Software Requirements Specification: Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
Software Requirements Specification: Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
Software Requirements Specification: Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
Prepared by
M.Ishwarya 0209-8070
K.Manasa 0209-8072
Table of Contents
1.1 Purpose.................................................................................3
1.2 Scope...................................................................................4
1.3 Glossary................................................................................5
1.4 Overview.............................................................................. 5
2.Overall Description
In this 21th century borrowing and returning books or viewing the available
books at the Library of the local University is currently done manually where
in the student has to go to the Library and check the available books at the
Library. Students check the list of books available and borrow the books if the
book is available to be borrowed otherwise it is of waste of time for the
students to come to the library to check for the books if the student doesn’t get
the book. In the case if book is available the librarian checks the member id
and allows the member to check out the book and the librarian then updates
the member database and also the books database manually which requires
more time and more than one Staff.
Now to get rid of this problem of time wastage here we suggest the
idea of Online Library Management System that would be used by members
who may be students or Faculty members of that University to check the
availability of the books and borrow/return or reserve the books etc. and
databases is updated within less time by Librarian i.e. Administrator.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to analyze and elaborate on the high-
level needs and features of the Online Library Management System. It
focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided by a Library. This system
can be used to search for books/magazines, reserve books, find out who is
having a particular book, put in requests to buy a new book etc. This is one
integrated system that contains both the user component and the librarian
component and both the end users and librarian have their own different rights
to access the database of system.
1.2 Scope
The Software Requirements Specification captures all the requirements
in a single document. The Online Library Management System that is to be
developed provides the members of the Library and employees of the library
with books information, online borrowing and returning of books and many
other facilities. The Online Library System is supposed to have the following
Term Definition
Librarian Person who is the administrator of the
system. He is the main actor of the
User Person who utilizes the services of a
Online Library.
Database Collection of all the information
monitored by the system.
Software Requirements Specification A document that completely describes
all of the functions of a specific system.
1.4 Overview:
SRS will include two Major sections:
1) Overall Description: This section of the SRS will provide the general factors
that affect the product and its requirements. It provides the background for
those requirements. The items such as product perspective, product function,
user characteristics, constraints, assumptions and dependencies and
requirements subsets are described in this section.
3.Overall Description
2.1 system Environment
<<i>> stands for <<include>>
<<e>> stands for <<extend>>
Online Library Management System 7
This section outlines the use cases for each of the actors separately.
2.2.1. Librarian
Use case: search books,add book records,delete books,update book status.
Brief Description:
A librarian can add, delete and update book status and search from the database
Before the use case is initiated, the user has requested for a book.
Online Library Management System 8
1. The user enters the corresponding details of book and book is ordered. This
2.2.2. USER
Online Library Management System 9
Brief Description:
A user can borrow, return books, reserve books and search for books. He can also
renew his loan period.If a book is overdue, the user will be fined $0.10 each day over
Online Library Management System 10
the due. If a book is reported lost, the user will pay the full cost of the book. The users
6.He can also give feed back to the book such as ratings and comments.
Use case:
Home delivering,Borrow DVD Games,Request new books.
Brief Description:
Online Library Management System 11
The VIP can get books delivered to his home address, and he can request for the
library to order books they do not have. The library also has a collection of
multimedia items such as DVDs and games, and only VIPs can borrow these items.
There is a registration form where existing users can apply for VIP status. There is a
3. He can request the librarian to provide new books which library do not have at
Use case:
Register to be a VIP user
2.2.5. GUEST
Use case:
1. He can Register As regular User and login to enjoy all the facilities provided to a
The users are categorized into VIP and non-VIP member. The VIP can get
books delivered to his home address, and he can request for the library to order books
they do not have. The library also has a collection of multimedia items such as DVDs
and games, and only VIPs can borrow these items. There is a registration form where
existing users can apply for VIP status. There is a monthly payment of $5 for VIPs
The library is a nation-wide library with several branches. When the users
searches for books, the system will output which branches have the books, and which
branch is the nearest to user's home address. the search function allows both users and
librarians to search by title, rating, category, author, publisher, ISBN, language,
branch, keywords. The system also allows browsing by the same parameters.
Online Library Management System 13
There is a feedback system where the users can give a rating and comments to
the book after they have returned it.
We can use the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning to build this system. The
database about VIP and Regular user orders is maintained at the centralized server.
S_name l_name
S_id l-doj
1..* 1 is sue book()
borrow book() check id()
return book() grant permission()
add book()
filename SUPPLIER
update() S_NAME
:student :librarian
1: submit id
2: verify id
supplier database
3: check for the book
8: return book
1: submit id
:student 7: grant permission to issue
2: verify id
8: return book
student librarian
borrow books