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Petal Activities

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Daisy Petal Projects

Daisy Blue Center Promise

Light Blue Honest & Fair
Yellow Friendly & Helpful
Spring Green Considerate & Caring
Red Courageous & Strong
Orange Responsible for what I say and do
Purple Respect Myself & Others
Magenta Respect Authority
Green Use Resources Wisely
Rose Make the world a better place
Violet Be a sister to every Girl Scout

Please note that this is a compilation of Daisy Petal Projects from many different leaders. It
is to be used to supplement, not replace, The Guide for Daisy Girl Scout Leaders.

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Compiled by K. Baron
Daisy Petal Projects
Daisy Blue Center - Promise
1. Make a Girl Scout Law bracelet using the colors of the petals.


A. READ: Show girls a copy of the Promise and read through it. (we do this at
beginning of every meeting)

B. DISCUSS: Begin to go through the Promise by breaking it down into 3 segments:

Serving God -- Serving my Country -- Helping People

C. PANTOMIME AND PICTURES: As we went through each section (it took us parts
of 2 meetings to do it all) I would ask the girls for examples of how they could do
these things. Then one or two of them would get up and mime this suggestion. I
then used my camera and took a picture of them doing that activity. I had also
brought in some 'creative props'. By creative I mean they were props that were
intended to be creatively used to be anything we needed: a large cooking spoon,
some tupperware, a scarf, etc. They used these things for all sorts of things. EX:
tupperware containers on their heads to represent bike helmets; the spoon
became a toothbrush, etc.

D. PICTURES TO POSTER: I happen to have a digital camera and can print out
pictures easily at home... but it can be done with a regular camera. I'll explain how
in a moment. The next week I brought in a large version of the Promise for each of
the girls. I printed it out on my computer large enough so that it took 2 pieces of
letter sized paper. Make sure there is plenty of space between each line of the
Promise. Give the girls copies of the pictures and let them choose which ones
they want to use and paste them in the correct areas.

E. Decorate the White Space: After they cut and pasted the pictures in place the girls
used crayons or markers to decorate the rest of the paper with flowers or whatever
they chose.

F. A NICE FINISHED LOOK: I then took home their work, put them on a larger piece
of colored construction paper so they each had a pretty border. The final step for
me was to laminate it so it would all stay together and they would feel good about
putting on their wall at home.

G. HELPFUL NOTES - "Helping People" was obviously the easiest one for the girls to
come up with suggestions for. I'm glad it was last on the list. Here are notes about
how I defined or redefined the other two sections of the Promise:
A NOTE ABOUT "SERVING GOD" - I personally do not feel it is my role to teach
the girls about God or religion (despite the fact that when I'm not a Daisy Leader
one of the MANY things I am professionally is a Family Educator in a religious
institution!). Religion truly is a very wide and varied experience, especially in BOTH
my Girl Scout troops. We have girls from so many different countries and
backgrounds. Who am I to tell them Who or What God is and How to Serve God?
I therefore redefine 'to serve God': We each are one of God's greatest creations.
It is of utmost importance that we take care of God's creations. Therefore to Serve

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Daisy Petal Projects
God is to take care of ourselves. So when I discuss this section with the girls I ask
them for examples of how they can take care of themselves. They came up with
things like: eating healthy, learning to tie their shoes, making their own beds, wear
a helmet when biking, brushing their teeth, etc.
A NOTE ABOUT "SERVING MY COUNTRY": I defined that as how to take care of
our community and our environment. The girls came up with examples of not
littering, recycling, and planting trees.
A NOTE ABOUT USING A REGULAR CAMERA: Take your photos to a copy
center. Put as many as you can fit onto a machine and REDUCE THEM IN SIZE.
Make enough copies so that each girl gets a reduced size of ALL the pictures. Let
them choose the ones they want to use. At my copy center I can make color
copies for about 99 cents a copy. They also DO NOT charge me for copies I DO
NOT use. Therefore I do not pay for the ones used in the reduction experiment
process. It certainly could also be done with just Black and White copies as well.

Light Blue - Honest & Fair

1. Have a game day and talk about how it's not fun to play with cheaters. (I'm sure you
can find better words than that!!)

2. We had an Egg Hunt for our "honest and fair" petal. Each girl was allowed to find 5
eggs. Once they reached their goal they had to assist the other girls until everyone
found 5 eggs. They were little troopers. I think that they had more fun helping each

Yellow - Friendly & Helpful

1. Read the Brownie Story. Each time the girls hear the word helpful, have them stand
up and shout “Helpful!” Then send them home with little sheets of paper that say, “A
girl scout was here”. Each time they do a good deed/chore without being asked, they
can leave a slip of paper.

2. I have one of my Daisies be a helper at each meeting. So they are not earning this
petal all at the same time, but all will have a chance to be a helper and earn the petal.

Spring Green - Considerate & Caring

1. Secret pals! - Have each girl pick out of a hat and have them bring a special gift to
the next meeting - something they've made (if you go with a purchased item, make
sure you put a $$ limit on the spending!)... Or even better – send the gift in the mail
or drop it off on the front porch – girls love getting mail. Then you could have each
girl bring a card to the next meeting to reveal herself.

2. We made cards to take to a nursing home and then went and spent time with the
older folks of our town

3. Caroling at a nursing home

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Daisy Petal Projects
4. We made get well cards for a few of our parents. Three of them had surgery all in the
same week. We also made "thank you" cards right after the holidays to say thank you
to some of their relatives that spoiled them rotten.

5. Here is a craft we did with our Daisy troop during a Mother/Daughter Ice Cream
Social. It was very well received.

"I Love You To Pieces Frame"

8 popsicle sticks per frame
lots of multi-colored small puzzle pieces
one hand-made puzzle piece with the words "I love you to pieces"
tacky glue

Assemble the frame by gluing the popsicle sticks into a square shape, with 2 popsicle
sticks per side. Glue the puzzle pieces haphazardly around the frame overlapping to
make at least 2 layers.

Cut the photo (we brought a Polaroid camera and took instant photos of the mom and
Daisy) to fit into the frame. Once the glue is mostly dry and holding the frame
together, glue the photo to the back of the frame. (optional: glue or tape a piece of
clear plastic over the photo first).

Then when it is all glued together, glue the handmade puzzle piece that says "I Love
You to Pieces" onto the frame in your desired location. (I printed up the words on the
computer in a fancy font and pre-cut them for the Daisies).

If you like, to finish the back, you can glue cardboard over the photo and hot glue a
wire to hang it with, or a triangle piece of cardboard for a stand, or however you like.

Red - Courageous & Strong

1. My girls earned this petal as they practiced for their bridging ceremony. We talked
about how it is sometimes scary to get up in front of people and that it takes
"courage" and "strength". Then we practiced our ceremony until everyone felt
comfortable with their parts.

2. We play a game called emotions. It requires the girls to pick out of a hat a paper that
has an emotion on it, like Happy, Sad, Mad, Glad, Excited, Hurt, etc.

We had adults help with the reading and each girl had to stand in front of the group
and act out the emotion without talking. If your girls are shy, it could take quite a bit
of courage to stand up there and do that in front of everyone.

3. We also do things with our sister troop and for them to be in front of other people they
don't know is quite courageous.

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Daisy Petal Projects
4. Another great idea I’ve heard about is having a fashion show

5. We planned a field trip without our moms! We had parents from our sister Junior
troop walk to McDonald's with us where we had dinner and then talked about one of
the other petals while there. Then, we all (Jr. and Daisies) walked over to the ice
cream place before walking back to our meeting place. The older and younger girls
all had a good time.

6. We are having different foods that we have never tried and we are going to try them.
We are also going to be learning about what it means to be strong not just by lifting
weights but strong in mind too.

7. Make a growth chart to hang in their rooms so they can see how they grow.

8. I took the girls to one of our local athletic clubs where they were able to have a full
hour class of gymnastics and complete a small agility course.

9. Dance Studio - The instructor spoke to the girls about eating right and exercise. They
were taught some dance steps and exercised with weights.

Orange - Responsible for what I say and do

1. Do a service project that helps the environment. Pick up trash around the school,
park or playground (wear gloves, of course!). Talk to the girls about how each person
should help take care of the earth. Maybe plant a tree or some flowers.

2. Get a big sheet of paper and have the girls make a list of Troop rules.

3. Copy a picture from a coloring book. Have the girls color the picture. Have the girls
crumple the picture into a ball. Now smooth out the picture. Note all the wrinkles left
on the paper. Explain when you say something bad or mean it will always leave a
mark on that person. Some marks don’t show but others do. A girl scouts job is to be
responsible and not say things that might hurt someone on the inside. Discuss what
words hurt and what words are nice.

4. Responsible for what I do can be as simple as having the girls always wear their seat
belts when in a car.

5. Have the girls think about what chore they could do to help mom do around the
house and one that they can do at the Daisy meetings to help out, like take out the
trash or push in the chairs at the end of the meetings. They have a chart to take
home and check off for two weeks.

Purple - Respect Myself & Others

1. Have a Doctor, Nurse or Dentist talk to the girls about how important it is to take care
of themselves, maybe visit their office.

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Daisy Petal Projects
2. We put together care packages of toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, wet wipes,
soap, and combs. The girl each received one and we donated the others to a shelter.
We talked about proper hygiene and why it is important.

3. This one was a little tough at first....it was planned for the end of our year which
coincided with Mother's Day, so we talked about showing respect for our mom's, and
had a Mom's Day tea, where the girls made gifts for them, as well as serving them a
special tea menu...I also explained that using manners and showing respect is a way
to respect one's own self, in that others will treat you the way you treat them.

Magenta - Respect Authority

1. Field trip to our local police station for a tour. The officer gave an age-appropriate
tour, including the holding cell, the firing range and the motorcycle garage. It made a
big impression on the girls.

2. Have someone in authority, principal, police officer, fire fighter, etc, talk to the girls
about what it means to have their job and how people depend on them.

3. We made a trip to the fire department. They gave us a tour, allowed the girls to try on
their uniforms, and squirt the fire hose. They talked about fire safety. We made them
a special card to thank them. We also decorated all of their chalkboards while we
waited for them to return from a fire. As we were arriving - they were leaving. It was
rather exciting for the girls to see.

Green - Use Resources Wisely

1. Old paper in rolls that were going to be thrown away because the new machine used
regular paper. Scraps of construction paper, markers, shoe boxes, popsicle sticks
and miscellaneous craft stuff left over from other projects, then set it out with NO
instructions other than "make something." All 20 girls were almost instantly busy.
Some worked together on a long mural with the fax paper, others decorated shoe
boxes, some made picture frames with the popsicle sticks.

2. Collect aluminum cans for recycling.

3. Visit a recycling center

4. Take a trip to the local library.

5. Make paper from all of our construction paper scraps

6. Each girl brought a newspaper, a can, and tab tops from soda cans. We walked to
the daycare and dropped off the can tabs. They redeem them for $$ to pay for up
keep of the facility. We dropped off the newspapers at the bin in the parking lot. We
dropped off the cans as well. We talked about the importance of recycling and
explained what a landfill was.

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Daisy Petal Projects
7. I had the girls decorate re-usable plastic cups for our meetings...we discussed
recycling and littering.

8. We practiced some "leave no trace" skills by cleaning the playground.

9. We had a relay race with recyclables. We made a pile of mixed recyclables (plastics,
tin/aluminum, newspapers, etc) and had a separate box labeled for each type of
recyclable. One by one the girls put one item at a time into the correct box. As a
group they worked together doing this 3 times. We timed them each time as they
raced against the clock. It was a lot of fun!

Rose - Make the world a better place

1. Plant sunflower and daisy seeds for the girls to take home.

2. Go to a recycling center and practice recycling at home.

3. Do a local community clean up or plant trees on earth day.

4. Plant a flower garden as a "thank you" to the church/school for allowing us to use it
as a meeting place

5. Make baby quilts to donate

Because I have a sewing business I have access to a number of sewing machines,
which makes it doable. I try to have one adult and one machine for each girl. All of
the squares (4"x4") are cut in advance. Each girl makes a diagonal five square and
six squares make a baby quilt. We talk about matching colors and how to choose
fabric patterns that will go together. I then have them choose 5 pieces of a pattern
that they like and lay them out on the table in a diagonal line. Then they choose 4
each of two more patterns that will go with the first and line them up along the sides
of the first line. The process is repeated for 3, 2, and 1. They then pin one row and
sew it, continuing until all the rows are sewed. Then they sew the rows together to
finish the square. We always have someone that gets their rows turned around so I
help them take it out and fix it, as this age it's to frustrating for them to try this
themselves. Our diagonal five pattern is below:

5 4a 3a 2a 1a
4b 5 4a 3a 2a
3b 4b 5 4a 3a
2b 3b 4b 5 4a
1b 2b 3b 4b 5

6. We did a quick unit on taking care of pets and animal safety...we also visited our local
veterinarian's office, and made a pet supplies donation to our local animal shelter.

7. Make bird feeders out of recycled materials

Violet - Be a sister to every Girl Scout

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Daisy Petal Projects
1. Find a Troop outside of your area to be Pen Pals with

2. Have a Sister Brownie Troop

3. Have a Thinking Day party

4. We did a study on Australian Girl Guides, complete with an Aussie snack and craft

5. Make swaps for sister brownie troop

6. Have a Daisy party for all the Daisy troops in town (that’s assuming that there’s more
than 1 Daisy Troop!)

Helpful Web Sites for Daisy Leaders
http://jenefer.speedyweb.com/daisyhelps.shtml - Daisy Girl Scout Help Site

http://www.geocities.com/alamitosmarina/dsylinks.html - Links for Daisies

http://www.members.tripod.com/a_scout/daisysong.htm - Songs just for Daisies!

http://people.ne.mediaone.net/coy/LinksLibrary.html#Badge - Links for All Levels

http://people.ne.mediaone.net/coy/TasteofBrowniesIdeas.html#Daisy - Taste of Brownies

http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/5782/spark.html - Sparks, the Guiding equivalent of


http://www.scoutinglinks.com - TONS of links!

http://hometown.aol.com/GSMomJoann/FavoriteURLsIndex.html - More Tons of links!

http://hometown.aol.com/GSMomJoann/councilown.html - Council’s Own Badges/Patches

http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/6610/index.htm - Girl Scout Leader Emporium

http://www.voicenet.com/~edmelo/patches.html - Links to Patch Companies


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Compiled by K. Baron

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