This document establishes requirements for good distribution, storage, and transportation practices for medicines in Brazil. It defines key terms and outlines general provisions for shared responsibility across all parties involved in production, storage, distribution and transportation of medicines. It aims to ensure quality and safety of medicines and protect against counterfeit, stolen or adulterated drugs.
This document establishes requirements for good distribution, storage, and transportation practices for medicines in Brazil. It defines key terms and outlines general provisions for shared responsibility across all parties involved in production, storage, distribution and transportation of medicines. It aims to ensure quality and safety of medicines and protect against counterfeit, stolen or adulterated drugs.
This document establishes requirements for good distribution, storage, and transportation practices for medicines in Brazil. It defines key terms and outlines general provisions for shared responsibility across all parties involved in production, storage, distribution and transportation of medicines. It aims to ensure quality and safety of medicines and protect against counterfeit, stolen or adulterated drugs.
This document establishes requirements for good distribution, storage, and transportation practices for medicines in Brazil. It defines key terms and outlines general provisions for shared responsibility across all parties involved in production, storage, distribution and transportation of medicines. It aims to ensure quality and safety of medicines and protect against counterfeit, stolen or adulterated drugs.
OF OCTOBER 8, 2020 Provides for the Good Distribution, Storage, and Transportation Practices for Medicines.
The Collegiate Board of Directors of the National Health Surveillance
Agency, in the use of the attributions conferred on it by art. 15, III and IV, coupled with art. 7, III and IV of Law No. 9.782, of January 26, 1999, and art. 53, VI, §§ 1 and 3 of the Internal Regulations approved by the Collegiate Board Resolution - RDC n° 255, of December 10, 2018, resolves to adopt the following Collegiate Board Resolution, as deliberated in a meeting held on October 7, 2020, and I, the Substitute CEO, determine its publication. CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS Section I Goal Art. 1 This Resolution has the objective of establishing the requirements for Good Distribution and Storage Practices and Good Drug Transportation Practices. Section II Scope Art. 2 This Resolution applies to companies that perform the activities of distribution, storage, or transportation of medicines and, as applicable, to the storage and transportation of bulk products. Sole paragraph. This Resolution does not apply to the activities of distribution, storage and transportation of raw materials, medical gases or labels and packages. Section III Definitions Art. 3 For the effect of this Resolution, the following definitions are adopted: I - storage: safe keeping, handling, and conservation of medicines; II - storage in transit: a set of procedures, of temporary nature, related to the transit of cargo, involving the activities of receipt, temporary custody, conservation, and safety of medicines; III - Good Storage Practices (GSP): set of actions that ensure the quality of a drug through adequate control during the storage process, as well as provide tools to protect the storage system against counterfeit, reproved, illegally imported, stolen, faulty, and/or adulterated drugs; IV - Good Distribution and Storage Practices (GDSP): set of actions that ensure the quality of a drug through the appropriate control during the distribution and storage process, as well as provide tools to protect the distribution system against counterfeit, reproved, illegally imported, stolen, defective, and/or adulterated drugs; V - Good Transportation Practices (GTP): a set of actions that ensure the quality of a drug through adequate control during transportation and storage in transit, as well as provide tools to protect the transportation system against stolen, damaged, and/or adulterated drugs; VI - cold chain or cold network: process encompassed by storage, conservation, handling, distribution, and transportation activities for temperature- sensitive products; VII - contamination: the unwanted introduction of impurities of a chemical or microbiological nature, or of foreign matter, into a bulk or finished product during the storage or transportation stages; VIII - container: an environment used for storage or transportation of products, which can be refrigerated and temperature controlled; IX - outsourcing contract: a document mutually agreed and controlled between the parties, establishing the attributions and responsibilities of the contracting and contracted companies; X - expiration date: the deadline for the use of a drug defined by the manufacturer, based on its respective stability tests, provided the established storage and transportation conditions are maintained; XI - distribution: a set of activities related to the movement of cargo that includes the supply, storage, and shipping of drugs, excluding the direct supply to the public; XII - distributor or wholesale: comprises the commerce of drugs, in any quantities, carried out between legal entities or to professionals for the exercise of their activities; XIII - shipping: set of procedures related to the shipment for the transportation of medicines; XIV - batch: a defined quantity of product processed in one or more processes, whose essential characteristic is homogeneity; XV - cargo manifest: document that contains a list of the goods that make up the cargo of the ship, aircraft, and other transport vehicles; XVI - thermolabile drug: drug with a maximum temperature specification equal to or lower than 8°C; XVII - batch number: defined combination of numbers and/or letters that uniquely identifies a batch on its labels, batch documentation, corresponding certificates of analysis, among others; XVIII - logistic operator (OL): a company with an Operating Authorization (AFE) and a Special Authorization (AE), when applicable, able to provide transportation and/or storage services; XIX - standard operating procedure (SOP): a written, authorized procedure that provides instructions for performing operations that are not necessarily specific to a given product or material, but are of a general nature (for example, operation, maintenance, and cleaning of equipment, qualification, cleaning of facilities, and environmental control, sampling, and inspection); XX - returned product: finished product, shipped and commercialized, returned to the registration holder or distributor; XXI - bulk product: any product that has gone through all the production stages, not including the packaging process; sterile products in their primary packaging are considered bulk products; XXII - qualification: set of actions carried out to certify and document that any facilities, systems, and equipment are properly installed and/or function correctly and lead to the expected results; XXIII - thermal qualification: documented verification that the equipment or controlled temperature area ensures thermal homogeneity inside it; XXIV - quarantine: temporary retention of finished products, physically isolated or by other means that prevent their use, while awaiting a decision on their release, rejection, or reprocessing; XXV - receiving: set of activities related to the arrival, checking, and internalization in stock of medicines; XXVI - recall: action that aims at the immediate and effective withdrawal from the market of a certain batch(es) of medicine, with sufficient evidence or proof of quality deviation, that may represent a risk to health, or by occasion of cancellation of the registration, related to the safety and effectiveness of the product, to be implemented by the holder of the registration and its distributors; XXVII - consignment or delivery: quantity of a given drug supplied in response to a purchase order, a single consignment may include one or more volumes and materials belonging to more than one batch; XXVIII - active control system: those with active temperature and/or humidity control, capable of self-adjusting to external temperature variations, such as refrigerated containers for air and sea transportation and refrigerated trucks; XXIX - passive control system: those without active control of temperature and/or humidity, such as thermally insulated containers made of polystyrene or polyurethane, with cooling material. They are not capable of adjusting themselves to external temperature variations, their capacity being determined by means of studies and temperature and humidity forecasts for the route in question; XXX - transporter: a company that transports medicines from the sender to a certain recipient, and may additionally perform storage in transit; XXXI - return: return to the supplier of the drugs fiscally incorporated to the client's stock and that, in this manner, entered the client's custody chain. These drugs, when returned to the origin, are done so with a fiscal or corresponding document, distinct from the shipping document. CHAPTER II GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 4 All parties involved in production, storage, distribution, and transportation must take responsibility for the quality and safety of the drug products. Sole Paragraph. Shared responsibility encompasses recall actions, regardless of whether this is motivated by the sanitary authority, the registration holder, the distributor, or the logistics operator. Art. 5 The principles of GSP, GDSP, and GTP must also be observed in reverse logistics, when the drugs are being returned or collected from the market. Art. 6 - The distribution companies must supply drugs only to companies licensed and authorized by the competent sanitary authority for the activities of distribution or dispensing of drugs. Sole paragraph. The supply of radiopharmaceuticals must be carried out by institutions licensed by the Health Authority, the National Nuclear Energy Commission (NNEC), and other competent authorities. Art. 7 The acquisition of drugs from distributing companies other than those that hold the registration is allowed as long as the traceability of the load through the National System of Drug Control - NSDC is guaranteed. Sole paragraph. When NSDC is not applicable, traceability must be guaranteed through documentary proof by the supplying distributor that the origin is licit and authentic. Art. 8th The establishments that perform the activities of distribution, storage, or transport of medicines must have a quality management system capable of documenting, verifying, and ensuring the specific requirements for each process that has an impact on the quality of the products. CHAPTER III DISTRIBUTION, STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION Section I Organization and Administration Art. 9 The company's organizational structure must be described in an organizational chart. Single paragraph. The responsibilities of all personnel must be indicated in the job descriptions. Section II Staff Art. 10: The company must have an appropriate number of employees with adequate qualifications, ensuring that the responsibilities assigned individually are not so extensive as to present risks to the quality of the product. Art. 11: Requirements related to health, hygiene and clothing of the personnel must be established, according to the activities to be performed. Art. 12: The systematic training of employees whose functions have an impact on the Quality Management System must be described. 1 - The employees referred to in the caput of this article must receive initial and periodic training, according to the complexity of the activity and compatible with the training action taken. 2 The records that allow the identification of the trainee, the date of execution and the workload, as well as the strategy used, the subjects covered, and the evaluation of effectiveness, must be kept. §3 Training requirements relevant to each job position, as expressed by policies, programs, procedures, and forms, must be defined. Art. 13: Smoking, eating, drinking (with the exception of drinking water, which must be available in a specific sector), chewing, keeping plants, food, personal medicament, personal objects, or any other object strange to the sector, is forbidden in the storage, storage in transit, receiving, and dispatch areas. Section III Quality Management System Art. 14: The Quality Management System must cover all aspects that influence the quality of the drugs or services provided. Art. 15: The processes that impact the quality of the medicines or services provided must be mapped. Single paragraph. The processes identified in the mapping must be preceded and governed by standard operating procedures, with the proper generation of records. Art. 16: The actions of the Quality Management System are the responsibility of the entire company and must be exercised by all its members. Art. 17 - The divergences in relation to the requirements expressed by the Quality Management System must be interpreted and treated as non- conformities. Art. 18 The area responsible for the Quality Management System must have hierarchical autonomy and the necessary resources for the exercise of the following functions: I - ensure the implementation and maintenance of a quality system; II - to coordinate document management; III - elaborate, review, and formally approve the standard operating procedures; IV - adopt and maintain a self-inspection program; V - adopt and maintain initial and periodic training programs; VI - to supervise the collection activities, including collection simulations; VII - to receive and investigate complaints; VIII - to manage the returned products; IX - implement a system for change control and management; X - verify and ensure the legal requirements for sanitary licenses and operating authorizations of the members of the drug distribution chain when exercising the distribution activity; XI - managing the qualification and calibration of equipment and instruments; XII - to register, investigate, and adopt corrective and preventive actions for the identified non-conformities; XIII - manage waste; XIV - guarantee the integrity and traceability of the drugs and of the data relative to commercial transactions; XV - implement a plague management program with safe agents, regularized at the competent agencies and that do not offer contamination risk to stored products; XVI - perform the communications foreseen to the sanitary organs according to the models established and disclosed by them and communicate to the commercial partners and competent police authorities when there is theft and identification of counterfeit or adulterated products; and XVII - to ensure the appropriate destination for counterfeit products. Subsection I Documentation Art. 19 - The management and control of quality documents must have guidelines for the preparation, review, approval, distribution and control, training, codification, safekeeping, and obsolescence of documents in physical or electronic format. Art. 20: The standard operating procedures must be followed and be available at their respective workplaces. Art. 21 - The standard operational procedures must be kept up to date so that they correspond to routine practice. Art. 22: Standard operating procedures must be understandable to employees and must be unambiguous. Art. 23 Records, manual or electronic, must be readily retrievable, and must be stored using security measures against any unauthorized modification, damage, deterioration, or loss. 1. The correction of recorded data should be done by justifying the need for alteration, preserving the possibility of reading the data originally recorded. 2. Backups must be kept for records generated or stored in electronic format. Art. 24: The standard operational procedures as well as the manual or electronic records must be kept for at least 5 (five) years after obsolescence. Single paragraph. Access to these documents must be restricted to the people delegated by the Quality Management System. Subsection II Complaints Art. 25: A customer service to receive complaints must be established and disclosed to the clients. Complaints related to the quality, authenticity, legality, or integrity of the drug products or those related to adverse events must be registered and investigated. 1 The responsibility for the investigation extends in proportion to the participation of each entity in the chain in causing the deviation. 2. The investigation must classify the complaints in founded or unfounded, confirming or discarding the related non-conformities. It is up to the investigation to define the root cause of the problem, evaluate the impacts on customers, and suggest, if necessary, to the manufacturer or registration holder, the recall. §4º The investigation should consider the possibility that other batches of the drug have been affected by the same root cause. Corrective actions should be defined, implemented, and monitored for situations where the recurrence of non-compliance poses a risk to the patient. Art. 27 Complaints related to quality deviations must be registered separately from those related to distribution, storage, or transportation activities. Single paragraph. Complaints related to quality deviations must be passed on to the manufacturer or registration holder for investigation, and the results of this investigation must be added to the initial registration. Subsection III Recall Art. 28 - The recall must comply with the provisions of this Resolution, without prejudice to the provisions given in the Collegiate Directorate Resolution - RDC 55 of March 17, 2005 and its updates. Art. 29 - The registration holder is responsible for coordinating the collection. Single paragraph. The participation in the recall by the distributor, storage or logistics operator extends proportionally to the contribution of each one in the distribution map and to the root cause of the collection. Art. 30: The distribution maps must be readily recoverable for a period of time consistent with the validity of the distributed drugs. 1. The registration data relative to the companies on the distribution map must be up to date and contain the minimum information necessary for postal, telephone, and electronic mail contact. §2º A reconciliation simulation between the units distributed and located at the customers must be performed once a year for the worst case of the distribution network, in order to test the effectiveness of the recall and correct possible failures. Art. 31 - The holder of the registration must be consulted previously about the recall when it is done by another company in the distribution chain. At the end of the recall, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the communications issued and the degree of recovery of the distributed units must be registered in a report. Art. 33. All customers and the competent health authorities of all countries to which a certain drug product has been distributed must be notified immediately when the need to recall a certain batch is detected. Single paragraph. The person responsible for the recall must keep records of the notifications and proof of receipt. Subsection IV Returns Art. 34 Before a returned drug product is returned to marketable stock, at least the following factors must be recorded and weighed by the quality management system: I - the reason for the return; II - the storage and transport conditions employed by the buyer; III - the integrity of the original secondary packaging; and IV - the expiration date. Art. 35: Failure to ensure that the returned drug remains within its quality standards shall result in rejection of the reinstatement. Art. 36. The drugs that are objects of theft, robbery or other misappropriation, even if they have been recovered, must be rejected. Paragraph 1 - The drugs described in the caput that have the chain of custody interrupted by theft, robbery or other misappropriation and that do not present damage or violation of the shipping box and safety devices present at the moment of the event and that can be concluded as adequate from the point of view of quality, safety and effectiveness by means of a risk analysis performed under the responsibility of the distributor, can be reintegrated to the commercial stock. Paragraph 2 The provision in the previous paragraph does not apply to thermo-labelled drugs. Subsection V Self-Inspections Art. 37 - The processes with impact on Quality must be auto inspected according to the frequency established and justified by the company. Art. 38 - Self-inspections must be conducted by professional(s) not hierarchically linked to the process or to the inspected department. Sole Paragraph. The professionals referred to in the caput must be specifically trained for the self-inspectionf activity. Art. 39 - Self-inspections must be compiled in reports with the following minimum information: I - identification of the inspector team; II - period; III - non-conformities identified; IV - corrective and preventive actions listed and their respective completion and implementation deadlines; V - actions to follow up the adoption and monitor the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions; and VI - evaluation and agreement of the heads of each affected department and the highest hierarchical position in the company. Subsection VI Qualifications and Validations Art. 40. Equipment and computerized systems must be qualified and validated before use or after any change considered significant. Sole paragraph. The risk analysis can be used as a tool for dispensing with the need for qualification and validation of equipment that has no significant contribution to quality. Art. 41 A preventive maintenance program must exist for the equipment with impact on quality. Section IV Storage Facilities Art. 42 - The exercise of the activity of medicine storage requires, at least I - area for receiving and shipping drugs separated from each other; II - general storage area for medicines; III - area or place for storing returned medicaments; IV - area or place for storing reproved, expired, recalled, suspected of being falsified, or counterfeit drugs; V - area or place for storing drugs subject to the special control regime, when applicable; VI - area or place for storing drugs in quarantine, when applicable; VII - storage area for medicaments with radionuclides, when applicable; VIII - storage area for cleaning materials; IX - administration area; and X - canteen or refectory area, when existing, and changing rooms, toilets, and washbasins, without direct communication with the storage areas. 1 - The alternation of schedules, the delimitation of the common area, color coding, or other procedures to reduce the risk of exchanges should be adopted when the separation required in item I is not possible. 2. Any storage areas should have restricted access, however, the areas or locations indicated by items III, IV, V, and VII should be separated from the others and should have differentiated access control. 3 The substitution of physical quarantine described in item VI by a qualified computerized system is possible. The mentioned areas must protect the products from bad weather and animals. Art. 43 - The storage areas must be provided with the necessary equipment and instruments for controlling and monitoring the required temperature and humidity. §1º Monitoring should be carried out by instruments positioned according to the thermal qualification study of the area. The reading of the instruments, if taken intermittently, must correspond to the periods of greatest criticality. 3 The monitoring must be recorded, and the records must be kept, for at least two years after their generation. The instruments must be calibrated before their first use and at intervals defined and justified by the instrument's performance and measurement sensitivity. Art. 44 - The installations must have a dimension compatible with the volume of operations performed. Art. 45: The installations must have smooth surfaces, without cracks and without dust release, to facilitate cleaning and avoid contaminants. Art. 46 - The facilities must be cleaned with the help of cleaning equipment and agents approved for this purpose. Single paragraph. The cleaning operations referred to in the caput must be registered. Art. 47: The installations must be provided with adequate lighting to enable all operations to be carried out accurately and safely. Art. 48 - The areas destined for maintenance, when existing, must be separated from the storage areas. Sole paragraph. Repairs, maintenance, and calibrations performed must not compromise the quality of the drugs. Section V Storage Art. 49 - Defective drugs must be removed from usable stocks and stored separately as reprobates. Art. 50 - The storage conditions of the drug products must follow the specifications of the holder of the registration. Art. 51 - Medicaments must not be placed directly on the floor or against the walls, must keep a minimum distance from the roof, and must not be in places with direct incidence of sunlight. Art. 52 - The pallets must be made of material that allows cleaning and is not a source of contamination, such as treated wood, aluminum, or plastic materials. Art. 53 The storage must obey a logical addressing that avoids exchanges and provides the unequivocal location of the stored quantities. Art. 54 - The storage must obey the load configuration established for the drug product. Sole paragraph. The provisions also apply during transportation, storage in transport or when stored by logistic operators. Art. 55 - Periodic inventories of stock must be carried out. Single paragraph. Inventory discrepancies must be recorded and investigated to ensure that no mixing, incorrect invoicing, or theft has occurred. Section VI Receiving and Shipping Art. 56 Each receiving operation must verify and record: I - the applicable transportation and storage conditions, including special temperature, humidity, or light exposure requirements; II - the lot numbers, expiration date, and quantities received against the orders placed and invoices received; and III - the integrity of the cargo. Art. 57 Cargo that does not comply with the receiving requirements must be returned upon receipt or be quarantined while awaiting its disposal by quality assurance. Art. 58 - The fractioning of drugs from their transport packaging must not violate the secondary packaging. Single paragraph. The fractioning operation must be carried out in accordance with specific separation orders for the quantity to be fractionated and must have a specific record with a conference at the end. Art. 59 Electronic files related to shipping must include at least the following information: I - date of dispatch or receipt; II - corporate name, address, and CNPJ of the transporter; III - full name and identification document of the driver; IV - the recipient's corporate name, address, and CNPJ; V - description of the drugs, including name and presentation; VI - quantity, batch numbers, and expiration date; VII - applicable transportation and storage conditions, including identification of the vehicle responsible for transportation and serial number of the instrument used for monitoring environmental conditions, when applicable; VIII - unique number to allow the identification of the delivery order; and IX - invoice number. Art. 60 - The invoices issued must contain the lot numbers and origin data of the traded drugs. Art. 61 - The order of the load in the vehicles or containers must be done in such a way as to avoid damage to the drugs. Single paragraph. Vehicles and containers must be loaded carefully and systematically and, when applicable, follow the sequence first in, last out. Art. 62 Delivery schedules and routes must be established according to local needs and conditions. Section VII Transport and Storage in Transit Art. 63 - The obligations of those contracting drug transportation services are I - qualify the transporters; II - provide orientation and technical assistance in case of accidents involving the drugs under transportation, together with the Technical Manager of the hired company. Art. 64: The companies that transport medicines have the following obligations I - have the transported cargo manifest with the prediction of unloading on board the transporting vehicle; II - monitor the transport conditions related to the specifications of temperature, packaging, storage, and humidity of the drug using calibrated instruments; III - apply the passive or active temperature and humidity control systems that are necessary to maintain the conditions required by the sanitary registry or other applicable specifications; IV - provide the contracting party with all data relative to conservation conditions during transportation, as well as during storage in transit; V - provide restricted access to medicines; and VI - to receive and deliver drugs only to duly authorized and licensed companies for the related activities. 1 The control foreseen in item III can be eliminated when using qualified transportation conditions for the route. 2. The obligation to monitor temperature and humidity as provided for in item II can be exempted when the maximum transportation time is proven in the records to be less than 8 (eight) hours, when it is carried out to the final point of dispensing the drug, and when thermal packages are used that have the appropriate qualification for the time and conditions of transportation. Art. 65 The transportation systems used must have mechanisms that provide evidence of unauthorized access. Sole Paragraph. Carriers or logistic operators, when in the carrier activity, are forbidden to violate the cargo carried. The guidelines concerning storage facilities, warehousing, and receiving and dispatching foreseen in this norm also apply to storage in transit. Art. 67. Vehicles, equipment and containers shall not expose the drug products to conditions that can affect their stability and the integrity of their packaging or generate contaminations of any nature. Art. 68 Vehicles and containers must be adequately maintained and cleaned. Art. 69 - The collected or returned drugs, as well as those suspected of being falsified, must be identified in a clear and safe manner and, whenever possible, mechanisms must be used to allow the segregation during transportation. Art. 70 Shared transportation with other product categories is only possible when the risks have been analyzed, mitigated, and concluded as acceptable. Art. 71 - In case of accident, theft or robbery of radiopharmaceuticals, NNEC must be informed. Section VIII Outsourcing Art. 72 Outsourcing of the activities regulated in this norm must be preceded by approval of the contract by the quality management system. 1 - The approval referred to in the caput of this article results from the qualification of the contracted service provider. The qualification of the supplier should be based on the verification of specific requirements and should be registered. Maintenance of the provider's status as qualified should be periodically re-evaluated using indicators established for this purpose. The contract between the contractor and the contracted party must establish the responsibilities of each party. Sole Paragraph. The contract referred to in the caput of this article must foresee that subcontracts depend on prior assessment and approval by the original contractor. Art. 74 - The contracting party must supply the contracted party with all the necessary information to correctly carry out the contracted operations, in accordance with the drug's registration and any other legal requirements. Art. 75 The contractor and the contracted party must be able to meet the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to them. Art. 76 - The contractor must have adequate facilities and qualified personnel, in order to satisfactorily perform the service requested by the contracting party. Section IX Thermolabile Medicines The exposure to ambient temperature during the reception and expedition of thermolabile drugs should be minimized, including, if necessary, the adoption of refrigerated areas near the reception and expedition spaces. Sole Paragraph. The total exposure time of the thermolabile drugs to room temperature, during the operations referred to in the caput of this article, must be registered. Art. 78 - The storage of thermolabile drugs must be done according to the recommendations of the registration holder in a thermally qualified medium. Art. 79 - The equipment involved in the storage of thermolabile drugs must have, besides the primary source of electric energy, an alternative source capable of immediately supplying energy in case of failure of the primary source. Art. 80 - Contingency plans must be prepared to protect the thermolabile drugs in case of power failure or failure of the storage equipment. Art. 81 Emergency cooling alternatives, such as liquid nitrogen or dry ice, may be acceptable, as long as the preservation conditions established by the registration holder are maintained. Single paragraph. When adopting these alternatives, precautions must be taken so that temperature excursions below the specified minimum do not occur. Art. 82 - If it is impossible to adopt a barrier system for the storage sites of thermolabile drugs, the movement of stock must be planned in advance in order to reduce temperature variations as much as possible. Art. 83 - The transportation of thermolabile drugs must be done in a thermally qualified medium. Art. 84 Monitoring and control of temperature during storage and transportation must be performed. Art. 85 The arrangement and assembly of loads for transportation must be oriented by the registry holder to distributors, transporters, and logistic operators and must be based on the cold chain qualification studies. Sole paragraph. The arrangement of the loads must avoid the direct exposure of the drugs to the cooling agents used for temperature conservation. CHAPTER IV FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 86 - The non-compliance with the provisions contained in this Resolution constitutes a sanitary infraction, under the terms of Law nº 6.437, of 20 August 1977, without prejudice to the applicable civil, administrative and criminal responsibilities. Art. 87: The following are hereby revoked I - the Collegiate Board of Directors Resolution - RDC No. 304, of September 17, 2019, published in the Official Gazette of the Union of September 18, 2019; and II - the Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors - RDC No. 360, of March 27, 2020, published in the Official Gazette of the Union of March 31, 2020. Art. 88: The following are restored I - Ordinance No. 802, of October 8, 1998, published in the Federal Official Gazette of October 9, 1998; and II - the Collegiate Directory Resolution - RDC nº 320, of November 22, 2002, published in the Federal Official Gazette of November 25, 2002. §1º The rights of third parties are safeguarded, in the period between March 16, 2020 and the date immediately prior to the date of publication of this Resolution, provided that they have acted in good faith and provided that their activities have been practiced in accordance with the Collegiate Board of Directors Resolution - RDC No. 304, of September 17, 2019. The normative acts listed in items I and II of this article will be automatically revoked as of the date this Resolution goes into effect. Art. 89 The period of one (1) year as of the date this Resolution comes into effect is established for the application of the set of actions that will be necessary for the implementation of what is required in items II and III of art. 64. Paragraph 1 - During the period mentioned in the caption of this article, the companies that make up the distribution chain must generate temperature and humidity mapping studies that will subsidize the active or passive control measures that will be applied to the transportation systems. Paragraph 2 - During the period provided for in the caput of this article, all the data produced do not generate, due to the transience given, additional obligations to the companies as regards the control of temperature and humidity conditions and, therefore, are not considered, even when out of their acceptance range, infractions to the requirements of this norm, as long as the quality of the drugs is preserved. 3 The transitory nature provided for in the caput of this article also applies to storage in transit, as this activity is intrinsic and inseparable from transportation. Art. 90 This Resolution comes into effect on March 16, 2021. Sole Paragraph. Exceptions to the provisions in the caput of this article are articles 7 and 87 and clauses I and II and § 1 of art. 88, which are in force immediately on the date this Resolution is published.