A Study of Marketing Strategies of Amul in Lucknow: Summer Training Report On
A Study of Marketing Strategies of Amul in Lucknow: Summer Training Report On
A Study of Marketing Strategies of Amul in Lucknow: Summer Training Report On
Every work constitutes great deal of assistance and guidance from the
people concerned and this particular project is of no exception.
A project of the nature is surely a result of tremendous support,
guidance, encouragement and help. So here I have made some sincere
efforts to thank some of the eminent persons involved in making this
project because without their encouragement and support this report
would have been non-existent.
I wish to place on record my sincere gratitude to my project guide Mr.
Shadab Ahmad, Integral University, Lucknow. I thank him for
constructive help and encouragement throughout the project. Without
his support and guidance taking this would not have been possible.
Also, wish to acknowledge enthusiastic encouragement and support
extended to me by my family members.
I’m also thankful to my friends who provided me their constant support
and assistance.
I respect to the allotted period, I have formed relationship with the organization as trainee
Although I am Student of MBA, Lucknow. It is a two year full time degree courses. So
far this training is scheduled for third semester syllabus a separate topic to be asked in
examination. Thus study will provided me a better opportunity to survive in cut throat
competition with a prosperous existence. I have tried my best to gain out of well framed
circumstances & with the help of experienced personnel who helped me out so for
become possible to them. As being a very confidential functioning many things are there
which can’t be known but on the basis of gathered information and certain hints, the
project has been formed. It may have something missing but I have tried to present all
things what I have received. Although this report has been got checked by different
personnel but after that if there is some shortcomings I expect it to be rectified. So the
whole study bifurcated in different parts. Certain observations & suggestions also have
Excutive Summary
Marketing strategy
sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term
activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic initial
strategies and therefore contribute to the goals of the company and its marketing
to fill market needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives are generally
tested for measurable results. Commonly, marketing strategies are developed as multi-
year plans, with a tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in the current
year. Time horizons covered by the marketing plan vary by company, by industry, and by
nation, however, time horizons are becoming shorter as the speed of change in the
environment increases. Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are
partially planned and partially unplanned. See strategy dynamics. Marketing strategy
needs to take a long-term view, and tools such as customer lifetime value models can be
very powerful in helping to simulate the effects of strategy on acquisition, revenue per
Marketing strategy involves careful and precise scanning of the internal and external
environments. Internal environmental factors include the marketing mix and marketing
mix modeling, plus performance analysis and strategic constraints. External
marketing mix to attain these goals, and detail implementation. A final step in developing
Marketing Mix Modeling is often used to help determine the optimal marketing budget
and how to allocate across the marketing mix to achieve these strategic goals. Moreover,
such models can help allocate spend across a portfolio of brands and manage brands to
create value.
Diversity of Strategies
Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual
business. However, there are a number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies. A
based on their market share or dominance of an industry. Typically there are four types of
According to Shaw, Eric (2012). "Marketing Strategy: From the Origin of the Concept to
"At introduction, the marketing strategist has two principle strategies to choose from:
"In the early growth stage, the marketing manager may choose from two additional
"In maturity, sales growth slows, stabilizes and starts to decline. In early maturity, it is
common to employ a maintenance strategy (BCG), where the firm maintains or holds a
At some point the decline in sales approaches and then begins to exceed costs. And not
just accounting costs, there are hidden costs as well; as Kotler (1965, p. 109) observed:
'No financial accounting can adequately convey all the hidden costs.' At some point, with
declining sales and rising costs, a harvesting strategy becomes unprofitable and a
"In his classic Harvard Business Review (HBR) article of the marketing mix, Borden
(1964) credits James Culliton in 1948 with describing the marketing executive as a
'decider' and a 'mixer of ingredients.' This led Borden, in the early 1950s, to the insight
that what this mixer of ingredients was deciding upon was a 'marketing mix'".
"In product differentiation, according to Smith (1956, p. 5), a firm tries 'bending the will
of demand to the will of supply.' That is, distinguishing or differentiating some aspect(s)
of its marketing mix from those of competitors, in a mass market or large segment, where
2011, p. 80), in an attempt to shift its aggregate demand curve to the left (greater quantity
sold for a given price) and make it more inelastic (less amenable to substitutes). With
segmentation, a firm recognizes that it faces multiple demand curves, because customer
preferences are heterogeneous, and focuses on serving one or more specific target
"With skimming, a firm introduces a product with a high price and after milking the least
price sensitive segment, gradually reduces price, in a stepwise fashion, tapping effective
demand at each price level. With penetration pricing a firm continues its initial low price
from introduction to rapidly capture sales and market share, but with lower profit margins
than skimming".
"The PLC does not offer marketing strategies, per se; rather it provides an overarching
"Although widely used in marketing strategy , SWOT (also known as TOWS) Analysis
originated in corporate strategy. The SWOT concept, if not the acronym, is the work of
Kenneth R. Andrews who is credited with writing the text portion of the classic: Business
"The most well-known, and least often attributed, aspect of Igor Ansoff's Growth
concept results from Ansoff juxtaposing new and existing products with new and existing
Porter's "generic strategies"
strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market penetration while strategic strength
refers to the firm's sustainable competitive advantage. The generic strategy framework
(porter 1984) comprises two alternatives each with two alternative scopes. These
Product differentiation
Cost leadership
Market segmentation
Innovation strategies
Innovation strategies deal with the firm's rate of the new product development
and business model innovation. It asks whether the company is on the cutting edge of
Close followers
Late followers
Growth strategies
In this scheme we ask the question, "How should the firm grow?". There are a number of
different ways of answering that question, but the most common gives four answers:
Horizontal integration
Vertical integration
These ways of growth are termed as organic growth. Horizontal growth is whereby a firm
grows towards acquiring other businesses that are in the same line of business for
example a clothing retail outlet acquiring a food outlet. The two are in the retail
forward or backward. Forward integration is whereby a firm grows towards its customers
for example a food manufacturing firm acquiring a food outlet. Backward integration is
whereby a firm grows towards its source of supply for example a food outlet acquiring a
In 2003, Raymond Miles proposed a more detailed scheme using the categories:Miles,
BCG's "growth-share portfolio matrix" "Based on his work with experience curves (that
also provides the rationale for Porter's low cost leadership strategy), the growth-share
matrix was originally created by Bruce D. Henderson, CEO of the Boston Consulting
Group (BCG) in 1968 (according to BCG history). Throughout the 1970s, Henderson
expanded upon the concept in a series of short (one to three page) articles in the BCG
newsletter titled Perspectives (Henderson, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1976a, b). Tremendously
popular among large multi-product firms, the BCG portfolio matrix was popularized in
Strategic models
Marketing participants often employ strategic models and tools to analyze marketing
decisions. When beginning a strategic analysis, the 3C's model can be employed to get a
broad understanding of the strategic environment. An Ansoff Matrix is also often used to
convey an organization's strategic positioning of their marketing mix. The 4Ps can then
Modeling is often used to simulate different strategic flexing go the 4Ps. Customer
lifetime value models can help simulate long-term effects of changing the 4Ps, e.g.;
visualize the multi-year impact on acquisition, churn rate, and profitability of changes to
pricing. However, 4Ps have been expanded to 7 or 8Ps to address the different nature of
There are many companies, especially those in the consumer package goods (CPG)
market, that adopt the theory of running their business centered around consumer,
shopper and retailer needs. Their marketing departments spend quality time looking for
opportunities emerge from changes in market trends, segment dynamics changing and
also internal brand or operational business challenges. The marketing team can then
prioritize these growth opportunities and begin to develop strategies to exploit the
opportunities that could include new or adapted products, services as well as changes to
the 7Ps.
Real-life marketing
Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a great deal of common-
information and limited resources complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of
Thus, for example, many new products will emerge from irrational processes and the
rational development process may be used (if at all) to screen out the worst non-runners.
The design of the advertising, and the packaging, will be the output of the creative minds
employed; which management will then screen, often by 'gut-reaction', to ensure that it is
For most of their time, marketing managers use intuition and experience to analyze and
handle the complex, and unique, situations being faced; without easy reference to theory.
This will often be 'flying by the seat of the pants', or 'gut-reaction'; where the overall
strategy, coupled with the knowledge of the customer which has been absorbed almost by
a process of osmosis, will determine the quality of the marketing employed. This, almost
plan. A good marketing strategy should be drawn from market research and focus on the
right product mix in order to achieve the maximum profit potential and sustain the
Marketing planning
A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is
the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of
marketing efforts. A marketing process can be realized by the marketing mix, which is
outlined in step 4. The last step in the process is the marketing controlling.
The marketing plan can function from two points: strategy and tactics (P. Kotler, K.L.
covering just the year ahead. Occasionally, a few organizations may look at a practical
Marketing planning aims and objectives
Behind the corporate objectives, which in themselves offer the main context for the
marketing plan, will lie the "corporate mission," in turn provides the context for these
designs incentive pay plans to not only motivate and reward frontline staff fairly but also
to align marketing activities with corporate mission. The marketing plan basically aims to
make the business provide the solution with the awareness with the expected customers.
This "corporate mission" can be thought of as a definition of what the organization is, or
what it does: "Our business is ...". This definition should not be too narrow, or it will
constrict the development of the organization; a too rigorous concentration on the view
that "We are in the business of making meat-scales," as IBM was during the early 1900s,
might have limited its subsequent development into other areas. On the other hand, it
should not be too wide or it will become meaningless; "We want to make a profit" is not
Abell suggested that the definition should cover three dimensions: "customer groups" to
definition of IBM's "corporate mission" in the 1940s might well have been: "We are in
the business of handling accounting information [customer need] for the larger US
Perhaps the most important factor in successful marketing is the "corporate vision."
exponents of corporate strategy — indeed, it was perhaps the main theme of the book by
Peters and Waterman, in the form of their "Superordinate Goals." "In Search of
Excellence" said: "Nothing drives progress like the imagination. The idea precedes the
deed." [2] If the organization in general, and its chief executive in particular, has a strong
vision of where its future lies, then there is a good chance that the organization will
achieve a strong position in its markets (and attain that future). This will be not least
because its strategies will be consistent and will be supported by its staff at all levels. In
this context, all of IBM's marketing activities were underpinned by its philosophy of
"customer service," a vision originally promoted by the charismatic Watson dynasty. The
indeed, a "marketing facts book") was suggested by Godley more than three decades ago:
1. Financial data—Facts for this section will come from management accounting,
5. Market data and miscellany — From market research, who would in most cases
act as a source for this information. His sources of data, however, assume the
obtained from a much smaller set of people (and not a few of them would be
It is apparent that a marketing audit can be a complex process, but the aim is simple: "it is
only to identify those existing (external and internal) factors which will have a significant
impact on the future plans of the company." It is clear that the basic material to be input
Accordingly, the best approach is to accumulate this material continuously, as and when
it becomes available; since this avoids the otherwise heavy workload involved in
collecting it as part of the regular, typically annual, planning process itself — when time
is usually at a premium.
Even so, the first task of this annual process should be to check that the material held in
the current facts book or facts filesactually is comprehensive and accurate, and can form
The structure of the facts book will be designed to match the specific needs of the
applicable in many cases. This splits the material into three groups:
A study of the organization's markets, customers, competitors and the overall economic,
political, cultural and technical environment; covering developing trends, as well as the
current situation.
A study of the marketing organization, marketing research systems and the current
marketing objectives and strategies. The last of these is too frequently ignored. The
marketing system itself needs to be regularly questioned, because the validity of the
whole marketing plan is reliant upon the accuracy of the input from this system, and
Portfolio planning.
In addition, the coordinated planning of the individual products and services can
80:20 rule. To achieve the maximum impact, the marketing plan must be clear,
services, and on the 20 percent of customers, that will account for 80 percent of
Process. The 7 Ps can sometimes divert attention from the customer, but the
framework they offer can be very useful in building the action plans.
It is only at this stage (of deciding the marketing objectives) that the active part of the
marketing planning process begins. This next stage in marketing planning is indeed the
The "marketing objectives" state just where the company intends to be at some specific
James Quinn succinctly defined objectives in general as: Goals (or objectives)
state what is to be achieved and when results are to be accomplished, but they do not
state "how" the results are to be achieved.[3] They typically relate to what products (or
services) will be where in what markets (and must be realistically based on customer
behavior in those markets). They are essentially about the match between those
"products" and "markets." Objectives for pricing, distribution, advertising and so on are
at a lower level, and should not be confused with marketing objectives. They are part of
measurement may be in terms of sales volume, money value, market share, percentage
objective might be "to enter the market with product Y and capture 10 percent of the
The marketing objectives must usually be based, above all, on the organization's financial
measurements. He went on to explain his view of the role of "policies," with which
strategy is most often confused: "Policies are rules or guidelines that express the 'limits'
within which action should occur. "Simplifying somewhat, marketing strategies can be
seen as the means, or "game plan," by which marketing objectives will be achieved and,
in the framework that we have chosen to use, are generally concerned with the 8 P's.
Examples are:
2. Product — The actual product
7. Process — The Value-added services that differentiate the product from the
(Note: At GCSE the 4 Ps are Place, Promotion, Product and Price and the "secret" 5th P
is Packaging, but which applies only to physical products, not services usually, and
In principle, these strategies describe how the objectives will be achieved. The 7 Ps are a
useful framework for deciding how the company's resources will be manipulated
(strategically) to achieve the objectives. However, they are not the only framework, and
may divert attention from the real issues. The focus of the strategies must be the
objectives to be achieved — not the process of planning itself. Only if it fits the needs of
these objectives should you choose, as we have done, to use the framework of the 7 Ps.
The strategy statement can take the form of a purely verbal description of the strategic
options which have been chosen. Alternatively, and perhaps more positively, it might
One aspect of strategy which is often overlooked is that of "timing." Exactly when it is
the best time for each element of the strategy to be implemented is often critical. Taking
the right action at the wrong time can sometimes be almost as bad as taking the wrong
action at the right time. Timing is, therefore, an essential part of any plan; and should
of the planning process, to re-check the feasibility of objectives and strategies in terms of
the market share, sales, costs, profits and so on which these demand in practice. As in the
anything else which helps for conclusions to be seen from all possible angles.
At this stage, overall marketing strategies will need to be developed into detailed plans
and program. Although these detailed plans may cover each of the 7 Ps (marketing mix),
the focus will vary, depending upon the organization's specific strategies. A product-
oriented company will focus its plans for the 7 Ps around each of its products. A market
area. Each will base its plans upon the detailed needs of its customers, and on the
strategies chosen to satisfy these needs. Brochures and Websites are used effectively.
Again, the most important element is, the detailed plans, which spell out exactly what
programs and individual activities will carry at the period of the plan (usually over the
next year). Without these activities the plan cannot be monitored. These plans must
therefore be:
Quantified - The predicted outcome of each activity should be, as far as possible,
Focused - The temptation to proliferate activities beyond the numbers which can
context to.
Agreed - Those who are to implement them should be committed to them, and
agree that they are achievable. The resulting plans should become a working
document which will guide the campaigns taking place throughout the
organization over the period of the plan. If the marketing plan is to work, every
exception to it (throughout the year) must be questioned; and the lessons learnt, to
A marketing plan for a small business typically includes Small Business Administration
Description of competitors, including the level of demand for the product or service and
4. Pricing strategy
5. Market Segmentation
1. Current Situation - Market Analysis
market definition
market size
market segmentation
market trends
loyalty segments
company resources
corporate objectives
financial objective
marketing objectives
corporate culture
external threats
external opportunities
internal strengths
internal weaknesses
5. Marketing Research
information requirements
research methodology
research results
product mix
product strengths and weaknesses
perceptual mapping
B.C.G. Analysis
share objectives
by product
by customer segment
by geographical market
by distribution channel
pricing objectives
price zoning
break even analysis at various prices
promotional goals
promotional mix
sales promotion
viral marketing
geographical coverage
distribution channels
electronic distribution
11. Implementation
personnel requirements
assign responsibilities
give incentives
financial requirements
management information systems requirements
month-by-month agenda
adjustment mechanism
breakeven analysis
13. Scenarios
14. Controls
Performance indicator
15. Appendix
Measurement of progress
The final stage of any marketing planning process is to establish targets (or standards) so
that progress can be monitored. Accordingly, it is important to put both quantities and
timescales into the marketing objectives (for example, to capture 20 percent by value of
the market within two years) and into the corresponding strategies.
Changes in the environment mean that the forecasts often have to be changed. Along with
these, the related plans may well also need to be changed. Continuous monitoring of
However, perhaps even more important is the enforced discipline of a regular formal
review. Again, as with forecasts, in many cases the best (most realistic) planning cycle
will revolve around a quarterly review. Best of all, at least in terms of the quantifiable
aspects of the plans, if not the wealth of backing detail, is probably a quarterly rolling
review — planning one full year ahead each new quarter. Of course, this does absorb
more planning resource; but it also ensures that the plans embody the latest information,
and — with attention focused on them so regularly — forces both the plans and their
implementation to be realistic.
Plans only have validity if they are actually used to control the progress of a company:
Performance analysis
The most important elements of marketing performance, which are normally tracked, are:
Sales analysis
Most organizations track their sales results; or, in non-profit organizations for example,
the number of clients. The more sophisticated track them in terms of 'sales variance' - the
deviation from the target figures — which allows a more immediate picture of deviations
to become evident.
detailed problems, then investigates the individual elements (individual products, sales
Few organizations track market share though it is often an important metric. Though
absolute sales might grow in an expanding market, a firm's share of the market can
decrease which bodes ill for future sales when the market starts to drop. Where such
market share is tracked, there may be a number of aspects which will be followed:
relative share
Expense analysis
The key ratio to watch in this area is usually the `marketing expense to sales ratio';
although this may be broken down into other elements (advertising to sales, sales
Financial analysis
The "bottom line" of marketing activities should at least in theory, be the net profit (for
all except non-profit organizations, where the comparable emphasis may be on remaining
within budgeted costs). There are a number of separate performance figures and key
There can be considerable benefit in comparing these figures with those achieved by
other organizations (especially those in the same industry); using, for instance, the figures
which can be obtained (in the UK) from `The Centre for Interfirm Comparison'. The most
sophisticated use of this approach, however, is typically by those making use of PIMS
(Profit Impact of Management Strategies), initiated by the General Electric Company and
then developed by Harvard Business School, but now run by the Strategic Planning
The above performance analyses concentrate on the quantitative measures which are
directly related to short-term performance. But there are a number of indirect measures,
essentially tracking customer attitudes, which can also indicate the organization's
performance in terms of its longer-term marketing strengths and may accordingly be even
market research — including customer panels (which are used to track changes
over time)
lost business — the orders which were lost because, for example, the stock was
not available or the product did not meet the customer's exact requirements
reference point for activities throughout the planning period. However, perhaps the most
important benefit of these plans is the planning process itself. This typically offers a
between the various managers involved. The plan, together with the associated
discussions, then provides an agreed context for their subsequent management activities,
even for those not described in the plan itself. Additionally, marketing plans are included
in business plans, offering data showing investors how the company will grow and most
Budgets as managerial tools
The classic quantification of a marketing plan appears in the form of budgets. Because
these are so rigorously quantified, they are particularly important. They should, thus,
represent an unequivocal projection of actions and expected results. What is more, they
The purpose of a marketing budget is, thus, to pull together all the revenues and costs
balances what is needed to be spent against what can be afforded, and helps make choices
The marketing budget is usually the most powerful tool by which you think through the
relationship between desired results and available means. Its starting point should be the
marketing strategies and plans, which have already been formulated in the marketing plan
itself; although, in practice, the two will run in parallel and will interact. At the very least,
the rigorous, highly quantified, budgets may cause a rethink of some of the more
The scope formulation is the first step to a successful Research process. Project
To keep things in mind that as the ever changing competitive business environment. New
thoughts and ideas should pour into its, Research & Development to innovate its existing
This study enables the user with answer to formulate an effective marketing strategy
with a broader prospective to tap areas where it did not feel the need earlier, hence the
decision of whether to penetrate this section or not can be found out at the end of the
data analysis.
It also gives an idea of the potential of our business in the future & the fluctuation in
Type Cooperative
Industry Dairy/FMCG
Founded 1946
Ltd. (GCMMF)
Number of 750 employees of Marketing Arm. However, real pool
Website www.amul.com
The Amul Plant at Anand showing the milk silos
Amul is an Indian dairy cooperative, based at Anand in the state of Gujarat, India.[2] The
word amul is derived from the Sanskrit word amulya, meaning rare, valuable .[3] The co-
operative was initially referred to asAnand Milk Federation Union Limited hence the
name AMUL.
Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), which today is jointly owned by 3 million
Amul spurred India's White Revolution, which made the country the world's largest
producer of milk and milk products. In the process Amul became the largest food brand
Dr Verghese Kurien, founder-chairman of the GCMMF for more than 30 years (1973–
marginal milk producers by traders or agents of the only existing dairy, the Polson dairy,
in the small city distances to deliver milk, which often went sour in summer, to Polson.
The prices of milk were arbitrarily determined. Moreover, the government had given
monopoly rights to Polson to collect milk from mikka and supply it to Bombay city.
leader Tribhuvandas K. Patel. He advised them to form a cooperative and supply milk
directly to the Bombay Milk Scheme instead of Polson (who did the same but gave them
low prices). He sent Morarji Desai to organise the farmers. In 1946, the milk farmers of
the area went on a strike which led to the setting up of the cooperative to collect and
process milk.[8] Milk collection was decentralized, as most producers were marginal
farmers who could deliver, at most, 1–2 litres of milk per day. Cooperatives were formed
The cooperative was further developed and managed by Dr.Verghese Kurien with H.M.
Dalaya. Dalaya's innovation of making skim milk powder from buffalo milk (for the first
time in the world) and a little later, with Kurien's help, making it on a commercial
scale, led to the first modern dairy of the cooperative at Anand, which would compete
against established players in the market. Kurien's brother-in-law K.M. Philip sensitized
Kurien to the needs of attending to the finer points of marketing, including the creation
and popularization of a brand. This led to the search for an attractive brand name. In a
brainstorming session, a chemist who worked in the dairy laboratory suggested Amul,
which came from the Sanskrit word "amulya", which means "priceless" and "denoted and
The trio's (T. K. Patel, Kurien and Dalaya's) success at the cooperative's dairy soon
spread to Anand's neighbourhood in Gujarat. Within a short span, five unions in other
districts – Mehsana, Banaskantha, Baroda, Sabarkantha and Surat – were set up.[8] To
combine forces and expand the market while saving on advertising and avoid competing
against each other, the GCMMF, an apex marketing body of these district cooperatives,
was set up in 1973. The Kaira Union, which had the brand name Amul with it since 1955,
transferred it to GCMMF.
In 1999, it was awarded the "Best of all" Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award.
Adding to the success, Dr. Madan Mohan Kashyap (faculty Agricultural and Engineering
and Dr Feryll (former student of Dr Verghese Kurien), visited the Amul factory in
Gujarat as a research team headed by Dr. Bheemsen. Shivdayal Pathak (ex-director of the
Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute) in the 1960s. A milk pasteurization
system at the Research Centre of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) Ludhiana was
The GCMMF is the largest food products marketing organisation of India. It is the apex
organisation for products under the brand name of Amul and Sagar.[15]Over the last five
and a half decades, dairy cooperatives in Gujarat have created an economic network that
links more than 3.1 million village milk products with millions of consumers in
India.[citation needed] The daily milk procurement of GCMMF is around 13 million liters per
day. It collects milk from about 16914 village milk cooperative societies, 17 member
unions and 24 districts covering about 3.18 million milk producer members. More than
70% of the members are small or marginal farmers and landless labourers including a
The Amul Model is a three-tier cooperative structure. This structure consists of a dairy
cooperative society at the village level affiliated to a milk union at the district level which
in turn is federated into a milk federation at the state level. Milk collection is done at the
village dairy society, milk procurement and processing at the District Milk Union and
milk products marketing at the state milk federation. The structure was evolved at Amul
in Gujarat and thereafter replicated all over the country under the Operation Flood
Collection of surplus milk from the producers of the village and payment based
insemination services, cattle-feed sales, mineral mixture sales, fodder and fodder seed
Arranging transportation of milk and milk products from the Milk Unions to the
Creating and maintaining a brand for marketing of milk & milk products,
Providing support services to the Milk Unions and members like technical inputs,
Pooling surplus milk from the Milk Unions and supplying it to deficit Milk
Establish feeder-balancing dairy plants for processing the surplus milk of the Milk
of milk products,
Decide on the prices of milk and milk products to be paid to Milk Unions,
Decide on the products to be manufactured at Milk Unions and capacity required
marketing planning.
Arranging finance for the Milk Unions and providing them technical know-how.
marketing functions.
Today, there are around 176 cooperative dairy unions formed by 125,000 dairy
same pattern, who are processing and marketing milk and milk products profitably, be it
Amul in Gujarat or Verka in Punjab, Vijaya in Andhra Pradesh, Milma in Kerala, Gokul
more than 190 dairy processing plants spread all over India with large investments by
of milk per day and pay an aggregate amount of more than Rs. 125 billion to the milk
producers in a year.
Impact of the "Amul Model"
The effects of Operation Flood Programme are appraised by the World Bank in an
evaluation report. It has been proved that an investment of Rs. 20 billion over 20 years
under Operation Flood in the 1970s and 80s has contributed in increase of India’s milk
production by 40 million metric tonnes (MMT), i.e., from about 20 MMT pre-Operation
Thus, an incremental return of Rs. 400 billion annually have been generated by an
investment of Rs. 20 billion over 20 years. India’s milk production continues to increase
and now stands at 90 MMT(as of 2012). Despite this fourfold increase in production,
there has not been a drop in the prices of milk during the period while production has
continued to grow.
Due to this movement, the country’s milk production tripled between the years 1971 and
1996. Similarly, the per capita milk consumption doubled from 111 gm per day in 1973
GCMMF (AMUL) has the largest distribution network for any FMCG company. It has
nearly 50 sales offices spread all over the country, more than 5000 wholesale dealers and
Amul became the world's largest vegetarian cheese and the largest pouched-milk brand.
AMUL is also the largest exporter of dairy products in the country. AMUL is available
today in over 40 countries of the world. AMUL is exporting a wide variety of products
which include whole and skimmed milk powder, cottage cheese (Paneer), UHT milk,
The major markets are USA, West Indies, and countries in Africa, the Gulf Region,
and SAARC neighbours, Singapore, The Philippines, Thailand, Japan and China, and
others such as Mauritius, Australia, Hong Kong and a few South African countries. Its
bid to enter the Japanese market in 1994 did not succeed, but it plans to venture again.[17]
In September 2007, Amul emerged as the leading Indian brand according to a survey by
In 2013, Amul was named the Most Trusted brand in the Food and Beverages sector
in The Brand Trust Report, published by Trust Research Advisory,[19] where as in the
2014 edition of The Brand Trust Report,[20] Amul is ranked 7th in the list of India's Most
PCDF has ten divisions. Every division has manager who is responsible to General
The division heads of each division shall be responsible for the performance and
of their respective division not only at the head office but also in the units /
unions in the field. These officers shall not merely insure achievement of the
targets fixed and implementation of systems for their functional areas but promptly
The divisional heads shall discharging their duties within the policy frame laid
down by the Managing Director and subject of his control & supervision only
approved policy , systems development and other important matters need to be put
Bill before approval & implementation ; be routed through the Management Service
Division (MSD) , which will check the plan to see whether they are in conformity
with corporate objective and will see that that they are in conformity with other
The divisional heads should see the terms made by them and their officers and
purposively designate link officers for each officer in their division. All letters to
the NDDB shall before dispatch , be sent to the MSD , which will take speedy
clearance at the appropriate level. A copy of all such letters shall be the CPM
Amul's product range includes milk powders, milk, butter, ghee, cheese, Masti
Dahi, Yoghurt, Buttermilk, chocolate, ice cream, cream, shrikhand, paneer, gulab jamuns,
flavoured milk, basundi, Amul Pro brand and others. Amul PRO is a recently launched
brown beverage just like bournvita and horlicks offering whey protein, DHA and
essential nutrients. In January 2006, Amul launched India's first sports drink, Stamina,
Amul offers mithaimate which competes with Milkmaid by Nestle by offering more fat at
lower price.
In August 2007, Amul introduced Kool Koko, a chocolate milk brand extending its
product offering in the milk products segment. Other Amul brands are Amul Kool, a low-
calorie thirst quenching drink; Masti Butter Milk; and Kool Cafe, ready to drink coffee.
Amul's icecreams are made from milk fat and thus are icecreams in real sense of the
word, while many brands in India sell frozen desserts made from vegetable fat.
Over the years Amul has been witnessing strong growth in this portfolio,with the segment
growing at 53%, as a result of growing consumer awareness and demand for good quality
milk,the urban population has especially been showing great interest in long
life UHT products like Amul Taaza,which are packed in Tetra Pak cartons,which
undergoes UHT treatment to remove all harmful microorganisms while retaining the
nutrition in the milk.Today Amul sells around 4-500,000 litres of UHT milk and other
value added products per day and forecast this demand to continue growing at 25%.The
UHT products have enabled Amul to position itself as the market leader in packaged milk
segment by penetrating the deeper and vast markets by maintaining long shelf life of
Amul has installed a "Any Time Milk" machine which dispenses a 300-ml pouch of fresh
milk for Rs 10, at Anand's Amul Dairy. As a first step, Amul plans to install six such
ATMs in Anand itself. According to Rahul Kumar, MD of Amul Dairy, Amul wants to
add a whole range of dairy products, which could be dispensed through these machines.
An Amul butter ad on Pakistan'sKargil War fiasco. The image shows the "Amul baby"
In 1966, Amul hired Sylvester, then managing director of the advertising agency AS to
hoardings with topical ads, relating to day-to-day issues.[25] It was popular and earned
a Guinness world record for the longest running ad campaign in the world. In the 1980s,
cartoon artist Kumar Morey and script writer Bharat Dabholkar had been involved with
sketching the Amul ads; the latter rejected the trend of using celebrities in advertisement
Despite encountering political pressure on several occasions, daCunha's agency has made
it a policy of not backing down. Some of the more controversial Amul ads include one
commenting on the Naxalite uprising in West Bengal, on the Indian Airlines employees
strike, and one depicting the Amul butter girl wearing a Gandhi cap.
In 2013, Amul tweeted a picture featuring the Amul butter girl, implying that 'freedom of
choice' died in '2013', in opposition to the Supreme Court of India overruling the
Amul hired DraftFCB+Ulka for the brands of Amul milk, chocolates, paneer, ghee, ice-
In popular culture
The White Revolution inspired the notable Indian film-maker Shyam Benegal to base his
Shah and Amrish Puri. The film was financed by over five lakh rural farmers
inGujarat who contributed Rs 2 each to its budget. Upon its release, these farmers went in
truckloads to watch 'their' film, making it a commercial success. Manthan was chosen for
the 1977 National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi.
The report present detailed information about the Lucknow Milk Union (Amul
Dairy work happens through various procedures. Basic of the dairy work is
milk union. It is a big co-operative unit based on the values of understanding co-
operation profit for milk producers and providing quality products to consumers at
a. Marketing
c. Industry Unit
Administration co-ordinates various function , looks after salaries and wages and
the function of producing various industrial products like milk , butter etc.
Member Farmer
Chilling Center
Vender Retailer
The Amul Dairy did a lot’s of efforts to collect the milk. It is a dynamic and
complex field involving many workable principles and production over a period of
Firstly, LPCM union does some survey in rural areas. The survey team tells about
possibility of milk. Milk societies cater to a cluster of 6-10 villages each. They are
towns. At present there are 10 routes and 466 societies of Amul Dairy.
Collected milk from societies is finally sent to the dairy for various treatments and
The milk collected from various societies is brought to the dairy and here it is
weighted and duly recorded in the register. The capacity of the milk Can is
After performing various tests , the Procurement and Input Department decides the
quality of milk and then a valid rate of milk is given to the member farmer
Co-operative union has some target which they fulfill every year.
1. No. of Societies
2. Total no of members
3. No of Farmer Members
5. Vaccination
6. Sterility Prohibition
9. Artificial breeding
11. Purchasing of liquid milk and products of milk
The 4 P’s Are always influencing the advertising process and decision.
1. Promotion
2. Product
3. Price
4. Place
The channel of distribution is the path , which the products takes while moving to
the product flows till it finally reaches to the hands of the actual users.
Under the broad name of ‘place’ which is a marketing component , the most
Firstly , Agents enrolled with Distribution Department (Sales dept) of LPMU gives
the location of place where they require the milk. Then the supply vehicle
unloads the required amount of milk to that agent shop. All demands get through
supply vehicles.
Processed milk and other related products need different distribution structure. The
Processed milk can be sold from agents or outlets only early in the morning
and evening.
Different service level from retail. Unlike processed milk mozzarella cheese
many need more customer education and hence is sold through premium
retail store.
Different shelf life whereas processed milk is still highly perishable- Butter,
Ghee or paneer have better shelf life and can be sold through normal
Milk union sells their products through agents. Lucknow has a total of approx. 1900
outlets selling milk and about 800 agents are serviced by AMUL . Lucknow has
around 40% of the agents temporary structures for selling milk in morning. 40%
of the agents have a milk booth or operate from there houses and balance 20% is
Dairy use milk truck or van (painted with Logo and Slogan) for distributing the
products to retailers.
Hotels / Institutional
Distribution vans are used for supplying the processed milk and curd to agents.
Agents are hubs identified by Dairy for distribution of its products. Agents generally sell
exclusively dairy’s brand of products. Retailer deposits security and should purchase milk
on daily basis. Dairy officially can impose penalty in case agents are found selling
There are 37 routes in Lko. Route planning has been done keeping primarily the
total time available and no of outlets for any given route. No of outlet in a route
is a function of -
taken for loading / unloading at any given outlet to be kept for that
Distance between the outlets. The terrain / accessibility and distance between
Institutions est. en-route. Institutions have their own systems for entry / exit
All routes have been encoding with relation to there respective district sand
outlets have been encoded for their respective routes. This has been done to
track sales at retail level , management of empty crates etc. Separate routes
fast empty and milk crates movement at retail points while maintaining the
of vehicles (fast movement is required to finish milk supply early in night and to
morning. Most of the retailer doesn’t have freezer for storing milk.
Containerization would reduce handling losses during these activities. The vehicle
crew levels the crates on the road and move to its next service point. The crew
needs to be trained to deal with the end customer of dairy appropriately. With
of 20% or more after the year 2002. Multinationals like Nestle have a strong
presence in dairy items sold through FMCG retail distribution channels , however ,
The dispatch sheet is given to the attendant. Dispatch sheet also doubles as a gate
pass for vehicle movement out of DAIRY. Amul has a separate document dispatch
summery for gate pass. Physical enumeration is done at gate by security to cross
check the figures mentioned in the dispatch statement vehicles out of the factory
premises. The dispatch sheet and empty trays are returned to dairy official the
next day.
planted which is joined with the computers. The computer also records the
Lucknow milk union in the recent three-four year has been on the top for milk
production and marketing in state. The union now had to work in collaboration
with the regional dairies , which is affecting its profit a lot. In these gears milk
production and production of other milk products by the unit has been very good.
In addition to milk , union has also fulfilled the needs of butter , ghee , cheese ,
flavored milk , cakes , Ice-creams in the state more then the local demand. Cheese
and butter through the medium of PCDF are sent for marketing on the state and
national Levels.
b. The Project profile & Review of literature
distinguished. They are: corporate level, strategic business unit (SBU) level, functional
level, operational level and mixed levels (such as corporate and SBU level, SBU and
levelstrategies, such as Wernham (1985) and Schmidt & Brauer (2006), while many
examine SBU level strategies (Gupta & Govindarajan, 1984; White, 1986;
Govindarajan, 1988; Govindarajan, 1989; Govindarajan & Fisher, 1990; Skivington &
Daft, 1991; Roth & Schweiger & Morrison, 1991; Floyd & Wooldridge, 1992b;
Waldersee & Sheather, 1996; Nilsson & Rapp, 1999; Chimhanzi & Morgan, 2005; Olson
Slater & Hult, 2005; Schaap, 2006; Brenes & Mena & Molina, 2007). The same holds
true for functional strategies: We have found eight studies that focus on the
implementation of such strategies, namely Rapert & Lynch & Suter (1996), Sashittal &
Wilemon (1996), Piercy (1998), Noble (1999a), Noble & Mokwa (1999), Chimhanzi
(2004), Qi (2005), Viseras & Baines & Sweeney (2005). Most of these studies, however,
focus on marketing strategy (such as Sashittal & Wilemon, 1996; Piercy, 1998; Noble &
Mokwa, 1999, Chimhanzi, 2004). There are few studies dedicated to the implementation
of other functional strategies (this is clearly an area of future research). The only other
study of functional strategy implementation that we have been able to identify is Viseras,
Baines and Sweeney s study (2005) in the context of manufacturing strategies. This
study focuses on the key success factors in the project management for the
Few studies focus on the actual operational level of strategy implementation, such as
Bantel (1997), Homburg & Krohmer & Workman (2004). Bantel (1997) analyzes the
effects of two key aspects of product strategy (product leadership and product/market
and employee empowerment). This study also emphasizes the relationship between
product strategy and several strategic implementation variables. Homburg, Krohmer &
Workman (2004) point out that market orientation plays a key role for the successful
There are some studies which cannot be classified into the above categories.
Consequently, we classify them into a group called mixed level studies: Gupta (1987),
Beer & Eisenstat (2000) and Hrebiniak (2006) have carried out research on corporate and
SBU-level strategy. Walker and Ruekert (1987) analyze three levels of strategy –
orporate, SBU and functional. Higgins (2005) even focuses on four types of strategies:
corporate, business, functional and process. Process strategies, the last type normally cut
across functions and are aimed at integrating organizational processes across the
business strategy. The mixed studies category also includes articles that focus on the role
of project management for strategy implementation. Okumus (2001), for example focuses
project in two hotels. Peng and Litteljohn (2001) investigate three hotel chains
synergies among project management and strategy implementation and reviews strategy
concerning strategic levels. Examples of such ambiguous studies are Bourgeois Ш and
Brodwin (1984), Nutt (1986,1987,1989), Noble (1999b), Lehner (2004), Higgins (2005),
Harrington (2006), and Schaap (2006). We can draw multiple conclusions based on our
implementation. We note that among the five strategy levels – the SBU-level (14
articles), the functional- level (8 articles) and mixed levels (9 articles) have received more
attention than the other two levels, corporate (2 articles) and operational (2 articles).
Many studies (25 articles) do not even indicate at which level their discussion of strategy
implementation is located.
Two calls to action result from these findings. First, the implementation of corporate
integration research that we have excluded in our review) and should be given more
research attention. Second, future strategy implementation research should pay attention
to explicitly indicate the level of analysis. Within the functional level, another finding
revealed that marketing is the prevailing domain, compared with other functional areas
research on strategy implementation, we can observe that there are very few studies that
have examined the inter-relationships of functional and business strategies. One such
(Slater & Olson, 2001). Another study has examined the mutual influence of functional
concerned, strategy implementation studies discuss both, state-owned and privately held
questionnaires to the head offices of 800 private companies in the UK. Noble s (1999a)
study spans several types of organizations – a national airline, a major financial services
firm, a leading packaged goods company, a provider of emergency fire and medical
services, and a leading firm in the imaging technology industry. Some of the researched
companies focus on their domestic markets, while others are multinational corporations.
nationwide sample of 1000 CEOs of general service hospitals, which are members of
the American Hospital Association (AHA); Roth & Schweiger & Morrison (1991) and
Kim & Mauborgne (1991, 1993) study global strategy; Okumus (2001) investigates two
international hotel groups; Forman and Argenti (2005) select five multinational
companies as samples, namely Accenture, Dell, FedEx, Johnson & Johnson, Sears. In
conclusion, the subjects of strategy implementation studies are not only state-owned
corporations, but mostly private corporations, not only local firms but also multinational
firms. However, there have been no studies comparing similarities and differences of
among local firms and multinational firms. We thus do not know which specific
differences exist regarding strategy implementation in these various forms organizations.
The relevance of the topic is the first step to a successful Research process. Project
The problem formulation is the first step to a successful Research process. Project
establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research is discovering, interpreting and
the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a
wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research Methodology
can be defined as: ‘The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates
employed by a discipline’, or ‘the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have
primary and secondary research. The technique and concepts used during primary
research in order to arrive at findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a logical
Research process
particular issue or problem with systematic planning is known as research process. This
process involves several steps for complete analysis of the research problem. These steps
are required for identifying and analyzing important information about a research topic.
Research design
A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the
information needed. It is the overall operational pattern or framework of the project that
I propose to first conduct an intensive secondary research to understand the full impact
and implication of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on
which certain issues shall be further taken up in the next stage of exploratory research.
This stage shall help me to restrict and select only the important question and issue,
The various tasks that I have undertaken in the research design process are:
related to a population.
design which is predetermined and structured in nature. It is used for casual or conclusive
Here, since the study is based on the objectives, therefore, I am using exploratory
research design.
Exploratory research
The method I used for exploratory research was,
1) Primary Data
2) Secondary data
3) Sampling
Target population- the population or universe represents the entire group of units which
is the focus of the study. Thus, the population could consist of all the persons in the
In this study, population size is the total number of retailers we contacted i.e, 100.
Sample technique- Random / probability sampling technique is used. Under this kind
of sampling technique, every item of the universe has an equal chance of inclusion in the
sample. Here it is blind chance alone that determines whether one item or the other is
Collection of Data
Data collection is done with a purpose of gathering information about the topic being
New data gathered to help solve the problem at hand. As compared to secondary data
questionnaire. Qualitative or quantitative data that are newly collected in the course of
research, Consists of original information that comes from people and includes
information gathered from surveys, focus groups, independent observations and test
results. Data gathered by the researcher in the act of conducting research. This is
contrasted to secondary data which entails the use of data gathered by someone other than
the researcher information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by means of
Secondary data
Information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose.
Sources include census reports, trade publications, and subscription services. Data that
have already been collected and published for another research project (other than the one
at hand). There are two types of secondary data: internal and external secondary data.
Information compiled inside or outside the organization for some purpose other than the
current investigation. Data that have already been collected for some purpose other than
the current study. Researching information which has already been published. Market
information compiled for purposes other than the current research effort; it can be
by someone else, such as a market research company or the U.S. government. Published,
already available data that comes from pre-existing sets of information, like medical
Sample procedure
Judgmental sampling has been taken as sample procedure for conducting research work.
Under this sampling, every item of the universe has an equal chance of inclusion in the
Types of questionnaire
MOLE often have evaluation or survey tools built into them (See also Electronic
data that can be analyzed quantitatively for patterns and trends. The agenda is entirely
predetermined by the evaluator and provides little flexibility for respondents to qualify
their answers.
predetermined by the evaluator, are based on open questions allowing respondents the
freedom to answer in their own words and therefore to provide greater qualification in
their response.
Yes 87
No 13
Yes No
87% respondent said that they have idea of purchasing Amul products but 13% are not
2. Have you ever purchase product of Amul ?
Yes 77
No 23
Yes No
77% respondent said that they have ever purchase product of Amul but 23% are not
3. What helps you to decide which product of Amul you purchase ?
TV Advertisement 23
Personal recommendation 36
Special offer 11
Radio advertising 17
News paper 7
Word of mouth 6
7% 6% 23%
23% respondent said that they decide to purchase the product of Amul by TV
4. How frequently you see advertisement of Amul product?
Weekly 27
Monthly 37
daily 27
None 19
17% 25%
25% respondent said that they have see advertisement of Amul product weekly, 33%
5. For which one of the following purpose you visit in your product?
Others 9
57% respondent said that they have purpose to visit product purchasing brand goods,
23% purchasing local goods, 11% only gathering information and 9% others.
6. According to you, what are attractive features that influece you to buy Amul product ?
Quality 32
Economy 49
Taste 19
32% respondent said that they have attractive features that buy Amul product Quality,
7 Are you satisfied with Amul Product ?
Yes 91
No 9
Yes No
8. According to you, have Amul changed the marketing strategy towards milk product?
Yes 71
No 29
Yes No
71% respondent said that Amul’s product have changed the way the marketing strategy
9. Do you suggest Amul products to others?
Yes 89
No 11
Yes No
89% respondent said that they suggest Amul products to others yes but 11 said no.
10. what will you rate your present Amul product performance?
Poor 7
Satisfactory 23
Fair 27
Good 21
Very good 13
Excellent 9
9% 7%
7% respondent said that they rate your present Amul product performance poor, 23%
11. Which service provider are you using?
Amul 37
parag 32
Gyan 23
Others 8
23% 37% Amul
37% respondent said that they were using Amul, 32% Parag, 23% Gyan and 8% others.
87% respondent said that they have idea of purchasing Amul products but 13% are not.
77% respondent said that they have ever purchase product of Amul but 23% are not.
23% respondent said that they decide to purchase the product of Amul by TV
25% respondent said that they have see advertisement of Amul product weekly, 33%
57% respondent said that they have purpose to visit product purchasing brand goods,
23% purchasing local goods, 11% only gathering information and 9% others.
32% respondent said that they have attractive features that buy Amul product Quality,
71% respondent said that Amul’s product have changed the way the marketing strategy
89% respondent said that they suggest Amul products to others yes but 11 said no.
7% respondent said that they rate your present Amul product performance poor, 23%
37% respondent said that they were using Amul, 32% Parag, 23% Gyan and 8% others.
Though, best efforts have been made to make the study fair, transparent and error free.
But there might be some inevitable and inherent limitations. Though outright measure are
It was not possible to cover each and every respondent due to time constrains.
Unwillingness on the part of the customers to disclose the information as per the
The decisiveness on the part of the customers regarding some question hence difficulty
The customers of Amul are brand loyal with only a small percent want to shift over to
other brands. Trying of other brands by customers is mainly because the customer wants
Due to high brand loyalty the customers of Amul recommend its product to others.
The customers are satisfied with the product range of Amul product.
The brand loyalty for more Amul can be increased if the Quality and appearance of the
products are given due attention because Parag has captured a major share of milk
The switch over of the customers can be prevented if more of new products are launched
more frequently like Parag which launches new products with slight variations from the
Q3) Which medium helps you to decide the products of amul you purchase?
Q5) For which one of the following purpose you visit to purchage amul product?
(d) Others
Q6) What according to you are attractive features that buy Amul product ?
Q8) According to you, have Amul product changed the way of marketing strategy
Q9.Do you suggest Amul products to others?
Very good