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STD 9 English 1st Term 2021

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Section I: Language Study

Q1. (A) A.1) Do as directed: (any 4) (4 Marks)
1) It is taken us ten year to pay for it. (1 mark)
(Spot the error and write the correct sentence)
2) Vicinity, volcano, villagers, visiting (1 mark)
(Arrange the above words in alphabetical order)
3) Let us build a great wooden horse he said (1 mark)
(Punctuate the above sentence)
4) All of them are handling it wonderfully. (1 mark)
(Rewrite using Past Perfect tense)
5) Rapturously (1 mark)
(Find two hidden words of minimum 4 letters from the above word)

Q1. (A) (A.2) Do as directed: (any 2) (4 Marks)

1) Prepare a word chain of adjectives
Safe, e___________ , __________ , ____________ , ____________
2) “You could wear flowers,” he said.
(Rewrite in reported speech)
3) One day they saw a ship which had laid anchor.
(Identify the main and sub-ordinate clause)

Q1. (B) Do as directed: (any 1) (2 Marks)

1) Attack
(Use the given word as noun and as a verb in a sentence)
2) She was prettier than all the other women.
(Change the given sentence into positive and superlative degrees of comparison)

Section II: Textual Passages

Q2. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
A1) State if the following is true or false: (2 Marks)
a) Menelaus came up with the plan to obtain victory.
b) All the Greeks left but only one stayed behind with the wooden horse.
At last Troy was taken, not by force but by a trick. It was the cunning Odysseus who
thought of a plan to obtain the victory.
“Let us build a great wooden horse”, he said, “big enough to hold men inside it, and let
some of our best fighters hide in the horse. Then let us burn our tents and pretend to
sail away in our ships. But instead of sailing away, we will return in the night. When the
Trojans are asleep, we will attack the city and burn and kill.”
The Greek leaders decided to follow the advice of the wise Odysseus. So, a great horse of
wood was made by a skilful engineer, and the greatest heroes, Menelaus, Odysseus
himself, and others entered it, the last man to go in being the architect himself who
knew the secret of opening and shutting the entrance. That evening the Greeks burned
their tents and sailed away in their ships, but they did not go very far. Only one man was
left behind to persuade the Trojans to drag the horse into their city.

A2) What was the cunning plan to defeat the Trojans? (2 Marks)
A3) Word Formation: (2 marks)
Noun Verb Adjective
pretend pretentious
persuasion persuade
A4) Do as directed: (2 marks)
a) A great horse of wood was made by a skilful engineer. (Change the voice)
b) The Greeks burned their tents and sailed away in their ships. (Rewrite as
A5) Personal response: (2 marks)
Do you think the plan made by the Greeks was a good one? Explain.

Q2. (B) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 marks)
B1) Name the following: ( 2 marks)
a) She lost the necklace that she was wearing.
b) The place where the Loisels lived.
The day of the party arrived. Madame Loisel was a success. She was prettier than all the
other women, elegant, gracious, smiling, and full of joy. She danced wildly, with passion,
forgetting everything in the triumph of her beauty and success, floating in a cloud of
Mathilde and her husband left at about four o’clock in the morning. When they were
finally in the street, they could not find a cab. They walked down toward the Seine, till
they found one. They were dropped off at their door in the Rue des Martyrs, and sadly, it
was all over, for her. In front of the mirror, she took a final look at herself in all her
glory. But suddenly she uttered a cry. She no longer had the necklace round her neck!
“What is the matter?” asked her husband.
She turned towards him, panic-stricken, “I have ... I have ... I no longer have Madame
Forestier’s necklace.”
B2) Why didn’t Mathilde realise immediately that she had lost the necklace? ( 2 marks)
B3) Pick a correct phrase or word from the passage and complete the given sentences.
(2 marks)
a) The streets were full of ____________ people trying to escape the tear gas.
b) They had hoped to win but were __________ disappointed.
B4) Do as directed: (2 marks)
a) Madame Loisel was a success. (Rewrite as negative)
b) When they were finally in the street, they could not find a cab. (Identify whether
simple, compound or complex sentence)
B5) Personal response: ( 2 marks)
What would you do if you lost something, that you had borrowed from a friend?
Section III: Poetry
Q3. (A) Read the following extract and do the activities. (5 Marks)
A1) Rearrange the following in their proper order as in the extract: (2 Marks)
a) The schoolboys rushed past the woman.
b) No one offered to help the woman.
c) The boys were happy that school had ended that day.
d) The boy offered to help the woman cross the street.
Down the street with laughter and shout,
Glad in the freedom of ‘school let out’,
Came happy boys, like a flock of sheep,
Hailing the snow piled white and deep;
Past the woman, so old and gray,
Hastened the children on their way.

None offered a helping hand to her,

So weak and timid, afraid to stir,
Lest the carriage wheels or the horses’ feet
Should trample her down in the slippery street.

At last came out of the merry troop

The gayest boy of all the group;
He paused beside her and whispered low,
‘I’ll help you across, if you wish to go.’
A2) The young boy helped the old woman cross the road. What qualities of the boy are
revealed to you by this action? Explain. (2 marks)
A3) Pick an example of ‘Tautology’ from the extract. (1 mark)

Q3. (B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the
given points in paragraph format. (5 Marks)
(Title, poet, rhyme scheme, figures of speech and central idea/theme)
THE autumn comes, a maiden fair
In slenderness and grace,
With nodding rice - stems in her hair
And lilies in her face.
In flowers of grasses she is clad;
And as she moves along,
Birds greet her with their cooing glad
Like a bracelet’s tinkling song.

A diadem adorns the night !

Of multitudinous stars;
Her silken robe is white moonlight,
Set free from cloudy bars;
And on her face (the radiant moon)
Bewitching smiles are shown :
She seems a slender maid, who soon
Will be a woman grown.
- Kalidas
Translated by Prof. A. W. Ryder

Section IV: Unseen/ Non-Textual Passages

Q4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
A1) Complete the following statements: (2 marks)
a) As therapy dogs work with many kinds of people, they must have _________________.
b) Therapy dogs help children with ______________________________________________________.

Therapy dogs are dogs that are trained to give affection and comfort to people in
unfortunate situations. They are often used to help people in hospitals, retirement
homes, schools, and people with learning disabilities. As therapy dogs must work with
many kinds of people, such as young children or the elderly, they must have patience
and sensitivity.
The story of the first therapy dog is very interesting. During World War II, a soldier
named William Wynne found a Yorkshire Terrier dog abandoned on the battlefield. He
became friends with the dog and named it Smoky. When Corporal Wynne became very
ill and entered a hospital, his friends brought Smoky for a visit. Smoky became so
popular with the other sick soldiers in the hospital that he was allowed to stay. The
doctors in the hospital used Smoky to help cheer up the patients. After the war ended,
he continued to work as a therapy dog in the United States.
Today, therapy pets are used to help many different people with problems. For
example, they help soldiers who have been traumatized by their combat experience.
They are also used to help children with reading disabilities by providing an audience
that won’t belittle them. Some therapy pets are used to help people undergoing
physical therapy.

A2) How did Smoky become the first therapy dog? (2 marks)
A3) Do as directed: (2 marks)
a) Pick a word from the passage which means: to suffer from lasting shock due to a
disturbing experience or physical injury.
b) Add a suitable prefix to the word ‘continued’ to get the antonym.
A4) Do as directed: (2 marks)
a) Pick an example of a compound word from the passage.
b) The story of the first therapy dog is very interesting. (Add a question tag)
A5) Personal response: (2 marks)
How do you think animals can provide humans comfort to humans?

Q4. (B) Read the above passage (Q. No 4 A) and write the summary of it in a paragraph.
Suggest a suitable title. (5 Marks)
Section V: Writing Skills
Q5. Letter Writing: (5 Marks)
Your elderly uncle is travelling to visit you. Write a letter reminding him about the
safety precautions and protective measures he should take while travelling during the
ongoing pandemic.
Q6) Information Transfer: (5 Marks)
Read the passage and prepare a flowchart based on the events in the life of Albert

Albert Einstein was born in Germany on 14 March 1879. Einstein’s parents were both
Jewish and he had a younger sister called Maja. Although he apparently didn’t like
school, Einstein showed he had a great mind for maths and science from a young age.
When Einstein was 15, his family moved to Milan in Italy in 1894. From there he
attended the Polytechnic Academy in the Swiss city of Zurich and in 1900 Einstein
graduated with a degree in Physics and Maths. He completed his Ph.D. in 1905 and
published four pivotal scientific works that would later revolutionize modern physics.
In 1915 he published his general theory of relativity. Einstein won the Nobel Prize for
Physics in 1921 for his work on photoelectric effect. Einstein lived in Germany during
World War 1 but he was a pacifist – this meant he didn’t believe in war and violence and
wanted disagreements to be settled peacefully. In 1933 he moved to the USA. On 18th
April 1955, Albert Einstein died at the age of 76 from heart failure.

Q7) Story writing: (5 Marks)

Develop a story with the beginning given below and give it a suitable title.
‘I was about to enter my house when I saw a little boy running down the street
toward the busy intersection. There was nobody with him. Without thinking, I ran after
him and…’

Q8) Expansion of Idea: (5 Marks)

Expand the following idea in about 100 words.
‘The time is always right to do what is right’

Q9) Interview Questions: (5 Marks)

Indian women's Hockey team captain Rani Rampal has been recently honoured
with the prestigious Khel Ratna award. Prepare 10 questions to ask her, as you have the
opportunity to interview her for your school magazine.

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