Interdisciplinary Unit Plan
Interdisciplinary Unit Plan
Interdisciplinary Unit Plan
Subject/Topic Areas: English (Poetry- breaking down poems and their various forms)
Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.5: Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and
refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of
characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the
grades 4-5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range
With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language
standards 1-3 up to and including grade 4 here.)
English Peer Sharing and Students will share their work with others and
Review learn how to give and receive constructive
feedback to improve their writing.
Unit Rationale:
It is important to learn about poetry because it helps students to analyze and interpret any
form of text. Furthermore, styles of poetry are in various different aspects of the world.
Songwriters use types of poetry to help write their songs. Poetry is also shown in the way
people converse with each other. Therefore, it is very essential students start to know poetry
at this age so they can be prepared for other levels of education and life.
For this lesson we want students to be able to write a clear and sound poem using all the
different structural elements. Students will be able to look at various forms of poetry and
relate to others how each differ from another.
The unit goal is that students will become familiarized with various authors of poetry and
the different elements that make a poem. They will be able to effectively edit and give
feedback to peers. Finally, students will be able to share their own poems and why they
wrote it and what makes it a poem.
Lesson 4: Self-revision
After students write their poems, they will self-revise them. Each student will be given a
checklist with different things to look for, such as punctuation; word choice; grammar;
meaning; proper use of figurative language, verse, rhyme, meter; and overall flow. After
understanding each area as a large group, students will be given time to individually read
their poems silently and aloud, then revise their poems following the checklist. Students will
make edits to their poems before participating in peer-revision.
Lesson 5: Peer-revision
Students will be divided into elbow partners (if there is an odd number then a group of three
will be created). After the students have been split they will get a rubric for revising each
other's poems. The students will go over this checklist and let each other know what is good,
what needs improvement, and what is unclear. Once students have completed this checklist
they will go back and fix any parts of their poems that need work. When everything has
been revised and fixed students will prepare and get ready for Poetry Slam.
Teaching Strategies: Indirect instruction through learning centers and questioning models.
Direct instruction using scaffolding (“I do,” “We do,” “You do”).
Evaluation: Self and peer revision, poetry slam, check for understanding throughout lessons
and activities.
Outcome Revisitation: Have students been able to effectively make poems and use
information about poets to enhance their writing. Were they able to combine key structural
elements of poetry to articulate their work to others and understand it themselves (both will
be assessed through the peer revision and poetry slam).
Resources, Materials & Technology used by students in this unit plan:
3.Students will
be able to
participate in a
peer revision
process, advising
their peers on
element changes
as well as use of
Was each student fully grasping the material. Was I, as the teacher, engaging and energetic
or was I mundane and saw students uninterested in the topic. Did students have the proper
tools and resources to be able to complete the objectives and assignments? Were students,
with differentiating learning styles, able to connect and understand the materials presented?
Are the activities and differentiation methods used effective? How can I improve for the
next time I teach this unit?