Sewing Formula
Sewing Formula
Sewing Formula
Sewing Formulae
The se1wing Formula used for specific machine types can now be selected from a list of pre-
defined Formulae in the Machine Data Tables in the GSD Company Data Editor.
GSD has 2 types of Sewing Calculations.
1. Sewing Time and Thread usage are calculated from the Length of Seam.
e.g. S25MC (Sew 25 Cm Seam)
2. Sewing Time and Thread usage are calculated from the Number of Stitches
e.g. S82BH (Sew 82 Stitches Buttonhole)
All sewing calculations in the GSD Analyses will use the formula that is attached to the
current selected machine.
Symbol Description
MST Minimum theoretical sewing Time per CM or Inch
HSF High Speed Factor
GT Guiding and tensioning Factor
SL Seam Length in CM or Inches (Units as above must be used)
SP Stopping Precision Factor
SS Start and Stop Manual Elements
SST Theoretical sewing Time per Stitch
NS Number of Stitches to be sewn
Sewing Formulae based on the Seamlength
5. Auto-Backtack / Bartack
T = ( MST x 2 ) + ( MST x HSF x GT x SL ) + SP
Standard GSD Sewing Formula with allowance for 1CM Bartack at Start and End of
Seam. No Allowance for automatic Stop
Sewing Formulae based on the Number of Stitches
The formulae take into account the TMU per cycle (at a conversion rate of
1667 due to the fact that automatic cycles are “fixed” and cannot be improved
under incentive conditions), the total number of stitches in the cycle and the
actions necessary to start and stop the cycle.