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Advanced Collections R12

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Oracle® Advanced Collections

Implementation Guide
Release 12
Part No. B25868-01

December 2006
Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide, Release 12

Part No. B25868-01

Copyright © 2001, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Primary Author:     Melanie Heisler, Kristin Penaskovic, Judy Wood

Contributing Author:     Andre Araujo, Tina Cook, Carol King

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1 Setting Up Related Applications

Overview of Setup Process........................................................................................................1-2
Create Employee Locations and Organizations........................................................................ 1-4
Create Employees...................................................................................................................... 1-4
Define Resource Group Hierarchy........................................................................................... 1-5
Assign Roles and Resource Groups.......................................................................................... 1-6
Assign Collectors....................................................................................................................... 1-8
Set Up Oracle Receivables...................................................................................................... 1-12
Enable AR Transactions Summary Tables............................................................................. 1-13
Set Up Oracle Cash Management........................................................................................... 1-14
Set Up Oracle Payments.......................................................................................................... 1-14
Enable Oracle iReceivables..................................................................................................... 1-14
Set Up Units of Measure......................................................................................................... 1-15
Set Up Security and Responsibilities..................................................................................... 1-15
Set Up Notes............................................................................................................................ 1-16
Set Up Tasks............................................................................................................................ 1-18
Set Up Oracle XML Publisher................................................................................................. 1-18
Create Oracle XML Publisher Templates............................................................................... 1-19
Enable Customer Interaction Tracking................................................................................... 1-20
Set Up Oracle Customer Interaction History.......................................................................... 1-21
Enable Oracle Interaction Center............................................................................................ 1-22
Set Up Collections Campaigns in Oracle Marketing Online................................................. 1-22
Set Up Call Wrap-up Administration..................................................................................... 1-22

Implement Oracle Trade Management................................................................................... 1-23
Install Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture.......................................................................... 1-23
Install Oracle Lease Management........................................................................................... 1-23
Install Oracle Loans................................................................................................................. 1-24

2 Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections

Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections ................................................................................ 2-1
Using Preconfigured Elements................................................................................................. 2-3
Operational Data Level............................................................................................................. 2-4
Display Collector's Work Queue Nodes................................................................................... 2-4
Set the Desktop Display Style.................................................................................................. 2-6
Set Up Custom Tabs.................................................................................................................. 2-6
Set Up Metrics........................................................................................................................... 2-7
Set Up Additional Oracle Advanced Collections Profile Options...........................................2-8
Set Up Customer Prioritization Status...................................................................................... 2-9
Enable Web Directory Assistance........................................................................................... 2-11
Set Up Workflow for Promise Approval................................................................................ 2-13
Configure Oracle Advanced Collections for Lease Management.......................................... 2-13

3 Collections Methods Setup

Overview of Scoring.................................................................................................................. 3-2
Score Objects............................................................................................................................. 3-6
Concurrent Programs................................................................................................................. 3-6
Preconfigured Scoring Engines................................................................................................. 3-7
Set Up Scoring........................................................................................................................... 3-7
Scoring Components................................................................................................................. 3-7
Create Scoring Components...................................................................................................... 3-8
Weight........................................................................................................................................ 3-9
Segments.................................................................................................................................... 3-9
Create or Update a Scoring Segment...................................................................................... 3-10
Create New Scoring Engines................................................................................................... 3-12
Add Scoring Components....................................................................................................... 3-14
Set Score Ranges...................................................................................................................... 3-15
Enter Parameters for Function Variables................................................................................ 3-15
Set Up Delinquency Status Score Ranges.............................................................................. 3-16
Collections Strategies.............................................................................................................. 3-18
How Strategies Work.............................................................................................................. 3-19
Changing Strategies Based on Tolerance........................................................................... 3-20
Strategy Checklists.................................................................................................................. 3-21
Segments.................................................................................................................................. 3-22

Preconfigured Elements for Strategies................................................................................... 3-22
Work Items.............................................................................................................................. 3-23
Work Item Details.............................................................................................................. 3-24
Using Custom Workflows.................................................................................................. 3-25
Correspondence................................................................................................................. 3-27
Create Work Items................................................................................................................... 3-27
Create a Work Item - General Information............................................................................. 3-28
Create a Work Item - Details................................................................................................... 3-29
Set Up Correspondence........................................................................................................... 3-30
Custom Workflows.................................................................................................................. 3-30
Assign Skills............................................................................................................................ 3-31
Create Collections Strategies.................................................................................................. 3-31
Strategy General Information................................................................................................. 3-32
Adding a Strategy Segment.....................................................................................................3-33
Scoring Rules........................................................................................................................... 3-34
Add Work Items...................................................................................................................... 3-35
Define Strategy Default.......................................................................................................... 3-36
Default Strategy Resource....................................................................................................... 3-37
Overview of Using Dunning Plans......................................................................................... 3-37
Dunning Process...................................................................................................................... 3-38
Dunning Requirements........................................................................................................... 3-38
Creating Correspondence Templates...................................................................................... 3-39
Dunning Plans......................................................................................................................... 3-39
Aging Bucket Lines for Dunning............................................................................................ 3-40
Set Dunning Plan Aging Bucket............................................................................................. 3-40
Setting Dunning Level............................................................................................................ 3-41
Set Collections Dunning Level............................................................................................... 3-41
Creating a Dunning Plan......................................................................................................... 3-42
Create Dunning Plans............................................................................................................. 3-43
Set Up Universal Work Queue for Dunning Plans................................................................ 3-43

4 Verifying the Implementation

Use the Diagnostic Tests .......................................................................................................... 4-1
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components........................................... 4-2
Create Accounts......................................................................................................................... 4-4
Create Invoices.......................................................................................................................... 4-5
Create Delinquencies................................................................................................................ 4-6
Verify Delinquencies................................................................................................................ 4-7
Dispute an Invoice.................................................................................................................... 4-8
Adjust an Invoice...................................................................................................................... 4-9

Record a Promise to Pay............................................................................................................ 4-9
Process a Credit Card Payment............................................................................................... 4-10
Process a Bank EFT Payment.................................................................................................. 4-11
Verify Payment Processing..................................................................................................... 4-11
Verify the Collector's Actions................................................................................................. 4-13
Verify Collector's Work Queue Navigation........................................................................... 4-13
Verify Interaction Tracking.................................................................................................... 4-14
Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components.............................................4-16
Verifying Integration with Oracle Lease Management..........................................................4-16

A Lookups
Collections Lookups................................................................................................................. A-1

B Profile Options
Profile Options and Profile Categories Overview................................................................... B-1
Category and Profile Option Descriptions............................................................................... B-7
Account Work Queue Configuration Category................................................................... B-7
Activity Tracking Category................................................................................................. B-9
Business Flow Configuration Category............................................................................. B-11
Collections Methods Category.......................................................................................... B-12
Correspondence Category................................................................................................. B-15
Customer Work Queue Configuration Category...............................................................B-18
Debug Category................................................................................................................. B-20
Delinquency Work Queue Configuration Category.......................................................... B-20
Leasing Integration Category............................................................................................ B-22
Operations Category......................................................................................................... B-25
Site Work Queue Configuration Category.........................................................................B-28
UI Category....................................................................................................................... B-29
Work Queue Configuration Category............................................................................... B-32
XML Publisher Integration Category.................................................................................B-34
Profile Options for Collections Questionnaire and Checklist.............................................. B-36
Profile Options Not Owned by Oracle Advanced Collections.............................................. B-40

C Preconfigured Correspondence Templates

Preconfigured Templates for Oracle XML Publisher.............................................................. C-1
Payment Confirmation Letter Template.................................................................................. C-2
Dispute Confirmation Letter Template....................................................................................C-4
Promise Confirmation Letter Template................................................................................... C-6
Adjustment Confirmation Letter Template............................................................................. C-8
Payment Reversal Confirmation Letter Template................................................................. C-10

Consolidated Invoice Confirmation Letter Template............................................................C-12
Invoice Letter Template.......................................................................................................... C-14
Pre-delinquent Letter Template............................................................................................. C-16
Soft Dunning Letter 1 Template............................................................................................. C-21
Soft Dunning Letter 2 Template............................................................................................. C-26
Moderate Dunning Letter 1 Template.................................................................................... C-31
Moderate Dunning Letter 2 Template.................................................................................... C-36
Hard Dunning Letter 1 Template........................................................................................... C-41
Hard Dunning Letter 2 Template........................................................................................... C-46
Hard Dunning Letter 3 Template........................................................................................... C-51

D Metrics
Preconfigured Metrics.............................................................................................................. D-1

E Preconfigured Scoring Elements

Using Preconfigured Scoring Elements....................................................................................E-1
Preconfigured Scoring Engines................................................................................................ E-1
Preconfigured Scoring Components........................................................................................ E-3

F Preconfigured Strategy Elements

Preconfigured Strategy Templates........................................................................................... F-1
Preconfigured Strategy Work Items......................................................................................... F-3
Preconfigured Workflows for Strategy Work Items................................................................ F-5

G Collections Features for Oracle Receivables and Advanced Collections

List of Collections Features for Oracle Receivables and Advanced Collections.................... G-1
Collections Features for Receivables................................................................................... G-1
Oracle Advanced Collections Features................................................................................G-3

H Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables

Open Interface Tables.............................................................................................................. H-1
OKL_OPEN_INT Table............................................................................................................ H-1
OKL_OPEN_INT_PRTY Table................................................................................................. H-5
OKL_OPEN_INT_ASST Table................................................................................................. H-7
IEX_OPEN_INT_HST Table..................................................................................................... H-9


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide, Release 12

Part No. B25868-01

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12 of the Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area.

• Computer desktop application and usage.

If you have never used Oracle Applications, we suggest you attend one or more of the
Oracle Applications training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page xiii for more Oracle Applications product

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within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY
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accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
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representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

1  Setting Up Related Applications
This chapter describes the setup steps required before you implement Oracle Advanced
2  Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections
This chapter describes the implementation process required for Oracle Advanced
3  Collections Methods Setup
This chapter describes the business processes and implementation considerations for
setting up your collection methods. It is divided into three sections covering scoring,
strategies, and dunning.
4  Verifying the Implementation
This chapter discusses how to verify that your implementation is successful.
A  Lookups
This appendix lists the lookups used by Oracle Advanced Collections.
B  Profile Options
This appendix lists the profile options used for Oracle Advanced Collections.
C  Preconfigured Correspondence Templates
This appendix provides letter samples and the queries used to produce the
preconfigured correspondence templates.
D  Metrics
This appendix lists the preconfigured metrics available in Oracle Advanced Collections.
E  Preconfigured Scoring Elements
This appendix describes the preconfigured scoring engines and scoring components
provided in the application.
F  Preconfigured Strategy Elements

This appendix lists the preconfigured work items and templates available for strategies.
G  Collections Features for Oracle Receivables and Advanced Collections
This appendix describes the Oracle Advanced Collections functionality available in
Oracle Receivables.
H  Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables
This appendix describes the Oracle Lease Management open interface tables.

Related Information Sources

This document is included on the Oracle Applications Document Library, which is
supplied in the Release 12 DVD Pack. You can download soft-copy documentation as
PDF files from the Oracle Technology Network at http://otn.oracle.com/documentation,
or you can purchase hard-copy documentation from the Oracle Store at
http://oraclestore.oracle.com. The Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library
Release 12 contains the latest information, including any documents that have changed
significantly between releases. If substantial changes to this book are necessary, a
revised version will be made available on the online documentation CD on Oracle
If this guide refers you to other Oracle Applications documentation, use only the
Release 12 versions of those guides.
For a full list of documentation resources for Oracle Applications Release 12, see Oracle
Applications Documentation Resources, Release 12, OracleMetaLink Document
Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• PDF - PDF documentation is available for download from the Oracle Technology
Network at http://otn.oracle.com/documentation.

• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on OracleMetaLink.

• Oracle MetaLink Knowledge Browser - The OracleMetaLink Knowledge Browser

lets you browse the knowledge base, from a single product page, to find all
documents for that product area. Use the Knowledge Browser to search for
release-specific information, such as FAQs, recent patches, alerts, white papers,
troubleshooting tips, and other archived documents.

• Oracle eBusiness Suite Electronic Technical Reference Manuals - Each Electronic

Technical Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed
description of database tables, forms, reports, and programs for a specific Oracle
Applications product. This information helps you convert data from your existing
applications and integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle applications,
and write custom reports for Oracle Applications products. Oracle eTRM is
available on OracleMetaLink.

Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install:
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle Applications. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle Applications Release 12, or as part of an upgrade from
Release 11i to Release 12. The book also describes the steps needed to install the
technology stack components only, for the special situations where this is applicable.
Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures:
This guide describes how to use AD maintenance utilities to complete tasks such as
compiling invalid objects, managing parallel processing jobs, and maintaining snapshot
information. Part of Maintaining Oracle Applications, a 3-book set that also includes
Oracle Applications Patching Procedures and Oracle Applications Maintenance
Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities:
This guide describes how to run utilities, such as AD Administration and AD
Controller, used to maintain the Oracle Applications file system and database. Outlines
the actions performed by these utilities, such as monitoring parallel processes,
generating Applications files, and maintaining Applications database entities. Part of
Maintaining Oracle Applications, a 3-book set that also includes Oracle Applications
Patching Procedures and Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.
Oracle Applications Patching Procedures:
This guide describes how to patch the Oracle Applications file system and database
using AutoPatch, and how to use other patching-related tools like AD Merge Patch,
OAM Patch Wizard, and OAM Registered Flagged Files. Describes patch types and
structure, and outlines some of the most commonly used patching procedures. Part of
Maintaining Oracle Applications, a 3-book set that also includes Oracle Applications
Maintenance Utilities and Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.
Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12:
This guide provides information for DBAs and Applications Specialists who are
responsible for upgrading a Release 11i Oracle Applications system (techstack and
products) to Release 12. In addition to information about applying the upgrade driver,
it outlines pre-upgrade steps and post-upgrade steps, and provides descriptions of
product-specific functional changes and suggestions for verifying the upgrade and
reducing downtime.
Oracle Alert User's Guide:
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle Applications data.
Oracle Application Developer's Guide:

This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle Applications
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
needed to implement the Oracle Applications user interface described in the Oracle
Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It also provides
information to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they
integrate with Oracle Applications.
Oracle Application Flexfields Guide:
This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
Applications implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle Applications product data. This guide also provides information
on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle Applications Concepts:
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the Oracle
Applications architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics, giving a
broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the installation and
configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide
This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications
built with Oracle Application Framework.
Important: Oracle Advanced Collections does not contain any end-user personalizable
regions, and there are no special considerations that you need to be aware of when
creating administrator-level personalizations of its regions or pages. For general
information about how to create personalizations, refer to this guide.
Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set:
This documentation set provides planning and reference information for the Oracle
Applications System Administrator. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide -
Configuration contains information on system configuration steps, including defining
concurrent programs and managers, enabling Oracle Applications Manager features,
and setting up printers and online help. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide
- Maintenance provides information for frequent tasks such as monitoring your system
with Oracle Applications Manager, managing concurrent managers and reports, using
diagnostic utilities, managing profile options, and using alerts. Oracle Applications
System Administrator's Guide - Security describes User Management, data security,
function security, auditing, and security configurations.
Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products:
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle
Applications development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle Applications products
and how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms.
Oracle Applications User's Guide:

This guide explains how to navigate, enter data, query, and run reports using the user
interface (UI) of Oracle Applications. This guide also includes information on setting
user profiles, as well as running and reviewing concurrent requests.
Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide:
The Implementation Guide contains important reference and background information
on each of the Oracle Common Application Calendar. In addition, it contains
procedures and implementing and System Administration tasks that are necessary to
perform in each of the modules.
Oracle Integration Repository User's Guide:
This guide covers the employment of Oracle Integration Repository in researching and
deploying business interfaces to produce integrations between applications.
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide:
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any Oracle
Applications product that includes workflow-enabled processes, as well as how to
monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow API Reference:
This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access
Oracle Workflow.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide:
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to
define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide:
This guide describes how Oracle Applications users can view and respond to workflow
notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide:
This guide describes the multiple organizations concepts in Oracle Applications. It
describes in detail on setting up and working effectively with multiple organizations in
Oracle Applications.
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement Functional Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to
Release 12:
This guides provides detailed information about the functional impacts of upgrading
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement products from Release 11i to Release 12. This
guide supplements the Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.
Oracle Financials Concepts Guide:
This guide describes the fundamental concepts of Oracle Financials. The guide is
intended to introduce readers to the concepts used in the applications, and help them
compare their real world business, organization, and processes to those used in the

Oracle Financials Glossary:
The glossary includes definitions of common terms that are shared by all Oracle
Financials products. In some cases, there may be different definitions of the same term
for different Financials products. If you are unsure of the meaning of a term you see in
an Oracle Financials guide, please refer to the glossary for clarification. You can find the
glossary in the online help or in the Oracle Financials Implementation Guide.
Oracle Financials Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement the Oracle Financials E-Business
Suite. It guides you through setting up your organizations, including legal entities, and
their accounting, using the Accounting Setup Manager. It covers intercompany
accounting and sequencing of accounting entries, and it provides examples.
Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide:
This guide describes how to use the features of Oracle Advanced Collections to manage
your collections activities. It describes how collections agents and managers can use
Oracle Advanced Collections to identify delinquent customers, review payment history
and aging data, process payments, use strategies and dunning plans to automate the
collections process, manage work assignments, and handle later-stage delinquencies.
Oracle Advanced Inbound Telephony Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to implement Oracle Advanced Inbound Telephony.
Oracle Advanced Outbound Telephony Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to implement Oracle Advanced Outbound Telephony.
Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture User Guide:
This guide provides you information on using Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture.
Consult this guide to create and customize billing templates, assign a template to a rule
and submit print requests. This guide also provides detailed information on page
references, seeded content items and template assignment attributes.
Oracle Cash Management User Guide:
This guide describes how to use Oracle Cash Management to clear your receipts, as well
as reconcile bank statements with your outstanding balances and transactions. This
manual also explains how to effectively manage and control your cash cycle. It provides
comprehensive bank reconciliation and flexible cash forecasting.
Oracle Credit Management User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Credit Management.
This guide includes implementation steps, such as how to set up credit policies, as well
as details on how to use the credit review process to derive credit recommendations
that comply with your credit policies. This guide also includes detailed information
about the public application programming interfaces (APIs) that you can use to extend
Oracle Credit Management functionality.

Oracle Customer Interaction History Implementation Guide:
Oracle Advanced Collections uses Oracle Customer Interaction History to track all
customer interaction events.
Oracle General Ledger User's Guide:
This guide provides information on how to use Oracle General Ledger. Use this guide
to learn how to create and maintain ledgers, ledger currencies, budgets, and journal
entries. This guide also includes information about running financial reports.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide:
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your enterprise. This includes setting up
your organization hierarchy, recording details about jobs and positions within your
enterprise, defining person types to represent your workforce, and also how to manage
your budgets and costs.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Workforce Sourcing, Deployment,
and Talent Management Guide:
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your workforce. This includes recruiting
new workers, developing their careers, managing contingent workers, and reporting on
your workforce.
Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement Oracle iReceivables. Use this
guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use, including
how to set up and configure iReceivables, and how to set up the Credit Memo Request
workflow. There is also a chapter that provides an overview of major features available
in iReceivables.
Oracle Interaction Center Server Manager Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to implement Oracle Interaction Center Server Manager.
Oracle Lease Management Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how to implement Oracle Lease Management.
Oracle Loans User Guide:
This guide describes how to set up and use Oracle Loans. It includes information on
how to create, approve, fund, amortize, bill, and service extended repayment plan and
direct loans.
Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide:
This guide provides detailed functional and integration setup information for technical
consultants, application administrators, and implementation team members.
Oracle Marketing User Guide:
This document describes concepts and procedures that business users need to know to
use Oracle Marketing to complete day-to-day tasks.

Oracle Payments Implementation Guide:
This guide describes how Oracle Payments, as the central payment engine for the
Oracle E-Business Suite, processes transactions, such as invoice payments from Oracle
Payables, bank account transfers from Oracle Cash Management, and settlements
against credit cards and bank accounts from Oracle Receivables. This guide also
describes how Oracle Payments is integrated with financial institutions and payment
systems for receipt and payment processing, known as funds capture and funds
disbursement, respectively. Additionally, the guide explains to the implementer how to
plan the implementation of Oracle Payments, how to configure it, set it up, test
transactions, and how use it with external payment systems.
Oracle Payments User Guide:
This guide describes how Oracle Payments, as the central payment engine for the
Oracle E-Business Suite, processes transactions, such as invoice payments from Oracle
Payables, bank account transfers from Oracle Cash Management, and settlements
against credit cards and bank accounts from Oracle Receivables. This guide also
describes to the Payment Administrator how to monitor the funds capture and funds
disbursement processes, as well as how to remedy any errors that may arise.
Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to implement Oracle Receivables.
Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use,
including how to set up customers, transactions, receipts, accounting, tax, and
collections. This guide also includes a comprehensive list of profile options that you can
set to customize application behavior.
Oracle Receivables Reference Guide:
This guide provides you with detailed information about all public application
programming interfaces (APIs) that you can use to extend Oracle Receivables
functionality. This guide also describes the Oracle Receivables open interfaces, such as
AutoLockbox which lets you create and apply receipts and AutoInvoice which you can
use to import and validate transactions from other systems. Archiving and purging
Receivables data is also discussed in this guide.
Oracle Receivables User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Receivables. Use this
guide to learn how to create and maintain transactions and bills receivable, enter and
apply receipts, enter customer information, and manage revenue. This guide also
includes information about accounting in Receivables. Use the Standard Navigation
Paths appendix to find out how to access each Receivables window.
Oracle TeleSales Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how to implement the features of Oracle TeleSales. Many of the
procedures and explanations in this guide can be used to administer the application
after the product is implemented.
Oracle Territory Manager Implementation Guide:

This guide covers the steps needed to implement Oracle Territory Manager.
Oracle Trade Management Implementation Guide:
This guide provides detailed functional and integration setup information for Oracle
Trade Management, which can be used by technical consultants, application
administrators, and implementation team members.
Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide:
Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data
with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety
of business needs. Outputs include: PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, and eText (for EDI and
EFT transactions). Oracle XML Publisher can be used to generate reports based on
existing E-Business Suite report data, or you can use Oracle XML Publisher's data
extraction engine to build your own queries. Oracle XML Publisher also provides a
robust set of APIs to manage delivery of your reports via e-mail, fax, secure FTP,
printer, WebDav, and more. This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle
XML Publisher as well as how to use the Application Programming Interface to build
custom solutions.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle Applications data unless
otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data, you risk destroying the integrity of your
data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle Applications form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle
Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a
row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables
get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information

and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications.
When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps track
of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Setting Up Related Applications

This chapter describes the setup steps required before you implement Oracle Advanced
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Overview of Setup Process
• Create Employee Locations and Organizations
• Create Employees
• Define Resource Group Hierarchy
• Assign Roles and Resource Groups
• Assign Collectors
• Set Up Oracle Receivables
• Enable AR Transactions Summary Tables
• Set Up Oracle Cash Management
• Set Up Oracle Payments
• Enable Oracle iReceivables
• Set Up Units of Measure
• Set Up Security and Responsibilities
• Set Up Notes
• Set Up Tasks
• Set Up Oracle XML Publisher
• Create Oracle XML Publisher Templates
• Enable Customer Interaction Tracking
• Set Up Oracle Customer Interaction History
• Enable Oracle Interaction Center

Setting Up Related Applications    1-1

• Set Up Collections Campaigns in Oracle Marketing Online
• Set Up Call Wrap-up Administration
• Implement Oracle Trade Management
• Install Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture
• Install Oracle Lease Management
• Install Oracle Loans

Overview of Setup Process

Before you implement Oracle Advanced Collections, you must set up other Oracle
E-Business Suite applications. Follow the steps listed in the table below. Optional steps
extend or add functionality to Oracle Advanced Collections.
After setting up the applications required for your business, you can implement Oracle
Advanced Collections. See: Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1.
You can determine the order in which you perform these steps, except for the first two
steps listed. Create employee locations, organizations, and employees before
performing any of the other steps.

Pre-Implementation Checklist

Step Number E-Business Product Step Required

Step 1 Oracle HRMS Create Employee Locations and Required

Organizations, page 1-4

Step 2 Oracle HRMS Create Employees, page 1-4 Required

Step 3 Oracle Resource Manager Define Resource Group Hierarchy, page 1-5 Optional

Step 4 Oracle Resource Manager Assign Roles and Resource Groups, page 1-6 Required

Step 5 Oracle Territory Manager Assign Collectors, page 1-8 Optional

Step 6 Oracle Receivables Set Up Oracle Receivables, page 1-12 Required

Step 7 Oracle Receivables Enable AR Transaction Summary Tables, page Required


Step 8 Oracle Cash Management Set Up Oracle Cash Management, page 1-14 Required

1-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Step Number E-Business Product Step Required

Step 9 Oracle Payments Set Up Oracle Payments, page 1-14 Optional

Step 10 Oracle iReceivables Set Up Oracle iReceivables, page 1-14 Optional

Step 11 Oracle Inventory Set Up Units Of Measure, page 1-15 Required for

Step 12 Oracle Applications Object Set Up Security and Responsibilities, page 1- Required
Library 15

Step 13 Oracle Notes Set Up Notes, page 1-16 Optional

Step 14 Oracle Tasks Set Up Tasks, page 1-18 Optional

Step 15 Oracle XML Publisher Set Up Oracle XML Publisher, page 1-18 Optional

Step 16 Oracle XML Publisher Create Oracle XML Publisher Templates, page Optional

Step 17 Oracle TeleSales Enable Customer Interaction Tracking, page 1- Optional


Step 18 Oracle Customer Interaction Set Up Interaction History, page 1-21 Optional

Step 19 Oracle TeleSales Enable Interaction Center, page 1-22 Optional

Step 20 Oracle Marketing Online Set Up Collections Campaigns in Oracle Optional

Marketing Online, page 1-22

Step 21 Oracle TelesSales Set Up Call Wrap-up Administration, page 1- Optional


Step 22 Oracle Marketing Implement Oracle Trade Management, page Optional


Step 23 Oracle Bill Presentment Set Up Bill Presentment Architecture, page 1- Optional
Architecture 23

Step 24 Oracle Lease Management Install Oracle Lease Management, page 1-23 Optional

Setting Up Related Applications    1-3

Step Number E-Business Product Step Required

Step 25 Oracle Loans Install Oracle Loans, page 1-24 Optional

Create Employee Locations and Organizations

Set up organizations in Oracle HRMS to record the physical location where your
employees work and all the different departments and sections which make up your
enterprise. A default business organization has been set up for you, so this step is not
required for Advanced Collections to be fully operational. However, you must set up
organizations if you plan to use any financial ERP application in the future.
Using organizations can also help you set up security in Advanced Collections. For
example, you can attach responsibilities with different levels of security to the different
operating units you set up as organizations. Any individuals employed in those units
automatically inherit that responsibility.
See: Setting Up Organizations, Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Enterprise
and Workforce Management Guide.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Create Employees
You must create the individuals who will be using the collections application you are
implementing as employees before you can set them up as users.
Follow the steps in Entering a New Person, Oracle Human Resources Management Systems
Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide. Make sure that you enter
Employee in the Category field.
The navigation paths for creating employees are different depending on the type of
installation of Oracle HRMS you have.
• If you have the full installation of Oracle Human Resources, a module of Oracle
HRMS, you must use HR and perform this step under the HRMS Manager
responsibility. Navigate to the Enter and Maintain window.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

1-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Define Resource Group Hierarchy
You set up Resource groups to:
• Assign customer and work to groups of collectors.

• Control the access by managers to collections information maintained by their


• Determine how collections information is aggregated in reports.

If you want managers to access collections tasks created by their subordinates, then you
must set up a hierarchy of resource groups that mirrors your collections organization.
You can have multiple employees in one group. An employee in a group with the role
of manager automatically becomes the manager of the other employees in that group
and of the employees in the groups below in the hierarchy.

Note: You must not assign more than one employee with the role of
Manager per group. Doing so will impact the reporting accuracy.

❒ You must have a CRM Resource Manager responsibility.
You must be defined as a resource.

1. Using the CRM Administrator responsibility, navigate to Maintain Resources >
The Define Groups window appears.

2. To find an existing resource group:

• Click Find on the application toolbar to open the Find Group window.

• Select a group name from the list of values in the Group Name field and click
Find.The application populates the Results section with the group name search

• Select a group name in the Results table and click OK. The application
populates the Define Groups window with the group information.

3. To create a new group:

Setting Up Related Applications    1-5

• Enter a group name in the Group Name field.

• Enter a brief description of the group in the Group Description field.

• Enter the effective dates for the group in the Start and End fields.

Tip: To create a hierarchy of groups, start at the bottom or the

top of the hierarchy. This will make it easier to link each group
to the parent group or to its child groups.

If collections managers are responsible for managing their own customers'
delinquencies, then they should be part of their own groups.
Use the Relations tab to relate Parent Groups.
See also: Phase II: Managing Resources in Oracle Trading Community Architecture
Administration Guide.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Assign Roles and Resource Groups

Use this procedure to import employees from Oracle HRMS.

❒ Set up employees in HRMS

1. Using the CRM Resource Manager responsibility, navigate to Maintain Resources >
Import Resources.
The Selection Criterion window appears.

2. Select Employee from the Resource Category drop-down list.

3. If you are importing a single employee, then use the List of Values in the Name
field. For groups of employees, search by job title, competency, or other search

1-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

4. Click Search.
The employees that match your search criteria appear.

5. Select the check boxes for the employees you want to import as resources into your
application. The next step will assign a single role to each of the selected resources.

6. Click Create Resource.

The Default Values window appears.

7. Use the Role LOV to select one of the available roles to assign to the resources.
Assign a role with a role type of Collections. Available roles are Collections Agent
and Collections Manager.

8. Click OK.
The Selected Resources window appears. This window displays the list of
employees about to be assigned the role.

9. If there are any employees on the list you do not want to receive this role, then
deselect their Select check box.

10. Click Save Resource.

The Save Resource button grays out indicating that you have successfully imported
the resources.

11. If you want to add additional roles to any of the employees then:

1. Select the employee.

2. Click Details.
The Resource window displays information about the employee.

3. On the Role tab, use the Role Type LOV to select Collections.

4. Use the Role LOV to select the role.

5. Change the start date to a date before today.

6. Add any additional role for this employee by repeating the above three steps.

7. Click Save on the toolbar and close the Resource window.

12. Assign resource groups to each employee and select the roles they are going to have
in each. For each employee:
1. Select the employee in the Selected Resource window.

Setting Up Related Applications    1-7

2. Click Details.
The Resource window displays information about the employee.

3. In the Group region of the Groups tab, use the Name LOV to assign a group to
the employee.

4. Use the Name LOV in the Group Member Role region to select one or more
roles for this employee in the group.

5. Change the start date to a date before today.

6. Click Save on the toolbar.

7. Repeat the above three steps for each group to which you want to assign the

Role type must be Collections or users will not be able to log into Oracle Advanced
Collections. Collections managers need to have Collections roles. Seeded roles include
Collections Agent and Collections Manager. You can create additional collections roles,
but Oracle recommends you use the seeded roles as these are tied to Oracle Advanced
Collections functionality.
You can assign a resource to multiple groups, but a group should have only one
Managers should be assigned to their own group if they manage customers'
If you are moving agents from one group to another, do not remove them from their
original group. Instead, click Move and add them to the new group. This will
automatically end date their previous group membership.
See also: Overview of Managing Resources, Oracle Trading Community Architecture
Administration Guide.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Assign Collectors
You can assign collectors using one of two methods, based on your product
configuration and usage.
• Use Oracle Territory Manager to automatically assign collectors to customers,

1-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

accounts, or bill-to locations.

Note: If you collect at the customer level, you must use Territory
Manager to assign collectors. Go to the Credit and Collection region
of the Account Profile for Customers.

• Use the Customers page in Oracle Receivables to manually assign the collectors at
account or bill-to level.

Oracle Territory Manager provides user interfaces and functionality to manage

territories for collections and other functional organizations. Oracle Advanced
Collections uses Territory Manager to align collectors with customers in territories and
allow collectors to see their work in the Collector's Work Queue.
The Collector's Work Queue uses collector assignments to determine which customers,
account, or bill-to sites to display to collectors. Strategy work items use collector
assignments to assign the next work item.

Note: To temporarily reassign work from one collector to another, see

Reassigning Work, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide.

To be able to assign collectors using Territory Manager:

• Create Resources, page 1-9

• Set Up Territories, page 1-10

• Run Concurrent Programs, page 1-11

Create Resources:
You must identify the resources that will be assigned to each territory.
Resources can be:
• Resources created in Oracle Resource Manager

• Collectors identified in the Collector field in the Customer Profile Classes window
of Oracle Receivables

Note: Resources must have a Role Type of Collections and a Role of

Collections Agent.

1. If you have established resources in Resource Manager and use Territory Manager,
run the IEX: Resource Collectors to AR Collectors concurrent program to create
collectors in Receivables. This program transfers existing collectors to the

Setting Up Related Applications    1-9

HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table to maintain assignments.

2. If you are migrating from using the Collectors Workbench in Receivables to Oracle
Advanced Collections, run the IEX: AR Collectors to Resource Collectors concurrent
program to create a resource for each collector you set up in Receivables.

Set Up Territories:
You can create territories for individuals or for teams of collections representatives.
See also: Setting Up Territories, Oracle Territory Manager Implementation Guide.
1. Navigate to the Territory Management responsibility.

2. Enable the transaction matching attributes you want to be available for collections

Note: You must use the Collections usage.

3. Create territory templates to reuse when creating territories.

4. Create your territories using the Collections usage.

See: Oracle Territory Manager Implementation Guide.

5. Select the transaction type of Customer on the Overview tab.

By selecting Customer you can:
• Use any of the available account matching attributes to set up your territories.

• Assign the different resources in the territory to access account information.

You can assign a single resource to one or more of these Access Types on the
Resources tab. Different resources can be set up to gain access to different types
of information.

Oracle Advanced Collections supports the following matching attributes for

creating collections territories:
Available Transaction Matching Attributes
• Account Classification

• Account Code

• Account Hierarchy

• Area Code

• City

1-10    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Company Annual Revenue

• Country

• County

• Customer Category

• Customer Name Range

• Number of Employees

• Postal Code

• Province

• Sales Partner of

• SIC Code

• State

• TCA Hierarchy

Run Concurrent Programs for Territory Assignment:

After you create territories, you must run the following concurrent programs, in the
order listed, to assign collectors to customers:
1. Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules: Use the Territory Management
responsibility to access this concurrent program. Run it to create territories defined
in the territory setup and add the customers to each territory. It must be run at least
once before you assign resources and each time after you modify the territory setup.

2. IEX: Territory Assignment: Use the Collections Administrator responsibility. This

concurrent program assigns collectors to delinquent customers using Territory
Manager. You can assign collectors at the customer, account, or bill-to level. This
program retrieves a list of available collectors for each territory and assigns the first
collector on the list.

Technical points to remember about Territory Manager:
• Resources must have a role type of Collections and a role of Collections Agent.

• The IEX: Territory Assignment concurrent program reads the definition of the

Setting Up Related Applications    1-11

Collections usage and assigns resources to the customers.

• Assignment can be done at the customer (party) level, at the account level or at the
bill-to level, but Territory Manager only assign collectors to customers with
delinquencies. Customers with delinquencies have balances in the
• This assignment controls the data a collector can view in the Collector's Work
Queue and selects collectors for work item assignment.

• Advanced Collections does not distinguish if collector assignment comes from

Territory Manager or from Oracle Receivables. If you do not use the Territory
Manager, you can populate the Collector field on the Customer page in Receivables

• Confirm assignments for Customers on the Profile tab in the Advanced Collections.
Confirm assignments for Account and Bill To in the Collector field on the Customer
page in Oracle Receivables.

Note: Collectors assigned at the customer level are not shown in the
Customer page in Oracle Receivables.

• The data is stored in the Collector field in the HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set Up Oracle Receivables

Set up Oracle Receivables according to the steps outlined in the Setup Checklist, Oracle
Receivables Implementation Guide. These steps include setting up products related to
Oracle Receivables, such as Oracle General Ledger. You may have previously
completed these steps when setting up a different Oracle Applications product.
Oracle Advanced Collections requires the following items to be implemented:
• Currencies. See: Defining Currencies, Oracle General Ledger User Guide.

• Daily conversion rate types and daily rates. See: Defining Conversion Rate Types,
Oracle General Ledger User Guide and Entering Daily Rates, Oracle General Ledger
Implementation Guide.
You must also set the default exchange rate type in Oracle Credit Management to be
able to convert data from multiple currencies to your operating currency. See:
Defining Credit Management System Options, Oracle Credit Management User Guide.

1-12    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Aging buckets. See: Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers, Oracle Receivables
Implementation Guide.

• Lockboxes. See: Lockboxes, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

• Receipt methods. See: Receipt Methods, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

• Credit memo workflow. See: Credit Management Application Workflow, Oracle

Credit Management User Guide.

• Approval Limits. See: Approval Limits, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

• Collectors. See Collectors, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

• Transaction Types. See: Define Transaction Types, Oracle Receivables Implementation

When setting up transaction types, do not allow negative numbers for invoices or
debit memos.

Set Up Payment Options for Credit Card and EFT Payments:

If you want to accept credit card or EFT payments in Oracle Advanced Collections
through Oracle Payments then you need to set up these payment options correctly in
Oracle Receivables.
1. Create a new remittance type for Collections Credit Card Payments and set it up as
a credit card remittance.

2. Create a new remittance type for Collections EFT Payments and set it up as a cash

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Enable AR Transactions Summary Tables

Oracle Advanced Collections leverages the extensive customer information contained
and updated in the AR transactions summary tables. This information is displayed on
the Collector's Work Queue Delinquency nodes and provides a quick snapshot of the
financial health of delinquent customers. Information can be viewed at the customer,
account, bill to, or delinquency data level. Summary information is also displayed
within Advanced Collections.
Perform this procedure only once. After setting the profile option, the AR Transaction
Summary Tables refresh automatically.

Setting Up Related Applications    1-13

To enable the AR transactions summary tables:
1. Set the AR: Allow Summary Table Refresh profile option to Yes. See Overview of
Receivables User Profile Options, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set Up Oracle Cash Management

Use Oracle Cash Management to set up the bank accounts required for processing
payments received from customers. If you have previously defined remittance banks
while setting up another Oracle Applications product, skip this step.
See: Bank Account Model Overview, Oracle Cash Management User Guide.

Set Up Oracle Payments

Refer to the Oracle Payments Implementation Guide for detailed steps related to
implementing and configuring this module.

Note: For standard Oracle Advanced Collections implementations,

Advanced Collections calls Receivables' APIs to create receipts.
Receivables then calls Payments APIs to process credit card or bank
EFT/ACH payments.

Note: If you use Oracle Lease Management (OKL), Advanced

Collections calls Payments APIs to capture funds in OKL. Advanced
Collections then calls OKL's APIs to send receipts to Receivables.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Enable Oracle iReceivables

Oracle iReceivables allows your customers to go online and review, pay, or dispute
their bills. This reduces the need for internal collectors to work with customers. Follow
the instructions in the Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide to configure iReceivables.

1-14    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Set Up Units of Measure
You must set up time units of measure (UOM) in Oracle Inventory if you plan to use
wait times in strategy work items. For the UOM to appear in the Work Item Template,
you must create the UOM under the UOM class, Time (not TIME). You must also set up
the conversion rates for the UOM. In addition, the profile option, Time Unit of Measure
Class, must be set.

Note: If you have already configured other financial applications, you

may have already set up UOM.

1. Using the Inventory responsibility, navigate to Unit of Measure Classes.
From the list of classes, select Time and then select Units of Measure. Define the
units of measure you will use for wait times in strategies.

Note: Do not set the base unit for the UOM class to less than an
hour. Most collections organizations use hours or days.

After entering the units of measure, select Conversions and enter the conversion
values for the units of measure.

2. Using the System Administrator responsibility, set the Time Unit of Measure Class
profile option to Time.

3. Bounce the apache server and clear the _oa_html_pages directory and browser

Set Up Security and Responsibilities

Use this procedure to set up individual employees as users for your application.

1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the Users window.

2. Enter a user name and password. You are asked to reenter the password a second

3. Use the Person List of Values (LOV) to select the employee that will be using the
user name and password.

Setting Up Related Applications    1-15

4. Assign one or more responsibilities to the user. The available responsibilities are:
• Collections Agent: This responsibility has access to the Collections window,
Universal Work Queue, searching, eBusiness Center, directory assistance, and

• Collections Manager: This responsibility supports the collections specialist

who can review and manage delinquencies, lease related information,
escalations, later stage delinquencies, collector reassignment, and reports.

• Collections Administrator: This responsibility has access to implementation

setup pages, reports, creating and maintaining strategies and collections work
items, creating scoring components, creating scoring engines, enabling or
disabling scoring engines, creating dunning plans, setting customer status
priorities, and setting up directory assistance.

5. Click Save in the toolbar.

Note: Although the responsibilities you assign have the same

names as the roles you will assign in the next step, they perform a
different function. Responsibilities are a general feature of all
Oracle applications and control what features of the application a
user can access. The roles you set up in Resource Manager control
what collections information users can view and modify.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

Set Up Notes
Oracle Notes is a CRM Foundation component which comes with a set of predefined
Advanced Collections note types. You can choose whether or not you want to use the
predefined set of note types. You can also create customized note types of your own.
Notes created in Advanced Collections are always associated to the organization and
person, if identified. Additionally, notes can be associated with other objects related to
the activity during which they were created, such as a payment, a dispute, or a promise
to pay.
Note Types
• Collections Account

• Collections Adjustment

1-16    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Collections Bankruptcy

• Collections Bill To

• Collections Cases

• Collections Delinquency

• Collections Dispute

• Collections Dunning

• Collections Invoices

• Collections Leasing Contract

• Collections Leasing Invoice

• Collections Litigation

• Collections Payment

• Collections Payment Reversal

• Collections Promise to Pay

• Collections Repossession

• Collections Writeoff

Adding Note Types:

1. Using the CRM Administrator responsibility, navigate to the Application Object
Library: Note Types Lookups window.

2. Define the code, meaning, and description as desired. You are only required to
define a tag for a new, customized note type.

3. Save the record when you are finished.

Disabling an Existing Note Type:

Assign an end date to an existing note type to disable it.

Mapping Note Types to a Source:

When you map a note type to a source object, you limit the visible note types for that
source to the defined subset of note types.

Setting Up Related Applications    1-17

See also: Implementing Notes, Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set Up Tasks
Oracle Tasks is a component of CRM Foundation and has predefined task types. If you
use dunning plans with callbacks, Advanced Collections creates tasks for the assigned
collectors using the available callback task type. Run the Create Dunning And Broken
Promise Call Backs concurrent program to display dunning callbacks in the Collector's
Work Queue.
Refer to the Implementing Task Manager section of the Oracle Common Application
Calendar Implementation Guide. Oracle Advanced Collections functionality is limited to
the following:
1. Defining Task Status (Status Transition and Rules is not supported)

2. Defining Task Priorities

3. Defining Task Types (Resource Requirements and Workflow are not supported)

4. Defining Task Templates (Dependencies and recurrences are not supported)

When setting up task types, you must map all task types.

Tip: Map the task types you want to use to Collections. Map all
unwanted task types to another application, such as Sales. This will
remove all unwanted task types from the drop down list in Advanced

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set Up Oracle XML Publisher

You must use Oracle XML Publisher to deliver collections-related correspondence to
your customers. XML Publisher generates correspondence for both strategies and
dunning plans; confirmation letters for payments, promises, adjustments, reversals and
disputes; and copies of invoices.

Note: Customers who previously implemented Oracle One-to-One

1-18    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Fulfillment must now use XML Publisher.

XML Publisher uses a template and query model to generate and send correspondence.
The template provides the form and text for the correspondence. The query supplies the
customer-related data that appears in the form letter.
Set up your internet printing protocols, such as CUPS, to be used by XML Publisher.
Then enter the fax and printer names and other required XML options in the Setup
Checklist in Collections Administration. See: Oracle XML Publisher Administration and
Developer's Guide for setup instructions.

Note: The XML profile option settings will be ignored if you use the
XML Publisher Configuration file to control your XML Publisher
delivery settings. For more information see: XML Publisher
Configuration File, Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's

Related Topics
Create XML Publisher Templates, page 1-19
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Create Oracle XML Publisher Templates

• Create or update correspondence templates.

Related Topics
Set Up Oracle XML Publisher, page 1-18
Set Up Correspondence, page 3-30
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I need to create new templates?
If the preconfigured XML Publisher templates available in Advanced Collections do not
suit your business process, you can create new templates. It is recommended that you
review and test the preconfigured templates before creating new ones.
Who can create XML Publisher templates?

Setting Up Related Applications    1-19

A functional business user, with knowledge of how correspondence should be worded,
creates the text for a template and saves it as a rich text format file (RTF) or as a portable
document file (PDF). A DBA with knowledge of the database schema as well as SQL
programming creates and registers the queries for the templates.
How do I create a new XML template?
Using your XML Publisher Administration responsibility, create a new template and
template ID code. See: Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide.
The new template and its ID code are stored in the XDO_TEMPLATES_B table.
How can I create or update a query for an existing template?
Use the following query to retrieve the new template ID that will be associated to the
Select template_id, application_id, application_short_name,
template_code from xdo_templates_b where application_short_name
= 'IEX' and template_code = 'Your @ >TEMPLATE CODE'
Create and insert a new query record into the IEX_XML_QUERIES table. Be sure to
match the operational data level of your query with the QUERY_LEVEL column in this
Create an entry in the IEX_QUERY_TEMP_XREF table to link the new query to the

Enable Customer Interaction Tracking

Enable interaction tracking if you want to automatically capture all interaction
touchpoints that a collector makes while working with a customer. Tracking
interactions saves collectors' time and improves efficiency. Interaction information can
be viewed on the History tab.
Set the following profile options to Yes:
• OTS: Interaction-Generate Customer Activity

• OTS: Interactions-Start on Query

• OTS: Interactions-Enable Automatic Start

• OTS: Interactions-Enable Auto Wrap Up

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2
Set Up Oracle Advanced Collections Profile Options, page 2-8

1-20    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Set Up Oracle Customer Interaction History
If you want to track all customer interactions in your collections process, you must set
up Oracle Customer Interaction History to enable automatic customer interaction
Advanced Collections records the actions and action items, listed in the table below, for
interactions in Customer Interaction History. You can amend these values in Customer
Interaction History.

Action Action Item

Payment Reversal

Payment Credit Card

Payment Bank Transfer

Payment Promise to Pay

Payment Terms

Dispute Invoice

Dispute Debit Memo

Dispute Send Copy of Invoice

Directory Assistance Dial New Number

Case Create Case

Strategy Create Strategy

Strategy Modify Strategy

Note: Customer Interaction History does not track correspondence sent

by strategy work items. To view a record of this correspondence, go to
the History tab in Advanced Collections and select Correspondence

See also: Implementing Tasks, Oracle Customer Interaction History Implementation Guide

Setting Up Related Applications    1-21

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Enable Oracle Interaction Center

If you want to leverage Oracle Advanced Collections functionality in a call center
environment, follow the instructions in Oracle Advanced Outbound Telephony
Implementation Guide and Oracle Advanced Inbound Telephony Implementation Guide. If
Advanced Outbound Telephony is installed, then set the profile option OTS: Advanced
Outbound Installation to Yes.
See also: Oracle Interaction Center Server Manager Implementation Guide.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set Up Collections Campaigns in Oracle Marketing Online

Refer to Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide and Oracle Marketing User Guide for
information on how to set up marketing campaigns.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set Up Call Wrap-up Administration

Refer to the instructions in the Oracle TeleSales Implementation Guide to set up the
• Create outcomes, results, and reasons for call wrapup

• Link outcomes to results and reasons

• Assign outcomes

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

1-22    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Implement Oracle Trade Management
If you want to allow collectors to access trade claims and deductions in Oracle
Advanced Collections, you must implement Trade Management. See: Oracle Trade
Management Implementation Guide.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Install Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture

If you want to allow collectors access to customer invoices presented online, you must
set up Bill Presentment Architecture (BPA). For information on how to implement BPA,
see Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture User Guide.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Install Oracle Lease Management

If you want to use Oracle Advanced Collections for collections on leasing contracts, you
must install Oracle Lease Management.
For information on how to install Oracle Lease Management, see the Oracle Lease
Management Implementation Guide.
In addition, this guide and the Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide have additional
information about installing and using Lease Management with Advanced Collections.
If you are using an earlier version of Advanced Collections that does not consolidate
invoices originating in Oracle Receivables and Lease Management, then you must use
the following procedure to convert all existing lease case delinquencies to invoice

Convert Case Delinquencies:

1. Manually run the iexupdst script to close all delinquencies that have a case ID. The
script updates the delinquency status to Closed. The script is located at

2. Disable the Case Scoring Engine and remove it from the Scoring Engine Harness.

3. Run the IEX: Strategy Management concurrent program to close the strategies for
the delinquencies updated in Step 1.

Setting Up Related Applications    1-23

4. Run the IEX:Scoring Harness concurrent program for all invoices to create
delinquencies. Select the Delinquency Status Determination scoring engine as the

5. Create new strategies using the new data level and then run the IEX: Strategy
Management concurrent program to use the new strategies.

Important: It is STRONGLY recommended that you run strategies

at the Customer, Account, or Bill To level. Do not run strategies at
the Delinquency level.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Install Oracle Loans

If you want to use Oracle Advanced Collections for collections on loans, you must
install Oracle Loans.
For information on how to install Oracle Loans, see Oracle Loans User Guide.
In addition, this guide and the Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide have additional
information about installing and using Loans with Advanced Collections.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

1-24    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections

This chapter describes the implementation process required for Oracle Advanced
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections
• Using Preconfigured Elements
• Operational Data Level
• Display Collector's Work Queue Nodes
• Set the Desktop Display Style
• Set Up Custom Tabs
• Set Up Metrics
• Set Up Additional Oracle Advanced Collections Profile Options
• Set Up Customer Prioritization Status
• Enable Web Directory Assistance
• Set Up Workflow for Promise Approval
• Configure Oracle Advanced Collections for Lease Management

Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections

Oracle Advanced Collections provides a user interface to guide you through the
implementation process. As you answer questions and make decisions about how you
will use the application, Advanced Collections sets system profile options in the
background at the site level. It also performs setup tasks, such as displaying tabs and
creating scoring engines. After completing your implementation, you can continue to
use the Checklist to manage and update key features such as scoring and strategies.
The implementation user interface is available under the Collections Administrator
responsibility and has three parts:

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-1

• Collections Questionnaire, page 2-3

• Collections Checklist, page 2-3

• Task Pages, page 2-3

Before you begin implementing Advanced Collections, you must make certain business
decisions about your collections process. The decisions you make will affect the choices
you make in the Questionnaire and Checklist. Learn more about the following areas
before you begin:
• Operational data levels, page 2-4

• Scoring, page 3-2

• Strategies, page 3-18 and dunning plans, page 3-37

• Correspondence, page 3-27

Questionnaire, Checklist, and task pages should be completed by someone who is
familiar with your business rules and has operational and functional knowledge of your
collections organization.
Use the Collections Administrator responsibility to access these pages.
Set up E-Business Suite applications and configure them for use with Oracle Advanced

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version, Oracle Advanced

Collections will populate the Questionnaire and Checklist to reflect
your earlier product configuration. You must review the Questionnaire
and Checklist to verify that the settings correctly migrated and support
your business practices. Make changes if necessary.
If you use dunning plans, you must use to change the default
collections method in the Questionnaire from strategies to dunning
The Questionnaire and Checklist set profile options at the site level and
will not affect existing profile options set at the user, application, or
responsibility level. Your responses to the Questionnaire and Checklist
will not override any profile options previously set at any level other
than the site level.
For a list of the profile options set by the Questionnaire and Checklist,
see: Profile Options for Collections Questionnaire and Checklist, page

2-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


Collections Questionnaire
The Questionnaire asks basic questions about how you plan to use Advanced
Collections. It covers three areas – operations, transactions, and collections method.
Your answers to these questions determine which setup steps appear as tasks on the
Collections Checklist. The Questionnaire appears automatically when you select the
Setup Checklist link in the Navigator for the first time. You can also access the
questionnaire from links on the Collections Checklist.

Collections Checklist
The Checklist itemizes the setup tasks to be completed for the three areas of the
The Checklist is designed to make your implementation process easier and faster. Based
on your responses in the Collections Questionnaire. It lists the setup tasks to be
completed, indicates which tasks are mandatory, and shows the status of each task.

Note: The Collections Checklist sets all Advanced Collections system

profile options for you except those related to using Oracle Lease
Management, Oracle TeleSales, and profile options that you can only
change using the Profile Navigator option.

Collections Task Pages

The task pages ask additional questions about each topic. The questions are written in
clear, non-technical language. On-screen tips and information provide additional
information about questions when necessary and links to more information in the
online help documentation. As you complete each task page, the status of the task is
updated on the Checklist. You can come back to task pages to make changes in your
system settings at any time.

Using Preconfigured Elements

Oracle Advanced Collections provides preconfigured elements for scoring, strategies,
metrics, and correspondence. These elements include scoring components, scoring
engines, work item templates, strategy templates, metrics formulas, along with
correspondence templates and queries. You can use the preconfigured elements in test
and pre-production environments. You can also use the preconfigured elements in your
production environment if they suit your business needs.
While it is not necessary to modify preconfigured elements, the instructions are

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-3

included in the Collections Checklist to show you the order in which you need to set up
these elements. Work with your collections manager to determine the modifications to
be performed during implementation. You can also follow these procedures when
modifying or adding elements.

Related Topics
Using Preconfigured Elements, page E-1

Operational Data Level

The operational data level represents the level at which you conduct your collections
business with your customers.
• Customer

• Account

• Bill To location

• Delinquency

When you select a data level in the Collections Questionnaire, you set the level for
running scoring and strategies.
In addition, the operational data level affects many aspects of how you use Advanced
Collections and controls whether some buttons are enabled or not. It affects sending
correspondence, territories for assigning collectors, and whether data from multiple
operating units can be displayed.

Related Topics
Displaying Collector's Work Queue Nodes, page 2-4
Viewing Customer Information, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

Display Collector's Work Queue Nodes

To optimize your collectors' efficiency, organize the information presented in Collector's
Work Queue to match the operational data level at which your collectors work with
customers: customer, account, bill to location, or delinquency. When you use the
Advanced Collections Setup Checklist to configure your system, the work queue nodes
are automatically set to reflect your operational data level, your collections method, and
other collections settings.
The nodes available for each operational data level are:

2-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Delinquent Node: Displays delinquent customers, accounts, bill to locations, or
transactions assigned to the collector.

• Broken Promises Node: Displays broken promises assigned to the collector. Even
though promises are taken at the transaction level, you can display them grouped
by customer, bill to location, or account.

• Strategy Work Node: Displays all the strategy work items assigned to the collector,
including customer information, and work item summary information.

You can also display a Task Node to list broken promise and dunning callbacks,
approvals, meetings, problem resolutions, and other items that make up the Collector's
Work Queue.

Note: You should displays nodes for only one data level, either
customer, account, bill to location, or delinquency, and show all
collection nodes available at that data level.

Note: If you use dunning plans instead of strategies, you should hide
Strategy Work Item nodes since they are related to strategies.

Note: Marketing lists are used for high volume outbound collections
campaigns. If you do not want marketing lists displayed in the
Collector's Work Queue, then set the AMS: Queue: Marketing Lists
profile option to No.

Even though you use the Advanced Collections Setup Checklist to determine the nodes
displayed in the Collector's Work Queue, you can also set the IEU: Queue Order profile
option to indicate the order in which each node appears. For example, if you want to
display collectors' work items organized by customer, you set the following profile
options to Yes:
• IEU: Queue: Customer View Delinquencies

• IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises

• IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies

You could set the order they appear in UWQ as follows:

• IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Delinquencies: 2

• IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Promises: 1

• IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Strategies: 3

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-5

Related Topics
Operational Data Levels, page 2-4
Using Collector's Work Queue, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide
Set Up Additional Oracle Advanced Collections Profile Options, page 2-8
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set the Desktop Display Style

The profile option IEU: Desktop: Work Selector controls the appearance of the UWQ
desktop. You can display Collector's Work Queue nodes as either:
• Hgrid: Work queue nodes are presented in a navigator frame and work items are
displayed in another frame based on the node selected. Users can drill down or roll
up to display the appropriate level of detail.

• Cascade: Work is displayed in a single frame based on the node selected from a
drop down list.

For information on setting this profile option, see: Set Up Oracle Additional Advanced
Collections Profile Options, page 2-8.

Reusing Application Windows:

The profile option IEU: Non-Media: Navigate determines whether a new Advanced
Collection window is opened every time the user selects a new work item. Set to Yes to
tell UWQ to reuse the same window when a user selects a new work item. Set to No if
you want UWQ to open an additional window when users select a new work item. Set
to Yes to save computer resources. The profile option can be set at the site, application,
responsibility, and user levels.

Related Topics
Overview of Setup Process, page 1-2

Set Up Custom Tabs

The Collections window has two tabs that you can customize to provide functionality
specific to your organization or industry, that is not provided elsewhere in Oracle
Advanced Collections. For example, you could program one tab to display additional
customer data that relates to your industry sector that your collectors can refer to while
interacting with customers.
The tabs are labeled Custom1 and Custom2. To be able to use the custom tabs, your
implementation team or system administrator must:

2-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Unhide one or both tabs according to standard procedures for including and
excluding menus.

• Add Oracle Forms code for the desired functionality for each tab.

Setting up the custom tabs to be used by your collectors will not alter your support
agreement with Oracle. However, it is recommended that you save the custom code
before applying patches or mini-packs.
For more information, see Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

Related Topics
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

Set Up Metrics

• Create new metrics

• Modify existing metrics

• Select the metrics you want to display on the Profile tab

• Set the display order

• Set rating ranges for a metric


Term Definition

Indicates if the metric uses a function call to
derive a value.

The select statement or function for the metric.

The database entity for the metric.

The value (High, Medium, Low) of a specific
metric in relation to all possible values.

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-7

Related Topics
Preconfigured Metrics, page D-1
Profile Tab, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

How often are metric values calculated?
Use the IEX: Metric Calculation Method profile option to determine whether Advanced
Collections calculates the information each time you navigate to the Profile tab or in
batch mode. If you set the profile option to batch mode, you must schedule the IEX:
Refresh Metrics Summary Table concurrent program to run to refresh the data.
Do I have to display all metrics on the Profile tab?
No. You can select which metrics to display by updating the details for each metric.
Select the Enabled box for only those metrics you want to view on the Profile tab. You
can also set the display order for the metrics.
To select the metrics to display on the Profile tab, go to the Create Metric section of the
Collections Checklist using the Collections Administrator responsibility.
Can I create a new metric?
You can define new metrics based on your corporate policies and formulas. Since metric
formulas use SQL/Plus statements or function calls to calculate data, you will need a
qualified DBA to do this.
How are ratings used with metrics?
Ratings tell the collector how to interpret or evaluate a metric value. For some metrics,
such as Average Days Late, the meaning or relevance of the calculated value is clear to
the collector. To increase the usefulness of a metric, you can define high, medium, and
low ranges of possible metric values to clarify the number returned by Advanced
Collections for a customer.
What is the test button used for?
Verify the accuracy of metric values and ranges with test data before you use the metric
with production data. Select a party in the Identifier field with known metric values and
click Test.

Set Up Additional Oracle Advanced Collections Profile Options

In addition to the profile options set by the Collections Questionnaire and Checklist,
you can set additional system profile options to define how Oracle Advanced
Collections behaves for users. You can set up your application according to your
company's business requirements.
The procedure for setting up and changing profile options is the same for all Oracle
applications. For a detailed description of the procedures, refer to the Oracle Applications
System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

2-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

See: Category and Profile Option Descriptions, page B-7 for information on profile
options available for Advanced Collections.

1. Using the Collections Administrator responsibility, choose Profiles to open the Find
System Profile Values window.

2. Enter your search criteria in the Display region.

3. Click in the Profile Field. Enter a partial name of the profile using "%" as a wild

4. Click Find. The found profiles are displayed in the System Profile Values window.

5. Click in the field of the profile you want to set or change.

6. Select a value from the List of Vales (LOV).

7. Click Save on the toolbar.

Related Topics
Category and Profile Option Descriptions, page B-7
Profile Options for Collections Questionnaire and Checklist, page B-36

Set Up Customer Prioritization Status

The Collections Header includes a Status field for the customer. This status represents
the most critical status of the customer and indicates to the collector what delinquency
issues this customer has. Often, the status of Bankruptcy is the most critical and the
company using Oracle Advanced Collections identifies the prioritization of the various
statuses using the Customer Status Prioritization menu item. Use this procedure to set
up filters and priorities that control the status displayed in the header for each

❒ If you want to use a filter, create the view the filter will use.

1. Using the Collections Administrator responsibility, select the Administration tab.

2. Choose Customer.

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-9

The Delinquency Status Prioritization page lists existing prioritizations with their
start and end dates.

3. Click Create.
The Create Delinquency Status Prioritization page appears.

4. Enter a name.

5. Enter a description.

6. Enter start and end dates for the prioritization to be active.

7. Click Create.
The prioritization is saved and appears in the Delinquency Status Prioritization

8. If you want to associate a filter with this prioritization, then perform the following
1. In the Filter Name column, click Create.
The Filter page appears and the filter type is IEXCUST.

2. Enter a filter name.

3. If you want the filter to be active, select Y.

4. Select the view name to use for the filter.

5. Select the column name to filter.

6. Click Update.
The filter is saved and the Delinquency Status Prioritization page appears.

9. Click the Prioritization ID.

The Status Prioritization Details page appears.

10. Click Add Line.

Several blank lines appear.

11. From the Delinquency Status LOV, choose the status that will be the first priority.

12. In the Priority field, enter 1.0.

13. Select Y to enable the delinquency line.

2-10    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

14. Optionally, enter additional status lines for priority 2, 3, and so on.

15. Click Update to save your record.

Related Topics
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

Enable Web Directory Assistance

Enable Web Directory Assistance if you want your collectors to be able to automatically
access the directory assistance Web site used by your organization to look up calling

1. Using the Collections Administrator or Collections Manager responsibility,
navigate to the Web Assistance page.

2. Click Create Web Assistance.

3. Using another browser window, navigate to the web directory assistance service
you want to use.

4. Perform a search for any individual. Keep the page with the results open. You will
need to refer to it for the rest of this procedure.
For example, navigate to www.superpages.com, select the People Pages tab, and
search for John Doe in California.
The search returns a page with the following URL:

5. In the Search URL field, enter the part of the URL before the question mark (?).
In the SuperPages.com example, you copy and paste the following:

6. In the Header Constant field, enter the part of the CGI portion of the URL header
that remains constant when you perform different searches.

Note: You may need to perform additional searches to determine

what portion of the URL remains constant.

In the SuperPages.com example, this is: SRC=&PS=15&PI=1.

7. In the Trailer Constant field, enter the constant part of the URL after the search

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-11

In the SuperPages.com example, this is: &search=Find

8. Enter the switch separator. The switch separator is always the ampersand (&).

9. Enter the URL separator. The URL separator is always the question mark (?).

10. Click Update.

The Web Assistance page displays the web assistance you saved.

11. Click Detail for the web assistance you created.

12. In the Web Assistance Details page, click CGI Switches.

The Oracle Advanced Collections Web Directory Administration page displays

switch information for the web directory.

13. Create each switch to include in the search. The switches are the CGI script
variables used for your search criteria. Each switch is followed by an equals (=) sign.
In the SuperPages.com example the switches are: WF, WL, T, and S.
For each switch:
1. Click Create CGI Switch.

2. Enter the switch in the Switch Code field. The entry is case sensitive.

3. Enter a number in the Sort Order field indicating the order this switch appears
in the URL.

4. Select Y next to the search criteria related to this switch. For SuperPages.com,
WF is used for first name, WL for last name, T for city, and S for state.

5. Set the Enable field to Y. Any disabled switch has a corresponding disabled
field on the Directory Assistance page.

6. If user entry for this switch is required by the web assistance service, then select
Y for the Required field. Look on the search web page to find out what fields
are required. In the SuperPages.com example, last name is the required field.

7. Click Update.
The Web Assistance Details page displays the new switch.

14. After testing your settings, set Enabled to Y.

Note: You can enable only one directory service at a time.

2-12    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

15. Click Update to save your changes.

Related Topics
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

Set Up Workflow for Promise Approval

If your business process requires manager approval before a collector can record a
promise to pay for a customer, you can set up a workflow to automate the approval

❒ Create a workflow for the promise approval process that sends notifications to the
appropriate resources. Define the process in the workflow as
For information about creating workflows, see Defining a Workflow Process, Oracle
Workflow Developer's Guide.

1. Using the Collections Administrator responsibility, enter the name of the promise
approval workflow in IEX: Item Type of Promise Workflow profile option.

2. Set IEX: Approval Required for Promise profile option to Yes.

Related Topics
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

Configure Oracle Advanced Collections for Lease Management

Oracle Advanced Collections supports the ability to collect from Receivables and Lease
Management invoices in the same instance. If you are using Oracle Lease Management,
you must configure Oracle Advanced Collections to integrate the functionality of the
two applications.
Set the following profile options used in a Collections/Lease Management operation:
• Enable IEX: iPayment Payee ID

• Enable IEX: Disable iPayment Processing

• Enable IEX: CB Customer Notification Email From

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-13

• Enable IEX: CB Customer Notification Email Subject

• Enable IEX: CB Customer Notification Template

• Enable IEX: CB Customer Notification Grace Days

• Enable IEX: Case Default Resource

• Enable IEX:: Credit Hold of Delinquency

• Enable IEX: Default Bankruptcy Notice of Assignment

• Enable IEX: EA Recall Grace Days

• Enable IEX: EA Score Diff for Recall

• Enable IEX: EA Score Engine ID

• Enable IEX: EA Transfer Days

• Enable IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email From

• Enable IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email Subject

• Enable IEX: EA Vendor Notification Template

• Enable IEX: Service Hold of Delinquency

• Enable IEX: Turn off Collections Activity on Bankruptcy

• Enable IEX: Default Notice of Bankruptcy Assignment

• Enable IEX: Turn Off Invoice on Bankruptcy

• Enable IEU: Queue: Delinquencies (Case Level)

• Enable IEU: Queue: Promises (Case Level)

• Enable IEU: Queue: Strategies (Case Level)

• Enable IEU: Queue Order: Delinquencies (Case Level)

• Enable IEU: Queue Order: Promises (Case Level)

• Enable IEU: Queue Order: Strategies (Case Level)

• Disable IEX: Activity Enabled in Dispute

2-14    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Disable IEX: Allow Disputes

• Disable IEX: Allow Adjustments

Enable the following concurrent programs:

• Hide IEX: Create Call Backs for Dunning

• Hide IEX: Send Dunning for Delinquent Customers

• Expose IEX: Case Owner Load Balancing

• Expose IEX: Notify Customer

• Expose IEX: Process Pending

• Expose IEX: Recall Transfer

• Expose IEX: Report All Contracts

• Expose IEX: Review Transfer

• Expose IEX: Notify Ext Agency

• Expose: (Request Set): IEX: Open Interfaces

Set the following default workflow background processes:

• Expose IEX: Case Reassignment

• Expose IEX: CO Notify Customer

• Expose IEX: CO Recall Case from External Agency

• Expose IEX: CO Report to Credit Bureau

• Expose IEX: CO Review Transfer to External Agency

• Expose IEX: CO Transfer to External Agency

• Expose IEX: Delinquency Asset Work Flow

• Expose IEX: WF for Collection Delinquent Service Hold

• Expose IEX: WF for Collections Delinquent Credit Hold

Change the following graphical elements in Oracle Advanced Collections:

• Report to Credit Bureau

Implementing Oracle Advanced Collections    2-15

• Transfer to External Agency

• Leasing Center

• Expose Case Column Number in the Strategy table on the Lifecycle tab

• Expose Case Column Number in the top Strategy table on the Strategy tab

• Expose Case Management Tab

• Expose Contract Tab

Expose case-related scoring engines in Collections Manager:

• case scoring engine

Expose history types for leasing by enabling the following lookups:

• Leasing Payment - PAYMENT_CONTRACT

• Leasing Promise - PROMISE_CONTRACT

Related Topics
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

2-16    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Collections Methods Setup

This chapter describes the business processes and implementation considerations for
setting up your collection methods. It is divided into three sections covering scoring,
strategies, and dunning.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Overview of Scoring
• Score Objects
• Concurrent Programs
• Preconfigured Scoring Engines
• Set Up Scoring
• Scoring Components
• Create Scoring Components
• Weight
• Segments
• Create or Update a Scoring Segment
• Create New Scoring Engines
• Add Scoring Components
• Set Score Ranges
• Enter Parameters for Function Variables
• Set Up Delinquency Status Score Ranges
• Collections Strategies
• How Strategies Work
• Strategy Checklists
• Segments

Collections Methods Setup    3-1

• Preconfigured Elements for Strategies
• Work Items
• Create Work Items
• Create a Work Item - General Information
• Create a Work Item - Details
• Set Up Correspondence
• Custom Workflows
• Assign Skills
• Create Collections Strategies
• Strategy General Information
• Adding a Strategy Segment
• Scoring Rules
• Add Work Items
• Define Strategy Default
• Default Strategy Resource
• Overview of Using Dunning Plans
• Dunning Process
• Dunning Requirements
• Creating Correspondence Templates
• Dunning Plans
• Aging Bucket Lines for Dunning
• Set Dunning Plan Aging Bucket
• Setting Dunning Level
• Set Collections Dunning Level
• Creating a Dunning Plan
• Create Dunning Plans
• Set Up Universal Work Queue for Dunning Plans

Overview of Scoring
Scoring forms the foundation of your collections activities. Oracle Advanced Collections
uses scoring in two ways:
• To determine transaction status: current, delinquent, and pre-delinquent.

3-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

When scoring transactions, Advanced Collections looks at transactions from Oracle
Receivables, including invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks; lease invoices
originating in Oracle Lease Management; or loans invoices originating in Oracle
Loans. In general, if a customer has delinquent transactions, the customer is
considered to be delinquent.

• To determine the value of each customer.

When scoring to assign customer value, you can use any data point about the
customer. Typically you run customer value scoring at an operational data level
(customer, account, bill to, or delinquency).

Once you know which transactions are delinquent and you know the relative value of a
customer, you can manage delinquencies more effectively with either collections
strategies or dunning plans.

Note: The score displayed in the Collections Score field in the

Collections header is always the customer-level score.

How Customer Value Scoring Works

Let's say you want to evaluate your customers and select the appropriate collections
management method for each. In this example, you want to use three factors to select
the collections plan for a customer: how much they owe, how many transaction are
overdue, and how long they have been a customer. To find out this information, you
create a scoring engine with three scoring components to calculate the following
information for each customer:
• The total overdue amount

• The number of delinquencies

• The number of years you have had a relationship with this customer

But how do you use the results of these scoring components to rank your customers?
For some components, a high number means you are dealing with a good customer, but
in other instances, a low number is better.
• The total overdue amount - low number is better

• The number of delinquencies - low number is better

• How long you have been doing business - high number is better

To qualify the numbers returned by the scoring components, break down the possible
numerical results into ranges and assign a value, or score, to each range.
The following tables show the ranges and scores for each scoring component.

Collections Methods Setup    3-3

Amount Overdue Scoring Component

Amount Overdue Score

$0 - $999 100

$100 - $4999 50

$5000 - $9999 25

Over $10,000 10

Number of Delinquencies Scoring Component

Number of Delinquencies Score

0-9 100

10 - 19 50

20 - 39 25

over 40 10

Customer Since Scoring Component

Customer Since Score

Less than 1 year 10

1 - 2 years 50

3 - 5 years 75

over 5 years 100

However, one type of information about a customer may be more important than
another when evaluating which collections activities to use. Let's say that the amount a
customer owes is a more important factor than how long they have been your customer

3-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

or the number of delinquencies they have. You need a way to compare the disparate
numbers derived by the scoring components. To do this, assign a weight to each
component to indicate its relative importance to the total score. The total weight of all
components must add up to 1.0.
The following table shows the weights for the scoring components.

Scoring Component Weight

Amount overdue .5

Number of delinquencies .3

Customer since .2

Based on this setup, Advanced Collections calculates the score for a customer who owes
$18,425 on 9 delinquencies, and has been a customer for 2 years as follows:
(10 x .5) + (100 x .3) + (50 x .2) = 5 + 30 + 25 = 60
You can create new scoring engines or use the preconfigured scoring engines provided
by Advanced Collections. In either case, you must test your assumptions by running
scoring in a test environment with a small segment of your actual data.

How Transaction Scoring Works

Scoring transactions to determine whether they're current, delinquent or pre-delinquent
works the same as scoring for customer value, but with one additional step. A
transaction scoring engine with one or more scoring components obtains scores for all
transactions. Once the transactions have been scored, you need to set score ranges for
the status of either current, delinquent or (if your business rules require)
For example, your Transaction scoring engine uses a component that looks at the due
date of a transaction and then assigns a status based on the score and the defined score
ranges. If the due date for a transaction is greater than today's date, it assigns a score of
1 and the transaction is current. If the due date is less than today's date, score is 100 and
the transaction is delinquent. Using the preconfigured Delinquency Status
Determination scoring engine, the score ranges are shown in the following table:

Score Range Low Score Range High Status

1.00 10.99 Current

11.00 100.00 Delinquent

Collections Methods Setup    3-5

Related Topics
Set Up Scoring, page 3-7

Score Objects
Scoring calculates a score value for an object in the database. You can score the
following types of objects seeded in Advanced Collections, or you can create new
scoring objects.
• Party, Account, or Bill To: The operational data level at which you do business
with your customers.

• Transaction: A transaction created in Oracle Receivables, or originating in Oracle

Loans or Oracle Lease Management. When determining the delinquency status of
transactions, Oracle Advanced Collections creates a delinquency in a Collections
table and the status of the transaction on the Transaction tab is shown as Delinquent.
When a transaction is paid and no longer delinquent, the status becomes Current.

• Case: A group of leasing contracts for a customer sharing the same bill-to address,
private label, and other contract parameters. Case only applies if you use Oracle
Lease Management.

Related Topics
Set Up Scoring, page 3-7

Concurrent Programs
The IEX: Scoring Engine Harness concurrent program runs from one to five scoring
engines. In addition, you can add a concurrent program to a scoring engine during
setup. After the Scoring Engine Harness concurrent program runs the scoring engine, it
runs the related concurrent program immediately after it scores the invoices or cases.
This streamlines the scoring process and eliminates the need to run related concurrent
programs separately from the Request window.
For example, you can add the Strategy Management concurrent program to a scoring
engine to assign collections strategies based on the score results.
You can run scoring for a single operating unit or for all operating units.

Related Topics
Set Up Scoring, page 3-7

3-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Preconfigured Scoring Engines
Advanced Collections provides several scoring engines that can run at every
operational data level.
You can use the preconfigured scoring engines to test Advanced Collections in a
preproduction environment. You can also use these scoring engines in your production
environment if they meet your business requirements.
For a list of available scoring engines, see: Preconfigured Scoring Engines, page E-1.

Set Up Scoring
Perform the following tasks to set up scoring engines:
• Create Scoring Components, page 3-8

• Create New Scoring Engines, page 3-12

• Add Scoring Components, page 3-14

• Set Score Ranges, page 3-15

• Create or Update a Scoring Segment, page 3-10

• Enter Parameters for Function Variables, page 3-15

• Set Up Delinquency Status Score Ranges, page 3-16

• Verify your scoring engines in a test environment

Scoring Components
The scoring component uses a select statement or a function to return a score value. For
example, you can ask for the total number of delinquencies for a customer or how long
a customer has been doing business with your company. Every scoring engine must
have at least one scoring component.
The values calculated by a scoring component are then assigned scores. Score range
numbers can be positive or negative numbers to two decimal places, and must account
for numbers from -999,999,999 to 999,999,999. In Oracle Advanced Collections a higher
score is generally considered good and a lower score is considered bad.

Related Topics
Create Scoring Components, page 3-8

Collections Methods Setup    3-7

Create Scoring Components

• Create or update scoring components used in scoring engines.


Term Definition

Scoring Component
A select statement or function that returns one
numeric value from the database based on
existing information.

The database entity to be scored.

Indicates if the scoring component uses a
function call to derive a value.

Related Topics
Preconfigured Scoring Components, page E-3
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a scoring component do?
When a concurrent program runs a scoring engine, the scoring component derives a
value for the object being scored. A scoring component calculates an answer to a
business question, such as "How many delinquencies does this customer have?" or
"How long have I been doing business with this customer?"
Who creates scoring components?
The Collections Administrator creates scoring components.
Are there any prerequisites?
If you are creating new scoring components, you must know how to create PL/SQL
statements or functions.
What objects can I score?
You can select any object in the Oracle database or other database, but typically, you
will score transactions or operational data level objects, such as customers, accounts, or

3-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

bill to locations.

Note: To score customers, select Party as the object and not Collection

Why do I have to indicate if the scoring component is a function?

Advanced Collections performs different operations with functions and select
statements but cannot recognize the difference on its own. If you enter a function but do
not identify it as a function, your scoring component will fail to retrieve the appropriate

Optionally, each score component is assigned a weight. All active score components for
a scoring engine must add up to 1.0. Weight is used to deal with the relative importance
of each scoring component. For instance, a score may be based on both "what year did
the customer relationship start?" and "how many overdue payments does this customer
have?" Since it's more important to consider the number of delinquencies over the years
that someone has been your customer, the overdue payments component has more
weight. The score component is multiplied by the assigned weight.
If weighting is not used, the raw score is used.

Related Topics
Add Scoring Components, page 3-14
Set Score Ranges, page 3-15

Advanced Collections uses segments to limit the scope of a scoring engine and improve
system performance. Each scoring must have an associated segment. Segments create a
subset of records, or view, in the database to score against. For example, a collections
organization could run scoring for a segment of all customers, or it could create a
segment to limit customers by variables, such as country, annual revenue, or disputed
transactions. Scoring engines use segments to optimize performance, score groups of
customers differently, and support operations in different regions around the world.
For example, you can process Australian invoices when it is nighttime in Australia and
United States invoices when it is nighttime in the US.
Every scoring engine must have a segment. Your database administrator creates a
subset of the database called a view based on a PL/SQL query or a function. Then your
Collections Administrator creates a segment, associates it with a database view, and
then adds the segment to a scoring engine.

Collections Methods Setup    3-9

Related Topics
Create or Update a Scoring Segment, page 3-10

Create or Update a Scoring Segment

• Create or update a scoring segment for a scoring engine.


Term Definition

View Name
The name of the database view used to limit
the data to be scored. View names must begin
with IEX_F_and end in _V.

Column Name
A column in the database view that stores the
ID key for the object being scored.

Related Topics
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2
Create a Scoring Engine, page 3-12

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a segment do?
A segment enables the scoring engine to look at a segment or view of the database.
Segments limit the scope of a scoring engine and improve system performance.
Does every scoring engine have to have a segment?
Yes. You must create a segment for a scoring engine.
Are there any prerequisites?
A scoring engine must exist.
Your database administrator must create a database view if existing views are not
Who can create a segment?
The Collections Administrator can create new segments.

3-10    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Are there any guidelines?
The view name must begin with IEX_F_ and end with _V. The view must be created in
the APPS schema (the Database owner of the object must be = 'APPS').
The data type of the column name must be a number.
The view must have a column for the ID of the object being scored as shown in the
following table:.

Object Being Scored Object ID

Customer Party_ID

Account Cust_Account_ID

Site Site_Use_ID

Invoice Payment_Schedule_ID

Delinquency Delinquency_ID

Case Case_ID

Are there any seeded views for scoring?

Yes. Advanced Collections provides the following seeded views:
• IEX_F_ACCOUNTS_V - Used to score customer accounts

• IEX_F_BILLTO_ - Used to score based on customer bill-to information

• IEX_F_CASES_V - Used for Leasing

• IEX_F_DEL_CASES_V - Used for Leasing

• IEX_F_PARTIES_V - Use to score customer/party

• IEX_F_SCORE_INVOICES_V - Used to score payment schedules and determine if

they are delinquent

What does the Test button do?

Click Test to test the scoring engine with your new segment. Advanced Collections
displays the number of records the scoring engine will score using this segment.

Collections Methods Setup    3-11

Create New Scoring Engines

• Create a new scoring engine.


Term Definition

The database entity to be scored.

Concurrent Program
The name of an additional batch process that
runs with the scoring engine.

Use the concurrent program IEX: Delinquency

Management to determine the status of

A filter enables a scoring engine to run against
a subset or segment of the database.

Filters are required for scoring engines.

Weighting Required
Check this box if you want to indicate the
relative importance of two or more scoring
components in a scoring engine. See: Scoring
Engine Details.

If not checked, the scoring engine simply adds

the raw scores together to calculate the score.

Score Range
The highest and lowest expected scores.

Out of Range Rule

If a score value falls outside the expected score
range, this setting tells Advanced Collections
what score value to use in its place. If you
select Closest, Advanced Collections assigns
the closest valid score number. If you select
Farthest, it assigns the farthest valid score

3-12    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Related Topics
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2
Add Scoring Components, page 3-14
Concurrent Programs, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide
Preconfigured Scoring Engines, page E-1

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites?
Set up new scoring components if you are not using preconfigured components.
Do I have to create scoring engines?
No. You can use the preconfigured scoring engines if they meet your business needs.
Oracle Advanced Collections has eight preconfigured scoring engines. You cannot
delete or change these scoring engines. You can copy existing scoring engines and
modify them, or create new ones.
For a list of scoring engines, see Preconfigured Scoring Engines, page E-3.
Where does Advanced Collections use scores?
Advanced Collections uses scores to determine the delinquency status of each
transaction and to determine the relative value of customers. Strategies and dunning
plans then use the customer value score to execute appropriate actions for delinquency
or pre-delinquency situations.
Why should a scoring engine have an Out of Range Rule?
If a score result is not within the score range of a scoring engine, then the Out of Range
Rule tells Advanced Collections what to do.
For example, a scoring engine has a score range of 1 to 200 and the Out of Range Rule is
set to Farthest. If the scoring engine scores a customer at 205, then that score will be
converted to 1 and be within the range of the scoring engine.
What is the recommended best practice for working with scoring engines?
You should test all scoring components and scoring engines in a test environment using
a portion or all of your production data. Once you are satisfied with the scoring results
and performance, you can move your tested scoring engines to your production
What is the next step?
Once you create a scoring engine, you can add and configure the components and then
add a filter. See: Add Scoring Components, page 3-14.

Collections Methods Setup    3-13

Add Scoring Components

• Add scoring components to a scoring engine.


Term Definition

Weight assigns the relative importance of each
component in a scoring engine. The total
weight for all scoring components in a scoring
engine must = 1.0. Using weights is optional.

Component Detail
A link to the Score Components Details page
where you define ranges and associated score
values for a scoring component.

A parameter is a value used in a function to
generate a result.

Related Topics
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2
Create Scoring Components, page 3-8
Set Score Ranges, page 3-15

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites?
A scoring engine must exist.
Scoring components must exist.
Who can add scoring components?
The Collections Administrator.
How do I know how the weights will affect the scores?
To understand how weights will affect your scoring results, run all of your scoring
engines in a test environment using a subset of your actual data. This will let you test
your assumptions and verify that you are getting the desired score results.

3-14    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

What should I keep in mind about weights?
• You must enable a scoring component before you can set the weight.

• Use decimals and not whole numbers.

• If you are using weights, all weights must add up to 1.0.

See: Weight, page 3-9.

Set Score Ranges

• Set up score ranges for a scoring component.

Related Topics
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2
Create Scoring Components, page 3-8

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites?
A scoring engine must exist and must have components assigned to it.
Who can set score ranges?
The Collections Administrator.
What range of numbers can I use for score ranges?
Score range numbers can be positive or negative numbers to two decimal places, and
must account for numbers from -999,999,999.99 to 999,999,999.99.
How do I enter the score ranges?
Advanced Collections defaults -999999999.99 for the beginning Range Low value and
999999999.99 for the Range High value. Simply enter the Range Low value for each row
you need and Advanced Collections will default the Range High value for you to
ensure all numbers are contiguous and do not overlap.

Enter Parameters for Function Variables

• Enter parameters for function variables used in scoring components instead of
using select statements.

Collections Methods Setup    3-15


Term Definition

A variable that is part of the code for a

Related Topics
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2
Create Scoring Components, page 3-8

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I always enter parameters for a scoring component?
If you create a function using variables instead of creating a select statement in PL/SQL,
then you can easily enter or change the values relating to the variables (called codes) as
needed. Advanced Collections stores parameters as name:value pairs.
Who can enter parameters?
The Collections Administrator.
Are there any prerequisites?
A scoring engine must exist and must have a scoring component that uses a function.
Are there any restrictions if I am using Oracle Lease Management?
The Case Scoring engine uses a function. You cannot change the parameters for the
Case Scoring engine, used for scoring leasing invoices. You can, however, copy that
scoring engine and change the parameters for it.

Set Up Delinquency Status Score Ranges

• Define the score ranges that determine the status of a transaction.


Term Definition

3-16    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Term Definition

Identifies whether a transaction is current,
delinquent, or pre-delinquent.

Related Topics
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2
Create New Scoring Engines, page 3-12

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I only use the preconfigured scoring engine, Delinquency Status Determination?
If you use a preconfigured delinquency scoring engine, such as Delinquency Status
Determinations or Case Scoring, then you do not have to set up delinquency status
score ranges.
What types of status can Advanced Collections assign?
If you run the preconfigured scoring engine, Delinquency Status Determination, to
determine delinquency status, Advanced Collections assigns a status of Current or
Delinquent to transactions. If you are using Oracle Loans, it can also assign a status of
Active or In Default. If you want to be able to assign the status, Pre-Delinquent, then
you must create a new scoring engine to determine delinquency status.
Are there any prerequisites?
A scoring engine must exist and must have a scoring component.
You must use the IEX: Delinquency Status Determination concurrent program.
Who can set the delinquency status score ranges?
The Collections Administrator.
Can I modify the score ranges in the preconfigured Delinquency Status Determination
scoring engine?
No, but you can copy the Delinquency Status Determination scoring engine and modify
the copy.
What range numbers can I enter?
Enter range numbers from -999,999,999.99 to 999,999,999.99.
How do I score transactions as pre-delinquent?
To be able to determine which transactions are pre-delinquent, you must create a new
scoring engine for status determination with score ranges for current, delinquent and
pre-delinquent statuses. The easiest way to do this is to make a copy of the Delinquency
Status Determination scoring engine and modify it.

Note: You can only run strategies for pre-delinquent transactions at the

Collections Methods Setup    3-17

transaction level.

What does the Payment Schedule Delinquency Determination scoring component do?
This scoring component looks at the database to identify transactions as current or
delinquent. For all payment schedules (an Oracle Receivables term for the payment due
date of an invoice) that are due before the current date, have no disputes, and have a
remaining balance greater than zero, it assigns a score of 11.00 to 100. These are
delinquent transactions. For all other payment schedules, it assigns a score of 1.00 to
10.99. These are current transactions.

Collections Strategies
Use collections strategies as an alternative to dunning plans, to automate the collections
management process and support complex collections activities. Strategies can be used
to recover delinquent transactions such as invoices from Oracle Receivables, cases as
identified by Oracle Lease Management, or loan transactions from Oracle Loans.

Note: Use either strategies or dunning plans to manage your

delinquencies, but not both methods.

A strategy is a series of manual or automated tasks, known as work items, linked

together in the order in which they will be executed. Each work item is a collection
activity to recover a delinquency, such as making a phone call or sending a letter, and
can be reused and included in many strategies. A strategy is associated with a
collections object, such as customers or accounts. The collections object is the data level
you do business at.
Strategies leverage the information from the Oracle Advanced Collections scoring
engines that identify delinquent transactions and rank delinquent objects. Based on the
score results, the Strategy Management concurrent program assigns appropriate
strategies to the collections objects. When a strategy runs, it uses:
• Oracle Workflow to initiate and manage work items, and to send notifications to
designated personnel

• Oracle Human Resources to identify the best collector or specialist for a work item
based on the skills required to complete the work item

• Oracle XML Publisher to send correspondence

• Oracle database views to create segments for strategies to target groups of similar
customers or transactions

• Oracle Universal Work Queue to display the collector's work item assignments

Unlike scoring, strategies run for all operating units at the same time.

3-18    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

To set up and use strategies, complete the following Checklist tasks:
• Create Work Items, page 3-27

• Create Collections Strategies, page 3-31

• Define Strategy Defaults, page 3-36

Related Topics
How Strategies Work, page 3-19
Strategy Checklists, page 3-21
Preconfigured Elements for Strategies, page 3-22

How Strategies Work

After creating delinquencies and scoring collections objects, run the IEX: Strategy
Management concurrent program to select a strategy for each delinquent object. Each
strategy is ranked based on the score it applies to. This rank determines how hard
(aggressive) or how softly the strategy treats delinquent customers. For example:
• Strategy 1 (soft) has 4 work items:
1. Send reminder letter

2. Make call

3. Make call

4. Send dunning letter

• Strategy 2 (hard) has 3 work items:

1. Send dunning letter

2. Make call

3. Make tougher call

For these strategies let's assume that a higher rank (score) means a softer strategy. We
designate Strategy 1 to apply to a score of 50 and Strategy 2 to be used for a score of 30.
If the Strategy Management program doesn't find a strategy to match the exact score, it
assigns a more aggressive (harder) strategy. If the delinquency score returned by the
scoring engine is 35, then the selection module in the program looks for strategies
ranked 35, and if not found, looks for 34, then 33, and so on. In this example, the
program assigns Strategy 2 to the delinquent object.

Collections Methods Setup    3-19

Strategies can also use segments to apply a strategy only to a specific group of
customers or collections objects. The selection module verifies the segments associated
with the strategy before assigning work items. Let's assume that Strategy 2 applies for
the following conditions:
1. Delinquencies in the US

2. Delinquencies of customers in a particular industry

3. Delinquencies greater than $1,000,000.00

All conditions must be satisfied in order to assign Strategy 2.

You can create segments to suit your business. Other typical segments are based on
country (France has one set of collections rules and Germany another) and customer
industry type (large hospitals with large revenue potential are treated differently than
small grocery chains).
See also: Changing Strategies Based on Tolerance, page 3-20

Related Topics
Collections Strategies, page 3-18
Strategy Checklists, page 3-21

Changing Strategies Based on Tolerance

When you create a strategy template, you can designate if you want its strategies to
change dynamically if the score of the data level object changes within a predetermined
range or tolerance. Then when you run the IEX: Strategy Management concurrent
program, if the score for the object changes beyond the minimum tolerance set for the
strategy, then Advanced Collections automatically assigns a different strategy from the
template to the object.

Tip: When you run the IEX: Strategy Management program, if you set
the Ignore Change Strategy Switch parameter to Yes, then the program
will ignore any Change Strategy settings in the strategy templates and
will not change strategies when scores change. Since changing
strategies dynamically requires system resources, run the Strategy
Management program only periodically with this parameter set to No.

Changing Strategies Example 1

Strategy template has 4 strategies with minimum applicable scores of 60, 40, 20, and 10.
Tolerance for strategy template is 10.
Customer score is 30 and strategy 20 is assigned.

3-20    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

The scoring engine runs and customer score changes to 41. The strategy management
concurrent program assigns strategy 40 to the customer automatically because the score
changed more than the tolerance of 10.
Changing Strategies Example 2
Strategy template has 4 strategies with minimum applicable scores of 60, 50, 20, and 10.
Tolerance for strategy template is 10.
Customer score is 30 and strategy 20 is assigned.
The scoring engine runs and customer score changes to 41. The strategy management
concurrent program looks for a new strategy to apply to the customer because the score
changed more than the tolerance of 10. However since it looks for a strategy at or lower
than the customer score, it can only apply strategy 20. Even though the customer score
changed more than the tolerance, strategy 20 still applies.

Related Topics
How Strategies Work, page 3-19
Running Concurrent Programs, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

Strategy Checklists
A checklist is an optional list of manual tasks that can be referred to during the
execution of a strategy. A checklist provides a more detailed list of items that collectors
and specialists should be aware of, but that are not work items driven by the strategy.
For example, you create a bankruptcy strategy with a work item named Contact debtor's
attorney and then add a checklist of additional items to the strategy. The checklist items
are 1) confirm debtor has filed; 2) confirm retainer fee has been paid; 3) capture the firm
and counsel's name. The checklist guides the user to complete the tasks that are not
specific work items.
Create checklists in a similar fashion as strategies and assign to a strategy when the
strategy template is created. The strategy engine does not execute work items from
To create and use a checklist:
• Create work items. Use the Configure Work Items flow to create manual work
items for your checklist. Use the description field to provide additional information
for the task.

• Create a checklist. Use the Create Collections Strategies flow to set up a checklist.
Make sure to identify it as a checklist and enable it. Checklists do not use segments
or score components. Add the checklist work items.

Note: Include the word 'Checklist' in the name to distinguish it

Collections Methods Setup    3-21

from strategies.

• Associate the checklist to a strategy. When you create or update a strategy, add a
checklist in the General Information step.

Related Topics
Collections Strategies, page 3-18

Use a segment to limit your strategy to a subset of your database, such as all customers
in a specified country. Creating a segment for a strategy is optional.
Oracle Advanced Collections uses segments with:
• Scoring engines - to identify the universe of customers to be scored, and to improve
scoring engine performance

• Strategies - to determine which segment of the database the strategy applies to

Specifying a segment for a strategy means that conditions must be satisfied in order to
run the strategy. The Strategy Management concurrent program first determines if a
strategy has a segment. If it does, the collections object must be part of the segment, or
database view, in order for the program to assign the strategy.

Related Topics
Adding a Strategy Segment, page 3-33
Collections Strategies, page 3-18

Preconfigured Elements for Strategies

Oracle Advanced Collections includes preconfigured elements for strategies that you
can use during implementation to test your setup. You can also use these elements in
your live production environment if they match your business needs, or copy and
modify them.
For a list of strategy elements included with Advanced Collections, see:
• Preconfigured Strategy Templates, page F-1

• Preconfigured Strategy Work Items, page F-3

• Preconfigured Workflows for Strategy Work Items, page F-5

3-22    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Related Topics
Collection Strategies, page 3-18

Work Items
Each strategy is made up of one or more work items. A work item is a task to be
executed manually or automatically and is driven by a workflow. The workflow notifies
the collector to perform a task or initiates the automatic process. Every work item has
an associated workflow.
Work items are grouped by work type:
• Manual: a task to be completed by a collector or specialist. It is displayed as an
entry on the Strategy Work Item node in Collector's Work Queue. It can be sorted
by priority and other methods. When completed, the work item is removed from
the queue. Manual work items include a personal visit, phone call, and review

• Automatic: a task completed by an automated process. This group includes tasks

such as sending e-mails, faxes, or sending documents to be printed.

• Workflow: a custom workflow that initiates an automated task not performed by a

preconfigured workflow.

As a strategy runs:
• A work item is assigned to a resource based on the parameters of the work item,
such as skills required to complete a work item, or ownership of the customer by
the collector. If a manual work item requires specialized skills to execute, then the
work item can only be assigned to a resource with those skills.

• Automatic work items are executed by the system running a workflow associated to
the work item template. Once the work item is assigned, the owner can see its
details. In addition the user can change the date limit for execution of a future work
Viewing Strategies for a Customer, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

If no other resources are available, the strategy assigns a work item to the default
strategy resource identified on the Define Strategy Default task page. See: Default
Strategy Resource, page 3-37.
You can search for work items based on work types and categories.
Use the Work Item Task pages to create or update a work item. Advanced Collections
displays a series of "train stations" to guide you through the process.
• General, page 3-28

Collections Methods Setup    3-23

• Work Item Details, page 3-29

• Correspondence, page 3-27

• Assign Skills, page 3-31

• Review

Related Topics
Add Work Items, page 3-35
Collections Strategies, page 3-18
Using Custom Workflows, page 3-25
Create Work Items, page 3-27

Work Item Details

When creating a work item, add a wait time if you want to schedule the work item to
start after a specific time interval. The Strategy Management program can wait before or
after a work item executes, to initiate the next work item. For example, if you want to
allow five days after sending a polite reminder to a customer before scheduling a
follow-up phone call, then add a 5 day pre-wait detail when you create the phone call
work item. You can also add wait time after a work item executes. Wait times are part
of work items, not strategies.
You can specify if a work item is optional. If not completed by the collector, an optional
work item closes automatically at the end of the time period specified, and frees up the
strategy to initiate the next work item. Optional work items can have pre-wait or
post-wait times.
You can also specify to escalate a work item from the collector who owns it to a
manager, if not completed on time. You can escalate only manual work items.
On the Strategy tab, collectors can view work item details by clicking the Details button.

Work Item Status

As a strategy runs, the status for each work item updates.
• To Be Created: Work item not yet created.

• Pre-wait: Status of a work item when created by the Workflow Background Process
if a pre-wait is assigned. Collectors cannot work on a work item at this point, except
to cancel the strategy or close the delinquency. When Pre-wait expires, the work
item status changes to Open and the collector can execute the task.

• Created: Work item created by Workflow Background Process.

3-24    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Open: Work in progress.

• Skip: Work item was skipped.

• Time-out: Assigned collector didn't assign work item before optional wait time

• In Error: Problem occurred sending out correspondence.

• Closed: Work item no longer needs to be performed because related delinquency

has been paid in full.

• Canceled: Strategy switched and work item no longer needs to be performed.

• Complete: Work item task has been completed by collector.

Using Custom Workflows

If the preconfigured workflows do not meet your needs, create a custom workflow.
Oracle Advanced Collections provides a preconfigured workflow, IEX: Strategy Custom
Work Flow (IEXSTRCM), that you can use as a template.

Warning: You must copy, modify, and rename this workflow. Do not
add IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow to a work item.

Collections Methods Setup    3-25

IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow

The figure above shows the process defined for the IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow.

Note: The WAIT step in this process is an internal workflow wait time
for load balancing. It is not the same thing as a pre-wait or post-wait
time you add to a work item. When you copy and modify this
workflow, do not delete the WAIT step.

Your system administrator or DBA can modify this workflow process by following the
general steps below.
Creating a Custom Workflow
1. Copy IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow.

2. Rename the copy.

3. Using Oracle Workflow Builder, modify the workflow based on your business
Attibutes: Add additional attributes as needed. Do not remove any attributes from
the workflow.
Messages: Add or customize messages. Do not delete the messages or the workflow
will not run properly.
Processes: Customize the process @ strategy custom work flow and rename. Process
names cannot contain a colon (:).

3-26    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

4. Load the customized workflow into the database.

5. Select and add your new workflow in Step 3, page 3-30 of the Create Work Item
task, Collections Checklist.

6. Add the name of the new custom workflow to the Work Flow Background Process
as a new item type to schedule the workflow to run.

For more information, see: Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

Related Topics
Work Items, page 3-23
Collections Strategies, page 3-18

Oracle Advanced Collections uses Oracle XML Publisher to deliver all correspondence
to your customers. For a description of this process, see Set Up Oracle XML Publisher,
page 1-18.
Correspondence is sent either as confirmation when a collections activity is complete or
as part of a work item in a strategy. You can designate whether correspondence is sent
automatically or manually.
Whether you use preconfigured templates or create new templates, you identify specific
templates to use for confirmation letters and invoice copies in the Set Up
Correspondence task of the Collections Checklist. For correspondence associated with
strategy work items, such as collections letters, select a correspondence template when
you create a work item.
You must also identify a dunning contact for each customer or other data level that you
collect for. See: Designating Customer Contacts, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide.

Related Topics
Preconfigured Templates in Oracle XML Publisher, page C-1
Set Up Oracle XML Publisher, page 1-18
Create Oracle XML Publisher Templates, page 1-19

Create Work Items

To create or update work items, complete the steps in the Create Work Items flow
which you can access from the Collections Checklist or from the Create Work Items tab.
To create a work item:
• General Information, page 3-28

Collections Methods Setup    3-27

• Set Up Details, page 3-29

• Set Up Correspondence, page 3-30 or Custom Workflows, page 3-30

• Assign Skills, page 3-31

• Review

Related Topics
Work Items, page 3-23
Create Collections Strategies, page 3-31
Collections Strategies, page 3-18

Create a Work Item - General Information

• Add basic information for new work item.


Term Definition

Work Type
Indicates the type of work item and how it
executes, such as Manual, Automatic, or

Category Type
Indicates the subcategory of work type.

Related Topics
Create Work Item - Details, page 3-29
Work Items, page 3-23

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I enable a work item?
You must enable a work item to add it to a strategy. Disable a work item when it is no
longer used. You can delete a work item only if it is not part of any enabled or disabled

3-28    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Can I create additional work types and category types?
What happens if I select the Notify check box?
If you select Notify, then Oracle Workflow sends an e-mail notification to the collector
that a work item has been assigned.
How do I add a custom workflow to a work item?
For Work Type, select Workflow. Then in Step 3, search and add the custom workflow
to the work item. To learn how to create a custom workflow, see Using Custom
Workflows, page 3-25.

Create a Work Item - Details

• Add work item wait times, make work item optional, or escalate a work item.

Related Topics
Create Work Item - General Information, page 3-28
Set Up Correspondence, page 3-30
Custom Workflows, page 3-30
Work Items, page 3-23

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I add a wait time?
Add a wait time if you want the Workflow Background Process to wait to execute a
work item.
Does it make sense to add wait times before and after a work item executes?
No. For efficiency and consistency, use one or the other when creating work items. Then
when you plan the work items needed for a strategy, you can logically determine which
work items need wait times.
Even though there are no restrictions to keep you from adding a pre-wait do not add a
pre-wait time to the first work item in a strategy unless you have a business need to do
How does an optional work item act in a strategy?
When you designate a work item as optional, the work item will be closed
automatically if not completed in the specified time period.
What happens if a work item is escalated?

Collections Methods Setup    3-29

If you specify an escalation wait time for a work item, then an automatic notification is
sent to a collector's manager if the work item is not completed in the specified time

Set Up Correspondence

• Select the correspondence template to be used for a manual or automatic work item.

Related Topics
Create a Work Item - Details, page 3-29
Assign Skills, page 3-31
Work Items, page 3-23

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get more information on Oracle XML Publisher?
You can find more information in Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's
Do I have to use Oracle XML Publisher to send correspondence?
Yes. XML Publisher is the standard tool used by Oracle Applications for formatting
reports and correspondence.
Can I modify or change the preseeded correspondence templates?
Yes, but save the revised template with a new name and register it. See: Create Oracle
XML Publisher Templates, page 1-19.

Custom Workflows

• Associate a custom workflow to a workflow type work item.

Related Topics
Assign Skills, page 3-31
Create a Work Item - Details, page 3-29
Work Items, page 3-23

3-30    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I add IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow to a work item?
No. If you want to use a custom workflow, you must copy, modify and rename IEX:
Strategy Custom Work Flow.
How do I create a custom workflow?
See Using Custom Workflows, page 3-25 for instructions on how to create a custom

Assign Skills

• Identify the skills required to execute the work item.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to assign skills for each work item?
No. Assigning skills is optional. Assign a skill when a work item can only be performed
by someone with specialized skills
How can I learn more about using skills?
Skills are based on competencies set up in Oracle HRMS that are then associated with
resources. For more information, see Competencies Overview, Oracle HRMS Workforce
Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide and Defining Competencies, Oracle
HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide.

Create Collections Strategies

To create or update strategies, complete the steps in the Create Collections Strategies
flow which you can access from the Collections Checklist or the Create Collections
Strategies tab.
When you create a strategy, you begin by defining a strategy template. The template is
always based on a segment of the database, such as all customers in France or all
accounts with high balance amounts. Then for the template, you set score ranges to
further group customers within the segment, and add the work items for each strategy.
Advanced Collections creates one strategy for each low score you specify. The name of
the strategy concatenates the template name plus the strategy score.

Tip: To add in intelligence to your strategy names, name your template

to reference the database segment it applies to. Then name your
strategy score ranges to identify the type of strategy approach, such as

Collections Methods Setup    3-31

hard, medium, and soft. For example, the strategy names could be
French Customers Hard, French Customers Medium, and French
Customers Soft.

When you run the Strategy Management concurrent program, it compares the score of
the object to the score values in the strategy templates to determine which strategy to
apply to the object.
To ensure that Advanced Collections assigns a strategy to every delinquent object, you
must create scoring components and strategy templates that account for all score
numbers generated by your scoring engine. If scoring or strategy assignment misses an
object, Advanced Collection uses the Default Strategy Template, which has the lowest
score/rank of 0, to assign a strategy. This ensures that a strategy is assigned to all
objects. You must designate a default template.
To create a strategy:
• General Information, page 3-32

• Segments, page 3-33

• Scoring Rules, page 3-34

• Work Items, page 3-35

• Review

Related Topics
Collections Strategies, page 3-18
Create Work Items, page 3-27

Strategy General Information

• Add or update general information for a strategy.


Term Definition

A more granular list of items related to a work

3-32    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Term Definition

item that collectors can refer to as they

perform a task.

Minimum Tolerance
The smallest number by which a score can
change and dynamically switch the strategy to
a different strategy.

Strategy Level
The level at which you do business with your
customers. You set this level in the

Designates what type of delinquency the
strategy applies to, such as Delinquent,
Litigation or Write-off.

Related Topics
Adding a Strategy Segment, page 3-33
Create Collections Strategies, page 3-31
Switch Strategies Dynamically, page 3-20

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a checklist?
Use the Create Strategy steps to create a checklist.

Adding a Strategy Segment

• To identify the segment of your database that the strategy uses.


Term Definition

Unique identifier in the database view that

Collections Methods Setup    3-33

Term Definition

links the view to the collections object, such as

transaction or customer. It is the data level at
which you run strategies.

View Name
Name of the database view used to limit the
scope of a strategy.

Related Topics
Scoring Rules, page 3-34
Strategy General Information, page 3-32
Segments, page 3-22

Frequently Asked Questions

Who creates segments?
Your database administrator creates and registers a database view to access a group of
records. Views appear in the View Name drop down list on the Segments page when
creating or updating strategies. The collections administrator adds a segment to a
strategy in the Create Strategy flow.
Are there any restrictions for the database view?
The segment name be in the format, IEX_F_[name]_V. The view must be created in the
APPS schema (the Database owner of the object must be = 'APPS').
The view must contain an object ID column that is the same as the data level at which
you run strategies. For example, if you run strategies at the customer level, PARTY_ID
must be a column in the view.
Are there any seeded views for strategies?
Yes, IEX_F_STRATEGIES_V. Use this view as an example of how to implement a
strategy filter.
Why do some segments have more than one key?
A developer can designate multiple primary keys when creating a view. This occurs
when the view is used for multiple purposes.

Scoring Rules

• Add a scoring engine to a strategy.

3-34    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Add weight for each score component.

• Enter range values for each score component.


Term Definition

Weight assigns the relative importance of each
component in a scoring engine. The total
weight of all scoring components in a scoring
engine must = 1.0. Using weights is optional.

The highest and lowest expected scores.

Related Topics
Work Items, page 3-35
Add a Strategy Segment, page 3-33
Overview of Scoring, page 3-2

Frequently Asked Questions

What score components can I add to a strategy?
The score components for a strategy are based on the scoring engine you select. You
cannot add score components separately.

Add Work Items

• Add strategy names and scores.

• Add work items for each strategy to be created from this strategy template.


Term Definition

Collections Methods Setup    3-35

Term Definition

Strategy Name
The name of the strategy to be created using
the template identified in Step 1.

Related Topics
Scoring Rules, page 3-34
Work Items, page 3-23

Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot add work items for the strategies in my strategy template. What is wrong?
You must select a strategy name by clicking its radio button in order to be able to add
work items.

Define Strategy Default

• Identify the default strategy to be used if no other strategy applies.

Related Topics
Collections Strategies, page 3-18

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don't define a default strategy?
If you do not define a default strategy, the Strategy Management program errors out if
it can't find any matching strategies.
When should I create my own default strategy instead of using the preconfigured
strategy catch all strategy for my collections level?
The Catch All Strategy is a basic strategy. Create your own default strategy if you want
to use different work items as a default strategy.
Can I modify the Catch All Strategy?
No, but you can copy it, modify the duplicate strategy to suit your requirements, and
select it as the default strategy template.
My default strategy is not being assigned. What is wrong?
Verify that your default strategy is active. Advanced Collections cannot assign an
inactive strategy. Also, the Strategy Management concurrent program will error out if

3-36    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

you disable the designated default strategy.

Default Strategy Resource

If Advanced Collections is unable to assign an available resource for a work item in a
strategy, it assigns the default strategy resource identified in the Define Strategy Default
page of the Collections Checklist. This ensures that all work items have an assigned
resource and appear as a task in the Collector's Work Queue.
The default resource can be a collector or manager.

Overview of Using Dunning Plans

Use dunning plans to manage your delinquencies if you utilize a simple collections
process as part of your business practices. For example, if you send a letter to a
customer regarding a delinquency and then follow up with a call if payment has not
been received, you can use dunning plans. For complex collections processes or if you
use multiple collections processes, you can use collections strategies. See: Collections
Strategies, page 3-18.
When you use dunning plans, Advanced Collections selects delinquent customers and
then, based on the oldest aging and the customer, account, bill to, or delinquency score,
automatically sends out the appropriate dunning correspondence. For each aging
bucket line, the system can send different dunning notices to different customers based
on their scores.
Advanced Collections uses concurrent programs to execute the dunning process. Once
you set up your dunning plans, you can schedule these programs to run automatically.
It is recommended that you run dunning with the same frequency as your billing cycle.
You must decide the data level for your dunning plan (customer, account, bill to, or
delinquency) and create a dunning plan before you can execute the concurrent
programs for the dunning process.

Note: Use either dunning plans or strategies to manage your

delinquencies, but not both methods.

Related Topics
Dunning Plans, page 3-39
Dunning Process, page 3-38
Creating Correspondence Templates, page 3-39
Running Concurrent Programs for Dunning Plans, Oracle Advanced Collections User

Collections Methods Setup    3-37

Dunning Process
The dunning process automates collections activities with the following:
• The Delinquent Status Determination concurrent program identifies delinquent
transactions and assigns a status of delinquent, pre-delinquent (optional) or current.

• Then Advanced Collections scoring engine scores each customer at the selected
dunning level: customer, account, bill to, or delinquency.

• The Send Dunnings to Delinquent Customers concurrent program uses the score
and aging to determine which dunning to send. Oracle XML Publisher
automatically creates and sends out dunning correspondence according to the score
and dunning plan. Correspondence can be a letter, e-mail, or fax. The
correspondence event is recorded in the customer's correspondence history.

• The Create Dunning and Broken Promises Callbacks concurrent program creates
call backs tasks for the collectors to follow up if payment is not received. Dunning
callbacks appear as callback tasks in the collector's Task node in Collector's Work

The Collections Administrator creates dunning plans as part of the Collections

Checklist. You can create one dunning plan for each aging bucket, with different
delivery methods and correspondence templates for each score range, and multiple
score ranges for each aging bucket line, as needed.
Dunning plans run at the level you select as your collections activity level in the
Collections Questionnaire.

Related Topics
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37
Dunning Plans, page 3-39

Dunning Requirements
Before you can run dunning, you must set up the following:
• Set the collections level: customer, account, bill to, or delinquency. See: Setting the
Dunning Level, page 3-41.

• Create templates for dunning correspondence, as needed. See: Creating

Correspondence Templates, page 3-39.

• Select an Aging Bucket for Dunning Plans, page 3-40.

3-38    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• Create a dunning plan for each aging bucket to be used. See: Creating a Dunning
Plan, page 3-42.

• Set up Work Queue task node to display callback tasks. See: Set Up Universal Work
Queue for Dunning Plans, page 3-43.

• Set up scoring engines to create delinquencies and score the appropriate level. See:
Set Up Scoring, page 3-7.

Related Topics
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37

Creating Correspondence Templates

Oracle XML Publisher generates the dunning correspondence that you send to your
delinquent customers. Advanced Collections provides seeded templates for
correspondence or you can create new templates to meet your business needs.
You can send dunning correspondence as a letter, e-mail, or fax.
Determine how many templates you need for your dunning plans. For example, a
dunning plan could consist of the following:
• A polite reminder letter for a customer who usually pays promptly.

• An e-mail asking for payment for all past due items.

• A firmly worded letter demanding payment before legal action is taken.

Note: If you currently use Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment for

correspondence, you must migrate to Oracle XML Publisher.

Related Topics
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37
Set Up Oracle XML Publihser, page 1-18
Preconfigured Correspondence Templates, page C-1

Dunning Plans
Perform the following steps to set up dunning plans. You can run either dunning plans
or strategies, but not both.
• Set Dunning Plan Aging Bucket, page 3-40

Collections Methods Setup    3-39

• Set Collections Dunning Level, page 3-41

• Create Dunning Plans, page 3-43

• Set Up Universal Work Queue for Dunning Plans, page 3-43

Aging Bucket Lines for Dunning

You can create dunning plans for each aging bucket created in Oracle Receivables. Each
dunning plan is composed of one or more score ranges and correspondence templates
associated with aging bucket lines. For each aging bucket line, you can send different
dunning notices to customers with different scores.
After you select the scoring engine for the dunning plan, you can select a
correspondence template for each aging bucket line and optionally schedule a callback.

Related Topics
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37
Set Dunning Plan Aging Bucket, page 3-40

Set Dunning Plan Aging Bucket

• Select the aging bucket for your dunning plan.
The aging bucket determines when dunning letters are sent out to customers. You
can designate the same aging bucket you select as the default aging bucket for
Aging tab information or select a different aging bucket if needed. You set the
default aging bucket in the Collections Checklist.

Note: Remember, you can run either dunning plans or strategies,

but not both. You do not set the Dunning Plan Aging Bucket if you
are running strategies.

Related Topics
Dunning Plans, page 3-39
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37

3-40    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any prerequisites?
Set up aging buckets in Oracle Receivables.
Who can perform this step?
The Collections Administrator.
How do I set the Dunning Plan Aging Bucket?
When you create a dunning plan, you can select the aging bucket.

Warning: Advanced Collections uses the aging buckets that have been
created in Oracle Receivables. Do not delete these aging buckets.

Setting Dunning Level

You specify the data level at which to run dunning plans when you identify the level at
which you do business with your customers in the Collections Questionnaire. The data
level determines whether dunning notices are sent based on customers, accounts, bill to
locations, or delinquencies.
• Customer level: Sends a single dunning notice detailing all delinquencies for a
customer and optionally schedules a callback based on the party score and the
range specified in the dunning plan.

• Account level: Sends one notice for every delinquent account and optionally
schedules a callback based on the account score and range.

• Bill To level: Sends one notice for every delinquent bill to location and optionally
schedules a callback based on the bill to score and range.

• Delinquency level: Sends one notice for each delinquency that a customer has and
optionally schedules a callback. Advanced Collections uses the transaction score to
select the most appropriate dunning notice/callback configuration.

See: Set Collections Dunning Level, page 3-41

Set Collections Dunning Level

• Set the operational data level at which your dunning plans operate.

Note: If you use strategies instead of dunning plans, you do not

Collections Methods Setup    3-41

have to set the dunning level.

Related Topics
Dunning Plans, page 3-39
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to set the dunning level if I am running strategies?
For which data levels can I run dunning?
The IEX: Sending Dunning to Delinquent Customers concurrent program creates
dunning letters at one of the following operational data levels:
• Customer: Sends one dunning notice per delinquent customer. This the
recommended data level for maximum efficiency and optimal system performance.

• Account: Sends one dunning notice per delinquent account.

• Bill To Location: Sends one dunning notice per delinquent billing location.

• Delinquency: Sends one dunning notice per delinquent transaction.

Are there any prerequisites?

Set up aging buckets in Oracle Receivables.
See: Set Dunning Plan Aging Bucket, page 3-40.
How do I set the dunning level?
You set the dunning level in the Collections Questionnaire. It is the level at which you
do business with your customers.
If I am dunning at the Delinquency level, can I send a single dunning notice that
contains all the delinquencies for the customer?
Yes. Use the IEX: Consolidate Invoice Template profile to designate the correspondence
template that consolidates delinquencies in a single letter.

Creating a Dunning Plan

You can create dunning plans for each aging bucket you use. In a dunning plan, you
specify which correspondence template to use based on a score range for each aging
bucket line. You can have multiple score ranges for each aging bucket line. Specify a
correspondence template, delivery method, and optional callback for each range of

3-42    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

See: Create Dunning Plans, page 3-43.

Related Topics
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37

Create Dunning Plans

• Create a dunning plan.

Related Topics
Dunning Plans, page 3-39
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can create a dunning plan?
The Collections Administrator.
Are there any prerequisites?
You must create correspondence templates if you are not using the preconfigured
templates. See: Set Up Oracle XML Publisher Templates, page 1-18.
What score range numbers can I use?
There is no limit for range numbers. You can use negative numbers and integers to two
decimals places. Be sure the score ranges you enter fit within the high and low score
ranges of the scoring engine that scores your customer, account, bill-to location, or
Can I change a dunning plan after I create it?
You can make changes to a completed dunning plan at any time.
Should I test my dunning plan before using it in a production environment?
Yes. Be sure to test your dunning plan with all or a portion of your data to verify that it
is working as you intend. If you are using customer data, you may want to advise the
customers in your test that they will be receiving some test dunning letters.

Set Up Universal Work Queue for Dunning Plans

• Configure Universal Work Queue to display scheduled tasks for dunning plans.

Collections Methods Setup    3-43

Related Topics
Dunning Plans, page 3-39
Overview of Using Dunning Plans, page 3-37

Frequently Asked Questions

What work nodes do I need for dunning?
If you use dunning plans, you should hide the following Universal Work Queue (UWQ)
nodes related to strategies to avoid confusion. Your collectors do not need to see them
in their list of work items.
• IEU: Queue: Account View Strategies

• IEU: Queue: Bill To Strategies

• IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies

• IEU: Queue Order: Account View Strategies

• IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Strategies

• IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Strategies

For a complete list of profile options, see: Profile Options and Profile Categories
Overview, page B-1.
Can I set up Universal Work Queue so that collectors can navigate from dunning
callbacks directly to dunning history in Advanced Collections?
Yes. Using the CRM Administrator responsibility, go to JTF Objects Setup and query the
JTF object, Party. Set Open from Task to No.

3-44    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Verifying the Implementation

This chapter discusses how to verify that your implementation is successful.

This chapter covers the following topics:
• Use the Diagnostic Tests
• Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components
• Create Accounts
• Create Invoices
• Create Delinquencies
• Verify Delinquencies
• Dispute an Invoice
• Adjust an Invoice
• Record a Promise to Pay
• Process a Credit Card Payment
• Process a Bank EFT Payment
• Verify Payment Processing
• Verify the Collector's Actions
• Verify Collector's Work Queue Navigation
• Verify Interaction Tracking
• Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components
• Verifying Integration with Oracle Lease Management

Use the Diagnostic Tests

After completing the implementation steps, run the entire suite of diagnostic tests
available for the CRM Foundation application using the System Administration

Verifying the Implementation    4-1

responsibility. You can run the tests from the Basic tab or the Advanced tab. In the Basic
tab, you can run the following tests:
• RunAll

• UserTest

• AOLTests

• PropertyManager

• UserProfile

• AKData

• Security Manager

• TerritoryManager

• DiagnosticsSecurity

• JTFSessions

• AOLSessions

• CachingFramework

In the Advanced tab, you can modify the parameters used in the test.
Each test generates a report if a problem is encountered. The report identifies the
problem and provides a suggested resolution to the problem.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2
Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components, page 4-16

Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components

Perform the tasks in this section to verify the implementation of the mandatory
components of Oracle Advanced Collections.

Note: You must complete the prerequisites before performing the

verification tasks.

4-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

❒ Configure Collections Checklist, Questionnaire and tasks.
1. Dunning Letters

2. Follow Up Payment, Promise, Adjustment, and Dispute Templates

3. Send Copy of Invoice template

❒ Create Scoring Components

❒ Create Scoring Engine

1. Select Components

2. Weight Components

❒ Determine if you will run Dunning Plan or Strategies. If running Dunning Plan:
1. Select Dunning Plan level

2. Select Aging Bucket for Dunning Plan

3. Create Dunning Plan

4. Select Dunning Letters

5. Determine send method for Letter Fulfillment

6. Determine Call Back Requirements (Select yes for testing)

❒ Configure Oracle Receivables Credit Memo Workflow

❒ Configure Collector's Work Queue nodes

❒ If you run Strategies:

1. Select data level

2. Create or use test Work Item Templates

3. Create or use test Strategy Templates

1. Create Accounts, page 4-4

2. Create Invoices, page 4-5

Verifying the Implementation    4-3

3. Create Delinquencies, page 4-6

4. Verify Delinquencies, page 4-7

5. Dispute an Invoice, page 4-8

6. Adjust an Invoice, page 4-9

7. Record a Promise to Pay, page 4-9

8. Process a Credit Card Payment, page 4-10

9. Process a Bank EFT Payment, page 4-11

10. Verify Payment Processing, page 4-11

11. Verify the Collector's Actions, page 4-13

12. Verify Collector's Work Queue Navigation, page 4-13

13. Verify Interaction Tracking, page 4-14

Create Accounts
Create some test accounts tied to existing customers.
You can also create accounts in Oracle Receivables using the Customer page.
You should create several accounts so that you can verify individual account
information is reflected accurately in the Collections Header as well as in the Aging tab
and Delinquency table on the Profile tab.
In order to test the Dunning and Fulfillment functions, enter your e-mail address as the
Primary Bill To address. By doing this, once the Dunning Plan is executed, you will be
able to verify that the appropriate dunning letter with the appropriate data is received.

1. Using the Collections Agent or Collections Manager responsibility, navigate to the
eBusiness Center.

2. Search and select a customer.

3. Navigate to the Account tab.

4. Click New.

4-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

5. Enter account information.

6. Enter your e-mail address as the primary bill to address.

7. Save. Keep a note of the customer name and account number.

8. Repeat for two more accounts for that customer. Repeat steps to have multiple
customers with multiple accounts. Add the customer names and account numbers
to your note.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Create Invoices
Create invoices in Oracle Receivables complete with line items and amounts, and then
make them due immediately or with 30/60/90 terms. Back date the creation dates so that
the invoices will be flagged as delinquent when the Concurrent Program requests are
submitted. Here is where you create the individual invoice lines, compute tax, and then
complete the invoices. Then you are ready to request Concurrent Programs so that these
invoices are aged and will become delinquencies.

1. Using the Receivables, Vision Operations or comparable responsibility in a test or
live environment, from the Navigator, open Transactions and choose Transactions.

2. Enter a free form invoice number.

3. Select Invoice type.

4. Select Invoice class.

5. For Terms select IMMEDIATE.

This creates an immediate delinquency.

6. Enter Invoice Lines using the following steps for each line:
1. Choose Line Items.
The Line window appears.

2. Enter item, description, quantity, and unit price.

3. Close Lines window.

Verifying the Implementation    4-5

4. Click Tax.

5. Click Complete.

Tip: Make the line items on each invoice different and remember
what the totals are so that you can verify amounts on the
Collections Header and Profile tab.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Create Delinquencies

1. Using the Collections Administrator responsibility, choose Requests from the View
The Find Request window appears.

2. Click Submit a New Request.

3. Select Single Request.

4. Click OK.

5. Run the following concurrent programs for Dunning Plans in this order:
• IEX: Promise Reconciliation

• IEX: Scoring Engine Harness: request a Transaction Scoring Engine to score

invoices and then to create delinquencies

• A second IEX: Scoring Engine Harness: request a Party Scoring Engine and an
Account Scoring Engine

• IEX: Send Dunnings for Delinquent Customers

• IEX: Create Callbacks for Dunnings

Each concurrent program must complete before any subsequent concurrent
program is submitted, to ensure the accuracy of the data and programs.

6. Run the following concurrent program to verify strategies:

4-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• IEX: Strategy Management

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Verify Delinquencies
Verify if delinquencies were accurately created and if all the dependent processes

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, go to Collector's Work Queue and see if
the delinquent accounts are listed under the Delinquent Accounts node.

2. Verify that there are callback tasks in the Task node for the delinquent accounts.

3. Navigate to the Collections window.

4. Can you find all of your delinquencies in the Collections Header? Switch account
views to verify delinquent amounts, number of invoices, and the collections score.

5. Select the Transactions tab and verify delinquencies are listed. Switch between
Customer, Bill To, and Account views to see data in all views.

6. Select the Aging tab and verify aging information. Switch between Customer, Bill
To, and Account views in the Collections Header.

7. Click the customer's name (Organization) in the Collections header.

The eBusiness Center displays the customer information.

8. Select the Collections tab and make sure the information is the same as on the
Profile tab.

9. Return to the Collections window and navigate to the History tab.

10. Select the Dunning History.

You should see the dunning events that have occurred. These are the dunning
letters that should have been e-mailed to you when the concurrent programs were

11. Check your e-mail. Did you receive a dunning e-mail for each delinquent account?
The dunning letter should list all of the delinquent transactions for each account.

Verifying the Implementation    4-7

12. If you use strategies, go to Collector's Work Queue and verify that Strategy Work
Items are displayed.

13. Select a work item to open the Strategies tab in Advanced Collections.

14. Verify that an Open Strategy is displayed in the parent table and one Open Work
Item is displayed in the child table.

15. Select Work Item Details and review the work item.

16. Click the Complete Work button to complete the work item. Verify that a new Open
Work Item appears.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Dispute an Invoice
Verify that a collections agent can record a dispute for an invoice.

Tip: Keep a record of your dispute for later verification.

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the customer.

2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

3. Click Transaction Details.

4. Enter a dispute reason.

5. Enter a dispute quantity or amount.

6. Enter a note.

7. Click Submit.
Oracle Advanced Collections calls the Oracle Receivables Credit Memo Workflow.

8. Click Send Copy.

A copy of the transaction is e-mailed to you.

4-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Adjust an Invoice
Verify that a collections agent can adjust an invoice.

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the customer.

2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

3. Click Adjustment Processing.

4. Create a new row in the Adjustment Processing region and enter the required
adjustment details: activity name, type, amount, date, line number, and note.

5. Click Adjustment.
Oracle Advanced Collections reviews the approval limits defined in Oracle
Receivables before processing the adjustment.
If you set up the appropriate profile options, then a copy of the adjustment is
e-mailed to your customer.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Record a Promise to Pay

1. Select the customer.

2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

3. Click Payment Processing.

The Payment Processing window appears.

4. Enter a payment amount.

5. Enter three promise to pay lines, each with a different due date. Make one due date

Verifying the Implementation    4-9

today's date. Enter three different amounts.

6. Enter a note.

7. Click Submit.

Note: Alternatively, you can process a Mass Promise to verify

broken promise functionality.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Process a Credit Card Payment

Oracle Payments processes the credit card information and applies the cash in Oracle

❒ Oracle Payments must be fully configured.

1. Select the customer.

2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

3. Click Payment Processing.

The Payment Processing window appears.

4. Enter a payment amount.

5. Enter the bogus credit card number such as 4111111111111111 (4 followed by 15


6. Enter the amount to be charged against the credit card. Keep a note of the payment
amount for later verification.

7. Enter a note for the payment.

8. Click Submit.

4-10    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Process a Bank EFT Payment

The final type of payment processing is Bank Electronic Funds Transfer or EFT.
Collectors use this type of money transfer to take payments immediately.
Similar to credit card payment processing, Oracle Advanced Collections calls Oracle
Payments to verify the bank information and to obtain the authorization for the funds

❒ Oracle Payments must be fully configured.

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the customer.

2. In the Transactions tab, select an invoice.

3. Click Payment Processing.

The Payment Processing window appears.

4. Enter a payment amount.

5. Enter bank numbers and amounts.

6. Enter a note for the payment.

7. Click Submit.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Verify Payment Processing

At this time, you can verify if the payments and disputes that were attributed to the
delinquencies were accurately processed by Oracle Advanced Collections and Oracle
Payments, and ultimately posted within Oracle Receivables.

Verifying the Implementation    4-11

If all points do not verify, check the following:
• Did the concurrent programs complete?

• Was transaction information updated?

• Was correspondence sent out, if applicable?

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, go to Collector's Work Queue and check
the following:
1. Are the counts of delinquent transactions by Account a smaller number now
that some are paid?

2. Is the broken Promise to Pay now represented in the Account Level Promise
node? Check the count of the broken promises by Account.

3. What is the status of the delinquency that is in Dispute?

2. Navigate to the Collections window and verify the following:

1. Can you find these delinquencies in the Collections Header: switch account
views, verify delinquent amounts and number of invoices. Have the cured
delinquencies been removed?

2. Move to the Profile tab and verify the delinquencies can be seen in the
Delinquency View. Are all of the delinquencies there?

3. Move to the Transactions tab. Switch between each account and see if the
delinquent invoices are there. What is the status of the disputed invoices?

3. Click the customer's name (Organization) to navigate to eBusiness Center. Check

the data on the Collections tab.

4. Check your e-mail. Did you receive an e-mail for each payment, promise,
adjustment, or dispute processed with the appropriate payment, promise,
adjustment, and dispute information included? Did you receive a copy of the
invoice as per the request?

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

4-12    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Verify the Collector's Actions
At this time, you can verify what the collectors have done and if all of their actions have
been recorded in the various histories, if all notes have been saved, and if all payment
processing transactions appear in reports.
If all points do not verify, check the following:
• Did the Concurrent Programs complete?

• Are the reports running at all?

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the History tab of the Collections
window, go to Payment history and verify your credit card and bank EFT
payments, including your notes.
Go to the Promise to Pay history and verify your recorded promises and related

2. Go to the Dispute history and verify the details of the dispute and your notes.

3. From the Navigator, choose Reports.

The Collections Reports page appears in a separate browser window.

4. Check the Reconciliation Report to see if the broken promise is noted.

5. Check the Collector Report to see if all payments, promises, and disputes are noted,
if invoice information is accurate, and if accounts are noted.

6. Go to the Collections header and look for the information that is on the Collector
Report. Switch account views and verify delinquent amounts and number of
invoices. Have the cured delinquencies been removed?

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Verify Collector's Work Queue Navigation

At this time, you can verify if the flows from Collector's Work Queue (UWQ) are
mapped to the correct tab within Oracle Advanced Collections. You should check each
flow to ensure the collector can efficiently navigate through the application.

Verifying the Implementation    4-13

If the verification fails, review your selections in the Collections Questionnaire and
Checklist. See: Display Collector's Work Queue Nodes, page 2-4.

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, from the Navigator, choose Collector's
Work Queue.
The UWQ window opens.
From UWQ Account Level Delinquency node select a delinquency and click Get
Does the Collections Transactions tab appear with the selected delinquent invoice
highlighted and the appropriate data level set in the Collections Header?

2. From UWQ Account Level Promise node select a Broken Promise and click Get
Does the appropriate customer appear in Collections and the right Promise record
appear on the History tab?

3. From UWQ customer level strategy work item node, select a work item and click
Get Work.
Does the appropriate strategy and work item appear on the Strategy tab?

4. From UWQ Task node, find a callback and click Get Work.
Does the Collections Dunning History appear with selected dunning and invoice

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Verify Interaction Tracking

Interaction Tracking can be manual or automatic. Manual interaction tracking requires
the collector to start and stop interactions using the traffic lights on the tool bar. The
actions and action items columns are automatically filled in based on where the
collector navigates within the application. Automatic interaction tracking begins as
soon as a collector selects a record from Collector's Work Queue or queries a record
(both are based on profiles).
Other profile options affect how interaction history behaves. See: Set Up Oracle
Additional Advanced Collections Profile Options, page 2-8 for more information.

4-14    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

❒ Set related interaction tracking profiles. See: Set Up Oracle Additional Advanced
Collections Profile Options, page 2-8.

1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, query and view a Customer in the
Collections window.

2. Click the first traffic light to start the interaction.

3. Process a payment and make a note of the details of your transaction.

4. Click the second traffic light to verify actions and to end the interaction.

5. Navigate to the History tab and verify that Interaction History has this new

6. Change the profiles to automatically start the interaction.

7. In Collector's Work Queue, select a work item and click Get Work.

8. In the Collections window, note that the first traffic light is grey.

9. Process a payment and make a note of the details of your transaction.

10. Return to UWQ and select another record.

11. Navigate to the History tab and verify that the Interaction History has this new

12. To change to manual interaction tracking, change the profile option IEX:
Automatically Start Interactions to No.

13. Query and view a Customer in the Collections window.

Click the first traffic light to start the interaction.

14. Process a payment and make a note of the details of your transaction.

15. End the interaction.

16. Navigate to the History tab and verify that the Interaction History has this new

Verifying the Implementation    4-15

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components

Verify the implementation of any optional components of Oracle Advanced Collections,
if installed.
Determine if your implementation includes any of the following optional components.
• Oracle Marketing and its dependency, Oracle Discoverer

• Oracle Advanced Inbound

• Oracle Advanced Outbound

Be sure someone on your implementation team has expertise in the optional

components you are implementing. Also make sure the components have been
installed. Then refer to the Implementation or User Guides for each module for
verification and validation steps related to each module.

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Verifying Integration with Oracle Lease Management

After you have configured Oracle Advanced Collections to integrate with Lease
Management, verify the following:
Collections Header
Confirm the following calculations and resulting data are specific to Oracle Lease
• Collectable transactions

• Delinquencies

• Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)

• Last payment due on last payment amount

Related Topics
Implementation Verification Tasks for Optional Components, page 4-16

4-16    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Implementation Tasks for Mandatory Components, page 4-2

Verifying the Implementation    4-17


This appendix lists the lookups used by Oracle Advanced Collections.

This appendix covers the following topics:
• Collections Lookups

Collections Lookups
This appendix provides a table listing the lookups used by Oracle Advanced Collections
in E-Business Suite applications. It includes lookups with three different levels of
• System (S): The implementer can only change the wording of a list of values (LOV)
choices the user sees on the screen. No deletions or additions are allowed.

• Extensible (E): The implementer can change both the wording of the LOV choices
and add new choices for the user.

• User (U): The implementer can change the lookup completely, deleting and adding
LOV choices at will.

For information about viewing and modifying lookups, please refer to the Oracle
Applications System Administrator's Guide.

Collections Lookups
Responsibility: Collections Administrator
The following table lists lookups for Oracle Advanced Collections, their values or
defaults, the areas they affect, and the access level.

Lookups    A-1
Collections Lookups

Applicatio Lookup Type Values Affects Level


AR CREDIT_MEMO_REASON   Dispute Reason  






IEX IEX_CNSLD Enabled Consolidated Leasing U

Not Enabled


Partial Contract (means partially

REJECTED: Rejected






A-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Applicatio Lookup Type Values Affects Level

IEX IEX_DISPUTE_REASONS A/R Error Disputing Invoices S


A contact line has been terminated

Credit and Rebill

Duplicate Billing

Free Product

Freight Error

Late Payment

No Reason Entered

Order Entry Error




Sales Tax Error

Shipping and Handling

Tax Exempt

VAT 0%

VAT 2%

VAT 6.5%


IEX IEX_PAYMENT_TYPES BA (Electronic Funds Transfer) Payments E

CC (Credit Card)



In Question


Lookups    A-3
Applicatio Lookup Type Values Affects Level



CLOSED: Closed

COMPLETE: Complete

OPEN: Open

REQUESTED: Repossession

REJECTED: Rejected


N repossessed

REJECTED: Management Rejected

REPOSSESSED: Asset repossessed


CM (Credit Memo)

DEP (Deposit)

DM (Deposit Memo)

GUAR (Guarantee)

INV (Invoice)


BEL (My Delinquencies) Queue

(My Dunning)

(My Broken Promises)


S Queue


A-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Applicatio Lookup Type Values Affects Level

IEX IEX_STRATEGY_WORK_S Canceled Strategy Work Items U




In Error






CANCELLED: Cancelled


REJECTED: Rejected

REVERSED: Reversed


ASON Assigned (External)

3RD_PART_INT: Third Party

Assigned (Internal)

Continue Collections

COntract Terminated

Memo Issued


claim for lost asset

Provision Created

SKIP_TRACE: Send to Skip Trace

Lookups    A-5
Profile Options

This appendix lists the profile options used for Oracle Advanced Collections.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Profile Options and Profile Categories Overview
• Category and Profile Option Descriptions
• Profile Options for Collections Questionnaire and Checklist
• Profile Options Not Owned by Oracle Advanced Collections

Profile Options and Profile Categories Overview

During implementation, administrators use the Collections Checklist to set a value for
most of the Oracle Advanced Collections system profile options. These profile options
are set at the site level and specify how Advanced Collections controls access to and
processes data. Other profile options can be set by individual users. These profiles can
be changed later in the Setup module, if needed.
See: Setting User Profile Options, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide -
See: Category and Profile Option Descriptions, page B-7
Advanced Collections Categories
• Account Work Queue Configuration, page B-7

• Activity Tracking, page B-9

• Business Flow Configuration, page B-11

• Collections Methods, page B-12

• Correspondence, page B-15

• Customer Work Queue Configuration, page B-18

Profile Options    B-1

• Debug, page B-20

• Delinquency Work Queue Configuration, page B-20

• Leasing Integration, page B-22

• Operations, page B-25

• Site Work Queue Configuration, page B-28

• UI, page B-29

• Work Queue Configuration, page B-32

• XML Publisher Integration, page B-34

Advanced Collections Profile Options

• IEU: Queue: Account View Delinquencies, page B-8

• IEU: Queue: Account View Promises, page B-8

• IEU: Queue: Account View Strategies, page B-8

• IEU: Queue: Bill-to View Delinquencies, page B-29

• IEU: Queue: Bill-to View Promises, page B-29

• IEU: Queue: Bill-to View Strategies, page B-29

• IEU: Queue: Customer View Delinquencies , page B-19

• IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises, page B-19

• IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies , page B-19

• IEU: Queue: Delinquencies, page B-21

• IEU: Queue: Promises, page B-21

• IEU: Queue: Strategies, page B-21

• IEU: Queue Order: Account View Delinquencies , page B-8

• IEU: Queue Order: Account View Promises, page B-9

• IEU: Queue Order: Account View Strategies , page B-9

• IEU: Queue Order: Bill-to View Delinquencies, page B-29

B-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• IEU: Queue Order: Bill-to View Promises, page B-29

• IEU: Queue Order: Bill-to View Strategies, page B-29

• IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Delinquencies, page B-19

• IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Promises, page B-19

• IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Strategies, page B-20

• IEU: Queue Order: Delinquencies, page B-21

• IEU: Queue Order: Promises, page B-22

• IEU: Queue Order: Strategies, page B-22

• IEX: Activity Enabled in Account, page B-10

• IEX: Activity Enabled in Adjustment, page B-10

• IEX: Activity Enabled in Delinquency, page B-10

• IEX: Activity Enabled in Dispute, page B-10

• IEX: Activity Enabled in Payment, page B-10

• IEX: Activity Enabled in Promises, page B-10

• IEX: Activity Enabled in Strategy, page B-10

• IEX: Adjustment Fulfillment Template, page B-16

• IEX: Allow Adjustments, page B-26

• IEX: Allow Changes to Customer Payment Data, page B-11

• IEX: Allow Disputes, page B-27

• IEX: Allow Promise Date Duplication Within Account, page B-27

• IEX: Approval Required for Promise, page B-27

• IEX: Automatically Populate Grids, page B-31

• IEX: Batch Size, page B-27

• IEX: Callback Days for Broken Promise, page B-27

Profile Options    B-3

• IEX: Case Default Resource, page B-23

• IEX: CB Customer Notification Email From, page B-23

• IEX: CB Customer Notification Email Subject, page B-24

• IEX: CB Customer Notification Template, page B-24

• IEX: CB Notification Grace Days, page B-24

• IEX: Collections Bucket, page B-27

• IEX: Collections Rate Type, page B-27

• IEX: Consolidated Invoice Template, page B-16

• IEX: Debug Level, page B-20

• IEX: Default Bankruptcy Notice of Assignment, page B-24

• IEX: Default Date Range Span, page B-31

• IEX: Default End Date Range Span, page B-31

• IEX: Default Fulfillment Subject, page B-17

• IEX: Default History Type, page B-31

• IEX: Default Payment Method, page B-31

• IEX: Default Tab in Collections, page B-31

• IEX: Default Transaction Type, page B-31

• IEX: Default Universal Search Tab, page B-32

• IEX: Default Universal Search Type, page B-32

• IEX: Disable iPayment Processing, page B-20

• IEX: Dispute Confirmation Letter, page B-17

• IEX: EA Recall Grace Days, page B-24

• IEX: EA Score Diff for Recall, page B-24

• IEX: EA Score Engine ID, page B-24

B-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• IEX: EA Transfer Days, page B-24

• IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email From, page B-25

• IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email Subject, page B-25

• IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email Template, page B-25

• IEX: Enable Credit Card Payment, page B-12

• IEX: Enable Credit Hold, page B-12

• IEX: Enable Electronic Funds Payment, page B-12

• IEX: Enable Promise to Pay, page B-12

• IEX: Enable Raising Customer Status Change Event, page B-12

• IEX: Enable Real Time Customer Assignment, page B-13

• IEX: Enable Receipt Reversal, page B-12

• IEX: Enable Work Queue Statuses, page B-33

• IEX: Fax IPP Host, page B-35

• IEX: Fax IPP Port, page B-35

• IEX: Fax IPP Printer Name, page B-35

• IEX: Fulfillment Printer, page B-17

• IEX: Fulfillment Send Method, page B-17

• IEX: Hash Area Size for TAP, page B-13

• IEX: Hide Bankruptcy in UWQ, page B-33

• IEX: Invoice Fulfillment Template, page B-17

• IEX: iPayment Payee ID, page B-27

• IEX: IPP Printer Name, page B-35

• IEX: Item Type of Promise Workflow, page B-27

• IEX: Launch Notes History, page B-32

Profile Options    B-5

• IEX: Maximum Promise to Pay Range, page B-27

• IEX: Metric Calculation Method, page B-32

• IEX: Minimum Number of Characters for Lookup, page B-32

• IEX: Number of Child Account Workers for TAP, page B-14

• IEX: Pay Reversal Confirmation Letter, page B-17

• IEX: Payment Confirmation Letter, page B-17

• IEX: Percent Analyzed for TAP, page B-14

• IEX: Print IPP Host, page B-35

• IEX: Print IPP Port, page B-35

• IEX: Promise Grace Period, page B-28

• IEX: Promise to Pay Confirmation Letter, page B-17

• IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically, page B-18

• IEX: Service Hold on Delinquency, page B-32

• IEX: SMTP From, page B-18

• IEX: SMTP Host, page B-35

• IEX: Sort Area Size for TAP, page B-14

• IEX: Strategy Assignment Default Resource, page B-14

• IEX: Strategy Default Template, page B-18

• IEX: Strategy Disabled, page B-28

• IEX: Strategy Fulfillment Resource, page B-18

• IEX: Strategy Grace Period, page B-14

• IEX: Strategy Unique Fulfillment, page B-18

• IEX: Territory Access Level, page B-33

• IEX: Territory Minimum Number of Records for Parallel Processing, page B-14

B-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

• IEX: Territory Number of Child Processes, page B-15

• IEX: Turn Off Collections Activity on Bankruptcy, page B-25

• IEX: Turn Off Invoice on Bankruptcy, page B-25

• IEX: UWQ Complete Node Days, page B-34

• IEX: UWQ Default Pending Days, page B-34

• IEX: Work Queue Access, page B-34

Category and Profile Option Descriptions

This section describes profile options by category.
The tables in this section provide profile option information as follows:
• The Default column displays the default profile option value in italics or No Default
if none exists.

• The User Access column indicates whether you can view or update the profile

• The User, Responsibility, Application, and Site columns indicate at which levels the
system administrator can update these profile options.

The key for this table is:

• Update: You can update the profile option.

• View Only: You can view the profile option but cannot change it.

• No Access: You cannot view or change the profile option.

Account Work Queue Configuration Category

This category includes profile options that control display options for the Account
nodes in the collector's work queue.

Note: These profile options are owned by Oracle Advanced Collections

and are associated only with the Collector's Work Queue, even though
they begin with the prefix IEU.

Profile Options    B-7

Account Work Queue Configuration Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update Update

Account View Default

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update Update

Account View Default

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update Update

Account View Default

IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update Update

Order: Account Default

IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update Update

Order: Account Default
View Promises

IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update Update

Order: Account Default
View Strategies

IEU: Queue: Account View Delinquencies

Choose Yes to display delinquent accounts. Set to No to hide delinquent accounts.

IEU: Queue: Account View Promises

Choose Yes to display accounts for which promises to pay have been broken.

IEU: Queue: Account View Strategies

Choose Yes to display strategy work items grouped by account.

IEU: Queue Order: Account View Delinquencies

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the delinquent account node

B-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

appears in Collector's Work Queue.

IEU: Queue Order: Account View Promises

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the account broken promise node
appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

IEU: Queue Order: Account View Strategies

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the account strategy work item
node appears in the Collector's Work Queue

Activity Tracking Category

This category includes profile options that control interactions.

Activity Tracking Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Activity No Update Update Update Update

Enabled in Default

IEX: Activity No Update Update Update Update

Enabled in Default

IEX: Activity No Update Update Update Update

Enabled in Default

IEX: Activity No Update Update Update Update

Enabled in Default

IEX: Activity No View Only Update Update Update

Enabled in Default

IEX: Activity No Update Update Update Update

Enabled in Default

Profile Options    B-9

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Activity No View Only Update Update Update

Enabled in Default

IEX: Activity Enabled in Account

Set to Yes to automatically record interaction activity when a collector accesses the
Accounts tab and makes a modification. If set to No, then interaction activity must be
recorded manually.

IEX: Activity Enabled in Adjustment

Set to Yes to automatically record interaction activity when an Adjustment is created. If
set to No, then interaction activity must be recorded manually.

IEX: Activity Enabled in Delinquency

Set to Yes to automatically record interaction activity when a collector accesses the
Lifecycle tab and makes a modification. If set to No, then interaction activity must be
recorded manually.

IEX: Activity Enabled in Dispute

Set to Yes to automatically record interaction activity when a Dispute is created. If set to
No, then interaction activity must be recorded manually.

IEX: Activity Enabled in Payment

Set to Yes to automatically record interaction activity when a Payment is created. If set
to No, interaction activity must be recorded manually.

IEX: Activity Enabled in Promises

Set to Yes to automatically record interaction activity when a Promise is created. If set to
No, then interaction activity must be recorded manually.

IEX: Activity Enabled in Strategy

Set to Yes to automatically record interaction activity when a collector accesses the
Strategy tab and makes a modification. If set to No, then interaction activity must be
recorded manually.

B-10    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Business Flow Configuration Category
This category includes profile options that enable and disable specific business flows
within the application.

Business Flow Configuration Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Allow Update Update Update Update

Changes to
Payment Data

IEX: Enable Yes Update Update Update Update

Credit Card

IEX: Enable Update Update Update Update

Credit Hold

IEX: Enable Yes Update Update Update Update

Electronic Funds

IEX: Enable Yes Update Update Update Update

Promise to Pay

IEX: Enable No View Only View Only View Only Update

Customer Status
Change Event

IEX: Enable Yes Update Update Update Update

Receipt Reversal

IEX: Allow Changes to Customer Payment Data

Set this profile option to Yes to allow collectors to add and update customer bank
account and credit card information.

Profile Options    B-11

IEX: Enable Credit Card Payment
Choose yes or no to enable the Credit Card tab in Processing Payments.
Specify the receipt method set in Oracle Receivables that corresponds to this remittance

IEX: Enable Credit Hold

Choose Yes to display Apply Credit Hold and Release Credit Hold on the Actions

IEX: Enable Electronic Funds Payment

Choose Yes to enable the electronic transfer tab in Processing Payments.

IEX: Enable Promise to Pay

Choose Yes to enable the promise to pay tab in Processing Payments.

IEX: Enable Raising Customer Status Change Event

If set to Yes, this profile option creates a business event to notify integrated applications
of a change in delinquency status.

IEX: Enable Receipt Reversal

If Yes, allows a collector to process a Reversal. If No, then the Reversal button is grayed

Collections Methods Category

This category includes profile options that control the collection methods used by the

Collections Methods Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Enable Real N Update Update Update Update Update

Time Customer

IEX: Hash Area No Update View Only View Only View Only Update
Size for TAP Default

B-12    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Number of 1 Update View Only View Only View Only Update
Child Account
Workers for TAP

IEX: Percent 20 Update View Only View Only View Only Update
Analyzed for

IEX: Sort Area No Update View Only View Only View Only Update
Size for TAP Default

IEX: Strategy No Update Update Update Update Update

Assignment Default
Default Resource

IEX: Strategy No Update Update Update Update Update

Grace Period Default

IEX: Territory No Update View Only View Only View Only Update
Minimum Default
Number of
Records for

IEX: Territory 1 Update View Only View Only View Only Update
Number of Child

IEX: Enable Real Time Customer Assignment

This profile option determines whether the Territory Access program assigns collectors
to customers in batch mode or in real time. Batch mode is recommended. Set to Yes to
run in real time. Set to No to assign territories in batch mode.
The default value is No.

IEX: Hash Area Size for TAP

This profile option sets the hash area size used by the Territory Assignment program
when assigning collectors to customers. It controls the amount of memory used by the
program. If you do not set this profile option, the hash area size will be 10,000.

Profile Options    B-13

IEX: Number of Child Account Workers for TAP
This profile option launches the child concurrent programs used by the Territory
Assignment program. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 10. If no
value is set then the Territory Assignment program derives the number of parallel
workers based on the number of records, up to a maximum of 10. If you set this profile
option to more than 10, then the program will limit the number of child workers to 10.
Set this profile option one number higher than the desired number of parallel workers.
For example, if you want 2 child account workers, enter 3.
The default value is 1.

IEX: Percent Analyzed for TAP

This profile option sets the percentage of records analyzed when running the Territory
Access program. You can enter values between 1 and 100.
The default value is 20.

IEX: Sort Area Size for TAP

This profile option sets the sort size area used by the Territory Assignment program. If
you change the value for the profile, it only affects system performance when running
the Territory Assignment program.
If you do not set this profile option, then the program will set the sort area size at
The default value is 10,000.

IEX: Strategy Assignment Default Resource

The resource name (of a person) who will be assigned if no resources match the work
item specifications.

IEX: Strategy Grace Period

Number of days to wait before executing strategies.

IEX: Territory Minimum Number of Records for Parallel Processing

This profile option sets the minimum number of records that will cause Territory
Assignment program to run in parallel processing mode. If less than the number
specified, then program will run in a single mode.
The recommended setting is 100. You do not have to set this profile option unless you
want to change system performance.
Default: 100.

B-14    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

IEX: Territory Number of Child Processes
This setting determines the minimum number of records for each parallel process run
by the Territory Assignment program.

Correspondence Category
This category includes profile options that control how the application sends
correspondence to customers.

Correspondence Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Adjustment Update Update Update Update


IEX: No View Only View Only View Only View Only

Consolidated Default

IEX: Default Message Update Update Update Update

Fulfillment from
Subject Collection

IEX: Dispute No Update Update Update Update

Confirmation Default

IEX: Fulfillment No Update Update Update Update

Printer Default

IEX: Fulfillment No Update Update Update Update

Send Method Default

IEX: Invoice No Update Update Update Update

Fulfillment Default

Profile Options    B-15

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Pay No Update Update Update Update

Reversal Default

IEX: Payment No Update Update Update Update

Confirmation Default

IEX: Promise to No Update Update Update Update

Pay Default

IEX: Send Update Update Update Update


IEX: SMTP From No Update Update Update Update


IEX: Strategy Customer Update Update Update Update

Default Catch-all
Template Collection
s Strategy

IEX: Strategy No Update Update Update Update

Fulfillment Default

IEX: Strategy No Update Update Update Update

Unique Default

IEX: Adjustment Fulfillment Template

Designates the correspondence template to use to send out adjustment confirmation

IEX: Consolidated Invoice Template

If IEX: Strategy Unique Fulfillment is set to Yes, enter the name of the correspondence

B-16    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

template to be used to send one dunning letter to a customer that consolidates all
delinquencies for a day.

IEX: Default Fulfillment Subject

This profile option determines the text for the subject line of all correspondence e-mails
sent out.

IEX: Dispute Confirmation Letter

Select the correspondence template to be sent to customers as a confirmation when a
dispute is recorded. For this to work, IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically must
also be set to Yes.

IEX: Fulfillment Printer

Specify the printer name used by Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment for correspondence.

Note: Since you must now use Oracle XML Publisher for printing, this
profile option is no longer used.

IEX: Fulfillment Send Method

If IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically is set to Yes, then you can select E-mail,
Fax, or Print to identify the default correspondence send method. If IEX: Send
Correspondence Automatically is set to No, there is no default method and the collector
selects the send method when sending correspondence.

IEX: Invoice Fulfillment Template

Enter the template to be used to send a copy of the invoice from Transaction Details.

IEX: Pay Reversal Confirmation Letter

Select the correspondence template to be sent to customers as a confirmation when a
payment reversal is recorded. For this to work, IEX: Send Correspondence
Automatically must also be set to Yes.

IEX: Payment Confirmation Letter

Select the correspondence template to be sent to customers as a confirmation when a
payment is recorded. For this to work, IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically must
also be set to Yes.

IEX: Promise to Pay Confirmation Letter

Select the correspondence template to be sent to customers as a confirmation when a
payment is recorded. For this to work, IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically must

Profile Options    B-17

also be set to Yes.

IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically

Set to Yes to call Oracle XML Publisher or Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment to
automatically send correspondence to the customer upon completing a transaction.


The name that will appear on the "From" line for e-mails sent to customers.

IEX: Strategy Default Template

Select the default strategy template to be assigned if no matching strategy exists when
running Strategy Management.

IEX: Strategy Fulfillment Resource

The name that will appear on the "From" line for all e-mails sent to customers.

IEX: Strategy Unique Fulfillment

Used when running strategies at the delinquency level. This profile controls
correspondence sent to customers. Set to Yes to send a single correspondence each day
that consolidates all delinquency information. You must also enter the correspondence
template name to be used in the IEX: Consolidated Invoice Template profile option.

Customer Work Queue Configuration Category

This category includes profile options that control display options for viewing customer
items in the work queue.
These profile options are owned by Oracle Advanced Collections and are associated
only with the Collector's Work Queue, even though they begin with the prefix IEU.

Customer Work Queue Configuration Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update

Customer View

B-18    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update

Customer View

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update

Customer View

IEU: Queue Update Update Update Update

Order: Customer

IEU: Queue Update Update Update Update

Order: Customer
View Promises

IEU: Queue Update Update Update Update

Order: Customer
View Strategies

IEU: Queue: Customer View Delinquencies

Choose Yes to display delinquencies grouped by customer. Set to No to hide delinquent

IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises

Choose Yes to display customers for which promises to pay have been broken.

IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies

Choose Yes to display strategy work items grouped by customer.

IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Delinquencies

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the delinquent customer node
appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Promises

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the customer broken promises

Profile Options    B-19

node appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Strategies

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the customer strategy work items
node appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

Debug Category
This category includes profile options that control debugging operations within the

Debug Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Debug 20 Update Update Update Update Update


IEX: Disable No Update Update Update Update Update


IEX: Debug Level

This profile option controls the level at which debugging information is collected. The
default is 20. Generally, this setting should not be changed as the debug level affects
system performance.
If you experience problems running the IEX: Strategy Management concurrent
program, then set this profile option to 1 to enable SQL Trace. Use trace files to
troubleshoot the problem.

IEX: Disable iPayment Processing

Set to Yes to disable Oracle Payments processing in Oracle Lease Management
implementations. Disable payment processing only for debugging purposes. This
profile option does not affect processing payments for transactions in Advanced

Delinquency Work Queue Configuration Category

This category includes profile options that control display options for delinquency work
queue items.

B-20    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

These profile options are owned by Oracle Advanced Collections and are associated
only with the Collector's Work Queue, even though they begin with the prefix IEU.

Delinquency Work Queue Configuration Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update

Delinquencies Default

IEU: Queue: No Update Update Update Update


IEU: Queue: No   Update Update Update Update


IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update


IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update

Order: Promises Default

IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update

Order: Strategies Default

IEU: Queue: Delinquencies

Choose Yes to display delinquent transactions in the Collector's Work Queue. Set to No
to hide delinquencies.

IEU: Queue: Promises

Choose Yes to display transactions for which promises to pay have been broken.

IEU: Queue: Strategies

Choose Yes to include strategy work items grouped by transactions.

IEU: Queue Order: Delinquencies

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the delinquent transaction node
appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

Profile Options    B-21

IEU: Queue Order: Promises
Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which transaction broken promise node
appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

IEU: Queue Order: Strategies

Choose Yes to include work items for transactions in the Collector's Work Queue.

Leasing Integration Category

This category includes profile options that control integration with Oracle Lease

Leasing Integration Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Case No Update Update Update Update

Default Resource Default

IEX: CB No Update Update Update Update

Customer Default
Email From

IEX: CB No Update Update Update Update

Customer Default
Email Subject

IEX: CB No Update Update Update Update

Customer Default

IEX: CB No View Only Update View Only Update

Notification Default
Grace Days

IEX: Default Yes View Only Update Update Update

Notice of

B-22    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: EA Recall No Update Update Update Update

Grace Days Default

IEX: EA Score No Update Update Update Update

Diff For Recall Default

IEX: EA Score No Update Update Update Update

Engine ID Default

IEX: EA Transfer No Update Update Update Update

Days Default

IEX: EA Vendor No Update Update Update Update

Notification Default
Email From

IEX: EA Vendor No Update Update Update Update

Notification Default
Email Subject

IEX: EA Vendor No Update Update Update Update

Notification Default

IEX: Turn Off Yes View Only Update Update Update

Activity for

IEX: Turn Off Yes View Only Update Update Update

Invoicing for

IEX: Case Default Resource

Select the default resource to be assigned if no matching resource exists when assigning

IEX: CB Customer Notification From

Sets the e-mail address displayed on the From line on the Intent to Report To Credit

Profile Options    B-23

Bureau notice sent by e-mail to a customer.

IEX: CB Customer Notification Subject

The text displayed in the Subject line on the Intent to Report to Credit Bureau e-mail
notice sent to a customer.

IEX: CB Customer Notification Template

The name of the correspondence template used to inform the customer of the intent to
report them to the credit bureau.

IEX: CB Notification Grace Days

After the customer has been notified about intent to report to the credit bureau, this
user profile specifies the number of days before a followup is initiated in order to make
a decision to report the customer to the credit bureau.

IEX: Default Bankruptcy Notice of Assignment

When the Flag is set on the Bankruptcy screen, this profile is used. If the profile is set to
Yes, Oracle Advanced Collections makes a call to Oracle Lease Management to
determine if the Notice of Bankruptcy should be sent. If set to No, then IEX does not
make a call.

IEX: EA Recall Grace Days

After the elapse of the period for which the case has been transferred to an external
agency and if there has been no significant positive change in the case score, the
external agency will be informed about intent to recall and will be given a grace period
to respond to this notification. This grace period is determined by the value in this user

IEX: EA Score Diff for Recall

The score value used to determine eligibility to recall the case from the external agency
after expiration of grace days. A concurrent API will compare the scores of a case after
the expiration of the transfer period to determine eligibility for recall. If the positive
difference in scores is less than the value in this user profile, then a case will be
considered for recall and a notification will be sent to the concerned external agency.

IEX: EA Score Engine ID

The ID of the scoring engine, which is used to score cases for the transfer to external
agency process.

IEX: EA Transfer Days

The number of days for which a case is transferred to an external agency, after which it

B-24    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

is considered for review if there is no significant positive change in the case score. If the
review date is not specified in the Transfer to External Agency screen when a case is
transferred to an external agency, this value is used to generate the review date.

IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email From

The FROM EMAIL ID of the e-mail sent to the external agency by the concurrent
notification API, to notify about intent to recall the case or a case recall.

IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email Subject

Subject of the e-mail sent to the external agency by the concurrent notification API, to
notify about intent to recall the case or a case recall.

IEX: EA Vendor Notification Template

Content ID of the notification template that is used to inform the external agency of the
intent to recall a case, which has been assigned to them, or to inform the external agency
about a case recall. It has to be populated with the content ID of the template after the
template has been created in Fulfillment. This is used by the concurrent notification API
to generate an e-mail, which is sent to the external agency to notify about intent to recall
the case or a case recall.

IEX: Turn Off Collections Activity for Bankruptcy

If No then continue collections activities. If Yes then everything is turned to bankruptcy
status, new delinquencies are created for non-delinquent cases and then turned to
bankruptcy so all collections activities are stopped.

IEX: Turn Off Invoicing for Bankruptcy

If set to Yes, invoices are not sent to customers with a status of bankruptcy. If set to No,
invoicing continues.

Operations Category
This category includes profile options that control operations in the application.

Operations Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Allow Yes Update Update Update Update


Profile Options    B-25

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Allow Yes Update Update Update Update


IEX: Allow No Update Update Update Update

Promise Date
Within Account

IEX: Batch Size No Update Update Update Update


IEX: Collections iCollectio View Only Update Update Update

Bucket ns

IEX: Collections Corporate Update Update Update Update

Rate Type

IEX: Callback No Update Update Update Update

Days for Broken Default

IEX: iPayment No Update Update Update Update

Payee ID Default

No Update Update Update Update


IEX: Maximum No Update Update Update Update

Promise to Pay Default

IEX: Promise No Update Update Update Update

Grace Period Default

IEX: Strategy No Update Update Update Update

Disabled Default

IEX: Allow Adjustments

Set to Yes to let collectors view adjustment history and initiate adjustments.

B-26    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

IEX: Allow Disputes
Set to Yes to let collectors initiate disputes.

IEX: Allow Promise Date Duplication Within Account

This profile option controls whether collectors can enter more than one promise to pay
with the same promise due date for an account.

IEX: Approval Required for Promise

Set to Yes if an approval is required for promises. If so, a workflow is launched to
obtain the approval.

IEX: Batch Size

Enter a number if you want to limit the number of objects to be scored at one time.

IEX: Callback Days for Broken Promise

Determines the number of days after a broken promise is created that a promise
callback is created.

IEX: Collections Bucket

The name of the aging bucket created in Oracle Receivables to be used as the default for
the Collections Aging tab.

IEX: Collections Rate Type

Enter the exchange rate type from Oracle Receivables to be used for Oracle Advanced

IEX: iPayment Payee ID

Set this profile option if you process payments for Oracle Lease Management. Select the
payment payee ID configured for Advanced Collections when setting up Oracle

IEX: Item Type of Promise Workflow

Name of the workflow launched for the promise approval. (None is seeded.)

IEX: Maximum Promise to Pay Range

Enter the maximum number of days from a payment due date that a promise to pay can
be entered. Collectors will be able to enter a promise to pay if the due date for
delinquency is not more than this number of days old.

Profile Options    B-27

IEX: Promise Grace Period
Grace period after the promise is due before it is considered a broken promise.

IEX: Strategy Disabled

Set to Yes to disable strategy functionality.

Site Work Queue Configuration Category

This category includes profile options that control the work queue display for the site.
These profile options are owned by Oracle Advanced Collections and are associated
only with the Collector's Work Queue, even though they begin with the prefix IEU.

IEU: Site Work Queue Configuration Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEU: Queue: Bill Update Update Update Update

To View

IEU: Queue: Bill Update Update Update Update

To View

IEU: Queue: Bill No Update Update Update Update

To View

IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update

Order: Bill To

IEU: Queue No Update Update Update Update

Order: Bill To
View Promises

IEU: Queue Update Update Update Update

Order: Bill To
View Strategies

B-28    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

IEU: Queue: Bill To View Delinquencies
Choose Yes to display delinquencies grouped by bill-to location in Collector's Work
Queue. Set to No to hide delinquent bill-to locations.

IEU: Queue: Bill To View Promises

Choose Yes to display bill-to locations for which promises to pay have been broken.

IEU: Queue: Bill To View Strategies

Choose Yes to display strategy work items grouped by bill-to location.

IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Delinquencies

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the delinquent bill-to node appears
in the Collector's Work Queue.

IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Promises

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the bill-to broken promises node
appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Strategies

Enter number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the order in which the bill-to strategy work items
node appears in the Collector's Work Queue.

UI Category
This category include profile options that control user interface preferences.

UI Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Yes Update Update Update Update Update

Populate Grids

IEX: Default 90 Update Update Update Update Update

Date Range Span

Profile Options    B-29

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Default End 0 Update Update Update Update Update

Date Range Span

IEX: Default All Update Update Update Update Update

History Type

IEX: Default Credit Update Update

Payment Card

IEX: Default Tab Profile Update Update Update Update Update

in Collections

IEX: Default No Update Update Update Update Update

Transaction Default

IEX: Default No Update Update Update Update Update

Universal Search Default

IEX: Default No Update Update Update Update Update

Universal Search Default

IEX: Launch Grid Update Update Update Update Update

Notes History

IEX: Metric No Update Update Update Update Update

Calculation Default

IEX: Minimum No Update Update Update Update Update

Number of Default
Characters for

IEX: Service No Update View Only View Only Update Update

Hold of

B-30    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Show Last Yes Update Update Update Update Update

Payment Due
On Field

IEX: Default Automatically Populate Grids

Set to Yes to automatically populate grids. Set to No to require the user to click the
Display button to populate tables. To reduce performance issues relating to display of
large amounts of data, set to No.

IEX: Default Date Range Span

Enter the number of days of data to be included in a search or in information displayed
as a default on the History and Transaction tabs. For example, if you want searches to
return a four month range of data as a default, enter 120. You must also set the IEX:
Default End Date Range Span profile option.

IEX: Default End Date Range Span

After you set the IEX: Default Date Range Span profile option, set this profile option to
indicate when you want the default date range span to end. Enter a negative number to
set the end date in the future. For example, if the default date range span is 120 days
and you want to display data for 90 days previous to today's date and 30 days in the
future, enter -30.

IEX: Default History Type

Set this profile option to determine the default history type displayed on the History

IEX: Default Payment Method

Choose the type of payment tab to appear when the user opens the Process Payments

IEX: Default Tab in Collections

Choose the Collections window tab to appear when the user first opens the Collections

Profile Options    B-31

IEX: Default Transaction Type
Enter the transaction type to be the default that is displayed on the Transactions tab of
the Collections window.

IEX: Default Universal Search Tab

Use this profile option to set the default tab that appears when using Universal Search.

IEX: Default Universal Search Type

Use this profile option to set the default search type selected when using Universal

IEX: Launch Notes History

This profile option controls the format used to display notes. Set to Grid to display
notes in an exportable, table format. Set to Text to display notes in a plain, readable text
format. The default is Grid.

IEX: Metric Calculation Method

This profile option controls whether Oracle Advanced Collections calculates customer
metrics in batch mode or in real time when you access the Profile tab.

IEX: Minimum Number of Characters for Lookup

Set this profile option to determine the minimum number of characters that a collector
must type before seeing a list of values.

IEX: Service Hold of Delinquency

Set to Yes if you are using Lease Management. Set to No if you are not. No disables the
Service Hold check box on the Lifecycle tab.

IEX: Show Last Payment Due Field

This profile option determines whether Advanced Collections displays information in
the Last Payment Due On field on the Collections header. Setting this profile option to
No improves system performance.

Work Queue Configuration Category

This category includes profile options that control the general display parameters in all
the Collections work queues.

B-32    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Work Queue Configuration Category

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Enable No Update Update Update Update

Work Queue

IEX: Hide Yes Update Update Update Update

Bankruptcy in

IEX: Territory No View Only Update Update Update

Access Default

IEX: UWQ 30 Update Update Update Update

Complete Node

IEX: UWQ 10 Update Update Update Update

Default Pending

IEX: Work Full Update Update Update Update

Queue Access

IEX: Enable Work Queue Statuses

Set this profile option to display or hide the Active, Pending, and Complete subnodes in
the Collector's Work Queue. If set to Yes, collectors can use the Actions menu to update
the status of work items assigned to them. Set to No to disable this feature.

IEX: Hide Bankruptcy in UWQ

Choose No to display bankruptcies tasks for collectors in Collector's Work Queue.

IEX: Territory Access

This profile option determines the level at which the Territory Assignment program
runs. It can be set at the customer, account, or bill-to level. This setting assigns collectors
at the desired level and is the same data level you do business with your customers.
The default value is Customer.

Profile Options    B-33

IEX: UWQ Default Complete Node Days
Enter the number of days a work item will stay in the Complete node before it is

IEX: UWQ Default Pending Days

Enter the number of days a work item will stay in the Pending node before moving to
the Active Node.

IEX: Work Queue Access

Allows either Full or Restricted access to the Collector's Work Queue. Full access
provides visibility to all customers. Restricted access provides visibility to only those
customers assigned to the user by the Territory Assignment process.

XML Publisher Integration Category

This category includes profile options related to using Oracle XML Publisher to send

XML Publisher Integration

Profile Option Default User System System System System

Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: Fax IPP No Update Update Update Update

Host Default

IEX: Fax IPP Port No Update Update Update Update


IEX: Fax IPP No Update Update Update Update

Printer Name Default

IEX: IPP Printer No Update Update Update Update

Name Default

IEX: Print IPP No Update Update Update Update

Host Default

IEX: Print IPP No Update Update Update Update

Port Default

B-34    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Profile Option Default User System System System System
Access Administration: Administration: Administration: Administration:
User Responsibility Application Site

IEX: SMTP Host No Update Update Update Update


Note: IEX: Document Format for XML Publisher profile option is no

longer used.

IEX: Fax IPP Host

Set this profile option to identify the IPP host name for faxing.

IEX: Fax IPP Port

Set this profile option to identify the IPP Port used for faxing correspondence generated
by XML Publisher.

IEX: Fax IPP Printer Name

Set this profile option to identify the IPP printer name used for faxing correspondence
generated by XML Publisher.

IEX: IPP Printer Name

Specify the printer name for sending correspondence generated by Oracle XML
Publisher. Begin the name with a slash (/) as in /printer1.

IEX: Print IPP Host

Specify the name of the print host used by Oracle XML Publisher for correspondence.
Use the format printer host name + domain as in xdo.us.oracle.com. Do not include a
protocol such as http://.

IEX: Print IPP Port

The name of the print port used by Oracle XML Publisher.


The name of the e-mail server.

Profile Options    B-35

Profile Options for Collections Questionnaire and Checklist
Collections Questionnaire
The following table provides a list of profile options set when you answer questions in
the Collections Questionnaire.

Section Question Sets

Operations At what level does your organization do IEU: Queue: Account View
business with customers? Delinquencies

IEU: Queue: Account View Promises

IEU: Queue: Account View Strategies

IEU: Queue: Customer View


IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises

IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies

IEU: Queue: Delinquencies

IEU: Queue: Promises

IEU: Queue: Strategies

IEU: Queue: Bill-to View Delinquencies

IEU: Queue: Bill-to View Promises

IEU: Queue: Bill-to View Strategies

Transactions Do collections agents take payment from Displays Bank Transfer and Credit Card
customers? tabs in Payment Processing.

Transactions Which payment methods do you accept? IEX: Enable Credit Card Payment

IEX: Enable Electronic Funds Payment

Transactions What other transaction activities do you IEX: Enable Receipt Reversal
IEX: Allow Adjustments

IEX: Allow Disputes

Transactions Do you take promises to pay from your IEX: Enable Promise to Pay

B-36    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Section Question Sets

Transactions Which later stage delinquencies does IEX: Default Bankruptcy Notice of
your organization manage? Assignment

IEX: Turn Off Collections Activity on


IEX: Turn Off Invoice on Bankruptcy

IEX: Hide Bankruptcy in UWQ

Collections Methods Which collections methods does your IEX: Strategy Disabled
organization use?

Collections Checklist: Operations Setup

The following table provides a list of profile options set when you answer questions in
the Operations Setup section of the Collections Checklist.

Topic Question Sets

General Collections What aging bucket should be IEX: Collections Bucket

Information automatically displayed?

General Collections Should collectors have access to all IEX: Work Queue Access
Information customers or only customers they work

General Collections At which level do you assign territories IEX: Territory Access Level
Information to collectors?

General Collections Select the exchange rate type for IEX: Collections Rate Type
Information multi-currency transactions.

General Collections Are collectors allowed to assign or IEX: Enable Credit Hold
Information release a customer credit hold?

General Collections Will collectors initiate service hold IEX: Service Hold of Delinquency
Information requests?

Profile Options    B-37

Topic Question Sets

General Collections Which items do you want to track from IEX: Activity Enabled in Accounts
Information customer interactions?
IEX: Activity Enabled in Adjustment

IEX: Activity Enabled in Delinquency

IEX: Activity Enabled in Dispute

IEX: Activity Enabled in Payment

IEX: Activity Enabled in Promises

IEX: Activity Enabled in Strategy

Display Preferences Select the tab that will be displayed IEX: Default Tab in Collections
when a collector opens the Collections

Display Preferences Select the default history type for the IEX: Default History Type
History tab.

Display Preferences Select the Search tab to be displayed in IEX: Default Universal Search Tab
the Search window.

Display Preferences Which search type will be displayed in IEX: Default Universal Search Type
the Search window?

Display Preferences What is the minimum number of IEX: Minimum Number of Characters for
characters that an agent needs to type Lookup
before seeing a list of values?

Display Preferences How many days of data do you want to IEX: Default Date Range Span
display automatically on the History
and Transaction tabs?

Display Preferences How many days forward or back from IEX: Default End Date Range Span
today's date should the date range start?

Display Preferences Should data be displayed automatically IEX: Automatically Populate Grids
for collectors?

Display Preferences Should collectors see more than one IEU: Desktop: UI: Show Quick Filter
operating unit in the Work Queue? Panel

B-38    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Topic Question Sets

Display Preferences Select the default payment method tab IEX: Default Payment Method
to be displayed on the Payments

Display Preferences Do you want to calculate metrics in IEX: Metric Calculation Method
batch or real-time?

Correspondence Do you want to send correspondence IEX: Send Correspondence

automatically after each customer Automatically

Correspondence What should be the default send IEX: Fulfillment Sent Method
correspondence method?

Correspondence For each of the following select the letter IEX: Adjustment Fulfillment Template
template to be used.
IEX: Consolidate Invoice Template

IEX: Dispute Confirmation Letter

IEX: Invoice Fulfillment Template

IEX: Pay Reversal Confirmation Letter

IEX: Payment Confirmation Letter

IEX: Promise to Pay Confirmation Letter

Correspondence For each of the following, enter the XML IEX: Fax IPPHost
Publisher setting.
IEX: Fax IPP Port

IEX: Fax IPP Pinter Name

IEX: IPP Printer Name

IEX: Print IPP Host

IEX: Print IPP Port


Correspondence What 'From' address should appear in IEX:SMTP From

XML e-mail correspondence?

Collections Checklist: Transaction Setup

The following table provides a list of profile options set when you answer questions in
the Transactions Setup section of the Collections Checklist.

Profile Options    B-39

Topic Question Sets

Configure Transaction Select the default transaction type for IEX: Default Transaction Type
Processing the Transaction tab.

Configure Transaction Select the name of the vendor bank IEX: iPayment Payee ID
Processing used to process electronic payments.

Configure Transaction Can collectors update customer bank IEX: Allow Changes to Customer
Processing account and credit card information? Payment Data

Configure Transaction How many days after the promise IEX: Promise Grace Period
Processing payment due date will a promise be
called broken?

Configure Transaction How many days from a payment due IEX: Maximum Promise to Pay Range
Processing date can a promise to pay be made?

Configure Transaction How many days after the promise is IEX: Callback Days for Broken Promise
Processing broken should a callback be

Configure Transaction Can more than one promise to pay IEX: Allow Promise Date Duplication
Processing have the same promise due date? with Account

Collections Checklist: Collections Method Setup

The following table provides a list of profile options set when you answer questions in
the Collections Method Setup section of the Collections Checklist.

Topic Question Sets

Define Strategy Defaults Select a default strategy template. IEX: Strategy Default Template

Related Topics
Profile Options and Profile Categories Overview, page B-1
Setting Up Oracle Advanced Collections, page 2-1

Profile Options Not Owned by Oracle Advanced Collections

IEU: Desktop: UI: Show Quick Filter Panel: Set this profile option to Yes to be able to

B-40    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

filter tasks by operating unit in the Collector's Work Queue. The default is Yes.
OS: Customer Access Privilege: This profile determines which customers a collector
can view in eBusiness Center. Set to Full Access to view all customers; set to Sales
Team/Territory Access to view only customers in a collector's territory; set to
Prospecting and the collector can read but not write data. This can be set at all profile
OTS: Interactions-Default Action: Users must perform at least one activity for the
interaction to end. If the user doesn't perform any activity but ends the interaction
anyway, then the application uses the default action set in this profile and the default
action item from the profile OTS: Interaction Default Action Item.
The default is Action with action ID = 1 (Item Added).
OTS: Interactions-Default Action Item: The application uses the default action item set
in this profile together with the default action set in the profile OTS: Interaction Default
Action whenever the user does not perform an action required to wrap up an
The default is Action item with action ID = 1 (Account).
OTS: Interactions-Default Outcome: This profile determines the default value of the
Outcome field in the wrap-up window.
This is also the value the application uses for outcomes of interactions that are ended
automatically. The application uses this value if there is no outcome associated with the
campaign schedule for this interaction. If there is a campaign associated with the
interaction, then the application uses the outcome for that campaign schedule.
The default is Outcome with outcome ID = 1 (No Answer).
OTS: Interactions-Enable Auto Wrapup: When this profile is set to No, the wrap-up
window appears automatically prompting users to enter the outcomes and reasons for
the activity.
When this profile is set to Yes, the interaction ends automatically without the users
seeing the wrap-up window.
OTS: Interactions-Enable Automatic Start: Set to Yes to record interactions after the
interaction is started. Set to No to require agents to start and end interactions manually.
OTS: Interactions-Record Media Item ID: Interactions track different types of
communications with customers including e-mails and phone calls placed via Oracle
Inbound and Outbound Telephony applications. The record includes a unique identifier
for the communication. This profile determines if that unique identifier is recorded or
not. This identifier is never displayed for the user.
The default is Yes.
OTS: Interactions-Max Interactions Displayed: Determines how many interactions to
display in the Overview tab.
OTS: Interactions-Start On Query: Set to Yes to start an interaction whenever the user
displays a new record and to support automatic start of interactions.

Profile Options    B-41

Set to No to start the interaction only when the user updates or deletes information in a
The default is No.
OTS: Task Details-Query Tasks By: If set to Reference, Oracle Advanced Collections
displays on the Task tab only tasks associated with the View By selected in the
Collections header.
OTS: Telesales Interaction Enabled: If set to Yes, TeleSales records interactions after
the interaction is started. A setting of No limits agents to starting and ending
interactions manually.
The default is No.

Related Topics
Profile Options and Profile Categories Overview, page B-1

B-42    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates

This appendix provides letter samples and the queries used to produce the
preconfigured correspondence templates.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Preconfigured Templates for Oracle XML Publisher
• Payment Confirmation Letter Template
• Dispute Confirmation Letter Template
• Promise Confirmation Letter Template
• Adjustment Confirmation Letter Template
• Payment Reversal Confirmation Letter Template
• Consolidated Invoice Confirmation Letter Template
• Invoice Letter Template
• Pre-delinquent Letter Template
• Soft Dunning Letter 1 Template
• Soft Dunning Letter 2 Template
• Moderate Dunning Letter 1 Template
• Moderate Dunning Letter 2 Template
• Hard Dunning Letter 1 Template
• Hard Dunning Letter 2 Template
• Hard Dunning Letter 3 Template

Preconfigured Templates for Oracle XML Publisher

Oracle Advanced Collections provides preconfigured templates for correspondence
generated by Oracle XML Publisher. These letters are used in dunning plans, strategies,

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-1

and to confirm activities during customer interactions.
This appendix provides samples of each preconfigured letter template, the query that
produces the output, and the bind variables for the query. Sample letters are shown at
the customer data level. Collections provides for a query for each operational data level.
Preconfigured letter templates include:
• Payment Confirmation Template, page C-2

• Dispute Confirmation Template, page C-4

• Promise Confirmation Letter Template, page C-6

• Adjustment Confirmation Template, page C-8

• Payment Reversal Confirmation Template, page C-10

• Consolidated Invoice Copy Template, page C-12

• Invoice Copy Template, page C-14

• Pre-delinquent Letter Template, page C-16

• Soft Dunning Letter 1 Template, page C-21

• Soft Dunning Letter 2 Template, page C-26

• Moderate Dunning Letter 1 Template, page C-31

• Moderate Dunning Letter 2 Template, page C-36

• Hard Dunning Letter 1 Template, page C-41

• Hard Dunning Letter 2 Template, page C-46

• Hard Dunning Letter 3 Template, page C-46

Payment Confirmation Letter Template

The text of the Payment Confirmation Letter Template is as follows:

C-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

This is to confirm your payment by Payment Method in the amount of

$0.00 made on sysdate.

If you prefer in the future, you can easily make payment by either
credit card, electronic funds transfer, or through our self service
portal. Please discuss these options and benefits with us if
that would be preferred.

Your business is important to us.

If you have any questions, call us at Collector Phone 1.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Payment Confirmation Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables


Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-3

Query for Payment Confirmation Letter
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select l.meaning from iex_payments p, iex_lookups_v l
where l.lookup_type = 'IEX_PAYMENT_TYPES' and p.payment_method =
and p.payment_id = :PAYMENT_ID ) payment_method,
(SELECT r.amount from iex_payments p, iex_pay_receipt_xref xpr ,
ar_cash_receipts_all r
WHERE p.payment_id = :PAYMENT_ID and xpr.payment_id = p.payment_id
and p.payment_id = xpr.payment_id and r.cash_receipt_id =
xpr.cash_receipt_id) last_payment_amount,
(select to_char(p.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') from iex_payments p where
p.payment_id = :PAYMENT_ID ) payment_date,
(select rs.source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs , iex_payments p
where rs.resource_id = p.resource_id and p.payment_id = :PAYMENT_ID )
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_payments p
where rs.resource_id = p.resource_id and p.payment_id = :PAYMENT_ID )
(select rs.source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ,
iex_payments p
where rs.resource_id = p.resource_id and p.payment_id = :PAYMENT_ID )
(select rs.source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs , iex_payments p
where rs.resource_id = p.resource_id and p.payment_id = :PAYMENT_ID )
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'COLLECTIONS'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Dispute Confirmation Letter Template

The text of the Dispute Confirmation Letter Template is as follows:

C-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

This is to confirm your dispute in the amount of $0.00

submittted sysdate, reference number Credit Memo Number, against
invoice number Invoice Number.

Thank you in advance for prompt payment of the balance of the

invoice, $0.00.
If you have any questions, call us at Collector Phone 1.

Sincerely yours,

Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Dispute Confirmation Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables


Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-5

Query for Dispute Confirmation Letter
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') sysdate1,
(select dv.dispute_amount from iex_disputes_v dv, iex_disputes d
where d.rowid = dv.row_id and d.dispute_id = :DISPUTE_ID )
(select dv.invoice_number from iex_disputes_v dv, iex_disputes d where
d.rowid = dv.row_id and d.dispute_id = :DISPUTE_ID ) invoice_number,
(select cm_request_id from iex_disputes d where d.dispute_id =
:DISPUTE_ID ) credit_memo_number,
(select amount_due_remaining from
(select aps.amount_due_remaining
from iex_disputes_v dv, iex_disputes d, ra_customer_trx ct,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where d.rowid = dv.row_id and ct.trx_number = dv.invoice_number and
aps.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
and d.dispute_id = :DISPUTE_ID order by aps.creation_date desc)
where rownum = 1) invoice_amount_due,
(select rs.source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_disputes d
where rs.user_id = d.created_by and d.dispute_id = :DISPUTE_ID )
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_disputes d
where rs.user_id = d.created_by and d.dispute_id = :DISPUTE_ID )
(select rs.source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_disputes
where rs.user_id = d.created_by and d.dispute_id = :DISPUTE_ID )
(select rs.source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_disputes d
where rs.user_id = d.created_by and d.dispute_id = :DISPUTE_ID )
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'COLLECTIONS'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Promise Confirmation Letter Template

The text of the Promise Confirmation Letter Template is as follows:

C-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

This is to confirm your Promise to Pay in the amount of $0.00

logged sysdate.

Invoice Number Promise Amount Promise Due Date

Begin Group 10000 $0.00 sysdateEnd Group

Thank you in advance for prompt payment in the amount of $0.00.

If you have any questions, call us at Collector Phone 1.

Sincerely yours,

Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Promise Confirmation Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables


Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-7

Query for Promise Confirmation Letter Template
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') sysdate1,
(select sum(pv.promise_amount) from iex_promises_v pv
where pv.cust_account_id= :CUST_ACCOUNT_ID and trunc(sysdate) =
trunc(pv.creation_date)) ptp_amount,
(select sum(pv.promise_amount) from iex_promises_v pv
where pv.cust_account_id= :CUST_ACCOUNT_ID and trunc(sysdate) =
trunc(pv.creation_date)) ptp_amount1,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone1,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select pv.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(pv.promise_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') ptp_due_date, pv.promise_amount ptp_amount2
from iex_promises_v pv where pv.cust_account_id= :CUST_ACCOUNT_ID and
trunc(sysdate) = trunc(pv.creation_date)
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'COLLECTIONS'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Adjustment Confirmation Letter Template

The text of the Adjustment Confirmation Letter Template is as follows:

C-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

This is to confirm the adjustment in the amount of $0.00

submitted today, sysdate, against invoice number Invoice Number.

Thank you in advance for prompt payment in the outstanding amount

of $0.00.
If you have any questions, call us at Collector Phone 1.

Sincerely yours,

Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Adjustment Confirmation Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables


Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-9

Query for Adjustment Confirmation Letter Template
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') sysdate1,
(select adj.total_amount from iex_app_adj_v adj where adj.adjustment_id
= :ADJUSTMENT_ID ) total_amount,
(select adj.trx_number from iex_app_adj_v adj where adj.adjustment_id =
:ADJUSTMENT_ID )invoice_number,
(select amount_due_original from
(select aps.amount_due_original
from iex_app_adj_v adj, ra_customer_trx ct, ar_payment_schedules aps
where ct.trx_number = adj.trx_number and aps.customer_trx_id =
and adj.adjustment_id = :ADJUSTMENT_ID order by aps.creation_date desc)

where rownum = 1) invoice_amount,

(select rs.source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_app_adj_v
where rs.user_id = adj.created_by and adj.adjustment_id = :ADJUSTMENT_ID
) collector_phone1,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_app_adj_v adj
where rs.user_id = adj.created_by and adj.adjustment_id = :ADJUSTMENT_ID
) collector_name,
(select rs.source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,
iex_app_adj_v adj
where rs.user_id = adj.created_by and adj.adjustment_id = :ADJUSTMENT_ID
) collector_title,
(select rs.source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_app_adj_v
where rs.user_id = adj.created_by and adj.adjustment_id = :ADJUSTMENT_ID
) collector_phone
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'COLLECTIONS'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Payment Reversal Confirmation Letter Template

The text of the Payment Reversal Confirmation Letter Template is as follows:

C-10    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: Confirming Payment Reversal

This is to confirm the payment reversal in the amount of

$0.00 submittted REVERSAL DATE, reference number RECEIPT NUMBER.

If you have any questions, call us at Collector Phone 1.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Payment Reversal Confirmation Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables


Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-11

Query for Payment Reversal Confirmation Letter Template
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select currency_code from ar_cash_receipts where cash_receipt_id =
:RECEIPT_ID ) currency_code,
(select amount from ar_cash_receipts where cash_receipt_id =
:RECEIPT_ID) amount,
(select to_char(reversal_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') from ar_cash_receipts where
cash_receipt_id = :RECEIPT_ID ) reversal_date,
(select receipt_number from ar_cash_receipts where cash_receipt_id =
:RECEIPT_ID ) receipt_number,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone1,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'COLLECTIONS'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Consolidated Invoice Confirmation Letter Template

The text of the Consolidated Invoice Confirmation Letter Template is as follows:

C-12    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: Invoice copy

Here is a copy of the invoice 1001 you requested. Please let me

know if I can be of further assistance.

The due date is sysdate with amount due remaining $0.00.

Your business is important to us.

If you have any questions, call us at Collector Phone 1.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Consolidated Invoice Confirmation Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables


Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-13

Query for Consolidated Invoice Confirmation Letter Template
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select consolidated_invoice_number from iex_leasing_invoices_v where
consolidated_invoice_id = :CONSOLIDATED_INVOICE_ID )
(select to_char(invoice_due_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') from
iex_leasing_invoices_v where consolidated_invoice_id =
:CONSOLIDATED_INVOICE_ID ) invoice_due_date,
(select currency_code from iex_leasing_invoices_v where
consolidated_invoice_id = :CONSOLIDATED_INVOICE_ID ) currency_code,
(select amount_due_remaining from iex_leasing_invoices_v where
consolidated_invoice_id = :CONSOLIDATED_INVOICE_ID )
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone1,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'COLLECTIONS'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Invoice Letter Template

The text of the Invoice Letter Template is as follows:

C-14    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


rac bill to customer_name rac ship to customer_name

raa bill to address1 raa ship to address1
raa bill to address2 raa ship to address2
raa bill to address3 raa ship to address3
raa bill to address4 raa ship to address4

raa remit to address1

raa remit to address2
raa remit to address3
raa remit to address4

Invoice: trx_number
Billing Date: trx_date
Shipping Date: ship date actual
Purchase Order Number: purchase order
Bill to Customer Number: rac bill to customer num

Terms: term name Due Date: term due date

Item Num Description Quantity Unit Extended Amount

Shipped Price
Begin Group description 1 $0.00 $0.00End Group
line number

Sub Total: $0.00

Tax: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Bind Variables for Invoice Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables


Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-15

Query for Invoice Letter Template
select to_char(a.trx_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') trx_date, a.trx_number
to_char(a.term_due_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') term_due_date, b.name term_name,
a.purchase_order purchase_order, a.ship_date_actual ship_date_actual,
a.rac_bill_to_customer_name rac_bill_to_customer_name,
a.rac_bill_to_customer_num rac_bill_to_customer_num,
a.raa_bill_to_address1 raa_bill_to_address1,
a.raa_bill_to_address2 raa_bill_to_address2, a.raa_bill_to_address3_db
a.raa_bill_to_city || ', ' || a.raa_bill_to_state || ' ' ||
a.raa_bill_to_postal_code raa_bill_to_address4,
a.rac_ship_to_customer_name rac_ship_to_customer_name,
a.raa_ship_to_address1 raa_ship_to_address1,
a.raa_ship_to_address2 raa_ship_to_address2, a.raa_ship_to_address3_db
a.raa_ship_to_city || ', ' || a.raa_ship_to_state || ' ' ||
a.raa_ship_to_postal_code raa_ship_to_address4,
a.raa_remit_to_address1 raa_remit_to_address1,
a.raa_remit_to_address2 raa_remit_to_address2,
a.raa_remit_to_address3_db raa_remit_to_address3,
a.raa_remit_to_city || ', ' || a.raa_remit_to_state || ' ' ||
a.raa_remit_to_postal_code raa_remit_to_address4,
(select sum(d.extended_amount) from ra_customer_trx_lines_v d
where d.customer_trx_id = :INVOICE_ID and d.line_type = 'TAX' group by
d.customer_trx_id) tax,
(select sum(d.extended_amount) from ra_customer_trx_lines_v d
where d.customer_trx_id = :INVOICE_ID and d.line_type <> 'TAX' group by
d.customer_trx_id) sub_total,
(select sum(d.extended_amount) from ra_customer_trx_lines_v d
where d.customer_trx_id = :INVOICE_ID group by d.customer_trx_id)
cursor (
select decode(c.line_type, 'LINE', c.line_number, null) line_number,
decode (line_type, 'TAX', initcap(c.line_type) || ' ' || c.tax_code ||
' @ ' || c.tax_rate,
'LINE', c.description, 'CB', c.description, initcap(c.line_type))
c.quantity quantity, c.unit_selling_price unit_selling_price,
c.extended_amount extended_amount
from ra_customer_trx_lines_v c
where c.customer_trx_id = :INVOICE_ID order by c.customer_trx_line_id
) as payment_history
from ra_customer_trx_partial_v a, ra_terms_vl b
where a.customer_trx_id = :INVOICE_ID and a.term_id = b.term_id(+)

Pre-delinquent Letter Template

The text of the Pre-delinquent Letter Template is as follows:

C-16    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: Courtesy Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that you have upcoming payments due.

Invoice Number Amount Due Due Date

Begin Group 10000 $0.00 sysdateEnd Group

To take advantage of our Terms, you must pay $0.00 by the due

If you have already sent your payment, we thank you. If you have
any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Pre-delinquent Letter Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables







Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-17

Query for Pre-delinquent Letter - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'PREDELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-18    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Pre-delinquent Letter - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.payment_schedule_id =
and d.status = 'PREDELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-19

Query for Pre-delinquent Letter - Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'PREDELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-20    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Pre-delinquent Letter - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID and
d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'PREDELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Soft Dunning Letter 1 Template

The text of the Soft Dunning Letter 1 Template is as follows:

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-21


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: Overdue Payments

This is a friendly reminder advising you that the following

payments are overdue.

Invoice Number Amount Due Due Date

Begin Group 10000 $0.00 sysdateEnd Group

The total amount due is $0.00.

If you have already sent your payment, we thank you. If you have any
questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Soft Dunning Letter 1 Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables







C-22    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 1 - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-23

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 1 - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.payment_schedule_id =
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-24    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 1 - Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-25

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 1 - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID and
d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Soft Dunning Letter 2 Template

The text of the Soft Dunning Letter 2 Template is as follows:

C-26    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: Second Notice Overdue Payments

We are writing this letter to call your attention to the below

referenced overdue items with us. We are still awaiting your

Invoice Number Amount Due Due Date

Begin Group 10000 $0.00 sysdateEnd Group

Please ensure that payment of $0.00 reaches us, at the latest,

by sysdate.

Thanking you for your business and anticipating a prompt response.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Soft Dunning Letter 2 Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables







Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-27

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 2 - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-28    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 2 - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.payment_schedule_id =
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-29

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 2- Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-30    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Soft Dunning Letter 2 - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID and
d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Moderate Dunning Letter 1 Template

The text of the Moderate Dunning Letter 1 Template is as follows:

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-31


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: Overdue Notice

We are writing this letter to call your attention to the overdue

invoices listed below. We are awaiting your payment.

Invoice Number Amount Due Due Date

Begin Group 10000 $0.00 sysdateEnd Group

Please ensure that payment of $0.00 reaches us by sysdate.

To expedite payment, please call at the number below.

Thanking you for your business and anticipating a prompt response.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Moderate Dunning Letter 1 Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables







C-32    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 1 - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-33

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 1 - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.payment_schedule_id =
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-34    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 1 - Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id , dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-35

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 1 - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+14, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID and
d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Moderate Dunning Letter 2 Template

The text of the Moderate Dunning Letter 2 Template is as follows:

C-36    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: SECOND NOTICE Overdue Payments

We are writing this letter to call your attention to the overdue

invoices listed below. We are still awaiting your payment.

Invoice Number Amount Due Due Date

Begin Group 10000 $0.00 sysdateEnd Group

Please ensure that payment of $0.00 reaches us by sysdate. To

expedite payment, and avoid escalation, please call at the
number below.

Thanking you for your business and anticipating a prompt response.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Moderate Dunning Letter 2 Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables







Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-37

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 2 - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-38    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 2 - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.payment_schedule_id =
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-39

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 2 - Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-40    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Moderate Dunning Letter 2 - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID and
d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Hard Dunning Letter 1 Template

The text of the Hard Dunning Letter 1 Template is as follows:

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-41


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

We are writing this letter to call your attention to the overdue

invoices listed below. We are awaiting your payment.

Invoice Number Amount Due Due Date

Begin Group 10000 0.00 sysdateEnd Group

Please ensure that payment of $ $0.00 reaches us by sysdate.

If you wish to discuss any issues please call the undersigned.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Hard Dunning Letter 1 Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables







C-42    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 1 - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-43

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 1 - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.payment_schedule_id =
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-44    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 1 - Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-45

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 1 - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
to_char(sysdate+7, 'MM/DD/YYYY') required_pay_date,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor,
cursor (select ct.trx_number invoice_number, to_char(ar.due_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY') due_date, ar.amount_due_remaining amount_due_remaining
from iex_delinquencies d, ar_payment_schedules ar, ra_customer_trx ct
where d.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and d.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and d.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and d.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID and
d.payment_schedule_id = ar.payment_schedule_id
and d.status = 'DELINQUENT'
and ar.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id
) as payment_history
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Hard Dunning Letter 2 Template

The text of the Hard Dunning Letter 2 Template is as follows:

C-46    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: SECOND NOTICE Overdue Payment

Recently your attention was called upon regarding the above

referenced account via our calls and the previous letter. The
amount of $0.00 is now considerably past due.

We must receive payment immediately to keep your credit in good

standing with us.

Please courier your payment today or contact us to pay by credit

card or electronic transfer of funds.

We sincerely hope and expect that your payment be on its way so

that there is no disruption to our business partnership.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Hard Dunning Letter 2 Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table::

Query Level Bind Variables







Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-47

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 2 - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-48    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 2 - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-49

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 2 - Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-50    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 2 - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Hard Dunning Letter 3 Template

The text of the Hard Dunning Letter 3 Template is as follows:

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-51


First Name Last Name

Org Name
1910 Oracle Way
Suite 100
City, State Postal Code

Re: Final NOTICE Overdue Payment

Recently your attention was called upon regarding your account

via our calls and the previous letter. The amount of $0.00 is now
immediately due.

We must receive payment immediately to keep your credit in good

standing with us.

Please courier your payment today or contact us to pay by credit

card or electronic transfer of funds.

We sincerely hope and expect that your payment be on its way so

that there is no disruption to our business partnership. Unless
we receive payment within 48 hours, your account will be
forwarded to our legal department.


Collector Name
Collector Title
Collector Phone

Bind Variables for Hard Dunning Letter 3 Query

This query uses the bind variables shown in the following table:

Query Level Bind Variables







C-52    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 3 - Customer Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
group by dd.party_cust_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-53

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 3 - Account Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID group by dd.party_cust_id,
dd.cust_account_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-54    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 3 - Bill To Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id)
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

Preconfigured Correspondence Templates    C-55

Query for Hard Dunning Letter 3 - Delinquency Level
select to_char(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') currsysdate, sub.person_first_name
first_name, sub.person_last_name last_name, h.party_name org_name,
a.address1 address1, a.address2 address2, a.city city, a.state state,
a.postal_code postal_code,
sub.person_first_name first_name1,
(select sum(amount_due_remaining) from iex_delinquencies dd,
ar_payment_schedules aps
where dd.payment_schedule_id = aps.payment_schedule_id and
dd.party_cust_id = h.party_id
and dd.cust_account_id = :ACCOUNT_ID and dd.customer_site_use_id =
:CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID and dd.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID group by
dd.party_cust_id, dd.cust_account_id, dd.customer_site_use_id,
dd.delinquency_id) total_amount_due_remaining,
(select rs.source_first_name ||' '||rs.source_last_name from
jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID )
(select source_job_title from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where
resource_id = :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_title,
(select source_phone from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id =
:RESOURCE_ID ) collector_phone,
(select source_mgr_name from jtf_rs_resource_extns rs where resource_id
= :RESOURCE_ID ) collector_supervisor
from ast_locations_v a, hz_parties h, hz_relationships rel, hz_parties
where rel.object_id = :PARTY_ID
and a.primary_flag = 'Y'
and a.party_id = rel.party_id
and a.status = 'A'
AND rel.relationship_type = 'DUNNING'
AND rel.status = 'A'
AND rel.object_id = h.party_id
AND rel.object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND rel.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND h.status = 'A'
AND rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
AND rel.subject_type = 'PERSON'
AND rel.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
AND sub.status = 'A'

C-56    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide


This appendix lists the preconfigured metrics available in Oracle Advanced Collections.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Preconfigured Metrics

Preconfigured Metrics
Oracle Advanced Collections provides the preconfigured metrics shown in the
following table. You can run each metric at the customer, account, or bill to operational
data level.

Metric Description

Weighted Average Days Weighted Average Days Paid (WAP) is the number of days a
Paid customer takes to make payments (Days Late + Terms). Date Paid
- Invoice Date

The average is weighted by the payment amount and assumes

that a $10000 payment is more significant than $100.

WAP is calculated by adding Weighted Average Terms and

Weighted Average Days Late : days allowed + days late = days

Metrics    D-1
Metric Description

Weighted Average Days Average number of days a payment was late, weighted by dollar
Late amount. The amount of the closed item is used to weight the days

* Assumes that a $100,000 invoice that is 10 days late is more

serious than a $10 invoice paid 10 days late.

Calculation: sum (item amount * days late) / sum (item amount).

The item amount is drawn from the first instance of item activity
that has the same entry type as the closed item.

Days late is the number of days between the due date and the
accounting date of the item activity that closed the item.

Weighted Average Terms Calculates the average number of days allowed for a customer
before payment is due, weighted according to the item amount

Some invoices may be due in 20 days, other in 30 or 40. The

Weighted Average Days Late calculation tells you that the
customer pays, on average, 5 days late. But that number is much
more meaningful when you know that the customer had an
average of 25 days to make payments

Average Days Late Days late is calculated as the number of days between the due
date and the accounting date of the entry that closed the item.

Avg Days late is calculated as sum (days late) / number of items.

* Items can be tagged to be excluded from this calculation such as

items in dispute, entry type, negative items (credit memos).

Conventional Days Sales Multiply the customers current A/R Balance by 30 and divide by
Outstanding (DSO) * prior period sales.

At a specific point-in-time, measure indicated how long it takes

to convert receivables to cash . Interprets trends in receivable

* You must set your DSO calculations based on number of days

in your accounting month - usually 28 or 30 days.

D-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Metric Description

True DSO The accurate and actual number of days credit sales are unpaid.
This is a complicated formula as you have to tie every invoice
back to net sales for the month in which the invoice originated.

Formula: True DSO per invoice = Number of days from invoice

date to reporting date * (invoice amount/net credit sales for the
month in which sale occurred)

The sum of True DSO for all open invoices = True DSO per total
accounts receivable

Collection Effectiveness This percentage expresses the effectiveness of collection efforts

Index (CEI) over time. The closer to 100%, the more effective the collection
efforts. It is a measure of the QUALITY of collection of
receivables, not of time.

CEI accurately measures collection effectiveness (amounts that

are collectible and are actually collected).

Used to evaluate individuals, subgroups, and overall groups.

Formula: [Beginning Receivables + (Credit Sales/ N*) - Ending

Total Receivables] / [Beginning Receivables + (Credit Sales/N*) -
Ending Current Receivables] X 100.

*N= Number of Months

NSF History Amount Dollar amount of NSF checks for past twelve months.

NSF History Count Number of NSF checks for past twelve months.

Deductions Number and Dollar amount of deductions created each

accounting period.

Sales Actual Credit Sales billed in the past twelve months.

Credit Limit The current credit amount available for a customer.

High Credit YTD The highest credit limit for a customer in the past 12 months.

Metrics    D-3
Preconfigured Scoring Elements

This appendix describes the preconfigured scoring engines and scoring components
provided in the application.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Using Preconfigured Scoring Elements
• Preconfigured Scoring Engines
• Preconfigured Scoring Components

Using Preconfigured Scoring Elements

Oracle Advanced Collections provides preconfigured elements for scoring that you can
use to test your implementation, or use in your live production environment if they suit
your business needs.
This appendix contains information regarding the following elements:
Preconfigured Scoring Engines, page E-1
Preconfigured Scoring Components, page E-3

Preconfigured Scoring Engines

The following table lists the preconfigured scoring engines available in Oracle
Advanced Collections.

Preconfigured Scoring Elements    E-1

Preconfigured Scoring Engines

Scoring Engine Description Object Segment Number in


Delinquency Status Scores transactions to determine Collections Invoice 2

Determination status of current or delinquent. Transactions Delinquency Filter

Customer Scoring Scores the party (customer). Party Delinquent Parties 1

Displays the score in the Filter
Collections Score field in the
Collections Header.

Account Scoring Scores the account. Displays the Account Accounts Filter 6
score in the Score field on the
Accounts tab.

Bill To Scoring Scores the Bill To sites. Bill To Delinquent Bill 7

Site To Filter

Case Scoring Scores Lease Management Collections Case Case Filter 3


Loans Delinquency Scores Oracle Loans invoices.      


Sample Delinquent Scores transactions. Collections Oracle Collections 5

Installment Transactions Delinquent
Invoice Filter

Sample Case Scores Lease Management Collections Case Oracle Collections 4

Delinquency contracts. Delinquent Case

Note: Use the Sample Case Delinquency and Sample Delinquent

Installment scoring engines only if you used them in earlier releases of
Oracle Advanced Collections. For all other installations, these scoring
engines have been replaced by Delinquency Status Determination and
Case Scoring.

For your reference, this table lists the old names used for preconfigured scoring engines
in previous releases.

E-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Scoring Engine Old Scoring Engine Name

Delinquency Status Determination Default Invoice Delinquency Management Engine

Customer Scoring Sample Delinquent Party Score Engine

Account Scoring Sample Delinquent Account Score Engine

Bill To Scoring Sample Bill to Score Engine

Case Scoring Default Case Delinquency Management Engine

Sample Delinquent Installment Sample Delinquent Installment Score Engine

Sample Case Delinquency Sample Case Delinquency Score Engine

Preconfigured Scoring Components

The following tables describe the preconfigured scoring components for use with
scoring engines.

Aging Bucket Line for Account

Object Account

Description Identifies the oldest aged transaction for the account.

Object Account

Type Value Select nvl(max(abl.Bucket_Sequence_num),0) From ar_aging_buckets ab,

Ar_aging_bucket_lines abl, IEX_app_preferences_vl iex,
Ar_payment_Schedules arp, IEX_DELINQUENCIES DEL Where
abl.aging_bucket_id = ab.aging_bucket_id AND Ab.bucket_name =
iex.preference_value AND Iex.preference_name = 'DUNNING PLAN AGING
BUCKET' AND DEL.payment_schedule_id = arp.payment_schedule_id AND
(sysdate - arp.due_date) between abl.days_start and abl.days_to and
Del.Cust_Account_ID = :ACCOUNT_ID

Function N

Old Name Account Aging Bucket Line

Preconfigured Scoring Elements    E-3

Aging Bucket Line for Bill To

Object Bill To

Description Identifies the oldest aged transaction for the Bill To.

Component Select nvl(max(abl.Bucket_Sequence_num),0) From ar_aging_buckets ab,

Ar_aging_bucket_lines abl, IEX_app_preferences_vl iex,
Ar_payment_Schedules arp, IEX_DELINQUENCIES DEL Where
abl.aging_bucket_id = ab.aging_bucket_id AND Ab.bucket_name =
iex.preference_value AND Iex.preference_name = 'DUNNING PLAN AGING
BUCKET' AND DEL.payment_schedule_id = arp.payment_schedule_id AND
(sysdate - arp.due_date) between abl.days_start and abl.days_to and
Del.Customer_Site_Use_ID = :BILL_TO_ID

Function N

Old Name Bill To Aging Bucket Line

Aging Bucket Line for Customer

Object Party (used to score customers)

Description Identifies the oldest aged transaction for the customer.

Type Value Select nvl(max(abl.Bucket_Sequence_num),0) From ar_aging_buckets ab,

Ar_aging_bucket_lines abl, IEX_app_preferences_vl iex,
Ar_payment_Schedules arp, IEX_DELINQUENCIES DEL Where
abl.aging_bucket_id = ab.aging_bucket_id AND Ab.bucket_name =
iex.preference_value AND Iex.preference_name = 'DUNNING PLAN AGING
BUCKET' AND DEL.payment_schedule_id = arp.payment_schedule_id AND
(sysdate - arp.due_date) between abl.days_start and abl.days_to and
Del.Party_Cust_ID = :PARTY_ID

Function N

Old Name Party Aging Bucket Line

E-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Aging Bucket Line for Delinquency

Object Delinquency

Description Determines the aging of the Delinquency.

Component Select nvl(abl.Bucket_Sequence_num,0) From ar_aging_buckets ab,

Ar_aging_bucket_lines abl, IEX_app_preferences_vl iex,
Ar_payment_Schedules arp, IEX_DELINQUENCIES DEL Where
abl.aging_bucket_id = ab.aging_bucket_id AND Ab.bucket_name =
iex.preference_value AND Iex.preference_name = 'DUNNING PLAN AGING
BUCKET' AND DEL.payment_schedule_id = arp.payment_schedule_id AND
(sysdate - arp.due_date) between abl.days_start and abl.days_to and
Del.delinquency_id = :DELINQUENCY_ID

Function N

Old Name Delinquency Aging Bucket Line

Amount Overdue to Delinquency Threshold

Object Loan

Description Determines Status of the Delinquent Loan

Component SELECT trunc(NVL(sum.TOTAL_OVERDUE, 0) /

sum.loan_id = :loan_id and sum.loan_id = term.loan_id

Function N

Case Delinquency Determination

Object Case

Description Creates a score for a Leasing Case.

Component Call IEX_SCORE_CASE_PVT.Calculate_Score(:case_id, :score_component_id)

into :raw_case_score

Preconfigured Scoring Elements    E-5

Function Y

Old Name Case Scoring Component: What is the latest case score?

Customer Since for Account

Object Account

Description Determines how long we've been doing business with the Account.



Function N

Old Name Account Since

Customer Since for Bill To

Object Bill To

Description Determines how long we've been doing business with the Bill To.



Function N

Old Name Customer Since for Bill To

Customer Since for Customer

Object Party (used to score customers)

Description Determines how long have we've been doing business with the customer.

E-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

WHERE PARTY_ID = :party_id

Function N

Old Name Customer Since for Party

Delinquencies Amount for Account

Object Account

Description Identifies the total overdue amount owed by the Account.

Component Select NVL(sum(ar.acctd_amount_due_remaining),0) from

ar_payment_schedules ar, iex_delinquencies del where
ar.payment_schedule_id = del.payment_schedule_id AND del.status in
('DELINQUENT', 'PREDELINQUENT') AND del.cust_account_id =
:cust_account_id AND del.creation_date >= sysdate -365

Function N

Old Name Amount of Delinquencies for Account

Delinquencies Amount for Bill To

Object Bill To

Description Identifies the total overdue amount owed by this Bill To.

Component Select NVL(sum(ar.acctd_amount_due_remaining),0) from

ar_payment_schedules ar, iex_delinquencies del where
ar.payment_schedule_id = del.payment_schedule_id AND del.status in
('DELINQUENT', 'PREDELINQUENT') AND del.customer_site_use_id =
:billto_id AND del.creation_date >= sysdate -365

Function N

Old Name Amount of Delinquencies for Bill To

Preconfigured Scoring Elements    E-7

Delinquencies Amount for Customer

Object Party (used to score customers)

Description Identifies the total overdue amount owed by the Customer.

Scoring Select NVL(sum(ar.acctd_amount_due_remaining),0) from

Component ar_payment_schedules ar, iex_delinquencies del where
ar.payment_schedule_id = del.payment_schedule_id AND del.status in
('DELINQUENT', 'PREDELINQUENT') AND del.party_cust_id = :party_id
AND del.creation_date >= sysdate -365

Function N

Old Name Amount of Delinquencies for Party

Number of Delinquencies for Account

Object Account

Description Determines how many delinquencies exist for the Account.



Function N

Old Name Number of Delinquencies for Account

Number of Delinquencies for Bill To

Object Bill To

Description Determines how many delinquencies exist for the Bill To.



Function N

E-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Old Name Number of Delinquencies for Bill To

Number of Delinquencies for Customer

Object Party (used to score customers)

Description Determines how many delinquencies exist for the customer.


Component PARTY_CUST_ID = :party_id

Function N

Old Name Number of Delinquencies for Party

Payment Schedule Delinquency Determination

Object Collections Transaction

Description This scoring component uses a data view that consists of all payment
schedules when the current date is greater than the due date, nothing is in
dispute, and the remaining amount is greater than zero. The component
compares this view with the group of all payment schedules. It assigns a
score of 1.0 to 10.99 for payment schedules that are not in the view and a
score of 11 to 100 for payment schedules in the view.


Payment_Schedule_id = :payment_schedule_id

Function N

Preconfigured Scoring Elements    E-9

Preconfigured Strategy Elements

This appendix lists the preconfigured work items and templates available for strategies.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Preconfigured Strategy Templates
• Preconfigured Strategy Work Items
• Preconfigured Workflows for Strategy Work Items

Preconfigured Strategy Templates

The following table lists the preconfigured strategy templates available in Oracle
Advanced Collections.

Preconfigured Strategy Templates

Seeded Strategy Name Seeded Description Strategy Level

Customer Pre-delinquent Strategy Strategy used with pre-delinquent customers Customer

Customer Soft Collections Strategy Soft Customer Collections Strategy Customer

Customer Moderate Collections Strategy Moderate Customer Collections Strategy Customer

Customer Hard Collections Strategy Hard Customer Collections Strategy Customer

Customer Catch-all Collections Strategy Catch All Customer Collections Strategy Customer

Litigation Strategy for Customer Later-stage strategy for customer litigations Customer

Preconfigured Strategy Elements    F-1

Seeded Strategy Name Seeded Description Strategy Level

Repossession Strategy for Customer Later-stage strategy for customer repossessions Customer

Write-off Strategy for Customer Later-stage strategy for customer contract Customer
write-offs ONLY

Bankruptcy Strategy for Customer Later-stage strategy for customer bankruptcies Customer

Account Pre-delinquent Strategy Strategy used with pre-delinquent accounts Account

Account Soft Collections Strategy Soft Account Collections Strategy Account

Account Moderate Collections Strategy Moderate Account Collections Strategy Account

Account Hard Collections Strategy Hard Account Collections Strategy Account

Account Catch-all Collections Strategy Catch All Account Collections Strategy Account

Litigation Strategy for Account Later-stage strategy for account litigations Account

Repossession Strategy for Account Later-stage strategy for account repossessions Account

Write-off Strategy for Account Later-stage strategy for account contract write-offs Account

Bankruptcy Strategy for Account Later-stage strategy for account bankruptcies Account

Bill To Pre-delinquent Strategy Strategy used with pre-delinquent accounts Bill To

Bill To Soft Collections Strategy Soft Bill To Collections Strategy Bill To

Bill To Moderate Collections Strategy Moderate Bill To Collections Strategy Bill To

Bill To Hard Collections Strategy Hard Bill To Collections Strategy Bill To

Bill To Catch-all Collections Strategy Catch All Bill To Collections Strategy Bill To

Litigation Strategy for Bill To Later-stage strategy for bill to litigations. Bill To

Repossession Strategy for Bill To Later-stage strategy for bill to repossessions Bill To

F-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Seeded Strategy Name Seeded Description Strategy Level

Write-off Strategy for Bill To Later-stage strategy for bill to contract write-offs Bill To

Bankruptcy Strategy for Account Later-stage strategy for bill to bankruptcies Bill To

Delinquency Pre-delinquent Strategy Strategy used with pre-delinquent accounts Delinquency

Delinquency Soft Collections Strategy Soft Delinquency Collections Strategy Delinquency

Delinquency Moderate Collections Strategy Moderate Delinquency Collections Strategy Delinquency

Delinquency Hard Collections Strategy Hard Delinquency Collections Strategy Delinquency

Delinquency Catch-all Collections Strategy Catch All Delinquency Collections Strategy Delinquency

Litigation Strategy for Delinquency Later-stage strategy for delinquency litigations. Delinquency

Repossession Strategy for Delinquency Later-stage strategy for delinquency repossessions Delinquency

Write-off Strategy for Delinquency Later-stage strategy for delinquency contract Delinquency
write-offs ONLY

Bankruptcy Strategy for Delinquency Later-stage strategy for delinquency bankruptcies Delinquency

Preconfigured Strategy Work Items

The following table lists the preconfigured strategy work items available in Oracle
Advanced Collections.

Preconfigured Strategy Work Items

Work Item Description Manual or Send Suggested Required?

Automatic Method Skill Set

Pre-delinquency Courtesy reminder notice to a Automatic E-mail NA Optional

Courtesy Letter pre-delinquent customer

Pre-delinquency Courtesy collections call to Manual NA NA Optional

Courtesy Call pre-delinquent customer

Preconfigured Strategy Elements    F-3

Work Item Description Manual or Send Suggested Required?
Automatic Method Skill Set

Soft Dunning Letter 1 First soft dunning letter Automatic E-mail NA Optional

Soft Dunning Letter 2 Second soft dunning letter Automatic E-mail NA Optional

Moderate Dunning First moderate dunning letter Automatic E-mail NA Optional

Letter 1

Moderate Dunning Second moderate dunning letter Automatic E-mail NA Optional

Letter 2

Hard Dunning Letter 1 First hard dunning letter Automatic E-mail NA Optional

Final Demand Letter Final demand letter to customer Automatic E-mail NA Optional

Soft Collections Call 1 First collections call Manual NA NA Optional

Soft Collections Call Second collections call Manual NA NA Optional

Moderate Collections First moderate collections call Manual NA Moderate Optional

Call 1 collections

Moderate Collections Second moderate collections call Manual NA Moderate Optional

Call 2 collections

Hard Collections Call 1 First hard collections call Manual NA Hard Optional

Hard Collections Call 2 Second hard collections call Manual NA Hard Optional

Review Moderate Review this customer account to Manual NA Ability to Required

Customer Account determine next action review

Customer site visit Customer site visit Manual NA Able to Optional

travel to

F-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Work Item Description Manual or Send Suggested Required?
Automatic Method Skill Set

Review Pending Review to determine bankruptcy Manual NA Has Required

Bankruptcy action knowledge

Review Pending Review to determine Manual NA Has Required

Repossession repossession action knowledge
n process

Review Pending Review to determine legal action Manual NA Has Required

Litigation knowledge
of legal
aspects of

Review Pending Write Review to determine write-off Manual NA Has Required

off action for Leasing write off only knowledge
of lease

Preconfigured Workflows for Strategy Work Items

The following table list the preconfigured workflows for strategy work items available
in Oracle Advanced Collections.
To customize a preconfigured workflow, you must copy, modify, and rename the
workflow in order to use it.

Workflow Description

IEX: Collection Strategy Workflow This workflow executes the work items in a
strategy including setting status and wait

Customizing this workflow is not


Preconfigured Strategy Elements    F-5

Workflow Description

IEX: Strategy Custom Workflow Executes work items in a custom workflow

when triggered by work items in the IEX:
Collections Strategy Workflow.

Customizing this workflow is not

recommended. You can copy and modify the
workflow, but do not remove the initial wait

IEX: Strategy Fulfillment Mailer This workflow initiates all automatic

correspondence work items in your strategies
when triggered by work items in the IEX:
Collection Strategy Workflow.

Customizing this workflow is recommended,

but do not remove the initial wait node.

IEX: WF for Bankruptcy Status This workflow executes when you create a
bankruptcy for a delinquency. This workflow
sends a notification to the collections manager
for approval. When the manager approves, it
notifies the collector and sets the contact
preference to Do Not Call.

IEX: WF for Collection Delinquent Credit When you create a bankruptcy, this workflow
Hold runs if the Credit Hold check box is selected
for a customer. It send a notification to the
collections manager for approval and updates
the approval status.

You can customize this workflow to suit your

business requirements.

IEX: WF for Collection Delinquent Service When you create a bankruptcy, this workflow
Hold runs if the Service Hold check box is selected
for a customer. It sends a notification to the
collections manager for approval and updates
the approval status.

You can customize this workflow to suit your

business requirements.

IEX: Case Reassignment Obsolete

IEX: Delinquency Asset Workflow Obsolete

F-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Workflow Description

IEX: CO Recall Case from External Agency For Oracle Lease Management. This workflow
recalls the case from the external agency and
sends the work item complete signal after
recalling the case.

You can customize this workflow to suit your

business requirements but do not remove the
send signal.

IEX: CO Report to Credit Bureau For Oracle Lease Management. This workflow
reports a customer to a credit bureau and
sends the work item complete signal after
reporting the case.

You can customize this workflow to suit your

business requirements but do not remove the
send signal.

IEX: CO Review Transfer to External Agency For Oracle Lease Management. This workflow
gives the leasing agent the option to review
the transfer. The workflow sends the work
item complete signal after reporting the

You can customize this workflow to suit your

business requirements but do not remove the
send signal.

IEX: CO Transfer to External Agency For Oracle Lease Management. This workflow
transfers the case to an external agency and
sends the work item complete signal after
transferring the case.

You can customize this workflow to suit your

business requirements but do not remove the
send signal.

IEX: CO Notify Customer Obsolete

IEX: WF for Delinquency Current Status Obsolete


IEX: WF Delinquency New Status Creating Obsolete


Preconfigured Strategy Elements    F-7

Workflow Description

IEX: WF for Delinquency Status Approval Obsolete

IEX: WF for Refund Approval Obsolete

IEX: WF to Notify a Third Party for Obsolete


IEX: Writeoff Approval Request Obsolete

F-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Collections Features for Oracle Receivables
and Advanced Collections

This appendix describes the Oracle Advanced Collections functionality available in

Oracle Receivables.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• List of Collections Features for Oracle Receivables and Advanced Collections

List of Collections Features for Oracle Receivables and Advanced

A limited version of Oracle Advanced Collections functionality is available in Oracle
Receivables and replaces the Receivables Collections Workbench. Receivables users
who have not purchased a license for Advanced Collections are not authorized to use
the full feature set of this product.
Use the following lists to identify the collections features available for Receivables and
for Advanced Collections.

Collections Features for Receivables

• Collector's Work Queue, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Search tool, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Collections header and tabs, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Profile with preconfigured metrics, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• History, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Account, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

Collections Features for Oracle Receivables and Advanced Collections    G-1

• Transaction, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Aging, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Notes, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Tasks, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Assign collectors using the AR Collector field

• View collections information by customer, account, bill to, or delinquency data

levels, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Process payments, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Create promises, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Enter disputes, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide and adjustments, Oracle
Advanced Collections User Guide

• View invoices using Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture, Oracle Advanced

Collections User Guide

• Run Receivables and Collections reports, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Preconfigured delinquency creation engine, page E-1

• Preconfigured customer scoring engine, page E-1

• Configurable dunning, page 3-37 tool including dunning correspondence and


Note: You perform all dunning activities in Oracle Advanced

Collections. However, Oracle Receivables provides you with the
Dunning Letter Reprint - Historical Receivables Only program so
that you can reprint historical Days Overdue dunning letters that
were sent to your customers in a previous release of Receivables.
Use this program to conduct collections research for a specific
customer. See: Reprinting Historical Dunning Letters, Oracle
Receivables User Guide.

• Correspondence, page 3-27 for disputes, adjustments, reversals, invoices, promises,

and payments

G-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Oracle Advanced Collections Features
Oracle Advanced Collections provides the functionality listed above plus the following
• Configurable scoring, page 3-2

• Configurable strategies and work items, page 3-18

• Configurable segments, page 3-9 (database views for use with scoring and

• Create collections territories using Territory Manager, page 1-8

• Work reassignment, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Additional Advanced Collections tabs:

• Strategy, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Lifecycle, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Custom 1, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Custom 2, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Tabs available with additional licensing:

• If you use Oracle Loans - Loans, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

• Case Management, if you use Oracle Lease Management

• If you use Oracle Contracts - Contracts, Oracle Advanced Collections User Guide

Collections Features for Oracle Receivables and Advanced Collections    G-3

Oracle Lease Management Open Interface

This appendix describes the Oracle Lease Management open interface tables.
This appendix covers the following topics:
• Open Interface Tables

Open Interface Tables

This appendix describes the Oracle Lease Management Open Interface tables used
during the Report to Credit Bureau and Transfer to External Agency processes. Data is
written to these open interface tables during these processes, and made available to the
credit bureau or external agency.
Sections in this appendix include:
• OKL_OPEN_INT Table, page H-1

• OKL_OPEN_INT_PRTY Table, page H-5

• OKL_OPEN_INT_ASST Table, page H-7

• IEX_OPEN_INT_HST Table , page H-9

The OKL_OPEN_INT table provides contract information as shown in the following

Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables    H-1


Open Interface Table OKL_OPEN_INT

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

ID NOT NULL NUMBER Unique identifier



PARTY_TYPE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) Customer type, for

example, individual,



PERSON_IDENTIFIER   VARCHAR2(60) Person identifier, for

example, Social Security

PERSON_IDEN_TYPE   VARCHAR2(30) For example, Social

Security Number, tax ID,
and so on









H-2    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Column Name Null? Datatype Description















CAS_ID NOT NULL NUMBER Case identifier, foreign key

to the table

CASE_NUMBER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(240) Case number (referenced




Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables    H-3

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

CONTRACT_TYPE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) Contract type, for

example, lease, loan


ORIGINAL_AMOUNT   NUMBER(14,3) Original amount on the


START_DATE   DATE Contract start date

CLOSE_DATE   DATE Contract close date

TERM_DURATION   NUMBER(10) Number of terms


LAST_PAYMENT_DATE   DATE Date the last payment was


DELINQUENCY_OCCUR   DATE Date on which the first

ANCE_DATE missed payment was due

PAST_DUE_AMOUNT   NUMBER(14,3) Overdue amount

REMAINING_AMOUNT   NUMBER(14,3) Outstanding balance

CREDIT_INDICATOR   VARCHAR2(30) Qualifies remaining


NOTIFICATION_DATE   DATE Date on which notification

of intent to report was sent
to the customer to

CREDIT_BUREAU_REPO   DATE Date on which the open

RT_DATE interface record was
accessed by the credit

H-4    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

EXTERNAL_AGENCY_T   DATE Date on which the open

RANSFER_DATE interface record was
accessed by the external

EXTERNAL_AGENCY_R   DATE Date on which the contract

ECALL_DATE was recalled from the
external agency

REFERRAL_NUMBER   NUMBER Number of times the case

was transferred to an
external agency

CONTACT_ID   NUMBER Contact ID of the

collections agent to whom
the case is assigned

CONTACT_NAME   VARCHAR2(360) Name of the collections

agent to whom the case is

CONTACT_PHONE   VARCHAR2(2000) Phone of the collections

agent to whom the case is

CONTACT_EMAIL   VARCHAR2(2000) Email of the collections

agent to whom the case is

The OKL_OPEN_INT_PRTY table provides guarantor information as shown in the
following table.

Open Interface Table OKL_OPEN_INT_PRTY

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

ID NOT NULL NUMBER Unique identifier

Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables    H-5

Column Name Null? Datatype Description



PARTY_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(360) Guarantor name






CITY   VARCHAR2(240)  












H-6    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Column Name Null? Datatype Description




ROOM   VARCHAR2(240)  






The OKL_OPEN_INT_ASST table provides asset information as shown in the following

Open Interface Table OKL_OPEN_INT_ASST

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

ID NOT NULL NUMBER Unique identifier


INSTANCE_NUMBER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) Instance number of the



ASSET_NUMBER   VARCHAR2(240) Asset number

Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables    H-7

Column Name Null? Datatype Description









COUNTRY   VARCHAR2(240) Columns below store asset

address information





CITY   VARCHAR2(240)  






H-8    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Column Name Null? Datatype Description










ROOM   VARCHAR2(240)  


The IEX_OPEN_INT_HST table provides open interface history information as show in
the following table.

Open Interface Table IEX_OPEN_INT_HST

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

ID NOT NULL NUMBER Unique identifier

OBJECT1_ID1 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(40) Foreign key to


Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables    H-9

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

OBJECT1_ID2   VARCHAR2(200) Foreign key to




ACTION NOT NULL VARCHAR2(240) Action performed on the

open interface record, for





STATUS NOT NULL VARCHAR2(240) Status of action performed

on the open interface
record, for example:









COMMENTS   VARCHAR2(2000) Free form text entered by

credit bureau & external

REQUEST_DATE NOT NULL DATE Date on which request was


PROCESS_DATE   DATE Date on which request was


H-10    Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Column Name Null? Datatype Description

EXT_AGNCY_ID   NUMBER External agency ID,

foreign key to the table

TRANSFER_DAYS   NUMBER(10) Number of days for which

the contract is transferred
to the external agency
review date)

EXTEND_DAYS   NUMBER(10) This specifies the grace

period after the external
agency is notified of intent
to recall

REVIEW_BEFORE_RECA   VARCHAR2(1) Specifies whether review

LL_FLAG is to be performed before

Oracle Lease Management Open Interface Tables    H-11


collections campaigns, 1-22

A Collections Checklist, 2-1
setting profile options, B-36
account data level, 3-41, 3-42, 4-7
Collections header, 2-9, 4-16
accounts, verifying, 4-4
Collections lookups, A-1
aging bucket lines
collections manager, 1-16
for dunning plans, 3-40
Collections Questionnaire, 2-1
aging buckets, 3-40
setting profile options, B-36
AKData diagnostic test, 4-2
Collector's Work Queue
AOLSessions diagnostic test, 4-2
displaying nodes, 2-4
AOLTests diagnostic test, 4-2
verifying navigation, 4-13
application windows, reusing, 2-6
Collector Report, 4-13
AR transactions summary tables, 1-13
assigning collectors, 1-8
assigning, 1-8
optional, verifying, 4-16
bill to data level, 3-41, 3-42, 4-7 scoring, 3-7
broken promises node, 2-5 verifying mandatory, 4-2
concurrent programs
C IEX: AR Collectors to Resource Collectors, 1-
CachingFramework diagnostic test, 4-2 10
call wrap-up, 1-22 IEX: Case Owner Load Balancing, 2-15
campaigns, 1-22 IEX: Create Call Backs for Dunning, 2-15
case ccoring engine, 2-16 IEX: Create Callbacks for Dunnings, 4-6
CGI switches, 2-12 IEX: Delinquencies Management, 3-12, 3-17
Checklist IEX: Notify Customer, 2-15
See Collections Checklist IEX: Notify Ext Agency, 2-15
checklists IEX: Open Interfaces, 2-15
pre-implementation, 1-2 IEX: Process Pending, 2-15
strategy, 3-21 IEX: Promise Reconciliation, 4-6
claims, 1-23 IEX: Recall Transfer, 2-15
collections administrator, 1-16 IEX: Refresh Metrics Summary Table, 2-7
collections agent, 1-16 IEX: Report All Contracts, 2-15

IEX: Resource Collectors to AR Collectors, 1-9 TerritoryManager, 4-2
IEX: Review Transfer, 2-15 UserProfile, 4-2
IEX: Scoring Engine Harness, 3-6, 4-6 UserTest, 4-2
IEX: Send Dunning for Delinquent Customers, dunning
2-15 correspondence templates, 3-39
IEX: Send Dunnings for Delinquent process, 3-38
Customers, 4-6 setting up Universal Work Queue, 3-43
IEX: Strategy Management, 4-7 dunning level, 3-41
IEX: Territory Assignment, 1-11 dunning plans, 3-39
Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules, 1-11 aging bucket lines, 3-40
configuring for Lease Management, 2-13 creating, 3-42, 3-43
correspondence templates, 3-39 dunning level, 3-41
creating overview, 3-37
dunning plans, 3-43 prerequisites, 3-38
employees, 1-4 setting dunning level, 3-41
scoring components, 3-8
scoring engines, 3-12 E
credit card payments, 1-13, 4-10
EFT payments, 1-13, 4-11
customer data level, 3-41, 3-42, 4-7
customer prioritization status, 2-9
assigning roles and resource groups, 1-6
Custom tabs, 2-6
creating, 1-4
creating locations and organizations, 1-4
D importing, 1-6
data levels, 2-4, 3-41 enabling
account, 3-41, 4-7 customer interaction tracking, 1-20
bill to, 3-41, 4-7 interaction center, 1-22
customer, 3-41, 4-7 Web Directory Assistance, 2-11
delinquency, 3-41
for dunning, 3-41 F
deductions, 1-23
Oracle Advanced Collections, G-1
creating, 4-6
Oracle Receivables, G-1
verifying, 4-7
Foundation Notes, 1-16
delinquency data level, 3-41, 3-42
delinquent node, 2-5
See segments
DiagnosticsSecurity diagnostic test, 4-2
diagnostic tests, 4-1
AKData, 4-2
AOLSessions, 4-2 History tab, 1-20
AOLTests, 4-2
CachingFramework, 4-2 I
DiagnosticsSecurity, 4-2 IEU: Desktop: UI: Show Quick Filter Panel
JTFSessions, 4-2 profile option, B-40
PropertyManager, 4-2 IEU: Desktop: Work Selector profile option, 2-6
RunAll, 4-2 IEU: Non-Media: Navigate profile option, 2-6
Security Manager, 4-2 IEU: Queue

Account View Strategies profile option, 3-44 IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Strategies
Bill To Strategies profile option, 3-44 profile option, B-20
Customer View Strategies profile option, 3-44 IEU: Queue Order: Delinquencies profile option,
IEU: Queue: Account View Delinquencies profile 2-14, B-21
option, B-8 IEU: Queue Order: Promises profile option, 2-14,
IEU: Queue: Account View Promises profile B-22
option, B-8 IEU: Queue Order: Strategies profile option, 2-14
IEU: Queue: Account View Strategies profile IEU: Queue Promises profile option, B-21, B-21
option, B-8 IEX_OPEN_INT_HST table, H-9
IEU: Queue: Bill To View Delinquencies profile IEX: Activity Enabled in Account profile option,
option, B-29 B-10
IEU: Queue: Bill To view Promises profile option, IEX: Activity Enabled in Adjustment profile
B-29 option, B-10
IEU: Queue: Customer View Delinquencies IEX: Activity Enabled in Delinquency profile
profile option, 2-5, B-19 option, B-10
IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises profile IEX: Activity Enabled in Dispute profile option,
option, B-19 2-14, B-10
IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises profile IEX: Activity Enabled in Payment profile option,
option, 2-5 B-10
IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies profile IEX: Activity Enabled in Promises profile option,
option, B-19 B-10
IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies profile IEX: Activity Enabled in Strategy profile option,
option, 2-5 B-10
IEU: Queue: Delinquencies profile option, 2-14, IEX: Adjustment Fulfillment Template profile
B-21 option, B-16
IEU: Queue: Promises profile option, 2-14 IEX: Allow Adjustments profile option, 2-15, B-26
IEU: Queue: Strategies profile option, 2-14, B-22 IEX: Allow Changes to Customer Payment Data
IEU: Queue Order profile option, B-11
Account View Strategies profile option, 3-44 IEX: Allow Disputes profile option, 2-15, B-27
Bill To View Strategies profile option, 3-44 IEX: Allow Promise Date Duplication Within
Customer View Strategies profile option, 3-44 Account profile option, B-27
IEU: Queue Order: Account View Delinquencies IEX: Approval Required for Promise profile
profile option, B-8 option, 2-13, B-27
IEU: Queue Order: Account View Promises IEX: AR Collectors to Resource Collectors
profile option, B-9 concurrent program, 1-10
IEU: Queue Order: Account View Strategies IEX: Batch Size profile option, B-27
profile option, B-9 IEX: Callback Days for Broken Promise profile
IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Delinquencies option, B-27
profile option, B-29 IEX: Case Default Resource profile option, 2-14,
IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Promises profile B-23
option, B-29 IEX: Case Owner Load Balancing concurrent
IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Strategies profile program, 2-15
option, B-29 IEX: Case Reassignment workflow process, 2-15
IEU: Queue Order: Customer View IEX: CB Customer Notification Email From
Delinquencies profile option, B-19 profile option, 2-13, B-23
IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Promises IEX: CB Customer Notification Email Subject
profile option, B-19 profile option, 2-14, B-24

IEX: CB Customer Notification Grace Days IEX: Delinquencies Management concurrent
profile option, 2-14 program, 3-12, 3-17
IEX: CB Customer Notification Template profile IEX: Delinquency Asset Work Flow workflow
option, 2-14, B-24 process, 2-15
IEX: CB Notification Grace Days profile option, IEX: Disable iPayment Processing profile option,
B-24 2-13, B-20
IEX: Collections Bucket profile option, B-27 IEX: Dispute Confirmation Letter profile option,
IEX: Collections Rate Type profile option, B-27 B-17
IEX: CO Notify Customer workflow process, 2-15 IEX: Document Format for XML Publisher profile
IEX: Consolidated Invoice Template profile option, B-35
option, B-16 IEX: EA Recall Grace Days profile option, 2-14, B-
IEX: CO Recall Case from External Agency 24
workflow process, 2-15 IEX: EA Score Diff for Recall profile option, 2-14
IEX: CO Report to Credit Bureau workflow IEX: EA Score Diff For Recall profile option, B-24
process, 2-15 IEX: EA Score Engine ID profile option, 2-14, B-
IEX: CO Review Transfer to External Agency 24
workflow process, 2-15 IEX: EA Transfer Days profile option, 2-14, B-24
IEX: CO Transfer to External Agency workflow IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email From profile
process, 2-15 option, 2-14, B-25
IEX: Create Call Backs for Dunning concurrent IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email Subject
program, 2-15 profile option, 2-14, B-25
IEX: Create Callbacks for Dunnings concurrent IEX: EA Vendor Notification Template profile
program, 4-6 option, 2-14, B-25
IEX: Credit Hold of Delinquency profile option, IEX: Enable Credit Card Payment profile option,
2-14 B-12
IEX: DEBUG LEVEL profile option, B-20 IEX: Enable Credit Hold profile option, B-12
IEX: Default Bankruptcy Notice of Assignment IEX: Enable Electronic Funds Payment profile
profile option, 2-14, B-24 option, B-12
IEX: Default Date Range Span profile option, B- IEX: Enable Promise to Pay profile option, B-12
31 IEX: Enable Raising Customer Status Change
IEX: Default End Date Range Span profile option, Event profile option, B-12
B-31 IEX: Enable Receipt Reversal profile option, B-12
IEX: Default Fulfillment Subject profile option, B- IEX: Enable Work Queue Statuses, B-33
17 IEX: Fax IPP Host profile option, B-35
IEX: Default History Type profile option, B-31 IEX: Fax IPP Post profile option, B-35
IEX: Default Notice of Bankruptcy Assignment IEX: Fax IPP Printer Name profile option, B-35
profile option, 2-14 IEX: Fulfillment Send Method profile option, B-
IEX: Default Payment Method profile option, B- 17
31 IEX: Hide Bankruptcy in UWQ profile option, B-
IEX: Default Tab in Collections profile option, B- 33
31 IEX: Invoice Fulfillment Printer profile option, B-
IEX: Default Transaction Type profile option, B- 17
32 IEX: Invoice Fulfillment Template profile option,
IEX: Default Universal Search Tab profile option, B-17
B-32 IEX: iPayment Payee ID profile option, 2-13, B-27
IEX: Default Universal Search Type profile IEX: IPP Printer Name profile option, B-35
option, B-32 IEX: Item Type of Promise Workflow profile

option, 2-13, B-27 IEX: Strategy Assignment Default Resource
IEX: Launch Notes History profile option, B-32 profile option, B-14
IEX: Maximum Promise to Pay Range profile IEX: Strategy Default Template profile option, B-
option, B-27 18
IEX: Metric Calculation Method profile option, 2- IEX: Strategy Disabled profile option, B-28
7, B-32 IEX: Strategy Fulfillment Resource profile option,
IEX: Minimum Number of Characters for B-18
Lookup profile option, B-32 IEX: Strategy Grace Period profile option, B-14
IEX:Notif Ext Agency concurrent program, 2-15 IEX: Strategy Management concurrent program,
IEX: Notify Customer concurrent program, 2-15 4-7
IEX: Open Interfaces concurrent program, 2-15 IEX: Strategy Unique Fulfillment profile option,
IEX: Payment Confirmation Letter profile option, B-18
B-17 IEX: Territory Access profile option, B-33
IEX: Pay Reversal Confirmation Letter profile IEX: Territory Assignment concurrent program,
option, B-17 1-11
IEX: Print IPP Host profile option, B-35 IEX: Turn off Collections Activity for Bankruptcy
IEX: Print IPP Port profile option, B-35 profile option, B-25
IEX: Process Pending concurrent program, 2-15 IEX: Turn off Collections Activity on Bankruptcy
IEX: Promise Grace Period profile option, B-28 profile option, 2-14
IEX: Promise Reconciliation concurrent program, IEX: Turn Off Invoice on Bankruptcy profile
4-6 option, 2-14
IEX: Promise to Pay Confirmation Letter profile IEX: Turn off Invoicing for Bankruptcy profile
option, B-17 option, B-25
IEX: Recall Transfer concurrent program, 2-15 IEX: UWQ Default Complete Node days profile
IEX: Refresh Metrics Summary Table concurrent option, B-34
program, 2-7 IEX: UWQ Default Pending Days profile option,
IEX: Report All Contracts concurrent program, 2- B-34
15 IEX: WF for Collection Delinquent Service Hold
IEX: Resource Collectors to AR Collectors workflow process, 2-15
concurrent program, 1-9 IEX: WF for Collections Delinquent Credit Hold
IEX: Review Transfer concurrent program, 2-15 workflow process, 2-15
IEX: Scoring Engine Harness concurrent IEX: Work Queue Access profile option, B-34
program, 3-6, 4-6 implementing Oracle Trade Management, 1-23
IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile interaction history, 1-21
option, B-18 Interaction Tracking, 4-14
IEX: Send Dunning for Delinquent Customers, 2- invoices
15 adjusting, 4-9
IEX: Send Dunnings for Delinquent Customers disputing, 4-8
concurrent program, 4-6 verifying, 4-5
IEX: Service Hold of Delinquencies profile IUE: Queue: Bill To View Strategies profile
option, B-32 options, B-29
IEX: Service Hold of Delinquency profile option,
2-14 J
IEX: Show Last Payment Due On Field profile
JTFSessions diagnostic test, 4-2
option, B-32
IEX: SMTP From profile option, B-18
IEX: SMTP Host profile option, B-35

metrics, 2-7 OTS: Interactions-Enable Auto Wrap Up profile
preconfigured, D-1 option, 1-20
OTS: Interactions-Record Media Item ID profile
N option, B-41
OTS: Interactions-Start on Query profile option,
note types, 1-16
1-20, B-41
adding, 1-17
OTS: Max Interactions Displayed profile option,
deleting, 1-17
mapping to source, 1-16, 1-17
OTS: Task Details - Query Task By profile option,
OTS: Telesales Interaction Enabled profile
OKL_OPEN_INT_ASST table, H-7 option, B-42
OKL_OPEN_INT table, H-1 P
open interface tables, H-1
preconfigured elements, 2-3, E-1
scoring components, E-3
scoring engines, E-1
strategy templates, F-1
strategy work items, F-3
Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture, 1-23
workflows for work items, F-5
Oracle Customer Interaction History, 1-21
preconfigured scoring components, E-3
Oracle iReceivables, 1-14
pre-implementation checklist, 1-2
Oracle Lease Management, 1-23, 2-13, 4-16
profile categories, B-1, B-7
open interface tables, H-1
profile options, 2-8, B-1, B-40
Oracle Loans, 1-24
checklist questions, B-36
Oracle Marketing, 1-22
description, B-7
Oracle Notes, 1-16
IEU: Desktop: UI: Show Quick Filter Panel, B-
Oracle Payments, 1-14
Oracle Trade Management, 1-23
IEU: Desktop: Work Selector, 2-6
Oracle XML Publisher, 1-18
IEU: Non-Media: Navigate, 2-6
creating templates, 1-19
IEU: Queue
OS: Customer Access Privilege profile option, B-
Account View Strategies, 3-44
Bill To Strategies, 3-44
OTS: Advanced Outbound Installation profile
Customer View Strategies, 3-44
option, 1-22
IEU: Queue: Account View Delinquencies, B-8
OTS: Interaction-Generate Customer Activity
IEU: Queue: Account View Promises, B-8
profile option, 1-20
IEU: Queue: Account View Strategies, B-8
OTS: Interactions-Default Action Item profile
IEU: Queue: Bill To View Delinquencies, B-29
option, B-41
IEU: Queue: Bill To View Promises, B-29
OTS: Interactions-Default Action profile option,
IEU: Queue: Bill To View Strategies, B-29
IEU: Queue: Customer View Delinquencies, 2-
OTS: Interactions-Default Outcome profile
5, B-19
option, B-41
IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises, B-19
OTS: Interactions-Enable Automatic Start profile
IEU: Queue: Customer View Promises, 2-5
option, 1-20, B-41
IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies, B-19
OTS: Interactions-Enable Auto Wrapup profile
IEU: Queue: Customer View Strategies, 2-5
option, B-41

IEU: Queue: Delinquencies, 2-14, B-21 IEX: CB Customer Notification Email From, 2-
IEU: Queue: Promises, 2-14, B-21, B-21 13, B-23
IEU: Queue: Strategies, 2-14, B-22 IEX: CB Customer Notification Email Subject,
IEU: Queue Order 2-14, B-24
Account View Strategies, 3-44 IEX: CB Customer Notification Grace Days, 2-
Bill To View Strategies, 3-44 14
Customer View Strategies, 3-44 IEX: CB Customer Notification Template, 2-14,
IEU: Queue Order: Account View B-24
Delinquencies, B-8 IEX: CB Notification Grace Days, B-24
IEU: Queue Order: Account View Promises, B- IEX: Collections Bucket, B-27
9 IEX: Collections Rate Type, B-27
IEU: Queue Order: Account View Strategies, IEX: Consolidated Invoice Template, B-16
B-9 IEX: Credit Hold of Delinquency, 2-14
IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View IEX: DEBUG LEVEL, B-20
Delinquencies, B-29 IEX: Default Bankruptcy Notice of
IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Promises, B- Assignment, 2-14, B-24
29 IEX: Default Date Range Span, B-31
IEU: Queue Order: Bill To View Strategies, B- IEX: Default End Date Range Span, B-31
29 IEX: Default Fulfillment Subject, B-17
IEU: Queue Order: Customer View IEX: Default History Type, B-31
Delinquencie, B-19 IEX: Default Notice of Bankruptcy
IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Promises, Assignment, 2-14
B-19 IEX: Default Payment Method, B-31
IEU: Queue Order: Customer View Strategies, IEX: Default Tab in Collections, B-31
B-20 IEX: Default Transaction Type, B-32
IEU: Queue Order: Delinquencies, 2-14, B-21 IEX: Default Universal Search Tab, B-32
IEU: Queue Order: Promises, 2-14, B-22 IEX: Default Universal Search Type, B-32
IEU: Queue Order: Strategies, 2-14 IEX: Disable iPayment Processing, 2-13, B-20
IEX: Activity Enabled in Account, B-10 IEX: Dispute Confirmation Letter, B-17
IEX: Activity Enabled in Adjustment, B-10 IEX: Document Format for XML Publisher, B-
IEX: Activity Enabled in Delinquency, B-10 35
IEX: Activity Enabled in Dispute, 2-14, B-10 IEX: EA Recall Grace Days, 2-14, B-24
IEX: Activity Enabled in Payment, B-10 IEX: EA Score Diff for Recall, 2-14
IEX: Activity Enabled in Promises, B-10 IEX: EA Score Diff For Recall, B-24
IEX: Activity Enabled in Strategy, B-10 IEX: EA Score Engine ID, 2-14, B-24
IEX: Adjustment Fulfillment Template, B-16 IEX: EA Transfer Days, 2-14, B-24
IEX: Allow Adjustments, 2-15, B-26 IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email From, 2-14,
IEX: Allow Changes to Customer Payment B-25
Data, B-11 IEX: EA Vendor Notification Email Subject, 2-
IEX: Allow Disputes, 2-15, B-27 14, B-25
IEX: Allow Promise Date Duplication Within IEX: EA Vendor Notification Template, 2-14,
Account, B-27 B-25
IEX: Approval Required for Promise, 2-13, B- IEX: Enable Credit Card Payment, B-12
27 IEX: Enable Credit Hold, B-12
IEX: Batch Size, B-27 IEX: Enable Electronic Funds Payment, B-12
IEX: Callback Days for Broken Promise, B-27 IEX: Enable Promise to Pay, B-12
IEX: Case Default Resource, 2-14, B-23 IEX: Enable Raising Customer Status Change

Event, B-12 IEX: UWQ Default Pending Days, B-34
IEX: Enable Receipt Reversal, B-12 IEX: Work Queue Access, B-34
IEX: Enable Work Queue Statuses, B-33 OS: Customer Access Privilege, B-41
IEX: Fax IPP Host, B-35 OTS: Advanced Outbound Installation, 1-22
IEX: Fax IPP Port, B-35 OTS: Interaction-Generate Customer Activity,
IEX: Fax IPP Printer Name, B-35 1-20
IEX: Fulfillment Send Method, B-17 OTS: Interactions-Default Action, B-41
IEX: Hide Bankruptcy in UWQ, B-33 OTS: Interactions-Default Action Item, B-41
IEX: Invoice Fulfillment Printer, B-17 OTS: Interactions-Default Outcome, B-41
IEX: Invoice Fulfillment Template, B-17 OTS: Interactions-Enable Automatic Start, 1-20
IEX: iPayment Payee ID, 2-13, B-27 , B-41
IEX: IPP Printer Name, B-35 OTS: Interactions-Enable Auto Wrapup, B-41
IEX: Item Type of Promise Workflow, 2-13, B- OTS: Interactions-Enable Auto Wrap Up, 1-20
27 OTS: Interactions-Record Media Item ID, B-41
IEX: Launch Notes History, B-32 OTS: Interactions-Start on Query, 1-20, B-41
IEX: Maximum Promise to Pay Range, B-27 OTS: Max Interactions Displayed, B-41
IEX: Metric Calculation Method, 2-7, B-32 OTS: Task Details - Query Task By, B-42
IEX: Minimum Number of Characters for OTS: Telesales Interaction Enabled, B-42
Lookup, B-32 questionnaire, B-36
IEX: Payment Confirmation Letter, B-17 promise approval workflow, 2-13
IEX: Pay Reversal Confirmation Letter, B-17 promise to pay, 4-9
IEX: Print IPP Host, B-35 PropertyManager diagnostic test, 4-2
IEX: Print IPP Port, B-35
IEX: Promise Grace Period, B-28 Q
IEX: Promise to Pay Confirmation Letter, B-17
IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically, B-
See Collections Questionnaire
IEX: Service Hold of Delinquencies, B-32
IEX: Service Hold of Delinquency, 2-14
IEX: Show Last Payment Due On Field, B-32 Reconciliation Report, 4-13
IEX: SMTP From, B-18 reports
IEX: SMTP Host, B-35 Collector Report, 4-13
IEX: Strategy Assignment Default Resource, B- Reconciliation Report, 4-13
14 resource group hierarchy, 1-5
IEX: Strategy Default Template, B-18 resource groups, 1-6
IEX: Strategy Disabled, B-28 responsibilities, 1-15
IEX: Strategy Fulfillment Resource, B-18 reusing application windows, 2-6
IEX: Strategy Grace Period, B-14 RunAll diagnostic test, 4-2
IEX: Strategy Unique Fulfillment, B-18
IEX: Territory Access, B-33 S
IEX: Turn off Collections Activity for scoring, 3-7
Bankruptcy, B-25 adding components to scoring engines, 3-14
IEX: Turn off Collections Activity on components, 3-7
Bankruptcy, 2-14 configuring scoring components, 3-15
IEX: Turn Off Invoice on Bankruptcy, 2-14 creating scoring components, 3-8
IEX: Turn off Invoicing for Bankruptcy, B-25 creating segments, 3-10
IEX: UWQ Default Complete Node Days, B-34

entering parameters, 3-15 security, 1-15
objects, 3-6 strategies, 3-18
overview, 3-2 territories, 1-8, 1-10
scoring engines unit of measure, 1-15
preconfigured, 3-7 strategies, 3-18
segments, 3-9 changing , 3-20
weight, 3-9 preconfigured templates, F-1
Scoring Engine Harness, 3-6 preconfigured workflows, F-5
scoring engines preconfigured work items, F-3
case scoring engine, 2-16 using checklists, 3-21
creating, 3-12 using segments, 3-22
preconfigured, E-1 work items, 3-23
security, 1-15 strategy work node, 2-5
Security Manager diagnostic test, 4-2 switch code, 2-12
segments Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules
FAQ, 3-33 concurrent program, 1-11
scoring, 3-9, 3-10
strategy, 3-22 T
setting dunning level, 3-41
task node, 2-5
setting up
Task pages, 2-1
banks, 1-14
call wrap-up, 1-22
setting up, 1-18
collections campaigns, 1-22
customer prioritization status, 2-9
correspondence, C-1
Custom tabs, 2-6
dunning plan aging bucket, 3-40
assign collectors, 1-11
dunning plans, 3-39, 3-40
matching attributes, 1-10
E-Business Suite applications, 1-2
TerritoryManager diagnostic test, 4-2
Foundation Notes, 1-16
Foundation Tasks, 1-18
metrics, 2-7
Oracle Advanced Collections, 2-1 unit of measure, 1-15
Oracle Bill Presentment Architecture, 1-23 Universal Work Queue
Oracle Cash Management, 1-14 display style, 2-6
Oracle Customer Interaction History, 1-21 dunning plans, 3-43
Oracle iReceivables, 1-14 UserProfile diagnostic test, 4-2
Oracle Lease Management, 1-2, 1-23 UserTest diagnostic test, 4-2
Oracle Loans, 1-24
Oracle Payments, 1-14 V
Oracle Receivables, 1-12 verifying implementation, 4-2
Oracle Territory Manager, 1-8 accounts, 4-4
Oracle XML Publisher, 1-18 adjusting invoices, 4-9
profile options, 2-8 bank EFT payments, 4-11
resource group hierarchy, 1-5 collector's actions, 4-13
responsibilities, 1-15 Collector's Work Queue navigation, 4-13
scoring, 3-7 disputing invoices, 4-8
scoring ranges, 3-16

Interaction Tracking, 4-14
optional components, 4-16
payment processing, 4-11
processing credit card payments, 4-10
promise to pay, 4-9

Web Directory Assistance, 2-11
promise approval, 2-13
workflow processes
IEX: Case Reassignment, 2-15
IEX: CO Notify Customer, 2-15
IEX: CO Recall Case from External Agency, 2-
IEX: CO Report to Credit Bureau, 2-15
IEX: CO Review Transfer to External Agency
workflow process, 2-15
IEX: CO Transfer to External Agency, 2-15
IEX: Delinquency Asset Work Flow, 2-15
IEX: WF for Collection Delinquent Service
Hold, 2-15
IEX: WF for Collections Delinquent Credit
Hold, 2-15
preconfigured for work items, F-5
work items, 3-23


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