Soal Uts
Soal Uts
Soal Uts
3. Look Tia is carryng four .... 12. Miss Susy bought a kilo of ... and two kilos
A. box of ....
B. boxs A. tomato, mango
C. boxing B. tomato, mangos
D. boxes ✅ C. tomato, mangoes
D. tomatoes, mangoes ✅
4. Hanny : Who are ...?
Andy : They are my father's friends. For questions 13 to 15, choose the correct words to
A. the man complete the sentence.
B. those men ✅ Mr. Sardi has (13) ..., two (14) ... and some (15) ...
C. that man 13. A. an ox ✅
D. those mans B. a oxen
C. an oxen
5. Ria : How long have you waited? D. some ox
Henry : For about ....
A. a hours 14. A. sheep
B. hours B. sheps ✅
C. an hour ✅ C. sheeps
D. a hour D. sheepes
7. A. a strawberry 17. The little girl saw two ... in the forest.
B. strawberry A. fox
C. strawberrys B. foxs
D. strabrries ✅ C. foxes ✅
D. foxen
8. A. a grape
B. grape 18. Boys like playing with ....
C. graps A. toy car
D. grapes ✅ B. toy cars ✅
C. toyes car
9. A. a watermelon ✅ D. toys car
B. watermelon
C. watersmelon 19. This baby has one tooth, but that baby has three
.... D. that is
A. tooth
B. tooths 28. ... an umbrella
C. teeth ✅ A. those are
D. teeths B. this is ✅
C. these are
20. Which of the following plural forms is D. that is
grammatically INCORRECT?
A. Melissa brings a pile of dishes 29. ... my pencils. Those are Ida's pens
B. are those girls your classmate? ✅ A. those are
C. theree are insects in your drink B. this is
D. I put three cakes in the box C. these are ✅
D. that is
21. Harry : ... are my brother's photos
Nani : You have a handsome brother For questions 30 and 31, choose the correct words
Harry : Thanks to complete the sentence.
A. it (30) ... Iwan, my brother. (31) ... our house.
B. its 30. A. those
C. this B. this is ✅
D. these ✅ C. these are
D. that is
22. What does the boy say?
A. this is my sister Harni 31. A. those are
B. that is my sister Harni ✅ B. this is
C. these are my sister Harni C. these are
D. those are my sister Harni D. that is ✅
23. Nanda : Look at what I am bringing! ... are my 32. Ria : What are you holding?
new books. I bought them yesterday Tonny : ... key holders, souvenirs from my brother
Nani : Wow! So interesting! who studies in Singapore.
A. that A. those are
B. those B. these are ✅
C. this C. this is
D. these ✅ D. that is
25. Rika : Where is your new bike? 34. Budi : Hey, the animals are so funny.
Tiara : Over there, near the fence .... Mika : Yeah ....
A. those are A. these are aquirrels
B. this is B. this are squirrels
C. these are C. those are squirrels ✅
D. that is ✅ D. it is squirrels
26. ... the place and ... the spoons I bought from 35. Which of the following statements is
Alva supermarket. grammatically CORRECT?
The suitable words to complete the sentence are .... A. this mobile phones are for sale
A. this is, that is B. those mobile phones is for sale
B. this is, those are ✅ C. this mobile phones is for sale
C. those are, this is D. these mobile phones are for sale ✅
D. these are, those are
36. What does the boy say?
27. ... my book A. what is this?
A. those are B. what is that?
B. this is ✅ C. what are these?
C. these are D. what are those? ✅
the animals?
37. Lala : Look at ... I are they pigeons? Johny : Yes, you're right.
Retta : I don't think so. 38. A. those is this ✅
A. a bird B. this is
B. this bird C. these is
C. that birds D. that is
D. those birds ✅
39. A. what is this
For questions 38 to 39, choose the correct words to B. what is that
complete the dialog. C. what are this
Nia : What are you making? D. what are these ✅
Johny : Well, a bird from paper. Look! (18) ... the
paper-animals I have made. 40. A. this thread ✅
Nia : You are really skillful. By the way, (19) ... B. this threads
color pens for? C. these threads
Johny : They are for drawing the eyes. D. those threads
Nia : I see. What about (20) ... ? Is it for hanging
Past tense
Visiting our friend’s house could be an exciting and fun experience, but it didn’t
happen to me. Otherwise, it became one of my worst experiences I’ve ever had in
my whole life.
This terrifying experience happened when I was in junior high school. That day, I and
my four classmates decided to visit one of our friends Raihan, afterschool.
Fortunately, the school was over early because all the teachers were going to have a
meeting. So, I, four of my classmate, and Arman went to his house at abour 08.00
am. We went to Raihan’s house that located in Kamang, Tarusan Kamang by riding
It was quite long trip for riding bicycle. His house was about 5 KM away from our
school that located in downtown. It took about an hour to get there. Although it was
so tiring, I and all my friends were so happy because we made some jokes along the
Finally, we almost get there. It was only a wooden suspension bridge that we need to
cross to get to Raihan’s house. One by one of my friends crossed the bridge
effortlessly. It looked easy. Then, it was my turn and Raihan were waiting behind me,
became the last one.
I crossed the bridge slowly but when I had crossed the one and thirds of the bridge, I
just realized something strange. It was so shaky. It turned out that one of my friends
was shaking the bridge’s wire at the end of the bridge. I was panic and lost control,
and then I hit the side of the wooden bridge. I almost fell into the river, but luckily my
bike accidentally got stuck in a wire of the bridge. Raihan immediately approached
and gave me some help to take my bike to the end of the bridge.
I continued to cross the bridge by just walk. My friends who shook the wire said sorry
to me and forgave him. He told me that it was just for fun, but I thought that was too
Since that day, I have not visit Raihan's house by riding bicycle again. Although he
said that the bridge now has been rebuilt and so stable but I’m still afraid.