Stick Logger
Stick Logger
Stick Logger
SOLARMAN stick logger supports GPRS, WiFi, 4G, Ethernet and other communication method. Furthermore, stick
logger supports RS485/RS232/RS422/TTL and other serial communication. With the design of multi-cover, it
adapts to a vast majority of inverters. By collecting operating status and power generation of inverter, stick logger
can run a long-term and efficient monitoring of PV system, which increases work efficiency and reduces manage-
ment cost significantly. With its extended functions, such as GNSS, power-off reminder, Bluetooth, stick logger
GNSS <20m — — — — —
Antenna Internal Antenna External Antenna Internal Antenna External Antenna External Antenna —
Serial Communication
9600bps (1200—115200bps Configurable)
Real-time Control √
Data Rresuming √
Power-off Reminder √ √ √ — — —