Guide: Holiday Island
Guide: Holiday Island
Guide: Holiday Island
21 bicycle trails
3 mountain-bike trails
1 children’s trail
Holiday island Each trail has
accompanying maps
every day
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ples with regards to the quality of our
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How to use this guide
Bornholm has more than 230 kilometres of sign- holm’s routes starts with route 10, as this is
posted cycling routes winding their way across part of the national cycling route. Routes 21–26
the length and breadth of the island – through are regional routes, and in addition we have 8
woods, along coasts, down small country roads recommended routes, 1 children’s route, and 2
and, usually, far from motorised traffic. mountain bike routes. (The recommended route
All cycling routes on Bornholm are signposted numbers are not displayed on the signs along the
with green signs and a number indicating the cycling tracks, as these sign numbers indicate
route you are biking on. If the sign has no ar- the national and regional numbering systems.
rows, it means you should bike straight ahead. The centre pages show a map of Bornholm with
The routes are part of Denmark’s cycling net- all routes drawn in.
work and is also why the numbering of Born-
Route 10 - Round Bornholm
Rønne - Allinge 1. Stage
24,8 km 11,6 km asphalt · 13,2 km gravel
The Round Bornholm route is 104.5 km long and Jons Kapel is named after the monk Jon, who,
can be completed in 4-5 hours nonstop by an ex- according to legend, preached the Christian mes-
perienced cyclist. Much of the route is on gravel sage from here. Jons Kapel is a 40 metre high rock,
or forest tracks, and for that reason it is advisa- which rises from the foot of a long, steep stairway.
ble to ride a touring or mountain bike. To get the Follow the signs from the top of the hill.
most out of the many attractions and wonderful
scenery along the way, we suggest dividing the Vang - Allinge: 5,8 km
route into several one-day stages of between 20 Take a detour after Slotslyngen to get to the
and 30 km. ruins of Hammershus Castle. Follow the small,
winding asphalt road to the left. Hammershus
Rønne - Hasle: 10,1 km is the largest ruined castle in Northern Europe
Antoinette Beach is just outside Rønne where cy- and Bornholm’s most visited sight. Its construc-
cle route 10 enters Blykobbe Plantage beside Ha- tion was begun by the Archbishop of Lund at
slevej. Very child friendly with fine sand as far as the beginning of the thirteenth century. Leo-
the eye can see, you can walk all the way along nora Christine and Corfitz Ulfeldt were impri-
the beach to Hasle Smokery. soned here in 1660-61 for high treason. The cell
At Sorthat/Muleby you’ll find two old clay pits in which they were kept has survived and can
and a former open cast coal mine, now flooded to still be seen today. The ruin was made a listed
make four beautiful lakes: Safirsøen, Smaragdsøen, monument in 1822.
Pyritsøen and Rubinsøen. The open cast mine was The picturesque old houses and streets of Allinge
in use during the First and Second World Wars. climb the rocky hillside from the harbour, which
Follow the small wooden signs. A fishing licence is crowded with yachts in the summer. You’ll find
for the three lakes can be purchased at Bornholms many shops, cafes, and restaurants down by the
Velkomstcenter. harbour, as well as a smokery. Market days held
Grønbechs Gård is an exhibition and culture throughout the summer add to the local colour.
venue in the centre of Hasle with a total of 1,500 From Allinge there is also access to a delightful
square metres of exhibition space. A former mer- coastal path that runs along the cliffs to Sandkås.
chant’s establishment, it has been sympathetically Madsebakke, home to the island’s largest collection
restored and is now a centre for the arts and crafts of rockcarvings, is also in Allinge. From Madsebak-
on Bornholm. There’s plenty for the kids to do, and ke, you can cycle along the old railway to Sandvig.
they are encouraged to produce their own works of
art while the grown-ups enjoy the exhibition.
Hammershus castle ruin
Hasle - Vang: 8,9 km
From Hasle to Vang the route gives you a foreta-
ste of the famous Bornholm hills. Be ready with
the brakes, especially if you’re pulling a trailer.
The gradients are between 10% and 22%. Don’t
forget to enjoy the beautiful views, not least the
sight of the rocky escarpment rising to be crow-
ned by Hammershus in the distance.
Hotel Skovly Ho
4 km from Rønne at 4 km
cycle route 10.
Mountain bike trail
at the hotel
Café - Bar - Hotel
125 meters from the C
På Nordbornholm, midt i klipperne 125 M
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er blevet lyttet mod de gamle Länder des Warschauer Pakts abgehört wurden.
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Sie die Insel aus 70 m Höhe
Udstillinger om bornholms rolle under
2. verdenskrig og den kolde krig. Explore a Top-security Military Facility from the
Cold War. Now you have the opportunity to get a
Du har også mulighed for at se det gamle
close-up look at the former listening post as well as
charmerende fyrtårn fra 1879. the exciting, top-security rooms from the Cold War,
Du kan også tage elevatoren, eller de 405 which conducted surveillance against the former
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en fantastisk udsigt over Dueodde og hele Bornholm’s best view from the 70 m tall tower.
Se åbningstider på
Dueodde - Pedersker: 9,5 km you can see blue anemones in full bloom along the
Slusegård Watermill is thought to date from the banks - a lovely sight.
beginning of the nineteenth century, and it was Arnager has one of Bornholm’s three island-
listed in 1956. It was a grain mill and a “trout- harbours. The town has its own smokery, where
house” and had a hatchery building attached. you can buy Bornholm fish specialties.
When the trout were big enough, they were Store Torv, Rønne’s main square, comes alive
released but they would return to the hatchery every Wednesday and Saturday, when islanders
to spawn, allowing the mill to establish regular come to sell their own produce, such as rapeseed
trout production. The mill can only be viewed oil, fish, cheese and honey. And in summer, you
from the outside. can enjoy all the sights and sounds from an outsi-
Kirkemøllen in Pedersker dates from 1861 and is de table at one of the many cafes and restaurants
the oldest of Bornholm’s stone mills. It was a work- in the square.
ing grain mill right up until 1969. It is not open to
the public, but you can view it from the outside. Rønne
Pedersker Church and Ringborgen are a short
detour away in the direction of Poulsker. Peder-
sker Church dates from 1150, and has a sixteenth-
century tower and a porch from 1864. The church
is built in stone, and has a Gothlandic limestone
Bike Rental
Everything you need for
your bike ride Smokery and Eatery
Bike Repair
Aakirkeby Bike Shop
Storegade 21, 3720 Aakirkeby
Tel. +45 5697 0047
Route 21
Rønne - Nexø
32 km 32 km asphalt · 0 km gravel
Route 22
Robbedale - Årsdale
33 km 16,3 km asphalt · 16,7 km gravel
Route 23
Rønne - Helligdommen
18,8 km 10,6 km asphalt · 8,2 km gravel
Route 24
Pedersker - Munkeleddet
2,6 km 2,6 km asphalt · 0 km gravel
Running along a minor road and only 2.6 km earth rampart 115 metres long and 3 metres high.
long, Route 24 is used as a link between cycle Kirkemøllen Mill in Pedersker dates from 1861.
routes 10 and 21. Although there are no sights It is the oldest of Bornholm’s stone mills, and was
directly on route, there are several points of in- a working grain mill right up until 1969. It is not
terest in and around Pedersker, where the route possible to go inside, but you’re welcome to walk
begins. around outside.
Outside Pedersker, on the way to Rønne, you’ll
Pedersker - Munkeleddet: 2,6 km find a vineyard called Lille Gadegård. Take the gui-
Pedersker Church dates from 1150. It has a six- ded tour, which starts among the vines, continues
teenth century tower and a porch dating from inside the production buildings, and ends of course
1864. The church is built in stone and has a Goth- with a tasting! Your guide is the winegrower him-
landic limestone font. self. Lille Gadegård produces wine in the traditio-
Ringborgen, located on Rispebjerg Hill, just east nal manner and is the largest vineyard i Denmark.
of Pedersker, is an Iron Age stronghold with an
Route 25
Melsted - Aakirkeby
18 km 8,6 km asphalt · 9,4 km gravel
From Melsted to Østerlars, cycle route 25 follows 130,000 visitors each year, the church features a
a good cycle track along the Kobbeådalen valley, number of fourteenth-century frescos, and a rune
where the Stavehøl waterfall is found. It con- stone both inside and outside.
tinues through Almindingen forest on a beau-
tiful route far away from other traffic. Not all Østerlars - Aakirkeby: 12,7 km
the points of interest in Almindingen are on the Almindingen is Denmark’s fifth largest forest. It
route, but they can be reached by short detours is divided into two halves by Ekko-dalen, an im-
on foot or by bike. Relatively hilly, the route can pressive 10 kilometre long fissure valley. There
be completed in about an hour by an experien- are hours of pleasure to be had in the forest,
ced cyclist. where you can also visit Gamleborg, Lilleborg,
the Rocking Stone, Rytterknægten - and indeed,
Melsted - Østerlars: 5,3 km just go for various walks or rides along trails of
Just south of Gudhjem there is a little sandy varying lengths.
beach that stretches from Melsted Harbour to The history of Aakirkeby has a lot to do with
Melsted Badehotel. At one end of the beach a culture, religion and power, as this is the location
little stream flows into the sea, where children of the sizable Aa Kirke, thought to be the oldest
can play for hours building dams. At the other church on the island, it was constructed as early
end of the beach there is a bathing jetty, so you as the twelfth century, and in the following cen-
won’t need to walk on the pebbles on the seabed. turies was the centre of the church’s authority on
Stavehøl Waterfall is just a few metres off the Bornholm.
cycle track. Stavehøl is eight metres deep and two Socialising and commerce go hand-in-hand in
metres wide. At three metres, it is not the highest Aakirkeby, especially in the area around the town
waterfall on the island, but it is a lovely sight none square, where cafes and shops housed in the old
the less. buildings add to the atmosphere. Designed by the
There is a delightful walk from the waterfall world-famous architect Henning Larsen, whose
along the Kobbeå stream to the sea. Kobbeådalen other works include the Opera House in Copen-
is a fissure valley with steep and in some places hagen, the NaturBornholm centre tells the story
almost vertical sides. of the unique natural history of Bornholm. Here
The round church at Østerlars is thought to date you can see full-size models of a plesiosaur and the
from the middle of the twelfth century. The lar- first Danish dinosaur, a dromaeosaur, which used
gest round church in Denmark, and visited by over to live on Bornholm.
Route 26
Slotslyngen - Almindingen
24,5 km 7,9 km asphalt · 16,6 km gravel
The scenic route 26 takes you along minor roads along the cycle route. It is 3 kilometres long and
and through secluded forest from Slotslyngen takes about an hour to complete.
and Ravnedal in the north, via Spellinge Mose, Rø Plantation is a wonderful mix of trees, hea-
to the Almindingen forest in the middle of the ther, rocks and beautiful fissure valleys. Do park
island. The route is relatively hilly and can be your bike and take a walk around the artificial
completed in about 1.5 hours by an experienced lake, where vertical rock walls rise out of the
cyclist. water.
Almindingen is Denmark’s fifth largest forest.
Slotslyngen - Rutsker Højlyng: 9,6 km It is divided into two halves by Ekko-dalen, an
Stretching from Vang to Hammershus, Slotslyn- impressive 10 kilometre long fissure valley. The-
gen has a character all of its own and is ideal for re are hours of pleasure to be had in the forest,
rambling. Heather, rocks, woods and marshland where you can also visit Gamleborg, Lilleborg, the
are found side by side, and it’s hard to believe Rocking Stone, Rytterknægten - and indeed, just
this really is part of Denmark! go for various walks or rides along trails of va-
Surrounded by undulating hills, Ravnedal is a rying lengths. You can also get a leaflet about the
fissure valley with 15-20 metre high rock faces. forest from Bornholms Velkomstcenter, Ndr. Kyst-
Park your bike at the car park beside the main vej Rønne, or from any of the other tourist offices
road and enjoy the valley on foot. The round trip on the island.
including the valley is 1.5 km long and follows the
cycle track some of the way. Ekkodalen
Built around 1150, Ols Kirke (Olsker Round
Church) has since been altered and reinforced
several times during its lifetime. The most recent
work was carried out in the mid-twentieth cen-
tury, and included replacement of the altarpiece.
At 26 metres it is the tallest round church on Bom-
holm, and also the one that looks most like a fort.
There is a tablet in the porch recording the num-
ber of plague deaths in 1618. About 25,000 people
visit the church every year.
Rutsker Højlyng has several rocking stones, the
largest of which weighs 20 tonnes. Follow the sign
from the cycle track to the large rocking stone.
Route 10 Route 24 Recom. route 1 Recom. route 5
Route 21 Route 25 Recom. route 2 Recom. route 6
Route 22 Route 26 Recom. route 3 Recom. route 7
Route 23 Recom. route 4 Recom. route 8
Bicycle guides and rental
Bicycle guides: Sømarkens Dueodde Familie- Hotel Balka Søbad Nexø Camping
Cykeludlejning camping og Hostel Vestre Strandvej 25 Stenbrudsvej 26
Go Bornholm Søvangsvej 4, Østre Skrokkegårdsvejen 17 3730 Nexø 3730 Nexø
Tlf. +45 29330991 Sømarken 3730 Nexø Tlf.+45 56492225 Tlf. +4523412642 3720 Åkirkeby Tlf.+45 2014 6849 www.hotel-balkasoe-
+45 21758790
Dansk ø-ferie www.soemarkens
+45 69 91 16 51 Feriecenter Hotel Friheden Hotel Gudhjem Æblehaven Tejnvej 80 Brøddegade 29
Accomodations Balran 7 3770 Allinge 3760 Gudhjem
Bornholms 3770 Allinge Tlf.+45 5648 0425 Tlf. +4556 48 53 50
on Bornholm Tlf.+45 5648 1222
Smedeløkken 70 with cycle rental:
3770 Allinge Griffen Hotel og Wel- Hotel Siemsens Gaard
Tlf. +45 2617 9067 Aakirkeby Camping Hotel GSH lness Havnebryggen 9
www.bornholmsout Haregade 23 Strandvejen 79 Nordre Kystvej 34 3740 Svaneke 3720 Aakirkeby 3700 Rønne 3700 Rønne Tlf. +45 5649 6149
Tlf. +45 5697 5551 Tlf. +45 5695 1913 Tlf.+45 5690 4244
Trailskipper Bornholm www.aakirkeby www.greensolution-
Tlf. 30251654 Rutsker Feriecenter
troelsbernth@hotmail. Hotel Pepita Kirkevej 6-12
com Bornholms Grethas Pension Langebjergvej 1 3790 Hasle
Familiecamping Nygade 7 3770 Allinge Tlf.:+45 30 70 40 01
Teamkaza v/Maiken Krogegårdsvejen 2 3770 Allinge Tlf.+45 5648 0451 www.rutskerferie
Jørgensen 3730 Nexø Tlf.+45 5648 1889
Tlf. +4521741444 Tlf.+45 5648 8150 www.bornholms- Lyngholt Pyttegården I/S Gudhjem Feriepark Familiecamping Kjeldsebyvej 3.
Cycle rental: Jernkåsvej 1 Borrelyngvej 43 3760 Gudhjem
Danhostel Boderne 3760 Gudhjem 3770 Allinge Tlf. 56485680
Bodernevej 28 Tlf. +45 5648 5444 Tlf. +45 5648 0574
Bornholms 3720 Aakirkeby
Cykeludlejning www.gudhjem- www.lyngholt-cam-
Tlf. +45 5697 4950 Sandkås Familiecamping
Nordre Kystvej 5
3700 Rønne Poppelvej 2
Tlf. +45 5695 1359 Hasle Camping Melsted Badehotel 3770 Allinge
Kanns Hotel Fælledvej 30 Melstedvej 27 Tlf. +45 5648 0441
www.bornholms- Eskildsgade 6 3790 Hasle 3760 Gudhjem www.sandkaas-
3720 Aakirkeby Tlf. +45 5694 5300 Tlf.+45 5648 5100
Tlf. +4556 97 40 12 www.melsted-bade-
Boss Cykler - Balka
Kannikegårdsvej 10 Sannes Familiecamping
3730 Nexø Hasle Feriepark Melstedvej 39
Danhostel Gudhjem/ H.C. Sierstedsvej 2 Myregaard B&B 3760 Gudhjem
Tlf. +45 5649 4474 Therns Hotel 3790 Hasle Udegårdsvejen 3 Tlf. +45 56485211
Løkkegade 7 Tlf.+45 5695 4522 3730 Nexø
3760 Gudhjem Tlf. 56487702
Boss Cykler - Svaneke Tlf.+45 5648 5035
Søndergade 14 Stammershalle
www.danhostel- Hasle Hytteby Badehotel
3740 Svaneke
Tlf.+45 5649 7574 H.C. Sierstedsvej 2 Møllers Dueodde Sdr. Strandvej 128 3790 Hasle Camping 3760 Gudhjem
Nordliv Tlf.+45 5696 4522 Duegårdsvej 2 Tlf.+45 56484210
Fælledvej 28 3730 Nexø www.stammershalle-
Nordbornholms 3790 Hasle
Cykelforretning Tlf. +45 5648 8149
Tlf.+45 5694 0011 Hotel Abildgård
Pilegade 1
3770 Allinge Tejnvej 100 Stavehøl
Tlf. +45 5648 0291 3770 Allinge Fredensborg Badehotel Stavehøl 3
Danhostel Rønne Tlf.+45 5648 0955 Strandvejen 116 3760 Gudhjem
www.nordbornholms Arsenalvej 12 www.hotel-abildgaard. 3700 Rønne Tlf. 2289 4256
3700 Rønne dk Tlf. +45 5690 4444
Tlf.+45 5695 1340
Sandvig Cykeludlejning www.danhostel-
Strandvejen 121 Hotel Balka Strand Ypnahøj Retreat Boulevarden 9A Randkløvevej 3
3770 Allinge
Tlf. +45 5648 0060 3730 Nexø 3751 Østermarie
www.nordbornholmscy- Tlf.+45 5649 4949 Tlf. 2674 4933 www.hotelbalka- www.havudsigt-
Comfortable and affordable
housing for your cycling
Bornholm’s hostels are perfectly placed for cycling
tours along Bornholm’s beautiful coastlines.
Sandvig 17 km
27 km 16 km
30 km
16 km
Gretha’s Nygade 7,
Pension 3770 Allinge
Tlf. 5648 1010
Quality Bornholm
food products galore
Large selection of cheeses,
which you are free to sample
before buying
Mobile cheese shop:
Wednesdays – 10 am to 1 pm in Allinge;
2 pm to 4.30 pm in Gudhjem
Thursdays - 10 am to 1 pm in Åkirkeby;
2 pm to 5.30 pm in Nexø
Saturdays – 9 am to 1 pm in Svaneke Call and order at (+45) 5695 0599 or, or visit our store on Østergade 40 B in Rønne
the smallest
smallest café
café on
on the
the island
in the most beautiful nature
the most beautiful nature
Gudhjem Svaneke Balka
Gudhjem Feriepark Søndergade 14 Kannikegårdsvej 10
Tlf. +45 56 48 54 44 Tlf. +45 56 49 75 74 Tlf. +45 56 49 44 74
China Tea
Tea House
Stavsdalvej 25, Østerlars,,
3760 Gudhjem
Recommended route 3
Pedersker - Dueodde
- Pedersker
31 km 31 km asphalt · 0 km gravel
The Dueodde route has been contour mapped beach, sand-dunes and woodland. There are some
with start and finish at Pedersker. but you can good walks, a fantastic view from the light-house,
of course join it at any point. The route can be and another chance for a dip.
completed in 1.5 hours by an experienced cyclist. On the way back to Pedersker you pass Sluse-
Kirkemøllen, the beautiful old Dutch windmill at gård Water Mill. It dates from the early 19th cen-
Pedersker, is not open to the public, but you can tury and was listed in 1956. It was a grain mill, and
admire it from the road. You can also visit Peder- in addition had a “trout-house” listed (for catching
sker Kirke, which is a fine old stone-built church sea-trout on their way upstream to spawn) and
dating from 1150, with a 16th-century tower and hatchery building attached. It can be viewed from
a porch built in 1854. There are several attractions the outside.
in Pedersker that you can make a detour to. For
example, there are the vineyard and the Iron Age Dueodde Lighthouse
fort Ringborgen, which you can read more about in
the description of cycle route 10.
Back on your route, you now come to a crossing
with Ølenevejen. If you follow that in the direction
of Østermarie and turn right along Rønnevej, you
can see Egeby Post Mill, which dates from 1787,
and was still milling grain in the 1920s. There is
public access, but you can’t go inside.
Stop in Nexø to enjoy Bornholm’s second-largest
town. Read more about Nexø on the following
Before you reach Snogebæk, you will pass
Hundsemyre on the right of the cycle track. This
is a large peat bog used for breeding by a broad
cross-section of the bird species that are resident
on Bornholm. There are many ducks, geese, he-
rons and cormorants. A short walking route leads
round the bog, but it is closed from 15 March to
15 July
The route continues along a pleasant cycle track
through woodland and summer chalet areas to the
pleasant little town of Snogebæk. A good opportu-
nity to park the bike and jump into the waves on
Balka Beach.
The route then continues to Dueodde, which is
an amazing area with a kilometres-long sandy
Recom. route 4 - Paradisbakkerne
Nexø - Paradisbakkerne - Nexø
16 km 15 km asphalt · 1 km gravel
This short trip to the Paradisbakkerne hills of- countryside. In the Iron Age, it served as a strong-
fers a lot of incredibly beautiful scenery in a hold where the population could take refuge with
short space of time! The route has been contour their animals in times of war.
mapped with start and finish at Nexø. It can be Surrounded by cliffs and tall trees, Gamledam
completed in 30-45 minutes by an experienced is a beautifully situated lake with sundew, yellow
cyclist. flag, marsh cinquefoil and cotton grass growing
From Nexø, the route runs along Aarsdalevej on its banks. From the Paradisbakkerne hills, the
coast road, and then turns inland. Oksemyrevej route returns to Nexø.
is uphill, yet there are good views from the top! Bornholm’s second-largest town, Nexø boasts
There are three way-marked walks in the Para- the island’s largest fishing harbour, where fishing
disbakkerne hills, of 3, 6 and 6.5 km. They start at boats from all over Denmark bring their catch
Klintebygård, where you can leave your bike. Find to supply the town’s fish processing industry.
the time to try one of these walks, as they offer a A shipyard, a net maker’s and other businesses
delightful combination of hills, heather, large and around the harbour service the fishing boats and
small fissure valleys, rock formations, little lakes, other vessels.
and views that would take anyone’s breath away. Up in the town square, the atmosphere is much
And there’s the rocking stone, Majdalen, Gamle- more relaxed. Along with market days, the town
borg and Gamledam to see as well. square is also the centre for the summer Baltic
This particular rocking stone is the best-known Jazz Festival and other entertainments. A large
of those on the island. And although it weighs proportion of the houses in the town were destro-
about 35 tonnes, you can actually rock it a little if yed in the Second World War. Sweden donated 75
you push hard enough. new timber houses, which grace the town to this
Majdalen is a beautiful and relatively large fis- day, and add a nice touch of colour. The Butterfly
sure valley, which is full of mountain cranberries, Park in Nexø is worth a visit - especially for the
blueberries and other delights in summer. younger members of the family.
Gamleborg is an exceptionally good vantage
point, offering wonderful views over forest and
Rokkestenen - The Rocking Stone
Recommended route 5 - Østkystturen
Svaneke - Årsdale - Svaneke
22 km 22 km asphalt · 0 km gravel
The East Coast route has been contour mapped in 1867. There are three tablets listing past priests
with start and finish at Svaneke, but you can to be seen in the porch.
of course join it at any point. The route can be Årsdale boasts several smokeries, a fish restau-
completed in 1 hour by an experienced cyclist. rant and a well preserved mill, dating from 1877.
The small fishing village of Listed lies just out- The route ends in Svaneke, where you pass Hul-
side Svaneke. A little west of the village you pass lehavn beach as you enter the town.
a cairn and a number of standing stones known Svaneke is Denmark’s most easterly town -
as the Holy Woman and her Children. According to and perhaps one of its loveliest. The small, half-
legend, the holy woman turned her children into timbered houses are built on rocky terrain, and
stone to prevent them being killed. as a result are disposed at different levels. It is
The route continues through Bølshavn and well worth taking a walk to see the rocky coast
Randkløve. You should turn inland just before you and skerries, as well as taking a look around the
reach Randkløve Skår, which is a 50 metre long, town. Go and see the church, the mill and the post
3 metre wide fissure. Take a detour into the fis- mill. Soak up the atmosphere of the town square
sure to access one of Bornholm’s most spectacular and the narrow streets, where fascinating small
views. You can walk through the fissure, even shops entice with wares ranging from glass and
though there is not much space. From the top of ceramics to clothes and antiques.
the cliff edge there is a fantastic view out over the
skerries. To get down to the fissure, you will need Svaneke Kirke*
to park your cycle and go down using the rescue
path a little north of Bølshavn. Follow the signs
from the road.
The route then continues inland towards Øster-
marie. Østermarie Church was built in 1891, by
the ruins of an old mediaeval church dating from
the 13th century. When the old church was being
demolished, a number of architectural features
were found which were worth preserving, and as
a result what was left of the building was listed
and left standing. It’s a lovely spot with lots to see,
including four rune stones that were found during
the demolition.
You can make a detour from the road (Lyrsby-
vej) to see the standing stones at Louisenlund.
There are about 50 of them - the second-largest
group of standing stones on Bornholm. Louisen-
lund was bought by King Frederik VII when he
visited Bornholm in 1851. It is named after the
countess Louise Danner.
The route continues past Sankt lbs Kirke. This
stone church dates from 1200, and was enlarged Svaneke Church*
Recom. route 6 - Nordlandet rundt
Rø - Allinge - Olsker - Rø
26 km 23 km asphalt · 3 km gravel
The Northland Round Tour route has been con- lometres long - and follows the cycle track some
tour mapped with start and finish at Rø, but you of the way.
can of course join it at any point. The route can The route then continues to Olsker, home to the
be completed in 1.5 hours by an experienced cyc- tallest and most elegant of the islands four round
list. This route follows parts of cycle route 10, but churches. Built around 1150, the 26 metre tall
in the opposite direction. church has been altered and reinforced several
The route makes first for Allinge, where it turns times during its lifetime. The most recent work
inland. was carried out in the mid-twentieth century, and
From Allinge, it goes right past Moseløkken Gra- included replacement of the altarpiece. There are
nite Quarry. This is one of the few granite quar- nine embrasures, and the upper part of the wall
ries still in operation. From the forest track you was clearly once part of the parapet that surroun-
can watch the work of blasting and splitting the ded the original flat roof. About 25,000 people visit
granite blocks free. As you continue westwards, the church every year.
you cycle through the area around Ravnedal. Before you get back to Rø, you will pass Spellinge
You might like to take a detour to the beautiful Mose, where the cycle track runs between steep
scenic Slotslyngen area on the other side of the rock walls on one side and the marsh on the other.
main road. Surrounded by undulating hills, Rav- The marsh is rich in bird life, and species you may
nedal is a fissure valley with 15-20 metre high rock encounter include the cuckoo and the nightingale.
faces. Park your bike at the car park beside the If you would like to experience the area on foot,
main road and enjoy the valley on foot. There is you can follow the way-marked path that leads
an information board showing where the footpath round the marsh and along the cycle route. It is 3
runs. The round trip including the valley is 1.5 ki- kilometres long, and takes about an hour.
Recommended route 7 - Spellinge Mose
Rønne - Spellinge Mose - Rønne
32 km 28 km asphalt · 4 km gravel
The Spellinge Mose route follows cycle route 23 you on to the lush Spellinge Mose, a marsh rich in
all the way from Rønne. You have the choice bird life. Species you may encounter include the
of returning the same way, or making a little cuckoo and the nightingale. If you would like to
loop via Krashavevej, as shown on the map. The experience the area on foot, you can follow the
route has been contour mapped from Ndr. Jern- way-marked path that leads round the marsh and
banesti near Gartnervangen. It can be completed along the cycle route. It is 3 kilometres long and
in 1.5 hours by an experienced cyclist. takes about an hour to complete.
The route leaves Rønne by the cycle track sy- From Spellinge Mose, follow cycle route 26 into
stem. The cycle track continues all the way to and through Rutsker Plantage. Keep an eye out for
Nyker and resumes from Klemensker to Spellinge the cycle sign on your left hand. When you reach
Mose. These cycle tracks run along the old railway Krashavevej, turn left towards Klemensker. On the
that was closed in 1968. Enjoy! Here, you’re well way you will pass another little marsh, Krasmose.
away from the traffic and close to the wonderful From Klemensker, return to Rønne the same way
Bomholm countryside. From Nyker to Klemensker you came, along cycle route 23.
you follow the main road on a new cycle lane.
The first town you reach is Nyker. Here you will
find Ny Kirke, one of Bornholm’s famous round Spellinge Mose
churches. It is the smallest of the four round chur-
ches, and also the one that bears the least signs of
having been a defensive structure. It is thought to
date from the end of the twelfth century. The mas-
sive pillar in the middle of the church is richly de-
corated with wall paintings from several periods.
The church did not have a conical roof until the
seventeenth century. A major renovation was un-
dertaken in 1960. The contents of the porch, which
is of a later date than the church itself, include a
rune stone and a tablet recording plague deaths.
The route continues on to Klemensker, where
Bornholms Andelsmejeri is situated. This is a co-
operative enterprise that produces milk and dairy
products for the whole island. The factory where
the well-known Copenhagen Christiania bicycles
are made is located at the edge of the town. Kle-
mens Kirke, built in 1882, is in the town centre. It
replaced a previous church, from which the altar
candlesticks, the chandelier and plague tablet ori-
ginate. Two rune stones stand outside the church.
After Klemensker you are back on the old rail-
way track, which leads you through the dramatic
Kleven, passing between steep rock walls to take
Recommended route 8 - Østerlars Kirke
Gudhjem - Østerlars - Gudhjem
27 km 22 km asphalt · 5 km gravel
Over half of this route, which has been contour You can make a detour starting from Østerlars
mapped with start and finish In Gudhjem, fol- Round Church to see the disused gneiss quarry, si-
lows cycle tracks that are completely separated tuated to the north. Follow the cycle route towards
from other traffic. The rest of the route follows Gudhjem and turn left along Stangevej. Then fol-
small minor roads. Start off along cycle route 10 low the marked path. Today, the disused quarry
from Gudhjem towards Melsted. The route can be is a little oasis with vertical rock walls. Gneiss is
completed in 1.5 hours by an experienced cyclist. a striped, fine-grained rock consisting partly of
Just south of Gudhjem there is a little sandy quartz. Continue along cycle route 25 to the Al-
beach that stretches from Melsted Harbour to mindingen forest, where you’ll find enough to see
Melsted Badehotel. At one end of the beach a little and do for a whole day. Before you get very deep
stream flows into the sea, where children can play into the forest your route turns off along cycle
for hours building dams. At the other end of the route 26, but you can take a detour to visit Ekko-
beach there is a bathing jetty, so you won’t need to dalen, Gamleborg, Lilleborg or Rytterknægten. You
walk on the pebbles on the seabed. From the hotel can get a leaflet with a map of Almindingen from
terrace there is a marvellous view of the beach Bomholms Velkomstcenter, Ndr. Kystvej 3, Rønne,
and the island of Christiansø in the distance. or from any other of the tourist offices on the
From Melsted, follow cycle route 25 inland. Soon island.
you come to the beautiful Stavehøl Waterfall. Sta- When cycle route 26 reaches Sigtevej, follow this
vehøl is eight metres deep and two metres wide. road back to Gudhjem. Sigtevej runs through Rø
With a drop of three metres, it is not the highest Plantation, where you’ll see trees, heather, rocks
waterfall on the island, but a lovely sight none the and beautiful fissure valleys. Do park your bike
less. There is a delightful walk from the waterfall and take a walk around the artificial lake, where
along the Kobbeå Stream to the sea. Kobbeådalen vertical rock walls rise out of the water.
is a fissure valley with steep and in some places And then it’s back to Gudhjem, one of the island’s
almost vertical sides. most attractive towns.
At Østerlars you pass the islands - and Den-
mark’s - largest round church. Gudhjem*
TrailCenter Bornholm
The mountain-bike trails at and around Rytter- which leads up to Rømer’s tableau. From here, five
knægten are developing rapidly. Trailbuilders trails descend to the red loop at the bottom.
Bornholm are working together with Denmark’s The trails have been built with quality over qu-
Nature Agency and Destination Bornholm to lay antity in mind, so expect to experience Bornholm’s
down the trails, and new trails are being cleared unique terrain features to their fullest.
on a continuous basis. Currently riders have six As mentioned, new trails are added regularly,
marked trails from which to choose. and already from 2018 the trail network will have
From the parking lot, you can start out on the been doubled.
blue loop which runs through the forest and ends If you wish to improve your skills or leverage
up on Rytterknægten after approx. 2.5 km. Half- your riding to the maximum, it may be helpful to
way down you encounter a blue connecting track, book an instructor or a guide. Happy trails!
d og Kør hvor du må Let. Grundlæggende færdigheder:
• I naturen må du kun cykle på veje og stier. Grusveje og singletracks. Moderate
l- • Ingen cykling i vinteregeskoven på Ekkodalens skrænter. stigninger, men kan omfatte korte stejle
• Undgå at køre på afmærkede ridestier, vandreruter o.l. uden strækninger. Belægning kan være løs, mu-
for skovvejene. dret, ujævn med mindre rødder og sten.
• Kør ikke på fortidsminder, gravhøje, diger og trapper.
• Kør ikke i private skove fra solnedgang til kl. 6. næste Middel. Den øvede MTB-rytter
morgen. Middel Udfordrende op- og nedkørsler. Forvent
drops, huller, større rødder og sten, snævre
Kør ansvarligt
Tilpas din fart og hold afstand - færdselsloven gælder også i
passager og singletracks. Alle forhindringer
kan køres med fuld jordkontakt ved lav
der, i •
Cykel sammen - husk hjelm, telefon, 112-app og sundheds-
Svær. Ekspert MTB-rytter
Stejle og meget udfordrende op- og ned-
, så kort. kørsler. Forvent drops, hop, huller, rødder og
• Skån sporene i meget våde perioder, brug kun de robuste spor
og skovvejene.
sten med intense passager og singletracks.
Ikke alle forhindringer kan køres med fuld
The Green Ring Mountain Bike Trail
A popular recreational area, skirting Rønne, is around the area’s three lakes. There is ample op-
the ‘Green Ring’. What makes the area so at- portunity to ride on the established trails or to
tractive was that it was formerly an excavation linger and practice individual skills in one of the
site for one of Bornholm’s biggest industries for other areas – or you can simply choose to ride from
raw materials, kaolin, used in the production one challenge to another. Between the established
of porcelain. This production has now ceased, trails, you’ll find plenty of terrain suitable for off-
and following a large athletic event in 2002, the roading, and you might just blaze your own trail
area’s pits, water pools and, not least, its man- and discover a new challenge. We hope that eve-
made hills and cliffs dominate the landscape to ryone biking in the area will take part in caring
the east and north-east of Rønne. In several pla- for it in a responsible manner. Therefore, some
ces, you can clearly see the white layer of kaolin places will have gravel deposits that you can use
clay. In 2014-15, the area was further revamped for filling out the trail when it is muddy and wet.
and developed. The architectural history of the Enjoy your MTB fun around Rønne!
area has been uncovered in the form of ruins
left from the heyday of kaolin and gravel exca- © DGI Bornholm, April 2015
vation, and many new walking paths have been
established. In this connection, the Bornholm
chapter of the National Athletic Association has
designed a mountain-bike trail with exciting
technical challenges.
The Skovly MTB Trail
Recommended route 9
The Childrens route
112 km 97 km asphalt · 15 km gravel
3rd stage: Svaneke - Joboland/ environment have changed through the ages in
Brændegårdshaven - Svaneke: 6 km the multimedia Time Machine. And in the pre-
The third stage of the Children’s Route is only 6 sent time exhibition you can learn about Born-
km long, and provides a good opportunity to stay holm’s nature as it is today, from rock types
for two nights at the same place. Then you can through landscapes to various animal species.
leave your stuff behind while you cycle down to
Joboland Theme Park, where there’s plenty to do 6th stage: Aakirkeby - Pedersker - Rønne: 30 km
all day for children and adults alike. (using short-cut: 16 km)
4th stage: Svaneke - Nexø: 9 km It’s worth making the effort to take the beauti-
Follow cycle route 10 southwards to Nexø. Here ful coast route back to Rønne. Start by following
you can also spend the night at a camping site or cycle route 21, which after a few kilometres be-
at a hotel, if you stop at Snogebæk. Bornholm’s comes cycle route 24. That turns into cycle route
Sommerfuglepark, the Butterfly Park, is in Nexø. 10 at Pedersker. Before you leave for Rønne, you
Here you can walk around amongst butterflies can make a stop at Pedersker to see Kirkemøllen
and tropical birds, and see how the butterfly (the Dutch windmill) and perhaps ride towards
transforms itself from chrysalis to fully hatched Poulsker to see the Iron Age fort Ringborgen.
butterfly. Eight kilometres before Rønne, you can turn off
towards the coast to Arnager.
5th stage: Nexø - Aakirkeby: 14 km If you think the stretch along the coast to Arna-
Follow cycle route 21 from Nexø to Aakirkeby. ger is too long, you have the option of following
Aakirkeby is where you’ll find NaturBomholm. cycle route 21 from Aakirkeby to Rønne.
Here you can see animals that have lived on There are numerous places in Rønne where
Bornholm over the last 1,700 million years, - you can stay overnight, with a choice including
including dinosaurs, crocodiles, wild boar and camping, a youth hostel, hotels and private ac-
reindeer. You can also see how species and the commodation.
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Hourly buses between Bornholm’s major cities.
Bus connections to and from ferries in Rønne and flight
connections at Bornholm Airport.
See bus schedules at
Use the trip planner at to plan your trip.