Unit 6: Leadership: Session 1: Meaning, Definition and Importance of Leadership
Unit 6: Leadership: Session 1: Meaning, Definition and Importance of Leadership
Unit 6: Leadership: Session 1: Meaning, Definition and Importance of Leadership
Don’t you think as a student you should understand what is this concept of leadership all about?
What makes a person a good leader? What are the different types of leaders?
A leader is one who guides and directs other people. He understands the objectives of the
group and thereby guides it for achieving them. People need to be guided to contribute
towards organisational goals with zeal and confidence. A leader is responsible for
encouraging his team to work towards these goals
Therefore, leadership is the act to influence behaviour of others. It can be referred as the capacity
to influence a group of people towards the realization of a goal.
Leadership is a part of both formal and informal situations. You may have observed that when
you are playing sports or planning some activity, generally one of your friends take a lead.
Definition of Leadership
Various authors have given different definitions on leadership. Let us learn few of them: -
Rauch & Behling defined Leadership is defined as the process of influencing the activities of an
organized group toward goal achievement.
Hemphill has defined Leadership is the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the
activities of a group toward a shared goal.
Unit 6 : Leadership
According to Schein “Leadership is the ability to step outside the culture to start evolutionary
change processes that are more adaptive.”
Keith Davis defines it as “the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives
Significance of Leadership
Leaders have got an important role in determining the organisations’ future. In a way, they have
accountability towards the owners, customers, employees and many stakeholders. So, if the
leadership is right, the firms can run smoothly. The importance of leadership is discussed below:
Creating Confidence
Maintaining Discipline
Providing Feedback
A good leader is responsible for developing team spirit among employees. He imbibes a
sense of collective effort in the people and thus makes them work as a team. He makes
them understand that team work actually helps in achieving their individual goals.
iv. Confidence
A leader has to create confidence among the subordinates. Sometimes, the leader has to
make them realise their potentials and capabilities to achieve organizational goals. Also,
he has to provide them conducive environment for their individual growth.
v. Maintaining Discipline
Leaders exert their power and influence to ensure discipline in the organisation. They
also make sure that subordinates are adhering to the rules and regulations with
vi. Providing feedback
It is the duty of the leader to provide continuous
feedback for their performance to his team members.
This is done to assure the organisational goals are met
effectively and efficiently.
Types of Leaders
2. Autocratic Leaders: - Such leaders dominate and get the work done through coercion,
command and inculcating fear in the group members. They basically dictate all the work
methods. These leaders don’t take inputs from their teams. This kind of leadership
doesn’t promote the concept of creativity from the subordinates. Adolf Hitler, dictator of
Germany is a classic example of autocratic leader.
Unit 6 : Leadership
3. Persuasive Leaders: - A persuasive leader possesses alluring personality that enable him
to encourage the team members for getting the work done. Persuasion is the ability to
convince others to change their actions, decisions, opinions or thinking. Persuasive
leaders are generally friendly, polite, trustworthy and knowledgeable. They are loved and
trusted by their group members.
4. Creative Leaders: - A creative leader encourages ideas from group members. He doesn’t
exert undue pressure or influence on the team. He tries to unite people through
enthusiastic activities. He creates conducive environment to promote creativity. This kind
of leadership provides satisfaction at work.
5. Intellectual Leaders: -These leaders win the trust of their subordinates by their
intelligence and knowledge. He is generally experienced in one of the areas of company’s
processes. E.g. An intellectual leader may be expert in advertising, production, sales or
human relations. An expertise knowledge has got a great role in improving firm’s
6. Institutional Leaders: - An institutional leader influences his team on account of the
stature or position he holds in the organisation. He is able to command respect due to his
position in the enterprise. Some subordinates also respect him as they have a habit of
obeying their seniors.
7. Charismatic Leaders: - Charisma is a form of inter-personal attraction that inspires
support and acceptance from others. A leader with charisma is in a position to influence
others than who lack charisma. Charismatic leaders are dynamic and high-risk takers. It
has been proved in research that charismatic leadership leads to high performance and
satisfaction among his followers. They can be relied during crisis.
8. Transformational Leaders: - Transformational leaders are responsible for introducing
dramatic changes in the organisations. James V. Downton introduced the concept of
transformational leadership. These leaders are charismatic and are capable of motivating
others. They enjoy trust, respect and appreciation from their team members. This kind of
leadership promotes intelligence, rationality and problem-solving traits in the followers.
9. Transactional Leaders: - As compared to transformational leadership, the transactional
leadership works on the idea that people are self- motivated who work in a structured and
organised way. This is more towards compliance of rules and regulations. Such leaders
Unit 6 : Leadership
get their work done through rewards and punishments. They don’t bring out a significant
change in the organisations like transformational leaders.
An effective leader possesses certain qualities or traits which differentiates them amongst
common persons. Some of the qualities
which are needed for a good leader are: -
1. Physical Features: - A leader should
have good health and physical fitness.
Height, weight, physique and stamina are
significant for leadership. Physical and
mental strength also help in managing
long hours of work.
Leadership style is the method in which the leader supervises and directs his team
members. It can also be referred as the behaviour pattern exhibited by a leader for influencing
his followers. On the basis of how leaders influence his subordinates, leadership styles can be
classified into three broad categories- Autocratic, Consultative and Free-reign.
Unit 6 : Leadership
(i) Such leadership styles lead to frustration, low morale and conflict among
(ii) Subordinates tend to shirk responsibility and initiative at times as they don’t get an
opportunity to participate in decision making process.
(iii) Potential of subordinates and their creative ideas are not properly utilized.
(iv) Such leadership style poses a threat for continuity of the organisation.
2. Participative Leadership
Use of this leadership style is beneficial for both the leader and
the subordinates as it allows employees to become part of the
team and enable the leader to make better decision.
i. Such kind of leadership inspires confidence and loyalty amongst the team members.
ii. Participation in the decision-making process satisfaction to the workers and increases
productivity at work place.
iii. This kind of leadership induces confidence, cooperation and loyalty among the
iv. Morale of the employees also becomes high.
Advantages: -
Unit 6 : Leadership
Disadvantages: -
i. Group members don’t feel supported and directionless as there is no one to guide
ii. Occasionally, the group cohesiveness is reduced in such form of leadership.
iii. Often, it leads to miscommunication in the group.
Self-Test Questions
a. …………………………. leaders get the work done using coercion, command and
instilling fear in the subordinates.
III. True or False
1. A laissez faire leadership style occurs when all power is passed onto the staff.
2. An autocratic leadership style occurs when power is split between the leader and his or
her staff.
3. Charismatic leaders are the ones who take responsibility to execute risky projects.
4. Participative leadership leads to quick decision making.
IV. Answer the following briefly:
1. What are some traits required to be a good leader?
2. What is the importance of leadership in an organisation?
3. Differentiate between transactional and transformational leaders.
4. What are the traits of autocratic leaders? Give examples.
V. Answer in detail:
Explain the different styles of leadership practiced in organisations.
VI. Activity
Unit 6 : Leadership
Identify four leaders from politics and corporate arena of your choice. List out their
leadership traits and find out what type of leaders they are.