The Cocoa Industry of Malaysia - Progress and Development 2015
The Cocoa Industry of Malaysia - Progress and Development 2015
The Cocoa Industry of Malaysia - Progress and Development 2015
Malaysia: Grindings and Export Value
Table1. Statistics: The Malaysian Cocoa Industry (2010-2015e)
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015e
Cultivated Area (ha) 20,083 20,848 11,748 13,728 16,127 18,427
Semenanjung 4,287 4,307 2,813 3,127 3,777 4,427
Sabah 7,108 6,983 4,120 5,050 6,330 7,530
Sarawak 8,688 9,557 4,816 5,551 6,020 6,470
Production (Tons
(Tons)) 15,654 4,605 3,645 2,809 2,000 6,700
Semenanjung 10,654 2,040 1,402 836 650 -
Sabah 3,673 1,754 1,644 1,494 850 -
Sarawak 1,327 811 599 479 500 -
Grinding (Tonnes) 302,366 299,271 299,525 285,608 245,000 290,000
Cocoa Prices (SMC2)
(RM/ton) Tawau 8,466 8,081 6,511 6,314 8,500 7,500-8,500
Raub 9,331 8,553 6,851 6,442 8,500 7,500-8,500
e: estimated
Table 2. Malaysia: Trade Statistics (2010-2015e)
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015e
Export (RM’000) 4,189,465 4,215,435 3,690,221 3,625,151 4,516,850 4,564,850
Cocoa Beans*
Volume (tonne) 23,708 25,439 47,705 42,926 95,000 95,000
Value (RM’000) 273,441 255,351 399,373 359,220 807,500 807,500
Cocoa Shell
Volume (tonne) 7,997 4,983 5,538 2,621 600 600
Value (RM’000) 3,699 2,515 2,937 1,467 600 600
Cocoa Butter
Volume (tonne) 105,952 117,561 100,229 99,295 105,000 110,000
Value (RM’000) 1,977,058 1,369,626 961,600 1,194,544 1,995,000 2,090,000
Cocoa Paste
Volume (tonne) 19,244 26,782 22,317 20,775 20,000 20,000
Value (RM’000) 273,316 349,527 266,527 237,060 280,000 280,000
Cocoa Cake
Volume (tonne) 21,961 33,011 16,395 12,350 8,500 10,000
Value (RM’000) 208,431 349,704 218,635 134,468 63,750 75,000
Cocoa Powder
Volume (tonne) 112,454 148,938 126,816 132,270 103,000 100,000
Value (RM’000) 1,180,650 1,547,618 1,487,563 1,266,261 978,500 900,000
Volume (tonne) 22,927 25,687 25,283 32,599 29,000 30,500
Value (RM’000) 272,872 341,094 353,586 432,131 391,500 411,750
Table 4. Development of New Cocoa Plantings under
RMK10 (2012-2014) in Malaysia
TB12 (2012) TB13 (2013) TB14 (2014) TOTAL
REGION Program
Ha P Ha P Ha P Ha P
PBU 150 150 165 163 170 171 485 484
Tenom 200 181 280 276 430 421 910 878
Ranau 300 267 305 293 500 481 1,105 1,041
Tawau 100 86 180 91 100 91 380 268
TOTAL 750 684 930 823 1,200 1,164 2,880 2,671
Jengka 31 35 100 133 100 76 231 244
Hilir Perak 92 176 100 148 100 140 292 464
Machang 127 380 135 393 150 100 412 873
TOTAL 250 591 335 674 350 316 935 1,581
Sarawak Kuching 567 535 735 637 450 458 1,752 1,630
SWK KCH 567 535 735 637 450 458 1,752 1,630
40.47 - 100 17 18 7 5 5
101 - 200 5 4 1 3 3
201 - 300 2 - 1 - -
301 - 400 - - - - -
Total 24 22 9 8 8
Source: Malaysia Cocoa Board (MCB)
Note: Estate Size :> 100 acre
Cocoa plantings <40.47 ha are classified as cocoa estates due to the following:
a. “Cocoa planted on Land cultivated with other crops held under a single ownership; or
b. Areas planted with cocoa in an oil palm, rubber or coconut or other crops as estate
MALAYSIA, 2013 - 2014
Area Size Peninsular Sabah Sarawak Total
(Ha) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014
<1.0 1,135 1,135 587 587 192 192 1,914 1,914
1.0-1.9 1,097 1,747 2,702 3,902 4,221 4,690 8,020 10,339
2.0-2.9 211 211 191 191 256 256 658 658
3.0-3.9 69 69 66 66 55 55 190 190
4.0-4.9 17 17 44 44 24 24 85 85
5.0-5.9 13 13 24 24 16 16 53 53
>10<40.47 15 15 57 57 34 34 106 106
Total 2,557 3,207 3,671 4,871 4,798 5,267 11,026 13,345
Source: Malaysia Cocoa Board (MCB)
Note: Cocoa Holding size : < 100 acre
2011 2012 2013 2014(Jan – Nov)
Cocoa and Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Cocoa Product (‘000 (RM (‘000 (RM (‘000 (RM (‘000 (RM
tonnes) Million) tonnes) Million) tonnes) Million) tonnes) Million)
Cocoa Beans1 25.44 255.35 47.71 399.37 42.93 359.22 87.93 895.47
Cocoa Butter 117.56 1,369.63 100.23 961.60 99.30 1,194.54 94.82 1,889.73
Cocoa Powder 2 148.94 1,547.62 126.82 1.487.56 132.27 1,266.26 95.27 854.07
Cocoa Paste
26.78 349.53 22.32 266.53 20.78 237.06 22.60 329.12
Not Defatted
Cocoa Paste,
Wholly or Partly 33.01 349.70 16.40 218.64 12.35 134.47 7.23 55.02
Cocoa Shell 4.98 2.52 5.54 2.94 2.62 1.47 1.10 0.94
Chocolate 25.69 341.09 25.28 353.59 32.60 432.13 26.90 385.09
Total 4,215.44 3,690.22 3,625.15 4,409.45
Source: Department of Statistics
Note: 1Re-export
2Including Cocoa Powder not Containing and Containing Added Sugar or Other Sweetening Matter
Cocoa Products Major Market / New Market
Cocoa Butter United State of America (21.5%), Japan (12.1%), Peoples’ Republic of China (9.4%),
(Market share) Mexico (7.1%), Estonia (6.8%)
New Market:
American Samoa
Cocoa Cake Thailand (40.8%), United State of America(16.3%), Russia (12.2%), Indonesia (9.3%),
(Market share) Spain(7.8%)
Cocoa Paste Singapore (37.3%), Peoples’ Republic of China (20.4%), Japan (10.2%), Australia
(Market share) (9.1%), Korea (6.3%)
New Market:
Belgium, Fiji dan Kyrgyztan
Cocoa powder containing Japan (66.9%), India (12.1%), Singapore (7.0%), Indonesia (4.7%), Pakistan (1.9%)
added sugar or other New Market:
sweetening matter Cameroon, Libya, Nigeria and Kenya
(Market share)
Cocoa powder not Peoples’ Republic of China (10.3%), Indonesia (8.3%), United State of America
containing added sugar or (8.2%), Philippines (8.1%), Egypt (6.9%)
other sweetening matter
(Market share)
Chocolate Indonesia (19.8%), Thailand (12.7%), Singapore (8.8%), Philippines (6.8%), India
(Market share) (6.7%)
New Market:
Uruguay, Senegal, Nicaragua and Timor-Leste
No. Country 2012/13a 2013/14r
1. Netherlands 545 530 -2.75
2. Cote d’Ivoire 471 520 10.40
3. USA 413 430 4.12
4. Germany 402 410 1.99
5. Indonesia 267 322 20.60
6. MALAYSIA 293 259 -11.61
7. Brazil 241 240 -0.41
8. Ghana 225 234 4.00
9. France 125 135 8.00
10 Spain 95 99 4.21
Source: ICCO, Vol. XL No. 4, Cocoa Year 2013/14
a Estimation
R Forecast
The authors would like to thank MCB Board; YBhg.
Datuk Himmat Singh, The Secretary-General and YB
Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, The Minister of
The Ministry of Plantation Industries and
Commodities, Malaysia for permission to present
this paper.