Course Code Name of Course Credits
BMECEN101R01 Strategies in Communication 3 - - 3
BMECMA102 Mathematics I 3 1 - 4
BMECCS103 Computer Programming – I[C] 4 - - 4
BMECPY104 Engineering Physics 3 1 - 4
BMECCE105 Environmental Studies 3 - 2 4
BMECCE106 Basic Civil Engineering 3 - - 3
BMECCE107 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 - 4
BMECCS108 Computer Programming Lab I [C Lab] - - 3 2
BMECME109 Workshop - - 3 2
BMECPY110 Physics Lab - - 3 2
BMECEN111 Indian Culture and Ethics 1 - - 1
Total 23 3 11 33
3 - - 3
English Communication ed. Prof. K.G.Seshadri, Dr.K.N.Sivaraman and Dr. P.Ramani
- A SASTRA Publication.
1. Hardy and Ramanujan : C. P. Snow
2. On Saying Please: A. G. Gardiner
3. Machines: George Orwell
Silver Tongue ed. Prof. K.G.Seshadri - A SASTRA Publication.
1. The Dying Detective : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. The Game of Chess: Kenneth Sawyer Goodman
3 1 4
UNIT I: Trigonometry
Expansions of sin nθ and cos nθ in powers of sin θ and cosθ – Expansions of sin nθ and cosnθ
interms of sines and cosines of multiples of θ – Hyperbolic and Inverse hyperbolic functions –
logarithm of complex numbers – separation of complex functions into real and imaginary parts –
simple problems.
Text Book
Engineering Mathematics I SASTRA University Publications, (Revised Edition 2007)
1. T.VEERARAJAN,Engineering Mathematics for first year, 5TH Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons(ASIA)
Pvt limited 2003
Unit – 1
Introduction: Structure of C – C fundamentals- Declarations – Data types – User defined data
types – Operations – Type Conversion –I/O functions – Header file – Library functions
Control structure: Conditional constructs – control constructs – Multiple branching – Iteration and
jump constructs.
Unit – 2
Array: Declaration – Initialization and manipulation of single & multidimensional array
String Handling String Manipulations and character handling functions – String manipulation
Function: Declarations – Definition – Scope – Arguments –Call by reference & value – Recursion-
storage classes – preprocessor directives
Unit –3
Structures and Unions: Declarations – initializations and Manipulations – Nested Structure-
Structure With arrays and functions.
Pointers: Declarations – Accessing through pointers – pointer and character strings – pointer to
pointer – Pointers in array, Structure and functions – Dynamic memory allocation
Unit – 4
Files: Sequential Access-Random Access-operating & closing file –file processing using file
manipulation functions
Graphics: Detect, Initiate and close graph primitive drawing functions (circle, line, ellipse,
rectangle and images) – Sound and motion functions.
Text Book:
1. Yeshwant Kanithker, Let us C, 7 ed, BPB 2007
2. Rajaraman, Computer Programming in C, PHI, 2005
3. Byron Gottfried, Programming with C, TMH, 2000
UNIT – 1
Lasers - Einstein’s theory – Theory of Spontaneous and Stimulated emission – Population Inversion
– Basic Principles of Laser action – Nd – YAG , CO 2, Semiconductor laser – Applications of Lasers in
Medicine, Engineering , Communication and Computer peripherals – 3D profiling – Holography 3D
Images – Recording and Reconstruction of Images(Quantitative treatment only).
Fiber Optics – Light propagation in optical fibers – Types of Optical fibers – Step Index and Graded
Index – Single mode and Multimode fibers – Applications in Medicine(Endoscopes) and
Communication systems(Block diagram only) – Optical sensors – Displacement sensors and
Pressure sensors.
UNIT – 2
Crystal Systems – Bravais Lattice – Miller Indices – Symmetry elements – Crystal structures of
Engineering materials (SC, BCC, FCC, HCP, Diamond Structure) – Postulates of free electron theory
of metals - Electrical conductivity and Thermal Conductivity of metals – Derivation of Electrical
Conductivity of metal (Drude Lorentz theory) – Derivation of Thermal Conductivity of metals –
Wiedemann Franz Law.
Classification of Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors – Bonding of Semiconductors – Types of
Semiconductors - Expression for Conductivity of Semiconductor – Carrier Concentration in Intrinsic
Semiconductor and variation of Fermi level with temperature – Hall effect – Experimental
determination of Carrier concentration and mobility.
UNIT – 3
Dielectrics – Dielectric polarization – Expression for electronic polarisability – Dielectric loss – Local
field in dielectric – Clausius –Mosotti equation – Dielectric Breakdown – Different types of dielectric
materials – Ferro electricity.
Super Conductors –Temperature dependence of resistance – Meissner’s effect – BCS theory – Type
I and Type II Superconductors - High temperature Superconductors.
UNIT – 4
Ultrasonics – Production(Piezo electric method) – Construction of Ultrasonic transducer – Ultrasonic
propagation through tissues – Measurement of acoustic impedance(Pulse echo interferometer) –
Physiological effect of ultrasound – Ultrasonic imaging systems – Digital real time scanner &
Computer controlled imaging – Visualization of X-rays – Radiography and Fluoroscopy – X-ray films
– Image intensifier – Nuclear medicine(Radio isotopes and their uses only) - Nuclear Imaging
device(Gamma ray camera)
Text Books
1. R.K. Gaur & S.L. Gupta, Engineering Physics, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.,16th edition- 2002.
2. Dr. M. Arumugam, Engineering Physics ,, Anuradha Agencies., Reprint 2003
3. Saxena, Gupta & Saxena, Fundamentals of Solid State Physics, Pragati Prakashan., 11th
4. C. Kittel, Solid State PhysicsWiley , Eastern LTD., 7th edition (1995)
Unit –II
Eco – Systems: Concept of an ecosystem - Structure and function of an ecosystem - Producers,
consumers and decomposers - Energy flow in the ecosystem - Ecological succession - Food chains,
food webs and ecological pyramids - Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and
function of the following ecosystem - Forest ecosystems - Grassland ecosystems- Desert
ecosystems - Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction: Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity
- Biographical classification of India - Value of biodiversity: Consumptive use, productive use, social,
ethical, aesthetic and option values - Biodiversity at global, national and local levels - India as a
mega-diversity nation - Hotspots of biodiversity - Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of
wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts - Endangered and endemic species of India - Conservation of
biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity
Unit III
Environmental Pollution: Definition - Causes, effects and control measures of - Air pollution - Water
pollution - Marine pollution - Noise pollution - Nuclear hazards - Solid waste Management: Causes,
effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes - Role of an individual in prevention of
pollution - Pollution case studies - Disaster Management: Floods, earthquakes, cyclones and
Unit IV
Social issues and the Environment: From unsustainable to sustainable development - Urban
problems related to energy - Water conservation, rainwater harvesting, watershed management -
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions - Climate change, global warming, acid rain,
ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case studies - Wasteland reclamation -
Consumerism and waste products - Environment Protection Act - Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act - Wildlife Protection Act - Forest Conservation Act - Issues involved in enforcement of
environmental legislation - Public awareness - Environmental Impact Assessment
Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation among nations - Population
explosion – Family Welfare Programme - Environment and human health - Human Rights - HIV /
AIDS - Women and Child Welfare - Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health
- Case Studies.
Field Work: A guided field visit to one of the following natural ecosystem. Visit to a local area to
document environmental assets –river / forest / grassland / hill / mountain - Visit to a local polluted
site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural - Study of common plants, insects, birds - Study of
simple ecosystems – pond, river, hill slopes, etc
Text Books
1. Anjaneyulu Y, (2004), Introduction to Environmental Science, BS Publications, Hyderabad.
2. Bharucha Erach, Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses, University
3. Daniel B, Botkin et.al, (2000), Environmental Science, John Wiley & Sons
4. Meenakshi. P, Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering, Prentice – Hall of
India, New Delhi
5. William P,Cunnigham et.al, (2002), Principles of Environmental Science, Tata
McGraw Hill Edition
Unit II
Construction of building components – foundations, brick, stone masonry, floors, beams, lintels,
slabs, roofs, doors and windows
Mechanical properties of materials: Tension, compression, Shear, stress, strain, various modulii of
elasticity E, N and K their relationship, Poisson’s ratio (no derivation), factor of safety, compound,
composite bars, - simple problems on applications
Unit III
Water supply engineering – protected water supply, water quality, treatment and distribution –
sanitary engineering, terms, definitions, conveyance and treatment and disposal of sewage
Dams: selection of site, classification, types, components, uses
Bridges: classification, components
Unit IV
Surveying: Classification, Principles, Chain, Compass Surveys, Leveling-Simple problems –
Introduction to total station –– Contours – Calculation of areas by Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule.
Transportation Engineering: modes of transportation, classification of roads, components,
geometric parameters – construction of various types of roads. Traffic signs, signals – railways –
permanent way – comparison of roadway and railway – gauges, components, points and crossings
Text Book
1. Palanichamy. M.S, Basic Civil Engg., Tata Mcgraw Hill(P) Co Ltd., NewDelhi
1. Arunachalam. N, Basic Civil Engg., Pradeepa Publications, Coimbatore.
2. Natarajan. K.V, Basic Civil Engg., Dhanalakshmi Publications, Chennai.
3. Ramamirtham. S, Basic Civil Engg., Dhanpat Rai Publications, NewDelhi.
4. Rangwala. S.C, Engineering Materials, Charotar Modhi Publishing house, Anand, Gujrat.
Unit – II
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies: Moment of a force about a point – moments and couples - Varignon’s
theorem - equivalent force systems-resultant of non-concurrent force systems – parallel forces.
Equations of equilibrium of rigid bodies in 2D and 3D. Applications: Beams – types of supports,
loads and reactions. Concept of internal forces. Analysis of pin jointed trusses – Method of sections
and joints.
Unit – III
Friction: Laws of friction – simple contact friction - cone of friction – belt friction – wedge friction –
screw jack.
Properties of areas: Centroid of line, area and volume – Composite areas – hollow sections – Center
of gravity of regular solids – cone – hemisphere. Second moment of areas – Parallel axis theorem –
perpendicular axis theorem. Method of integration for M.I of areas – triangle, circle, semi circle,
quadrant of a circle. Composite sections – Tee section, I section, Z section
Unit – IV
Dynamics of Particles: Displacement, velocity and acceleration and their relationship – rectilinear
and Curvilinear motion - rectangular components, Tangent and normal acceleration. Motion in a
circular path. Newton’s laws – Applications. Work energy principle- impulse and momentum
principle. Applications.
Text Books
1. Beer.F.P and Johnston.E.R, Vector Mechanics for Engineers – Statics and Dynamics,
McGraw Hill International Book Company.
2. Rajasekaran.S and Sankarasubramanian.G, Fundamental of Engineering Mechanics,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
1. Ferdinand.L.Singer, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Harper Row
2. Meriam.J.L and Kraige.L.G, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), John
Wiley and Sons.
3. Shames.I.H, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Prentice – Hall of India-
New Delhi.
4. Timoshenko.S.P and Young.D.H, Engineering Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co.
1. Programs on arithmetic operators (like simple interest, compound interest and Celsius to
2. Programs on conditional and looping statements (like solving s Quadratic equation. Sine
and cosine series, Summation of digits)
0 0 3 2
Safety Precautions to be followed in workshop.
Study of Carpentry tools – Preparation of Cross Halving joint and Dove Tail Joint.
Study of foundry tools – preparation of green sand mould for cube and bent pipe patterns.
Study of fitting tools - Preparation of square and angle fitting
Study of welding tools, equipments and power sources - preparation of Lap joint and Butt joint
Study of smithy tools and equipments - Conversion of round rod to square rod
11. Logic Gates - OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND using TTL ICs.
Course Code Name of Course Credits
BMECEN201 Technical Communication 3 - - 3
BMECMA202 Mathematics II 3 1 - 4
BMECCS203 Computer Programming – II [C++] 4 - - 4
BMECCM204 Engineering Chemistry 3 1 - 4
BMECCE205 Engineering Drawing 2 - 4 4
Basic Electrical & Electronics
BMECEE206 3 - - 3
Text Book
Technical Communication Skills - Dr.P.Ramani
Reference Books:
1. Rizvi, Ashraf. M. 2006. Effective Technical Communication. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, New Delhi.
2. Raman, Meenakshi & Sangeeta Sharma. 2004. Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
(Common for all Branches)
3 1 - 0- 4
Text Book :
Engineering Mathematics I, SASTRA University Publications, (Revised Edition 2007)
References :
1. M.K.Venkataraman , Engineering Mathematics Volume II ,National publishing company
,India 2001.
2. T.VEERARAJAN, Engineering Mathematics for first year, 5TH Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
3. P.Kandasamy and others, Engineering Mathematics Volume III, S.Chand, 2006.
4. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons(ASIA)
pvt limited, 2003
5. S. Arumugam, A.Thangapandi Issac, Advanced Calculus, Volume I, New Gamma Publishing
6. T.K.Manicavachagom Pillai, Ganapathy, Algebra Narayanan , S.V. Publishers.
Unit – 2 15 Periods
Functions: Inline function – Function overloading-virtual and friend functions Classes – Objects –
Constructors – Destructors – Operator overloading – type conversion – Dynamic memory allocation
– Pointers – new-delete-this pointer Inheritance: Single – Multiple – Multilevel – Hierarchical and
Hybrid inheritance.
Unit – 3 15 Periods
Virtual functions: Friend functions- generic programming with templates – Managing console I/O
operations. Files & Streams, File pointers and their manipulations, Sequential and Random Access –
Command line arguments.
Unit – 4 15 Periods
Classes: Exceptional Handling – List of exceptions – Catching and handling exceptions string class
– Data class – Queue class – list class – Use defined classes
Graphics: Text mode and graphic mode functions – Primitive drawing functions in C++ - Sound and
motion – colors – text in graphic mode
Text Book:
R. Gopalan, D. Venkappayya and Sulochana Nagarajan, “A Textbook of Engineering
Chemistry”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 3rd Edition (2006)
1. J.C. Kuriacose and J. Rajaraman, “Chemistry in Engineering & Technology”,
Vol I & II. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi (1984)
Unit – 3 15 Periods
Section of solids and Development of lateral surfaces: Section of solids: true shape of
sections – development of lateral surfaces of solids: prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones
Unit – 4 15Periods
Isometric projection and building drawing: Principles of Isometric projection – Isometric
projections of simple and truncated solids: prisms, cylinders and cones. Introduction to building
drawing: simple problem on residential building (up to three rooms).
Text Books
Unit–2 15 Periods
A.C. Circuts: Generation of alternating emf – Average & RMS values of periodic wave from – form&
peak factors- concept of phasor representation – complex operator ‘J’ – A.C circuits involving R,L&C,
active power and reactive power, apparent power & power factor – Solution of series & parallel
circuits. Series resonance – simple problems.
Concept of three-phase emf generation – star & delta connections – relationship between line &
phase values of voltages and current in a balanced system – power in three phase system
Unit–3 15 Periods
Semiconductor Devices: Basic concept and VI Characteristics of PN-junction diodes, Zenar
diodes, BJT and its configurations – input/output Characteristics, Junction field effect transistor –
Drain and Transfer Characteristics – MOSFET – Depletion type and enhancement type, Thyrister –
SCR – VI Characteristics, photoelectric devices – photo diodes – photo transistor and LDR.
Unit–4 15 Periods
Integrated Circuits: Introduction to principles of ICs – IC fabrications of diode and BJT – linear ICs,
Introduction to Operational Amplifiers – Ideal Op-Amp- DC & AC Characteristics, nonlinear ICs –
introduction to logic gates- OR, AND, NOT, NOR & NAND gates.
Text Boosk:
1. B.L.Theraja, Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, S.Chand& Co., New Delhi.
2. Roy Chowdry & Shail Jain, Linear Integrated Circuits, New Age International (P) Ltd,2000
K.A.Muraleedharan & R.Muthusubramanian, Basic Electrical & Electronics and computer
engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill. 1997.
Text Books :
Reference Books :
1. William D. Callister “Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction” John Wiley&Sons
Inc., Singapore,(2003)
2. J.C. Anderson, K.D. Leaver, P.Leevers, R.D. Rawlings “Materials Science for Engineers” ,
Chennai Micro Print Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (2003).
3. Ken Budinski and Michael K. Budinski, Engineering Materials-Properties and Selection,
Prentice Hall, 8th Ed., 2004.
1. Introduction
2. Basic commands
3. Modifying commands
4. Editing commands
5. Changing Object Properties
6. Text and Dimensioning
7. Drawing Information
8. Orthographic and Isometric Drawing
9. 3-D Drawing
10. 3-D Model : Wire frame model, Surface model, Solid Model
Course Code Name of Course Credits
BMECMA301 Mathematics III 3 1 - 4
BMECME302 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 - 4
BMECCE303 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 3 1 - 4
BMECCE304 Mechanics of Solids 3 1 - 4
BMECME305 Engineering Metallurgy 4 - - 4
BMECCS306 Computer Programming I [C]* 4 - - 4
BMECEE307 Electrical and Electronics Technology 3 1 - 4
BMECME308 Metallurgy Lab - - 3 2
BMECTP309 HR skills – 1 1 - - 1
BMECEE310 Electrical & Electronics Lab - - 3/3 2
BMECCS311 Computer Programming Lab I* - - 3 2
Total 24 5 12 29
First and Higher order differences – Forward differences, Backward differences and Central
differences-properties of operators-the operator E- Relation between the different operators-
Differences of a polynomial-Factorial polynomials-Interpolation with equal intervals-Gregory-
Newton’s Forward and Backward interpolation formula-Gauss’s Forward and Backward interpolation
formula-Bessls’s formula and Stirlings formula for Central difference
Unit:IV Numerical Solution of Ordinary differential equations and Partial differential equations
15 Periods
Unit I: 15 Periods
Fundamental concepts- macroscopic and microscopic approach, continuum, thermodynamic
systems, pure substance, thermodynamic properties and equilibrium state of a system, state
diagram, path and process, path and point functions, quasi-static process, units and dimensions.
Zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature measurement, concept of ideal gases, specific heat
and latent heat. Work and heat, displacement work, heat transfer. First law of thermodynamics,
application to closed and open systems, internal energy, enthalpy, steady flow energy equation
with applications to Nozzles, diffusers, turbines, compressors, boilers, throttling.
Text Book
P.K.Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. New Delhi, 2004.
Reference Books
1. G.J.Van Wylen and R.E.Sontag , Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, John Wiley and
Sons ,1994.
2. C.P. Arora, Thermodynamics, TMH, 2000.
3. Y.V.C. Rao, Engineering Thermodynamics, Wiley Eastern ,1993.
4. Yunus A. Cengel and Michael Boles, Thermodynamics - an engineering approach, TMH, 2003.
3 1 - 4
Unit-I 15 Periods
Fluid properties: Mass density, weight density, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, surface
tension, capillarity, compressibility and bulk modulus. Pressure measurement: Absolute pressure
and Gauge pressure, Hydrostatic law, Pascal law, Manometers, Mechanical pressure gauges
Hydrostatic forces on surfaces: Horizontal, vertical, inclined and curved surfaces Buoyancy
and floatation: Buoyancy, centre of buoyancy, types of equilibrium of floating bodies, metacentre
and metacentric height.
Unit-II 15 Periods
Fluid Kinematics: Description fluid motion, types of fluid flow, types flow lines, conservation of
mass in Cartesian co-ordinates, velocity potential and stream function
Fluid Dynamics: Euler equation of motion, Bernoulli’s theorem, practical applications of
Bernoulli’s theorem – venturimeter, orificemeter, pitot tube.
Unit-III 15 Periods
Dimensional and Model Analysis: Dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham’s π theorem, Model
analysis,similitude, dimensionless numbers, model laws.
Pipe flow: Reynolds experiment, Flow of viscous fluid in circular pipes –Hagen poiseuille law, Loss
of energy in pipes – major loss (Darcy’s equation), minor losses, Hydraulic gradient and total
energy lines, pipes in series, equivalent pipe, pipes in parallel, power transmission through pipes.
Unit-IV 15 Periods
Hydraulic turbines: Classification of turbines, Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine and
propeller turbine – construction – working principle - work done – efficiencies – design – draft tube –
specific speed – unit quantities – performance characteric curves, governing of turbine – cavitation
Pumps: Classification of pumps – working principle of centrifugal and reciprocating pumps.
Text Book:
R.K. Bansal (2005), Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi publications
1. R.J.Garde,Fluid Mechanics through problems, New Age International Publishers, New
2. John F. Douglas et al, (2004) Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Educational publications
3. Modi and Seth (2005), Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines, Standard publishers
4. D.Ramadurgaiah, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, New Age International Publishers, New
UNIT I 15 Periods
STRESS & STRAIN: Concept of stresses and Strains: Axial loading, normal stress, shearing stress -
Stress – strain diagram, factor of safety, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s relation, elastic constants and their
relation – Composite section, Mechanical and Thermal stresses in simple and composite members.
Strain energy, stresses due to various loads, Saint – Venant’s Principles.
UNIT II 15 Periods
SHEAR FORCE & BENDING MOMENT: Shear force and bending moment diagram for simply
supported, cantilever and overhanging beams with point load, uniformly distributed load and uniformly
varying loads only. Theory of simple bending: Bending equation, bending stress in simple beams
(Rectangular and I sections only).Principal stresses and strains, maximum shear stress (problems in
plane stress), construction of Mohr’s circle for plane stress – Description only.
UNIT III 15 Periods
DEFLECTION OF BEAMS AND TORSION: Slope & deflection of beams by Macaulay’s method for
determinate beams – cantilever, simply supported, overhanging beam for various types of load with and
without applied moment. Derivation of torsion equation- torsion of circular shaft, comparison of hollow
shaft with solid Shaft – problems- strain energy in torsion- combined bending and twisting of shafts-
Equivalent bending and twisting moments.
UNIT IV 15 Periods
THIN AND THICK CYLINDERS, COLUMNS AND STRUTS: Thin cylinder and thin spherical shells –
under internal pressure, volumetric strain on capacity - wire wound thin cylinder, shrink fit, Thick
cylinder-concept, Lame’s theory, design of thick cylindrical shell-problems, compound cylinder-
description only. Different types of columns and struts, long column, different end conditions, equivalent
length, Euler’s theory, derivation of Euler’s equation -limitations of Euler’s formula.
Text Books
1. Punmia. B.C., Strength of Materials –, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
2. R.K.Bansal, A textbook on Strength of Materials Lakshmi Publications, 2004
3. Rajput .K, Strength of Materials, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 1996
1. Beer & Johnson, Mechanics of Materials, SI Metric edition McGraw Hill ISE
2. Edgor.P.Popov., Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, Prentice - Hall Inc.1999 Edition
3. Kazimi. S.M.A., Solid Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Timoshenko and Gere. S. P., Mechanics of Solids, Mc Graw Hill
6.Jackson and Wirtz, Statics and strength of Materials, Schaum’s series, 1983 Edition.
7. S.S. Bhavikatti, Strength of Materials, Edition Vikas Publishing House Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi. 1999
Text Books:
1. Ken Budinski and Michael K. Budinski, Engineering Materials-Properties and Selection,
Prentice Hall, 8th Ed., 2004.
2. Donald R. Askeland and Pradeep P. Phule, The Science and Engineering of Materials,
Thomson Asia Private Limited , Singapore ( 2003 )
Reference Books :
1. V . Raghavan “Materials Science and Engineering”-A First Course , Prentice – Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi (2004) .
2. Higgins, Engineering Metallurgy, ELBS,1998.
3. Serope Kalpakjian & Steven R. Schmid “Manfacturing Engineering and Technology”
Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd. Indian Branch, Delhi (2004)
4. Sydney H Avner “Introduction to Physical Metallurgy” Tata McGraw – Hill Edition, New
Delhi (2006).
5. V. Ragavan, Physical Metallurgy, PHI, 2007.
6. Metals Handbook, Vol. 8, A.S.M., Materials Park, Ohio, 2000.
7. Reza Abbaschian and Robert Reed Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles, Thomson Engg., 2004.
8. Peter Haasan, Physical Metallurgy, Cambridge University Press, 2004
9. Baldev Raj, Non Destructive Testing Techniques, Narosa Publishers. 2002
Unit – 2 15 Periods
Array: Declaration – Initialization and manipulation of single & multidimensional array
String Handling String Manipulations and character handling functions – String manipulation
Function: Declarations – Definition – Scope – Arguments –Call by reference & value – Recursion-
storage classes – preprocessor directives
Unit –3 15 Periods
Structures and Unions: Declarations – initializations and Manipulations – Nested Structure-
Structure With arrays and functions.
Pointers: Declarations – Accessing through pointers – pointer and character strings – pointer to
pointer – Pointers in array, Structure and functions – Dynamic memory allocation
Unit – 4 15 Periods
Files: Sequential Access-Random Access-operating & closing file –file processing using file
manipulation functions
Graphics: Detect, Initiate and close graph primitive drawing functions (circle, line, ellipse,
rectangle and images) – Sound and motion functions.
Text Book:
E.Balagurusamy, “Programming in ANSI C” 3 ed, TMH, 2006
1. Yeshwant Kanithker “ Let us C” 7 ed, BPB 2007
2. Rajaraman, “Computer Programming in C”, PHI 2005
3. Byron Gottfried “ Programming with C” TMII, 2000
* For Lateral Entry Students
UNIT-2 15 Periods
Single phase transformer-Constructional details-Principle of operation-emf equation-equivalent
circuit-Losses and efficiency-Applications of single phse transformer.
Three phase AC generators-Constructional details-Types-Principle of operation-emf equation-
regulation by synchronous impedance method-Applications of three phase AC generators.
UNIT-3 15 Periods
Synchronous motors-Principle of operation-Power developed by a Synchronous motor-Power angle-V
curves-Applications of synchronous motors.
Three phase Induction Motors-Contructional details-Types-Principle of operation-Torque slip
characteristics-DOL and star-delta starters-Applications of three phase Induction motors.
Single phase Induction Motors-Principle of operation-Torque speed characteristics of i)Capacitor
start Single phase Induction Motor ii)Capacitor run Single phase Induction Motor –Applications of
Single phase Induction Motors.
UNIT-4 15 Periods
SCR-Two transistor analogy-Turn on and Turn off methods of SCRs-Principle of phase control-Single
phase half wave controlled rectifier with R,RL loads-Single phase full wave controlled rectifier with
R,RL loads-effect of freewheeling diode(operation and waveforms only).Three phase fully controlled
rectifier(block diagram approach only).
Inverters(using Transistors)
Introduction-Single phase half bridge and full bridge voltage source inverters-Three phase bridge
inverters(operation and waveforms only)-UPS.
Referance Books:
1. Metallography practice
2. Study of Metallurgical Microscope
3. Study of Iron-Iron carbide diagram and TTT diagrams.
4. Study of microstructure of low carbon, medium carbon and high carbon steels, tool steel and
alloy steels.
5. Study of microstructure of various cast irons.
6. Study of microstructure of aluminium, copper, brass and bronze.
7. Heat treatment – annealing, normalising, hardening and tempering of plain carbon steels.
Measurement of their hardness and study of their microstructure.
8. Jominy end quench test.
9. Study of microstructure of steel weldments.
10. Basic powder metallurgy processing – compaction, sintering and processing of iron powder.
11. Characteristics of iron powder – flow rate, apparent and tap density, compressibility.
12. Study of Microstructure and hardness of forged steel.
Electronics Laboratory
1. Characteristics of SCR
2. Drain and Transfer Characteristics of JFET
3. Single Phase Half Wave Rectifier
4. Single Phase Full Wave Rectifier
5. To setup: a] S-R Flipflop using NOR Gate [T402], b] S-R Flipflop using NAND Gate [T400]
6. To setup a Decade counter using IC T490
1. Programs on arithmetic operators (like simple interest, compound interest and Celsius to
2. Programs on conditional and looping statements (like solving s Quadratic equation. Sine and
cosine series, Summation of digits)
3. Programs on Numerical Methods problems (like runge Kutta Method, Gauss-Seidal method)
4. Programs on arrays (like Matrix operations, finding minimum or maximum in a set of
IV semester
Course Code Name of Course Credits
BMECMA401 Mathematics IV 3 1 - 4
BMECME402 Thermal Engineering I 3 1 - 4
BMECME403 Manufacturing Technology I 4 - - 4
BMECME404 Kinematics of Machinery 3 1 - 4
BMECME405 Metrology & Measurements 4 - - 4
BMECCS 406R01 Object Oriented Programming in C++* 4 4
3 1 - 4
Definition – Condition for existence -Transform of standard functions – properties –First and Second
shifting theorem- Transform of derivatives and integrals – Transform of integrals and integrals of
transforms - Periodic function theorem – Simple problems-initial and final value theorem -inverse
Laplace Transform – Convolution theorem –unit step function and unit impulse function –
Application to ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients and integral equations –
simultaneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
References :
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, INC
2. M.K.Venkatraman, Engineering Mathematics -III A & III B 13th edition July 2002, The National
Publishing company
3. Engineering Mathematics vol II & III by P.Kandasamy and K.Thilagavathy,S.Chand & Co.
4. Mathematical Physics by P.P.Gupta , Vikas Publishing House
Unit I: 15 Periods
Vapour power cycles – Ideal working fluid for vapour cycles, Rankine cycle, comparison with Carnot
cycle, superheat, reheat and regenerative cycles, their analysis, binary vapour cycles.
Steam nozzles – isentropic flow, friction and its effect.
Text Book
Reference Books
Unit II 15 Periods
Metal Forming - Hot, cold and warm forming – forging – force calculations - extrusion – force
calculations - drawing – wire drawing –tube drawing - rolling – force calculations - embossing –
coining – sheet metal working – bending – shearing – blanking – piercing – punches – dies – punch
and die clearances - machines and equipment.
Unit IV 15 Periods
Metal Joining - Welding – Principles – types – arc and gas welding – equipment – electrodes and
filler materials – resistance welding – spot, projection and seam welding – MMAW, TIG & MIG
processes – electron beam and LASER beam welding – plasma arc welding – brazing and soldering.
Text Books
1. P.N.Rao, Manufacturing Technology, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1999.
2. W.A.J.Chapman , Workshop Technology Vols I & II & III, 5th Edition, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Serope Kalpakjian & Steven R. Schmid , Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Fourth
Edition , Pearson Education , New Delhi , 2004 .
2. H.M.T. , Production Technology , Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.,2001.
3. R.A.Lindberg . Materials and Processes of Manufacture , Prentice Hall of India
4. Richard W.Heine, Carn R.Loper and Philip C.Rosenthal Principles of Metal Casting, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, 1985.
5. James Little, Welding Technology, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2001
Text Book:
Reference Books:
1. R S Khurmi & J K Gupta , Theory of Machines, Eurasia Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
2. S S Rattan, Theory of Machines, TATA Mc Graw Hill
3. Thomas Bevan, Theory of Machines,CBS Publication.
Unit – II 15 Periods
Metrology of Screw Thread: Errors in threads, Pitch errors and drunkenness, measurement of
major, minor and effective diameter. checking of thread form, pitch measuring machine.
Measurement and testing of gears: Gear tooth terminology, sources of Errors in Gear
Manufacturing – Kinematic accuracy of the gear, smoothness of gear operation, tooth bearing
contact. Analytical inspection – profile, spacing, pitch, tooth thickness – constant chord, base
tangent method, rolling test, gear test.
Measuring Machines: CMM, UMM, 3 D – Measuring Machine, overview of Robot measuring
Instruments, Laser measuring instruments, Computer based measuring Instruments, Nano
Unit –III 15 Periods
Measurement: Basic concepts of measurement, static and Dynamic performance of
characteristics, Basic transducer elements – Electrical and Mechanical sensing devices. Errors –
types, sources, accuracy and precision.
Motion measurement: Displacement measuring device – wire wound potentiometer, LVDT,
Photocell, Resistance strain gauge.
Measurement of speed: Tachometers – Types, stroboscope. seismic – Displacement, velocity and
Acceleration pickups (Accelerometer)
Force, Torque and power measurement: Basic force measurements – characteristics of Elastic
force transducers. Torque and power measurement on rotating shaft – Electric, hydraulic
dynamometers, use of strain gauge to measure torque and force.
Text Book:
Reference Books:
Text Book:
1. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition, Pearson Education, Ninth
Indian Reprint 2005.
1. Robert Lafore : “Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++”, Galgotia
Publications 2006
2. E. Balagurusamy: “Object Oriented Programming with C++”. TMI 3 ed ,2006 .
Reference Books:
1. Introductory Exercises
2. Program using Classes and Objects
3. Program using Constructor and Destructor
4. Program using Friend Functions
5. Program using Function Overloading
6. Program using Operator Overloading
7. Program using Inheritance
8. Program using Pointers
9. Program using Files
10. Program using Virtual Functions
11. Program using Templates
12. Program using Exception Handling
* For Lateral Entry Students
3 1 - 4
Unit I Viscous Flow in Pipes and Ducts 15 Periods
Couette flow – adverse pressure gradient, pipe flows – laminar and turbulent regimes – flow through
concentric annulus. Flow potential and flow resistance – flow though branched pipes, flow through
perforated pipes and ventilation network. Flow through porous medium.
Unit II Viscous Flow Past Flat Plate and Circular Cylinder 15 Periods
Navier Stokes Equations (without derivation) – flow through a parallel channel - very low Reynolds
number flow. Order of magnitude analysis – approximation of Navier- Stokes equations. Boundary
layer equations. Laminar boundary layer, momentum integral equation – solution for a flat plate –
velocity profile – boundary layer thickness – skin friction coefficient, displacement thickness,
momentum thickness. Separation. Drag. Boundary layer control.
Rotational and irrotational flow, velocity potential, stream function, circulation – relationship
between stream function and potential function. Basic solutions for uniform flow – source or sink,
doublet, vortex flow. Superposition – Rankine oval (stagnation points), stationary circular cylinder
and cylinder with circulation (pressure distribution, lift, drag).
Text Book:
Mohanty A.K, Fluid Mechanics, second edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2004.
1. White, F.M., Fluid Mechanics, fourth edition, McGraw Hill, 1999.
2. Young, Munsen, and Okishi, A Brief introduction to Fluid Mechanics, third edition, John Wiley
and sons.
Text Books
Reference Books
Introduction to Welding, Arc physics, Metal transfer mechanism, Manual metal arc welding,
Submerged arc welding, Gas tungsten arc welding, Gas metal arc welding – process principle,
equipment, power sources, consumables, effect of parameters, defects, remedies and applications.
Resistance, spot, seam & projection welding, Friction & flash butt welding – process principle,
equipment, power sources, consumables, effect of parameters, defects, remedies and applications.
Electron beam welding, Laser beam welding, Diffusion bonding – process principle, equipments,
merits & demerits, applications and defects.
Text Book:
Dr. R.S. Parmer, Welding Engineering and Technology, Khanna Publishers, 1999.
Reference Books:
Course Code Name of Course Credits
BMECME501 Thermal Engineering II 4 1 - 5
BMECME502 Manufacturing Technology II 4 - - 4
BMECME503 Dynamics of Machinery 3 1 - 4
BMECME504 Design of Machine Elements 4 1 - 5
BMEDME51x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMEDME52x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMECME505 Thermal Engineering Lab I - - 3 2
BMECME506 Machine Shop - 3 2
BMECTP507 Human Resource Skills – 3 1 - - 1
Total 24 3 6 31
4 1 - 5
Gas Tables permitted for examinations
UNIT I 18 periods
Fuels – types, characteristics and rating of I.C. Engine fuels, combustion calculations.
I.C. Engines – four stroke and two stroke engines, air-fuel mixture requirements of S.I. and C.I.
engines, carburetion theory, fuel injection systems, ignition systems, engine performance, heat
balance. Introduction to combustion in S.I and C.I. Engines.
Gas turbines – open and closed cycles, multi-shaft turbines, applications.
UNIT II 19 periods
Gas power cycles and their analyses – Brayton cycle – reheat and regenerative cycles, their
analysis, inter-cooling, optimum pressure ratio, Otto, Diesel, dual, Ericsson, Stirling, Lenoir, and
Atkinson cycles – thermal efficiency, mean effective pressure, performance comparison between
cycles. Combined cycles and their analysis.
Text Book
Reference Books
UNIT II 15 periods
Gear Manufacturing:
Methods - Gear milling - Gear Broaching - Gear planing - Gear hobbing - Gear shaping –
Bevel gear generation - Gear finishing processes - Gear testing.
Jigs and Fixtures:
Jigs and Fixtures - Types - Locating devices - Clamping devices.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Non Traditional Machining
Introduction to-Abrasive Jet Machining – Electro Discharge Machining – Electro Chemical Machining
– Electro Chemical Grinding – Electron Beam Machining – Laser Beam Machining - Plasma Jet
Machining - Ultra Sonic Machining-Air Jet Machining-Water Jet Machining- Rapid Prototyping.
Text Books:
UNIT I 15 periods
Governors and Flywheels
Governors – Types- Sensitivity- Stability- Hunting-Isochronisms-equilibrium speed.
Flywheel – Turning Moment Diagram- Fluctuation of Energy and Speed-Weight.
UNIT II 15 periods
Balancing – Static and Dynamic Balancing of Rotating Masses in different planes-Partial Balancing
of Reciprocating masses of in-line- V and Radial Engines-Hammer blow and swaying couple in
UNIT IV 15 periods
Vibrations -ii)Transverse iii)Torsional
Transverse Vibration. – Natural frequency by Energy Method & Dunkerley method-Vibration
Isolation and transmissibility, whirling speed of shaft and critical speed.
Torsional Vibration of single and multiple rotor systems-Equivalent shafts- geared systems -
Holzer’s method.
Text Book:
Reference books
1. Theory of Machines – R S Khurmi & J K Gupta, Eurasia Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
2. Theory of Machines – S S Rattan – TATA Mc Graw Hill
3. Theory of Machines – Thomas Bevan – CBS Publication.
UNIT I 20 periods
Role of Machine Design in Engineering- Design considerations-Material Selection-Stress Equations –
Direct- Bending- Torsion & Impact-Combinations- Types of failure-Yield, Fracture-Deflection-
Buckling Theories of failure- Factor of Safety-Endurance Limit- Fatigue strength-Stress
Concentration- Notch Sensitivity- Soderberg Equation- Goodman Equation- S-N Curve-Preferred
UNIT II 20 periods
Design of Shafts and Coupling
Design of Solid and Hollow Shafts-Design of Keys and Keyways-Design of Couplings –Muff-Split muff-
Rigid flange-flexible flange.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Design of Springs and Bearings
Design of Springs -Leaf-coil
Detailed types of Sliding and Rolling Contact Bearings
Reference books
UNIT I 15 periods
Spark Ignition engine mixture requirements - Feed back control carburetors – Fuel Injection systems
– Mono Point and Multipoint Injection – Bosch K.E Jetronic and L Jetronic. Electronic Ignition
system - Spark Advancement mechanism - Stages of combustion – Factors affecting knock –
Combustion chambers – Introduction to Thermodynamic analysis of S.I engine combustion.
UNIT II 15 periods
Stages of Combustion – Direct and indirect injection systems – lift pump, Inline pump, Distributor
pump and Common Rail (CRDI), Unit Injector, Electronic control unit (ECU) in the injection system.
Combustion chambers – Fuel spray behavior – Spray structure, Spray penetration and Evaporation –
Air motion – Turbo charging – introduction to Thermodynamic analysis of C.I engine combustion.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Lean burn engines – Stratified charge engines – Adiabatic engine with ceramic coated piston and
cylinder - Gasoline Direct Injection Engine – Homogeneous charge Compression Ignition –
Alternative Fuels: Alcohol, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Liquefied petroleum Gas – Properties, suitability,
Engine modifications, Merits and demerits as fuel.
Text Book
UNIT I 15 periods
Foundry Metallurgy
Solidification of pure metals, Alloys, Dendritic growth, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
nucleation, Constitutional under cooling, Defects in Casting causes and remedies. Long range and
short range solidifying alloys. Factors influencing freezing and control of alloy constituents.
UNIT II 15 periods
Gate and Riser Design
Fluid flow basic principles, Temperature & fluidity, pouring time calculations, Design of pouring
basin and sprue. Types of gating system.
Riser - Functions of risers, Heat transfer calculations of risers, Location of risers, Types of risers, Use
of chills in casting.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Advances in Metal Casting and Computer aided metal casting
H casting, Shell moulding, Continuous Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Investment Casting, Processes
and Parameters. Casting Yield and Improvement. Electroslag casting, Foundry Mechanisation.
Use of computer in runner & riser design, solidification front monitoring, expert systems in casting
defects, Software Mline- spectroscopy & Chemical Analysis.
Text Book
Richard Heine, Carl. R. Loper, & Philip . C. Rosenthal, Principles of Metal Castings , Tata Mc Graw
Hill Publications, New Delhi, 1985.
Reference Books
UNIT I 15 periods
Introduction – history of aircraft engines – evolution of gas turbines. Gas turbines – shaft
arrangements – applications – future.
Gas turbine cycles – ideal cycle – analysis – parametric analysis – component efficiencies –
performance improvements – combined cycles and cogeneration.
Parametric analysis of actual engines. Cycles for aircraft propulsion – analysis of various cycles –
UNIT II 15 periods
Compressors – centrifugal – analysis – diffusers – compressor characteristics – design.
Axial compressors – theory – degree of reaction – performance – factors affecting – performance
characteristics – design.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Engine performance analysis – component characteristics – off-design operations – part-load
performance – component matching. Performance of turbojet, turboprop and turbofan engines –
Text Book
Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, Jack D Mattingly, Tata McGraw Hill Pub., 2005.
1. Gas Turbine Theory, HIH Saravanamuttoo, GFC Rogers and H. Cohen, 5th Ed., Pearson
Education Ltd., 2004.
2. Gas Turbines, V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed., 2004.
3. The Gas Turbine Handbook – Principles and Practices, Tony Giampaolo, 2nd Ed., Marcel
Dekker, 2003.
4. Gas Turbine Engineering Hand Book, M.P. Boyce, 2nd Ed., Butterworth Heinman, 2002.
5. Turbomachinery Design and Theory, Rama S.R. And Aijaz Khan, Marcell dekker Pub. Co.
Introduction – Open loop and closed loop systems – Basic elements – analysis
of physical systems – mechanical, thermal, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems –
Mathematical representation – Transfer function – Block diagrams – Signal flow graphs – reduction
Components – potentiometers – Synchros – AC and DC servo motor, stepper motor – Application of
stepper motor, AC & DC – tachogenerators.
15 Periods
Time response – test signals – step response of first order and second order systems – time domain
specifications – response P, PI, PID controllers, position control system Type and order of a system –
steady state error – static error and generalized error coefficients practical problems.
15 Periods
Frequency response – Frequency domain specifications estimation of the specifications for a second
order system – Bode plot – polar plots – constant M and N circles – Nichol’s Chart – closed loop
response from the open loop response – BIBO stability requirements.
15 Periods
Stability – definitions – characteristic equation – location of roots in the S plane for stability – Routh
Hurwitz criterion – Nyquist stability criterion – gain margin and phase margin –root locus – rules for
the construction of root loci – compensation technique using Bode plot and root locus.
Text Book:
Principles of control system, SP EUGENE, XAVIER & JOSEPH CYRIL and BABU J.S. Chand and
company, 1999.
1. Modern Control System, RICH and C. DORF ROBERTH H, BISHOP – AWL – Addition – Weslay
– Eigth edition.
2. Control Systems, A. NAGOOR KANI, RBA Publications, 1998, First edition.
3. Control system Principles and design, M. GOPAL, Tata Mc GrawHill Company, New Delhi –
1997 edition.
3 1 - 4
UNIT I 15 periods
Fundamentals of plastic flow of metals
Elastic and plastic behavior, stress and strain relationship for elastic behavior-Mohr’s circle of
stress-two dimensions (plane stress), Mohr’s circle of strain, theory of plasticity-flow curve, true
stress and true strain, yielding criteria for ductile metals, yield locus, Two dimensional plastic flow,
slip-line field theory, Classification of forming processes, mechanics of metal working, flow-stress
determination, temperature in metal working.
UNIT II 15 periods
Forging and Rolling
Forging: Classification of forging processes, forging equipment-presses and hammers, forging in
plane strain, open die forging, closed die forging, forging defects.
Rolling : Classification of rolling processes, rolling mills, hot rolling, cold rolling forces in rolling,
problems and defects in rolled products, theories of cold and hot rolling.
UNIT IV 15 periods
High energy rate forming
Explosive forming, electromagnetic forming, petro forge, electro hydraulic forming, fuel combustion
forming, super plastic forming.
Text book:
Reference Books:
UNIT I 15 periods
One-dimensional Isentropic Flow
Compressibility, Fundamental assumptions. Steady one-dimensional compressible flow – continuity
equation, Euler equation, steady flow energy equation, equation of state, entropy considerations,
use of one-dimensional flow equations. Mach waves. One-dimensional isentropic flow- governing
equations, stagnation conditions, critical conditions, maximum discharge velocity, isentropic
relations in tabular and graphical form.
UNIT II 15 periods
Normal and Oblique Shocks
Normal shock waves – stationary normal shocks, normal shock wave relations in terms of Mach
number – limiting cases, normal shock wave tables. Pitot tube in supersonic flow.
Oblique shocks – oblique shock relations,
UNIT IV 15 periods
Flow with friction and heat transfer, and Hypersonic Flow
One-dimensional constant area flow with both heat transfer and friction, isothermal flow with
friction in a constant area duct.
Hypersonic flow- characteristics of hypersonic flow, Newtonian theory, modified Newtonian theory,
Forces on a body.
Text Book:
Compressible Fluid Flow, Patrick H. Oosthuizen, and William E. Carscallen, McGraw Hill, 1997.
1. Modern Compressible Flow, John D. Anderson, Jr., Second edition, McGraw Hill, 1990.
2. Gas dynamics, E.Rathakrishnan, Prentice-Hall of India, 1995.
3. Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Dynamics, P. Balachandran, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Limited, 2006.
4. Fundamentals of Compressible Flow With Air Craft And Rocket Propulsion, S.M. Yahya, Third
Edition, New Age International, 2003.
1. Exercises on Lathe: Plain, step, eccentric and taper turning, thread cutting, drilling and bor-
ing, internal thread cutting
2. Shaping – round to square / V-groove cutting
3. Milling – spur gear
4. Milling – helical gear
5. Spur gear cutting in Gear Hobbing Machine
6. Spur gear cutting in Gear Shaper
7. Grooving and letter sinking
8. Cylindrical Grinding
9. Surface Grinding
10. Slotting and keyway cutting
11. Plain and gang milling
12. Hexagonal milling
VI semester
Name of Course Credits
BMECME601 Heat Transfer 4 1 - 5
BMECME603 Mechatronics 4 - - 4
BMECME604 Design of Power Transmission Elements 3 1 - 4
BMEDME61x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMEDME62x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMECME605 Metrology & Dynamics Lab - - 3/3 2
BMECME606 Thermal Engineering Lab II - 3 2
BMECTP607 Human Resource Skills 4 1 - - 1
Total 24 2 9 30
4 1 - 5
(Use of Heat Transfer data book permitted in Examinations)
UNIT I 18 periods
Introduction to heat, mass and momentum transfer, Physical origins and rate equations, Derivation
of heat diffusion equation in Cartesian coordinates - heat diffusion equation in cylindrical and
spherical coordinates (without derivation) - boundary and initial conditions, methods of solutions,
One dimensional steady conduction - plane and composite walls – cylinder – sphere – with
temperature dependent thermal conductivity - critical thickness of insulation, conduction with heat
generation – plane and composite walls – cylinder – sphere, thermal and contact resistance. Heat
transfer from extended surfaces - fins of uniform cross sectional area - fin efficiency and
effectiveness – overall surface efficiency.
UNIT II 19 periods
Two dimensional steady state conduction in a rectangular plate without heat generation – method
of separation of variables. Transient conduction – lumped capacitance method. Qualitative
discussion of solution and use of chart / table for solving one-dimensional transient conduction.
Introduction to convection – average heat transfer coefficient - velocity and thermal boundary
layers - laminar and turbulent flows. Qualitative discussion of continuity, momentum-and energy
equations for two-dimensional flow (without derivations). External flow - laminar and turbulent
convection over flat plate – cylinder – sphere, flow across banks of tubes (without derivations).
Internal flow – laminar and turbulent flow in tubes - non circular tubes - concentric tube annulus
(without derivations).
Free convection - laminar and turbulent free convection on vertical, horizontal and inclined surfaces
– cylinder – sphere (without derivations). Boiling and condensation, Pool boiling - boiling curve –
modes of pool boiling – pool boiling correlations. Laminar and turbulent film condensation on
vertical and inclined plane surfaces – dropwise condensation. Heat exchangers – classification -
overall heat transfer coefficient – log mean temperature difference – parallel flow and counter flow
heat exchangers – multi pass and cross flow heat exchangers – effectiveness-NTU method.
UNIT IV 19 periods
Thermal Radiation: Fundamental concepts – black body radiation – Planck’s distribution – Wien’s
displacement law – Stefan-Boltzmann law – Lamberts law – surface emission and absorption –
reflection and transmission – Kirchhoff’s law – gray surface. View factor – relations – Hottel’s
crossed string method - black body radiation exchange – radiation exchange between diffuse gray
surfaces in an enclosure – Network method - radiation shields.
Text book:
F.P. Incropera and D.P. DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Fifth edition, John Wiley &
Sons, 2001.
1. J.P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 9th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
2. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. A. J. Chapman, Heat Transfer, 4th edition, Macmillan, 1984.
4. M. N. Ozisik, Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach, McGraw-Hill, 1985.
4 - - 4
UNIT I 15 periods
UNIT II 15 periods
UNIT IV 15 periods
Text Book
P.Radhakrishnan ,S.Subramanyan and V.Raju " CAD / CAM / CIM "., New AgeInternational Ltd., 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Ibrahim Zeid, “CAD - CAM Theory and Practice ", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1991.
2. P.Radhakrishnan and C.P.Kothandaraman, “Computer Graphics and Design ", Dhanpat Rai and
Sons, New Delhi, 1991.
3. Groover and Zimmers, " CAD / CAM : Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing ", Prentice Hall
of India, New
Delhi, 1995.
4. Yoram Koren, “Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems ", McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986.
4 - - 4
UNIT-I 15 periods
INTRODUCTION: Mechatronics - Mechatronics key elements – Information Systems, Mechanical
Systems, Electrical Systems, Computer Systems, Measurement Systems, and Control Systems –
Real Time Interfacing- Integrated design Issue in Mechatronics- Design process in Mechatronics –
Advanced approach Mechatronics.
SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS: Introduction - Performance Terminology - Displacement, Position and
Proximity - Velocity and Motion – Fluid pressure - Temperature sensors - Light sensors - Selection of
UNIT-II 15 periods
SIGNAL CONDITIONING: Operational amplifiers - Ideal op-amp, Inverting amplifier, Non- Inverting
amplifier, Differential amplifier – Protection – Filtering - Digital Signals-A/D Conversion, Sampling
theorem, D/A Conversion - Data Acquisition.
DATA PRESENTATION SYSTEMS: Data presentation elements-Magnetic recording-Displays-Data
acquisition systems.
UNIT-III 15 periods
MECHANICAL: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems – Control Valves – Linear & Rotary Actuators-
Kinematic Chain-Cams-Gear Train-Ratchet & Pawl-Belt-Bearings.
ELECTRICAL: Mechanical Switches-Solid State Switches-Solenoids-Principles of Servo Motor and
Stepper Motor.
UNIT-IV 15 periods
PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS: Introduction - Basic structure –
Input / Output processing – Ladder Programming –Mnemonics - Timers, Internal relays and counters
- Data handling - Analog input / output - Selection of PLC.
Text Book:
References Books:
3 1 - 4
Use of Approved Data Book is permitted for examination
UNIT I 15 periods
Design of Flat Belt Drive, Selection of V Belt Drive, & Chain Drive .
UNIT II 15 periods
Design of Cylindrical Gears (Spur Gear, Helical gear and Herringbone Gear)
UNIT III 15 periods
Design of Worm and Worm Wheel .
Design of Bevel Gears
UNIT IV 15 periods
Design of multi speed gear box.
Design of Speed Reducers. ( Single and Two Stage using cylindrical and bevel gears)
Reference Books
UNIT I 15 periods
Solar radiation
Source of radiation - Solar -constant - Extra terrestrial radiation. Sun earth relationship -
atmospheric attenuation - terrestrial radiation : diffuse radiation at the ground - average daily,
hourly global and diffuse radiation - influence of inclined planes - solar charts - measurement of
diffuse, global and direct solar radiation : pyroheliometer pyranometer, pyregeometer, net
pyradiometer - sunshine recorder - an overview of solar radiation data in India.
UNIT II 15 periods
Solar Flat Plate Collectors
Design considerations - classification: air heating collectors, liquid heating collectors – losses-
derivation of efficiency of flat plate collectors - selective surfaces - tubular solar energy collectors -
testing of flat plate collectors. solar green house: classification : winter / summer/ ,free standing, pit
type - thermal modelling of a green house.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Solar PV System And Energy Storage:
Photo voltaic cell – characteristics- maximum power tracking - cell arrays - power electronic circuits
for out put of solar panels – choppers – inverters - charge regulators. Energy storage: sensible,
latent heat and thermo –chemical storage –pebble bed phase change materials - Glauber’s salt
-organic compounds. solar ponds.
Text Book:
1. Edward E. Anderson, “Fundamentals for solar energy conversion”- Addison Wesley pub.,
2. Duffie, j.A. and Beckman, W.A., “Solar Engineering of Thermal Process”, John Wiley, 1991.
3. N.D. Koushika “Solar Energy Principles And Applications”, -IBT publications and distributors,
New Delhi,1988.
4. M.H.rasheed “ power electronic circuits, devices and applications”-prentice hall
international, New Jerset-1988.
5. SP Sukatme – Solar energy-principles of the collection and storage 1984,TMH
UNIT-I 15 periods
Introduction - Factors to be considered - Selection of plant site -Consideration in facilities planning
and layout – Installation and implementation of layout
Equipment required for plant operation - Classification of equipment - Main factors for selection of
equipment - Capacity Integration of equipment and capacity – Serviceability – Flexibility - Analysis
in selection of equipment - Space requirements - Man Power Requirements.
UNIT II 15 periods
Introduction - Need for Layout – Factors influencing Plant Layout – Product or Line Layout - Process
or Functional Layout – Fixed Position Layout – Combination Layout – Tools and Techniques for
developing Layout – Process Chart – Flow Diagram – String Diagram – Template – Scale models –
Layout Planning Procedure – Visualization of Layout – Revision and improving existing Layout - Line
balancing – Fabrication line balancing – Assembly Line balancing.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Factors involved – Motion Analysis – Safety Analysis – Need for Safety – Equipment – Cost analysis –
Palletization Analysis – Analysis of operation – Material Handling Surveys – Need for Survey – Types
of Surveys - Reasons for Bad Material Handling.
Packing of Material – Importance of Packaging – Layout of Packaging – Package Machineries – Types
– Wrapping and Packing of Materials – Cushion Materials.
Text Book:
James M Apple “Plant Layout And Material Handling” John Willey & Sons, New york, Third Edition,
1. Mikell .p. Groover “Automation Production System and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, First edition, 1987
2. Govindan K.R. “Plant Layout And Material Handling”, Anuradha Agencies, First Edition, 1997
3 1 - 4
UNIT I 15 periods
Cotinuity-momentum-energy equations. Measurement of air speed – incompressible – subsonic
compressible - supersonic flow. Pressure coefficient . Aerodynamic forces and moments - Drag
of a two dimensional body . Stream functions - Potential function - Vorticity equation –
circulation relationship – Rotational and irrotational flow .
UNIT II 15 periods
Inviscid Incompressible flow
Euler’s equation of motion. Flow around a circular cylinder by a doublet in uniform horizontal
steam pressure distribution. The lift on an aerofoil – Kutta – Joukowski theorem. Complex
potential function. Flow in the vicinity of inclined walls. Determination of flow pattern . Flow about
a circular obstacle generating circulation. Transformation of a flow pattern – simple and Kutta –
Joukowski transformation. Lift on Joukowski aerofoil section – velocity and pressure
UNIT IV 15 periods
Aircraft performance , stability and control
Aircraft Performance
Straight and level flight – equivalent air speed – Drag performance curve in terms of thrust. Power-
Performance curves in terms of power . Gliding flight – climbing flight.
Stability and control : Basic definitions – longitudinal static stability and control – lateral stability
and control . Controls .
E.L. Houghton and N.B. Carruthers , Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, First Indian Edition,
Arnold Publishers, Delhi, 1988 .
Reference Books:
UNIT II 15 periods
Mechanism of wear between solid bodies, Wear between metal and flowing medium. Abrasive
wear, Materials for adhesive and abrasive wear situations. Wear of ceramics and polymers. Wear
measurement and Monitoring. Wear prevention Methods
UNIT IV 15 periods
Types and properties of Lubricants. Lubrication – Boundary lubrication-Solid lubrication- Hydrostatic
lubrication. Introduction, Hydrostatic oil pads, Hydrostatic step bearing, Pivoted pads thrust
bearings. Hydrostatic squeeze films and applications in journal bearing.
1. A.Cameron, “ Basic lubrication theory”, Wiley Eastern Limited. Third Edition, 1987.
2. E.Robinowics, “Friction and wear of materials”, John wiley and sons 1988.
3. T.A.Stolarski, “ Tribology in machine design”, Industrial Press Inc. 1990.
(Use of Gas tables and Steam tables permitted in the University Examination)
3 1 - 4
UNIT I 15 Periods
Thermodynamic principles - stagnation and static states – properties – compressible flow -Mach
number - subsonic, supersonic, hypersonic flows – flow regimes -Mach angle & Mach cone.
Turbomachines – definitions – classifications – work and efficiencies –compressible and
incompressible flow turbomachines - total to total, total to static efficiencies –stage - infinitesimal
stage efficiencies – finite stage efficiencies – multistage turbines and compressors – reheat and
preheat effects - dimensionless parameters applicable to turbomachines – flow, pressure, capacity
coefficients, specific speed – similitude.
UNIT II 15 Periods
Blade cascades – elementary aerofoil theory - lift and drag - cascade losses.
Energy transfer – the Euler turbine equation – energy changes - in rotor and stator blades –
utilization factor – impulse and reaction – degree of reaction – t-s and h-s diagrams – Energy
Transformation in Nozzles and Diffusers – area ratio –mass flow parameter – critical pressure ratio –
choking - steam nozzles – isentropic flow – meta stable flow – one dimensional compressible flow –
efficiencies – diffusers – efficiencies – performance of nozzles.
UNIT IV 15 Periods
Hydraulic turbines – classification - Pelton wheel- Francis – Kaplan turbines – analysis – design
parameters – types of impellers/runners – draft tube theory –cavitation in turbines.
Radial flow gas turbine stages – basic theory – work – efficiency – h-s diagrams.
Centrifugal pumps – impeller flow – blade types – efficiency – slip – design parameters –
performance - net positive suction head – minimum starting speed – multistaging- cavitation.
Centrifugal blowers and compressors – impeller flow – types of blading – velocity triangle – pressure
rise – stage efficiency - degree of reaction - slip coefficient – efficiency – inlet guide vanes and
inducer – diffuser – performance.
Text Book:
Kadambi and Manohar Prasad – An Introduction to Energy Conversion, Vol III – Turbomachines, New
Age International (P) Ltd, 2000.
UNIT I 15 Periods
8085 Architecture and Instructions
I/O mapped I/O – memory mapped I/O – interfacing memory to 8085 (both ROM & RAM) – basic
interfacing concepts – interfacing output displays – interfacing keyboards – operations of 8255 PPI,
8253 PIT, 8251 PCI and 8257 DMA controller based on functional diagrams.
UNIT IV 15 Periods
Applications of 8085
Interfacing Analog to Digital Converter, Digital to Analog converter,, Stepper Motor interface and
control, multiplexed seven segment LED display, matrix keyboard, interrupt driven clock and traffic
light control.
4. Mechanical Comparator.
BMECME701 Power Plant Engineering 3 1 - 4
BMECME702 Automobile Engineering Theory and Practice 4 - 2 5
BMEDME 71x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMEDME72x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMEDME73x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMEDME74x Department Elective 4 - - 4
BMECME703 CAD / CAM Lab - - 3 2
BMECME704 Mechatronics Lab - - 3 2
Total 23 1 8 29
BMEDME701 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Theory & Practice
BMEDME702 Jigs and Fixtures
BMEDME703 Production Planning and Control
BMEDME704 Robotics
BMEDME705 Machine Tool Design
BMEDME706 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
BMEDME707 CNC Machine Tools
BMEDME708 Finite Element Analysis
BMEDME709 Resource management
BMEDME713 Non-Conventional Energy Sources
BMEDME710 Design for Manufacture
BMEDME711 Hydraulics and Pneumatics
BMEDME712 Energy Conservation and Management
Text Book
Power Plant Engineering, P.K.Nag, II Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi, 2002.
Reference Books
4 0 2 5
Reference Books:
1. Kirpal Singh, “Automobile Engineering”, Volume 1&2, Standard Publishers Distributors, 8
Edition, 2000.
2. Tom Denton, “ Automobile Electrical & Electronics systems”, Arnold Publishers, 2000
3. William D. Crouse “Automotive Mechanics”, TMH.
Automobile Laboratory:
Reference Books:
1. Refrigeration & Air conditioning, Jordan & Priester, Prentice Hall, 1985.
2. Refrigeration & Air conditioning – Manohar Presad, Wiley Eastern, 1983.
3. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning – Stoecker & Jones, TMH, 2 Ed., 1983.
4. Principles of Refrigeration, Roy J. Dossat, Wiley Eastern, 1985.
5. ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals, ASHRAE, 200
6. Air Conditioning System Design, Mcquiston, McGraw Hill Pub.
Text Book:
Jigs and Fixtures – P.H.Joshi, – Tata Mc GrawHill.2 edition 2001.
Reference Book:
1. Elements of Production planning and control, Samuel Elion, Universal Book Corporation.
2. Principles & Design of production control systems., Scheele etal, Prentice Hall
UNIT: 2 15 Periods
MANIPULATOR KINEMATICS: Forward and Inverse Kinematics – Simple Examples
Denevit – Hartenberg representation – Simple Exercises
UNIT: 3 15 Periods
MOTION PLANNING: Trajectory planning – Joint Space and Task Space Schemes – simple
problems, Path planning for mobile robots (only theoretical discussion)
UNIT: 4 15 Periods
ROBOT PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS: Lead through and textual programming – LISP commands –
Robot cell design
ROBOTIC APPLICATIONS: Manufacturing, material handling, processing, assembly
Reference books:
Machine tool Design, N K Metha, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.8 reprint ,2002.
1. Principles of Machine tools, Sen and Bhattacharya, New Central Book agency,1975.
2. Fundamentals of metal machining and machine tools, G Boothroyd, McGraw
3. Machine tool design, Vol II,N. Acherkan, MIR Publications, Moscow.4 printing 1986.
Reference Books:
1. P S Ghoshdastidar, Computer Simulation of flow and heat Transfer, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 1998
2. Steven C. Chapra and R.P. Canalae, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Tata McGraw-Hill,
3. Tannehill J.C., Anderson D, and Pletcher R.H, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat
Transfer, 2 Edition, Taylor & Francis, 1997.
Unit: 3 12 Periods
CNC SYSTEMS: Simple Control system-Interpolation systems-Functions of CNC system-
Compensations for Machine Accuracies.
CNC machines-Cost aspects-Training -Utilisation of CNC machines-Logging format-Utilisation
indices-Maintenance of CNC machines-Preventive maintenance –Maintenance support through call
UNIT: 4 13 Periods
FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Scope of FMS – Types – Benefits – Elements of FMS –
typical FMS Layout - Automatic Guided Vehicles – Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems –
various functions of FMS – Job scheduling.
UNIT: 2 15 Periods
FEA OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS: Discrimination of domain-element shapes, types, size,
location &numbers-interpolation polynomials- simplex, complex multiplex elements, selection of
order of interpolation polynomial-convergence requirements.
UNIT: 3 15 Periods
ISOPERIMETRIC ELEMENTS AND FORMULATIONS :Natural coordinates in 1,2and 3 dimensions-uses
of area coordinates for triangular elements in 2D problems-Isoperimetric elements 1,2 and 3
dimensions- Largrangean and serendipity elements- shape functions.
UNIT: 4 15 Periods
APPLICATION IN FIELD PROBLEMS AND CAD: One Dimensional- Solid mechanics, heat transfer
and fluid mechanics problems. Finite element modeling-mesh generation-mesh requirements-semi
automatic methods-wire frame and surface based solid model based-fully automatic-node based,
element based. Grid sensitivity studies
Text Book:
Reference Books:
1. K.J.Bathe,”Finite Elements Procedures in Engineering Analysis”, Printice Hall, Engle Wood
Cliffs, 1981.
2. C.S.Desai, J.F.abel, “Introduction to Finite Element Method”, Affliated East West Press, 1972.
3 1 4
UNIT I 15 Periods
Linear programming – formulation of the problem – graphical method – Simplex Method
Primal dual problems – Two phase method.
UNIT II 15 Periods
Assignment models – transportation models –North West Corner rule-Least Cost Method-
Vogel approximation method – MODI Method
Unbalanced transportation – degeneracy in transportation models.
Resource scheduling – sequencing jobs through 2 machines and 3 machines.
UNIT IV 15 Periods
Inventory models – deterministic models – production model – economic ordering Quantity –
Buffer stock – shortage and quantity discount – EOQ safety stock calculation. (no derivation)
New optimization techniques.
Replacement models – replacement of items that deteriorates with time – Replacement of
equipment – that fails suddenly.
Text Book:
Reference Books:
3 10 4
Methodologies and tools, design for assembly and evaluation, minimum part assessment, Taguchi
method, robustness assessment, manufacturing process rules, failure mode analysis, Value
Analysis. Design for minimum number of parts, development of modular design, minimizing part
variations, design of parts to be multi-functional, multi-use, ease of fabrication, Poka Yoka
Text Books:-
1. Harry Peck, “Designing for Manufacture”, Pitman Publications, 1983.
2. Engineering Design,Georage .E.Dieter, McGraw Hill 1 edition,1987.
1. Sports M.F., “Dimensioning and Tolerance for Quantity Production”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1983.
2. Oliver R. Wade, “Tolerance Control in Design and Manufacturing” , Industrial Press Inc. New
York Publications, 1967.
3. James. G. Bralla, “ Hand Book of Product Design for Manufacturing” , McGraw Hill
Publications, 1983.
4. Trucks H.E., “ Design for Economic Production”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers,
Michigan, 2 edition 1987.
5. Matousek, “Engineering Design, - A Systematic Approach” – Blackle & Son Ltd., London,
Text Book:
Introduction to Fluid power – James L. Johnson, Thompson, Learning Inc - 2002
1. Industrial Hydraulics, John Pipinger and Tyler Hicks, McGraw Hill 1979.
2. Pnematic Systems, S.R.Majumdar TMH,1995.
3. Fluid Power with applications, Antony Espositv, PHI 1980.
1. Energy Management Principles – Craig B. Smith, Pergamon Press, 1981.
2. Industrial Energy conservation – David A. Reay, Pergamon press, 1979.
3. Waste Heat Recovery Systems – David A. Reay, Pergamon press.2002
4. Thyristor Control of Electrical Drives – V. Subramianyam, Tata Mc Graw Hill 2000
5. Optimizing Energy Efficiencies in Industries, G.G.Rajan, TMH,2001.
4 0 0 4
Need, types, potential sources, problems in harnessing. Direct energy conversion-principle,
advantages. Fuel cells and Thermo electric generators. Energy storage: compressed air, battery -
super conducting magnets-advanced flywheel energy storage.
Principle of solar energy collection, solar radiation measurements-instruments, data collection,
types of collectors-characteristics and design principle of collectors. Solar thermal applications-
solar heating, cooling, drying, pond-Tower concept and furnace-Photovoltaic cell, Solar power plant
and application.
Text books:
1. Non-conventional sources of energy-G.D.Rai, Khanna Publishers-New
2. Energy technology-S.Rao and Dr. B.B. Parulekar, Khanna Publishers-
New Delhi.
1. Solar energy: principles of thermal collection and storage, by Sukathme Tata McGraw-hill
2. Alternative Energy sources, by T.N. Veziroglu Vol 5 and 6, McGraw-Hill (1978)
1. http://www.solstice.crest.org
2. http://www.mnes.nic.in
3. http://www.ireada.org
VIII semester
BMEOME91x Open Elective 3 - - 3
BMEOME92x Open Elective 3 - - 3
BMEOME93x Open Elective 3 - - 3
BMEOME94x Open Elective 3 - - 3
BMECME801 Project Work 18 9
Total 12 - 18 21
2. Organisational Behaviour
3. Quality Management
and engineering-techniques.
Text book:
1. Martand Telsang- “Industrial Engineering and Production Management”, S.Chand
&Company Ltd., 2002
2. Charles T. Horngren, George Fostel and Srikant M.Datar ‘Cost Accounting: A
Managerial Emphasis’, Prentice Hall, USA, 1997
1. Dr. R. Shanker, “Industrial Engineering and Management”, Galgotia Publications
pvt. Ltd.
2. M. Mahajan, " Industrial engineering and Production Management ", Dhanpat Rai
& sons.
3. O.P.Khanna, “Industrial Engineering and Management”, Dhanpat Rai & sons.
3 3
Reference Books :
1 . Stephen P.Robins “ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR” Prentice Hall of India Private Limited . (2004)
2. Hellriegel & Slocum “ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR” Thomson South-Western . (2004)
3. K. Aswathappa “ORGANIZATIONAL BHAVIOUR” Fifth Edition, Himalaya Publishing House .
4. M.Gangadhar Rao , V.S.P. Rao and P.S.. Narayana “ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR” Konark
Publishing Ltd. Reprint (2000).
3 3
UNIT – I 12 Periods
Introduction – Definition of Quality – Methods of control chance causes and assignable causes –
Seven statistisfial tools – problem solving methodology ( PDCA ), seven management
Tools – SQC Benefits and limitations, Quality function – Quality assurance, Quality audit, Quality
cost, Quality circle, Team of Quality circle – Benefits.
UNIT – II 12 Periods
Theory of Control Charts – control chart for variables X & R Chart, Standard deviation chart –
Process capability studies – Control Chart for attributes, fraction defective and of defective charts
chart sensitivity – Control chart for non – conformities ( p, np chart, c & u charts ) problems using
SQC tables.
Quality policy, Quality planning, designing for quality, Manufacturing for quality
Quality philosophies by Deming and Jurang, Crosby & Muller –TQM definition, customer focus, Top
Management commitment, Team work, Implementation of TQM, Concepts of Kaizen, 5S, just in time
JIT, Taguchi methods, need for ISO 9000 – clauses of ISO 9000 Implementation – Case studies.
Text Book:
Reference Books:-
1. Principles of Quality Control by Jerry banks – John Wiley & Sons,
2. SQC codebook with tables.
3. Statistical Quality Control by Mahajan DHANPATRAI & SONS New Delhi.
5. Managing for Total Quality From DEMING TO TAGUCHI AND SPC by N. LOGOTHETIS Printece Hall
Private Ltd., New Delhi.