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"For Us, It'S Business As Usual!": Environment Safety Health

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Environment Health Safety

EHS journal of L&T Construction

Volume - 10, Issue - 1 January - June 2020

When we started our journey of the field in real-time, verifications It is heartening to note that all these All the checklists relating to
Digital Transformation at L&T and approvals done online to solutions have been widely and sanitization and other processes AN IMPERATIVE FOR TI IC
Construction four years ago, fully improve safety process compliance well adopted and have become the have been incorporated into the App
realizing that Safety was such an significantly. norm. The dashboards and analytics as per the standard, published SOPs.
important function in our business,
we asked ourselves, what we The Ib4U App - Inspect Before Use –
provide very good inputs during
periodic reviews to enable ongoing The use of face mask and social 10 HOW B&F PROJECT SITES
Anantha Sayana could do to improve Safety with helps to inspect every harness, block, improvements. distancing are said to be the
Chief Digital Officer, L&T
tackle, wire, and equipment before two most powerful deterrents NEW NORMAL!
Digital Solutions. After several
they are used to ensure their safety Back to where we started this to the spread of the virus and

discussions with our Safety leaders
he word ‘SAFE’ is being used and adherence to specifications. article. We started thinking about the means to keeping us safe.
and brainstorming and thinking
more in conversations and
writing over the last three
internally, we now have a bouquet Our WISA (Workmen Induction
how we could help our people to
be “safe” during the pandemic and
We are developing an Artificial
Intelligence based digital solution
of Digital Solutions that help our and Skills Availability) App using
months than ever before in the have developed COVID modules in that can detect these violations COMBAT COVID-19
Safety function in many ways. face recognition can inform a
history of mankind. Never have our solutions to take care of these and alert supervisors. We hope to
we been so obsessed and anxious Our Augmented Reality / Virtual supervisor about a workman’s requirements. deploy this solution soon.
profile in real-time whether
about being safe as today. Every
communication today begins with
Reality modules have taken
safety training to another level; he has the necessary skill sets The Ib4U App has a module to 20 PT&D EVOLVES REGION-
a “hope you are safe”. The Corona experiential, immersive, and and certification to perform a record the temperatures of workmen
Virus has instilled in all of us the intensely impactful. Simple particular kind of work. during screening with a thermal gun. SAFE FROM COVID-19
importance of being SAFE; to 3-minute modules with speech in It is heartening to
remain Safe from the pandemic local languages delivered over the note that all these
infection. VR glasses at the sites to workmen
without any other complex technical All inspection related site roles
solutions have been 26 WET IC VIEWS EHS
However, the dictionary defines
infrastructure have conveyed a
 EHS, P&M, Stores, time office, IR, formwork, Execution & PM widely and well COVID-19
safe as “protected from or not adopted and have
powerful message to them that has
exposed to danger or risk; not
likely to be harmed or lost”. The
been acknowledged as leaving a become the norm.
overall meaning and import of
lasting impact. Usage dashboards &
Configurable inspections
and workflows
Safety continues to cover all The Safety App rolled out in different
aspects of potential physical forms across all the businesses and The current Covid-19 situation How L&T GeoStructure sites
harm to human beings and to project sites, covers every aspect brings with it many challenges stayed safe from COVID-19
us, at L&T Construction, the of the safety process. It ensures in the working of our people at
Multiple checklist per
quest is about what all can we do that everything is recorded at the COVID-19 temperature our project sites. It is time to be
inspection category
to keep all our people safe. source, the site, by the person on screening module extra vigilant on Safety during ALWAYS PREPARED FOR
these times and communicate THE UNEXPECTED!
with workmen and employees How EHS Managers at MMH
to ensure our care. Please make are coping with COVID-19
Push notification for
Version control on app transaction & Reminders use of the digital solutions to
After several discussions with our Safety leaders assist you in a small way in this
and brainstorming and thinking internally, we now endeavour.
have a bouquet of Digital Solutions that help our Be Safe and take care!
Weekly email summary & escalations on overdue
Safety function in many ways. TIMES OF COVID-19
Best wishes!

2 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 3

swiftly integrated
‘BUSINESS with Emergency
Response Teams at

AS USUAL’, the project level to

implement COVID-19
Alok Sharma measures detailed
Railways SBG in the SOP released
by corporate HR in

WAS AN alignment with local

district level regulations.

FOR TI IC team triggered an Emergency
Management Plan (EMP) across 21
active projects spread across western,
eastern, northern and southern parts
of India with massive scale and speed
focused on health and safety of all.
“Our EHS teams swiftly integrated
with Emergency Response Teams
(ERT) at the project level to implement
COVID-19 measures detailed in the
SOP released by corporate HR in
alignment with local  district level
regulations,” informs Alok Sharma,
Head – EHS, Railways SBG.

The exhaustive SOPs for TI IC

involved the formation of

SOP implementation & surveillance
he COVID-19-induced lockdown
disrupted lives across the world
Preparing for battle activities across all projects once the
lockdown was lifted.” The procedure,
committees, daily monitoring
It is interesting that the lockdown actually forced through video conferencing with
and, more particularly, in our us to work remotely which is the best form of social With the prime objective of keeping that supplemented and not replaced
key members, regular fumigation,
country; new ways and means of distancing. It really helped us connect with people, employees, workmen, families, and the requirements stated in the L&T
sanitization of all premises, thermal
working evolved. “It is interesting that helped to improve health and safety standards at the communities safe, TI IC facilitated Corporate HR guidelines and those
temperature screening & health check-
the lockdown actually forced us to workplace and overall, went a long way to achieve our a uniform standard of COVID-19 issued by the Central, state & local
ups, setting up of touch-free hand
work remotely which is the best form of collective objective of maintaining ‘business as usual’. precautionary measures across all government authorities, set out
Subhamoy Maitra
sanitizers & hand washing facilities,
social distancing,” observes Subhamoy their offices, establishments, and the minimum requirements to be
Head – EHS, RREC, arrange for isolation rooms, manage
Maitra, Head – EHS, RREC, TI IC. “In fact, TI IC
project sites. “We created SOPs followed across projects, though sites
groceries, PPEs and other essentials,
with Microsoft Teams, we had a unified based on our business needs and were urged to exercise additional
conduct daily awareness drives,
communication and collaboration expectations to manage the risks stringent measures depending on the
display awareness posters, organize
platform that brought us together stakeholders. It really helped us connect and overall, went a long way to achieve arising out of COVID-19,” remarks locally prevailing conditions.
awareness programmes and ensure
with continual workplace chat, video with people, helped to improve health our collective objective of maintaining Subhamoy, “with special emphasis on
As soon as the lockdown was maintenance of hygiene especially at
meetings with project teams and other and safety standards at the workplace ‘business as usual’.” SOPs to be followed while restarting
imposed, the Railways SBG EHS-HQ the labour camps.

4 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 5

access their database remotely again start-up. Apart from a COVID-19
Our responsibility was in a day’s time. We even efficiently screening tracker for  staff/workmen,
to provide remote enabled IT infrastructure for a team we also conducted a safety reboot series
desktop support for of 150 – 200 Design Engineers to help of webinars on critical hazards related
all the TI IC employees them work from home," he says with a to railway construction activities to
in the shortest time wide smile. cover last mile EHS staff.” The team
possible. Working expanded access for the digital safety
Yobu Paul
Manager – Systems
from home was Deployment of new app (PREPS App) among project staff
new to many of our for virtual EHS inspection and permit
colleagues but with EHS tools & guidelines: systems and encouraged the extensive
our help and prompt
“Following our philosophy  of use of the Arogya Setu app at both
action, they were able
continuous  improvement, we project sites and offices.
to adjust quickly, and
resume work. developed  various new EHS tools to
plan for work resumption,” shares Work resumption and a
Alok. “The STARRT Card incorporated new ‘Normal’
COVID-19 mitigation measures
aimed at visual check points and “Since our EHS processes were sound
Setting up offices at administrative controls for safe work and effectively implemented at the
Perhaps, a critical step to keep business
rolling was to quickly set up offices
at various homes of executives for At
which the IC’s systems personnel rose Management
to the occasion and delivered despite
several restrictions and roadblocks. Disposal Entry/
Exit Gate
“Our responsibility was to provide
remote desktop support for all the TI IC
employees in the shortest time possible,”
says Yobu Paul, Manager – Systems.
“We had to ensure the availability of Sanitization & Site Execution
With employees and workmen hardware like laptops for the junior disinfection Location
stranded at various points along project cadre staff and desktops at home,
alignments, a unique challenge for wherever laptops were not available. Steps to restart
both road and railways projects were Working from home was new to many operations after
Obtaining permits from the local authorities to ensure permits for people to reach of our colleagues but with our help and lockdown
for any emergency work was one of our most those stranded and to reach essentials prompt action, they were able to adjust
across to them. “Obtaining permits quickly, and resume work.” Training & Canteen Level
critical deliverables and that depended to a from the local authorities for any Awareness critical activities

large extent on the nature of relationships we emergency work was one of our most In fact, the systems team got cracking
critical deliverables and that depended within an hour of the declaration of
had built with these authorities. to a large extent on the nature of the lockdown as Assistant Manager
Alok Sharma relationships we had built with these – Systems, Bibhuti Bhushan Mishra
Head – EHS, Railways SBG authorities,” points out Alok. “In most adds. “Apart from the massive exercise Notice Board Transportation

cases, they worked out well and we also of mobilizing IT hardware (desktops
had an emergency vehicle always on & laptops) to individual houses and
standby, 24x7, to deal with any kind of guesthouses for teams to work from
emergency.” home, we set up a VPN for users to

6 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 7

ground level we were ready to start As a reach out measure, EHS teams have
running as soon as the lockdown was been part of COVID-19 PPEs distribution
relaxed,” says Alok brightly. “Clients to local government hospitals and
and district authorities promptly communities across project sites. With a proactive EHS
granted various permissions  for work management system
resumption and by the end of May’20, DNV.GL – External in place, we are always
all our RBG projects commenced work
in green and non-hot zones and are
audits on the front foot and
progressively achieving business as
usual at our project sites.”
TIIC was successfully certified by
with the support of our
M/s DNV to continue its certification on
“Stakeholders and various clients have ISO 45001 (OH&S) & 14001 (EMS). The senior management
applauded our efforts  and milestones scope of the audit was Management of and our resilient
achieved in the COVID-19 environment,” Implementation and Compliance with
Alok’s sense of achievement is evident. Environmental, Occupational Health project teams, we will
“On 4th June’20, one of the key and Safety Requirements at Project continue to abide by
Sites and Offices. It is noteworthy
customers (DFCCIL) presented us with
that, due to the lockdown and travel stringent protocols for
an appreciation certificate at WDFC
CTP-14 project for achieving 12 Million restrictions, a Remote Audit was a safe work place.
safe man hours and for the special planned instead of the regular audit
Alok Sharma
efforts taken during the lockdown for process. “This is the first time we
Head – EHS, Railways SBG
the wellbeing of workmen.” have conducted a remote audit and

successfully achieved the intended

outcome of the Management system,”
shares a visibly happy Subhamoy.

Alok chips in, “Recently, our EDFC

CP 204 project (Allahabad) was
virtually audited by DNV for external
surveillance  audit related to ISO 45001
(OH&S) and ISO 14001 (EMS) which
was satisfactorily conducted totally
through remote mode. Customers are
also carrying out virtual EHS inspections
at work locations through face time and
Skype,” he adds.

“With a proactive EHS management

system in place, we  are always on the
front foot and with the support of our
senior management and our resilient
project teams, we will continue to abide
by stringent protocols for a safe work
place,” affirms a determined Alok.

8 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 9

he world has realized and compliance to safety standards, medical practitioner at the workmen
accepted that it must learn manage social distancing, integrate habitat, obtain self-declaration forms
to live with COVID-19. risk management of COVID-19 to the from them, medically check and finally
PROJECT Returning to work, especially at
construction sites, is fraught with
existing EHSMS, implement & review
and monitor through virtual safety
give them an EHS induction.”

SITES ARE risk as P Nagarajan, Head – EHS, B&F

IC, explains. “There are directives

At cities, with only in-situ workmen

Preparing the ground
Preparing sites for the post COVID-19

from the Central Government,
various State Governments and local allowed, deploying new ones is far phase involves some big, overarching
authorities to be religiously followed. tougher as M Nachiappan, DGM – EHS measures as mentioned earlier and

FOR THE NEW On ground, we have had to prepare

our sites for the new normal with
shares. “Considering the additional
COVID risks, it requires the approval
a number of smaller changes in the
facilities: at site offices, canteens,
of the Project Director or Project
NORMAL! several additional controls to deploy P&M and carpentry workshops, stores,
workmen and staff including improve Manager. We have to avoid workmen to keep people safe from infection.
infrastructure facilities both at the from known hotspots or containment “We have made changes in seating
sites and habitats, thoroughly sanitize zones, allocate separate rooms for arrangements, marking entries
all vehicles for transportation, verify them, ensure the availability of a and exits, staggering the works,

treating other high-touch surfaces be verified for safe condition of work.

and put up several contactless After the lockdown, resumption of
hand sanitizer dispensing systems,” operations can pose several hazards
mentions Manager – EHS, N Gabrial such as cranes left unattended,
Fernandez. “We have increased material on walkways, shuttering
space in canteens wherever possible, boards in half de-shuttered stage,
introduced staggered timings for excavations that have developed some
dining, prepared quarantine rooms, seepage and the like. “A comprehensive
rearranged accommodations, made compliance verification process is
arrangements to prevent workmen warranted,” stresses Nagarajan and
from venturing outside their camps enumerates some of the areas that
and are vigorously promoting require clearance: safety in accessway,
self-hygiene and cleanliness.” fall protection arrangement, P&M,
temporary electrical installations,
Before allowing workmen inside the excavations, formwork, scaffolds and
project site, all the workplaces must working platforms.

10 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 11

Implement & review calm and safe by having medical
The advantages of facilities readily available at site. COVID
VSAs (Virtual Safety Based on comprehensive inputs from Response Team Leader and EHS Officer,
Audits) are many: across the board, SOPs were developed Arpan Dey is much in the same boat
59 projects were and rolled out across the IC followed by a at the Emerald Isle (Phase – II) project
audited in just 20 days slew of meetings to familiarize them, drive in Powai, Mumbai, managing his
including some located understanding and implementation. 850-strong workforce. “Being too big a
P Nagarajan in the north-east and “Action plans with clear accountability group for us to approach all together,
Head – EHS, B&F IC
in rural areas, some of and responsibility matrixes were ready we deal with smaller groups of 10-
which may not have even before we resumed operations,” 20 to drive the need to strictly follow
been covered if things
informs Nagarajan. There were quizzes, all precautionary measures. Doctors
were normal.
special review and monitoring meetings from famous organisations visit our
and targeted inspections to ensure site to spread awareness.” he mentions.
complete compliance to the SOPs. “We even instituted a Social Distance
SCOPE Award for our COVID Warriors
contact tracing of people who have Fighting to keep safe in to motivate them.” Both sites have
worked with the suspected individual remained free of positive cases.
and reporting to Cluster / HQ for
dangerous cities
Awards seem to be following Senior
further coordinated response. “A little knowledge is always dangerous,” Engineer-EHS, Nallasivam B. When
warns D G Patil, Manager – EHS at posted at Omkar, Worli, the project won
Safety audits, virtually Mumbai’s Crescent Bay project site who the 5 Star and Sword of Honour award;
has been keeping his 450 workmen now at Piramal Aranya project, he has
With travel restrictions, B&F has
introduced Virtual Safety Audits (VSA)
to monitor activities at the various
sites. The EHS – Head or the Cluster
EHS Manager collects information
on critical activities at projects, then
Marrying COVID The number of workmen participating are restricted and schedules, and conducts audits on
risk mitigation and the number of programmes increased, including an in-depth
programme on COVID-19 itself. 'Safe to Start’ card includes
MS Teams involving key members
including Cluster Project Managers.
the overall EHS several additional checks such as whether social distancing “We sometimes call for surprise audits
is being maintained, whether any workmen are showing
management system symptoms, whether high-risk spaces have been disinfected.
too which is now possible,” chips in
Nagarajan. “Compliance verification
M Nachiappan
Considering its impact, it was crucial DGM – EHS is with the same mechanism. Cluster
to consider COVID-19 as an additional EHS Managers have been given a
risk in all activities & processes target of 10 audits a month,” he adds.
and use existing EHS Management Direct interaction with the employees
Systems to mitigate it in an integrated Nachiappan, “including an in-depth symptoms, whether high-risk spaces is feasible to understand their levels
and effective manner in all phases programme on COVID-19 itself.” have been disinfected. of awareness and implementation
of the PDCA cycle. These include Training modules have been and improvements at various
A vital component of this process
screening workmen, obtaining developed and shared with sites and locations can be verified too. The
is Emergency Response / Business
self-declaration forms, doing medical risk assessments are reviewed with Continuity that now includes advantages of VSAs are many: 59
check-ups, and slightly revising the respect to COVID-19 related controls. reporting of suspected cases from site, projects were audited in just 20 days
EHS induction programme. “The ‘Safe to Start’ card includes several quarantine of suspected individuals, including some located in the north-
number of workmen participating additional checks such as whether isolation & treatment, reporting to east and in rural areas, some of which
are restricted and the number of social distancing is being maintained, local authorities, disinfecting areas may not have been covered if things
programmes increased,” informs whether any workmen are showing worked by the suspected individual, were normal.

12 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 13

helped the project win not only a Sword
of Honour but a RoSPA Gold Award
The need for re-training at Dwarka in New Delhi; a perfect
trait when faced with a crisis, one
too that are reflective of Nallasivam A similar ploy was successfully adopted might say. “We started to spread
Workmen, supervisors, and team’s effective monitoring and by EHS Engineer, M Sandheep at awareness during the ‘Nation Safety If the right amount of information is shared at the
EHS managers all implementation of safety measures. the Raintree Boulevard project. “We Week 2020’ by training our workmen right time, people’s perceptions can be turned right
resumed operations on April 27th and supervisors using various digital
need to be re-trained Young, dynamic, and self-motivated
though our real challenge has been to modes and social media platforms.” An
and used as a tool to influence behaviour that goes a
Prateek Kataria is the EHS Officer at the
to this new normal, Gomti Enclave site at Lucknow, where
ensure social distancing for which we additional responsibility for Chauhan long way to help implement a positive EHS culture at
have formed a special team to impart and his team was to oversee the
maintaining social he is referred to as ‘Safety Sahib’, shares,
special training.” conversion of a part of the facility into
the workplace.
“I realized that the workmen were afraid
distancing is a new of the virus spreading at the camp due
a COVID-19 quarantine centre. G. Raja Sekar
“Workmen, supervisors, EHS managers EHS Engineer, Adora De Goa Project
concept for people to their ignorance of precautionary all need to be re-trained to this
Managing large gangs
to understand and measures and the negligence of others.” new normal,” reminds P Nagarajan.
Hence the efforts of Prateek and the “Maintaining social distancing is a new The Hyderabad Airport project site
implement. COVID Response Team backed by concept for people to understand and had 2424 workmen spread across
P Nagarajan CPM, Subhashis Panja, Cluster EHS implement.” three workmen habitats when the
treatment for staff and workmen
The threat is alive even
during the lock-down. At the C-17
Head - EHS, B&F IC Manager, Dr. Sanjai Srivastava and
Project In-charge, Manoj Kr. Mishra “One of my biggest strengths is my
lockdown was announced. “For 45 Beddown Infrastructure Facilities, away from the cities
days, we kept them engaged and
ability to stay calm under pressure,” AFS Hindan (Ghaziabad), EHS
have been to ensure that the measures in good health,” declares a battle- Rural-based projects like the MVDC
declares EHS Officer, M C S Chauhan In-charge, Anup Sharma is thrilled Test Track project have their own
were well understood and strictly hardened EHS engineer, S D Lovaraju.
followed at site. at the Indira Gandhi Hospital project that his clients, the Indian Air Force unique challenges as EHS In-charge,
“We followed the guidelines issued by
and Boeing, have given him the C. Vijayanandan shares. “Since our project
the Government Authorities, Client
go-ahead to restart operations, a comes under the Thiruvannamalai
and HQ. I was also a member of the
reflection of his wonderful efforts District, we had to follow some very
COVID Controls implementation
during the lockdown to keep everyone stringent guidelines from the Collectorate
verification committee to daily verify
safe and healthy at site. about the COVID-19 preventive measures
COVID controls and update the COVID
Emergency Committee Members.” and, in the process, met the expectations
“I joined the Adora De Goa project
Being a brownfield project, work on of our client, Mahindra & Mahindra too,”
at the beginning of 2020,” shares an
some fronts like rapid exit taxiways, he shares. “When we restarted work,
excited EHS Engineer, G. Raja Sekar,
baggage management area and roof managing the new local workmen was a
“and for a month I was completely
sheeting repair works had to be big task with regard to safety culture and
involved in embedding Behavioural
taken up with restricted workmen for adherence to preventive measures for
Based Safety (BBS) among the
restricted hours which were carried which our dynamic Corona Prevention
employees and 616 workmen. Almost
out without incident. plan helped greatly,” he smiles with
immediately thereafter COVID-19
came to us.” Raja feels that his efforts
EHS Engineer, Ankit Kumar’s day at
bore fruit in their fight against the “Having resumed operations, the
the CAPFIMS Hospital Project, begins
with a purpose: to ensure the health virus in which they were supported challenge now is to be sharp to follow
and safety of his 1950 workmen. “We by a local NGO, and the health the various directives,” says P Nagarajan
have successfully kept diseases at department. “If the right amount of in summation. “Constant monitoring
bay thanks to our dedicated efforts,” information is shared at the right of compliance and daily reviews are
he says triumphantly. Apart from time, people’s perceptions can be imperative. The engineer at site is
arranging 5000 masks and 200 hand turned right and used as a tool to responsible for safe starts every day
sanitizers, Ankit and team connected influence behaviour that goes a long and our emergency responses must be
with the Construction Medical Officer way to help implement a positive quick and prompt. It calls for an entirely
(CMO) and tied up with the Cronus EHS culture at the workplace,” he new mindset, but we are prepared,” he
Multi Specialty Hospital for medical counsels seriously. concludes confidently.

14 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 15

and the like. Returning to work requires will submit the checklist in the EHS of ‘Temperature screening’ to record the
a change of mindset,” Michael asserts, App for the EHS In-charge’s review temperature of a workman by scanning
“from one which has been in lockdown and approval. In addition, an EHS the QR code on a WISA card or by
to one of restarting work, putting the App has been launched to ensure entering his WISA ID number. This App
likelihood of injury at its highest during compliance with the Corporate SOPs is already being widely used at almost
this period.” on re-starting projects, that requires all projects.
to identify any Risk and ensure that
Digital solutions to the the necessary Controls are in place Facing the threat of
before safe restart of activities. “The
fore goal of our EHS strategy is ZERO
working during the
For a Safe Start at all projects, a
HARM,” reminds Michael, “and it is lockdown
when resuming operations after the
COVID-19 checklist is an imperative.
lockdown that accidents are more The two packages of the Mumbai Coastal
Currently, every project is completing Road project did not face much of a
likely to occur.” This checklist ensures
this checklist but to make the process lockdown as pre-monsoon preparatory
that the required safety controls are
easier to report a project’s status and work continued almost continuously,
in place to avoid any incident or
to measure data, the Digital team, which gave rise to several issues. At the
even, loss of life.
along with the EHS team, has created firing end, Senior Manager – Accounts &
a platform using the EHS App. It is Working with the EHS team, the Administration, K Hari Narayan, quickly
now a requirement to complete the Digital team has released an upgraded felt the heat. “Remobilisation after
COVID-19 checklist using the EHS version of the Ib4U App (version 2.2 the first few days of the lockdown was
App. The project Admin/IR team build 7) that has an additional feature difficult as lots of administrative issues

ven as the country gradually according to Michael Sanderson, Head
emerges from complete – EHS, Heavy Civil IC. “It is important
lockdowns, it is increasingly not only to fully implement COVID-19
SEEKS A apparent that COVID-19 is not going
anywhere and that it would be infinitely
checks before starting work, but all
necessary safety checks must be

NEW SAFETY better for human beings to learn to live

with the virus. At construction sites, work
completed, before workmen use any
equipment, with special focus on high

has resumed but requires an entirely risk activities such as work at height,
new safety consciousness to perform, excavations, working in confined spaces

TO COMBAT It is important not only to fully implement COVID-19 checks

COVID-19 before starting work, but all necessary safety checks must
be completed, before workmen use any equipment, with
special focus on high risk activities such as work at height,
excavations, working in confined spaces and the like. Returning
to work requires a change of mindset.
Michael Sanderson
Head – EHS,
Heavy Civil IC

16 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 17

Ensuring the new
Our first line of defence is a set of simple measures
like maintaining social distancing, following strict Project teams across Heavy Civil
are ensuring that the new normal is
hygiene norms and respiratory etiquette, sanitizing maintained during operations that
contact surfaces and self-monitoring our health include staggered duty schedules
and mandatory safety inspections
and if these are religiously and rigorously followed before start of work. Other measures
we should be OK! include daily medical check-ups by
the project doctors, daily temperature
Michael Sanderson
monitoring of the site and office staff
Head – EHS, Heavy Civil IC
and workmen, daily disinfecting the
premises, fumigation, sanitization of
vehicles, hand sanitizers for equipment
sites to set up foot-operated hand wash advantage of this system is that it can operators, using biomedical waste bins
stations. In fact, at the KAPP Unit 3 & save a lot of water too. for the disposal of used face masks and
4 project, unable to face the delay in hand gloves, distribution of immunity
Door handles are perhaps the most
supply, the project team fabricated their boosters, and frequent awareness
touched surfaces, carrying the risk of
own wash station from the material lectures to the workmen and employees
spreading the virus. “How many times
and scrap available at site which was by project doctors and paramedic staff.
can you disinfect a door handle?” asks
then set up at several locations. “We As a matter of abundant precaution,
Sairam, “So, we in-house fabricated
spent just INR 850 to make it (in-house at the P1 Project, only workmen from
and fixed a foot puller to open
fabricated hand sanitizer) while the the safe zones are called for duty after
and close doors at our office with
same thing is available in the market obtaining self-declarations from them,
which we have reduced the threat of
for INR 1,600,” remarks a satisfied, thereby ascertaining their health
transmission to a great extent.”
EHS In-charge, S Sairam. An added condition, travel history and contact
cropped up and day to day affairs were An interesting safety precaution taken history with any outsiders, family
difficult to manage due to the lack of by the Mumbai Metro, Package 7 under members and/or neighbours.
We spent just
INR 850 to make it manpower especially during the initial the leadership of Project Director
“As we move into a new phase to
(in-house fabricated stages.” After having sourced the extra H Jayarama, to be primed for a quick
support a safe return to work, all of us
hand sanitizer) while labour, people like Jai Sharma, Assistant resumption of operations was to
have accepted the challenge of adopting
the same thing is Manager – IR & Accounts had several maintain the station box and tunnels
preventive measures to help achieve
available in the market other challenges. “We had to arrange to prevent mosquitos from breeding
S Sairam for INR 1,600. a safe and healthy workplace and
EHS In-charge,
for their food, provide adequate PPEs, and keep them continuously dewatered
contribute to mitigate the transmission
Kakrapar Atomic Power support staff movement from residence to prevent water stagnation. These
Project Unit 3 & 4 risk of COVID-19,” Michael sums up.
to site and provide for all the necessary measures helped because as soon as
“Our first line of defence is a set of
facilities to ensure work at site. All this the lockdown was relaxed, Jayarama’s
simple measures like maintaining social
in the middle of Mumbai which is the project team was one of the first off the
distancing, following strict hygiene
most severely affected place. We also blocks.
norms and respiratory etiquette,
had to face so many restrictions and
sanitizing contact surfaces and
take so many precautions without Necessity is the mother self-monitoring our health and if these
much support,” he shakes his head.
Some of the skilled workmen were
of invention are religiously and rigorously followed
we should be OK!” He smiles.
even accommodated at site to avoid Frequently washing hands with soap
their exposure to the virus during their is accepted as a potent weapon against
commute to and from the site. the virus which has prompted several

18 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 19

COVID-19 that had to be factored in dedicated Emergency Response Teams
too. In Tanzania, for instance, Manager (ERTs) across projects with members
– EHS, Edson Thangwana initially faced drawn from the Admin, IR and EHS
a serious shortage and non-readiness departments to agree upon the SOPs,
of Health Institutions to respond and share them with the employees and
test the virus. “Test kits and PPEs workmen, monitor workmen camps,
were unavailable due to supply chain implement services of healthcare,
constraints,” he complains, apart from security, sanitation, wellbeing and
having to overcome the barriers of conduct awareness programmes.
language and cultural diversity. Amidst
the hot sands of Saudi Arabia, a strict Once the mitigation plans were in
curfew threw life completely out of place, implementation and monitoring
gear for both employees and staff and the precautionary measures became
put loads of extra responsibility on critical; a tough ask too for VRN and
the shoulders of Officer – EHS, Joseph his central team as getting data from
Bagalay. “There were issues of changed all the remote corners was difficult.
work timings, difficulties in purchasing “We developed and implemented
food at the stores but perhaps my a COVID-19 business continuity
biggest challenge was to convince the plan focused on minimising risks to
maintenance team for work permits.” the extent possible and use digital
solutions to improve our safety

Digital solutions to up quotient,” he says.

the safety ante A QR Code based App developed by

EHS teams in Malaysia facilitates
As soon as COVID-19 became a clear and contact less attendance registration
present danger, the first step was to form with temperature recording that is

he Corona virus is often referred across the global are adopting various some projects even straddling different
to as a ‘novel’ virus with good methods to combat it. This has posed countries. “We could not depend on a
reason because apart from the some serious concerns for a business uniform mitigation safety plan,” shares
REGION-SPECIFIC manner it infects, the challenges it keeps
posing the whole of mankind is vexing
such as PT&D that is executing projects
across various geographies – India,
V Ramanathan (VRN), Head – EHS,
PT&D IC, shaking his head. “While we

PLANS TO STAY and different with the result countries Middle East, Africa, and ASEAN - with did have an over-arching strategy that
was common for the entire business, we

had to tweak it to suit country specific
requirements and conditions so in
While we did have an over-arching strategy that was common
effect we had to adopt a multi-faceted

for the entire business, we had to tweak it to suit country
charter, while always adhering to all the
specific requirements and conditions so in effect we had to
stringent guidelines laid down by the
adopt a multi-faceted charter, while always adhering to all the
various governments and authorities
stringent guidelines laid down by the various governments and
and our corporate guidelines as well.”
authorities and our corporate guidelines as well.
V Ramanathan
Head – EHS, Several countries have their own unique
impediments in their fight against

20 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 21

employees in Philippines and swab parks across all our projects in
The rapid testing test for all workmen and employees Our EHS teams in the the Middle East with key visuals
for employees in across Malaysia projects we organised Middle East came up highlighting the core messages to
Philippines and swab were both first-of-their-kind in the with a novel method effectively convey the do’s and don’ts,
test for all workmen company,” informs Tarinee Prasad, by creating awareness precautions to be taken, methods to
and employees across Sr. Manager (SCM)-ASEAN BU. parks across all our maintain self-hygiene and the like. At
Malaysia projects we one go, we could brief workmen on
Ignorance breeds a lot of fear about projects in the Middle
Tarinee Prasad organised were both Antonios
the various risks involved and even
Sr. Manager (SCM)- the virus especially amongst the Papadopoulos East with key visuals
ASEAN BU first-of-their-kind in Head EHS & Quality - clarify some of their queries.”
workmen and hence one of the highlighting the core
the company. PT&D Middle East BU

primary tasks was to create awareness messages to effectively We have implemented the
but to achieve that with a mixed convey the do’s and corporate guidelines along with
group drawn from different countries, don’ts, precautions to SOPs throughout our projects and
uploaded onto the cloud for real-time coming from varied backgrounds be taken, methods to offices and so far, our sites have had
tracking of workmen and employees. and speaking different languages was maintain self-hygiene minimum impact mentions Siseko
Further, considering the location of going to be tough, admits Antonios and the like. Wycliff Mdlokolo, Head EHS - PT&D
the projects and their sensitivity to Papadopoulos, Head EHS & Quality - Africa BU. “However, it is a long
‘hot’ zones, the EHS teams initiated PT&D Middle East BU. “Our EHS teams battle ahead and it is important to
on-site tests by roping in local in the Middle East came up with a be vigilant all through, enhance our
medical teams. “The rapid testing for novel method by creating awareness screening and monitoring methods,
make use of digital interventions
wherever possible while taking up
works across fronts. In line with our
safety mission, we observed the L&T
Safety Day with a ‘Stop the Pandemic’
theme, reinforcing our commitment
towards creating a safer workplace
under the new normal,” he shares.

In Thailand that did not go in for a

complete lockdown thereby putting
Across India, the respective BU EHS
Heads - PV Kaliyappan, SM Ravi, Aloke
Banking on other
extra pressure on the management Chatterjee and J. Johnson David ensured secure interventions
and people to remain safe, EHS – that the SOPs were implemented in
Apart from the mandatory SOPs, EHS
Supervisor, Theerawat Haramee line with the MHA guidelines. Further,
teams came up with many timely safety
mentions the COVID tracker app to the EHS lead team played a key role in
interventions based on specific needs
help identify the most affected areas in the resumption of activities across 145
that country. sites by mobilising around 20,000 plus of the sites. Across some projects, select
workmen in a safe manner. workmen crews were formed to reduce
interaction among the workmen and
Digital solutions helped eliminate a Ramanathan is glad that the ploy paid
It is important to be
vigilant all through, few risks from some of the vital factory rich dividends. “Instead of a supervisor
enhance our screening testing certifications. “A large part of the telling the workmen to maintain social
and monitoring credit for enabling the remote factory distancing, we had a workman to
methods, make use of tests especially across the ASEAN convey the message which was more
digital interventions and Middle East projects goes to the readily accepted by the larger group.”
Siseko Wycliff wherever possible respective Cluster Heads and their Another step was to allocate different
Head EHS, while taking up works project teams who convinced their work slots to subcontractors to
PT&D Africa BU
across fronts. clients for a first-of-its-kind industry reduce interaction with L&T employees
initiative,” highlights Tarinee Prasad. and workmen.

22 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 23

Transit mixer hits a road
A transit mixer, transferring concrete from a batching
plant to a site location, hit a road side barrier and
toppled into a pond.

What was the cause?

1. Lack of visibility on the road bend.

2. Less reaction time to control the vehicle due to

foggy conditions.
At the same time, a feel-good factor EHS members ensuring 24/7 safety,” all new workmen before resuming site 3. No adequate provision to alert the driver.
was created with emphasis on ‘We points out VRN. work have to go through a mandatory
care for our workmen.’ “Initiatives pre-screening to understand their work
such as staggered timings to access
Apart from rigorous implementation
movements and check for symptoms. What precautions need to be
of the already established preventive
labour camps, provision for essentials
measures, ‘Back to site’ entailed pre-
Some are even sent back and sometimes
taken to prevent a recurrence?
and hygiene kits, engagement of third considered after a mandatory 14-day
employment screening for all new
party services for sanitization, medical quarantine procedure.” 1. Installation of speed barriers, speed humps,
employees, establishment of separate
screening and pep talks contributed to caution signages.
accommodation within labour camps A ‘Safe to Start’ card is being used for
our larger goal of workmen wellbeing
and guesthouses for the newcomers, all employees and workmen as they 2. Adverse weather driving training to be
and safety,” smiles VRN.

additional isolation rooms and commence their daily tasks which is provided.

Returning to work with

washrooms, allocation of different work followed by a detailed pep talk. Virtual
timings, limited occupancy in vehicles monitoring of all tasks enables the
increased emphasis on and buses to ensure social distancing, project team to plan and prepare a
safety re-scheduling of operations across sites, work front charter in line with the new
liaison with social help groups for more normal conditions.
With the Indian government relaxing testing and continued monitoring of
the lockdown from April 20th, several recognized websites (WHO, CDC, etc.) “We have to stick to our new safety
PT&D sites in the ‘green zones’ prepared to stay abreast of new knowledge and fundamentals to stay safe, overcome
to resume operations. “With many of our developments. this huge threat and yet keep the
projects being cross-country in nature, business ticking,” sums up VRN,
the role of the ERT team was redefined For an international flavour, Theerawat highlighting the need to keep performing
to facilitate works across fronts with the Haramee explains that, “In Thailand, in this new normal.

24 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 25

WET IC VIEWS behaviours from the sites, findings from
the EHS Walkthrough, action points
from Project EHS Committee meetings
EHS SERIOUSLY and EHS Inspection findings into the
VIEW EHS Module.

TO COMBAT Irrespective of the lockdown, some

sites continued execution works with

COVID-19 the Client’s permission or that of the

respective State governments, thanks
to certain digital solutions. To start
work, a Safe Execution Card (SEC) is
essential and VIEW EHS became an
important tool to raise a SEC without
any human intervention or use of
paper. “Site engineers could raise a
SEC on their mobiles and submit using
digital signatures,” informs Sudheesh.
“The Section in charge could review
the submitted SEC on his mobile and
approve it using a digital signature and
finally, the SEC could be approved by
the EHSO. This way we avoided human
intervention to a certain extent.”

Digital tools and platforms became

essential tools to conduct EHS Training
programs and the EHS Department

y the very nature of their projects, very handy when taking up the EHS Head meetings with all EHSOs,
teams of WET IC are involved Our concerted efforts fight against COVID-19,” observes and many interactive sessions with
in various activities that bring to create and use K S Sudheesh Kumar, Head – EHS, the workmen by the EHSOs and Site
them in close contact with the public. digital solutions came WET IC, with a small smile, “although Management have boosted everyone’s
With social distancing and contact in very handy when we never thought that we would morale including that of the migrant
avoidance being the main weapons to taking up the fight have to use them to fight a pandemic. workmen at sites.
combat the threat posed by COVID-19, against COVID-19. Digital platforms like VIEW EHS and
site managements and EHS Managers K S Sudheesh Kumar
Head – EHS,
Digital platforms SafeArmZ have proved to be boons for Digitally combating
have had to re-align their sites, their like VIEW EHS and us. While VIEW EHS helped maintain

working styles, and their people to the SafeArmZ have proved the EHS requirements at the project
to be boons for us.
new normal. Lockdown or no, people sites, the standard workmen habitats, The effective digital implementation
require water 24x7 and the onus on the EHS trainings, PEP Talks, awareness using View EHS, enabled sites to adhere
IC has been to ensure that water systems programs, frequent interactions to and monitor all the necessary safety
are functioning uninterrupted for which and meetings with employees and measures throughout the lockdown
personnel had to be arranged, ensuring workmen are all conducted through MS period while analysis through Power
all the safety precautions. Teams that helped us face COVID-19 BI dashboards helped track their
very systematically.” Sudheesh adds implementation across sites. An EHSO
“Our concerted efforts to create that the Webinars involving senior could add the observations of unsafe
and use digital solutions came in management, ATL training on WFH, acts, unsafe conditions and unsafe

26 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 27

both the employees and the workforce. Cluster Head, Shaik Yesdani Ahmed
Our planning was spot All training migrated from classroom and the EHS team of M Saravanan
on because not only to virtual mode that, as Sudheesh and Sandeep Singh, the challenge was
did we come out of shares, received extremely encouraging to safeguard the health and safety of
the lockdown with response. He mentions a very successful their 48 employees and 604 workmen.
zero positive cases but session on Stress Management training. “Our planning was spot on because not
since our resumption “I explained the Kubler Ross model very only did we come out of the lockdown
A Elango plan was in place we simply and the team members were able with zero positive cases but since our
Project Manager,
Satna-Bansagar could restart with to understand a complicated topic in a resumption plan was in place we could
Multi-Village Rural
Water Supply Scheme full vigour. single session. We all had a very lively restart with full vigour,” exults Elango.
and interactive session,” he chuckles. He has reason to be exultant because he
and his team celebrated the resumption

completely migrated to virtual trainings. Keeping the josh at of operations by achieving a milestone
of laying 2,200 kms of DI and HDPE
The COVID-19 precautionary and sites pipeline in less than a year.
control measures to be adopted were
communicated to all sites through a The Satna-Bansagar Multi-Village Rural Under the leadership of Project
daily bulletin called ‘EHS Today’ and Water Supply Scheme is executing a Manager, Pratik Raj, the Moga water
periodic ‘EHS Alerts’. EHS Alert training drinking water supply scheme targeting supply scheme project team is striving
was imparted at sites to all levels to to reach water to 17 lakh people in 1,019 to provide water to 85 villages in the
ensure a proper understanding of the villages of Madhya Pradesh’s Satna district of Moga in Punjab. COVID-19 put
prevailing pandemic situation among District. For Project Manager, A Elango, a big spoke in their wheel, “but we took

this pandemic in our stride,” remarks that the Department of Water Supply
Pratik, “and had our mitigation plan in & Sanitation presented to him and The new normal has
place to not only keep our 17 employees his team including Construction brought about a
and 120 workmen safe but also continue Manager, Navdeep Kumar Sharma conscious shift towards
working ensuring that our people were and Coordinator, S Anantha Prasanna hygiene and that is for
well protected.” Apart from conducting Venkatesh for their sterling effort during the overall good. While,
a safety drill to fight the virus, eminent the lockdown and even post it. as an EHS officer,
practitioners from the government were Muhammed Rushaid I introduced small
Assistant Manager – EHS,
invited to present to the workmen about In a remote corner at Kolgur, some 60 Seoni Multi Village value additions such
Water Supply Scheme
safety precautions. “Before resumption km from Hyderabad, Project Manager, K as in-house fabricated
S Viswanatham and Assistant Manager, hand sanitizers and
of work, SOPs were shared virtually
EHS, Puttapalli Hazarath Harish Babu,
ensured compliance to
with all,” informs CHESM, Rashmikant
EHS monitoring and
Chauhan. “Apart from distributing the are driving safety at the Mallanna Sagar
inspections through
best of PPEs, we implemented the use of Reservoir Project site to keep their 210
the VIEW EHS app.
an ergonomically designed COVID Safe workmen safe. “Our lockdown lasted for
Key that saved the staff from touching just 3 days after which the Government
potential germ-carrying surfaces.” of Telangana instructed us to resume
Pratik is proud of a letter of appreciation operations,” informs Viswanatham.

28 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 29

It’s tough since
our site activities LOSE
are predominantly
along narrow roads
and by-lanes, but
with effective
Yagana Khan communication and
Udaipur Integrated ensuring minimum
interface, we are

Toppling of a crane
Keeping the workforce at site and during a lift
committed were their other concerns
and using a carrot and stick approach,
Harish Babu proudly shares that “we A 40t telescopic crane was in the process of lifting
might be the only site across L&T to pier tables during some de-shuttering work. When
have successfully retained our entire lowering the shutter, the crane’s rear outrigger on the
workforce!” One of their interesting right side started to settle into the soil and with the
initiatives was to identify areas and wooden sleepers getting embedded, the outrigger jack Incident scene
source soil for their embankment work slipped from the sleeper into the soil. Subsequently,
in and around the site to eliminate the with the front outrigger jack getting into the PCC
risk of travel and exposure. Keeping the O&M layer, the crane toppled over. The boom of the crane
commitments going came to rest on the C- frame that is connected to the
Meanwhile, over at the Seoni Multi
Village water supply scheme, Assistant
At the end of the shutter that tilted the crane. Fortunately, there was no
Through the lockdown, to honour their injury or loss of property.
Manager – EHS, Muhammed Rushaid O&M commitments, projects teams day, it is the vigour
is busy keeping his 140 workmen based had to continue supplying water for of our practices and
in 3 camps, the staff at guest houses, drinking and irrigation and treat waste What was the cause?
office, site, and open excavations safe. water as STPs and WTPs remained the versatility of our
1. Lack of ground stability.
“The new normal has brought about operational. Implementation of digital platforms that
a conscious shift towards hygiene and SOPs for pathogenic infection 2. Outriggers not positioned on a firm base.
that is for the overall good,” he remarks, prevention was ramped up, the result
have kept us ahead.
“while, as an EHS officer, I introduced of meticulous random audits across The war is yet to What precautions need to be
small value additions such as in-house O&M sites that addressed all possible
fabricated hand sanitizers and ensured situations. For eg. for situations when
be won against the taken to prevent a recurrence? Rear out rigger Front out rigger
compliance to EHS monitoring and an employee is working alone in a pandemic, but we are 1. It is imperative to create a stable base during
inspections through the VIEW EHS
app.” Similarly, EHSO, Ms Yagana Khan,
pump station at a remote location,
particularly outside normal and night
winning a few battles! such operations.

with her Project Manager, Vipin Kumar working hours. COVID-19 prevention K S Sudheesh Kumar 2. Special care should be taken if it has rained

Tyagi and team are focused on keeping Head – EHS, WET IC

compliances and EHS review meetings to ascertain a firm footing to position the

their 1,200-strong workman force safe. were separately conducted for all the outrigger.
“It’s tough since our site activities are O&M segments across the country.
predominantly along narrow roads and
by-lanes,” she says, “but with effective “At the end of the day, it is the vigour ahead,” rounds off Sudheesh. “The war is
communication and ensuring minimum of our practices and the versatility of yet to be won against the pandemic, but
interface, we are succeeding,” she smiles. our digital platforms that have kept us we are winning a few battles!”

30 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 31

its impact which was why they were
Communication is key agitated so our first task was to calm
in such situations and them down by making them understand
our first task was to about COVID-19, about the prevailing
secure the work force situation and what L&T was prepared to
and keep them safe do for them,” says a very practical Vibin.
from any infections
Sreejith Menon by educating them Project Manager, Sreejith Menon at the
Project Manager,
1X660 MW Panki about the seriousness 1X660 MW Panki Thermal Power Plant
Thermal Power Plant
of the situation and at Panki, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh echoes
train them to follow a Vibin. After arming himself with all
healthy lifestyle. the relevant information from reliable
sources about the pandemic, Sreejith
shared it with his staff and workmen.
“Communication is key in such
only to be expected. For Junior Engineer
situations and our first task was to secure
– EHS, Vibin Mathew at the Chennai
the work force and keep them safe from
Metro Rail project, these were hugely
any infections by educating them about
testing times. “As a safety professional,
the seriousness of the situation and
we faced several challenges during the
train them to follow a healthy lifestyle.”
lockdown, the most critical being to
monitor and control our thousand odd “It is difficult to communicate with
workmen.” The task was tougher for an agitated mind,” interjects KPRn,
Vibin and team as the number of positive “and hence our effort across projects
cases in Chennai was steadily climbing was first to calm the workmen down
and their workmen were located across to bring them to a state in which they
five different locations some of which would listen to us. Once we were
were red hot zones like Tondiarpet and satisfied that we had achieved this first
Royapuram and with no work, it was objective, we started on our next step
extremely difficult to prevent them from to educate them through pep talks,
wandering out of their camps. “Initially, awareness programmes and personal
they were unaware about the virus and interactions.”

peak to any Project Manager from “Right from day one, we remained
L&T GeoStructure and chances are The situation was connected, speaking to each other daily,
that you will hear them singing unprecedented and discussing each problem threadbare and
CONNECTED the same tune about how they prepared
themselves and their respective sites
the kind of issues that
were arising were
evolving solutions that had everyone’s
buy in. Staying connected was critical,”

WAS THE KEY! to combat the threat of COVID-19.

“The situation was unprecedented and
completely new but
by being coordinated
he asserts.

the kind of issues that were arising K P Ravinath and concerted in our Calming the agitated
How L&T
Head – EHS, L&T
were completely new but by being GeoStructure overall approach, we
were able to face workmen
GeoStructure sites coordinated and concerted in our
overall approach, we were able to face
and overcome most
As news of the pandemic layered with
stayed safe from and overcome most challenges,” says a
challenges. Staying
connected was critical. a substantial dose of rumours and fake
COVID-19 very determined looking K P Ravinath news started making the rounds, the
(KPRn), Head – EHS, L&T GeoStructure. agitation amongst the workmen was

32 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 33

as we have to quickly adapt to the We only operated essential and
Suddenly stopping work ‘new normal’,” says Senior Engineer – critical works deploying the necessary
would have adversely Execution, M Adarssh with great gusto manpower on a rotation basis to
affected the safety of the from the Chennai site but resumption monitor the construction.” Tulasi
coal handling terminal of operations has been fraught Das’s steps have been spot on because
we are constructing, so with challenges with the exodus of not only have they negotiated the
we had no alternative a large number workmen and the lockdown but have continued forging
Tulasi Das Govvada but to continue work construction industry is hoping for a ahead even after the relaxations were
Project Manager,
JSW Site albeit with minimum reverse migration for work to return to announced.
resources and with strict full gear.
adherence to all the
COVID-19 directives and “Although everything stopped during
Staying connected
other safety measures. the lockdown, we could not afford to,” pays
declares Project Manager, Tulasi Das
“We established good PR with all the
Govvada at the JSW site at Paradip.
local administrative authorities taking
“Suddenly stopping work would
them into confidence like the local
have adversely affected the safety of
police departments, BDO, the local MLA
the coal handling terminal we are
and political parties  who supported
constructing, so we had no alternative
the team during the crisis,” shares
but to continue work albeit with
Rajaneesh, “and each department head
minimum resources and with strict
has taken the initiative to interact
adherence to all the COVID-19
daily with their team before start of
directives and other safety measures.

Safety in distance and for M Arun, EHS In-charge of the Panki

Powerhouse project. “Apart from regular
We took several serious
steps to educate even hygiene medical camps for the entire workforce
the subcontractors we put in place a clear SOP,” he points
The one line brief for every employee
and the manpower of out. All newly inducted workmen
and workmen across all sites was to
suppliers in advance, were necessarily quarantined for 14
maintain social distancing at every
to maintain discipline days and engaged to work at site only
Rajaneesh Rai Kumar in their daily meetings, point – at work, when traveling to and
Project Manager,
after a medical check-up. “Our existing
practice social distancing from the site, at the camps, at homes
Navigational Lock workmen who were put up at our camp
and take other – and follow strict personal hygiene
were thermally temperature scanned
precautionary measures norms. “We took several serious steps
daily before being allowed into the site
at the workplace. to educate even the subcontractors and
while those who stayed outside were
the manpower of suppliers in advance,”
medically checked every day before
says Rajaneesh Rai Kumar, Project
start of work.” The stringent measures
Manager - Navigational Lock project
instituted by Arun and team at site have
at Farakka, West Bengal, “to maintain
yielded excellent results: zero reported
discipline in their daily meetings,
cases from their site!
practice social distancing and take
other precautionary measures at the
Staying prepared to
Maintaining good health of the
employees and workmen was top “The TN government’s initiative to start
priority for all EHS managers as it was various businesses is a welcome move

34 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 35

For me personally,
staying back at site
actually helped
because I was able to
continuously follow up
with my client for an
R Ravikumar early start, received
Project Manager,
Sea Water Intake Project permission to restart
on 26th April and started
all activities the very
next day.

work which has become a practice

now. We also maintained excellent
relationships with the client that
has also stood us in good stead,” he
smiles. Project Manager, R Ravikumar,
at the Sea Water Intake Project in
Uppur shares the same sentiment.
“For me personally, staying back at
site actually helped because I was
able to continuously follow up with
my client for an early start, received
permission to restart on 26th April
and started all activities the very next
day,” he says with an obvious sense of

Constant communication worked very

well even for the project team. “As a

matter of fact, by motivating them,

s the pandemic rages across
I kept myself motivated,” says Assistant
the world, it has become While the whole situation
Manager – Planning, Nikhil Pasari from
fashionable to call these is novel and we would
the JSW site with a smile, “and it drove
me to do my best to provide comfort and PREPARED ‘unprecedented times.’ Although the
description is spot on, EHS Managers
have taken care of all the
big issues, sometimes
motivation to all my colleagues.”

“The overall situation across the FOR THE however are dreading the term as
it presupposes several unforeseen
K N Sen
it is the smaller ones
that can throw
everything out of gear.
and hitherto unencountered risks
world is still grim more so in India,” Head – EHS, MMH SBG
for which EHS teams must be ever At the best of times, the
remarks KPRn. “The COVID-19 threat
prepared to address. “While the whole pressure on EHS teams
is still very alive and our message to
is high, but during these
all Project and EHS Managers is not to How EHS Managers at situation is novel and we would
have taken care of all the big issues,
days of COVID-19, it is
lower their guard even for a moment critical, and our speed of
because although safety of all at site is MMH are coping with sometimes it is the smaller ones that
reaction has had to be
important keeping the business going COVID-19 can throw everything out of gear,”
remarks K N Sen (KNS), Head – EHS,
far quicker than normal.
is equally critical.”

36 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 37

the accommodation housing some supplies came, the Khargone Thermal 45 Km from site due to the lack of to get the workmen into the right
700 workmen had to be completely Power project was facing a similar proper facilities at Selda, which was mindset,” remarks KNS. “To impress
rearranged immediately. “As soon issue of isolation being far away from tantamount to opening a new front to upon them that this was a novel virus
as realization dawned, we started to civilization as Assistant Manager – their battle. “It was a Herculean task that warranted novel ways to fight it.”
act,” says Project Director, Hare Ram, EHS, S P Tamilarasu explains. “We involving multi-tasking and ensuring The primary task for EHS Manager –
“and since this was the first time all were suddenly hit by several safety that all our bases were covered,” Satish Chandra Yadav – and team was
of us were doing it, we were learning issues. The first was that since our site admits Mukesh, “but the team came to prevent the workmen from straying
and course-correcting as we went was far away from both Indore (100 together and delivered,” his pride in outside the safety of their camps. “Not
along.” Controlling the entry of people km) and the district town of Khargone his team obvious. only did we provide all their essentials
into the site was deterred by a huge (60 km), getting essentials like food, inside the camp,” points out Assistant
38-km perimeter. “We addressed this medicines and PPEs was very difficult. Keeping huge gangs Manager – IR, Purushottam Sawant,
issue by establishing an outpost about When the lockdown was announced, “but we even arranged for money
5 km from the site,” informs, Assistant we had about 950 workmen stranded
safe withdrawal and transfer facilities
Manager – EHS, Rahul Mohan “to at our labour colony; all of them were Sites across L&T Construction with with an ATM set up.” Satish cleverly
adequately screen people before they migrants from various states mostly large gangs have had to evolve used the workmen to further his EHS
entered our site.” Bihar, UP, Jharkhand, Orissa, partly strategies on a war-footing to tackle mandate by empowering them to blow
from MP and to keep them calm was the challenge of keeping large the whistle on others who were not
Another vital weapon to combat the a huge task.” Another issue for Project toeing the safety line. “It has worked
workforces safe like the site team
virus is communication, both upward Manager, Mukesh Kumar, Tamilarasu wonders,” smiles a satisfied Satish,
at the JSW, Dolvi site that had a
and downward and sites that have and team was that the employees “and it is a wonderful best practice to
workforce of 8,000, spread across
kept their channels of communication were accommodated at Sanawad some follow going forward.”
various camps. “The first task was
open and well-oiled have fared
better than others. With the Saudi
Arabian authorities issuing several
instructions, advisories, and strictures,
it was essential for the team to deal
with them and the Saudi officials,
especially the medical staff. “Most of
them did not speak English or Hindi
which initially put us in a spot,”
Rahul says with a tight smile, “but we
MMH SBG. “At the best of times, the
overcame that problem by quickly
As soon as realization pressure on EHS teams is high, but
appointing English-speaking PRO and
dawned, we started to during these days of COVID-19, it is
act, and since this was critical, and our speed of reaction has
the first time all of had to be far quicker than normal.”
us were doing it, we
Overcoming the
were learning and Thinking on your feet challenge of remoteness
Hare Ram course-correcting as
Project Director,
Mansourah Massarah we went along. As KNS mentioned, it is critical for “It was such a paradoxical situation,”
Gold Project
site management to be vigilant of observes KNS, “while on one hand,
novel issues like the ones that the we were striving to maintain social
Mansourah Massarah Gold Project distancing, on the other, physical
(MMGP) team faced situated within distance was throwing up several
the Central Arabian Gold Region in the challenges for many of our sites.”
Mecca Province of Saudi Arabia. With While the MMGP team had to contend
social distancing emerging as one of being 500+ km from the capital
the most effective weapons against the city, Riyadh, and 200+ km from the
virus, the team suddenly realized that nearest town of Taif from where their

38 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 39

Returning to site Their checklist included signing of
self-declaration forms, thermal checking
various departments,” shares KNS,
“that conducted multiple walkthroughs
All our efforts of
forming Emergency “All our efforts of forming Emergency of body temperature, ready supply of around sites to verify the condition of
Response Teams, Response Teams, assigning clear roles PPEs, installation of hand sanitization the workplaces based on which reports
assigning clear roles and responsibilities and keeping track points, personal hygiene precautions, were submitted to the site leadership
and responsibilities of developments were all focused to one awareness training for workmen, that helped them to declare ‘GO’ and
and keeping track of end: be ready to resume operations as re-drawing of workplace and common ‘NO GO’ areas to ensure a safe working
Bhanu Pratap Singh developments were all soon as the lockdown was relaxed,” says area layouts to ensure social distancing, environment for our workmen.”
Project Director,
JSW, Dolvi focused to one end: Project Director – JSW, Dolvi, Bhanu reorganization of working hours, access Another major initiative was to reverify
be ready to resume Pratap Singh, with a purposeful set to control, plan for proper transportation, the skill levels of the workforce who
operations as soon
his eyes. “Very early in the piece, we visitor management, regular disinfecting, had not practised their respective skills
as the lockdown was
drew up an exhaustive list of SOPs,” health surveillance, protection of during the lockdown which helped the
informs KNS, “but the critical part was vulnerable workmen and immediate site team to determine the vulnerable
to meticulously follow them across steps to treat symptomatic cases. workforce and re-train them on
sites for which there were frequent certain skills.
Several other initiatives were
reviews and constant follow up.
We also put in place a robust
adopted by MMH teams to reaffirm
their commitment to ensure a safe
Staying connected
procedure to thoroughly check and Daily EHS review meetings through
working environment before resuming
escort to ensure limited exposure MS teams ensured that the EHS
operations at site. “The first step was
apart from thorough sanitization and teams across sites always remained
to form a team of senior staff from
social distancing.” connected for daily updates on site
progress. The meetings focused on
day-to-day updates, implementing
COVID-19 control measures, challenges
in complying to EHS requirements,
competency development through
e-learning, developing new solutions.

These have clocked 90+ meeting hours

thus far and still counting. The EHS team
members benefitted too by building
their competencies through online
courses, practising new assessment tools
on ergonomics such as Ovako Working
Posture Assessment System (OWAS),
Rapid Upper Limb Disorder (RULA)
etc. and adopting best practices on
COVID-19 control measures from other

“The important thing was to remain

committed to our efforts without any
let up,” sums up KNS, “and the result is
all there for us to see. Most of our sites
have resumed operations safely and our
effort is to keep our safety track record
intact,” he concludes confidently.

40 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 41

SMARTLY critical activities in the War Room like
managing public announcements,
containment zones with video analytics,
deploy ANPR cameras to monitor
monitoring VMDs & CCTVs and cyber vehicle count, enhance viewing centres

BRIDGING security checking all IT systems. “With

almost all the top bureaucrats in the
including one in the CM’s bungalow
and set up 34 cameras in a temporarily

DISTANCES War Room, we couldn’t afford to let

up even for a moment,” she remarks,
converted COVID-19 hospital and
integrate them into our network.

citing an incident that was resolved Each task was full of risk, but
at 1 am. Though equally stressed, we stuck to our guns and delivered
Assistant Manager – Field & O&M, safely.”

TIMES OF Farman Ali is more at peace with

himself at the Pune Smart City project
Even as people like Senthil Kumar,
Priyanka, Farman and a host of others
COVID-19 where by extending Wifi coverage
to isolation and quarantine centres,
are focused on delivering smart
solutions, they have to be constantly
“we were able to give the patients a
aware of taking all precautionary
feel-good experience of being
measures to keep themselves safe and
remotely in touch with their loved
ones while recovering.”

“We have to monitor 124 viewing Charting a safe

centres, facilitate helpdesk activities,
manage DIAL 100 transactions and
several other vital functions,” says “Apart from providing technical
Project Manager – Mumbai City support round the clock across the
Surveillance project, T S Senthil Kumar control centres, a critical task was to
from the hottest of hot zones. source and provide adequate number
“We had to realign cameras in of PPEs to safeguard our warriors,”

A The fight being fought

s soon as movement started Apart from procuring special passes
to get restricted due to for travel during the lockdown every
the lockdown and State from war rooms other precaution was taken to stay
governments, civic and police safe – using separate vehicles, donning
Almost overnight, Command & Control
authorities started realizing that the face masks and gloves, keeping
Centres and City Operation Centres
only way to stay connected to monitor, social distance at the workplace and
across cities were converted into War
communicate and control COVID-19 the like. “As the situation evolved,
Rooms to became base of operations
related operations was going digital, our customer’s requirements kept
for the authorities. “The first task
the pressure on Smart World & changing so we had to constantly
was to complete the conversion but
Communications (SW&C) teams think on our feet, have frequent
the bigger one was to ensure that
across cities pan-India mounted to meetings that were unavoidable and
they functioned seamlessly, without
quickly connect cities with their smart deliver. Thus far, there have been
hassles 24x7,” shares Project Manager
solutions. While the lockdown drove no escalations,” smiles a relieved
– Raipur Smart City, Santosh Kumar
most of the country into the safety Santosh.
Potnuru, who’s working hours have
of their homes, SW&C teams were stretched way beyond the normal. His Over at the Nagpur Smart City project,
forced out into their workstations primary responsibility was the safety Senior Engineer, Priyanka Debnath
at all hours of the day and night to and wellbeing of his team of 70 who is feeling the heat running two
keep things ticking over 24x7. were risking their lives every day. 12-hour shifts to cover a range of

42 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 43

plan control measures in line with
identified risks and impact there
Well-armed to repair
Within days, we had worked out a comprehensive safety charter
covering hazard identification, environmental assessment, of.” A pep-talk document based on smart meters
impact and significance register which was quickly shared with the SOP was shared across sites to
A desperate call from the client
project teams to plan control measures in line with identified standardize cascading to workmen
turned Project Manager - ESSL AMI
risks and impact thereof. All our good work enabled site teams and technicians.
to evolve their own Emergency Response Plans, do mock drills, Solution Smart Meters Project, Rajveer
D.P. Shinde
Head – Safety & Quality
conduct simulation exercises and be prepared for any unlikely Digitalization lends a Singh Shekhawat’s lockdown upside
situation. down as 8,000 smart meters were
smart edge malfunctioning that could not be
fixed remotely. With a team of 40,
When physical interaction is not
he set about attacking close to 2,900
points out D.P. Shinde, Head – Safety & the used PPEs by tying up with waste advisable except when unavoidable,
households in Gurugram. “We had to
Quality. Taking on the responsibility, management agencies and hospitals digital solutions can win the day as
be doubly careful entering various
the EHS Department adopted a as per government guidelines. D.P. Shinde found to his delight. “All key
housing societies and houses, but we
centralized process to source the safety documents were uploaded into
were always fully armed,” he pumps
Elaborating on his safety mission, ‘ViewEHS’ and made available to all
PPEs by standardizing procurement a fist. And armed they were with face
D.P. Shinde says, “Within days, we had as a ready reckoner. At the same time,
and directly despatching to sites. The
worked out a comprehensive safety various online inspection checklists masks, face shields, gloves, helmets,
team prepared a Biological Waste
charter covering hazard identification, and forms were available on digital safety shoes and reflective jackets or
Management Plan too that was
environmental assessment, impact dashboards to monitor the frequency of aprons. “We negotiated all the risks
followed at all sites. Based on the
and significance register which was inspections, safety training conducted, and completed the task without a
local conditions, sites adopted various
quickly shared with project teams to workmen inductions, compliances single positive case but it took a lot of
sustainable approaches to dispose off
doing,” he admits with a nod, “a lot of
morale boosting and pep-talking,” he
smiles. While Rajveer had the relative
comfort of being at ground zero to
and even aspects like whether proper enabled site teams to evolve their manage the situation, Manager –
disinfections and fumigations were own Emergency Response Plans, O&M, Anurag Bhargava was stuck in
done at sites.” All EHS meetings and do mock drills, conduct simulation a containment zone, away from his
reviews were in the virtual mode and exercises and be prepared for any team as they attended to complaints
as D.P. Shinde adds, “All our good work unlikely situation.” of faulty meters. “Managing 9 teams
of around 100 members largely
from the O&M agencies across
12 towns was a huge task but we
managed.” He almost throws his hands
up in triumph.

The leaders of several state

governments, municipalities and
police departments have commended
the sterling effort of the SW&C
personnel. Although the country
is slowly unlocking, the pressure
on D.P. Shinde and his EHS teams
will remain to keep their people safe
even as we learn to live with
the pandemic.

44 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 45

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Helmet congratulates the following sites for achieving

million and more LTI free safe man-hours BIAL T2 Airport Project, EDFC - CP-303
Bengaluru 10 Million Safe Man Hours
BUILDINGS & FACTORIES IC Oberoi Sky City Project, Borivali 10 Million Safe Man Hours March 2018 to June 2020
16 Million Safe Man Hours
August 2019 to June 2020
Wipro IT SEZ Project, Bengaluru June 2016 to June 2020 BIAL Runway
32 Million Safe Man Hours
TRANSPORTATION 9 Million Safe Man Hours
December 2016 to June 2020 TATA Housing Project, Kolkata December 2018 to June 2020
16 Million Safe Man Hours INFRASTRUCTURE IC
Crescent Bay Project, Mumbai September 2014 to June 2020 Baharagora Singhara Road Project
28 Million Safe Man Hours Western Dedicated Freight 9 Million Safe Man Hours
January 2016 to June 2020 Corridor Corporation CTP - 1 November 2017 to June 2020
Prestige Song of the South
Project, Bengaluru
22 Million Safe Man Hours
DLF Cyber Park Project, Gurgaon August 2017 to June 2020
25 Million Safe Man Hours
16 Million Safe Man Hours Mukkola - KL/TN Border Road
April 2016 to June 2020
December 2015 to June 2020 Delhi Agra Road Project 8 Million Safe Man Hours
IGH Dwaraka Project, Delhi
20 Million Safe Man Hours June 2016 to June 2020
IICC Dwarka Project July 2016 to June 2020
22 Million Safe Man Hours 14 Million Safe Man Hours
Manwath to Beed Road Project (EPC)
February 2018 to June 2020 September 2014 to June 2020 Hospet Chitradurga Road Project 7 Million Safe Man Hours
19 Million Safe Man Hours December 2014 to June 2020
Cricket Stadium Project, Motera Raintree Boulevard Project May 2017 to June 2020
21 Million Safe Man Hours Bengaluru Bidkin Industrial Area (Package - I)
January 2017 to June 2020 13 Million Safe Man Hours Yadgiri Warangal Road Project 7 Million Safe Man Hours
September 2016 to June 2020 13 Million Safe Man Hours July 2017 to June 2020
One ICC and Two ICC Bombay June 2016 to June 2020
Realty Statue of Unity Project Raipur Bilaspur Road
20 Million Safe Man Hours 12 Million Safe Man Hours WDFC CTP-14 Project-Pkg-II
November 2017 to June 2020 March 2018 to June 2020 13 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours
February 2017 to June 2020 September 2016 to June 2020
Rustomjee Crown Project, Oberoi Eternia Mulund Project,
Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Nagpur Expressway MNEP Delhi Airport II (TI IC)
20 Million Safe Man Hours 11 Million Safe Man Hours 10 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours
April 2010 to June 2020 January 2017 to June 2020 November 2018 to June 2020 April 2019 to June 2020

46 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 47

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Villukuri Kanyakumari Road Project WDFC CTP 3R Delhi Core Project TW01 for 800 kV HVDC
6 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours Raigarh Pugalur-PGCIL
September 2016 to June 2020 November 2019 to June 2020 July 2018 to June 2020 3 Million Safe Man Hours
September 2017 to June 2020
Bar Bilara Jodhpur Road Project RAILWAY SBG POWER TRANSMISSION &
6 Million Safe Man Hours
DISTRIBUTION IC Allahabad Kaushambi
April 2017 to June 2020 OPGC MGR Project
11 Million Safe Man Hours 250 MW ACEPL SPV Plant MP
3 Million Safe Man Hours
Western Dedicated Freight May 2018 to June 2020
Corridor Corporation CTP - 2
July 2015 to June 2020 6 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours Riyadh Metro Project
January 2018 to June 2020
RE works at Ghazipur
December 2019 to June 2020 9 Million Safe Man Hours 765 KVD/C Ranchi- Medinipur Chandauli
Chandigarh Kharar Elevated
December 2015 to June 2020 Transmission Line ERSSTL 01 3 Million Safe Man Hours
Corridor Roha Verna Railway
5 Million Safe Man Hours September 2018 to June 2020
5 Million Safe Man Hours Electrification Project
September 2018 to June 2020
Rural Electrical Work under
August 2016 to June 2020 4 Million Safe Man Hours Erection Job for ODSSP PH II PKG 4 DDUGJY (WESCO) PK-4
Pragati Maidan May 2017 to June 2020 5 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
5 Million Safe Man Hours WDFC EMP-4 January 2016 to June 2020 January 2017 to June 2020
December 2017 to June 2020 3 Million Safe Man Hours
ODSSP Phase-III Package-4
May 2015 to June 2020 765 kV D/C MJTL ERSSTL 02
Aurangabad to Karodi 5 Million Safe Man Hours 3
5 Million Safe Man Hours
WDFC EMP - 16 August 2016 to June 2020
Million Safe Man Hours
May 2019 to June 2020
October 2018 to June 2020
3 Million Safe Man Hours
UG Cabling works under
Ghoshpukur Salsalabari Road May 2016 to June 2020 RE works at Basti Sant Kabir
Advance Scrips Project
3 DMRC CE-07 4 Million Safe Man Hours Nagar and Siddharthna
Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours October 2016 to June 2020 3 Million Safe Man Hours
September 2019 to June 2020 May 2018 to June 2020
July 2013 to June 2020
R-TL-Trans Scheme-Consulatancy
Dept Code - Central Office TI
-RKJLRP (Jabalpur MP)
3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours 3
Million Safe Man Hours
June 2016 to June 2020 April 2013 to June 2020 November 2016 to June 2020
January 2019 to June 2020

48 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 49

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Saubhagya Cluster-1 K-SS- DDUGJY Birbhum (WBSEDCL) K-SS- DDUGJY Nadia (WBSEDCL) NTPC Mouda & Solapur
3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
May 2018 to June 2020 February 2018 to June 2020 July 2017 to June 2020 February 2015 to June 2020


3 Million Safe Man Hours 24 Parganas (WBSEDCL)
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
October 2017 to June 2020
April 2017 to June 2020 2 Million Safe Man Hours May 2018 to May 20
January 2018 to June 2020 K-SS- DDUGJY Purba Midnapore
Erection Job for ODSSP PH II PKG 3 Saubhagya-Firozabad,
3 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
February 2017 to June 2020
Jaunpur-RGGVY 2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours August 2017 to June 2020
May 2018 to June 2020
RE works at Gorakhpur Deoria December 2015 to June 2020
Electrification Works under
3 Million Safe Man Hours IPDS Scheme DDUGJY RE Works in Nalanda
May 2018 to June 2020 K-SS- DDUGJY Paschim 2 Million Safe Man Hours District - SBPDCL
Midnapore (WBSEDCL) November 2017 to June 2020 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Saubhagya Cluster-2 2 Million Safe Man Hours May 2017 to June 2020
2 Million Safe Man Hours January 2018 to June 2020 K-SS- DDUGJY Hooghly (WBSEDCL)
May 2018 to June 2020 2 Million Safe Man Hours DDUGJY Hazaribagh (JBVNL) -
Saubhagya-Lakhimpur Kheri July 2017 to June 2020 Jharkhand
100 MW(AC) SBE SPV Plant Bhadla 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours April 2018 to June 2020
DDUGJY RE Works in Madhubani September 2017 to June 2020
March 18 to June 2020 - NBPDCL

IPDS Works in PESU(West)- SBPDCL

2 Million Safe Man Hours K-TL-PKGAF 220 kV
RGGVY Jammu - PGCIL March 2018 to June 2020 Transmission Line
2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
February 2018 to June 2020 MPPTCL KFW TR101
April 2018 to June 2020 April 17 to June 2020
2 Million Safe Man Hours
132 kV / 66 kV Tower Package November 2017 to June 2020
C-SS-UG cabling works in Saubhagya-Rai Bareilly
Vishakapatnam (Pkg-2) TK02 Sikkim PGCIL District
Saubhagya- Aligarh & Hathras
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2
Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours
February 2018 to June 2020 March 2016 to June 2020 June 2018 to June 2020
May 2018 to June 2020

50 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 51

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

NPCIL FPI K-SS- DDUGJY Murshidabad Kudankulam KKNPP 3&4 RB Kachchi Dargah Bridge
1 Million Safe Man Hours (WBSEDCL) 9 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours
May 2013 to June 2020 1 Million Safe Man Hours
January 2018 to June 2020 Chennai Metro UG 02 Mumbai Netro UGC07
K-SS- IPDS Nadia (WBSEDCL) 7 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours K-SS- DDUGJY Jalpaiguri
April 2017 to June 2020 (WBSEDCL) Barapullah Bridge RAPP
1 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours 4
Million Safe Man Hours
DDUGJY RE works in Vaishali - May 2017 to June 2020
NBPDCL WDFC 15 A Seabird Phase II
1 Million Safe Man Hours HEAVY CIVIL
6 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours
August 2018 to June 2020 INFRASTRUCTURE IC
CTP 14 Bridge Dry Dock - Cochin
MPPTCL KFW TR103 Riyadh Metro JV
1 Million Safe Man Hours 104 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
January 2018 to June 2020
Doha Metro JV Punatsangchuu HEP,Bhutan ZF Shillong
220 kV 132kV MPPTCL 107 51 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours
April 2019 to June 2020 Kakrapar 3&4 Main Plant AFA - Hyderabad ISWAR GUPTA
18 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours Medigadda Barrage KAPP-IDCT Mandovi Cable Stay Bridge-Goa
January 2018 to June 2020 15 Million Safe Man Hours 6
Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours

R-TL-220kV / 132kV lines -NIT15 Vizag Vessel KAPP-NDCT Mumbai Metro UGC01
- PKG D-BSPTCL 13 Million Safe Man Hours 6
Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours
August 2015 to June 2020 Kalpakkam - WMP & Allied VIH Project WDFC 15 B
11 Million Safe Man Hours 5 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
220kV/132kV MPPTL lines (TR-208)
1 Million Safe Man Hours Kudankulam HTS Kalpakkam - FRP Singoli HEP
January 2019 to June 2020 9 Million Safe Man Hours 5 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours

52 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 53

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Khulna Mongla Bridge WATER & EFFLUENT DWSP Tanzania Water Supply Scheme
3 Million Safe Man Hours TREATMENT IC 5
Million Safe Man Hours Dept Code
3 Million Safe Man Hours
MTHL Pkg1 Sumail Industrial Estate Water Supply Scheme to Erode
2 Million Safe Man Hours 12 Million Safe Man Hours Corporation Chhaigaonmakhan LIS

Laying of Sewers at Cuttack

4 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
Million Safe Man Hours 10 Million Safe Man Hours
Nellore UGDS Barrackpore Sewerage
Bhatpara Sewer Network and 4 Million Safe Man Hours Integration Work
Bangalore Metro RT-02 3 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours Waste Water Treatment
9 Million Safe Man Hours WS Scheme- Balasore/Bhadrak/
Ranchi Urban Water Supply
WDFC 15 C Keonjhar/Puri/Bolangir
2 Million Safe Man Hours
Bansujara Irrigation Scheme 4 Million Safe Man Hours
7 Million Safe Man Hours Million Safe Man Hours

ZH1 Port Blair Infrastructure Works in Bidkin ISP - Kalisindh Ph I MLIS

Sewerage Scheme in Varanasi City
2 Million Safe Man Hours 6 Million Safe Man Hours
4 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours

ZB Ambala Integrated Sewerage Work - Pali Execution of Lift Canal System of Koppal WSP
1 Million Safe Man Hours (Design and Build) UIIP Kalahandi 3 Million Safe Man Hours
6 Million Safe Man Hours 4 Million Safe Man Hours
MTHL Pkg3 Development of IT City
1 Million Safe Man Hours Banswara District & Pratapgarh Pune ESR and GSR 3 Million Safe Man Hours
District WSS 4 Million Safe Man Hours
Mumbai costal Road Pkg-04 6 Million Safe Man Hours MLIP Cluster XII
1 Million Safe Man Hours
Rourkela WWS 3 Million Safe Man Hours
Bangalore Metro RT-03 6 Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours
9 Nos LIS in Cluster-VI in 3 Million Safe Man Hours
O&M for Sri Sathya Sai Water
Kalpakkam - FRFCF Supply Anantapur Cuttack Dist
Vijayawada SWD
1 Million Safe Man Hours 5 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
3 Million Safe Man Hours

54 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 55

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Providing Sewerage Facility in Rehab Works at Colombo IASTW Phase 3A Water Supply facilities to
Mohan Garden 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours Bommanahalli Zone
3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Moradabad Sewerage Scheme ISP - PARWATI Phase I and II MLIS
Hogenakkal - PKG V - O&M 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours HPCL Vizag - ETP
3 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Cuttack Sewer Scheme Phase-2 BDA NPKL Package 1
Sikar Alwar Bhiwadi Cluster Construction 2 Million Safe Man Hours
RRWSFMP-Package 6 Nagaur
Sewerage Project 2 Million Safe Man Hours CDS-03-Deedwana
3 Million Safe Man Hours Improvement of Water Supply
2 Million Safe Man Hours
Lnt Passavant JV Dept Code to Greater Berhampur
Kundalia Irrigation Project- 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Right Bank 13 Nos LIS in Cluster-VIII in
3 Million Safe Man Hours Alirajpur LIS Beur Sewerage Network-Patna Anguldeogarh Sunderg
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Cuttack Water Supply Project
2 Million Safe Man Hours Kakrapar LIS MLIP Cluster IX RRWSFMP-Package 5
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours (Nagaur CDS-02)-Makrana
IMT Rohtak Phase III 2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
Bharatpur Gangapur Hindaun
O&M East and West Godavari
Sewerage Project
2 Million Safe Man Hours Narmada Kshipra
Water Supply and Distribution
2 Million Safe Man Hours Multipurpose Project
to GHMC Hogenakkal - PKG III O&M 2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
RRWSFMP-Package 7
2 Million Safe Man Hours
(Nagaur CDS-04)-Degana O&M for Khammam
Cuddalore PH.I 12 Nos LIS in Cluster-XI in
2 Million Safe Man Hours
2 Million Safe Man Hours
Jajpur and Kendrapara
2 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours
Udaipur Integrated Water Supply to Karimnagar and
Infrastructure Project other Municipalities O&M for Adilabad Project VSP Reservoir
2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours 1 Million Safe Man Hours

56 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 57

Safety Safety
of Honour of Honour
R o ll R o ll

Allahabad Sewerage Keonjhar Water Supply Project Coal Handling Plant, Khandwa L&T GEOSTRUCTURE
Network 1 Million Safe Man Hours 7 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours JSW - Paradip
Mohanpura MVRWSS
1 Million Safe Man Hours

Pet Coke Evacuation Project,
IOCL, Paradip
3 Million Safe Man Hours
O&M for Bhagirathi January 2017 to June 2020
WTP, Delhi 5 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours Nandawadagi LIS
1 Million Safe Man Hours Coal Handling Plant, Lingaraj IWAI - Sahibganj

5 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
Chhatarpur WSS December 2016 to June 2020
Kanpur Water Carrier System
1 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours JSW, Dolvi
4 Million Safe Man Hours BHEL – Ennore
24X7 Water Supply to KPCL-WSP 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Tumakuru City 1
Million Safe Man Hours Beneficiation Plant at SK Mines, November 2017 to June 2020
1 Million Safe Man Hours Phase-III, Dariba
METALLURGICAL & 3 Million Safe Man Hours TANGEDCO – Uppur
Saidpur Sewerage Network MATERIAL HANDLING SBG 2 Million Safe Man Hours
1 Million Safe Man Hours Maintenance of Machines, NLC, May 2018 to June 2020
Hot Strip Mill, RSP, Rourkela Neyveli
Moga WSS 39 Million Safe Man Hours 3 Million Safe Man Hours
JSW- EQ1-EQ2- Paradip
1 Million Safe Man Hours
Coal Handling Plant, RRVUNL, 2 Million Safe Man Hours
Civil and Structural Works,
Chhabra January 2018 to June 2020
UAIL, Rayagada
Kirulapone-WWS 19 Million Safe Man Hours
Million Safe Man Hours
Million Safe Man Hours

Coal Handling Plant. Khargone
11 Million Safe Man Hours Coal Handling Plant and Ash 1 Million Safe Man Hours
Indore-UWSS May 2015 to June 2020
Handling Plant, Tanda
Million Safe Man Hours
Slab Caster, Bokaro 2 Million Safe Man Hours
9 Million Safe Man Hours MTHL - Mumbai

Integrated WS and WW
Sri Ganganagar Project (DB)
Coal Handling Plant, MCL, 1
Million Safe Man Hours
LTEW, Kanchipuram Bhubaneshwari September 2018 to June 2020
1 Million Safe Man Hours 9 Million Safe Man Hours 2 Million Safe Man Hours

58 HELMET, January - June 2020 HELMET, January - June 2020 59

Edited by Vinod Jacob Chacko for L&T Construction from L&T Construction Headquarters, Manapakkam, Chennai - 600 089.
Editorial team: Ashwin Chand | V. Eswar, Photography: V. S. Natanavelu
Process Owners: P. Nagarajan | K. N. Sen | Malay Kumar Mahanta | Subhamoy Maitra | Michael William Sanderson | K. S. Sudheesh Kumar | V. Ramanathan
K. P. Ravinath | D. P. Shinde
Technical Associates: M. Nachiappan | Gabrial Fernandez | L. Vijayalakshmi | Joseph K Jose | A. Vinoth | Minhaj Ahmed Ansari | Adapa Suguna
V. Marudhukavi | N. Viswanath
Design & layout: Global Print Design, Chennai.
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Management. The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced without the written
permission of the Editor. Not for sale. Only for free circulation among employees of L&T Construction and their customers.

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