Malta Art Scene 2011
Malta Art Scene 2011
Malta Art Scene 2011
music programme
St Catherine of Italy Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
This sixth season of lunchtime concerts Time: 19.30 hrs
brings together some of our Islands’
more established performers, presenting 9 April
a series of chamber concerts which have Peter & the Wolf/Young Person’s
gained a regular audience of locals and Guide to the Orchestra
tourists alike. Entrance is by donation that The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra
goes towards the Restoration Fund for the conducted by Christopher Muscat,
Church of St. Catherine of Italy. narrator: Sarah Spiteri.
Venue: St Catherine of Italy, Valletta. Venue: Republic Hall, Mediterranean
Every Sunday at 11.00 hrs. Conference Centre, Valletta.
Time: 18.30 hrs.
Performers Platform
St James Cavalier is committed to 10 April
discovering, nurturing and promoting new A Little Sunday Night Music
talent. The Performers’ Platform Concert Chamber music focusing on some of the
Series provides up-and-coming musicians greatest chamber pieces ever written –
with the opportunity to perform in a performed by Trio Zigaro
professional environment in the Music Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for
Room at the Centre. Creativity, Valletta.
The Second Series of the Performers Time: 19.00 hrs.
Platform Concerts is held every
Wednesday up to 25 May 2011. 12 April
Venue: The Music Room, St. James 2+2=8
Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Valletta. An 8-hand piano concert produced by
Every Wednesday at 12.35 hrs Teatru Manoel, featuring the highly
acclaimed pianists Wayne Marshall,
1 April Jennifer Micallef, Glen Inanga and John
Classical music concert McLaughlin Williams.
The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
conducted by Brian Schembri. Programme: Time: 20.00 hrs.
Liszt – Les Preludes, Piano Concerto No. 1
& No.2 (soloist: Balazs Szokolay),
Berlioz – Rakoczy March, Wagner –
music programme 2+2=8
14 April op 121(Premier) Soloist: Godfrey Mifsud,
music programme
String Concert Christopher Muscat – Extase, Paul
Performed by the Camilleri Trio Hindemith – Symphonie –Mathis der Maler.
Venue: Sala Isouard, Teatru Manoel, Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
Valletta. Time: 20.00 hrs. Time: 19.30 hrs.
16 April 12 May
Concert of Sacred Music Piano Recital - Giselle Grima
The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra Venue: Sala Isouard, Teatru Manoel,
conducted by Emanuel Spagnol. Valletta. Time: 20.00 hrs.
Venue: St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta.
Time: 19.30 hrs. 22 May
A Little Sunday Night Music
16 – 17 April A concert of chamber music focusing on
Akoustika some of the greatest works written by
An annual concert where jazz, pop and Verdi and Vaughan Williams.
rock all come together in an explosion of Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for
popular music and talent. Creativity, Valletta. Time: 19.00 hrs.
Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for
Creativity, Valletta. Time: 20.00 hrs. 24 May
Malta Philharmonic Orchestra/
26 – 30 April Manoel Theatre Collaboration Concert (3)
International Spring Festival Under the direction of the Orchestra’s
Produced by Karl Fiorini, featuring local music director, Michael Laus.
and foreign talent. Programme: Bartok – Rumanian Dances,
Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta. Chopin – Piano Concerto in E minor op
11 (soloist: Joanne Camilleri), Smetana –
3 May From Bohemia’s Woods and Fields, Kodaly
Malta Philharmonic Orchestra – Variations on a Hungarian Folksong (‘The
Composer in Residence Concert Peacock’). Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
Conducted by Joseph Vella, Malta Time: 19.30 hrs
Philharmonic Orchestra, composer-in-
residence. Programme: Marko Mihevc 27 May
– Karnaval (Symphonic Poem), Joseph Music Concert
Vella – Concerto for Clarinet & Orchestra Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
4 June complemented by traditional Maltese food
theatre programme
Concerto all’Italiana in the marvellous surroundings of the
A concert of Italian music to celebrate Argotti botanical gardens in Floriana.
the 150th Anniversary of the Unification Further information may be found on
of Italy, presented by Fiesole Artistic
Productions and the Italian Cultural Venue: Argotti Botanical Gardens, Floriana
Institute. Time: 19.00 hrs
Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
Time: 19.30 hrs 1 – 10 April
Pupu fil-Baħar
5 June A play by Alfred Sant, produced by KAST
A Little Sunday Night Music Productions and directed by Carmel
A concert of chamber music focusing on S. Aquilina, featuring Antonella Galea
some of the greatest works ever written. Loffreda, Charles Sammut and Joe Galea.
Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for Since its inception in 2001, KAST has
Creativity, Valletta. become synonymous with innovative
Time: 19.00 hrs. theatrical adaptations of literary
masterpieces in English and Maltese. KAST
10, 11, 12 June works through the process of collective
Għanafest- Malta Mediterranean Folk creation, where the actors and director
Music Festival together construct an original script based
Celebrating the folk music heritage on improvisation and creative writing
of the Mediterranean. Besides għana inspired by the chosen literature. Alfred
(Maltese folksong), the festival presents Sant’s collection of twelve narratives is the
a selection of local ensembles, Maltese focus of this theatrical work that oscillates
songwriters and folk musicians from between characters living on the verge
Mediterranean countries or countries that of society, middle-class mentality and the
influenced music in this region. This year complexity of human relationships, with
the international guests for Għanafest an underlying sardonic look at everyday
are: Nakaira from Sicily, Navà Ensemble life and characters.
Persian music and Swing a la Turc quartet The play will be performed in Maltese.
from Turkey. Għanafest also hosts a series Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for
of workshops on traditional instruments Creativity, Valletta.
and a special programme for children. Time: 20.00 hrs.
A wonderful event for the whole family
16 and 17 April
theatre programme
The Twits
A highly interactive play, based on the
story by Roald Dahl. Mr. and Mrs. Twit are
ugly, dirty, smelly and downright nasty,
yet ingenious at playing mean tricks on
each other. They become allies only when
they are catching birds for bird pies or
training their monkeys for their dream
2 and 3 April upside down Monkey Circus. The Twits
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest is performed in English and is aimed at a
Ken Kesey’s theatrical masterpiece, young audience of 6 - 12 years. Produced
produced by ATGE and hosted by Teatru and directed by Isabelle Gatt, with musical
Manoel. The play is currently on tour and arrangements and vocal coaching by Sigo.
receiving excellent reviews. Bookings through St. James Cavalier:
The play will be performed in English. 21 22 32 00 or 21 22 32 16 or email
Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta. Tickets are €8.50.
Time: 20.00 hrs. Discounted tickets for the family are also
available. Venue: MITP Theatre, Valletta.
8 – 10, 15 – 17 April Time: 7.30pm
Mrs Warren’s Profession
This classic by George Bernard Shaw 29 April – 8 May
presented by MADC and directed by Oleanna
Joyce Grech, is the story of a mother and A play produced by Stewsoft Productions,
daughter with clashing views about a Oleanna is a two-hander by David Mamet,
highly lucrative but unethical business. about the power struggle between a
Cast: Isabelle Warrington, Barry Calvert, university professor and one of his female
Colin Willis, Simone Spiteri, Andrew Galea students who accuses him of sexual
and Chris Hudson. exploitation and, by doing so, spoils his
The play will be performed in English. chances of being accorded tenure.
Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta. Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for
Time: 20.00 hrs. Creativity, Valletta. Time: 20.00 hrs.
7 and 8 May going to sleep, she suddenly finds herself
theatre programme
Bogħod mill-Għajn falling into the action with her superhero
A play by Vincent Vella, presented by with whom she journeys through her
Teatru Manoel in collaboration with entire shelf of books, meeting different
Maleth, and directed by Alan Fenech. characters that overlap into each other’s
The play gives insight into the family life worlds flitting from one adventure to
of one of the ‘internati’ and a series of the next. The play is aimed at a young
incidents encountered within the socio- audience of 5 to 10 years, yet is a delight
political background of Malta during the for all the family. Directed by Marcelle
Second World War. Theuma, musical arrangements and vocal
The play will be performed in Maltese. coaching by Sigo; produced by Isabelle
Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta. Gatt. Bookings through St. James Cavalier:
Time: 20.00 hrs. 21 22 32 00 or 21 22 32 16 or email Tickets are €8.50.
13 – 29 May Discounted tickets for the family are also
The Opposite Sex available.
A comedy produced by TNT Productions. Venue: MITP Theatre, Valletta.
A chance meeting between friendly Time: 19.30 hrs (confirm with theatre
couples takes an unexpected twist of listings)
fate. It is not long before what should
have been a friendly dinner party turns 20 – 22 May
into a social nightmare. As the common The Rose Tattoo
denominator between the characters A play by Tennessee Williams, directed
starts to become clearer, the air soon by Albert Marshall and presented by
become thick with insults, black eyes and Teatru Manoel in collaboration with the
broken chins. Malta Drama Centre and the US Embassy.
Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for The Rose Tattoo is the story of an Italo-
Creativity, Valletta. American widow in Louisiana who,
Time: 20.00 hrs. following her husband’s death, withdraws
from society and expects her daughter to
14 and 15 May do likewise.
It-Tifla li Waqgħet Ġo Ktieb The play will be performed in English.
A play in Maltese adapted by Trevor Zahra Venue: Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
from The Boy Who Fell into a Book by Time: 20.00 hrs.
Alan Ayckbourn. As Marica reads before
26 March – 1 May
2 April – 1 May
Humanity In Forms
An exhibition of ceramics by Mario
Venue: The Loggia, National Museum of
Fine Arts, South Street, Valletta.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday
09:00hrs - 16:30hrs (Last Admission:
Free entrance
15 April – 15 May
Photography exhibition by Guillem
The exhibition brings together a collection
of 25 photographs depicting three
distinct landscapes: the salt marshes
of Malta, the port of Barcelona and the
caves of Menorca. Common to all of them
is the sea and nature. The recurring
theme of the bridge is not there by
chance as the photographs are part of a
larger retrospective by the artist, called
6 May – 30 June
Ġmiel il-Ħrejjef
An exhibition of paintings by Rupert Cefai.
Inspired by century-old folktales rich
in ethnographic content, this exhibition
is complemented with a programme of
thematic educational sessions between
Monday 16 - Friday 27 May.
Venue: The National Museum of
Ethnography, Inquisitor’s Palace,
For further information and times of
opening: tel: 21663731 (Inquisitor’s
7 May – 29 June
Humanity in Forms: The Group
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9 and 16 April
09:00hrs - 16:30hrs (Last Admission: Met HD Live – Le Comte Ory –
16:00hrs) Giacchino Rossini
Time: 19.00 hrs.
27 May - 23 July
Early 19th century souvenir drawings 17 April
of the Ggantija Temples Lucia di Lammermoor (Repeat screening)
An exhibition of exclusive drawings, Time: 15.00 hrs.
held in conjunction with Lejlet Lapsi -
Notte Gozitana events. Venue: Gozo Area 23 April and 7 May
Exhibition Hall, The Citadel, Victoria, Gozo. Met HD Live – Capriccio – Richard
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday Strauss
09:00hrs - 17:00hrs; Saturday 09:00hrs - Time: 19.00 hrs.
12:00 noon.
30 April and 21 May
June Met HD Live – Il Trovatore – Giuseppe
Re-painted Verdi
National Museum of Fine Arts, South Time: 19.00 hrs.
Street, Valletta
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 1 May
09:00hrs - 16:30hrs (Last Admission: Le Comte Ory (Repeat screening)
16:00hrs). Free entrance Time: 15.00 hrs.
3 April 29 May
Iphigenie en Taurus (Repeat screening) Il Trovatore (Repeat screening)
Time: 15.00 hrs. Time: 15.00 hrs.
8 May 19 May
other events
Heritage Trail – Comino English-Speaking Union – Talks
Tickets can be bought from all Heritage Speaker – H.E. Prof. Douglas Kmiec,
Malta museums and sites. American Ambassador
For further information: contact Mario Venue: St James Cavalier Centre for
Casha on 23954242. Creativity, Valletta.
Time: 18.00 hrs.
15 May
Cultural Tour of the Island of Gozo. June
A full day tour to Gozo. Art and Wine @ South Street
For bookings: call Noel D’Amato or Adrian Interesting discussions on Art over a glass
German on 21232515, 21247913 or send of wine.
an e-mail to noel.damato@maltaculture. Venue: The National Museum of Fine Arts,
com or visit South Street, Valletta.
Tickets: €21.50; concessions for children Time: 19.30 hrs.
aged 5-12 and senior citizens: €19.
Venue: Coaches depart from Sliema and
Time: 07.30 hrs.
Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture
Office of the Prime Minister
Auberge d’Italie, Merchants Street, Valletta VLT 1170
Tel: (+356) 2291 5006, Fax: (+356) 2291 5039
Teatru Manoel
115, Old Theatre Street, Valletta VLT 1426
Tel: (356) 2122 2618, Fax: (+356) 2124 7451
E-mail:, Website:
Heritage Malta
Ex-Royal Naval Hospital, Triq Marina, Kalkara, KKR 1524
Tel: (356) 2295 4300, Fax: (+356) 2122 2900.
E-mail:, Website: