ChapitreCloud MonitoringP12020
ChapitreCloud MonitoringP12020
ChapitreCloud MonitoringP12020
de Tunis El Manar
Ecole Na/onale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis
Département TIC
Op/on I3C
(Infrastructures Convergées & Cloud Compu/ng)
3ème année Télécommunica/ons
A.U 2020-2021
Ges$on de Réseaux et de Service dans le Cloud
• G a t h e r i n g d a t a
Cloud monitoring
as source for
Cloud Infrastructures
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS : offers & Technologies
• Processing will create insight
Edge Compu$ng • Basis for many purposes on provider
Fog Compu$ng and client
Egde Mobile Compu$ng (EMC) Three pillars
Quality of Service • Logs
Networks • Metrics
① Amazon Web Services • Traces
② MS Azure Collection
③ OpenStack • Collect what is available / Future usage
• Be aware of the overheads
Cloud Applica$on Development • Techniques
for overhead reduction
Design aspects OpenStack
Service based applica$ons Architecture
Data centric applica$ons Implementa$on (Opera$ons and troubleshoo$ng /
Distributed Tracing with OpenStack…)
Cloud applica$on engineering
Scalability and elasticity of Cloud Applications
① Amazon Web Services
1. Elas$c Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
2. Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
3. Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
4. CloudFront
5. SimpleDB
6. Amazon Lambda
② MS Azure
1. Azure provides IaaS and PaaS
2. Web app and Service Fabric simplify deployment of
applica$ons into the cloud.
3. Special support for integra$ng on-premise and cloud
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Cloud Compu$ng
Access to IT services over the Internet
5. Measured Service
Cloud systems automa$cally control and op$mize resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstrac$on
appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage, processing, bandwidth, and ac$ve user accounts). Resource usage can be monitored,
controlled, and reported, providing transparency for both the provider and consumer of the u$lized service.
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Cloud Compu$ng: IT as a Service
Expand tradi$onal e-commerce in the Internet to IT structures
• Rent from a virtual storefront the basic necessi$es to build a
virtual data center
– Ressources: CPU, mémoire, stockage, mise en réseau
– Middleware: serveurs d'applica$ons, bases de données, .NET
– Applica$ons: ISV ou auto-développé
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Plaeorm as a Service (PaaS)
• Packaged IT capability including logical resources and
software development support
• Software development tools
– Online development tools
– Integration of local development tools with Cloud services
• Large-scale distributed application operating environment
– Enables usage beyond the limitations of a single physical hardware
– Scalable application middleware such as databases and file
• MS Azure
• OpenShift (Red Hat)
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Sogware as a Service (SaaS)
• Consumer or industrial applications to individual or
enterprise users.
• Mashup
• Multi-tenancy
Google G Suite,Microsog Office 365, JIRA Service Desk, Service
Now,Drooms, Adobe Crea$ve Cloud,Concur, Slack,
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Deployment Models
• Public Cloud
via Web applications or services
IT resources are provisioned over the Internet
from an off-site third-party provider.
• Community Cloud
Shared by a group of organizations
• Private Cloud
IT services are offered via private networks for the exclusive use of one client,
providing full control over data, security, and quality of service, e.g., built and
managed by a company's own IT organization:
• Virtual Private Cloud
Resources appear to be operated for a single organization from a logical point
of view, but may be built from physical resources of the organization, external
providers, or both.
• Hybrid Cloud
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Service Models
Software as a Service (SaaS).
The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s
applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are
accessible from various client devices through either a thin client
interface, such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email), or a program
interface. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying
cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems,
storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible
exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings.
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Cloud as a Response to Business
Fog Compu$ng
“a system-level horizontal
architecture that distributes
resources and services of
compu$ng, storage, control
and networking anywhere
along the con$num from
cloud to Things.”
OpenFog Consor,um
Mobile Edge Compu$ng (MEC)
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Connected Vehicle
• Random Policy: In this policy, a fog node is randomly and uniformly selected
without considering any other factors.
• Lowest Latency Policy: A fog node that provides minimum total latency at the
current state of the system is selected for the given workload.
• Maximum Available Capacity Policy: This policy selects a fog node which has
maximum remaining resource.
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• It is widely used by SDN controllers.
• OpenFlow is not a SDN. But, it is a protocol that is utilized in the SDN
• It is designed by ONF (Open Networking Foundation).
• to interact with networking devices of any proprietary kind (to enable
an open interface to SDN).
• OpenFlow is layered on top of L3.
• SDN controllers communicate to L3 switches using OpenFlow
protocols by listening on TCP port 6653
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Open Issues and Challenges
• Heterogeneity
• Enabling Real-$me analy$cs
• User mobility
• Pricing policy
• Scalability
• Security
• Privacy
• User par$cipa$on
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Amazon EC2 provides
• Virtual machines running inside the Amazon Cloud.
• Ephemeral storage $ed to the virtual machine (node)
• Block storage that acts like a SAN and persists across $me
and can be mounted in the VM.
• In EC2
• From the web
High-CPU Instances
Price $
(GB) (GB)
c4.large 2 8 3,75 0,114
c4.8xlar EBS
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ge only
Pricing for Data Transfer
IN: $0.01 per GB
OUT: < $0.09 per GB
Inside Availability Zone (private IP address)
Regional Transfer (private IP address)
Between different availability zones in same region
$0.01 per GB in/out
Public and Elastic IP address inside EC2
$0.01 per GB in/out
Block Storage
• $0.119 per GB-month of provisioned storage on SSD
• $0.054 per GB-month of provisioned storage on HDD
• $0.078 per provisioned IOPS-month (some SSD storage)
Snapshots to S3
• $0.045 per GB-month of data stored
• $0.012 per 1,000 PUT requests (when saving a snapshot)
• $0.012 per 10,000 GET requests (when loading a snapshot)
Elastic IP Addresses
• No cost for Elastic IP addresses while in use
• $0.005 per non-attached Elastic IP address per complete hour
• $0.00 per Elastic IP address remap – first 100 remaps/month
• $0.10 per Elastic IP address remap – addition remap/month over 100
• No need to provision servers.
• User just provides the application logic in form of
functions that are triggered on-demand.
– Different from PaaS model where at least one instance of a
microservice always runs.
– Microservice handles multiple requests.
• When triggered, the function and its runtime is
• When infrequently used, the function is spinned-
down. I.ELLOUMI-- I3C -- novembre 16, 2020 90
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Serverless Compu$ng
• No provisioning of servers
• Automatic scaling
• Reduction of costs. Do not pay for idle VMs.
• Underlying servers shared among different function
• Focused on stateless functions
• Performance variation due to restart latencies
• Not suited for heavy computation workloads, own VMs
might be cheaper.
• Limited security: shared VMs, no control over the network
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Amazon Lambda
2014: first serverless offering by a public cloud
• Increments of 100 ms
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Lambda func$ons
Anonymous functions in functional programming
• Not bound to an identifier
• Often used as arguments being passed to higher-
order functions or constructed as a result of a higher-
order function
• E.g. heavily used in node.js applications
• Command-line interface
• Platform
– specific SDKs
– .NET, Node.js, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby
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Access to Azure
• It is simply an identity. Either in a trusted organization or your
Microsoft account.
• Is a logical unit of Azure services. Each associated account has
a role in a subscription. Billing is done on a subscription basis.
- Free trial
- Basic ...
• Account Administrator can control the subscription and billing
Azure ExpressRoute
• Connects cloud resources via dedicated lines.
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Azure Web Apps Service (PaaS)
Platform to run web
applications without need to
manage VMs
• Apps can be deployed into a
managed web environment.
Local Steps
1. Create a git repository
2. Develop your application locally
Azure Steps
3. Create a deployment user
az webapp deployment user set --user-name <username> --
password <password>
4. Create a resource group
az group create --name myResourceGroup --location "West
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App Development
• Azure
5. Create an app service plan determining instance type
(linux or windows), scale count, and subscription
az appservice plan create --name myAppServicePlan --resource-
group myResourceGroup –-number-of- workers 1 --sku FREE
• Other subscriptions
– File system only
• Each encapsulates simpler business functionality.
• Testing, deployment, scaling individually for each service
• Different technologies to be used for the services
• More complex deployment and versioning of entire
• Increased network traffic and latency sensitivity
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Microservice defini$ons
Characteristics of microservices
• Encapsulate a single customer or business scenario.
• Developed by a small engineering team.
• Written in any language or framework.
• Consist of code and (optionally) state.
• Independently versioned, deployed, and scaled.
• Interact over well-defined interfaces and protocols.
• Have unique names (URLs) used to resolve their
• Remain consistent and available in the presence of
• Reports health and diagnostics
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Azure Service Fabric
Platform for microservice based applications
• Platform services: Deploy, upgrade, detect, restart,
route messages, manage state, monitor health.
• Application services as processes or containers or C#
• Standard programming APIs integrated with the
platform, e.g. health and diagnostics and built-in high
Migrating to Service Fabric
• Restart a node
• Restart a partition of instances or individual instances
• Move replica of stateful service to simulate load balancing,
failover, or application upgrade
• Invoke data loss in a stateful service