missioner that any factory, workshop, work-place or any building
to require
owner or or place in which gw, steam, water or other mechanfcal
occupier of power or electric power is used, is not kept in a ' c W y
factory, state or is not ventilated in such a manner as to render
Workshop,etc-i harmless as f&r as practicable any gas, vapour, dust or
to put and
maintain the other impurity generated in the course OFthe work carried
factory, on, therein which, in the opinion of the commissioner is a
workshoa etC.9 nuisance or is so overcrowded while work is d e d l on
in a oleanly as to be dangerous or injurious in the opinion of the corn-
missioner to the health of the persons employed therein,
or that any engine, mill-gearing, hoist or other machinery
therein is so fired or so insecurely fenced as to be dangerous
to l i ~ e~r limb, the commissioner may by written notice
require the owner of such factory, workshop, work-place
or other building or place to take such order as he thinks
fit for putting and maintaining the said factory, work-
shop, work-place or other building or place in a c l a y
state or for ventilating the same or for preventing
same from being overcrowded or for preventing dangm
to life or limb from arly engine, mill-gearing, hoia or
other machinery therein.
Explanation.--Noting in this section shall be deemed to
affect any of tke provisions of the Indian Boilers .Act,
1923 (Central Act V of 1923) or to authorise the commis-
uiopler to issue any order relating to the fixing or f-
1981 :T.X. Act 251 Cohbatarz City 389
Municipal Corporation
of any engine, mill-gearing, hoist or other machinery in
any factory to which the provisions of the Factories Act,
1948 (Central Act LXIII of 1948) are applicable.
364. Whenever it shall appear to the commissioner Power of
that any factory, workshop or work-place or any building commlsslone*
or any place in which steam, water or other mechanical ,to ,, requireo

or electric power is employed is or is not likely to become occupier of ,

by reason of the employment of such power or by noise factory, elc.,
or by any gas, vapour, smoke, vibration, dust or other to discontinue
impurity generated in the course of the work carried on the ,,h usefactory,
in such place or by any other cause, a nuisance or danger etc,
to the life, health or property of persons in the neighbour-
hood he may by written notice require the owner or occupier
of such factory, workshop, work-place, building or place
to discontinue the use of such factory or place for any
of the purposes that may be specified in such notice.

365. (1) The Commissiouel 01 any per son authorised commissioner

by him in this behalf may enter any factory, workshop may enter
or work-place- any factory,
(a) at any time between sunrise and sunset, or work-place!
(b) at any time when any industry is being carried
on, and
(c) at any time by day or night if he has reason
to believe that any offence is being comn~ittedagainst
sections 361, 362, 363 or 364.
(2) No claim shall lie against any person for any
damage or inconvenience necessarily caused by the exercise
of powers under this section or by the use of the force
nml@~~y ft~rtlla plrposo of effecting an entrance under
tlrlr wautloa,
366. The standing committee may, on the request
of the commissioner, inspect the works and sites, before to inspect
the licence is granted or renewed:by the commissioner. sites and

367. The Government may either generally or in any Power of

particular case make such order or give such directions as to pass orders
they may deem fit in respect of any action taken or omitted give
to be taken under sections 360, 361,362, 363 or 364. directions to

39c C'oirnb'a~oreCity [ l9B1 :T.N. Act 25

Municipal Corporation

Washing and bathing. ,

Provision of 368. The council shall set apart places for use 'by tbi
plaocs fcrr public for bathing purposes and for washing animals.
for washing
Provision of . 369. (1) The co~nmissionermay construct or ~ptdviQ '
public bathing atad n~aintainpublic bathing-houses, public wash-housei
houses, or places for the washing of clothes and may chsrgeL8nd
Wash-houses, levy such r-nts and fees for the use of any such btithiq;
house, wash-house or place as the standing conhit-
may determine. Such rents and fees shall be ?ea59errl
able in the same manner as the property tax.
(2) I h e commissioner may farm out the colledtion
of such rents and fees for any period not exceedkg:.tbrb
years at a time on such terms and conditions as he may
. fit*
. ' " 4 .

(3) If a sufficient number of public wash-houses or'

places be not maintained under sub-section ~(l),the
commissioner may without making any charge therefor
appoint suitable places for the exercise by wasbermen of
their calling.
* 3

(4) In public wash-houses, the clothes of persons

suffering from infectious diseases and of persons [residing
in the premises occupied by the persons suffering'-gem'
such diseases shall be washed separately in a -sep&%@
block wherever set apart for the purpose and shall be
washed by such methods as the con~rnissionerm&y lay
down in that behalf, . t

Pro ibition 370. (1) The comrnic+n.~- 3 a y by public 6 n d b

aga Wt F
w asfiing by
prohibit the washing of clothes by washermen in the me+
cise of their calling within the City, except at-
at unwbotised * . ..,
placese (a) public wash-houses oi maintained; or
provided under section 369 ; or
(6) such other places as he may appoint for the
purpose. . .
(2) When any such prohibition has been made in.

person who is by calling a washerman shall, in conh,al8

vention of such prohibition, wash clothes, ex- -forA
himself or for personal and family service or for hira on
:981': T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City 391
Municipal Corporation
:and within the premises of the hirer at any place within
{he City other than a public wash-house or a place main-
'tained or appointed under this Act :

Provided that this section shall apply only to clothes

washed wittia :he Cit;.
r .

! 371. (1) The council shall provide e sufficient number provision' . -

of places for use as municipal slaughter-houses within of corporatibn
the City and the commissioner may charge and levy such slaughter-
rrerits and fees for their use as the standing committee houses,
-ffiay determine. Suth rents and fees shall be recoverable
in $he same manner as the property tax.
(2) 2he commissioner may farm out the collection
of such rents and fees for any period not exceeding three
years at a time on such terms and conditions as he may
think fit.
372. (1) l h e owner of any place within the limits of Licence lor
thecity which,is used as a slaughter-house for the slaugh- houses,
taring of animals or for the skinning or cutting up -or
carcasses shall apply to the commissioner for a licence
not less than forty-five and i?ot more than ninety days
before the' opening of such place as a daughter-house or
tbe commencement of the year for which the licence
is o u g h t to be renewed, as the case may be.

(2) The commissioner may, by an order, and subject

to such restrictions and regulations as to supervision
and inspection as he thinks fit, grant or refuse to grant
such licence.

373. The commissioner may allow any animal to be Slaughter

slaughtered in such places as he thinks fit on occasions of animals
of festivals and ceremonies or as a special measure. during festivals
and ceremonies.
374. No person shall slaughter within the City except Slaughter of
in municipal or licensed slaughter-house any cattle, horse, animals for
sheep, goat or pig for sale or food or skin or cut up any sale or food.
carcass without or otherwise than in conformity with
a licence from the commissioner or dry or permit to be
dried any skin io such a manner as to cause a nuisance,
392 Coimbatore City [I981 :T. N. Act 25
Municipal Corporaflon
silaughter 375. The commissioner may authorise, any person
of animals to slaughter without licence andTwithout the payment' of
for religious any fee any animal for the purpose of a religious ceremony.
Power to 376. The power of the cornmissiuner to grant licence
grant licences or permission under sections 372, 373,374 and 375 shall be
be subject to subject to the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Animals
Nadu and Birds Sacrifices Prohibition Act, 1950 ( ~ a m i lNadu
of 1950. Act XXXII of 1950).
The milk trade.
Regulation 377. (1) No person shall, without or otherwise than
of milk trade. in conformity with a licence fiom the commissiomr,-
. a
. .
(a) carry on or be employed in the trade br b u b s
of a dealer in or importer or seller or hawker of milk
or dairy produce or other edible articles wi&h th,e City,
(b) use any place in the City for the sale of mi% I
or dairy prsduce : L

Provided that no such licence shall be given to .any

person who is suffering from an infectious disease :
Provided further that such licence shall be dee;ned.to
have been suspended while the person to whom *it-is
granted is suffering from an infectious disease, . . (

(2) Such licence may be refused or may be grm't&

either unconditionally or on such conditions as the
commissioner may deem necessary. Such conditions may
relate to the construction, ventilation, consemcy,
i supervision and inspection of the premises whqtfier with-
in or without the limits of the City wh
from which the milk supply is derived
(3) No person shall be granted a licence as v&
in milk, dairy produce or other edible articles b e f w
I . has undergone medical check up by a medicat offik.
- .... . s -- - L
< . , + :
, I d

..* , 1; .
(4) The council may fix the fee to be collected for &jh
. ,.,. , . .. . ~ I

such licence and the commissioner shall grant such liceom

- . after the fee due therefor has been paid. ,)' .
. ..*.
Markets, butchers' shops, etc.
PUUO 378. All markets which are acquired, construct4
markets. repaired or maintained out of the municipal fund ab,
k m e d to be public markets.
. - - - -- -- . - - 1 - r ..._re J

.,..*,i*. #- I*& /J' $3.


379. (1) The c ~vncilinay provide placcs for use as public Pcwers of
mu nicip
act horjm
in reqhm
(2) The conlmissioner may i n F a y public market of public
charge and levy any one or more of the following fees at markets.
such rates as the standing committee may determine and
may place the collection of such fees mder the manage-
~ e noft such persons as may appear to him proper or
a y farm out such fees on such terms end subject to such
ademay k nfit-
(a) feea for the a= of fix fat ri&x t3, export
goods for sale, in such markets ; .
.. Explanation.-Thefees under this clause shall not be
levied unless the goods are actually brought into such
(b) fees for the use of shops, stalls, pens-or stands in
such markets ;
(c) fees on vehicles or pack-anim:nls carrying, or
on persons bringing goods for sale in such markets ;
(d) fees on animals brought for sale into, or sold in,
such markets ; and
. (e) licence fees on brokers, commission agents,
porters, weighmm and measurers practising their calling in
such markets.
(3) Such fees shall be recoverable in the same manner
as the property tax*
(4)The council may, with the sanction of the Govern.
merit, close any public market or part thereof.
(8 . .
380. (1) NO person shall, without the permission of the cornmi.-
commissioner, or if the fees have been farmed out, of the sioners
farmer, sell or expose for sale any,animal or article within control over
any public market. PU blic
(2) Any person who contravenes sub-section (1) or any
condition of the licence or any regulation made under
section 388 or any by-law made under sectior. 4 ? ? or who
commits c i c f ~ ~ in ~ l t Payment of the fees leviable under
sac;t\on 37" tney n f k r tt1ri.e clear days' notice be summa-
rily rcl\\(lypJ t'+~n~\\ alsh nr:krket by any muncipal offier or
Iw;vlmt $\try \tssc or tenure which any person may
~ , m:\p ~hc tcrminntcd
~ ~ for such
~ period
r and from such
tllo c,,nrll~issiot\crrnny determine without prejudice
tor!the legal rights of the corporation h prosecute the person
394 coimbato& City ~ u n i & a l [i981 <N.'A a ~5
or to recover the fees leviable under section 379 ma &
expenses if any, which the corporation may incur in such
Establish- 381. (1) The council shall determine whether the estab:
rnmt of lishment of new private markets for the sale of, or for thd
markets, purpose of exposing for sale, animals intenlded for human
food or any article of human food shall be permitted in the
City or any specified part of the City.
(2) (a) No person shall establish any new private
market without or otherwise than in conformity with .a
licence issued by the comrnissi~n~r1~7;ththe ~lnctionof the
standing committee which shall be guided in giving or
refusing sanction by the resolutlons of the council passed
under sub-section (1) ;
(b) Applicatiorrs for such licence shall be ;nade by
the owner of the place in respect of which the licence is
sought not less than forty-five and not more than nin~ty
days before such place is opeoed as a market. , I

(3) The Government may dcclare any such

market established in the City or any specified part of the
City as a public market upon such terms andaconditionsas
may be prescribed.

d~nsing 382. (1) No person shall without or otherwise thap in

tf Private conformity with an annual licence granted by the corn;'
larkets. missioner in this behalf continue to keep open a private
market. Application for the renewal of the licence shall &
made not less than forty-five and not more than ninety aayjf
before the commencement of the year for which licence is
(2) The commissioner may, by an order, subject tb
such rpoulations as to supervision and inspection and t o
such conditions as to sanitation, drainage, water-supply.
width of paths and ways, weights and measures to be used
and rents and fees to be charged in such markets as *he
thinks fit-

(a) grant or refuse to grailt or renew such licence, lar

(b) withhold the licence until the owner or ompier
sxecutes suoh works as may be specified in tbe order ' . . .*.
r- . r . .
' 1981 :TSJ. Act 251 Coimbatore City Mzmicipal 395

provided that the commissioner shall not refuse or

withhold such licence for any cause other than the failure
of the owner or occupier thereof to comply with some
provision of this Act or some regulation made under section
388 or some by-law made under section 432.
(3) The commissioner shall cause 1 notice that the
market has been so licensed to be afSx:d in Tamil and
English in some conspicuous place at or near the entrance
to every such market.
(4) The commissioner, if a licsnce has been refused or
withheld as aforesaid, shall cause a, notice of such refusal or
withholding to be affixed in Tamil and English in some
conspicuous place at or near the entrance to the premises.
383. Every licence granted under section 381 or section Period d
382 shall expire at the end of the year for which it is granted. licence.

384. When a licence granted under section 382 permits Licence fee
the levy of any fee or fees, of the oature specified in sub- for mivatc
section (2) of section 379 a fee not exceeding twenty-five markets.
per cent of the gross income of the owner from the market
in the preceding year shall be charged and levied by the
commissioner for such licence.
385. It shall not be lawful for any person to sell or expose Sale in
for sale any animal or article in any unlicensed pi; ..ate un1icer:;rd
market or on the streets or road margins. I;,; commis- private
sioner may seize the animal or article exposed for sale in market.
any unlicensed private market or the street or road margins
and produce the same before the court of competent juris-
386. The commissioner may,by notice, require the owner, powers d
occupier or farrner of any private market for the sale of commis-
any animal or article of food, to- sioner in
respa? of
private markets,
(a) construct approaches, entrances, passages, gates,
drains and cesspits for such market and provide it with I

lqtrines of such description and in such position and number

as the commissioner may think fit;
(b) roof and pave the whole or any portion of it or
pave any portion of the floor, with such material as will in
the opinion ofthe commissioner Secure iinperciousnessand
ready cleansing ;
396 Coimbat ore City Wunicipal [I981 :T.N. Aet 25

(c) ventilate and light it properly and provide it with

a supply of water ;
(d) provide passages of sufficient width between the
stalls and make such alterations in the stalls, passages,
shops, doors or other parts of the market as the commis-
sioner may direct ; and
(e) keep it in a cleanly and proper date and remove
all filth and rubbish therefrom,
Suspension 387. (1) If any person, after notice given to him in that
or refusal.of behalf by the commissioner, fails w i t h the period and in
Iicance in the manner laid down in the said notice to carry out any
default. of the works specified in riection 386 the commis~ionerm y ,
suspend the licence of the said person or may refuse to
grant him a licence until such works have been co 8.
(2) It shall not be lawful for any person to open or
keep open any such market after such usp pension or refusal.

Power of 388. The commissioner may, with the approval of t h

c~mmis- standing committee make xegulations, not inoonsisltetlt
sioner to with any provisions of this Act or of any by-law made
make under section 432,-
for bazaam,
daughter- (a) for preventing nuisances or obstruction in
houses and market-buildmg, market-place, bazaar or slaughter-houa
laces set or in the approaches thereto, or in any of the roads, paths or
apart for'

sacrifice of ways in any market or bazaar ;

*(b) fixing the days and the hours on and during wh,i&
any market, bazaar or slaughter-house may be held or
kept for use ;
(c) for keeping every markat-building, market-pIam,
bazaar, slaughter-house and place specified under section
373 in a cleanly and proper stare, and for removing filth
and rubbish therefrom ;
(d) requiring that any market-building, market-plm,
bazaar, slaughter-house or place specified as aforesaid
properly ventilated and be provided with sufficient supply
of water ; /

(e) requiring that in market-buildingg, m a r k e t - p b

and bazaars, passages be provided between the stalls or
sufficient width for the convenient use of the public ;and

- . ".- -..-
* -. . - -.---.--. -- . ---- - -.---. ,,-

198i : T.N. Act 251 Cormbatore C'@ 397

Municipal Corpcrafion
(f) requiring that in market-buildings, market-places
and bazaars, separate areas be set apart for different classes I*

of articles.
389. (1) The council may acquire the rights of any per- Acquisition
sod to hold private market iu any place and to levy fees ofrights
therein. The acquisition shall be made under the Land of private to ,
Acqusition Act, 1894 (Central Act I of 1894) and such rights hold primte
shall be deemed to be land for the purpose of that Act. markets.

(2) On payment by the couwil of the compensation

awarded under the said Act in respect of such property and
any other charges incurred in \.'acquiringit, the rights of
such person to hold such market and to levy fees therein
shall vest in the council.
390. The person in charge of a market shall prevent the Duty of
entry therein or, expel therefrom, any person suff-ri ng from expelling
leprosy in whom the process of ulceration has commenced lepers,
from etc.,
or from any infectious or contagious disease who sells. or markets and
exposes for sale therein any article or who, not having power to
purchased the same handles, any articles exposed for sale expel
therein ; and he may expel therefrom any person who is disturbers.
creating a disturbance therein.
391. (1) NO person shall without or otherwise than in Butcher's,
conformity with a licence from the commissioner fishmon- ger,s
c q on the trade of a butcher, fishmonger or poulterer poulterer,s
or use any place for the sale of fleshfish or poultry intended licence.
for human food in any place within the limits of the
city :
Provided that no licence shall be required for a place
used for the selling or storing for sale of preserved flesh or
fish.contained in air-tight and hermetically sealed recept-
(2) The commissioner may by an order and subject to
such restrictions as to supervision and inspection as be
thinks fit, grant or refuse to grant such licen.20.
(3) Every such licence shall expire at the end of the
year for which it is grzztrc! cr st such earlier date as the
commi~sionermay, for special reasons, specify, in the
(4) The cornmissionei may seize atly flesh, fish or
podtry intended for human food exposed for sale by an
unlianced person and produce the same before the court
of competent j~rii~diction.
398 Coimbotore City Municipal [I981 : T.N. Act, 25
bit to regulate 392. The cornmissicner may, with the sanction of the
s a &animals,
~ standing committee, prohibit by public notice or licence or
birdslor arti- regulate the sale or exposure for sale, af any animal, bird
cle~iapublic or article in or on any public street or part thereof.
Decision of 393. If any question arises as to whether any place
disfiutes where persons assemble for the sale or purchase of articles
as to of food, or clothing, or live-stock or poultry, or cotton,
places are groundnut or other industrial crops or any other raw or
markets. semi-manufactured or manufactured products, is a market,
or not, the commissioner shall make a reference to the
Government slid the decision of the Government on the
question shall be final.
Inspection of places for sule, et c.
Dutyt, cP 394. It s u l l be the duty of the commissioner to'make
commis- provision for the constant and vigilant inspection of a,&
sioner to mats, carcasses, meat, poultry, game,flesh, fish, fruit, ve e-.
inspect. tables or any other articles exposed or hawked abaut or f
sale or doposited in or brought to any place for the purpose
of sale or of preparation ibr sale.
powers of 395. (1) The commissioner or any person authorised
commis- by him in writing for the purpose may without notice enter
sioner for any slaughter-house or any place where animals, poultry
or fish intended for food are exposed for sale or where any
articles of food are being manufactured or exposed for sale,
at any time by day or night, when the slaughter, exposure
for sale or manufacture is being carriod on and inspect the
same and any utensil or vessel used for manufacturing,
preparing or contsiring any such article.
(2) If the commissioner or any person so authoGsed
by him has reason t s believe that in any place any animd
intended for human food is being slaughtered or apy
carcass is being skinned or cut up or that any food is being.
manufactured, stored, prepared, packed, cleansed, kept
or exposed for,sa'e, or sold without , or otherwise than in
conf~rmitywith :r licence, he may enter any such p h a .
ithout notice, at any time by day or night for the ,
purpose of satisfying himself whether any provision of
law, by-laws or regulaticns or any condition of a licence
is being contravened.
(3) No claim shall lie against the commissione, orL
any person acting under his authority or the corpor~ti~h.:
for any dama e or inconvenisnce caused by the exercise
of powers un&r this section or by the use of any for*:
necessary for effecting any entry into any place un-+.-
this section. . . ,; r i

It (4) In any legal proceedings, in respect of powers ..

exercised under this section in which it is qlleged that any ,

animal, poultry, fish or articles of food were not kept,
exposed, hawked about, manufactured, prepared, stored,
packed, or cleansed for sale, or were not intended fcr
human food, the burden of proof shall lie on the party so
, 396. No person shall in any manner whatsoever obstruct Preventing
the. commissioner or any person duly authorised by him inspection
in the exercise of his powers under section 395. by commis-
$9'7. If it appears to the commissioner or a person Power of
duly authorised by him- corrunissioner
to seize
(a) that any animal, poultry or l i b h intended for animal,
food:is diseased, or noxious
food, etc.
(6) that any article of food is noxious, or
. - (c) that any utensil or vessel used in manufacturing,
preparing or containing any article of food is of such kind
or in such state as to render the article noxious, he may
seize or carry away or secure such animal, poultry, fish,
article, utensil ar vessel in order that the slme may be
dealt with as hereinafter provided.

bbcp1anation.-Meat ~ubjected to the process of

blowing shall be deemed to be noxious.
398. No person shall -emnv.: or in any way interfere Removillg
with. anything secured under section 397. or interfe-
ring %i.ith
articles .
3991 (1) When any animal, poultry, fish or other article Power to
of: food or any utensil or vessel is seized under section destroy
397, it may, with the consent of the owner or person in article
whose possession it was found, be forthwith destroyed,
G d if the article is perishable, without such consent.

(2) Any expense incurred in destroying anything

under sub-section (11, shall be paid by the owner or person
i i whose possession such thing was at the time of its seizure,
400 doimbatore city
Municipal Corporation
). 1.

pr~ductionof 400. (1) Articles of food, animal, poultry, fish, utensils,

articles, etc;., or vessels, seized under section 391 or section 397 and not
seized before destroyed under sedion 399 shall as soon as pos
magistrate produced before a magistrate.
and powers
af magist- (2) Whether or not complaint is laid
rate to deal magistrate of any offence under the Indian
with them.
(Central Act XLV of 18601 or under this Act, if it appears
to ihe'magistrate on taking such evidence as he think$
necessary that any such animal, poulxry or fish is diseased,
or any such article is noxious or any such utensil or vessel
is of such kind or in such state as is described in section
397, he may order the same-
(a) to be forefeited to the Corporation,
(b) to be destroyed at the charge of the o m e r
or person i n whose possession it was at the time of seizure,
in such mailner as to prevent the same being again exposed
or hawked a b u t for sale or used for human food or for
the manufacture or preparation of, or for containing, any
such article as aforesaid.
DIsposnl of i he dead.
I : ^'

Registration 401. If it appears to the commissioner that there is

I q closing
of ownerless
no owner or person having the control of any place used
for burying, burning, or otherwise disposing of the dead,
1 disposal of
he shall assume such control and register such place.or
may, with the sanction of the council, close it.

I Litimsing
places for
disposal of
402. (1) KO new place for the disposal of the dead,,
whether public or private, shall be opened, formed, const-
1 dead. ructed or used unless a licence has been obtained from the
commissioner on application.
(2) Such application for a licence shall be accom'
panied by a plan of the place to be registered, showing
the locality, boundaries, and extent thereof, the name of
the owner or person or community interested thenia,
the system of management and such further particulars
as the commi~sionermay require.
(3) The commissioner may, with sanction of the
(a) grant or refuse to grant a licence, or
(b) postpone the grant of a licence until his objec.
tions to the site have been removed or any paaicularr
called for by Ern have been fPmiehd,
Coimbatore City Municipal rt,I
403. (1) The council may, and shall if no sufficient Provision
I provision exists, provide places to be used as burial or burial and
burning grounds or crematoria, either within or with the burning ground
sanction of the Government without the limits of the City and crematoria
and may charge and levy rents and fees for the use thereof. within or
Ci y , by the
(2) If the corporation provides any such place without corp~ratioa
the limits of the City, all the provisions of this Act and
all by-laws framed under this Act for the management
af~such'placeswithin the City shall apply to such places
and all o3ences against such provisions or by-laws shall
be cognizable by the magistrate of the first class as if such
places were within the limits of the City.
404. (1) A book shall be kept at the municipal oflice Register of
in which the places registered, licensed or prolided under licensed and
$ection 401 or section 402 or section 403 and all such provided places
places registered, licensed, or provided before the commen- and prohibition
cemect of this Act, shall be recorded, and the plans of use of other
of such places shall be nled iu a u c L ;ace. places.

(2) Notice that such place has been registered,

licensed or provided as aforesaid, shall be affixed in Tamil
and English in some conspicuous place at or near the
entrance to the burial c~rburning ground or other place
as aforesaid.
(3) The commissioner shall annually publish a list
of all placeaces registered, licensed, or provided as aforesaid
or provided by the Government,
(4) No person shall bury, burn or otherwise dispose
of any corpse except in a place which has been registered,
licensed or provided as aforesaid,
405. The person having control of a place for disposing Report of
of the dead shall give information of every burial, burning burnings.
burials and
or other disposal of a corpse at such place to the officer,
if any, appointed by the commissioner in that behalf.
406. No person shall make a vault or grave, or cause Prohibition
against making
any corpse to be buried within the walls of or underneath of or
any place of public worship : grave in place
of wcrship,
Provided that in the case of an existing vault, the
@~rnmi~ioner may, subject to the general or special orders
of the Government, authorise the burial in such vault d
t near relatives af the Bdly to whom it balongs.
1 125-12-26
402 ~oimbatcrecity Mtmicipai 11981 :t N . Act 25

Prohibition 407. (1) If the ccmmissioner is of opinion,--

against use of
burial and (a) that any registered or licensed place for the
burning disposal of the dead or any place provided for such disposai
grounds by the council or by the Government is in such a state or
to health or situation as to be or to be likely to become dangerous to
overcrowded the health of persons living in the neighbourhood thereof,
with ~raues. or

(b) that atany burial ground is overcrowded with

graves, and if in h e case of public burial or burnin *ground
or other place as aforesaid another convenient p a duly
authorised for the disposal of the dead exists or has k e n

provided for the persons who would ordinarily makd use

of such place,
1 I

he may, with the consent of the council and the previous

sanction of the Government, give notice that it shall a&
be lawful after a period to be named in such notice, to
bury, burn, or otherwise dispose of any corpse at such
(2) Every notice given under sub-section (1)' ;.hall be .
published and a translation thereof in Tamil shall
to some part of such place.
(3) After the expiry of the period named in such
notice it shall not be lawful to bury, burn or o t h d s e
dispose of a corpse at such place except with the permission
of the cornmissio~er. ,-

408. No person shall--

(a) bury or cause to be buried any corpse or part
thereof in a grave whether dug or constructed of masonry
or otherwise in such manner that the surface of the c&
or the surface of the body where no coffin is used, is at
a less depth than 1.5 metres from the surface of the ground.;
(b) build or dig or cause to be built or dug any grave
i n any burial ground at a less distance than 0.6 metre from5 '

the margin of any other existing grave ; or

(c) without the sanction in writing of the cornis-

sioner or an order in writing of a magistrate, re0pun.a
gr avc already occupied; or
1 ----- - --

1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatort City Municipal 403


(d) convey or cause to be conveyed a corpse or

Part thereof to any borial or burning ground, and not
cause the burial or burning of the same to comrnance,
within six hours aft= its arrival at such place ; or
(c) when burning or causing to be burnt a corpse
Or part thereof permit the same or any part thereof or its
clothing to remain without being completely reduced to
ashes; or
( f ) carry through any street a corpse or part thereof
not decently covered ; 0.:
(g) while carrying a corpse or part thereof within
L e City leave the same in or near any street for any
purpose whatever ; or
(h) remove, otherwise than in a closed receptacle,
any corpse or part thereof kept or used for the purpose
of dissection.
409. The owner of, or other person having control ~encing,etc.,
over, any private burial ground shall fence and maintain of d v a t e
the same properly to the satisfaction of the commissioner. burial 8tou~dse
410. NOperson s b l l discharge the office of a grave- Grave-digger's
digger or other attendant at a public place for the disposal licence.
of the dead (other than a place provided by the Govern-
ment) unless he bas been licensed in that behalf by the
The commissioner may, after giving the
holder of the licence an opportunity of showing cause,
with& aw or cancel the licence.

rnfcii ous diseares.

411. (1) If any medical practitioner becomes cognizant Obligation of
of the existence of any infectious disease in any private medical practi-
or public dwelling in the City, he shall inform the corn- tioner o* owmr
or occupier
missioner, the health officer, the medical registrar of the to report infec-
district, or the sanitary inspector of the division with the tious diseases.
least practicable delay.
(2) The information shall be communicated in such
form and with such details as t k commissioner may
125-1 2-26~

(3) Tde commissioner may direct the compulsory
notification by the owner or occupier of every house with-
in the City liruits, during such period and to such ~fficer
as the commissioner may, prescribe, of all deaths from or
occurrences in infectious disease in his house,

Explanation.-Sub-sections (1) and (2) shall apply

Lo a hakim or a vaidyan.

Power of 412. The commissioner or health officer may, at any

entryinto time, by day or by night, without notice, or after giving
~ u c hnotice as may appear to him reasonable, inspect
any place in which any infectious disease is reported or
suspected to exist, except in cases where he is satisfied
that adequate arrangements have been made or exist for
the proper care and treatment of the person who is suffer-
ing b, :: suspected to be suffering from any infectious
disease, remove: or cause to be removed such person to
. .- any Government or municipal medical institution intended
for the treatment of patients suffering from suc5 disease,
. and take such othcr measures as he may think fit to pre-
vent the spread of suci disease.
Preve~tion of infect ion.

I Provision of 413. The wmm~ssioner may provide and maintain

conveyances suitable conveyar~cesfor the free carriage of persons suffe.
for oarria88 of ring from any infectious disease;

Power to order 414. (1) If, in the case of any person in a hospital,
removal w it appears to the officer-inchargc of it that such person is
1 patbn*s to
hospital. suffering from an infectious disease, or if, in the case of
any other person, it appears to the health officer or assis-
I tant health officer whether' on a certificate signed by a
'medical practitioner registered under the Tamil Nadu .
. ' , : Medid Registration Act, 1914 (Tamil Nadu 'Act IV of

- . 1914) or otheru ise that such person is suffering from an

' I

jpfectio~~ diseam, and- -- -. r ; '

. r - .
. .. .
I , #

(a) is without proper lodging or accommodation ': :
3 - . < '

or e ,"

ib> is lodged in a place occupied by more than . .

one family 4 or ..-.. . . * '
* -

. CLLM* --.- -- - -. .-. "
. - - -
-.- ---.-------
- - .. '
" -*-~y&,--*~~.~
<, ~ * ~
P * *

(c) is wifhout radical mperPision directed to pre-

vent the mead of the disease ;
Badifswh G&ZJ -:nw:.k;,.gs, h k b o E z cr &-
taw t N 9 !23 zz Z q &-$, G: ZS:Z~T&
that such penon should be removed to a hospital or
other place at which patients suffering from s ~ c hdisease
are received for medical treatment,
he may remove such person or cause him to be
removed to the said hospital or place :
.. Provided that, if any such person is a female she
shall not be removed to any such hospital or place unless
the same has accommodation of a suitable kind set apart
from the portions assigned to males.
(2) If any female, who, according to custom, does
not appear in public, be removed to any hospital or place
under sub-section (l),-
(a) the removal shall be effeoted in such a way as to
preserve her privacy ;
(b) special accommodation suitedto such custom
shall be provided for her in such hospital or place ;and
(c) a female relative shall be allowed to remain
I with her.
(3) Whoever obstruots the removalof a person under
this section shall be deemed to have committed an offen-
pimishable under section 269 of the Indian Penal Code
(Central A d XLV of 1860).
415. (1) If the oommissioner or health officer is ofD~sinfect ion at
opinion that the cleansing or disinfecting of a, buildingor building and
of any part thereof, or of any article therein which is articles.
likely to retain infection, will tend to prevent or check the
apread of any infectious disease, he may by notice requi~c
the owner or ompier to cleanse or disinfect the same,i
thg manner and within the time specified in such noticp.

(2) The owner or occupier shall within the time speci-

L d as aforesaid comply with the terms of the notice.
(3) If the com mssioner or health officer considers that
imaediate action is necessary, or that the owner or occupier
is, bynreasonof poverty or otherwise unable effeutually
406 Colabatore City Municipal [I981:T.N. Ac4 25
to *:omply with his requisition, the comrnissiotlcr or b I t b
o tfic~rm2.y himself without notice cause such buiJdig:or
article to be cleansed or disinfected, and for tbis p h s e
may cause suoh article to be removed from the .brilding
o r premises and the expenses incurred by the commissiortcr
or health off iwr shall be recoverable from the said owner
or occupier in cmes in which such owner or occupier is,
in the opinion of the commissioner or heslth olllcer, not
I able by reason of poverty effectually to comply with such

1 I
~ ~ ~ t ~of ~ c 416. (1) ~If the comlnissioner is of opinion thst the
t i o
hlzs and sheds destruction of ?.ny hut or shed is necessary to pmvent
1 when necessary. the spread of any infectious dismte, he may, after giving
to the owner or occupier of such hut or shed such pmviqus
I notice of his intention as may, in the circumstanoes of the
case, appear to him reasonzblc, take mezsures for he.ving
suoh hut or shed and all the maierials thereof destroyed.
(2) Compensation shall b~ paid by the commissioner
to any purscbn who sustains substantial loss by tha
destruction of any such hut or shed; but except as so dowed
by the commissioner, no cl~irnfor compensation shall lie
for any loss or damage caused by any exercise of the power
conferred by this section.
provis~onof 417. (1) The commissioner may-
places for
,disinfectior (a) provide proper pkces with all necess8.r~ atten-
2nd power to dmts 2nd ~.pp,?ratus,for tne disinfeotion of conveyances,
destror i nfec- clothing, bedding or other zrticles which have been exposed
ted anic'es* to infections from any infectious disease, and
(b) cause conveyances, clothing, bedding or other
I artides brought for disfcctions to be disinfected free of
chr.rge of subject to such ch~rgesas may be approved by
1 'the standing committee.
(2) The commissioner shell from time to time notify
plrtces at which conveyance, clothing, bedding or ot,ber
artides which have been exposedtoinfection from any
infc ct~ousdisease shall be washed and disinfected and no
person shall wash or disinfect any such article at any
place not so notified. i


(3) The commisrioner may direct any clotbing,bedding

or other articles likely to retain infection from any infectious
disease to be disinfected or destroyed and may give compcn-
sat ion for any article destroyed under tbis subseotb, :
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Munucipal 407
418. No person shall, without previously disinfecting Probibition
it, give,lend, let, hire, sell, transmit or otherwise dispose against
traasfm of
of any article which he knows or hzs rei?son to know has idmd
been exposed to infection from any infectious disease : articIcg.
Provided th;h nothing in this section shall apply to a
person who transmits with proper precautions any article
for the purpose of he.ving it disinfected.
419. If person knows or has been c e ~tified by the Prohibiticn
he~lthofficer,2-medim1 officer in the service ofthe Govern- a w s t
or a medicel przctitioner regis- inf%cted
ment or of the corpor~~tion -o
tered under the Trrmil Nrdu Medie1 Re~istraion Aot, w i n g on
1914 (Tamil N?.du Act N of 1914), thzt he is suffering occupation.
from an infectious disec.se he shall not engage in
any occup :tion or carry on any trrde or business unless he
can do so without r.i sk of spreading the disease.

420. (1) No person who is suffering frorn any infeciioas Prohibition

dise?.se sh2.11 enter e public c o n v e y m without previously
notifying to the owner or driver or person in-chp8rgeof such
conveynce th9.t he is so suffering. entering

(2) No Dwner or driver or person in chc;rge of 2 public

conveyance .
oonveyi.nce shall be bound to convcy any person suffering
as ?.fores2id, unless 2,nd until the said person pays or tenders
a sum sdfficient to cover any loss 2nd cost that may be
incurred in disinfecting such conveyance.
(3) A court convicting r a y person of contrir -?ing
sub-section (1) may levy in rddtion to the penalty for the
of fenc: provided in this Act such amount as the court deems
sufficient to cover the loss and costs which the owner or
driver must incur for the purpose of disinfecting the con-
veyance; the amount so imposed she.11 be awarded by the
court to the owner o r driver of the conveyance:
t a case which is subject t o appeal,
Provided t h ~ in
such amount shp.11 not be paid to the owner or driver befor:
the period allowed for presenting the appeal has elapsed ;
or if an appeal is presented,before the decision on the appeal.
(4) At the time of awarding compensation in any
subsequent civil suit relating to the same matter, the court
shall take into account any sum which the plaintiff shall
have reoeived under this section,
408 Coimbatore City Municipal [ 1981 :T.N. Act 25
Disinf~tion' 421. (1) The owner, driver or person in-charge of any
of public ronveyame in which any person suffering from any
after , infectious disease has been carried shall forthwith disinfect
carriage d the conveyance or cause it to be disinfected.
pa tienta
(2) No such conveyance shall be used until the health
officer or some person authorised by him in this 'behalf
has granted a certificate stating that it may be used.without+
causing risk of infection.
Letting of 422. (1) No person shall let or sublet or for that purpose
infected allow any person to enter a building or any part .of a

building in which he knows or has reason to know that a
- person has been suffering from any infectious disease
until the health officer has granted a certificate that such
building or any part thereof may be re-occupied.
(2) orthe purpose of sub-section (1), the keeperdf a
hotel, lodging house or emigration depot shall be deemed
to let the same, or part of the same to any person accom-
modated therein, . .d

Power to 423. In the event of the prevalence of any infectious

closm of disease within the City, the commissioner may, with the
places of .
, sanction of the stauding committee, by notice require the
public owner or occupier of any building, booth or tent used for
entertain- purposes of public entertainmentIto close the same for
u c h period as may be fixed by the standing committee.
Minor suffer- 424. No persons being the parent or having the care or
ing fiom charge of a minor who is or has been suffering from any in-
disease not fectious disease or has been exposed to infec~ontherefrom
to attend shall, after a notice from the health officer that the
SChooL minor is not to be sent to schoo" or college, permit such
minor to attend school or college without having
cured from the health officer a certificate (which' s
be granted free of charge on a:~plication)that -
opinion such minor may attend without undue
communicating such disease to others.
Provision as to 425. (1) NO persor mh- is nlfffer:ng from any infeqtious
libratg books. &ease shall take any book or use or cause any book to
be taken for his use from or in any public or
circ lat tin g library. 1 4 ' . '

(2) A person shsn not permit any book whi& has been
taken from a public or circulating libram and is linde~&ibio
control, to be used hv any person whom he knoyq tp. be
suffering from anv infectious disease.
I - 1981 ToNo Act 2 q Coimbatore Citj Mzwicipal 409
g, Corporation
(3) A gerson s h d not return to any public or cir-
culating li rary any book which he knows to have been
exposed to infection from any infectious disease, or Permit
any such book which i s under his control to be so rerurned
but shall give notice to the commissioner that the books
have been so exposed ts infection, and the commissioner
shall cause the books to be disinfected and returned to the
library, or to be destroyed.

(4) The commlsrloner shall pay to the proprietor of the

library from which the book is procured the value of any
book destroyea under the power given by this sec;ion.
426. If the health oEcer certifies that the water in any Power of
well, tank or other glace within the limits of the City missioner to
is likely,if used for drinking,to endanger or cause the s ~ r e a dprohibit use
of any ibfectious dinease, the conlmissioner may uy fo of water likely
public notfce prohibit the removal or use of such water ~aection, spread
for drinking and domestic purposes during a specified

427. The corporation shall enforce vaccination throughout COPIPUISO~~
the City, and it may enforce re-vaccination throughout vaccination.
the City or in any part thereof, in respect of such
person to such extent, and in such manner as may be pres-
cribed. I

428. Where an inmate of any dwelling place within the obliption to

City is suffering from small-pox, the head of the family give informa-
to which the inmate belongs and, in his default,the occupier tion of small-
or person in charge of such place, shall inform the commis-
sioner,the health officer,themedical registrar of the district,
or the sanitary inspector of the division, with the least
practicable delay. ,

439. (1) Variolation for small-pox is prohibited. Prohibition of

variolat ion for
(2) No person who has undergone variolation shall
enter the City before the lapse of forty days from the
date of variolation without a certificate from the health
officer of the locality that such person is no longer likely
to produce small-pox by contact or near approach.
410 Coimlwtore City Municipal [I981 :T 8, . A@,a

Rules artd Schedules.
F'ower of 430. (1) The Government may make rules to carry out
G~vernmontto all or any of the purposes of this Act not inconsistent
r*es* therewith.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality
of the forcgoifig power, such rules may-
(a) provide for all matters expressly required or
allowed by this Act to be prescribed;
(b) regulate or prohibit the moving of any resolution
or the making of any motion on, or the discussion of, any
matter unconnected with the municipal administration ;
(c) provide for the procedure to be followed at
meetings of the standing committee or any other committee
and for the conduct of business and the number of membeta
which shall form quorum at such meetings ;
(d) prescribe the accounts to be kept by the cor-
poration, the manner in which such accounts shall be
audited and published and the conditions under which
the rate-payers may appear before auditors, inspect books
and voushers and take exception to items entered therein
or emitted therefrom ;
(e) prescribe the forms of all registers, reports md
returns, the manner in which such registers shall be d- st
tained, the dates on which the reports and returns shall be , .3
made and the officers to whom they shill1 be sent ;
regulate the sharing between Ic ca 1 authcrities
including cantonments in the State of Tcmil Nzduof the . '

proceeds of the profession tax, tax on carriages and ad- '.

mals, tax on carts, and other taxes or inccme levied ,. s fr

obtained under this or any other Act; i '..t

( g ) pr sscrib the p o ~ of s auditors, inspecting

and superintending officers and officers authcTjscd to.
hold inquiries, to summon and examine witnesses,, and to
compel the production of documents and all other,matters
connected with audit, inspection and superintendence *. and
I - 2a ,
( h ) prescribe the form of warrant u n k rule 29 of
Schedule I1 and the form of notice of sale undez & 31
of the same Scfiedule. - I
Coimbaiore City 411
Municipal Corporation
(3) The Govnnment may make rules altering,
adding to or cancelling any of the Schedules to this
Act except Schedules V and VI.
(4) All references made in this Act to any of the
aforesaid Schedules shall be construed as referrin? to
such Schedules as for the time being amende? i s exercise
of the pawers conferred by sub-section (3).
(5) A draft of the rules proposed to be made under
sub-section (3) shall bc laid befors both Houses of the State
Legislature and the rules shall not be made unless both
Houses approve the draft either without modification or
addition or with modifications or additions to w ~ c h
b2th Houscs agec ; but upon such approval being given,
the rules may be made in the form in which they have been
approved and such rules on being so made shall be published
in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette and unless they
are expresied to come into fo.~ccon a particular day, I

shall come into force on tke day on which they are so

(6) In making any rule under this Act, the Government
may provide that a breach thereof shall be punis.bble
with a fine which may extend to one hundred rupees.
431. (1) (4)All rules made under section 430 shall be R U I ~ Sand
published in the Tamil N a d ~Govern~nerntGmtte and, notifieations to
unless they are expressed to come into forw on a partioular ~ ~ &
da ,ahall come into force on the day on which they are so Legislature.
pu lished.
(b) All notifications issued under this Act shall,
unless they are expressed to come into force on a particular
day, come into force on the day on which they are published,
(2) Evzry rule made under section 430 and every
notification issued under this Act shall, as soon as possible
after it is made or issued, be placed on the table of both
Houses of the State Legislature, and if, before the expiry,
of the session in which it is so placed or the next session
both Houses agree in makin any modification in any
such rule or notification or 0th Houses agree that the
rule or notification should not be made or issued, the rule
or notification shall thereafter haw effect only in such
modified form or be of no effect,as the case may be, $0
bo wever, that any such modification or annulment sha 11be
without prejudice to the validity of anything previoirsly
done under that rule or notification,
412 CoPmbat'oe city [I981 1 R N. Act g
Power of 432. The council may make by-laws, not inm~istent
cooncflto with this Act or with any other law, to
make by4aw s.
(1) far all matters expressly required or allow& by
this A t to be provided for by by-law : -
(2) for the due performance by all midipal
and servan ts of the duties assigne1dto them ;
(3) for theregulation of the time and mode ofcollect.
ing the taxes and duties under this Act : .
' (4) for determining the condi.ions under which lands

shall be deemed LO be appurtenant to building;

(5) (a) fbr the use of public tanks, weus, cond&ts and
other places or work, LAba~cr-su>piy ;
- -

(8) fm the regrtlation of public bathing, wasbjng ,

and the li ke,:
(c) for the mainternnee and proteaion of t&
watersupply system and the protection of w a t a * w l y
from contamination :
(d)for the terms and conditions on wbifl: house
rl . wmexions with the c~rpcration's watersupply mains
may be mado, for their altnatio nd repair and for their
being kept it1 proper order;
(e) for su~plyof water for domestic consumpttion
and use ;
(D for the preventioll of waste of water 3
(g) for the measurement of water ;
(A) for the ~ O ~ P U I S O X Provision
Y of ,isten and
meters ; i. 4
(i) for the supply of water in case of fire; i

(6) for the rnaintaxince and protection of the ljgbting
system ;
0)(a) for the maintenance and protection of the
drainage system ; 4

(b) fcr the coclruction of the house drains and for

regulating their situation, mode of Comtruajon and
, ii
materials I

1981 t T.N. Act 251 COimbatore City Xfupticipal 4 13

(c) for the alteration and repair of hcuse drains ;
(4 for thc cleansing of house drains ;
(e) fr.r !he cor-f.p:.-~irr, cf C ! C X < CC:Z-;<~:~ 2 ~ 6
drains ;
(1) for the payment or apportionment of money
!rayable on account of pipes or drains common to more
premises than one ;
(8) for the cleansing of latrines, earth-closets, ash
pits and oess-pools, and the keeping of latrines supplied
witb sufficient water for flushing ;
(9) (a) for the testing of water pipes and drains in
private premises, the recovery or the apportionment of the
cost of such tzsting, and the breaking up of ground or of
buildings for the purpose of such testing;
(b) for tbe licznsiq," qf $l!mbcrs and fitters, and
for the compulsory employment of licensed plumbers
and fitters;
(10) (a) for the laying out of streets, and for determin-
ing the information and planst0 be submitted with appli-
cations for permissicn to layout streets; and for regulating
the level and width ~f public streets and the height of
buildings abutting thereon ;
(b) for the protection of avenues, trees, grass and
other appurtenances of public streets and other places;
(c) for regulating the leasing of road-sides and
street-margins vested in the corporation ;
(1 1) for the regulation of the use of parks, garden8
sad other public or municipal places but not includinl
the regulation of traffic therein, the reservation thereof
for particular kinds of traffic, or the closing thereof or
parts thereof to traffic ;
1I (12) (a) for the regulation of building ;
(b) for determining the information and plansto
be submitted with applications to build ;
(e) for the licensing of builders and surveyors
and for the compulsory employment of licensed builders
and surveyors 3
(d) for the regulation and licensiag of private
I homes and clinics ;
4 - Coimbatore Ciry A&&cipaf t1981 i T.N. Act 23
(e) for the regulation of private and public schools.
colleges and educational institutions to enforce public
health standards ;
(13) (a) for the regulation and licensing of hotels,
restaurants, eating houses, stalls, cafes,refreshment rooms,
coffee houses and any premises to whicb the public are
admitted for the consumption of any food:or drink or any
place where any article of food or drink is exposed for
sale ;
(b) for the prohibition of sale without any licence,
of articles of food or drink in any place in any street-side,
road-side, etc.;

(14) for regulating the mode of constructing stables, .

cattle-sheds and cow-houses and connecting them with
municipal drains ;
(15) for the control and supervision of and
private cart-stands, for the regulation of their use and for
the levy of fees therein ;
(16) for the sanitary control and supervision of
factories and places used for the purposes specified in
Schedule IV and of any trade or manufacture carried
on therein ;
(17) (a) for the control and supervision of slaughter-
houses and of places used for skinning and cutting up
carcasses ;
(6) for the control and supervision of the methods
of slaughtering ; 2
(c) for the control and supervision of butchers >+

carrying on business in the City ;

(18) for the inspection of milch-cattle and the regula-
tion of the ventilation, lighting, cle~~oing,drainage and
water-supply of dairies and catt le-sheds in the occuption
of persons f~llowingthe trade of dairyman or milk-seller;

(19) for enforcing the cleanliness of milk-stores

and milk s'lops and vessels and utensils used' by t b
keepers thereof or by hawkers for containing or measuriog
milk or preparing any milk product and for enforoing
the cleanliness of persons employed in the milk trade;
- - & -

i#$1: T. N. Act 25j coimbatore City ~ u n i c i p a i 415

(20) for requiring notice to be given whenever any
milch-animal is affected with any infectious disease and
prescribing the precautions to be taken in order to protect
milch-cattle and milk against infections and contamination;
(21) (a) for the inspection of public and private
markets and shops and other places therein ;
(b) for the regulation of thcir use and control of
their sanitary condition ; and
(c) for licensing and controlling brokers, porters,
commission agents and weiglimen and measurers practising
their calling in markets, cart-stands, lorry-stands and
other landing places maintained by the corpmation ;
(22) for prescribing the method of sale of articles
whether by measure, weight, tale or piece ;
(23) for prescribing and providing standard weights,
scales and measures and preventing the use of any others ;
(24) for the prevention of the sale or exposure for
sale of unwholesome meat, fish or provisions and securing
the efficient inspection and sanitary regulatiol~of shops
or places in which articles intended for human food are
kept or sold;
(25) (a) for the regulation of burial and burning
grounds and other places for the disposal of corpses ;
(6) for the levy of fees for the use of such burial
and burning grounds, and crematoria as are maintained
by the corporation ;
(c) for the period for which corpses must be kept
for inspection ;

(d) for the period within which corpses must be

conveyed to a burial or burning ground, and the mode of
conveyance of corpses through public places ;

416 Coimbntore city Municipal [I981 ;T. -& Act 25
Z o ~ ~ o rion
(28) for the enforcement of compllsory vaccination
or revaccbation ;
(29) for the prevention of outbreaks of fire ;
(30) for the prohibition and regulation of advertise-
ments :
(31) in general for sacuring cleanliness, safety and
order and the good government and well being of the City
and for carrying out all the purposes of this Act.
Power to give 433. By-laws with regard to the drainage of, and
retrospective supply of water to, buildings and water-closets, earth-
effect to certain closets, privies, ash-pits and cess-poois in connection with
by-laws. buildings and the keeping of water-closets supplied with
sufficient water for flushing may be made so as to affect
buildings esected before the passing of the by-laws or
Penalty for
the date of commencement of this Act .
434. In makingany by-laws undersection 432, the
oy-law s. coundl may, subject to the provisions of clausc (1) of
Article 20 of the Constitution, provide that a breach
thereof shall be punishable -
(a) with fine which may extend to one hundred
rupees and ia case of a continuing breach with fine which
may extend to twenty-five rupees for every day during
which the breach continues after conviction fox the finst
breach : or
(6) with fine which may extend to twenty rupees
for every day during which the breach continues after
receipt of notice -from the commissioner to discontinue
soch breach.
Confirmation 435. No by-law made by the council under tbtr kit
of bydaws by shall have any validity unless and until it is sanctioned'
Governmt. by the Government. +

prcoedent to
436. The power to make by-laws under this A& is
subject to the conditions- '~
makina of + *i I -e.-l

by-laws. (a) that a draft of the proposed by-laws

in the TabnilNadtr Government Gazette and t

newspapers /

(b) that the draft shall not be furrther piooee&&&th

until after the expiration of a period of one month fromt& '
publication thereof in the Tamil Nadu Government Gmgtte
or*ofsuch longer p d o d as the council may appojpt, - 4 ' -. . .
* "
1981 :T.N. Act 251 &it&uiore City Municipal 417
(c) that for a; least one month during such period
a printed copy of the draft shall be kept at the municipal
office for public inspection and all persons permitted to
peruse the same at ;my reasonable time free of charge; and

(d) that printed copies of the draft shall be sold to

any person requiring them, on payment of such price, as
the comroissioner may fix.
Rules in lieu of by-laws.

437. (1) If, in respect of any of the matters specified Power of

in section 432, the council has failed to make any by-laws ~oirernmentto
or if the by-laws made by it are not, in t h opinion of the lieu in
Government adequate, the eovernment may make rules
providing for such matters and to such extent as they
may think fit.
(2) Rules made unde~this section ma] add to, alter,
or cancel any by-laws made by the council.
(3) If any provision of a by-law made by the council
. is repugnant to any provision of a rule made under this
section, the rule shall prevail and the by-law shall, to the
extent of the repugnancy, be void.

(4) The provisions of sections 433, 434 and 436

and of the second sentence of sub-section (1) of section 438
and section 440 shall apply to the rules made under this
section as they apply to the by-laws made under section 430
with the substitution of the word, "Government" for the
word "council" in section 434 and clause (b) of section 436
and of the word "Government" for the word "commis-
sioner" in clause (d) of section 436.

(5) Before making any rule under this section, the

Government shall give the council an opportunity of
showing cause against the making thereof.
Publication of rules, by-laws and regub, :.-*J.
438. (1) (a) When any by-law has been made under Publication of
this Act such by-law shall be published in the Tamil Nadu by -laws or
Government Gazette in Tamil and English. A by-Iaw
shall come into opcratiou three months after it has been
putlished as af~resaid;
418- hintbatore C i t y hfufiic.ipai t198i :'P.N..h6!#i-
ii' Covporation
1. (b) When any rule made under this kkt pubUshehed
in the Tanzil N ~ d uGovernment Gazette, it shall b publiihed:
I 1
in. Tamil also.
i -
(2) The commissioner shall cause all rules and
by-laws io force to be printed in Tamil and English and
I shall causa printed copies thereof to be sold ta an3 app1.i- i-:
cant on payment of a fixed price. i

(3) The commissioner shall, from time to time,

rdvertise in the local newspapers that copies of rules and
2., t '" :.-'
T ',-,

. , ,' bglaws are for sale and. specify the place where apd the
person from whom and the price at w h i 4 they are
, .,.,.3, i . . obtainable.
(4) The commissioner shall publish lists of o&nces
and fines under this Act and the rules and bs-laws ma&,
under it and sha.11 cause printed copies thereof to be sold
to any applicant on payment of a fixed price.

Pubiication of . 439, Regulations made under this Act s b l l be

reeulations. publisheih in such manner as the council may detennine.

Exhibition of 440. (1) Printed copies of by-laws made under sulb.


~Y-QWS, rules clauses (b) and (c) of clause (10) and clause (It)] of
and regu1ao 432 shall be effixed at the entrances to, or elsewhere in the
t ions.
street, park or other places affected thereby b such
wnspicuous manner as the commissioner may deem best
calculated to give information to the persons such
(2) Printed copies of other by-laws and of the rules
and regulations shall be nung up in some conspicuous
part of the municipal office. The commissioner shall &o
keep affixed in a like manner in places of public resort,
markets, slaughter-houses and other places affected thereby
copies of such portions of the rules, by-laws and regulations
as may relats to those places.
(3) No municipal officer or servant shall prevent
any person from inspecting at any reasonable time copies
- ?.. , + . - .SO exhibited.
r %
,, ._,
> - .
b 4

, . (4) N o person shall, without lawful authority, &-y,

- -IXJII down, injure, or deface any copies exhibited ss a h -
any board to which the copies have been &&g& ,
#!Mi.:T.&.Act 25) ~oimbatoreCity Municipal 4 19
- 441. (1) Whoever-
General prcvi-
Q contravenes any provision of any of the sections i',";,"~$$,~~*~a
ox rules 6f this Act specified in the first and second columns spedfa in ,be
of: Schedule V ; or Schedule&

(b) contravenes any rule or ord :r made undel- ... * .'

any of the said sections or rules ; or -. . . .
(c) fails to comply with any direction lawfullv
to him or any requisition IawIully made upon hi&
asder or in pursuance of the provisions of any of the said
sections ar rules,
shall, on convic'iion, be punished with fine smcified

in the fourth column of the said Schediile.

(2) Whoever after having been convicted of-
(a) contravening any provision of any of the
sections or rules of this Act specified in tlie first and second
solumns of Schedule VI ; or
(F) contravening any rule or order made under
any of the said sections or rules : or
(c) failing to comply with any directir n lawfully
given to him or any requisition lawfully made upon him
under or in pursuance of any of the said sections oi rules,
c~ntinuesto cx~travene the said provision or to
neglect to comply with the said direction or requisition,
as the case may k,shall, on conviction, be punished, for
each day d e r the previous date of convictic n during which
he continues so to offend, with fine specified in the
fourth column of the said Schedule.
Explanatiort.-The entries in the third colum of
Schedules V and VI headed "Subject" art: not intended as I

definitions of the offences described in the sections, sub-

a~ctions,clhuses or rules mentioned in the first and second
420 Coimbatore City Municipal [1981 ;tN.Act &5
columns, or even as abstracts of those sections,sub-sectiow
clauses or rules, but are inserted merely as references to the
subjzct of the sections, sub-sections, clauses or rules, as the
case may be.
Penalty for 442. (1) If a councillor votes in contravention of
voting when section 36 or if sny pzrsou acts as councillor knowing that
pecuniarily under this Act or therttlesmade thereunder heisnot
acting as and entitled or has ceased to be entitled to hold such office, he
councillor when shall on conviction, be punisbed with fhe not exceedin8
not entirled. two hundred rupees for every such offince.

(2) If any person acts or exercises the functions of the

Mayor or Deputy Mayor knowing that under this Act or
the rules made thereunder he is riot entitled or has e s e d
to be entitled to hold such L fficz or to extr cise such functicn,
he sha.11,oa cdnviction, bo punished with fine not exceediag
one thousand rupees for every such offence.
(3) If the Mayor or Deputy Mayor fails to hand over
any documents of, or any money or other properties
vested in, cr belonging to the corporation, which are in or
have coljle into his p~ssessionor control to his s u k r - i n - ,Q
office or other prescribed authcxity, in every case as 'soon . A
as his term of office as Mayor or Deputy Mayor expires f
~ I

and in the case of the Deputy May01 also on demand

by the Mayor, such Mayor cr Dq!
conviction, be punished with fine
thousand rupees for: every such off@

penalty for 443. If the commissioner or any

acquisition by servant knowingly acquires, directly or i
municipal or by a partner or employee or servant, any personal share
officer crf .
or interest in any contract or employment with, by or qn
interest in
contract or behalf of the corporation, he shall be deemed to -have -
work. co w i t t e d the offence punishable under section 168of the
Indian Penal Code (Central Act XLV of 1860) : - . s.

-I , 1

Provided that no - person shall, !')y reason of being a

share-holder ill, or member of, any conlpany, be held to be +';;
'interested in any contract between sucb company and the >JPZJ

coiporation unless he is a director of such company : . r

, .d.

Provided fivther that nothing in this section shall apply

to a teacher employed by the council, who.with the sanction
of the Government to enter into a contract with the counoil,
%*---- d&-.,-.._.aur


regaid to the utilization for the purpose of a school

land or building o m e d by E m a w&cb h2 kq

444. Any perLon who continues cr pmpcirts to Penalty for

continue, to or vcte at, or takes part in a meeting of the continuing
meeting in
council after it has betn adjournd in nccorda nce with ,,travention
the provisions of this Act or oft he rules or regulations made of rules, ctc.
thereunder shall be punishable with fine which may extend
to five hundred rupees.

445. (1) Every owner or person in-charge of any pen ,lty for
vehicle or animal liable to tax under section 142, who omission to
e a bill ti ke out licence
emits to obtain, within fifteen days of the s a ~ i c.f
on him, a liccnce under section 148 s5all on conviction, be for vehicle or
punished with fine not exceeding one hundred ruptes and animaj,
&all also pay the amount of the tax payable by Jlim in
respect of such vehicle or animal.
(2) On payment of such fine and tax and ,^
costs as may be awarded, such owner G r persc n- shr.11receive
a licence for the vehicle or animal in respect of wl~icbhe
&s k n f i n d and fcr the psriod during which he has
found to 'be in default.

(3) ~ h p;ovisions
c of this section shall apply to any
person who having compounded fur the payment ~f a
artain sum under section 145, fails to pay such sbm and
tb; amount due for a licynce, shall in such case be t a k ~ nas
the amount so compound.td for.
446, Any person who wilfi.ll~ Prewnts distraint penally for
or suffi:ient distraint of prcperty subject to distraint fcr wilfully
any tax due from him, shall c n conviction by a magiafrpte preventing
& liable to a fine not exceediilg twice the amc unt of the t.3 x dlstraint.
found to be due*

. 447. If the construction or r~construction c f any Penalty for

building or well- unlnwf ul
(a) is commenced without the perminion of the
commissic ner ,or


-.,---- "a7"r - I,
422 ~oimdaioreCity ~unic&irl +'
[Ill' ~Act'%&
Corporation .
(c) i s carried on or completed in contravealicn cb
any lawful order or ;.A,* V r ~ a ~ b Y ~ O V ~ S ~ ccntained
OB ia
this Act or in any rule or by-law made uoder it, or of any
direction or requisition lawfully given or made, or
if any alterations or additions required by any
notice issued under section 282 ar section 295 are not
duly made, ar
if any person to whom a direction is given by h e
commissioner to alter or demolish a building or well under
section 296 fails to obey such dii-ection, the o w m & $ h e
building or wzll or the said person, as the case may bea.
shall be liable on conviction to a fine which map extend ip
the case of rt well or hut to one hundred rupees and .inatbe
caw of any other building to one thousand rup02s,sad tp a
further fine which may extend in the case .of a well pg bhg -
to twenty rupees, and in the case of any other building40
two hundred rupees, for each day during which the offence
is pioved to have continued after the first day.
Notice to 448. (1) In the absence of a written contract to the
sanitary c~ntrary,every sanitary wcbrkcr employed by tbe corpor-
discharge, ation shall beentitled to one month's notice before discharge
or to one month's wages in lieu thereof, unless he is
ctnL.:rged. for misconduct or was engaged for a spwified
term and discharged at the end of it.
(2) Should any sanitary worker employed by the
oorpwation, in the absence of a written contract alltb~$jsin
him so to do, and without reasonable cause, risign b! is
employment or absent himself from his duties waout
giving one mmth's notice to the c~rpqration,or
or refuse to prform his duties, or any of them, he
lia 5le on conl.iction to a fine not exceeding fifty rupMs pg
to imprisonment which may extend to two mo*, '

(3) The Government may, by notification, - direct .

that on and from a date to be speci6-d in the wtific&.tion
the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) with resfict of
saa~taryworkers shall apply also to any other specified
class of municipal servant whose functions conFern the
public health or .safety, /I

Wrongh 1 , .
restraint of 449. Every person who prevents the commi&oner,
cm.~mission:r or any person to whom the commissioner ha
and his delegated his power from exercising his po
1981 :T.N. Act 211 Coimbatore City Municipal 423
on any land or into any building shall be deemed to have
committed an offence under section 341 of the Indian
Penal Code (Central Act XLV of 1860).
450. If any person who is required 5y the provisions Penalty. for
of this Act or by any notice or other proceedi~gs issucd Snng
under this Act to furnish any information- information
or giving false
(a) omits to furnish it, or
(b) knowingly or negligently furnishes false informa -
tion, such person shall, on conviction, be punished with
h e not exceeding one hundred rupees.


Licences and permissions.

451. (1) Every licence or permission granted under Gener?l '
this Act or any rule or by-law made under it shall specify PrOvlS1OnS
:egarding '
the period, if any,for which and the restrictions, limitatiom,,,I ,gi,-
and conditions subject to which the same is granted and tratiw and
shall be signed by the commissioner. permissions,

(2) (a) Save as otherwise expressly provided in or

may be prescribed under this Act for every such licence
or permission fees shall be paid in advance on such units
and at such rates as may be fixed by the c;ootncil :
% " Provided thzd not more than one fee shall be levied

in respect of construction of building and installation of

machinery or of any purpose specified in more heads than
one of Schedule IV i P such beads form part of a continuous
process of manufaci-ure and the fee so charged shall not
exceed the highest fee chargeable in respect of any one of
the said purposes.
(b) The council may compound for any period
not exceeding three years at a time with the owner of any
mill or factory for a certain sum to be paid in lieu of the
fets payable in respect of such mill or factory.
(c) Every order of the commissioner or otheg
municipal authority granting or refusing to grant a licence
cr permission shall be published on the notice board of the - . .. - ...--.

4 24 ' Ceimbatore City Municipal [1%1 :T.N. Act 25
(3) Every order of the commissione~or other
municipal authority refusing, suspending, cancelling or
modifying a licence or permission shall be in writing and
shall state the grounds on which it proceeds.

(4) Subject to the special provisions in Chapters

X, XI and XI11 regarding buildings, hutting grounds and
private marketsxand 'subjectbto such sanction 'asmay be
required for the refusal of a licence or permission, any
licence or permission granted under this Act or any rule
or by-law made under it may at any time be suspended or
revoked by the commissioner if any of its restrictionq
limitations or conditions is evaded or infringed by the
grantee, or if the grantee is convicted of a breach of any
of the previsions of this Act or of any rule, by-law or
regulation made under it in any matter to which such
licence or permission relates, or if the grantee has obtained
the same by misrepresentation or fraud.
(5) It &dl be the duty of the commissioner to inspect
places in respect of which a licenm or permission is required
by or under this Act and he ma:? enter any such place
between sunrise and sunset, and also between sunset and
sunrise if it is open to the public or any industj is being
carried on in it at rhe ttiz: ; ;rid if he kds reason to believe
that anytting is being done in any place without a licence
or permission, where the same is required by or under this
Act, or o:hrrwise than in conformity with the same, be
may at any time by day or night without notice enter
N C ~ place for the purpose of satisfying himself whether
any provision of law, rules, by-laws, regulations, any
condition of a licence or permission or any Iawful direction
or prohibition is being contravened and no claim
lie against any person for any damage or jnconvenienm
necessarily caused by the exercise of powers under this
sub-section by the commissioner or any person to whom
he has lawfully delegated his powers or by the use of any
force necessary for effecting an entrance under this sub-

(6) When any licence or permission is suspended or

revoked, or when the period for which it was granted or
within which application for renewal should be made has
expired, whichever expires later, the grantee shall, for all
purposes of this Act or any rule or by-law made under it,
be deemed to ba without a licence or permission until

s 1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal :25

i the order suspending or revoking the licence or permission
is cancelled or subject to sub-section (11) until the licence
or permission is renewed, as the case may be.

i (7) Every grantee of any licence or permission shall

at all reas~nabletimes while such licence or permission
remains in force produce the same at the request of the
(8) Whenever any person is convicted of an offence
in respect of the failure to obtain a licence or permission
or to make a registration required by the provisions of
this Act or by any rule or by-law made under this Act,
.the magistrate shal1,in addition to any fine which may be
imposed,recover summarily and pay over to the corporation
the amount of the fee chargeable for the licence or permis.
sion or for registration and may in his discretion also
recover summarily and pay over to the council such
amount, if any, as he may fix as the costs o F the prosecution.
(9) Such recovery of the fee undeisub-section (8)
shall not by itself entitic: LIUG gerson convicted to a licence
or permission or to registration as aforesaid.
(10) Save ss otherwise expressly provided in, or may
be prescribed under this Act every application for a l i ~ n c e
or permission or for registration or the renewal of a licence
or permission or registration, shall be made not less than
forty-five aod not more than ninety days before the
commencment of the year or of such less period as is
mentioned in the application and shall be accompanied
by the fee referred to in clause (a) or the sum referred t?
fa clause (b) of sub-section (2).

( 1 1 ) (a) The acceptance by the corporation of the

prepayment of the fee referred to in clause (a) or the sum
referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (2) for a licence or
permission or for registration shall not entitle the person
making such prepayment to the licence or permission
or to registration, as the case may be, but only to refund
of such amount after deducting therefrom the amount
lpecified in clause (b) towards the expenses incurred by
the corporation in the scrutiny of the application and
other documents connected therewith for li :ewe, permission
or registration in case of refusal of the liceilce or permission
or of registration ; but an applicant for the renewal of a
licence or permission or registration shall until corn.
- Coimbatore City Muraicpal [I981 :Cv. &t 25
- * \


.munication of orders on his application be $entit?sBta &t

as if the licence or permission or registration h d %en
renewed ; and, save, as otherwise specially p a d in
this Act if orders on an application for a licence or per-
~ r u s & , ~or for registration are not communicated to the
a .applicant within forty-five days after the receipt mf the
application by the commissioner the application dtxa&i be
deemed to have been allowed for the year oo for .SU& leu
period as is mentioned in the application and subject to
the law, rules, by-laws, regulations and all conditions
ordinarily imposed.

@)The amount to be dedllcted under c b m (a)

#ball be a$ the rates not exceeding the fo31owing :-
Amount to be
.. deducted for $ctt&iqy
char es, in r e ~ # e ~ t
Feesfor licence, permissions
Or registrations,
f 0 ap~Iications
.for licences, permission#
or regWrlatbns,

(1) More than Rs. 10 but not more


-(2) M m thut Rs. 50 but not more

than Rs,1 SO,
: j3) &re than Rs. 150 but not more

(4) More than Rs. 250 but not more

than Rs. 350,

(5) More than RG.350 but not more

than Ks, 450,

' (6) More than Rs. 450 but rot more

thnRs.600, - . -

(7) More than Rs, 600 but not more

than Rs. 8 0 .

(8) More than Rs, 800 but not more

t b . u Rs.
~ l,@fO and above,
B I N 3 . N . Act 251 Coimbaiore City Munzc@ui 427 - - __ _ ___
Carporation .-

Appeals. I

452. (1) An appeal shall lie to the standing committee Appeals from
or if no such committee has been constituted to the council commissioner
from- to standing
(a) any notice issued or other action taken or pro-
posed to be taken by the commissioner-
(i) under sections 162, 210, 218, 219, 220, 222,
223 (2)) 282, 296 (3). 327 (I), 328 (lj, ?33 (I), 334, 338,
343,353, 354 or 362 ;

(ii) under any by-law concerning house drainage

or the connexion of house-drains with municipal drains,
or house connexions, with municipal water-supply or
li&ting mains ;
(b) any refusal by the commissioner to approve a
building site under section 275 to grant permission to
construct or reconstruct building under section 276 of
290 ;
(c) a,ny refusal by the commissioner to grant 8
permission under sections 159, 213 or 331 ;

(d) any refusal by the commissioner to grant a

& m c eunder sections 352, 360, 372, 377 or 382 (2) ;
(e) any order of the commissioner made under sub-
section(4) of section 451 suspending cr revoking a licence;

(f) any other order of the commissioner that may

be made appealable by rules under section 430.
(2) Every such appeal shall be disposed of by the
standing committee or, as the case may be, by the council
within one month from the date of its receipt in the municipal
ofiw, and if not disposed of within that time, shall be
transmitted by the commissioner to such officerfor disposal
as may be specified by the Government, by order.
. (3) The decision of the standing committee or the
council or the officer specified under sub-section (2), as
the case may be, on any such appeal shal1,subject to the
proviaions of sub-sections (4) and (5). be final.
428 , Coimbatore City Municipal [I981 :T.N. Act 25

, any such appeal, the standing committee

(4) ~ f on
reverses or substantially modifies iiny action taken or
proposed to be taken by the commmssioner or any order
passed by him, then, the commissioner msly within one
month from the d214' : of +
1: d2risior rl=f"erthe matter to
the council, and pending the decision of the council, on
such referewe, the commissioner shall not be bound
to give effect to the decision of the standing committee;
and the council shall be competent to reverse or modify
the decision of the standing committee ; and the decision
of the council on any such reference shall, subject to the
provisions of sub-section (9, be final.
(5) The Government may, at any time, call for and
examine the records relating to any such appeal, and pass
such orders as they deem fit.

453. (1) In any case in which no time is laid down in

time for
wtacion the foregoing provisions of this Act, for the presentation
appeal. of an appeal allovred thereunder, such appeal shall be
(a) where the appeal is against an order granting
a licence or permission, within thirty days after the date of
the publication of the order on the notice board of the
corporation, and
(b) in other cases within thirty days after the date
of the ib,;ipt of the order or pruceeding against which the
appeal is made.
(2) The provisions of section 5 of the Limitation
Act, 1963 (Central Act 36 of 1963) shall, so far as may be,
apply to any such app~al.
Power to summon.

454. All persons authorised by rule to conductiin.

Power of quiries relating to elections and all inspecting or superintend.
peren con- ing officersholding any inquiry into matters falling wit&
election and the scope of their duties, shall have for the purposes of
other in- such inquiries the same powers in regard to the issue of
quiries. summons for the attendance of witnesses and the podU&ion
of documents as are conferred upon relenue o f f i ~ rby s
the Tamil Nadu Reven.de Summonses Act, 1869 ( T a i l , .
Nadu Act I11 of 1869) and the provisions of sections 2,: 3,
4 and 5 of that Act, and.the rules made under that A q
1981 :TaNaAct 251 ~oimbatoreCity Mu~unicipaf 429

shall apply to sammons issued and to persons summoned

by virtue of the powers conferred by this section ; and
all persons to whom summons are isstled by virtue of the
said powers shall be bound to obey such summons.
455. The commissioner may summon tiny person to Summons to
attend before him, and to give evidence or produce docu- evidence
attend and give
ments, as the case may be, in respect of any question produce docum
relatitlg to taxation, or inspection, or registration, or to ,,,s.
the grant of any licence, or permission under the provisions
of this Act.
- 456. All notices and permissions given, issued, or Form of
granted, as the case may be, under the provisions of this notices and '
Act shall be in writing. grrnissions.

457. Whenever under this Act or any rule, by-law or prmf of con.
regulation made under it the doing or the omitting to do sent ofmuni-
anything or the validity of anything d:pends upon the c i ~ aauthori-
ties or munici-
approval, sanction, consent, concurre..lce, declaration, pal cfscer.
opinion or satisfaction of-
(a) the council, a standing committee or the com-
missioner, or
(6) any municipal officer,
a written document signed in case (a) by the commissioner
and in case (b) by the said municipa-1officer, purporting
to convey or set forth such approval, sanction, consent,
concurrence, declaration, opinion or satisfaction, shall be
sufficient evidence thereof.
458. (1) Every licence, permission, notice, bill, schedule, Signature on
summons, warrant or other document which is required
by this Act or by any rule, by-1a.v or regulation made
under it to bear the signature of the commissioner or of
any municipal officer shall be deemed to be properly
signed if it bears a fascimile of the signature of the com-
missioner or of such municipal officer, as the - w e may be,
stamped thereupon.

(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to

apply to a chequc drawn upon the municipal fund or to
any deed of contract entered into by the council.
, ..
4% ~ohtdatoreCity ~mtipnt ti981 :frfY.:~%

Publ:cation of 459. Save as otherwise provided, every ao$ific&h

nollfications. issued under this Act shall be published Jso in Tit&o:

Provided I hat the G ~ v e r m e nsagif

t have the power Vo
. - - direct that any such notification- I.
, -
(i) shall be published tither in Tamil or in English only;

(ii) shall, iagead of being published in the T W I

-. Nadu Government Gazette, be published in. ~ . A Y 6 t k
manner specified by them.

Publication 460. Every order, notice or other document difhted

of q&f* ' t3 be published cn&r t hissAct or any rule, by-law or*iga&-
nod& isr lion made under it, shall, unless a different m'ethor3P-b
other docu- prescribed by this Act or by the council or the standing
mqt.- mmmittee, as the case may be, be translated htob Tamil,
md: deposited in the offi& of the corporation and cupies
I .
thereof in Tamil and in Ewgiish shall be fixed in a wssp~&i-
3 .
., ous. position at such office and at such otlier phw~
as the council or the standing committee, as the' casefm y
be, may direct ; and a public proclama.tion shall be made
by beat of drum in the locality affectedor by adtrertiscment
in the local newspapl=rs that such copies ha?e bem s;o
affixed and that the original? .re r p n tn impection at the
office of the corporation.

Publication 461. Whenever it is provided by this Act or by,aacy

in news- rule, by-law, or regulation made under it that notice sbll
papers. be given by advertisement in the local newspapers,,
that a notification or any information shall be published
in. the same, such notice, notification or informatiow sh.all
beinserted in at least one Tamil and one English newspaw,
if any, published in the City.

Notice of 462. Whenever the council, a standing committee or

prohibition commissioner shall have set apart any place for any p u r p ~ l
or setting authorised by this Act or shall have prohibited the do?ag
apart of of anything in any place, the commissioner shall'forthwiih
places, cause to be put up a nc,tice in Tamil and io English at or
near such place. Such notice shall specify the purpose for
which such place has bean set apari or the act pr&ibit&
in such placs.
B Service or sending of not ices, etc. .

5 , I
h . C ^
r .
- - ,'I

463.(0 When any notice or other document is required.M~~~~~

by this Act, or by any rule, by-law, regulation or orde~
made under it to 6e served on or sent to any person the documentc.
service or ending thereof may be effected-

(& by giving. or tende~ingthe sai d document tcr

mchpez;wn; or
(b) if such person is not found, by leaving such .. " - . a;' 1
&e=t at his Iast known pface of abode, or business
or by giving or tendering the same to his agent, clerk or , - ,
, , . )

servant or some adult member of his family ; or j ' I

6 - I

(c) if such person daes not reside in the City and

&is address elsewhere is known to the commissioner, by
sending the same to him by registered. post ; or

(d) if none of the means aforesaid be available,

by affixing the Lame in some conspicuous part of such
place of abode or business.

(2) When the person is an owner or occupier of any

GYdingor land it shall not be necsssary to name the owner
owpi'er in the document, and in the case of joint
awmrs and occupiers it shall be sufficient to serve it OW
a send it to, one of such owners or occupier.
(3) Whenever in any bill, notice, form or other
document served or sent under this Act, a period is fixed
within-which any tax or other sum is to be paid or any work
executed or anything provided, such period shall, in the
absence of the express provision to the contrary in this
Act, be calculated from the date of such service or sending
by registered post.
Relation of occupier to oIvEer.
9&4. H the occupier of ally building or land makes on ~ccovery 6,
beblf of the owner thereof any payment for which under ompis of
this Ad, the owner, but not the occupier is liable, such sum leviablc
ocn.pier shall be entitled to recover the same from the from owner,
owner. and may deduct it from the rent then or therafter
due by him to ?he owner.
Obstruction 465. (1) If the occupier of any building or land prevents
of^^ by the owiler from cgrrying into effect in respect thereof any
occupier. of the provisions of this Act, the commissioner may by an
order require the said occupier to permit the owner, within
eight days from the date of service of such order, to execute,
all such works as may be necessary.
(2) Such owuer shall, for a period during which he is
prevented as aforesaid, be exempt from any fine or penalty
to which he might otherwise have become liable by reason
of default, in exec~tingsuch works.
&emtion of 466. If the owner of any building or land fails to
work by execute any work whicll he is required to execute under
-pi= in the provisions of this Act or of any rule, by-lrrw, regula
default of
owner. tion or order made under it, the occupier of such buil-
ding or land may, wiih the approval of the commi-
ssioner, execute the said work, and shall be entitled to
recover from the owner the reasonable expenses incurred
in the execution thereof, .and may deduct the amount
thereof from the rent then or thereafter due by him to
the owner.
Commissioner's power of entry and inspection..
Power of 467. The conimissioner or any person authorised by
entry to him in this behalf may enter into or on any building or
aurvcy or
land with or without assistants or worlunen, in order t o
the make any inquiry, inspection, test, examinsttion, survey,
work measurement or valuation, or for the purpose of l a ~ f ~ l l y
placing or removing meters, instruments, pipes or appa-
ratus, or to exewte any other work which is authorised
by the provisions of this Act, or of any rule, by-law,
regulation or order' made under it, or which it is new-
ssary for my of the purposes of this Act or in pursuance
of any of the said provisions, to mabe or execute: . $ .

Provided that-
?. '

(a) except when it is in this Act, otherwise
provided, no such entry shall be made between sunset 'and
sunrise ; -.- .- - -

- , , (b) except when it is in this Act, otherwise exprHsly

, ... provided, no dwelling-house, and no part of a public

g .I
, building or hut which is used as a dwelling-place, s h a
. .... - , so entered without the consent of the cccupier b w f ,
unless the said occupier has received at least twenty-four '

hour's previous notice of the intention to make such entry ;


P--- -I-- - - iAdr-* ..
mrr-ur *.
e- -

I981:T.N.Act25] Coimbatore City MuiqicQnl 433
(c) sufficient notice shall be in evexy case given
even when any premises may otherwise be entered without
notice, to enable the inmates of any apartment approoriated
to females to withdraw to some part of the premises where
their privacy may be preserved ;
( d ) due regard shall be paid, so far as rilay be com-
patible with the exigencies of the purpose of the entry,
to the social and religious usages of the occupants of the
468. (1) The commissioner or any pzrson authorised Power of
by him in this behalf may with or without assistants or ftn%
workmen enter on any land adjoining or within fifty meters adJaaent to

of any work authorised by this Act or by any rule, by-law, works.

regulation or order made under it, for the purpose of
depositing on such land any soil, gravel, stone or other
materials, or of obtaining access to such work, or for any
other pur2ose connected with the carrying on thereof.
(2) The commissioner or such agthorised person
shall, before entering on any land under sub-section (1'
give the owner and occupier three day's previLc- notice
of the intention to make such entry, and state the purpose
thereof, and shall if so required by the owner or occupier,
fence off so much of the land as may be required for such
(3) The coinmissioner or such authorised person
shall not be bound to make any payment, tender or deposit
before entering on any land under sub-section (I), but shall
do as little damage as may be. The commissioner shall
pay compensation to the owner or occupier of the land
for such entry and for any temporary or permanent damage
that may result therefrom. I

(4) If such owner or occupier is dissatisfied with the I

amount of compensation paid to him by the commissioner,

he may appeal to the standing committee, whose decision
shall be final.
469. The commissiol~eror any person authorised by Inspeaon
him in this behalf may examine and test the weights and ~d~~~~~
measures used in markets and shops in the City with a view ,,d
to the prevention and punishment of offences relating to
such weights and measures under C h p t e i Xi11 of the
Indian Penal Code (Central Act XLV of 1860). Consequencer
of failure to
Power. to en.)lacelicensing provisions, obtain licences
470. (1) If, under this Act, or any rule, by-law or etc., or of
regulation made under it, the licence or permission of the ,,,
434 doimbatorew~ityMunkijal t1981: T.N. Ads$
council, standing committee or commissioner or registration
in the otece of the corporation is necessary for the doing
of any act and if such act is done uithout such licence or
permission or registration or in a manner inconsistent with
the terms of any such licence or permission, then-
(a) the colllmissloner may by notice require ' the
person so doing such act to aiter, remove or as far as
practicable restore to its original state the whole or my
part of any property, movable or immovable, public or
private, affected thereby within a time to be specified in the
notice ;
(b) the commissioner or any officer duly authorised
by him may also enter into or on any building or land where
such act is done and take all such steps as may be necessary
to prevent the continuance of such act ; and
(4 if n.3 penalty has been specially provided in
this Act for so doing such act, the person so doing it shall
be liable on collviction before a magistrate to a fine not
exceeding one hundred rupees for every such offence.
(2) No claim shall lie against the colnrnissioner or
my other person for any damage or inconvenience caused
by the exercise cf the power given under this section or by
use of the 'force uecessary for the purpose of carrying out
the provisions of this section.
Commissioner's power to execute in defmrlt.
r i e tor 471. (1) Whenever by any notice, requisition or or
wrnplylnl under this Act or under any rule, by-law or requla
with order made under it, any person is required to execute any wo
aad power or to 2ake any measures or do anything, a reasona
to cnkrce
in default. time shall be named in such notice, requisition or or
within which the work shall be executed, the mea
taken, or the thing done.

(2) If such notice, requisition or order is not co

with within the time so named, then whether or
fine is provided for such default and whether or no
person in default is liable to punishment or has
prosecuted or sentenced to any punishment for such de
the commissioner may cause such work to be exec
.or may take atly measures or do anything which
in his opinion, be necessary for iving due effect to
notice, requisition or order as a oresaid.
19111:i$*N. Act 251 Cofmbato~eCity MmicCpal 435
(3) If no penalty has been specially providea in thip
Act for failure to comply with such notice, the said person
shall, on conviction, be punished with fine not exceeding
one hundred rupees for every such offence.
472. (1) The commissioner may recover any reasonable Recovery of
expenses incurred under section 471 from the person or expenses from
any one of the persons to whom the notice, requisition or Persons liable
order was addressed in the same manoer as the ; ? ~ n e r t yand
, limitatlung
tax and may, in executing work or taking measures under occupier. ot
section 471 utilize any mate:ials found on the propert)
concerned er .nqy sell them and apply the sale proceeds
in or towards the payment of the expenses incurred.
(2) If the person to whom notice is given is the
owner of the property in respect of which it is given, the
commissioner may (whether any action or other proceedin
has beer? brought or taken against such owner or not
require the persoc, if any, who occupies such property.
or any part thereof, under the owncr to pay :o the corpora-
tion instead of to the owner the rent payable by him in
respect of such properly as it f .lls due, up to the amount
recoverable from the owner under sub-section (1) or to
such smaller amount es the commissio3er may think
propet, and any amount so paid shall be deducted from the
amount payable by the owner.
(3) For the purpose of deciding whether action should
be taken under sub-section (2) the commissioner may
require any occupier of property to furnish information
as to the sum payable by him as rent on account of such
property and as to t3e name and address of the person
so whom it is payable ;and such occupier shall be bound to
furnish such information.
(4) The provisions of this section shall not affect any
contract made between any owner and occupier respecting
the payment of expenses of any such work as aforesaid.
473. Instead of recovering any such expenses e r ~ c w e of t .
aforesaid in the manner provid~d under section 478, the commissioner
z gree to
commissioner may, if he thinks fit and with the approval of~c,ive
the standing committee take an agreement from the person of e x p a e s in
liable for the payment thereof, to pay the same in instalmentl insttilments.
of such amounts and at such intervals as will secure the
payment of the whole amount due, with interest thereon
at the rate of twelve per centum per amurn, within a period
of not more than five years.
436 ~oimbatore~-City
~uniciprd t1981: T.N.'Act 25

Power to dec- 474. If the expenses to be recovered have been incurre

lare e*penscs or axe to be incurred in respect of any work mentioned,--
on certain work
to be improve- (a) in section 199, section 200, section 209, section 21
ment expenses. section 211, section 218, clause (b) of sub-section (1)
section 2 ~ . 3section
, 254, sub-sections (1) and (2) of secti
333, section 338, section 343, section 386 or section 471 ;or
(b) in any rule made under this Act in which thir
. section 1s made applicable to such expenses,
the commissioner may, if he thinks fit and with the approval
of the standing cornmitttee, declare such expenses to k
improvement expenses.
Improvement 475. (1) Improvement expenses shall be a charge on
expenses by the premises, in respect of which or for the benefit of which
v7hom payablee the same shall have been incurred and ?hall be recoverable
in instalments of such amounts, and at such intervals,
as will suffice to discharge such expenses together ' with
interest thereon, within such period not exceeding twenty
years as,the colnmissioner may in each case determine.
(2) The said instalments shall be payable by the
owner or occupier of the premises on which the expenses
are so charged :
Provided that when the occupier pays any such instal-
ments he shall be entitled to deduct the amount thereof
from the rent payable by him to the ou7ileror to recover the
same from the owner.

Redemption of 476. At any time before the expiration of the perid

charge for imp- for the payment of any improvement expenses, the omer
rovrrnent ex*eg or occupier of the premises on which the expenses lrrc
charged may i edeem such charge by paying to the commis-
sioner such part of the said expenses as are still payable..

Relief to agents 477. (1) Where any person by reason of his receiving
dnd trustees. the rent of immovable property as agent, trustee, guardian,
I maaager or receiver or of his being agent, trustee, guardian,
manager or receiver for the person who would receive the
rent if the prope~tywas let to a tenant would under this
Act be bound, to discharge any obligation imposed by
this Act, or any rule, by-law, regidation or or&r made
under it for the discharge of which money is required,
he shall not be bound to discharge the obligation unlesr
1981 : T.N.Act 251 Coirnbatore City Municipal 43 7

he has, or but for his own improper act or default might

have had, in his hands funds belonging to the proprietor or
beneficial owner sufficient for the purpose.
(2) The burden of proving the facts entitling any
person t o relief under this section shall lie on him.
(3) When any person has claimed and established
his right to relief under this section, the commissioner
may give him notice to apply to the discharge of such
obligation as aforesaid, the first moneys which shall come
to his hands on behalf or for the use of the principal cr
beneficial owner, as the case may be ; and should he fail
to comply with such notice he shall be deemed to be
personally liable to discharge such obligation.
Payment of compezsation, etc., by and to tlzr corporation.

478. All costs, damztges, penalties, compensations, Recovery of

charges, fees (other than school fees), rents (including sum due as
rents for lands and buildings,demised by the corporation), tzxes.
expenses, contributions and other sums which under this
Act or any other lavr or any rule, by-law or regulation
made under this Act 0.: eny other law or under any contract
including a contract in respect of water-supply or drainage
made in accordance with this Act, and the rules, bylaw$,
and regulations are due by any person to the corporation
shall, if there is no special provision in this Act for thcir
recovery, be demand.ed by bill containing particulars
of the demand and notice of the liability incurred in default
of payment and may be recovered in the manner provided
by rules 29 and 35 of the rules contained i r ~Part VI of
Schedule I1 unless within fifteen days from the date of
service of the bill such person shall have applied to the
district munsif having jurisdiction over the corporation
under section 479.

479. Where in any case not provided for in section 487 Determiaatioa
any municipal authority or any person is required by or by
under this Act or any rule, by-law, regulation or contract munsif of sums
made under it to pay any costs, damages, penalties,
compensations, charges, fees, rents, expenses, contributions,
or other sums referred to in section 478 the amount or
apportionment of the same shall, in case of dispute, be
ascertained and determined except as is otherwise provided
in section 202,416, 468 or 510 or in the Land Acquisition
.Act, 1894 (Central Act I of 1894) by thc district n ~ u n s i r
43 8 Caimbotore City Municipcll [I981 GToNoNct 25
p Corporatiorr

on applicatiol~made to him for this purpose at any time

within six months from the date when such costs, damages,
penalties, compensation, charges, fees, rents, expenses, '
contributions, or other sums first became payable.
Proceeding 480, (1) Cn any application under the provisions of
court. motion 478 the said court of district munsif shall summon
before distlict
tfie -+her party to appear before him.

(2) On the appearance of the parties, or, in the

absence of any of them, on proof of due service of the
summons, the said court of district munsif may hear and
determine the case.

(3) In every such case the said court of district munsif

&all determine the amount of the costs and shall+direct
by which of the parties the same shall be paid.

Recovery of 481. If the sum due on account of' costs, damages3

sum? able penalties, compensation, charges, fees, reits, expenses,
distress* contributions or other sum ascertained in the m a w
described in section 480, is not paid by the party iiatil
within seven days after demand, such sum may be reco
under a warrant of the said court of: district mun
distress and sale of the movable property of such

Limitation 482. NOt8straint shall be made, no

recovery of dtituted and n.3 prosecution shall be comt
dues. of any sum due to the corporation unhr this
the expiration of a period of six years from 'the
of the period in xesped of which such sum is clai
in case the same is not claimed in respe
period, from the last day of the year in w

Procedure in 483. If any property, movable or immovab

dealing with . under the provisions of this Act, and if t h r e is a s
surplus ' after the sum due to the corporation and the
proceeds. bmn deducted from the sale proceeds, such s u p
if the ownzr of t h property
~ sold claims it within
from the date of the sale be paid to him by the comm
but if no such claim is preferred within such time,
mrplus shall be creditad to the mnicipal fund and
shag lie for the rewvsy of any sum so credited.

F---- - -

9 1981 : T.N. Act 251 Coimbat~reCity Municipal 439
r Corporation
Provisions regarding Muriicipal prosecu tiow,
L b

484. Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, Period of
no court shall take cognizance of any offence against any limitation for
of the provisions of this Act, or of any rrle, by-law, regula- making,
tion or order made under it, unless complaint is made complaints.
within si-r months from the commission of the offence,
by the police or the conrmissioner or bl a person
suthorised in this lahalf hv the covrncil or the standing
committee or r he commissioner:
Provided that failure to take out a lice&, obtain
permission or secure registration under this Act shall,
for the purposes of this section be deemed a continuin
offence until the expiration of the period, if any, for whici?
the licence, permission, or registration is required, and if
no period is specified, complaint may be made at any time
within twelve months from the commencement of the
cognizance of
485. All offences against this Act, or against any rule, oEe,,,8
by-law, regulation or order made under it whether
committed within or without the City, shall be cognizable
by a judicial magistrate having jurisdiction in the City
and such judicial magistrate shall not be deemed to b i
incapable of taking cognizance of any such offence
by reason only of his being liable to pay any municipal .
rate or other tax or of his being benefited by the municipal
486. (I) If any fine, costs, tax or other sum of money ~~prisonment
imposed, assessed or recoxjerable by a magistrate under this in defaulc of
Act or under any rule, by-law or regulation n,ade under it. Payment and
,,, *,
shall not be paid. the magistrate may order the offender application of
to be imprisoned in default of payment subject to all the
limitations and conditions imposed in sections
64 to 70 (both inclusive) of the Indian Penal Code (Central
Act XLV of 1860).
(2) Any fine, costs, tax or other sum imposed,
assessed or recoverable by a magistrate under this Act,
or any rule, by-law or regulation made thereunder shall be
recoverable by such magistrate, as if it were a fine impoced
u&r the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2
of 1974), and the same shall, except in the case of a fine,
on recovery be paid to the corporation to be applied. to the
purposes of this Act.

440 C~infi~ror2
Ci@ +.lli&&~I
PeYment of 487. If, on account of aay act or nmission, any person
municipal r
Corn nsation has b s n c01,victed of a n offence ag3inst the provisions
amagepro- of t1Gs Act or against any rule, by-law or regulation made
under it and by reason of such act or omission,
damage has been caused to any property owned or vested
in the corporation, tlle said person shall pay compensation
for such damage, notwithstanding any punishment to which
he may have been sentenced for the said offence. In the
e amount ot coinpen: ation payable by the
event of disp ~ t the
said person shall be determined 5y the magistrate before
whom t e wa; convicted of the said offence on application
made to him for the purpose by the commissioner not
later than t h e e months from the date of conviction;
and, in default of payment of the amount of compensation
so determine& it shall be recovered under P. warrant from
the said magistrate as if it were a fine inflicted by him on
the person liable therefor.
Legal proceedings in general.
~ecoveryof tax 488. Not bing herein contained shall preclude the
etc.3 by suit- corporation from suhp in a civil court for the recovery
1 of any tax, duty or other amount due under this Act.
Instf t ution of 489. (1) No suit for damagcs or compensation shall
suits against be instituted against the corporation or any municipal
lounicipa' authority, officer or servant, or any person acting under the
0Ec-r~ and direction of the same, in respect of any act done or purport-
agents. ing to be done in pursuance or in execution or intended
execution of this Act or any rule, by-law, regulation or
order made under it or in respect of any alleged neglect
or dtr..*llt in execution of this Act or any rule, by-la-
. , ~jgulationor order made under it until the expiration of two
. months after a notice has been so delivered or left at the
_ ., . municipal office or at the place of abode of such offier,
servant or person, stating the cause of action, the relief
sought and the name a ~ the d place of abode of the intending
plaintiff, and tbe plaint shall contain a statement that such
notice has been so delivered or left.

(2) Every such suit shall be commenced within Jix

months after the date on which the cause of actioq arom
or in case of a continuing injury or damage during such
continuance or within six months after the ceasing thereof.

(3) If any person to whom any notice is given updtr

sub-section (1) tenders amount to the plaintiff before the
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coinzbatore City Municipal 441
F Corporation
suit is instituted, and if the plaintiff does not recover in
any such action more than the amount so tendered he shall
not recover any costs incurred after such tender and the
defendant shall be entitled to costs as from the date of
(4) Where the defendant in any such suit is the
commissioner, a municipal officer or scrvant, payment of
the sum or any part of' any sum payable by him in or in
consequence of the suit, whether in respect of costs, charges,
expenses, compensation for damages or otherwise may be
made, w ~ t hthe sanction of the standing committee, from the
municipal fund.
490. Subject to such restrictions and control as may be Pmvisions
prescribed, the commissioner may- respecting
etc of
(a) take, or withdraw from, proceedings, against any civiiand *

person who is charged with- criminal

(i) any offence against this Act, the rules, by-laws or actions
regulations made under it ; legal advice.
(ii) any offe~cewhich affects or is likely to affect any
property or interest of the corporation or the due adminis-
tration of this Act ;
(iii) committing any nuisance whatsoever ;
(b) compound any offence against this Act, the rules,
by-laws or regulations made under it which may by rules
"made by the Government, be declared compoundable;
(c) defend himself if sued or joined as a party in any
proceeding in respect of the conduct of elections or in
respect of the electoral roll ;
(d) defend, or compromise any appeal against an
assessment or tax ;
(e) take, withdraw from or compromise proceedings
under sections 479 and 487 for the recovery of the expenses
or compensation claimed to be due to the corporation ;
Cf! withdraw or compromise any claim for a sum uot
exceeding five hundred rupees against any person respect
of a penalty payable under a contract entered into with
such person by the commissioner, or with the approval of
the standing committee, any such claim for any sum
exceeding five hundred rupees ;
442 Coimbatore City Municipal [I981 :T.N. Act 25
(g) with the approval of the council, defend any suit
or other legal proceeding brought against the corporation
or against any municipal authority, officer or servant in
respect of anything done or omitted to be done by them
respectively in their official capacity ;
(h) with the approval of the standing committee
compromise any claim, suit or other legal proceeding
brought against the corporation or against
authority, ~fficeror servant, in respect of an
or omitted to be done as aforesaid ;
(i) with the approval of the standing cammittk
institute and prosecute any suit or withdraw frbma or
compromise any suit or claim, other than a claim of the
description specified in clause 0,which has been instituted .
or made in the name of the corporation or of th3 commis-
sioner ; \

(j) obtain such legal advise and assistance as he m a y

from time to time think it necessary or expedient to obtain
or as may be desired by the council or the standing corn@-
.. ttet, to obtain, for any of the purposes mentioned in the
foregoing clauses of this section or for securing the lawful
exercise or discharge of any power or duty vesting in or
imposed upon m y municipal authority, officer or servant :
Provided that where the council or the standing com-
mittee shall refuse to accord its approval for the legal
advice, the conmissioner shall refer the matter to the
Government who shall, afrer cons~rltin~g the council, pass
such orders, or directions as they deem fit and the council
or commissioner shall give effect to such order or
Protecting clauses.
Indcmnit~ 491. No suit shall be mainteinable against the Government
to Govan- or any municipal authority, officer or servant or any person
inent, acting under the direction of the Government or any
offim; and
municipal authority, officer or servant, or of a magistrate,
in respect of anything in good faith done under this Act
agents. or any rule, by-law, regulation or order made under it.
Liability of 492. (1) The Commissioner ~ n d every colincillor shall
com;nissioners be liable fo; the loss, waste or misapplication of any money
oss,wasteor or other property owned by or vested in :he m m ica'p1
"d lwuncilrora
~ ~ r p ~ r a if
r iN cC~~loss*
, rrazte, cr d%gp$;rzrion & a
1951 :TaNaArt 251 Cofmbatore Citj. Municipal 443
consequence of his neglect or misconduct and a suit for
compensation may be instituted against him by the
council with the previous sanction of the Govefnment or by
the Government,
(2) Every such suit shall be commenced within three
years after the date on which the cause of action arose.
493. When the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, or any council- Sanction.for
lor or the commissioner is accused of any offence ~ ~ T P ~ $
alleged to have been committed by him while acting or Mayor, etc.
purporting to act in the discharge of his official duty, no
magistrate shall take cognizance of such offence except
with the previous sanction of the Government.
494. (1) No assessment cr demand made and no charge Assessmentr,
imposed under the authority of this Act shall be impeached etc., not
to be
or affected by reason of any clerical error or by reason of imposchea.
any mistake-
(a) in respect of the name, residence, place of busi-
ness or occupation of any person ; or
(b) in the description of any property or thing ;or
(c) in respect of the amount assessed, demanded
or charged :

Provided that the provisions of this Act have, in sx5-

stance and effect, been complied with, no p~c-edings
under this Act shall, merely for defect in form, be qunsl~ed
or set aside by any court.

(2) No suit shall be brought in any court to recover

any sum of money collected under the authority of this Act
or to recover dan1:iges on account of any assessment, or
collection of inoney made under the said authority , if the
provisions cf this Act have been in substance and effect,
complied with.
(3) No uiitraint or sale under this Act shall be decmed I

unlawfu!,nor shall any person making the same be deeaed a

trespasser, on account of any error, defect or want of form
in he bill, notice, schedule, form, summons, notice c f dtm-
and, warrant of distraint, inventory, or other proc eding
relating thereto if the provisions of this Act, the rules and
by-laws have been in substance and effcct, complicd with:
444 Coimbatore City Municipal I1981 : T.N. Act 35
Provided that every person aggrieved by any irregu-
larity may recover satisfaction for any special damage
sustained by him.
Duties of 495. (1) It shall be the duty of every police o3cer-
police officers,
(a) to communicate without delay to the proper
municipal officer any information which he received of the
design to commit or of the commission of any offence under
this Act or any rule, by-law or regulation made under it ;
(b) to ussist the commissioner or any municipal
office^. or servant, or any person to whom the commissioner
has lawfully delegated powers reasonably demanding h*
aid for the lawful exercise of any power vesting in the
commissioner or in such municipal officer or servant or
person under this Act or any such rule, by-law or regulation.
(2) Any police officer who omits or refuses to perfom
any duty imposed on him by this Act shall be deemed to
have committed an offence, under section 10 or under
section 44 of the Tamil Nadu District Police Act, 1859
(Central Act XXIV of 1859).
496. (1) If any police officer sees any person committing
an offence against any of the provis~onsof this Act or of
any rule, by-law or regulation made under it, he shall, if '

the name and address of such person are unknown to him

and if the said person on demand declines to give his name
and address or gives a name and address which such officer
has reason to believe to be false, arrest such person.
(2) No person a:rested under sub-section (1) shall be
detained in custody--
(a) after his true name and address are ascertained,
(b) without the order of a magistrate for any longer
time, not exceeding twenty-four hours from the hour of
arrest, than is necessary for bringing him before a magis-
rcise of 497. The Government may empower any municipal ,
,emof officeror servant or any class of municipal officers or serva- '
CQ officer
nunicipal nts to exercise the powers of a police officer for the pw-
ants. poses of this Act and of the Tamil Nadu Town's Nuisances
Act, 1889 (Tamil Nadu Act I11 of 1889).
1981 : ?L'+.N:Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal 4 45
498. Every municipal officer or servant, every contrac-
tor or agent for the collection of any municipal tax, fee or ofterm
other sum due to the corporation and every person employ- " public
ed by any such contractor or agent for the collection of such servant " to
tax, fee cr sum shall be deemed to be a public servant with- oGcers,
in the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code agentsand
(Central Act XLV of 1860). sub-agents.
499. No person shall obstruct or molest the council, any Prohibition
standing committee or other committee constituted under against
this Act, the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, any councillor, the ofmunicipal
commissioner or any person employed by the corporation authorities,
or any person with whom the cominissioner has entered servants and
into a contract on behalf of the corporation in the perfor- contractors.
mince of its or his duty or of anything which it or he is
empowered or required to do by virtue, or in consequedce
of this Act or of any rule, by-law, regulation or order made
500. No person shall remove any mark set up for the
purpose of indicating any level or direction against
incidental to the execution of any work authorised by this removal of
Act or by any rule, by-law, regulatioil or order made mark.
under it.
501. No person shall, without authority in that behalf, Prohibition
remove, destroy, deface, or otherwise obliterate any notice against
exhibited by or under the orders of the council, standing removal or
committee , or the commissioner. obliteration
of notice,
502. No person shall, without authority in that behalf,
remove earth, sand or other material or deposit any matter Prohibition
or make any encroachment from in, or on any land vested ,thorised
in the corporati07 or river, estuary, canal, backwater dealings
or watercourses (not being private property), or in any way with public
obstruct the same. place or
503. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code Injunctions
of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908) or in any not to be
other law for the time being in force, no court shall grant granted in
any permanent or temporary injunction or make any ,,,ess,nt or
interim order restraining any proceeding which is being or proceedags.
about to be taken under this Act for the-
(a) preparation or publication of electoral rolls,
446 coimbatore city lia~micbai [i981 : TA. A C 15
(b) conduct of any election, or
(c) preparation, revision or amendment of assess-
ment books.
Officers and 504. Every person who immediately before the corn-
staff of mencement of this Act was serving in con lection with the
Municipality affairs of the Coimbatore municipality stall as from the
deemed to be date of commencement of this Act be deemed to be an
employees 'of employee of the corporation.
thec orporatioa.
Control over 505. The administration by the council of the corpora-
municipal tion for thc generation, transmission, supply or use of
electrical electrical energy shall be subject to scch control as may be
prescribed, not inconsistent with the Indian iElectriuty
Act, 1910 (Central Act IX of 1910) and the Electricity
(Supply) Act, 1948 (Central Act LIV of 1948), as in force
for the time being, the rules made thereunder, and the
terms of the licence granted under the first mentioned Act
to the council of the corporation.
Appointment 506. (1) Where ordinary elections to fill up ordinary
of Spaclial vacancies in the office of elected councillors have not been
Officer in held under this Act before the occurrence of the vacancies
cases where
ordinary consequent on the expiry of term of office of such council-
elections are lors-
not held in (i) under this Act, or
(ii) under any other law for the time being in force.
the Government may by notification appoint a Special
Officer to exercise the powers and perform the functions
of the corporation cr the Mayor, and of the committees
established or constituted by or under this Act, except the %

Taxation Appeals Committee, to such extent as may be

determineu L;. the Government.
(2) The Special Officer referred to in sub-section (1)
, shall hold office for a period of six months from the date of
his appointment or for such further period not exceeding
six months as the Governmcnt may, by notification, specify.

(3) The Special Officer referred to in subisection (1)

may also exercise all or any of the powers and perform all
or any of the functiolis of the commissioner or any othkr
officer or authority under this Act, which the Government
may, by notification, specify.
(4) (a) The Special Officer shall teceive payment for
his services from the municipal fund.
1981 : T.S. Act 231 Coimbatore City Municzpal 441
(b) The Government may determine 2- relations
of the Special Officer with themselves.
(5) The Commissioner shall, in the exercise of his
powers and performance of the functitns under this Act,
be subject to the control and superintendence of the
Spacial Officer.
507. (1) A judicial officer of the rduk of Sub-Judge Appoint-
appointed by the Government in this behalf shal1,durlng ment of
the period for which the Special Officer is appointed under judicial
sub-section (I) 'of secfion 506 exercise and perform all or officer
exwcis,to ,
any of the powers and functions of the Taxation Appeals and
Committee. the func-

(2) The judicial officer so appointed shall receive such

remuneration as may be fixed by the Government and
tions of the

subject to such conditions as may be pre:;criboi.

Transitional and Transitory Provisions.
508 A11 preprty, all rights of whatever kind use4 Passing of
enjoyed or possessed by and all interes s of wilatevex PrO*r?v and
kind owned by, vested in or held in trust by or for the rights to
Coimbatore municipality as constituted uilder the Tamil as constitutedo
Nadu District Municipali~iesAct, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act
V of 1920), with all rights of whatever kind used, enjoyed
or possessed bythc said municipality as well as all liabilities
legally subsisting r gainst the said municipality shall pass
to the corporation a.s constituted under this Act.
509. (1) All arrcars of taxes or other payments by way Procedilre fog
of composition for a tax or due for expenses or cornpen- recovery of
sation or othsrwise due to the Coimbatore municipality arrears of
as constituted under the Tamil Nadu District Munici- taxes, etc.
palities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920), at the date
of commencement of this Act may be recovered as though
they had accrued under this Act.
(2) All taxes, fees and duties which, immediately
before the commencement of this Act, were being levied
by the Coimbatore municipality shall be deemed to have
been levied by the corporation ut~derthe provisions of this
Act and shall continue to be in force accordingly until such

taxes, fees and'duties are revised, cancelled or superseded,

by anything done or any action taken under this Act.
510. (1) When a dispute exists between the corporation Adjudication
and one, or more than one, other local author ty in regard of disputes
lo any matters arising under the provisions oi this Act or & ~ ~ $ 4. , ~ l
448 Coimbatore City Municipal [1981: T.N. Act 25
any other Act and the Gavernmeot are of opinion that
the local authorities concerned are unablo to settle it
amicably among themselves, the Government may take
cognizance of the dispute, and
(a) decide it them~elves,or
(b) ref& it for enquiry and report to an arbitrator or
board of arb:tators, or to a joint committee constituted
under section 28 for the purpose.
(2) The report referred to in clause (b) of sub-section
(1) shall be submitted to the Government who shall decide
the dispute in such manner as they deem fit.
(3) Any decision given, whether before or after this
sub-section comes into force, under clause (a) of sub-section
(1) or under sub-section (2) may, at the instance of the local
authorities concerned, be modified from time to time
by the Governmcnt in such manner as they deem fit, and
any such decision with the modifications, if any, made
therein under this sub-section, may at the instance of
such local authorities, be cancelled at any time by the
Government. Any such decision or any modifimtion
therein or cancellation thereof shall be binding on each
of the local authorities concerned and shall not be liable
to be questioned in any court of law.
(4) The powers of the Government under this section
shall, where one of tho local authoritie:; concerned is the
port authority of a major port, only be exercisable with
the concurrence of the Central Government.
Legal procee- 511. Where i~arnediatelybefore the date of commence- .
dings. ment of this Act any legal proceedings are pending to
which the Ccdmbatore municipality as constituted under
t b Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil
Nadu Act V of 1920), is a party, then the Coimbatore
Corporation a!: constituted under this Act shall be deemed
to be substituted for the said Coimbatore municipality
in those proceedings.
Act to be read 512. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act
subject to
~ ~ b VIId or l ~other law for the time being in force, in regard- to
~ any
in hgard to the Corporation of Coimbatore constituted with effect
the constitu- on and from the date appointed under sub-section (3) of
Corporation section 1, the provisions of this Act shall be read subject to
of QDimbacofc. the rules in Schedule VII.
:T.N. Act 251 Coimbarore City Municipal 449
513. In the a p p l j ~ ! i ~.lazy
r law. r;,:, q .
.If -
-.- 2:; .
C As--.- -- . .
...T-- -,
- L I Y I-.- _ _ - &,?.

ar&ifimfjvr,tl;?-y-ylf. f.*.-- s- 3.+29-

- t * E: C,zStrsr=.
2 2Tz&--
!! *,: .-&:f,5:T,':+: Mi,.

,.: & s:zT:;-> Jzcz:q

L T'
C -

12 WGJ% u ~ p i l t p ,
AM and unless the Gove:~mment otherwise direct- town", etc.

(i) any reference to a municipality or a municipal

council shall be deemed to include also a reference to the
Municipal Corporation of Coimbatore constituted under
this Act ;

(ii) any rafp:ence t~ 9 mj~nicipaltow) or munfdpal

area shall be deemed to include also a reference to the
City of Coimbatore ;

(iii) any reference to the Chairman or Vice-Chair*

man of a municipality shall be deemed to include also a
reference to the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor or the
Commissioner, as the case may be, of the Municipal Cor
poration of Coimbatore having jurisdiction.
(Spa section 33)

1. In these rules, 'member ' means a co~ncillor,

2. The counc~lshall meet i t ? the lliunicipal office for

the transaction of business a t least once in every month
upon such day and at such hour as it may arrange and
also at'other times'as often as a meeting may be convened
by the Mayor :

Rovided that no meeting shall be heid cn apubfic

Explanation.-The expression " public holiday "
includes Sundays and any other day declared by tke
Government, by notification in the Tamil Nadu Governs
ment Gazetie to be a public holiday.
3. (1) No meeting shall be held unless at least six,clear d@slbefbre
lthe'day of the meeting-
:(a) notice of the day and hour when the meeting is tb'be '~kld'ihd
of the business to be transacted thereat has been given to the members,
(b) notice of the day and hour of the meeting has' beenigiven
by advertisement in the local newspapers.
(2) In cases of urgency, the Mayor may convene a meeting after
giving to the rllembers shorter notice than that specified ih:sUb-rule (1).
In such cases, no r~ceof the day and hour of the r n e e t i n g s h a l ~ ' b e 1 ~ u b ~ ~ ~ ~
in such manner as the Mayor may deem most expedient.
4. The agenda for the meeting of the council shall be prepared by
the Mayor and the agenda for the standing committee ~onstitutedrPeder
the Act shall be prepared by the commissioner in' connultatioli.cwitM the
chairman of the standing committee. On any subject incl.Medh-the
agenda for the meeting of the standing committee, its chaima~~l&lrall
have the nght of recording his views in a note and such note shall be
circulated to the members of the standing committee or placed
betore the standing committee before or at the time of the consi-
deration of such subject by the standing committee.
5. At an ordinary meeting held in each of the months of April, June,
August, Octoher, December and February, the Mayor shall place before
the council a statement of receipts and disbursements on accoylt of
the municipal fund from the close of the last preceding year up to the
close of the month before that in which the meeting takes place.
6. (1) The Mayor shall call a special mebting*witbin -renhbayson
receiving a request in writing signed by such number of members as
shall constitute not ess than one-fourth of the sanctioned strength of
the council, "speclf'yingthe resolution which it is proposed-to-move.
... ' .b-

(2) No special meeting shall be held unless atbleast 'four-dW a s '

notice, specifying the purpose for which such meeting is to*b@,&4dadd
the date and hour thereof, has been given by a seperate corhudication
addressed to each member and by advertisement in the local nrvyspapers.
7. If the offices of Mayor and Deputy Mayor are vacant, the%kks . , ,j,$
, ','b
assigned to the Mayor by rules 2 to 6 shall be performed by the District ., *..$A9

I r$%
Collector. /' +

8. All meetings of the council shall be open'' to the.p1iblio"@6v&& "9% '^ . :;

,hat the Mayor, Deputy hlayor oi &resididgiii&inlier *'ijhziy' & r e d f a .:3
ihe public generally or any particular person shall witEdraw.,-:'':: * ,IF:%

. - - ." -

; A5 3:: *-??, - - **.

-- -- z.

-a , -!?2zv-


9. Ai l questions whca may some oefurz :he council at any meeting

phall , be decided by a majority of the members present 2nd voting -at
' the meeting and in every case of equality of votes, the Mayor, Deputy
Mayor or !presidin,g member shall have and exercise a second or
casting vote.
10. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless there be
, present at least such number of members as shallconstitute not less than
. ,
c V I
of sanctioned strength of the council.
11. No resolution o f t he council shall be modified or cancelled
within three months after the passing thereof except at a
meetiug specially convened in that behalf and by a resolution of the
; council supported by such number of members as shall constitute
not'19ss than two-thirds of the sanctioned strength of the council.
12. (1) Minutes of the proceedings of the council shall he entered
in a book to be called the minutes book, and shall be signed by the Mayor,
.Deputy Mayor, or presiding member after each meeting.
(2) The minutes book shall be open at the municipal office at all
. reasonable times to the inspection of any councillor without payment
and to the inspection of any other person on payment of a fee of one
13. (1) The council may appoint from among its own member
committees for the purpose ~f inquiring into and reporting on any
. matter which is reserved by this Act for the decision of the council.
. I h

(2) By a resolution supported by such number of members as shall

constitute no: less than two-thirds of the sanctioned strength of the
council, the council may add to any committee so appointed persons
' whi9 are not members but who may posslss special qua1ificatl:onsin
regard to the matter to be inquired into :
Provided that the number of persons so appointed shall not exceed
one-half of the number of' members appointed to serve on the committee.
All the provisions of this Act relatifig to the duties, powers, liabilities,
disqualifications and disabjlities of members shall, save as regards the
disqbalifications on the ground of residence or of being a Govern B ent
servant, be applicable, as far as may be, to such person.
i (3) The proceedings of every such committee shall be recorded in
1 writing ,and submitted to the council.
I (

14. The commissioner may grant copies of tub proceedings and
records ' of the council and the standing committee on payment of such
' .fees as the council may by general or special order determine. Copies
8hall be certified by the commissioner as provided in section 76 of the

8 5

I 442 doimbatose city ~un/cipa1

t198i :*&. Act 2!
I Corporation
i Evidence Act, 1872 (Central Act I of 1872) and copies certified may bs
used to prove the records of the counc~lin the same manner as they may,
under sub-section (5) of section 78 of the said Act be used to prove the
proceedings of that body.
The Standing Curvmittees.
15. Each standing committee shall meet at the municipal oftice at
least twice in a month on such day and at such hour as the committee
shall from time to time determine and notice of the meeting shall be
gi ien to the members at least three clear days before the date of the
16. The chairman of the standing committee may at any time call a
meeting of the comrnrttee and shall do so withln forty-eight hours of the
receipt of a requisltlon signed by the cornmissloner or by four members
of the committee and stating the business to be transacted.
17. No business shall be transacted at any meeting or a standing
committee unless there is a quorum of bur.
18. All questions which may come before a standing committee at
any meeting shall be decided by the majority of the members present
and voting at the meeting and in every case of equality of votes, the
chairman or presiding member shall have and exercise a second or casting

19. ( 1 ) All minutes of t h e proceedings of each standing committee

shall be entered in a book and shall be signed by the chairman or
presiding member a ftex each meeting.
(2) The minutes book of each standing committee shall be placed
before the council at such times as it may appoint.
20. In any casein which two or more standing committees have passed
conflicting de5qions and such conflict has not been adjusted the mattzr
shall be nlaced before a joint oonference of the standing committees
convened whose decision shall bt fmal except in matters which have to
be placed before t5e council, such joint conference being convened
by the chairman of the first committee concerned and if the conllict has
not been adjusted or settled by a joint conference, the commissioner
shall submit a report to the May01 who shall place the subject before
a meeting of the council, and pending the resob~tionof the co&l, tho
00~0Zie.r njtW <Id a3 2 d ~ in3rgsrd a p
1 a-
21. Any member of a standing committee, other than the Mayor
whofdils to attend four consecutive meetings of the staiding committee
shall cease to be a member thereof, but may be re-elected by the coirn~il.
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Mtlnicipal 4s
22. If the Chairman of a Standing Committee f ~ i l to s convene any
meeting, in 2 month the Mayor or in his a bssnce, the Deputy Mavor ihall
wnvw 5 ~ l ; ; hr*.:ia2. * .,
(See section 169.)

Provisions colnmon to taxes in gel !eral.

1. (1) The commissioner shall prepare and keep assessment books
in such form and in such parts a*ndsections as he thinks fit, showing the
persons and property liable to taxation under this Act.
(2) The assessment books and where detailed particulars relating
to any assessment are kept in Feparate records, the portion thereof con-
taining such particulai-sshall be open at all reasonable times and without
charge to inspection by any person who pays any tax to the corporation
or his authorised agent and such person or agent shall be entitled to take
extracts, free of charge from the said books and records.
(3) The account books of the corporation shall be open without
charge to inspection by any person who pays any tax to the corporation
or his authorised agent on a day or days in each month to be fixed
by the council.
2. The commissioner shall, save as otherwsie provided in this Act,
determine the tax to which each property or person is liable :
Provided that in the case of tax payable by t ~ .-?missioner
~ t the
original assessment shall be made by the Mayor.
3. (1) The commissioner shall give to every person making payment
of a tax a receipt therefor signed by him or some person duly authorjsed
by him in that behalf.
(2) Such receipt shall specify,-
(a) the date of the grant thereof ;
(b) the name of the person to whom it is granted ;
(c) the tax in respect of which payment has been made and
in the case of property tax, also the property in respect of which paymen1
tlas been made ;
(4 the pei-~odfor which payment has been made ; as4
(#\ thg amount pdd.
ibi Cormbatore Cit); ~un?c'&l
., .?1<,

Assessment of the property tau .

4. The commissioner shall-enter.ip the. aspaisment books the annual
value of all lands and buildingst &id the tk payable thereon. Such books
shall also record the following particulars with regard to each assessable
items :-
(i) the serial number, description
and. name,
4 4 % ,
if any, .of the item ;
i i , r

(ii) the name of th; division and of the street, if any, in which it
is situated and any survey or other number which it bears ;
' . "
(iii) the name of the owner ;
,1 ;.I

(iv) the name of t'he occupier ;

t* > > f.. :,j

(v) the annua J valm or the exteqt,

, '+ ~.as the case may
t .*
(vi) the amount of the tax payable.
f.3, 4. , I !) '<. $st** G t
& ra'jd.

.5. A ,general revisid; of t&. apeSsment;,bd&s. ~ ~ 1pg+ 1%jg,y
commissioner once in every.,five years ;. ., aqd fpr :this pwpos+the
missioner may, with the approval of the counci1,arrange the di~isions
of the City in such groups as qay be considered necessary an# regqe the
assessment books relating to each such group by rotation once tn every
five years : !r a i

Provided that the ~ovirnmentmay, for special reasods, direct i'ht

the general revision of assessment books which is due to be made in any
ypar shall be postponed for ?suchperio'd' as they think fit and th;if such
postponement shall not affect subsequent general revisions.
6. An assessment once made,shall continue in: force until it is revised
and until the revised assessment takes effect.
7. When assessment books haye beeq prepared for the fir# t@e pnd
whenever general revision of such books has been completed, the com-
missioner shall give put:lic notice-
* *.8 ?;: n .@?

(a) specifying the time when and the plar4 %$ere the books may
be i~spected; and

(b) stating that revision petitions will be considered if they reach

the municipal office wit?in thirty daxs from the data, of such qotice in
the case of the Government, a railwiy admihistration or a &mpany
and fifteen days from the said date
in other
( . ,
&ses : ;I!. 2 . ?+:*
Provided that in every case where there is i n 6bhnwqt,,lq k
*; 4.'. a + e

assessment, the commissiciner shall also cause intimation thereof to be

, given by a special notice to be served on the owner or ocdupier of the
property concerned :
P<ovided farther that in even case where a special notice is required
ta k served on the owner or occupier under the first proviso; the period
. of thirty days and fifteen days referred to in clause (b) shall be calculated
from the date of service of such special notice. . .

8, Tk cosmissioner may after giving notice to the parties concerned

4nQ karlng the objections, if any, amend the property tax assessment
b & s s ~asiy
t time between one general revision and another by inserting
tbrqin 07 removing therefrom any property or by altering the valuation
qf tgw pqoperty or the amount of tax. Such amendment shall be deemed
to havetakeen effect on the first day of the half-year in which it is made :

Provided that except in a cast. of revision which is necessitated by

r+~on@truction of, or improvements or additions to, buildings or by clerical
QF arithmetical error when the amendment is made in any half-yeai:
after. the demand notice for that half-yew h a been issued, it shall have
qEwt only from the succeeding half-year.
9. In every case in which between one general revision and another
the commissioner assesses any property for the fir:" time or increases the
a s g ~ ~ m e on
n t any property otherwise than in consequence of a general
e & ~ m e n t of the rate at which the property tax is leviable,the corn-
qljssioner shall intimate by a special notice to the owner or occupier of
such property that a petition for revising the assessment will be considered
if it reaches the municipal office within thirty days from the date of service
of such ~ o t i ina the case of Government,a railway administration or a
compgny and within fifteen days from the said date in other cases.
f 10. Any person may, at any time nut being less than thirty or more
4 than sixty days before the end of ahalf-year move the commissioner by
4 r e ~ s i o npetition to reduce the tax to which he is liable for the forth-
coming half-year on the ground that the annual value of the property i'q
i respect of which the tax imposed has decreased since the assessment of
$ the property was last made or revised.
11. The preferring or pendency of an ap~lication for the revision
of the assessment of any tax uger rule 7,9 or 10 shall not--
(a) bar the collection thereof. or

(b) operate as a stay of proceedings to enforce payment of the same.

12. Notwithstanding anything co~tainedin rule 7, 9 or 10, the
commissioner may for special reasons to be recorded in writing consider
~titi,on,sreceived af'ter the periods specified in the said rules and dispose
of such petiths on their merits.
456 Coimbatore City Af~nicipal
13. No petition under rule 7, 9 or 10 shall be disposed of unless the
I petitioner has been given n reasonable opportunity to appear either in
' pelson or by authorised agent and to represent .his case.

14. lmmediately after the disposal of a revision petition, the com-

missioner shall inform the petitioner or h.is authorised agent in writing
of the orders passed thereon and shall, direct him to pay the amount
fixed on revision within fifteen days after the date of receipt of such
intimation or, if the amount is not yet due, within fifteen days from the
date on which it becomes due and shall if necessary, cause the assessment
books to be corrected.

15. (1) A general revision shall be deemed to have taken effect on

the first day oi the ndf-year following that in which the notice under rule
*I 1s publisheu or, in a case where a special notice is required to be served
on the owner or occupier of the property under the first proviso to that
rule on the first day of the half-year following that in which such special
notice is served on the owner ur occupier of the property.
(2) Any correction in the assessment books made by the commis-
sioner under rule 14 or rule 26 shall be deemed to have effect on the first
day of the half-year to which the assessment which was sought to be
serised or which was appealed against relates.
Explanation.-The levy of a new class of property tax or an e . ace-
ment in the rate at which any class of property tax js leviable is no amend.
ment or revision within the meaning of this rule a,nd shallhave effect
fiom the day fixed for the levy or enhancement.
16. The first payment of tax shall be made within t
day specified in rule 15.


~ s s e sfigen
s t for pr~fession-tax;
- -__
(See section 133.)
17. (1) Persons shall be assessed by the commissioner to
taa under the foIlowin~classeson a scale to' be determined
from time to t h e :
- Provided that such scale shall be subject to the maximu
against each class : ~ *

P - -
1981 :T. N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal 457
Provided further that the proportion which the tax on any class
bears to the minimum incoine of that c!ass shall in no case be smaller
than the proportion which the tax on any lower class bears to the minimum
ncome of such lower class :-
Class, Half-yearly income. half-yearly

RS. Po

1, More than Rs. 15,000 *

.. .. .. . 125 00
I[. More than Rs. 12,000 but not more than Rs. 15,000 100 00
111. More than Rs. 9,000 but not more than Rs. 12,000 75 00
1Ve More than Rs. 6,000 but not more than Rs. 9,000 50 00
V. More than Rs. 4,830 but not more than Rs. 6,000 37 ' 50
VI. More than Rs. 3,000 but not ]nore than 18 00
Rs. 4,800
VII. More than Rs. 1,800 but not more than Rs. 3,000 9 00
Provided also that the profession-tax so assessed by the commis-
sioner shall be paid by such person even before filing an appeal against
such assessment.

(2) The counzil may exempt any on(: or more of the classes in
sub-rule (1) from the liability to profession-tax, but no class shall be
exempted from liability when any lower class is liable to tax.
18. (1) If, in the opinion of the commissioner, profession-tax is or
will be due for any half-year from any person other than a person in res-
pect of whom the comm;ssioner obtains to his satisfaction particulars of
income under section 139, he shall serve a notice on such person either
in that half-year or in the succeeding half-year requiring him to furnish
within such period. not being less than thirty days as may be specified in
the notice a return showing the income on the basis of which according
to such person, he is lirble to be assessed to profession-tax for the half-
year in question. Thereupon it shall be open to such person to submit
a return showing the income derived by him during the half-year for
which profession-tax is claimed or during the previous half-year ind
produce any evidence on which the person may rely in support of the
return made,
458 ' Coimbatore City Munlctpal [I981 .: 'PhNa14c#:S

(2) If a return as required under sub-rule (I) or, a, list. with the
statement as required by szction 139 is furnished and the commiss~ne~
is satisfied that it is correct and complete, he shall levy the prof'tcm
tax from the person liable to be assessed on the basis of such return
Explanation.--If a person produces the notice of demand of in-
ax served on him under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Central Act 43 of
1961) for the year comprising the half-year in question, the commissioner
shall be bound to take one-half of the income mentioned in such notice
of demand as income derived from the source on which profession tax
is leviable under this Act, as the income on the sad sources for the
purposes of levying profession tax.
(3) If no return as required under sub-rule (1) is furnished, or ff
the commissioner is satisfied tbat any return fv~nishedis incorrect or
incomplete,he shall assip to the person the class in the scale appropriate
to the half-yearly mncon Le of such person as estimated by him.
(4) The commissioner may, when classifying any person under
sub-rule (9,do so on general considerations with reference to the nature
and reputed value of tne business transacted, the size and rental 9f
zesidential business premises, the quantity and number of articles dealt
with the number of persons employed and the income-tax paid to the
Central Governmeat.
(5) The commissioner shell not be entitled to call for the accoantl
of any person.
Tux on currhges axd mima~s.
(See section 142.)
19. (1) The tax on carsiages 2nd animals shall be levied fit rates mt
the fcllowing : -
Descr[ption of carriage or animal. W~-YP~V&
(1) (2)
For every four-whe~lec'vehicle with springs or other
.. ..
appliances acting as springs constructed to be
drawn by onit or rnore animals
For every two-whedd vehicle with springs or other
appliances acting as spr:ngs constructed to be
drawn by one or more animals ..
Descriptiofi of carriage or animal. Hdfyearly

J?oiperambulator .. ... .. .. ..
For cycle rickshaw .. he .. .. ..
For harid-'&rt!with spiingi or oiher a'pplimcesacting
PS sirings .. .. .. .. .. .A.

For elephant .. .. . . . .. ..
For camel .. .. .. . . *. .
For horse or mule not under 12 hands .. ..
i7Cr bullbck or :. . .. . .. . .
For horse or riziile uiider 12 hzinUs . . .. .
For le buffalo .. . .. .. . .
. .. .. ..

For pi8 .-. -. . . 4

For gbat . . .. .. . . .. 4
For ass ..
*ot dog . .
. .. . . ..
. .

. .. .. .. .. 4

" -. , Airy assess& who is dissatisfied with the assessment of airy tax
q@r.this ~ c~ th c than r propiity tax tnd the transfer duty may &ah8
an a p p l i ~ t i ~innwriting 'lo the commissioner for the refrision*ofm h
as&srn&t stating the grounds 'tf &is objection ;hereto,
460 Coimbatore City M~licipal ' [I981 :T.N. Act 25
21. No application for mvision wder rule 20 shr.11 be admitted unles8
the application has reached the municipal office in the case of profession
tax, within fifteen days from the date of service of the notice prescribed
by sectioo 136 and in the case of any other tax within seven days from tbe
date of demand provided that the commissioner may, if he thinks flt,
extend the period within which notice of objectioq sbould be delivered
to a period not exceediag one month.
22. (1) All such applications and all petitions under rule 7.9 or 10
shall be enteled in a register to be msintained for the purpose; and on
receipt of any application or petition, notice shall be given to the a p l i -
cant or petitioner of a time and plecc P & which his application or petition
will be considered.
(2) At the said tine and place the commissioner shall hear the
objection in the presence of the objector or his agent if he appears or
may for reascnable cause acljcum the investigation.
(1) When the objection has been determined, tha order pssed
shall be recorded in ths. said register together with the &te of subh order
and communicated to the objstor or his agent by registend post.

the Uommissioner unde~sub-rule (3) of rule 22, he may; wit 'n' Bfteen
days from the date on which ssrch order wt.s received by him, appeal
23. (1) Where an objector is dissatisfied with the order ~ s s e dby

a~sinstit to a committee called tho Taxation Appeals Uommittee oonsis-

ting of three members, two of whcm; shall be membe~sof the' council
elected by it snd the third shall be judicialofficer cf the rankofa Sub?
fudge appointed by the Government o n such remuneration as 'me,y b
h d by them and subject to such conditions ss may be prescribed .by
them. The person so .appoir~tedby the Government shall be t b chair-
man of the, Committee.

(2) The Taxation Appeals aommittee shall have all t b p h i s

of the standiag ccmmittee on taxation and finance, . I

(3) NO business shall be transscted at any meeting of the Tax~tion

Appeqls Committee unless the Ch?ir-:.; :.xi c:le~.st ccte other member
of the aommittee are present. If the Chairman and one other member
present an. divided in opinion as tc thc decision to be given on anyapwf,
the appeal, shall be decided at a meeting of the Committee ~ttendedby
all the three members. zppeals coming up before the Committee
at a meeting when aH the three members are piesent, shall be decided
according to the opinion of the ma-jorityof the members. Jn 'the e&nt

of disagreement among all the three membrs, the Chairrnga &all

endeavour to bring about agreement among themsclves or between any
two of them over a specific proposa4 f~ilingwbich the ofinion oi tb
chairman shall prevail.
f4, y.5 o;;?'.. .* ,0- .-.-.s -
rS - -- ce ~ d z i m e du o h s the tax
-* .
ksed of, the as:essnient piev2ifing in rhe h2lf-year previous to the half-
yea1 in question has been paid and thz tax assessed against which the
appeal is preferred has also been paid :
Pxovided that-
. (a) if tht tax assessed upon such pe~sgtldoes not exceed fifteen
rupees, then, such person shall not be required to pay the tax in respect
of which the appaai is preferred until the disposs 1 of such appeal; and
(b) if the tax assessed upon such person exaeds fifteen rupees
but does not exceed thirty lupees, thm, such person shall be requiled
to pay the'ta x based on the asssssnlent prevailing in the ha lf-year previous
to the hamyear In question.
24. (a) An appeal shall lie to the district court having jurisdiction
over the corpcra tion zgzinst any decision oft he TaxpetionAppeals Corn-
mittee constituted under rule 23 but no such appeal shall be heard by
the said court, unless -
(i) a notice of intention to appeal has been given to the corn-
missioner within ten days from the date on which such decision was
conmunicated by registered post, and
(ii) the petition of ?*ppealhas baen presented within fourteen
days from the date on which such decision was communica.ted by
regislered post 2nd the t8.x has been pzid within the said period.
,&pZtptatjon.-Iu the case of a tax leviable by half-yearly instalments
the reqbirments of clause I ii) as to payment of the tax shtll be
deemed to have been satisfied if the half-yearly instalments due
under the order appealed against has been paid.
(b) The court may for sufficient cause delay in the presentation
of an appeal.
(c) me notice of intention to apped shall state the name, occu-
pation and residence of the appellant or of his advocate, if any, and the
grounds of appeal.
(d) The appellant shall not, except with the leave of the court
urge or be heard in support of any ground of objection which has not
been set forth in his notice of intention to appeal.
(e) Tile provisions of Parts I1 and 111 of the Limitation Act, 1963
(central Act 36 of 1963) relating to appeals shall apply to every a p p a l
kefened under this rule.
25. The court may direct who shall bear the costs of an appeal under
the above rule.
26. The assessment books, maintained by the commissioner shall be
corrected in accordance with t h decision
~ of the Taxation Appeals corn-
mittee or where there is an appeal to tile district court, in accordarce
. .
'562 Colmbato~e,City &u.ic&a~ tt+tmiz$&. Add6
with itsjudgment under ruls 24 and-inthe event of tha amount ,ofa v
#ax,being reduced or remitted by "the 'said'cbmmittke 'or c$urti'the'
., L.* .Qr .+ tY,

missioner shall grant a refund acSrdin'i\y.' , *+,

27. The assessment or demand of any tax w h e n ~ ,apgl@,tion
~o or
.appeal is.made as hereinbehe provi&d .&and when.sueh anr.)plicadon
,or ippeal b inade, the ord& passed l P Y ths~miniigi6i,,$* 3TQ13
of,&e Taxation Appeals Commitlee.or tfie Fad$di&+i&i: by'.tpe*. 1 Yg 'pt
court on the appeal, as the case may be, 66aI1 be f i d : ' * '
]Providedthat where auy assessment or demand is not in accoldance
I. witb the assessment books, nothing in this rule shall bcdeemcd.t&pr&@it
a fresh assessment or demand of the tax beinginade in:a&ubfhete-
, P@T VI.
Collection of taxes.
Gee- secg.on 169,)

(2) A notice under section 136 or section.147,qadit bill under sub-

*.ry1q i!) -&@! be qiggnedpy.the; coqM#spes..asdvg48$f 1gpt,9!-
I .

(a) a statement of the period and a deqiption of the occupdtion,

.qpope~ty-or:.thing for - w&&h the t a i i s chaiged'anct
. * ,.'p'sir€i&lars
r *
*..** *>of
e~ha:demand; ..and a

i(blinotice 9f ithe liability . ~ @ c .may

h b,,i
.(3) ttS!$wre5 if .noti@ ~r bill ~e:@r.~d .to
#j,p#vgx+pq?g~vpu. q$he~4s; thc,haIf-y(taq,in
m the succeeding half-year the tax for
,@is $p+nleb~ W L n p.be,
r . t Pq??~tl,deid*
29. (1) If the amount due on account of
~fi&w~-~diay~:frarn oths@ce. ef theasatice.r,
136 peseaim 147.0~nJe 28 aod.i~thwgw
~ ~ , ~ O ~ & Q V V % Wt ~
$$ ~f Q ~
Wh.e4 w ~ S ~ W
should not be paid, the commissioner may
_ _.A-..- -.

lm :T.N. ~d Coimbhtore City Municzw 463

hi.$ viarranr x nd .La c i rhe movable property of the defaulter or if the
defaulter is the oc:cupier of any building or land in respect of which a
tax is due, by distress and saie of any movable property which may be
found in or on such building or land the amount due on account of the
tax together with the warrant fee aud distraint fee and with such further
sums as will satisfy the probable charges that will be incurred in
connection witk the detention and sale of the property so distrained :
Provided always that movable property described in the proviso
to sub-section (1) of section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(Central Act V of 1908) shall not be liable to distraint.
Explanation.-It shall not be open to any person whose negligence II
or misconduct has caused or contributed to any such deficiency or loss
to contend that notwithstanding his negligence or misconduct, the defi-
ciency or loss would not have occurred but for the negligence or mis-
conduct of some other person,
(2) If for any reason the distraint, or :I sufficient distraint, of the
defaulter's property is impracticable the commissioner may prosecute
the defaulter before a magistrate.
(3) Nothing herein contained shall preclude the corporation from
. suing in a civil court for the recovery cf any tax, duty or other amount
'due to it under this ,Act.
30. Under a special order in writing of the commissioner any officer
charged with the execution of a warrant of' distress may between sunrise
and sunset, break open any outer or inner door or window of a building
in order to make the distress, if he has reasonable ground for believing
that such building contains property which is liable to seizure, and if,
after-notifyinghis authority and purpose, and duly demanding admittance,
he cannot otherwise obtain admittance :
Provided that such officer shall not enter or break open the docr of
any apartment appropriated to woman until he has given three hours
notice of his intention and has given such women an opportunity to
31. The officer charged with the execution of a warrant, snall, before
making the distraint, demand payment of the tax duo and the warrant
fee. If the tax and fee are paid no distraint shall be made but if the tax
, or fee is not paid, the officer shall-
(a) seize such movable property of the defaulter as he may thiDt
necessary ;
(6) make an invel~toryof the Vroperty sebd ; ood
(c) give to the person in possession of the property seized at the
time of seizure a copy of the inventory andfhe notice of sale : . .

Provided that a period of seven days shall be allowed for paying

the'amounts due andredeeming the property seized.

32. Tne distress shall not be excessive, that is to say, the property
distrained shall be as nearly as possible equal in value to the tax due by
the defaulter, together with all expenses incideiltal to the warrant, distraint,
detention and sale.
33. (1) Ii che amouct due by the defaulter on account of the tax, the
warrant fee and distraint fee and the expenses incidental t o the detention
of tne property are aot paio within tne period of seven days mentioned
in the notlce given under rule 31 and if tne dictraint warrant IS not sus-
penaecr by the comm~ssioner,tne property seizea or a suffiient portion
thereof, shaU be sold by public auction unaer thc: oruers of the corn-
mis~ioaer who snall apply tne proceed of t ae sale to the payment 'of
the alxount due on accou ~t of the tax, the warrant fee ana the distrdint
fee enci tbe expuses inciue~talto the detention and sale of the property
and shall return to the persoE in whose possession the property was
at the time of seizure ariy property or sum which may remain after the
sale and the application af the proceeds thereof as aforesaid if appi-
cation is made by such person within twelve months from the aate of the
sale. If no such epplication is made, the property or sum so remain ing
snall be foxfeited to the corpcratio~. If the prcceeds of the salt a r ~
insuffisient for the payment of the amount due cn account of the tax
t'le warrant fee ana ciistrrcint fee and tnc expenses inadeatsl to the
detention and sale of the property the commissioner may again proceed
undet rules 29 and 30 in respect of the sum remaining unpaid.
(2) When the property seized is perishable or subject to speedy
and natural decay or if the expense of keeping it w~ll,together with the
amount, of the tax due, exceca the value of the property, the commiss-
ioner inay sell it at any time before the expiry of the said period of
s even days unless the amount due is sooner paid.

(3) The commissioner sh.all consider any objections to the distraint

of any property wl:-h are made within the said period of seven days and
postpc.:~the sale pending h~estigationthereof. If tht: commissi-
oner decicies that the property attached was not liable to distraint, ha
shall return it or if it has already been sold, the proceeds of the ,sale to
the person appearing to be entitled thereto and may again proceed under .
rules 29 and 30; and all feeb and expenses connectzd with the first
distraint and sale shall be recoverable from the defaulter if it shall
appeat to the commissioner that he wilfully permitted the distraint of the
property when to his knowledge it was not liable to dist faint.
-- - - 0 s--- - -
- - . ------.- -
1981 :!EN.Act 251 465
3 I

~oimbatoreCity ~ ~ n i c i p a i
34. (a) Fees shall be levied on distraints under this Act with reference
to the amount due for which the distraint is made and according to the
rates specified in the following table :-
Sum distrainedfor. Fees*

Under one tupee .. .. @ b . u •

RS* P o
0 25
One-ru'peeandover but tinder five rupees .. . a

Five rupees and overubut under ten rupees .. ..

and over'but under fifteen rupees
?'err r~@ees ..
Fifteen rupees 'and over but under twer ty rupees ..
T ~ n t y ' r ~ p eand
e s over but under twentyLfive rupees
Twenty-five rupees and over but under thirty rupees. .
Thirty rupees and over but under thirty-five rupees ..
Thirty-five rupees and over but under forty rupees
Forty rupees and over but under forty-five rupees ..
Forty-five rupees and over but under fifty rupees ..
Fifty rupees and over but under sixty rupees . •

Sixty'rupees and over but under eighty rupees .. .. 7 50

Eigbty *rupeesand over but under one hundred rupees .. 9 00
One hundred rupees and over . . .. .. 10 00
(I)) Such fees shall include all expenses except-
(i) rhe cost of maintaining any livestock or the expenses incidental
t o the detention of the distrained property ;and
(ii) the charge payable 011 account of basic servants kept incharge '
of the distrained property, namely, ninteen paise daily for each basic
aervant .
35. (a) The movable property of a defaulter may be distrained
de rever it may be found within the State of Ta~liilNadu.
125- 12-30
. L .

466 C&batorkF C i t yMunicipul

(b) If it is necessary to cistrain property outside the limits of the
City, the commissioner shall addess his warrant to such public servant
having local jurisdiction as the Government may, by general or specid' +.
order, ,,direct. . ,

(;c} Such public servant shall execute the warrant himself or


cacie lr to be executed by some person subordinate to himelf. . .

L .- r ' *. *. "* e . ' 0.

I4) Subject to the modifications set out in the following sub.-rules,

the provisions'of rules. 32 td 34 (both inclusive) shall apply to the-exeku-
tion of the warrant and the disposal of the sale-proceeds, . . . . . . .. .
I 4

.(e) For the purpose of action under rule 30.110 special order in
II '&&ting of the.dommissioner shall be required but if the public seivatit
to whom the warrant is addressed charges any subordinate ...with the
execution he shall furnish such subordinate with a special 'order in
writing to that effect.and such subordinate shall then have authority ..
to-take action' under the rule.
.. ..

'*Cf)For the purpose of action under rule 33 the public's6rvant to

whom the warrant id addressed may, without further orders.from% the*
cdminissioner; sell of direct the sale of the property seized,' and shall on
completion of the sale, transmit the proceeds to the commissioner^
I ex

subject to such deduction, if any, as may be necessary to meet expenses

incuzred locally.
, . r *3 ..
h *
, ,

/ ,I -
(g) It shall be unlawful for such-public-servanthimself or for any
persh subordinate 'to bim to purchase directly or indirectly any pro-
- ,
at any such
L ,.
sale.. t
.- - . .. - ,

r 7 36. If t he tax due on account of any buikling or land remains unpaib

16 \\;hole or idpart at the end of the period specified in sub-rule (I) of
pule 29, the commjssiope~may, if the said tax hati remained unpaid-for
more than 'twelve months require the
' occupier for the time
being. of such building or land to pay the amount within r specified
period not being lesszhan fifteen &ys and if the occupier fails to complj;
with such requisition the commissioner may dist~ainand sell any movable
property found on the building or land and the provisions of the fore-
going -ruless h 11~mutatis apply t u 2 11distraints and st les effeot&
un&r this rule : 1 ,

Provided that no occupier shall be liable to prosecution -or tc

iivil suit in respect of any sum recoverrble f ~ o mhim u@l'this
finless he has wilfully pievented distri.int 01 a sufficientdistsaint.
17..If any tax-due from any person remains unpaid in whole or in
part at the end of the peliod specified in sub-rule (Ij of rule 29 and.if
I -
_ - -- ."*_.
Am.. - -s- --
I%:~ Act 251
e N e Cofmbatore Ciw Municipal Corporation 467 .

such person has left India or cannot be found, the said tax or such part
thereof as remains unpaid together with all sums payable in connection
therewith shall be recoverable as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
38. (1) Every person who is prosecuted under sub-rule (2) of rule 29
shall be liable on proof to the sdtisfaciion of the magistrate that he
wilfully omitted to pay the a m o u ~ tdue by him to pay a fine not exceed-
ing twice the amount which may bz aue by him on account of-

. .(a) - the tax and the warrant fee, if any, and

t .

(b) if distraint has taken place, the distraint fee and the expenses
incidental to the detention and sale, if any, of the property distxained.
(2) Whenever any persofi is convicted of an offence under sub-
rule (I), the magistrate shellin irdditi~n
to any fine which may bt imposed
recove1 summarily and pay over to the corporation, the amounts, if any,
dbe under the heads specifled in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-rule (lj,
and. may, in his discretion also, recovet summarily and pay tc the cop
porr tion such amount,if any, 3s he may fir as the costs ofthe prosecution.
39. Neither the commissioner nor any municipal officer or servant
shall directly or indirectly purchase any property pt any sale of dist ainea
property held under the foregoing rules.
' '40. In these rules the expression "tax " includes payrnems due by
way of composition for a tax.

(See section 172).

1. The purposes to which the municipal fund may be applied include

all objects expressly declared obligatory or discret ionaly by by-laws or
rules and in genera 1everything necessary for or conducive to the safety,
health, convenience or education of the residents of Coimbatore or to
the amenities of the City and everything incidental to the administration: .
and the fund shall be applicable thereto within the City subject to
these rules and such further rules or special orders as the Goverfirnent
may prescribe or issue; and shall be a~vlicabletheretc outside the City +

ifthe expenditure is authorized by this Act or specially sanctioned by thg

aovernment ..
125 -12-30~
488 ~oim&iatoreCity ~ t i n i e i p a i (i98i :$.&;.Act ,&I
2. The objeets of expenditure connected with the &iic @et,y
include the following: -
(a) Lighting of public street and the provision, pui,~haee,e~pbjt-
atlon and maintenance of gas, electric or other un&rta&ingsfpr;ligktipa + I

public and private strcets, pltices and buildings ;

(b) Extinction of files ;

(c) aontrol, supe~visionor removal of dangerous places, buildings,

trades and practices ;
(d) Regulation of tiaffic ;
(e) Prevention and removal of obstructions in streets or RUM~G,
(f) The giving of lclief and the establishment and rnainteaa~o
of relief works in tinlc of fa mine or scarcity.
S. The c','ects of expenditure connected with the public,h@lth
indude the following :-

(a) The construction and maintenance of hospitals aqd 4isp~n-

saries and temporary places of reception within or with~uttb Ci 'fa
the treatment of infectious diseases occurring in the City ; bui dingF
hospitals and dispensaries and places oL.rewpion for the sick in general;
wntribping tow.-3rd~hospitals, dispensaries or places of reception
provided by the Government; contracting for t h use of a hospital or
part of a hospital, dispensary or place of reception; combining with
any other local authority or withthe Government to provide a common
hospital, dispensary or place of reception; sending indigent inhabitants
of the Oity to institut~onsoutside the City for treatment; the training
of health o f f i ~ r smedical
, practitioners, medical subordiwtes, sanitary
inspectors and ani31ystg;the training of,midwives and nurses and provi-
sion of nurses for attendsnce on ptients suffering from infectious diseases
at the houses of such pelsons ;the provision of health-visitors, qidwives,
and dhais for attendance on m91teraitycases; vaccin~tiopand.tho.twiaing.
ads supervision of vaccinators and the provision oP,lyrnpk$h
registration of marriages ; the enumeration of .the inhabi@zttssofp~d,
City and other measures of a like natutc.
, .

(b) The 0011struotion, establishment, maintenance, supervisiqa h d l :

l public rnqrkets and sl.9ugker houses; of shops, r ~ t a J lap&:
~ n t r oof ~,
puntha ;of lstl ines of drains 2nd drainage works ;of sewage f a r m ~ @ ~ B I ;
works fox the removal or disposal of sewage ; o f water-work~,:dpj&&~ .
1981 :T.N. Act 25J Coimbatore City Munt~ipalCorporation 469

fuuntains, tanks and wtlls, of wash-kouses or salavaithuraikal; of parks,

squares and gardens ; the reclamation of unhealthy localities and other
sahita~ymeasures of a like natuie ;
(c) The cleansing and watering of streets and drains; rcaveogiag;
the removal of excessive or noxious vegetation. ;the abatement of all
nuisalroes ;
(4 The regulation and control of offensive or dangerousttrades,
of unhealthy buildings 01 localities and of burial 2nd burning grounds
and crematoria; improvement of burial a.nd barning grounds and ere-
matoria and the provision of sites for and the closing of b ~ s i a land
burning grounds, the provision of new sites for offensive end dangerous
trades and of special loc~~tions
f o factor:es,
~ the acquisition of congested
areas and the provision of new sites whethei within ox without the City
to relieve congestion or to provide for the g r o ~ ofh population; im-
provement and reclamation of land, planning, surveying and control of
town extension, whether within or withold the City, redistribution of sites
in such extensions, andall measuresofa like nature.
(e) The acquisition, con:truction, maintenance, enlargement,
improvement, alteration, repairs, m2nagernent 2nd letting of dwelling
houses fol the use of the working classedas well as the middle classes
and of any building for the use or convenience of the inmates o f such
dwellihg houses and the doing of any act 01 thing necessary ot expedient
to facilitate ally such undeitakiag and tne acquisition of land and
buildings for ar~ysuch purpose.
\n The prevention of adulteration of food o r food products, main-
t&aE& of laboratoiies fox food 2nd water analysis and mainteaance of
iesearch laboratories,

4. The objects ofexpenditure conr.ected with the public convenience,

amenities and educqtion inclnde-

(a) The construction, maintenanc-, diversion and improvement

of st~eets,bridges, causeways, culveits r.nd the like; the remlation of
buildings ; the constraction of model dwellings,and the encouragement
of co-operative buildisg sotieti2s by lams, glerf s of land or prizes;
the removal of projecticns and enrraahents; the naming of streets;
the numbeiing of houses; the rlmting :~nd preservation of trees in
t ~ places; the maintenance of public monuments ;
public ~ t r e eand
(b) The construction, m~intenanm,alter2 tion 8nd adornment of
public halls and theatres, the acquisition and maintenance of rccrcafion
@ounds,playing fields and promenades ;
q70 Cofrnbarore City Municipal Cmporalion [@81 : T.H.Act 25
(c) Subject to all provisions of law the construction, maintenanw,
purchase, or exploitation of transport services railways not included, of
.telephone systems, grass farms, dairies, public bakeries and other a@-
cultural, industrial or trading concerns of public utility, either within-or
without the City and whether or not in combination with other authorities
: or persons, and subscriptioil to debenture loans of any such concern.. ;"
. . . .,I. . . *,

(d) The employment of veterinary officers, the prevention oi' diseabis

of animals,the provision of places for the treatment of sick- animals and
. the prevention of cruelty to animals ;
. -.. . #

(e) The provision and maintenance of zoological and horticultural

gardens ; .. .
(f) The provision and maintenance of public libraries and readbig
rooms, museums, art galleries, gymnasia or any other institutions con-
nected with the diffusion of metal or physical culture ;
. (g) The construction of boat.lc--:* ?qd wharves ;
(h) The construction and maintenance of stadia for sports and
recreation, club-houses, tourist-homes, model restaurants, cold storage
rooms and underground safety cellars for film storap ;
(i) The provision md maintenance of public baths, batbing places,
and swimming pools ;
{ j ) The provision of music for the people ;

I (k) The provision and maintenance of colonies for the corporation

es ablishment ;

(I) The provision and maintenance of public clocks and clock-

* ,
towers or of a time-gun ;
(m)l'he construction and maintenance of school house^ an6
midday meals centres in the City ;
Primary, secondary and high school education ;

(0) Technical and industrial educaricn ;

(p) The trat,:-2 of teachers ;

14) m e ~rovjsionof standard w~jghts,scakga anti ncflbrr+efi j

- of public weighing places ;
.. Irl The holding of exhibiticas or fairs ;
- - - -- - -

1981 :T.N..Act 251 Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation . A71

- (s) The provision and maintenance of rest houses, choultries, alms

hou$es, poor houses, homes or settlements for beggars, -work-houses,
infirmaries and children's homes, pounds and other works of public
utility ;
( t ) The organisation and maintenance of health associations and
I the provision and organisation of health prcpaganda work in slums and
other areas ;
(u) The organisation and maintenance of maternity and child
' welfare centres and associations tor tht: prevention of juvenile smoking
and ciuelty to children and training of health visitors ;
I ...
(v) he provisicn and maintenanace of rescue homes.
5. The objects of expenditure incidental to the administration include-
(a) The provision and maintenance of a principal municipal office
and record room and of other offices with the cost of appurtenances an4
fitting and insurance ;
II (b) Salaries, allowances, liveries, pensionary and provident fund
contribution, gratuities and pensions, and the cost of hire of vehicles
for the commissioner and the municipal oflicers and servants ; study
leave allowance of professional officers and subordinates ; sending
municipal servants to any hospital or institute including the Pasteur
- Institute, Coonoor for treatment ; the purchase of provisions and-other
necessaries for sale to municipal subordinates.
~x~2anation.-"Salary " for the purpose of this rule shall include
the privilege, if any, granted by the corporation of receiving payments
in kind in lieu of the whole or a portion of tho salary by purchasing
articles from the corporation at such prices as the corporation may fix
from time to time. . ( I

(c) Stationery, printing and all office and advertising .expenses . #

including the cost of reporting the discussions of the council ;

1 (d) Legal expenses ;
(e) Election expenses ;
f Cf) Auditor's fees; . -.

di (g) The provision and maintenanace of municipal workshops and

I factories for the manufacture of electrically driven vehicles, lorry station
and a fleet of motor vehicles for municipal purposes ;
(h) Municipal surveys, the preparation of maps af the City an4
of propose& extensions; - + --. i b
4:12 Coirnbatore Cuy Municipal Corporation [19&15:TqN*A d 45
c) The preparation and maintenance of a record ,,qfdghts io
imm~vableproperty ;

( j ) The acquisition of land for all or any of the purposes ,af&gs


6. Subject .to such mJes.as may be prescribed a s regards~&ed&a#hd

specifications of services, works and institutions, it shall b&.t-hedutylof
the standing committee to make such provision as it thinks fit for carrying
aut the re~uiremeiitsof the City in respect of the follawiog~matters,
namely :-
A. Water-supply, drainage, sannitlztion and lighting.
.- ,


(j). Wa#errsycpply.-Ail items of work comected with .the asmc- j

tion, establishment, maintenance, supervision and control of wa&i 3C
and pro,tected yvater-supply except items of work relatip.,to, routine h
repairs and routine maintenance.
Explanation.--1 n this rule, the expressions " routine repairs '* and
" youtine m$ntenan~e" mean such items of work as m y .be,@.ecific
b , t h e Government by order from time to time. $

(ii) raina age.-Construction of drains (open and pnPe(~.grm)

jnclgding comexion of house drains with public drains agcj .them ~ ~ e
' L
of sewage farms and all works for the removal OF , & s p ~ ~ ~ 8 l * a f l g ~ ~ ~
(lii) Lighting.-Provision and maintenance of electric lights in all
ppblic streets*
B. Health Protection.
(iv) Water analysis.
(v) Prevention of adulteration of food.
cvi) Control, supervision or removal of dangerous places, wldings
trades and practices.
(vii) Preventive and remedial measures connected with- any epide-
rmc or e~demicdiseases or with malaria.
(viii) Opening and maiutenance of burial and burning 4ro
I @

C . Medical KelieJ
jix) opening an d maintenance of infectious diseases b p ~
(X) Opening and maintenance of tuberculosis clinics,
1981::T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City M~nicipalCorporation 473
I). Pul,lfc Amentfbes.

(xi) Maintenance of park and zoological gardens.

(xii) Provision and maintenance of public clocks and clock-towers
or of a time-gun.
(xiii) C!onstrudion and maintenance of poor-houses, orphanages*
industrial houses and special houses for diseased beggars.
(xiv) Welfare of labour.
E. Remunerative Enterprises.
(xv) Establishment and maintenance of workshops.
(xvi) Opening and maintenance of public markets and control
of private markets.
(xvii) Control of fairs and festivals.
(xviii) Opening and maintenance of public landing places, halting
places, bus and taxi stands and openin:: shelters in bus stops.
(xix) Opening and maintenance of public slaughter-houses and
control of private slaughter-houses.
(xx) Establishnlent and maintenance of lorry stations.
(xxi) Sports stadia including swimming pools, specified as such by
th+estanding committee.
(xxii) Framing of schemes relating to fisheries.
(xxiii) Establishment and maintenance of cold storages.

(xxiv) Construction, repair P nd maintenance of roads classified

as " main roads ", constructionwandreconstruction and rnaintenan~e
of bridges on " main roads " and construction and reconstruction of
bridges on sub-roads " :

Provided that only bus routes shall be classified as *' main roads **,
all. other roads being classified as " sub-roads ".
(xxv) Purchase and maintenance of stcamOjnd motor road roue81
and lorries and maintenance of a central Asphalt Plant.

I ,n
. Coimbatorc Ci~yMunicipal Corpord tion [I981 :T.N.Aqt25

(xxvi) Opening aad n~~intcnanceof secondary schools. , .

(wvii) Provision of nridtiay meals and clothing to poor children
' in schools. - ..
I-[, Town-Planning.
(xxviii)' All matters connected with town-planning in the City.
(xxix) Housing, including the clearai~ceand improvement of slums.
7. The commissioner may, with' the sanction of the council,
contribute tcwards thc: expenses of any public exhibilion, ceremony
or entertainment in the Ciiy.
8. The commissioner ma:-, w;th the sallction of the cotncil, defr;.y
the cost of the preparal ion and present ai ion of addresses to pe~onis
of distinction.
9. The commissioner may, with the sanction of the council and of
the Government contribute to any fund for the defence of India, or to
any charitable fund, or to the funds of any institution for the relief of the
poor or the treatment 0 , diseasa or infirmity or the reception of the
diseased or inurm persons or the investigation of the causes of disease
or incur any other extraordkary charges. - .

10. All moneys received bg the corporation shall be lodged in tbe
State Bank of India or with the sanction of the Government in any oth&
bank and shall be credited to an account entitled the " Municipal Fund
Account " ; . . '. -., /*

Provided that any such moneys may with the sanction of the Govern-
(i) be invested in any of the securities specified in section 20 of the
Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (Central Act I1 of'1882) or in any other security
a which may be approved by the Government ; or +
, .

(ii) be placed on a fixed deposit in the State Bank of India or in

- any other bank approved by the Goverhment. *
.. .. .
i ,r
11. (1) All orders or cheques against the municipal fund shall be
t >

signed by the commissioner c r any officer or servant of the corporation

specially authoriscd by the cc~mmissionerin this behalf and the banli'in .
wEch the fund is lodged sha.11, so far as the funds to the credit of the
corporation admit, pay all orders or cheques against the t ' n d which arc
so signed. . . - , . . . . . .- ". . .. . -.
;- 1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatorc City Municipal corporation 475

L (2) If, the council shall have given previous authority in writing
such bank may at once pay out of the municipal fund without srch order
or cheque apy expense which the Government have incurred on behalf
of the corporation.
12, Tkt pjmezt o i any sum ant of the municipal fund may be made
authorised by the commissioner if such sum is covered by a budget-
grant and a sufficient balance of such budget-grant is available.
13. The payment of any sum out of th: municipal fund may be made
or authorised by the commissioner in the absence of budget provision
. in the case of-
(a) refunds of taxes and other moneys authorised by law, rule,
by-law or regulation ;
(b) repayments of moneys belonging to contractors or other

persons and held. in deposit and of moneys collected or credited to the

municipal fund by mistake ;
. .
(c) costs incurred by the commissioner in the exercise of his powers
under section 15 ;
(d) sums payable under section 47 (1) (c) and section 185 (2) ;
(e) sums payable under a decree cr order of a civil court passed
against the corporation or unde: a compromise of eny suit or legal
. . proceedings or claim ;

. ,. Cf) any sum which the commissioner is required by law, rule, by-law
:, or regulation,to pay by way of compensation or expel~ses;
the salary payable to a special health officer appoiated under
section 111 i and
(h) r xpenscs incurred by the commissioner under su b-section (3)
of section 415 and expenses lawfully incurred in anticipation of recoup-
ment-from a person liable under sny provision of lsw :
Provided that the conlmissioner shall fort hwjth communicate the
circumstances to the standing committee which shall take any action
that may in the circumstances be necessary or expedient to cover any
' expenditure not covered by a budget-grant. I

Audit, Surcharge and DisaZZo nlance,
14. The auditors appointed under. section 171 shall naintain and
keep a continvous audit of the municipal acbcounts.
476 Coimbatore City Municigal [1981+:-nN.
!&!dt125 4

15. ( I) The commissioner7shall submit allivccount~
to the audit1ws as required by them.
(2) The commissioner shall make ready the.aamal
a ccounts and rzgisters and produce them before the audi-
tors for scrutiny not latnr than the first .day of Ju$$n the
year suceeding that to which such mounts m d registers
16. The auditors may-
(a) by summons in writing require the rpltbdrrctio~
of any document, the perusal or examination of'Cwhich
they belieJe necessary for the elucidation of the accounts;
(b) by summons in writing require a4y { ~ r r o n
having the custody or control of any such documeat or
accountable for it to appear in person befors t h m ; and
( c ) require any person so appearing to makb .sad
sign a declaration with respe~tto such document' of Yo
answer any q u a tion or to prepare anti furnish any sttgee-
ment relating thereto.
17. The auditors shall--
(a) report to the standing commi'tee any material
impropriety or irregularity which they may ' o l j s in~ the
expenditure, or in the recovery of moneys diett&me
corpora' ion (ain the municipal accounts ;
(b) furnish to tbe standing committee such infor-
mapion as the said committee may require wncerningrtb~
progress of their audit;
c report to the standing committee~any.4ass.or
waste o money or other property owned by or vastid in
ths council caused by neglect or misconduct, -with the
names of pe sons dir ;ctly or indirectly re~po~~sible, fop
such loss or waste ;and
(d) submit to the standing committee a final state-
ment of the &!lit and a ddplicate copy thzrecf to the
Government within a period of three mmths. ftbm *the
end of the financial year, or within sush other periodf ps
the Governmen{may notify.
18. (1) The commissioner shall forthwith remedy
any defects or irregularities that may be pointed out by
the auditors and se ld a report of the same to the standing
committee which shall forward the report to tit? ~ouncjl.
(2) The council shall forward its remarks on thl: eudit repcrt,
if any, to the Governmtnt through the Examiner of Local Fund
Accounts within six months after the r rctip~of the report by the
19. Copies of all correspondence addressed to or by the standing
committee or its chairman-
(a) on all matters falling within the scope of rules 17 and 18
(b) on such ather matters of importance as the commis~ioner
mqx from time to time determine, shall be sent simaltaneouslv to
the..cpmmissioner by the auditors or by the chairman of the standing
committee, as the case may be.
20; .(I) The auditors may disallow every item contrary to 1r.w and
surcharge the same on the person making or aulhorising the making of
the illegal payment ;and may charge against any person resp(jnslble
therefor the amount of any deficiency or loss incurred by the ne@igence
or misconfi.uct of that person or of any sum which ought to have been
but is not brought into account by that person and shall, in every such
case, certify the amount due from such person.
Explanation.--It shall not be open to any person whose negligen-
or misconduct has caused or contributed to any such deficiency or
los, to codend that notwithstanding his negligence or misconduct the
deficiency or loss would not have occurred but for the negligence or
misconduct of some other person.
(2) The auditors shall state in writing the reasons for their decision
in respect of every disallowance, surcharge or charge and furnish by regis-
tered post a copy thereof to the psrson against whom it is made.
(3) If the person to whom a copy cf the auditors' decision is so
furnished refuses to receive it, he shall nevertlzckss be deemed to habe
been duly furnished with a copy of such decision within the meaning of
sub-rule (2), the period of fourteen days fixed in rules 21 and 22 shall be
calcu;ated from the date of such refusal.
21. (1) Any person aggrieved .by disallovlance, surcharge or charge
made may, within fourteen days after he has received or been served
with the decision of the auditor, either-
(a) apply to the District Judge in the City :o set aside such dis-
allowance, surcharge or charge and the court, after taking such evidence
as is necessary may cc811firrn,modify or remit such disallowance, surcharge
or .chacge with such orders as to costs as i: may think proper in the
circumstances ; or
' * # / .

(b) in lieu of such application appeal to the Government who -
shall pass such orders as they think fit. . .

(2) From any decision of the court un6er clause

.. .
(a) of sub-rule
. .-., ''
(1j, an app:al- shW3'1 ie to.the High Court. . .
6 .

,. -
22. Every s-urncertifizd to bs due from any person by auditors 'under
this Act 'shall be p8id by such person to the commissioner within fduiteqn
days after the intimation to him of the decision of the auditors unbd~:*'
within that tima such pzrson has appealed to thecourt or to the ~ k e r n -
meht against'tli- dicision: and such Sum if not so paid, or such sub as
t& court or ths Governllient sl~alldeclare to be due, shall be recoverable
on an application mads by t h ~commissioner to the court in the sine
way as an amount decreed by the court. )

2 3 . T l i ~corporation shall pay to the auditors out of the'niuhioi@l

fund such remuneration as the Government may determine. '
. .
, +

Form of Accounts. .

24. The council shall make regulations, subject to the approval .

of the Government to provide for-
(a) the form in which the budget estimates, budget statements
and returns of the corpol ation shall be kept; and
(b) the form in which the accounts of the corporation s
: '
u! 9
(See sectionz360.)
Aerated water s-Manu fact uring.
~kmbnition-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, '.or
manufacturing by any process whatever. + ..,
A .( , I

- Arraqk-Manufacturing.
Articles maae of flour--Baking, preparing, keeping or stodqg. for ..%
human consumption (for other than domestic use).
.Ashes-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or man* .
turing by any process whatever, dumping, or siftin&. a
_C_____.l.C.I.- *

. . . - .
i%8i T~N.AA 251 ~oimbatoricity ~ u n i c i h iCorporation 479'

. Beedizs--(Beedi leaves) manvfacturing, storing or selling.

r'.~ i s c k i t s - ~ a k i n ~preparing,
, keepiLlgor storing for human consump-
tion (for other than domestic we).
Blood-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufac-
turing by any process whatever.
.- Bones-Storing,packing, prebbing, cl~ansiij,, pn:parjngpor manufac
turing by any procsss whate-ver.
Bran-Selling, wholesale or retail or storing for wholesale or retail
-Bread--Baking, preparing, keeping, storing for human consumption
(fir other than domestic use).

- camphor-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-

facturing by any process whatever or bciling. I

. candles-Packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing

by any process whatever.
Carpets-Manufact uring.
Cashewnub-Burnir g and extracting kernels from casjlrwnut.
catgut --Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manukc.
turing by any process whatever.

(3ement-Packing, pressing, clea nsi.:n preparing or manufacturing

by any process whato d e l e
Charcoal-Dumping, sifting, selling or storing.
Chemical preparation +-Storing, pa~king,pressing, cleansing, prepar-
ing or manufactoring by any process whatever.
chillies-Grinding by machineiy.

Chillies (dried)--selling wholesti1 - or retail or storing for whobale

or reail trade.
Chlorate mixture-storing, packing, pressing for cleansing, prepaling
or m mufacturing by any process wbatevcr.
Cinders-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or n r a n l l b
turing by any process whatever, dumping or sifting.
Clothes (second-hand)S t c r i n g , selline or hiring, second-hand,
clothes, blankets, mattresses, pillows or bedding.
Clothes -Dyeing.
Coal-Dumping, sifting, selling or storing.
Coconut fibre-Storing, :?acking, pressing, cleansing, preparing: or
manufacturing by any process whatever.
Combustible material- Storing.
Gombusiible-Baking, preparing, keeping or storing for human
consumption (for other than domestic use.).
Condiments- Manufact uri fig.
Confectionery- Baking, preparing, keeping or storing for human
consumption (for other than domestic use).
Cotton-Selling wholesale or retail, storing for wholesale orsretail
trade or for conversion into yarn, packing, pressing; cleaming,
preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever.
Cotton refuse, CL :Lnnseed-selling wholesale or retail trakie, staring
for wholesale - 2 retail trade, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing
or*manufacturing by any process whatever.
Cowdung cakes-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or
manufacturing by any process whatever.
Dyes-Packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing.by
any process whatevzr.
Explosive--S toring .
Fi breaelling or storing.
Fat-Storing,packing, pressing, clzansing,preparingor manufacturing
by any process whatever.
Fins-& toring, packing, pressing clean~ing,preparing, or rnanufaur-
ing by any process whatever.
Firewood-Selling w storina.
1981 :T.R. Act 251 Coif~zbntoreCity Mtlnicipal Corporation 48i
Fireworks-Storing, packing, pressing, cle~nsing, preparing or
manufacturing by any process whatever.
Fish-Storing, packing. pressing, clean sing, preparing or
manufacturing by any proccs; whirfever.
Fish oil-Storing, packi~rg,pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
facluing by any 2rocess wilkricver.
Flax-Storing, pxking. pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufa*
turing by any process wixi;l:cvcr.
AeshingsStor kg, y acki lig, piessing, cbausing, preparing or man*
facturing by ally process wh-f
u l ~ ~ ~ r .
Flcur-Selling wholcsalc or retail, storicg for wholesale or retail trade,
packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or maiiufacturing by any process
Fuel-Using for any illdividual purposc.
Fulminate of mercury-St oring, pdcking, pra:ssing, cleansing, gr~pa-
ring or manufacturing by ally process whatever.

4 Gas-- Storing, packing, prcssing, cleansing, preparing or manufao-

i turing by any process whatever.
f Ghee-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufa-
turing by any process ~vhakver.

Grain-Selling wholesale or retail or storing for wholesale or retsil

Gram-Husking by machinery.
Grass- Selling or storing.
Gravel or metal-Digging.
Groundnut--Selling wholesale or retail or stering for wholesale or ,
retail trade.
4 82 bimbatore City Municipal Corporation [f 981 :T.N. Act 25
Gilding or electro-plating.
Gun cotton-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing 'or
manufacturing by any process whatever.
Gunny bag-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or
manufacturing by any process whatever.
Gun-Powder- Storicg, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or
manufacturing by any process whatever.
Hair-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufact-
uring by any process whatever, dyeing or drying.

Hay--Selling or storing.
H e m e t o r i n g , packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
facturing by any process whatever.
Hides-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
facturing by any process whatever.
Hoofs-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansin~g,preparing or manufac-
turing by any process whatever.
Horns-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
acturing by any process whatever.
Ice-Manufacturing, storing or selling.
Ice Articles-Maldactured out of ice or in the mufacture o
which ice forms the main ingredient-stor age or sale.
Jaggery--Selling wholesale or retail, storing for wholesale or reta
trade, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or mmufacturing by .any
process whatever.

Jute-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manuf'c-
turing by any process whatever.
Keeping a shaving or hair-dressing saloon.
Keeping together pigs or twenty or more sheep or goats or ten
more head of cattle.
-- --.- -

1981 :T.N, Act 251 Cozrribrttore Citv Mu~ticipolCorporath 483

h-Stor;ng, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufac
turing by a q process whatever.
Lead-Me1 ting.

Leather-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing cr manu-

facturing by any process whatever.
Lime--S toring, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparkg or ma nu fac-
turing by any process whatever.

Limeshells-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-

facturing by any process whatever.

Manufacturing articles from which offenswe or unwholesome smells,

fumes, dust or noise, arise.

Manure-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-

facturing by any process whatever.
Machinery-Other than such machinery as may, by notiBcation,
be exempted by the Government from time to ttlme using for any indus-
trial or agricultural purpose.
Matches-storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
facturing by any process whatever.
Meat-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
131 facturing by any process whatever.

Metals-Beating, breaking, digging, hammering, casting, etc.
Mineral oil-Storing and selling (wholesale or retail).
Nitro-cornpoundStoring, packing, press ing, cleansing, preparing
or manufacturing by any process whatever.
Nitro-@ycerineStoring, packing, pressmgg, cleansing, preparing or
8 manufacturing by any process whatever.
Nitro-mixture-Storing, packing, pressing, deansing, preparing or
manufacturing by any process whatever.
Offal-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or rnanufacc-
turing by any process whatever.
Oil--Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufac-
uring by any process whatever or boiling.
Oil cakesSelling wholesale or retail or storing for wholesale or retail e
trade. i

Oil-cloth-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-

facturing by any process whatever.
Onionb--Storing or packing.
Paddy--Boiling or hus killg by machincr y.
Paper-Packing. pressing, clemdng, preparing or manufacturing by r'
any process whatever.
Petroleum products-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing
or manufacturing by any process whatever:
Provided that no licence under this Act shall be required for storing
petroleum and its products in quantities exceeding those to which the
operation of this Act, ic liroited by the provisior,~of the Petroleum Act, '

1934 (Central Act XXX of 1934) or the rules or notifications issued

Pitch-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufad- -4i
i t d a g by any process whatever.
Pottery-Packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing br manufacturing by
\ ,

' ;B

- ,Z
any process whatever* . *
Pulses and agricultl~mlproducts which are likely to attract rats- '

Selling wholesale or retail or storing for wholesale or retail trade. ,

.kg&toring, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-

.. .
i facturing by any process whatever.
Resin (including rosin)-Storing, packing, pressing, crea~ing;
.. . pre-
' .
?axing or manufacturing by any process whatever.

I Sago-Manufacturing or digtilling.
Saltpetre-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing,

A ,
t S t .

or manufaaturing by any process whatever.

1i Seekaig-Powdering by machinery.
, ShellaoStoring, pacEng, pressing, cleansing, preparing or mum--
f w t e by any process whatever,
198k :T.N. Act 251 Coitnbnrore Ci[v ,'14u1c2icipalCorporation 485 .
Shell- Packing, pressing, clcansing, pi-epariug or manufacturing by
any process whatever.
Skins-Sroriug, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
facturing by any process whatever.
Soap-Packing, prcssing, cleansing, preparing or manufactwing by
any process wlzatever.
Spirits, that is to say, any liquor coi~tainir~galcohol (whether denatur-
ed or not)-Storing, packing, pressing, clcansing, preparing or manu-
facturing by any process whatever.
Straw-Selling or storing.
Sugar-Packing, prcssiag, cleansing, preparing or manufacturing by
any process whatever.

Sugar-candy-Packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manufa*

turing by any process whatever.
Sulphur-Storing, packing, pressing, cleaasing, preparing or manu-
facturing by any process whatever or rncfii~zg.
Surki-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansin ;, preparing, or manufac-
turing by any process whatever.
Sweet-meats-Baking, preparing, keeping or storing for human
consumption (for otl~erthan domestic use).
Syrup-Preparing or manilfacturing by any process whatever.
Tallow-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or manu-
facturing by any pi-oczss whatever or inelling.
T a r - S t ~ r i n ~ , ~ ~ ~pre
k i;sing,
n ~ , cleansing, prcpari ng or manufacturing
by any process whatever.
Thatching materials-Sclling or storing.
Timber-S:lljng or storing.
Tobacco (iacluding s!luff, ~ c i g ~ rcigarettes
s, and beedie-)-- Stori?~,
qacking, przssing, preparing or manufacturing by . ?y process what-

Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation [I981 :T.N. Act 25

nrpentine-Storing, packing, pressing, cleansing, preparing or

manufacturing by any process whatever.
Washing soiled clothes or keeping soiled clothes for purpose of wash-
ing them or keeping washed clothes.
p e. preparing or manufac-
Wool-Storing, packing, pressing, c l ~ nqin
turing by any process whatever, dyeing or drying.
Yarn-Dyeing :
Provided that no licence shall be required for the storage only of any
of the articles mentioned in this Schedule or for boiling paddy or for
keeping soiled clothes or washed clothes or for washing soiled clothes
when such storap, boiling, keeping or washing is for domestic use and
limited to such quantities as may from time to time be fixed by the ccm-
1981 : T.N. Act 251 Cooimbatore City Municipal Corporation 487

(See section 441,)
Seciion Sub-section
or or Subject. Fine wlzich may be
rule. clause. imposed.

36 (1) Interested councillor voting or Four hundred rupees.

taking part in cliscussion.
228 (1) and (3) Failure to give notice or trans fe : One hundred rupees.
of title or to produce documents.
129 (1) Failure to send notice to commis- One hundred rupees.
sioner after completion of con-
struction or recoristruction of
132 (1) Failure of owner or occupier to Two hundred rupees.
furnish return of rent, etc.
138 .. Fzilure of owner or occupier to Two hundred rupees.
comply with requisition to fur-
nish list of persons carrying on
profession, art, etc.
139 .. Failure of employer or head of Two hundred rupees.
arz office, firm ox company to
comply with requisition to
furnish list of persons in his
146 .. Failure of occupier to comply with Twe~ltyrupees.
requisition to furnish statement
of vehiclesand animals liable to
taxation or furnishing incorrect
statement, etc.
147 (2) Failure of person liable to pay tax Twenty rupees.
0 1 1 carriages and animals to
comply with requisition to
furnish statements of vellicles
and animals or furnishing in-
correct statement.
149 (1) and (2) Failure to comply with order to Twenty rupees,
affix and register number of

152 (1) Failure of owner to register cart. Twenty rupees,

152 (2) Failure to have or keep rcgi.,tra- Twenty r u p w ,

tion number affixedto cart.
488 Coimbatore City Munft9Q~nlCorporation [1981 :T.N. Act25 .

Fine which
Subject. may be

159 .. Erecting, exhibiting, fixing, re-

taining or displayingadvertise-
ment without the wrirten per-
mission of the cornmissioner-
(i) if :he advertisement relates to Om hundred rupees.
anj trade or busitwss ;
(i i ) if' t hc advertisement docs not Ten rupees.
relate to any trade or business.
197 .. Trespaeing on premises connected One hundred rupees.
with water s~rpply.
199 . Failure to maintain housc con~zex- Oize hundred rupees.
ions in conformity with by-
200 (2) and (4) Failure tr comply with requisition One hundred rupees.
to make house wmexion,
200 (3) Occupying or allowing occupa- One hundred rupees.
tion of house without proper
20.9 .
c Failure to maintain house-drsins, One hundred rupees,
etc., in conformity with by-laws.
210 (2) and (3) Failure to comply with requisition One hundred rupees.
as to house drzinztge.
210 (4) Occupying or a:lowing occupation Four hundred rupees.
of llou~ewithout properdr~inage.
212 (1) (b) Failure tc corIlplywith direction One hundred rupees.
as to limited use ,-F ('*,-::I or
not lce rc quiring ccnstrlrction
of distinct drain.
213 (1) Unlaxvful construction of buiId- Two hundred rupees.
ing ovr:r public drsia.
214 . Failu :.c to co~i~ply
with rcquisi tion One hundred rupees.
reg ;rcllng culvcrts or to keep
them f ~ e efrom o bstruciion.
215 . Failure 10 comply with rcquisiton O J I ~hundred r upeea.
to mr infza iri tl-oughs :mti pipcs
for ccs;chir;g,ctc., nrat;r fiom
roof v i i ~ i h k rpait crl 9.efld!ng.
217 (2) Keeping sf p b l i c latrine with- One hundred rupees,
out licr~~ce.
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbato~eCit.y Mzmicipal Corporation 489
Section Sub-section Fine which
or or Subject, may be
rule. clause ; imposed.

217 (3) Allowing public latrine to be in One hundred rupees.

unclean condition or improper
218 .. Failure to comply wlth requisi- One hundred rupees
tioil to provide latrine or to
remove latrine to another sice
and failure to keep latrir es clean
and in proper order.
Failure to provide latrines for Two hundred rupees.
premises used by large number
of people or to keep hem clean
and i n pro;-er order.
.. Failure to comply w i t h rcqujsi- Two hundred rupees.
tion to prov.ide latrines for
market, cat tIe-slid, ctr cart
stand or to keep tIaenl clean nlld
in proper order.
.. Failure to construci. la;.rines so 2.s Forty rupees.
to screen persons using the@
from view.
.. Making connexion with mains Four hundred rupees.
without permission.
(13 Failure of occupier to comply Twenty rupees.
with direction to collect rubbish
and filth and depos:t illem in a
box nr basket or othcr 7-cceptacle
of his own at or ~L(;\;,.I.;trcmises.
(2) Failurc ! o cornply w;!JI ctircctio~l Twenty rupees.
to cts!ic:l r~bl;;sll ::!;cl filth
accumulntirig in 1n:~Is.t. a d to
doposit in municip ?lc : ~Is. :

(3) Failure to comply with riilcci ion to Twenty rupees.

cotlect rubbish ~ . n dfilth and
deposit themin public receptacle.

(Q? Failure to comply wiil.1 dirzction Twenty rupees.

to collect, and rernovc rubbish
and fifth ~ccumul~itini; on
bus;ncss premises.

(1) Allowing rubbish or filth to Forty rupees.

):c ~ - ~ ~ ~t- ~on ~ l . ~ r foi more
? lp.remist:s
than twenty-foul hours.
490 Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation [I981 :T.N. Aci 25
Section Sub-section Fine which m y be
or rule. or clause. subject. imposed.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
234 (2) Irregular deposit of rubbish or Twenty rupees.
Deposit in g carcasses of animals, Forty rupees.
rubbish, or filth in improper
Keeping rubbish or 3th for more Twenty r u m :
:5ir. t.ns-isy-fr~,rhuurq eec,

Building within street alignment Two thousand N~CCS.

or building line without per-
Failure to comply with orders to One thousand rupees.
set back buildings.
U Ilawful
~ displacement etc., of One hundred rupaas.
pavement or fences, posts and
other materials of public streat.
Failure to provide streets or roads Four hundred r u m ,
on building sites prior to dis-
Unlawful making or laying of new One thousand rupees, '

Failure to comply with requisition TWOhundred r u m .
to metal, etc., private street.
Bwilding wall or erecting fence, Two hundred rupeaa
etc., in a street or any public
place vested in the control of
the corpo -ation.
Allowing tiwrs, ground floor, Forty rupees.
V & ~ ~ = % ~ ; ; . , W O P ~ P ~ &
5F ?@

Failure to rsmove temporary en- Om ~U&~~TUPQO~.

croachment . I
Unlawful removal of bar, OW hundred rupees.
storing of timbsr, etc., or re-
moval or extinction of light, /

Unlawful making of hole or One h~&Odj'u&e~.

placing of ohstructior*in s t ~ t .
.-----. -- . - .- -. - ...-

1981 :T.N. Act 25J Coimbatore City Mu~ricipalCorporation 491

Section Sub-section Subject. Fine which may be
or rule. or clause. imposed.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
264 .. Construction, etc., of bui:ding One hundred rupees.
without licence where street or
footway is likely to be obstructed.
264 .. Failure to fence, etc., suc'h build- One hundred rupees.
i11gwhile under repair.
265 . Failure to remove obstruct ion. One hundred rupees.
266 (3) Unlawful destruction, etc., of Forty rupees.
name of street.
267 (2) Unlawful destruction, etc., of Forty rupees.
number of buildings.

267 (3) Failure to replace number when Forty rupees.

required to do so.
Constructing or rwonstructing Four hundred rupees.
buildi ngs contrary to declara-
tion issued by council.

270 (1 Failure to comply with requisition Two hundred rupees.

to round or splay off buildings
at corners of streei.

27 1 . Construction, reconstsucLion or One hundred rub,

retention of external roof, etc,,
with inflammable materials.

274 (1) Failure ro obtain permission One hundred rugees.

before beginning construction
or reconstruction of a building.

(1) Failure to obtain permission . One hundred rupee&

before demolishing a building.
Failure to keep external walls of Forty rupees.
premises in. proper repair.
Failure of owner of hutting Four hundred rupeaq.
ground to comply with requisi-
tion to open UP PgSSages, OtC.,
to remove hut or to effect im-
provement S.

(1 Failure of owner of hutting ground Two hundred mp-.

to comply with rsquisition to
prepare and submit plan.
Construction of new bulldings or Four hundred rupees.
huts or additions to existing
buildings or huts before the
prepartion and approval of
492 Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation [I981 :T.N. Act 25.
Sectbn Sab-section Subjcct. Mne which mv be
or ruk. or clause. imposed.

304 .. Construction of new buildings or Four hundred rupees.

huts or additions to existing
buildingc or huts if situated in
sites not marked in the standard
(1) Fallure of owner of building or Four hundred rupees.
hut to comply with requisition
to remwe whck or part of it.
Four hundred rupees.
Failure ~fowner of huttillg g~-UUIIU
to comply with notice to effect
imprcvements and to conserve
or fil up tank, well, etc.

(2) Erection of uew building or hut or Fowr hundred rupee#.

making addition to existing
building or hut before corn-.
pliance with notice ucder sub-
section (1).
.. Failure of owllers of buildings or Four hundred rupees.
huts or owners of hutting ground
to comp!y with notice to carry
out impravements.

(1) and (2) Failure of owner of land to main- Four hundred r

u m
tain in proper order and repair
streets, p usages, etc., and failure
of owner oC hut to maintain
cor1veniew.e made by him,

(3) Failure of tsnants to compl~with Two hundred rupees.

notice to#repairstreet, etc.

(3) Failurt; to remove all buildirigs or Four hundred rupees.


322 P) Failure of owilei of land to comply Four hundred rupees,

with noti;e to carry out im-
provemen ts.

323 (4) Erection of hut or portion of hut TWOhundred rum.

within street alignment.

324 (1) Failure of owner of lar,;i or owners Four hmdred

or occupiers of buildings or huts
to comply with notice to re- ,,'
move the whole or portion of
such buildings 01 huts.
iOS1 r RN. Act 231 Coinzbntore City JfunicQ?afCorporation 493
&ctiotz Sub-sectton Subject ).llte which may be
or rule. or clause. imposed.

325 .. Failure of person who erects a Four hundred rupees.

masonry buildi~lg to comply
with notice to leave a clear spar&
o f . 4.5 metres kctween the
centre line of strect or passage
or street alig~~rner?tand the
ncares: part of such building.
Failure to comply with rrqu~sltioll Une thousand rupees.
to take down repair or secure
dangerous structure. I

Failure to comply wit11 requisi- One hundred rupees.

tion to secure, lop, or cut down
dangerous tree.
.Failure to comply vvit!l requisition Cne hundred rupees.
:o repair, etc., tank {Jr other
place dangerous tc passers bv
or persons living in neighbour-
.. Failure te comply ~ i11 ilioiice re- Two hundred rupees.
garding precautions against fire.

(1) , without One hundred rums.

Constructing ~ ~ 1 1etc.,
(3) Failure to comply with notice to One hundred rupees.
fill up or demolish, well, etc.
.. Failure to comply with requisition Two hundred rupee.
to stor, dangerous quarrying.
(1) Failure to comp!~with requisition One hundred rupees.
to fill up, etc;., tank or well, or
drain off water, etc.
(3) Cultivating contrary to prohibid Oiie thousand rupees.
tions or regulations.

.. Failure to comply with rwuisition One hundred rupees.

to cleans^ or close, ctc., tank,
well or other source of water
used for drinking, bathing or
washing clothes.

.. Unlawful washing and fishing in Forty rupees.

river, or estuary after prohibi-
tion or cont rary to re~mltxtions.
.. Defiling water in tanks, etc., by Pour hundred-.
putting or cleansing anj lorry,
bus or other like vehicle.
Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation [1981 t T.N. Act 25

Sub-section Subject. Fw
or which m y be
clause. imgosed*

.. Defiling water in tanks, etc., by One hundred ruwes.

throwing, putthg anY trmg
other than lorry, bus or other
like %hi& or causing to enter
any animal.
.. Failure to comply with requisition One hundred rupees,

to enclose, clear or cleanse un-

tenante 1 building.
.. Failure to1 comply with r ui~ition One hundred rums
to clear or cleanse, e t c 3 m l d . i
or land in filthy state or over
grown with any thick or noxiobs

340 . Failure to comply with requisition TWOhundred rupees.

to abate nuisance caused or
likely to bc caused by dumping,
~tc.,of c ~ a l ,ashes, etc.

341 .. Failure to comply with requisi- One hundreb rupees.

tion to fence building or land
or trim, prune or cut hedgcs and
trees or l o w an enclosing

342 .. Failm to comply with requisi- One hundred m p ~ .

tion to lime wash, or other-
wise cleanse building.

343 .. Failure to comply with requisi- TWO hundred rum

tion to execute work or take ill the case of
other action with respect to r..lasonry buildinp
insanitary buildings. sl.nd one hundred
rupees in the case of
(2) Using or allowing the use of F O L ~ for each
344 buildi.lg~ unB for h u m day.
habita ti011 after prohibition.

Failure to comply with requisition Forty rupees for each
to demolish the same. day.

345 (1)
Allowing overcrowding in Fort1 rupees for ~ s c b
building after order to abate day.
the same.

w (4) Failure to comply with rcquisi- Forty r u p a for each

tion to vacate over- day.
a w d e d b~ildingor room.
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbqtore City Municipal Corporation 495
Siction Sub-section Fine which',
or or Subject. be
rule, clause, *posed.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
349 (1) Keeping eating house, tea Two hundred mpm.
shop, etc., withw~t licence
or contrary to licence.
350 (4 Unlawful keping of pigs Forty rupees.
350 Unlawful keeping c f animal Forty rupees,
so as to be a nuisan.ceor danger.
350 (4 E;,L;i., of animals on tilth .. Forty rupees.
352 . Use of place as stable, cattle-shed, One h u n d d mpeme
etc., without licence cur contrary
to licence.
354 Construction or maintenance One hundredrupees.
of stable, cattle-shed, etc.,
contrary to Act or subsidiary
356 .. Using a public place or the sides Four hundred rupm
of a public strcet as a public
landing place, etc.
(1) Opening or keeping open a new Four hundred dpeas
private cart-stand without
iicence or contrary to licence,
359 <. Failure to remove carcass of Forty rupees.
360 (1) Using a place for any of the Four hundred rupees.
purposes specified in Schedule IV
without licence or contrary
to liceme.
361 (I), (2) and (3) Unlawful emtion of factory, Two thousand:rupees,
workshop, work place or
361 (5) Disobedience of order regarding One thousand mpm.
362 (1) Disobedience of order regarding Two hundred nt pew.
abatement of nuisance.
362 (2) Disobedience of order pro hibi- Four hundred rupm*
tins the working of factory, etc.,
or the ,useof particular fuel.
363 v . Failure to comply with requisi- One thousasnd rupees.
tion to put factory, etc., in
order to abate over-crowding,
SecP?..r? sub-section I'ine which
or ', or may be
rule. clause, imposed.

3i I)isobedience ~f orde regarding TWOhundred rupees.

abatement or ~iuisanceor danger
to life, etc. .
(2) W~shingof dolhss by washerman Forty rupees
at unauthorised places.
a.l: Use of place as slaughter house Four huqdred -UX
without Ii~i=;lc*or contrary to
.. Slacr,;.ter of animals for sale Forty rupeesforevery
or food, or skiiming or cutting animal, carass or
up carcasses without licence 'skin.
ar cantary to licence or drying
skin so as LC cause a nuisance.

.. Carrying cm milk trade without One hundred r u m .

licence or contrary to licence.
.. Sale or exposure for sale in One hundredrupees.
public market of animal or
arti~le wjthou t permission or
contrary to permissim.

(2) Opening private market without One thousand r u m .

licence or contrary to licence,.

.. Keeping open private r n ~ l i e t One thousaud rupees*

without licenco or contrary to
.. Sats or exposure for sale of One hundred rugees.
animal or article in unlicensed
private market.
I . Failure to comply with direction One hundred rupees.
to cons1ruct approacbm, drains,
etc., to private markets or to
pave them, etc.
(2) Opening or keeping open of One hundred r u m
private market after suspension for each day.
or refusal of licence for default
to Carry out works.
,/' %.

.. Dreach of market mgulatiarnrr .. One hundred rupaes. .

< -
. 2981 iT.N. Aci 2q Coimbatore City ~ u n i c i ~ g 2 : :- 497

Skc~bn Sub-section
or or
rule. clause.

.. Failure of person in charge or One hundred mpom.

markets to expel perm
suffering from leprosy or othe
infectious or contagious disease.
.. Carryingon butcher's, fishmongerb Two hundrod nipse l .
or poulterer's trade without
licence, etc.
392 .. Sale or ex'posure for sale of animal Forty rupess.
or article in public streets, entry,
396 .. etc.
Preventing the comn:issioner or aobundred r .u. p a
any person authorlsed by him
from exercising his power of
entry, etc., under section 393.
. b Removing or in any Way interfering One thousand r
with an animal or article seized
under section 397,
402 (1) Opening, etc., without licence l'wo hundred rums.
a new place for the disposal of
the dead.

licenced buri a1 or burning
Use or allowance of use of un One tboustind rupees.
, .
404 (4) Use or allowance ~f rise of tho TWOhundred rupees
unregister:d burial or burning
ground. ..

405 Failure to give information of Forty rupeep,

burial or burning in burial or
burning grauad.
406 .. Construction of vault or grave or On 9 tboosand rupen .
burial of wrpse in place of publc

(3) Burial or burning in place after Four bsndred rupool.

408 .. Burial or burning,et c., ofcmpsa. Oue hundrc3 rupor .
410 .. Discharge of ofice of grave digger Ptx t y r upocs,
or attendant at place for dis-
I posal of dead without licence.
Sectton Sub-section Fine w w
or or Subject. b
:rule. slnuse. h~aa~d
(1) (4)

Failure of medical practitioner One huadred rupees.

or owner or occupier to give
information of existence of
infectious disease in private
or public dwelling.
. Failure to colnply with requisition One hundred rupees.
to cleanse or disinfect building

or article.
(2) Washing of infected articles at One hundred r
u m
unauthorised places.
.. Giving, lending, etc., of infected One hundrsd mpeq.
.. Infected person call^ ;.A, 011 Crib hundred rupees.
(1) Entry of infected person hto One hw&a~ p o q *
pub Jic conveyanw, without
notifying fact of infection.
421 (1) Failure to disinfect public Cne hundred rupc+s.
conv :yance, etc.
42 1 (2) Using before obtaining certifi- One hundred rupees.
cate from h2alth officzr a
public cocveyance in which an
infected person tra {elled.
122 . L e t t / ~ or
g subletting of infected Four hundred rupees.
bluldlng wlthout certificate
1 from the health officer,
423 D I
Failure to close P~;.CC of public Four hundred rupees.
424 Sending infected child to school. One hundred rupees
42 5 Use or permitting use Of book One hundred rupcea.
flom public or circulating
I!brary by infectcd person.
426 . Using water after prohi bit ion. One hurldred rupees,
4 28 . Failure to g i ~ information of One hundred rupeesa
429 Enteringcil~.within forty days Two hundred r u ~ e ~ ~
of varlolatron for small pox
without certificate.
440 v' Preventing of inspection of One hundred rupees.
copies of rules and by-laws
publicly exhibited.
440 (4) Destruction, etc., of board One hundred rumck
exhib~ting PI inted copies of
by-laws and rules.
451 (7) Failure to produce licence on Twenty rupees.
. request.
- * , +
g T. N. Act 151 Coimboiore City Municf* 499
Section Sub -section Fine,
or'$ or Subject. which may be
Pule, cla~se, imgosed.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
455 Failure to comply with retluisi- Two hundred rupees.
tion to attend, produce
documents or to give evid~:nce.
465 (1) Failure
with ofr~qulrition
occupier to
to comply
Pelmit One
for hundred
each day. rupees
owner to comply with provi-
sions of Act.
a. 467 Preventing the ~Ommissioner or One hundred rupee S
any person authorised by him
fro m exercising his powers of
entry, etc.
Obstructing or molesting council, Four hundred rupees,
standing committee, Mayor, etc.
530 Removing mark set UP for indi- Four hundredrupees@
eating level, etc.
Removal, etc. of notice exhibited One hundred rupees.
by or under orders of tho corpo-
ration or commissioner+
Unlawful removal Of eaith, sand Or One hundred rupees.
othermaterial from land vested
in the corporation or deposit
of matter or encroachment in or
on river estuary, etc.
schedule 111, rule 16 Failure to C O ~ P ~ with
Y requisi- '1wo hundred rupee4
tion by auditors to attend,
give evidence or produce
(See sec lion 44 1)
Section Daily fi ue
or Subject. which may be
r~le ct ause. imposed.
(3) (4)
(1) (2)
154 Erecting, exhibiting, fixing,
retaining or displaying adver-
tisemert without the written
permission of the commi-

(i) if the advertisement relates Ten rupees.

to any trade or business-
(ii) if the advertisemznt does Four NP0eS.
aot relate to any tmde or
Secgbn Sub-secgwn
' or or Su&#cz.
. rule, clause,
(1) (2) (3) (4))

199 Failure to maintain house con- .@n;Npees,

nexions in conformity witb
200 (2)and (4) . ~ a i l u r eto compiy with requi- Trn rupee@ .
sition to make how3 con- , ,
209 Failure to maintain housa Twenty r a p # .
drains, etc.,in conformity
with by-laws, ' 7 .
210 (2) and (3) ~ailureto comply with requisition --& m m
as to house drainage.
.- 210 ($ Occupying or all0wing occupation
of house without proper drat
mee. I 1

215 e Faitweto compIy;with requisition

to maintain trough and pips
and catching, etc., water from
roof or other part of building.
Keeping of public latrine without Tmnty mpoes,

A l l o h pub& latrine to be in an
unclean condition or impropef .
order. -
' i 't
9 f i.t<Ph, ,,
Paiirre to comply with requisition' mpoor: &.

to provide latrine or to remove

latrine to anothersiteand failure
to keep latrines clean and in
proper or<?er.
0 provide latrines for p r e Forty m m
~ a i l i r to '

mises used by large number of . *

people or to keep them clean
and in proper order, - b: o

Failure to comply with requisition Forty rn- .

to provide latrine for market,'
attle-shed or cart-stand or to
kmp t h m clean and in proper

3dw wit2fi.a axa sli-rtt ~ w 6
or building rine without per.
Failure to provide streets or macis
on building sites prior to di.8-
. a


k 1981iTd.Act 251 Cofmbatore City MI,

nicipal Corporation 501
1: ScttOn Su&section
$ Daily j%d
j- or or Subject. which map bd
ruk clause. imposed
(1) 0) (3) (4)
258 .. Failure to remove permanent en- Twenty rupeea.
259 Failure to remove temporary en- Ten rupees.

croachment .
263 (1) Unlawhl making of hole or Twenty rupees.
plating of obstruclion in street.
264 Construction, etc., of bvilding Twenty rupees,
without licence where street or
foot-way is likely to be
(1) Failure to comply with requisition One llundred rupees.
to round or splay off buildings
at corners of streets,
Comtruction, reconstructiolln or Twenty ~ ~ e t f i ,
retention of external roof, etc.,
with inflammable materials.
Failure to keep external walls of Twenty rupees.
premises in proper repair,
• Failure of owner of hutting ground One hundred rupee^,
to comply with requisition to
open up passagcs,.etc., to remove
hut or to effect ~mprovement.
(1) Failure of owner of hutting ground Forty rupees,
to comply with requisition to
prepare and submit plan,
(1) Failure of owner of hutting ground Forty rupee8
to comply with requisition to
move whole or part of it,
306 (1 Fai lure of owner of hutting p o m d One hundred rupees.
t~ comply with notice to effe 3
improvements and to conserve
or fill ur,tank, well, etc.
309 .. Failure of owner ~f buildings or One hundred rupees.
hutsor owners of hutting ground
to comply with notice to carry
out improvements,
319 (1) and (2) ]Failure of owner of land to main- One hundred rupees.
tain in proper order and repair
street, passages etc., and fai-
lure of owner of hut to maintain .
~croverdencesmade by him
502 Coimbalore City Municipal [I981 :T.N. Ael 25
Section Sub-section
or or $14 bjecr. Dailv fine
rule, clause. which may be
(1) (2) (3)
, 319 .. Failure of tenatits to comply with Forty rupees.
notice to repair street, etc.
322 (3) Faikretoremoveallbuildings or Onehundredrupees,
322 (5) Failur? of owner of land and to One hundred rupees.
comply with notice to carry out
324 (9 Failr~reof owner of land or owners One t~undredrupees.
or occupiers of buildings or h~lts
to comply with notice to remove
the whole or portion of such
buildings or huts.
Failure of rson who erects a One hundred rupees,
masonry uilding to comply with
notice to leave a clear space of
4.5 metres between the centre
line of street or passage or street
alignment and the nearest part
of such building.

Failure to complv with requisition Twenty rupees,

to repair, etc., tank or other
place dangerous to passers-by
or persons living in neighborr-

330 . * Failure to comply with notice re- Twenty rupeeg.

garding precautions agaiust fire. . .
'" \ !.,
332 .. Fatlure t a comply with requisition Twenty rupees,
to stop dangerous quarrying.

< s:.,

333 (1) Failure to comply with requisition Twenty rupees. .

to fill up, etc., tank or well or
dr dn off water, etc. ( .

-. --- ___
334 . Fai1l.w to comply with requisition Twenty rupees. ,
to cleanse or close, etc., tank,
'well, stc., or other source of .:- t. j

water used for drinking, bathing ,

or washing clothes. / ,

338 I q Failure to comply with requisition T

to enclose, clear or cleanse un-
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coi:nbatore City Municipal
Section Sub-sectiorz Daily fine
or or Subject. which may be
rule. .
rkr rr se imposed

339 .. Failure to camply with requisition Twenty rupees.

to clear or cleanse, etc., building
or land in filthy state or over
grown with any thick or noxious
Failure to comply withrcquisition Forty rupees,
to abate nuisance caused or
likely to be caused br dumping,
etc., of coal, ashes, etc.
341 .. Faiiur~to comply with tequisition Twenty rupees.
to fence building or land, or
trim, prune, or cut hedges and
trees or lower an enclosing wall.
342 .. Failure to comply with requisition Twenty rupees.
to lime-wash or otherwise
cleanse building.
343 .. Failure to comply with reqplsition Twenty rupees in the
to execute work or take other case of masonry
action with respect to ins anitary buildings and ten
buildings. rupees in the case
of hut.
(1) Keeping a eating houss, tea shop, Two hundred rupee,.
etc., without or coritrary to
(a) Unlawful keeping of pigs. .. Ten rupees.

(b) Unlawful keeping of animal so Tenrupeea.

as to be a nuisance or danger.

. Use of place as stable, cattle-shed, Twenty rupees.

etc.? without licence or contrary
to llcence.

353 - .. Construction or maiiitenance of Twenty rupees.

stable, cattle-shed, etc., cont-
rary to Act or subsidiary legis-

-. Using 2 public place or the sides Forty nrp#s.

cf 2 ~ ~ 2 p;w ~ 9 ~
Iaz& p t a ~ac.
Keeping optn a new privztt cart Forty ape$,
s a d witbut WCI: w ma-
Ybryt9 3b!mw,
, .

. , -
~ o i & t t i r e ' ~ i tY
~ tmicipl Corporotfon &
11981 :'T*N;&~

DaUvfina .,*
Subject, which ttlcly be" ' & ' I


(31 (4) ,

. Failure to remove carcass of Tenrupees*


* Using a place for any of the pur- Om hundred r u m s ,

pow specified in Schedule IV
s j t h ~ ~licence
t or contrary to
li ceace.
361 (1 ),(2) and (3) Unlawful erection of factory, work- Two hundred rupees,
ahor, workplace or ~(tchinery.
- Disobedience of order regarding One hundred rupees.

362 ( 1) Dis~bcdienceof, order regarding Two hundred r

u m
abatement clf oubnce.
362 ('2; . Disobedience of order +ulLb;- Fo1;z kundrod mp#r,
ting the workipg of the factory,
etc.; or the use of particular
kind o f fuel.
363 7 Failure to comply w j a requisition Two hundred rupees.
to put factory, etc., iq order t~
abate over-qrowding, etc.
r3;@ I. Qisabedience of order regarding Two hundred rupee+
abatement of ngi.ancq or
danger to life, etc. .
Use of place i ~ g slaughter house One hundred rupew,
372 without licence or contar) to

317 .. Carrying on milk lrade without Ten rupees.

licence or contrary to licence.

(2) Opsning private market without Two hundred rupees,

licence or contrary to licence.
. KsePing open pr,v?te market Two hundred rupceq.
without licence or contrary
. to licence.
Sale or exposure for sale of animal Forty rupees,
or article in unlicensed private

(2) opening or keeping o m of Tenrupees. /'

private market after suspension * -&

.. . or refusal of licence for default 85'

$ o carry out works.

Braad3 of 1g3tkot~8wati01~. Twenty r u m a.

1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbafore City Municipal Corporation 505
Section Sub-sicti011 Daily firre
or or clause. SNect which may be
rule. imposed.
(1) (2) (3 ? (4) ,
390 .. Failure of penon incharge of mar- One hunhd rupees.
kets to expel persons suffering
from leprosy or other infectious
or contagious disease.
391 (1) Carryingon butcher's, fishmonger's Twenty rupees.
or poulterer's trade wii hout
licence, etc.
392 .. Exposing of animals for sale with- Forty rupees.
out licence.
401 (1) opening, etc. lvithout licence a Two hundred ~ p e e a
new plnce f%rthe disposal tla
(I; .c!.

415 .. Failure to comply with requioition Twenty

to clearse or disinfect building
or article.
419 .. Infeoted person carrying on occu- One hundred rnp&,
.. Failure to close place of
PUMPTwo hundred r u p e i ~ ~
426 .. Using water after prohibition . .. One h w h d g ~ p e e ~ .
III, rule
.. Failure to comply with reqliisition One huudred aqp #&,
by auditors to attend, give rupees.
16. evidence or produce document,

(See section 512)
1. In &ese rules--
(i) "appointed date" means the date app l i ~ t e dunder sub-se~iofl
(3) of section 1;
(ii) ccGoimbatore Municipality" means the Coimbatore . ~ u a d .
pality constituted under the old Act and in existence on the appointed
date 4
(iii) "new Act" means the Coimbatore Municipal Couacil
(Appointment of Specirll Officer)Act, 1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 39 of 1975) ;
(iv) "old Act" means the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities
Act,p20,(Tamil Nadu-Act V_of 1920) ;
506 Coi,..$atore City Municipal Corporation [I981 :T.N. Act 25

(v) "Special Officer" means the officer appointed under the new
Act to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Coimbatore
Municipal Council, its Ch.airman and of the Committees established or
constituted by or under the old Act and also to exercise all or any of the
powers and perform all or any ~f the fuuctions of the executive authority
or any other officer or authority under the old Act, which the State
Government may, by notification, specify.

2. Every local area which immediately before the appointed date was
constituted as the Coimbatore Municipality under the old Act shall be
deemed to be the City under this Act.
3. The Special Officer shall be deemed to be the person appointed
under sub-rule (a) of rule 4.
4. (a) After the constitution of the corporation, the Government
may, by notification, appoint a person who shall cause arrangemeflts
for elections to be conducted, so that the newly elected councillors may
come into office on a day within a '[period of three years] from the
date ofpitheappointment of such person and such person may exercise
t b powers and perform the functions of the corporation, of Mayor and
of the Committees established or constituted by or under this Act to
sach extent as may be determined by the Government :
%[providedthat the Government may, by notification,for sufficient
c a w , direct that the period specified in this sub-rule, be reduc& by;.
such period, not exceeding six months, as may be specified in iuch I'
(b) On the appointment of the person under sub-rule (a), the
Special Officer appointed under the new Act and referred to in rule 3
cease to hold office.
- 4

lThis expression was substituted for the expre.ssion *period of

two years9' by section 2 of the Coimbators City Municipal Corpo-
ration (Amendment) Act, 1983 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 4983).
marlier 'for the expression "period of six months", the exprmsion
66pariod of two years" was substituted by secion 2 (i) of the
Coimbatora City Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1982
earnil Nadu Act 17 of 19821.)
BThis proviso was substituied for the following yrovi::~by section zt(li) -
of the Coimbatore Cily Municipal Col'Poratlon (fbendment) ~ c t1982
Tamil Na'u Act 17 of 1 9 8 2 ~ #

* f , ' :
"Provided that the Gov~rnmentmay, by notification, extend +he said '
period-for a further period of not exceeding SIX months."
1981 :T.N. Act 251 Coimbatore City Munit ipal Corporation 507

5. AIl proceedings taken by or against the existing Coimbatore

Municipal Council or other authority of the Coimbatore Munisipality
z!nder the old Act, may, in so far a s they &renot inconsisten-ith the
provisions of this Act be continued by or against the corporation consti-
tuted under this Act or the commissioner of the corporation, as the
case may be.

6. Any remedy by way of application, suit or appeal available to

or against the existing Coimbatore Municipal Council immediately
before the appointed date .shall after that dtite be available to or
against the corporation constituted under this Act.

7. Any action taken by the existing Coimbatore Municipal

Council immediately before the appointed date shall be deemed to
have been taken by the corporation consti~utedunder this Act unless
and until superseded by action taken by that corporation.
(2) It shall be deemed to have comk into force
May 1984.
2. Amendment of Schedule VZZ to Tamil Nadu Act 22
1 In Schedule VII to the Coimbatore City Municipal Gorp
"981 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1981) (hereinafter referr*
/ "principal Act), in sub-rule (a) of rule 4, 17. the
4 "period of thlree ycars ", the expression "period of four
six months " shall be substituted. v

3. Repeal and saving.-41) The Coimbatore City

Corporation (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1984 (Tal #

Ordinance 20 of 1984) is hereby repealed.

(2) Notwithstanding such repcd, anything dcincg
- action taken under the principal Actt ps amended by
Ordinance, shall be deemed t o have beer] done or taken u
prjncipal Act, as amended by this Act.

(By \order of the Governor)

Commissioner and Secretary to Gove
I haw p)epartment,
- -"


iehe lollowing Act of the Tanlil Naclu Legislature received th

asscntof the Govcrnor on the 20th July 1985 and is hereby
publishzd for gcncra; iilfor~~l;ltio~~

ACT h a . 3:! OF 1985.

4 g ?dunicipul Corporatiow
Act lut.:l!cts to urnetid the laws r e l a t i ~ ~/o
and Municipalitie! .
91.iit enactcd by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
lhiiiy-sixth Year of the Republic of India as lollows :-


I . Strc~r:tifle r l l z d cor1zr17encerncnt.-(I) This Act may be callled the
Parnil N~ii:i Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 1985.
(2) !p $ball come into forcc at once. - 1

? 11
[ 1.i~j\rfi:!\~ i
f i d

1 c-oRliORA 1'!ON ACT, 1919.


f I \ p ( 1i0t1 07, 1'un~iI Ncidu AL;ZV of 1919.-For

, , , A ,t i C'orpor;ilion Act, 1919
i 1 ,lrnii ~ , ! ( \ u .jet I V (,i' I(!]')). ~ h cfollowing section shall be substi-

"97. ,':)wer <,I Sfdtc! G'oiti~nmc~r~t

fo trunsft'r oficers and
i c rvntrl s 171 1 i1c7 ( O Y ~ Otitiot~s
I r )( Notwithstanding
r i ; i \ , t h ~ l ,cotlt,rincti
~ in t h 1 5 Act or in 2.1,s (t7lxct. lavv' for the time being
in force, the State Covernnlerat shall have power-

(li) to tranjlcrany oficcr or ,acrvant of the corporation to

tllc sctvicc of' the M ~ ~ n ~ c i Corporation
pal of ldadurai co~tstitateduqder
!Ije V ! $ d i l r c l ; CY;t\i M:LI~~c;I?:I~
( or~)orati('$lAct, 13'73 (Tamil Nadu k t
I :.CI r\f 9; :) or th:: Municip?! Ccjrporation of C'cimbatore constituted
I ~llldet :he Colnthatoi-c City Municipa3 Corporation IZct, 1981 ( T a d
fq;,rIu , Z c i :?5 01' I % l ) or any other municipal corporation consiituted
L I I ~ ~ C311;
I. 1;iw for the time being in forc:c ; or I
' 1 ' ~ k h f l iNADii
' OOVEKN,MB:<'I' O;\%K'lrl't~. li;,Y'ifC~i(.JfCl,IZjAf t P
' 11-
~.. ~

(b) to transfer any officer or servant of the Municipal Cor-

oration of Madurai collstituted und'er ,the Madurai City R4unicil;al
q o r a t i o n Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 19'71) or the h4~1nicipal
orpration of Coimbatore constituted under the Coimbati~re City
uaicipal Corporation Act, 1981 (Tamil PIJadu .4ct 25 of 1981) or
other municipal corporation coastitu~terl ynder any I,aw for the
e being in for$e, to the service of the corporation; or
( c ) .to transfer any officer or servant of the corporation to
service of any municipality constituted under the '~~'a&i:iNadu
ct '~unicipalitiesAct,. 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920); or
( d ) to transfer any officer or servant of any municipality
ted ulqder the; ,Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920
1 Nadu 'V'V: of 1920), to the service of the corpo'ration.

(2) Tlze State .Government shall have power to issue such

1 or special directions as they may deem necessary for the pur-
of giving due effect to any transfer made und'er sub-section (1). ".

PARE:' 111.

stitution of section 73-A, Tamil RiatZu Act V of 1920.-For
73-A of the Tamil Nadu District ..i4unicipalities Act, 1920
Nadu Act V of 1920), the following section shaH be substitu-

" 73-A. Power, of State Government to rransfer uolyicers uncl
ts of milnicz~alities or corporafion.s.-(1) Notwithstanding
ed in this Act cr otlzcr l;:vi for the tjmc hcing
te Goveri~ment.shall have power-
(a) tb transfer any officer or servant of a municipality :c, thz
ice of the Muni.cipd Corporation of -Madras constituted ljnder
adras City Miinicipal Corporation Act, 19i9 (Tamil Nadu. ~ c t
1919) or the hlunicipal Corporation of Madurai constituted
the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (Tamil
Act 15 of 1971) or' the Municipal Corporation of Coimbi*tore
tuted under the Coimbatore Ci,ty Municipal Corporati,Jn Act,
Act 25 of 1981) or, any o~heg.punjcipalcorpora-
(ier a p l& fcr tlle'fin~cbeing in fcrce; or -
. ,, . - " .3., 2-.. - ' 7 '
oiiiccr or szr~aritor" any of the municipal
{!I,! i r ~; A a ~ ~ s : c r ,
corporatic n ~ ~ i ~ i l to ! clar~se(u), lo the service of any munici-
e ( ill
I : (I.

2 ) i hc Siatz C::,-~crnn~cci:,i~:l;i Plnve ;?OWC: ) is,,se such

pt~nLlral(1: y;ec:ai dir~t~!)!is a5 thcy may deem nccess. for the nur-
- ~ .-section (1). ".

pose of due c!l:cct to any transfer made L L I , ? si,


C0B:YORA'TION 4 C X , 1971.

4. Jri;!\fitzitiot2 01 section 114, 7'un:il Nucl~t Ar 15 of 1971.-For

5;ct:orl l i 4 oi tilt iViadur:ll City i\lu:~fcipril Co! ?oration Act, 1971
(7 arni! I\!ai:~l Act 15 of 1'!,'1), the lolfcwlng sectyon shall be sujsti
~ i l i c i i .nalnciy :-
114 B'otver o/ Govei.i~i!zcntlo tr~nsjerofirers and servants of

k -
corj?o~ cilion or m ~~niczpullties.-(I) Notw~'!?standing allything
~ x : Act or In any o t ! r~ l:?w for i k.' time being in force,
c ~ ~ ~ t n i I,?l ~ t:,is
;I:c (ic:~c\-*:rrlintshall I~avi:po.?ier- -
((1) to transfer ~tiicc:. c u servaril aE the corporation to
:.:? scr. icc c?!: t!?: ~M<~nrc::>;i!i'orpor:~.c.ii)j~of b!a:iras constitwlcd under
1'1;. > ! j ; ~ ~ i r ; ~Citv r ?.~:lj~ici~:;z!Cory?ratio:. Act. 1919 (Tamil Nadu Act.
i j i o f I ::11") or.' f.ilc ?,4~1nici~>n! Ci,rporai ion or Coimbatore constituted
I I , ~ ; ~ { L j,t ; ~ ~~. ' <
~) i t ~ l t : a t c i ; . ~ i i y ?+!~iiii!~il>iil Cos1x;iation Act, 1981 (Tamil
* r
,\,'ot;, . . ;,[ ..'\c: :l.:';
of I (38i ) or ail\/ c~!hcl- r:r:cnicipal corporation wnstituted
. e
:illc;c,. :it;y :!.:;vr : c x lhc ti111c ~ILSI~:!, j : i i.orce ; or
; to a i r : o f is \crva:l: oi
the Municipal
\ C, City h4uaicipal
~ n ~r :the
, ; h l a d < a s ~:~n~l:~li~e~l
,~t,~O < Madras
Cdrpordtrcq /\ct, 1910 (7 a17111 Nadu Act I V of 1919) or the Muni
+<'orroyatlc;n Coirnb~toreconctl:ri?cd undcr ti^: Coimbatore
& ~ ~ ? 1 ~Co:-poration
j ~ ~ ' Act. 1081 ('i'i7mil Nadu Act 25 of 1981)
nnp other municipal corporation constituted undcr any law for t
lime being in force, to tbc sclrvicc of the corporation ; or
(c) to transfer any officcr or servant of the corporation
the scrvicc of any municipality constituted under the Tamil Na
Z)jstrjct Niunicipalitics Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu A c t V of 1920) ;0
( d ) to transfer any odiccr or servnn.t. of any mlnicipali~y
constituted under the Tamil Nadu Distiict Municipalities Act, 192i;l
(Taniil Nadu Act V of 1920), t.o the service of the corporation.'

(2) The Government skzl! !i:v> powcr to issue such general or

pxial' directions as they may decrn accessary for tlrc piirpose of
giving due effect :o any fransfcr made tinder suh-section (1). " ,



5. Substitution of section 116, Tamil Nadu Act 25 u j 1981 .--For

~ectionIIG of the Coinlba'iore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981
(Iamil Nadu Act 25 of 1981), the following section shall be substi-

" 116. Power of Government to d,mnsfer ofJicers and jervantr

of the corporation or municipalities.-(1) Notwithstanding an:jthioy
contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force,
the Government shall have power-
(a) to transfcr any officer or scrval~tof the corporation to
the service of the Municipal Corporation of Madras constitiited untl;:r
the Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (Tamil N,tdu ACT
IV of 1919) or the Municipal Corporation of Mador~ii constituted
ndef the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (T,lmli
adu Act 15 of 1971) cr any o ~ h e rmunicipal corporation conslja;lted
der any I a v for the time being in force; or
( h i to tmsfsr my o f k a or vn-a?ci ;>: >!.111.:;?~!. . C'z:.
& !Ga\ims ~mstiw<xic&r &.2 3f2:r:s L *
>$-:-!: -+
. .
-. <--:.
A . 9 6 4 . 1 .- -. --. \l!z-c
7- : :
-d h%*&~2ilC&GQYL.~& ~722:Yz; -:>
kX3 :-:;{ c-q- >,$ -:-- j:

Cbrpemrion Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 1.5 oL.)921j or any other
I * jr

- 7 . - x- z .v . - P A
nluniclpai cc~r!~orationcon:,tituted under any law for the time being in
t o t c ~ ,t c , i l ~ cscrvjcc cf tile corliora'ric>:l; or
{L') to tran.fel any vfi~ceror scrvant of the corporation b
tl;<: f;elvlct* OI lily ~ i t l n i c ~ ~ , , j l icon~,titlltctl
ty untlcr the Tamil Nadu
l ) ~ . iz"h~lili(
f~ j l : ~ l i t i l ' , /%it, 1920 (7:11~iilNadu / k t V of 1920); or

{ , I ? 10 Irat~\fcr ally officer or srrvant of ally municipality

~ o r ? \ i i t l i I ~ t~ir r i t l ri t l ~ r , Tamil Naciu I ~ J ict
S ~hlunicipalities
I Act, 1920
i i ,tmil Nach~"4(,f V of 1()?0\, to the servit c of the corporation.

!t ) 'I 11e C i o v t l nmt2iit ,,llall lravc j)trwer to issue such general or

spcc~al~111!41.~110113 :is tiley may dzem necessary for the purpose of
giviily ~ U C::ffect to dliy tran:,fc~ made under sub-section (1). ". '

(By order of the Governor.)

arzd Secretary to Government,
L m Departnzent.

-- -- ----- , -.--- -.- ---

- .. . ...
, - , -.
- - - --A

'I'.\nril, xaDU G O V ~ ~ R Y M E NOTA ~ E T T E~ X T R A ~ ~ D ~ 29

N A E ~ '

- . - --
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislature received the
assenl of the Governor on thc 8th February 1986 and is heieby
published for general information :-

ACT No. 6 -OF 1986.


,411 ncf furt11~::to oinend the Coinzbatore City Municipal .

Corporation Act, 1981.

BE it c~lactedbqf the Leg;slature DE the Stale of Tamil Nadu in the

Thkty-seventh Year of the Repnblic of India as follows:-

I I . Short rirlc und comnzencenzent.+l) This Act may be d e d the

Cojmbatore City Municipal Corporatioli (Amendment) Act, 1986.
( 2 ) It shall bc dcenled to l?ave cbme into. force. on the 27th
Yovember 1985.

of Schedule VlI to Tamil Nudu Act 25 of 1981.-

2. kr~lerzd~~ze~zr
in Schedule VIZ to the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act,
1981 (Tamii Nadu Act 25 of 1981) (hereinafter referred to as the
principal Act). in sub-ruie (a) ci rule 4, f o r the words " wirbja a period
of four yca1.s and six months ", t l ~ ewords " within a . pcgiod of five
years " shall. hc substitrrtcd.

i soi~itlg.-( I ) The Coirnbatore City Municipal Corpo-

3. I l r p e ~ ~nizd
r n ~ i o n(Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1985 (Tamil Nadu Ordiuance
9 of 1935) is hereby repealed.

(2) No twithst aild'l~q such repeal, aoything done or any action

take11 under the principal Act, a3 amxdde by the said Ordinance,
s11;li bc deemcd to have been done or taken under the principal Act,
as anle!ldCd by this Act.
I (By order of the Governor.) I ,

and Secretary lo 'Govertinient,
f,a~v Deparznzenf. '
j and
f 'l'he following Act of the T a d Nadu Legislative Assembly
riecived the assent of ihc Govcincr on the 27th November 1986
is hereby pilblish~d lor general informatiol~:-
I ACT N o 63 OF i9u.


A 11 A ci f urfher fn alnend rl~eCoinzbatore Ciry Municipa E Corpo-

r'alr'otz Act, 198 1.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assenlbly of the State of Tamil Nadu

in the Thirty-sevcuth Ycar of the Republic o f India as follows :-

1 thc
1 1. Shorf title a d commencement.--(1) This Act may be caIled the
Coi~nbatoreCity Municipal Corporation (Second Amendment) Act,

~ j o on the 30th May
(2) It shall be deemed to have c ~ r n e ~ i i force

2. Amefidmen~bf Schedule V l I to- Tunzil Nadu Act 25 of 1981.-In

Schedule VII to the Coimbat ore City Municipal Co~porationAct, 1981
(Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1981) (hereinafter referred to as the principal
Act), in sub-rule (a) of rule 4, foz thc words "within a period of five
years", the words "within a period of six years" shalI be substituted

' 3. Repeal and saving.-(1) ~he>.%oimbstoreCity Municipal Cnr-

porstion (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Thmi 1 Nad u Ordi
nance 2 of 1986) is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, allything done or any ~ c l i o i ~ ,

taken under the principal Act, as amended by the said Ordinance, sh.\11
be deemed to lyvc been done or taken under the principal Act, as
amellded by this Act.
illal I (By or'der OF the Governor)
I ded
Con?;nis.rione~*ond Secretarmy lo Government,
Law Departmen f .
a TAMIL N A a u G o V E R N M m ' G A z a m E E x T u o R D r n A R % .dl

The following Act of the 'Jarnil, Nadu 1-qislative Assembly
received the assent of the Governor on the 27th November 1986 and
is hercby published for general information:-
i ACT N o . 65 OF 1986.
1I A H Ac, $n.rher to d imvs re1nlb1.g to Municipal
n ~ n e ~ lrhe Corporor bnons
arzd Mu~iic$alities.
1 BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly o f t h e State of Tam1
I Nadu in the Thirty-seventh Year of the Republic of mdia as follows :-

1. Short fit16 arid coi?zmencement.-(I) This Act may be called thc
Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Second Amedment) Act, 1986.
! (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st Juni:



1 2. f~serrionof'rtew secliola 96-A in Tamil hfadu Act XV of 1919.-

After section 96 of the Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919
i (Tamil Nadu Act IV of 1919), t h c Following section shall be inserted.
;-namefy :-
" 96- h . T ~ ~ ~ c l r(inchding
crs hcad.mosfo-s)und ~ ~ hpersons
er employed
colznecfiorz wii17 the curl~ot.alionscl~oolslo be Go vernrnerz, servan 1s.-
(1) Notwithstan(linq:~nythilip contained i n this Act, or in any other
Iaw Tor fhc time being in Force, on R I I ~rrom the 1st June 1986,-
(0) ill1 ~ C ~ C J I C ~ S (i11cI~ding I!cadmasters), and

(6) all oficcrs and servants of the corporation,

elnploycd in collt1cc:tion with thc corporation scllools sIlaI1 become I

, whole-time Government servants.

i (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and subject I

I to the provcsions of Article 31 1 of the. Constitution, tlic State Govern-


.I ~ n e u tmay makc rules regulating the coaditiot~saf service of thc tcncl~ers
( i n c l ~ ~ dyi n heatlmaslers) and other persons refenad to ill sol)-section: :

(1). "-
. -
1 I

, .;,::d. PART'PI.
w . , ". .I . , . -
-. 4


3. Insertion of new section 77-AA in Tarnil Nadu Act V of 1920.-
After section 77-A of thc Tamil Nadu District Muuicipalities Act, 1920
(Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920),_the followiug section shall be inserted,
namely :-

. I '

7 7 4 . 'Teachers (including headmasters) and other persons

employed in connection with ths municipz! sch3cls to 3e Government
servants.-(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, or in
any other law for the time being in force, on a4d from the 1st h n e

. I?. (q) all , teachers
. , .
4.. f-d

. , . (including headmasters), and ,

(b)'-dlofficers and servants of the municipal counciis,


employe& id' comec&n with the municipal schools shall become

whole-time Government servants,
: 12) Notwitllstanding anything contained in this .Act and subject
to the provisions of Article 31 1 of tllc Coostitution, the State
Government may make rules regulating thc conditiol~sof service of
the teachers (includiug I~eadmasters) and-,i o L her.l"persons ?referred to
, , .-.. -.
in sub-section (I)." . ..
;* . .
- . - * -.- .:
, :
' l - I , : '

..,, . ,. _
~ P A RXV.
, --4
0 !?
.*... .
.. .I
, -


, I

4. Insertion of new section 113- A ill Tufnil IVcrdu Act I 5 u j 1971 .-

After section 113 of the Madurai City Mur~icip~ICorpor~tionAct,
1971-(TarnilNadu ACL! qf 1971), the followi~lgsecrion sliall be inserted,
n a n d ) :-
a 1 13-A. Teachers (ilz cIurli,lg headmust ers) mzt! other pe~aolw
employed in connection with the corporation scllools fo bc G O I ~ L V - I I ~ ? Z C ! I ~ ~
servants.-(1) Notwithstanding : u ~ y l L i ~ ~coutaincd
g i l l this Act, or
in any other law for the time being in force, on and from the 1st June
all teachers (including he admasters), and
. (b) all officers and servants of the corporation,

employed in conuection with the corporation schools shall becolw

wholetime Government servants,

. . - ..--., --- --.--.- -- .... . ., . . .. .. . ,-.. . -

. . , >
--A .

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and subjeet

ro the provisions of Article 31 1 of the Constitution, the Government
may makc r~iIesregulating the conditions of service of the teachers
(including beadmas ters) and other persons referred to in snbaEmi9~
5. I~tsortiotz of rlew section 11 5-A in Tamil NuJu Act- 25 of 1281
After sectioil 115 of the Coirnbatore City Municinal Corporation Act,
1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 198l), thc folIcrwing section shall be-inse~ted,
namely :-
'' 1 I 5- A . Teachers (incl~rciii7g headmasters) n,qd other persons
employed itt ccnneciion ~ v i t l z rl!e cor~or.ationsclrools to be Government
servants, - (1) Notrvithsla13ding nnytlling contained i n this Act, or - in
any other law for the time being in force, on an,d from the 1st June
(a) all teachers (including headmasters), and
(b) all officers' and servants of the corporation,
employed jn connection with the corporation schooIs shall bwome
: s:;::z whole- time Government servants. . .

vicl: of (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and subject ;
rred to of Article 3 11 of the Constitution, the Government
to the provisio~~s
may make ruIes regula~ingthe conditions of service of the teachers
(including headmasters) and other persons referred to in sub-section
{ 1Jb7'.
6. i7encher.s (in clutii,lg hendmu~tcrs) and other persons employed
in connection with the iownshlp scl~oolsto be Governmentservants.--
(I) Notwithstanding anything: contained in rile Mettur Township Act,
1940 (Tamil Nadu Act XI of 1940), the Courtailam Township Act,
1954 (Tamil Nadu Act XVI of 19541, the Bhavanisagar Township Act,
1954 (Tamil Nadu Act XXV of 1954) or in any other law for the tima
being in force, on and from the 1st June 1986,-
( 0 ) a11 teachers (including headmasters), and
(b) aII oflicers a n d servants of the townships;
employed in connection with the township schools shall bccomo
whole-time Government servants.
.... . -. ..
. . .

ix'i(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Acts or law men-

tianed:in sub-section (1) and s~~bjectto the provisions of Article 31 1 of
thchnstitution, the State Government may make rules regulating the
&diGpns of. service of the teachers (inclcding headmasters) and other
persbni referred to in sub-section (1).
7. Repeal and s a v i t ' ~ . -(I) The TamiI Nadu Municipd Laws (Second
Amendment)' cc~dinance, 2986 (Tamil Nadu Ordinance 3 of 1986) is
hereby repealed.
. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything do ne or any action bken
under thersaid Ordinance or under the Madras City Municipal Corpora-
tbnm-Act,;1919 (Tamil Nadu Act IV of f 919) or the Tamil Nadu District
Municipalities Act. 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920) or the Madurai
_ . CityY .Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 15 of ,1971)
of,,the Gimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 198 1 fTamil Nadu
4gtq5 :6fj1981), as amended by the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to
havpibeep.doneor taken under this Act or under the Madras City Munici-
pd''~or~bration Act, 1919 (Tamil Nadu Act IV of 1919) or the Talnil
NadilDistrict Municipalities'Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V oE 1920)
or the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 2971 (Tamil Nadu
Act 15 of'1971) or the Coiinbatore City Municipal Corporation Act,
t&dAct, Nadu Act:25
i . . ..- . .
of 1981), as the case may be, as amended by
, ,

,I= A
J . * .
.. -.: . . ,
(By order of the G~vernor.) the
... . . -:,, here

i-,3- -.. . - -

f~:~j. r:. -
and Stlcrefary to Go vernnzel~t,
.. Lav Department.

. I.
Act, ;




FlCT No. 14 OF 1987'

An Act furtj1er to a m m ? the lmvs re!oting to t k MmiCipol corpor~ ,

lions in the State of Tornil X d u .

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State b f ~ ~ r n a '

Nadu in fhe Thirty-eighth Year of the Rp?ub[ic of India ii

1. Short rille and c'ornr~!encement.--
( 1) This Act may bc called . :
the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporatioll Laws (Amendment) Act, 1

(2) It shall come into force at once. ,

PART 11.

pn , ii, cd >mrifi 6 % ~t# G?FC A&&& C@ bM#&f


., PART IV. Th
** ' ,. . , . receivc

4 . Amendment of Schedule VIZ to Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1981.-

I , .,S#e$ule VII to the Coirnbato1:e City Municipal Corporation Act,
1 81 W i l Nadu Act 25 of 1981),, in sub-rule (a) of rule 4, for the

~ words " within a period of six ycars ", the words " within a period
of seven years " sha:: he substituted. - BE it
in the
(By order of the Go\lernor)
* "
S . VADIVELU, 'the T
cmd Secretary to C;or*e*t8nn?ent,
Cornn~is~sione,. J-i 987.
L...M., . . Law Departtnent.

( Tarr
Act) :

the 7

<: - -
.- - - . -
'I'he rollo~vil~g -Act of t h ~Ta~nilhTncln T~cgislativcAsscinl~ly rcceive(1 thc
a s ~ l i tof thv ( : o r e ~ n o ~on' thc 25th F'c?l)ru;~rj-1959 and is hereby publislied
for- g m r ~ n linfo17mation :--

f o f i l e City lf?~)ticipizl
An i l ( t ro ) t ( t l l i ~..l/ecilll pt-oc*i.siort.$f o r holdirtg ~6t;ctio~ts
Co~.po~utions in the State of Tamil Aradu nltd further t o amend the Ta?~zil
Xndzi M,~~nic.ip~~l Corporation Laws.
J \ . T ~;1 ~p o~l i ~ ydccision
~ \ ~ has been take11 I)y the State Government
tllilt t l ~ ccl(~ctiolls10 tllc hIunicipa1 Corporations of Madras, Madnrai arid
('oi11111:1Iol~o i l l / I ( 11(,1(1 (Itlraing 13p~nil-AIay-1 989 ;

AN> I\~IJEKEASthe Municipal Corporation T~awsprovide eighteen years as

the ~ninimum age for voting ;
i h ) wrrsr:e,\s no electoral 1~,11lias becn ~)r-l)ili.ed in accordance with
the said T,aws ;
Ax11 n.rrstraAjstllc preparation of nciv rqlls with eightccn years ns the
l l ~ i l l i t l l l l l l l iIg(' so'. \'Oiillg I l l i l ) 7 t i l k ( ' long' tilllcl ;
A:,:,!) n111:1:1:.\,: in order to co~nplete thc pro;css of elections to the
x;litl \ I 1111ivi C'or.l)ol.;~l
i c 1 7 1 \ , 111(~i.v
i.3 n o otht 1. ;: ltclrnativc cxcc~pt to llold the
ct1cc.tiorli c.n tilr biisis of Ilit clectvral rolls for thc territorial const;,,mci?s of
tile Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly a s relate to the di,: '-rn or ward of the
snicl lT~tnic.ipalPol-porntions ;
I \VIII~I,\S it i o ~ ! ilCceSq;lty*
r to runke suitaljlc provision
in this rcgnri\ ancl for ct-~rtninothcr connected matters ;
1h: it c?~ac,tcd1jy tllc i.cgislative Asscl-ril)ly of the State of Talnil Narlu
;II tllc Forticth Year of the Rcpublic of India as follows :-
I . ( 1 ) 'I'his ,\cat Jllay 1 ~ (.. i 1 1 1 ( ~ 1 thr 'l';~rnil Pli1t111 _\lunicip;~l Col.l)oration Short title end
I :\nts (Special J'rovisions and Amendment) Act, 1989. Commencement
"I Tt shall come illto force at or,cc.

PART 11.


t' t 1 1: 1 1 c t l t 1 1 1 \ 1 0 1
1 .\Il l l l i ( . i l ) ; t l ( ' o l ' l ~ o ~ . ; ~01
t i (-\ii\(\Y;l\,
~l~~ ~ladllriliand Llections to the
I I I I I I 4 1 , i l l 11, I I ( ltl , 1 1 1 1 ,1112 Ap~.il-Sli~\19, ), (111 ,11(.11 ~Latc~ 01. (I;~t~lh
a ! ~ M~lnicipal
: : I ] Ft;lt(> i : o i ( ~ ~ ~ , ,*liar ~ i t (s~p~~t ~ i finy this behalf, .,nd for the pnrpose of ~!'f$'$~~~s
Ilolciiog ~ I I 11( (>I( (~:!011~,the t lt ctoral rolls shall, 11ot\ itlistanding anything to Medurai and
II I r 1 I : I i I i t ,11111i1i O I O t , I I , Coimbato~.
I 1113 11, i t 111 ~ a : t i ( 'il y 11l t ~ l i ( ~ i l ,(,'ol.l)orati~~~
;~[ A('t, 1971 and the Colmhatore City
, +. Jlt:~~ici;)i\l ~ ~ 1981, be prepared ill accordance with the provi-
C o r p o r i ~ t i oAct,
\iori~ol' 5111j se(,Lio~~ , ( 2 ) ~~1
------- - - - -
-..l-Y. -n >
. .
. - - - -----
- a- ---------r
-- .- -.--

. I 1. ~ \ ' I I I 11. 111 t l ~ ecase 01' ; i 1 1 ~ 1 2 i t o l . i i l l ( . o l i \ t i l ~ l i ~o~r ( *

t c q ~ ~
Tamil Nadu Iicgisiativc ,\\srnll,ly tlierc i.: 11o cIi\tinc,t ])art o f the ~ l c ( + t ~ r i l I
roll relating to a c~ivisionor ward, every person whosc rmnc has been incleudcd
ancl every person who w:~.: clnc~liSeclto incluilccl in s ~ c hroll unclcr the
registration arcn (doii~l)l*ihillg tllnt division or wnrd and \vhosc atlclress is
situated in snch ili~isionor ward, shall be entitled to lie included i n tho clee-
toral roll for tho cIiviiion o r n a r d prepareel COY thc eIcc~tionsto t)c lleltf under
this section.

E . c p l ( ~ ~ ~ ( ~11.-
/ i o ~'<(Ii I ~ ~ O I ~ ni111le
' , ( I in t 1 1 ~(>l(~to1*:11
s11i111 11c ii1(:1~1o( roll
f o r more than one c1ivisic)li or wnrd O r in thc clcc.toral roll for any tlivision or
\yard in Inore than cne place.
. .
(3) Any pclrsoll alithorised jn this: 1)cllalf 1)y thc State Go.ircnirnenl
shall, for the pi.rposr )f tiiiq section, prcl)arc. in acco~tli1nc.e ~ v i t ht l ~ cpl~ovisions
of this scetio~lnnil SLTCILtlircctions not inc.onsirtcnt \\it 11 t 11c l,rovisir,ns of tbr
Madras City Mtl11ic.ipnl ('orporntion A d , 1919, tlic ,\T:~tlnrai City bli~~nicipnlTamil N<idu Act
Corporation Act, 1971 o m bthe C"nin~l~atol*(l i'il;u 1lniticil)nl Corl)c,r;~t ion il .\ IV of 1919.
Tamil Nndc Ac
1981, iis tlic c.;~st~
II~.I:, llc, as 1 1 1 ~St:~tc (;o\c r i t r l c ~ l : r:,nv, F~.,)nrtirno fo tiln I, , 5 0 f 1971.
F an 1 ~ ) l ~ l ~ i ii.l ,l hsuch
issue in this I~elii~l , nl:lltnc 1%:111tl :kt \nc.h t i l l i ( ~as the State TStml1 N~,~,~-A
Governn~ent nlay rli~'ccsi,11lta c~lcc~tol~al roll f o ~c ; , ~ . i l of' ~ h cdivision or rv;~t'c.l 25 of 1981.
con~prisecl in the conc~crncclCity or thc altc rntictns to sl~cliroll, as the ;:me
may be.

] [ q j l o ~ ~ r i / i , , )' 1~' 1.1 ~ e c lt l t i ~yk111 wt,tio11 011 I II(; I I ( ~ I Y O I I h o

~ o ~ ~ f c r r11y
autllorisecl shall inc,lntlts thc l,o\\.cr to omit, i l l i l ~ cn1;lnnc.r ant1 n t t11(. times
n foresnitl, frolt: thc cIc(.to~alroll for any rudl iliviqion o~ \rarcl pul)lishcd
11nder this sul) s(t,:ic)ri, t11c nalile of any 1)el-son 1\~1iois (lead or who is dis-
qualified to he included In such part of thc electoral roll fur any territorial
constituency c,f the l'an~ilNadu Lcgislativc Assembly as rclates to that division
or w a r d

(4) Savc as otherwise providcd i n thc foregoing sub-sections, the pro-

visions of thc 31;1(112:\s (:if? 3Tunit.ipal C't,~l~tri.;!tion ifc*t, 1!'1!), tlio AIatl~~rai
City Tarnil Nadu Act
I V of 1919
Xlnnic.ipnl ('o~'l~ol':~tio?l .dl+, 1973 and thc ~ojn1l);ltorcCity Mnni~ipal Ccrporn- Tamil Nadu P :t
15 of 1971.
l i m ~n e t . 1!)SI. rib;iiti~~plo tllc clc~tionqto l l i c I 1 o r o i i r of Nadu Act
'1\Iadras, hiadurai lid Coilnbatore, resr,ct.ti~cly (including the provisions 250f 1981.
relating to the preparation and publication of llle clcctoral rolls), sllall apply
t o the clcctions to be held undcr this section.

P A R T 111.


ACT, 1919.

3. I n the 3lacll.:ls City Municipal Coinporation Act, JDJ9 (hcrcaftcr in Tamil Nadu-Ac
this P a r t rcfcrred to ;I:, the 1919 Act), in sccotinn 28, in wh-section (I), for I v of 1919.
the words " two years ", the words " one year " shall I)c substituted.

4.. In section 29 of the 1919 Act, in the fiwt paragraph, for the words
" two years ", the words " one year" shall be substituted.

5. I n sub-section (7-A) of section 44-A of the 1919 Act, in the first para- ,
g~laph.for tlie in lords " six years ", the wo1.d~ " five years " sliall be substituted.

6. In section 55 of the 1919 Aet, i n the first paragraph, for the words
" six years ", the \vords " five years " shall be substituted.
,, G I . 1 1 , , , ' , ! . T ~ ~ ; ~ . :; I!] I '..:.T: ., . , . ; :,.:, :,r ( ] l l . l . ( , i l f t ~ l in
l ~ Amentiment 01
t},j>: 1':1;,[ [ I ,I , , :I., ;! , 1'. .<*,
i ,~ :Il , :: ~ 1 '~ 11, :.,:,,.+:,!~,ITI
' ( I ) ? in section 29.
1 I , I I ! . i, I , .; ,IS - ~ \ \ . I I!.c3ili, . !:I,' ,t,,:81.is ~t ,,,?I;. I . ~ ; ~ - l1
' I I slia

Ill> ~li!l~~t~1!:ll'l

I I 1 ., ; I I A , I I I Sot, the ~vordsAmndment 01

section 61.
" :.iy 1,. " []I: " sl1;1\1
\ : . H I , / . .' f i \ t \,c,:~l>s I I O ... I,..; I I ~ ~ C I ~ .
. i , I I I) i t i ( 2 1 01 I 1 1 t thc following Amendment cf
section 62-4
~ ) r o ~ , i ssh:lll
o 112 : I(lcil! -, :!. I:-

" 1'1,11vitlctli11;lt (I,l\t'~~l>rncnt rt1;i?.! ! t~otific*;~tion. .for sufficient

1 1 1 ~ 8

, , i ,,t I ; I , 1 ' 1 I I I I !. ! . , ; i l . , . , r l !I!.. ~ 1 1 1 . 1 1 yrl-ioti ]lot


l ~ ~ l ~ , ! . h. i ~\ i ~i ;~! , lI I~? ! ~I I ~2 % 111:i:; sp(x~ifi11;in \ i ~ ' , i : ~ ~ , ~ : i f i ~ ~".a t i o l ~ ,


.itl~-:.,'i.ti011 ill' s~:(.tion 50 of the 19S1 Act, in t h e first para- 4mcndment 0'
, 7
, I I ,
i i i 3 : ' 1.11~ \\'oI,(!s " five > . e i l ~" s h i ~ l lhe sub-
section SO. I
! iilitcti. 1

11, iI! [TI c.1 io11 (i:!of 1110 1981 Act, in thc P i - x t parazsapll, Toy thc. wor(ls .mendmen1 0
section 63.
, '. i11(. 1% ot " f i ( a~ ycnrs " shall l)e .~ll)\titntt
The ZoNowing Act of thc T a d Nadu UgislalSvc rkscrnbly rcceived the - , -
. . ..:
assent the G o 7 e ~ o ron the 17$ 'N0~4tber1989 and is hereby published -


for generd information :-- "1


ACT No. 34 OF 1989,

.- ' . ...

An Act ?urtlrer to sl;telta the I~lvdsrelating to the Mul~ic:ipdI Corp~r%iior:r
in the >-.
Slate GI Trrmil KGrtl. - I

* -
BE it enercted by the Legislative ksembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in . .
the Foaieth Y w of the ~epubkcof India ks follows :-
' ' -!<
-:- --
PART 5. . I
-.-'.,. . .:

PREL.MINARY. , . ,> ...


1. (1) This Act may be called tbe Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporation short . .,<
- ..:
(Fourth Amendment) Act, 1989. wmmesamtut ..
. .. . . .... :.:;;.-
. 1.J,,

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force oq the 29th Sep~mber , .:?

,. , ., -.&:
.,:. ;.:.:a
1989. 3

22, . ...

; ,.... . . . , -3 5::
PART II: .i :,? ,L..

. , .-. . g
.i.:cJG9 ' , '
.. . -.

A m , 1919.- . lg
-, , . . ;,GJ
2. In subsection (1 ) ol section 55-B d the Madras City MpDifipd A m a D ~ m t : . ~, 3 ~
Corporalion Act, 1919, for the expression " 30th day of September 1989 ", the ' ~ ~ Q SSB.
I L :- 3
-. . ..
expression " 3 1 d day of March 1990 " sh& be substituted. ,,A
,, .13


Acr, 1971.
- . -,?.

3. In sub-section (1) of section 62-A: of the Msdursi Crty ~unicipipalAmendment of- - ;',.:
Corporation Act+ 1971, for the exprasion " 30th day of September 1989 ", asdon 62-A.;. - - . . .:
the, expression " 31st day of March 1990" shall be substiMed. . .
. - , ..
', ?;

CORPORATION A m , 1981. !:I

, :. C

4. In Schedule W to the Coimbatore City Mu4icipaI Corporation Act, ~ m t n h m 'or - ,-:

~ednleVII. - ,
1981, in sub-rule ( a ) of rule 4, for the expression " 30th day of September
1989 ", the expression " 31st 3ny of ,Mnrch 1990'' shall be substltuled.
5 . { 1 1 The Tamil Nadu Municipal CorporaticmLaws [Fourth Amend-Rqeal'and
, .
ment) Ordinance, 1989 is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken
under the Madras CiQ Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 or the Madumi City
MudcipaI Corporation Ad, 1971 or the Coimbatorc City Municipal Grpo
ration Act, 1981, as amended by tbe said Qrdinance, ;hall be dee'mcd to have
lmn done or taken under the Madras City Municipal Corporation Akt, 1919 .
or the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 or the Coimbatore City
Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 as amended by this Act.
(By order of the Governor)
Sec7eidry to Governrzent, *.c-.. Dmartmenf. ., A:

.. .I,
' R - . p 7T-.I__-_

ACT No. 8'OF 1981.

9E it enackd 1,y the Legislative Aasembly of the State of Tamil Sadu in 'the
Portydrst Year of the Republia of lndia aq follows :- n

P R E L I r nm y .
1. (1) This A d may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal, Corpo~iltiun Shm;ti~c
Laws (Amendment) Act, 1991.
(2) I t shall be deemed to have come-into force on the 26th September

PART 11.

Nado ~ l t 2. In sub-section (1) of section 55-Bof the Madras City Jlunicipal Cor-
of 1919. poration Act, 1919, for the expression '' 30th day of September 1990 ", !he,
expressiofi " 8Mh day of April 1991 " shall be sub$ituted.
PART 111.

Z. In sull-~etion.( I ) of seetion 62-A of the Madurai C~t,y31unicipal Cor- ~mcndmwtof '

of 1971. paation Act, 1971) for the expression " 30th day of Septemiber 1990*, the scctim 62-A.
expression " 30th day of April 1991 " shall be substituted.



5. (1) The, Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporation Laws (Third Amend- Tamil Nadu 4
malt) Ordinance, 1990 ia hereby repealed. of 1990.
. .
( 2 ) NotT&hRtanding such repeal, anything done p. an. action taken Tam3
IV ofNadu
nylder the Madras City 3funicipal Corp~rdtionAct, 1919 or the hladursi City Tamil ~~d~ ~d
%lnnicipal Corporation Act, 1971 or the Coimbatore City Municipal Cor~orn- 15 of 1971.
tioa ~ ~1981, t , amended by the said Ordinance, shall-be deemed to ham Tamil Nadu Act
been done or taken under the 31Ddras City hfunicipal Corporation Act,
1919 *:;k:l;nct
or the Madmai city llunicipal Corporation Act, 1971 or the Coimbatore iv of 1919.
> ~ l l n ~ c j pCorporation
~l Act, 1981 as amended by this Act. Taml
15 ofNadu
Tama Nadu Act
25 of 1981.
(By order of the Governor)


,CJacretary to Col;cmstent, T,mulI)pflrtmenf. .

ACT No. 18 OF 1991.
Bn Act further to at)iencl the laws, relating to the Mzcrzicipal Corporatioits z
k the
State of Tamil Nadu.
Beit enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the $tade of Tamil Naclu in the
Forty-second Year of the Republic of India a ~ follows
; :-


Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1991.

(2) It shall come into force at once.

PNiT 11.
A?ne?zd?nentsto the Mndras City Xunicipal Corporafiotz Ant, 1919.

T d Nadu
w of 1919.

'(5. Constitution of the c&u;il.-<(lJ~ Save q otherpJise provided in

spb-seotion (4), the couneil shall consist of one hundred and fifty-A\"r e coun-
cillors elected in the manner laid down in this Act.
(2) Notwithqtanding anything contained in sub-section (1) there shall
be repretqata~timin the council for the members of the Scheduled Castes and
the Schduled Tribes and the nunlber of members representing thc Scheduled
a castes and the Scheduled Tribes. shall bear, as nearly as rimy be, the same pro-
portion t o the tdal number of seats in the council a8 the population of the Sche-
- . duled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in the City, bears to the total populit
tian of the City and if sufficient nunher o$ members belonging to the Schduled
gastos and the Schcd~dedTriboa are not elected to that extant to the cquunoil,
the elected members of thc counjcil shall, at the first meeting aif the council
after each ordinary elccticn to the council, -opt to itself ths men1be.m belong-
mg to the Scheduled Castes m d the Scheduled Tribes to that extent as coun-
cillors, in accordance with such pioccdure as rrmy be prescribed. +

(3) Not~vithslanding anything' eaqtaiaad in sub-section (I), there

&all be, as nearly as may be, thirty per cent representation l o r women in the
council and if sufficient nuinl~erof women are not elccted to that extent to the
council, the elected members of the council &all, at the first meeting of the
council after each ordinary election to the council, co-opt to itself wch number
of women, as nlay be necessary as councillors, in accorclance with such proce-
dure as may be prescribed, to ensure that there is thirty per cent roprestntaticm
for lonuen in the council.
(4) The strength of the council as q p d e d i n sub-section (1) shall
be deemed to be inclewed by such number as ma7 be ceopted under ssab-
siectiens (2) and (3).
3. In section 53-A of the 1919 Act,-
(1) in sub-section (I),-
(a) for tho' words " every person who is sleoted ", the words '! everp;
p e w n who is elected or co-opted " shall be subtitnted ;

having been olectd s caunoih

A'B' having h e n co-apted ru c~uncillor"
shall be substituted :
(2) in sub-section (2), for the word " elected ", the worcla '' deeted or
cc-opted " shall be substituted ;
(3) in sub-secrtion (a), for the word " elected ", the nords " elmted or
ca-opted" shall be' substituted.
4. In &ation 55-A of the 1919 Act, f o r sub-section (3), the following sub-

. "(3) A councillor elected at a, casual election or co-opted at il casual

v'wancy of a co-opted councillor shall enter upon office fotthwith but shall
hold affice sol Img only a ~ sthe cctuneiUor in tvlzcw p k e he is elected or: co-wed
v~ouldh a ~ e been entitled to hold office if the vacancy had not occurred. ".

6. In section 59 of the 1919 Act,-

(2) in sub-secticn (I), for the ~ ~ o "r elections

d ", the words " elections
and co-options '.' shall be substituted ;
(3) in sub-sedtion (2), in clause (b), I?& the wvoril "elactions", the
word$ " elections or cceopnions " shall be substituted. ,

PART 111.
Antelidntents tot the Madtcrai C i t y Mzinicipal Corporation Act, 1971.

7. I n the illadurai city 31unicipal Corporation Act, I971 (hereafter in T@ Nadu

lthis Part refelred ta as the 1971 Act), in section 2, after clause ( I I ) , the Pollow- Act 15 of 197r.
ing clause shall be inserted, namely:-

8. F o r section 5 of the 1971 Ad, the following section shall be substituted,

" '5. Coizsiitdion of the couszcil.-(1) Save as othcrlvisb provided in

' sub-Action' (4), thk council'&all consist of seventy two coanciliors elmlctl in
the manner laid down in this Act.
(A Group) V-2 Ex. (343)-la
(2) Notwi-ding anything contained in sub-sectiun (11, there
6;hall be representaion in the council for the members af the Ekheduled Castes
and the Scheduled Tribes and the number of members representing the
Sdeduled Casks and the Scheduled Tribes shall bear, as nearly may be,
the pyqportion to the total number of seats in the council as the ~opuktictn
of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in the city, l.xeam to the
total of the city and if sufficient number of members belodng to
the Scheduld Castes and the Scheduled Tribes are not elected to that extent
to the council, the oleclted members of the council shall, at the first meet~ngof
the after each ordinary election to, the council, ccd-opt to itself the mcm-
bcrs belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes to that extent
as councilloas, in nccordaflcc ~ 4 t hsuch prooedum as may be prescribed.

Explnnation.-For the purpose o£ this sub-section, the expression

" population " means the population as ascertained at the last precedirlg census
of which; the relevant figures have been publisbd.
(3) Notwimnding anything ccatained in wb-sxtics ( I ) , there
shall be, as nearly as may be, thirty per cent representation for women in
the council and if sufficient number of wonlen are not elected to that extent to
the council,) the elected members of the council shall, at the first meeting of
the council after each ordinary elccti~nto the council, ca-opt to itseIf mich
number of women, as may be necessary as councillors, in accordance with such
procedure aq may be prescribed, to ensure that the* is thirty per cent repre-
ssnration for women in the council.

(4) The strength of the council as specifled in subeotion (1) shall

5e deemed ta be i n c r e d by such number as may be, co-opted under sub.
swtions (2) and (3).
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ad, the provbiane
relating to the qualification and disq:ua.liflcation of councillors under this A&
shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to the councillors wopted under
sub-sections (2) and (3) as they apply do the councillorn elected under sub-
section (1).".

$0. In section 62 of the 1971 Act,-

(1) fw sub-section (3), the fallawing mb-section &all be substituted,

namely :-
'' (3) A councillar elected at a casual election or co-opted a t a
c a r n a l v w c y of a cu-opted councillor shall enter upon office forthwith but
Elhall hold office so long only as the councillor in whose place he is elected or
coopted would have been entitled to hold office if the vacancy had not

(2) sub-mtions (4) and (5) shall be omitted.

A ~ n Coi7nbatore
~ to fh ~ s City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981.
12- the C ~ ~ ~City o Municipal
r e Corporation Act, ~ g i (hereafter
i Arne-
this Part m f a m d to =the 1981 Act), in section % aft- &use (121, the h 1
following c l a w &all be in%* namely:-
('(12-6) 'councillor ' includes i person -ptpd fo -d is a
.. , 8

- -
13. For section 5 c.f the 1981 Act; the following section dud1 be subs-
tituted, namely :-
" 5. Coizstitufion of t ? coozc~zci2.-(1)
~ Save as otherwide provided in
s u b - ~ t i o n(4), the council shall consist of seventy two councillors elected in
the manner laid down in this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (I), there Ml
be mp~sentationin the council for the members of the Scheduled Castes and
the Scheduled Tribes and the number of members representing the Scheduled
Castes and the Scheduled Tribes shall bear, as nearly a$ may be, the same
propodion to the total number of seats in the council aq the population of the
Scheduled Castes cmd the Scheduled Tribes in the City, bears t~ the to%d
population of the City and if sufficient number of members belongirig to $he
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes d e not elected to that extent to
the council, the elected members of the council shall, at the first meeting of the
co(unci1 after each ordiaary eleation to the council, cocopt to itself the members
belonging to the Scheduled Caslta and the Scheduled Tribes to that oxtent as
councillors, in accordance with such prccedura as ~ a bey prescribed.
Expluna1io.n.-For the purpose of this sub-section, the expression
population " mean9 the populsltion as ascertained a t the last preceding census
sf which the relevant figures have been published.
(3) ~ o t w i t h s h d i n ganything contained in subsection ( I ) , there
shall be, as nearly as may b q thirty per cent representation for momen in the
council and if sufficient number of women are not elected to that extent to the '
oouneil, the elwted members of the cduncil shall, a t the fir& meeting of the
council after each ordiuarg election to the council, co-opt to itself mch number
of women, as may be n e e w r y as councillors, in accordance with such proce-
dure as may be prescribed to ensure that theye is thirty per cent representation
for women in the council.
(4) The strength of the council as specifled in sub-section (I) &all
be deemed to be increased by such number a s may be co-qted nnder mrub-
sections (2) and (3).
' (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the provirjons
relating to the qualification and disqualification of councillors under this Bet
. shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to the councillors co-opted under
sub-sectionq (2) and (3) as they apply to the councillo13 elected under sub-
sectioa ( 11) .'*.
14. In section 57 cf the 1981 Act, in wb-section ( I ) , c l a u s (c) shall be

15. In section, 64 of the 1981 Act,-

I r

(1) for sub-seaticn (3), the following mb-section shall he substitutecl,

namely : -
" (3) A councillor elected at a casual election or coopted at a
c w a l vacancy of a co-opted councillor shall enter upon office forthvJith lbut
lshall hold officc w long only as the councillor in whose place he is elected or
co-opted would have been entitled to h ~ l d oflice if tho vacmcy had not
occurred." ; ,
(2) subrsections (4) and J5) $141 be omitted.
, -
. . I b3

16. In section 68 of the 1981 Act, in the marginal heading, for' the rjwrd
'felectwtd9*,Yhb woiJde " election hnd co-ontion '*shall be substituted.
. >1
.(By order of' the Clovernor. ) . ,
, - , : , ; ' , ,. ' I ',

Secretary to Gavernnzent, Law Departmc~tt.,
- ---em- -
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative, Assembly received the
assent of the Governor on the 19th. July 1991 and is hereby published for
general inf ormatjon :- . . -,,.I

$7--- --"'- '--."";"f'";l

ACT No. 21 OF 1991.
An Act further to anzend the l a ~ relating
s to the JlunicipaL Corporations and
the Munic4paaities in the State of Tatnil Nadu.
BE ~t enacted by the Legislativci Ayembly of the State of Tamil Nadu ia
the Forty-second Year of the Republic af India as follows ;-

, , - . PART I. 4 * c .


Short title 1. (1) This Act may be called 'the Tamil Nadu Municipal I ~ a r ~ s
4nd (Amendment) Act, 1991.
commencement. (2) It shall be deemed ito have come into force on the 9th day of April

ACT, 1919.

Amendment of 2. I n sub-section (1) of section 55-BIof the Madras City Municipal Corpor
seetion 55-B. ration Act, 1919, for the expression " 30th day of April 1991 ", the expression
" 88th day of September 1991 shall be substituted.


ACT, 1971.

Amendment of
3. In sub-section (1) of section 62-A of the Madurai City Municipal Gorpo-
ration Act, 1971, for the expression " 30th day of April 1991 ", the expression
i 30th day of September 1991 " ahall be substituted.

BPr3&T m.
4. I n Bohdule V I I to the Cdmhatore City 3iunicipal Corporation Act,
Tamil Nadu
Act 25 of
1981, in wb-rule; (a) of rule 4, for tho expreskon " 30th day of April 1991 ",
' the expression " 30th day of September 1991 " shall be subtitutod.
1~1. ,,,F


famil N.dp 5. In cIause (a) of subsection (3) of section 4 of the Tamil Nadu District
Act 33 at Municipalities (Second Ameadment and Special Provisions) Act, 1990, for the
1990. expredon " for tu period of tea months on and from the 24th day of July
1990 ", the e r p r d a s "for a period beginning on and from the 24th day of
July 1990 and ending at no011 on the.30th day of September 1991 " shall be


6. In clause (a) of sublaeetios, (3) of section 3 of lttte T d Nadu Munidpal
Coiuncile (Appointment od Spmll OfEcerq) Act, 1991, for the expression
" 10th day of April 1991 ", the expression " 30th 'day 01 Ssrptemk 1991 "
shall be substituted.
7. (1) The Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1991,
is hereby repealed.,

(2) Notwithstanding such, repeal, an- done or any action taken

nnda the &baa City Wipal Corpo1ation Act, 1919, or tbe Wura,i City
- IL.

Xunicipal Corpwaion Act, 1973 or the Cairnbatore Ciity Mmieipd Coopcatriioh

Aet, 1981 or the Tamil Nadu Distriat M u n i s i ~ ~ e(Second

b Amendment snd

Special Provisionn) Act, 1990 or tho TamiIi Nadu Municipal Councilsl (Ap~oint-

lnent of Special Officers) Act, 11991, as tunended by the said Ordinance, shaD

ha d e e d to have been done or taken uuder Ithe Madras City Nunicipat

CorporaCim Act, 1919 or the Nadurai Gity Municipal Corpmation Act9 1971

or the Coimbatore City Municipd Coqmmth A&, 1 9 1 m gz

District Muaiaipalitierq (Seaad h a d m a t ; and S p X Prcnibens) Act, I490

or Alre Tamil Nadu Municipal Couneila (Appointment of Specid OdIbm) Act,

1991, m amended by this Act.
I (By order of the Governor. )

t , , a a , .. ,i Secretary to Gwcrnment, Lmo Department.
sbort titlk
and com-

of section,

Amendment .
of section

Amendment of
schedule W.
,I I I t 1

-- -


7-- 2

artive A,sembly i.e&ved ;;he

and is hereby puijlidied for

ACT No. 14 OF 1992.:

An Act further to amend the laws relating to the Municipal Corporafions and
the Municipalities in the State of Tamil Nadu.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadr
in the Forty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendmcet Short title
Act, 1992. and corn-
(2) St shall come into force at once.


ACT, 1919.
2. In sub-section (1) of section 55-B of the Madras City Municipal Corpo- ~ ~ - t
ration Act, 1919, for the expression " 31st day of March 1992", the expres- of seaion
sion " 30th day of September 1992 " shall be substituted. - 55-B.

PART 111.
ACT, 1971. 1 at!

3. In sub-section (1) of section 62-A of the Madurai City Municipal Corpora-

tion Act, 1971, for the expression " 31st day of March 1992 ", the expression Amendment
" 30th day of September 1932 " shall be substituted. of sectkin
4. In Schedule VII to the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act,
1981, in sub-rule (a) of rule 4, for the expression " 31st day of March 1992", Amendment
of Schedule
the expression " 30th day of September 1992 " shall be substituted. VIz.



5. In clallse (a) of sub-section (3) of section 4 of the Tamil Nadu District Muni-
cipalities (Second Amendizent and Special Provisions) Act, 1990, for the ex-
pression " 31st day of March 1992 ", the expression " 30th day of September ofsectionE
1992 " shall be substituted. 4.
6. In clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Tamil Nadu ~ u n i c i ~ a l
Councils (Appointment of Special Officers)Act, 1991, for the expression " 31st day Amendment
of March 1992 ", the expression " 30th day of September 1992 " shell be ssbsti- of 3.

(By Order of the Goveruor.)

-, 1
a -
Secretory to Govet.nmcnt, Law Departntent. I
EXTRAORDINARY ' ~ o l n w a ~~ m m

io, 5704 MADRAS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1992

..- -.
- -- - -. . - . - --. ,
I Part IV-Secrion 2

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative A m h l y received the

aq4ent of t,hc Governor on tihe 29th Septenxbeq 1992 and is hereby puhllishd
for general infomtion : - i
' i
ACY No. 45 Oil? 1992.

.4 t~ A c t further to tunlend Ihe laws rebti~zyto the Murzicipul Corpo.raf4on.v and

the Mt~rt'kipal4tklit&. the State of Tamil Nadtl. I

BE it en;Mpct Iry the Legidativc A94en1bly of the State of Tamil Nada in tho
Fort?-third Year of the Republic of India as f o l l m :-

1. (1) T h j 4 Act may be called the Tamil Nadu 3funir:j~stlZ;s-\jrs(Second shwt title and
~tmendment) Ac$ 1999;.

(2) Tt shall come into rorce at once.

1 j
pmfrU. I
' 1
A M L W I T ~ ~TO , i
ACT, 1919. I
2. ~ l nxub.nec.tiur~ (1) or ,+qxrt;ior~
55-11 trf' thc M~ttl~un
Oit,y Mdr~iaipb~l(:or*-
Amendment of
Of I9l9. p,,lo;!tien ~ c l , ,inld, for tho expredm i4 30th drip or %pMml,cr 3992 thc wctio. 35-B.
cxprc*s.n.on" 30th d r t ~of Septe-nhcr 7993 " ~h~hnll
& .
I J ~m!&tet l . .
1 . rcrllll * 1 189 1

1 . -

' day of September

- i2 - h

The following .Act of b e Tamil Nadu Ihgklativg Bslsembk received the , L!

a e n t of the Qove~rno~ on the'& D m b e r 1993 and id b e b y , p b W e d
for general b f o m ~ t i o n:- %

ACT No. 31 OF l993.

An Act further t o amend the lawi dating to the MudcipdCorparstions at~d
the Municipalities 'in the Srtate of T d l Nadu.

BE it enacted by the Legiqlatitive Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu h t h e

Fo&y-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
P U T I;

1. ( I ) Th.is Act mad be called t& Tamil Nadu Bgiuaicipd Laws (Amend-
Short title a .
ment) Act, 1993. ment.
(2) I t shall be deemed to hare come into foree on the 30th 'day of
&gtember 1993.
ACT, 1919.
2. In sub-section (1)af section 55-B of the Madras City Iddcipa.3 Car- Amendmat of
poration Act, 1919, for the ex~@?ji~*;"@fRh ,dw ,& &ptember 1993 '\ thie section 55-B.
expression "31st day of May 1994" +all be substituted.

. ,*, .,-'
. *- ,... 7
- - . :v - * < .J.?AJ,
=. r..A,.

3, In wbsection (1)of iqeotbn 62-A of the Madurai City Municipal Cor- Amendmeat of
porntion Act, 1971, for the e x p r d o n " 30th day of SeptembeF ;L993", the 62A.
wression "31st day of May' 199' 'W be sub&.hted.

m- PaRT IV.
x "4, I


1. In Schedule VII to the Coimbstore City Municipa~Uorpbration Act, bmdewnt of

1981, rule 4, in sub-rule (a), for the expr-iod "30th day of September ScMub W.
1W3",t.hc t~xpwwion('3lstr day of May 1994" shall be mEstitnted.
P U T V.
6.. In.df4pe (8) of 8ubection (3)' of section 4 of the Tamil N d u District Amemhcnt oi
M w c l p a t i e s (Second Amendment and Special hovimom), A d 1990 fbr section 4.
the expressior "3Wh day if Fey-her 1993 ", the urpreaoion *a&t dag; of
May 1994 '"all be substituted.

( U m m T M E N T OF' WEtCIAL OFFICERS) ACn 1991. I
6 . In clause (a) of mb-section (3) of . ~ c t ? m
3 on the ' P a i l Nadu Wni-
d u i C~uncils(Ap~~mhtment of S'peeiaI Weem) A* 1991, for &e q r e ~ g i o o mcti~n3.
"30th day of Septxmber 1993 ", the e x p r e o n "31st day of I-"
be substituted.
kepeal and 7. (1) The Tamil N a h r Mmicipal~LA- (Amendmeab) Wdhance, 1993 Tamil Nadu
wing. I is hereby repeal&.

@@ thb-h-ok) .w

> ,

X. B E T Q ~ ~ ~ ~ L U Y ,
C r . . r . ' , . . . * I -
Mw to aove.nmpoq Law Department.
. , - 2 - . . .? ., .

, . . . - .

.. , ,
-. .. ... ',.., .,, 1
w 4 - I .

. I ' i

.. - ' - * I.

- 1


ACT No. 42 of 1994.

An Acj ftlrther to amend the laws relating to the 1Murzicipal Corporazions and
Wurzicipalitlts ln the State of Tamil Nadu.

BE if, enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in

the Forty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows :- , .

- 1. (1) This Act may be callcd the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendd shod t l t ~ ~
ment) Act, 1994. comenceniCn6r 1

(2) (a) The provisions of this Act, except section 3, shall be deemed
to have come into force on the 1st day of April 1994., ' I
(b) Section 3 shall bc deemed to have come into force on the 18th
day of October 1990., I

,linc:i.j:ncnt to tnle Madras City &Municipal Corporation Act, 1919.

PAET 111. r

Amcizclrncnt t o t h c Tamil Naclu District 1vInnicip;~lilicsAct, 1920. ri

Amendment to the Madurai Ciiy &Zunicipal Corporatior! Act, 1971.,

Amendment of 5. In section 123 of the Coimbatore City ~~5unici~)al Corporation Act, TamiINadurrit
1081, in clnuscl ( c ) , Tor- 1 1 1 ~\:roi.il~: " p l a c ? ~11:::'d En:. thc chn:itflhlc purpose", 25 of 6981.
= t i ~ , 123,
the words "buildings usccl for eclt~cntionnlpurpose incln ling hostels attachcd
thereto 2nd places u.;cil f o r 111. rltsi.itnl)l: I : I L I ~ ~ ) o sh " Ile substituted.
: : ~111

(By order of the Govcruor)

Secretary to Govmu;nzent, Law Department.
('AGroup) 1.V (2) EX.( 3 3 3 3 - 4
-- ---- -- ~ . .
- -- - - - - -.- - -
-. -- - -- -
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 26th November 1994 and is hereby published for general
information :-

ACT No. 53 OF 1994.


b 4
Arz A6t jurther to Amend )he L a ~ sreldtidg td the Municipal Corporations and
Munic@alities in the State oj Tdmil Nridu. - ... -
r s.

BB it eliacted by the Legislative Assembly, .of the state of Tamil Nadu in the
Forty-fifth1 Year of' the Republic of India as follows :-
, &'
- $ ?

. . ~L- ~ j
i l

Short title and
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (St-cond Amend- commencement .
ment) Act, 1994. -,

(2) I t shall come into force at once.

Amendment ol ',
2. In section 414 of the Madras City Municipal Corporation .4c$ 1919, in section 414.
IV of *Or
191'3' sub-section (2), for the expression "only for six months from the date of the commen-
cement of the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporation Laws (Amendrner.t and Special
Provision) Act, 1994", the expression "up to the 31st day of December 1995" shall
be substituted.

Amendment of
Tatnil Nadu Act ?. In section 375 of the Tamil Nadu District ~ u n i c i ~ a l i t iAct,
e ~ , 1920, in sub- section 375.
V of 1920. se-'ion (2), for the expression "only for six months from the date of the commen-
cerncnt of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Amendment) Act, 1994", the
3 expression "up to the 31st day of December 1995" shall be substituted.

ACT, 1971 i
j Tamil Nadu Act 4. In section 510-A of the Madurai City Municipal Cor 1971, Amendment o f
15 of 1971, in sub-section (2), lor the expression "only for six months from date of the corn- section 510-A.
mencement ot the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporation and
Special Provision) Act, 1994", the expression "up to the 31st day of December
!995" sr~allbe substituted.
ACT, 1981.
3. m smton 51 1-A of t11e'~oimbatoreCity Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, Amendmen' .of
of 1981.
Tan'it Act 2 5 innub-section (21, for the expression "only for six months from the date of the VCtIon 511-A
com~~iencement of, the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporation Laws (Amendment
and Special P~+ovision) Act, 1994". the ex~ression "un to the 31 st day of December
1995" \bat: be substituted


nendmeut of
:tion 10.

(2) in sub-section (5). for the words "only for six months from the date of
the corninencement of this Act", the expression "up to the 3lsl day of December
1995" shall 5e substituted.
lendment of.
tion 10.
, -- 7. In section 10 of the Tirunelvcli city Municipal Corporation Act> 1994,-
(11 in sub-section (2). for tI;: e~ri.cssion "within a period of siu' inonths
from the date of the commencenlent of the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporation
Laws (Amendment and Special Provision) Act, 1994". the expression " on or before
the 31st day of December 1995" shall be substituted ;
(2),in sub-section ( S ) , for'the words ''clily for six months from the date of the
ept of this Act", the expression "up to the 31st day of December
1995 shal be siibstituted.
ACT, 1994.

tndmeni of 8. In section 10 of the S a l ~ m City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994,- Tam11Nadu A C ~

on IC.g (1) in sub-section (2), fc:. tl;e expressisn " \ \ i r i ~ i i 3~ period of six tnontlls z9 lg94.
froln the date of th- con^ ienccment of the ;'an,il P<adu M~~nicipalCorporation
.Lsws (Amendment and Special Prov~sion)Act. IS94 ", the expressioil " on or before
the 31st day of December 1995 " s1iz;l I;e sub\tituted ;
(3) in sub-section (5), for the worts '011!y fcr six months from the date of the
commencemc;lt of this Act", the ex.pression "up to the 31st day ot December
1995" sha!l be substituted.

(By order of the Governor.)

Srcretury to Goveninz?nt. Law DL~pr

-- .--- -- ---.- - -\


- - -- - - - .
Registered No M I
(Price 0.60 Pdse




* - - - -#a
- -- --

Part IV-Section 2
7 . 3 .
. .. . , . !.' .-
r i . , I 6
, .,

published for gen era1 informstion:-

ACT No. 34 OF 1995.
.'*:# i , .L, . :$ ; ,

Ali Act further t o amcnd l a d relating to Muilicip,?litiesand 7dt1nicipal

in the StGtc of Trl.nzil Ni1.d~.
i t cn::ctcd k y tllc T::gicl::ti\/c A ~ s c m b l yo f Illc St:!tc o f T;lrr.il Nndu in the

Forly-<,~xth Year of the Rcpublic of India as f~~llows :-


(2) It shcll come into force at once.
PART 11.
ACT, 1920.
2. In section 3 of the Tamil Nadu District Ml~nicip?IitiesAct, 1920 (herein%fter Amendm3at ot
in this Part referred t o as the 1920 Act), eftcr clause (2),the following clause shall b:: s:ction 3.
insortcd, namely :-
"(2-A) 'B?ckwerd Cl~ssesof citizsns' shy11 have the ssmc meaning a!,
defined in cl?me (a) of s:ctio? 3 of ths Tamil N?du Bxkwsrd Cl?ssss, Schsdulsd
C ~ s t c sand Scheduled Trib:s (R?s~v8,?ionof S:a,ts in Eltlc?t.io~?l1.n:itutions a24
of appointments or posts in th!: Ssrviccs under the State) Act, 1993. ".
~ o u ? )TV-2 EX. (6041-1 C 119 1
F -a- - -.- L_

Amendment ot 3. 111 soction 3-1 of the 1920 Act-

(1) after sub-sc-tion (2), the following sub-sections shall b: inserted, namely :-
(2-A) Seats shall bs reserved for the pzrsons belonging to the Bsckward
classes of citizens in every town panchayat and the numb:r of selts so reserved,
shall b:, as nearly as may b:, fifty per cznt of the total rllmbsr of seats in the town

. . (2-B) Sezts shall b.: reserved for women belonging to the B%ckwardClasses
of atizezs f x n : " ~ o r , gthe s23ts re:~::~ec! fer ?!is ps:so2r, 5s!osging t~ 27.2;-
xfard Classes of Citizens which shall not ba less than one-third of the total llumbsr
of seats reserved for the persons bzlonging to tl-tc Backward Clc7.sses of Citizens.";
(2) in sub-soction (3, for the oxpression "(incl~!ding the nunlber of sdzts
reserved for wcmen belonging to thc Sehedulec! Castes and the Scheduled Tribes)"
the expression "(including tho numbar of sears rosorved for woman balonging to the
Scheduled Castos, tho Scheduled Tribos and tho B~ckward Clasos of citizens)"
shall be substituted ;
(3) after sub-saction (4), the following sub-saction shall be inserted, nanlely :-
"(CA) (;I) Tllo cflicu\ 01 t l ~ o(:b:tir-l~or~c~ll\
of tho tow11 p:uicl~;ryirl sl~;\ll ha
rrslrrvod lor porsonu bzlo~igiogto tho Bi~kwaKiClwisos of citbttns and tho numbar
of offices so resorvad ,sl~allbe, as searly as rnay be, fifty pop cent of the total number
of ofi:~s of the Co;iir-parsons of tho towla punal~aylyatsin tho Slato.

01)The ofhas of tho Chair-persons of tho town pan&aya.ts &a.ll bo rosarvod

for wollrao bdoaging to tllo Backward Claws of citizclw from among tho oficus
d the persons belonging to tbe Baokward Classas of citizw which &dl
r e ~ ~ v efor
acr be less tbao one Phi& of the total number of o0iw ramvd for tho pamas
blcngipg to tha &ward Chsos of 6 t h ~ ~

;' '

(4) in sub-s .ion (3)-

(a) for t4o aprmsiou "(including tho aw&r of 0 5 ~ srosavw~far

wcslen belonging to the S~heduledCastes and tho Saheduled Tribes,)", the cxpressiou
"(including tho sujnbwr of oficec reserved for women belonging to tho Scbdulod
C :(:~es, tbe Scheduled Tribes a l ~ dthe Backward Classos of citizens)" shall be
sdxtittttd ;

(b) it: tho proviso for tho expression "under this sub-sectios and unden
sub-saction (A)", tlio oxpression ''undel* this section'bshhll be substiluted.

.Amcnclmcnt of 4. In scctioll7 of tho 1920 AGE-

Scction 7.
(1) after sub-soction C6),the following sub-scc!ions shall be insel tad, nrnely :-

,,(6-A) S.:el.s shall bo roservcd for thc persons belonging to tho &&ward
Ci.:s<cs 01 cit z.li)s i i ~U V C I - ~municip:.iit :!r~ci tl?a ~!i!l:-ib~i*of so::rs so rcscrvac!, S!~F,J~
Ir;, ::c r+x;:.ly ;,r. !:I:::J 130, fifty pii'C(i1li of ilia in;::! n~1.11ibor of so:;ts to bo .fiilect 1 , ~
d~;cc;: e]ec!ioil:; i l l rhat municipaiily.

(2) in sub-soo'ion (7): for tho ox~rcssion"(ir~clutlirlg tho numbor of seats

rosorved for women belonging to tho Sclledulcd Csstcs snd the Schodulod Tribes)",
the expression u(including the numbor of sa?fs reservoc! for women &longing to

bo subs tit^ ,
d~itli %t
tho S~hedulcd stes. the Scheduled Tribes end tho B:.ckward Classas of citizcnsY7-
- -. - - -
(3) after sub-section (8). the followingsub-section shall be inserted, namely :- ,

"(8-A) (a) Vie offices of tho Chair-persons of the municipelities shall be

rosarvod for the persons belo~igirzgto the Bacl<ward Cl::sses of citizens and the
nurnber of officesso reserved shall bo, as nearly as may bc, fifty par cent of tho total
il~l~nberof ofices of the Chnir.persons of the mur~icip?.litiosin the State.

Ih\ Tho nffi(:es of tip Ch;:ii' i;;sc~:s r f tl~r!tutt*iic;- l l i t i t 3 c ~.!:::li he rtasorved

for wonlo3 bolonging to tho Backwdrd Ciassos of cii1/.0:1\frwm snlong the offices
rcrarvod f o tho
~ porsonc belonging to thc B;!ckrvard CI::rsos of cirizons wl~ichshall
not h~ lnSc t $ a n ?no thiTr! nf the tcl+?1 n ~ ~ r n h nnf
r nfi;rnc !wnl.'ctnrl fnr thn pnrcnnr
balongiag to the Backwerd Classes of citizens." ;

(4) in sub-section (9)-

(a) for the expression "(including tho number of oftices rosorved for women
baloqging to the Sohedulod Castes r.nd tho Scnodulod Tribes)", the cxpressicn "(in-
ciudittg the number of officasreserved f o women
~ belonging to tho Szheduled Castes,
the Scheduled Tribes and th. Backward C l ~ s s eof~citizens)" shdl bo substituted ;

h pwiw, the follcwing prcviso shall be suhstitntd, namely :-

(b) for t
"Provided that the offices of Chair-persons of the municipalities marvod
uadat this seation shall bo allotted by m t i c n to different mu~icinaliljasin such
maratrar as ba pras&~r'lmdS'.


5. In suction 3 of the Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (hein- Apl~wnWatd
after in this Part referred to a4 the 1919 Act), after elause (2), the following ckm section 3.
shall bs insertad, namely :-

C"@-A) "Backward Classts of citizens" s h d l have the %ma maaniy as

defined In clause (a) of section 3 of the Tamil Nadu Backward C1~sse3,Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Racmation of seats in Educational Institutions and
sf appointments or poses in the Services d c z r the State) Act, 1993."
, t;
6, In section 5 of the 1919 Act,- A M d W t dl*.
. 'P
' 6. .I,.. L
(1) after sub-section (41, the following sub-sections shall be inserted, namely :-
"(4-A) Seats shall be reserved for the persons bolonging to thc Bzckward
Class citizens in the council and the numbzr of s:ats so reserved shell b:, as
nearly as may be, fifty per cent of the total i~umbsrof sexs t o b:: filled by direct
election in the council.
(4-B) Seats slz-11 bc rcservcd for worncn b:lonzing to th- E.?.ckwr?rdClasses
of citiz6:;ls from r.mongthe seats rcservcd f ~ !11-1:: - p::rc;oi!Si) :lo:?:;i:?z to t ? Ii:~.cIc~:~rct
C1::s:;cs of citizens, which sh;l,ll not bc less t1l:un onc tlii:xl o i ' t h c t.o!:!l 11alnb:i. of
SL\::iS I . C S > T V L ' ~f o r the persons b:longing to tlle 3:l.ck:v;:rcl Ci.;.;>cs ol' C ' i i ; z ~ ~ w . " ; i

(2) in sub-section (9, for the expression "(!;iclcding tlie II:!:II~I::- of seats
reserved for wQmen belonging to the Scheduled Cc?.src\ ~tndt hc Scbcdult d Tribes)"',
t hc exp;essio~"(including the nurnber of seats reservcd for women b=lollgingt o the-
Scheduled Cafes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Bcckward Classes oof' citize1ps)''
shaiilb3 substitvtwi.
1 I' ACT. 1971. \
,.I P

I ~ I I I G ; I:J!~ ~ ~ I C ! I !
scr!ji>n 5 .

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I,,:>,, 1 ;;< ; , I , 1),:! ;. ;, ., :;, (;,:i4 <,[ , ,;::il II~:,:;!;I: of SG:~.-S .$~) 132 !i!I':!!. bjr <!;I O C ~
tj!ei' 1 ,!I L ; lc:,;[:'ci!.
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.,. ,, ,,d.,.
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. T, . .... *

'"')... ;. :.*,.: " '. . 4 , ' , ..',.,#.' ';
Amendrn'cnt ot 10. I n soclion 5 of tlia 1981 Act,- .'
section n '

(1)' zitor sub..se;tion (4), the fjllkwiag sub-sec:iork shall be ibsert~d,namely ;-

9 4 4 ) S?ats shc?ll b e rosorved far t l ~ aparsons belonging to l l ~ cBeckw?,i.d
Class~sof citizrtns iq tho c~uncila,qd tiia numbor of saats so rossrvad shi.,ll bn, ?.s
naarly as m7.y b:?,fi[r.y par cant of the total numb3r of so?,ts to b~ fillad by diroct
olectioll in the c:runcil.
(4-B) SPASs1~:llbo rcwrvcd far woman b.lionging to ilia B ~ ~ k w a r cC1i:sr;ns
of citizens t:nm ?,mong t h s:ai:s
~ rasarvod for the P.?ICGI?S '031ongir.g to the B?,ckwr.sd
Cl~ssasof cil:iznns wl~ichs;lnll not hi! loss t;iaq oqn-!.bird of tha tot21 numhor of so?,rs
resarved for tho parsons balollgillg to tho B;C~LC':;:C\CIT.SSOS of ~i~izoos.";

&all.ll'h& substi.tutsd.


I "
PART VI. ., I I ~ L J

Act 11. In scction 2 of ihe TiruchirappalliCity Municipal Corporation .let, 1994 Amendment ot j
. (I1croin:ifcor inthispart rclforrod to as t h Tiruohirappnlli
~ Corporation Act), for
cl;luso (a), tlio followil~gclauses shall be ~ubstjtuted,namely :-
salon 2,

&a) 'Backward Classes of citizens' shall have tho same !meaning as
Aot defined in clause (a) of section 3 of the Tamil Nadu Backward Classes, Scheduled
. Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of Seats in Educational Institutions and
of appointments or posts in the Services under th:: State) Act, 1993 ; I
ns the local area comprised b
cal area which after the date i
e City bat does not include any
cement is excluded from the city;".J
I, -4

. ,.I*' C'.

12. In section 5 of the TiruchirappalliCorporation Act,-

bc inserted, namely :-
(1) after sub-section (4), the following sub-ssctiom ~li?~11
& 4 - ~ ) Scats shall bc reserved $or .the persons b:longing to tho Backward I
Classes of citizens in the council and the number of seats so reserved shall be, as
nearly as may bs, fifty per cent of the total number of seats to be filled by direct --
election in the coancil: 1;

(4-B) Seats shall b; reserved for women belonging to the Backward

Classes of citizens from anlong the seats reserved for the persons belonging to the
Backward Classes of citizens which shall not be less than onn-third of the total
ging to the Bzckward Classes of

(2) In sub-section (5), for the cxprecsioil (including tho nurnk~cr01 seats
reserved for women belonging to the Schedulsd C(lstesand thc Schcduled Tribcc)",
the exprcq~ion ''(illcluding the number of ccnts r(:.;,:r~od for wolncn l ~ o ~ o n ~:0i l l ~
tho Scheduled Castes, tho Scheduled Tribes :\lid thc B:bckw~rdC1.l. ,'~csor cilizens)"
shall be substituted .



ACT, 1994.

lNadu Act 13. In section2 ofthe Tirunelveli City Municip:l.l Csrpurc! ion 1.c. , 1994 (here- Amendment of

of 1994. inaft er in this Pmt referred to as the Tirunelveli Corpo*::' ioil Ad:), ft,i- cl~.usc(a), section 2.
the followirlg clnusec shzll bc substituted, namely :-

11 have thc <?.me I r:?.ning ns defined

kward Clc~.ssc:s, S hodulecl Castes

he Sla.te) Act, 1993 ;

Educ.?,io:l:.l Insti? ,,:.z11d of

(a?.) <City of Tirunelveli' or 'City' means the loc?! ?-s:: c2 npriscd in

the Tirunelveli Municivzdity ?,nd inc!udes loccl ?.re2 which after tho date of
the con~mencement of this Act, is included in LP,': City b ~ dues
; uot include any
local area which after such date of the comme11c:m:nl is c:xclud~:d from the City;'?
Group) IV-2 Ex. (604)-2
- 124
-- -
- - ----- - -.-- -

Amendment of 14. In sect~on5 of the T~rui~clvcl~

Corporation Act.,-
SeGtIon 5.
(1) after sub-~ection(4), the followi~zgsub-sec~ionsshall b: inserted, nai11e1~:-
"(4-A) Seats sha.11 b > reierved for i h o persons belonging to the ~d.ckward
C'Z~sses of citizens in the Cou~lciland the n u m b ~ rof seats so reserved shr?ll be, ass
I l y bs, fifty per o s ~of
~ ' ~ ~asrmz.y ~ tthe total number of seals to b s filled by direct election
I in the Council.

(4-3) Seats shall be raservad for women belonging to the Backward Classes
!I d citizens f ~ o mamong the seats reserved for the perscns belonging t o the ~ackward
alsses of citizens, which shall not be less t h e n one-tnird of the tctal number of seats
reserved for the persons belonging to the Backward Classes of citizens."; 3
2) in sub-section (S), for tha expression "(including the number of sezts
roservc h fc r womon bel~ngingtc. the Scheduled Castes and tne S~heduledTribes)",
the exprsssior "(includi~igthe number of seats reserved for wcmen belonging to the
Scheduled C~stes,the Schedu1t.d Tribes and ths Bzckwa~dClasses of citizens)" shall
be substituted.




A m e e b r t of 15. In secticn 2 ~f the Salem Citv Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (hereinafter Tamil Na
aectioa 2. i n this Part referred to 2,s tho Salem Corporation Act), for cl~,usc(8), the following
olauses shall be substituted, ramely :-
\ "(a) "Backward Classes of citizens" shall have the same meaning as defir~td Tamil N
i i o clause (a) of section 3 of the T?.mil hadu Backward Cla~ses,Scheduled C8,stes and
Scheduled Tribes (Reservzticn cf Seats in Educational lnstituticns and of appoint.:
ments or posts in ths Services under the Stats) Act, 1993;

(aa) 'City of Salem' or 'Lit)' means the local area aomprised in the
Strltio r~lunicipality?rid inciudt-sany local area which aftel the dzte c t the commence-
J L J ~t cf tnis Act, i~ irc!uded in tne City but does not include any lccal area which
?f!er ~ c data h ol I he cctrimencemcnt is excluded frcm the City;".? ,

~meadrnmtof 16. In sectido 5 of tho Sale~nCorporation Act,-

eso6ion 5.
\ - (1) ~ f t e rsubsection (4), the following sub-sections shall be inserted, nc..n~ely--
"(4-A) Seats shall be reserted for the persons belcnging to the Backward
Classes of cik'zens in the Council and the number of seats so reserved shall be, as
, nea~lyas may be, fifty per cent of the total number t f seats to be filled by direct
election ir. tho Council.
(4-B) Suato shall bo rehorvctl tor wonion bclongivg to tho Backward Clrr.ssos
of citizens from ati1011gthe scc~tsrcso~vedtcr the pcrsGns belc agizg to the Backward
Classas of c i t i z ~ ~ lwhich
s shall uot bo loss thnl; ona-third of tho total number of seats
reserved for the persons belonging to the Backward Classesot citizens.";
\ I
(2) il: sub-section (5), for the expression "(including the number of seats
reservod for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Schedu]ed
Tribes)", the expression "(includlng the number of seats reserved for women belonging
to the Scheduled Cn~Las,ths Schod~rledT~ibesand the Backward Classe:. of citizens)"
shall be substituted.

& 54

) , i *



17. In seotion 121 of the T m i l Ndciu Mu~~ioip~rl C L O I L.bl~s (A~neud- A ~ o a n d ~ n t ~ t
meat arid Spauial Provisiorl) Act, 1991, for the words .'crl~ilL w c ) sk,dllba naservad wation 121.
. for women," the words "two shall bo reserved for women and suioh numbw of
offices of Mayor not oxcaading fifty par cant of tho total nurubor of office of the
Mayor as may be presooibed, shall be reserved for the persons belonging to trae
Baokuard Classes of eitimns " shall be substituted.


S ~' c r d a r yto Oovarnma
Law Departmenr,

B I T I I L DIRECTOR OF 41 \lIO\tHI A\I) P H I N l JluC;. X ~ A D R A S . ~ .-
- 4-A- - -----. -..A.
- 4r*C"-J
The following Act of the Tamil N;!Ju Legisl:~tivc .Assemi~lyrccc:i:-ed the assent of the
Governor on the 30th December 1995 a n d is !icl.chv ! ~ ~ ~ l ~ l i s hfor.
c l l $cn.c~.;~I

ACT No. 46 OF 1995.

AN Act further to ainerzd tlzc Laws rclntirzg to t l MurzicQ)~l

~ Corpomtio~rsaitd Mrmici-
palities in the Stcitc. oj Tutnil Nudu.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Forty-,ixth
Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Second Short titb
Amendment) Act, F995. and com-
(2) It shall come into force at once.


ACT, 1919.
2. In section 414 of the Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, in sub- Amendment]
section (2), for the expression " up to the 31 st day of December 1995 ", the expression of section,
" up to the 30th day of June 1996 " shall be substituted. 414.


ACT, 1920.
3. l n section 375 of the Taniil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920, in sub-section Amendment
(2), for the expression " up to the 31 st day of December 1995 ",the expression " up to of section
the 30th day of June 1996 " shall be substituted. 375.

4. I n section 5 1 0 4 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971, in sub- Amendment
section (2), for the expression " up to the 31 st day of December 1995 ", the expre*;sion of section
" up to the 30th day of June 1996 " shall be substituted. 510-A.

5. In section 511-A of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, in Amendmerb
sub-section(2), for the expression " up to the 31 st day of December 1995 ",the expression of section
" up to the 30th day of June 1996 3' sl,nllbe substituted. 511-A.
Amendment 6. 1Q section 10 of the Timchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994,- . Tamil
of section
(1) in sub-section (2), for the expression " on or before the 31 st day of ~ e c e m b e r
1995 ' the expression " on or before the 30th day of June 1996 " shall be substituted 1
(2) in sub-section (9,for the expression " up to the 31stday of December 1995 ",
the expression " up to the 30th day of June 1996 " shall be substituted.

Aaendment 7. I n section 10 of the Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporation Act,, 1994,-
of section
(I) in ~ U ~ ~ - S C L ~(L),
I C ~I.OI I I "

1995 ", the expression " on or bcfole tl c 3( th d a y of Juce 1996 " sllnll be substituted ; .
C\IIIC,,IOII O I I 01. I~C[OIC tl:c 31 \I(1;~yof I>ccciiil~cr

(2) in sub-section ( 5 ) , for tlLeexrression '' up to tfe31 stday of December 1995 ",
the expression "up to the 30th day of June 1996 " shall be substituted.

of section

(2) in sub-section (9,for tlie expression " up to the 31 st day of December 1995 ",
to the 30th day of June 1996 " shall be substituted -
the e::pression " ~ l p

(By order of t h ~

Sect etro.J1 to Govcrrltnott, Law Department.


The joiiowing Act oj the Tamil Nadu Legislative .Jssembly received the assent of
ihe Governor on the 25th J w e 1996 and isg Itereby publislzed jor getter111
ACT No. 16 OF 1996.

An Aet further to amend the Laws relating to the Municipal Corva~ations and
Municipalities in 1he State orkTamilNadu.
Bh it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Eorty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

I (2) I t shall come into fol'ce at once.

PART 11.
ACT, 1919.
2. In section 414 of the Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, in Amendment!
v of 1919. sub -section (2), for the expression "up to the 30th day of June 1396 and no longer", of section 414
the expression ''upto the 31st day of December 1996 or for such shorter period as
the State Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf" shall be

PART 111.
ACT, 1920.

ACT, 1971 /'
3 ?F-+ ~ 5 z 3 cw %kLez
'5iTxeiiB ,q:-#
r"-sz~.r?Z . f s z% szF5-z~3x 3L:-5- -2?f'hce
: :!?H a+ d
*-. -
5- sgzEsax - F L z:- r'ls
l J u u % = * < i R k P B G a ~ ; % ~%em
- in azirr b d d f 7 shall &
; o m .
IV-2 EX. (3011-3

- -- _A- -
? -
- - A

ACT, 1981
Amendment 5 . In section 51 1-A of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act. 1981. .I
J I~II! h ~ d u
of section in sub-sectioi~(2), for the expression "upto the 30th day of June 1996 and r o A c t 25 of
511-A. longer", the expression '<upto the 3 1st day of December 1996 or for such shorter I98 E,
period as the Government rimy, by notification, specify in this behalT' :,hall be




Amendment 6. In section 10 of the Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1991- Tamil
of section 10. A c127

(1) in sub-section (2) , for the expression "on or before the 30th day of
June 1996", the expression "on or before the 3 1st day of December 1996" shall
be substituted ;

( 2 ) in sub-section (j), for the expression 'cupto the 30th day of June 1996
and no longer" ,the expression "upto the 31st day of December .996 or for such
I shorter period as the Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf"
shall be substituted.



ACT, 1904.

Amendment 7. I n section 10 of the Tirunelveli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994- Talni[
of section 10. Act 28

(1) in sub-section (3,for the expression "on or before the 30th day of June
1996", the expressiorl " on or before the 31st day of December 1996" shall be
substituted ;

(2) in sub-section (5) , for the expression "upto the 30th day of June 1996
and no lonqer", the exnreosion ''u~to the 3lst day of December 1996 or for such
shorter period as the Government may, by notification, specify In this behalf"
shall be substituted.




ACT, 1994.

S. ~n section 10 of the Salem City ~ u n i c i p a l~ o r ~ d r a t i o~nc t 1994-

, Amendme
of section 1
(1) in sub-section (2), for the expression "on or before the 30th day of
June 1996", the expression "on or before the 31st day of December 1996" shall be
(2) in db-section (9,for the expression "upto the 30th day of June 1996
and no longer", the expression "upto the 3'1s: day of December 1996 or for such
shorter period as the Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf'"
shall be subst~tr~ted.

(By order of the Governor)

- - . >: ."
Secretary to ~overnmt&t,
Law Department.

Thejollolving Act oj tlze Tamil ATadhLegis1atil.e Assembly rec~ivedthe assent oj

the Gover.noi on the 25th June 1996 and is hereby published jor general

ACT No. i 7 OF 1996.

An Act further to amend the laws relating to Municipalities atid Municipal

Corporations in the State of Tamil Nadu.

W HERCAS under Article 2';3-T of the Constitution of Ificiia, the Legislature of

the State have bee11 empowered to make suitable provision for reservatiorl of seats
in any Mu:!icipality or Omces of chair-persons in the Municivalities for Backward
Classes of citizens ;

AND WHEREAS a policy Cecisioll was taken by the Governnient of Tamil Nadu
t o provide reservation for Backward Classes of citizers in the wards of the Town
Panchayats, Mu-iicipalities and Idunicipal Corporations and of tne offices of chair-
perso:!s of Towli Panchayats, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations in this

AT49 WKEREAS the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 1995
(Tamil N a c u ,,ct ;.! of 1995) was enacted makillg provisiozs in the laws relating
to v1u:licinalir:es anti Mu iicipal Corporations in t r e State OF Tamil Naau providing
for reservatioil of seats ant1 offices of chair-persons for Backwarci Classes of citizens
in the 1 OWJI Panc;,ayats, Mu~.icivalitiesand Municipal Corporatior.s ;
AND VVHEREXS provisions which were made in Tamil Nadu Pancllayai i
Act, 1994by the Tamil Nadu Panchayats (Secor~d Amefidmect) Act, 1995
(Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1995) providing reservatioiz of fifty per cent of the warils at I

each level of Panchayats and of the Officesof Presidents of Village Panchayats, Chair.
Inen of Panchzyat Ucion Cou:lcils and Chairmen of District Panchayats in t h i ~. tate
for Backward Classes of citizens had been challenged and the High Court, Madras,
ill its judgrnerzt dated the 3rd April 1996 in W.P. No. 14637 of 1995, etc. hassttuck
down tlie provisioi!~of the said Act providing reservation for Backward Classes of
citizer s ard all 1,otifications issued under the said Act effecting reservation in
favour of B a c k ~ a r dClasses of citizens ;
AND %VMEREASit is felt that pjovisiocs mace for rcservatiol? of seats
and ofices oi'Ci?air-perso:+sfor Backwartl Classes ol' citizens ill the ?'own Pa~~cl~ayats,
the T:Au?~icipnlities
axel Muiiicipal Corpor~tionsare likely to be struck down if challen-
ge(d before tlie courts as in the case of reservations lnal e in the Panchayats ;
AND %'I-IEREAS the State Governmel:t have taken a policy c ecision
to con( uct the ele .tions for therown Panchayats, i\lunicipalities and Mu~icipal
Corporatio s In tiiis Stale 'it ~ i l curikst
t possible time;
A N D WHI'IIEAS i n ordter to complete the process of electio~~s to all Town I
Panchayats Munic.ipalitles a:?d Municipal Corporatio: s in the State, tliere is ~ i o I
other alter.iative for the time being except to omit thc provisiorts relating to the
reservation for Backwriril: Classes of citizens made in the laws relating to Mu:;icipali
ties al~dMu>:iciyalCorporations ;
AND WHEREAC itisc~d{:erednecessar)~toamend the lawsrelating to
Mu:,icipalities and Municipal Corporations suitably ;
BE l t unnctetl by the Legislative Assembly of the State " of Tamil Nadu in the
Forty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows : -

--- .. .
7. f
-- T'L9~F4c.
.5 7 1 ~%?I?~ ? t i e TaG! Vh?u '4 IIG~FJIAST /%.xA
5% k& 4yl/.44
- - - ..+.*: a?.'%#,
''C z 'ff*
?- e,
5- /; -5
11-A Z - A'J-?
82 . TAI



Amendment 2. 111~ection3 of the Tamil Nadu Distr~ctMunicip:rliticr A L i0
. (I I , i , I
of section 3. after in this Part referred to as the 1920 Act), clause (2-A) slia Ii 13, ) l i ~ i t t ~ d .
1, -, ' of 1
Amend men t 3. In section 3-1 of the 1920 Act,--
of section 3-1.
i ( I ) sub-sections (2-A) and (2-B) shall be omitted ;

( ) iil sub-sectio;l(;), for the expression " (including t h e number of seats

reserve). for women beJo,lging to t le Sche iuled Castes, tile Scheduled 'I rlbes and
the Backward Classes of citizeas)", t le expression "(including the [,umber of seats
reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Caste: and tile Scheduled Tribes) "
shall be substituted ;
1 (3) sub-section (4-A) shall be omitted ; E

(4) in sub-section(j), forthe expressionC'(includinqthe number of offices re-

served for women belonging to the Sc:zeduled Castes, the Sc'leduled Tribes and the
Backward Classes of citizens)",the expressic~n"(including the number of offices reservetl
for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes arid Szheduled Tribes)" shall be
~mendment 4. In section 7 of the 1920 Act,-
of section 7.
(! ) sub-sections (6-A) and (6-B) sl all be omitted ;
(2) in sub-section (7), for tne expr:ssion "(including the nuinber of seats
reserved for women belonging t o the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduleci Tribes arl\t
the Backward Classes of citizens)", t le expression "(including the number of s e a s
reserved for women belonging t o the Scheduled Castes and the Sc:~eduledTribes)"
shall be substituted ;

(3) sub-section (8-A) shall be omitted ;

(4) in subsection (?), for the expression "(including the number of offices re-
served for women belonging to the Scleduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the
Backward. Classes of citizens)", the expression "(including the number of offices
reserved. for women belonging t o the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes)"
shall be substitutrd.

I PART 111. I
5. I n sectior 3 of the Madras City Municipal Corporation Act, I919 (herein- ~~1
aFter in this Part referred to as the 1919 Act), clause (2-A) shall be omitted. Act IV 0613
~mendment 6. In section 5 of the 1919 Act,-
of section 5 .
(1) sub-sections (4-A) and (4-B) shall be omitted ;
(2) in sub-section (j), for t i e expression "(including the number of seats
reserved for women belonging to the S: leluled Castes, tne Scheduled Tribes and the
Backward Classes of citizens)", the expression"(includi y the number of seats rcscr-
ved for women belonging to tae Scleluled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes)" sjlall
7. In section 2 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 197l(herei:1- Amendment of
after in this Part ref:rred to as the i 971 Act), clause (2-A) shall be omitted. section 2.
8. In section 5 of the 1971 Act,- Amendment
(1) sub-sections (4-A) and (4-B) shall be omitted ; oE section 5.
(2) in sub-: ection (5), for tne expression "(including the number of seats
reserved for women belonging to tse Scleiuled Castes, tne Scneduled Tribes and the
Backward classes of citizeils)", the expression"(including the number of seats reserved
for worne,l belonging to tile Sc~eliuledCastes and the ScLleduledTribes)" shall be

9. In seztion 2 of the Coirnbatore City Mu,licipal Corporatioa Act, 1981 Amendment 01
(hereinafter in this Part referred to as the 1981 Act), clause(2-A) saall be omitted. section 2.
10. In section 5 ofthe1981 Act,- Amendmaat
(1) sub-sections(4-A) and (4-B) sball be omitted; of section 5.
(2) in sub-section(5), for t le expression"(inc1uding the number of seatsreserved
for women belon,singto the Sechduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Backward
Classes of citizens)", the expression "(including t he number of seats reserved for
women beloaging to t,le Sc ledulsLlCastes and the Scheduled Tribes)" shall be sub-

11. In section 2 of the Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 Amendmci,i , ~ r
(hereinafter in this Part referred to as the Tiruchirappalli Corporation Act), clause section 2.
(a) shall be omitted.

12. I n section 5 of the Tiruchirappalli Corporation Acti- Amendment

of section 5.
(I); sub-sections (4-A) and (4-B) shall be omitted ;

(2) i n sub-section ( 5 ) , for the expression "(iccluding the number of seats

reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the
Backward Classes of citizens) ", the expressiol " (including tile number of seats
reserved for women belo.lging to the S2heduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) "
shall be substituted.

('OKI'OR ATlON ACT, 1994.

13. i n section 2 of the Tirutlelveli City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 Amendment
(hereinaftcr i n this Part referred to as the Tirunelveli Corporation Act), clause (a) of Section 2.
shall be omittcd.
14. In section 5 of t'le Tirunelveli Corporation Act,- Amendmmt
% ,

of section 5.
(I) sub ~ e c t i o 1 9(4-14) and (4-R)shall be omitted i
S4 -
- .-.- - - -
---- - --- --

" (iacludiag the i~airrberof seats

(2) in sub-section (5:, for t ~ expres~io.1
e *
reserved for women belongiilg to tne ScLleduledCastes, the Sciieduled Tribes arid
the Backward Classes of citizens) ", tne excierssion " (includin.; the number of
seats reserved for women belonging to t;~eSc.leduled Castes and ti\; Scheduled
Tirbes) " shall be substituted.

Amendment 15 In section 2 o :the Salem City Muaicipal Corporatiotl Act, i 994 (!;ereil?after -1amjl Nad LI
of section 2. in this Part referred to as the Salem Corporation Act), clause (a) shall be omitted. Act 29 of 1994

Amendment 16. In section 5 of the Salem Corporation Act, -.

of Section 5.
( I ) sub-sections (4-A) and (4-B) shall be omitted;
(2) in sub-sectioi~( 5 ) , for the expressioll " (inclut1il:g t!:c r i u n l bcr of scats
reserved for wolnen belc~~ging to taleSc,leduled Castes, tile SCI~ c ulctl
d Tribes and
the Backward Classes of citizens) ", t:le evpressio~l" (iilclul-lilxg t$!c: nulnber of
seats reserved for women belonging to the Sc,leduled Castes and tlie Scheduled
Tribes) " shall be substituted.

Amendment 17. 111 section 121 of the Tamii Nadu M~lnicipalCorporatic . Lnivc ( :mci:dment Iamil Nad u
of section 123. and Special Provision) ~ c t1996,
, for t!le v orc's " t ~ s oall h,: rc\ervccl fc r wol~lcn c t ",o+:!9.
and suc!~number of ofices of Mayor not ex:ee.'~i.s fiRy e r x t of t ~ , etotal !lumber
~ e as 1,lajr be ,~rescribec, ., all be reser
of ofIice of t ~ Ivlayor (, fcir t .e yerso1,s be1or:ging
to tne Backwarci Classes of citlze~ls", t h worc's ~ " &.LC' two s Lill bc re\cr\ ed for
wonlei1 " s ~ a lbel substituted.

(By order of tlic Governorj

M. M U N I R A M A N ,
SC(!.oJuq' to G O I . P ~ I S I I I C I I I ~

S7A.I I O N E K Y A NI) I 1--l <--S --
~ ~J+N{;*
~ ' i z ~ . h l l ~.I: i.?) l ~r~ii: Ti n'; 4'1N i :>!Y:!v,
I o1 z 1 tI A: 1 : 3 1 is
. ,4rs.:nl!y rrc~ivrilthe asszni of
~ 3 y for general
i ~ ~ pu3lished
iiddri?l.~tiut? :- [I

A I A-t ,'I!,.if13;' i ) 3 M,I I tIz? I.ZWS r e l a f i t to and

~ t122 ~n,rrticip~lities J
nz nric;p.il co.2o'at,o,ls in the State of T~rrnilNcrdu. Lu

BE it e lasted by ::ie Legislative A:ise~nblyof t i e State of T a d 1 Nadu in the I

Fortj-s:r'c ~t Ycnr of t le Rel>u')lic of India as fol1orvs:-

.'= '* -.-.=a3 -: 2 :-a ts- cs? 1 - 1 21

.? ^ I i

1 (:) T i s Act may bs ca1l:l the Tanil N t l u M Uljclpal (Thiril

L3~4 Short title; @ -I

Act, 1996. . . ,&A : and cornmenee
ment. em
. (2) It s!lall come into foxe at once. L

.A. 2
i t
PART 11.
kf & .
TiES ACT, 1920.
2. f n se2tio.1 3-(2 of t'le Tznil Nadu District Municinalities Act, 1920, jtN Tamil Nadu
(lerzi,~sfteri I t'lis p:.rt rsferre.: to as the i920Act),- Act V.0f 1920
' - ( I ) in sub-section (2), tho provisg to clausg (a) s h ~ l lbe omitted; ' $)&g,"A
(2) fdr sub-qecfion (3), tho foll3wing sab-scciian shall be substituted,
:- . . * . - -- 4

* <
q $ > I ,

"(31 TII~:poisr)l~s refzrrccl to i I sub-section (2) shall b: entitled to take part in:
r'r: ;,. :::I 1 : ~ 3b :s3l:i n3t have th: iig:~: to v3te in the meetings of
il> 1 vljil i ~ ? . i l ~ ~ l ' t ~ . l t . ' ' ., ' I

(I) I I ;.lb.;:s:i>n (3), the p: ~ v i s ,to~ clause

(a) shall be omitted;
(4, ti1 3 , follawing s?~b.seolianshall ;be substl-:A
n l "

(2) f ~ sltb-sec:
r i'ln "

! ~ ~ t t : d ,nanlcly :-

"(4) T I ~j)?CiJ.Ii
: rcf*~;i~.l (3) j l l ~ l lb3 ontitlad to take part in
to i n 31(0-~.~3:ioil
ih: prx99 1;~; b.rt s'l .I1 n3t h9v3 th: lig:~: t3 vate in the moetings
; of 1 1 1 ~Cquncil.". ..

! I : i: : t i , 1 ' 2 or t :,: : Y O i'i :t, i.1su'>.se:tii) 1(3), fort::^ 2 ~ ~.ssio:l

. . "other
i ',:I
. I t :.: .2 L , L ~.:111 :", t I : 5;; 1:-:;3i3
,. ,. .. ' . . ,. ; i t . : : :ri: 1 "ot'~.ert.12 1 t 1.: :?:rssI 1s r:ferr.s 1 to i:l sub-sec-
I I "s la11 5s 5u'~stitute-l.
: ; ,:

.;:, 2 ,!.:. ,
,x 7 ' ,',i:t, t . 7 ~follo vi 1
: 1j2,;tj~).~ .;':all be SLIT).,- ;

I I o; s t i t( I ' I i 1 , 't t e

, ;,i ) , I , '1,) I ) ;.,II oI'I. ,;).~;;,llne.tt,co.~sti?ut~

.;!,LI ; (; $uc I. 111~:n1)3r
. of Ski :::i.12
, : , O! .;.: ;.;.; . I ;,,. t ,rr:,: f; .r t'le pur,l2.;:: or n;{cr:1sf 16 suc'i vOW:rs, ' is-

. I!,.: :, ',; .joi-rJ:,ni ,u=': fu 1ctio:;s as ;: Inair


j ,r I : , {!clqate to t ,c. :; ,;!r

, ,)-j;,!)!l,l ;;;,]!.dj,! !::,, f l ; i J j ,;s 0: ;;)mmit.tc:>;. :o (::>f] ii:~: i , l ? O : t n d rcp ::' , i
, , .
I , ,, 1 1 t !ti 'if, , , / . I , I ~ ~ L !i 111.y I icr LO 111~:ln '
" ' 3 ji
i', r , v j ( l . :1:11 ~!o!llilr;: C ~ ~ ~ i ! ; ! i lin
i ~ this
~i sub-sect ion shell npply to the' Taxs-
. i ,., .i:-,:,
, : I , ~ n l ! l ~ ; ; i . ; .rcCcrrc:l
: 10 in section 23-A.
-102 -

Amendment of- 6. In sec~ion23-A of the 1920 Act, in clause (I), for the cxprcssio~l 'knd
section 23-A.: four co~ncillorselecled by the counail", the cxplession "and four councillors three
of whom shall be elected by the council frcm :mongthcmselves and one person
nominated by the Chairman frcm :mong the pel sons referred to in sub-section (3)
of section 7" shall be substituted, -7rp.k; . .- . . . .-,-2

Amendment of ' 7. In section 43-Cof the 1920 Act, in sub-section (2), for the expression
section 4 3 4 . "and the conditions cnder which such deposits may be fcrfeited" the expression
"the conditions under which such deposits may be forfeited and the nlaximum
amount of expenditure which may be incurred by candidates standing for clection as
councillor or chairman" shall be substituted,- !:
. A- .
L +.-
Amendment 8. In section 31-B of the 1920 Act, in sub-section , in clause (a), for
Msectlbnj the expression "as councilior", tke expression "as ctai a n or councillor"
3-B. shall be substituted. )&
Amendment of' 9. In Schedule X ofthe 1920 Act, after item 15 and tl,e entries relating
Sobcdule X. thereto, the following items and entries shall be added, namely:-
"16. Urban Planning including Town Planning.
17. Regulation of land use and construction of ,buildings. :
18. Fire Fervices.".

PART 111.
ACT, 1919.
TWl Nadu 10. h~section 3 of the Madras City Municipal-Corporation Act, 1919, (haein
AAW of after in this part referred t o as the 1919 Act),-
1919. (a) in clause (26-B), for the expression "section 6-F", the e~prrssion"w&'h'rr
5A"1shall be substituted;
(b) clause (28) shall be omitted.
11. In section 5 of the 1919 Act,-
(1) in sub-section (2),-
(a) the proviso to clause (a) shall be omitted.
I @) for clause (c) i2clx3in~t i e ; ~ r ; , ~ i s~~e.rts t s ,t i e folloai~lgclause s?.all be
smbstituted, namely:-
""): "(c) all t i e me.nbers of the Tanil Nadu Legislative Asse~nblylepreser U I : ~
L- mwtituencies which comprise wholly or partly the area of the Corporatio 1. ";

(c) clause (d) sf-all be omitted.

(2) after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be inserted, ~>iimI:
"(2-A) T1.e persons referred to in sub-section (2) shall be el.titled to hke
part in the proceedings but shall rot have tf e right to vote in tl e meetihgs of r e
12. For section 5-A of thz 1919 Act, the following section s!.all be substituted, Subst
r Q snaanely :-
L " 3 ~ . Con~titution of
c o n s ~ ~ ~ u tby
Words Committees.-(I) Tl ere s! all be
e d t!.e State Ciovernme~t, by notification, such umber of wards
committees comprising territorial area of such number of warc's as may be
specified in the notification wit1 in t1.e territorial area of the corporation.
(2) Each wards committee sf-all consist of-
c '"! (a) all tile coq~cillorsof tl-.e corporation represe~ting t;.e narc's wit!?in
i h-
the territorial area of tt.e warc's coxrmittee; and

- -
(ST-- >
a - - --


(b) the person, if any noininated by t'le State Governmeilt under clause (3)
of sub-section(2) of section 5, if his name is registered as a voter within the territorla]
area of the warc's committee.
(3) The State Gover~mteatmay, after consultation with the corporation
from time to time, by notificatio.1, alter t:~ename, increase or diminish ttkearea of
any wards committee specified in the notification issued unc'er sub-'sction (I) ".
13. For sectioli 6-A of t:;c i919 Act, the follo~iilgse:tio 1 ,'la11 be su5stituteci, Substibution (

namely :- scclrlon 6-f

"6 -A. Co vstitution of standing Cornrnittees.-(I ) There shall be cons-

tituted by t3e State Governnieilt, by notification, such number sf Standing
Committees not exceeding three as may be speafied in the notification for tke
purpose of exercising such powers, discharging such duties or performing such
functions as the Council may delegate to them.
(2) The coinposition of Standing Committees and the method:of appoint.
ment of Chxirman aqd t'le term of oBce of members arld Chairman of Standing
Com~llitteesshall be such as may be prescribed.".
14. In tlie 1919 Act, sectio~s6-B, 6-C,6-D, 6-E and 6-Fshall beomitkd. Omission lot
4-E and 6-F
15. For section 6-5of the 1319 Act, the following sectio<shall be substituted,
sectlor 6-C;. namely :-

"6-G. Election and term of office of of wards conrmittee.-

(I ) The Chairman of the Wards Committee shall be elwted by the councillors

of the Wards Committee from among themselves after each ordinary election to tfie
council in such manner as m y be prescribed.

IIR. (3) Any casual vacancy in the officeof the Chairman of the Wards Committoo
shall be filled ur) in such manner as may be prescribed and thechairman elected ia
any such casual vacancy shall hola o&e only so long as the person in whose place
he is elected would have been entitled to hold the office, if the vacancy had
not occured .".
16. In sectim 6-H of the 19i9 A@,-l

( I ) for sub-section (I), the folbwing sub-section shall be substituted,C~namely:-

"(I) Subject to the provisions of tlds Act and the rules made thereunder, the Council
may delegate such powers a:ld duties as it deems fit to a Wards Committee.";
(2) su.3-sections (:);and (3);sliall be omitted.

"45-A. Coitstruction of references to Divisiorts .-In this Act, wherever the ' expression
"Divisi3n9' or "Divisions" and "territorial Divisions'' occur, it shall be deemed to
refer to "Ward" or "Wards" respecu'vely.:'
_ - TA__ MIL
- __ -
- ______ --- _ L
G- -
a -uprrrn.w-zmri.r
> [ ' < ? \z I <\
- -

,mandm:nt of
section 53.
2 . In wc'ion 53 aP ti13 1913 3 , in sd--s:stion (I), i,i : .
pjrlidn, for the expression "clauses (b), (c) O J (d)", the e~i>;c.;~,i
(b) or (c)" s!l?,ll be substituted. o

of section
22. !$I $:::ti9 I ;4-B of t'le 9 9 Act, i , su'~-sect~
siol "as a caa ~ c ; i I ~ rt"~2
~ 3 ? ('), i 1 :l \ ? l 2 - I
, cu,rc;si:,; " : i s M l j . , ~ . ;a (I ,,. l zli l l ~ r " -
!I, 1
rll 3


23. Ia sccr:ion 53 of the 1919 Act, in sub-scc,iL)1 ( 2 ) , XI cl,,~.sc(c) 111: cxp,c\- :(I,

sion " and c.\ndition~ iuidc, iid~icl~ such dcpxi s may 17,~ f 1 1 f .I cri", r llc. uxpic~~,lclnu
o ~ \:'t'l1 d~'11i)sits
"tllc: concl~\~onsr ~ ~ t l \VIUCII may h: Io~.lct:ccinntl f llc 11l.f,.rill Im L t ~ i ~ o u n l
of exp:nditurc w,11~,, may b,: incurred by the :,~ndidntc.; s'anc111?q11,s ~ 1 3 2i~!: a: -
Cou~lcilIvior Mnyor" s!lnll b: ,:lb;titutcd.

Om;ssio!l of 24. Tn t',e .9,9 Act, 7;'ieJulzs IX azdtX s:lall ')e o:nitted.
IX and -
Schedule X.
A mend ment 25,In Schedule XI of :;ie 9 , 9 Act, ~ f t eitelll
r ! 5 n !:I t':e e ~tricsrtl ti1 ,; ! 2, :to,
,of Sched ule the following items a d eiltrie, shall be af'ded, fi'i.uely:-
' 1 Urbnn Planni~lg1nc1ti:'ing ?own Planni !g,
17. Regulatio 1 'of la13 llse ax! construcl il, I of 11~ii[dlhg9.

18. Fire service^.^.

AMENDMENTS TO THE 1f43UR4TCI7 / i:i*;"<l.c'!P/?. 1, c'ORPOS,:T !0I\.T
AC l', 19'1 " ,. . i

Tamil Yv!n 26. In action 2 of thc: Madurai C~ty Mi~zicipril C g r p ~ r a t i o n Act, 1971
Act 1 5 of 197 , (hereinafter in this part rcfitrred to as the 1971 Act),--
( 0 ) in clausc (42-A), for the exprescion "section 10-A", the expres;isn ",t:cti,~n
5 4 9 ' shall be substituted;

(b) clause (45) sbc.ll be nmitled.

27. it; sc::tio.? o f t ie . 9 '! Act,-
(! ) i i sub-sectio.1 (' ),-
(a) the p r a v i s ~to clacse (a) ~!:all be c-nitted ;
(5) f a clrqi9- /.) i ;:luf:i 12the p r ~ v i s ot.,cret~,t:.e follo . ~ i # clanse
lj si.all .
suSstitutc.!, ..c~iilcl;:-
"(c) all t !e nz :15?rS af t !e Ta nil Na-1 I ; Legisl~tive4sselylbly r e ~ r e s e l ? t i I ~ g ~
50 17titue 13;11ssv iic'l co xprise wi~ollyor ,~artlyt' c ares o f t :c C O T P O C R ~ ~1.";
(r.) claure (, ) ;'.all be omittcil.

(2) after su.3-secti:, 1 (..), t'le follo v i ! sub.se.:ti~n

~~ s'-all be i -s:rt:: ',:;iamely ,:
"(2-!:) T3eacrso:sreferre.l t o i :sub s e c t i ~(~2i) s':allbee1titl6;l to t ~ k e p a r iil$t :
t';e i3rocee. i,,gs but shall r,ot Lave the 1-ig' t to vare in t'?e mezti.lgs of t1:e
couxil ".
28. For sxtio I 5 - 4 of t ,e .97 1 Act, t i e fall3 vil?g' se:tio 1 s ' sll 52 '~uSstit~te.1
nalneljr :--
" f -A. Co,~stitiltio/z 01 W a d s Co,l?mitt es. --(a ) !'here s',all
be constitute : by the Gmer ime.t, by >otifi~:ati~n, ~ a s ' l , I -15br of S,VI~-,I s
co n,:littcos co 11x-isi'ig ttccritarial are1 ,)f suzh ,,:I i ' ) ~ <ti' ~ ,. ~1.2s as :.la? C'S
~ ? e ~ i f i ~i 1, ;t h 3 . <)ti5 n f i n withi t .e t e l - ~ i t n r i qTrsn
1 I l f rfl cv-mr?fio 3 .

(2) i..'ll
Each wards cornr~itL~e ccnsist of -
(a) all the cou~icillorsof the corporation representing the wards within the
territorial area of t?ie wards committee ; and
(b) tile person, if any, nominated by the Government under clause (a) of sub-
section (2) of section 5, if his name is registered as a voter within the territorial
area of the wards committee.
(3) The Government may, after consultation with the corporation from time to
time, by notificfition,alter the name, increase or diminish the area of any watda
committee specified in t:is notification issued under s,ub-section (I).".
29. In section 6 of the 1 971 Act, for sub-section (I), the following sub-section shall Amendmcnr
be substituted, namely :--
"(I) There shall be constitut;dsby &e Goverkent, by notification, such number
' of sectfar, --
of standing committees not exceeding three as may be specified in the not&-
cation for the purpose of exercising such powers, discharging such duties or
performing~suchfunctions as the council may delegate to them, hsgl
(I -A) The composition of Standing Committeesand the method of appointment
of Chairman and the term of office of members and Chainnan of stand*
oornmitto~sshall be suah as may be prescribed.".
30. Sections7,8,9,10 and 10.A other than saction 9-A of the 1971 Act shall
be omitted. sa~tions7, $1
9,lO aod UJI,
on of 31. For sectim 10-Bof the I971 Art, 1 he following section shall be substitad,
10-B, nemefy :-
"10-B. Ekction and term of 01:liei of Chairinan of Ward~Comfdfa.-
(1) The Chairman of the W?., d s Committee shd' be elected by the c ~ ~ ~ c ~ l l o r o
of the Wards Committee from among ll~emselveszfter fach ordinary election to t h
council in such manner as mzy be prescxibed.
e e hold office till the d d o a
(2) The Chairman of the ~ a r d s ' ~ o k m i t t shsll
of the Wards Committee.
cy i n 1 t c c Ecc ofi LCCI;;.;~n.arr of1he WardsCommittae
m7.irr.e~ e ? n :y be pr C E C I ibcd r.r.d the Cheimcn elect&
ency sIx.11 hold 1 fficr CII,!) : cl 'c r-g as the pexson in whose
uld h:.\( l ~ . c r lI I 1 i' c' c 1 't Fc.c, if the w c ~ . ~ cbyd not
1 ( 1

merit of 32. In section lQ-C of the 1971 Act,-

(a) for sub-section ( I ) , 1 he following sub-WCIi( r ~l,r".llbe ~ubslilurrd.r.;.mely:-
"(I) Subj~ctto 1 he provi\ions c ~ 1fhi: Acl ;r d 'IIC rules ~rrdt.f h c c t d e r ,
the coullcilmaydeleg~tesuchpc~wel~~lid d~fies7.si t dwms fi toa WaidsCommittm~'r
(b) sub-sec'iono (2) a id (3) ch::ll b? olnitt1.d.

nt of 33. In seation 33 of the 1971 Act, in sub-sect~on(I), for thb expru8sion

"clauses (b). (c) and (d) ",the expressi~n."slauses
,.. (h) and (c) " 3hall ba substituted.

31. In seotion 35 of the 1971 Act, f ~ the r ax?t 3sp1)n ''clau~es(b). (c)
lvherever it occurs, the expression 'blaw:es (b) and (c)" shall be
I he 19'1 Act, . i f c .b-se- ion ( ), in be opedng portion

auses (b), (c) o (, )", the expression "clmsc (b) or (0)''

of the 1971 Act, in s ib se . ion ('I, for the expression

lor", t I : ewnr:r4o 1' elec lo 1 of Mayor or t 30 .pcil!Or"

37. I n section 60-B of 1 he 1971 Acl ir, .L 1,- II I (1). in cl~use(P.)for the

M).B, expression "as a cou:lcill I,". I he expression "*: M:yo; or a Councillor " shall
he subit ituted.
a Group) 1V 2 1! (3 3)-3 r.
.- . .-.--* .
---- r be,

EEimnt 38. In motion 66 of the 1971 Act, in sub-\eel ion (21, in clause (b), for the
of seotion 66. expression "and conditions under which such deposits may be forfeited", the expre-
ssion "the conditions ullder which such deposits may be forfeited and the maximum
amount of expenditure which may be incurred by the candidate$ standing for
elnotion as Councillor or hfayor" shall be substituted.
Omission of 39. 111the 1971 Act. Scliedules VIII and IX shall be omitted.
ViII and IX. . .
Amendment of 40. In Scl~eduleX of the 1971 Act, cfter item 15 and the entries 1 el2.ring thereto,
Scbedule X. the following itoms and elltrim sl1:;ll be .added, namely:-
"1 6. Urban Plan~lingincluding Town Plandng.
17. Regulation of land use and construction of buildings.
18. Fire Services".
- . . ~ ACT, 1981.

Amndment ot 41. In section 2 of the Coinjbatorc Citv Municipal Corporation Act, 1961 i.. ,111
seation 2. (heleinafter in this part referxed to as the 1981 Act),-
. .
(a) in clause (42-A,), fur the oxplcssioi~ section^ 1 O . A ' ' l h c cxprct.sio~i
: a "section 5 A" shall bc subslitilted;
(b) c l a w (45) sh;rli be omitted,'
42. In fection 5 of the 1981 Act,-
(1) in sub-szction (2),-
(a) the proviso t o clause (a) shall be omitted:;
@) far clz;lse (c), i!lcl;~c!iilg the provxsothereto, the foliclu 111g~ l a u \ eshall
He; whstitutcd, naniely :-
"(c) all the memb-ss of the T ~ m iNadu
l Legislztivc Assembly represenling
I\ hicli C ,mpiisc: wholly or pi:rt ly the area of 1 hc Co~l~oration.~'
(c) cl;l,use (d) s h ~ l lbe omitted ;
(2) after sub-sets ion (2),' he following sub-section shall be insci tcd, ~namelg:-
(7 - r 1). T i * . !?Y: :( . f * - I t d zo i!i x ~ b - ~ e ~ t i (2)
t h~ ~1111!lcd1 0 1:1l.c
o l l ~h:-~ll
p i t in :!G 121occudingp b ~ .;l,:.li
: lid hxve t hc right t o vole in t2 e nicc'i~~:gs of tlic
43. Fo! s.=c'io;z5-A of tkv 1981 Act, the following section shall be substituted, S lbstit
na inely :-
"5-.'.. Curtstitution of Wards Co~nml(te~s.--(l) Time 4-1-1b1 ::1co~lhiituted by
I Il~f,.Gov.r!:qc.~l, by ~ t , i f i a i - > \ , , . ~ . s a t $duhber of wzrds committees
homprisirig .ttrrit biial ?.rea of such num* of wards as &ay be specified in the
liodficaljon withi11the tarit, ,: ;:.: p.rea oftbe corporation.
t2) Erch wi'kas cornrnlttse s h d ebbiisti of-
l councilfws of the. corpbrktion representing the wards: within
,(a) ~ l the
the terrko. i31 area of the w?tdi con:tnitt& ;And
(b) thepersons, if a.iy, r~qninated by the-. Gover~iment under clause
b o dot secfion 5, if $s n a r d iS kegisterea as a voter withili the
< & ~ ~ ~ s p b - s e , c'(2)
tcrritbna l .ire& of trie wz.rds comtnittk.;
(3) 3 1 ~G J V ~ ~ I ItI I Im:?y,
- 3 f ? a consult?.~ion' w3.h the corpora tion
fronl time i 0 time, by nltific:,tion, alt& thk name, in&& or <imirlishtae arm
df any ivaa.rdstofirnittee qpecified in the mtijkzt?tic?nissued under sub-section (I).".

44. In >- -''an 6 of the 1981 Act, for sub-section (I), the folIowi?. ~ u ~ ~ t i oA ~nY , Ps
sh?" ht suhp:ituted, namely :-

~ --- -


"(1) There shall be constituted by the Government, by notific?.tion, such
number of Stahding Committees not excecdi~.gthlee as may be specifitrf i n
the notificetion for the purpose of exercisii,g s ~ c hpowers, djsctclglrg : L . C I ~
duties or pertorming such functions asthe c ~ u ~ cmayi l delegate to them.
(1-A) The composition of St ending Commiltees and the method of
appointment of Chairman and the term of office of members and Chairman of
Standing Committees shall be scch as_ may be prescribed.''.
4. <

45. Sections 7. 8, 9, 10 and 10-A70thci than section 9-A of tht 1981 Ac,
shall be omitted.
of sections
7, 8, 9, 10
and 10-A.
46. For section 10-B of the 1981 Act, the following sectlon shall bc Substitutjon
s u b t ituted, namely :- of sectior
lo-B. I
"10-B. Election and term oj office of Chuirma~z 01 Wards Committee--
(I) Tile Chairinan of the W13rds Committee shall be elected by the councillors
of the Wnrds Committee from among themselves after each ordinary election
to the council jn such manner as may be prescribed.

(2) The Chairman ctf the Wards Commirtce shal(jhold officc till the .dut.,
tion of the Wards Con~n~iltee.

vacancy in t c office of tlle Chairman of the ,Waras CbG-

up in suc mannbr is dj? $ p@sm'lBixl and
Chairman elcqcd in any .such cash1 va~ancyshall 6dd off& o ly so 10%
as the person in uhose place he is elected wodld have been "cntitwto h6jd
office, if the vacancy ha+ not oqiirred. ".
47. lu sect ion 10-C of the 1981 Act,-

(;I) for sub-section (11, the following sub-sectioh ilia0 be substitute&,'

( S:.!,jxt to the ],revisions of lhls Act and the rules, &de there
under, the Cor.r,cil may delegate suchpowers andduties ?sit derms fit to a W;irds

(b) \;I'J-\,CCI ; < , I ~(2)

s and f 3) shall be omitted.
.I:. 11: ,tti.l isn 34 of tlic 1981 Act, iri sub-section (I), for the expression
d (d)", the expression "clauses (b) and (c)" .,shall be
b .

49. In sect inn 36 of the 1981 Act,fcir the expr&ion "olauses (b), (c) and
curs, tlze expression "clauses (b) and (c)" shall be substituted.
50. , I AC;, after odrtion 51, ihe foliowing s'iction shall be in-
ccrted, nx::lc.ly:-

to D1visiow.-Jn this Act, wherever the r-xpres-

^'j1 - A . Corarr liction of r~ferewes
<ion "Divi\ion.' or "Divisionsw occur lt shall be deemed to refertc the "Ward" or
"\vards" i . ~ \ i X:!ixly.".
51. I n seotion 59 of the 1981 ~ c t , i nsub-section (I),in the openingportioo,
for t hr: ex7ve'sion clause.^ (b), (4 (dp", the expression "clause (b) or (c)"
shall be 5 ~ :,t~
) ~uted.

2-A df t he 19Q.Akt. in sub-section (I 1, fm t th - ~ x & s s % ~

cillor", the exp~issioh6'election of Mayor or a Councillor''
f,lr I "

~ittie1hl~dt;itisa'$-seciioa(l),E~cl~vscta),fortheexpres- .
,tht: expression "as Mayor cr a Councillr~r" shall be substi-
-- - -- *--,-I
- - v l \ u ~ i uv u ~
-- -

mendmoot of 54. In section 68 of the 1981 Act, in sub-section (2), in clausu (b),for the rxpres-
&ion 68. sion "and conditions under Which such deposits may be forfeited", the expression
"the conditions under which such deposits may be forfeited and the maximum
amount of expenditure which may be incurred by the candidates standing for
- eleotion as Councillor or Mayor" shall be substituted.
lmission of 55. In the 1981 Act, Schedules VIII and IX shall be omitted.
'In and IX.1
rmcndmont 'of 56. In, Schedule X of tl1t$l98 1 Act, aher i t e r ~15 and the: o~~tricsj
chadule X. tbreto, the following items and entries shall be added, namely :-
"16. Uroan Planning includirg Town Planning.
17. Reeul?.tion of ~ P F LuSe
~ and constructioa of b~ildings.
18. Fire Services. ".
Suwtitution of 57. For sectio~
121 oft hc Ta mil N a d ~Municipa Corporttion Laws (Amendment Tamil
,cc&on 121. amJ Special Provlsio~) Act, 1941, tlw fcllowit n seciion srall tx substituted, 4ct 26
121. Reservation the oflices of Mayors for the members of the ~rheduled
Castes or rkrs ,Qile&Icd hnd for women.-l a) Tne Officescf the Ma yora
of tht Cor@mltiocrz :a tMs State shall b: reserved fcr tht persons belongire to the
Schedvltd Crster .,r t be Scba u lcd Tri oes and the ~lurnoerof ofRces so reserved shall
bear, a s n a ~ r l y a s m ~ y wthc
, same proportion to thetotal nr,inibrr of ot19c:s I ~ e l l
t L CJorpoatfuds in the State as the population of the Scheduled Castes in all the
wrporedoo!: In the State or the Scned L led Tribe. i v , all t DC Corporft ions in tho
*to beaR tc tbe total populrlicln of 111 the Corpcrst~orsin the St~te:
Providedthat where no office of Mayor can be reserved for the persons bdongl
to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes based on the total percentage
population 01 the Scheduled Castes and the Schcduied Tribes in all the Corporations,
one oflPce of Mayor of a Corporztion having the highest percentage of population of the
&heduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes shall be reserved for women belonging to
Soheduld Castes or Scheduled Tribes out of the total number of offices of Mayors
rdsarved for women unQr elause (b) ;
(b) rne ORXS;.I ne ~ a ~ o r sthe i nxtate shall he reserve6 fcr wcmen a ~ the
nvrnbcr cf offiss s~ reserv d t ~ womc
r n ~ b lnot
l oe less t h ~ onc-third
n of thc total
mmbepof offi~es,~d i he Mayor sin thestate:

Provided that the offices of the Ma)ors reser ved unda this section shall be
allotted birotation todifferent muniapaf oorporations in t t c Statein st*chmneras
may be pcescr ibed bet01 e the ordinary elections to the mumcipal corporalions in tha
State ".
. ,


' PART Vfl.

. AOT, 1994.

Tamil Nadu
Act 27 of 1994. . .. 58 :In: vcrion 5 of the Tiruchirappatli
. . I .
Citp Munjciprrl Oorporation Ad, ' 9
of a
(1) in su b-section 2,- 4-

((I) the proviso to clause (a) shall be omifled;

-- - - -
--- - -- ---- -- -
---- --
-- I P

(b) for clause (c) including the proviso thereto, the followng clause shall
be substitut:d, :amel;# : .
"(c) all the membeis of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assemblj repres-
ent ing c o ~ ~ituencies
st which cornprise who114 or partly the area of the corpo-
(c) clavse (d) shall be omitted.
(2) atter sub-section (2 ),the following sub-section shall be inserted,
"(24) The persons referred to in subsection (2) sliall be entitled to
take part in t he p,.oceedings but shall not have the right to vote: in t he meetings of
the council. ".

ACT, 1994.
59. I n section 5 of the Tirt~nelveliCity Municipal CorporationAct, 1994,- Amendment
section 5.
(1) in sub-section 2,-
(a) the proviso to clause (a) shall be omitted ;
(b) for clause (c) including the proviso thereto, the following dause shaH
be substituted, namely :-
"(c) all the members of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly repre
c nting constituencies which comprise wholly or partly the area of the m p o -
(c) clause ( d ) shall be omitted.
(2) atter su b-section (2), the tollow ~ n g sub-section shall be inserretl,
"(2-A) The persons referred to m sub-sxtion (2) shall Ee entitled to
talae part in theproceedings but shaU not harc the right to voteinthe meetingsof
the couacil.".
60. I n section 5 of the Sslem Cit~iMunicipal Corporation Act, 1994,- Tamil Nado
Act 29 of 19!
'[I) in subsection 2,-
(a) the :proviso to clause :(a) shall be omitted;
(b) for clause (c) including the proviso thereto, the following olavse shall
IN FLIbstituted , namely ;-
"(c) all the member s of the Tamil ?$ad~ Legislative Assembly repre-
sent itlo const~tuencies which comp~ ise wholly or partly the area of the corpo-
ration. ,
cl;~use(4 shall be omitted.
( ') . ~ l l t . ri \ ~ ~ l ~ - s c c( ~
I )i,o ~tho
i following suhscct ion sliall be inserted,
ti.11114 I \ )

" ( 2 A) I'll(: I)crsc,nc r cfcrrcd to in ul!l>-\,ction(2) shall bc cntitlcd to taka

~ I I 1 I1 ) I 11,. 1" I ) ' I 1 slr 111 not h;~vc111crij~t~t
,111rj:'. 1,1tr t o V O ~ Ci n I hc m~xlingsof the
,4lkl l l < 1 1 ".
(Its <,rdcrof the Governor.)

4. .L. AAJAN,
;ecrerIIr, ' Government. Law Deoart/nenl
_ ___ , _ ------------- ---
1 1 I \ i ;i I 11) 7 f f i - CCJ>IMJ< SIONER ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF .rAhllL s'D'*

Part IV-Section 2
Tamil Nadu Acts and O

J ti.. f~lll(nxingAct of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of tha
,, , I llc ~otl, Ahgust 1996 ~ n dis hereby published for general inforniation :-

ACT No. 26 OF 1996.

,jet t ~ tthe< t o an.lent! the l a w . ;elating tc the Mh11icipal;ties and Municips i

Col-pol ntic ns ir, tbc Stnte of Caniil N a d l ~ .

BE ~t L'II,;c~c(I bv t lie L e g ~ s l~~Vt C ~ s s e n ~ of

~ l the
v Stafe of l a m i l Nadu in the
r;,,-t>-C L C I [I1 Y c : ~~f tbc Re:wtlic cf Jndi? as fc;llo(vs :-

I . ( I ) T ' i s ACI niaybe callcd lllcTamil N:*duh411nicipaI Laws (Ecurth Aniend- Short title and
1 1 2 ~ v t let, 1996. wmrnewe-
ment .
(Z) I t \llall c o m c i n l o forccat once.


AaT, 1920.
2 . 111 ~ ci o ni 43-C o f I llc TamilNadu District Municipalili~sAct, 1920 (hcrcin. Amend ment
attei t 111, par' referred to as t he 1920 Act), in the proviso to sub-section (2), for
111 of section43.
t lie ex!~scs\ion" shall not exceeci, one hundred rupecs ", the expression " shalll
not excecti three t houssnd rupees " shall be substituted.
3. TII section 303 of the 1920 Act, in subsection (2), cl?.~l.se(b) inclcdir-,g the Amendment
pr ovico shall be omitted. of section 303

IV 2 Ex, (443)-1 ( 145 )


PART 111.
ACT, 1919.
Amendment oi i o ~ lI ) I c ) . 111 \ub TttL1 1 1
4 . Tn section 59 of the MadrasCity M u n i ~ i p ~ ~ l C o r p o r a tAct, ', ddu
section 59. jrction (2), in clause (c), in the proviso, for the cxpressiotl "shall not c i i c ~ u ione A c l I\ i)f 191
hundred rupees ",the expression "shall not excetd six t housancl I . L Ij l : ~ ~ b" sh.\ll be
ACT, 1971.
A mend ment of 5. In section 66 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporalion Act, 197 1, ~n sub- 'l',umll Had
section 66. section (2), in clause (b), in the proviso, for the expression " shall not excced oilc Act 15 of
hundred rupees ",the expression "shall not excced sixthousand rupces " shall be
su bstitvted.

Amendment of 6. In section 68 of the Coimbatore Git y Municipal aorparation Act, 1981, in Tamil k d u '
section 68. sub section (2), in clause (b), in the proviso, for the expression " shall not exceed Act 25 of 1
one hundred rupees ",the expression " shall not exceed six thousand rupees " shall
be substituted.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government, Law Department.

-- - -.-


- _- ---
\ I ,I,,? ,A,
E H A L ' O F THE G O V E R N M ~ ~ N OF
T T.'\hlIL NADU.
The following Act of the Tamil N?.du Legislctive Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 14th Februzr y 1997 znd is hereby published for genelal info1mation:-
ACT No. 3 OF 1997.

d n Act firther lo amend the laws reldting to the Municipalities and Municipul Corpordtions
in the State of Tamil Nudu.
Be it enacted by the bgislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu.in the Forty-
eighth year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be oalled~the~Tamil~Nsadu~Municipa1
Laws (Amendment) Act, Short title
1997. and
(2)(?)' Sections 12,24 and 35 sllall bedebned t o i a v e come into force on the 18th '
day of October 1996. . .. 1
I - :J . ; a
(b) Sections 2,3,5,6,9,10,14,21,22,26,32, 33, 37, 43, 44 and 45 shall be &-. 4
deemed to hzve cclnle into force cn the 14th day of November 1996.

(c) Section? 4 , 7 , P, l I, 13, to 20, 23,25,27 to 31, 34, 36 and 38 to 42 shall

be deemed to have come into force on the 27tb day of December 1996.
PART 11.
2. 111section 3-C of thc Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920( ereinafter Amendment
Tad1 Nadu
Act V of 1920 in this part referred to as the 1920 Act), in su b-section (2), clause (a) shall e moitted . of section
3-C .

3. In scclion 7 of the 1920 Act, in sub-section (3), clacse (a) shall be omitted. Amendment. '
of section 7;
4. tn section 23-A of the 1920 Act' in clause(l), for the expression "and four Amendmmt-
councillors three of whom .,hall be elected by the council from among themselves and of s e c t i o ~ 'Z
one person nolllinetcd by the Ch~irmanfrom amongthc persons referred to :.* sub-section 23-A. 3
(3) of section 7", the expression '' end four councillors selectesl by the council" shall be
5. 111~ e c t i 24-Bof
~n t h: 1920 Act, in srb-section (2), clause(b)shall beomitted. Amend m a t
of section
6. In sect ion 50-A of the 1920 Act,- Amendment
of section
50 A
(1) in sub-section (]),--

(i) the expression "2nd every persc.n nominated und,r~cl;.~.se( 8 ) ~f SL k-sect ic.11
(2) of section 3-C or clause (a) of su b-section (3) of sect ion 7, as the case may be", shall
be ornitted ;
(ii) for the exprcs-sion,
"elected as a councillor of
nominated under clause (a) of sub-section
(2) of sect io113-C or under clause (a) of sub-section
(3) of section 7, as representative in",

the expression "electcd as a ceuncillor of" shall bc substituted


12) in sub-se ction (2), the expression "or sits as a representative nominated ~ n erd
clause a) of sub-section (2) of section 3-C or unc'er cla~lse(a) of sub-section (3) of section
7" sha 1 be omitted.
Insertion of 7. After section 117 of th e 1920 Act, the following !,ecLion shall ba insprrted, namely:-
nkw section
"1 17-A. to ussess in case oJ escape jrorn assessment :- Notwithstanding
anything to the conirarv contained in this Act or the rules madd e thereunder' if' for any
rezsorl any person liable to pay any of the taxes or fe:: leviable under this Chapter has
escaped assessment in any half-year or year cr bas been sssessed in any half year or
year at arate lower than the rate at which he is assessable, or, in the case of property tax,
has not been duly assessed in any half year or year consequent on the bililding or land
conoerned having escaped proper determination of its annual valve' the commissioner
. may, at any time witbin six years from the date on which such person should have been
assessed serve on such person a notice assessing him to the tax or fee era :and
demanding payment thereo; within Eftem days from thedate of such service; and the
provisions of this Act and therulesmade thereunder shall so far as may beapply as if the
assessment was made in tbe half year or year to which the tax or iee relates".
Amendment 8. In section 375 of the 1920 Act, for sub-section (2), the following sub-section
d o n
af sUll be substituted, neme1y:-
" 2)
6, The Special OEcers appointed under sub-section (1) in respect of
and B v~nisagar municipalitiesamd Yercaud T o m Panchayst shall bold oficeupto the
30th day of June 1997 or for such shorter period as the State Government may, by noti-
$ b a t h , specify in this behalf*'.
, .

, s PART 111.1
.. . ACT, 1919.
Amendment 9. Inwtion 5 of the. Chemai Municipal Corporation :Act, 1919 (hereinafter T a d
ofsection in ~ 1 spart referrred to as the 1919 Act) in sub-section (2), clause (a) shall be ~ c t
3. ornined.
Ama$ment 10. In section 5-A of the 1919 Act, in sub -section (2), clause (b) shall be t
of secuon omitted.

11. In section 6-A of the 1919 Act, in sub-section (I), for the words '(nit
of section 4 excceding three" the words "not exceeding six " shall be substituted. 1
6-A. t
Amendment 12. In section of the 19 19 Act, for sub section (3), the following sub-sections
of section shall be substituted, namely :-
29. ,. ,
"(3) The Deputy Mayor shall hold office for period of five years from the date
of his election and he shall continue as such D e p t y Mayor, provided that in the meantime
he does not ceases to be a councillor.

(4) Any casual vacallcy in t h e office of the Deputy Mayor shall be filled by
a fresh election helG ia accordance with such proced we a.s may be prescribed ar?. a
person elected as Deputy Mayor if any such vacancy shall enter. upon office forthwith
and hold office only so lor g as the person ir, whose place he is elected would have
been entitled- to hold ofice if the vacancy had not occurre:i".
- - .- - -

-. -- ..-- .

.", - .

13. After section 37 of the 1919 Act, the following section shall be inserted, Insertion of
namely :- new section
37-A ..
"37-A. Entrustment of additional functions to Mayor :- The State Govern-
meat may, subject to the provis~nsof this Act and the rules made thereunder by no- I
tification, entrust to the Mayor such additional functions as it may deem necessary for
carrying out the purposes of this Act".
14. In section 53-A of the 1919 Act,- Amendmoat
. of section
53-A ...
(1) in sub-section(l),--
(i) the expression "and every persbn nominated under clause (a) of sub-
section (2) of section 5." shall be omitted;
(ii) for the expression,-
"elected as a councillor of
nominated under clause (a) of sub-section
(2).of sectiorl 5 as a representative in",
the expresston "elected as .A LQU~,C::~C; of " shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (2 1, the expression "or sits as a representative nominatqd
under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 5," shall be omitted. ' 4,

15. For section 73. of the 1919 Act, the following section shall be substituted Substitution,
namely :- , %
of section '
"78. Powers of several authorities to sanction estimates:-The mone$ary Sidt *.
fof sanction of any estimate by several municipal authorities of the corporation shall
be such as may be prescribed and such monetary limit shall not exceed fiRy lakhs of I.
rupees". P

16. Section 79 of the 1919 Act, shall be omi'tted. 5 Omission of

, , . , < . ,. , 11 1 .=tion 79.
17. In section 80 of the 1919 Act, for sub9ection (2), the following sub-section Amendment
shall be substituted, namely:- of.Sqql, . .
mil Nad u Qn
. I

~ cIV
t ,of 1 "(2) No contract involving an exp:nditure exceedingtho monitaiy limit pib.
919. scrib:d under section 78 shall b: mnde by the municpal authorities of the wrporatioh
otherwise than as may bs prescribed."
18. For sestion 82 of the 1919 Act, the following section shall be substituted, Substitution .
namely:- of section 82.
"82. Invitation of tenders:-(I) Atleast seven days before entering into any
contract for the exextion of any work or the supply of any materials or goods which
will i ~ v ? l v : ?? c-;q:lditure evceeding ten thmsand rupees the Commissioner shall
givz n~ii,.: by a;v;rtisem:i~t invitie tenders for such contract.
(2) The Co~nmissionsron receipt of the tenders in respect lof any contract
mad? in pxsuanzz of the notix given under sab-section (1) may, subject to._the
l*-.. provision
of section 80 and the rules made thereunder, accept the tender after following [the
procedure as may be prescribed.".!

19. Tn s2:tion 85 of the 1919 Act, in sub-section (3), for clause (c) , the Amendment
folls~ingC!?JS? sllall b: sub-tituteci,fnam:ly:- of section 856
"(c) A 7 3 1intm:nts i3 all p ~ t inzlludzd
s in Class 111 and in Clasq IV and to
t i?:lud:l shall b: r n l k by ths appsintm:nts Cornnittee consisting
all oth:r p ~ j ni ~s~
of ths May?r, ths Comaission:r and tws c~uazillorselected by the council, which
shall b: estab!ish:d fix th: cxpxation ssbjszt to ths by-laws if any, made by the
20. In s5:tion :37-B of the 1919 Act, for the expression "three years", the Amendment
expression "six years" shall 1): substituted./ of section ,

-- __C_
- -------- ---- .- - _ - - A

Amendment 21. In section 5 of the Madurai City Municipal (:orporetion Act, 1971 (hereinafter 1 alnil E
of section 5. in this part referred to as the 1971 Act), in sub-section (%), clause (a) shall be Ac' ''
omitted. 19711,
Amendment 22. In section 5-A of the 1971 Act, in subsection (?), clause (b) shall be
of =ti on omitted.

Amendment 23. In section 6 of the 1971 Act, ir, snh-section (1) , for the expression "not
of section 6. exceeding three", the expression "not exceeding six' shall be substituted.
Amendment 24. In section 30 of the 1971 Act, for sub-section (3), the following sub-sections
of''wfion 30. shall be substituted, namely :-
"(3) The Deputy Mayor shall hold office [or a period of five years from the
date of his elction and he shall continue,as such Deputy Mayor, pro7:ided that in the
meantime he does not cease to be a councillor.
(4) Any casual vacancy in the office of the Jleputy Mayor shall be filled by
a fresh election held in accordance with such procedule as may be prescribed and a per-
. , . * ,
. . son, elected as Deputy Mayor in any. such vacancy shall enter upon office forthwith
I .
and hold ofice only so long as the person in whose place he is elected would have
been entitled to hold office, if the vacancy had not occurred."

~nsertidnof 25. After section 38 bf the 1971 Act, the following section shall be inserted,
new section namely :-
"38-A. Entrustment of additional functions to Mayor.-- The Government vm~l?
may, subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder, by notifi- ct 25 (

cation, entrust to the Mayor such additional functions as it may deem necessary for MI.
carrying out the purposes of this Act.".
Amendment 26. In section 59 of the 1971 Act,-
of section 59.
(1) in sub-section (I),--

(i) the expression "end every per son nominittcd under clause (a) of sub-section
(2) of section .C " shall be omitted: -
(ii) for the expression :
"elected as a councillor of/
nominated under clause (a) of sub-section
(2) of section 5 as a representative in",
the expression "elected as a co~ncillor of" shall bc substituted: ,

(2) in sub-section (2), the expression "or sits as s representative nominated under
clause (a) of sub-scetion (2) of section 5" shall be omitted.
Substitution 27. For section 97 of the 1971 Act, following section shall be substituted,
of section 97. namely :-
"97. Powers of several authorities to sanction estimates.-The monetary limit
for sanction of any estimate by several municipal autllorities of' the corporation shall
be such as may be prescribed and such monetary limit shall not exceed twenty five lakhs
of rupees".
Omission of ' 28. Section 98 of the 1971 Act, shall be omitted.
d n n 98.
-- -. 3- - --

29. Tn section 99 of the 1971 Act, for sub-section (2), the following suf%sectfbnAmendifltnt OF
shall be substituted ,namely:- se&ion+993
"(2) No contract involing an expenditure exceedifig the monetary limit pre-
scribed under section 97 shall be made by the municipal authorties of the corporation
otherwise than as may be prescribed".
30. For section 101 of the 1971 Act, the following section shall be substituted, substitution of
namely :- section 101.
" 101. lnvitation of tenders :-(1) Atleast seven days beforr entering into any
contract for the execution ot'any work or the supply of any materials of goods which
will involve an expenditulre exceeding five thousand ruppees, the Commissioner shall
give notice by advertisement invitihg tenders for sllch contract.
(2) The Commissioner 011 receipt of the tenders in respect of any contract
made In pursuance of the notice gen under wub-.section(I) may, subject to tilt: provisions
of szztion 93 and the 1.~1;s made tnereur,der a-,ecept the tender after following the
the procedure as may b,: prescribed".
3 1. In section 168 01 the 1971 Act, for the expression "three yers" the cxpres- Amendment of ,
sion "six years" shall b~: substituted, section 163.


ACT, 1981.

Taiuil Nadu 32. In section 5 of tile Coimabatore City Municipal Corpraton Act, 1981 (here-in Amendment
~~t 25 of after i n this Fart referred to a j the 1981 Act), in sllb-section (2), clause (a) shall be of section 5.
199 1 orn~tted.
i Amendment
33. In stction 5-A of the 1981 Act, in sub-section (2), clause (b) shall be
I 1
omitted. of section
1 5-A
1 / I

34. In section 6 of the 1981 Act, in sub-section (I), fok the expression "not " Amendment
/ exceed~ngtiiree"t11e expression "not exceeding six" shall be substituted. of section 6.

L 35. 111 section 30 of the 1981 Act, for sub-section (3), the following sub-sections Amendment
shall be substituted namely :- section 30.

-'(3) The Deputy Mayor shall1 hold ofice for a period of five years from the
dntc uC hi clectron and he shall continue as such Deputy Mayor provided that in the
mcan time lic: does not cease to be a councillor.
(4) Any casual vacany iil the office of the Deputy Mayor shall be filled by.a
fresh t l x ~ i o nheld in accordance with such procedilre as may be prescribed and a,person
clcctc..i I),:p~~ly Mayc~ any such vancay shrill enter upon office fo:tl1 with and hold
oftic; !)ill! ~.)l:)iig:IS the pxson inwhose place he is elected would liavi: be:il entitle to hold
oficc, l i ' t i t i ' va.,:ay h.::' n - t qrovrred.
ih \I \ec[~on39 ol the 198 1 Act, the following section shall be inerted, namely - Insertion of
new section
1) / \ E~lstrusttnznt of additional functions to Mayor:-The Gsvernment may
subject to Lne provlslon s c ~ this
f Act is the rules made thereunder by notifiction theirust
to thc hilayor such addl onal functions as it may deem necessary for carrying out the
I'L".po"" c)! tlll5 P,ct".
(A Grcup) IV-7 I;x. (89)-3
--- - - - - --- -- -. -..-.-.--...-.
-- - . -*-

h ~ n c ~ ~ t l ~ ~ i c37.
~ i l 111 S C ~ : ~ I O I 01
I 01' ~ I I CI O H I Act,-
of scctio~i0 1.
(1) in sub-section (I),--
(i) the expression " and every persoil nominated undpr caluse (a) of sub
section (2) of section 5" shall be omitted::
(ii) for the expression--
"elected as a councillor of/
nominated under clause (a) uf sub-seclion
(2) of section 5 as a representative in"
the expression "elected as a councillor of" shall be substituted:

(2) in sub-section (2), the expression "or sits as at reprsentative nomi!?ated under
"Itlause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 5" shall be omitted.
Substitution 38. For section 99 of the 1981 Act, the following section shall be substituted
1I of section 99 namely :-
"99. Powers of several authorities to sanction estimates.-The monetary limit
I for sanction of any estimate by several municipal authorities of the corporations shall
1: be such as may be prescribed and such monetary limit shall not exceed twenty-five lakhs
Omission of of rupees."
Mion100. 39. Section 100 of the 1981 Act shall be omitted.
Amendment of 40. In section 101 of the 1981 Act for sub-se~tion(2), the fdlowing sub-sectioll
section 101. shall 5e substituted nane1y.-
"(2) No contract involving an ependiture exceeding the monetary limit prescribed
1 under section 99 shall be made by the minicipal authorites of the corporation otherwise
than as may be prescribed.".

Substitution 41. For section 103 of the 1981 Act, the following section shall be substituted,
, of section 103 namely :-
"103 Invitation of tenders.-Atleast sevene days bfol-e entering into any contract
for the execution of any work or the supply of any materials or goods, which will involve
an expenditure exceeding five thousand rupees, the Commissioner shall give notice by
I advertisment inviting tenders for such contract.
(2) The Commissioner on receipt of the tenders in lespect of any contract made
in pursuance of the notice gi$n under sub-section (1) may subject to the provisions of
section 101 and thewles made there~mder,accept the tender after the following procedure
as may be prescribed."

Amendment of 42. In section 168 ol the 1981 Act, for he expression "three years", tl-e
section 168. expression "six years" shall be substitutcd,

Amendment ot 43. In section 5 of the Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act, Tamil Kadu
section 5. 1994, in sub-section (2), clause (a) shall be omitted, Act 27 of 1991
ACT, 1994.
Amdnement ot 44. In section 5 of the Tirunelveli City Mi~ilicipal Corporation Act, 1994, Tamil ~~d~
section 5, in sub-section (2), clause (a) shall be omitted, Act 28 of 199.
- - A --- -- -- --- -- - - -


ACT, 1994.

T ti>,I 'V,I(ILI 45. In section 5 of the Salem City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994, in Amendment of
1991. sub section ( 2 ) , clause (a) shall be omitted. section 5.
Tsini~'w ~~1( i 46. (1) The Tain~iNadu Ivlunicipal Corporation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance Repeal and
I 1.: i f 1996, the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Fifth Amendment) Ordinance, 1996 and savings.
19%. the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Sixth Amendment) Ordinance, 1396 are hereby
Tatni' 'u'.i~lu repealed. $
ef 1996. 1
Tam11 Wadu
Ordinance 12
of 1996.
Tam11N ~ d u (2) Notwithstanding the repeal under sub-section (I), anything done
0rd11i,w:: 5 or any Action taken under the Principal Act, as amended by the Tamil Nadu
of 1996. Municipal Corporation Lass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1996, the Tamil Nadu
Tamil V'idu Munici~al Laws (Fifth An~endment) Ordinance, i996 and the Tamil Nadu
Ord~l:~~ncc8 Municipal Laws (Sixth Amendment) Ordinance, 1996, with effect from the 18th
of 1996. October L996, 14th Novembx 1996 and 27th December 1996, as the case may be,
T;irn~INadu shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the Principal Act, as amended
Ordinance 12 by this Act.
of 1996.
(By order of the Governor.)
Secretary to Government, Law Department.
Th: fol1ow;ng Act of th: F a 11il N d u L,:glsi3! vr Ansc I?biy i.cc:ivccl t!~; nsscnt
of th: GJV:~II?S 011 thr: 17111 Ko.~enibir 1?37 and i5 hlrcby published
Tor g:i::.:rl i~lfor,natio:l:-

A( I' N o . 65 OF 189 7.

1. ( l ) rl".li; .\<:t .:I-:_:5 2 sJ1l : .l ;lie Ta!nii N:.tf,~:41:i:~i..il~?.l :.,::;<s (42,:3n3 Amend- Shoat title and
.;cent) As!, :S?7. commencement*

, . Substitution of
. ., ' . L , ' ; 1 :; :;(' J ".!: , :: - ) ,,I :. ,? 3 -):.::i \ 1
- (:12>s>,r:2i: iil tilis sectlons 99, 100,
L:?, \.j
- ,. .,' . ., ,
.' !): i ?' ..# ,: L 1; i Ii > 'i ;, , I' j : s:;ti,;:ls ?2, !3 ), i J i-, : d. ? , Idj, id.!, ld5, 106, lo 1, 102, 103,
I , , , ,', I . . .1 i ;j, I : ' 8 ! :/: 1.5 ; :;'i.* l i ,:,I:!! ' ~ 2; l');;{i; ; i >'J, :l?l,i?l?ly :-
104, 105, 106:
107, 108, 108-4;
- ,) >
, .?
,, . . -:, . ,. :, , .- .
. : , . , I . i i l c i l g s and 109.
, j , ' . 1 <-'i:.-.

, .,
,: ? ,. . .
. .

: ,I:,
' : 1 -:,
,. . . I . ,
1,-! I;:IL
:: ~ l i i ~ i : ~3nc:: a i !il ~y 5:
s,lc:l :\:t::ils n3
~ n l yl x presci-ibsd for thc
:1 ret!lrn
% . . !l ' , . ,.I:. . ... - 1 . >.,;,::;y stu t j t'12 s z i j i ) i ' r I ing or 1,mcl.
-Pr -_Ce

(3) Tn the case of reassessment or general revision of any property t<\xlevi:ibIe,

under this Act, thc owner or occupier of any building or land shall furili\h t o the
Commissioner within such ti~neas m3p be prescribed, a rzturn in such r :-, ; ci. 11.
--r I

taininy such details as may be prescribed for the assessment of property t . ~S L I C ~ T

building or land.
(4) If any ,.rner or ccc1:rier of any building or lan{I fzils to f r r i i i < ' i .; return
as required under sub-sectimt (2) or sub-section (3) c r firlnishes an inccri7l7let~(11
illcorrect lecurn, the Commissioner o r any person authorited by him in t1:iq behalf', i
shall cause an inspection to be mrde and also to m;,I e such lc cal cnqkllriesas
may be considered necessary, :?,lid based cn such i sptcticn ant1 i ~ i nnation f ~
collected, shcll prepare a ret~rn and z ccpy cf the ret~rrnshrll bc firr~~i\llcd to the
owner or occupicr of tllc b~lildint:c,r land.
(5) On receipt of a return under sub-secticn (2) :r sub-secticn (3) o r 012
the basis of the return prep:i,rcJ by the Coinmissicncr under sub-secticn (4) and
after consideri~tgthe objecticns, if any, received, the Cc lr missic ner sh: ll determine
the tax paydble in uccord;ulce witit tile proiisicns c\f 1111, Act and ~ i ~ s ~a dl l nn
intimation to that effect to the pcrson concerned.
(6) For the purpose of assessment of property tax f ~ 2ny
r building or land
in the 'City, the Commissioner c r any officer authorised by him in this behalf may
enter, inspect, survey and measure any building cir land, zfter giving due notice
to the owner or occupier before such inspection and the c wner cr ccc~ipiershall be
bmnd to furnish necessary information required for this putpose.
(7) The property tax on building and land shzll, subject to the prior payment
of the land revenue, if any, due to the State Government therecn, be a first charge
upon the said bvllding or land and upcn the movable property if any fc.\*ndwithin.
or upon such building or land and belonging to the perscn liable to pay tax.. j. .
100. Minimum and maximlrin baasic property tax, cldditional badsic projwrtj
tax, etc.-The State Government shall prescribe the minimtam and the maxinlunr:
rates of-
(a) basic property tax for fhe building or land having regard to-

(i) the:existing prc.2erty tax ;

(ii) the value of the building and land ; and
(iii) the use of the building ; ..
. .
(h) additional basic'property ttk for every bvilding hzving regard to--
(i) thelocation of the .building ;
(ii) the type of construction of the building ';
(6) the concession with regard to age of the building

101. Determination of .b ?sic property tax, additional basic properly tcrs, erc., bJ,
Council-.(i) The bssic property tax, the additional basic property tax and tha-
concession, if any, with regard to the ages.for every building o r lznd shall be deter-
mined by the Council srbject to the mil lmum and maximum rates prescribed b)
the State Government under section 100,
(2) The Council shall notify the rates determined under sub-section (I) an&
such other particulars ai~dit1 such manner as may be prescribed.
(3) (i) (a).The basic property tax for every building-shall relate to the carpet
area of the buildlng and its usage:
Provided thet the carpet area of ar y brilding shall itof incliide the ope=
verandah, a open court-ysrd or any other open space which is not enclosed.
(b) The classification cf the bvilding for the purpose of deciding the usage -
of any builtiing shall be residential. contmercial; industrial c r any other classificnti~n
as may be prescribed.
- A-.- ---
- - - -r"--__L---
-- -
-- - . ----- -- - - . --
- -- - - .- - - - I - - -

(a) The additionr+lbxic property t,:x fcr cv2r;- '-1i1Ji:lg s!lall relate to
l o c ~ t i o nand type ~f collstrilction ~f the b:lilding
(b) For t l ~ cpurpose of this cl:x'sc, the Icc,:ticil c f tiic bzildin: shell be
clLissi%edas follows :-
(A) arterinl r o ~ d j ,:)LS S C U ~ C~ c i s tc
~ ~i.xdi,lg ;;;csi,.l rc::ds 2nd maYn
roads ;
(U) bus-route ro: ds c i l s r than thosc s?ccii"led in i t c n (A) ;

(C) rscds rend streets in piii,l,:rily rcr;de:lii-,I ~ c ~ l ~ n i c s .

(c)The type cf coil trt..c~i.~:l b ,;;,!; 12tdi..l! L.: ~ l ; ~ ~ s i f iillt~j
c F I;,,: c + J different
:~C:.P- ~LJJLWS,nariiely -

(A) thatched ant! tiled r w f ' ;
f B) reinforced cc ncrcte, ce~nentrci f ;
, ,

(C) reinforced co ilcrute cement rcof with ~ n c s ~flcoril~g

ic partly cjr fully, ;
(D) granite, cereinic tiles z ~ t dmarbic 2 c c ring and walls p ~ r t l yor fully.
(i;i) A concession o 1 the I?.sic prjpeltj '.::c ;!~c!l bu :.llcwed in c.lculating
!he p I , pc. ty L:1x having reg1.r 1 I?thc 7-gc c f Elr: b.>i!d ngl i;l slich mclliler cs may be


. . .
l"ro\:itizd tilat n3 baildine wilicjl ];as ')C;~I c ..;.;t~~.lc:~:c: i:l cc r~ir~vc!~tion
of the
'~:.ildit~g,i.illcsn1;:tle under this Act sh;:ll b-: css,:.::c(! t:, p::\;7erty tr.s.

I 13) 'T'l~c?rc perly tax shall b s c:.:c1~!.~tcd c.; C- ;l;\vs

ii;) Firstly, tile 5..s;c pr::>ci.ty tax f;s 2 LiliiLiil:


shell be c?.lcinisl.ted at the

A-c:ielirec' by the csu ncil ;

(4) Sccon lly, the ~.ci(litic;nnl

b.:sis px,p<;s~yt : f,:- ~lc l b:.ilding
~ shall be
*.~lcill,:lcil: 1 tlic rate fixcr! by the Ccu;ls,i '#:l(i ~ . ~ i c i cio
l t l : ~b.isic pro-
perty tax so arrived at uilder elavse (a) ;
(c) Thirdly, on the q~ anturn of amoun! 2sii )rcCi at cnc!~r C:L~U:.CS (a) and (b),
the conc~ssionhaving regad t o the age of the building at th:: rate fixed by the
couccil sllzll bo dsducted and th2 amount so a:rived at shdl bbe the propertytax
payablc in rcspact of any builcqingfor every half-year and shnll bc paid by the cwlier
or occirpier of such builr'ing tiithrn the half year period.

:* , ~ r c r r ? . l f ; o ~--For
pu .pqse of this sub-see :ion, tllc cxpres~ioll "h?lf-year"
~. thr
,I: i:! !i: tile 1st day of A p ~ i lto t l ~ c30th d::y of Scpte.:-.bct 2nd lsom the
k: ' :! I r c'ci )her to ti12 31s day of March of o ycar:

I-"rc\vid.d that in the case of any Governnlcnt or railway building a concessio~l

il.111 I,,: ails.\s:d it) calculating llze property tax in sucIi manna as may be Prescrlbea.
(3) C~~n~nissioner :,hall issue a property tax book containing aII the
J:rnils of 1.13 b.rilding or land and the property tax payable in relation to such
!>llildiiz: or laad In such form as may be prescribed. i
(4) Where there is any vacant land without an] building situatdd within the
Lity limit, the Coinmissioner shall determine thc prop( rty tax payable for such I
arncnnllalltl at the rate fixed 1,y the Council.

. q -
I 3
-d 3 -

3 3 ) ---2
. i
103. General revision o f ttroper:y tux.-.TI-o general revision of the a%sessmcnt
oi property tax in rclation to the building and land situated within the City limit
shall be made from such date as the State Gownment may, by notification,
the Commissioner may revise the property tax in accordance with the provision%
of this Act and the rules made thereunder :
Provided that t k r e shall be an interval of five years between one general revisioa
and anothe~ general revision.
104. ~elzeralexemptions.-Tho following buildings and lands shalt be ewm*
from the property tax:
(a) places set apart fcr public worshiptand either actually so used or useif
for no othcr purpose ;
(b) choultries for the occupation of which no rent is charged and choult~ks
the rent charged for the occupation of which is used exclusively for charitabb
purpom ;
(c) buildings used for c ducational' purpose including hostels attached
t M t 6 and place6 used for the chatitable purpose of sheltering .the destitute 0~
animals and orphanages, homes and schools for the deaf and dumb, asyhm
fa) die a@&and fallea womeh and suCh similar institutions run pUr6Iy on p h i W
thropic lines as are approvcd by the council ;.
a ($2) such ancibht mofiumehts protehed undbr the Aficient W~qumentgCentral
~&ivation[ h t , 1904 atid such allciedt hid. bistdri~al monumeht3 decked; b ' ib WIl at lm
under the Ancient Monuments and Archatological Sites and Remains Adt: 4!J8 Ce-4 A*?'
fG be of national importance and also such ancient monuments , and srrehaeob@m~ 21 d t 9 ~ ~ .
sites and n.mains protected under the Tamil Nadu Ancient and Histor~ca)
MofidmdntJ and A ~ c h a ~ l o ~ cSitn
a l and. .Rkjrnsi*s Act, 1966, w parts (Rereof
as are not used as residgntial quarters or puBlia office ;
2:; %
(e) charitable hospitals and dispensaries but not including lesidential
quarters attached thereto ;
( j ) such hospitals and dispensarieS najntaired by rcilwey administtktba
as may, from time to time, be notified by the State Government, but not including
residential quarters attached thereto ;
(g) bulial and burning grounds iaolbdedjn the list yubtishcd by the Com.rr~i.s-
siorier unifer sub-section (3) of scction 321 ;
(h) the bed of the Cooum, the bed of the Adyar, the Buckingham canal.
Odvernmebt lands set apatt free for recreation purposes and all such 0 t h
Government property being ncither buildings nor land trom which in the opinmr
of the State Government any income wuld be derived as may, from timc to timc,
be notified by the State Government :
P r o v i d ~that the Government does not derive any income f -om such beds :
Provided further that nothing contained in clauses (a), (c) and le) shall ,be
deemed to exempt any building or land from property tax fcr which rent o r service
charge is payable by tho person using the same for th.: purposes referrecl to in
the said clauses.
105. Power to rectify error apparent on the face o f the r'ec:ord-- (1) The
Commissioner may, on his own motion or on an application made at any time
withi.1 six months from the d~te of any order passed by him rectify any error
apparent on the face of the rzcord:
Prox~idedthat no such rectification which has the effect of enhancing an assess-
ment, shall be made unkrs such authority has given notiw to tke assesseu. and has .
allowed him a ~easonabk o~poitunityof being heard.
(2) Where such mtification has the effect of r~jduc~ag an assessinent, tile
-excess amount if any paid by the assessee shall be adjusted towards any tax.
that may accrue in future.
106. Levy of 8w.- (1) W!~?rea gsrsoh feih to ptwthc pPoprtY tax witbin.
the time specified, the Comrmssioner shat i M p o a ~ upon him, by way of. fine 9
sunq a fixed by the council in this behalf in accordslna: mith such rules as may
be prescribed.
. -
- -- -- - I _

(2) On vcriiicatioil of the return filed by the owner or occupier of the

building or land ; . he issue ,f the property tsx bsok. the Commissicner may,
if he is satisfied t I + , he owner c r ~ccupicr wilfully filed false return, the
Commissioner m2.y cause rezssessme~t of srch prcpcrty and direct the own+
or occupier to ply. in addition to the tax assessed, by way of fine, a Pltm which.
shal be one hundred percent c f the difference in the tax due :
P ~ v i d e dthat no fine under this su b-secticn shall be imposed unless the b
o r occupier affected has had a reasoirable opportunity ci' showing cause a#&
such impositicn. 1i
107. Ta.uatiorz Appeal? 7riblmal.-(I) There shall be one or mo* Tajca&&
Appeals Tribunals (hereafter In this section referred to as "the Tribunal") fbr tli\t
wrp~rationfor hearing and disposing of an appeal preferred by any person aha
is not satisfied with the assessment order m.?.de by the Commissioner vnder this
Act other than the ord1:rs relz.ting to the transfer duty.
(2) The Tribunal shall consist of a Judicial Officer who is or gas beea a:
Civil Jvdge (Se13iorDivision/Clrief Judicial Magistrate).
(31 The terms and co~zditlon.of the Trib~lnalshall he such as may be deter-
n~incdby the Governmel?t.
(4) The salary and other all~wancespayable to the Tribunal shall be borne
froin the funds of the corporztion.

( 5 ) No nppeal shall be entertained by the Tribural unkss the appellant

dep~sitswith the corporetion the entire ?mount a s assessed by the Cornmissionw
in the revision.
(6) ii) Every appeel filed under this sectior. shall be entered in a n g i s t e
mintained for this pu p o s e by the Tribunal.
(ii; The Trib:~nal shall give to person filing an appeal a written n o w
specifyillg tile place, date and tima of hearing the appeal. r g:3L .,

(iii) T l ~ cTrib:in:~lshall diqose of the appeal within five months from the
date of filing of the aooeal.

. 1.;;
-*. .

(iv) Any perso11 preferrinz an appeal may either appear in [person os -.;. 3
tllrough an au thorised agent before the Tribunal. :5 t
(v) 'The gist of tllc order passcd in an apper l shall be recorded in the-
register whic!l shjli be duly attested by the Tribun2.1 and a copy of the order shall *

be suppliccl hithin ten d ~ t from

s the date of passing of the order to the appellant.
(vi) T l ~ c cuccqs an~sulit,:f tnx is available in viev; of the orders of the
T~,bu oul w ~ l l0 3 udjus[ccl by tkc Com~~~issioncrfor the property tax to be collected
in future.
(7) AII :rppz ~1 agli.~stthe c ecisibn of the Taxztion Appeals Tribunal may
be filed within lllirty days from t l ~ cdate cf the order to the Di'strict J~dge.
(8) No allpeal shall be entertained by the District Judge unless the appellant
dep2sits with th:: c :rp31ation the entire amount cjf tax zs decided by the Tribunal. I

(9) Wht-lc: nc :? result c f ally nrder p~sqedin 2-ppeal, any amount already
dcpositecl i,; in c\ccjc ~r thc t ~ xdue, the diffcrence zfter deducting the tax due
l l ;~dji~slt.tlLOW;~IYLS the tax and fine due, in respect of any other pertod,
s h ~ ~be
to the corlvrat ic,ll."
3. 11- szctioil 31s crf thc 1919 . k t , clauses (a) and (b) shall bc omitted. , Amendment of
, sectionI348. d-

(1. 111 I V to the 19 9 k t , Parts 1-A and V sl~allbe ornittad*

Scl~~:tlulc ! A~endmentof
S&eduto IV.
ACT, 1920.
lbstitution of 5. In the ~ a r n iNadu
l District rdunicipalitie; Act, 1920 (herectfter in this Tamil Nadu
sections 81, Partreferred to as the 1920 Act), for sectio~ls81, 61-A. 42, :r3, 84, 85, 86, 07, 88, Acr V of 1920
81-A,82, 89, 90, and 91, the following sec!ions shall bo substituted, ilalnely :-
83,84,85s 86, .
87,88, 89, 90
and 91.
"81. Levy of propertjtax -(I) The property tax sllall be levied on cll buildingS
and lands within the Municipality.
(2) (a) In relation to any b:~ildingnewly- c~nstrl:cted or wllcre ~ n addition
dr alteration has been made to any existing building, the G wner or cccupier of such
buildings ;
(b) where the title of any b~ildingor land is trm,fc:rred, such transferee ;
(c) in relation to a n j b ,ilJing or hnd, in tile evc ~t of dc?.tii cf tile person
Mmarily liable to the payrneilt of property tnx, the perscn Gn whcm the pr~perty
is transferred,
shall furnish to thr: executive P,. thot-ity within suc:~cletc es mry be prescribed, a
return for such b.iilding, or l:?i~dosntainiug s!lch detr.i!s 2s m:y b o prescribed
for the Gssessment or reassessment of the propcrty tax to the said bii2di;lg cr land.
(3) I n the cl.se of re !ssessmciit or ge:lcrel revisicn cf any ps~pertyt9.x leviable
under this Act, the ow;l?r or oc:.~picr of zrly b-~ilrlingc;r I.:nd sll;ill f',.r~lishto the
executive authority within slrc:~ti~nct.s lacy be presciihsi, a re.t:nl in s ~ c hfcrm
containing sue11 details as 1n?y b> ~rcscribedfor t l ~ c,-.ss-,s.ms,~t, f prcpcrty to srch
building or lane.
, (4) If any owilzr or occuyi(:r of ally b~lrldingcr 1,:x fi:ils to Lrr!lislt a return
as raquired under sub-section (2) c r sub sccticn (3) ;r f:,r ~is!lcs c.11 incsmplete or
incorrect return the executive ,.u:hority cr any perscu ;.t,~i.c ,,sec'c b iA.l ir this behalf
shall cause s?n inspection to be 9;-.de 2nd ~ I s oto make such local cnqt.,iries as
may bo considered necessary, a i d blsed on s.;cil inspe,:ticn c11d infcrnlation
coKected, shall prepare z retu -n xzd a cjpy of tile rciarii ,h,-.llbc f:;!-!iisl~cd to the
6W11er or ocsqier of the byillling or land.
&J -
(5) On receipt d a rek~ruunder sub-secticn (3) c r scb-sccticn (3) cr on
the basis of the retunl preprcd by the ex.=cu:ivctutl:irit;. . ilder st,b-s~;c'it,n (4) 2nd
after considering the objeziior ;:if any received the cxecutiv : r..uthr,rity shzll dcterlnlne
. tax payablr: in acc.srdc3itcs with the provisic~lscLr tkis Act i.~ldsl;,,Il :end an
Intination to. that effezt t3 :,ha persoqconceriied.
,, 1 . L r Ic.nd
(6) For the pulrpso cf assezsment c f prcpcri:' t?,-.x _ r :: y u .I,(!..:,:

Qn the T~f~nicipahty thc exz: tivc: authsii'y or ?,nj c &;ei ::idtll~risedLy Ililil in this

behalf may enter, inspect, s:;rvey and moesure any b: iIc';ng cr Irtlld, r.fter giving
due notice to the owner o r occupier berose s i i ~ hiny:sticil ?nd tkc ow:ler cr cccu-
pier shall be bzund to furnish nesesszry iilfsrnlat~onrcq 'red fcr 15; p:,rpcse.
1% 17) The p r ~ p ~ r ttlii

j r on b~ilding2nd lend shr.11, s.: ;eel :s tho pri. r p;ynlolt

'of the land reven7;a, if any, due t~ the State Go~ernrne~li llercon, be 2 first. cllarge
upon the slid b~ildingor l ~ n d:l.~~cl up311 the m-:vable pi., )eri:r if ::ny fg: ,;nd withill
o r upon such b:~ildingor r.1-d bcloilging to the l>cia:: li:.blc 10 p :)I t;,s.
; . I .-
L- r

82. Mirzinzl~.~~ r:~~.ui:~z:~n?

~~x!;zn b n j c property tax, md['i'ti:nal b c i c y, opc, ty tax,
etc.-The State Governmei~t shall prescribe the minil lurn and the ~ i l o s i m ~ ~ l
rates of-
, - (a) s i c t :: t i i n r I . . 1 , . I , t --
.: (i) the cxistin,o 2rcp:rty tax ;
(ii) the vnliie cf t,hc S~rildingand, land ;a: d
5)I;c U S L . . t:lc b:.ild;ng;
. f 1 -,-
- :*.-
e=; ---
-- - ,-.-- -- --- ------

. -
(b) additional b ~ s i cproperty tax for every building havi112 regard to--
(i) the location of rhe building ;
(ii) the type of construction of the buildin? ;

(c) the concession wit11 regard to age of the b ~ i l ing,

53. Determimlon of bvsic y~operly tax, additional basic pro erty tax, 'etca
by . ~ u r ~ i c p acoztncil.-(1)
l f'
The basic property tax, the additions basic property
tax and the concession, if awj, with regard to the agc., for every building or land
shall be determined by the m ~ n i ~ i p a l e ~ usubject
n ~ i l to the minimum and mvximum
t a m prescribed by the State Government under section $2.
(2) The Municipal council sltall notify the rates determined under scrb-
iectloti (I) and such other particulars 2nd in such rnanner as may be grescribed.
(3) (i) (a) The basic property tax for every building shall relate to the carpet
area of the buildi,lg and its usage :
1-1 .,Provided that the carpet areaof any building shallnot inclrde the open verandah,
open court-yard c ~ rany other open space which is not enclosd.
, (b) The c:lassification of the building for the purpose of deciding the tisage
nf any bGildin:: shall be residential, commercial, industrial or any other classification
as may be prescribed. '
(ii) (a) The additional basic property tax for every bvilding shalljrelate to
location and type of construotion of the buildiug. .: .
(b) For the purpose of this clause, theylccation of the;l>uilding shell be
classified as fouo ws .-
(A) arterial roads, brs-route roads leading to arterial roads ailcl . i.l;,l
roads ;
(B) b,~s.routeroals other than thcsz specified in ite~n(A) ;
(C) roads and streets in primarily residential colonies.
(c) The type of construction of the building sltall be classified intc di5'er'erel;t
g o u PS as follows, namely :-
(A) thatohed and tiled roof ;

(B) reinforced concrete cement roof ;

;C) reinforced concrete cement roof with:mGsnic flooring partly or f~lly ;

(D) :granite, ceramic tiles and marble flccring and walls partly or f t . 1 1 ~ .
(iii) A concession on the basic propeity tax shall be allowed in calculating
t ~ l epr~pu'rtytL!x having regard to the age of the btlilding, in such manner a s mey be
84. Asse.sstneltr and cdfculution 0.f property tax:--(l) For the purpose of levy
ofproperty Lax, every building s hall be assessed together with its sites and
other ,idj:Lce~~t
premises occupied as an appurtenance thereto :
P r , , v ~tlcd I i ~ I I~~ building
t >vltichhas been constriicted in contraventicn c t the
bi::ltiiltg tinder this \ct shcll be nssessecl to property tax.
I ,I Ivc, ,>I~ d c I

\ 2 ) rile j?roperty tax shall be calculated as fcllows : -

( ( 1 ) Firctly. the basic pr :perty tax for a building slx.11 be calculated at ' the
r'lre Iiucd by tllc nl~l~liclpal coliilcil ;
(b) Secondly, the additional b?sic property tax for such building shall be
calcurated :11 tile r.ltc fixed by t4e manlcipal council i i ~ ~added
tl to the basic pro-
port)' t : t X ' c r n 1 l lvcd CLIiiilUCl c i . : l i s ~ (([) ;
PART 111.


ACT, 1920.
iubstitution Of 5. In the Tamil Nadu District rdunicipalitie; Act, 1920 (hereafter in this Tamil Nadu
sections 81, Partreferred to as the 1920 Act), for sections 81, S1-A. Y2, b3, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, Acr V of 1920,
8l-A, 82, 89, 90, and 91, the following sections s h ~ lbs
l substituted, namely :-
83,84985, 86, '

87,88, 89, 90
and 91.
"81. Levy of propertytax-(1) The property tax shall be Icb~cdon 2.11 buildingS
and lands within the Municipality.
(2) (a) I n relation to any b:lilding newly c2nstri:cicd c r >,srhererl.ny addition
dr alteration has beeil made to ally exisiing b.iilding, the ,,wacr r cccl.,picr of such
buildings ;
(b) where the title uf b~ildingor 1;1!1d is tr:?~sfcrred, s~;c!i t r ~~isfcl-ee
(c) in relatian to all j b I iWiag ur lrvl.,,
. .
r.t L . L ~ :, ..; (jf ('

,,.tA, .i' ~ i person

l ~
primarily liable to the paymc,lt c.t property t ~ x the
, pers 11 cn whcm t!:e prc,perty
is transferred,
shall furnish to ths cxecutiv~?,. thority within such dztc i.s 1ncy be pl,eicribed, a
return for such b.iilding or I.! ld c..)ntainin~ such detr.i!: :<s m:.y bs prescribed
for the sssessment or reassessnlent of the propzrty tax to rhe said b.:ilili,>g cr land.
(3) I n the cl.se of re:.ssessment or ga:ierel revisic~ic ' m y pr;ne;tg tax levisble
under this Act, the o w x r o i os;.ipior of zny b-~ilding0 1 1?,11d shsll f rllislz to the
~ x e c ~ t i vagthoritjr
e wiGlin soch ti~nces sany be pres,-;i'uv.$',a rett:rn i11 s~icilfcrm
containing such d4tdils 2.s m7.4b> prescribsd far t:~c.zs;s ,mcnt cf prcpcity to svch
building or laniq.
(4) If any ow:lzr or occ~picroi'a:ly 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 cl rd Ii;.naca~ fr:il: tc L21.!1lsi&a return
as r.iquired under sub-section (2) c r sub-sccticn (3) ir f:,r :is!~cs 2.n iilscmp!cte o r
I incorrect return the executive au Ilcrity ( r cny pcrscn r,~ithcriscci by ICil-.l i i this behalf
shall cause an inqwction to br: !ii:do :l.i~.l ;;Is3 to 1,1;1~1. such l,c,:l cnq, iries as
may be considerad necessary, alld blsed on svicil inspc:ticn cnd infcrlnation
collected, shall prepare r retarn and a cspy of t!ic rc:::r~i .;l:.Il be f.,~..~i~!.cd t~ the
6~11eror ocss~pierof the bl Ild iilg ci.land.
wj .
(5) On receipt of a rct:rnl under s:lb-secticn (2) c sob-sceticn (3) c r on
the basis of the retulil grepzred by the ex.=cu;ivcs.~fillcrity: , ~ ~ ds~#b-seclicn
er (4) and
after considering the objes:ions':if any received the cxecu tiv :z-uth3rky sl~alldetermine
. tax payable in acmrdance with the provisic~lscC t!:i\ Act a d ~I-~::llsend an
, the
intimation to t!ict c3c3t t 3 tlic person c::?lcciilcd.

cssessmcnt c f prcpcrlg tzl: r c g LL,iid:.:~ c r lend


authiiify or zny c Pilccl. ,;~tll~risecl by iiuil in this

s:;rvey and meas~rreany b:lili in!: or 1:?1ld,r-ftcr giving
occupier before sir sh inspxti 1n i l l d t l ~ cow:lcr cr cccu-
necessnry infsrmc?tion re2 'red fcr tki; p~,rpc se.

is?of the '(7) he p r a ~ c r t y:t cn b.~ildinaand 1r.nd ~11~11,

s?:: 'sct ts tilo pii. p:.ynlellt
land rev:-lrrs, if 2ily, d:le ta the State Governn~c~~t tt'1%rccn,be firsv cllarge 2

'upon the s3id b~ildinl:cr 1:xnd ::nd upz~nthe rnnvable :?ii,lerl:l if m y C~:,;nd wjthin
o r upon such lx~ildingor l2ed rand belonging to tlie peij 2: litlble lo pzy t:c.
L-- 4
bn:ic. l;;.y1c, 9 Ills,
82. Mirzinluni c!;z!l 1:?7.~i:?:.:i)? ha5ic p-opcrty fax, c:(I(. :ii:;~?(lJ
etc.-Tile St~.te Govenl:t~c:~t,sliizll prescribe tlie miilii :I! IX aiid 11:~ ill;:xilnum
mtcs of-
. ,. _ (a) bzsic pi'cp>ri-y ;:I:; tilc 5:rildiug o; liand I:,sviLlg;.L;~;:I ., t,,\--
0 .

(i) the cxisdng pcporty tax ;

(ii) the vva!uc tf tile bsild ing and-!and ;a: d
- .
(iGj t h e use of the bl-iltling;
. .-: ,. ."?,
.-. . --fl---.-'
,-TL-*'P"9F"a---':-,..,.-..- ' .
! 7 T11L12' 21iZ2&I.-
- -
- .* - ,
---- - - -- - ------ d

Provided that notiling contarned in clauses (a), (c) and (e) shall be
doc: .cd to exeilxpt any Flrilding or land frc-1-1 prop-rty t:!~ f c r which rent or ser-
b vlcu cl~~irge is payable by tll9 person csing tllc sanw f o ~the purposes referrad to 1,)
tho \%lidclauses.
b7. Powrr to rectify error apyurenr on the face oflhe ~.ecord-
(1) The executive authority may, on lis own motion or on an application
at any time within six months from the date of any order passed by him
rectif! any error sppare~:t on the face of the record : . .
PI-ovibdtli:lt no sucll rectification which nas the effect of enhancing an as5ess-
l l ~ c n i ,\hall be ]lade unleb\ such ai thority has given 1;otice to the asse,ssee and has
dl \\idhi I a reasonable opportunity cf being heard.
(2) Wll0i.3 \UCII r ~ ~ t i f i c ~ i t i o ~ tllr:
l cl~i'ct bf ! ~ ( i ~ ~ ~ilr~
i l ~l LgC ; : I I I ~ I I ~ , the
escc,\ ,~~llount i f any p lid by the as\ess.:e shall be atljusted towards any tax
t ll.ii .:y a c ~ r u cI 11 f~!ture.

b 8 . Lely uf Ji1w.-(1.) Where a person fails to pay tht. property tax within t b
t~iutspecified, tho executive authority shall impose upon him, by way of fine a sum
a? fi~edby the lilunicipal council in this behalf in accordance with sub., iates a5 nlaj
be prescribed.
( 2 ) On vsrificatioil of the return filed by the owner or occupier of the
built1 r116c r la lc! ,.fter thc .sue of the prcperty tzx b- ,-k, the executive al~thority
]nay. if he is satisfied that the owner c r cccupier wilf: lly filed false return, the
executive authcrity may cmse reassessment of such prcperty and direct the owrler
o r I-mupier tc pay, in i.d.~itionto the tax assess:d, by way cf fine, a sum which
s l ~ ~be
~ lcne
l hundred per cent cf the difference in the tax due :
Provided that no fine mder this su b-section shall be ilnposed vnless the G wner
or occupier affected has had a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against
zucl~i1np8 siticn.

89. Tuxation Appeals Committee.-(1 j T b m shall be a Taxation Appeals

C(.rurnittee hearing and dsposing cf an appeal preferred by a fly perfon who is

11o1satisfird with the asessment order made by the executive authority under this
Act i\tl,er than the orders relating to the dvty on transfer o i proverty,-

(i) for every town pmchayat oonsisting of the Chairman of the municipal
cl ,I ncil who sh:lll be the ('hairman of the Taxation Appeals Committee and sucl?
,,umber of members as may be notified by the State Government from among tile
n~cmlxrs , ~ fthe town panchaqat;
(11) for every milnicir'ality, consisting of the Chgrman of the municipat
LL r i 11 w ~ also be the Chairman of the Taxation Appeals Committee and fo~:r
I shall
( ,:11ls:rb e:ected by the c:ounciI.
( 3 , rile business of the Taxation Appeals Committee shall be transacted in
E'LIICI: ~ i t l the
i rules made by the State Gvvernrnent in this behalf.

( 3) ,in :~ppealagainst the decision of the Tax:.tion Appeals Committee may

I): tL \\Gthin thirty days frc m the date of the crder to the District Judge.
(4) No ap ~ 1 shall 1 bt: entertained by the District Judge, unless the appellant
.-,.dep 'hlk'i wi~1ithe town palicltayat ur municipality, as the case may be, the entire
.L?~>, [ # n to f tax as decided by the Taxation Appeals Committee.

( 5 ) Where as 21 result of any order passed in a11 -z,ppesl my r.mcutlt already

clcl?i,.ited is in excess of the tax due, the difference, after deductmg the tax due,
shall be xljusted towards the tax, and fine due, in respect of any other period, by the

( a ) the heqding "As~essmentof the property tax" .and the r~lles 6 to 15 Amndmafi 04
, , L : ~ cutlde~ s41rll be om~tted ;
Schedule IV.
(1.) 11.c Ilc;~dinp"Apl eols" alld tllc r1llc<23 to 28-A thereunder shall be
--- - - - - -
- -__.I___I__- ---- - -- -- 1

ACT, 1971.
7. In the Madarai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (l~ereafteriil this - ~~d~ A,-.-.
Part &erred to as the 1971 Act), for sections 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 1 27 15 of 1971. !
128, 129. 130 and 13 1 , tile f*:)llowingsections shall be sub~tituted,namely :-

la 129.
and 131.
120. Levy of property tax.-(1) The :property tax shall be ]?vied on all
buildings and laads within the City.
(2) (a) In relation to any buildiq newly construc;ted or where any addition
or alteration has been made to any existlng building the owner er occ~~pier of szlch
bilildings ;
(b) where the title of any building or land -istra asferred, sr ch rran~feree;
(a) in relation to any building or land, in the event of death of thc pecrsoa
primarily liable to the payment of property tax,the perscn on whom the property is
shall furnish to the Comrnissio~lerwithin such date as may be prwribod, a retura
for suoh building or land containing such details as may ba prescribad for the
a s m n t or reassessment of the property tax to the said building or h d .
(3) In the case of reassessmen! or general revkon or any property tax lavbbk
under this Act, the owner or owupler of any building or land shall furnish to ths
aCommissior,er within such time as may be p r d b o d , a return in such form con-
taining such details as may be prescribed for the assessment of propexty to such
brilding or land.
(4) If ak, -wner or occupier of any building or land fails to furnish a return
as required under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) or f~rnishesan inccmplete or
incorrect return, the Commissioner or any person authorised by him in this behelf,
shall cacse an inspection to be made and also to make such lccal enqLiries as
may be considered necessary, and based on such illspection and information
collected, shall prepare a return anti a copy of the retc:.n shall be f:irnished to the
owner or occupier of the building or land.
(5) On receipt of a retsrn urrder sub-section (2) or ,sub-section (3) or on
the basis of the ret:lrn prepared by the Commissioner under sub-section (4) and
after oonsidering the objeotions, if any, received, the Commissioner shall determine
the tax payable in amrdance with the provisions of this Act an3 &all send an
intimatioa to that effect to the person concerned.
(6) For the purpose of assessment of property tax for any building or laud
in the City, the Commissioner or m y officer authorised by him in this behalf may
imter, inspect, survey and measure any building or land, after giving d ~ notice
to the owner or occupier before such inspection and the owner or occupier shall be
bound to furnish necessary information required
- for this purpose.
- -
k k
(7) The p r o p e q tax on building and land snall, subject.to the prior paymeat
of the land revenue, if any, due to the Government themn, be a h t charge
upon the said building or land and upon the movable property if any f o ~ n dwit hi^
o r upon such b~ildingor land and belonging to the person liable to pay tax.

12 1. Minimum and maximum basic propsrty tax, aoIditiona1 basic prowly

U 1
t a x , etc.-The Government shall prescribe the mirimurn and the maxi,,lum
rates of-
(a) bane property ' ax for the building or land having regmd tc -
. . existkg
'lj the . property tax :
(ii) the value of the biilding and land ; and .
.Six the u& of the buildinS-:;?l"
T .1IIL 839

I J 1 :I I .I >:.sic ,)iL;p2rty tax fur ddiiciittg haviiig

~$LA). i2gdia 2 J -
(I) tale 1 ,c,:ticn of the building;
( i ~ ) tile type of ccnstr~ctionof the buildil~g;
1;1!1 Madu Act
" if 1971. (c) tho ooncession WI th regard to age of the building.
122. Detert?tination o ' busic property trr.u additional basic property ids, etc.,
by coinzc~il.---(1) The basic property tax, the additioll~lbasic property tax arld the
concessi,:~~, 11' urith regard to the age, for every b~lildingc,r land shall be deter-
G L I ~ ) ~ ,

mined by the council subje~tto the minimum and nlaxirnur~irates prescribed by

the Goverilllient ~lildersection 121.
(2) The council shall notify the rates determined vnder sub-section (1) and
such other particulars and in such manner as may be prescribed.

(3) (i) (a) The basic Property tax for every building shall relate to the carpet
area of the bllrldlng and its usage :
Provided that the carpet area of any building shall not inclrde the open verandah,
open court-yard or any other Open space which is not enclosed.
(b) The classifioation of the bvikling for the purpose of teciding the usage
of any buildir g shall be resldentral, commercial, ifidustrial Or any other classification
as may be prewrihed.
(ii) (a) The additional basio property tax for every building shall relate to
location and type of construction of the budding.
(b) For the purpose of this clause, the location of'the building shall be
classified as follows :-
(A) arterial roads, bus-route roads leading to arterial roads and main
roads ;
(B) bus-route roads other than those specified in item (A) ;
( C ) roads and streets in primarily regidentidl colonies. ,

(c) The type of construct!on of the buileing shall be c!r.;sified illto

different groups :is fotlons, namely :-
(A) thatohed and tiled roof ;
(B) reinforced concrete cement roof ;
(C) reinforced conzrcte cement roof witlj mosaic flooring partly or fi-lly ;

K (1)) granite, ceramic tiles and marble flooring and walls partly c r fully.
(iii) h co.:cession on the basic property tax shall be allowed in calculnting
the property tax having regard to the age of tile buildil~g,in such manner as m:!y be
pre,cri bcd
1 :3 f rs 'r.s:?lclnt clll!l crf'cll~ationof propert], tn.y.--(!) For the purpose of
lei) l,r\,pcrty tax, every building shall be assessed together with its site and
1t11t.r !itj.i c ~ i tprcmi5e5 c,ccupied as an appilrtena,~cethereto:

that 113 bvilding which has been constructed in cL..'r~ventioncf the
~ l a dtinder
t7irlj,ill~; I , l i b ~ e thii Act shall be assessed ta property tax.
J ! IL- !'I ~jcrtytau s l ~ n l lbe calculated as fc1lows:-

I ) 1 jr ,tly, tile basic llroperty tax for a building s11:ill be calculated : t tile
. ~ :,,,,I
t ~ I,, tlie c, uncil .

(11) ;c~,>,lrlly. pcrty tas li)r such b u i l d i ~ lshall

the :ldditiolial basic p r ~ ~
. ilck41.:r,.t~ ' r.~tc fixed by the council tlnd trdcled to the basic prcperty tax
, t .~derc l e ~ l z c(0) :
--- -- - -- - -. -

(c) Thirdly, on the ui nturn of amount arrived at under clau\eb ( u ) ' i i ~ (!,I,
the concession having regar to the age of the building at a rate llot exceed ing
the maxim+.m of guideline valve shall be c i educted ar,tr tile amount i t r l ivc C, .I
shall be the property tax payable in respect of any buildir~gfor every half-year and
shall be paid by the owner or occupier of such building within the half-vear period.
E~planation.-For the pulpose of this sub-section, the expression "half-year"
shall be from the 1st day of April to the 30th day of September and fro111the 1st
oay of October to the 31st day of March of a year :
Provided that in the case of any Government or railway building a concession
shall be allowed in calc clating the property tax in such manner as pay be prescribed.
(3) The Commissioner shall issue a propelty tax book containing all the
details ~f the building 01 land and the property tax payable il, lclation to such
building or land :- such for111as nzay be prescribed.

(4) vv hare there is any vacant land without any building situated \vithin ths City
'limit, the Gomnlissioner shall determine the property tax payable for such vacant
land at the rate fixed by the council not exceealng the maximum oP gurt.uline valce.

124;.General revision of propert:? tax.-The general revision of the astsbnlent of

property tax in relation to the building and land situate^ within the City liniit ,hall
be made from such date as the Government may, by notification, appoint.
The Commissioner may reviw the property tax in accoiaance with tho provisions
of this Act and tlld rules nzade thereullder :

Prokided t b ~there
t shall be an interval of five years botweec one general revision
and another g;neral revision.
125. General exemptions.- Tho following buildings and lands shall be exenlpted
from the property tad: -
(a) places set apart for public worship and fither actually so used or used
for no otber purpose ;
{b) ohoultries for the occupation of which no rent is charged arld the choul-
tries rent charged for the occupation of which is used exclusively for charitable
purposes ;
(c) bui!dings used for educational purpose including hostels attachd
thereto and places used for the charitable purpose of sheltering the destitute or
animals and orphanages, hos;es and schools for the deaf and dunib, asylum
for the a ed and fallen women and such similar institutions run purely on philan-
thropic ines as are approved by the council ; %,
u Lz¶
w ZL
(d) such ancient m muments protected under the Ancient Monuments
'Reservation Act, 1904 (Cantral Act V'JLof 1904) and such ancient and historical
monuments declared by or under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (Cer tral Aot 24 of 1958) to be of national
fmportanceand also sucb ancient monulnents and arcf.aeological sites and remains
protected under the Tanlil Nadu Ancient and Historical Moauments and
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1966 (7 amil Nadu Act 25 of 1966) or
parts thereof as or not used as residential quarters or public offices ;
(e) charitable hospitals f and , diswnsaries but not including residential
quarters attached thereto ;
. .
(n such hospitals and dispensaries maintained by railway administration
as may, from time to time, be notified by the Government, b ~ t not including
residential quarters attached thereto ;
(g) burial and burning grounds included in the book kept in the m1 nlqpal
officeunder section 404 ;
(h) the. bed of any river or canal or any river 01- canal belongire to Govern-
ment and wM~h do not provide any Income to Government or aay
Government lands set apart for recreation purposes or any Government
property being neither building nor !ard from which i n the oprnion of the
Government any income could not be, derived as may, frc.m tin16 to rim., be
notified by the, Government:

- Provided that ncthing containod ;n tlauk:, '.I), (c) and ( e ) shall be

doe !led LC, e x e ~ ~any
p t building or land frc3in propoi-ty f . 1 ~ I f I hicll ror t or s e r v i ~
charge i u payable by th5 p\!rson or per,ons uciilg the salnefor the purpcres roferrod
to in the said clauses.
126. Po~wr. ro ,.z:tifv error rtpp ti-ent onthe fkcz of' the record.- (1) he
Co 11 izisioner may, on his own mction or oil an application iiiade at any time
within \ix months fro:n tho date of any order passed by him, rectify any error
app~ironton the face cf t hc record:
Providod that no such rectification which has tbe effect of enhancing an assess-
ment, cllall be lnade unlm. such authority has given notice to the assessee and has ' 2 ,

allon rl III~II 3 reasonable opportunity of being hoard.

( 2 ) Wh;m sucll leciific-itiou has the ofict of r$ducing an assessilleut, the
exceqs r , , ~ o ~if~any
n t paid by the assessee shall be ad~ustedtowards auy tax that
111a4 n&rkle In future.

i 27. Lovy o fflitc.-- (1 1 Where a parso~lfailjto pay tl~sproperty tax withiq the I
tinx cpcified, the Com~nisionershail impose upon him, by way cf fine a sum as ,
fixcil the council i n this '~chaIfin zccordance with such rates as may beprescribed.
( 2 ) On verification of the return filed by the owner or occupier of the
1,uildilrg c,r land after the issue of the property tax book, the Commissioner may,
if 11e 1 5 sat,sfied that th' c wner c r t ccirpier w~lf~lly filed f2,lse return, the
Cc 1illn15.oner may cause reassessment of such property and direct tlle owner
01 ( ;c~!l> L r t c pay, in adilitir n to the tax 7.ssessec , by way of fine, a sum which
l l olle hundred per ( ent cf the difference in the ti1.x d18e :
~ I l ~ t be

Provide:l that n o fine ~inderthis sub-secti~nshtlll be imposed ullless the owner

or occupier affected 11::s i~ d a reasonable oppcjrt~~nity of showing caL1se against
such i~llp?sition.

I 2g. T[~.unr,;o/l4pl7caI~Tribunal.-- (1) There shall be one or more Taxation

Al>pe.il?;Tribu::als (h.-r-aftc ill this section referred to as "the Tribunal") for the
corporation for hearing and disposing of an appeal preferred by any person
who is not satisfied with the assessment order ~l:.de by the Commissioner vnder
tllij .ict other than the o r d m relating to the transfer duty.
(2) The T'rih~lnalshall consist of a Judicial Officer who is or has been a
Civil Judge (Senior Divisioll/Chief Jlldicial Magistrate).
(3) Tllc t4:rnls and ccnditions of the Tribunal shall be such as may be deter-
111ii~c.tl hy tllc C overnment.
(4) Tile salary and other allowaltces payable to the Tribunal shall be borne
fro111 the funds of the corporation.
.-; (5) No appeal shall be entertained by the Tribunal rnless the appellant
deposits with the corporaticn the entire amount as assessed by the Commissioner
in the revision.
(6) (i) Every appeal filed under this section shall be entered in a register .
nu~~ntainedfor this purposo by the Tribunal.
(ii) The Tribunal shall give to persort filing an appeal a written notice
specifying the place, date and time of hearing the appeal.
(iii) The Tribunal shall dispose of the appeal within five months from the
date of filing of the appeal.
(iv) Any person preferring an appeal may either appear in person or
i h r o ~ ~ gan
h avthorised asent before the Tribunal.
(v) The gist of tho order passed in an appeal shall be recorded in the
regi~ter\vhicll shall be duly attested by the Trib~lnaland a copy of the order shall
be supplied within ten days from the date of passing of the order to the, appellant.
fvi! The excess am Junt of tax if availabl: in view of the orders of the
Tribullal :iill be adjilsted by the Commissioner for t le property tax to be collected
in Cutu~,c.:
(7) An appeal agzinst the decision c f t%e tax^ l i n P.ppe?.ls Trlbi.:l.-I inay (

be filed within LA.'-+lr days from the date of the ~ r d e to

r the District Judge.
(8) No appeal shall be entertained by the District Judge unless tile appellant
deposits with the corporation 'ille entire amount of tax ;LSdecided by the Tribunal.
(9) Whereas a result of any order passed in :.ppeal, any amoutl' already
deposited is in excess of the tsx dve, the difference ~ f t e rdeducting the tax due
shall be adjusted towards the tax and fine due, in res.>ect cf any other period,
to the corporation.".

Bmaadmant of 8. In Schedule 1I;of the 1971 Act, Parts I1 :and V sl~allbe omitted.
Schtdole n.

lamil Nadu Ad 9. In the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 (hereafter in this
25 of 1981. Part referred to as the 1981 Act), for sections 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, Substitution of
129, 130, 131 and 132, the following sections shall b: substituted, namely :- sections I2 1,
122, 123, 124,
125, 126, 127.
128, 129, 130,
"121. Levy oj property fa.~-(I )The property tax shall be levied on all buildings and 131 and 132,
lands within the City.
(2) (a) In relation to any building newly constructed or where any addition
or alteration hzs beell lnadc to any existing building, the owner or occupier of such
building ;
(b) wl~*:re the title cjf any building or land is transferred, such transferee ;
(c) in relation to any building or land, in the event of death of the person
primarily liable to the payment of property tax, the person on whom the prcperty 1s
shall furnish to the Commissioner within such date as may be prescribed, a return
for such building or land containing such details as may be prescribed for the
assessment cr reassessment cf the prcperty tax to the sr.ld building or land.
(3) 111the C ~ L cf
S ~reef wx.;~ncntc r generzl revisic n c f ::ny prc perty tex leviable
under this Act, t!le owner i'r occupier of any building or land shzll furnish to the
Com~nissit~, er within such time as may be prese-ibed. a return in such form con-
taining such details as may be prescribed for the assessment of pr~perty tax to
such b,ilding or land.
(4) If any o\vner or occupier of any building or land fails to furnish a retvm
as required under silb-section (2) or sub-seetion (3) c r furnishes an incomplete o r
incorrect return, the Commissioner or any person avthorised by him in this behalf,
shall cause an inspection to be made and ~ 1 s o to make such lccal enquiries as
may be considered necessary, and based on such inspection and information
collected, shall prepare a return and a copy of the return shd! be fi~rnishedto the
owner or occ!! pier of the b ~ilding
l or land.
(5) On receipt of a return under svb-section (2) GT s~b-secticn (3) or on
the basis of the return prepared by the Commissi~nerunder sub-section (4) and
after considering the objections, if any, received, the Ccmmissioner shall determine
the tax payable in accordance with the provisions of this Act and shall send an
intimation to that effect to the person concerned.
(6) For the purpose cif assessment of property tax fcr any building or land
in the City, the Commissioner or any cfficer avthcrised by him in this behalf may
enter, inspect, srrvey and measure any building c r lend, rfter giving due notice
to the owner or occrpier before such inspectlcn and the cwner or occupier shall be
bomd ,to funish necessary information required for this pl3rpose,
(7) The property tax on building and land shall, subject to the prior payment
of the land reveiw e, if any, due to the Gc vernment thereon, be a first charbe
opon the said bi3jlding or laod and upcn the mcvable prcperty if cny f ~ r n dwithin I
or 11pot1 silcl-,b ~ l ~ing
l d c r l ~ n dand belcnging tc the persc.n lii.ble to ,pay tax.

122. itlir~ilt~llnrand rilaximum basic property tax, additional basic propert)

tax, elc. The Government shall prescribe the mi~~lrnurn and the. @rlmtlm
rates o f
r ~ r ) ,);~.,ic tag for the building or l a ~ ~having
d r e w d to -
1 '
1 lil the v ~ l r eof the bvilding and land : and , , ,.
(114) 1111: I ~ ol'l110
C 1111il(Ii1bg , .

otrp) AV ? 1 (5x3)- 5

(b) additional basic property tax for every buildii~ghaving regard to --

(i) the location of the building ;
(ii) the type of constr~lctionof the building ;
! + .
(c) the conoessiolr with regard to age of the building:'

123. Determination of ruic property tax, additional basic property tax, etc. by
Council.--(l) The basic property tax, the additional basic property tax and the
concession, if any, with regard to the age, for every blilding or land shall be deter-
lllined by the Council srbjecc to the minimum and maxin~um rates prescribed by
the Government under section 122.
(2) Tlie Council shall notify the rates determined under sub-section (1) an({
such other parti~vlarsand in such manner as may be prescribed.
(3) (i) (a) The basic prctperty tax for every building shall relate to the carpet
area of the building and its vsage :
Provided that the carpet area of any bvilding shall not include the open verandah,
open court-yard or any other open space which is not enclosed.
(b) The classification of the bvilding for the purpose of deciding the usage
of any building shall be residential, c~mmeccial~ industrial or any other claeufication
as may be prescribed.
(ii) (a) The additional basic property tax for every bdilding shall r:l ~t 1
to location and type of construction of the building. ,
- (b) For the purpose of this dame, the location of the bvilding sh- I t
be classified as foilows :
(A) arterial roads, bus-route roads leading to arterial roads and main
roads :
- a (B) bus-rou te roses G ther than those specified in iten1 (A);
(C) roads and streets in primarily :resideqtial colonies.
(c) The type of construction of the building shall be classified into different
groups as follows, namely :
(A) thatched and tiled roof ;
(B) reinforced cc ncrete cement roof ;

- . . flooring partly or h lly ;

(C) r&nforced concrete cemeut roof with.mosaic
(D) granite. ceramic tiles and marble -flooringand walls pal tly or fvlly.
(iii) A concession oil the basic property tax shall be allowed in calwktiqg
the property tax having regard to the age of the building, in such manner as may bet
124. Auessmtt and calcvlat~ono j pmperty tax. (I) For the purpose of levy
of property tax, every building shall bc assessed together with its sib and
other adjacent premises omvpied as an appurtenance thereto :
Provided t4at no building which has been mnstn1cted in contravention of the
bvilding nibs niade u ~ d e this
r Act shzll. be assessed to property tax.
(2) The property tax shall be calculated as follows :-
(a) Firstiy, the basic property tax for a br~ildingshall be c~lcrlatedat the
rate Gred by the covncil I
(6) h n d l y , the additional basic property tax fbr a& brilaia rhal I*.
Wculatedatthentefbd bythe 6 r d a n d . d d r d t o thebadcpopcny(~m.
M at uadcr c h s e (a); -
- .
---.-- - - - -
-- ---
- -
(c) Thiidly, on the quantum of antount arrived at under clauses (a) and (b),
the ccncmsi~n hzving iegard to thc3 age uf the building at the ratc fixad by the I
Counci lshall be deducted and the *mount so arrived at shsll be the property tax
payable in rcsp.,ct of any building foi every half-year and shall be paid by the owner
or clccuyier of such building within the half-year priod.
Exp1lancrtion.-For the purpose of this sub-section. the explession "half-year"
c day of Ap;il tc tho 30th day of Suyto~iiberand from the 1st
shall be f ~ ~ . . l . t hIs1
day of O c t ~ b ~t ur he jlrt day of March of a year :
Providci, that in the case of any Governiltent or railway building a conoession
shall bt. adow,xi ia calculating the prorerty tax in such m?nnel as may be prescribed.
(3) Tin Coixmi~sicllershall issue a proparty tax book oontaining all the '

details 01 tl:c buildilig or land a td tho property !ax p ~ y ~ b l cin relatior!

to such buildtt~gcr land in such forin as may be prescribed. ,:
(4) Wlwrc: tl~areis dl;; ;.:;,:rt !2qd witllout any buildlng situated withiu the ,'
city li::~it.tha Conunissioner shzll dotellnine the prowsty t ~ . x payable for sucb
vacant land at the rate fixed by the Council. /
125, CT.'neiul revlsiotr of pr oyc t!. tux.- The general revision of the assessment
of property tax in n:lation to the building hnd land situatcd within the City limit
shall be iuade frc 1.u such date as tha Governi~lent may, by notification, appoint;
The Co1.1rnissioner.rnay revise the property tax in accordance with the pro\~sians
of this Act a!ic! the rules made thereunder:
Provided that thore shall be e nintc rval of fiveyears betwezn one general revision
and anotho~ &en;.ral revision.

126. Gertet.al exe~~zptions.--The following buildings and lands shall be exempt

frc ln the property tax:-
(a) Places sot apart for public worsirip and a i t h ~ ractuaily so used or used
for no other purpose ; L

(b) cl~oultricsfor the occupation of which no rent is charged and choultries

the rent chat god for the o ocupation of which is irsed exclusively for charitable
purposes ;
(c) builc'ings lrscd for educational purpose including hostels attached
thereto and places used for the charitable purpose of sheltering the destitute or
aniiuals aild orphanages, honns and sch~olsfor tho-deaf and dumb, asylum
for tl~eaged and fallen women and such si:nilar institut~ons run purely on philan-
thropic Iillcs as are a?proved by tho Council;
(d) such ancient mon~i-lonts protected under tho Ancient Monuments
Preservation Act, 1904 (Central Act VII of 1901) and spch ancient and historical
monuinents declared by or under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeologicpl
Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (Ccntr~lAct 24 of 1958) to be of national importance
a t d also sscb ancient monuments and archaeologicd sires and remains ~rotected
under the Tamil Nadu Ancient and Historical hlonuments and Archaeological
Sites and Renains Act, 1956, (Tarnil Nadu Act 25 of 1966) or parts thereof a.¶
are n.?t sod as residential quarters or public offlco ;
( e ) cliaritabls hospitals ar.d dispensaries but not including residential
quarters attach4 thcreto ;
( f ) such hospitals and dispensaries maintained by railway aclministmtion
as may, from time to time, be notified by the Government, but not lncludrng
residential quartorr; attached thereto ;
(g) burial. and burning grounds included in the book kept in the municipal
office under seation 404 ;
(h) the bed of any river or canal o r any river o r canal belonging to Government
and which dn n c l ?raside any income to the Government or any Governmeat land
set apart for recreation purposes or any other Government propwy being neither
building nor land from whio4 in the opinion of the Government any inyme m u
nc t be derivfxd,as m y from time to time, be notified by the Government - .
--- -

Provided that nothing contained in clauses (a), (c) and (e) shall be deemed
to exempt any building or land from property tax any bdldiog or land for which
rqnt or service charge is payable by the person using the same for the purposes
r e f d to in the said clauses. ,

227, Power torectify errob. apparent on the .face of the record.-

(1) The Commissioner may, on his own motion or on an application
mada at any time within six months from the date of any order passed by him,
rectify any error apprarent on tbe face of the record :
Provided that no such rectification which bas the effect of enhancing an assss-
ment, shall be made unless such authority bas given notice to the assessee and has
.allo(Rdd him a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

(2) Where such .rectification has the effect of reducing an assessmept, 6 8

&ums amount if any paid by the assessee shall be adjusted towards any tax
that may accrue in future.
128. Levy ojJine.-(1) Where a p m n fails to pay the pioperty tax within the
time specified, the Commissioner shall impose upon him by way of ff ne a sum
a8 Gxed by the council in this behalf in amrdanoe with suohrules as mey be
(2) On verification of the return filed by the owner or ocoupier of the
building or land after the issue of the proyt.l~jLu,. t. :I, the Ccrr~rnissionermay,
if ho is satisfied that the 0 wner or oocrpier wilfully filed ialse return, the
Commissioner may cause reassessment of such prorerty and direct the owner
or' occ!lpier to psy, in adiition to the tax assessed, by way of fine, a sum which
shall be one hundred perZn1: of the difference in the tax due.
Provided that nc, lineunder this sub-section s b l l be imposed unless the owner
or occupier affected has had a reasonable oppjrtunity of showing cause against
such imposition.

129. Taxation Appeals Tribunals.-(1)There shall be one or more Taxat~onAppeals

Tribunals (hereafter in this section referred to as "the Tribu na1"Xfor the corporation
forhearing aad dispjsing of an appeal preferred by any person who is not satisfied
~ i t hthe assessment order made by tho Commissioner under thisr Act other than
the orders relating to the transfer dimty
' ! l'he I ribu nal shall consist of a JudiciJ Officer who is or has been a Civil
Judge (Senior DivisionlChief Judiciol Magistrate).

(3) The terms and cooditicas of the Iribunal shall be such as may be deter-
mined by the Government.
(4) Toe salary and other allowances payable to the Tribunal shall be borne
from the funds of the corporation.
(5) No appeal shall be entertained by the Tribunal upless the appellant]
deposits with the cdrparation the entire amount as essessed by the Comn,issioner
fa the revision.
,. : (6) (i) Evev appeal filed tinder this section shall be entered in a register
nmiutained for t h pcrpose by the Tniunaf.
. .
iii) The T r i b ~ l u lddl give L1 -n filing an qpa a ~ & k mnotice
specifying the PI*=. date a d time of bwiag the appeal

- (iii) The Tribunal shall dispose of the appeal within five months from the
&t;6, a. t e~
. of as appeal. ; , , , . . . A . s
- - . -
.- --

(v) The gist of the order p.issed io an appeal shall be recorded in the
register w;lic4 s l l i l l bz duly attested by the Tribunal and a c ~ p yof the order shall
be supalizd wit:ii.i te:i days frr,m the date of passing of the order to the appellant.
(vi) Tho excess ~ r n c l u i l tof' tax if available in view of the orders of the
Trinut~alwill b,- adjilsted by ti10 Co~ninissionerfor the property tax to be collected
in future.
(7)'An ap2eal ag3inst the docision of tbe Taxation'Appals Tribunal may
be filed within thirty days from the date of the order to the D~striotJudge.

(8) No appsal s!lall be entertained by the Districl: Judge unless the appellant
dspsits with tht c ~ r p r a t i o nthe entire a m ~ n04
t tax a3 decided by the Tribunal.

(9) W;iere ds a result of any order passed in appeal, any am?unt already
dep~sitedi; in excss*of tile tax due, the difference after d2iucting the tax ~ h d l
he :rl i ~ s t e 3t t wards the tax and fine d uo, in respect of any, other period to
the c~rgoration.".
10. In Schedule 11 to the 1981 Act, Parts I1 and V shall be omitted.. Amendment cf
Scrhedulo Ik

(By order of the:Governor)

Secretary to Govetmmt, Law Department.

*- ----- -- _- _-----___ --
--- .--
- 7

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assemblv received the assent
of the Governo: on the 22od December 1998 and is hereb~fpublished for
ger~eralinformation :-

ACT NO. 51 OF 1998.

An Act ,further to amend the Laws relating to Municipal Corporations and

.kfunici)alities in the State of Tamil Nadu.
Be, it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the St? e of Tamil Nadu in the
Forty-nlnt h pear c;f I he Rrpublic of India as follows :- -
ci +,' ,.,'I !, !,, '" ;J.

1. (I This ~ cj may
t be callcd the Tamil Nadul a1 Laws (~medd: Short dt:e ord a

mtnt) Acr, 1998. c~im~tnce-

-\ :me&.
'. 3. shalt be deemed to have come into force onjhe
IT day of July 1918.
, :> PART 11.
ACT, 1919.
, 2. In the Chennei City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (hcreafler in lhis Part Amendment Q'
I keferred to as the 1919 Act), in section 129-A,- sectlon 129-A,
(a) for the expression "a tax calculated at such rates" the expression ''a tax
calculated at such rates having regard to the location, size, reach and nature of the
advertisement" shall bc substituted;
(b) in the first proviso, the following shall be added a t the end, namely :-
#'and in any case such rate of tax shall not exceed rupees five hundred per
s b i r e metre per halt-year".
3. After Chapter XI1 of the 1919 Act, the followi~gChapter shall be inserted, Insertion of
' 'namely :- new Chaptm
t r'CHAPTBR- XI1 .A.
?26-A. Definition.-In this Chapter, "hoardi~~g"mzans any screen of boards
at.any lace, whether public or private, used or intended to be used for exhi biting
"a'd\e&emcnt, including the framework or other support, erected, wholly or in part
'uponbr over'any land, building, wall or stxuature, visible to public wholly o r partly,
!qk t

326-B. Prohibition for erection of hoardings.-(1 j No hoarding shall be

,erected at any place, on or after the 23rd day of July 1998 (hereafter in this section
referred to as the said date) by any person without o btain~nza licence from the
Commissioner ;
3 (21, Every person who has erected any hoarding without obtaining a licei~ce
- ',, and whicb is in existence immediately befo~ethe said date shal! apply for a licence
in accordance with the provisio~sof this Chapter withill thirty days from the said
'326-C. Application for licence -(1) Every application for licence under

Y'tbisChapter shall be made to the Commissioner in such form, containing such parti-
ylars.and with such fee, as may be prescribed.
(2) The Comruissionir may, after local inspection, g ~ a nat licence with
suoh,conditions or directions, subject to such rules as may be prescribed.
(3) The Commissioner may refuse 'o grant licence for reasons to be
recorded In writing : , ' '"1 .,.m
--_ _ _ -- - -- _-
_. _C_ - . - _ __ - -_ ______- -
! . ~ applicai~t has
Provided ;hat a licence shall not l;e reluscd ~ ~ r i l eilic
been given an bpportUnilq' ma!iin& his I cpi csc1:tsli~n.

(4) Every licence granted under su b-section (2) shall bf valid for such
period as may be prescribed and may be renewed from t t ne to tlme.

326-D. Powel tc cancel or suspend limpce. 4 1 ) Without ~rejudlceto any

other penaltltovhich the licensee may be liablc under this Chapter, t5e Commissjoner
may, at any time, by c~rder in writing, cn7rP' 9r su spend any licence granted or
renewed under section 326-C, if -
(a) such 1: cence has been obtained by fraud, mis-representation
or suppression of materiel paticulars: or
(b) tbc licerlsee has contravened any of tile provisions. of this Chapter or
the rules made thereuuder or any of the condi. ions subject to wlilch tnc lrcence was
(2) Before cancelling orsuspendilig a licence under su b-scction(I), the'
Commissioner shall give the licensee, an oppcrtunlty of making his representation.
326 E. Removal of unauthorised hoarding.-Any hoarding erected with-
out a licence !hall be confiscated and removed by the Commiss~oner,wit5out
giving any notice.
326-F.Removal of hoarding in cxtajn other cases. -(I) Where any
hoarb i@ is retained after the expiry of the licence or erected contrafy to the .condi-
tions of licence, the Commissioner may, by notice In writing, requlre the l~censee
to remove such hoarding within such time as may be prescribed.
(2) Where the hoarding is not renloved within the time s~ecificdin the
notice the Commissioner shall, without further notice. removs such hoardlng and
recover the expenditure fcr such removal as an arrear of land revenue.
326-G. Exemption. -Nothing contained in this Chapter shall apply
to any hoarding on which is exhibited any advertisement which relates to,-
(i) the trade or business carried on within the la?d or building,
upon or over, which such hoarding is erected or to any sale or lettlng of such land
or bulldig or anyeffectstherein or to any sale, entertainment or meeting to be held
upon or in such land or buiiaing; or
(ii) the name of the land or building, upon or over which the hoarding -
is erected or to the name of the owner or occupier of such 1:lnd or building:
Provided that the exemption under this sectiorl shall be subject to such
size and nature of hoaiding as may be prescribed.

326-H. Appeal.- (1 ) P,n appeal shall lie t o the Standjng Cornmiltee from
an order of refcsal to grant or renew a licence or cancelling or suspending a l i c e ~ ~ ~ e
by the Commissioner under this Chapter ~ i t h i ntPirty dzys frcni ihe date ofreceipt
of the order.
(2)The appealshall be in such fdrm and ia such manger and shall
aacornpany with such fee, as may be prescribed.

(3) On receipt of such appeal, the Standing Comnlittcc m;y, aflcr nnking
such inquiry as may benecessary and giving s reasonablc opp( I tu1:ity lo thc appe-
Uant to be heard, pass such orders as it deems fit.
326-L Penalty.-Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this
Chapter or any rule or order made thereunder or ob:jtructs lawfirl exercise of any
power conferscf by or under this Chapter shall be puni:hcd 17iiZh imprkcrmcnt
for a term which may extend to three years or with fine which may extrnd t s
ten thousand rupces or with both.".
4CT 1920.

3. In the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (hercsizel in rliis Amcadraoa
Part referred to as the 1920 Act) in section 78, in sub-section '1) alter clsluse (d),
the following clause shall be inserted, namely : - of emtIon
"{dd)a tax on advertisements other than ailvcrl~~rrneurs
publish& it,
the news papers and advertisemen?s broadcast by radio or television,".
5. Aftm section 107 of the 1920 Act, the tollowing shall be inserted, namely :- I m o n of
W @done
lw*A k
Tax on advertisements.

Provided that the rates shall be subject to the maxima and minima laid
down by the State Government in this behalf and in any case such rate of tax shaU
not exceed rupees five hundred per square metre per half-year :
Provided further that no tax shall be levied under this section on any adver-
tisement or a notice-
(a) of a public meeting; or
(b) of an election to any legislative body or the municipal council: or
(c) of a candidature in respect of such an election 2
."Provided also that no such tax shall be levied on advertisement which is
not &-sign and which-
(a) is eihibited within the window of any building; or
(b) relates to the trade or business carried on, within the land or building
upon or over which such advertisement is exhibited, or to any sale or letting of such
landtor building or to any effects therein or to any sale, entertainment or meeting
to tr"e held upon or in the same; or

(e) is exhibited within any railway station or upon any wall or other
property of a railway administration except any,portion of the surface of such wall
or property fronting any street.
t7xplanation I.-The word * "structure" gin this section shall include
any movable board on wheels used as an advertisement or an advertisement ~nedium.
Explanation 11.-The expression "sky-sign" shall, in tlvs section, mean any
advertisement supported on or attached to any post, pole, standard frame-work
or other support wholly or in part upon or over any land, building, wall or structure
wbich, or any part of which sky-sign shall be visible against the sky from some point
hapy public plape and includes all and every part of any such post, pole, standard
__- .
-- -


frame-work or other support. The expression "sky-sign" shall also ~ucludeany

balloon, parachute or other similar device employed vholly or in part foi &hepurposes
of any advertisement upon or over any land, bui1du.g or structure or upon Jr over
any public place but shall not include-
(a) any flag staiT, pole, vane or weathi-cock, unless ad0pl.d or used
wholly or in part for the purpose of any advertise nent;

fibTided that such board, frame or other contrbvar1ceshall be of on: coldiflu~us

. face and not open work, and does not extend in height more ttiall one metre above
any part of the wall, or parapet, or ridge to, against or on, which it is fi,:zd or
J4% supported; or

(c) any ad\ 3rtisenent relating to the n m e of the ' :nd or t>?lild~~~g,
or over whicli the advertisement is exhibited, or to the nay , of thr owner or
occupier of such land or building; or.,jL_:,; tdjY

Exyl~natimIll.-"Public place" shall for the purposes of' this section,

mean any place which is open to the use and enjoyment of the public, ~lletheri t is
actually used or enjoyed by the public or not
Expbncltion IV.-In this Cha tek the expression "advertisement" shall
no;'ficludlude any :dvertisement publishe in any I ewspaper and advertisement b-aad-
atst by radio or telsvision.

107-B. Prohibition o j cdverthemlmts wirhout written permusion oj executive

authority.-(1) No advertisement shall, after the levy of the tax under section
107-A hastbeen determined upon in the mu+cipal council, be erected, exhibited,
fixed or retained upon or over any land, building, wall, hoarding or structure within
the municipality or shall be displayed any manner whatsoever in any place without
the written permission of the executive authority.
(2) The executive authority shall not grant such permission if-
(i) the advertiscment contravenes any by-law made by the municipal
council under clause (28) of section 306; or

(Tamil Nadu Act 2 of 1959).


md w
rJ.9,. 107-C. PermiWssion 01 the executive authority to be~omsvoid i,d certain a,ves,-
The pemioison granted under secticn 107-B shall become void in the following
uses, namely :-

@) if any addition to the advertiswent be made except for the paposes

F~?,@ng&ecurg under the d 9 t i o n of the engineer for general purposes;
(c) if any material change 66 d d e in ttr'e advertisement or any part thereof;

(f) if the building, wall or structure uk \nor over which the advertisement
is erected, exhibitcd, fixed or retained be demoklshed or destroyed.
107-D. Owner or person in occzpation to be deemtd r~sponsib1e.--Where any
advertisement shall be erected, exhibited, fixed or retained upon or over any land,
building, wall, hoarding or structure in contravention of the provisions of section
107-A or section 107-B or after the written permission for thc: zrectior~, exhibition,
fixation or retention thereof for any period shall have expired or become void, the
owner or person in occupation of such land, building, wall, hoarding or structure
shall be deemed to be the person who has erected, exhibited, fixed or retained such
advertisement in such contravention unless he proves that such contr wention was
" committed by a person not in his employment or under his control or was committed
without his connivance.
107-E. Removal of unauthoriscd ~1dvertisernent.-If any advirtist rneni bi: erected,
exhibited, fixed or retained contrary to the provisions of sections i 07-P, or 107-13 or

31 oew


( 2 ) Every person who has erected any hoarding without obtain-

ing a licence and which is in existence immediately before the said date, shall
apply for a licence in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter within
t b r t y days from the said date.
np) Iv-2 EX.(751)- 4

ma air ..n B111 "-11: " - @ B e r ' P " ' W w BE ' R5 Q F ' 6.
- l8Q
I - -
~ -
-- -_ --
285-C. Application for lic en~~.-(1) Every application for licence under this
Chapter shall be made to the exrcutive authority in such form, containing such
particulars and with such fee, as may be prescribed.
(2) The executive authority may, after local inspection, grant a licence with
such conditions or directions, subject to such rules as may be prescribed.
(3) The executive authority may refuse to grant licence for reasons to be
recorded in writing:
Provided that a licence shall not be refused unless the applicant has been given
an opportunity of making his representation.
(4)Every licence granted under sub-section (2) shall be valid for such period
as may be prescribed and may be reaewed from time to time. 1
285-D. Power to cancel or suspend 1icencc.- (1) Withal-L PI c; dice to any other
penalty to which the licensee may be liable under this Chapter, the executive autho-
rity may, at any time, t y order in writing, cancel or suspend any licence granted
or renewed under section 28542, if-
(a) such licence has been obtained by fraud, misrepresentation or suppression
of material particulars ; or
(b) the licensee has contravened any of the provisions of this Chapter or the
rules made thereunder or any of the conditions subject to whit h the licence was
(2) Before cancelling or suspending a licence under sub-section (I), the txe-
cutive authority shall give the licensee, an opportunity of making his replesent. t'Ion.
285-E. Removal of unauthorised hoardings.-Any hoarding elected without a
licence shall be confiscated and removed by the executive authority, without giving
any notice.
285-F. Removal of hoarding in certain other cases.- (1) Where any hoarcling
is retained after the expiry of the licence or erected contrary to the conditions of
licence, the executive authority may by notice in writing, require the licensee to
remove such hoarding within such time as may be prescribed.
(2) Where the hoarding is not removed witkin the time specified in the I otice,
the executive autbority shali, without further notice, remove such hoalding and
recover the expenditure for such removal as an arrear of land revenue.
285-G. Exemptions,-Nothing contained in this Chapter shall apply to any
hoarding on which is exhibited any advertisement which relate; to,-
(i) ' l i e trade
or business carried on within the land or building, upon or over,
' w1*;~h
suchhoaid~ngis erected or to any sale or letting of such land or building or
any effects therein or to any sale, entertainment or meeting, to be hcld upon or in --
c such land or building: or
(ii) the name of the land or building, upon or over which the hoarding is
erected or to the name of the owner or occupier of such land or building:
Provided that the exemption under this section shal! be subject to such size and
nature of the hoardin;: as may be prescribed.

j (2) The appeal shall be in such form and in such manner and shall
with such fee, as may be prescribed.

(3) On receipt of such appeal, the Taxation Appeals Coiliiilittce may, attei
making such inquiry as may be necessary and giving u reasonable ctpportunity to
the appellant to be heard, pass such orders as it decfi~sfit.

rupees or with both''.

(a) for the expression "a tax calculated at such rates", the expression
"a a calculated at such rates having regard to the location, size, reach and nature
of the advertisement' shall be substituted ;
(b) in the first proviso, for the expression "shall not exceed rupees one
hundred for each advertisement per half year", the expression "shall not exceed
rupees five hundred per square metre per half year " shall be substituted.
8. After Chaptsr XI11 of the 1971 Act, the following Chapter shall be inserted,
namely : -

public wholly or

410-B.Prohibition Jor erection o j hoardings.- (1) No hoarding shall be erected at

any place, onor afterthe 23rd day of July 1998 (here after in this section referred to
as the said late), by any person withoutlobtaining a licence from the Commissioner;
(2) Every person wko has erected any hoarding without obtaining a licence
and which is in existence immediately before the said date shall apply for a licence
in accordance with the provis~onsof this Chapter within thirty days from the said

410-C. Application jor licence:+l) Every application for licence under this
,Chapter shall be made to the Comrmss!oner in such form, containing such particulars
m d with such fee, as mcry be prescribed.
(2) The Commissioner may, after local inspection, grant a licence with such
codditions or directions, subject to such rules as may be prescribed.
s to be recorded

Provided that a licence shall not be refused unless the applicant has been given
an opportunity of malung his representatron.
(4) Every licence granted under sub-section (2) shall be valid for such period
as may be prescribed and may be renewed from time to time.
---- ._- -- ----

Commissionrr may, at any time, by order in ariti ng, cancel o I 9 spell~:snY

licencf granted or ~-e.ieweduncer bectioi~410-C, ii',--
(a) such licence has been obtained by fraiVli,mis~epresentationor suppres-
jion of mater;al particulars ; or
I&) the licensee has contravened any of th!: provisions of this Chapter or
the rules made thereunder or any of the condiliolls subject to which he licenee
was grantee.
( 2 ) Before cancelling or suspending a licence u ntier srlb-~ect ion ( 11,
the Commissioner shall give the licensee, an opportunity of making his represen-
410-E. R~inovc~l o j zrnar~thoriscdhoarding.--Any hoarding erected without a
'~cenceshall be confiscated and removed by tab co om missioner, without giving rrny
410-F. Removal oj hoarding in certain other cases.-(I) Where any hoarding
is retained after the expiry of the licence or erected contrary to the conditions of
licence, the Cornmissloner may, by notice in writing, require the licensee to removc
such hoarding within such time as may be prescribed.
(2) Where the hoarding is not removed within the time specified In the notioe,
the Coamissioner shall, without further notice, remove such hoarding and recover
the expenditure for such removal as an arrear of land revenue.
410-G. Exemptions.-Nothing contained in this Chapter shall apply to any
hoarding on wh~chis exhibited any advertisenlent which relates to,-

(ii) the name of the land or building, upon or over which the hoarding is
erected or to the name of the owner or occupier of such land or building :
Provided that the exemption under this section shall be subject to such size
and nature of the hosrrding as may be prescribed.
410-H. Appeal.-(1) An appeal shall lie to the Standing Committee from aD
order of rehsal to grant or renew a licence or cancelling or suspending a licence
by the Commissioner under this Chapter within thirty days from the date of reoeipt
of the order.
(2) The appeal shall be in such form and in such manner and shall accompany
with such fee, as may be prescribed.
(3) On receipt of such appeal, the Standing Committee may, after making
such inquiry as may be necessary and giving a reasonable opportunity to the
appellant to be heard, pass such orders as it deems fit.


ACT, 1981.
~mcjndrnentor 9. In the Coimb
section 168. &s part referred to a
0 3 for thr: expression "a tax calculated at such rates", :ae e?cpresslon
"a tax caIculated at such rates having regard to the location, size, reach and nature
td the advt?rtisement9' shall be substituted ;
- 4L
CIll v - . C . _ . . -
(b) in the firsr proviso, for the expression "shall not exoeed r u m two
hundred for each advertisement per half-year", the expression "shall not exceed
rupees five hundred per square rnztre per half-year" shall be substituted.
10. After Chapter XI11 of the 1981 Act, the following Chapter shall be iinserted,
namely : -

410-A. Definition.-In this Chapter, "hoarding" means any screen of boards

a t any place whether public or private used or intended to be used for exhibiting
advertisement including the framework or other support, erected, wholly or in part
,.upon or over any land, building, wall or structure, visible to public wholly or
410-B. Prohibition for erection of hoardings.-(1 ) No hoarding shall bc
'-'erected at any place, on or after the 23rd day of July 1998 (hereafter in this
section referred to as the said date), by any person without obtaining a liceace from
4he Commissioner.
(2) Every person who has erected any hoarding without obtaining a licence
and which is in existence immcdiately before the said date shall applv for a licenoe
in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter within thirty days irom the said
410-C. Application for licence .-(1) Every application for licence under
this Ohapter shall be made to the Commissioner in such form, containing
.such particulars and with such fee, as may be prescribed.
(2) The Commissioner may, after local inspection, grant a licence with such
conditions or directions, subject to such rules as may be prescribed.
. . ' *
j (3) The Commissioner may, refuse t o grant licence for reasons to be recorded

+ ,in writing :
ii. .
Provided that a licence shall not be refused unless the applicant bas been given
-an opportunity of making his reprosentation.
(4) Every licence granted under sub-section (2) shall be valid for such perlod
.as may be prescribed and may be renewed from time to time.
410-D. Power to cancel or suspend licence.-(I) Without prejudice to any other
penalty to which the licensee may be liable under this Chapter, the Commissioner
may, at any time, by order in writing, cancel or suspend any licence granted or
-renewed under section 410-C, if,-
(a) such licence has been obtained by fraud, misrepresentation or suppression
h of haaterial particulars; or
(B) tllc iiccnsee liac co.ltravencd any of the provisions of this Chapter or the
rules made thercunder or any of the conditions subject to wh~chth.: licence was
(2) Before cancelling or suspending a licence under sukk-section (I),
the Commissioner shall give the iicensee, an opportunity of making his representa-
. *'.biOn. * '
410-E. Pit~movcrl oJ urlil:ltlzoris~rlhoardirzg.--Aay hoarding erecled without a
licence shsrll be confiscated and removed b y the Commissioner, without giving any
: notice.
410-F.Removal of hoarding in ce!.tnirz other cnscs.-(1) Where any hoarding is
retained after the expiry of the licence or ::rected contrary to the condil ions of licence,
the Commissioner may, by rlotice in writing, requirc tl-lc iiccnsec lo rcmovc such
hoarding within such timc as rnay be prescribed.
(2) Where the hoarding is not removed within the time spe1:ifie.d. m the noticep
%theCommissioner shall, without further notice, remove such hsardlng and resoxrer
-tho expenditure for such removal as an arrear of land revenue.
- lb4 .
------ -
410-G: 8xem~ions.-Nothing contained in this Chapter shall apply to any
hoarding on which is exhibited any advertisement which relates to,-
(I) the trade or business carried on within the land or building, upon or over,
which such hoarding is erected or to any sale or letting of such land or building or
any effectstherein or to any sale, entertanment or meeting, to be held upon or In
such land or building; or
@(ii) the name of the land or building, upon or over which the hoarding is
erected or to the name of the owner or occupier of such land or building:
providd that the exemption under this section shall be subject to such size and
nature of the hoarding as may be prescribed.
410-H. Appeal.--(l) An appeal shall lie to the Standing Committee from an
order of refusal to grant or renew a licence or cancelling or suspending
a licence by the Commissioner under this Chapter within thirty days from the date
of receipt of the order.
(2) The appeal shall be in such form and in suc 1 (manner and shall
accompany with such fee, as may be p r d b e d ,
(3) On receipt of such appeal, the Standing Committee may, afte: making suck
inquiry as may be necessary and giving a reasonable opporlmnity to the appellant
to be heard,$pass
, >'-z* such orders as it deems fit@
410-1. Penalty.-Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this Chapter
or any rule or order made thereunder or obstructs lawful exercise of any power
conferred by or under this Chapter shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to three years or with fine L\IUCL ;-lay e ~ + e nto
d ten thousand
rupees or with both.".

&peal of Tamil
Nadu Act 89 of xepealed.

(By order: of the Governor)

Se Cr?tdrY to Governmcnf,
Law Departm~nt.


TI1c ftlli!v.;l-,l Act. of th: 1' rl-.;l ?.:::dl! Lczi-1r:tii.e ,.',~WI--,! :1 :-cS\
. '
. , ' . .
o l , , ; , 1998 ant1 i . 1!c:-,l-... ; - ~ ~ : l -i .\.l i ' '
_ , i i..l_
nlntion -

AN ACT FURTHE17 '10 l\h$I'XD THE LA\\'S (EL.1IING 1-0Ti ; ' ,: " l C i ? \ L
cORPORATIOKS AKD hIi:K1CIPALlTIES Th l l lE STAIE Cf: T \ ' 1 ; ! ?.:.ADI_'.

. ?. ,
IjE it cnuc:~rlby Ili:: J.r;gi,81a1;~...:As<.<n:h!y of thc .Y:;:t>if Th;;iii .. 1 .
ninth Year of tht: Kcp~.tlicc.i 1:-,dia as follo\:i :--


1 . ( 1 ) 'fhis Act niay bc cc~llcdthc ?alnil S a a ?,Iiinl.lj":: I....> *.; .<! .. < I -
Short title
and comincn- mcnt) Acl, 1998.
(2) It snall be deeined t o have come into forc: on the 1 st dz.y c ~ f0 ~ : u l i sI.)!. .

AMEXDMEPuTS TO TI3E CTIENNAI CITY h I L h i C l F A L C G X F i I ' , + \ ? iLe>y >.c '1: i91L/.

Insertion 2. After Chapter V of the Chennai City 3: inicipal C c r ~ o r a t i c .,'..f 19!5 tlr Tst-,l
of new following Cllaptcr shall be inserted, namcly :- A-i 1
Chapter V A . lr)13.

Tas on profcsbion, frntic, cal1il:g :1nd e ::pl~!.ii?~il.t.

13s-A. D,$jinirioizs.--For the purposes lllis Cl?~;s:cr,--

scrvnnl rcccivinf pS>. TI.u:-I til-. r,:. ,.

( i ) a Govcr~~incnt : . ,- i ]I: ( . , ,
Governlnent or sny State Covernincnt ;

(ii) a pcrsofiin tlic scrvicc ')fa body r l ~ ~ I:-'

~ l 1l 1 ~ I~< . ( L J, 1, , - 1
1 f

owned or colltrollcd by thc Central Govcrnrilcnl or any St,.,,: C;J' . ; : > I , : ~ ~ t, ::! c:. . -1.
~ ~ f1d;:J ~ q7:;'ltcrs :. , '
body operates within the Ccrporelion limit c \ ~ c l ~ t l l oits
outsidr: the Corporation linit ; a n c
-- --- .
--- - -. --.---
-..w---m--. -
(iii) a p m o n cnga2cd in ri!~yc~nplop!n:rll by nil cmploycr, not cov:rcd by
sub-qlauses ( I ) a n d (ii) ;

(b) '' employer " in relation to an employee earning any snlary on a regular
basis under his means, the person or the oficer who is rcrpon5ible for disbursenlent of
such salary and includes the head of the ofice or any establishment ns wcll as tile
Manager or Agent of the employer ;

' ( c ) " lialf-year " shall be from the 1 st day of Apiil to the 30111 dnjr of Scp:clllber
- an: from the 1st dhy of 0ctoL:r to the 31 st day of hlarcll of a ycar ;
( d ) " monih " means a calendar ~llollth;

('e) " person " nicans any pc,son who is engagxi ilclivcly or otherwise in any
-profession, trade, calling or cmploylncnt in thc Slatc oS?allliI N a f h and includcs n Hindu
undivided family, f~rnl,company, corporatioli or other corporate body, any socicty,
c l u b , bo,dy of pcrsons or association, so engaged, but does not il~clude any person
lemployc&oh a casual bdsis ;

( f ) " tax " means the tax on profession, tradc, calling and emplo>ment levied
F under this Chqpter.

138-B.Lcvy of yrqfcss~o~l tees.- ( I ) Thcrc shall bc Icvicd by the Council a tax on

profession, tradc, calling 2nd c~nploymcnt.

(2) Evcry cornprrny which transacts business and every person, who is engaged
actively or otherwise in any profession, trade, calling 01 cmployn~cntwithi11 the c ~ t yon
the first day of the liolS-ycor for which return is filed, shall pay half-yearly tax at the
,sates specified in the Table below in such manner as may be prescribcd :-

Average half-yearly income. Ha lf-year Iy

(2) (3)
r-------.-dA .----- ---7
Fro ~n To ..
RS. Rs. RS.
.. Nil
30,000 60
45,000 150

60,000 XI0
75,000 450
75,001 and above *. Ci10

(3) The rete o f Lax payable LI ndcr sub-section (2) shall be published by the
d~ommissionei.In such nlaaner as may be prescribed.
,(4) Whcre a comnpany or person pprovcs that it or 11c has paid thc sum d ~ on ~ e
accoui~tof the 18 x levied under this Chapter 01. riny tax of tile natulc oC it profes-
sion tax imposed under the Cantonments Act, 1924 for the same half -year to any
localautltority or cai~tonmcntautlzority in the Stale of Tamil Nnclu, s ~ , ccl ~ m p a n y
or person shall not be liable, by reason merely of change of place of business,
exerc?acof pt ofcssion, trade, calling or emplojnicnt , or residence, to p , ~ the
y tax to
an:. other local autl~orityor ca~ltonmcntnutllority.
up) IV-2 EX (7>$:-1A.
( 5 ) The tax leviable from a firm, association or Hindu undivided fa;~17lily
be levied any adult nleillber of the firm, associs,tic.n or fumily.
(6) Whereapcrscjnctoing thesame busincssinthesamenam~lnoneormose
places within the city, the illcome of such b ~ ~ s i i ~in
c sall
s places with~nthe c ~ t yshall
be computed for the purpose of levy of tax and such person shall pay the tax ia
accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
(7) Wbcrc any ccm:)a ny. corporate body, society, firm, bod y of persons i l r
associs tion pays the tax undcr this Chapter, a ny djrcctor, pal tner or msnlber ,as Ihc
case may br, of such company, corporate bc.dy, society. f i m, ~ body of pelson? or
association shalt not be Ii,ibIe t o pay tax undcr this Chaprcr for tllc illcome dcii\ec:
by such director, partner cr member from such ccmp:cn::, corpo~ate body, socict .t..
firm,body of pcrsons or association:
Providcd ~ h a such
t rlirecfor ,p r t n c r o r ~ncnibcr.sll:~~I
bc hlc [ ( I jl:\j
Iii~ l a x nL:<
this Chaptcr for the i n c ~ m ederlved from olhcr ?oul.cts.
(8) Evcry pFson who is liable to pay tax, other ;Jan a pcrsc n cal ning lit: 5
or wage shnll f ~ ~ r n :~osthe
h Commiss;~,..: rcti;rn in such form, for such p c r l ~ d
and within such datc and in sucll nlanllcr ,AS ~ n o ybc p t c s c ~ib:d :
Providrd that si bjerat to the provisions or sub-scctions (10) at!d ( 1 I ) , such p.1-
son'may make a self irssessment on the basis of average half-yearly 111co1iieofthe pic -
vious financial year and the return filed by him shall be accepted without callin$ fibr
the accounts and w i t h c ~ ~any
t inspecficn.

( 9 ) Every su 2h rcttlrn shall scc0n;p:'ny u i t h thc ~ r c ' ~ l.of

f 13: jnient of i i ~ ,
full amount cf tax due according to the leturn and a 1c1ui.n \!lthoui iuch p r c ~ t ' t
payment shnll not be dcemcd to have been dttly filed.

(10) Notwithstanding anything contained in the provi:o to sub-scction t C j ,

the Commissioner may select ten per celrt cf tllc total 1u111berof such :lssesc.acl:r :t*
such manner as may be prescribed for thc ;-uspcse of clctailcd sclutiny jcgn~ti'r::.
the correctness of the ~ t t u r nsubmitted b~ ,: pclsan i n this conncclion and I I I .:, \I

casts final assessmsrlt 3rder sllall bc p ~ cd s i I; :.ccc,: d: ncc c r:h t ht. 1' cvi ' I ( r - ,j
this Chapter.

i. (8) \\itl?i - ' -

(I 1) If no retdr11Is sl~blnittedby an! pi'l son t ~ i d ~svb-scctioi~ I

prescribed pericd or i f the rerurn submitte(l by him appeals to tile Con~.nissio::a r

be incomplete or incorrect, the Cominissio~lcrshall, : ~ f t e~n:lking
~ S L I ~enquii
~I :. .

Ile nzay consider neccssary, assess such person to the best cf his judgn ect :

Provided that before taking zction u~,c!erthis $11l--~cction,tt?c per5011 s l I I~

given a reasonable apportunity of prov ~ ?tllc
return subiliitted by him.
g corrcc't~~r\s c r ccmplet~ne\s< I'.

(1 2) Evcry pcrson wllo is liablc to 11:lytax undc: thi:, ~ectiori,cthcs tl1:in ., ,.:r-
son ,wiling salary or wage -
(a) shall be issued with a .pass boc k contclinit~gsuch <!elails relating 1,) ,L.; .
payment oftaxas may be prescribed and if the pass book is lost or accjdent,lIly
destroyed, the Colnniissioner may, on nn application 11ide by the perion I

accompanied by such f:e as may be Excd by the Ccuncil, isiue ' 0 st~cll pcr\,,n a
duplicate of thc pass boo!", t


(b) shzll bz sllcttec! a pern,anc t;t ;.cccc~:t J?U I 1 cl '&l;ti '>i1clip c r ~3, , i., i

(i) quote such number i n all his retur~ls to, c r correspondc.nc

\\ i':: ;le~
i I
e rall chalans fcr the payment of any sum due under
(ii) quote suck ~ l u n ~ bin
this Chapter.

(1 3) ~ h rate
c cf tax specjfieh under sub-section ( 2 ) sllall be revised by the Coun-
cil once: in every five years and such revisicl? of tax shall be increased not less than
twenty-five per ccnt and not nlore than thirf y-five per cellt of t l ~ etax lcvjed
immediately before thc datc of revision.

Provided tkat if the c~nploycris an clficcr cf the State or Central Govcrnrent,

tho Governlnent ~ n r ~notwiti~~tanCing
)~, any thing ccntaj r,cd ill this Chaptcr, prcscl be
thc manner i n 11 hich st ch cmploycr shnli c".izchzrge t hc said liability.
138-D. Filing of r.~~trtrt,sbjl t rigdo l.c,r..-.( ( ) Et~cscy cnq>loye]. linblc to p;.! tax
irnder this Cllaptcr sl~cllfile a r c t u ~
n !o t 1 C~cmmissicncr,
~ in suc:h forIn, for such
period and by such date as may be prcsc~il-cd,showing thercjn the snlaries patd by
Bjm to the employees and tlic ;lmoul:t of tn~deductcc?hy h;171 jn rcqrcct of ,tic/,
(2) EVCJ y s~;chI cturll ~ l i a l accol::l?::~)~
l wit11 t!x PI cc i cf payn,ent of t!)t full
aniount of tax due accordilig to tF'e rctiu n 2nd n rctt:~1.1 wit1,cut :,ifchyl oc,f 0~ pay-
mcnt sllnll not bc t1ccl:l cc! t o 1 1 ; c~ bzcn
~ (![ l y filcci.

138-E.A s s L s ~ ~ ~ zofL nrhr c 1~7i)lo~'cr.-( I ) The Cun~n:ssicn:r, if satisfied rhat

znyreturn filed by any employcr ~.nder$lib-secticn(1) cf ~ e c t i c n1:'8-D is correct kind
cornplcte, ~11sllaccipt the rclcrl?.

(2) Wjlcrc c,n employer hr~sfailcc: to f lc :ny ~ c t tn, m

~ C c r bist)-scctlc n (1) cf sec-
tion 138-D wifh'n the time 01-ifthe return filcd by hi111appeals to 1 hc Cornmiss c~ner
the Col.nmissicnc;r :hnll, ;.Stel' ma krng such enqL~iry
to be incol-lecl or ~~~rc.rnplete,
a s he connic!ers n~cess:.ry,dclcrn~inetJ~e ta1:c'cc r n J nsscss tlJe ernploycr lo the best
of his juc'gcment 2nd issue n nctlcc of c't m;nc' fcr rhc ?ax sc 3sscs~ec::

Provided that bcfc11c ssscsci~tgllie t:.x c ' ~ c , t11c C L ~mi'

I sic IICT 11i:;lI g i L~ the
cn2ploycr a rc;sc,n:lblc o p p ~ ~ t t ~ ntrfr yb c i ~g hcerd.

138-F. Ptn. 11y and h7ttrtst.-(1) In addi:ion t~ :he :a? assessed ~ : r , i e rsub-
section (11) of scctic n 138-U or sub-sectic n (2) of sccticn 138-E in the c;l~cof sub-
mission of ~ n c ~ r r cor
c t incomplrte rettlrn, the Ccmmissioncr sl~alldirect the person
or employer to pay by way of penalty of one hundrc,d prr cent ofthe iiffercnce of
tllq tax assessed and the tax paid as Fer return:

Provided thzt no ppcnaltyunder this sub-seclicn sllz!l kc impcscd after the period
of three years fi-omthe dale o f t he order of ihc zssessment under this Chapter a ~ d,
unless the person afFectcd has had a reasn~?eble opporft~nit y of showing cr,nse
against such imposition.

(2) On any amount remaini~~gunpald ;:fter t11c drrtcs cllccificd for its paylvent,
the person or cmploycr shall pay, I J I iidditionto t h c :il.rlc,r,nt rltrc, i n t t icst i ~ \t [ I L [ ~
rate not cxcccding one pcr ccl.rt pcr Ii:cnscnj of sucll a~:lc,i~nt for thc cntirc pcriod of
default, as lnay be prcscribcd.

'3. m a
.-y 4 s - , . P ' m-.rrl( *" m,_ - --
-_ Ttr38 __
TAMIL NADU GOVERN:\IEN'r (i.\ / . C ' l i l: i i X I
I -- -- .,'
., ....
,-.A r

(2) Tlie decision o f t hc 'Taxaiiotl 4ppe:ils T: ibu sl SII :Il l i ~f.1

be questioned i n any court of l a w :

Provided that no ~uchdesisionsllhll be rnnc:c c x c ~ y ta r f ~ c2;;i~:g [lie p t ssc n

ait'cctcd a reasonable oypo~.tvniryCI rein2 hz:) cl.
i;. .
: i t l > l I\J~\RY

* , __-

\!. t i 1
-- - .--- .--__


13s-13. rlzi,tio,~~.-?i,)t h i n g conlairltti i 1 this Ch:!pit 1. 1 i . t : ,-I-!)' to-

((:) t he 1 4 , ~ . :bcrs of t hc Armcd Forces o? i hc Unioll t-) i;;;? : i ! ; u ~ y1):;1'1 ('f

>( t . 11:. , t i ?..:
w1lomtllc provir;;ons of 1JlcArmy ,I:
tI1is SL,L,r:,to :,Ilc: , i i i i:,'~.ic. t c . i . IO:;U or.
193i3,t ',I-'. .- ii1:9,
t ]IC Navy Act, 1957 ; I ~ ~ I ~;c s < - ' t : t l ~ r , i1
\ c :
X1.,l7\)f 1920,
:i. t-17 I.,:i Act 62
<\I' 1957.

(c) physicallydisablcd persons s ~ i t 1 1tola' disability :11 onc cs ;lo I; 1I.c IIXI?L!>
o r legs, spastics, totally dulilb or dcaf persons or totally blilld gt:-so~l'-:
Provided that such physical disabili I y sfla1 I b.: duly ccr!i fitd by CI P c.~ilislcscdMedi--
eal Practitioner in the service of the Govcrnmenl not below the ralik oi Civil Surgeon.
138-1. RcpL~al clnd snvi,zgs,-(l) The Tanlil I.laclu Tax on Piofcskio~ls. Trades, Taniil ' k d u
Callings and Enlployments Act, 1992 (hereaftt r in this section rcf~rrcd to ds tho Act 24 of 1992
1992 Act) i n its applicatioll t o the city, is herc by rcpcalcd.
(2) The repeal of the 1992 Act under sub-section ( 1 ) chall not affect ,-- I

(i) the previous operation of the said Act or anythitig clone or tluly suffcrc 1
thereunder ;or
(ii) any right, privileges, obligations or li~bilitics acquired, accr:lcd or ,
incurred under the said Act ; or
(iii) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in rzspcct of any ofict1i:
(3) Notwithstanding the repeal of the 1992 Act, the rates oftnx 011 professions, 4
trades, callings and employments specified in. the Schedule t o the said Act sliall con-
tinue t o apply for the period commencing on tlie 1st day of April 1992 and ending
with the 30t h day of September 1998 for the levy and collect ion of such tax for the
said period, where the tax due under that Act has ndt been paid for the said period.
. (4) The provisions of this Chapcer, otner than the rates of tax specified in sub--
section (2) of section 138-B and the provisions relating to penalty ana Interest,
shall mutatis murcndls apply to the levy ancl collection of tax for the period
mentioned in sub-section (3).
(5) The arrears of tax tinder the 1992 Act shall be paid in six equal half-yearly
insfalments in such manner and within such period as nlay be prescribed. ",

ACT, 1920.
3. ~ f t c : r Chapter V I of the Tamil Nadu Distl.ict
1920,tho following Chapter shall be inserted, namely:--
M~,nicipal,ities Act, 'lamil KadJ
Act V -3f 191b I
-- ----r S h T T_-
'jr G..i;'L-
I I L -
- -- -- _._
7-1: L>;1-T(),cl,ujl\.s
" C1l:rptur-\'I A ,
R X mt j~~*~J.~s~io;z,
t~.,.(/,, c' ( , ;v!I/,,~ , I , ?I:,

124-C. D(fiaJf~n.~.-Forthe pnrpo*cs of i!lts Chapter .-

(it) " C J ~ ~ P I G Y C"C liic~insR person cml,Io).scI on \;ilary 21lJ iilcli,dcs,-
(i) a Govcrnlilcnt servant receiving pny fro~iith.: i<,uclllle of tl,e Cel:raib
Government or any State Government ;
(ii) a rerson i l l the service of body ~ ! i e t ~ ~iniorpomicd
cr or not, ,ilh,cjlis
owned or controlled by the Central Govcrn~nc~lt or any Stiiie G ~ v c r n ~wbcrc,
~ ~ ~ f ,
S J C ~ bods owl'atcs witbin the inonicip,~i iio,il c v ~ n f / l ~ l ~i(,g l]lend311ar[crr
may be oulsidc tlic lnL,nicipaI limit; and

(iii) a Person engaged in any em~loymcntby an e~nployrrnot covcied by

sub-clauses (i) and (ii) ;

(6) "employer" in relation to an ernployec earning any salary on a regular

basis under his means, the person or the oficcr who is responsible for disburse-
ment of such salary and includes the head of the office or any establishment as
well as tllc Manager or Agent of the en~ployer;
(c) "half-year" shall be from the 1 st day of April to thc 30tb ilay of Ssp!embcr
and from thc I at day of October to the 3 1 st day of l a r c h of a ycsr:
I : (d) '(montll " means a calendcr ~nontk;
(i)." p1rs011 " illcans any person who is cng;lg:d actively or otlieinirc in ally
profess~on,trade, calling or employnlent in thc State of Tanlil Nadu and ~ i ~ c l a~ ~ d ~ s
Hjndo undivided fimily, firm, cornpany, corporalioa or other corporate body, aqy
?acipfy, cchb, bodp of persons of association, so engaged, bd Boer dot
~.n,cl~de any person emplbyed on a c9soal basin;
( j ) "lax" ineans t i t a r on r r o t i i i .n, f i , a ! ajvl e o: lo~rl:cnt
,, ul:c:cr this C'l ' a:
levied I
..J $4.~. Levy o.fprofe.rsion ~ L I X , - ( 1 ) There rlall be lel~i:d by t!.e 1fuii;i;lpl

count11 a tan on prdfessi.)n, tiade cnl!ing znd emphymont.

ss and cvcry pcrspn, who is engaged
0fcs'~ion. ,tr;ldc, cnlling or rmp]o)mcr.( within .,rhe
tile half-year for ahich returnis filed. shall, pay half.
in !I? tqblc bClcp in such manner as may b e PPPS- it

& I d < - I l r . ..

Averig- J2cilf-yd~lrly
i~t~-o.~v. !A. U-yL..rIy
lox. ,
(3 1 ,

t '

. .. Nil.
2 ! " Ri. 21.CHI'I Rs. 30,COO Rs. 63
Rs.45,000 Rs. 1 0,

Rs. 60.000 Rs 300

5 :,I!# ~1iR.s:60,001 ' 1 - , Rs.73.000 i
r .

' Rs. 4 5 ~'

.mi: !!: , ,.>>:. i * I

.... b I 1 " lii. ,$@

l pOb~ish'cbbv fki -
(3) The rate ?f tax payable undcr sub-section (2) ~ l l a l be
t y such manner as may be prescribed.
xecutjve a u t h ~ ~ l m

rIrbm m ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ @ s r e p ~ r r * p k ^s ." Ir B
~ un" ~P 'FC* w
a ''
----- I _._-_ _ _ _ _ _ a-
- - -- -- I

(4) Where a company or person proves that it or he has paid tlie sun1 due on C..:lrr,i 1 Act
account of the tax levicd under this Chaptef or any tax of the nature of a I f or 1924.
profession tax imposcd under the Canton~ncnts Act, 1924 for the same
half-year to any local authority or cantonment authority in !he State ofTamil
Nadu such company or person sl~allnot be liable by r e s o n rnercly of change
of place of business, exercise of professio?, trade, calling or employment or residence,
to pay the tax to any other iocal authority or cantonment authority.
(5 T l ~ etax leviablc from a firm, association or Hindu undivided may
he Ievie on any adult member of the firm, assxintion or f~lmilv.

(6) Where a pelson doing the same b~~sincss in the snlne nntne in o~zcor
more places within the municipality, the ino~meof such busincss in all places
within the municipality shall be computed f o ~t1ie parpose of levy of tax and such
person shall pay the tax in acc~rda,~ce
with t l provisi.,ns
~ of this C!I ~ptl::.
(7) Where any company, corporate b 3 J y, socivty. f rm, body of pcnons or
associat~on,pays thc tax under this Chaptc:, any d~rector,partner 0:.m:mbn as
the case may be, of such compaoy, corpolatc bdoy, socitty, firm, body of persons
or association s!lali not be liable to pay tax 111ldcr this Chapte~fol the income
derived by such d i ~ s c t op'tttner
~ or mc~nbsrfioni such co nixmy, co1.p: r :tr body.
society, firm, body of pcrsotls o, a~sociarion.~ :
Provided that such dirzcfor, partner or m;nlbzr s ! ~ ~ lb:l li<tblc.to p : i ~ t:\g
under this Chapter f0.r the iacomt dorivcd from other s o u r c s
(8) Every person who is liablc to pny tar, othei th:i!l a p:rson enrlii 11srt sltl:uy
or wage shallfi!rnish to the executive auih~ritya return i n such form, for snch period
and within such date ~ n din such manner as may be przscribcd:

Provided that subject to the provisiol~of sub-sections (10) and (1 I), such
person may make a szlf-assessment on the basis of average half-yearly lncolne of
the previous financial year and tlie return filed by ilinl sl~allI>: accepted without
calling for the accou,~tsand without any inspection.

(9) Every such return shall accompany with the proof of payn~clltof the fit11
amount of tax due according to the return and a return without such proof of payment
shall not be deemed to have been duly filed.
(10) Notwithstanding anything coc~tainedin tile proviso to sub-section (8),
t b executive authority may select ten per cent of tho total ~iumber of such
assessment in such tloanner as may be prescribed for the purpose of dctailed scrulitly
regarding the correctness of the return submitted by a person in this ~ n n e c t i o na t ~ d
in such cases final assessment order shall be passed it1 accordance wlth provrsloils
of this Chapter.
(I I) if no return is submitted by aey person under sub-section (8) within the
prescribed period or if the return submitted by him appears to the executive
authority to be incomplete or incorrect, the executive authority shall, after making
such enquiry as he may consider necessary assess such persen to the best of
his judgemefit:
Provided tlrat before taking a h o i l under this sub-section, the person shall bc
given a reasonable opportunity of proving the correctness or completc~~ess of any
return submitted by him.
< . Every person who is Iiable to pay tax under this section, othel than a per-
son earning salary or wage -
(a) shall be issued with a pass book containing such details relating to sucll
paytreat Of tax a s may be presclibed and if the pass book is lost or accidentally des-
troyed the executive authoiity may, on an application made by the person accom-
panied by such fea as n,ay be fixed by the ~nunicipalcoui~cil,issae to such pcrsoll
a duplicate of the p a s book
2nd shall-
~ 3 3 3 9

(ii) quote such numSer in all c!lnlans for t ! p:\ym::lt

~ of :l!ly sum due ull:la this

such return silall accompany with tllc proof of payment of t hc f ~ l l l

d&&tldifigtotlrc rct~frnanda rcturn without such proof ofpayment
led t o hare bce n du jy filed.

provided that before assessing the tax due, the executive zut horit g shall give
the employer a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
124-H. Pcnnlt,varzd it~tcrcsf.-(I ) In addition to thc taxasscsscd under sub-section
(11.) bf section 124-D or sub-sektion (2) of section 124-Gin the case of' s u1)mission of
ib;t:bnect or in~orhpletereturn the executive authorilq shall direct the person or.
employet to pay & way of panalty of one hundrsd per cent of t hc djfference
of the tax assessed and the tax paid as per return:

T - -- - _ _ __
_ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - -- -
(2) m ~ decision
e of the Taxation Appeals c~mmitfeeshall be final and 'hsjj
not be questioned in any court of law : dI

Provided that no such decision shall be made except after giving the rCV''''l
affected a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
124-J. Excntp;ions. -Nothing contained in this Chapter shall ~ P O ~ t('--

(a) the members of the Armed Forces of the Union serving in zny part i f Ct n3,;. l A c t
this State to whom the provisions of the Aimy Act, 19% the Air Forcc Act , XZV of 1
1950 or the Navy Act, 1957 applies ;

(b) the members of the Central Reserve Police Force to whom the Cer,t:al cc~:liz{l Act
Reserve Police Force Act, 1949 applies and serving in any part of this Statc; XL'tlE .if 1949.
(c) physically disabled persons with total disability in one or both the hant!.;
or legs, spastics, totally dumb or deaf persons 01 totally blind pelsons :

provided that such physically disability slzall be duly certified by a Registcrcd

Medical Practitior~erin the strvice of the Government not below the rank of s Cit il
Sugeon, I
124-K. Repcal ant7savzng.g.-(1) The Tamil Nadu Tax on Professions, Iradc-s,
Callings and Employments Act, 1992 (Tamil Nadu Act 24 of 1992) ( hereafter in I
this section referred to as the 1992 Act) in its application to the municipality is
hereby repealed.
(2) The repeal of the 1992 Act undel sub-siction (I) shall not affect,-
(i) the previc-*, opetation of the said Act or anything done or duly SU%I c'cf
thereunder ; or 1

(ii) any right, privileges, obligttions or liabilities acquiced, accrued or

incurred under the said Act; or
(iii) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of ;ny
offence committed.
(3) Notwithstanding the repal of the 1992 Act, the rates of tax on professiollq
trades, callings :tnd employments specified in the Schedule to the soid Act shall
continue to apply for the eriod commencing on the 1st day of April I992 and
ending with the 30th day o September 1998 for the levy and collection of such tax
for the said period where the tax due under that Act has not been paid for tbe said
period. )j

(4) The provisions of this Chapter other than the rates of tax specified in
sub-section (2) of sectiori 124-Dand the provisions relating to penalty and interest
shall inutatis murandis appb to the levy and collection of tax for the period
mentioned in sub-section (3).
(5) The anears of tax under the I992 Act shall be paid in six equal half-yearly
instalments in such manner an3 withi~~such pericbd as may be prescribed.

.4CT, 1971.

Losertion of 4. After Chapter V of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971. Tnmll
n w Chapter the following Chapter shall be inser.ed, namely ;- Act
V-A 1971


." Chapter-V-A
A' i
.T&' on ~fofession;trodPItailing lirzd w2plo)lmnv.

6 ) a Government scrva~ltreceiving pa)- froln the rrvcnuc of tllc central

Government or a n y Statc Covn.nmcnt ;
( i i ) a prson i l l tile service of a bcdy a h c t ] e r iil(-Gr-pcratcdor
whic11 is owned r r colltrollcd by the Cctitral G o \ ~ e r n ~ ~<,r l ~any
n t Slae G ~ , , ~ ~ ~ -
l e n t , where such bodv 0Pe,,t, witlin tlu Corporation lintit 'vcnth9ugh ib
headquarter9 ]nay be outsldr the Corporaticn limit ; and

(iii) a prsOJ1 enwgcd In any e~~~nlorii;ent

by an elni-,:oy;r, covered by
sub-clauses (i) and (ii) ;

(c) "half-year" shall be from the 1 st day of April to th: 30t11 day of
September and from the I st day of October to t hc 31 ct dnlr of March of a

( d ) "month" nicans a calendar month ;

(2) Every company which transact bi~sinessand every person, ~vhois engaged
activrly or otherwise in any profession, trade, calling or employlncnt witbin the
#cityon the first day of the half-year for which return is filed, allall pay half-yearly
:tax at the rates specifies in the Table below in such manlier as may be prescribed :-

A verilge ArilJ-p carb, incongc. Ntr4-ycrrrly t ~ ? x .

Fm--dA--- 7 (3)
From To
Rs. Rs. Rs.
1 Upto Rs. 21,000 .. Nil
2 21,001 30,000 60
45,000 150
60,000 300
75,000 450
6 75,001 and above . ... 600
(3) he rate of tan payable under sub-section (2) shrll be published by
ths Cornmissloner in such manner as inay be prescri bzd.
up) IV-2 EX.(758)-2A.
- ..w.

RB .R ~ m n r k ~ u m B k 8 ~ A ~ " " ' mn - A W - R.

; i i t i K L ; l ~ * r \I'\-.
-- - -- -.-- -

(41 U'Ecre a ccn yar:j or pcrhcn proves that it or he has paid the s u n , +tic
' cn acccuct cjf t1.e t2x l~vicdu,nder this Chaptcr or any tax of the nature OF a
prcfession tax impcscd i,nc'.er ?lie Cantcnn;enls Act, 19% fcr the Lame half-y ct
to any local zutholity cr cantcmrent eutbolity in the State cf Tamll Kzdu, L: i l ! Cr-ijtr:,l Act
company or perso11 st1.tll nct bc: liable by reascn merely of. change ;e cf piece ( : 11 c f 1924.
business, exercise cf ,rcf;.szicn, tr&c!r. callicg r r cn p l ~ ? ~ c f i tcr. rcfidxnce: 1 4 -
pay the tax to any otht:r lccal Rt~thcrityor cat1f21in;c1lta~~thority.

(5) The tax lcviable from a firm,asscciatjon or Hindu undi\ii.fd f ~ n . i l rr ; >

be levied on any adult member cf tlie fir~n,~"~ssociiition
or family.

(6) Where a pcrscn dcing the same- huziness in the sam~enanie in or,e or 3?:c.rc
pla&s within the city, the inconie of such business in all placcs within the ctcy
shall be ccmputcd for the purpose of levy of tax and such person shall pay tht f : ? x
in accordance with the provisicns cf this Chapter.

(7) Wliere any colxpany, a ccrporate bcGy. society, fiim, bcdy cf perain\
or association pays the tax under this, C+pccr, any director, partner or n;cr~.txr,
as the case may be, cf such ccnlpany, corporLte bccry, society, fii m, bcdy c;f prscnb
or nsscciation shall nct be li~blcto pay tax ~.nc!er this Chapter for the inccme
derived by such director, partner or mcrnber from scch company, ccrporate b c d j ,
society, fiin~,bcdy caf pcrsons cr asscciaticn :

Provided that s ~ c Cirector:

h p l n c r r r r, en.ber qha!l be IiatZ1ctc pay tcx iinc'.cr
this Chapter for the incrmc derivcd frcnl c t i i ~ r sources.

(8) Every pcrFon \tho is liable to yc?yt.;x, ct1:c:. th?n c, pc; LL 11 eel n:~:g >,I; I 3
or r\r\lageshdl furnish to the Ccnwishicner a rtturn in s ~ c fcrm, h fcr such pc: ic ii
and within such date and in such n-.anner as n:ng be presciibcd :

Providcd tllat subject to the p~ovi<ic 1)s c T t~cb-iccic 11s (10) ~ l ; d( I I). I (11
plerson may make a ~.elf-;is~essn-~er,tc n the basis cf avel Pge half-1c:r ly incc I; t. t t
tho yrcviou? financial yc,:ar ai7d the l e t i r : ~f i l c d t y hini \ha11 bc 2 c c ~ p t ~nd! : l i t t a
r accouzts a d v,it!~cl.t zny ~n.pcc:icn.
calling f ~ the

(9) Every such rcttlrn ~hzll~acccnpnn!~ \\it11 tke prccf c f ~?~y~:,cn:

( 1' '1,
fill1 amcunt cf tax dcc acccrding to the r e t ~ r n2nd a return withc~t crck prcr ' r :
payment shall nct bc dccjned to have becn dilly filcci.

(10) Notwithstandtng anything cc ntain-d i 11 thc p: cvisc tc C L , ~ - S L C ~11~ C(b), the

Commissio~lcrnlay select ten per ccnt cf t t e tctal rrun.ker c f such a::es$n en1 il-
such manner as nlay be p ~ e s c r l h dfcr the p.urpc:c c l dctailcd sc~ctiny ~c-gaic.znp
the cor~ec-tnc~s cf tl;e l e t ~ ~xkr.-.itt(d
in by a Iiciscn i n ihis ccnnc,clicJI acd in SL ~ ; i
czscs final assc:sn,cnt cider :hall be paczcd in cccc~c'ancewiLhtlle p~cvirlcrqc l
this Cl?apter.

t ~ any
(I :) t t ' III; !-et,rn is S I b ~ ~ : t I:y d pc ~ s c nL 11c:cr $1b-:eci;cn (P) \\\.;tl~jn
ir t
piescribed 1x:icd or if the leturn $ul.mittcd by kin: appears to the C~n~niissic 11~s-
t o be incomplete or incorrect, the ccrm's:~crcr !1.?1I. eitcr ~r,:l;irp si!ch CI q: ; I '
as he ~nitvcon~idcrr,eccssery, a:sc?s ~ u c h :t-~<cnt c rbe k t s t ci' 1-~l\ j~c:grr ert :

Prcvickd tiiat bb.:f~tc iah;l;g nctl., n ~ c i ' . t1 ti,,' >L l;-:cct;c I?, t1.c I cl:c n . ,,
bo givsn areescnnhle cppcrtcr.'t~ c f p ~ c \ i t - _t!.c c c ( : I c L ~ ~ ( : c: i ccl-;-!ctcl.,\. *

any rct:irn s1113:1;iilc(! by him,

(12) E\'>ry perscii v>Ix is !I?.b!c t c ;?:Y l2u t : r t - I c thm :' .$

a person earning salary cr wage,-

(a) shall beiss,icd \kith a pass bcck c c n ' a ; n i ~ ? gclidt,:;:rb

\~ rt!ating t c . L , \ I ,
paylnent of tax as may 5c presciibed acd 1 - tl?c p a s bock i h i ~ s or t accidenl.,Iik
destroyed, tllc Con-missicnex n:ay, on :.n appliczticn made by the n
accorupa.anied by ~ u c hfee as n:ay be &xed b. the Co~~ncil, iss~:i, f o such prrscD ,:
dupljcate of t lic pa$? bnc; k ,
(h) slzall bc alli.,:tcd n p.21mail:iit accju lit l~un,'xr an3 sti ell 9:rson shs Is,-

(i) q:rcfc S L ~ C I I n~:.;lbir In :![ his :e!crns to, ci cc ncspcnc'.ci;cc wit]\, tiLe

(ii) qcr(:,le S I ~ C I ~n~lmbcr i n r:Il cl?alanclf, r !kc pa j.1: cnL (,f iiny SUII; ('t'e
u ndcr this Chapter.
(13) The rate cf tax specified ~tildcrsub-sectit n (2) shall 'be revised by tile
Council once in eve1y five ycnrs and such rcvisic n of la s sli~.llbe incrc;*sed nc t icsj
than twenty-five pcr ccnt a!ld nct more t ha11iliiity-fibc pcr c c ~ ~t 1 t 'lie tax Ici .cd
iminediately hefcxc ~ I I C d ~ i c~f r c ~' \;I'C. E .
169-C. Lng~loq'trs lirrbilitj lo clc>clzlctcirzdpcy ttrx on bcluJj oj rke t7nlploy~,s.-
Tfie tax?payable by ,any person earning a salat y ( r wcgc sl~hllbe deductec' by'his
employkr f r c h the kalaiy pnyzble tc; such pcrsan, befcr e s ~ c 1 s1a l e q cr v:cge is pilci
to him in sncl~n:annei as nAnybc presaib( d and scch ejilplc ycr s h ~ l lirrespective
of whethcr such dcdcctjcn 1 as bccn made c ~ r~ c wl;en t the salary cr wnse i? paid
to such prrson, br: liable to ppy tax o n lwheif of such person :
Provided that if the cmploqcr is a n oflccr of the Statc or Central Goverlz~ncnt,tl,c
Governnlent may,notwithstanding anything contained ill tliis Chapter, prescribe the
manncr'in which such cmployer sllnll discharge thc said liability. . .
169-D. Fili~lg of rt trrrns I?y rr?zployer.-.(l) Evcry cmployer liahle to pny tax
undqr this Cllaptcr shall file a return to the Commissioner, in such form, for such
period a11d by su -.I1 rate as may he prescribed, showing therein tho salaries paid
by him t o the emp1o:'ees 2nd thc dmount of tax dcductcd by him in respect of
such employee:. .
(2) Every such return si~allaccompany.with tlic proof of payment of the full
aaaum of tag due according t o the return and a rcturn without such proof of.pay-
merit s b l l not be deemed t o have been duly filed.
16f,E. Assr,~s:n.at, o j t l r p o m p l o ~ ~ ~ r . - ( iThe
) commissioner^ is satisfied ;hat
any' r turii flled by any employer undcr sub-scction ( 1 ) of section 169-D.is correct
and complete, shall accept the return.
42) Where a n cn~ployerhas failed to file any r c t ~ ~ under
rn sub-scction ( I ) of
secti%d169-D within the time or if the return filed by him appears to the Cori~mis-.
sioner t o be incorrect or incomplete, the Con~lnissionershall, after making such
enq$ry as he considers ncccssary, f determine the t a s due and asspss t hc employer
to the best of his judgement and issuc a notice of tlen~andfor the tax so ;:l;rcsscd :
provided that before 6.isessing the tax due, the Colnl.ril~~ioner
shall give the
emplbyei a rensonablc ,opportunity of being Iliard.
169-F. Pcnc,lty c.11tl i r t t ~r : s ~ . - (I ) In addition to I h!: tax nsscssell under. sub
section (11 ) of section 169-B or sub-section (2) ofisection 169-E in the case of sub-
lnissiop of incorrfct or ihcomplete return, thc Comltiissioncr shall direct the person
or en~plpjrerto,pajr by way of perlaity of one 11unG.cci pcr ccnt of the difference~ofthe
tax. ~ssesseiland tIk tax paid as pel- rcturn : * . . A

Provided that no penalty under this sub-section sl.la:l bc imposed aftwthe period
of tprea~8hrS from the date of the; brdkr of thc assessment under this Cliaptcr and
unless the person affected hhs hacl a reasonable opporttinity of showi~qcausc agslnct
such imposition.
(2) On any amount rem,zining unpaid afterrthe dates specified for its payment
the person or employer shall pay, in addition to the amount duc, irltcrcst at srrch
rate not, $;feeding one pFr cent pcr mensen! o f sucb amount for t h o entire perihd ot
deftidit', as'mafr be prcscribecl.

I 169-G. Appeci1.-- (1 ) Any person or employer aggricvcd by any ordcr or dccisioll

of the Commissioner in relation to thc payment of tax (including penally, fce and
interest) may,within such ti17:c :ts may be pr~sciibctl,appcai to the 'l'axz!ion Appeals
(2) The decision of the 'laxation Appe:ll. Tribunal sll;~llh< ! i 1 1 : ~ land sliall not
be qgastioncd in any court of law:

Provided that no sfich dccision shall be ~ r a d eexcept aftcr y l i l n g thc perbon

affected a. reasonable opportitnity of b5ng 11: tril.

(a) the men~bersof the Armed Forces 0 7 tllz Union serving in any part ol ( .I , ; [ LI I Ac:
this State, to wlrom the provisions of theArnly,ict, 1950, the Air Force Act, 1950 XLVI of 1950.
I ar the Navy Act, 1957 applies : ('cnlr,ll Act
XLV of 1950.
Central Act
62 of 1957.
( b ) the members of the Central Rescr~~c
Policc Force !o 11~110m111: Ccntral Cciltral ,Act
Reserve Police. Force Act, 1949 applies and sxving in any part of this State ; XLVI of 1949.

(r.) physically disabled persons with total Jisnbility in one or both the liands or
legs, upttstics, totally dumb or deaf persons or totally blind persons :
... ,
Provided t h t SIJC?I A ~ ' - ~' J -
ph:ijicoI disability jlrl! 52 d.:!:' :rr:.:,e:. . 5; r R .=I>&-'cL
; r !$.: ,.;r~;*;i-9f:,'v3 G~'.::T.,Y::: x;: a:': i : E - r l r . k a f ,
f,';';/ % # J ~ K ' Y , ,;

169.1, HI.,, l n d . F L I V ~ K K ; .--(I) The Tam11'iadu Tar o n Pru!;:s,ions, Trades. T

: - ' .LJJ .4.;
C!all~n(f<and Employments Act. 1992 (hereafter i n this scction rcfcrrcd to as the 199.2 2.1 of 1992.
Act), in its application to th: City, is hereby repealed.
1 (2) TIErcpcnl of thc 1992 Act undcr sub-s:ction ( I ) 511:111 not :ifF:it, -
(i) the previo~tsoperation of t h ~said Act or anything done or duly j t ~ f f ~ r o ~ l
thereunder ;or
(ii) any right, privilegzs, obligations or liabilities acquired, accrucd or
incurred under the said Act ;or

(iii) any pcnalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any oR'nce

(3) Notwithstanding the ~ e p e aof
l the 1992 Act,the rates of tax on professions,
trades, callings and employments specified in the Schedule to the said Act shall
continue to apply for the period commencing on the 1st day of April 1992 and
endil\g with the 30th day of September 1998 for the levy and collection of such tax
fot the said period where the tax due under that Act has not been paid for the said

(4) The provisions of this Chapter, other than the rales of tax specitied in sub-
i sectigfi (2) of section 169-B and the provisions relating to penalty and interest, shall
ml,tutis nr utcrndis apply to the levy and colleclion of tax for the period mentioned in
sub-section (3).

(2) The arrears of tax under the 1992 Act shall be paid in six equal half yearly
instahtents in such manner and within such per id as may be prescribed .".


ACT, 198 1.
5. AfteriChapter V of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corgoratlon Act, 1981, Tamil Nadu
the following Chapter shal! be inserted, namely :-

- - . --
- -
- - ~ - ~ - - w . .


I - -'*4

cr Chapter -V-A .
3 ,

Tax on profession, trade. calling and employment.

. . 169-A. DrJinitions.-For the purposes of this Chapter,- ,, b.

. .
(a) 'tmployce" means a person employed on salary and includes,-
(i) a Government servant receiving pay from the revenue of the Central
Government or any State Government :

(ii) a Person in the service of a body whether incorporated or not, which

,is owned or controlled by the Central Government or any State Government, when
such body operates within the Corporation limit even though its headquarters may
be outslde tile Ccrporation limit; and
(iii) a person engaged in any employn~entby an employer, not cov6rcd by
sub:clauses (i) and (ii);
rr employer " in relation to an employee earning any salary on a r e a l a r
basis un er his mcans, the person or the officers who is lesponsible for disbnne-
ment of such salary and includes the head of the office or any establishment as well
as the Manager or Agent of the employer ;
$ .

9 . 1

(0) half-year " shall be from the 1st day of April to the 30th day of Septem-
ber and from the I st day of October to the 31st day of March of a jear ;
(d) " month "means a calender month ; . -
.. .
(e) "person " means any person who is engaged actively or otherwise in any
profession, trade, calling or employment in the State of Tamil Nadu and includes
a Hindu undivided family, firm, company. corporation or other corporate body,
any society, club, body of persons or association, so engaged., but docs not include
any person employed on a casual basis;

(f). " tax " IneaIls the tax on p:ofcssion, trade, calling and employment levied
under thls Chapter.
169-B.LEVYqfprojession tux.-(I) There shall be levied by the Council a tan on
profession, trade, calling and employment.
(2) Every company which transacts business nna every person, who is engaged
actively or otherwise in any profession, trade, calling 01 emy,loyn~ent within the
city on the first day of !he half-year for which retu~nis flled, shall pay half-yearly
tax at the rates speclficd in the Table below in such manner as ]nay be prescribed.:-
Serial number. Average half yearly incoll~e. I-Tulf -yehrEy '
tax. .
(1) (2) (3)
r - A----- T
From To f

1. Upto Rs. 21,000 .. . . Nil

2. Rs. 21,001 Rs. 30,000 Rs. 60
3. Rs. 30,001 Rs. 45,000 Rs. 150
4. Rs, 45,001 Rs. 60,000 Rs. 300
5. Rs. 60,001 Rs. 75,000 Rs. 450
6. Rs. 75,001 and above .. Rs.600
(3) he rates of tax payable under sub-section (2) slinll t e FI tl::I:cd by ihe
' Commsslona in such manner as mny bc. prescribed.
--- --- -. --
-- - - - - - - -- \..,.- -
-. - -- - --.
-- - -
(4) Whcre a company or pcrson proves that it or i e has paid the SLIM c l ~ ~on e
acc0up.t of the tax levicd undcr this Chaptcr or ar.y tax of th: nature. of a pro--
fession tax i l n p o ~ dundcr the C:tntonments Act, 1924 fdr thc snn~chalf-ycar 1,) any Zcntr 11 Act
. local authority or cdntonment authority in the State of Tamil Nad u such conipan) or I 1 c ll'24,
person shall not be liable by reason mcrely of ckangc of plnw of business, exercisc
of profession, trade, calling or en~ploymcntor rc~icicncc,to pay t hc tax to any vtllcr
local authority or cantoninent ailthority.
(5) Thc tax leviable from a finn. association or Hilldu undivided frllnily luny >>
levied on any adult member of the firm, association 01- family.
(6) Wlrere a person doin:: the same business in tlie same namc in one or more
places wfihin the city the income of such business in all places within the city shall
be computed for the purpose of levy of tax and sucll person shall pay the tax ill
arcatdsnce with tllc provisicv s of this Chaptcr.
(7) Wllcrc any company, corporate body, society, firin, hoJy of persons or
association pays the tax under this Chapter any director, partncr or mcmkr, as
the case nlay be, of such company, corporate body, society, firm, body of pcrsons or
association shall not be liable to pr:y tex under this Cliapter for the iiicolne derived
by. sucl~director, partner or member froin such cor:lpany, corporate body, society,
firm, body of pcrsons or asscciltiuns :
Provided that such director, aartner or member shall bc liable to pay tau uilder
this Chapter for the income der~vec!ficm olher so~;l.ccs.

(8) Every person who is liable to pay tax, other than a person earning salary
or wage s h ~ l lfurnish to the Commissioner a return i n slich form, for such puiVd
acid within sucll date sad in suck m?nner as m?y b3 prescribed:

Provided that subject to the provisiofis c f sub- secficrs (16) and ( ! !) s1:ch pcr Fen
may make a self-assessine~lton thc basis of avzrege h if-yearly inrcmc of the previous
fina~lciaiyeav and the return filec! by hin1 shnll b: acceptcc' witbcnut cnllirg for the
aczcunts and without my inspection.

( 9 ) Every sucll return shall accom2sny with tile proof of pliymcnt of tlic full
c::wirrit of tax due according to the return anc a return with,ut such prol ~f of P'rY-
1.1:~it sizall not be deenlcd to hilvc b x n c!uly filed.

f 10) Notwithstanding anythi~q! containec! in 'he proviso to sub- seer iun (s),
the C~mmissione~ may selec. ten per CQzt of the tottl nl.nloer of aucb ncscssnlcnt ill
such manner as may be prescribed for the purpose o f detailed scrutiny reg:i!ding the
correctness of the return submitted by a erson in this connection and suc]l cases
fiad asscssrncd ordsr sh,il b: p:rssc8in accard8nce with the p r c v i ~ i oof~ tllia~

(1 1) J f no retvrn is stlblnitted by any person under sub-section (E) wi!kill t llc

prescribed peri~c!or if the return submitted by hi111 2.ppears to the C o m m ~ i s s i ~ ~ ~ r
to be incomplete or inccrrect, the Conunissior,er shell, after making such encluiry
as he may collsider t;ecessPry, t ~ ~ s esuch
s s person to tllc bdst c f his judgcmellt ;
Provided that before taking action undcr this sub-section the pc1sc.11 sllnlI
given a reasonable opportunity of provina the correctness or complcte~~css ul' any
return submitted by him.

(12) Every persoti who is liable to pay tax u~idcr this section, other tlrnn a
pcrson earning salary or wage,-
(a) shall be issued with a pass book corltain~ngsuch details ~-clatin~to slicll
payitlent of tzx as may be prescribed and if the pa,s boolc is lost or
destroyed the Comniissioner n a y on an application made by thc person acconl-
psrlied by such fee as may bs fixed by thc Counci1,i~,uc to such p:rson ;I dlr~lic:ltc
t f i t p a s book.
-- -
(b) shall be allotted a permment ~ ~ c o u number
nt and such 1,erson sllall-

(i) quote Such number in all his returlls to, or cdl.resp3nde11ce with, the
Conm iss~otler;
(ii) quote such nur.lbcr in all c!lel:rns for the P ~ ~ I I I Cof'
I Zany
~ sirm due
UIV~PI. this Chapter.
( 1 3) The r ~ i eof tax sp-ci!ied rnder sub-sec:ion (3) sll:!lI be rcvisctl by tile
Councii o:lce in evcry five years and such revision of ta: slloll bz in:reased not loss
than twznty-five pzr ccfit an(! not more than thirty-five per C!:II~ o f t h e lax Icvicd
immedia~!ely bcfure the d d e of revision.
169-C.Eitzploy:r's Ei~bilityto de(1itct ntiJ pay tax or1 b2t1:llf oj the cnzl~1oyees.-
The tax payable by any p m o n earning a salary or wage shall be deducted by llis
employer from the salary payable to sucl~person, before such salary or wage is paid
t o him in such manner as may be prescribed and such employ-r sllall irrespective
of whether such seduction has bcen made or not when the salary or wage is ~ n i d
t o such pPrs,jn, be liable to pay tzx on behalf of such person : i

Provided that if the employer is an officer of the State or C ntral Government,
the Government may. notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, pres-
cribe the manner in which si~chemployer shall discharge the sai liability,
169-D.Filir~go j rcJtur,ls by ~rn~t~lo~,~r.-.(l)

Evcry employer liable to pay tax
under tllisClla~tershall file a return to the Commissioner, in uch fbrm for such
period and by srlch date as may be prescribed, showing therein t e salaries paid by
him to the enlployees and the alnwnt of tax deducted by him in respect of such
(2) Evcry such return shall accompany with the proof of pxyment of the full
amount oftaxdue according to the return and a retul n witllovt such proof of poyrncnt
shall not be deemed to h ~ v ebeen duly filed.
169-E,Assc.ssmrnt o/ the crrq>Ioycr.--(I)The Con~alissioncr,if satisfied illat any
rcturn filed by any employer under sub-sectiol~(1) of scclion IG9-D is correct
and conlplete, shall accept thc rcturn.
(2) Where an enlployer has failed to file any return under sub--section (I) of
section 169-D within the time or if the return filcd by him aDpears to the Comm~s-
sioner to be inccrrect or incomplete, the Comrrissioner sllall, after making such
enquiry as he considers necesspry, determine the tax due and assess the enlployes
'to the best of his judgement and issue a nctice ofdemlnd for the tan so assessed :
Provided that before assessing the tax due, the Commissioner shall give the
employer a reaso~lableopportunity of being heard.
169-E Pcmllty nlid irzter~pst.--.(I)In addition tc the tax assessed under suF-
section (1 1) of section 169-Bor sub-section(2) cf section 169-E. ~nthe case of subinls-
%ionof incorrect or incotnplele retutn, the Commissioner shall direct the person or
employer to pay by way ot' ~ e n ~ loft yone hundred per cent of the ddtfference of the
tax assessed and the tar pzid as per return :
Provided that no pen;,lty under this sub- section shall be imyosed after the
period of tl~reeyears from the date of the crder of the assessment undel t h ~ Chapter
and unless the person affected has had a reasonable oppartunity of showing c a m
against sur11 impositicn.
(2) On any amount rclnaini1.g unpaid after the dates specified for its p a y ~ l ~ e l ~ t
the person or emplcyer shzll pay i n addition to the amount due, interest at Such
rate not exceeding one per cent pel nxensem of such amount for tile entire period of
default, as may be prescribed. ,
169-G.Appza1.-.(I) Any Nrson or employer aggrieved by any order or decision
of the Cornmtssioner in relation to the payn~cntof tax (including penally, fee and
interest) may, withip such time as may bc prescribed, appeal to tile Taxation Appeals
Tri by ad.
. . - -
- ~ 9
- - - --- - - _
~ ~ -
- .=.-.U-C - - .
(2) Ths decihioil of t l ~ sTaxation Appeals TAibun.11 sha!' bc fi11~:l ;\nci ;:la11
not bc qdeqti~ncilin any court of law :
Provided that no such :!ecisicn shall be made cxcept after givi~~g
Lilt pcl.cn
affcctcd a rcnsonablo ~p?.~rtr!nitjof ot'itrg head.
'. 169-H. E x . ~ i ~ , ~ t i o n s . - N s t ! ~cor,t;ijned
i~~g in this Chapter sI::!11 ;,!,pl;. t:,-

(a) t
h meinbers
~ of tjlc Armed Forces of th,; Union scrbirg :n ,I 1 ) ;k!*: , f
L c 11[i.
this Stattc, to wlzom the provisions of the Ar~nyAct, 1950, the Air F I c~ l?Lt i i i ( l XLI: of I:/:\.
or t t ~Navy Act, 1957 appli~5;

I (b) the members of t!le Central Reserve Police Fcrcc to whom (1.1: ('r;lt::~l Ccnlrdl A.1
Reserve Poljc<: Force Act, 1949 applies and serving i n any p:l:t cf t \ i : $ ~ L 194'~
! ~ ~
State ;
(c) physically disabled persons wit11 total disability in cne or bcth thc hands
or legs, spastics, totally dumb or dcaf persons or totally blind pelscn5 :
Provided that such p!lysical disability shall he duly certified by a Registered
Medical Practitioner in the scrvicc of the Gcvern~x n t nct belcw the rnrlh c f a Cikll
169-1. R?pcnIand Sri~i~lgs.-<(I) The Tamil Ncdu Tax c 11 Pr~fca.ion.,, 'fl z i e ~ , Tdr~ilNa;i'~AS
Callings and Ernploynients Act, 1992 ( h ~witcr l In tliis s c ~I'L n rcfcz I ecl 24 c ? i 1992.
to as the 1993 Act), in its ap2lication to the Cify, is hcrcby rt.pt.nl..ti.
(2) The repeal of the 1992 Act t~ndersu:-scc?itin ( I ) sllall 11ct rllcct.-
(i) the p. 4ous cpcration of t!~esaid Act or anything d:.n- cr i ~ . l * ;
suffert .: Lhereunder; or
(ii) any right, piivihges, obligations cl Iizb!ltti s acq::iicc i i c ~ r u c d ;:
incurred under the said Act; or
(iij) any penalty, forfeiLirre or punjslu..ent incl:rrcd in rc\pcct cf ail)
offence committed.
(3) Notwithstanding the repeal of the 1992 , k t , t11c rates cf tax OII pi^ fec:icn~,
trades, callings and cnl~iloyments specj5cd in h e Schcdulc to the said Act s!~all
continue to apply for the period commencingon the 1st day cf Apil1992 and ending
with the 30th day of September 1998 for the levy and collzcticn cf such tax for t 1s
said p r i o d whcre the tax duc under that Act has not k e n paid fcr the said l~erird.
(1) Thu provisions of this Chapter, cthei thnn the rates cf tax specified i n
sub-section (2) of section 169-B and the pprovisicns relating to penalty and interest,
slull mutatis mutandis apply to thz levy and ccllection of tax for the per i:;d
mentioned in sub-section (3).
( 5 ) The arrears of tau under the 1992 Act shall be paid in 5i.u equal haif-
JM~V inrtallnnnts in S U L ~manner and v:ithjn s'ich pcsicd as jliay L3 picscrifxd.'',

(By order of the Governor.)

Secretary to Government, Law Departmen'

- . . ---
- -
Aavani 25, Vikkrama, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-203 1

I Part IV-Section
Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly receiked tlie assent of the
President on the 5th September 2000 and is hereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 26 OF 2000.

An Act further to amend the Laws relating to the Municipal Co~porations

andMunicipalities in the State of Tamil Nadu.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-first Year
of the Republic of India as follows:-


1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2000. Short title and

I appoint.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification,

(DTP)IV-2 EX. (629)-1




Insertion of 2. After section 326-1 of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, the
new section following section shall be inserted, namely:-
of erection of certain hoardings.-Notwithstanding a n y h n g
other law for the time being in force, or in any judgment,
or other authority,-

( a ) (i) here any hoarding (other than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the
traffic on the ro7d is hazardous and disturbance to the safe traffic movement, so as to
adversely affect free and safe flow of traffic and which is in existence immediately before
the date of the commencement of the Tam11 Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act,
2000 (herealier 111 t h ~ sectlor1
s referred to as the amendment Act), the Commissioner shall,
by notice in writlng, require the licensee or any person in possession, of such hoarding,
to remove such hoarding within such time as may be specified in the notice:

Procided that such time shall not exceed fifteen days from the date of issue of such

(ii) where the hoarding referred to in sub-clause (i) is not removed within the
time specified in the notice, the Commissioner shall, without hrther notice, remove such
hoarding and recover the expenditure for such removal as an arrear of land revenue;

(b) (i) where the Commissioner is satisfied that the erection of any hoarding (other
than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the traffic on the road is hazardous and disturbanct
to the safe traffic movement so as to adversely affect free and safe flow of traffic, he shall not
grant any lic.:nce under section 326-C and no such hoarding shall be erected, on and from the
date of the commencement of the amendment Act by any person;

(ii) where any hoarding is erected in contravention of sub-clause (i), it shall be

confiscated and removed by the Commissioner without any notice.".


ACT, 1920.
Insertion of 3. After section 285-1 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920, the following
new section section shall be inserted, namely:-
"285-5. Prohibition of erection of certain hoardings.-Notwithstanding anything
conklined in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force, or in anyjudgment, decree
or order of any court, tribunal or other authority,-

(a) (i) where any hoarding (other than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the trafic
on the road is hazardous and disturbance to the safe traffic movement, so as to adversely affect
free and safe flow of trafic and which is in existence immediately before the date of the
commencement of the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2000 (hereafter in this
section referred to as the amendment Act), the executive authority shall, by notice in writing,
require the I'censee or any person in possession, of such hoarding, to remove such hoarding
within such time as may be specified in the notice:
' I

Provided that such time shall not exceed fifteen days from the date of'issuc: of such notice;

(ii) where the hoarding referred to in sub-clause (i) is not removed within the
time specified in the notice, the executive authority shall, without further notice, remove such
hoarding and recover the expenditure for such removal as an arrear of land revenue;

(b) (i) where the executive authority is satisfied that the ereqtion of any hoarding
(other than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the traffic on the road i!, hazardous aqd

disturbance to the safe traffic movement so as to adversely affect free a d safe flow of tra'ific,
he shall not grant any licence under section 285-C and no such hoardin shall be erected, on
and from the date of the commencement of the amendment Act by an person;

(ii) where any hoarding is erected in contravention of su -clause (i), it sh;fllbe

confiscated and removed by the executive authority without any notic .".



ACT, 1971.

4. After section 4 10-1 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971, the following Insertion ofnew
Act 15 of section shall be inserted, namely:- section 410-J.

"410-5. Prohibition of erection of certain hoardings.-Notwithstanding anything

contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force, or in any judgment, decree
or order of any court, tribunal or other authority,-
( a ) (i) where any hoarding (other than trafficsign and road sign) visible to the traffic
on the road is hazardous and disturbance to the safe traffic movement, so as to adversely affect
free and safe flow of traffic and which is in existence immediately before the date of the
commencement of the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2000 (hereafter in this
section referred to as the amendmentAct), the Commissioner shall, by notice in writing, require
the licensee or any person in possession, of such hoarding, to remove such hoarding within such
time as may be specified in the notice: I

Provided that such time shall not exceed fifteen days fiom the date of issue of such notice;
(ii) where the hoarding referred to in sub-clause (i) is not removed within the time
specified in the notice, the Commissioner shall, without W e r notice, remove such hoarding i
d recover the expenditure for such removal as an arrear of land revenue;

(b) (i) where the Commissioner is satisfied that the erection of any hoarding (other
than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the traffic on the road is hazardous and disturbance
to the safe trafic movement so as to adversely affect fiee and safe flow of traffic, he s b l l not
grant any licence under section 4 10-C and no such hoarding shall be erected, on and fiom the
date of the commencement of the amendment Act by any person;

(ii) where any hoarding is erected in contravention of sub-clause (i), it shall be

confiscated and removed by the Commissioner without any notice.".
-'- ,





ln~crtiano f 5. ~ f t esection
r 4 10-1of the~oimrbatorecity ~ u n i a~ l o r a t i o n ~198
c t1, the following Tamil Nadll .
, new section section shall be inserted, namely:- Act 25 of
I 4 10-J. 1981.
"410-J. Prohibition of erection of certain hoardings.-Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force, or in any judgment, decree
or order of any court, tr~bunalor other authority,-

(a) (I)where any hoarding (other than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the traffic
on the road is hazardous and disturbance to the safe traffic movement, so as to adversely affect
free and safe fl'ow of traffic and which is in existence immediately before the date of the
commencement of the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2000 (hereafter in this
section referred to as the amendment Act), the Commissioner shall, by notice in writing, require
the E icensee or any person in possession, of such hoarding, to remove such hoarding within
such time as may be specified in the notice:
Provided that such time shall not exceed fifteen days from the date of issue of such notice;
(ii) where the hoarding referred to in sub-clause (i) is not removed within the
time specified in the notice, the Commissioner shall, without further notice, remove such
hoafding and recover the expendture for such removal as an arrear of land revenue;
. .
(b) (i) where the Commissioner is satisfied that the erection of any hoarding (other
than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the traffic on the road is hazardous and disturbance
to the safe traffic movement so as to adversely affect free and safe flow of traffic, he shall not
grant any licence under section 4 10-C and no such hoarding shall be erected, on and from the
date of the commencement of the amendment Act by any person;
(ii) where any hoarding is erected in contravention of sub-clause (i), it shall be
confiscated and removed by the Commissioner without any notice.".

Insertion of 6 . After section 131 ofthe Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies Act, 1998, the following section Tam11Nadu
new section shall be inserted, namely:- Act 9 of 1999
"131-A. Prohibition of erection of certain hoardings.-Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force, or in any judgment, decree
or order of any court, tribunal or other authority,-

( a ) (i) where any hoarding (other than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the traffic
on the road is hazardous and disturbance to the safe traffic movement, so as to adversely affect
free and safe flow of traffic and whlch IS in existence immediately before the date of the
commencement of the 'I'amil Nadu Munlclpal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2000 (hereafter In this
section referred to as the amendment Act), the Commissioner shall, by notice in writing, require
theilicensee or any person in possesslon, of such hoarding, to remove such hoarding within such
time as may be specified in the notice:
frovided that such time shall not exceed fifteen days from the date of issue of such notice;

(ii) where the hoarding referred to in sub-clause (i) is not removed within the
time specified in the notice, the Commissioner shall, without further notice, remove such
hoarding and recover the expenditure for such removal as an arrear of land revenue;

(b) (i) where the Commissioner is satisfied that the erection of any hoarding (other
than traffic sign and road sign) visible to the traff~con the road is hazardous and disturbance
to the safe traffic movement so as to adversely affect free and safe flow of traffic, he shall not
grant any licence under section E31 and no such hfelifigshall be erected, on and from the date
of the commencement of the amendment Act by any person;
(ii) where any hoarding is erected in contravention of sub-clause (i), it shall be
confiscated and removed by the Commissioner without any notice.
Explanation.-For the purpose of this section, "hoarding" shall have the same meaning as
in the Explanation under iub-section (9) of section 131.".

(By order of the Governor)

i ,
Secretary to Government,
Law Department. I


(DTP) IV-2 Ex. (629)-2

[Rcgd. NP. TNIChicf PMG-30112001.


No. 5623 CHENNAl, MONDAY, AUGUST 20,2001

Aavani 4, Vishu, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2032

i'. Part IV-Section 2

Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinenccs.

The following 4:r o f the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
. I ~ 1 ;111dis llcrcby published for gcncral information:-
Prcsidcnl on ~ l l c14rll A u g t ~ s200

ACT No. 10 OF 2001.

. I n ..lei Jr~l-/lm-10 onlend the Luivs re foti~rg-roMrr,7icipul Corporations and
M u n icipa fities in fhe Stole oJ Tatnil Nadu.

BE it c n a c ~ e dby h e Legislative Assembly of thc State o f Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-first Year
of thc Rcpublic of I ~ i d i iill S ~al10ws:-


1. ( 1 ) l'liis Act may bc c a l l e d the 'I'an~ilNadu Municipal Laws (Second Amendment) Short l i ~ l cand
Act, 2000. commence-

(2) 11 shall come into force on such date as the Srare Government may, by



Tnriiil Nadu 2. I n scction 5 4 - A o r the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Acl, I9 19 (hereafter in Amcndmcnt
' ' ' illis Pnrl relcrred l o as ihc I 9 19 Ac,). a f ~ e rub-rccticn
r (4). (lie rollowing sub-sections shall be ~ : - ~ c ' i O n
addcd, namcIy:

"(5)'The trinl o r a l , efectior~puli~ionsllall, so far as is praclicable consistently with the

ili~crcsrot'jusrice in respccl 01' tlic trii~l.bc continued from day to day until irs conclusion,
unlcss rlle PrincipilI ludgc. City Civil Court. Chennai. finds rllc adjournment o f the trial
i ~ to be necessary for reasoils to bc recorded.
b e y o i ~ dthc F ~ l l o w i r day

(6) Every election petit ion shall be tried as expeditiously as possible and cndeavour
shall be made to conclude the trial within six tnonlhs from the date on which 111ce l e c ~ i o npct it ion
is presenlcd to thr: Principal Judgc. City Civil Court, Chennai for trial.".
lnscr\io.~,*.' 3. ,'.:'.2r secrion 59 of the 19 19 Act. the follorving seclion sllall be inscr~cd.namely:--
new section
59-A. "59-A. Yoling tnachir~errl elections.-Notwithstanding any thing contained in this act
or the rules made thercundcr, ~ h giving
c and recording ol'voles,by voting machit~esmay bc
adopted in such ward o r wal-ds of r!le Corporalion as the State Elxrion Conimission may,
having regard 10 [he circurnstanc:~ o f earh casc, specify.

Explanation.--For ttic purposc of Lhis sec~ion,"volingm a c h i ~ ~ cmcnlls

" ;uiy mncl~inc
or apparatus whelher operaled clcctronical!y or olherwise used for giving or recording of
votes and any rercrcncc to a bi~llotbox or ballot paper in his Act or the rulcs made thereunder
shall, save as otherwise provided, be const~;ued ns including a rercrence lo such voting
machine wherever such voting machine is uscd at any election.".


Inscrlion of
new section
4. ACtcr section 43-C of the Tamil Nadu Districl Municipalilies Act, 1920 (hereafter in Tamil ~ n d ;
this Part referred
to as the 1920 Act), the iol!owing sccliori shall be inser~ed,namely:- Ac1 V of
"43-D.Voting machir~ea( e1ecrions.-~otwitlistandin~ anytl~ingcontained in [his act or
the rules made thereunder, thc giving and recording o f votes by voting machines may be .
adopted in such ward or wards of a Municipality as thc Srate Election Commission may,
having regard to the circurnslanccs of each casc, spccify.
ExpIanalion.-For tt c purpose of this section,"votin~machine" means any machine
or apparatus whether operated electronically or otherwise used for giving or recording of
.votes and any reference to a ballot box or batlot paper in this Act or the rules made thereunder
shaI1, save as otherwise provided, be construed as including a reference to such voting
machine wherever such voting 111achine is used at any election.".
Amcndmtnt 5 . In section 5 1-A o r the 1920 Act, after sub-section (4), the Follorving sub-sections
of scc'ion shall be added, namely:-
"(5) The trial of an election petition shall, so I j r as is practicable consistently with Ihe
interest of jusrice in respect of Lhe rial, bc continued tiom day to day until its conclusion,
unless the District Judge finds the adjourlln~entof the trial beyond the following day to be
necessary for reasons to be recorded.
(6) Every election petition shall he tried as expeditiously as possible and endeavour
shall be made toconcIude the trial within sixmonths from the darc on which the election petition
i s presented to the District Judge for trial.".


Arnendrncnt 6. In seclion 60-A of the Madurai Cily Municipal Corporation Act, 197 1 (hereaficr in
of section
60-A. this Part referred to as the 197 1 Act), a i m sub-section (4), thc following sub-sections shall be 19: '*
'I'amil Nadu

added, namely:-

" ( 5 ) Thc trial o f an election petition shall, so far as is prar ticable consistently with the
inte.rest of justice in respect o f the [rial. be conrinucd from day lo day unliI ils conclusion,
unless the District Judge Finds the adjournment of thc trial beyond t l ~ efollowing day to be
necessary for reasons to be recorded.
- -----
(6) Every clccrion petition sllall bc lrjed as expcdiriousIy as possible and endeavour
shall be made to conclude Ihc trial w i ~ h i nsix 111otithsFrum ihc dace on which !he elcctioripetition
is presenled to thc Districr Judgc For trial.".

7. Arrcr section 66 o i the 197 1 Act. [he following section stiall be ,,~serted, namely:- Insenion of
new scction
"66-A. o~achitleat c1eclions.-Notwithstanding anything contained in this act
or tlic rules made [hereunder, [he giving and recording of votes by voting machines may be
adopted in such ward or wards o f the Corporation as thc Statc E l e c t i o ~Comrnission
~ may,
having. regard to the circumstal~ceso f each casc, specify.

Espln~m~inn.-Forthc purposc o f this sec~ion:'votii~~ inacliine" menns any machine

or appararus whether operated elcc~ronically or otherwise used for giving or recording of
votes and any reference to a ballot box or ballot phper in 1h;s Act or the rules made thereunder
shall, savc as othertvise provided. bc co~lsrrlredas i n c l r ~ d i n ga reference l o such voting
machine \~.hcrevers ~ r c l lv o t i i ~ gmaclli~lcis uscd at any elecrion.".




8. 111scction 152-A o f the Coinlbalorc Cily Municipal Corporation Act, 1 98 1 (hereafier Amcndmenl
or scction
in Lbis Parr rcfcrred to as the I 9 5 1 11c11.after sub-scclion (4). the follorving sub-sections shall. 62-~.
bc added. nnmcly::

" ( 5 ) Thc !rial o f an election prritiori shall, so far as is practicable consistently w i t h the
in~cresto r justice in rcspect o f thc trial, be contiuued fro111 day to day until its conclusion,
unless !lit Dislricl Judge finds llie ndjournmcnl o f thc [rial beyond the follo\ving day to be
nccessary Tor rcasons Lo bc recorded.

(6) Every elec~ionpetition shall bc tried as expeditiously as possible and endeavour

shajl be madc 10co~,c:uf.:the try?' withi115is rnonlhs from the (late on which (hc election petition
is prcsenlcd t u rllc District Judsc Tur ~riill.".

9 . Al'rcr scction GP o f the 1981 Acr, the follow in^ section shal! be inserted, namely:- new scction
1f13cr'i0n Of


"68-A, Iti~ling/)~ncfiine or ckctions.-Notwithsfanding anything contained in chis act

or l l ~ crulcs 111nt-lc~hcrcundcr.lhc g i v i n g and recordi~lgo r votcs by voting machines may be
adopted in s u c l ~r r i ~ r d ur wibrds of rhc Corporalion a s ~JicS I ~ C CE l c ~ ~ i oCommission
n may,
havinz rcgard l o lhc c i r ~ u m s r a ~ ~ co cf seach case, spccify.

Expfo)~nrion.-For the purpose of [his section,"voting machine" means any machine

or apparalus rvl~ctheropcratcd electronically o r otherwise used For giving or recording o f
votes and any refcrencc LO a bnllol box or ballot papcr in this Act o r the rules made thereunder
shall, savc as ollicr\vise pro\lided. be consrrucd as including a reference to such voting -
machine \\~hcreversuch voting machine is used at any election.".


10. In section 9 o f [he Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies Act, 1998 (hereafter in this Part section
referred to as tllc 191 8 Act), in sub-scction (I),for the rxpressiou commencing with the words 9.
"any amendment, by way of inclusion" and ending lyith !he words "Tamil Nadu State Election
Commission", the following expression shall be substilutcd, namely:-

"any amendment, transposilion or deletion o f any entry in the electoral rolI o f the
Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly made after thc last date for mhking nominations for
election in ally municipali~y.".
Inserrion of 1 1. Afier section I 0 of the 1998 Acl, the followirt~section shall be inserted, namely:--
new section
"10-A. Voring !nuchine ar elections.-Notwithstanding anything contained in this act
or the rules made thereunder, the giving and recording of vorcs by votins machines may be
adopted in such ward or wards of a Municipali~yas the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission.
may, having regard to the circumstances o f each case, specify, I

Exp/rtalium-For the purpose of ibis sectjon,"voting machine" means any machine -

or apparatus whether operated electronically or athenvise used for giving or recording of

,. votes and any reference. 10 a baIlc31 box or ballor paper in this Acr or {he rules made thereunder
shall, save as otherwise providcd, be cons~ri~cd as including a ccfcrcnce lo 3irct1 voting
machine wherever such voting machine is used at any election.".
Arnendmrnt 12. In section 30 of rhe 1998 Act, after sub-section (4), the follo~vitlgsub-sections shall
Or scc'ion beadded, namely:-
"(51 The trial of an election perilion shall, so b a s i s prlciicoble consistently wilh the
interest of justice in respecr of Lhe trial, be continued from day to day until irs conclusir>n,
unless the Principal Oistrict J u d ~ efind5 the adjournment of the lrial bey0r.d the following day
t~ be necessary for reasons to be recorded.

(6)Every elecrion peti!ion shall be tried as expcditiousIy as possible and endeavour

. e within sixmorIths frorn~hedareonwhich the election pclition
shall bernade t ~ c o n c l u d c t l ~trial
is presented to the Principzl District Judge for trial.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secreiary to Go~,ernmeri~,
Lnrr. Depa -fmcnr.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of thc Governor on (he 25th September 2001 and is hereby published for general

Act filr-rher ro nrnetd the Lnws relating to the Municipal Corporations and
M1inlcipolilies J-IJ the Srale ofTanril Nadu.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Fifty-second Year of the Kepublic of India as follows:-


Shorf title and

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendqent) commence-
Act, 200 1 . ment.

(2) IL shall come into force on such date as the Slate Govenunent may, by
notification, appoint.

Act - Amendment of
19. 2 In section 52 of the Chennai City MunicipaI Corporation Act, 19 I9 (hereinafter section 52.
referred to as the 1919 Act),-

( I ) in sub-section (I), for the expression "while undxgoing the sentence and for
five years from the date of the expiration of the sentence". h e expression "while the
sentence is in force and for Y ia years fiom thc date of the expiralion of the sentence" shall
be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (1-A), for the expression "five years", the expression
"six years" shall be substjtuicd;
(3) a Fer sub-section (4), the following sub-section shall be added, nameIy:-
" ( 5 ) I f the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission is satisfied that a person,-

(a] has failed to lodge an account ofelection expenses within the time and in
thc manner required by or under this Act, and
( h ) has no good reason or justification for the failure,

the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission shall, by order published in the Tamil Nadu
Gnzefie, declare him to be disqclaliiied for being elected as, and for being, a
councillor and any such person shall be disqualified for a period ~f lhrcc years from the
date of the order.".
Arnendwnl or
3. I n scciiun 54-A o f thc 1919 Act, in s ~ b - s e c t i o n(1). for the expression scction 5 4 4 .
"fifteen days", thc expression "forty-five days" shaIl be substituted.


Amendment of
4. I n scction 49 of the Tamil Nadu Districr Municipaliiies ACT, 1920 (hercinaftw seclion 49.
referrcd to as thc 1920 Act),--
( I ) in su b-section( I ), for the exprcssion "while undergoing the sentence and for
five years Tram thc date of thc e:ipiration of the sentence", thc expression "while the
senterlcc i s ii: I'orsc 3 r d for six y.:;rrs from the date of thc expiration of rhe senicnce" shall
. ,!
(2) in sub-section (1-A), for the expression "five years" , tkc cxpression
"six years" shall be subslituted;
'(3) after sub-section (Z), the following sub-section shall be added, namely:-
"(2-A) If the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission is satisfied t l ~ aa ~
(a)has failed tn lodge an account of election expenses within the time and
in the manner required by or under this Act, and

(b) bas no good reason or justification for the failure,

- the Tamil Nadu State Elcctian Commission shall, by order published in the Tnnril Nuiirr
Government Gazerte, declare him to be disqualified for being elected as, and for being. a
Chairmanor a councilior, as the case may be, and any such person shall be disqualified for
a period o f three years from ihe date of the order.".
Amcndmcnt o f 5. In section 51-A of the 1920 Act, in sub-section (11, for h e expression "fifteen
section 51 -A.
days", the expression "fort:{-five days" shall be substit~~ted.


Amwdment of 6 In section 56 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, I97 1 (hcreimftcr -rarnil Nadu AI
scction 56. referred to as !he 197 1 Act),- 15 o r 1971.

(1) in sub-section (I j, for the expression "while undergoing the sentence and for
five years from the date of the expiration of the sentence", the expression "while [he
sentence is in force and ,brsix years from the dare 01 rhz exp:ratiol~of thc sentence" shall
be substituted;
(2) in sub-scc~~on (I-A), for the expression "five ycars" , tht exprccsicln
"six years" shall be substituted;
(3) after sub-section (41, thc following sub-section shall b~ added, namely:-

"(5) If theTamil Nadu State Election Commission is sa:isfied that a person,-

(a) has failed to lodge an account of election e x p e ~ ~ s ewithin

s the (ime
and in the mamer required by or under this .4cr, and-

I (b) has no good reason or justification for the failure,

the Tdmil Nadu State Electiou Commission shali, by order published in the Tanli/hrndu
Govemmens Gnzerte, declare him to be disqualified for being elected as, and for being, a
councillorand any such pcrsou shall be disqualified for a period of three years from thc
date of the order.".
Amendment or 7. In section 60-A ofthe 1971 Act, in. sub-section ( I ) , for rhe expression .'liCtccn
section $0-A.
days", the expression "forty-five days" shall be substituted.

~ION 198 1
Amendrncnt or & I n section 58 of the Coimbatore City MunicipaI Corporation Azl, 1981 .rarnil ~ a d ub
section 58. (hereinafter '--cd to as thc 198 1 Act),- 25 uf 1981

(1) in sub-scction (I), for the expression "while undergoing the s e ~ ~ t e n and
c e for
five years froin thc Jatc of the expiration of the sentence", the expression "whill: tirc
sentence is in force and for six years from the date of the cxpiration of thc sentence" shall
be substituted;
( 2 ) in sub-suction (2), for the expression "five years", the expression "six years"
sltall bc subslilu~cd;

(3) alter sub-section ( 5 ) , the following sub-sectionshall be added, namely:-

"(6)If the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission is satisfied that a person,-

(a) has failed to Iodge an account of election expenses within the time and
in the manncr required by or under this Act, and

the Tamil Nadu Slate Election Commission shall, by order published in the Tarnil Nadu
Govcrtrn~e~rt Gazetre, declare him to be disqualified for being elected as, and for being, a
counci1Ior and any such person shall be disqualified for a period of three years fiU..l the
date of the order.".

9. In section 62-A of the 1981 Act, in sub-section (I), for the expression "fifleen Arncndrntn! of
days", the expression "forty-five days" shall be substituted. section 62-A.

10. In the 19 19 Act, the 1920 Act, the 197 1 Act and the 198 :Act, for the expressions Substitution or
"Srate Election Commission" and "StateElection Cornmissioner" wherever they occur, the the cxprcs-
expressions "Tamil Nadu Stale Election Commission'' and "Tamil Nadu Srate Election
Commissioner" shall, respectively, be substituted.
i::Elcction2 ~ ~ '
and "Tamil
Nadu 'S!n!t
omm missioner"
for thc
"S:atc Election
and "S1otc

(By order or /he Governor)


Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
--. - - -- -- ---
received tile assent ot'tlic
The following Act o f t l ~ e'l'amil Nadu Legislative Assei~~bly
Governor on the 26th May 2002 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 10 OF 2002. I
An Act firrlher ro anletlcl rhe luws relaring to the Mrmicipuf .C'orportr/ions it? rhr Strrrc
of Tamil Nadu.
BE it enacted by the Lesislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic o ' India as follows:-
Shnn title and
1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tanlil Nadu Municipal Corporations Laws
commence- (Amendment) Act. 2002. ..
(2) It shall come into force .@n such date as the State Gover:iment may, by
noti tication. appoint.

Suhstitution ol' 2. In the C'licnnai C'ity Mttnicipal Corporation Act, 1010 (hcrcnf'er in this Par[ I ,,,,,I N;,~,,A,
suctions 37 referred to as the 1910 Act), for s e c t i o ~ ~37s and 37-A, the follo\ving section shall be I V o f 1919.
and 37-A.
substituted, namely:-
"37. Mayor may obtain report.-- The Mayor m t y obtain report from the
commissioner on any matter connected with the administration of the corporation.".
Substitution o f 3. For section 78 of the 1919 Act. the following sections shall be substituted.
section 78. namely:-

"78. Powers o f municipal authorities to sanction estimates.- The powers or'

the different municipal authorities to sanction estimates shall be as follows:-
(a) when the amount of estimate does not exceed one lakh of rupees, the sanction
of the concerned warc.s committee shall be required;
(b) when the amoi8ntof estimate esceeds one lakh of rupees but does not e\ceed
ten lakhs of rupees. tl e s;~nctionof the commissioner shall be required;
(c) when the amount of estimate exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does not exceed
fifteen lakhs of rupees. the sanction of the concerned standing cotlimittee (other than thc
standing conimittec 08itaxation and finance) shall be required:
(d) tvlien the amount of estirtiate escccds tifteen lahhs of rupees but does not
esceed twenty lakhs c~frrlpecs. the s a ~ ~ c t i oofn the standing colnmittee on taxation and
finance sha!l be required:
(e) when the amount of estimate exceeds twenty Inkhs of' rupees but does not
esceeJ,flSty lakhs o f rupees. the sanction of the council sllall lie required:
( 0 when the amoL;nt of estimate esceeds fifty Inkhs of rupees. !he sanction of the
State Government shall be required.
79. Works costing more than ten lakhs o f rupees.--( I ) Whew a project is framed
for the esecution ofany lvork or series ofworks the entire estimated cost ofwhich esceeds
ten lakhs of rupees?--
( a ) the commissioner shall cause a defiiled report to he prepared illcluding such
estimates and drawings its nlity be requisitc and shall la! ilic sariit..--
* -- I . - -____
I -



(i) before the concerned standing committee (otherthan the standing committee
on taxation and finance), if thgentire estimated cost exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed fifteen lakhs of rupees:

(ii) befbre the standing committee on taxation and tinance, if the entire
estimated cost exceeds fifteen lakhs of rupees but does not exceed twenty lakhs of rupees;

(iii) before the council, if the entire estimated cost exceeds twenty lakhs of

(b) the concerned standing committee or the standing committee on taxation and
finance or the council, as the case may be, shall consider the report and nlay approve it
either in its entirety or subject to modifications or may reject the same.

(2) (a) Where the council approves the project, subject to any modifications or
otherwise, the entire estimated cost of which exceeds fifty lakhs of rupees, the same shall
be submitted to the State Government.
(b) The State Government may sanction the project either in its entirety or
subject to modification or may reject the same and the work shall not be commenced
without such sanction of the State Government.

(c) No material change in the project sarictioned as aforesaid shall be carried

into effect without the sanction of the State Government.".

4. In section 80 ofthe 1919 Act, for sub-section (2). the following sub-section shall
be substituted, namely:-

"(2) Every contract on hehalfofthe corporation shall be made by the commissioner

subject to following provisions, namely:-

(a) no contract the estimated cost of which does not exceed one lakh of rupees
shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the concerned wards

(b) any contract the estimated cost of which exceeds one lakh of rupees but
does not exceed tell lakhs of rupees may be made by the commissioner;

( c ) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but
does not eucec.d fifteen lakhs of rupees shall be mad: hy the comniissioner unless it has
been sanctiont:d b~ the concerned standing conirnittee (other than the standing commit:ec
on taxation .me);

: rt* Lfacithe estimated cost of which e ~ c e c d sI .. ~ h h of

I,. s rupees but " I

does not ex~cctltucnty lakhs of rupees shall be made by the c c t ~ ~ ~,,\loner

l t urlless it has
been sanctitxc..i by the standing committee on taxation arid financc;

( t . 1 r.0 c?ntract the estimated cost ofwhich exceeds iucllry lakhs of tuj>eesbut
does not exccc-d fifty lahhs of rupees shall be made by the co~~i~,?issioner u n l e ~ sit has been
sa11ctioncJ bv the council;
,r :. no contract the estimated cost ofwhlch e\:cecds iltty !.kns of r ~ p e e shall
be made by sl?.. commixsioner unless it has been sat c!;ol?cd ) :1 t i * : %:ateGovenlment;

-I te:i; I il\t :s'\i:,,tied cost .-hi. ': r u , a ~ %f'.5 I,; Iho~fdlldrupees
made h> 11.e % 3 r3,1ibr\ .?$,I -!,, . * i 1 3 i?*
a $1. R iti-c+ ornulittee within
Fiftceli J l v s ' \ilil t~li:.t d t c err ..!jich it has been 11.ia.l~.'



Substitution of

and 38-A.
5. In the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (hereafter in this Part
referred to as the 1971 Act). for sections 38 and 38-A, the following section shall be
substituted, namely:- 1
1,lrnll Nadu

"38. Mayor may obtain report.-The Mayor may obtain report from the
comm;ssioner on any matter connected with the administration of the corporation."
Substitution of
section 97.
6 . For section 97 of the 1971 Act, the following sections shall be substituted,
namely :-

"97. Powers of municipal authorities to sanction estimates.-- The powers of

the different municipal aulhoritles to sanction estimates sliall be as follows:~
(a) when the amount of estimate does not excetd fifty thousand rupees, the
sanction of the concerned wards committee shall be required; I
(b) when the amount of estimate exceeds fifty t'l~ousandrupees but does no1
exceed five lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the commissil,ner shall be required;
(c) when the amount of esrimate exceeds five lakhs of rupees but does not exceed
ten lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the concerned standing committee (other than the
standing committee or, taxation and finance) shall be reql~ired;
(d) when the amount of estimate exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does not exceed
fifteen lakhs of rupee ,, the sanction of the standing committee on taxation and finance

shall be required;
(e) when the amount of estimate exceeds fifteen lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed twenty-five la'chs of rupees, the sanction of the council shall be required;
(0when the amount of estimate exceeds twenty-five lakhs of rupees, the sanction
of the Government shall be required.
98. Works costing more than five lakhs of rupees.--(]) where a project is
framed for the execution of any work or series of works the entire estimated cost of which
exceeds five lakhs of rupees.--
(a) the commissioner shall cause a detailed report to be prepared inc1udir.g such
estimates and drawings as may be requisite and shall lay the same,--
(i) before the'conderned standing committee (other than the standing committee
on taxation and finance), if the entire estimated cost exceeds five lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed ten lakhs of rupees;
(ii) before the standing committee on taxation and finance. ir the entire
estimated cost exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does not exceed fifteen lakhs of rupees:
(iii) before the council, if the entire estimated cost exceeds fifteen lakhs of
(L;+he concerned standing committee, or the standing committee on taxation and
:-. Jnce or the council, as the case may be, shall consider the report and may approve O;

either in its entirety or subject to modifications or may reject the same.

(2) (a) Where the council approves the project, subject to any moditications or
otherwise, the entire estimated cost of which exceeds twenty-five lakhs of rupees, the
same shall be submitted to the Government.

(b) The Gover,iment may sanction the project either in its entirety or sub-ject to
modifications or may reject the same and the work shall not be comtnenced without such
sanction of the Government.
(c) No material change in the project sanctioned as aforesaid shall be carried into
effect without the sanction of th4Government.".
7. In section 99 ofthe 1971 Act, for sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall Arnendrnentof
be substituted, namely:- section 99.
"(2)Every contract on behalfofthe corporation shall be made by the commissioner
subject to the following provisions, namely:-
(a) no contract the estimated cost of which does not exceed fifty thousand rupees
shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the concerned wards
(b) any contract the estimated cost; of which exceeds fifty thousand rupees but
does not -exceed five lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner;
(c) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds five lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed ten lakhs of rupees shzll be rcade by the commissioner unless it has been
sanctioned by the concerned standing committee (other than the standing committee on
taxation and finance);
(d) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed fifteen lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been
sanctioned by the standing committee on taxation and finance;
(e) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds fifteen lakhs of rupees but
does not exceed twenty-five lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it
has been sanctioned by the council;
(f) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds twenty-five lakhs of rupees
shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the Government;
(g) every contract the estimated cost of which exceeds ten thousand rupees made
by the commissioner shall be reported to the concerned standing committee within fifteen
days from the date on which it has been made.".

8. In t h Coimbstore
~ City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 (hereafter in this Part Substitutioci of'
referred to , the 1981 Act), for sections 39 and 39-A, the following section shall be S'cti0'1s39
and 39-A.
substituted, an1ely:-
"39. Mayor may obtain report.--The Mayor may obtain report froin the
commissioner on any matter connected with the administration of the corporation.".
9 For section 99 of the 1981 Act, the following sections shall be substituted, Substitu~ionol'
nan1ely:- section 99.

"99. Powers of municipal authorities to sanction estimates.--The powers of

tlir different municipal authorities t3 sanction estimates shall be as follows:- I

( a ) when the amount of estimate does not exceed fifty thousand rupees, the
sancrion of llic concerned wards committee shall be required:
( b ) when the amount of estinlate exceeds fifty thousand rupees but does not
exceed five laktis of rupees. the sanction of the comniissiolier shall be required;
( c ) wlien tllc aniounl ol'estimale cscceOs tivo laklls ol'rupees but does not escrcd
ten laklis 01' rupees. the sanction uf the concerned standin;; committee (other than the
standing conitnittee on taxation and finance) shall be required;
- ---
(d) when the amount of estimate escccds tcn lakhs oI'r[rpcc$ but does no1 e\ccctl
fifteen lakhs'of rupees, the sanction of the standing committee on taxation and tinancc
shall be required;
(e) when the amount of estimate exceeds fifteen lakhs of rupees but does IN
exceed twenty-five lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the council shall be required:
( f )when the ainount of estimate exceeds twen' y-five laklis of r~tpees,the sanction
of the Government sl?all be required.
100. Works costing morn than five lakhs of rupees.--(I) Where a project is
framed for the execution of any work or series of wor1.s the entire estimated cost of whicli
exceeds five lakhs of rupees,--
(a) the comnlissioner shall cause a detailed report to be prepared includi~~g
estimates and drawings as may be requisite and shall lay the same,--
(i) before the concerned standing committet (other than the standing
committee on tisation and finance), if the entire estimated cost exceeds five lakhs of
rupees but does not exceed ten lakhs of rupees;
(ii) before the standing committee on taxation and finance, if the entire
estimated cost exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does not exceed fifteen lekhs of rupees;
(iii) before the council, if the entire estimated cost exceeds fifteen lakhs of
(b) the concerned standing committee or the standing committee on taxation and
finance or the council, as the case may be, shall consider the report and may approve it
either in its entirety or subject to modifications or may reject the same.
(2) (a) Where the council approves the project subject to any modifications or
otherwise. the entire estimated cost of which exceeds twenty-five lakhs of rupees. the
smlre shitll t~ sut~trrirtr\ito the Go\ crrlrtlcnt.

(h) The Gokernmrnt map sanction rhs pro-iect either in irs entiret or subject to
moditicntions or ma\. reject the same and rhe \stork sha!l nor be commenced w~thoutsi~ch
sanction of the Gokernment.
(c) No material change in the project sanctioned as aforesaid shall be carrieci into
effect h;.I~outthe sanction of the Government.".
Amendment of 10. In section 10 1 of the 1981 Act, for sub-section (2), the following suo-section
section lo[. shall be substituted, namely:-
"(2) Every contract on behalfofthecorporation shall be n.ade by thecommissionex
subject to the following provisions. nii~nely:-
(a) no cor,iract the estimated cost of whicli does ntv exceed +if:~rthousand rlr!)zes
shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned 1?) the concerned tvdrdc
(b) any contract the estimated cost of which excce<!s fifty thor~sar~d
rupeec. b171
does not exceed five lakhs of rupee: shall be made by the comrni~~tc7:ier:
(c) no contract the estimated cori of which ex.- ..,.s 5vc lakhs of nipel-l; hut !!.w
not exceed ten lakhs ,of rupees shall be mad5 by :hc ~nmrnr~r;:zlne:mles- it C;!. b t c r ~
sanctioned by the concerned standing cernm:rtee (other than thc st;i:iding cor~-i~ni,~'~c: c!~
taxation and finar ce); ,
1i (d) no contract the estimated cost of whici. exceeds ten !akhs nf rupres bui .:or.b
not exceed fifteen lakhs of rupees shalLbe made by the cornmissloner tlnicss it has heen
sanctioned by the standing committee on taxation and finance;
-- J P . i d .; U .tdiJ 'a '

(e) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds fifteen lakhs of rupees but
does not exceed twenty-five lakhs ef rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it 2'

has been sanctioned by the council;

(f) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds twenty-five lakhs of rupees
shall be made by the cotnmissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the Government;
(g) every contract the estimated cost of which exceeds ten thousand rupees made
by the commissioner shall be reported to the concerned standing committee within fifteen
days from the date on which it has been made.".

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.

I The following Act ofthe Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent ofthe
Governor on the 26th Mav 2002 and is herebv ~ublishedfor general information:--

\ ACT No. 14 OF 2002.

* /In Act firrrher lo arnerid the hlati'zrrcri Ci1.y Mtrnicipcl C'or,noration dcr. 1971, the
C'orporarion Act, I 98 I ~rntithe Tcrmil Nudt~Town crnd
('oin hutore C i t ~iCI~rnicipal
Coutilr:).Planning Act, 1971.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-


I. ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporations and Tpwn and short title and
Country Planning Laws (Amendment) Act, 2002. \ commence-
L (2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification. appoint.


du ~ c t 2. In the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971, after section 283, the ~nsertionofnew
1971. following section shall be inserted, namely:- section 283-A.
"283-A. E x e m ~ t i o nin r e s ~ e c of
t unauthorised construction o r alteration of
buildings.- ( 1 ) Notwithstanding anything cont;~ilicdin this Act o ~ i any
n other law for the
time being in force, the Government or an> olf'icer or authority authorised by the
Government, by notification, in this behalf may, on application, by order exempt any
building or class of buildings constructed or altered unauthorisedly on or before the 3 1st
day of March 2002 in the municipal area, fron* all or any of the provisions of this Act or
any rule or regulation made thereunder, by collecting regularisation fee at such rate not
exceeding twenty thousand rupees per square metre, as may be prescribed. Different rates
may be prescribed for different classes of buildings and for different parts of the
municipal area.
(2) The application under sub-section ( I ) shall be made on or before the 31st day
of J~lly2002 in such form containing such particulars and with such documents and such
application {kc, a s may be prcscribcd.
(3) Upon the issue of the order under sub-section ( I ), permission shall be deemed
to have been eranted under this Act for S L I C construction
~ or alteration of building.
(4) Nothing contained in sub-section ( I ) shall apply to an) application made by
any person who does not have any right over the building referred to in sub-section ( I ) .
( 5 ) Save as otllerwise provided in this section, the provisions of this Act, or other
law. for the time being in force, and rules or regulations made thereunder. shall apply to
the development of building referred to in sub-section ( I 1.
(6) Any person aggrieved by any order passed ulider sub-section ( I ) by any
officer or authority may prefer an appeal to the Government within tliirt! days from the
, date of receipt of the order.
(7) The fee collected under this sec~ionshall be crcdite! to iiovernment account
in such Inanner as may be prescribed.".

Insertion of new 3. In the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act. 1981, after section 28.
Amendment o
section 283-A. following section shall be inserted. namely:-
"283-A. Exemption in respect of unauthorised construction o r alteratic
buildings.,-- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any othe
for the time being in force, the Government or any officer or authority authorised h
Government, by notificatiion, in this behalf may, on application. by order. exemp
building or class of buildings constructed or altered unauthorisedly on or before the
day of March 2002 in the municipal area, from all or any of the provisions of this A
any rule or regulation made thereunder, by collecting regularisation fee d t such rat
exceeding twenty thousand rupees per square metre, as may be prescribed. ~ i f f e r e n t
may be prescribed for different classes of buildings and for different parts o
municipal area.
(2) The application urrder sub-section ( I ) shall be made on or before the 3 Is
of July 2:?0:' in such form containing such particulars and with such d o c i i ~ n ~ ~and
application fee, as may be prescribed.
(3) Upon the issue ofthe order under sub-section ( I ) , permission shall be dee
to have been granted under this Act for such construction or alteration of building
(4) Nothing contained in sub-section ( I ) .hall apply to any application mad
any person whc does not have any right over the building referred to in sub-section
(5) Save as otherwise provided in this section. the provisions ofthis Act. or c
laws for the time being in force, and rules or regulations made thereunder, shall app
the t1evt:lopment of building referred to in sub-section ( I ) .
( 6 ) Any person aggrieved by any order passed under sub-section ( 1 ) by
officer or authority may prefer an appeal to the Government within thirty days from
date of receipt of the order.
( 7 ) The fee collected under this section shall be credited to Government accc
in such manner as may be prescribed.".

tnscrtioti of nr\v 4. 111 the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 197 1 . after section I 13-A.
section 113-B following section shall be inserted, namely:-
" 1 13-B. E x e m p t i o n in r e s p e c t of d e v e l o p m e n t of c e r t a i n l a n d s
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any other law for the time be
in force. the Government or any officer or authority authorised by the Government.
notification, in this behalfmay, on application. by order, exempt any land or class of la
developed on or before the 3 1 st day of March 2002 in the municipal areas of the Madu
Coimbatcre. Tiruchirappalli, Tirunelveli and Salem City Municipal Corporations fr
all or any of the provisions of this Act or any rule or regulation made thereunder,
collecting regularisation fee at such rate not exceeding twenty thousand rupees per squ
metre, as may be prescribed. Different rates may be prescribed for different plann
parameters and for different parts of the municipal areas of the Madul--.i. Coinihatc
I ~ruchirappalli,Tirunelveli and Salem City Municipal Corporations.
( 2 ) 'The application under sub-section ( I ) shall be made on or befo;e the 3 1 st (
of July 2002 in such form containing such partici~larsand with such docuinents and st
application fee. as may be prescribed.
47 -___
p o n the issue of the order under sub-section ( I ) . permission shall be deemed
granted under this Act for such developtnent of land. ,sent of the
lothing contained in sub-section ( I ) shall apply to any-application made by
~ h does
o not have any right over the land referred to in sub-section (I).
,ave as otherwise provided in this section. the provisions of this Act, or other 975.
time being in force, and rules or regulations made thereunder, shall apply to
nent of,land.referred to in sub-section ( 1 ). 'ifty-third
Any person aggrieved by any order passed under sub-section ( I ) by any
~thoritymay prefer an appeal to the Government within thirty days from the ~endment) Short title and
ipt of the order. commence-
, ment.
The fee collected under this section shall be credited to Government accoutlt may, by
ner as may be prescribed.".
Amendment of
(By order of the Governor) hundred

shall be

:es" shall
Secretary to Government,
Law Department. mes" shall

shall be

shall be

- --- -- ---_ ___

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 4th June 2002 and is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 29 O F 2002.
A n Act .fill-ther to urnend tlie Larvs relating to Mtrnicipal Corporations arrd
Mlrnicipalities in the Stare of Tamil Nftdu.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly o f the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:--
1. This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Shorttitle.

2. In the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (hereinafter referred to Insertion ofnew
0f1919 as the 1919 Act), after section 52, the following section shall be inserted, namely:- section 52-A.

V2-A. Disqualification for Mayor, Deputy Mayor and councillor.-

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, no person shall be qualified for
being elected as, and for being, a Mayor, Deputy Mayor or councillor if L t is a
member of the Legislative Assembly of the State or a member of e~,:.sr House of
3. In the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (hereinafter referred ~ ~ ~ i 0newn 0 f
o"":' sectton 56-A.
to as the 1971 Act), after section 56, the following section shall be inserted, namely:-
"56-A.Disqrralification for Mayor, Deputy Mayor and coirncil1or.-
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, no person shall be qualified for
being elected as, and for being, a Mayor, Deputy Mayor or councillor if he is a
member of the Legislative Assembly of the State or a member of either House of


4. In the Colmbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 (hereinafter referred In~e~ttonofnew
to as the f981 Act). after section 58. the following section shall be inserted, namely:- Section58-A

"58-A. Disql:alification for Mayor, Deputy Mayor and councillor.-

, Notwithstanding anything containhd in this Act, no peiscsn shall be qualified for being
elected as, and for being, a Mayor. Deputy Mayor or counc~llorif he is a member of
the Legislatne hbsemhly of the State or a member of eith:r House of Parliament.".
5. In the T'amil Nadu Ilistrict M~lnicipalititsAct. 1020 (hereinafter referred to Insenionofnew
"' as the 1920 Act), after section 49, the following section shall be inserted, namely:-- sectton 4 9 4 .

"49-.1. IEisqrrnl~firetiort for chajrman, vice-clrnirnart a r ~ dcorrncil10r.--

Notw~thrt~tltltnganyth~rlg contained in this Act, no person shall be qual~fied for
---- - ----- -. ---

being elected as, and for being, a chairman, vice-chairman or councillur of a

municipality or of a town panchayat if he is a member of the 1.egislatii.e Assembly
of the State or a member of either House of Parliarnent.".
Mayor, Deputy 6. Notwithstanding anything contained in the 19 19 Act, the 197 1 Act. the 198 1
Mayor. . Act or the 1920 Act, as amended by this Act, or in any other law for the time bc;ng
vice-chairman in force or in any judgment, decree or order of a court, if a member of the Legislative
and councillor Assembly of the State or a member of either House of Parliament holds the office
to cease to of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or councillor of a municipal corporation or chairman, vice-
hold oftice chairman or councillor of a municipality or of a town panchayat immediately hefore
-under certain.
circumstances. the date of publication of this Act in the Tarnil N d l r Governntent Cozetto, he shall
cease to hold such office at the expiration of fifteen days from the date of such
publication and such office shall become vacant. unless he ceases to be a member
of the Legislative Assembly of the State or a member of either House of Parliament
before the expiry of the said period of fifteen days, by resigaation or otherwise.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary ro Government,
L ~ HDcprrra~ait.
> .
. -----

The following Act c f the Tamil Nadu Legislative Asse~nblyreceived the assent of
the Governor on the 1st June 2002 and iS hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 31 OF 2002.
An Act jirrther to amend the Lanrs relating to tlte Municipcil Corporations and
Municipalities in the State of Tiin~ilNadu.
B E it enacted by the Legislative Assenibly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:---

1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Second Short title and
Amendment) Act, 2002. commencement.

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint.
2. In the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (hereafter in this Part Insertionofnew
'91 section 25-8.
referred to as the 1919 Act), after section 25-A, the followitig section shall be
inserted, namely:-
"25-B. Mayor, Deputy Mayor-or councillor to obtczin per.mission to untlertake
trip to foreign country.-No person holding the office of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or
councillor shall undertake any trip to any foreign country in his officib; capacity as
such, except with the permission in writing of the State Government.". .
3. After section 358 of the 1919 Act, the following section shall be inserted, lnsenionofnew
section 358-A.

"358-A. Penal&for firilur to obtuin per7nission of State Govemrtlentfor foreign trip.--

W h o ~ v e rundertakes a trip to any foreign country in violation of section 25-B shall
be punished with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.".

PART 111.
4. In the Madurai City Mdnicipd Corporation Act, 1971 (hereafter in this Part Insertio~,ofnew
"" referred to as the 1971 Act), after section 25, the following section shall be inserted, SCCti"q25-A

"25-A. M q ~ o r ,Deputj* McI?'o~or ~ouncillorto ohruin permission to irndertiike

trip to joreigrz col~nrr:v.-No person holding the office of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or
councillor shall undertake any trip to any foreign country i l l his official capacity as
such, except with the permission in writing of the Governn.~ent.".
5. In the 15171 Pct, after section 443, the followit~gsection shall be inserted, lnsertionofne\v
section 142 .A.

\\ 1111 I I I I C \\ I\ICI\ lll,l\ ',\\L ,It1 10 O I I C l l l ~ ~ l l \ ~ ~
~ lI lI~~l ~ ~ c s . ' ' .


01- new
Inserticrn of new
6. In the Coimbatoi-e City Municipal Corporation Act. 1981 (hereafter ~n this
Part referred to as the 1981 Act). after section 2 5 , the following section shall b:
inserted, namely:-
"25-A. M(rj.or. Dcpirt) Mayor c~rcourlcillor to o h t ~ i ipel-lnis~io~r
~ to ~tri(lert~ke
trip to foreigrr courttry.-- No person holding the office of Mayor, Deputy Mayor or ,
councillor shall undertake any trip to any foreign country in his official capacity as
such, except with the permission in writting of the Government.".

Insertion of new 7. In the 1981 Act, after bci,;a., -:1?,the follcwing section shall be inserted,
section 442-A.
"442-A. i3ennlt~~
for.failrrre to obtain pt~rrrtiss.ionof Govern~nent.for.fo~-eig~~
Whoever undzrtakes a trip to any foreign country in violation of section 25-A shall
be punished with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.".

8. In the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (hereafter in this Part
~nsertionof new
referred to as the 1920 Act), after section 12-B, the following section shall be

inserted, namely:-
"12-BB. Chnirncrn. vice-chnirntan or councillor to ohtciin permission to
undertake trip to foreign country.-- No person holding the office of chairman,
vice-chairman or councillor shall undertake any trip to any foreign country in his
official capacity as such, except with the permission in writing of the State
Insertion of new 9. After section 314 of the 1920 Act, the following section shall be inserted,
section 3 1 4 4 . namely:-

"314-A. Perrcrltj* for failirre to obtriirr perinissiorr of Stcitt~ Go~~errinrertt

foreign trip.-Whoever undertakes a trip to any foreign country in violation of
section 12-BB shall be punished with fine which may extend to one thousand ri~pees.".

(By order of the Governor)

to G O I . P I - I ~ I ~ I L J I ~ ~ ,
Set ~'etni:~'
L ~ IDc~p(~i*trnoi/t.
4 : J

ACT No. 42 O F 2002.

A n Acf j i / / . t h c > i . t o (rn~t?/id

the M~t111r(tr
Citj' h l r / ~ l ~ t i Co~.l)or(~tioli
~?l~/ ALY, 1971. tllr
Coimhtrtorx*C'rtv Mltrtrcipcrl Corportrtion Act, 1981 t r ~ ~tlir t l T(lnii1 Nnd~rTown and
Colrntry Pltrnniny Act, 1971.
131 ~t enacted by the Legislative Asse~nblyof the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third
Year of the Kepubl~cof India as follows:-

' Short title and
1. ( 1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporations and Town and
Country Planning Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 2002. commence-

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 30th day of July '902.
A~nentirnentto tlie Madurni City Municipal Cbrporntion Act, 1971.

Atnundment to the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981.
3. In section 283-A of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, in ~ m e n d m e n of
sub-sec tion (2), for the expression "3 1 st day of July 2002", the expression "3 1st day of sectton 283-A.
December 2002" shall be substituted.


Aiitcnrlriicnt to the Tnntil Narlrr TOMW

anti Coirntry Plunwing Act. 1971.
4. In sectlor. 113-B of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, in sub- h e n d m e n t of
section 1 13-8
sectloll (2), for the expression "3 1 st day of July 2002", the expression "3 1st day of
December 200')" shall be substituted.
5 ( 1 ) The Tam11 Nadu Municipal Corporations and Town and Country Planning Repeal and
oldlnJ"Lc snvtng.
Laws (Second Amendt~~ent) Ordinance, 2002 is hereby r e ~ e a l e d .

I I I L Corporation Act, 1981 or the I d l l l r l :;c.~LI Tow11 and Country Planning Act, 1971, as
2' 0 1 l o x l anlended by the sald Ordinance, shall be deen~edto have been done or taken under the
ran111 Nntlu ALL Madural ('lty Mun~crpalCorporat~onAct, 1971 or the Coinlbatore City Municipal
'j"l C o ~ p o ~ a Act, t ~ o 198
~ ~ 1 or the Tain~lNadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, as
Imill N ~ d u.\cc a r n e ~ ~ d rbyd t h ~ sAct.

Ian111 N,I~II I\L~

(13y order of the (lo\ cr no^) .

4 Kl<l'ilf3'AXKlJ'l'J Y NAIR.
'j1Y / / , / ~ / /1 111 f i / l l ~ l , l l l / l l ~ / l / ,
/.ill1 1 ) 1 ' / / 1 / 1 11/11'11f

The following Act of the 'Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 26th November 2002 andJ
is hereby published for general information:-
ACT No. 53 OF 2002.
An Act to amend the Tamil Nadu Municipcrl Laws (Second Amendment) Act. 2002.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-third Year
of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Second Amendment) Short title and
Amendment Act, 2002. commence-
(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. After section 2 of the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 Insertion of
(hereinafter referred to as the 2002 Act), the following section shall be inserted, namely:- ;I;.
"2-A. After section 43 of the 1919 Act, the following sc ction shall be inserted,
43-A. State Government 3 power to remove Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor
convicted under section 358-A.-41) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the
State Governrnent may, by notification, remove any Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor
who is convicted twice of an offence punishable under section 358-A.
(2) The Stlte Govlcrnrnent shall, when they propose to take action under
sub-section (I), give the Maycx, Deputy Mayor or Councillor concerned an opportunity to
explain and the notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a statement of
the reasons of the State Government for the action taken.
(3) Any person removed under sub-section (1) from the Ofice of Mayor, Deputy
Mayor or Councillor, as the case may be, shall not be eligible for election to the said ofice
until the date on which notice of the next ordinary election to the Corporation is published
in the prescribed manner or the expiry of one year from the date specified in such notification,
whichever is earlier.".
3. In section 3 of the 2002 Act, in section 358-A proposed t l be inserted in the Chennai of
City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, for the expression "shall be p~~nished with fine which section 3.
niay extend to one thousand rupees", the expression "shall, on conviction, be punished with
fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees" shall be substituted.

4. After section 4 of the 2002 Act, the following section shall be inserted, narri~.,:- Insertiun 01

"4-A. After section 45 of the 1971 Act, the following section shall be inserted,
45-A. G'o~vr.rrr?~ent'spower. to remove Mayor, Dc~p.~luty Mqpr or Cotmcillor
corzvictvti rtnder. svctlon 443-A.-(I) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the
Government may, by notification, remove any Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor who is
convicted twice of an offence punishable under section 443-A.
(2) The Governrnent shall, when they propose to take action under sub-section ( I),
g;j tk: Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor concerned an opportunity to explain and the
notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a stalement of the reasons o i
thc'Govenin~ent for the action taken.
(3) Any person removed under sub-svtioi (1) from the Office of Mayor. Deputy
Mayor or C'ouncillo~,as the case may be, shall not be elig~blefor clection to the said office

until the date on which notice of the next ordinary election to the Corporation is published
in the prescribed manner or the expiry of one year from the date specified in such notification,
whichever is earlier.".
Amendment ol' 5. In section 5 of the 2002 Act, in section 443-A proposed to be inserted in the Madurai
section 5. City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971, for the expression "shall be punlshetl with fine which
may extend to one thousand rupees", the expression "shall, on conviction. be punished with
fine which may extend to Efty thousand mpees" shall be substituted.
Insertion of 6. Afer section 6 of the 2002 Act, the following section shall be inserted, namely:-
new section
6-A. "6-A. After se:tion 47 of the 1981 Act, the fol!owing section shall be inserted,
47-4. Government's power to remove Mayor, Deputy Muyor or Councillor
convicted under section 442-A.-41) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the
Government may, by notification, remove any Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor who is
convicted twice of an offence punishable under section 442-A.
(2) The Govenunent shall, when they propose to take action under sub-section (I),
give the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor concerned an opportunity to explain and the
notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a statement of the reasons of
the Govenunent for the action taken.
(3) Any person removed under sub-section (1) fiom the Office of Mayor, Deputy
Mayor or Councillor, as the case may be, shall not be eligible for election to the said office
until the date on which notice of the next ordinary election to the Corporation is published
in the prescribed manner or the expiry of one year fiom the date specified in such notification,
whichever is earlier.".
Amendment of 7. In section 7 of the 2002 Act, in section 442-A proposed to be inserted in the
section 7. Coirnbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, for the expression "shall be punished
with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees", the expression "shall, on conviction,
be punished with fine which may extend to fifty thousa~drupees" shall be substituted.
Insertion of new 8. After section 8 of the 2002 ~ c tthe
, following section shall be inserted, namely:-
section 8-1.
"8-A. After section 40-B of the 1920 Act, the fc,llowing section shall be inserted,
40-BB. State Government's power to remol t Chairman. Vice-Chairman or
Councillor convicted u d e r section 314-A.-41) Notwithstanding anything contained in
this Act, the State C overnment may, by notification, remove any Chairman, Vice Chairman
or Councillor who 1s convicted twice of an offence punishable under section 3 14-A.
(2) The State Government shall, when they propose to take action under
sub-section ( 1), give the Chairman, Vice-chairman or Councillol concerned an opportunity
to explain and the notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a statement
of the reasons of the State Government for the action taken.
(3) Any person removed under sub-section (1) from the Office of Chairman,
Vice-Chairman or Councillor, as the case may be, shall not be eligible for electi In to the said
ofice until the date on which notice of the next ordinary election to the Municipal Council
is published in the prescribed nlanner or the expiry of one year from the date specified in
such ~~tification. v;hirb--~:r iq earlicr ",
Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920, for the expression "shall be punished with fine which
may extend to one thousand rupees", the expression "shall, on conviction, be punished with
fine which may extend to fifty thousanditupees" shall be substituted.

(By order of the Governor) .

Secretmy to Government.
Law Department.
The following Act of the Tam11 Nadu Legislative Assembly rece~vedthe assent of'the
Governor on the 23rd April 2003 and 1s hereby published for general information: - 1
ACT No. 8 OF 2003.
An Act further to amerld the Mndurai C'itj.Milrricipal GI-porc~tion.-lcr. 1971, the*
Coirnh(1tor-rCity M~rnicipnlCor.por-cltionAct, 1981 crnti the TOI?II/
~VrrtllrT o ~ *trnd
Country Planning Act, 1971.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of'ramil Nadu in the Fifty-fourth Year of
the Republic of India as follows:--


1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporations and Town Short title and
and Country Planning Laws (Amendment) Act, 2003. commencement.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January 2003.
PART 11.-
Nadu Act 2. In section 283-A of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971, in Amendment
)f1971. sub-section (2), for the expression "31st day of December 2002", the expression "30th of section
day of April 2003" shall be substituted. 283-A.

PART 111. I
Nadu Act 3. In section 283-A of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, in Amendment
of 1981. ofsection
sub-section (2), for the expression "31st day of December 2002", the expression "30th
day of April 2003" shall be substituted.
LdU ~ c t 4. In section 113-B of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971, in
sub-section (2), for the expression "3 1st day of December 2002", the expression "30th
day of April 2003" shall be substituted.

(By order of the Governor.)

Seci.c.ttrr~.to Government,
Law L)c~pl,~~.rrnrtrf.
-- -,

fhe follon.i~~g
Act of the I'am~lNadi~1.rgislative Assembly received the assent ofthe
( l o t crnor on the 17th May 2003 a~itl1s hereby published for general tnformat~on:- -

ACWI'No. 10 O F 2003.

HI it enacted by the Legislative Assen~blyof the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-fourth
year of the Republic of India as follows: -

1. ( I )This Act may be ca!led the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment)Act. 2003. Short title and
(2) It shaH come Into force on such date as the State Government may, by ment.
notification, appoint.
4 5


2. frl section 326-B ofthe Chennai City Municipal Cotporation Act, 19 19 (hereafter Amendment of
in this ,Part referred to as the principal Act), in sub-section ( I ) , for the expression
,326-6. ..
ommi missioner", the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.
3. In section 326-C of the principal Act,--- - Amendmedt 'of
Section' '
(1) for the expressiori "Cotnhissioner", in three places where it occurs, the
expression "District Collector" shall be substituted;, z. ,:; t..rrlt

I * t- .' I ..'jd
(2) after sub-section (4), the f~llowingsub-section shall be added, namely:-
. . :1(5) The fee padsunder sub;section (1) shall be credited to the State
Government account in such manner as may be prescribed.". a ,,, ,

;4., ;After.ser?&ion326-C of the principal Act, the following section shall be inserted, Insertion of
namely:- - new section
., ., . "3F6;CC. Tnxonadvertisement~onhoardings.-- ( 1) Notwithstanding anything contained
in this Act, every person, who is granted licence under section 326-C shall pay4 onwei'y
advertisement on hoardings, a tax calculated at such rates as may be prescribed, having
, , , .*'/
tigard to the tiication, siie, feach and nahre bfthe advertisement but subject fa the maxima
and minima spec~fiedin the Table below.-

Loc(rtiol1 trrrri Natlll-r

1 Hoar dtngs In at tel.tul road tth buh r oure

(I/) \i~tlioutI~gl~tlng
' ( b ) wirh ordinary lighthe
(0 ~ i i l l neon
i ur mcrctrly Irgllt~ng
,sqlrclr.c rircltr-cJp t r i '

(1I (2)
2. Ilo:~rtlingsin'lnain road \\-it11 bus routc--
((1) \vitl~oi~t
( h ) n it11 ordinary lighting
((.) \\:it11 neon or mercury lighting

3. Hoardings in other road or street--

((I) \\,itllout Iigliting
(11) with ordinary lighting
((3) ivit11 neon o r lilerctlry lighting
(2) Seventy-five per cent of the tas paid by every person. ~ ~ l i dsub-section
er (I)
shall be crcJlitedto tlic State Governnirnt account and the balance o f t\~.entv-fi1.eper cent
shall bc c ~ . ~ t i i ~loc ~Iic
d ('orl>o~.;ltitln
i l l sucll 11ianllc.r as may bc prcscribcil.".

Amendment of 5. In section 326-D of the principal Act, for the expression"Coniniissioner", ill two
wtim 326-1). places w1iel.e i t occurs, the expression "District Collector" sliall be substituted.
Amcndmc~il of 6. In section 3 2 0 - 1 of thc principal Act, for the expression "Conimissioner", the
sccli(ln 320-E. expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.
Anicndme~itof 7. In section 326-F of the principal Act, for the expression "Conin~issioner",in two
section 326-1'. places where it occurs, the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.
Atmdment of 8. In section 326-H df the principal Act,--
.Section 326-H.
{I) in sub-section ( I ) , - -
( ( I ) for the expression "Standing Committee", the expression "State
Government" shall be substituted;
. -
(b) for the expression "Cornnlissioner", the expression "District Collector"
+. ,

shall be substih~ted;
(2) in sub-section (3), for the expression "Standing Committee", the expression
"State Government" shall be substituted.
Amendment 9. In section 326-5 of the principal Act, for the expression "Comnmissioner". in four
of Section places where it occurs, the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.
Anlendnlcnt of 10. In section 285-B oftlw 'I'amiI Nadu Disiricl Municipalities Act, 1920 (hereafter in 'I.aniii ad
section 285-0. tixis Part re,^erred to as the principal Act), in sub-section ( I ), for the expression "executive 19
authority". the expression "District Collector" sliall be substituted.
Anrmdnunt of 11. In sectiotl 285-C' of the principal Act,--
section 285-C.
( 1 ) Ihr [lie expression "executive authority", in three places where it occurs. tht:
expression."I)istrict Collector" shall be substituted.
(2) after suh-section (4),the following sub-section shall be added, namely:

" ( 5 ) 'The fee paid under sub-section ( I ) shall be credited to the State
Goverllnieni account i l l such manner as may be prescribed.".
Insertion of 12. A tier section 285-(' of the principal Act. the following section shall be inserted.

"285-CC. Tns on arlver-tisernent om Itotrrrling.~-- ( I ) Notwithstanding allything

contained in this Act, every person, who is granted licence under section 285-C shall payb
o? ev~ry~?dve{fi$ement on hoardings, a tax calculated at such rates as may be prescribed,
,, , ,. t:,

having regard.to the location, rife, reach and na,ture of the advertisement but subject ib
& .I-- .!!. -_
---- I _ri.l_. .&
LIICnlaxlrna anu rnlntma speclr~ea
:, m
in me r t
laole r!

1 . 1.1

:I . ; ' I '.: . J , ! , ' )I ' ' I ' 1.1 i < ~ > i r ~ b n . dr~ A '; "F
# ! I ,.,, <, ,,,,: '. , THE TABLE ~ ~ I J I ~ = J > aF ~

., , Location
.; , and- Natrrre. I square tax per
Rates oftnetre per .Itrr.;r+~A , '

hnif ypar: Z

k (Rupees).
@ 1 ) * ) t
(1) , (2) ,, 1 ,, l....
Minimum Maximum
1. Hoardings in arterial road w ~ t hbus route-
I ( a ) without lightlng
( h ) with ordinary lighting
75 300

(5) with neon or mercury lighting
2. Hoardings in main road with bus route-
( a ) without lighting

(b) with ordinary lighting

(c) with neon or mercury lighting
3. Hoardings in other road or street-
1 ((I) without lighting SC) 100
1 1

(b) with ordinary lighting

X (c) with neon or mercury lighting 70 250

Town Panchayats
1. Howdings in arterial road with bus route-
( a ) without lighting (X) 180
(h) with ordinary lighting 80 360
(c) with neon or mercury lighting !XI 450
2. Hoardings in main road with bus routc-
(a) without lighting 40 120
(b) with ordinary li~htlng 0 240
( c ) with neon or mercury lighting 70 300

- in othei road or street -

3. Hoardings
(tr) without light~ng ,20 60
( h ) with ordinary Iightiiip X) 120
( c ) with neon or mercury lighting a 150

(2) S e ~ e n t y - he\ pet cent of the tax p a ~ dby e\ el y person. under sub-sectton ( I )

shall be credt ed to the State (;overnnient accoilnt anqi the balance of taenty-five per cent
shall be crrdi ed to the cotice~netlMuntcipality or 'To\$n Panchayat account wtthin \those
jurisdiciion such tax has becti collected in such manner as may be prescribed.".
Amendment of 13. In se2tion 285-I) of the prtncipal Act, for the expression "executive authority". in
two places w)lere it occurs, the expressioll "District Collector" shall be substituted.

Amendment of 14. Insection 285-Eofthe principal Act. for the expression " executive authority", the
section expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.

Amendment of 15. In section 285-F of the principal Act, for the expression, "executive authority", in
section t w ~ p l a c e where
s it occtirs, the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.
Amendment of 16. In section 285-H of the principal Act,- . .. . > ..
285-CI. ( I ) in sub-section ( I ).--

(a) for the expression "Taxation Appeals Committee", the expression "State
Government" shall be substituted; I

(b) for the expression "executive authority", the expression "District

Collector" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (3), for the expression "Taxation Appeals Cornlittee", the
expression "State Government" shall be substituted.
Anicndmcnt of 17. In section 285-5 of the principal Act, for the expression "executive authority", in
Swtio~i285-J. four places where it occurs, the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.



, .
Amend~ncntof 18. In section 410-B of the Madurai City Munic~palCorporation Act, 1971 (hereafter
Secrlon 410-B in this Part referred to as the prtncipal Act), in sub-section ( l ) , for the expression
"Corniiss~oner",the expressloll "D~strictCollector" shall be substituted.

Amendment of 19. In section 41 0-C of the principal Act,-

(1) for the expression "C'omn~~ss~oner",in three places where it occurs. the
expression "D~stnctCollector" shall be subst~tuted,
(2) after sub-scctton ( A ) , the followtng sub-sect~onshall be added, namely:-

"(5) The fee patd under sub-sect~on( 1 ) shall be credtted to the

Government accoitnl In such manner a5 may be p ~ c s c r ~ b e"d
Insert~on o f 20. After section 41 0-C' oftlie pr~nctpalAct, the following sectton shall be ~nserted,
ne\\ bectloll
namely: -
4 10-CC
"4 10-('(1. 7ir.r oil rrtlvor.~i.sc~r~i~~n~
on Irotlriliiigs; .- ( 1 ) Notwithstanding anything
containecl i l l this Act. e \ w y pcsson. \\,ho is grantcd licetlcc. ttnder section 4 1 0 - ~ s t 1 ~pay,
on every adcertiscnient on hoartlit~gs.a tax calculated at'such rates a s m i y bc PI-cscrihccl.
having regard to t l i location. size. reach and nature of' the advei-tisemellt but sub.iect to
the masima ant1 1lii11i111aspcci1'ic.d in IIIC l'ahle bclo\\.: . . .
. . . ' . . . ( I . ,
- 05
- .I

fdoctrlir)niclnil Nrrflrrr Hrrtr.\ of ttrs ,r~er

F /r,t1tr.epcr'
Illll/ 19c.trr
(1) (2)

Q 1 . Hoardings in arter~alroad w ~ t hbus route--

(N) without lightiilg


400 I
( 6 )with ordinary lighting
( c ) with neon or mercury lighting IoO
300 1 600
700 Il

2. Hoardings in main road with bus route-
(a) tvitho~tligliting
( b )with ordinary lighting
100 300
( c ) with neon or mercury lighting
L 3. Hoardings in other road or street--
(rr) without lighting
p1 ( b )with ordinary lighting
( c ) with neon or mercury lighting
(2) Seventy-five per cent of the tax paid by every person, under sub-sectlon ( 1 ) shall
be credited to the Government account and the balance of twenty-five per cent shall be
credited to the Corporation account in such maniler as may be prescribed.".
21. I11 section410-D of the principal Act, for the expresslon "Comm~ssioner",in two Amcndnient ol
places where it occurs, the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted.

22. In section 410-E of the princlpal Act, for the expresslon "Con~m~ssioi~er",
the. ~ m c n d m e n tof
scc t loll
expression "District Collector" shall be subst~tuted. 4 I 0-E

23. In section 410-F of the pr~ncipalAct, for the expression "Conuntssioner", in tw6 Amendment of
places where it occurs, the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted. 410-1:

24. In section 4 10-H of the principal Act,-- Anicndnient of 1

( 1 ) in sub-section (l),- - Ji0-1l

( t i ) for the expresslon "Standing Committee". the exprzsslon "Government"

shall be substituted;-

( h ) for the expresston "Commissioner".-tlu: exptesslon "l)~strtctZollector"
i. shall be substituted;

(2) in sub-section (3). for the evpressiot~"Stantl~ngConlnltttee". tile expression

, r,
"Gckirnment" shall be substituted.
7 5 . In section 4i0-Jof the princlpal Act. fo+ths expresston "('ohmitssioher'*, tn four r'nx"dnKn'
Ca . secbon 410-.I
places :where it occurs, the exgresslon "D~strictCollector" shall be substiti!~ed.
k ; . f , + , -- : 2 , , .. f 8 ' . I . . , . ' ' c.,7.< - I
k !, .<iy,.;...3 .z( g',.': ,.. :*.* , ..*. '" , . ' ,. *. . i r . s jf(

m i -. a , U a m*-;me ~ - ~ x r a r r - m - - - - - - -- --


Amcndmcnt of 26. In section4 10-R ofthe Coimbatore City Mun~ctpalCorporatlotl Act. 108 1 (hereafter !,,,,I N~,J,,
scct1011 in this Part referred to as the prtnc~palAct). tn sub-sectton ( I ). for the expresston 2 5 01 1081
410-t3 "Commiss~oner", the expression "District ('ollector" shall be substituted.
Amendment of 27. In section 4 10-C of the prlncrpal Act,-
410-c (1) for the expresston "C'omm~ssioner". ~n three places where t t occurs, the
expression “District Collector" shall be substituted;
(2) after sub-sectton (4), the followtng sub-sectton shall be added, namely:
" ( 5 ) The fee paid under sub-section ( 1 ) shall be credlted to the Gove~nmet~t
account In such manner as may be prescnbed.".
I ~ S L11011
I ot 28 Aftet scct~on4 10-C of the pr tuctpcll Act. the foIlo\v~~ip
sectloti shall he tnse~tcd.
new SeCtlOll nanely:--
41 0-CC
"4 1 0-CC. Tor on advel.twrnirnt on horrrtlllly~-(I) Notw~thstanding anything
contained in this Act, every person, who is granted licence under section 4 10-C shall pay,
on every advertisement on hoardings, a tax calculated at such rates as may be prescnbed,
having regard to the location, slze, reach and nature of the advertisement but subject to
the maxima and mtnlma specified in the Table below.-
Locntron anti Nnt~~r-e Rates of lax per square
metre per halfyear.
(1 (2)
Minimum Maximum
1. Hoardings in artertal road with bus ioute-
( ( I ) without ltghttng
( b )with ordlnary l~ghtlng
( c )w ~ t hneon or mercury lighttng
2. Hoardings in main road with bus route--
( a )without llghtlng
( b )with 01-dtnary lighting
( c )wtth neon or mercury lighttng
3. Hoarding:; ~nother road or street- --
((I) n ~ t h o t lighting
( h ) wtth ordlnary Iight~ng

(c)nith neon or Inelcut y I~ghting

(2) Seventy-five pel cent of the tax p a ~ dby every person, under sub-sect1011( 1 )
~lhallbe cred~tedto the Government account and the balance of twenty-five per cent shall
be credited to the Corporation account In such manner as may be prescribed.".

- -- -- - - _ -__
P .:- wz <'U r,w *U r, l b I t"

J I o- I)

30. I11 sect1011410-E of the p r ~ n c ~ p Act,

a l for the expressloti "('onlmiss~oner". the of
expression "District Collector" shall be substituted sectloll
4 10-I-
3 1. In sect~on4 10-F of the principal Act. for the expresston "Con~niisstoner",in two
Amelidtnent of
places where tt occurs, the expresston "D~strlctCollector" shall be substituted.

32. In sectlon 410-Hof the prtnctpal Act,- Amer~dn~entof

\et tlon
( 1) in sub-section ( I),- 4 10-H
(a) for the expresslon "Standtng Cornnuttee", the expresston "Government"
shall be substituted;
(6) for the expresslon "Comrn~sstoner", the expresstotl "D~strlctCollector"
shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-sectlon (3), for the expression "Standtng Committee", the expression
"Governn~ent"shall be substltuted.
33. In section 410-J of the principal Act, for the expresston "Cornmissloner", In four h-1endmcn1 of
places where it occurs, the expression "District Collector" shall be substituted. 4 10-.I.

,, Corporation Act, 1994, Tirunelvell City Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 and Salem City
Municipal Corporation Act, 1994, shall be deemed to have been granted by the District :dtzymen

81. Collector under the relevant Act; as amended by this Act.

(2) All Applications for licence to erect hoardings, pending before the Commissioner
or the executive authority, as the case may be, on the date of commencemelit of this Act,
shall stand transferred to the District Collector concerned.
(3) The District Collector shall dispose of the application transferred under su9-
section (2) in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Acts.
(4) No tax on advertlsen~enton hoard~ngsshall be levled 111 respect of any perlr~d
for which such tax has already been patd under the relevant Acts befort. the date of
commencement of this Act.

(By order of the Governor)


Src r.c~ttrr:r to Gol-er.r~~rrerr/.
L - r r ~ ~D~~pirr~nrertt

9 .. The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assenibly received the assent of the .
Governor o n the 14th November 2003 and is hereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 33 OF 2003.

An Act further to anlend tlte laws relating to the Municipcrl Corporations a n d
Municipalities in the State of Tumi! Nadu.
k BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu In lhc Flfty-fourth
Ci Year of the Republ~cof India as follows:-


1. ( I ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Second Amendment) Short title and
Act, 2003. commence-
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 19th July 2003.


ACT, 1919.
bl Nadu ~ c t 2. After section 255 of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, the following lnsertion of new
kor 1919 section shall be inserted, namely:- section 255-A.
"255-A. Provision of Rain Water Harvestiilg Structure.-41) In every building owned or
occupied by the Government or a statutory body or company or an institution owned or controlled
by the Government, rain water harvesting structure shall be provided by the Government or by such
statutory body or company or other institution, as the case may be, in such manner and within such
time as may be prescribed.
(2) Subject to the pmvisioi of sub-section (I), every owner or occupier of a build~ngshall
provide rain water harvesting structure in the building in such manner and within such period as
may be prescribed.
,I I

Exp1anatiorr.-Where a building is owned or occtipied by more than one person, every such
person shall be liable under this sub-section.
' b)where the rain ~ i t e r h a r v e s t i nstructure
~ is not provided as required under sub-section
(2), the 'Cominiisiondr'or arly pe$on authorised by him in this behalf may, aAer giving notice to
the owner or occupier of the building, cause rain water harvesting structure to be provided in s9cIi.
building and tkcjovff&e'cost.of such provision along with the incidental expense thereof in theh
1. same manner as pro$rty tax. ' ,

(4J Notwith tandieg any action taken under, sub-section (3), where the owner or occupier
of the buildirip: Bils o provide the'rain water harvesting structure in the bBilding before the date
as may'be prescribed, the water supply connection provided to such building shall be disconnecteid
till rain water harvesting strycture is brovided.".
c , .



.. ' <
ladu A C ~ 3. After section 215 of the Tamil Nadu Districf Municipal~t~es
Act, 1920, the following lnsertion of new
920 section shall be inserted, namely:- section 2 15-A.

"2f5-A Provrsion oJHarlr Water Iltrri~esfrrrgS//.~rcllrrc--(I) In cvery bu~ldrngowned or I

occupred by the Government or a statutory body or a company or an tnstttutlon owned or controlled
by the Government, ratn water harvesttng structure shall be prov~dedby the Government or by such
statulory body or company or other tnstttut~on,as thc case mJy bc, In such manncr anti w~thtnsuch
runic as may be prescr~bcd
(2) Subject to the provlslohs of sub-scct~on( 1 ), cvcry owncr or occuprer of a build~ng
I shall provide rrinwater harvcstiny structure In thc butld~rlyIn such itianncr and w ~ t h ~such
n pcr~od
! as may be prescrlbcd

DTP--IV-2 Ex 1320) la

' . I

(3) Where the rain water harvesting struchre is not provided as required under
sub-section (2), the Executive Authority or any person authorised by him in this behalf may,
after giving notice to the owner or occhpier of the building, cause rain water harvesting
structure to be provided in such building and recover the cost of such provision along with
I t h e incidental expense thereof in the same manner as property tax.
, (4) Notwithsanding any action taken under sub-section (3), where the owner or
octhpier of the building fails to provide the rain water harvesting structure in the building
before the date hs may be prescribed, the water supply connection provided to such
I building shall be disconnected till rain water harvesting structure is provided.".



I ACT, 1971.
1 Insertion of new 4 . After section 295 o f the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 197 1, the lalilll Nadu
section 295-A. following section shall be inserted, namely:-
Sft.lrcrtrl.e.---(1) In every building
"295-A. Provisioti qf'R~irrIV[rter.l~clrvesrir~g
owned or occupied by the Government or a statutory body o r a company o r an
institution owned o r controlled by the Government, rain water harvesting structure
shall b e provided by the Government or by such statutory body or conlpany or other
institution, a s the case may be, in such manner and within such time as may b e
(2) Subjcct to the provisions of sub-scction ( I ) , cvcry owner or occupier of a
building shall provide rain watcr harvesting structure i n the building in such manner and
within such period as may he prescribed.
Explanntion..-- Where a building is owned o r occupied b y more than one person,
every such person shall be liable under this sub-section.

' ,

o r occupier crf the: building fails to provide the rain water harvesting structure in the
building before the datc as may be prescribed, the water supply connection provided


ACT, 1981.
Insertion of 5 . Aftel. section 295 of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, Tamil Nab
ne'4' scctio" the followini; section shall be inserted, namely:--
"295-A Provision f!f'h'rrirlbV(~tcr.har-vesti~rgStrucft1r.r.---(1)I n every building
owned or oc:cupued by the Government or a statutory body or a comparly or an
institution owned or controlled by the Government, rain water harvesting structure
- ,p "p ' " ' p " " * Y - #fn rr " '"-3g Tp#?arir*P

(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (I), every owner or occupier of

a building shall provide rain water harvesting structure in the building in such manner
and within such period as may be prescribed.
Erp1anntion.--Where a building is owned or occupied by more than one person, every
I .
such person shall be liable under this sub-section.

(3) Where the rain water harvesting structure is not provided as required under
sub-section (2), the Commissioner or 2ny person authorised by him in this behalf may, after
giving notice to the owner or occupier of the building, cause rain water harvesting structure to
be provided in such building and recover the cost of such provision along with the incidental
expense thereof in the same manner as property tax.

(4) Notwithstanding ady action taken under sub-section (3), where the owner or
occupier of the building fails to provide the rain water harvesting structure in the building
before the date as may be prescribed, the water supply connection provided to such building
shall be disconnected till rain water harvesting structure is provided.

6. (1) The Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2003 is Repeal and
4 hereby repealed. saving.

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the
~ h e n n aCity
i Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, the Tam1 Nadu Distrlct Municlpalitles Act,

(By order of the Govcrnor)

A. K R I S H N A N K ~ A Y N A m ,
Secrrtaiy to Government.
Low Department.
I j i - -- l a - z e r a -


--- -.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 1st September 2006 and is hereby published for general
information :-

ACT No. 18 Of 2006.

An Act further to amend the laws relating to the Municipal Corporations

and the Municipalities in the State of Tamil Nadu.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the

Fifty-seventh ,Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Law$ (Amendment) Shorr litk and
Act, 2006. comrnence-
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 14th day of
July 2006.
PART 11.
Tamil Nadu 2. For Sections 28 and 29 of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 Substitution of
sections 28
Act I V of (hereinafter in this Part referred to as the 1919 Act), the follawi~qsections shall and 29.
1919 be substituted, namely:-
"28 Election of Mayor and Deputy ma yo^-(1) The council shall, at its first
meeting after each ordinary election to the council.-
(i) elect one of its councillors to be the Mayor; and .
(ii) elect one of its councillors other than the Mayor to be the Deputy
(2) A Deputy Mayor on being elected as Mayor shall cease to be the
Deputy Mayor.
29. Term of Office of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.-(1) The Mayor or Deputy
Mayor shall be entitled to hold office for a period of five years from the date of his
election provided that in the meantime he does not cease to t ~ ethe councillor.
(2) On the occurrence of any vacancy in tW Office of Mayor or Deputy
Mayor, the council shall, w~thinsuch time as may be prescribed, elect a successor,
who shall be entitled to hold offide so long as the person in whose place he IS
elected would have been entitled to hold it if the vacancy had, not occurred.
(3) A Mayor or a Deputy Mayor shall be deemed to havc~vacated hls office

.on his becoming disqualified for holding the office o'f on his removal frorn office or
on the expiiy of his term of office or on h ~ sotherwise ceasing o be the Mayor or
Deputy Mayor, as the case may be.".
3 After Section 44-i$A of the 1919 Act. the follow~no sectlons shall be Insertcon of
inserted. namely:- new secltons
44.AB and
"44-AB. State Governmellt to ren?ove Mayor or Deputy Mayor.-(1 ) The State 44-AC
Government may. by notification, remove a hdayor or a Deputy Mayor, who In their
opinion wilfully omits or refuses to car+p out or disobeys the provisions of this Act
.or any rules, by-laws, regutattot~sor Iil~fUlorders Issued under this Act or abuses
the powers vested In hlm
- - -- ---- --- -
-- -- --

(2) The State Government shall, when they propose to take action under
sub-section ( I ) , give the Mayor or Deputy Mayor concerned an opportunity for
explanation, and the notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a
statement of the reasons of the State Government for the action taken.
( 3 ) Any person removed under sub-section ( 1 ) from the Office of the ,

Mayor or Deputy Mayor shall not be eiigible for election to the said office u'ntil the
date on which notice of the next ordinary elections to the council is published in
the prescribed manner, or the expiry of one year frorn the date specified in such
; no-confidence in Mayor or Deplrty Mayor.-(1) Subject to
44-AC. ~ o t i o r of
the provisior~sof this sect~on,a m o t i ~ nexpressing want of confidence in the Mayor
or Deputy Mayor may be made in accordance with the procedure laid down herein.
ritten notice of intention to make the motion, in such form as may be
Government, signed by such number of councillcrs as shall
than one half of the sanctioned strength of the council, together
motion which is proposed to be made, shall be deliversd in
by any two of the councillors signing the notice.
( 3 ) ?he commissioner shall then convene a meeting for the consideration
of the rnotio'n, to be held at the Municipal Office, at a time appointed by him which
shall n3t be later than thirty days from the date on which the notice under
sub-section ( 2 ) was delivered to him. He shall give to the councillors notice of not
less than fifteen clear days of such meeting and of the time appointed therefor.
(4) The comrn~ssionershall preside at the meeting convened under this
section, and no other person shall preside thereat. If within half an hour after the
time appointed for the meeting the commissioner is not present to preside at the
meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a t~meto be appointed and notrfied
to the councillors by the commissioner under sub-section (5).
(5) If the commissioner is unable to preside at the meeting, he may, after
recording his reasons in writing, adjourn the meeting to such other time as he may
appoint. The date so appointed shall not be later than thirty days from the date
appointed for the meeting under sub-section (3). Notice of not less than seven
clear days shall be given to the councillors of the time appe+intedfor the adjoi~rned
(6) Save as provided in sub-sections (4) and (5),a meeting convened for
the purpose of considering a mot~onunder this sect~onshall not for any reason be
(7) As soon as the meeting convened under this sectiop has commenced,
the commissioner shall read to the council. the motion for the consideration-of
which it has been convened and.declare it to be open for debate.
(8) No debate on any motion under this section .shal be adjourned.
. .
(9) Such debate shall automatically terminate on the expiry of two hours
from the time appointed for the commencement'of the meeting, if it is not'coneluded
earlier. Upon the conclusion of the debate or upon the expiry of the said period of
two hours, as the case may be, the motion shall be put to the vote of the council.
(10) The commissioner shall not. speak on the, merits of the motiqn, nor
shall he be entitled to vote thereon. . 5

(11) A copy of the minutes of the meeting together with a copy of the
motion and the result of the voting thereon shall forthwith on the termination of the
meeting be forwarded by the commissioner to the state Government.
--- - --- --- .-- - --- -- -
(12) If the motion is carried with the support of not less than three-fifth of
the sanctioned strength of the council, the State Government shall, by notification,
remove the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor, as the case may be.

(13) If the motion is not carried by such a major~tyas aforesaid, or if the

meeting cannot be held for want of a quorum, no notice of any subsequent motion
expressing want of confidence in the same Mayor or the Deputy Mayol- sliall be
received until after the expiry of six months from the date of the n ~ e e t i ~ g

(14) No notice of a motion under this section shall be received within six
months of the assumption of office by a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor.".

4. After section 46-A of the 1919 Act, the following section shall be inserted, Insertion of
namely:- new sect~on
46-AA .
"46-AA. Special provision relating to election.-Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act or the rules made or orders issued under this /kt, for the first
election to the council to be held immediately after the 14th day ofjJuly 2006, the
territorial area of the divisions of the city, the total number of
number of councillors to be returned from such divisions shall be
exist on the 14th day of July 2006.".

"councillor or Mayor", the word "councillor" shall be substituted.

5. 1r1section 59 of the 1919 Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (c), for the words

6. In section 348 of the 1919 Act, clauses (a) and (b) shall be omitted
Amendment of

Amendment of
section 348


ACT, 1971.
Tam11Nadu 7. For sections 29 and 30 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, Subst~tutionof
l 5 Of sections 29
1971(hereinafter in this Part referred to as the 1971 Act), the following section$
1971 and 30.
shall be substituted, namely:-
"29. Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.-(1) The council shall, at its first
meeting after each ordinary election to the council,-
(i) elect one of its councillors to be the Mayor; and
(ii) elect one of its councillors other than the Mayor to be the Deputy
(2) A Deputy Mayor on being elected as Mayor shall cease to be the
Deputy Mayor.
30. Term of office of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.-(1 ) The Mayor or Deputy
Mayor shall be entitled to hcld office for a period of five years from the date of his
election provided that in the meantime he does not cease to be the councillor.
(2) On the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of Mayor or Deputy
Mayor, the cou~lcilshall, within such time as may be prescribed, elect a successor,
who shall be entitled to hold office so long as the person in whose place he is
elected would have been entitled to hold it if the vacancy had not occurred.
(3) A Mayor or a Deputy Mayor shall be deemed to have vacated his office
oh his becoming disqualified for holding the office or on his removal from off~ceor
on the expiry of his term of office or on his otherwise ceasing to be the Mayor or
Deputy Mayor, as the case may be.".
I -.-------. - ----.-

lnsert~onof 8. After sectton 48-A of the 1971 Act, the following sections shall be inserted,
new sectlons namely -
48-AA and
4 8 - ~ ~ "48-.AA. State Gover~~ment to remove Mayor or Deputy Mayor.-(1) The
State Government may, by notrflcation, remove a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor, who
in the11opinion w~lfullyorrlits or refuses to carry out or d~sobeysthe provi~ionsof .
this Act or any rules, by-laws, regulations rnade or lawful orders issued under thls
Act or sbuses the powers vested in htm.
(2) The State Government shall, when they propose to take action under
sub-section ( I ) , give the Mayor or Deputy Mayor concerned an opportunity for
explanation, and the notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a
statement of the reasons of the State Government for the action taken.
i (3) Any person removed under sub-sect~on(1) from the offlce of the Mayor
or Deputy Mayor shall r~otbe el~giblefor election to the said office until the date
on which notice of the next ordlnary elections to the council is published In the
prescribed manner, or expiry of one year from the date specified in such notification.
48-Af3.Motion of no-confidence in Mayor or Deputy Mayor.-(1) Subject
to the provisibns of this section, a motion expressing want of, confidence in the
Mayor or Deputy Mayor may be made in accordance with the procedure laid
,down herein.
(2) Written natice ofdntention to make the motion, in such form as may be
.f~xedby the State Government, sigrqd by sucti number of councillors as shall

1 - - ,-- - - -- constitute not iess than one half of thesanctioned strength of the council, together
i; with a copy of the motion which is proposed to be made, shall be delivered in
person to the commissioner by any two of the councillors signing the notice.
1 *
(3) The commissioner shall then convene a meeting for the consideration
of the lnotion, twbe h&i at the mun@pal'office, at a .time appointed by him which
shall not be later than thirty days from the date on which the ndrce under sub-
section (2) was delivered to him. He shaU give to thecouncillors notice of not less
than fifteen clear days of such meeting and of the time. appointed therefor.
- - - - - .. - - - --
(4) The commissioner shall preside at the meeting convened under this
section, and no dher person shall preside thereat. If within half an hour after the
time appointed for the meet~ngthe commissioner~isnot-@resentto preside at the
meeting, the meetlng shall stand adjourned to a time to be appointed and notifled
to the councillors by the commissioner under sub-section (5).
( 5 ) If the commiss~oneris unable to preside at the meeting, he may, after
recording his reasons in writing, adjourn the meeting to such other time as he may
appoint. The date so appointed shall not be later than thirty days from the date
appointed for the meehng under sub-section (3). Notice of not less than seven
clear days shall be given to the councillors of the time appointed for the adjourned
(6) Save as provided in sub-sections (4) and (5).a meeting convened for
the purpose of considering a motion under this section shalt not for any reason be
(7) As soon as the meeting convened under this section has commenced,
the commissioner shall read to the council the motion for the cons~derationof
which it has been convened and declare it to be open for debate.
(8) No debate on any motion under this section shall be adjourned.
(9) Such debate shall automatically terminate on the expiry of two hours
from the trme appointed for the commencement of the meeting, if it is not concluded
earher. Upon the conclus~onof the debate or upon the expiry of the sa~dperiod of
two hours, as the case rnay be, the motion shall he ~ L I !to the vole of the council

(10) The commissioner shall not speak on the merits of the motion, nor
shall he be entitled to vote thereon.
(11) A copy of the minutes of the meeting together with a copy of the
motion and the result of the voting thereon shall forthwith on the termination of the
meeting be forwarded by the commissioner to the State Government. e

(12) If the motion is carried with the support of not less than three-fifth of
the sanctioned strength of the council, the State Government shall, by notification,
remove the Mayor or the Deplity Mayor, as the case may be.

(13) If the motion is not carried by such a majority as aforesaid, or if the

meeting cannot be held for want of a quorum, no notice of any subsequent motion
expressing want of confidence in the same Mayor or the Deputy Mayor shall be
received until after the expiry of six months from the date of the meetrng.

(14) No notice of a motion under this section shall be received within six
months of the assumption of office by a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor.".

9. After section 50 of the 1971 Act, the following section shall be inserted, Insertion of
namely:-, new section
50-A. Special provision relating to election.-Notwithstanding an$hing
contained in this Act or the rules made or orders issued under this Act, for the first
election to the council to be held immediately after the 14th day of July 2006, the
territorial area of the-wards of the city, the total number of wards and the total
number of councillors to be returned from such wards shall be the same as they
exist on the 14th day of July 2006.".
10. In section 66 of the 1971 Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (b), for the Amendment of
words "councillor or Mayor", the word "councillor" shall be substituted. section 66.

ACT, 1981.
m ~Nadu
l Act 11. For sections 29 and 30 of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, Subst~tutionof
5 of 1981 sections 29
198l(hereinafter in this Part referred to as the 1981 Act), the following sections and 30.
shall be substituted, namely:-
"29. Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.-(1) The council shall, at its first
meeting after each ordinary election to the council,-
(i) elect one of its councillors to be the Mayor: and
(ii) elect one of its councillors other than the Mayor ,lo be the
Deputy Mayor.
(2) A Deputy Mayor on being elected as Mayor shall cease to be the
Deputy Mayor.
30. Term of office of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.-(1) The Mayor or Deputy
Mayor shall be entitled to hold office for a period of five years from the date of his
election provided that in the meantime he does not cease to be tpe councillor.
(2) On the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of Mayor or Deputy
Mayqr, the council shall, within such time as may be prescribed, e ~ e ba successor.
who shall be entitled to hold office so long as the person in
elected would have been entitled to hold it if the vacancy
(3) A Mayor or a Deputy Mayor shall be deeved to have vggated his office
6; his beconing disqualified for holding the office or on his removal fromoffice or
an the expiry of his term of office or on his
otherwise ceasing to be the Mayor or
Deputy Mayor, as the case may be.". I

1 . , ,,'8fk<L L ,,
Insertion of 12. After section 50-A of the 1981 Act, the followi,ng sections>shpllbeinsqrted. .
new sections rrlamely:-
50-8 and + , ,

50-c. "50-B. Sfate Government to remove ~ a l o or r ' ~ e & t ;~~. a y o r - ( l )The

State Government may, by notification, remove a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor, .who
in their opinion wilfully omits or refuses to carry out'or disobeys the provisions of
this Act or any rules, by-laws, regulations made or lawful orders issued under this
Act or abuses the powers vested in him. . I I \

(2) The State Government shall, when they propose to take action under
sub-sectton (I), give the Mayor or Deputy Mayor concerned an opportunity for
explanation, and the notification issued under the said sub-section shall contain a
statement of the reasons of the State Government for the action. taken. . t

(3) Any person removed under sub-section (1) from the office of the Mayor
or Deputy Mayor shall not be eligible for election to the said office until the date
on which notice of the next ordinary elections to the council is published in the
prescribed manner, or the expiry of one year from the date specified in such
50-C. Motion of no-confidence in Mayor or Deputy Mayor.-(1) Subject to the
provisions of this section, a motion expressing want of confidence in the Mayor or
Deputy Mayor may be made in accordance with the procedure laid down herein.
(2) Written notice of intention to make the motion, in such form as may be
fixed by the State Government, signed by such number of councillors as shall
constitute not less than one half of the sanctioned strength of the council, together
with a copy of the motion which is proposed to be made, shall be delivered in
person to the commissioner by any two of the councillors signing the notice.
(3) The commissioner shall then convene a meeting for the consideration
of the motion, to be held at the Municipal Office, at a time appointed by him which
shall not be later than thirty days from the date on which the notice under
sub-section (2) was delivered to him. He shall give to the councillors notlce of not
less than fifteen clear days of such meeting and of the time appointed therefor.
(4) The commissioner shall preside at the meeting convened under this
section, and no other person shall preside thereat. If within half an hour after the
time appointed for the meeting the commiss~oneris not present to preside at ths
meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a time to be appointed and notified
to the councillors by the commissioner under sub-section (5).
(5) If the commissioner 1s unable to preside at the meeting, he may, after
recording his reasons in writing, adjourn the meeting to such other time as he may
appoint. T7e date so appointed shall not be later than thirty days from the date
appointed for the meeting under sub-section (3). Notice of not less than seven
clear days shall be given to the counc~llorsof the time appointed for the adjourned
(g) Save as provided in sub-sections (4) and ( 5 ) , a meeting convened for
the ptirpo *e of constderlng a motion under this section shall not for any reason be
(7) As soon as the meetrng convened under this section has commenced,
the comrriissioner shall read to the council the motion for the consideration of
whlch it k'as been conveqed and declare it to be open for debate
.> 7 , ,) *
(8) No debate ori any motion under this section' shall be adjourned. ,. l,. 3

(9) Such debate shall automatically terminate on the expiry of two hours
from the tinld'appointed for the commencement of the meeting, if it is not concluded tr ' q ?, I )
I (
r. 1
earlier. Upon the conclusion o i the debate or upon the expiry of the said period of r


two hours, as the case may be, the motion shall be put to the vote of the council.
(10) The' commissioner shall not speak on the merits of the motion, nor
shall he be entitled to vote thereon.
1 <(I
1) A' copy' of the minutes of the meeting togethet with a copy of the
motion and the result of the voting thereon shall forthwith on the termination of the
meeting be forwarded by the commissioner to the State Government.
(12) If the motion is carried with the support of not less than three-fifth of
the sanctioned strength of the council, the State Government shall, by notification,
remove the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor, as the case may be.
(13) If the motion is not carried by such a majority as aforesaid, or if the
meeting cannot be held for want of a quorum, no notice of any subsc?quentmotion
expressing want of confidence in the same Mayor or the Deputy Mayor shall be
received until after the expiry of six months from the date of the meeting.
(14) No notice of a motion under this sedion shall be received within six
months of the assumption of office by a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor.".
13. After section 52 of the 1981 Act, the following section shall be inserted, Insertion of
new section
namely:- 52-A
"52-A. Special provision relating to election.-Notwithstancling anything
contained in this Act or the rules made or orders issued under this Act fctr the first
election to the council to be held immediately after the 14th day of July 2006, the
territorial area of the divisions of the city, the total number of division3 and the total
number of councillors to be returned from such divisions shall be the same as they
exist on the 14th day of July 2006.".

words "councillor or Mayor", the word "councillor" shall be substitu ed.

14. In section 68 of the 1981 Act, in sub-section (2). in clau e (b), for the Amendment of
sectlon 68

m ~Nadu
l 15. In the Tamil Nadu-District Municipalities Act, 1920 (hereinafter in this Part Amendment
ct V of of section 3.
referred to as the 1920 Act), in section 3,-
(I) in clause (7-A), for the expression "Third Grade municipality", the
expression "Third Grade municipality, town panchayat" shall be substituted;
(2) in clause (12-C), for the expression "Third Grade municipality", the
expression "Third Grade municipality, the town panchayat" shall be substituted;
(3) for clause (18-A), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(18-A) "panchayat town" means an area in transition from a rural area
to an urban area classified as panchayat town under section 3-P;";
( 4 ) in clause (29-A), for the expression "Third Grade municipality", the
expression "Third Grade municipality or town panchayat" shall be substituted;
(5) after clause (29-A), the following clause shall be inserted, namely'--
"(29-AA) "transitional area" means an area in transition from a rural
area to an urban area classified as transitional area under section 3-B;".
90 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GALE I I k LA r 4 ,, i, . ,.d llr . I

Amendment of

new Chapter
16. In secUon 3-F of the 1920 Act, in sub-section (1). the expression "(exc~usive
of its chairman)" shall be omitted;
17. After Chapter I-A of the 1920 Act, the following Chapter shall be inserted,
3-0. Application of Chapter.-This Chapter shall apply only to the town
3-P. Formation of town panchayats.-(1) The Governor-
(a) may, having regard to the revenue generated for local administration,
the percentage of employment in non-agricultural activities, the economic importance
or such other factors as he deems fit, by notification, classify and declare every
, local area comprising a revenue village or villages or any portion of a revenue
village or contiguous portions of two or more revenue villages and having a
population estimated at less than thirty thousand as a panchayat town for the
purposes of this Act; and
( b ) shall, by notification, specify the name of such panchayat town.
(2) In every panchayat town declared as such under sub-section (I), there
shall be established a town panchayat.
(3) (a) The Governor may, by notification, exclude from a panchayat town
any area crjmprised therein.
In regard to any area excluded under clause (a), the Governor
under sub-section ( I ) , declare it to be a panchayat town or
panchayat town under clause (c) (i).
/ (c) The Governor may, by notification.-
I (,) include in a panchayat town any local area contguous thereto: or

(ii)cancel or modify a notification issued under sub-section (I); or

(iii) alter the name of the panchayat town specified under clause
(b) of sub-section (1).
(d) Before issuing a notification under clause (a) or under clause (b)
read, with sub-section (1) or under clause (c), the Governor shall give the town
panchayat or town panchayats which will be affected by the issue of such notification,
a reasonable opportunity for showing cause against the proposal and shall consider
the explanations and objections, if any, of such town panchayat or town panchayats.
(4) Any rate-payer or inhabitant of such area or any town panchayat
concerned may, if he or it objects to any notification under sub-section (1) or
sub-section (3),appeal to the High Court within such period as may be prescribed.
3-Q. Constitution of town panchayats.-(1) Save as provided under
sub-section (2),every town panchayat shall consist of the elected members as
determined under section 3-X.
(2) The following persons shall be represented in the town panchayat.
(a) the members of the House of the People and the members of the
State Legislative Assembly representing a constituency cowprisrng,the whole or
any part of the town panchayat; and

, L \

, . I , 1
- _ _ _
(b) the members of the Council of States who atre registered as
electors within the area of the town panchayat.
(3) The members of the House of the People, the State Legislative
Assembly and the Council of States referred to in clauses (a) ancl (b) of sub-
section (2) shall be entitled to take part in the proceedings, but shall not have the
right to vate in the meetings, of the town panchayat.
3-R. Incorporation of town panchayats.-(1) A town pa shall be
constituted for each panchayat town consisting of such number of
with effect from such date as may be specified in the
behalf by the Governor.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act. the administration/ofthe panchayat
town shall vest in the town panchayat, but the town panchayat shall not be entitled
to exercise functions expressly assigned by or under this Act or any other law to
its chairman or to any other authority.
(3) Every town panchayat shall be a body corporate by the name of the
panchayat town specified in the notification issued under section 3-P, shall have
perpetual succession and a common seal, and subject to any restrictions or
qualifications imposed by or under this Act or any other law, shall be vested with
the capacity of suing or being sued in its corporate name, or acquiring, holding and
transferring property, movable or immovable or entering into contracts and of doing
all things necessary, proper or expedient for the purpose for which it is constituted.
3-S.Alteration of classification of panchayat towns.-(1) The Governor may
alter any classification, notified under sub- section (1) of section 3-P, if in his
opinion, the panchayat town satisfies or ceases to satisfy the conditions referred
to in that sub-section.
(2) Any decision made by the Governor under this section shall not be
questioned in a court of law.
3-T. Strength of a town panchayat.-(1 ) Notwiths~a.idinganything contained in
this Act, the total number of members of a town panchayat shall be notified by the
Inspector In accordance with such scale as may be prescribed with reference to
the population ds ascertained at the last preceeding census of which the relevant
figures have been published.
(2) The Inspector may, from time to time, by notification, alter the total
number of members of a town panchayat notified under sub-section (1).
3-U. Duration of town panchayat.-(1) Every town panchayat, unless sooner
dissolved, shall continue for five years beginning from the date appointed for its
first meeting after each ordinary election and no longer and the expiration of the
,-. said per~odof five years shall operate as a dissolution of the town panchayat.
(2) An election to constitute a town panchayat shall be completed.-
(a) before the expiry of its durat~onspecified in sub- section (1); or
( h ) before the exp~rationof a period of six months from the date of its
Provided that where the remainder of the period for which the dissolved
town panchayat would have continued is less than six months, it shall not be
necessary to hold any elect~onfor constituting the town panchayat for such period
- ---
3-V. Election of members to town panchayat-The members of town panchayat
referred to in sub-section (1) of section 3-Q shall be elected in such manner as
may be preqcribed:

that no person shall be eligible to be elected under this Act as a

ore than one town panchayat.

3-W. R servation of seats.-(1) Seats shall be reserved for the persons
belonging t the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in every town
pancha;{at qnd the number of seats so reserved shall bear, as nearly as may be.
the same pr;oport~on to the total number of seats to be filled by direct election in
that town (anchayat as the population of the Scheduled Castes in the town
panchayat area, or of the Scheduled Tribes in that town panchayat area, bears to
the total population of that area.
(2) Seats shall be reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes
and the Scheduled Tribes from among the seats reserved for the persons belonging
to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes which shall not be less than
one-third ol the to!sl number of seats reserved for the persons belonging to the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.
(3) Seats shall be reserved for women in the town panchayat and the
number of seats reserved for women shall not be less than one-third (including the
number of seats reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes) of the total number of seats in the town panchayat.
(4) (a) The offices of the chairmen of the town panchayats shall be
reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled
Tribes and the number of offices so reserved shall bear, as nearly as may be, the
same proportion to the total number of offices in the State as the population of the
Schecluled Castes in all the town panchayats in the State or the Scheduled Tribes
in all the town panchayats in the State, bears to thei total
- , population of all the town

pancliayats in the State. ..aa

,' 'i - 4 t , t- <e -..
( b ) The office; of the chairmen of the town-'pa'nchayats shall be
resented for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes and'the Scheduled Tribes
from among the offices reserved for the persons belonging'to tkie scheduled
Castes and the Scheduled Tribes which shall not be less,than ope-third of the total
number of offices reserved for the Scheduled Castes andhthe ,Scheduled Tribes.
T 4
. I

(5) The offices of the chairmen of the town pgnchayats shall be reserved
for women and the number of offices reserved for,women shall not be less .than
one-third (including the number of offices reserved for ,women belonging a t h e
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) qf the tot'al number of offices of the
chairmen of the town panchayats in the State:
% .

Provided that the offices reserved under this sub-section and under sub-
section (4) shall be allotted by rotation to different town panchayats in such manner
as may be prescribed.
(6) The reservation of seats under sub-sections (1) and (2) and the
reservation of offices of chairmen under sub-section (4) shall cease to have effect
on the expiration of the period specified in Article 334 o!
the Constitution.
3-X. Division of town panchayats ir~towards.-(1 ) For the purpose of election
of members to a town panchayat, the Inspector shall, after consulting the town
panchayat, by notification, divide the panchayat town into wards and determine the
number of members to be elected in accordance with such scales as may be
- -
I (2) Only one member shall be elected f ~ each
~ m ward.
of ofice of members.-(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act,
3-Y. ~ e r m
members of every town panchayat elected at an ordinary election shall hold office
for a term of five years. .-
? . .

(2) The term of office of the members elected at ordinary election shsll \

commence on the date appointed for the first meeting of 'the town panchayat after J

such ordinary election. .


(3) The member of a town panchayat elected in a casual vacancy shall I -1.7

enter upon the office forthwith but shall hold office-only so long as the member in .. I ) t. L ~ P

wh'bse plhbe he'g'elected would have been entitled so hold office, if the vacancy
. a
, :I
had not occurred.

-' 3-2.Electoral roll:-(!) The electoral roll of a town panchayat shall be the
same as the electoral roll of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly prepared and
revised in accordance wjth..the provisions of law for the time being in force in a
panchayat town and shall be deemed to* be the electoral roll for such town
panchayat for the purposes of this Act.
(2) No amendment, transposition or deletion of any entry in the electoral
roll of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly made after the last date for making
nominations for elections in any town panchayat and before the notification of the
result of such election shall form part of the electoral roll for such election, for the
purposes of this section.
3-AA. Application of the Act to town panchayats -The State Government
may, by notification, direct that any of the provisions of this Act and the rules made
under this Act or of any other enactment for the !ime being in force elsewhere in
the State of Tamil Nadu but not in the panchayat town shall apply to tliat town
panchayat to such extent and subject to such modifications, add~tionsarld restrict~ons
as may be specified in the notification.
3-BB. Chapter to override other laws.-(1) The provisions of th~schapter shall
have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contamed In this Act or
any other law.
(2) Save as otherwise provided ~nsub-section (1). the provisions of this
Chapter shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other provisions of
this Act.
3-CC. Specral provisions relatrng to vrllage panchayat constitirted as town
panchayat.-(1) Notwithstanding anyth~ngcontained In this Act,--

( a ) the president and members of a village panchayat, wh are elected
or deemed to have been elected and holding office as such lrnmed~atly before the
date of co~stitutionof such village panchayat as town panchayat u der this Act,
shall be deemed to be the chairman and members of such town panc ayat elected
under this Act and such chairman and members shall cont~nueto h o d offlce upto
such date as the State Government may, by notification, fix in this behalf or, in
case no such date is fixed, up to the date on which their term of offlce would expire
under the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act. 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 21 of 1994) and such
chairman and members shall exercise all powers and perform all duties conferred
on the chairman and members by or under th~sAct.
( b ) all the employees, other than the provincialised employees of-the
vlllage, panchayat immediately before its constitution as town panchayat shall be
the employees of such town panchayat under th~sAct The prov~nc~al~sed employees
shall continue to serve under the town panchayat.
- ____ _ _ _ _ _______
_ _ -_ -_-_I_._.- ---
._ *-__-..

(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-secti~n(I),

the provisions of this Act
and the rules made thereunder shall apply to the town paochayat referred to rn

il sub-section ( I).".
Amendment of 18. In section 7 of the 1920 Act, in sub-section ( I ) , the expression "exclusive
l section 7 of its c:hairmanWshall be omitted.

i Om~ss~on of
sectlon 7-A

Amendment of
19. Section 7-A of the 1920 Act. shall be omitted.

20. In section 8 of the 1920 Act,-

section 8. , '
, s j

( 1 ) in the marginal heading, for the expression. uchairmanor quncillors",

the wgrd 'councillorswshall be substituted: " i .;
(2) in sub-section ( 1 ) , for the expression 'chairman and councillors", the
word 'councillors* shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (2), for the expression *chairman and councillors", the
word 'councillorsw shall be substituted;
(4) sub-section (2-A) shall be omitted;
(5) in sub-section (3), for the expression "The chairman or a councillor",
the expression 'A councillorwshall be substituted;
(6) in sub-section ( 4 ) , for the expression "The chairman or a councillor",
the expression 'A councillor" shall be substituted;
(7) in sub-section (5),for the expressions "The chairman or councillor" and
'The chairman or the councillor", the expressions "A councillor" and 'The councillor"
shall, respectively, be substituted.
I" Amendment of 21. In section 9 of the 1920 Act.-
section 9.
( I ) in the marginal heading, for the expression "chairman or councillor".
the word 'councillor" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (I), for the expression "chairman or councillor", the word
"councillor" shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (3), for the expression "a cRairman or a councillor
elected under sub-section ( I ) " , the expression "a councillor elected under this
section" shall be substituted.
i Amendment of
22. In section 12 of the 1920 Act,--
I ( 7 ) before sub-section (3), the following sub-section shall be inserted,
/ "(2) Every council shall elect one of its members to be its chairman.";
(2) for sub-section (4). the following sub-section shall be substituted.
"(4) A chairman shall be deemed to have vacated his office on the
expiry of his term of office as a councillor or on his otherwise ceasing to be the
Amendment of 23. In sectlon 12-A of the 1920 Act, includtng the marginal heading. for the
sectton 12-A expression "vice-chairman", occurring in two places, the expression "chairman or
vice-chairman" shall be substituted.
- ---
24. For Section 14 of the 1920 Act, the following section shall be substituted, Substitution of
namely:- section 14.

"14.Tlie chairman to be member of every committee of the council.-The

chairman shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of every committc?e of the
25. In section 30 of the 1920 Act.-- Amendment of
section 30
(1)in the marginal heading, for the expression "chairman and c~uncillor",
the word "Councillor" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (I),for the expression "chairman or councillor", the word
"councillorn shall be substituted.
26. In section 40 of the 1920 Act, including the marginal heading, for the Amendment of
expression "vice-chairman", wherever it occurs, the expression "chai;man or vice- section 4 0
chairman" shall be substituted.

27. In section 40-A of the 1920 Act,-- Amendment,of
section 40-A.
(1) in the marginal heading, for the expression "vice- c airman", the
expressior, "chairman or vice-chairman" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (1). for the expression "vice-chairmann, thb expression
"chairman or vice-chairman" shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (12), for the expression "vice-chairman", the expression
"chairman or vice-chairman, as the case may be" shall be substituted;
(4)in sub-section (13), for the expression "vice-chairman", the expression
"chairman or vice-chairman" shall be substituted;
(5) in sub-section (14), for the expression "vice-chairman", the expression
"chairman or vice-chairman, as the case may be" shall be substituted.
28. Section 40-8 of the 1920 Act, shall be omitted. Omission of
section 40-8.

29. After section 43-A of the 1920 Act, the following section shall be inserted, Insertion of
namely:- new section
"43-AA. Special provision relating to election.-Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act or the rules made or orders issued under this Act, for the first
election to the municipal council to be held immediately after the 14th day of July
2006, the territorial area of the wards of the municipal council, the total number of
wards and the total number of councillors or members, as the case may be, to be
returned from such wards shall be the same as they exist on the 14th day of July
30. In section 43-6 of the 1920 Act, including the marginal heading, for the Amendment of
section 43-8.
expression "Third Grade Munrcipalities", the expressirn "Third Grade Municipalities
and Town Panchayats" shall be substituted.
31. In section 43-C of the 1920 Act, in sub-section (Z),for the words "councillor Amendment of
section 43-C.
or chairman", the word "councillor" shall be substituted.
Amendment of
32. In section 48 of the 1920 Act,- section 4 8
(1) in sub-section ( I ) , for the expression "chairman or as a councillor", the
word "councillor" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (2), for the expression "chairman or as councillor", the
word "qouncillor" shall be substituted.
Amendment of 33. In. section 49 of the 1920 Act,- % n
section 49. r'
(I) in sub-section (I), for the expression "c;lairman or,councillor", the word
"councillor" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (2),-
(a) for the expression "as a chairman or election as a councillor", the
expressi~n"as a councillor" shall be substituted;
(b) in clause (e), for the expression "chairman or a councillor", occurring
in two places, the expression "a councillor" shall be substituted.
I Amendment of 34. In section 50 of the 1920 Act,-
section 50.
(1) in the marginal heading, for the expression 'chairman or councillors",
the word "councillors" shall be substituted;
i (2) in silb-section

1 (a) in the opening part,-

(i)for the expression "the chairman or a councillorn. the expression
"a councillor" shall be substituted;
1 (ii) for the expression "section 3-Cn, the expression, "section 3-C
or clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (2) of section 3-Q" shall be substituted;
( b ) in clause (f), for the expression "of the chairman or any other
councillor", the expression "of any other councillor" shall be substituted;
(c) in clause (i),-
(i) for the expression "the chairman or councillor", the word
'councillor" shall be substituted;
(ii) in the proviso, the expression "chairman or" shall be omitted;
(3) in sub-section (4), the expression "the chairman or", wherever it
occurs, shall be omitted.
Amendment of 35. In section 51 of the 1920 Act.--
section 51:,~
(1) in the marginal heading, for the expression "chairman or councillor",
the word "councillor" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (I), for the expressions "the chairman or a councillor",
"the cha,irman or any councillor" and -such chairman or councillors'.
the expr ssions "a councillor", "any councillor" and "such councillor" sha!l.
respectivfly, be substituted;

Amendment of
section 368.
( ) in sub-section (3), for the expression "chairman or the councrllor", the
word "co ncillor" shall be substituted.
36. 1 section 368 of the 1920 Act.-
(1) in sub-section (Z),for the expression "chairman and counc~llors"the
worcl "councillors" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (3), after the expression "until a chairman tias heeri
elected", occuring in two places, the expression "by the council" shall be inserted,
(3) in sub-section (S), for the expression "chairman and counc~llors tile
word "councillors" shall be substituted;
(4) in sub-section (6), for the expression "office of chairman and C O U ~ C I ~ ~sO' I
the expression "office of councillors" shall be substituted.
- -
T 3du 37. (1) The Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment ) Ordinance, 2006 is Repeal and

herebyrepealed. saving

r ladu (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under
,( ' of
C the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, the Madurai City Municipal
Corporation Act, 1971, the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 and
the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920, as amended by the said Ordinance,
Jadu shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the Chennai City Municipal
.t 5of
Corporation Act, 1919, the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971, the
Jadu Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 and the Tamil Nadu District
Municipalities Act, 1920, as amended by this Act.".
II Jadu
I of

(By Order of the Governor.)

Secretary to Government-in-charge,
Law Depadment.
_. _ __ _ --
u .
----- -
. -.-.@,,iU

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Governor on the 12th November 2007 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 37 OF 2007.

An Act further to amend the laws relating to the Municipal Corporations and the
Municipalities in the State of Tamil Nadu.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-


1. (1) This Act may be .called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Short title and
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 4th day of October



2. In section 44-AC of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919,- Amendment of
(1) in sub-section (2), for the expression "not less than one half of the 44-AC.
sanctioned strength", the expression "not less than three-fifth of the sanctioned
strength" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-section (12), for the expression "not less than three-fifth of the
sanctioned strength", the expression "not less than four-fifth of the sanctioned strength"
shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (13), for the expression "six months", the expression
"one year" shall be substituted;
(4) for sub-section (14), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-
"(14) No notice of a motion under this section shall be received,-
(i) within one year of the assumption of office by; or
(ii) during the last year of the term of office of,
a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor.".
3. Any motion expressing want of confidence in the Mayor or Deputy Mayor made Abatement of
under section 44-AC and pending before any officer, authority or the Government, no
as the case may be, as provided in section 44-AC, immediately before the . confidence
commencement of this Act, shall abate. motion. "


du 4. In section 48-A0 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971,- Amendment of
rf section
(1) in sub-section (?), for the expression "not less than one half of the
sanctioned strength", the .expression "not less than three-fifth of the sanctioned
strength" shall be substituted;

I (2) in sub-section ("2), for the expression "not less than three-fifth of the
sanctioned strength", the expression "not less than four-fifth of the san~tionedstrength"
shall be s ~ b s t ~ t u t e d ,
(3) in sub-s*ction (13), for the expressicn "six months", the expression
"one year" shall be substituted;
(4) for sub-section (14), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-
"(14) No notice of a motion under this section shall be re;eived,-
(i) within one year c f the assumption of office by; or
(ii) during tne last year of the term of office of,
a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor.'.

Abatement of 5. Any motion expressing want of confidence in the Mayor or Deputy Mayor made
no under section 48-AB and pending before any officer, authority or the Government,
confidence as the case may be, as provided in section 48-AB, immediately before the
motion. commencement of this Act, stlall abate.



Amendment of 6 . In section 50-C of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981,-
section 50-C.

(1) in sub-section (2), for the expression "not less than one half of the
sanctioned strength", the expression "not less than three-fifth of the sanctioned
strength" shall be substittrted;
(2) in sub-sectiorr (12), for the expression "not less than three-fifth of the
sanctioned strength", the e:lcpression "not less than four-fifth of the sanctioned strength"
shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-section (13)' for the expression "six months", the expression
'one year" shall be substituted;
(4) for sub-section (14), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-
"(14) No riotice of a motion under this section shall be received,-
(i) within one year of the assumption of office by; or
(ii) during the last year of the term of office of,
a Mayor or a Deputy Mayor.".
Abatement 7. Any motion expressing want of confidence in the Mayor or Deputy Mayor made
of no under section 50-C and pending before any officer, authority or the Government,
confidence as the case may be, as provided in section 50-C, immediately before the commencement
motion. of this Act, shall abate.



Amendment 8. In section 40-A of the Tamil Nadu District Municipelities Act, 1920,-
of section
(1) in sub-section ( 2 ) , for the expression "not less than one half of the
sanctioned strength", the expression "not less than three-fifth of the sanctioned
strength" shall be substituted;
(2) in sub-sectio~i(12), for the e x p l e s s ~ o ~
~ less than three-fifths of the
sanctioned strength", the expression "not less than four-fifth of the sanctioned strength"
shall be substituted;
(3) in sub-sect~on (13), for the expression "six months", the expression
'one year" shall be substrtu:ed;
"(14) No notice of a motion under this section shall be received,-
(i) within one year of the assumption of 2ffice by; or
(ii) during the last year of the term of office of,
a chairman or a vice-chairman.".
9. Any motion expressing want of confidence in the chairman or vice chairman Abatement of
made under section 40-A and pending before any officer, authority or the Government, no
as the case may be, as provided in section 40-A, immediately before the commencement confidence
of this Act, shall abate. motion.

10. (1) The Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2007 is hereby Repeal and

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government-in-charge,
Law Department.
~h~ foliowing ,A,C~ of the T l m i ! Nadri Legislative Ascemb'j received the assent of
Gcveinoi on the 19th Februery 2008 and is hereby published for general

ACT No. 9 OF 2008.

An ~~t funher to amend the h w s relating to the Munkipal Cofporafions
and tl7e Munjcipa(itles in the State o f Tamil Nadu.
BE it enacted lly ?he Leglslat~be Assembly of the State at Tamil Nadu In the
Fifty-n~nth {ear of the Repi~blicof India as follows:-


1. (1) 171, ; Act rrldr 17t, CJIICC! t l ~ r :f a n i ! Nddu h?~nicipatL.;-~ws (Amei7dment) Act, Short title and
2008 cornmence-
(2) It shall come Into force on such date as the Sta!e Government may, by
notification, appoini


A M E N D ~ ~ ~ E-ro
2. In ths Chennai City M u n ~ c ~ p aCorporation
l P,ct, 1919, sections 43.A and Omission of
3 3 - A shall be o;nitted sections
43-A and
3. In the Madurai City M u n ~ c ~ p aCorporat~on
l Act, 197 I , sections 4 5 4 and Omlssi0n of
443-A shall be orrritted. sect~ons
45-A and

4. 111 the Co~mbatoie City M3c71ct~alCorporation Act, 1981, sections 47-A and O W ~ S Sof~ O ~
442-A shall be omitted. sections
47-A and



5 In 1I1(: Tamil Na:lu Act, 1920, sqcrlons 40430 and

i j r s l r ~ ~Munic.~[)al~lles
t Omlsslonof
313-A shall be o r r l ~ l t o ~ j sections
40-88 and
3 14-A
(HY order o! the Governor)

Sectela~ylo Govcmmen!-~ncharge,
Law Depsrtme~it.

The following Act of the Tam11 Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 25th May 2008 and is hereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 24 OF 2008.

An Act further to amend the laws relating to the Municipal Corporations and the
Municipalities in the State of Tamil Nadu.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-ninth
Year of the Republic of India as follows.--


1. (1) This Act may be called the Tam11Nadu Municipal Laws (Fourth Amendment) Short title anc
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appoint

2. In section 326-C of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, (hereinafter Amendment of
in this Part referred to as the principal Act), in sub-section (5),for the exp~ession"State section326-C.
Government account", the expression "Corporation account" shall be substituted.
3. In sectlon 326-CC of the principal Act, I l r sub-section (2), the following Amendment of
sub-sect~on shall be substltuted, namely:- section
"(2) The tax paid under sub-sectron (1) shall be credlted to the Corporation
account In such manner as may be prescribed.".

u Act 4. In section 285-C of the Tam11Nadu D~strictMunic~pal~ties Act, 1920, (hereinafter A endment of
20 in thls Part referred to as the principal Act), in sub-sectlon (5), for the expression "State 2ction
Government account", the expression " account of the munlc~pality,town panchayat or 2854.
Thlrd Grade munic~pal~ty, as the case may be, wlth~nwhose jur~sd~ct~on such fee has
been collected," shall be substituted
5. In sect~on 285-CC of the principal Act, for sub-section (2), the following Amendnent of
sub-section shall be substltuted, namely - section
"(2) The tax paid under sub-sectlon (1) shall be credlted to the account of the
mun~clpalrty, town panchayat sr Third Grade munlcipal~ty, as the case may be,
withln whose jurrsd~ct~onsuch tax has bean collected, in such manner as may be
prescribed "



u Act 6. In section 410-C of the Madurar Clty Munic~palCorporation Act, 1971, (hereinafter Amendment
'1 in t t i s Part referred to as the principal Act), in sub-sect~on ( 5 ) , for the expression of sechon
"Government account", the expression "Corporat~on account" shall be subst~tuted. 410-C

7, In scctlon 470-CC of the principal Act, for sub-sectron (2), the ft~llowlng Amendment of
S\II)-\I;(,IIOI) ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ c1 ~
1 ~ ~ l ~ ~ri:~rn[~Iy-
, ~ i l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( l , section
"(2) The tax paid under sub-section (1) shdll be credited to the Corporatlon
account 111 such manner as may be prescribed".

The follow~ngAct of ~ I , L 'amrl Nadu Legislative Assembly recerved the assent of the
Governor on the 29th May 2008 and IS hereby published for general information:-

ACT No. 35 OF 2008.

An Act further to amend the laws relating to fhe Municipal Corporations

and the Muni~ipalitiesin the State of Tamil Nadu.
B E ~t enacted by the Legrslat~ve Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Year of the Republ~cof lndla as follows -

arntl N* I.(1) Thls Act may be called the Tamil Nadu M lnicipal Laws (Second Amendment) Short title and
Act Act, 2008 commence-
21 of 1991 ment
(2) It shall come rnto force on such date as the State Government may, by



ri Nadu 2. After section 58 of the Chennar Crty Munrcrpal Corporation Act, 1919, the followrng Insertion of
sectlon shall be Inserted, namely - ne N
Uol 1919 sectton 58-A
58-A Grant of p a ~ dholiday to employees on the day of poll-(1) Every person
employed ~n any busrness, trade, rndustrial undertaking or any other establishment and
entltled to vote at electron to the corporatron shall, on the day of poll, be grantej a
(2) No deduction or abatement of the wages of any such person shall be made
on account of a holiday having been granted in accordance with sub-section (1) and
if such person is employed on the basis that he would not ordinarily ieceive wages for
such a day, he shall nonetheless be paid for such day the wages he would have drawn
had not a holiday been granted to him, on that day.
(3) If an employer contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2):
then such employer shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred
(4) Tllis seclron shall not apply to any elector whose absence may cause danger
or substantial loss In respect of the employment rn whrch he is engaged.".

PART - Ill


3. After sectlon 65 of the Madural Crty Municipal rorporation Act, 1971, the following lnsert~onof
section shall be tnserted, namely - new
sectton 65- A
'65-A Grant of p a ~ dhol~dayto employees on the day of poll--(l) Every person
employed In any busrness, trade, rndustrral undertakrng or any other establrshment and
ent~tledto vote at electlon to the corporation shall, on the day of poll, be granted a

( 2 ) No deductron or abatement of the wages of any such person shall be made

or) ; ~ c c o ~ tof
~ l t;I liolrdny Iiavlnq bean granted In accordance with sub-sectron (1) and
11 s11c.11I)I~~!;OII1s c!rrlr)loyc:(l OII It10 t);lsls tIia1 h(: w0~11(11101 ord~~wrily
~ C C ~ I Vwages
C lor
such a day, he shall nonet"l1ess be pard for such day the wages he would have drawn
had not a hollday been granted to hrrn, on that day
(3) If an employer contravenes the provisions of s u ~ s x t b n(1) or sub-section (2).
then such employer shall be punishable with fine which may extend to flve
1) (~ndredrupees.

(4) Thls section shall not apply to any elector whose absence may cause danger
or substantial loss in respect of the employment in which he is engaged.".



lnsert~onof 4. After section 67 of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, the
new following section shall be inseri,;f. namely :-
section 67-A.
-67-A. Grant of p t id holiday to employees on the (lay of poll.-(1) Every person
! employed in any business. trade. industrial undertaking or any other establishment and
i entitled to vote at election to the corporation shall. on the day of poll, be granted
a holiday.
(2) No deduction or abatement of the wages of any such person shall be made
on accoilnt of a hol~dayhaving bccr~granted 11) accordarrcc w~ltlsut, sc-cl~orl(1) and
~f such person is employed on the basls lhat he would not ordlnar~lyrecelve wages for
such a day. he shall nonetheless be paid for such day the wages he would have drawn
h d not a holiday been granted to him. on that day.

(3) If an employer contravenes the provisions of sub-sect~on (1) or

employer shall be punishable w~thfine whtch may extend

I or substantial
(4) This ection shall not apply to any elector whose absence may cause danger
loss in .respect of the employment in which he is engaged.".


lnserrron of
/ 5. After section 43-8 of the Tamil Nadu Distnct Muncipalities Act. 1920,the following
sect~on shall be tnserted. namelv :-
section 43-BB
'43-66. Grant of paid holiday to employees on the day of pol/.-(1) Every person
employed in any business, trade. ind~lstrialundertaking or any other establishment and
entitled to vote at.election to any Municipality including Third Grade Municipality and Town
Panchayat shall, on the day of poll; b e granted a holiday.
(2) No deduction or abatement of the wages of any such person shall be made
on account of a holiday hav ng been granted In accordance with sub-section (1) and
if such person is employed on the basis that he would not ord~narilyrecelve wages for
such a cay, he shall nonetheless be paid for such Jay the wages he would have drawn
had not a holiday been granted 1-1 him, on that day.

(3) If an employer contra~enes the provis~ons of sub-section (1) or

sub-section (2). then such employer shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
five hundred rupees.
(4) This section shall not apply to any elector whose absence may cause danger
or substantial loss in respect of the employment in which he is engaged."

(By order of the Governo.)

Secretary to Gevernment,
Law Department.
!# ACT Nb. 36 OF

An Act further to amend the l a m relaCim 20 hcdlumicipal Corporations

and the M ~ n i c i p a l ~ e
insthe d T m i l Nadu.
i the

. - --
n nv rn - -

Amendment of
,n he Urwic h m-m wdk
1 ~m,9,,ii section 390-A, for the
~ESCS*' Mll be substituted. section 390-A.

,,,",L ..,.. L.. . -- -

4. I,, lkllr r;ovna;.np ~ t t t yIYIUP~I ~~~

Mt, 1191,.h soc110n 482. for the Amendment of
yead. ae m'''Mil 16 substituted.
qmesmsxn cMrmMk section 482.

samemq to Government.

The following Act of the Tam11 Nadu Legislative Assembly rece~vedthe assent of the
Governor on the 29th May 2008 and IS hereby published for general information^-

ACT No. 37 OF 2008.


An Act further t o amend the laws relating lo the Municipal Corporations

and the Municipalities in the State o f Tamil Nadu.
Br. it enacted by the Leg~slativeAssembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-n~flth
Year of the Republic of lndla as follows.-


1. ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws Short title and
(I=~fthAmerldment) Act, 2008 commence-
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification,

PART- 11


2. After section 404 of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919. the following Insertion of
shall be ~nserted,namely'- new
section 404-A.
"Maintenance of Records.
404-A. Maintenance of records and disclosure of information by the zorporation.-
The corporation shall, maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed, and publish
such information, in such form, in such manner and at such intervals. as may be



?du 3. After section 498 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971, the following lnsertlon of
shall be ~nserted,namely:- new
sectlon 498-A.
1 "Maintenance o f Records.
498-A. Mailltel~anceof records and disclosure o f informatior! by the corporation.--
The corpwation shall, maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed, and publish
such information, in such form, in such manner and at such intervals, as may be



ladu 4. After section 497 of the Co~mbatoreCity Municipal Corporat~onAct, 1981, the Insertion of
following shall be Inserted. namely - new
'981 section 497-A
'Maintenance o f Records.
of /oco/tls i l ~ r t(i i ~ s c l o s r ~ofr ~~ ~ r f o r ~ r t ohy
4 9 7 - A Mfi//tf~'/~ii/~r:o l ~ othe -
~ t col;nornbo~~
The corporation shall, maintarn all its records duly catalogued and indexed, and publ~sh
such lnformatlon, In such form, in such manner and at such ~ntervals, as may be
ACT No. 38 OF 2008.

An ~~t further to amend the laws rr2lating to the Munjcipd C o r ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

--and the Municipalities in the State of Tamil h d u .

BE enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tarnil Nadu In the

Year of the Hepubl~cof lndla as follo~S.-



1. (1) T h ~ sAct may be called the Tamil Nadu Municipal Laws (Slxth Amendment) Short tltle and
Act, 2008 commence-
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
notification, appornt




2. In sect~on4 of the Chenna~C~tyMunicipal Corporation Act.1919 (hereinafter in Amendment of

this Part referred to as the 1319 Act), In sub-section (3), for clause (a), the followlng SeCtlOn 4
1919 clauses shall be substituted, namely -
"(a) a Mayor,

(aa) a counc~l:"

3. For s e ~ t l 0 n 37 of the 1919 Act, the followlng sections shall be substituted, Subst~tut~onof
section 37
"37. Prerogative of the Mayor.-(1) The Mayor shall have full access to all records
of the corporatlon and may obtain reports from the cornmlssloner on any matter connected
w ~ t hthe admtnlstrat~on of the corporatlon
(2) All Important offlclal correspondence between the corporatlon and the State
Government as may be declded by the councll shall be conducted through the Mayor

(3) The Mayor shall be bound to transmit communicat~onsaddressed through ,

hlm by the cornmlssloner to the State Governmclnt or by the State Government to the
comrnlssloner Whlle transmlttlng conimun~cat~ons from the commlssloner to the State
Government, the Mayor may make such remarks as he thinks necessary.

37-A. Entrustment of additional functions to Mayor.-The State Governrl.lent may,

subject to the provlslons of thls Act and.the rules made thereunder, by n o t ~ f i c a t ~entrust
to the Mayor such addltlonal functions as ~t may deem necessary for carrylng obt the
purposes of thls A c t "

p-IV-2 Ex. (1681-2


Amendment of 4. In sect~on3 of the Madu.a~Clty Mun~c~pal Corporation Act,1971 (here~nafterln Tam11

sactlon 3 thls Part referred to as the 1971 Act), rn sub-section (3), for clause (a), the :ollowrng Act
clauses shall be substltuted, namely -
"(a) a Mayor ;
(aa) a councll ,''

Substitution of 5. For section 38 of the 1971 Act, the followrng sections shall be subst~tuted,
sect~on38 namely -
"38. Prerogative o f the Mayor.-(I) The Mayor shall have full access to all records
of the corporation and may obtaln reports from the comm~ssioneron any matter connected
w ~ t hthe adrn~n~strat~on of the corporat~on.
(2) All important offlcial correspondence between the corporation and the
Government as may be decrded by the councll shall be co lducted through the Mayor
(3) The Mayor shall be bound to transm~t comrnunlcat~ons addressed through
hlm by the commlssloner to the Government or by the Government to the commlssloner
While transmitting communicat~onsfrom the commlssroner to the Government, the Mayor
may make s ~ c hremarks as he thrnks necessary.

38-A. Entrustment of additional functions to Mayor.-The Government may.

subject to the provlslons of thls Act and the rules made thereunder, by notlflcatlon, entrust
to the Mayor such addit~onalf~nctrons as ~t may deem necessary for carryrng out the
purposes of this A c t "



Amendment of 6. In section 3 of the Co~mbatoreClty Mun~c~pal Corporat~onAct,1981 (heremafter T~~~~N ~ c ,
sectlon 3 in thls Part referred to as the 1981 Act), In sub-sectron (3), for clause (a), the follow~ng ACI
clauses shall be subst~tuted,namely -

(aa) a council ;".

Substltut~onof 7. For section 39 of the 1981 Act, the following sections shall be subst~tuted.
sect~on39 namely'-

"39. Prerogative o f the Mayor.-(!) The Mayor shall have full access to all records
of the corporatlon and may obtaln reports from the comm~ssioneron any matter connected
w ~ t hthe admlnlstration of the corporatlon.

(2) All important officral correspondence between Ihe corporat~on and the
Government as may be declded by the counc~lshall be conducted through the Mayor
(3) The Mayor shall be bound to transm~tcommun~cat~ons addressed through
h ~ mby the commlssroner to the Government or by the Government to the comrnlssroner
Whlle transm~ttlngcommunlcat~onsfrom the commiss~onerto the Government the Mayor
may make such remarks as he thlnks necessary
39-A. Entrustment of additional functions to Mayor.-The Government may.
subject to the provlslons of this Act and the rules made thereunder, by notlflcatlon, entrust
to the Mayor such add~t~onal funct~onsas it may deem necessary for carrylng out the
purposes of thls A c t "


sectlon 4

"(1) a Mayor;
(I-a) a councll ;"



C O R 7 0 R A T I O N ACT, 1994

9. In section 4 of the T~runelveliCity Municipal Corporation Act,1994, for clause Amendment of

8of (I), the follow~ngclauses shall be substituted, namely:- sect~on4.

"(1) a Mayor ;
(I-a) a council ;".



10. In section 4 of the Salem City Municipal Corporation Act,1994, Amendment of

for clause ( I ) , the following clauses shall be substituted, namely.-- section 4

"(1) a Mayor;
(I-a) a council;"


11. In section 4 of the Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008, for clause Amendment of
(I), the following clauses shall be substituted, namely:- section 4.

"(1) a Mayor;
(1-a) a council.".



12. In sectlon 4 of the Erode City Municipal Corporation Act, 2008, Amendment of
for clause (11, the following clauses shall be substituted, namely:- section 4.
"(1) a Mayor;
(I-a) a council;"
T h e follow~ngAct of the Tam11 Nadu Leglslatlve Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 29th November 2G08 and is hereby p u b l ~ s h e dfor
general lnformat~on -
ACT No. 55 OF 2008.
a An Act further to amend the laws relating to the Municipal Corporations in the
State of Tamil Nadu.

BE it enacted by the Leglslatlve Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the F~fty-ninthYear
I of the Republ~cof lnd~aas follows.-

1. (1) Thls Act may be called the Tam11Nadu Munlc~palCorporat~onsLaws (Amendment) Short t~tleand
Act, 2008 commencement
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 26th day of August 2008.


2. FOI sect~ons78 and 79 of the Chenna~C~tyMunlc~palCorporat~onAct, 1919 (hereafter Substitution of

In thls Part referred to as the 1919 Act), the following sect~ons shall be substituted, sections 8'
narnely - and 79

"78 Powers of municipal auH~ontresto sancbon estimates -

The powers of the
d~fferentmunlclpal authorltles to sanct~onestlmates shall be as follows -
(a) when the amount of estlrnate does not exceed ten lakhs of rupees, the
sanction of the concerned wards committee shall be requir.?d;
(h) when the amount of estimate exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed fiftj lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the commissioner shall be required;
(c) when the amount of estirnate exceeds fifty lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed sixty lakhs of rupees, the sanct~onof the Mayor shall be required;
(d) when the amount of estirnate exceeds s~xtylakhs of rupees but does not
t:xcectl s r v r ~ i l y - f ~ Iakhs
of Itlpees, the sanction of the concerned standing committee
(otlier than the staridlng cotrill tttee on taxallon and finance) shall be required;
(e) when the amount of estimate exceeds seventy-five lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed one crore of rupees, the sanction of the standing committee on taxation and
finance siiall be required;
(I) when the amount of estimate exceeds one crore of rupees but does not
exceed ten crores of rupees, the S i nction of the council shall be required;
(g) when the amount of estimate exceeds ten crores of rupees, the sanction of
the State Government shall be required.
79 Works costrllg more than sixty lakhs of rupees - (1) Where a project is
framed for the execution of any work or serles of works, the entlre est~matedcost of whlch
exceeds s~xtylakhs of rupees,--
(a) the colntnissloner shall cause a detailed I aport to be prepared including such
estlmates arid drawlngs as may be requ~s~te and shall la) the same,--
(1) before the concerned standlrlg committee (other than the standing comm~ttee
on taxation and finance), ~fthe entlre est~matedcost exceeds sixty lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed seventy-flve lakhs of rupees,
(ii) before the standing committee on taxation and finance, if the entire estimated
cost exceeds seventy-five lakhs of rupees but does not exceed one crore of rupees;
(//I) I ) c ~ l otI,(b 11 the olillro osllnialed cosl excccds ono crole uf rupees;
~ ( ~r:otr~~c~l,
.- ---------- --- ------- ---.-- -- -- - - . .--- . -
(b) the concerned slarid~r~yco~n~niltee 01 \ l ~ usl;antJlrig cut~~ril~lluo
o11 tirxiilio~iarltl
finance or the council, as the case may be, shall consider the report arid rrlay approve il exceed
either in its entirety or subject to modifications or may reject the same. the S t 8
(2) ( o ) Where tho council approves tllu p~oject,sul)locl lo any r ~ l o t l ~ f ~ c n tor
otherwise, the entire estimated cost of which exceeds ten croros of rupees, !he same shall exceec!
be submitted to the State Government. shall b
(b) The State Government may sanction the project either in its entirety or
subject to modifications or may r+ct the same and the work shall not be commenced
without such sanction of the State Government.
(c) No material change in the project sanctioned as aforesaid shall be carried the G:
into effect without the sanction of the State Government.".
Amendment of 3. In section 80 of the 1919 Act, for sub-section (2),the following sub-section shall be frame
section 80. substituted, namely:-- excet
'(2) Every contract on behalf of the corporation shall be made by Ihe conimissioner
subject to the following provisions, namely -
(a) no contract the estimated cost ,of which does not exceed ten lakhs of rupees
shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the concerned wards
(b) any contract the estimated cost of which exceeds ten lahhs of rupoes bul
does not exceed fifty lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissionor;
(c) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds fifty lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed sixty laklis of rupees shall be made by the commissioner, irnless it has been
sanctioned by the Mayor;
(d) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds sixty lakhs of rupees but
does not exceed seventy-five lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless fin;
it has been sanctioned by the concerned standing committee (other than the standing eitb
committee on taxation and finance);
fe) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds seventy-five lakhs of rupees
but does not exzeed one crore of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it has
besn sarictioned by the standing committee on taxation and finance;
(0 no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds one crore of rupees but does
not exceed ten crores of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been
sanctioned by the council;
(g) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds ten crores of rupees shall
be made by the commissione unless it has been sanctioned by the Sta,o Government;
(h) every contract the estimated cost of which exceeds forty thousand rupees
made by the commissioner shall be reported to the concerned standing committee within
fifteen days from the date on which. it has been made.".


Substitution of 4. For sections 97 and 98 of the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 (hereafter
sections97 in this Part referred to as the 1971 Act), the following sections shail be substituted.
and 98. namely:-

"97. Powers of m~~nicipal authorities to sanction estimates.- The powers of the

different n~unicipalauthorities to sanction estimates shail be as follows:-
(a) when the amount of estimate does not exceed five lakhs of rupees, the
sanction of the concerned wards committee shail be required;
(6) when the amount of estimate exceeds five laklls of rupees but does not
exceed ten lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the conimissioner si~ailbe required;
(c) when the amount of estimate exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed twenty lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the Mayor shall be required;
(d) when the amount of estimate exceeds hventy lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed thirty lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the concerned standing committee (other thdn
the standing committee on taxation and finance) shall be required:
(e) when the amount of estimate exceeds thirty lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed fifty lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the standing committee an taxation and finance
shall be required:
rety a (9 when the amount of estimate exceeds fifty lskhs of rupees but does not
ienced exceed one crore of rupees, the sanction of the council shall be required;
(g,! when the amount of estimate exceeds one crore of rupees, the sanction of
the Government shall be required.
98. Works costing more than twenty lakhs of rupees.- (1) Where a project is
framed for the execution of any work or series o works, the entire estimated cost of which
exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees,--
(a) the commissioner shall cause a detailed report to be prepared including such
estimates and drawings as may be requisite and shall lay thc same,--
(i) before the concerned standing con~mittee (other than the standing
committee on taxation and finance), ~f the entire estimated cos' exceeds twenty lakhs of
rupees but does not exceed ttlirty lakhs of rupees;
*s but (ii) before the standing committee on taxation and finance, if the entire
estimated cost exceeds thirty lalths of rupees but does not exceed fifty lakhs of rupees;

(iii) before the council, if the entire estimated cost exceeds fifty lakhs of
p) the cor~cernedstanding committee or the standing committee on taxation and
finance or the counal, as the case may be, shall consider the report and may approve it
either in its entirety or subject to modifications or may reject the same.

icees (2) (a) Where the col~ncilapproves the project, subject to any modifications or
! has otherwise, the erltire estimated cos! of which excettds one crore of ri~pses,the same shall
be submitted to :he Government.
it)! The Government may sanctlon the project eithe~in its entirety or subject to
I! ms
!> een
modifications or may reject t'le salne and the work shall not be commenced without such
sanctron of the Government

s hail (c) Nu material change in the ~roj3r.tsanztioned as aforesaid shall he carried into
en! effect without the sanction of the Government.".
5. In section 99 of the 1971 Act, for sub-section (2),the following sub-suction shall be Amendment of
suostituted, namely:-- section 99.
"(2) Every contract on behalf of the corporation shall be made by the commissioner
subject to the following provisions, namely:-
(a) no contract the estimated cost of which does not exceed five lakhs of rupees
shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the concerned wards
(I?) any contract the estmated cost of which exceeds five lakhs of rupees but
does not exceed ten I ~ k h sof rupcas shall be made by the commissioner;
(c) no contract the estiniated cost of which exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed twenty lakhs of rupees shall be made by the conlmissioner unless it has been
sanctioned by the Mayor;
(0) PO contract the estimated cost of which exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees but ' - "

does not exceed thirty lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it has
been sanctioned by the concerned standing committee (other than the standirg committee
on taxatiori and finance),
(e) n.2 contract the eslimated cost of which exceeds thirty lakhs of rupees but
docs not excc3ed fttty lakhs of rupees shall b e made by the commissioner unless it has been
sanctioned b y Ilic st,~ntlr ., romtrl~ttecon taxation and finance;
( f ) no contract the estlmated cost of whlch exceeds f~ftylakhs of rupees but does
not exceed one crore of rupees shall be made by the commlssroner unless ~t has been
sanctroned by the councrl,
(g) no contract the estimated cost of wh1~11
exceeds one clore ol r u ~ u c ssllall bc
made by the commlssloner unless ~t has been sanctroned by the Government,
(h) every contract the estlrnnted cost of whlch exceeds ten thousand rupees
made by the comrnlssloner shall be reported to the concerned standlng cornnilttee w~thln
flfleen days from \he date on whlch ~t has been made"


I Subst~tut~on

"99 Powers of munropal authontres to sanction estimates-- The powers of the

different rnunicrpal author~t~es
to sanctton'estrmates shall be as follows --
(a) when the amount of cstrmate does not exceed flve lakhs of rupees, the
sanction of the concerned wards comm~tteeshall be required,
(b) when the amount of estlmate exceeds flve lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed ten lakhs of rupees, the sanct~onof the cornmlssloner shall be requrred.
(c) when the amount of estlmate exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed twenty lakhs of rupees, the sanction of the Mayor shall be requ~red,
(d) wnen the amount of estlmate exceeds tv enty lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed thirty lakhs of rupees, the sanci~onof the concerned standlng commlttee (other than
the standrng comrnrttee on taxatron and finance) shall be requrred,
(e) 'when the amount of estlmate exceeds thlrty lakhs of rupees but does not
exceed fifly lakhs of rupees, the sanct~onof the standlng comm~tteeon taxat~onand flnance
shall be required,
(f) when the amount of estimate exceeds flfty la, of rupees but does not
exceed one crore of rdpees, the sanctlon of the councll shall be requ~red,
(gl when the amount of est~mateexceeds one crore of rupees, the sanctlon of
the Government shall be requ~red.
100 Works cosbng more than twenty lakhs of rupees - (1) Where a project IS
framed for the executron of any work or serles of works, the entlre estlmated cost of whlch
exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees,-
(a) the commissioner sllall cause a detalled report to be prepared lncludlng such
estimates and drav~lngsas may be requrs~teand shall lay the same,-

rupees but does not exceed ttilrty lakhs of rupees,

(11) before the standlng comm~tteeon taxatlon and finance, ~f the entlre
estimated cost exceeds thlrty lakhs of rupees but does not exceed flfty lakhs of rupees,

(rrr) before the counc~l,~f the entlre estimated cost exceeds fifty lakhs of
(b) the concerned standlng cornm~ttee,or the standing commlttee on taxation
and finance or the councrl, as the case may be, shall cons~derthe report and may approve
it e~therIn its entlrety or subject to mod~flcatlonsor may reject the same
(2) (a) Where the counc~lapproves the project, subject to any modifications Or
othemfise, the ent~reest~lnatedcost of whlch exceeds one crare of rupees, the same shall
be subm~ttedto the Government
(b) The Government may sanction the project either in its entirety or subject
to modificat~onsor may reject the same and the work shall not be commenced w i t h o ~ such
sanction of the Government
(c) No material change in the project sanctioned as aforesaid shall be carried
! 4
into effect without the sanction of the Government ".
7. In section 101 of the 1981 Act. for sub-section (2). the following sub-section shall be Amendment of
'es section 101.
substituted, namely'-
'(2) Every contract on behalf of the corporation shall be made by the commissioner
subject to the following provisions, namely:-
(a) no contract the estimated cost of which does not exceed five lakhs of rupees
1 shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the concerned wards
j81 Tarn11Ni

<, Act 25 (b) any contract the est~matedcost of which exceeds five lakhs of rupees but
1981 does not exceed ten lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner;

he (c) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds ten lakhs of rupees but does
1 not exceed twenty lakhs of rupees siall be made by the commissione-, unless it has been
i sanctioned by the Mayor;

(d) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds twenty lakhs of rupees but
does not exceed thirty lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it has
(lot been sanctioned by the concerned standing committee (other than the standing committee
on taxation and finance),
ilot (e) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds thirty lakhs of rupees but
does not exceed fifty lakhs of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been
sanctioned by the standing committee on taxation and f~nance;
)an (f) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds fifty lakhs of rupees but does
not exceed one crore of rupees shall be made by the commissioner unless it has been
not sanctioned by the council,

I lce (g) no contract the estimated cost of which exceeds one crore of rupees shall be
made by the commissioner unless it has been sanctioned by the Government;

not (h) every contract the* estimated cost of which exceeds ten thousand rupees
made by the commissioner shall be reported to the concerned standing committee within
o f fifteen days from the date on which it has been made ".
I 8. (1) The Tamil Nadu Municipal Corporations Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2008 is Repeal and
IS t6 hereby repealed. saving

J (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done, or any action taken under the
Cherinai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919, the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act,
1971 and the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporatiop Act, 1981, as amended by the said
ing J Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the Chennai City Municipal
of Corporation Act, 1919, the Madura~City Municipal Corporation Act, 1971 and the Coimbatore
City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981, as amended by this Act


(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Department.
_ _ _ _ _ -.- _ _-._-
_ _ - _ _--_
_ _ _ _ _ _

The followtng Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly rece!ved the assent
of the Governor on the 29th November 2008 and is hereby published for
general rnforrnation'-
ACT No. 57 OF 2008.
A n Act further to amend the laws relating to the Municipal Corporations
and the Municipalities it? the Stale o f Tamil Nadu.
BE i t enacted by the Leg,-lat~veAssembly of the State of Tamil Nadu n the Fifty-ninth Year
of the Rept~blicof lndla as follows:-

1. (1) Thls Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Municcpal Laws (Seventh Amendment) Short title and
c )mmence-
Act, 2008.
(2) I t shall come into force on such date as the State Government may,
by notification, appoint.
I t
2. In section 52 of the Chennai City Munccipal Corporation Act, 1919 (hereafter ill t h ~ s Amendment of
'of Part referred to as the 1919 Act), after sub-section (1-A), the following sub-sectcon shall be section 52
i inserted, namely --
"(1-8) A person drsqualified for being a councillor under clause (eee) of
sub-section (1) of section 53 shall be d:squal~fiedfor election as a councillor for a period
i of SIX years from the date of such disqualification.".
3. In sectlon 53 of the 1919 Act, in sub-seclion (t), after clause (ee), the following clause Amendment of
shall be inserted, namely :- section 53.
"( eee) does not belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled T~ibe,but has been
elected from the seat reserved for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the
case may be."


1 fvU)(idu
4. In section 56 of ttle Marlurai City Micnic~palCorporation Act, 1971 (hereafter irl this
Part referred to a!; the 1971 Act), after sub-section (1-A), the fallowing :ub-section shall be
Amendment of
section 56.
&dd inserted, namely:--

"(1.8) A person disqualified for becng a councillor under clause (ee) of

sub-section (1) of sectron 57 stiall be disqualified for election as a councillor for a period
of six years from the dale of such disqualification.".
5. In sectloti 57 of the 1971 Act, in sub-section (1), after clause (e), the following Amendment of
clause shall be ~nserted,namely :- section 57.

"(ee) does no1 belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Trcbe but has been
elected from the seel reserved for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the
case may be."

du 6. In sect~on58 of the Co~rnbatoreClty Mun~ctpalCorporalcon Act, 1981 (hereafter irt this Amendment of
%of Part referred to as the 1981 Act) after suh.sectlon ( 2 ) , the following sub-sect~onshall be Sec"On
~nserted naniely -
'(2-A) A person disqualified for betng a counc~llor under clause (ff) of
sub-section (1) of sectlon 59 shall be disqualified for election as a counc~llorfor a period
of SIX yeals from Ihe date of such d~squabfication."

~ Amendment of
section 59
7. In scctlon 59 of the 1981 Act, 111sub section (1),
shall be inserted, rid~r~ely
;iflt:r clnt~sct(f). Ihc' follow~~icl

'"0 does not belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Trlbe, but has been elected from
the sr at reserved for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tr~be,as the case may be,"


Amendment of
section 49
t ~ e s1920 (hereafter ~n t h ~ sPart
8. In sectlon 49 of the Tam11Nadu Dlstrlct M u n ~ c ~ p a l ~Act.
referred to as the 1920 Act), after sub-sect~on(1-A), the following sub-sectlon shall be
inserted, namely -
"(1-0) A person d ~ s q u a l ~ f ~for
e d b e ~ n g a counc~llor under clause (ddd) o f
sub-sectlon (1) of sect~on50 shall be d~squallf~ed for elect~onas a counc~llorfor a perlod
v of 192;
of SIX years from the date of such disqual~fication" l Nadu

Amendment of 9. In section 50 of the 1920 Act, in sub-sect~on(I),after clause (dd), the followtng clause of 1994
sectlon 50 shall be ~nserted,namely --
"(ddd) does not belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, but has been
eleited from the seat reserved for Scheduled Caste or Schediiled T r ~ b e ,as the
case may be;".

(By order of the Governor)

S. D H E E N A D H A Y A L A N ,
Secretary to Government,
Law Department.

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