1. Metformin is indicated as an adjunct to diet to lower glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. It works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and intestinal absorption of glucose. Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and hypoglycemia. Nurses should monitor patients closely for side effects and educate patients about diet and medication administration.
2. Nebivolol is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. It selectively blocks beta1-adrenergic receptors, reducing heart rate and contractility. Common side effects include headache, tiredness, diarrhea and nausea. Nurses should monitor blood pressure and heart rate closely in patients taking this medication.
3. Vitamin D3 is indicated for the treatment
1. Metformin is indicated as an adjunct to diet to lower glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. It works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and intestinal absorption of glucose. Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and hypoglycemia. Nurses should monitor patients closely for side effects and educate patients about diet and medication administration.
2. Nebivolol is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. It selectively blocks beta1-adrenergic receptors, reducing heart rate and contractility. Common side effects include headache, tiredness, diarrhea and nausea. Nurses should monitor blood pressure and heart rate closely in patients taking this medication.
3. Vitamin D3 is indicated for the treatment
1. Metformin is indicated as an adjunct to diet to lower glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. It works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and intestinal absorption of glucose. Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and hypoglycemia. Nurses should monitor patients closely for side effects and educate patients about diet and medication administration.
2. Nebivolol is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. It selectively blocks beta1-adrenergic receptors, reducing heart rate and contractility. Common side effects include headache, tiredness, diarrhea and nausea. Nurses should monitor blood pressure and heart rate closely in patients taking this medication.
3. Vitamin D3 is indicated for the treatment
1. Metformin is indicated as an adjunct to diet to lower glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. It works by decreasing hepatic glucose production and intestinal absorption of glucose. Common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and hypoglycemia. Nurses should monitor patients closely for side effects and educate patients about diet and medication administration.
2. Nebivolol is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. It selectively blocks beta1-adrenergic receptors, reducing heart rate and contractility. Common side effects include headache, tiredness, diarrhea and nausea. Nurses should monitor blood pressure and heart rate closely in patients taking this medication.
3. Vitamin D3 is indicated for the treatment
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CLASSIFICATION M OF S S EFFECTS CONSIDERATION S ACTION S Generic name: Metformin Metformin is It is contraindicated in Reassess patient’s Metformin decrease indicated as an patients hypersensitive to CNS: asthenia, level of pain hepatic glucose adjunct to diet drug and in those with headache, atleast 15-30 Brand name: production and to lower glucose hepatic disease or dizziness, chills, minutes after Glucophage, intestinal level in patients metabolic acidosis or lactic light-headedness. parenteral Glucophage XR, absorption of with type 2 acidosis, including diabetic CV: chest administration and Glumetza, Riomet glucose and diabetes. ketoacidosis with or discomfort, 30 minutes after improves without coma, not palpitations oral Dosage: 500 mg insulin indicated for use in patient EENT; rhinitis administration. sensitivity with type 1 diabetes GI: diarrhea, Monitor patient Frequency: b.i.d (increases mellitus or diabetic nausea, closely because peripheral ketoacidosis. vomiting, drug has Route: PO glucose uptake abdominal cumulative effect; and use). bloating, marked sedation Therapeutic class: flatulence, can occur after Antidiabetics anorexia, taste repeated doses. disorder, Instruct patient to Pharmacological abnormal stools, increase fluid and class: Biguanides constipation, fiber in diet, if not dyspepsia, contraindicated, to weight loss. combat METABOLIC: constipation. hypoglycemia Advice patient to MUSCULO- avoid alcohol SKELETAL: during therapy. myalgia, limb Caution patients pain not to use CNS RESPIRATORY depressants during : URI initiation of SKIN: flushing, treatment with nail disorder, methadone diphoresis OTHER: accidental injury, infection. DRUG MECHANIS INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATION SIDE NURSING CLASSIFICATION M OF S EFFECTS CONSIDERATIONS S ACTION Generic name: Selectively Nebivolol is It is contraindicated in Nebivolol Check patient’s BP Nebivolol blocks beta1 – indicated to treat patients hypersensitive to may cause and HR often. adrenergic hypertension drug and in those with side effects: Observe a diabetic Brand name: Bystolic receptors, and multiple decompensated HF, severe patient closely reducing HR, conditions such bradycardia, second or headache because drug may Dosage: 5mg myocardial as hypertension, third degree AV block, sick tiredness mask evidence of contractility, angina, sinus syndrome, weakness hypoglycaemia. Frequency: once daily, and arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, or dizziness If patient has a may give drug without sympathetic anxiety, severe hepatic impairment. diarrhea history of HF, regard to food. tone. Nebivolol hyperthyroidism In general, patients with nausea watch for also reduces BP , migraine bronchial asthma or related worsening stomach Route: PO by supressing prophylaxis, and bronchospastic disease symptoms, renal pain renin activity to prevent shouldn’t receive beta dysfunction, or difficulty Therapeutic class: and decreasing essential blocker. fluid retention. falling Antihypertensives peripheral tremors. Patient’s diuretic asleep or vascular dosage may need to staying Pharmacologic class: resistance. be increased. asleep Beta blockers numbness In patients with , burning, known or suspected or tingling pheochromocytoma in the , initiate an alpha hands, blocker before use arms, feet, of a beta blocker. or legs Store drug at room temperature in a light resistant container. DRUG MECHANIS INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIO SIDE NURSING CLASSIFICATIO M OF NS EFFECTS CONSIDERATIO NS ACTION NS Generic name: Vitamin D is Vitamin D3 use is Hypercalcemia Common side effects Review diet Cholecalciferol well known as indicated for the associated with using modification (Vitamin D3) a hormone treatment of Ergocalciferol vitamin D include: with patient. involved in specific medical (oral): Encourage Brand name: mineral conditions like Gastrointestinal Arrhythmias intake of Adrovance, Animi-3 metabolism refractory rickets (GI), liver, or Confusion foods that With Vitamin D, and bone (or vitamin D biliary disease Constipation are calcium Citranatal B-calm growth. Its resistant rickets), associated with Dry mouth and vitamin Kit, Citranatal most dramatic hypoparathyroidis malabsorption of Headache D rich. Harmony, Fosamax effect is to m, and familial vitamin D High levels Do not Plus D, Fosavance, facilitate hypophosphatemia analogs of calcium in exceed the Infuvite, Infuvite intestinal Documented the blood RDA. Pediatric, Mvc- absorption of hypersensitivity (hypercalcem Review s/s if fluoride, Natafort, calcium, with drugs that ia) overdose. Pregvit, Vidextra although it could have Emphasize Lethargy also allergenic cross- the Metallic taste Dosage: 1000 units stimulates reactivity with importance in the mouth absorption of ergocalciferol of follow-up Frequency: daily phosphate and Muscle or bone pain exams to magnesium monitor Route: PO ions. In the Nausea Sluggishness progress. absence of Therapeutic class: vitamin D, Vomiting Vitamins, Fat- dietary Soluble calcium is not absorbed at all efficiently. DRUG MECHANIS INDICATION CONTRAINDICATION SIDE NURSING CLASSIFICATION M OF S S EFFECTS CONSIDERATION S ACTION S Generic name: Inhibits the Clopidogrel is It is contraindications in Common side Advice patient Clopidogrel binding of the indicated to patients drugs or its effects of that it may P2Y12 reduce rate of components, in those with Clopidogrel can take longer Brand name: Plavix components of MI and stroke in a history of include: that usual to ADP to its patient with hypersensitivity or stop bleeding Dosage: 75mg platelet established hematologic rection to headaches and to refrain receptor, peripheral other thienopyridines, and or dizziness. from activities Frequency: daily impeding ADP- arterial disease in those with pathologic nausea. in which mediated or history of bleeding (such as peptic diarrhoea or trauma and Route: PO activation and recent MI or ulcer or intracranial constipation bleeding may subsequent stroke. haemorrhage). . occur. Therapeutic class: platelet indigestion Encourage Antiplatelet drugs aggregation, (dyspepsia) patient to wear and irreversibly stomach a seat belt Pharmacologic class: modifies the ache or when in a car. Platelet aggregation platelet ADP abdominal Instruct patient inhibitors receptor. pain. to notify nosebleeds. prescriber if increased unusual bleeding bleeding or (your blood bruising taking occurs. longer to Tell patient to clot – for inform all example, health care when you provider, cut including yourself), or dentist, before easy undergoing bruising. procedures or starting new drug therapy, about taking drug. Inform patient that drug may be taken without regard to meal. DRUG MECHANISM INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS SIDE NURSING CLASSIFICATION OF ACTION EFFECTS CONSIDERATIONS S Generic name: Isosorbide Treatment and It is contraindicated in CNS: Monitor BP, Isosorbide Mononitrate to prevention of patient with headache, HR, and Mononitrate reduce cardiac angina pectoris. hypersensitivity or dizziness, intensity and oxygen demand idiosyncrasy to nitrates and weakness duration of Brand name: Apo- by decreasing in those with severe CV: drug response. ISMN, Imdur, preload and hypotension, angle-closure orthostatic Tell patient to Monoket, PMS- afterload. Drug glaucoma, increased ICP, hypotension, change to an ISMN, PRO-ISMN also may shock, or acute MI with tachycardia, upright increase blood low left ventricular filling palpitations, position Dosage: 60mg flow through pressure. ankle edema, slowly, to the collateral flushing, climb stairs Frequency: daily coronary fainting carefully, and vessels. EENT: to lie down at Route: PO sublingual first sign of burning dizziness Therapeutic class: GI: nausea, Caution Antiaginals vomiting patient to SKIN: avoid alcohol Pharmacologic class: cutaneous because it may Nitrates vasodilator, worsen low BP rash effects Tell patient to store drug in a cool dark place, in tightly closed container
CLASSIFICATIO M OF NS EFFECTS CONSIDERATIO NS ACTION NS Generic name: Inhibits HMG- Risk for in Contraindicated in CNS: asthenia, Monitor Rosuvastatin CoA patient patients hypersensitive to dizziness, LFTs at reductase, without rosuvastatin or its headache baseline and Brand name: Crestor increases clinical components, patients GI: abdominal with any LDFL evidence of with active liver disease, pain, indication of Dosage: 40mg receptors on CAD but and those with constipation, hepatotoxicit liver cells, and with unexplained persistently diarrhea, y. Frequency: daily, inhibits multiple risk increased transaminase dyspepsia, Monitor liid wait 2 hours after hepatic factors. levels. nausea, vomiting panel at giving dose to give synthesis of Adjunct to GU: cystitis baseline and aluminium- very-low diet to slow HEMATOLOGI fasting lipid ormagnesium- density atheroscleros C: anemia, profile within containing antacid. lipoprotein. is ecchymosis 4 to 12 weeks progression METABOLIC: after Route: PO in patient diabetes mellitus initiation or with MUSCULOSKE dosage Therapeutic class: elevated - adjustment Antilipemics cholesterol. LETAL: and every 3 arthralgia, to 12 months Pharmacologic class: myalgia, neck thereafter. HMG-CoA pain Notify reductase inhibitors prescriber if CK level becomes markedly elevated or myopathy is suspected , or if routine urinalysis shows persistent proteinuria and patient is taking 40 mg daily.