This document provides guidelines from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on the optimal use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and targeted therapy for breast cancer. It includes recommendations on appropriate candidates for neoadjuvant systemic therapy based on tumor characteristics, how response should be measured, and recommended neoadjuvant regimens for patients with triple negative breast cancer, HR-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer, and HER2-positive disease. The recommendations are based on a systematic review of current medical literature.
This document provides guidelines from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on the optimal use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and targeted therapy for breast cancer. It includes recommendations on appropriate candidates for neoadjuvant systemic therapy based on tumor characteristics, how response should be measured, and recommended neoadjuvant regimens for patients with triple negative breast cancer, HR-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer, and HER2-positive disease. The recommendations are based on a systematic review of current medical literature.
This document provides guidelines from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on the optimal use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and targeted therapy for breast cancer. It includes recommendations on appropriate candidates for neoadjuvant systemic therapy based on tumor characteristics, how response should be measured, and recommended neoadjuvant regimens for patients with triple negative breast cancer, HR-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer, and HER2-positive disease. The recommendations are based on a systematic review of current medical literature.
This document provides guidelines from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on the optimal use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and targeted therapy for breast cancer. It includes recommendations on appropriate candidates for neoadjuvant systemic therapy based on tumor characteristics, how response should be measured, and recommended neoadjuvant regimens for patients with triple negative breast cancer, HR-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer, and HER2-positive disease. The recommendations are based on a systematic review of current medical literature.
Breast Cancer: ASCO Guideline January 28, 2021 Adjuvant Vs. Neoadjuvant therapy • Adjuvant or postoperative systemic therapy is the mainstay of treatment for early-stage breast cancer. • The goal of adjuvant treatment is to eradicate micro-metastatic disease and prevent distant recurrence • Neoadjuvant refers to the use of systemic therapy prior to surgery. • Indication for neoadjuvant therapy: • In-operable disease(Locally advanced) • For downsizing/staging • For prognosis and post neoadjuvant treatment ASCO Guideline • Guideline Question: What is the optimal use of neoadjuvant therapy for women with invasive, nonmetastatic breast cancer? • Target Population: Patients with nonmetastatic breast cancer. • Target Audience: Medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, oncology nurses, patients or caregivers or advocates, and oncology advanced practice providers. • Methods: An Expert Panel was convened to develop clinical practice guideline recommendations based on a systematic review of the medical literature. Benjamin Djulbegovic, MD , Progress in evidence-based medicine: a quarter century on,2017 Which patients with breast cancer are appropriate candidates for neoadjuvant systemic therapy? Recommendations: candidates for neoadjuvant systemic therapy Recommendations Evidence Strength of quality recommendation 1.1 - Patient with inflammatory breast cancer Low Strong - Unresectable or locally advanced disease 1.2 - Tumor histology, grade, stage and estrogen, progesterone, and insufficient moderate HER2 expression should routinely be used to guide clinical decisions insufficient evidence to support the use of other immunochemical markers, morphological markers, or genomic profiles 1.3 - high-risk HER2-positive or triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) → high strong residual tumor would guide adjuvant treatment 1.4 - Reducing the extent of surgery: BCT and ALND intermediate moderate 1.5 - a delay in surgery is preferable low moderate (eg, for genetic testing ;surgical treatment decision making, to allow time to consider reconstructive options) How should response be measured in patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy? Recommendations: Measurement after receiving NST Recommendations Evidence Strength of quality recommendation 2.1 - Monitored for response with clinical examination insufficient moderate - Imaging modality: MMG, US, MRI 2.2 - Blood- and tissue-based biomarkers should not be used insufficient strong for monitoring 2.3 - Pathologic complete response (pCR), defined as insufficient moderate absence of invasive disease in breast and lymph nodes → guide clinical making What neoadjuvant systemic therapy regimens are recommended for patients with TNBC? Recommendations: Recommended regimens for patients with TNBC Recommendations Evidence Strength of quality recommendation 3.1 - clinically node-positive and/or at least T1c disease high strong - anthracycline- and taxane-containing regimen 3.2 - cT1a or cT1bN0 TNBC should not routinely be offered high strong neoadjuvant therapy 3.3 - Carboplatin may be offered for neoadjuvant regimen Intermediate moderate → pCR - balance of potential benefits and harms 3.4 - Insufficient evidence adding the immune checkpoint Intermediate moderate inhibitors to neoadjuvant chemotherapy What neoadjuvant treatment is recommended for patients with HR-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer? Recommendations: HR-positive/HER2- negative breast cancer Recommendations Evidence Strength of quality recommendation 4.1 - Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can be used instead of Low moderate adjuvant chemotherapy - Chemotherapy decision can be made without surgical pathology data and/or tumor-specific genomic testing 4.2 - Post menopausal patient: AI → locoregional Intermediate moderate treatment - No intent for surgery>> disease control 4.3 - Pre menopausal patient with early breast cancer: Intermediate moderate neoadjuvant endocrine therapy should not be routinely offered . What neoadjuvant treatment is recommended for patients with HER2-positive disease? Recommendations: Patients with HER2- positive disease Recommendations Evidence Strength of quality recommendation 5.1 - Node-positive or high-risk node-negative, HER2- high strong positive disease - Neoadjuvant therapy with an anthracycline and taxane or non–anthracycline-based regimen in combination with trastuzumab. - Pertuzumab may be used in combination with H. 5.2 - T1a N0 and T1b N0, HER2-positive disease should not Intermediate moderate be routinely offered neoadjuvant chemotherapy or anti-HER2 agents
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