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Womens Health

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7 Ed's letter
9 Ask
t36 Meet the WH team 39 LONG AND LEAN
The three tests that'll help
r37 Stockists streamline your shape
48 My week on a plate
The next-gen laser surgery,
tested and rated


Tone up on the treadmill?
Yes you can!

Miracle supplements
for body and mind

What makes Rosie
Huntingt o n -Whit eley tic'lt

The Bulletproof Diet has arrived


- o reader's story
Online ond in shape


Don't let your good diet grind to a halt

THtr BRItrF i r\
Could carbs cut your cancer rislz?

Burn your belly wirh cumin GOOD LOOKS
rg SEX 55 so LoNG, DUCKFACE!
Ilr.- rrurrrber-on e footweor for love How to tak"e the perfect selfie


,"1... ,.0: rJre new oil to lznow Invasion of the body soothers


.. . .,.a 1.,,,,-gr-,r' rlake you smorter? A floral-fix f or y our gym l<it


: - 1. .:.. lii'e longer Mid-season coats you'll Love

S I H-LrvrH s,NrNoM I sLoz ttrov
lltuou slw alq mo(ut paau no( s4rl\ a\I saunl ano1Su4sooq-oprqtl (\au aUI
SUflAOUdIAII JTflS JNYJSNI 6ZT surxrTil xils 08
: anol stDLIr uogcas uq1&y s.pa$ng)W
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ror fluvJNlxs zzr o6
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s fipuo (\ rc d,- auo a s awDuJalA
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ebt ruJlvs.r{ unoI' s,Jvrr l gor ,oHS OHil 06
auop st 4tom8al aW :spnmy utlua1 s,HA\ utot? npuom ft\au a\l ylyn?ul4off
SNYflIJ}I9Ltr flHT 86 iJTfldS TVHI S.ATOII68
uold s4a a m- o m1 -ur-p a ddu motr 6oa no(?u!r1l{tam a4out noKpynoS
sta:ras n\ sanys Kpoq payoq s,poomr(11o11 tg
I>tvrvd vsTfl 8z JtrVh[S JVfl
Z HrrvrH s,NlhoM ] sLoz rLrov In otr 6euqlleeqsuouoM
fia!d rols rlprel 'ZLOZ rpo aqt io rol p: ilaN Josraqdlpt\l euo I sprp/rv :hSE ItiOZ rpa aql lo qrunpl llv :ra rg) IJV p3p ornlpol
sL 5 rO lsoE ilOZ sprpilV ,ElS 5! s E !hSg ;souo. LEaf p au.lv 'ls pu tnot 'tredE . -\ l:J€ flOZ st, p ,i us p-rnof arpl! lS uosuLlcf f
uosuL]ol:rols!srPlrpa aqllo]olc:,raNpapuauucf,(ilottiozspreilvtusELilaNVddtsue /\\!.vlpa alllcr3!sqndilozspjprv
Vdd sepuPil'Lpq8pl-V'}s PUrnofradnslol,{t[!cN]saEgLOasprpr\V!csuLloafuos!rlcf rplosradoclsoroill€t.lfilp)laacVioutuuuv\
qlI palsruoLUoM A pfQ
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-'rss srll
]uo sSUO S ]Alap
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no.{ }oo OTUOSs af
ouos afeur
eu] ol 106 u
)Ll ua^a puer 0lLllo
loo dloLl ::
ol poolueren6 pup ,ffi :ssallP r >1eod-1
aql ol ssallP -
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- 6u sa^rl r oql 'r.1rp]OPlsu r OLU 1
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ol lno purtoi i
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lo s0 _rols 0J - so] M:
tII{IHtrTI NO Sf,O3 J\rH^\
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a)lr N ql eaq -rno,{ uo -rnds ':.
d aq o1 Surqlau:os pooN LllleoHsuouoM-p3O rellrMl uo eu Mo o!
rollp H,i.r.ro1s rlurrefi
'no^ .roJ I
pu l oM
uJpq pup ]oruu-lPq
ol lup/ noA l.rpd --------7"-7
,{poq IPL_.lr\ lndur lsnI
ool lnol]oM v pu ! 'enssr arlt Jo tsar aql dolua s.(e.Llp sy
iuerll.lq ,{ f uerl rno 'op spr".^ uo g6d uo srred snld-6g aqr req-a,r,{llrexa sr qf,rq.^,\
ql ,^ lnol.roM olodsoq
u^\o .rno,{ olpoll 'uuol pup lg uo eurBre.\o lro-&\ ol s?q ]I 'poo8 qool ]l asn€raq,(ldrurs eurze8eru
srql ur Surqlolc Jo rua11 ue 1nd raaau e.1^ osn"f,ag gsuea[ poo8 pueruruo]ar ol Id4{
a4q aurze8rur e 1sru1 .(q16 'aprn8 prcgo ;noL aq ppoqs 'suea[ 1o :red .,llau e
'supal roJ }a>peur aq] ur er,nod
lsoq 09 orl] lo Jl 'rirlql( 'spr?.^ V urruac ]srg Lra.t :no e,{?q osp ai
dn-punor s,sorqLUe l 'tq8nor{t roJ poo; aq dlpralrt
[r,^a'aas 11,nod se 's]Fser er{I '(ggd) ,laurlio3
0rl.reLlf rolrpl
uo qsel e^ol .no^
IIC aqJ, :,{,ro1s ;no uT lno pug ol relrr.^a aaerq Lraa euo peuorssruuroc rar:g Lrul-
'B6d uo spre^{V rolrPg sernl"ad if,rlsrlPer lr sI 't?a^Ef, auo qtJ,^& - Ii4{ }E ereq el€ro p? plno,^e e.{\ ]?qt
r.1.r uoc rno ov L no^ eyt;o dr.r,r e
-{prpuar puv 'spueq ereq rno,( q}pr 1ta noL Burq/:a,te Surteur ;o eapr
sql ill ],usaop 'prrls?rrpJ punos saop tI '8ur1ea;o derrr slql ol ua.tf aruuu Surpunos
Ls41o; oqr '.3uqooc-q:1e.rf,s, Jo so]"ro.\p" Jo spupsnoi{} pug 1,nod pur aurpo dop-
6ur.rds s ql Ou ,r\ol6 'rep"ur 1eql roJ uo I 1nd nod lspol oql pue -
pue Aq1 eoq no,{ tseot .rnod uo 1nd nod rue[ aql qlrur ta]lnq
dao)l ol sadDor g
{ *;i**r+,
:;lasrnod Surq/ra,r.a o{pru o} sr 'asrnoJ Jo
1o spo-lpunq 1o6 ' ,i'i*'ii. to. .sue eq1 ,.2poo; mo,( olur sao31er1.aa.-aa.ou1
oA,aM cuo lP] dsu '.tj r-'*.-'
.rouu p auos paoN ! J.' d1pa.r .ra.La no.( urc .r\oH,, :sql sr ta.{o1y\or{
'ure8e pue aurq dn saruoc 1eq1 uoqsonb eq;
(.,ra,o51 :o1cop rno,( gec 'auoqd erit s,araq lpq.r,r
sarunotnt Kut to tnol spnt1 .,ra.ou1 nod 1nq '"opr ou a.t,1 :"ia,rvr,suy) ..iJaJrr"f,
- mou p13u a:rsqar"l tno uo spr 1urq1 nod oq '1ceq Lur uo lods apq srqt lo8
Surua ddo q s8unlt w a tB s,a nq7 a41,, ('sad 'arul] arlt Jo lsoru :re,,'rsuy) ..ire11aq
"'YVOWIAWI{O l.1ear crue8ro s1,, ('ppoqs I sp rlrruu s" tou
:.rarrtsuy) .,ilno {ro.r, no,( op ualo .^doH,,
'suoqsanb arrres erp
Jo lol palse 1aB no,(
' t1l1oa g s,uauor14a4l aurze8eru e lrpa noL uoql6
9l0z ttudv
(HO I\sHOd
6 I HlrvrH s,Nsho,l,l I sLoz rov I
In of, 6euLll eoqsueuoM
'8.t-r aJour - Snus sseT ,;oo]'1U saqlolJ rnoL^\oq pue aJrrernpue rnod e.uasqo
pu" TlesJnod a.rnseeyq,, 'ssarSo-rd ssesse o1{e,ta. auo d1uo sr lq8reurt 'raquraure6
'sdas ueur.re11 ,,'sa8ueq) eAIlJaJJo) aleDIuI pue sure8 lq8raan lPurs LIJIeJ
ilpor( sueeur sq1 dep pue eruq eurcs aqlle Suuoltuour dplaarurrL4'pea1su1,,
'1q31arrt 3u1ppe 'plnl; erolrr urpler dpoq ;nol. e{eur uer a>IBluI urnlpos a{Ii
s8urql ,,'r(rp ,,Ir lnoq8norql qIy-Z selentf,ng rq31aal se Llprcadse 'pessasqo 1aB
o1lue,,lr,luop no 'u.re1-3uo1 alcpurclsns aq lou deru qoeo.rdde qqr ]eq] sure^a
'(sapcs aql dp ol Suro8 sJI,/!\oDI nody sorg
+ueurreH ue6 rosr p€ uorllrlnu 1ng
uof,pqJo lry]sg ral{}oue qe.r8 ol dlr{I ssel aq 1,nod'er) spoo;,fueg Bur1ea -ro1
erreq lpod ,Jurprlsal arrppSor,, aJour aql Jlas.rnod q31a.,r,r. nod dlluanbeg eroru
punoJ Kltsaqour r(pn1s y 'uoqsenb eqt q leql :q8rerur o] lou ro q8ra.tr. o1
itup tuarc{1as,(ru q61am 1 p1noqs 'p16prw asol ot fru1{.4 ut,1
alncs aql!6t 4..

# Etq oqJ
.sNorlslno IAVH noA
YOU HAVE QLE>- :..:'

c Dohangovers
Natalie, Edinburgh

Sorry, your liver just isnt the alcohol-

processing machine it used to be.
As you get older, it produces Iess ASK THE GUY
alcohol dehydrogenase, the enz,r,rne
that breaks down alcohol, according
to German research-. So when you
down the same amount of booze you
had 10 years ago, it hangs around your
body longer. extending your morning
agony. "When we get older, our whole
recovery process is harder, longer and Mypartner always
slower," says gastroenterologist Dr talks aboutattention
MarkWelton. The solution? Drink
less. For the times you do overindulge,
he gets from other
give your liver a lift: after a night of women. Shouldhe stop?
drinking stir a scoop ofwhey protein Jo, Telford
powder into a glass of chocolate milk. Lets give him the benefit ofthe doubt
The milk and whey are stocked with and say he does this because he's
the amino acid cysteine to help rid got an underlying insecurity. Is he
your body of hangover-inducing toxins. fishing for attention? Does he need
reassurance about your feelings?
You wont know unless you confront
him. Start by saying, "When you talk
Is it better to have about other women flirting with you,
amassagebefore it makes me feeI...". This is a non-
or afr[er exercise? accusatory yet assertive, approach. It
Dionne, Swonsec will make him aware of the impact of
Both, but its the |pe of massage you his actions on you and allow him to
have that's important. A pre-session open up about any deeper issues.
rub-down should focus on endorphin
production. "It should be no longer &1?"-s&.
than 30 minutes and focus on light The foreplayhas
stretching," advises physiotherapist died downwith my
Libby Sharpr. "Deep-tissue work
may cause soreness and can be
bofriendof sixmonths.
detrimental to performance," she I am not okaywith this!
warns. But if youre talking after, a Pamela, Preston
studf found 10 minutes of Swedish I hear you. You need to prioritise duvet and tell him you cant wait for
massage decreased exercise-induced your pleasure, but throwing a mid- him to kiss his way up them. Feed
inflammation, having a similar effect coital strop is unlikeiy to produce thoughts and excitement directly
to painkillers. "It should be deep to the best results. Reclaim your throne into his brain - among other areas -
aid circulation and ll,rnphatic the smart way: build some sexual and he'll automatically remember
drainagej' Sharp says. Any excuse tension by sending him a Snapchat what he's supposed to do. Dont be
for some hands-on action. of your legs peeking out of your surprised if he comes home early.

is atotal carnivore. How
IS IT WORTH IT... canwe make itwork?
COMPRtrSSION KIT Hopefully, therei more to your union
than your macronutrient origins.
So, the hype says th s snug the k t, although s more effect ve I nearly got engaged to a veggie once.
sportswear wi I make you faster on the upper torso than on the We were great together, but meals
and stronger by improv ng blood egs. The thinklng s that the gear weren't the best bonding experiences.
circulation to your muscles. The righrworl" by era ) <qJeerg Sharing food is part of being human
evidence? Well, when it comes to the musc es to reduce fatigue and ifyou cant agree, you're not
performance it's fa rly sketchy, but and soreness post-exerclse - kind experiencing each other on every
compresslon gear does come into of like a no-hands massage, Our Ievel. Dont be disheartened, though.
ts own when we're ta king about advice: to ease next day musc e There are other things you can do
recovery. Research publlshed soreness, leave your gear on for together - hone in on them and take
in American College of Sports a bit after your workout sess on, the focus offfood. Theatre crver
Medicine f ound muscle repair Feeling restaurants, Sunday strolls over
greatly rmproved wlth n three gf woRru rr the Sunday roasts. It could bring you
squeeze closer together. At least you can agree
ho -rs afrer e.erc se whe^ weari^g tr NOT WORTH tT
on the vegan alcoholic grape juice.

10 | wovEN's HEALTH I april 2015 |

wo m e n s h ea lth ma g.co. u k
sLoz ttrov I
ln o! 6euqlleaqsuauoa
€I I urrvrn s,NrhoM I
'dn 1eq1 surns 'Ja &sue rgicads e Jagre arpod uaq.tn l{Jruu os }ou lnq ,{rprlrean
ro; sl.iorrr.Suplpla'sraqumu Surqrun-rl arpor(;l paleas rbS lng 'srooplno ro
eplsul u.{aop }"s asoq} ueql raq8rq rel - aldoadJo %I8 ur Suplurq} ell}earr paddn
(puoqdo Ip^,\ {uelq E 1e Surrels) flrupean e uo aplsur 3ur-41ezur ueaa iEIS p]InoJ
'g[ '/4tr-,t1un proJue]g dq.(pqs e 1nq /ipltearr s]sooq rIE qsa{ aW ul lno 3uq1a8^
reqt rq8noql uaaq 3uo1 sJI lP1(" a>IeI iluauroui qpq-lq8q leq] irq o13u1133ru15
SSNN J,l11 /HJ'IVtrlH / \,|,]IV$g /XAS / }-SOT J,1{:}I:iTT / NOIJIUJON
r-r-r -r
F€h*l LF {T gHJ
\iett anice-cream

FRtrtrZF,OI]T s],'s
i .-{r

TAKtrOI.]T ,t

Fresh is best, but if you're after G

food asap, forget 'the drive- '-4ii
throush and stock up your
freere"r instead. Peopfe who 5&. €F
eat frozen meals tend to take
in more nutrients 27o/o more
fibre, 43o/o more vitamin A and ,@+
75o/o more calcium (and 253
fewer calories) than those who
eat at fast-food restaurants,
sussests new research'. Add
vesetables and low-fat
cooked p"rotein like lentils to
bulk up meals so you aren't
hungry again in a couple
of fioir^." of course *d'r.
not talking about Findus
tu f, S
Crisov Pancakes here. Trv
thes'e'for a frozen fix youi
body will thank you for:


Hold off on pill popping for period pain:

SOURCE: FLllCti thyme oil might ease cramps better than
ibuprofen, according to a study in the Casp/an
Joumal of lnternal Medicine. Rubbing it on
your belly has specific antispasmodic effects
without the gut complications of ibuprofen. r:"#
The study used 25 drops of essential
thyme oil in about 50ml of a carrier oil like *t-
jojoba. Alternatively, drink l0g of thyme =
in tea form for the same effect, says study ts*=
''. c f-&€
author Dr Roshanak Saghebi. Sadly, there's
not enough of it on your roasties to count. "'',E.


74 I
woMEN',S TEALTH I April 2ors wo m ensh ea lt h m ag.co. uk
u .3--.' # \


Proof that a little bit of

{oesyou good. In _a US
*tr'/ *
dL #?

€'{1 I
Cumin does more than pimp

i .ll? M:
up your korma. New research'
reveals it could also help you

r-/ ae { r'i;n:*;

ls! drop pounds. ln the study,

E .'*t ''Fff+@W

, ,'uJ @&

one group ate cumin mixed
into yoghurt at lunch and
dinner, while others just had
plain yoghurt, All were put
on a reduced-calorie diet and
received nutrition counselling

srnallfruit sd,lad : Ninebabycarrots A side salad

V for three months. While
both groups lost weight, the
andacookie : andeightcrisps andeightchips
cumin group lost on average
4.51b more than the others.
The women in the cumin
TheWH group also had reduced BMls,
intrag waist circumference and
cholesterol. Just 69 daily will
do the trick. Cum-on!


K re
16 woMEN's HEALTT Aprit 2ot5 wo m en s hea lt h m a g.co. u k
sLoz tt,ov )n otr 6eutll eaqsuauom
6I I Hrrv=H s,Nf hoA I
'uroorpaq 'o^eal ol olqrssodu.I =
'apnlrlle le qselJ uel
uoo8 =
I ^selue]
slllN e sr srLll 'qnl qleq no^ os l.led leJluol looua^o Alleralrl jsoLLrlP pue ole^ud
smopurM 6utltet-oytoo1l eq1 'papnllos ale suoor asoql :
ebnq eq1 ajrsoddo ralsod
'leedde xas uoolpaq s,/E a
-.lnoj pallau oql'surnl 'Jool lerol e ourlooua^O
pa66er ]sure6e slolsed alrns a^r6 auole sl or^ aLlI uteulayl'Ieg :
'aua;^S an^allog Sn'I/oA ilaN ue^ qulN sasuas xls
^lell ^oJa)!A a
g r,*,i*i')i, =
.:;[,,,:,. $n[nonP?O :
'poour orll ur no^ la6 ol stuooj loloq palel-lsolxos ,s,tllluJs s.lN rN Jo ouo llsln
I uo lalxos :
^eplloq oo] :
lael uoruol^ puno].AOAlnS e ln8 satpoq lno Jo saleLu lauued lno lpt.ll lnoqe oulfulo/v\
^Snq$1ool :
ar,aM 'Alluorpddv 'llodat sa/ooloxasi luolol e s^es Nulp oul)iullll alqnol] a^eq sn lo o/orr 0lll
" auJr] lle lo sOnL{ pJelqiue lsotL]
> '
oerLll or.]] are oraLl - slql alll ll op l,uop
Jsnl snlr^ plol uou.Lllol ot.ll ol pasodxo
ueqM sLuoldtu^s alo^os ssol ol pol pue YNTUfl trHJ OJYNIHJ l
llr ourlloo Luorj aldood pel)olold sonq
oror.! pue lioddns letlos lolealo punoJ :
slsrluer)S IllsreltuTl uo11a6 et6eure3
Luor] qrrposar il\au s^PS'elppnl e s,ll
erns aleur NeMe rol)op otll daol ol :
Ara^a 6urLll auo a^eq ol 6uto6 or,no^^ep
ll j
>1n otr 6euLnIeaLlsuauom
TZ I Ht'rviH s.Nf NoM I sLoz ttrav
dnou9 cdN :3f,dnos
'aprs ]q8rrq eqt uo {ool sdervrp puv'sadeqs ede IP }lls
o] srelrnr apr^\-prlxe sEr{ qrlr{^ 1313 '"ra1"rn3 qseladg
nbbng e d.r1 ,;{ool sar(a .rnod .ralq8rrq eq} pue 'ees ue)
nod sada.rnod;o sellq^\ erour aq]'saqsel "rnodJapL/!\ eql
'oo] 'sdrl aq] pue elpplul eql ul {rua8 d.ran azaanbs pue
'1OOJ aql }E SJalrnf, r{sEIaAe JnoA asn,, :slq} }JEra}unof,
o] {f,rr} e seq rra) asrolll ]sluE_ ctn-alEru ]ng 'sseuparll
.ro 6seu1p Jo ]lnsar aqr dpuenba;; ]sory sI pue slesse^
pootq pelnllp Aq pesne, tl,ssaupar a^g i^l{^A,'tuees
irod'a,rirreriti: pue-dqlpaq Lddeq arour eql 'sada ;nod
#w rellq./!\ ar{} }Eq} punoJ seq .dpn1s sn
P :snroJ o} eIuII
[Ag-OfttHHJSSIru !:ra
,lw l
'091 'l!O elnreN ornd sliueoro .#
t:! E iM. {
uelulv ur lr urls *...w
aqloos ol I pue
t..._t =. w,lw
f suluell^ Jo
sla^al qbrq-Als snld 'lro ue6le *tr j
ueql slueprxorlue arou qllA
papeol sr lro lnu uelujv slql
lE' .r
'llo olf,eru Mau lorl oql s,ll ry E q,ffi ,, ,$
.,H{.rr -.. J
Bcfl J
&- q# ffi
:Hfl,&ISNIY "_w
:doos :uo??ol :eouot6o.tl
aq,E oq,tr
sloz llrdv I
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EZ I r.lrtv=H s.Nf l oM
']f,urlsul ffi lnoqe {PJ 'eslndlrrl uo arour Jf,P
nod sa{pu pue Supluqua^o sqrnr 3ur1ea-repun }q8noql sJI
'sar[aq q]I 4 esoq] toJ o/ool rpy!\ perPduroc eluq eql scf3l ro AJsuS^lNn :3f,unos
flry '?u:;'3';Lt1; t1;t'xt't'7 ;:*':q x31 t*
Jo %0S saf,Ioqr Sutuut u. epEru sluEdIrIUPd
dpnls .'t-r3un11 ., .. ',- --i '
' . 'l'.rlj
va :u*ru-tt>::,11 ;)it-{.{} ? t{T.\.11{:. }A{
,$1s.ra,qu1^1 ]qterln dq qcreasa; o1 Surp.rocre 'qceurols .-:i.l!: r trii...t.',i.,il .,d,:.:', r l.:.
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lroJ leqt do.rp '1po q8nol e a{eu o} ernssard ;epun a-rpod;1
W- M W .W
,tHDI{[rHVr(Isfl w w -
'(tll 'alrn)-prLU lnoqe s,leql)
reqbtq e;e slolal uaqm aleln^o
no^ JalJe lsnl:}nb ol autl lsaq
eql'(stiroldul^s lel elpLlllM
sosPor)ul euoralse6o:d pue
uaoolJsao ur drp e) butlen.llsual.U
ar,nor..l] uor..lM ]sa6uolls st
aurlolru roJ aJlsap s,uaLuo/n
osnelaq s,leql'uaql ul aie
sjalured aqt uollM ]t All ol ]ou
lso8 c6urloLus lrnb ol lue A
SZ I nrrv=n s,Nf hoM I sLoz ttrov )n oo 6euql eeqsueuoM
Jrsioo lroll:]D-rDn-
puaH s.luD]c
* frl{l1|t7
:Jead sIIn JoJ rrfie o] sullJ
fu t pprryt 1tauuny alqrq Summ-r are
fulolasoq] uaqlSua4s pue qls pug
a.q+ paqs dlaq o1 €urpunod luaruarted
' aq] ]ou 1uauru8rp;o lno slutof ;nol.
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A L o T T C
Elsa Pataky is so much more than Mrs Thor. The Fast & Furi,ous star opens up about
balanci,ng her career and family life - and gi,ues you the moues that made this body


',!'OMEN'S HEALTH April 2015 womenshea thmag.co.uk

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30 I woMEN's HEALTH I Aprit 2o1s I womenshealthmag.co.uk

sLoz ttrov >ln otr'6euqlleeqsueuom
I€ | nrrv=H s,Nf hoM I
o have to use those moments," she says. She
nips off to their makeshift gym. "I'11 do a
quick 40-minute gym circuit: bike, weights,
rowing and sit-ups, four times a week." She
Instagromrevealshow she stoys octive in her dorutrrirne
even manages to fit in regular swims and Elso's
yoga sessions. "I discovered yoga seven
years ago and realised that by combining it
with the gym, you can realiywork out your
muscles but keep the length of them, giving
you a nice long shape."

Elsa also credits yoga with influencing her
diet. "Yoga teaches you to be the master of She bihes! She riiles! She kicks ass!
yourself. I know emotions can get to you The most action Legs of a racehorse Relationship counselling
around food, but it's all about not having a onesie's ever seen. - literolly. for exercise lovers.
too much of anything. So iarith cake, it will
be two spoons and that will be it."
Not that decadent restaurant desserts are
a regular issue. "Now we don't have time to
go out - and we're always tired - so we stay working that part.' It's fun, it's iust like
f,ome. Chris is a really good cook. Often, I'll a challenge, for no other reason that I like
put the kids to bed and he'll cook. He does to challenge myself."
ieally good meat and fish, amazing salads. Thev also surf and race dirt bikes in a

And soupsl When we're in London fwhen nearby forest to blow off steam. She's into the
Chris wai filming Rush in 20121, he had to adrenaline buzz, always has been; riding
lose weight and every night itd be a new bikes and horses since she was young, and -
vegetable soup - he's really good at it!" she casually drops into conversation - once
Between them, theyve come uP with an jumping out of a helicopter to ski down
ingenious solution to sugar cravings. "When th" Py."t"".. "I'm a fearless person arrd
I need some sugar, we'll have one of the my dream was always to be in an action
baby's squeezy pur6ed fruit pouches. Chris movie where the'female characters are
steals them all the time! More than me." as tough as the men," she says of her role
So with all this Hemsworth chat, we have in Furious 7. "I think they forgot I would be
to ask - what is it like when your husband pregnant [when filming]' I &d get excitgd
is voted the sexiest man in the world ibor.rt doirg .tunts, but then they won t let
(according to People magazine, at least)? you do anything - Iike, nothing. You cant
"Itt funny when its your husband," she says. even break a nail."
"For me, sery is the inside of someone. Of
course I think he's beautifirl and fit, but I will
never tell him that because he will get too, Ondugt
how do you say, 'cocky'? He'lI be like, 'What For the foreseeable, babies and career will
do you think of that?' And I'll say, 'Well, I've- continue to be iuggled. Todays shoot has
been the sexiest woman in Spain for a lot of been a multi-timezone affair - weeks of
years.' It's all lust a joke, though." 3am liaising between our London office
Hemsworth's ongoing training (next up, and her LA agents to organise a shoot
het Thor in The A'oengers: Age of Atron, in Sydney, Australia - the only doable
out next month) means they'll often work location for Pataky since they relocated to
out together. They're both into Muay a remote coastal hideaway last year. The
Thai boxing. "He'll hold the pads for me, reason for the move: "My daughter started
although I won't for him as he'd smash to be conscious of the papxazzi, so we ran
me into the wall... When he was training ftom itj' Pataky says. "We were scared, we
for Thor, he came home with this body- \Mant to have a normal life."
fat measurer - you know; where you clip She is desperate to leave early in order
the parts where you accumulate fat? So it to get back to the kids before bedtime. But
became a competition between us. If I had for the majority of the day, hammering rain
some fat somewhere I'd be like, 'Grr, I'm that has taken the city by surprise and cast
the prospect of getting any bikini shots into
serious doubt. Like a trooper, she takes
advantage of the breaks iumping into a cold
pool between shots, and despite toying with
the prospect of taking an earlier flight home,
stays until every shot has been nailed'
That's Patal<y - a true professional. And
very much in her own right.
Furious 7 is out in cinemas 3 APril

womenshealthmag.co uk
32 | woven's HEALTH I eoril 2o1s I
EE I Hrrv=u s,NlhoM I sLoz trrov )n oJ 6euqlleaqsuouoM

- literalla. Do thi,s workout from

"&' Elsa,s motto: go hard,, then go home
her trainer Fernand,o Sartorius three times a week to tone and lift

r). -R "
e -t\( - dLl-
,,;-:=*B *ESr
IlUlt-!{llil{l 1'1.1i} Medieine ball. V-pass $tq'!ss l:;tl{ Pr-is[a- uP: Clapirurpees
Targets: Everywhere Targets: Core : Targets: Chest, arms Targets: Everywhere

Do:2 mins Do: 20 reps r Do:15 rePs Do:30 reps

(a) Bend your knees and Put Your
Start wlth an intense (a) Lie on your back, holding a , (a) Cut in a Push-uP Position w th
: your hands shoulder-width aPart hands under your shoulders then
blast of cardio bv medicine ball overhead with both
running on the spot with hands, legs extended together' : and shins on toP of the ball. iump back into a Push-up Positlon
: (O) gack straight, bend Your (b) Ouickly reverse the motion,
your knees high, Get'em (b) ln one motLon, 1ift Your arms and
: elbows to lower Yourself, then then jump up and claP Your hands
upl Now thats how You legs, place the ball between Your
get the heart rate going. feet and lower back to the floor' , press back uP. You're on the ball overhead. That's one reP.


.) 1.

|{opc skigri:iNeg , &{*:rEEritac [:;rii priirc' {. }l *r'ltt':ltl illtli ;:t'r.'sr Bulgarian squat m
Targets: Quads and hamstrings
{}& tx-}s six}L : Targets: HiP flexors Targets: Core and arms
Do:15 reps per leg
Targets: Everywhere : Do:20 rePs Do: 20 reps
(a) Stand in front of a bench or
Do:2 mins r (a) Start tn a push-up position with (a) Okay, back on the Swrss ba I

with a dumbbell in each hand bY chair with one leg back, toes resting
Diq out the old roP-" : your feet on a medicine ball, then
(b) Dip down into a lunge, with
and skip as fast as these ; raise your hips and roll the ball till your shoulders.
(b) Press t^e weignls over"ead the other knee in line with Your
wrists will let you. (You : your feet are on toP of the ball.
heel, until the thigh is Parallel to
can also test out how : (b) Pause, then return to start until your arms are straight,
, pause, then return. That's one reP. the floor then return to standing,
good that sports bra is.) That's one reP. Hurting Yet?

"e^rj 5'

X\ii ra*l i;q.: t'*e ;t rt' i gtr:' I'r;,eci< t:.{t r}t$ i {} }}s $ila'irqs-h*ii {eg *:'lr:!
Targets: Core Targets: Core and back Targets: Hamstrings and glutes
Targets: Everywhere
Do: 20 reps Do: 20 reps
Do:2 mins Do:20 reps
(a) Lie on your back, Legs at 90", (a) Lie face-down on a Swiss ball, (a) Lle face-uP on the floor with
(a) Stand, feet together,
hands together ln front, feet your lower legs on a Swiss ball.
hands at your sides. the Swrss balL between Your feet.
(b) Riqht shoulder Pressed to the firmly planted on the floor. (b) Pull your heeLs and the ball
(b) Swing your arms uP
floor, lower your legs to the left as (b) Open your arms to the side lowards you, push Your hiPS uP to
and jump to spread Your
far as you can. Pull the balL back and lift your torso to form a form a straight llne from shoulders
feet, then reverse. That's
ano repeal on the olher s de. straight line. Hold, lhen return. to knees. Pause, then rolL back GE
one rep. Repeat. Fast.

womenshea lth mag.co.u k

34 | wovEN's HEALTH I April 2ors I
6t I rrrv:n s,Nrhoit,l I sLozrrov ln of, 6euqlleeqsueuoM
Apoq leql stao
-u016urlunH arsou MoH
/nou o] sluauJalddns
^nq lsaq Aro^ 0L aqI 'lo,{1uo3
llrurpeo]l oLll uo lerluolod
0ururnq-]eJ rno^ dn laMod
uodo sradaod .rno^ qlr/!\
rasel olui oO ol MoH
ra6uol ro].raueal Aels no^
dlall ll,leql stsal aorql eq1
Itos.I ut? NIrI JIYC souol\\
adpLls olux u,t aLp dr,qm pun
sJ,atpols aql lno paa1x o1 m.oq s.a.LaH *n'l
'lt76r,am,Lxaqt,uzllnd salcsntu rnon nn
uo spuad,ap fi.poq unaT'6uo2 o Sutang
r[3 & {"';
s Paul and Bary
Chuckle prove,
some things only f

work weil in
pairs. Take your
body: nearlyevery
muscle relies on a colresponding
partner in order to function. This
relationship should be harmonious,
but everyday habits - slouching at
your desk; overworking the same :t
muscles ; even what you put on your a.
feet (yesyou, Heels of Death) - can €
: G
result in one becoming stronger t. G
than the other. And this can make
you more injury prone, plus throw
your posture out of whack. "It's
a tairly common problem," says
strength and conditioning PT
Steve Mellor-. Take the following
four tests to find out if youre out
of s1mc. To fix it, just work these
exercises into your routine three
times aweek. Let's go...

A balanced upper body helps you stand taller, look leaner and
stave off shoulder and back pain. Sadly your daily keyboard
hunch is gMng you the sllhouette of old-man Steptoe.

L e face-up, arms at your sides, pa ms fac nq n. Ra se

your arms overhead ti they touch the f oor. f your back arches,
palms turn to the ceil ng, elbows point outward or you can't
touch your arms to the floor, it means you're imbalanced.

Chin-up r Standing handling
suspension chest stretch skills
With pa ms fac nq away from P ace your forearm on
you, shoulder-w dth apart. a corner wall, elbow bent 90".
grip a chin-up bar andhang r Lean forward until you fee a
so your body weight creates r stretch n your chest; hold for
resistance. Ho d forBl2 r 30 seconds, then switch sides.
seconds. Fee that stretch. r And breathe .

40 woMEN's HEALTH J Aprll 2ol5 I

It HrrvfH s,N:r,.lo,a,n I sLoz lrov I
rollop .rnoA llnsuol sIeM p ')i)au rnol Jo uroloq
'Ll6noql'l aMUn 6ur aol o.r,no^ ll @ puolos pup qlea iusLUOM'UOLU,l solnl6
^]o^o p
aql LllPor no^ lrlun
'lnol.ioA .rnoA.ralle olqrssod se uoos Aotu: spuolos 0t rol ol osoql ozoenbs pue orol leLll
'soprs deMS 6urleadar daol pue dn
sP sor.llo l A.rp'ueall olur oOueql uoql roxo
l JOpO-l Et-2. oC dJ, L s.rei_
r.llur ue Jollor ueoJ aql
pup .roMoqs lnq 'sno Aqo punos dlq .leo.r rno^ ul qllo-rls e loMol uor..ll'osnpd :6url ol
^pLU oql sp-reMol sdrq rnoA osreE
a^ou uaqf'spuoras g[
I 'sn d ralpM o.rou q-rosqe ,{poq laol ol prpM]ol sd Ll -rno^
roJ lr uo Ileq arl pue'qrl
rno^ d aq I M ql qA\ 'o lloq -rno^ Llsnd noA lo luorl ur roolJ rooll aql uo lp I la0l 'luoq
sooul rno^ qlr^A dn-arel orl lsoMol rno^ qlrM ourl ur
u .rolpM 1o e-]1r ]ed lles lo qrurd s oql uo loo] ouo qlrM laau)
'If,eq rno^ ssorle rollor
6urUnd ,(rl lnol.ro^\.rno^ 6u .rnp q)laJls dlH a6puq alnlg
ureoJ e oleld :l! xll
pue a.rolaq .roleM Ll6noua uo 6u )jel
'sroplnoLls papunor osnel
o-r,no^ o.rns oIPLU os '6u lea,tts
o do o OOnrls p aq A slrlds oLll 6ulop :uollelsuerl sroxo J dtq 1qOt1 eneq uef, Isop e le ourrlf,unLl
-o,, pd.P,p .-lJp ar.ro'-6t,
no^'rlluoq oq] uo lsar l,usoop 60l raqllo ll s60l qrl MS pue ourlf,^l ol sdn
os p plnol ]r ln8 ,eq A6.rouo up aIl
'lll6re]ls lr Ou dao)l ls rqM alqrssod sp rPl se 6al ]oqlo oql ]oMol -qsnd [u04 6urql^]a^a
'lrsus Aqiel e .roJ qleor os 'A6,auo
uo ,^/\o pue 6u u p..rl aql LUO.]J po.r
'aouI ouo 6ulploH lsoLlr.rnoI lp saauf ',L.lluoq e uo all ln8 'q)lorls ol eare
l Allul e s! Itreq raddn
a..r,no^ uO s e oq lsnl^pru srql
aLtI:ualqod aql
I)eqIno^ ara
o 'Jo uos aldurs laldlnf,s
')l nq upql reqler 'ollsnLU upal Apoq punor-lle ue olut
olpo.rl ol oLUll e le sollsnLU aqdtilnru 'acuepqurr -rofeu pue.,finfur ur Surqnser 'etul] ]a^o peuauor{s a^ou oql urn] llr^A srtll
saOuol pL]l lPL..ll lnof roM e op uPl raMol ro punoro aql ol
aruoreq u"f, riJru.Ll 's-roxag dr-q :nod uo urerls e qnd srql
no^ 'osoql qlrM ses lroxa o]ol pue 'uorlJp qJnrrr aas lpop sa1n13 rno l"til sueeu Surllrs sselpuu lallered aie sLl6rql tno^
Ourrlrlo]ls.roJ leorO st LllrqM ' pq Irlun uMop ]enbs uaql
ssoulrl e pue (6191 pup 610L '619 SUOXE,-IC dIH S^ SgJNTO dn ]saLll pue lqoteJls
'6)lZ L) slqoloM lo tas p ta6 'lla Ileq lno^ 6urdoa)4 'lno
Iouour a^eq noA ll ')lrol .rooll unq rno^ lllts :l! xlj
'sOut.llsueq PUe
]ol aspq ^ue
LU.r l lnq 'llos e op ll,l
^ord alof, 'ulnq rno^ 6ulllo/Y\
se'lualulso^u lParb e oslp sl (00t1
puno.re) euo.rol xo.rV oql al | 'leu-r uo lno ourssrul ',stlbltll
P6oA Al enb y e,rrleu.re] e pooO ouo pooe leodo.r pue seprs dn oA u s6o rno^ lun .ro rnol ur sol)snur otll
e orp spuPq aluels soE al 6ueLl qll MS :spuolos 0t rol p oH soLU I ZL B leodo.l pup raMo dn 6uuu oq ll,no^
ol oleld oN 'oluels sa] se IL.JO oM 'sd q.rno^ ql M aul u s ooul vo\ ,y6 PJls ll-ot. o-o o r6 ol u,uop 6urua6
l ^luo lou
uMo rnol t]u sn Apoq aloqM rno^ .rno^ lun (pueq lLl6.r rnol pueq]o^o) oqrpq oql dn lrd or.no^ Jl :ualqord a{t
l.rol{ noI slal I se 'l.rpls ol olp d L]] ourp oq) no^ pu qoq
dn ] 'p;-Prq Sqo oJe - -,P l.16 o .' slenbs
lool lL..l6 -r .rno^ as e.r pue ql M 1oo1l oql ol la ered ore paueaq-ileH
D) \
lso.rO P s (0011 puno]s) XEl V
uorlrsod 6u pusls e ui l.rels s16', . o o) .\'oo iol ilq
q)lorls peno u!lpeop ilaqleg 'uorlf,as-pruJ rno^ auol
o ol feM poruelPq aiou, !
'spenll lueuluop o^eq e Jol aio) lno^ sP lpn
(uro]LUS!Apoq) ,{|qeqo]d noA' LpM oqt qlnol
se sallsnu IJeq-F/nol
J= ursr^poB lo .rapuno] ro roou aql llo sloor.l rno^ os ?.1
rno^ IroM qlrqiv\'pea$u
pup ld quPld rol o9 :u [J
r-- -:-.1a 'olueleq osol no^ ll llsqr oql
tt upO nC soLuef 'ueld aql jo ud
u lenbs'lq6.rdn lsaqr.rnoA
\c ql M peoLl.ro^o sLU.rp pue loN )lool Ja o-paqlunl
opourseno e no^ 6u! F
lrede qlp M-d q loal' pM oql
'sqe Jno^ ualqorl uetr sdl
uodxo aql Isv LUorl [rrEL soo] -rno^ : le/A
p uro-u uJlot s.leql r eqr P -lrs ]o sparpunq qonor$
oururerts :uaHold nll
Jo luo.r] u puels
'plos ar.alA ':a.uod pue paads ,rnod asea:rut snld '.&nlur go
lsrr rnod.re.l.rol uel af,u€pq uela uE lnq 's8urrlsureq Jno uptll
arour spenb rno esn ol puel a, A u"aur sdrq.raprzol s.uaulol6 ,lauu #o no/t las rE
leql soleNlu uil6
SOI{IHTSHIYH S^ SOYNb aql uo rollal.l aJraEId


g@: ru
ffi-"{ fu.

Lasers haue become the modern miracle of the 27st century. rg
As areuoluti,onary laser eye surgerA prom'ises new eyesight within r.. _ _,]..i-+1!iiair..-

minutes, Farrah Storr finds out if i,t's too good to be true.,

shoot across the arch of his upper back.

Ive never seen this before, despite having who is hell-bent on damaging
shared the same bed with him for the past
their eyesight would do. But the
12 years. There are, I realise now sat in bed,
lenses hit back. My eyeballs took
many things lVe not noticed - the pictures
on the mustardy-hue of the terminal
scotch drinker. And they hurt. A lot.
on the wall opposite, skewed and dusty; the
I d been thinking about eye surgery on
sma1l chip on the edge of our wooden bed;
and off for the past 15 years. But I d always
the pleading look in my dog's eyes as she ..
been put off by those awful tabloid stories
waits . . . and waits. . . for her morning walk. 'a.
('Laser surgery made me blind!'); that and
You see, for the past 20 years, Ive been ..:]]:

b1ind. Not literally, but the sort of blind

the one person I knew whod actually had
where you wake up at 7am and the world is
it done had told me she could smell her
like a giant smudge on a camera 1ens. There cornea being burnt offmid-surgery.
is no definition. Everything is a halfguess.
But things have changed. A new laser
surgery called ReLEx Smile is making its

Ive been wearing glasses on and off
(though mostly off - vanity will do that mark. Experts refer to it as Sfor Trek eye
surgery. It takes about the same time it &
to you) since I was 13 years oid. My first $e,g$ftffi*r{€:
does to make a round of toast, and there's
pair were blue-rimmed NHS numbers
none of that cindery burning smell, either. :
that are as ironically cool now as they were
desperately unfashionable back then. On
The downtime is minimal, too - iust i1 &
half a day with sunglasses on and within '.j
my 16th birthday, my mother marched
me to the opticians where I was presented 48 hours. youve pretty much got 20/20
with a small plastic tumbler, a bundle of vision. But what makes it seem really
space age is this: it's suitable for those who
disinfectant tablets arrd a pair of contact
lenses. My life was transformed.
ordinarill wouldn't be deemed suitable for r
However, like most things we mistreat in standard Lasik eye surgery - so those *iLh . i&
our teens and marauding twenties - phone dry
"- I eyes. fluctuating eyesight
- I -'' ''_'_''*"'_'b '/ '-^O^_' or.
"_' ____- me.I Xflffi
like ___-'
calls home, overdraft limits, young men's a pretty rotten prescription (I'm almost ,'#
-6 in both eyes).
hearts - I abused them dreadfully. I wore
them for 14 hours a day, swam in them; Here's a very basic version
of how it works. In traditional
danced through dark, smolcy clubs in them
and generally did al1 the things someone Lasik, surgeons cut a flap in
your cornea. They do this
LASER v ;"""Jii
so thev can take out
SURGERY Can't declde wh ch
HOWTO clinic lo use? Tw tter
is where you go for
CHOOSE vrrtua h gh-flves
and compla nts.

44 woMEN's HEALTH I April2o'rs wo m e ns hea lt h m a g. co. u k

S, HrrvrH s,NrhoM I sLoztlrov I
ln'of, 6euJqlleaqsuauom
'uors poo6 e loN 'areMoq
'porosel o^a auo '''orplrol]e s,l ll
4n' o rztutpuolslauopuo1aqt t1s1r'KtaB tns 'uo
lsnl sla6 auo ou lleq 6urllnl
a(a nw1 alILuS x11ay uo sltarap atout tol :A.reMoq 'o^a lad or.AaLll leLl,ry\ LUaul
@3a1;rrts sr dipa.r reql solud oas no^ Jl lsP 'deoql s,lr li
.tr,o51 's.rta,( fl '0I q 3uq1e1 ar,a,lt - raqlla 'spJe.MlaTV'spuoJes 0I Pue solnurur ua.€s uorslA lulod A'
de-r,rt sread Jo speJpuru{ 3uoqe1 1ou o.r,a-u Jo [s]o] a.rar{l ut se.tr 1
'satra;o .rred ..la.au, alqnoo #qF a:1r4 .i
puy 'a:our(ue sasselS 3ur.rea.r,r aq ilr.44 euo
r nod 3uur3 resel aql s,lzq1 4arrqrtr. sao8
ou 3req.4 ernlry e saas aq s,(es uralsutaS 8urqil:a-ta uaqa spuo)as ,^aal ar{J 'lI 'sI
'pexq aq.^Aou rrEs ssor{l '1eq1 ',(psauoq - r s,]"lp puv 'arun;o artds
ue a puv'000'I ul auo puno-rE are,fta8rns ]sauoqs ar{l roJ e}Ir{^a lue.la, 8u1q/,ra,r.a
Jasel ql.I.aa suorlecrTdruoo Jo saJu"qf, eqJ ueTl ']q3ll par 'iprus p lE pearp rq31e4s
',(lsnolncrlaur uroql reUE 1oo1 lpop nod paJ"ls I 'aurq3"ur Jo uos aluos qlvtr uado
1 a8zurep op uec daqt 'dlsnouas pue - op pioq dpua8 ararrr sa,(a dyq 'acuaps uI paq ?
uec daql a8eurep aql lnoqe sSulurerrr dut uo.&1 1 'sl.q] a>H qcnur fuard lue.t lI prre
]noq}J,la sasuel ]J?luoJ;o rred e PePuPq taurrrns Jo pua aql 1r ,fia8.rns dur peq 1
oq pue suprf,rtdo due olur )ip.& uer no ('s.rauro: 8uq1nJ sI aJ?f, a,r.rle.rado-lsod
'alqnop lsoulP se.^a
'sasual lreluo.)
u lo sJnoli.&\aJ ? uEtll ssal saop oq/,r auoduy)
roJ aru"s aql plP usrp I 'sl[nser oTi,rE 'sluaruluiodde ar?J.rage pue -a;d Jo sJnoq
:,,i:a8:ns ade rasel qurrr suo1ltc11duroc, xrs u"qt aroru - TeIJPI Iear aql sr sFp pue -
papoo8 1 '&a8rns .(u oroJa[ snld dddtq pue lzoo.na,le nod sa{eur r{rlrl A'
'a;e spreoq Surpqs rfu lup 'a8zssBur peaq l-re8rns-e.rd lqa,rol ? s.areql
Sucilou uro{ $pd" 'llolA 'uaeq tuo puv '(.,&arx-ue "rnod seutur-rapun 1L, 'aru
"q slla] ralel uteJsulag ,:spaga pcrSoloqc,Gd
araql lng 'pouad aurn luecgnr8rs e rage
suor]"JuureJ ou eJa.^a araql Pa)iJatl3 P.I llun deap seq re8ns qrv'r nod Supeo;,)
,{-ro1s srql aILLA o} rrPld $lr€us lrnrsrq Sugsooq
rppp I '(rap1 sdn-1caqo -urqd.ropua qrrat pald
snoraurnu pue) ,l.rou AYg9VNS ser'L 1 'ha8.rns e:o;ag
sriluolu xls uaaq s.u 'aure8 pq.raqro eloql(
'areduroc o] trAtr,{O B sr l-ia8rns ada lunorsrp
1sn[ spalqo dtrterel :q11,\tr pap uec 1 3urq1o1c
asor{f, pue .tr.aqdau p1o VgIJW) lunoJsrg 'uodno;g uo
-read-auiu qtp&
dru spap d:a8rns aLa 1sa1
y, padqd I 'pueqsnq trHJ SI SIHJ radeaqr uaes e4I .ro;
dru ro; su8rs peor p€ar I .(ed nod 1zq,r,r 1aB no1
'aas PInof, J ler{} ulo{ 'p1.ro.a,r LraS;ns eda aql
pede 1nq'1q8ru 1e qqft1 Jo .rallrPJ ari] q slql lng
ro} a lrP 'erut sJI 'a.r.rsuadxg 'seLe qloq ro; 000'ST
Punore soPr{ Jo esru)3q tpuour "
],upFor 1 'pa;;13og aq1 'passa.rSorddtp arp tnoq" s,)r - 1pr auoqd Surssurequ-ra aq]
se 1nq 'se8pa aq] punore .(unlq aprl a.raa nod a,rrs II.I 'auop xf,TaU a.{Etl ueo nod
- saurze8eur 'sradzds.uau - asolc dn )n rrp ur sareld .la{ rLn Jo auo <lurl3
'sssuel ]r"}uor ,fur ur lda1s P.I rqSnoql 1 uorsr^ uopuo'I aql te reuued e qeg
'Jueruour E
roJ 'aas Plnor 1 pw "'dzp xau '*rqr t"*g oq dn8 aql s,ag isauols lasel
pioiqel alqr.rror{ asortl puv'aseqd aq+uopoy tl"
aq] a{o.^a :}Iq ooPoo^ aq} qerstl puY
I ,,
'sepnbal -(wru ool auo peq ur slq8ilg srq ur araC p.r?r{3lU e{I tlqe qool :, ?
cuoll?sues pPo uE se-u q '.rea1c-,g2ry ']urnbs nod JI 'otlm pup 'euruu,$op stq uI
P,I aI{
se.la,Surq/-ra.m'eunlsrms aql olul prrp JIuI[f,
aq1;o 1no paddols 1 uaq16 (14a.^d? roJ rrraq

papaau dpo 1 :rpuour e o1 dn;o; sdorp.(1ddz
ol paau .&a3;ns )ilse'I a oq.t' asoql)
'aluppaq "q aq
llun salnuru 91 ,fia,ra paitdde
oJ ora \ qcrq.a,r 'sdorp aLe q1y"r.8eq e ue,"€
sEA I 'auroq etu e{s} o1 dpea: se.^& pupqsru{
dru a:aqrrrrare Surlrertrt olur paJarlsn sE \ I sr aul uoroq aqt tnq 'polecldtuoc sp1
'srqt q8norql $lro.^& uaqt uoa3.:ns aql pue
:ospl.^ao]Jpu q]L4 ?eurol eq] uo palearJ
sr Iauunl lprus
"'p?alsuJ '8ug1nc Sutpunos
-rl"rpqrEq ou "s,araq] 'xg1e6 u1 '1q3rs
3o ra-,u.od aql qll,\\ no.( 3u14r8a.r ssaco.rd
eq] ur 'sual .rnod yo adeqs aq1 a8ueqr
dgerluassapu" anssq parr;oJ ssecxa due
sg,^.g HSgu.f
H s,Nf l,.t oM I sLoz ttrov In otr 6euqlleoqsuouoM
LV I HJ-rvf
lou sx s?Lll:JLl *
@ sie^ralur los-06 Jo slos Z :sdau E
iAe^ aql s,leqI 6uroo
doal pue e6un ;oqloue
olur qbnorql dols uoql (q)
'oOunl e olul
dels'7; aur lu 'qlur)lg
le las llrLUpporl aql LlllM {
'lloq oql uo 6urpuels (e)
'11 uo dels -{\oN 'uolssas rlJ"a uaal\leq -&P lsal E
.9A.1/.{ qll, {ea.&\ saurl errql lnolro.^ slql oc 'ed?qs uI
^ "
a{aluarlr srq ta8 ol lr?.^aTPls urlS slqr uo salTa.r otl \
t telprcT sdes ,,'dn eler lreatl rnod dee{ pu? ie^e1
lxau aq] oJ sesrsraxe rqSram-dpoq eTPl no,( ]el u^\
JJuetsrsJr puP PJads lu".lsuoJ sll. ']Pq] $n(.
sdor Ol Jo slas g :sdag :I,T',JI il'J"JJ:,gX,T, :;:,1f,1 LI;?*[i] LI
'urs6e oO MoN dar I s,leql
dn-l s e op uoql'lr Llrler 'lleq 00t:pournqsauole) =::i
lsq ouDlporu 6)lz
aql uo lleq oL[ aruno€ (q)
'lLeq oul]rpaLU 6IZ e 6urploq
puP llrupeo.rl v :luourdlnbf
e l6nrqul or pleN :lua!|f,
'luaq saoul 'l 0q Oql qlpaueq
rolprel ltors :uadxa aql
laal'lr purqoq lrs '01 aurllul
'q/uvtLW los llrLUpeorl (e)
ar,w{ lou sx acu0lsl,saa '1l1.1,t,Lp0ar4 "rnon
uo - ,uLuLD"Lt 1146?afix-npoq nquol,ssas
^sNr1I auo u1, uaql6ua4s puD auol',l,u?ls
slueld los-09 Jo slas t :sdau , .'t:'
alr l,us 'prsH i6ur^oru
tJo, oso.l-oaa" - soLP- rno(
ol .o lleq p-e su,Pa,oJ ,-oy'
uo 6ur)ueid oleu.rallv (q)

povr 1 o.l I Uo .Jo, , ^oI
L.llr^\ uo lrsod )lueld L.l6 Ll p
sda.r los-Ot lo slos 9 :sdsu
ur la6 'o ourlrur 'q/ur)lL le
rLUpeart aLll qllM (e) raMol pue noI jo luo.rl ur
'7 .06 s6o rnoA osre.r AlMols
pup arol]no^ orerE (q) .b
sdalul L op pue '{
dn Jlosrno^ l]rl 's rer oql qe.rO ,*
sloj]uol aql ol lreq rno^ qlrM
'poo9 a.llo ll LUpeorl (e)
.L * .r**
'' .it ,::...,
"s,\'Iltr 1"'-_
t ra-t
dn JI dr\Yt{



48 | wovrN's HEALTH I npril z..Ois-:,.;l womenshealthmag.co.uk

6V H-Lrv:H s Nf N oA I sLoz ttrov I
)n of, 6euqlleeqsueuoM
lu M lra]le 6u q)o}le] s
seq puno] Apnls u-reqDurLU.r B
lo sra^rua p qlLqM ']le.rlxa
^leol uoo]O sursluol lr snld
'durn s LUdt .rno^ L.l6no.rql no^ teoLq oqt tpaq no^ dloq M '^nO re n60..r
V ra^o
s ql'saql]els puP sreOns'slei Lro
.raMod ol uor lo l q e ra^ lap Surll I lsa6 p .rno^ sdaa)l
leq]'pooM)llo.r pup as np
lo uMop)le3rq aql u prplpql 'olsel ei\ol e lr 6u A D
soLUAzuo snoueA 6ututeluol qpqopq
'pooMeos'dle)l 6u pnllur aA\ se^ ql
sp^Supl ql
puo q
onl u^6 sfo l lsc
@!'plos ar,aM 'salqelo60^ eas ]o nl )lloql I n.rlrodns aql soprl lu
'oMol ^uunq
pue sso^ ^e)lo
oley raqsluBq s ql 'sse..r6lPaql DUp ejla.ro t.ll lnol]o,\,\ lsod '1116uarls puE
s,ll eM e Ou llrq a..r,no^ uaqM
opnllu 'pu nr ds 6u pn lu so pooo sspu a lsnLu asPoDU sd aq
U l ]uelsur ue-l01 Oeqpueq ]BoIq aqJ u alo]d al .r uA o.rq sl sn d
eluequo upl punoJ^llunL.!u-it
_Apnls e rno^ u srL.li p daa) uearD 1o lsoq e sP o,\r\ sV
lo laqlps
qlrqM'sruoo]qsnu 0Iplrpul are.rp,{qaj ol sel^lor}lo o pLE
;larlas poppe us ssq lr ln8 siebns ernleu lo asop
p s.ra^ ap pua q s ql 'aijup.rc
suoorO 0urs lp)lle uo sosnloJ
puolq s Lll 'uosrol]dleh a
dn-aru-4a1d rorlloos pup a dde 'eueueq 'olddpau c
ssappoo qlleoq poLpunel fryad aql r{JBruo]s aqI 5u pnpur 't n4 ql M popeo
JaJIIB[[Ua ffiwt
,1ffi i IaqJar
,{llunturul arIJ H#7; ru(8-pod aq;
.Ia&&\od YJISSSf sauo.&r
$aqaqlto s1c1,d "mo s.?hH
' ot ou s sac fi p 6'r,og
ffi p no d uaa,t 6 p a 6.mqc - 4uarylnu yno qn nD s.1? - 9n I ua a
'lno).j.roM .r no^,ro peaLlp
..rallo 6u u..roLU;-.-
]aleM,ro sse 0 e qit,tn dn s ql
lol a^ps upa I LUeals p,.
ILH e a]o rll pue fluosu 0
rno^sa^ 6allsql)l uJ a -.
!a loo aaq 'p3] uoe]b se qlns
'sluep xo lup 10 sLL-rol l!3,:
's.ras,0]aLra qlrA pa|led
lsour aql +o ouo s pqr-:
doors e..ral,re oq 'a
srL.ll +o ls ql )l Lr pup pqllEt- .
auo s ql a/o/ M.raul.red
M no,\ aSSe I N! l L,r.rel e lo+ s puo q s Lll u la.Des :
.rno 'srl]oldru^s Shd sernpa]
dn s.oq/\ pooJ Luo.r]
9E u Ll.lell^ a Ll/1,\ qluoLu qle0
dn-maF asealo] ^6raua
pala dap a.re leq] sa ddns llol]a
6eq e u lJ alp,r p.lltpro^ ^loA ^poq
ur(E-ard aql d aq ol ua^ord el lrluo ls roxolap aqJ
a!l s)lrolsa.r uor lo asop q0rq .rno pMaua.r uL)ls ol e] A ^l
aje ql LIM '(98 pue 9E 'tE 'zE
stL .{qpq s ql q}rM sluaLuotu -,*
s 0t eqjaspa.rlu ol uMoqs 'lB0upnru)suue]AElo
SuiLIeo -]las a^.]aMS
a.raMnaql s.ra^ un
^daaM asop u-r e sfrpd rapMod ;t,"
6u laE e u ^pnls
'puv 'uaql q] M ^lq6
o qplelpd sr.rd.rns s ql
pallpd s .rap^\od s ql /,\ou)l ^l6u
radBIs op a/A ]nq 'are sap ldod
L.raoeliol au1..reu-r I ]lexa
SIAId Aq,L lpLll,\ ol sp sso P le ls ai,aM
JasFJaua arIJ
flnuaq aql
sLoz ttrov In 03 6euqlleaqsuauoa
IS I Hrrv=H s,NihoM I
utolntuadrprnsryota puo ftnoag g4pt1 ',b,tr srql relleqlasdur ery {lenrce I " "uof,eq 'pEarq 'esaar{J 'salg qcuarg
p alqlllonD atv'g1j 'alpum puD'917'aruotSott 'rrrleq dI ? pue 'qsnlq pue rezuorq :poo8 ool sr poo; pue uoqs ool qag11 'ap1d du
"rE)setu sauof, punore peps e Surqsnd alqerasrtu 3up4oo1 p€
autoq'827 '*nt od ap noX tldo.Eolny .rol arsoy ap111e ppe }sn[ 1,1 'dn-a>1eur o1 r uatl!\
'pml€u pue aldurs sBurql daal o1 aTII I aql eq 01 luea ra,reu 1 ']ooqs aua3u11 t ero;aq
'alq?qlrrsapur fuard sI Plro./v\ go s./rrp dur ug 'up4s rpootus tpul dn a1er,a.
@ r.I8p oqr eped ;o IAoq ellsseru " uo ru.oP
1ua:allp L1a:qua uP uI ral".4a-repun Sureq;o pue lq8ru raqto l:a,ro 11 r\dde I :oo1'uepreq o1 Suro8 1ou dpppac ur.I allty"r PrrV
']no Iu,I uaqa,\;lasdur dolue ueo I os auoq }e
3ur1aa; leql - urexa Suutp tpe4.&u passtd 1sn[ ruEr{S dq urearJ IouRaU a)?:lrnso6 a ol osp I
a4I 'aur sexplar ueero er{l reau Suraq lsn[ 'leqt 's1ods ptre saulT eug luaaard ol turuas e nf,V rrpolJ l"a o1 sr l3a1e4s dru 1nq'snorqru alrnb
saprseg 'ay11 .(ep,fia,r'a dur olur uoIPtIPauI s,IPJr-rrIIJ 5r,(q rea.ts I :auosa \" ueoq a eq spunos 11p 11 'uaq4q,(ur q ]pl Jo acard pesn
a4T slcedse snotre,t altrod:of,ul o1 PaIJI a ,I s{nsar aq} pue prIuII3 gr Sursn uaaq aAI lsour eql {a11ugap sr racrn[ eqr - Sulclnl;o
:s8urql 1o aprs pn11r1ds aql uI Petsaralur ru.I 'sread rvra; lsed aqt rogl 'up pue dn-e1eru el"oo.{p" 3rq t osp ur.1 'selqtp8ar' pue sPEPs
- qsa4 rppa uralord ueol Jo s1o1 alerodrocur
'3.rag 96 .te6 dq nrops116 tusry:qqoy to actnog Jo er?rl 5e1 ,fue.ta 1o prr s1a3 1l qsruq
aw :nyoz aqJ sP^A. f,ruosrJPlJ dur Sursn asueap 1 ']r o1 Lr1 1 'url3 aq1
Supr-q aro;aq qceurds qlv"r
p"er qllr\{ lue8lm &art ru,1 os 'aa{ s33a palqurercs prre ar"l dos t;lasdru opru
lo3 qi"", 1 :p"rr".,r!3r,1""r
*.,1, I* - qsr-urelq s,(au1e ryrsr upls dry [,I uaqJ dep e sar11 eertp tseel
aceJ,(IN }P roJ urr-e
snJoJ.\l\i I Tal&\{Jo ar}I " {3?q
Snqc pue dnla8 1'Sururoru Lra,r.g
'sluau4rurruoJ 1.ro.u ,ftu uasr leq suolssas
sJrnJrrJ e
r 11,aq

ur azaanbs pup leloq dru o1 auroc

:o 'runrstuuil.3 doqsyol6 s.ueSpg aql
t€ Id (qo1 .raqrorq ,fur qtp tno {ro-^& I
<uopuoT uI ru.I ueq^A 'orueP
Pue sllqo.ra? Jo
xrru rrarlt ang E'I aCI
alol I 'auourrg .(g dpog 1E
euours ro olpnls sposrapuv lre.rl o1 ptaq
'V'I uI
1,i 'rraqdn Surqtauros lue^r I uorllA
sarpofl telpg l" sat"lld .ro eSod op 11,1 'apua8
Surqlauos Lcuel 1 ;1 'alnpel{f,s :o pooru dtu
uo spuadap 1sn[ op 1 ]Er{ e aslJJaxe salol
.(laurnua8 oq,ra, aldoad asoq];o auo ru.1 'firods
aq o1 atu pa8ernocua sde.lnTe pue ro]f,nllsul
6urArp eqnlS SJIqOlae U" SE.aA. rUnru ,(Ur -
a,ut:r s,(emJe ur.1 'rr s.troip .(ep I l -
sJrnrr l pu? orupp rq] Jr urP6 ,{q ur,{8 rq} }P rq tLI
,P6O I
"' patldsul, ag'stlcl.J,l alilL.t xs axa{ D
qy,ax nl4qoaqpuD 6uo"tts sfr.nts Tapowadns aql
m; i{OJOi\iIJI\inH
SS Hrrv:r s,NrNoM I sLoz ttrov I
In of, 6euLlllPaqsueuom
dreqs ourlool pue - Arp aQol
no^ daol ol ]eoMjolno.oul,.. :lnOd
Ieroue PplN*&
aqorprem ur^5 rnol ol
alro+ leJoll au.ros ppv
reaaod ranol) {;t/;*
lll /fuo^olar-lsod raql ur
paau soruunq u.r^6 leqM
Ot l)alJad r.:.r';'
sdr] orJlos aseq] qliM
lstssoJPU Jouur .lnoA a)jeh
IallltoN# ,11:::.1
@ SllnS:U SnOlSUOg'SlgNVHl lldNlS &
% __,,
rc Xp3ery-'
ou've finally contorted yourself into the
perfect position, one thai doesnt give you
I doublb chin, iho*r off your n& oritfit
and wont leave you in a neck brace post
shot. And it only took 2i attempts. So it's a sh'ame
when that hard-won selfie tur-ns out to depict a
fuzzy, squinty-eyed Moomin. Before you go into
Instagram meltdown, check out these five easy
solutions to the most common selfie fails. . . because
buying a selfie stick constitutes as a life fail.

Selfie fail: #UnevenSkin

The problem: Your perfectly normal-looking
face doesn't always translate to a picture:
"Orange tones in tungsten light bulbs, can be
S elfi e fai} #Yellou/Teeth
red to a camera, exaggerating skin patchiness,"
The problem: Pearly whites? Not on your
says celebrity snapper Dan Kennedy. mobile. "The white balance is automatically
Sort it: 'A satin foundation will help," says set on phones," says beauty photographer
Mac make-up artist Lyle Reimer. "They're
Jody Todd. "That means that ifyour teeth are
heavily pigmented like matte foundations, so
a tiny bit on the yellow side, the camera will
even out our skin, plus the glowy finish helps
actually make them look worse." Uh oh...
the light difliact off the skin making it look Sort it: A blue-toned red lipstick, like Mac
brighter and more even, too." Try one that Ruby Woo, €13, is your white teeth saviour.
contains concealer, too, like Clinique Beyond
The blue tones neutralise the yellow and the
Perfecting Foundation + Concealer, €25. red draws attention to your lips, not your
Your best filter: Rise - it brightens the teeth. Reimer has another kil1er tip: "Rinse
skin tone, taking out any areas of shadow with a whitening mouthwash just before.
The wash contains oxidising ingredients
that make them look whiter." Now grin.
Your best filter: Walden - the filter
*DOT{'T decreases colour saturation. Quick: profi1e pic.
TLASHItrYOU Selfie fail #HiddenEyes
The problem: When you smile, your cheeks
CAI{ HtrLP IT" move up, making your eyes look microscopic.
Sort it: 'Duck face' pouts make eyes appear
more prominent, but we wouldn't advise it
unless you're Derek Zoolander. Alter the
way you apply your eyeliner instead, says
Amy Conway, Bobbi Brown pro make-up
artist: "Begin in the inner eyes with a very
fine 1mm line. Increase the width of the
line in the middle to a maximum of 3mm,
then taper it back off to 1mm." Try DHC
Liquid Eyeliner EX, €16, with an ultra-fine
tip to vary the width of your line easily.
Your best filter: Amaro - it ups the exposure,
making every,thing look slightly exaggerated. Et':

Great for eyes, not so much for thighs. *

56 | wovEN's HEALTH I Aprit 2ots womenshealthmag.co.uk

Lg I rrrv:H s,Nf l oM groz rrdv In of, 6euqlleaqsuauoM
qsar] 6u lool dn aIpuJ.rno^ doof
o] (aurqs lou) olue ppr sppe lnq 'oseoql puv 'Addeq deus s^es
,,inoA purqaq s,lr :drl
^psajoLr.r arllas porollrl ^pouuo)
JnoA lle 'Luoor oql ^llensn
'u )ls aLll sllalrad A 1ue1su q:rq,tr ,,'6urIool lprnleu ,,'so6eLUr lo lred lselLlorl aql
'ZrJ'LU pE ornlsroN ourlpu u-rnl I
oql oleuJ pup xelor ol olueL{uo pue u!oJsupr} sp]eMoJ o^or! '6urlq0rl spoau
P]lxl uMo]E qqoE ALU o)lr ..roLU rd puoras e no^ so^r6 ur no^ AllPnueu.r uer no^ os'lorluol ernllrd oLll Jr lnE,, s^es
6u leu LUn lr us os'olleuJ ool onl ol srr.ll 6ursn,, sAps a^lleo..D no^ 0ArO uel leql ueu.rdeL{1,,'so.rnleaJ JnoI
a p ^rloleLU uel AoL-ll
ur)ls rnol ppol,,'uMopluna) lz-, 8 '(sounli'oorl) poosdpus lno sluelq } - lr dloq uer
ll lool
laAoMoH .]aqlooLus .rpadds l 6ur).1eLu aApLl sauo{-ldl]puls aLUoS,, a)lrl 'sddP oa]j 0re a]aLjl,, no^ lr r]sPll oLll osn l,uoc,,
'u )ls oql u suorlla]]odr-Lr l l
A ^upod
leral leql sauol lrs pue s.roL,u^
6urlrol]od-u IS u pluol IaqI oql
6u .rnp so^ oss p lsnl dn olPLrr lpql
puU uel oqM sodAl u ls.ra ro qlrM
o doad .roJ JPapr s LlrqM 'oluo dl.rO
ol lrurLlleLUos lr 6urAro roOuo 1se1
dn oIeLU dlall os e dn-o)leLU
rnoA no^ orolaq^oql
ur)ls.rnoA lno trI.{TflS HtrJJgTIY UXVJ
pue qloorus ol 0.relu )ls r0llP ll
pa ddeel dll are s]aur.rd V
o @'sauoqleeql 'rH 'srnoluol a1e.ra33txa o1
auot lurd e sppt - ellrar{spN :rallg lsaq rno1
'lurd]ol]os p qlrM ul op 'auol uDIs -rno.( ol pualq urolsnc o1 nod s-ra.o1p
s rpu .rnoI oLUel'drl Araqdsp.r lLlO rq qr]li^ 'SZ3 'laarlj\\ as"qur"lD sllocurelD Jo
p.rpoM no^ Jr 'aldu-rexo rol Al LUpl asnoH a{rI 'dpsre aroru pualq daqr sE lraJe
.rnolol auo lo sarl suslui luarajl p pJnl"u erou e aar8 rrco sap"qs rnoluoJ
6ursn Iq qso.r] lr doo) 'qsr od rPU p oq rure.r3 'sLes JaurTeU .,'aur1,ue[ rnoL puno;t
pue d l .rolq6uq p.led ol luEM pue pup seuoq>leeqc rno.( q]€aurepun ap"rls
>1oo 6ur>1r.i1s o-roLU e ra]erd no^ 1 ]ng rnoluoJ e asn,, 'SurrnoluoJ rl]1,4A :lr lros
roqlo qlPo luoLUa dLUor I ls ll A\
's-{es ppol
,,'r1 Sulualleg 'ereJ arlt uI
'o ,. 1:-P L I JOO
(A-l -6' o.lllv qldap asol noL sutaru osp,(8o1ouqce1 srql
olup.tpadde e-to^o uo^o ue olsorl 1ng,, "'L:oeql ur leer, 'a8eurr a1eiur11n aq1
ol ps]o^ all^ pue rnolol qsL od rpu al"arJ ol rueql saS.raur pue sarnlcrd aldqlnur
.rol..rPp e ql^ loo dn-e1eu 1os e sdeus Llecrleuolne qrrr{.4^'uoIlpsIIIq?ls
r ed ol o)l I orla.r pue ouop]a^o a8erur asn sauoqdl.reurs lsa^\au arll asnEJJq #i
looj upl 6u qlleuJ qlnLu ool s,1eq; 'earloedsrad Suuqdec uaq-&\ uoqs ITeJ lwfii',:::a:.. H
leql IU ql | )lool AqrleLr-r-^qrlpLu sauoqd 'srraurer UTS a>lTlun :ua1qold aqa
aql uo 06 ol paou no^ v arBdleld# :I.IeJ aulas
'arnlxe] pu? rnoloJ rreq dn slcrd leql auol
o lzzry'utrcnte spp" ll - elaH :rallg lsaq rnotr
'1oqs ;no-{ aro;aq tsnI u.trop
sfrlaLUSoJ uMor€
alqrunt tr tal pu€ unq lq8p
" olur&CtI
<s{rol .rnod olur '66'17 'ooduerls
Lqqo8 lo pue
oll IIor
.ropunol'lsrlrp qe1o3 zlrrdg ,-perntxat arou pur rellry
dn-o)leh Iool tr aIeru IIr,^a lreil rnoL Lq patral,al
uMorE rqqoB
sl ]qBI ,{e.n aq} sldnrsrp Llporleurolne
qcrq.^,r 'oodureqs Lrp Sursn lsnl, 'oo.tuxld
s.ra33o1.t fineaq 1o Ji"q euo 'utrudrq3
?lorrN ,.'ll lrnr o] e^Erl l,uoP no ,, :lr uos
uodxa oql Isv 'sLes Lpauuay
.'a:e1d aql ralo II" Jo
Surcunoq sr lq8rl suraru fiarre.t pue arnlxel
aql 'era{lrec uo ]a ]eq sp€al JrEq rarTJnJ,, 'lae]
puorsuaurp-auo e Sur,tr8 L1u"ro;run palcaga.r
sr lq8q os <]€lJ arT sa1rrlnr arlt asn"Jaq saglas
ur drurt 1oo1 uer rr"q ]r{8p.ag :ualqord aqa
r.rBHIIn(# :IIeJ aUIaS
I ::::.i:!aL;j;
65 Hl.rvf H s,NrNoM I sLoz ttrov In otr 6euLlIleoqsuouoM
ftn pPdur ttlp.dL-r 'l 'p* t.
sprpMdn qsnrB 'uo lp nlr l so^o]dul
pue sale lolxa ll LU dlnd pooM s r.l_l
?1 lOt
'su]e.rno^ uo sdLUnq olrrlM lno
slros pup lpMouor 0r sole nu ls
I ss pas ppac 09'tt,
'urls palPLll-e.]],41 uo eurl-]a,rc
sl.roM LUlpq riuoorollPod^q s q_l
'ool 'pu ur rno^ LUlel pue soqlE
alp A0 lp ol rsPq pup al LUouJe:
ql M ro lnu azpq V 69f,
'tr ql.roM tnq rd 'slql q1 ,,,'
ii Jii -! i. i
': 6.eua .e1' oJ,o ^olalois.Jt)s,-. '
dn 1u ls Ao.rO 'l nC 09tI
'uo ssas lll6 ol lsod LU eq le-rnr€-
srql lo qo q e qllM sLU ed posno 3,
olllel 08'6]f,
u Pd ..rP nlsnu osPO ol Iolpo)oA,rC::
-elru.re aLUos uo de S aunr .rno^ ..ra--:
6u aoE gl,
redar allsnLU pup uorlp nl.r -. al
poads ol u s r-ll qnE cssp l 6uruL :r.
z lelnrE Ezf,
.,t il
l s ql qlLM l r-1_r pl . -:
olel .l.r1 uel lno)l.roM-lsod s.ra,'r a - .
6u p ers ZZf,
'6urLlsnrq reinrrl lo spuoras ::
-.tM ur-s {re, ' L p./p sa ):
pa]olleul ol 6u Mo I poo c _::
tz! il
ssaulsnq aql u? slool qoqa.r fi,1noaq tnot?,oax-tsod $aq aLfi
pu{ ol slcnpo,td lo spar,puru4 patsat a/y1 irun6 aqT W 1? auopr,aao
JIX JId-JSOd ,rlvU-.
Floralpri.nts: not justfor Kate Mi,ddleton
and Laura Ashley bedspreads. They now
look ki,ck- ass on ll our workout g ear, too
tt ,t.

Sports bra, , Lorna
.lane at activeinstyle.co uk


@ @
Siick to small Watch out for
Siorfs,'i:1?., Ju i cy Coutu re prints if you awkward petal
want to slim placement.
your lower half. Flower nips? Bad.
Legg ngs, . Body Science
at act ve nstyle.co.uk

@ @
Mix contrasting Avoid pigtails or
colours or prints plaits - this lsn't
- but not both. Little House on
Kapeesh? the Prairie,

Tra ners, , adidas x Mary Katrantzou at matchesfash on.com

60 I wovEN's HEALTH I April 2o'ls wo m e ns hea lt h m a g. co. u k

sLoz tt;ov >1n of, 6euqlleaqsuauom
19 | rirrv=u s,N3r,.roM I I
{F I @! AaL tie])h e lals
sPP PP roqroE o
'*Er ^q
, *._ra ' E=+=*...- .w J
r' ,{ #,{r. {
ty:.- \i:r-. :! : 1 .
-k-,r ;i;
ii+r +'se
;r!.4 !j o
' .b",b ':-'*
!;' 'r\
** t\
ln o) ol^Jsure^r]le le ouel euo1"*' ',pueqpeoH
orv oA 'j:,,1:1.;l 'sOul66el
po.rl I aruoroll
'el#'Prq sl.rods
Lllol sosP 'u*'6ea
f.:,r.,1 I
-.; '
lff', SI{OOTg NI
€9 | Hrrvru s,NrhoM I sLoz tlrov I
In of, 6euqtieaqsuauom
qsrl^ls os uaeq ronou sell rer e 'uorlrpne eJ!/vlp!N eLll lle3 'srql sr "^pel Jeuurp pue rotrsdrq
Aq 1rq 6ur11e6 lou :oLUef, aArl.olJeu .rnoA lreu pue.lnoduMop e on rAJnS uopuol uoe^ loq lods loa/v\s oql
'slql roJ lno 6ur^rtr sr sn 'lo)tref Joord-duep stql ut
Jo lle ul plrqf, qtruorl lleurs oql 6;og ulotg'663 of,l ellruen-reuur rno/\ oseoleu
relunH'ozl3 erntnoJ
'osl3r neoleg a}lod 'otl;f
urlIUe.rl 'o6f seprpe
'gLJ eM'OOZf AxoU'E/f,
wr w.Y ryyffi rYffx::,*' :f ruy rTT ;
: f, ; ^
:Y f, Wi6' ; ;-a?'1&
; i. t- i-v;a {{"3 : r;' ;;
w#;e.#*M,M*iMixdsff "!3.
iur eAoLU ol ueJ pa)3ou-lauun] 'slueq oulqqor rC) 'sun.r ro] ]eor9 'leeder 'otruep 'unU slen rlseJ ro
'para^el-alqnop'paurl-etroell 'ISeLU ur-llrnq e L{llM ra)eorqpul^n - osr3.loxe rooplno ro] sl.loM
%*g&ww 3x&3ww,w**'x.
tvlH s N:,.loM I stoz trov )ln oJ'6euqlleaqsuauo
NOJ,SUOA U'dAI.IO sNorr\rurso11r
e.'{ootrd.tgrrllfl -)
slpa 6urAraf,ap lLtr6 ruMop
aqt pue peq aqt 'poo6 oql
slep OOI u lsr llo po66olq
rapear poururalop ouo MoH
lnoqe 6ur)lel sr auolro^o
lpql larp lprsra^oiluol aq1

ulletproof Coffee
was2O14's big mind-
blower - butter and
MCT oil in your
morning Americano!
Promising to keep you
full and focused, and
potentially shrinking
your midsection in the Process, itattracted
global devotees, as well as debate. In LA - :{:iti:-'.;:ili:traa}ia:rri'ii r :':l

lhe city of early adopters - the very first :*:n;r.l?,i ...:::*it:,it t..,

Bulletproof Coffee 6ar has iust opened and

I no doubt its customers are already ordering
The Bulletproof Diet, the follow-up eating
plan from US entrepreneu_r Dave {sPreY.
It's been 15 years in the making and_promises
to be just as controversial as his coffee...

of nutrients) in his diet were

throwing his immune system
off and keeping him heavy.
These toxin-like chemicals, says
Va.lley multimillionaire.
should have been awesome," Asprey, can cause cravings, low
he says. But it wasnt. He felt energy and poor concentration.
sluggish and mentally foggy The biggest source? Processed,
- and worse, at 6ft 5in and high-fat, high-sugar foods and,
more than 21st, he was also according to Asprey, certain
clinically obese. "I was hungry plants - including some that
all the time," he says. "I d end most of us think of as saintly. hormone leptin. Beans have
meetings early so I could go eat Some vegetables may pack particularly high lectin levels,
lunches that left me with even antinutrients to keep animals, as do aubergines, Asprey says.

more cravings." bugs and fungi away. Problem is, That said, he believes that
Asprey started dieting and they can be equally inhospitable steaming, boiling, poaching or
exercising, but while he got to humans and trigger the baking most lectin-rich foods
stronger, 18 months later the fat release of inflammatory Asprey spent can reduce the bad stuffwhile
still hadnt budged. Frustrated, proteins called cytokines, which presewing healthy nutrients.
he spent the next 15 years Asprey says can leave you with the next 15 Whack the oven on, then.
researching obscure journals the munchies. Here are the
and'hacking his own biology' in antinutrients on Asprey's hit list: years doing
a bid to lose his 'fat ieans'. His
method was inspired by his job: research
to hack a computer system, he d Watch out for these bad
create complex maps, looking 'hacking his boys ifyou want to ensure
for holes; to hack his body, he Got a case ofperma-hunger? you're getting the most out of
collected personal datavia scans Lectins could be to blame. ownbiology' your nutrients, Asprey saYs.
These chemicals can bind to
and blood and hormone tests, Some types of these plant-made
then watched for changes after proteins can irritate the gut and magnesium, iron and zinc in
experimenting with countless Iead to bacterial overgrowth your gut and prevent them from
diets arld supplements. in certain people, Asprey being absorbed, leaving you
His conclusion was that argues. He theorises that they deficient. He suggests boiling
'antinutrients' (chemicals that can also prompt your body to high-phltate foods, like whole
interfere with the absorption block the hunger-suppressing grains and nuts, or soaking

womenshea lth ma9.co.

68 | worvrN's HEALTH I
April 2015 |
u k
69 | n-Lrv=H s,NihoM I sLoz rrrov I ln ol 6PuqlleaLlsuauoM
'r,i )llnI 'ssolo.rd uotleluoLural oql Jo o1 arnsodxg 'uo Supq E]"qt sd?s
l-red ore solqqnq - lr uodo noI uaqr,r lrseq Llsa4 poddoq) Iauual pue da.rdsy pue - l"e ol lrre ^. ].uop
sazzu lr pau-liplp aq l,uoc peles p
l pue alnI uoLuol ^ralal
laMolJrlnel LllrM sdor.ll nor( Surqlaruos a>lrl punos eserlJ
ol pop ro ap s P sP I JAey up) no^ r.llrM paddol sauJeq qurel lrue6]o'pa]-sser6
lnq 'sr lr se ] leo ol o)lt | s,lr paxrlx Jo lnJlMog Jo lrel polseou
lnq 's^Pp Mal e rol roleM palles^seo ut
ooPqqel o^?al ol paou no^ - I os.]no^
a)leu ro sdoqs poo]aioqM Luo.tl
l "'Sur8rarua u.ra11ed e s,araql
s.re[ ui ]r uel no sso lqOtoM ol 'datr'8ur1ea oroJaq ruarl] Ioq ro
uorldrosqe ^nq
luoulnu Lr-lo]] 6utql^.ra^a prnbrt crproe ur spooJ asaql {eos
q1r,r,n 6u d oq'st]alteq ln0 alue eqo] 'uorl"ruur"l;ur Sursnzo'dpoq
ol lqOnoql si spool paluor]jiol 6utlpl aqt ul sPls&r prce crpxo dreqs
,{1r1enb r lorqord raql ol slueql 'Mou 'sleods sn6eredse ',{ur1 lrsodap pue poolq rnod ur
(+]ounq dsqt I pue lro
lq6r.r uorluolle lo 1o1 e 6ur11e6 o]e olrl'suaoj6 paglnes runr)[e3 o1 1c4s rfuru,(aq] surE{r
llN dsql L'aoJJol Jueoto
(06eqqer paluoLU.rol lo qsrp upo.ro)
qlrM paddol s66a dn) [ puolq) aa]Jol ,&rdsy'(loonaaq pue qr"qnqr
p) rq)LU )l oIr spool poluou|ol
paLlleod 'le3rl1rDlf,nq uI
puno;) asaql
;o dueu oo1 1ea nor( uar111
'pool rno^ olur Llteol o] sle) Luoql
6uisnel rolue) osnel plnol slrlseld
u elror 6urlpaq - sspl6 ur lr op'6u Inu
'1caga a.tpe8au fiarp uossel ol
o.rP noA
poqloLu lsoq oql sp lno sJnog o,rl1 ]s"a] ]e;o; re8auvt
sor.uo) ouru..reols'l ero^o poL]-.r ls raprc aldde ro uorual ur tueq]
ro palroq upql I urLUeltA oroLu ppq
lollorq pa^pMo.DiuJ puno] putql u
'pol oq uoqM
lnq'pa^pl ojl LU uoLlM (6€ u LUelrA)
ole oJ slr lo llp reou pourele,
qleurds punol Alrsro^run louloJ^
Ipnls e:sllel oql sso luo rlnu
'alllodd" qlll\,r qf,nol ur rallaq aq
rolparo'snql pue a6ueql ol arnlln]ls
lpod 's8uutero .rnod urttop ]oqs
s,pool aql sosnel ,6urddez, 6uunp
a,rnod oluo seaartaq ag 's,/res
solnlalou-r oql Jo uo lplo] p der oql
derdsy..'1ry arpo/ Inun lpo lsnl,
Aes sroqlo ssoi luoulnu sluo^o,d
:se4puenb lnoqe qJnur ool ssaJ$
'pool lpoq ol AeM )ltrnb e s,lt
l taloP lng dep qcea qcrels ro lm{l
asneloq leql an6.rp rno^el ut osoql
yo Sura:as e pue uralord;o saa.ras
'6urInu punore oleqop s,o.loq1
xrs ol rnoJ 's1q;o s8ura:as aup
o1 a,rg'salqela8eayo s8ur.Lres 11
ol xrs Llq8nor ro; rur-e 'azrs rnol. r
uo Supuadaq'uorual prre sa rlo
In ol uosn6JOJL 'qnu EIurEp?J?LLrtaqurnJnf,
'so1aorlf, lre'TIur lnuoJof,
lS AelrPH :erq/V\ ta11nq pa1-sser8 crueS.ro :r(latueu
uosn6.rol IrpLUosoU 'sluolI}nullup tsa \ol eqt qtl^{
osoql'spooJ .;oord1e1pq,
slPo aII leq.^aJo $lae/v\ o.lyq
qlpn Suprrls slsaffins ,(ardsy
uodxo or{l Isv 'sPooJ luar4nurluP
-r'r.o1 dqrpeq 'snorruop
Jo slol
ere eraqJ 'l.uoq 4qcun1 rnod
go 1nd 1rq e Surraag,tpappng
ptp rnotlpDll
d1a,ro1 'pporu qtl^r palur-Er
eq r(eur oslp aup. pu? slnuead
'uroJ 'ur {Peus o} sPForu roJ
&runuoddo aql sasearJur su?eq
Surxnu ecurs'a,r.erq ur8rro-apurs
E roJ tdo 'Irdpc 1sa33rq aq1 eq
o11q8noq1 sr eogoJ 'sauryo1b
Sursnec-Buvter) Jo as"alar ar{l
w ra33rr1,{eru sugol pporrr asaq}
soNood gHJ .{co dod
tL I Hr'lv:H s,NfhoM I sLozrrrav In of, 6euqlleeqsuauoM
'Il u u ual pue (uor'olru '071) 'alqerlo6ou-uou .rallrl 6urAp-D-qr?l
qlDuarls lo a)uplpq le^ U ord aIrN s,leql os iaLlleol oor]-llrnO e soleu.l
lq6rr oql ]snl seq lsnur e s prq sl]ods s Lu,l P - Iep oseq PZZrd e ss
oqs uospnH ole) uorsso]duJor V sool]ol 00rql pl lrol lpeLu0loqM V
tEE! illD 11 op llJ'Dqwnz
nnby - pua4aam aUt p sassup
mau 3utK4 puo sap! a4lq ol
pn ruot 4oo7 1 :mq'stnoy Sunpoal
NI[)I.T,YUIdSJ,IC frit punoto anuaxa S"llstl r!"ol
aq uDc tl:DnfilDay puo ntddml
no( a4ow uoc ttuot no(pqm
to 4qo :a1ru g71gB allt ot4xus I
'nBuous Suwa? lnoqn x Kautnol
Ktu 'sso1lfram a'ql paulDtutDw
aq1 moy 'atarll Surddols tr,usom 1
sKop gg1ursnmollot
pun -
N 000'0LPau1o33oP$,Y
ffi ao^i
puD tsII ua a nvaq p a o K- o K ypra m
Ku'aatt-1t $au atll ntpm'o3o
stoaKmot somsry1'nuaw arlt lo
sl,.m ae)Dxa puv 's/.aa./ts 'aplfio\)
' pDatq - Dilaq pat t1asfrr a4ou
01 pa4ll IrartalD\a ap I '1{
Suwa? nt uouoraow IID tsol I
' puo! Kut,4l1 n dn 3ut4o a tq
puo nat n1npuo1?Sunppc
' a14uo Kut Suuruco4 raltv
'' 'saanltul au)ox s8u1r11 pog
sllnsal,1utzprup rfl?m - fi,q+paq
ol fr,aD aL! ruoq nauJ,no I J,aq paluaruncop
"llnlxul oc l,u,or{ hLpnal D '92 '6wy atqdoS
:1no 1,1n6 '(€6;xs.6t'g pue
/ lsalJole) s8l) luesstoJs raltnq
!Ie*,*ail e lol oE ilaih sP no^
le6ns 6tZ puPsouole, ^eu Og' IV
'ut$nu uerq arqu-q6H oql
s.rs aHooC dIIC
eteroc.,, '6ullunp aaJJ-llln6 roJ lf,tsJrad
r E'ar iua"rqu;u,
66.?$ ".1ffd;i re6ns 66 pue leJ palelntes
sa'a3 aWC torreC 65'['solrole] OEI Punole
o9.r3 ulgnaiue.r8 qllfr, l$q)slq puOurle ue qtlirl
oo.es ISoo"Igprro*; 6ul^erf, re6ns rno^ IJs[eS
^._ leru?.re,
ouar luessgoig esaaq3
oi;tr ry ureg
oo.ar lodrorlorJa
is.drraf I uag lo gnl s ,lsq
09'8S a*enses'Fs;:l:H:* se aues:aql.iJl 're6ns 6?'rs
.rnT e6ns 608 erua oi".r rlopnpu"suorraT.#? pue souol€f, O/, lelnq'sa^
ue pue'sauolef, ul ailanoeg rl 'r{$el 'oraN EJIe? }€ sddsr}
uoleq pue 664 ue 01 lenbo e111uea pue ltueqri^eJls aqf
'sAPs sllog ,.' eaLl le6ns s,lt lnq
fiqlleaq uraas 1od requt8
09 eolnf atuejo
^eu IT 'toor tua^'soloier tt Fnf s,lt
.roreltt pel$og
$lq €o.f, pocl
0a'l' rO !90ns 69:Zl P-ue
SZ;Z# arulooursl rf.,qtspop prsor
oit# ourocnddigpeo!
.tSVrIXYtrUg 66or
oarr Eo.f,
oe.is ou;oondAep
'elonb re6ns oi;ir ErIoolu
Alrep rno^ to %92 pue ereloooqS
eo or 16II
sauolef, ost s,leql pue uteor) aia.t* osseidqf
ppv:salqruru) tunqpel oueopraiiry
oMl se sar,lolel aues aql seq =-
alelolorll loq,sllnq..els
'sueoq looJ,.:01lE1 e 3!l
uPr.{l leJ ssal sueau orle,r
aoJJorAllu g:t sll 'alJqi,\ leu
e.lo,, '"qta8 lsluolllanu

33cco3 -t
^ulv ue s! taq frH.[ L
lsoq /no^ 'sauolef, 0Z IV,
sxl{Iuo .toH 't,.:,',,,;. ":', ,f.g'IJVg Yddld s(Iuo'\\
';.; 'i'qt ap non fl?,oU s.a*aH 'Xr.l6t"t .op,Lo a{Dc
tno;fr 6u?11a6 oxpuno,eo alpp.tu,tawc?pp n sca"LaqJ
doHS[Hddo3flH L \-
H-LIV]H S NfhoM gtoz lrdv )ln otr 6euql eeqsuauom
\DIOOd,{.yOOdS -tlrdYuso.r.oltd
HJIdTIIH9 _\ I.IVS souo,r\
1? u"ro al s? op ot paau no fi. yyn puo - oynut"r.o{ n q4
' a.m 6
Sn a{ta d a qt pun s s a tp uo c - fi.p o q n uo fr'ya.,r,
46USAOq U.toO,L ALI| U? ltol,uofil. AA?pU,nD $OUL aqX 6u9ag
r.Tnaddn xas
Jo a)ualrs aql
o ho's your sexiest
friend? Chances are
you're not thinking
of the most beautiful
one. Instead, her Serual
ability to charm her way into a MP area chemistry
and get chatted up on trains is down to
something less tangible; she just has a voay.
"That's charismal' says psychologist Owen
Fitzpatrick. "It's what sex appeal is all about -
the ability to draw people to youl' The biggest
myth about charisma? "That its an innate
quality. Actually, much of it can be learned.
Tweaks to your body language and verbal L--1re*
communication can transform the way
people respond to youl' Pay attention, class. . .

Moke qnentrance
At the risk of going all 'Tony Robbins' .f -%-
-.*,*,* ..r{. '.
on you - and we do love a fist pump - , \-

if youve never practised visualisation,

now's the time to start. A few minutes firll-on King Kong pick-up guru and author of
before you wa-lk into the bar/party/g1,rn The Game Neil Strauss has a slightly subtler
(all bona-fide places to pull in our book) version: "Drop one leg slightly, it creates
start to recall a triumphant moment, says a natural, relaxed curve that really appealsJ' -q#"
OlMa Fox Cabane, charisma advisor to
Fortune500 companies. "Lowconfidence Makeyour move
resulting from self-doubt is the biggest Tlpically, the more you like someone, the the old 'look, look away, Iook back' trick
charisma killer," she explains. But this closer you move towards them. But plapng - the perfect across-the-bar technique,
kind ofvisualisation will flood your body with the concept of personal space - not should you be at a distance. Combine that
with endorphins and in a bus-weirdo way - eye contact with a smile, and science-
you'Il unconsciously can pique his attention in says you're fue times more likely to be
exude the confidence the early stages. "Stand
of your past. When "TT{H Iittle bit inside his personal
a approached. Who knew?

you stand, take up PUSH-PULL spacej' Strauss says. (FYI, Make contact
inJ'i,#l'",,,'"'.i:: il, t i,, i nnig
who assume expansive
i il"il:".-HfftJp.ff
in question, equal to a
So you probably already know
need to introduce a little touch into the
$.namic. However, there's a way to do it

poses experience a bigfrxfr,{ NUr,g" couple of steps.) "When without feeling like youre border security
physiological shift," youre in his space, Iook patting him down - namely by matching
Fox Cabane says. "In at up him. That plants the your touch to what youre saying. "Open
one experiment, assertiveness and seed of excitement. But after a few moments, conversation by asking him a favour," says
energy-promoting hormones rose by saunter a little further away. Repeat so you're psychologist Jeremy Nicholson. "Doing
19%, while anxiety hormones fell by crossing in and out ofthis personal boundary. someone a courtesy is scientifi cally proven
25o/ol' Cabane suggests a gorilla stance The push-pull will drive him nuts," Strauss to make them like you more, because
- legs apart, chest pufled up. To avoid says. Its the body language equivalent of they're'invested' in you. Even something

76 woMEN's HEALTH I April 2015 |

wo mensh ea Lt h mag.co. u k
s.Nf sLoz ttrov )ln of, 6euqIIeaLlsuouom
LL I lrrv:H hoA I
'sorueql arnlnl lno^ lnoqe
peu..roluor Al.ro^o A t.lesso)auun @'i{rurr e sr lsar aq} ?o poo8 {1ea.r 1oa; uos:ad raqlo aql a>pru :aldrurs
6urlool llal oq a-rec ualel o8a rtarp qlr16 i(auotu pup xas ruo{ sr La>1
eq1,, 'ruaq] uo srcoc 4tl op o1 ,{e,u
lls uel noA'r,rou 1qOt.r r
uerp; qr 6utuueld lou or.noA uono l q8rq z no-{ aa€ }"q} seuo aures aq} are;las.inod tsaq oql .;I EunorslP l3r{l uollErrloJul uPq}
- ,^/\ol l)eq sou]ol ll Jl pue 'os.lnol Jo lnoqe 8uq1el dq pale.,ripe ur-Erq eql Jo seal" :oqler 'nodgo uorssardrur p4rul naql srur$roJ
'llnsa.r e solnpord lsol Ar0Al Mou rol eq] punoJ sreqrreesar l1sra.r.1ug p.r".LreH - leql aJuapma JoJ r{Jr"es eldoad sueaur
lsol aql op ol lou 'drLlsuo lelo.r e ut sellasiuaql tnoqe >lpt aldoad 1a1 ot s-{ed iI 11,,' aBpg ilJoursuD\) aW Jo :'optrLe.'1cr-r1edz1rg
lou e.],,4eq11r 'uoLUoM esr^pe uol]o ,,'Surleunuop oo1 Suraq lnorlr-^ gg:a.Lrod sdes ,,'lcaga olul satuoJ .splq uollerrrtguoJ,
sof uelsu-rnlrl leuos.rod noA .roptsuol sp ssorJp Suiuroc (errr rraql uoqpsreluoi) palpc Surqtauros €uqaaru rarye spuof,es ,l.raJ
sAeMlV o6e Jreql rol s.roqlo usql erp reals no,{ utaur rul PuP no,{ ruoq sa}?lp"r tsrS ariJ,, it"q.^ ../ oN '.r,re4s parrnbct--(1]uace:
so^rosor ]allaq o^eq uauroM alLlos dlsnorcsuorrm puno;8 uoruuroc Surpug tuo4 .rnod q8no;ql olr{our .rnod Surddrs ar,no1
'soue^o rno^ ur sallilloJ Jo loqLr.lnu 1aa; g.noL qlurret ari;,,
's,{es aq ..,iuraqt }noqe
ruaqllnoqD 4 atplAt
oql ol lr ole oro) uel qllqM 'ue)s a)in I op ]eri \, ptrB .rrreql eIII I urB,/{\oH, :PuIu
ur 'poila.{? ssaupre.^a{.4^V'fitsualur aql :
punoserlln ue ap s6uole ouop aq suoqsanb o.4 l asarp a.{EI{ 'uoIlEsJaAuoJ
osl? upl lsol srql lsod olll qOnorql oql 3urrnq,, 's.{es lcrrlzdzlrg ,.'uaq1 ssa.rdurr 3o dur lnoq1r.tr. JlEJuo3 soperJ 1I '.beurrlr8a1
op uel noA qllq/u. loll Allllrol .rno o13uil-r1 ueql raqler 'nod prmore ar,.(aqt uaq.ta, eIIIos seq rlf,nol eql Pu" areq.^aasle Pollallp
aq sazB8 .rno-{
q}oq 3src)ag 'rurc aq}
lo s seq oql s,ll le luolod Alrlrlr0l illr\ =
rno^ o]olo.roql pue so^resor 66e rno,{ uo q)nol lq8rr r ql+r s.u?4s ar{l Jo uollrerlp z
e..rnspaLu ouoLU.roq aq] ul tulq SurtuLod dq lr epr.r8dn '1aL:attag I
llM Llrrq^ '(HNV) t'
uer.rellnl -rlue.rol lsol ol slsol poolq .;eug sr .i-^ E aru ssed no.( ue3, 'a1q S
".rls ;
orp oraql so^ '0.rp LUor.ll lo oLUoS V €
d,lno un,i, lllril Alllluatr 3
JnaA uaqfiA lslpaJd ol
qGnoua alejn}se
slsaa ^llea,l
r{llllual aJV o
'unr 6uol otll ur ll qlroM
0q ll ll lnq'u-roLll qlrM leop ol
^ oI 'dlaq paou Aeui no^
os'Puorlolj.ro uollo sl osnel lool
oul sp llnlr.llrp orp sansst lq6 oM
'rnlro ol uo lelnAo pue u.lnlal ol
oll^l p dloq llrM'lllOtoMrapun o.le
no^ Jr lr.l6roN\ 0u ureo .ro 'ltl6taMro^o
a.rP.ro^ I rrr6,em Apoq,no^ Jo oboL
6u sol ell^l.rno^ Jo Alue n60l
aql pue olueleq leuouJ.]oq lrol]e
llrM lLl6roM,opun ro lqOroMro^o
6uroE so^ sr .roMsuP oldLU S oql V
ar{*!l!Ua} rtur 1ea3;e fl;ea,t
Ll6lar& I q3ntu eloq iJeS o
+lrurll lsoM plrz
or]l Jorol)orp oql
pue'lrodxa Alrlrlrol
pue xos :orll^
tsoM Plrz
:usdxa 3qI {.
uadxo rno Isv
,\. \.v
6/ Hltv:ts.N:hoM Etozllrdv In o3 6euql eei.lsueuoM

.ap"ur re^a
I 1"q1
uolslsaP tseq eql sE,^A ]I 'asodord
ot ErrnT ]s o] lno dzzl 1t\all I
da^el r$J a{ecp:{3,&a aA,r.od
Suiq? ?s*1zu:: eq+ s.],er{&l'S
'raqlo rlJea lueuralduor o1 elPrl
sa)uara:ElP rno 'esnoq erll PunoJ"
3upa11od sa^ol arls pue lnoqe pue
]no aq o] a{ll I }nq's.{e.la. aruos
ur rclrruls os arr [epcsg lelrenb
3urr1s cruorlcala Jo lsrurlorl aql
l.lraruro;] lzzlay-li. lu pue aW
'sde.tr qtoq $lro.^ lI 'dlpnpy
'' "ssrt3srff '33€.x$e s33xs0dd0 '?
;33a papoq t utql palecrtduor
aroru 3u1q/ue {oor },uer I lnq
'1.rr8 e pods o] elqe eq o] aIrI pu"
arPooJ Pur,I 'lurrn"lsar aJIu v
.rritrr !.n
cuel+ :r ssa.rdgrr
no,t p1nc,r,t.laoq """deXO "g
'ro;3uqoo1 ru,1 3u1qr
*. ,(1uo aqr sr allrus aurnua8 y
I i
c' 'lsaraluT ssol I ]uatllolu eql sr eul
"'=*. { -"r'
ssardrul o] ser4 arls lueruour etlJ
;no,{ ssardurg o}
()p ue{&o&! e p1no} }eq^&'z
v ,(r.,ue s11aru leqt 1p 'pr8
]qBIr aI{} pug nod uaq,rl 1ng
'de,r,r. 1eq1
sdrqsuollela; 1o 1o1 e
paurnr I - Surdno.tr dols o1
wqc awos qT|,ffl, sn sfil,lpun tp?,ls u,Lqlnq"t'
sL,q uaxop slnd' 6z'ppnl' n"L"t DH s,pa$ngcw
p1no a1, LtDu,t'n o n J,altn uW frquo at41
to a aotddn
ffi- 0(nfAHHYH

Forget female Vi,agra. Whi.le chemi,cal sti,mulati.on remai,ns

a di,stant prospect, the nation's juicepreneurs are brewi,ng uyt
blends to keep your libido i,n fine form. Open wide...

Try: Try:
Use: Use:




.:a: i
:.,. t={

Try: =-r*
' [yii,liiii'ii,
Use: .... llflia:ill;
tl i,Eiffi-la.i
Explain: i'

'.\: ;..:,
\:==,::.= ::

tr- -: =..:::':



80 | woveN's HEALTH I Aprit 2ots womenshealthmag.co.uk

!r-rv:H s,Nrho,l,l ] sLoz t;ov ln of, 6euqlleeqsuauoM
plnomsuNtllv 6ui^er) AJSrles ol
saqslp osaLueularn
]eolq eLll 6ulloaj ]noq]rM
lea uel no^ urerO orll
aorpool.radns e aq ol
alel Alleor tr soop leqM
NVI iYZZOI(Vfl I'lII{g sauo,rr
01 q.Lofi?.6a1 oLfi saop
,mo pu{
,Laq,iln auo euc D"Lcs ruo{ awld "Lnon
uo tnd no n 6ut l,pnhna aelnu, no n pruoC

But I could go one better.

I could mahe everything I eat.
Over the past few months,
I've lost count of the number
of people who've practically ,\i
purred when talking about their \* t-*
, q- \*

home-made almond milk. I've \(-.i

\--- L \
also been told, between gasps \_
of pure ecstasy, that you've
not tasted real peanut butter , t"';
until youve ground your own
nuts to a thick, unctuous L, +'
paste. And youre no one, it
appears, unless you're hot-
smoking something from your ffi\
stovetop. But unless youre
Gwyneth Paltrow or have your
own staff, who has the time?
t's 11.30pm on a The kicker: research shows
Tuesday and I'm itsworthitfor the sake of your
tending to my waistline as well as your bank
sprouter. The sly balance. The University of
is thick and dark outside, but Birmingham found time and
here inside mykitchen, mylittle energy spent cooking meals
plastic seed sprouter blooms reduces your calorie intake
with bright-green wheatgrass. by a massive 50%. Hence the
I add a bit of water and then sprouter. But is it possible to
head offto bed - so exhausted. make all the stuffyou'dusually
The reason? For the last three buy around a hectic nine-to-
weeks, I've been on a mission: eight? And is the cost - both
to make eYery single thing I eat nutritional and time - worth
from scratch. it? I cancelled my social life
First, a little background. for awhole month to find out.
I'm healthy: I buy organic
when I can; I avoid sugar most
of the time. But fitting my
tussle for health around long
hours at work means I often
Youtreno one
throw money at the problem. ruilessyou're
My fruit and vegetables come
bound in plastic. So does my hot-smoking
lunchtime protein fix. My something
desk drawer is crammed with
oatcakes and processed nut
butters; my fridge, stacked
with yoghurt pots.

84 | woMEN's HEALTH I Aprir 2015 |


sLoz tl,ov ln otr'6euqlleaqsueuoM
S8 ] nrrv=H s,Nf NoM I I
'sa^ i+ quo \
'1oqs red 73 ue\l unr 3uo1
aql ul red?aq) lno sFo16 '(ralnoJds
snld) spees roJ Sf :eBPurEp asrnd
'lsea oo11sou4y '1r acrn[ o1 sa]nunu 0I
'11 ,,rror8 ol sdep a ld :lsor erur.I
60plws : agrySwg
1gsqtng 1 67sqtn3
ATul,a9.td 1 6[uxaptd
slmgT I slDrgT
(6g) aatas
rad | (68) aaras Dd
'}?q+ rat+e speas 1ue1da.r o1 paau 1,nod rq 'rr ;o
tno o.^ t punor pB pue s&p 91 roqlouP }T-e A
'1I eldnoc e 1eB o1 ra]e.r,r.;o dnr
Jo ]no slorls Jo
e pue sse.r3;o lrypuetl ? paou [,no 'lo4uoo
;o 1no efis-r/uown[ not? lqepuelord p-a,r
1t p* - u.uo rno.( ,la,or8 ueo nod '(uroc
'srecrn[Xn'56LG) ralnordg dq1pa11 uexal
aq+ gll A 'tlsa4 relaq sJr lnq tap-^aod .roJ
oB uec nod 'aJnS 'euqnor Sunuour .(psoc e
aq uec loqs ecrn[ Sulpegno-Suuerc-.re8ns
'asuap-luelqnu sr-rp roJ loqs e z3 lno 8ulflar{s
lerpoq eql lnoqlv!\ slgouaq Puorl4nu
nod sa-tr8 ru1s plrerq Paualae.l sun
ue lng 's9- plre sg-e8aruo 'E uIurPlI^
arour su€aur tI 8ul{pw 'oN all qrro/I,1,
'spuorup Jo xoq t roJ gT :a8eurep as'rn6
(3up4eos srnoq g snld) surur q :lsor ar4,[
! *! -
6t jDlpS 69.0wlws ,=. I I
| t :
6Z tsqtDC
09 0uxaprd
: 6g'Zutao.td

-'( #t"-1- t
slD) rz i s1ncg2 I
luL00T.{0d L
\#, I
I ..;
i :,ll ,
'sarlsPu ou - )ilIu
puorup rlsarC iurooq pue uorueuuo dsl 1
i t
pue 3l"p
I qt! 11 papualq-al 's1nu;o 3gg7 ;o
^ 'aI€lspr I
lno .Ilrru. Jo lurd e 1oB I se,la. uo;de
ue Suupa,u toN 'paurp-rp se,u prnbrl aql ip
plun (aurlsalul u" a{ll qoo[ ]l :are.uaq)
qlolf,asaeqf, e q8no;ql alsed aql pazaenbs
uaql 1 'a1sed ua,rorq ? paulroJ lI Iqun spuoJas
.\\aJ ro, ;a1e,tr qutd zTrf tlT/ x.rureli1 ? ul
ruoql.{\arql uaql ptr" (pua1q or larsPa ur3t{l
Suraeur) lq8rura o spuoul1e Jo 3697 peleos 1
'uo pe;rndg 'poo8 1ou :sa.tt1e,uase;d pw
sJauales.^As PIlglUe ulPluof, .t\ou sprrPJq
arll Jo .ftIeru ]nq '{iFr puoulP a.to1 1 a1de1s
a8pr4 a1r-rno.tq dur Surleru uo pegqs 1oB
dlprg i 'lauralul aql uo ,qlo1f,3saarlf,, ?
alprol ot 3ur-{-r1 -rnoq ue 1eq Surpuads ragy
wlltu puoutlY
.,, Greekyoghurt
Yes, it looks like a nappy bin, but an electric
yoghuri maker (f,L9.99, lakeland.co.uk) is
way more fun. First, boii milk, Iet it cool, stir
in 2 tbsp live yoghurt then pour it into the
maker. Switch it on ovemight, refrigerate
in the morning and youre set for the week.
Once you get over the fact you need to buy
yoghurt to mahe yoghurt, its all good.

Per 7009
o Per 1009
60 cals b5 cots
Protein 3.49 Protein 79
Carbs 4.89 Carbs 2.89
Satfat 29 ScLtfat 0g

Time cost: 10 mins preparation; 8 hours
Purse damage: 90p. 900m1 milk makes
1litre yoghurt. Use it to start your next batch.
Worth it? Yes. It means you can dilute the
xanthan gum from shop-bought yoghurt,
which can counteract al1 the probiotics.

Smoked sqlmon
When I'm being good, salmon and eggs is my
go-to breakfast - those handy M&S packs of
hot-smoked salmon are basically the reason
I'il never get on the property ladder. But my
new smoker (€33, cameronssmoker.com)
made forking out a thlng of the past. lust
sprinkle lYz tbsp woodchips in the smoker
(f3, cameronssmoker.com), season the fish
with a squeeze of lemon and place on top
of the tray on a low flame. A satis$.ing curl
of smoke came from the bourbon-smoked
woodchips almost immediately. Twenty
minutes later, I had a perfectly smoked fillet.

o. I t0sp
101 kcal
Perserue I
Per serue
Protein 0.79 Protein 0.19

Protein 21.49 Butter Carbs 0.09
Fat 11.5 g
Carbs 0.09
Fcrt 11.59
Carbs0.Sg i
Carbs 0.39
I cannot stress enough the importance of Sat fat 7.3 s I Satfat 7.3s
So,tfdt 3.39 Sat fat 29
i using room temperature double cream (not
Fafffactor:1/10 single) and making sure the top of the butter Faff factor: 2110 if you put the lid on
Time cost:20 mins maker (€14.99, chefn.com) is screwed on properlybeforeyou shake (10/10 if not).
Purse damage: d10 (plus smoker, f,33) properly before you try this one. A ruined Time cost: Three mins, plus six to eight
Worth it? Yes. Doing ityourself means youll
top, a stained wall and four attempts later, hours in the fridge.
save half the salt. Store-bought hot-smoked
I did end up with something that looked Purse darnage: €1.20 (plus butter maker).
packs can lose up to 50% of their folate, like butter. It's pretty easy. Shake the cream Worth it? Depends on what spreads you
and vitamins 86 and B12, through cooking, with some buttermilk and 1 tsp honey to use. Spreads made from homogenised
cooling and packaging. PIus, your home will bump up your immune system, then drain (standardised) milk contribute to heart
through the strainer. Add a bit of water, disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. If
smell like youve had a Norwegian huntsman
living in it for the past year shake and drain again andyou'll endupwith you usually go for grass-fed butter made from
- in a good way.
something that looks like buttet smells like buttermilk, the difference isntgreat. Usually
butter and by God, tastes like butter. Expect opt for something spreadable? Then it is.
to make enough to fill a ramekin that will
last about two weeks. Pimp it with herbs,
red peppercorns or garlic and everyone will
be suitably impressed.

86 | wovEN's HEALTH I Aprit 2ors wo m e n s h ea lth m a g. co. u k

sLozrLrov ln otr 6euql eaqsueuoM
Lg HrrvrH s,Nf r oM ]
'snL-uu.lnLl puoLU e Alspl p cr, L.ro,u 'Ouru.roLU
lxat lxou or.ll
Jo loq auo llosrnoA loo aql -ro, ,{p"ia.r 'a5pr.rl Ploup-rO sp osn pue lrn.rl
o^,no^ pup 6uluoseas pue orll ui l.l5rL-ra^o lso,lap p0.rp pue spa0s or.1.ros ur
Ials-lpd 'urqel' o oA lo 'po-r nlloJ uoLlA\,o]sp,\\ ol 6u ls 'dn olqurnrl '^pMIue
ouros ql M dn dlnd oql oO l,uo,,\,\ lr IP/,{ lPrll - slprl af pq lsnl'Ip.rl 6urlpq aql
zzrqM uel no^ lnq')lsop acnl al u azoa.rl pue
I ol olollM I alsu ua^o
rno^ le spuoLule podlnd lr ol nl 'ssalxo oql J,}o ro - uo^o oql ur raqlo6ol
a Jleus l,uel no^'^PlO 0 u lsnf .p ,\\ u^/\ore p oq ro pu q l,uop Aoql l
6 Le.r1 3ur4eq e 1e Suuea.nrs '.-h
pu" seI€rl€o ur para^oJ '8ur-{rc dn pue
]po.u no,t snld 'sqrp) pu?
lq .ro^aol a^Erl HST
laqt - oB e (1n'oc'1oa-npssaupoo8 '6EIj) E=
sa)prlpo s.uosretpd a^rD'sdes uosspy'spo slreJ pooJ apetx-al,rloq rno^ Jo tsor.u or.l] oIeN
palruaSorp.(q ,(lprped rol Sur8tlced aql
uo stsrl tuelpa-r8ur aql Surlcaqc Lq saleclro SOS AI(
aperu-dpear Surdnq ;o lcedurr Ieuorlrrlnu
erl] esrurruru UPJ no 'oN ell quo \
'raq8rq aq p,tt -,!rues :nol.
ol lsof, or{t'q8noqrlv'g1y :e8eurep asrn6
suru 0I lnorl I :lsoJ aurrtr
69'L jot lDS 69 jD! tDS
6f TZ sqtnC 6t'02 sqtDC
6UuLarctd 6Z Suxarctd
st D.) Qcr slDc 6ZT
aaDc T aan) L
;1,1,:,,1:.:.;,.::;;1-;:;.,::;1.,.; ltl _::lt..:
'pooq+q8ru4 e elresep
surreN 'ure8e ryo,Lr-1sod ssacord aql uo
Irequa ueql pueq r;a1 Lur a.tr8 -rauoos
p,I ]nq 'rq8rrp pa1se1 Leql 'arng derl
eql o1 .{ez't s1r uo lrede 3u11ey rl }noq}u( t)
sJsrp ruf,g olur arnJxrru aql 3ur11n) Jo
alreqop aql oroJoq 'ecue11rd s,euoLur
lsel ol q8noue sr dals lxeu aq1 o] ]aB
uolo ueo nod aro;aq ua^o aqtr ur ruaql
ls?o] o] 3urae11 'luoruoluoJ eraq-r,rr{ue
esaql aT?ru ol paou nol. sleo a8prrrod
parul?o pue pellor 'praqurd snorre.\
aq] pug o1 e133nr1s p1no.u sraSSnq 6uLtprus
-drueq ;o pa]")rpap lsoru aql ua^!l nlnontpnLlJ
sawDcTDo I
llDS aw
b^JIS\'t[ OJ XJ\.fl
68 !rrvrH s,NrhoM I sLoz Irov In oc 6PUq] eaqsuauoM
@ -zir'llads *6r'Zf, llods -gt'zr 'Elsed
:. :*. laurrno9 luEqfraN 't:-t=.=::,::::4=,6.-E. poleqouols osorl!e A llodS urerEaloql
' t
_; +ar
'Isop ino^ le speles ol "': :i:1::' !- ; 111t';; ;* 'lolreLurodns oLll ur ]r
ffi euolE 'elsed 660 ro
6urppP roJ leopr ore lo6 ua^o ro - IlrsPo leoq/\A ueLll Jallnj no^
f,= := i 'aisel
llods poloos-ord pPerq llods uMo dool llrM srLll
Jo sdr]JilUu
soqrnod npUCH t
.;r7.d....., ru/\ dlcg
r.rno^ aleq ucJ
uel no^
ilu e qlr^
^pueH ^ilnu ^llrlbrls
reil ffi
'ua^o aql ur sunq Jnod la3 ol aulrl
'palseoi]o urer\ 'Purotr qr?J P ruo{ 3url33r nod
aAJAS pue roleM pole6ns a.\"31 l,uo.^ rlJrq,^a l?arl 3ur1eq
qlrM ure6e LlsnrB uoploo relsPu u? s,araq '.drilPaq ool rq
lrlun salnurur 1L-9[ rol spunos ile l€LIl JI 'Surssa.rp rurqrl
ua^o oq] ur sunq oq] aIeS
'sassorl aql uo llrls pue qll^^ salq€}a8a^ Pols?or rllT^a p?I?s
dol alll lo^o JaleM poreons ? ur paxru snorJrlap oslP s,ll 'rlsrP
or.lros lnd 'uosu aluo aprs &]nu InJropuo,\\ ro] a)rl
" (.1O
'odrd lo so6esnes 6uol olur Jo ar?ld ur urcr8 sP lr {oo)
" qll^a
'rallnq lnu ro snururnll Polld
q6nop oql llod llrrlr puoLule
pue JnolJ aql Jatllo6ol sra{r"lr }lods sr otr-o3 dw 'uo IJ"us
'sassorl aql aleur 01 ol lear8 osp aft s]rnpord llads
'1"081 o] ue^o leoqerd
'(lq8r.rl sunq esaq] pue - sauors
<P"arq a{n sSurrll ro] l.lruelll]rQ
'solnuru..l of rol a^ord Aer]
pourl e uo areld sljeq B olur $lro.^ ,lr 'a"lnlxoJ Ierluelsqns
JnJ salnuruJ 1 roj rlonop erour e saar8 1r asn?Jofl 'll q+lal
llrl JnoLl L el€q uPr nod 'rnoTJ
paau) uaslr seLl lr aIII Puv
roJ aleld Lu.re,M e ur o^ord 'ueddeq l,usaop lI isa]"rpl.qoqr?r
'L{6nop e saLr"roloq olTq,^a pauuar r{tj^ 3p"ur s8urq1 1p
lr lrlun slolrjde oql ur plol tuo4 le8 nol. drp tuenbasqns pu"
rnolj oql olur xrL! AlMols a{rds r"3ns }Pqt oS '3ur11g a;our
pue loLllaool xlrLr.r puoule
lr sa{"u osp 1r 'uorlsaSrp:nol.
pue lro lnuo)ol'66a oql
uo rors?a sal?ru Lluo 1ou srql
)sI"lM Alaleredos lMoq e u{ 'rnol] lPaq.^a ueql uralord pu? arqg
urourepje) puP lles'olrds
'lsea^ le6ns lnolj orl] xrN ur rorpir sl tl tnq 'aar; ua1n13 1,ust
1l '}eaq.^^ ]Plurou ol rPIIurs sals?J
puoule 692 InoU Uods 609
pue s{ool l1ed5 'puarr; lsaq.^^au
.sossor, 66s L llo lnuoro, rnod ot ollar{ L"s <pa}"olq
692 nod a^Pel l"aq.^ pu" rnol]
lllru puoule lu09L
poqsnrl'spod ruouepret 9
tnq 'spoo8 pa{Pq }srsar
slue/rnr609 peddoLlr'slorlJde l,u?f, pu? qlool ]ee.^ s
a,t,noL'eur aTI J
601 lles ue^eleulH dst E'L
allds paxlu dsl Z lsps^ I)!nb
dsl I re6ns uled lnuoro)
cscl E Z rnolJ llsds 600t
sunq ssoJJ loq llads
"' 6utua xsg1 al,.a 01' fio tlo
' aLIl snu?Lt.L Dzz?d puo pnar,q
w o.' poaliq I I ea q Il ]s a u o q uV
'aLugu aLues oul
'atlo c sunatu 4nLl4 u?Dl 6 lua?cuo
oql lo ropunol pue^uPduol
[fisauoH'so ros )1ooq)1oo]
olDnoApJ s,LUeqIl0g euollrA
lo roqlnP-ol eql osle s,oqs
'6ur>jool ourle>lle
io uaonk)
aql Sg "
.1;i,l ,",i.:i::r :l.ii,,.,,la,

llo].rol ellsele\ r,::.i 11,r,


WtrTIYAMtrStr o

BOWL^S Serves2

l00E rice
3l4calsl0lgsatfat 699sugar 20mns
noodles 2009 mixed salad I lsp oil
garlic lCOm
l00q beeffillet, s ced I lsp choppeC

Vibrant, fresh andfull of fi,auollr, modernVietnamese stock 50q bean sprouts 2 ibsp nuoc cham (n x I lsp
rice wine vinegar 2 ibsp fish sauce. 3 lsc sugar, 6Cm
o n e -b o wl w o n der s mak e h e altha e at i,n g a b r e e z e.
water ther bc Coo a.lC I rsp choppeat garlic errc I lsp lime
Bobby Chi,nn, chef at House of Ho, reueals how... iuice) Eogcoriander 2chilli€s hafcfu peanuts

rvonos ANIYGRlllll Bcr the nood es, ihen chuck on iop of the salad.
na pan heat the ol then add the beef and gar c,
stirnng t cooked. Add stock, scrap ng the pan

Key to success: expect more from your bowl

to make a brorr,rn sauce St r n bean sprouts, add

boostlng powe nn
blastins Ant - nf ammatorv ldine
nuoc cham Spoon the beef, sprouts and lu ces lnto
bowls. Garnsh r,vihch I esand peanuts. Donel
I lmmune I Fat
I I Musc e bu
Pa n eas ng

Gar c + corlander = de-bloat dream team.

6 7


Serves 2 | B0 ca s I O.2g sat fat | 12.7g sugar 25 mlns Serves2 80cas 0gsatfat 8.459srgar 10mns Ser"ves2 3B0cas TBgsalfat' 6.459sugar | 35 mlns

1O0g who e squid, c eaned 59 ginger, shredded cks 300q white radish,
I carrot, s iced nto matchsi 225m1 vegetable oil 400q firm tofu, cubed 3
59 onion, s ced nto r ngs 59 celery, shredded lh nly s ced salt I tsp sugar Chinese
L, tsp ripe tomatoes, chopped % tsp cane sugar % tsp
chilli marinade (mix 2 tbsp lime iuice, 2 tbsp fish sauce, cabbage, th n y s ced 3 spring onion chilli powder salt 2% tbsp fish sauce 4 tbsp th n y sliced spring
)', tbsp sugar and 2 bird's-eye chillies, sl ced at an angle) 2 tsp rice vinegar coriander, to garn sh onions 3 tbs shredded coriander
200q mixed salad I tbsp basil leaves
P ace each of the s ced vegetab es rn separate Fry the tofu in a frying pan unt cr sil Then draln
Cut tne squ d onen engthways, then score,,v th bor,; s. Add sa t and sugar to each bow and Iet s t on k tchen oaper Pour out most of the or from
c. ss cross c,r:. \ext, b anch n bo ing water for for 5 mins. Press the ,,r,,ater out of the carrots and the pan. Return to heat. Add tornatoes, sugar, sa t
30 seconds tre: sllock l- ln an ce baih Dra n, pat rad sn then add the cabbage and spnng on on. and sauce Saute t
the tomatoes break dorrrn.
clry and season. Add g nqer, on on, ce ery and Add the ch
po',vder and r ce vinegar, and toss. Pour n l75m water and s mmer Add tofu and
marinade. Let t s t ior 15 m ns. Arrange the salad n Lei t s t for 2 hours Tn.^n garn sh... and rrol a s [nmer uncovered unt I qu d has evaporated.
a bowl, top with squ d Garn sh r,vith basil. App aud. Wh:re radlsh gives you a good potassium Add on ons to \ilr t. Serve w th r ce and cor ander
One squid port on s 90% ol your copper boost; vita for reduc ng b ood pressure and F sh sauce s ful of the ant orldant
RDA, which he ps you absorb iron. Leqend. he p ng musc cs recover post workout. Eat up g utamic ac d. wh ch combats fat storage Yesl

90 | wovrN's HEALTH I aprir zor5 |

womenshea thmag co.uk
T6 j rrrv:H s,NlNoM stoz irdv I
ln of, 6euqlleaqsueuoM
aos ou aLUtl buo u )lrq'o 0rl L..lo .spuotas
- 5u )lleus no,{ dols ol u alo]d lo VCE _rno^ lo
ll4! pool z nlr qnd a-rd e,ro1 lea]e uotllunl uo 6ul d uaq,\\ ua^a LU s no^ dool scl aq %1t spq OLUeuepa lo aA.]os ouo /^ ouf no^ plp lng
ure]q lsooq leLll sprre sVdl pup sVHC qliq/y\ 0.rq I lo lnl polrpd sr aOpqqpl saop sou nll poo6 aql lnoqp I e,uou| no^
u qlL o.te s assnLU^llpl
'letu pjq A p ul-_t0t.llou] oql ssa_rdult ol paolue.rpnt Jt dol uo olnps 6uru prl]a.t lnod pup poulnll L-llrM
(q-roLl asouedef pu I ol-^sea ue) os us ^aHpue uo uo I por s,leql'dol r{ qOro_roql ssol pup 0u sse]p dn olp d (oz s uo lru puodap) su ru g.ro]]a^ol
6u.rds L-llr,\\ qs u..tet o lol eqs pup alnps lies aql ppv s]aqlo oql ql r{ Moq 6u x LU oorp p ul pup'lod al.ll u uoLU ps aql ale d leaLl oql raMo l
ql /!{ uospos a,\/\ x LU pup poolsos aul pfiv ^osoo.rnd
lsaLUqprlOql alp d uaql I o,!\ xiLU pup Moq p u .ra0urO pus or-l.tprel 'su..tol.racldod ppp uoql lod
e olu urnl tsoLu p su sJ6 aql l lun rnou l,]ol )Jool ,0urxiLU
JU LU pue lo_r.tsl 'aOpqqpl oql orpld ls.ll I u o Jeol surLu qlrol lool pup.ro^ol ,Mo ol
'^iluplsuol 6ul.| ra[]r-!
ls s uorlt loq o1 6ur']q etr.r pup l/,{oq e o1u 6u q1,{;a,ro 6urdd I se oldLU S sV le0q alnpa.r uoql I oq aql ol 6u..tE usdalnss p ol
pps lod E,ul talpm
otll rnd asnornlua,rpe 6ut eel polu ru 'rtue6 6Z patu ut'!ll!q, pa,l 6E rateM ralsM dnt;,iL pup I ps'ou_rpLUppo pue pournb ppV
ostr{s 6Zl uoluo 6uuds 6ZL llo lolleqs 606 ar!n[ sufll 6Ot lotusre, 6Oq .6ulssa]O . lEoru ornps qstt dsqt t slallll uoules oOqL x a pelrls ta6u!6
dst Z ornes dsql Z llps dsl Z pooJeas qeD poloor 609l lultu peddoql dsql L tnl qoLr)l afnps lolueJef, dsq] Z suJor/oddad o'sl L llo
paxru aurl'loJre) po) ^lau.l
ijofz otu^osuolorq 6002 ,olp/\ sorl t 6OE s Alu ql,a6pqqel sllq,u 609 dsqt Z lles cist r,, aupuepa 6OE poulnb 6O1L
+jnoq | ]p6ns 6E o lpt tps oz'L I slpr z sa^.ras surur .rp6ns sler
7ot 0l 6tL lpl les 60 6Ll Z so^ras su LU 9Z l;e6ns 079 lpl lps 59 | slpl OOE Z sa^ras
' a.:
'a qnop e s.rno 0)lph 'aseas p
l.reoq .ro a)jo]ls p lo 63-rno,{ ol d rl p upr.li rolloq qs p s r.ll 'pu0spo6,{lq1uout p s,l uo]o]dnqi se qtnul
)lsu..rnoI 6u lnpa] 'iojalsoloql 6u.ral,\o ol sa[ro] saleul ql q/\/\ 'sopeds u v u uel A ort lsooq sp u pd pot.rod olnpo.r ol sdloLl .ta6uil
] uoqM lreqr pool aql sdol ssp]OuoLUal aunLUulr uteluol suoluo 6u ldS sMaqspl pue .rapue rol qlt/,\ qs urpg 6u ssa]p
al r ql M a^.ros II LU lnuolol u r ls su LU g )lool rapup.rot r.llrM Allo_rd lr alpN suoruo pup uaNl qr ra^o 0lzz.rp 'lMoq oql ol su^{erd oql ralsup]l utLU L
pue uoll qr ppv'su LU 0z lool'slo].tel pup ralp/^ aql 6u ppe a]olaq al qsrorsoljoM pup auiM ot.ll ul .rol suo uo ppv o dsql L ql / )jo^\ p ur su/,/,p.rd
arl ppv a^ou.ro] uoql pauMo.rq rlun ua)ll qr oql rur,t\s sa poou 0rll l0l (su ru 1 punorp lE) lool rls pej ql M r,,roq e u ate d sa poou Iool
alnpS' lqr pue,{|nl'alspd ut r ls,leoq utn porll allll e 06 uoql
lun ued lr ls uou e ur r ls^dsur olnes qs J pue raOu O qllM su,\re.rd ssol ,A/\oq p u
uo lod p ul o dsql t lnd alspd p ol jo6u 6 pup ro pue 0lnps^aql ql M so poou orll uossas urp_tp
]p6 'suo uo 'ssp_tOuoua 6urao.rnd Io ljpls uoql p or u asu^os
_r !alp/,A
s/haqse) nlpueq Japueuol 609 (af,nps
loq ul sa poou oql qrup B
qsu dsqr z,t 'altnl aull dsq]
| t '/e6au!^ olu .jsql | ,p6ns
Illr.u lnuo)o, luEzl palip'slorref, z paqnl ,sq6tql ,apupUol 609 suotuo 6uuds t uoltlr{l lnuorol dsql sa!ll!r{, per paddoqr dsl x u) 6ulssaJp
t Z
uslfrtlf, Z rapflod tlltq, dsl L ,api od itiln, clsql t palool poppo,ltls bOEZ ofnes allqsralsof,loM lnuolo, pal ls'suoluo 6uuds 6Oq palr s,{lL rll
llo psas sdp/6 dsqt E ro6ut6 dsqt I pa.jdoLp 0sql Z au!fl asau!q) dsql t lJo alqela6a^ qslpel tj09 solpoou orrr 6001 a)nes qsll dsqt I
)llle6dsql- pal s
uotuoi/ $llplssserEuoruolg ornps dsql solpoou 66a 5oot
t paddoqr ta6ut6 dsql L po oad sur eld 600Z
s- * .: ..?.-: ac ? ,?l lps 66 g I s el EZZ Z sa^ras 61 su u 0z i ]e6ns 611 lpl les 69 s
su ru EL .rsbns 61'Z lel lps 1 slpr rt, Z sa^ros o st zLZ a so^.ras
::+ '.
gTCOOt[ Uno,{. ESn
h I
ln of, 6euqlleaL{suauoM
,:!ffi{tir*ri#!F< F



opping our list of

burgeoning Instagram
obsessions comes
a surprise contender
''W - a stream of headless
selfi es, generally taken against the prosaic
backdrop of someone's unmade bed. But
what they lack in artistic direction they
make up for in get-your-ass-off-the-sofa
motivation. They're the before and after
shots of the real people whose bodies
have been transformed by The Body
Coach (6thebodycoach), aka trainer
]oe Wicks-. His online fat-loss plan and
#Leanin15 recipes (healthy meals that
can be prepared in just 15 minutes) have
become internet sensations. And those
incredible shrinking bodies clearly
unaided by filters or Photoshop - are
proof enough for us that if you want to :i"

get in shape fast, Wicks is your man.

So we set him a challenge: get us fair-
weather ready in just two weeks... ;{



. Over the next 14 days, you'l do nine . You' need a set of dumbbe s (use a tveight
,.o o- .tihLh'ee-o' 616,t that erhausts your muscles after the set),
. Do a f ve-mrnute warm-up before each a coup e of chairs and your game face.
workout, spec fic to the moves you're about . Push yourse f to the I mltl lt's meant
tc do (So rf li's high knees, log on the spot; to b,e exhaustlng. "Th s ra ses your
for lunge lumps, s ow unges.) metabo ism and torches fat," Wicks says.

Upper- Cardio Lower Rest Cardro ReSt

Body Shred Body Day Shred Day
Shred Sh red

Cardio pper-
U Cardro Lower Rest Fu ll- Body Fu Body
Shred Body Shred Body Day Shred Sh red
Shred Shred

94 I woMEN's HEALTH I April 2ol5 |

Y=r s,N3hoA\ gtoz ilrdv >1n'or'6PuqlleaqsuauoM
a, :a .ra3) lsaql.rnoA olul lqOll soaul o
--: , ai )lnl r e oql u dn ouidunt Aq
rs u )jreq loaJ.rno^ doq uol]l'dn
I ....,' :
--s^. p oc lreld e olur lreq duinf (q) I
+s"; \
''lxau sauor lpqM Mou)l no^ no^ -\ 4
.-,-4 d
,c .luorl u rooll oql uo spusq rno^ qllM :"m"-,./
lpnbs uaql 'puels p.roM ,q, 0ql'qv (e)
ilnl :SIIDUVI u,- tr
spuo)as 0z JoJ :oo
'sl]oM lnq 'praM slool idn soou)l osolll log sqOrql-rno,4 1o a
'llrls 6u puels olrqM lnq lur.rds e ool oqr soels puey J^o^ os yOnouJ
6uuoMod qOnoql se'uel no^ sP qOrq 60l rno^ llrl our l qlef uel 7
lsel se sprpM)lleq pue sprPN\rol no^ se lsej se lods oql uo unE (q)
sLure]no^ dLund MoN (q) rooll oql 6ur:e1 suled 'sop s rno^ =
's3prs rnol Iq sol6ue lq6 r le olur palrnl s^ oql0'006 le luaq
luoq su..re '6urpuels Aels (e) sLurernol ql M 'lqOrerls puels (e)
lsoq)'sJoplnoqs'suuv :slf guvl sroxolJ dlq's6o1 :SII9UVI
0z spuoros roJ roo spuoros 0z roJ:oo
SINIUdS ]^IHV ,7 sdn-33Nx HCIH 'g 3
icroqurouroE loor..llsle rals?l lnq'ureOe lr op oN saprs
,unj, poller oq ol pesn slLlf 6uroo ^
de^ s uoql'u.rnlaE roplnoqs llol
dool pue lno lreq doH 'oorldeal spre,^r\ol lool lLl6u rnol 6ur.r8 (q)
ol lnoqe or,noA e1t1 Iool no[ pue 'aurl lqOrerls e ur Ipoq ..rnoA
spusq rnol oprslno lsnl puel Aoq] ql M'uoLlrsod dn-qsnd u log (P)
os preMroJ leeJ rno^ doH (q)
'oseold sroplnoqs ueql roprM lsnt spenb 'sder!rl 'sqv :SIggdVI
spueH ipoog adn-qsnd e u )1reE (e) spuoras 0z rol :oo
t Ipoq Ilnl:SIggUVI SU!I8NI'I3
: spuoros 0z roJ :oo
931 90HJ 'Z CaISI/v\l't
S-rLU,l 3e]ll+ + nl, I ALll +Sa0e! lL-1.] OL.l + C+ Uar a/\Cr|l
uorl l spJolos o, -ro1 lssr 'slluoles (.1( ti-), e,^,aul !l8O CC
{s. .d*:::;

For 30 seconds busl as mary reps as poss b e r,'r lh good lcrm, lhen
resl lor 30 seconds Repeal rhr-oe I mes Then poss bly co apse


DO: For 30 seconds DO: For 30 seconds
TARGETS: Triceps, shoulders, back TARGETS: Arms, shoulders, chest, abs, back

(a) Sit on a chair, gripping the edge. Don't (a) Get lnto plank Your hands shou d be
get too comfy. Extend your egs in fronl and under, but just w der than, your shoulders.
rest your feet on another chair. Scoot your (b) With your body straight, slowly ower
bum off lhe edge of the first so your weight ha fway to the ground. Pause for 5 seconds.
rssupported on your hands and feet. Lower down till your chest near y touches the
(b) Lower tlll your arms form right angles, then floo; pause for another 5, then push back up
push up and repeat. Bye-bye, bingo wings. to the top. That's gonna hurt tomorrow.



I t\k*db- :'

DO: For 30 seconds DOr For 30 seconds DO: For 30 seconds

TARGETS: Biceps TARGETS: Back, arms TARGETS: Back, triceps
(a) Okay, arms rn front with a (a) Stand wlth feet shoulder (a) S t on a chair, legs firm y
dumbbell in each hand, palms wldlh apart, a dumbbell ln p anted on the f oor, ho drng
facing the ceiling. Bend your each hand. Bend vour knees a dumbbe I n each hand.
wrists back so your biceps sLightly and lean forward. Choose a weight you know
have to do a the work. Got it? (b) Keeping your back w Ll make you break a sweat.
(b) Keep upper arms sti l, exhale stra ght, lower the we ghts (b) Raise your arms lo
as you curl the weights into towards the ground, then shoulder herghi, formrng right
your body. Inhale as you return. pull back up squeez ng your ang es, palms facing forward.
Hammer through those repS. shoulder blades together. -o,re'bact do,r' and rep."..

96 woMEN's HEALTH Apri 2ors wo m e ns h ea lt h m a g. co. u k

L6 tllv:t s.NlNo^^ gtoz lrclv )n of, 6euulleeqsueuoa
rltrt.poa. p--- -o oo--:, "-po /n ae-- P,-\LJIO
.r pE,aq -a p palusleq p lnoqlrM usdoeq l.uoM p0rueleq v
sutENt't) sdllnr stSdunS I sdn-Hsnd sllN)
NIVINNON IVNOS dhlnrvf,nl olllvH H9IH
@w @ ry @
.lsa.l sc,.rol3s rli L-r-1.11
c=lFls c-'1r s3-Ll I e-fl!l }pad3 a-o
# :#i;i;*,,:+ -
G=U HS .,. ...': .'1 t.
AGOE.]I NI . ...,:::.,
::!5-irr.fi*ri.:= :
th: .I
a-i,,. #
iog dn ole.r l.reoLl .rno^ d00l ureop ls l l lenbS AeM.raqlo
ol sdor oLll q6norql ]oMod aql 6u rel puel 6u lsrMl
'lqo e-rls )rpq pue.roo J 0ql uo 'dLUnlpup o.ror.rno^ obpouf (q)
slooq 6u daa)l 'Mo tenbs (q) lll6rerls lleq pup poll
l(J rr , -o' 01- S oQOUIO lsoul .rno^ 6urdeol 'sp-re,n1req a':
rnoA pLoH lno pou.rnl A lq6r s LUnq rno^ 6u puos'lenbs
saol'lredp qlprM-d Ll upql l.rsde qlprM-rop!noqs lo0l
.raprl lool .rno^ ql ,\r\ pupls (e) 'oluo.rd ourpusls ol )lreE (e)
sdrq'solnl6's6al :SIf 9UVI solnl6 rspeno:sllgdvl
spuofas 0t JoJ :o0 spuoras 0g,rol :oc
s&vm$s $*sris sdh{mr rYm&S
331-HC!lrtrt'S s${!NNlds '7
lr 6u llels lnoqlrm ' upl noA se iOuorls 6u oO LUnluotuou leql jleL.ll lool ouJrl Lunq rno^
dao) lool ]JO rno^ oluo doq ^.ro^o pue uMop
lsel ouunJ p u lleq pue no^
os sool 6u leu]ollp 'dn dLUnf (q) 'luoLua^our oArsoldxo up ul (q) lleq roMo-l ourl lq6rerls e ul
roo I aql 6u qlnol lsoLulp ilue0all 'ljo oqt ol sLUre rno^ qlrM rooll oql llo
s,lr os uA op ooul lq6r-r rno^ rno^ 6urOu MS olrqN\'ll pulqoq ^poqpue sd q rno^ osrpE (q)
do.rp uoql 'o Oue lq6r.r e sLUroJ 60 IJO rno^ 6uLdooMS'lool lqOrr
's Alod rno^ uo lq6roM e
6a rno^ os p]eA .rol lool llol rnol uo doq 'l.rede qlprM-drr.l lsaE rooll oLll uo lell loal pup
.rnoI oOun '6urpuPls LUorj (e) lao] ql M :ouo p sr s ql (e) luaq sooul 'Ileq rno^ uo erl (e)
salnl6 rs6o'l :sI39uvl s6uulsueq'speng :g1g9gy1 s6uUlsueq'se1n19 :51396yt
spuoJas 0g Jol :oo spuo)os 0t Jol :oo spuoros og rol :oo
sdNnr 3sNml gHg&vx$ 33r sf9ctug rrn'rc
ACISSdS'g TYHS&YT'Z cfrH9tS/n'r
-,6 I
no^ slrpMe urnq Mou ,lno sorl-r I oejql lol oloqM eql lesdo]
u3q:l puv spuolos of rol lso-r uoql 'spuofos ot]ol os l,.rexe Llreo oc

wo r.4 E N's wo me ns hea {th ma9.co. u k

s,Nf sLoz tl:ov )jn of, 6euLllleaqsuauom
66 | rrrvrr hoM I
NOSIllllYil N\',1
soU{ lt \I'l il l'l ll 1' ll,)
"'asuald llo"L run"10
'dn-6unq fr,poq frun tnqLuoc ot suDa[ $aq aql
pu?{ ol taat g q6tq aLlt palmDr,l aA'qcln(n "{no uo loN
'6uo.tm fiyqt"r.toq ob unc 'saydn1s aqotptnm {o $al$nrl
aql 'u,L?uap uana 1nq1loo"td - t4somauo$ 6uttlclnru ut
fr,aup"Lg puD ux$nf 'uosryr,nlC frrua"ta7 'paLlcl?lylng

100 | woveN's HEALTH I Aprit 2or5 wo m ens hea lth mag.co. u k

DpI nuuoQ 'o9TE 'anIg an&tr '6 . ul,oc'taxr,od-n-zau lD so.zpnls aurv'09I8'u!d'8
uxdsllos'96Tg!'zU.DnO'2. a6md'g?ZE'o6np.raA'9. hcuadsSsxlrnw'989'dtlTA?dPoS'9
s,I.aa.I'983i'Iaoaa'u.\ItDuru.d'8T3i'uoof ftuu?tls,adoqs'e, 196T'10'Tg'9erc'aouatoTI'd
flU fl H ^T,T
JSflg VflII,LO flII,L JflEW ,MOI{^T

BtrLLItrS #&I

The designers over at Asos
take bellies very seriously. Which
is how they've come up with
I ^ese stdld'oLlL Hpl o \ I
w^y lney tn or l^. a S. vsc aOC

high waistband pa red with

simple, clean pockel cletails,
all washed down wtth a pa r of
stomach-averting ripped knee
gaps equals the most pain free
flat-belly plan we know

Shirt, f 29 5, Jo tt a t h o n S i mkh o i
Brogues, f79, KGKurt Geiger


LOz I wovEN's HEALTH I April 2015 |

wo me n s hea lt h m a g.co. u k
€0r HttvlH S,Nll^oM S|OZllrclv
a lp nN' I L L tr' u?l fruu?3t s' 6 . p ub t g f ' oT z J:' fr.uulqs ra dn s o d I' I
doUSdoJ'ggtr'?uof ',1,. asnoLp.LDtyI'8?g'?{&adns'9. pu?!4UDINUV'tolZ'061tr'u?tlspuooosuo?sltlfiutlls'9
suDarsauDI,'0023'ratunH'?. psaxo'Tzn:'aazulqs'8. nDlItDls-{)'06J:'fiuu?qsq6wlinotuoc'd
{flH^LO flH,L JflflW d,LSY,{ ATTflfl ,LYT,{ Y ,LA{YILI



2. Mom, ! 4 0, Top shop, 3. The Le g ging Ankle C ontour 3 60, f 2 0 3. 2 2, AG J e an s

4, Soft Touch Sleinng, g 39.99, Zara, 5. BoAfriendJeans, E 39.9 9, Mang o

104 ] woMEN's HEALTH I Aprir 2or5 wo m ens h ea lt h m a g.co. u k

sLoz rrov >ln oo 6puql eoqsuouoM
g0I ri-'rYrH s,N:hoM I
doLlsdoJ'2fi;'a?MnI.'9 . aFpg uDc?,LaruV'Zr3:'s6u!66a? as?A-?H'?
dD D' 9 6' 6 r g:'s uo
a f fruu.rqs an i r.' e . n ql o hI' g ? t t L Ji'taqo o l p a $ ?o/L- q 6tH' d
^9d o J l{ L{,{ n ht :to,{,Lsfl{



After Karlle Kloss legs? We
can't quite promise that. but
we can promise this. the Perfect
combination of a high-waist and
kick flare leg that adds inches to
yo.rr height. Frame Denim Places
ils kneebreak (that's tne Point
where the flare starts) lower

tnan most brands. This creates a

subtle flare that's easier to wear.
Tip: make sure the hem. meets
the sole of youi shoe. We don't
want ankle swtngers now. M

Jaclrea, E26O,Diesel

2. The MarralceshJean, 8185, MIH

8. Hi-Rise Jegging, !,42, AmericanEagle
4. Skgter, fr 7 3. 9 5, Lee' 5. Photoreadg Mdria,
{270, JBrandat Harrods

womenshealthmag co.uk
106 | woveN's HEALTH I aPril 2015 |
>1n of, 6euql eaqsuauoa
u.xuao wol.ppag Dltop?A'992tr 'alnltr '.6
puxrluDw 21v.t oI l'06L3'u?tls puooas
fruu?qs aql,'8. uxdsltos '1LZJ:'?a1"2
a 6xDd' 0 6fii' arttuv oonpraA' g
H-1"'rvrH s,Nf l,{oM I sLoz ttrov In oc 6euqlleeqsuouoM
"'pua a\l p prp no(
pu{ pun ants
daay'(nmsun auo uDrll
atouL arrD\ suotlsanb
atuos :ytatnc) nmsuo
l1fut nd ryrod D s,ara\J
18 1'ISrltod YJISSSf I
ffi I
spua& fi,poq-n11aq $aTq aql ox sau,t oc fi uaqax alDl I
aql ql0l nofrt?,Tno pu{ ol zlnb "Lno a}pJ itcoq onld n q!?m op o1 I
wq\x nap? xsr,{ aul pe ioDcnc tnon ruor,t ?Ltc1tt?tt tnon lxoux I
&x*&ffiffi KW
ffi Xd ffi& t
rc K3wd re &4& Mw re& xw I
noA oo:o

r ???

What's your superfood lQ? Match each of
these to the body part it's good for:

Black rice Moringa powder

lIP z

G{k #
Charcoal Kaniwa z

Q3 coffeel
I Puh-lease. The big
buzz right now is...
(a) Beetroot espresso c
(b) Brewed cacao

o Hear
o Muscles
(c) Toasted quinoa tea


'choffy', it swaps
normal coffee for
&?45\p/*&%.. {*} a {?"3 Activated Storfer, founder of The Food
antioxidant-rich cacao
charcoal's benefits - it binds Effect*. {*} r {4} Ivloringa o5
beans. To make it, roast
to toxins and can relieve gas - "boasts skin-boosting nutrients,

raw cacao nibs at 15O"C
have been known for thousands such as vitamins A and K, iron
for 30 mins, then 180"C i6
of years. However, it remains and calcium," says nutritional r.
for l0 mins. Blitz in a
unproven as a supplement. therapist Eve Kalinik'. €q33 * t&} R'
blender, then brew tro
t*3 * {1} Black rice is "packed Kaniwa is "similar to quinoa, but
with anthocyanin antioxidants, even higher in antioxidants, iron,
which are proven to help zinc, calcium and fibre, Storfer
prevent heart disease and says. Add to a salad - then

attacks," says Dr Michelle figure out how to pronounce it.

liild.iri We're so over rice

milk. Which'mylks'are
(a) we drinking this year?
(b) (Pick two answers)

h lfi

Donkey d;h,i camel

for Goat
+i t{:i.} PiS

o5 (b) and (c) Got

hump? Camels' milk isn't in
your local Sainsbury's (yet),
but it is on sale in Whole
Foods in the US, and is shown
to relieveIBS and diabetes.
Goats' milk contains more
ANSWER: zinc and selenium than cows',
a University of Grenada study
found, Donkeys' milk: the
next nexf big thing. And pigs'
milk? Never going to happen.

110 woMEN's HEALTH Apr 2o1s womenshealthmag.co.uk

qloz lLroi ?aqsuauoM
III rrrv:t s,NlNoM
aa) leq.al oql saAoLU pa^o.rdde s.rosuos aa]ql aql
G '0aLJ 6r uunr lno o s^qd Jo sal]as P 4n a) uazeae
o.r.no^ u0r.lM suo llo.r p qOno-rql lroM uoLll '66 69lJ ozoous I tl ro
no^ o^r6 ol ooqs s]osuos oMl 0ql qrellv 'dde aql uo su.rollpd
lue^al0.r aql ur 0lerqrA ))'AOOA daols -rnoI as^ls!p
leql soiosu sdc grJ Sn uac auoqd upl f oI'6uru.rou-l lxoN
ud,[duaq]opalPA .lno^ uo sd I 6u qleol
P ^d3orl-uou
ur) doois no^ se
6gZJ arnlsod rno^ lao no^ uaql'olrol
a^ordu-r ol op uel no^ pue aluopel paods no,{ .ra^o saLlrlpM
lpq,\\ no^ s/] ol.ls dde llalop r0llerl s ql uo
rallolrad ralrerl so6els JoddeLu ld lenul^
-arnlsod aql (?) daals orll (g) unl oLlI ( rr) or.lr (t)
l, ; A 2
* *rr
salosul leqra'l (p) opole^ ()) (g) Ieod slseg ()
"USn ql ol loEPeE alqereai aql
q:lel^l aallqdouqlal lo aqoqdouqral
I (s)
'*If,upod lstderaLll leuolll.llnu Q)
s^Ps'eal e^al^eH
se Aeuoq dsql L PUe ro6ul6 (q)
Jo qnu e L.lltM dsl I xlN sollottlou]
peq asela pue Poolq rnofi ut 1e1
aLll alnpar uPf, ll ln€ alueu.lro;lod
Jouq srq dlaq uP) ltloLuln] oluopl^o
pJeLl l,usl alolll (';i):Ul/r^SNV (e)
ssoq rno^ pazel6-qooq
no^ aurl aql Jo Eulsell (i.i)
oEeuep qeqol 6ullltu!'l (ft)
Ed xos s,lauupd lnol oul^oldul (ilI)
6q11m no^ dlaq ION l! uel osaql Io
rl4l,r uElno[np]!uol *ffi
qlleaq aql:luaurnl WW
Q12 wtrictr of these
Which of these new dance-inspired workouts torches
acronyms could help
more calories than spinning? you slim down?

ANSWER: boxing and dance. Founder (a) MCTs

w th a capital 'K' Vrveca Jensen describes (b) MGMT
(not fhe conga, sadly), s t as a "musc e toning, (c) MCAT
a mash-up of fitness and fat-burning workout that
dance steps that can burn burns maximum calories" -
700 calories a class. between 9OO-l,O0O calories ANSWER: (a) MCTS. "Medium
s the cool per session Sounds intense. chain trigylcerides are a type
(e) Konga (b) JeKaJo kids' answer to Zumba. has Bo ywood- of dietary fat found in the likes
"Expect to burn 1,000 insp red c asses that a m of coconut and palm kernel
calories as you perform to "connect the Western oil," Pedrick says. "They may
nterval, aerob c and out ook on fitness and also enhance metabolism. Try
res stance tra n ng and dance the Eastern phl osophy adding 1 tsp of coconut oil
moves to Afro-beats, h p-hop of dance," says co-founder to your morning brew." (FYl:
and reggae," says dance Pr ya Pandya. Not entire y
MGMT is a band, MCAT a party

f tness guru Emlly Wl liams'. sure what that means, but drug; neither have a proven
is a high-energy It burns BO0 ca ories so
and/or legal slimming effect.)
(e) Piloxing (d) Doonya combinat on of P lates, we're so down wrth t

015 Fill in the blanks using

the following words:


(a) A n,x of ro/e juny's

an/ /r//s. dobe is o
sUVpirg-Lot4r/iss for
,groww-u/s. No s/acliu4 !
(b) Borre workouLs ore
aethu,o . ftAu
t/rt /u/*lb or,/
lrl*r" toxius.Takz a tawe/.

(c) MeUt/ is s
c.on liuatton, of Hi&,
furc,hoM/ trqinlna
au/ l/uonztria. lub
woiilruse is o fow.

ANSWERS: (a) Punk"

(b) Hot (c) Vikins'

712 woMEN's HEALTH I Apri 2o1s I womenshealthmag co.uk

SIOZ I]dV otr 6euqlleaqsuauoM
'lr ol doq 'uouJ,f, roJ lsau's)as 0z lol
(r) Q) (r) g
'Ue66etlN slsa66ns,,'(dn so^e/v\ ture Eurleulalle o0
opoldxa pue a6unl e ujoJl 'slos 0[]oJ lsau 'sa^e/v\
uels) xoq aql oluo sdunl 6ulleoJ)'sadot eq1 1tt11
o6unl 'xoq aLll oluo sdunt ol roqlaEol sule qloq asn
6al-ol6urs'xoq aql oluo 'slas OZ rol,, ([) = (q)
sdunI lenbs :so^ou asoql 'urnq '^qeq'utng
lo sdar lq6ra o0,, (t) = (r) 'Ue66e1ril s,lsrrl ;
ssaulrl s^es^puV
,,'saurl xls
,,'leadar uaql :
'lsor a^rl)e sultu Z oAeH,, 1eade6'1sar slas 0t uaql
's^es Ue66eI)N rrrs)as 0Z 'lsaql rno^ uo llaqalllol oLlt a
.roJ sa^e/v\ ,ra66lq 6utleall r.ll!/v\ slenbs s)os 0t'lsal 3
looll or..ll uo uaql urPls sras ot's6ur/v\s lloqalllal
uor.ll'pueq ul sadoJ aql slos Ot oO,, (Z) = (e)
qllm dn dunf 'sf,os 0[ :SdIMSNV xoq o^td (3) sador ollleE (q) slloqal$o)l (*)
'oMl eql Jo 6utuouej lsea/ oql Illenlle sl
'slr.l6laM oq] sn ssed uaqdals s^Ps ,,'ltlUap ]el aloqsdn aqj ,, uotlteer srqJ 6uluassal pue slo^ol
,,'srnoq It o1
dn to1 rodS ue6r{xo ue aleals noA osolnlo 6uDueleq'uotlso6tp sMols ra^aMoll'rallnq
ole^elo oJ ul oqs uooq pue soslr eJnleradruel or.ll urorJ lp] aLlI aEerols lPj 6utlou]old 'osuodsol
seLl 6ururerj e)uelstsal 3rllet urlnsur ue alerouao uel pue asolnl6 olul peuo^uol
'lodf ^poq.rno^'prf,e
qlrM llu solrsnu rno^ Illlrnb ore pearq eql u]olJ sqrel oLl1,, 's^es lllrpad
sr srql - alels 6utlsoj 'lno I]oM no^ uoLlM,, ,,'Illuorollrp IroA postloqeloLLl a.re Aoq1,, (q)
slr o1 lleq lno^ ,urnqJaUP, urI6-lsod se
6uuq ol uo6^xo ut alel ,lrou1 1q6ru noI leqm 'ssed
no^ se sosu ulstloqelaul sr (trodl) uorlduJnsuol oN so1
rno{ 'asrf,Jaxe lsod,, ua6^xo asrf,Joxe-lsod
'.xournbf ie 1d 'ueoll)tN ss0lxf
n I
alsell!soop 6uolfioq $q -
lod3 noqe 6unleq: sltEirlE s! ld JnoA alenba rallnq pue pealq u! souolel aql aJe
lng 'q)l/r pues ueslue aql lo lea^ aql s,ll
(a) (b) (c)

ffi I

Iliotibial band syndrome: Fascia injury:

it ii{lll fne resident trendsetter at your gym is reaching into her bag for a drink.
Which of these waters is she going to pull out?

(a) Artichoke (b) Watermelon (c) Maple

ANSWER: Artlchoke lvater* has b oflavono ds to reduce musc e soreness. Waternleion

water* has hlgh potasslum and magnesium levels. Wh ]e map e water" contains absc s c acid (ABA),
a compound that can he p strmu ate rmmune funct on. Get a po nt for each you ttcked.


Oh dear, Rosemary Conley is still your fitspo, isn't she? Fear not: this
Tot up those points.
So, how did you do?
o-14 will have furnished you with all the intel you need to pass yourself off
as a bona fide fitness fundamentalist - for now. To future-proof
your health cred, follow us on Twitter @UKWomensHealth,

Like an enthusiastic French exchange student, you're not fluent but -
15-24 you get what's going on. Can't remember it all? Start a health bucket
list. lf you hear of a trend, note it down - vow to try something new
once a fortnight. Enjoyl The taste of camel milk is not easily forgotten.

You talk the talk, sister. As Iong as your aim is to be healthy, not
25-34 get a PhD in it, then you're doing just fine. Why don't you iake a tip
from your favourite fitspo and launch yourself into the blogosphere?

A surefire way of keeping your knowledge up to date.


All hail the queen of health. But don't forget that sometimes ::
35+ the simplest things in life are the best. So occasionally run naked
(without gadgets that is, not clothes), sleep late and do a slow,
simple yoga class. The world won't end. Promise, EiB Zz

114 ] r,vovEN s HEA:IH Apr 2ots womenshea thmag co.uk

c !',''

6 t
t .4.'...:* li

5d *,


116 | wovEN's HEALTH I April 2or5 I

trrvrH s,NlhoM I sLozttrov In of, 6euqlleeqsuauoa
.]q6L '6eq e ur peles resoel sleoE
lel!ns pue spaos aleuelOotuod t1llm lles dsl %. llo o^!lo 698. olln!
qsrureg eprd pue out6roqne qltr\ uoual LlsarJ dsq] L a L.lsru.teO ro]
aroL! snld'Jeuns dsl lia)Ne6
Llrea dot'slMoq ouottP opl^tp
, palulu ds] % a rP6oul^ au!/r^ olltll
pue 6urssorp qlr/v\ suaar0 aq] ssof',
ro )luesleq olrtl/t dsql L a sasseloul 'Aeq }p s6ur^er) osoLll dool
'uJrllh sosselou UltM aulblaqne qsnlq dlaq ol olqU pue urolord Jo trq e
oleuerEauod dsql L o ;6u.rssero
'oAoLUau surur 0l rol uo^o aLll ul ll l)lls sppe our6loqne oql'snld 0^ol lltM
Aprl aql lo jleq raLllo eq1 uo peards';to
lulu qsalJ 6BZL o fielsred
spnq olsel rno^ lpql 6uel pue alnlxal
't qsarJ 6BZta sorard ozrs-olq olul
qlr^ pllrd ssol 'oprs raL]lo 0q1 oC alqrlsrsarr ue sppe aur6roqnp IIlrs
lnl 'alnllol auleulo, peoq lleuls L o
'sulLU qlrM pored suolnorf, peo.rq elltd
OL ro] lseou Aerl 6utlPq peutl e sosselour aleueroautod dsql Io
jo ,ler.l auo uo ra^el al6uts e ut puP eq1 qoI al]l saop qsnol]e] - ino^Pl]
solord azts-oJlq oJul urol PUe
^el pue - olrq qlrM peles e lueM no^ Jl
lro dsql Z q}r\ oulbroqne oql LlsnrE lrlds 'sellrd leoqmaloqi utV x Za
'l.ooz ol ua^o ot.ll ]eoLlold MoN 'z papr^rp 'llo o^!lo dsql spunor
'sluorparOur 6urssorp aql lle xrul'lsllJ'1 Ilrql-q)ur-% olur polrls 'oul6taqne Ia
:OOHIl1^l :srNllo3u9Nl @@@@@
ffitt t
{!Fl . I
d.} II SSIdS
1 tsp salt o l tbsp black PePPet o

lamb leg (2lb), trimmed of fat, cut


*Plus marinating time

Sink your teeih into this soft-as-

into lin cubes a B wooden skewels

''k" ;
marshmallow kebab and You'll never L You'll need to don your'kiss the cook' t.A
venture to the Dirty Doner again. apron for this one. Mix all ingredients
Another bonus point: marinades. except lamb in a bowl. Pour marinade
A tad better for you than that doner, over the meat and stir to coat. Cover
marinating meat before you grill it can and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
protect you from the cancer-causing 2. Soak the skewers in water for about
chemicals that form at high heats, an hour. Thread meat onto the skewers,
says a Kansas State University study. leaving space between each Piece.
INGREDIENTS: Cook on a hot charcoal grill or gas
. 85ml red wine .I tbsp red wine grill, heated to medium-high, turning
vinegar o 1709 low{at yoghurt. B5ml frequently, until meat is well browned
fresh lemon juice .180m1 olive oil . and a meat thermometer reads 62oC
1 large white onion, grated .2 tbsp (for medium). Garnish with lemon
minced garlic a 1 tsp ground cumin wedges, fresh dill and olive oil to taste.
.1 tbsp dried oregano . 1 tbsp dried Drizzle with lzatziki. Food tastes
mint o 2 tbsp fresh oregano, choPPed better when you use your fingers.

'I l

L'Jcelt hiJ
Sweet, refreshing and as beautifully chilled champagne or spatkling wine
scented as we imagine David Beckham
to be, these Middle Eastern Bellinis METHOD:
will surely hit the spot, Cllnk. 1. Pop 1 sugar culce at the bottom of
each of 2 glasses, Divide rose water,
q\c.i- pomegranate juice and chamPagne
evenly between the glasses and
*ffiYr garnish with a lemon twist. Voila!

wo m ens hea lt h m a g. co. u k

118 | wovEN's HEALTH April 2o'1s I
'*t:z ='.=
p.lrvax s.NJweM >jn 03 6PuqIleaqsuauom
6II i +-: €
'aper6dn 'sleou roj qnr i6urrll^ue
lrel AllaoMs leo.r0 e so)4PtlJ - slrelllor'sMals
e sMals pue olsed rllrr.ll pue uellrql uo]oeMs
speles a^r9 olrds ueluJV ol srL.l] osn puP
SISSVlOl^l r..llroN AreU srqj re6ns aql L.lrlrC
lr\wa tuoViW;n4
'oror.ll ur ]r.l6u log 'dol uo sotLl)elsld poddoL.lr
6ururpluor otll rouels ottr allqM aq] poddoqr Alosleol 'uo6errel
6OOL. ^lasjeor'polseol'so!q)e$!d
olur 1r ploJ Alluao pue IloJ e L]ltr\ oltl 6E9. poddoqr '^olsred 6002
uorjJes aql ljnll sorqlelstd oq] io o peddoqr ^lasleol
'lllp 6002 o lale/$
]sour pue sqroLl ul xrlrJ uol]l 'ul Luotll 6ullloq dsq]^losreo)
t UlrM poxrur 'orlnf uotuol
lrJs pue sluer.rnr uter6 1,ttoq 6ut,ues dsql I ur paleos'sluerrn, poup 602.
e6re1 e olur alu olrtlM aqi uoodS'g ralem 6u!l!oq dsql t ut paleos'uorues
'aal6 LllrMjeq1e6o1 spueq rno^ qnU dsl [. roddod lrelq . lles ds] t. oru
'suru.r OL-S loJ oprse l0S pll 6utliu lleuseq 600r. rollnq dsql7'71
-lqOrl e pue loMol eal ueal) P tlltM
lod or.ll ro^ol oIqM ll Jo Aluo[eu] 'adoer eq1 pueulap// 4 slsono
or..ll 6ur^eal 'ued oLl] ur alu eql Jo rno^'soued rouutp }e llaM os ul op oo
rouenb e ra^o roJe,ry\ uor]Jes aql lnod
lllM slrll'eseosrp ueaLl pue af,uelslsal
'leoLl oL.ll uJolJ ued oLll a^ouroU 'Z
urlnsur sJUaAord'uolJes']uotpol6ul
'suru..l 9[ ro] ]eall ureur slr 'snld t.lstp opts luaperop
e lr aleur sqru orq)elsrd pue sluetlnl
Mol AraA ro^o lool puP ro^ol uaql
'Joddod pue lles ']oleM 6urltoq oql ll MouX no^ se lou lnq '0)u sl sltll
ur rls poleor lloM ore sureJo elns ^lrnf'qsrp uersrod )rssell e 'o1od ulttqs fiq
6urleur 'olu ur .rrls pue uedolnPs pordsur sr srtlJ'ureur ro apts e se lf,aJlod
urnrpolx e ur rollnq lloN lroq P ol
releM ourouuq Aq
t?trY y|Ylut y;
,il;, r.,ilTl1o4

roNl'cd. clri,ckc,h'
@@@@@ "Plus overniqht refrigeratioh time

The dish's namesake sauce, a hot chilli .ii'

pepper paste popular in North Africa
and the Mediterranean, is mellowed by
avocado and grapefruit. Perfect with
rice or salad. Or, you know. both.

o 609 harissa .4 chicken thighs
bone-in, skin-on o 2 grapefruits,
sectioned a2 avocados, sliced
.4 tsp extra-vilgin olive oil
o 1 lime. qLrartered o 2Og mint

Harissa:o 1 tsp cumin seeds a % tsp

caraway seeds o % tsp coriander
seeos orr tsp anise seeds o , tsp
fennel seeds .2 tbsp paprika o 1 tsp
cayenne .1 tsp red chilli flakes o 1 tsp
minced garlic o 1% tbsp lemon juice
. B5ml olive oil . % tsp salt

l. First, put your ready-made jar back , ;,
in the pantry - fresh harissa is ihe
way to go. Combine all seeds for it in
a frying pan and toast over medium
heat until fragrant (about'1 min). Let al
cool, then throw in a spice grinder.
lvlix with the remaining ingredients.
2. Rub 1 tbsp harissa on each chicken

thigh, making sure to get it under the

skin. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
3. Preheat oven to 200oC. Place chicken
on a baking tray and roast 25 mins
i \:

until a meat thermometer reads 73"C.

4. Divide grapefruit and avocado
slices among 4 plates. Drizzle each ^+? ./' \.
with 1 tsp o;1, a squeeze of lime juice,
and sali and pepper. Top with mint and
se.ve with the chicken and remaining
harissa. Marvel upon your creaijon.

12O I wovrN's HEALTH I aprir

a ^7 )af In otr 6euqlleoqsueuoa
i-l . ::-:rc::lLas- ?ol ilnollso,c lle^^xrl
'reuolu pue ellsed e 6ursn ropMod
. - '= , - -: - ::JCf :.U6il.r e u? u
:,:-i -:-_ l:lerl Cl O ill e puno.le auu e olur 6urq]A.re^o puuc lporllol^l
'roureluol lq6rule ue uroroJs
uoureuurf, punor6 dsl L atrualu]nl
--:-r -:?*s 13 3r,.r e 6u sn pue 6eq p 'sef rds q+r^ xrl,4 ropMod e olul puu6
puno,r6 dsl L a speas Lr.rou..reprel
- :r-: 3:,au reale d ipoqlahl ueql lootr'enoL.ueu surLr.r 9 lseor'urLlrnf
ueor 6 , a slelod oso.r qtru rd o uo.rJJes
:: r. -a;eprel za,tee Ia pue rapueuos qllM Aer+ P uo rllrqtr
: - :. osca3s.rapueroldslL^pqospaos Lltrurd ospeos..ropuer,ros dsql L a
otrpld loolL ol ua^o leeqo.rd rpoqloll
:--a,a oLli^ dsqiPedeoqZ O spoos ururnf, dsql L a suroaradded
utoLr.rep.ref, dsl L atruoLrrnJ
elrqr\ dsl z/r a:sluolpar6ul
s3J p3 .ro t a :sluelpsl6ul punol6 dst % a.reddod olrql dsl L a
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,Llln? qvary4vntn( 'elr nos ^rp lelf,es
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ere speos urL!nl :llJau9q
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They're in thei,r thirti,es, forti,es and fi,fti,es - not that you'd know i,t on face ualue.
Theseti,tans of thebeauty i,ndustry reuealthei,r decade-defyi,ng ski,ncarerouti,nes...


woMEN',S HEALTH ] Aprit 2O1s I

Laura Rotdae, 3l is aproduct formulator for organic
cosmeceuti.cal li,ne S5 and founder of beauty brand Euolue

"For someone who forrnulates skincare, sugar attaches to protein molecules in

I wear very 1itt1e of it on my own face. the body creating sugar proteins called
I'm a chemist who's not that keen on advanced glycadon end-products (AGEs).
chemicals! I dont even cleanse in the The body doesnt recognise AGEs, so
morning. I had acne in my tlventies and produces antibodies that cause skin
have always had sensitive skin. A lot of inflammation. T also use alka.lising greens
women with acne-prone skin take an to quell any inflammation in my system.
aggressive approach, but the chemical Night is when I spend most time on
overload ofputting lots ofproducts on my skin. After using a hlpoallergenic
my skin is what makes it break out. cleanser, I'11 apply a serum. Often I'11
My immune system gets stressed by the use my 55 Purity Serum containing
chemicals, so I get redness, spots and alpine willowherb, shown to reduce
wrinldes as inflammation affects collagen inflammation and oil production by
production. So on a morning, I just splash 56q0. I don t use hear,ry moisrurising
my face with water. I dont wear make-up creams - if I'm drinking two litres of
dayto day, butinthe summer, I'11 apply water a day I dont think it's necessary.
a mineral SPF, lite Laboratories Luzern Once or twice aweek I'll do a 1O-minute
La D6fense SPF30 Mineral Sunscreen. treatment and layer awarm seaweed
My beauty regime is really an inside-out mask over my serum. Itt like a sauna
approach - food is crucial. I kick offmy - the heat encourages the serum to
daywith paleo pancakes - two eggs and a penetrate deeper while the seaweed
banana whizzed up in a blender. I fo11ow absorbs hear,ry-metal ions from pollution.
a paieolithic diet as it eliminates sugar Keeping sensitive skin in balance is
and grains and prevents glycation, where triclq, but it can be done."


.Ftr l.

Lo,boratories . DrAlkaitis
, . 55 Purity , Vibrant Health
Ddfense Organic Soothi,ng
Luzern La Serum, {44 GreenVibrance
SPF30 Mineral Gel,843.50 Powder, f 24.75

124 | wovEN's HEALTH April 2ots wo m e ns hea lt h m a g.co. u k

glOZ ) n.otr'6 eu qllea q su au oM
!;I ---r:r1 S.NINOM lrdv ]
g?tr'hpmod 09'6zg
o ,i a :: :-r;r rtj- 98T3:'UO a)Dl $utltsllodlq6N.I'lxoguxsunalC
:a: .,.r.tt21./6DJ{ snoz)atd asoll snou?u.{,nI mole IDtnwN
'. : i .t ):Jag . qrDlg naFxs . lla,LtngDluoluv. na.LJ,ng0!,uo1.uv.
.dift !?
,,lrE!p dpoqllry slr 'eull^\p[ aq] ]" lnq'srql puplsJapunsru ueuo.lt.{ue11
dols l,usaop are; rnod reUP SuDIooT 'palrrpdqap ra8 IIls utr ]l 111o aq ueo
'sulxo] ]no rlsnE puP uoqelnJJlJ uqs Lru q8noql ua.{f, 'aJ"Jrns stt uo dn
a.^.ordurr o] sal"lJ runrseuS€u PuE ppnq o1L1a4t arorr ar€ sllar pEap s?
sqru3s asn I 'srapuo.^ saop q]"q uDIs Ja{rep roJ lueuodlur sr uor}?rTo]xo
Surssa.rls-ap e 'sao8 Sura8e-rlue se :e1n3a6 'alerlolxa o] rap.tto6 Surqsrto4
JPJ s" puv 'reurJg aJ"J.(ru aI"ur ol lq8q snoultunl ylarrng eruoluy.(ru
uaS"lloJ posdlo.rp/q ol e^Iteuralp lueld qtu dn.^aollo1 11,1 dep :eqlo fuaq
eql 'pel]xa qrr"l s€ qf,ns sre8e-IluB 'saqcled &p qlr^r^ dn pua ],uop no,( os
puB IIo ueluozeurv sE rlJns 'uqs aqt Surddpls tnoqtr- Io sqrosqe
"qorPu" ^
sluarpa:8ur aurp-rrre Jo a3lrepq qlllv\ dlpnlre yo 1nq '.(e.n,,r srqt urls dpo l€ar]
" 'urns
seuo sprc.^ o] raa^ I .rasunlsloru Pp" I o1 a^rlrnlur-JelunoJ spunos lI
]nq 'asu"alJ-alqnop r q1r.tn Su4rets Surcuepq:oy.,,a.ou1 1 slcnpo:d lseq eql
aur€ar aurts eID./!^.olloJ I ']q8lu ]V 'IO lo auo a8rr"Jo Jallrq pualf,Eqllu"
prr?J snorlard eso6 lceig dalsrg a>p1 Surureluol'19 Sursueel3,uolD IErnleN
'lro proeJ qrrr-E-e8auro ue 1o syrnbs 3o IIarJng u.tro.(ru Sursn 'urr{J aq}
.^ .eJ p clep qleaueq ruo{ dn .(e.,r,r dru >1:o,tt 1 'sa:od
ILI 'q8noua 1ou s,]I uolsef,ro
ppo aql uo '8urua.Le pue Suiuroru ar{l olur sla8 puocas aq] alrq.^a 'a)eJrns
ur Jasunlsroru asn sr(e-,t1t I '.pa)uBPq aq] Iuo{ ulp sa oruer asu"elf, lsJU
slaa; urls .{ur y ua.tg 'uoqerp-{qap eql os ',asupall-e]qnop, I 'eurt8a: ur{s
aqt ro; etpsueduroc o1 po Sunnpord dur o1 La1 aql sr Sursuealc os 'tuaur8rd
are spue13l.u uaq] dulqs sr p?oqeroJ 1o s1e,r.e1 q8rq aqt ot anp Suru"Js pue
dur ',(epptu Lq;r.^^oDI I 't)€J uI seqsruelq ot p"al uer qrrq.^^
'ra]]"l aqt tue.\ard lpsaop reurroJ aI{} aq
ol spual aulur e{rl uDIs JaIJ?c,,
a6uot. a"LDcutES umo r,aUlo hpunolpu,D
xsl.\Dl,c0{ nryl,qap c D s?,' 0? fiaatng p?,to$uv
l! >^alpru lDqM
s! upls [ut
u0 pDouaAO
lmluaq) aLl,l,,,
dgg(I tiIxS

THE fr{-,LflL, I ll-lJ I

MatA fuequpell, sZ is aworld-renownedmake-up
arti,st who's pi,cked up her influences from all ouer the globe

"I have a busy schedule, but one thing Rather than leave a thick Iayer on my
I never skimp on is my morrring bath. skin. T massage my masls in using
It's my sole slice of 'me time' and where upward strokes and afler 10 minutes,
I do my skin prep. Having visited Tolyo wipe away the excess with a warm, wet
so often in my career, I've fallen in love flannel. Afterwards, I think nothing of
with Asian beauty products and the way layering several hydrators on my skin
Iaparese women treat their skincare to improve clarity. I use semms with
regime not as a chore, but as a daily ingredients I discovered in Japan - one
ritual. My skin is prone to drrrrress, so of my favourites is SK-II Facial Treatment
I'11 always use a cleansing balm, like Essence, which contains Pitera, a liquid
Eve Lom Cleansing Balm, instead of a rich in vitamins and amino acids derived
wash as it's kinder and more hydrating. lrom fermented yeast to improve ce11
I'll turbocharge the results with my renewal. I'm obsessed with it - I even
Clarisonic Aria Sonic Facial Cleansing turned Cate Blanchett onto it. I save the
Brush to get rid of every last scrap of thicker creams for overnight when the
make-up or dirt and avoid enlarged skin goes into repair mode and is more
pores. I follow up with a hydrating mask absorbent. I'11 look for balmier textures,
containing my must-have ingredient, focusing on the eyes and neck where the
hyaluronic acid - I love Sensai Cellular skin is thinner and drier. A favourlte of
Performance Hydrachange Mask. The mine is Malvina Skincare D6colletage
body's levels of hyaluoronic acid decrease Chest and Neck Cream, which contains
with age, so I'm passionate about getting Syr-ake, a ryrrthetic peptide that relaxes
more on my skln to up moisture levels; the muscles in a similar way to Botox,
its the first thing I look for on a label. making neck rings less obvious."


--.:.... 4
,-- - ,. "f
..: :.

, Clarisoni,c Aria , Sensai,Cellular . SK-IIFacial . SuqquDunlEAe

Sonic Facial Performance Tredtment Balm, f 80
Cleansing Brush, Hyclrachange Essence, {95
{155 Mask, f 85

L26 | worvrr'r 's HEALTH I Aprit 2o1s l

womenshealthmag co.uk
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slDJxlnaculqs. IDc?.snqd xuxtDW UDI' .
i-: ua3e11oo
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durl uaql8ua:1s dlaq ol u,ttoqs ') ururellA ur sluerpar8ur uaao:d Sursn ur palsa:e1ur dpo ur,1,,
cl,wc .uopuo.I n6opl01,uJao LlnadotnT aLfi 1D "tolca"&p
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pup uorlor]] Ile.rl srosuos sll soqlunel lr uor]M sod^l-uotqsel Alnod pue sp.rou outle^ les
Josanonb6uoltrodxo qluoLutxouelpsuooOo_tenc qrteMeyctOVeW sla-lnseroql:V
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p1,t11o-t D LLLOJ,I
elJll unoA lcvu9dn*
1&:&K 1wIAIT
Yes, it heats. Which
Other arm candies means that if you've

worth considering If the ltrutribullet is got the world's smallest

'l<itchen, this can tahe
the new Vitamix and the place of ahob.
the Vitamix is the new
Kitchen-4.id, what
then is the new


Garmin Vivoactive, be the mighty

fl99.99 garmin.com [ .tharll
,1 lo
Thermomix. a
Its touchscreen stays readab e machine so flickin' clever
even in dlrect sunlight. it chops, weighs, juices,
dehydrates, makes ice cream

and the creamiest ever
risotto this side of Naples.
Heston Blumenthal loves
them, plus look closely

the next time you watch
MasterChef and you'll see
them purring away in the
background. Sure, you might
:i1-==,,.*- not be able to feed the kids
for a few months ro pay for
Sony SmartWatch 3 5WR5O, it, but when you do, it'll
€189.99, sonymobile.com be the best meal they ever
Nudges you mrd-workout when tasted. Here's why...
you recerve calls, emarls and texts. Thermomix,E925,
thermomix tt orw erh.co,uk

Unlike other
machines, Thermomix
has a timer, which
Fitbit Surge, means you cdn put
fI99.99, fitbit.com sugar, eggwhites ond
Bui t-in GPS, heart-rate monitor a frozenlemon in it
and a pedometer.
for 6o seconds, go to
the toilet and uoila
- you've got yourself
almost two litres of
crisp lemon sorbet! Recipes
It comes with a'Recipe
Chip' and cookboo'l<
containing t7 o recipes,
plus gives you step-by-
step instructions on
how to mabe them on
the touchscreen.
LG G WatCh,
fl69.99, three.co.uk
Links to your smartphone, so you
can email and surf the web.

130 | woveN's HEALTH I April 2ols I

wo m e n s h ea lt h m a g. co. u k
T€I ri-'rvrr s,N:hoM I sLoz rrov )n 03 6euLlIIPeLlsueuoM
:: :S -lloL.]o olplod lpLll u etral s uosn6.rol 'ezzrd rouurp-lssor usql
o -::'.',s s {a, oll 's ql ol ^
IrpuasoE ls uun ol H4,1 .rorller ellolupd rllrM suoq
a- 3-ollv ssappoo p ol pu9 ls uorl rlnu pau.rnl aure6 lurql :sodDor uerleli 1Unatz a22puv
Sr':. 0UP !$ i\ -leou S,ALI$ lopoLu.rodnS MouI oq] ur -slaour-qsrl6ul pur! a..rolsrs
'apcs ol loN:gN)
sllnq lsau.r J s,^.rlunol enllp ouooruos LUoiJ s,lunlB Alru.rl ol por.f eul
_:_l uo Ltaas eq uet 0u ^l
ouo (r) pue laLu.rnoo e (q)
lo6 ol slpd I 'aLUol
3, ..11o : snouu,{uode ]eq 6u r nl p ]no 6urOuLq s lnq loq (e) lou se^
p]lsnv oArlPU .roq n]nb ql eoq paluroddp'l os ^luo aqf wc;j
epud ile)/1A l^aQ '196r acurs alDlsa
- .rels.]odns e s ouef eu.ro-l uoL.lM aLUrl p ]V pleq oqt Moul oqM apls-uaqrl|4 alqDnlo^
^ra^a ^no
fxi dn8uy4ol uaaqa^D\
liff re pt11 salocs 3uu-13ram
IO\ n1so1d at1l tlclrp t17nu{
r! uoc notr'1r13u s,1oq1
'4oot no( n 43tam
uoc no( uoaut sa1acs
31uo4)a1a ut-rynqa\I
tu qa'eastl uolo'927
.autl Duol'6Zj uosnfrJai
auDfDuroT{q Yqgt441a[
ll,nuasog gpcntr {apw4gtq
qsiJnoN r
{qa4ry' alqql!n4I/aqJ
"'^\ou ourrrd uozp[]y o] earril or? sreH 'qo[ /"p Jrsq] }? a.rr -(aql
u?ql uarlf,lDI el{l ul renoq ar" sallllqalar aulos }no su.In} lI 1nq (aueqi 'o1loo) \In
.urqoo3 Lnq t.uprp noL lr a>pr a.aa,)
areql lno Jn8 Jo ]ol p s.erel{t erns ille 1e loN :V
'tuoc1lst{ tno(
azloru o1 y padxa tpttl
ampuo ut sauoto tno(
motr6'q8nop sa4r:w lt
puo o1runds ayt ur Sung
'sollosuBur4out nt
DLTUS D Sauo)Aq{ puD
as Ja AaJ ssatd' aq nd olur
sloltD) puD sanlJoows
oyul ap4'npmod olur
uoc (lsoJ:poat) udt L
ooo'ot lD sanoulDW
'3n{ a4qz'z sn11 aptsul I
taxntt c13oyt1
'urof,'aIru 1e laad e aTeI 'rege eegor pup u.!\op-loor ']nolro,^
'dn-ru;ru. ro; tgtno u" plrnq uer nod os 's1q8r1 pue selolnr
'sadec lurql - sacard qcleur-pu"-xru crrlc;o dn apeur s.tl
'arrr{} upts p.a-4 toprouqJs g euueqo{ reu3rsop pos?q-urlrag
qll^\ uoq?roq?llor,^(\au e parirun"l 1sn[ srq a115 se 'IIelA :v
TTH,'\\ [ATT
I want to go to St Tropez,
but don'L.fancy the crowds,
boozy nights and men in
red chinos. Any advice? Doyouknaw theway to StTropez?
A: There's this hotel ca11ed
Stay: Spend.: Expect: Getthere:
La R6serve in Ramatuelle. LaRdserue, From€500 Breakfast, spa BritishAi,rwaas
It's a 15-minute drive from Ramatuelle; per night access and a flies to Ni,ce,
St Tropez, but a world away from lareserue- fi,oor-to-ceiling ba.com
its glitzy, high-jinks neighbour in ramatuelle.com ui,ew of the sea
terms of atmosphere and clientele.
Here are four good reasons
to bed down there...



The spa The grub The rooms

This is a spa well-versed in anti-ageing. LoVoile restaurant's head chef Eric Canino ln this haven, the pillows ore plump, the
And it's the Nescens treotments you reolly was aworded a Michelin star for his mintbar is grown up ond most rooms have a
come for. This Swiss brand's facials leave commitment to nutritious and healthy garden big enough to do a gymnastic routine
you with skin thoft lifted, translucent food in the fotm of outlondish calzes ond in. lfyou're in a seo-view one, sitback ond
and basically nothing short of mogic. desseris with. . . no sugor. Yes, believe it. watch the super yochts slip silently post.

L32 | wovEN's HEALTH I Aprir 2ors I

- -:!- s Nl."Jo\' Eloz rov ,- :: ::.-,: ::-:-3uoM
'Ipoq roq Lllr^\ drqsuo le o.r raq
o ol soulJno.r slq6 ol Mou Luo.rl 6u rll^ja^a uo
#nls Ourlsorolur ,{ auinueO s}sod pue podd .l 'm1to atlt w s toq,iold,il.rap, ., : .. r-, - :, : -, :iu
AloArsso-rdur s,orls :Jor,l a^ol ll.no^ r.q..uo3r1o 'pud duo /D r\llr,: .
slopql N ue ltf :mau^qIaql uatuatptJ8ur4oalr aas 1l,no-i ::- ...' r_i
q] poq lnoqp llnls lsouoL..l pue 0urOeouo '^uunl umop rllod IDJsDo, aql qlom :dir ,i,6 :.,. , .,u
solr.rM - la.4o oLUeu lsoq oql 6urAeq sop soq - ol luomno( so alllll sD ro rlliillr !! i j.,::, r
oql oArleu Vl up sr'uoouol .req60N :ot{M alorolaql
/tddeg ag pue Ul-l 'le3
urof, 'uor.{llrlsuou u eqs
rallaq ua^o o.re salot.roq puv
'lpar6 a]e sadilai roH :rotl a^ol ll,no^ Iq/V\
s.rols s sLUOt orll sloou-r
srnol :mau aqI
,,luop lle [poolq ,{q ueLL]nLl lleLUS p polnpo.rd I
e l]o] os 6u oq ol sloil Ou ***l lo -red e se pnp se
so.re^o 0u Aeq Lxo.rJ luoM | '***s passolo-rd pue
.reons OuDnpor rollv Uo lr.rlnN Jo srolspl pu
doop-s leq s oqM os]nu ue lp.rlsnV ue ur,l,, :oqM
uor.lrlly s.uouueqs
ouop 'lq6 r s6urql lnd ol ldLuolle
lsouoq roq s s qI ',,parop.ros p,, a]aM slrqeq
6u lso uMo s,ro6uno '^l leor ul 'us6o^ s6u ql
p Iql
I uo 6ur060 q ol qM:rorl a^ol ll.no^
elll Alsno lt aC :i\ ou oql
'LUparp e o)lr sal rM pup sqrsl sleo MoN
'asle qlnLU lou pup ole)l po^ol orll r0660lq
l xororlJ.ro olxrl-ouo e .roOuno ueprof :orll
apuolS po)uele8 oqI
uof, 'arleIpojo^o)alelof, or..lf
lno 6u Arl .roJ azr-rd 0le0d laqoN s
raq oA O ord rallnq lnuped olpq-ou 'sererd
s,aseoE osooqr LUeo.D'Ll6nop oLloor Aql eoq
ol l'sllo-u ds ue60A soleLU pue slrossop ql M
passosqo sr l.rO s L..lI :UlH l)l-l 'll,nOA AH/v\
uosMel plloOLN :r$au aql
'oleloloql M sOurql pooO A luelopur saop
oqM lup(uroq )n) p 'sur66rH a le) :orll
alley para^of, alelotorlf,
rnoreft 3raH.uoll".rau;Tilffi H:.j"X"ir""1i"ffi J'],".:I#
'pur:8 o1 exe uE qlr.l.r acalu p1o :eed 91 rno,( acuo
. -sra38otA ,V
t r D t s o j i;i :f,i?J,y !;;r, ::#:,#l : U
TTgr'\\ EAIl
o I
^,r-I escape social medio.)

f,58o, Tokyobike

; s?
tl , ., *,I *,! /

You're not the only one. And don't worry you

don't have to 'accidentally' drop your iPhone
down a drain for a few days' respite. Mass
fatigue with the omnipresence of social media
r i#"wt-
has spawned a new counter-trend: 'antisocial , S.*ffi-
networking'. The most blatantly reclusive app
to come out of the movement is Cloak (free
with paid-for content, iOS), which gathers
data Irom Facebook, Twitter arld Foursquare
to find out where your fiiends are so you can \
avoid them. (Come on, you know you want
to.) And it's especially handy for dodging
colleagues, exes and people you owe money
to. If you want to vent without the cringe
Facebook updates, check out Whispero
(whispero.com). It lets you post anonFnous
updates, that can't be traced back to the
creator. So if you're #FeelingStressed not
#FeelingBlessed, you can have a rant without
worrying that it'I1 end in a disciplinary. And
if your friends are asking where you've been
hiding, tell them you're off-grid in the new
online. You heard it here first.

Three other antisocial apps

ii I
i i :

Secret (free, iPhone/Androld)

Post incognito status
updates and see what I
peop e nearby are say ng.
Authenticity at ast secret./y
Split (free, Phone/Android) r1
Scans your oca area and
p ots a getav,ray route f rom
anyone you rnr sh to avold.
Go, go, go splitapp.com

Anomo (free, iPhone/Andro d) :

The shy person's answer to
Facebook. Anonymously Retlective jacket, Ieqns,
re. ea no'e about , o- sp I as f,55, Morhs and Spencer €8o, Levi's
you go or don'|. anomo.com

734 | wovEN's HEALTH Apri 2or5 |

wo me n sh ea lt h m a g.co. u k
In o3 6euqlleaqsuauoa
a4!qo(4ol )D utlos'6gJ
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:q ovt tl- spMorl 0url lrels oql pro^v ?eDsrlJnU
':,:: ri qlun'l rsl-8 sallhl sasua^alf :l-[ sal!N
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'1soru aq1 troddns rnod paau sauo pa^ol rno.( eraq-,rl pa.rn8g a.r..a16 '"epr pooD .go srraql
unr aldoad raqlo Surssaulr-,u. alrq-^a aprslf,pq rno.( uo lrs o1 lu",{\ no .noL reaq a16 :y
^8/ ::::::::::
:::::::::::: iqnJb fq1oaq )ruos ]Dd puD - tl q)tDfrt ol ilDld- .n ::::::::::
lsaq dqt
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:::::::::::: ,,,,::,,::
\PRII ol

H ow Ann a Rich ar d s on, pr es ent er of Ch annel 4's Secret Eaters and author
of Mind Over Fatter, has learnt to control her junk cravings



ffi qw.sffi



,s..;it WG t'#; @
"id:, ..#& '-@":
i.-;-*+;-' b
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., I.rI l.l:;-.
.I i1.-rir. :{:i;!r..- . .:;ltrL;:ti:*, i ;. :', ::,,t.:::t,
ZSOam 7am 7:3Oam 7am Sanr ,1r:.9{4btrni..l;1 iitttl
Green smoothie Greek yoghurt Home-made Home-made Greek yoghurt i,Piii\d,fi itri,l.h s'd # iiit ,ii,;,1+!;f|,W,,
with apple juice, with berries and Bircher muesli Bircher mLresli with banana, ; l' trili(h'r4Aaniarah'r
.'1,{Lr, ;llilllll '.1i r,ir'l .lirj'1il
kale, an apple and
half an avocado

agave, a skinny
decaf coffee

with yoghurt and
a decaf coffee

and a cup of
Earl Grey tea

berries and an
Earl Grey tea

: r ::lrve:AnO" Anftan

';l' ;::;q.rev;teb :'i:' i

,;,:rilli;r;r:il l,i t r,,il.i:,ii;,i
;i.i,,,IftSftinr. :il
l)iitlt&&W;*.,$,9*, ..*
llll illl r r f,l r-A ;llrri
Roast chicken, Scrambled Omelette with Garlic and parsley Dressing-free :t;.: lSmqasti,S'q,Fp, j i t:'#,wv.w,wl
avocado, tomato eggs on rye toast spinach, garlic mushrooms on prawn salad with : "|'wlm oumDkln; lr

:t$:;, i
and roaket with smoked mushrooms, feta two slices of a Virgin Mary :ii''i4e'6dJ"6ilo,: :i ,

rye bread salmon and cheese and an buttered rye r

sandwich and Earl Grey tea Earl Grey tea bread and a 7pm
'{li:"i}:;:i: h:I:, j ,t:ffi&ii'ffiMiil:l
decaf skinny latte Diet Coke Leek and kale : .,:. rfPm.rili,r q,i
lpm 7:3Opm soup with two Cae"ijqrcino:',vitff
7:30pm An apple tipm
Rice noodles in
Lentii and
vegetable soup, Quinoa with
slices of rye bread ,j: ,syimnne{milk: i
'i;i;iii :,li
coconut broth 6:30pm lemon and roasted 7:30pm ',''.
.eso.n-;ij f,il.w,{l,'&w,$ l':,
with ch;cken Vegetable curry ginger tea and vegetables, Rhubarb yoghurt , rh;# Veqpteble_rl i;:.tWj:$,$t',,gjt,W$/.
and green with brown a square of smoked tofu and and a lemon and ":. itii:fru dricitt i

ginger tea
vegetables basmati rice dark chocolate fresh mint tea
' '.,"ice1i
To control your I really have to Working out with I love dancing, l'm pretty ,+*U,';-,ru1 'ii.$W,t,t4}!r:ilW:
cravings, you
have to control
psyche myself up
a PT definitely
heLps to motivate
but my body
responds best
regimental about
hot drinks. I stick
often iltii{n
i; $ ,t
:,Slyiffi{#9|:i :,

yourmind. l've fitness'. But I try me. I recently to weights, to coffee and voi+l##owiili;
' li:; "lifii|iiixl[,:1]a! lll] lr : rr
found planning to make exercise discovered a kick-boxing Ead Grey tea ; lSOrmUCn,CnOlC9..i ti:ilt:y lgW;t$$iit
meals when l'm a natural part of
my day by
really inspirational and climbing. earlier in the .:; i-iunbia abiimi ,t:#,Wi 1
not hungry - and trainer online, and Strength and day to perk ,liBittl.silneilisiilqf 'tl:&6W;W;tl
not when lrrn
queuing at
walkinq as much
as possible. I live
I work out with

flexibility are my
thing. lf I could do
myself up then
wind down
. "'
t.$ lyy*[yqib.fl eCF:
ihe iiienri driliriei
Starbucks - is the near Hampstead few hours a week them set to before bed 't ;i.dliiatl.iainAil
only way to stop Heath, so it's easy doing cardio and music, in a with lemon, i,uV;,1;!tbierI |:WITW&i,eW/;:
myself making to head out for body-weight glamorous outfit ginger and : i<iq l#;"r*iiiqrr l:*ffqliw,#r;i;r,
bad decisions. a brisk walk. exercises. - l'd be sei for lifel mint herbal teas- l6tiotd;fdiihe.. I
".;.ilil@,W *,,'
,):/;,ll. .
./.|:t :.::: . ta,t :Lt


WH nutritionist Christy Fergusson gives her treais like Diet Coke - she should eat every three another smoothie, She could also sw tch her
verdict: The rlhole grains that Anna eats are to four hours. Regular afternoon snacks would cups of Ear Grey with an antroxrdant-rich green
nutr tronal y dense and studres' have proven they help keep her energy steady as would a regu ar tea or herbal tea to give her a caffeine-free boost
can pro ong your rfe. To keep her b ood sugar time to eat breakfast. Great opt ons include a few when she needs il. Overall, Anna's menu inc udes
balanced and avoid craving nutrit ona y ernpty nuts and an apple, hummus and oatcakes or all the components of a hea thy, varied dlet. EE

138 woN4EN's HEALTH Aprit 2ots i

wo menshea lth mag.co. uk

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