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Regulation Frozen

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Department of Health

July 1966

As Amended:
January 2002 (re -filing in accordance with
the provisions of section 42-35-4.1 of the
Rhode Island General Laws, as amended)
Authority: Sections 1, 17, 18 and 26 of Chapter 1, Title 23 of the General Laws of 1956, as


The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation of these regulations.

Accessible. The term accessible shall mean easily exposed for cleaning and inspection with the use of
simple tools, such as those normally used by maintenance personnel.

Air temperature. Air temperature shall mean the equilibrated temperature of the air environment in

Break-up room. The term break-up room shall mean any area, or space within a warehouse, used
for the purpose of organizing cased frozen food into lots for individual consignment on route delivery.

Carrier. The term carrier shall mean any person, firm or corporation, operating or offering to
operate, a vehicle for the purpose of transporting frozen food.

Director. The term director shall mean the Director of Health of the State of Rhode Island or his
designated representative.

Display cases. Display cases shall mean any case, cabinet, or other facility, used for displaying frozen
food for sale.

Food product zone. The term food product zone shall mean those surfaces with which food is
normally in contact and those surfaces with which food may come in contact during processing, conveying,
holding, refrigeration and packing, and which may drain onto product contact surfaces or into the product.

Freezing cycle. The term freezing cycle shall mean lowering of the internal product temperature of a
food product to a temperature of 0°F. or lower.

Frozen food. The term frozen food shall mean any article used for food or drink for man, or other
animals; (a) which is processed; (b) which is packaged and preserved by freezing in accordance with good
commercial practices; and (c) which is intended for sale in the frozen state.

Internal product temperature. The term internal product temperature shall mean the equilibrated
product temperature of frozen food.

Operator. The term operator shall mean any person, firm, or corporation, operating or maintaining a
frozen food plant or warehouse for the purpose of commercially preparing or storing frozen food.

Readily (or easily) accessible. Readily (or easily) accessible shall mean easily exposed without the
use of tools, for cleaning and inspection.

Readily removable. Readily removable shall mean that a component part shall be capable of being
separated from the principal part without the use of tools.

Ready to eat frozen food. The term ready to eat frozen food shall mean a frozen food product which

has been factory processed to the point at which it is ready for use as a food, and may or may not require
further heating before use.

Removable. The term removable shall mean that a component part shall be capable of being
separated from the principal part with the use of simple tools such as those normally used by maintenance

Retail outlet. The term retail outlet shall mean any building, room, or parts thereof, where the sale of
frozen food to the public is conducted.

Route delivery. The term route delivery shall mean the transportation of frozen food with frequent
stops for partial unloading.

Sale. Sale shall mean any and every transaction including the dispensing, giving, delivering, serving,
exposing, storing, or any other processing of frozen food wherein frozen food is subject to transfer to
another person.

Storage room or facility. Storage room or facility shall mean any area or space, within a warehouse,
used for the purpose of storing frozen food.

Transportation. Transportation shall mean the physical movement, or the acceptance for physical
movement, of frozen food by a carrier.

Vehicle. The term vehicle shall mean any van, truck, trailer, automobile, wagon, ship, barge, freight
car, airplane, or other means for transporting frozen food.

Warehouse. Warehouse shall mean any structure, room, or part thereof, used for the purpose of
storing commercially manufactured frozen food.


FF2.1 All frozen food shall be held at an air temperature of 0°F. or lower except for defrost cycles,
loading and unloading, or for other temporary conditions beyond the immediate control of the
person or company under whose care or supervision the frozen food is held: Provided, that only
those frozen food destined for repackaging in smaller units may be defrosted for such purposes in
accordance with good sanitary precautions.

FF2.2 The internal product temperature of frozen food shall be maintained at 0°F. or lower except when
the product is subjected to the above mentioned conditions; then the internal product temperature
shall not exceed 10°F., and such product shall be returned to 0°F. as quickly as possible.

(1) Internal product temperature for any case of frozen food shall be determined in accordance
with the following procedure:

(a) Only when an accurate determination of internal product temperature fails without
sacrifice of packaged frozen food, shall representative packages or units be opened to
allow for inserting the sensing element for temperature measurement to the approximate
center of the packages in question.

(2) Internal product temperature of consumer packages of frozen food shall be determined in

accordance with the following procedure:

(a) Open the top of the case and remove two corner packages.

(b) With an ice pick or similar tool punch a hole in the case from the inside. Do not use the
stem of the thermometer.

(c) This hole is positioned so that, when the thermometer stem is inserted from the outside, it
fits snugly between packages.

(d) Insert the thermometer stem about 3 inches. Replace the two packages. Close the case
and place a couple of other cases on top to assure good contact on the sensing portion of
the thermometer stem.

(e) After 5 minutes, read the temperature.

(3) Thermometers or other temperature measuring devices shall have an accuracy of ±2°F.

FF2.3 These regulations shall not apply nor be deemed to apply to articles subject to the Frozen Desserts
Ordinance and Code recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service - May, 1940.


FF3.1 Coverage:

a. This section covers in general the location, construction, and layout of frozen food preparation
plants, including construction and design requirements to promote cleaning and sanitary

b. The provisions of this section shall be applicable only to those establishments initiating
operations subsequent to the first inspection based upon the requirements of these regulations:
Provided, that existing plants shall be subject to the provisions of these regulations when the
plant facilities are remodeled or rebuilt subsequent to the adoption of these regulations, or
when such plant or pla nt facility constitutes an immediate health hazard.

FF3.2 Location:

a. Food processing plants shall be located in areas reasonably free from objectionable odors,
smoke, fly ash and dust or other contamination. 1

b. Adequate, dust-proof accessways for all vehicular traffic, connecting loading and unloading
areas of the plant to the public streets, shall be available. Employee parking areas and access
roads close by the food processing plant shall be hard surfaced with a binder of tar, cement or

These objectionable conditions are sometimes prevalent in the environs of the following list of facilities, but not
necessarily limited to those type facilities: Oil refineries, city dumps, chemical plants, sewage treatment plants, dye-
works, and paper pulp mills. In planning a plant, due consideration should be given to providing space and an
arrangement of buildings that will permit future expansion. To this end, coolers, freezers, and the various processing
departments should be located so that they may be enlarged without adversely affecting other departments.

FF3.3 Separation:

a. Frozen food preparation plants shall be completely separated from areas used as living
quarters by solid, impervious floors, walls, and ceilings with no connecting openings.

FF3.4 Water Supply:

a. The plant shall have an ample volume of potable water available from an approved public or
private source. If a non-potable water supply is necessary it shall not be used in a manner
which will bring it into contact with the product or product zone of equipment. Such non-
potable water systems shall be kept entirely separate from the potable water supply and the
non-potable water lines shall be positively identified by a distinctive color.

b. All equipment shall be so installed and used so that back siphonage of liquids into the potable
water lines is precluded.

c. Hot and cold water in ample supply shall be provided for all plant clean-up needs. Hoses used
for clean-up shall be stored on racks or reels when not in use.

FF3.5 Plant Waste Disposal:

a. The disposal of liquid wastes shall be to the public sewerage system if available and permitted
by applicable regulations, or to a properly designed and installed private facility. Private liquid
waste treatment facilities shall be approved by the director.

FF3.6 General Plant Layout:

a. Product preparation and processing (including freezing) departments shall be of sufficient size
to permit the installation of all necessary equipment with ample space for plant operations and
with unobstructed truckways for conveyances of raw materials and processed products. The
plant shall be so arranged that there is a proper flow of product, without undue congestion or
back-tracking, from the time raw materials are received until the frozen, packaged article is
shipped from the plant.

b. Raw material storage rooms and areas where preparatory operations, such as washing and
peeling of fruits and vegetables and the evisceration of poultry, are carried on shall be
separate from rooms or areas wherein frozen food is formulated, processed and packaged.
Doors connecting various rooms or openings to the outside shall be tight fitted, solid, and kept
in a closed position by self-closing devices.

c. Facilities for holding product under refrigeration until processed shall be provided.

d. Facilities for quick freezing the processed product efficiently shall be provided and so located
as to be convenient to the food processing and packaging departments. Ample freezer
storage shall be provided convenient to the quick freezing facilities: Provided, that when the
frozen product is immediately removed from the establishment, such freezer storage shall not
be required.

e. A separate room for storing inedible materials such as fruit and vegetable peels, feathers, and
bones, pending removal from the plant, shall be provided in a location convenient to the various

preparation and processing areas. This waste storage room shall be of sufficient size to
permit the proper storage of filled and empty metal or other relatively nonabsorbent refuse
containers and their lids. It shall be equipped with an efficient power exhaust ventilation
system, hot and cold water outlets and adequate floor drainage. The discharge from the
exhaust system shall be located well away from fresh air inlets into the plant.

f. Packaging and labeling materials shall be stored in a separately enclosed space convenient to
the packaging department. Packaging and labeling materials shall not be stored in the product
processing and packaging departments: Provided, that small quantities of such supplies as are
necessary for maintaining continuity of operations is permissible in the processing and
packaging departments.

g. Facilities for inedible products and catch basins shall be suitably located as to avoid
objectionable conditions affecting the preparation and handling of edible products.

h. A separate room or area and proper facilities for cleaning equipment such as trays, hand
trucks, and implements shall be provided in a location convenient to the processing
department. A power exhaust system shall be provided to dispel steam and vapors from the

i. Dockage areas shall be of adequate size, constructed of impervious materials and so drained
as to minimize the entrance into the plant of dust, dirt, and other contaminants from the
receiving and shipping operations. If live animals are received, a separate dock shall be
provided for this purpose.

j. Well located, properly ventilated dressing rooms and toilet rooms of ample size shall be
provided for employees.2 The ventilation and lighting of toilet and dressing rooms, the ratio of
toilets, of hand-washing facilities, and of urinals to number of employees using such facilities,
and the type of fixtures used and manner of installing all plumbing in such rooms shall conform
strictly to applicable state laws and regulations.

k. Employees shall not eat in food processing or packaging area.

FF3.7 Plant Construction:

a. Floor shall be constructed of durable material which is easily cleanable and skid resistant.
Where floors are wet cleaned, they shall be sloped to drain.

b. Interior walls shall be of a smooth and washable surface applied to a suitable base.

c. Coves with radii sufficient to promote sanitation shall be installed at the juncture of floors and
walls in all rooms.

d. Ceilings shall be of adequate height and of smooth, washable material.

e. Window ledges shall be sloped at least 45° to the interior to promote sanitation.

Dressing room should be separated from adjoining toilet rooms by tight, full height walls or partitions. The toilet
room should not be entered directly from a work room but through an intervening dressing room or a properly
ventilated toilet room vestibule.

f. Frozen food plants and warehouses shall be so constructed as to be rodent resistant.

g. All exterior window and door openings shall be equipped with effective insect and rodent
screens. Where doors in outside walls of food handling areas are used for loading or
unloading, "fly chaser" fans and ducts or other effective means shall be provided at such doors
to prevent the entrance of insects.

h. Dressed lumber shall be used for exposed interior woodwork.

i. All exposed wood surfaces shall be finished with non-toxic oil or plastic paint or treated with
hot linseed oil or clear wood sealer.

j. Stairs in product handling departments shall be constructed with solid treads and closed risers
and shall have side curbs of similar material, 6 inches high measured at the front edge of the

k. Refrigerator doors and jambs shall be covered with rust-resisting metal securely affixed to the
doors and jambs. Joints necessary for installation shall be welded, soldered, or otherwise
effectively sealed. The juncture of the metal covering on jambs and walls shall be sealed with
a flexible type sealing compound. Doorways through which product is transferred on
overhead rails or hand trucks shall be sufficiently wide to permit free passage of the largest
trucks or widest suspended product without contact with the jambs.

FF3.8 Plumbing and Floor Drainage:

a. The minimum slope of the floor for drainage shall be 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch per foot toward a
properly located drain. Floor drains should be provided at the rate of one drain for each 400
square feet of floor area. The type and size of floor drains and sanitary sewage lines used
and the method of installing such facilities and other plumbing equipment shall conform strictly
to state laws and regulations.

b. Hand-washing facilities shall be provided convenient to all locations where product is prepared
and processed. Each lavatory shall be supplied with hot and cold or warm running water;
powdered or liquid soap in a suitable dispenser; and ample supply of single service towels; and
a suitable receptacle for used towels. Lavatories in work-rooms and toilet rooms shall be
pedal operated.

c. Where sterilizers are required they shall be of a size that will permit complete immersion of
tools and other implements. Such sterilizing receptacle shall be equipped with a water line,
means for heating the water, an overflow outle t, and means for emptying the receptacle.

FF3.9 Lighting, Ventilation:

a. Work-rooms and employee dressing rooms shall have means for furnishing adequate natural
light (approximately 25% of the floor area in windows and/or skylights) and ventilation or an
efficient air conditioning or mechanical ventilation system and adequate artificial lighting

b. Fresh air intakes for mechanical ventilation systems shall be equipped with effective
replaceable filters to prevent the entrance of air-borne contaminants. Fresh air intakes shall

be located well away from power exhaust system discharges and other sources of air-borne

c. The general light intensities in product preparation, processing and packaging areas shall be
not less than 20-foot candles measured 30 inches above the floor. Where detailed visual tasks
are required to assure a safe, wholesome product, the intensity of light on the surface of the
product or product container shall be not less than 50-foot candles. At least 10-foot candles
of light shall be provided in all dressing and toilet rooms and at least 5-foot candles in all other
areas of the plant.



FF4.1 Coverage:

a. These specifications apply only to equipment acquired after these regulations are adopted.
Provided, however, when processing equipment constitutes an immediate health hazard it shall
be subject to the provisions of these regulations. In modifying existing machinery and
equipment, efforts shall be made to conform to these specifications.

b. These specifications apply to the design, materials and construction of equipment used in the
processing, holding and packaging of ready-to-eat frozen food.

FF4.2 General Principles:

a. The design, materials and construction of frozen food equipment shall be easily accessible for
cleaning and sanitization. 3

FF4.3 Equipment.

(1) Materials 4

(a) All surfaces within the food product zone must be smooth, free from pits, crevices, and
loose scale; and must be relatively non-absorbent. Furthermore, surfaces shall be non-
toxic, and unaffected by food products and cleaning compounds.

(b) The finish of corrosion-resistant (stainless steel, nickel alloy, etc.) surfaces must be of 125
grit, properly applied, or equivalent.

(c) The finish of cast iron, cast and forges steel, and cast nickel alloy are not to exceed a
surface roughness of American Standard #125 or equivalent.

(d) The use of galvanized surfaces shall be minimal and where used of the smoothness of
high quality commercial hot dip.

In order to encourage the cleaning of equipment, the time factor and the ease of disassembly are important
considerations. The unit or units of equip ment should contain the fewest number of parts to permit easy reassembly
by unskilled labor following cleaning .
Sponge rubber, stone slab, linoleum, flannel, unglazed ceramic material and other porous materials are basically
objectionable and should not be used.

(e) Copper and its alloys shall not be used in equipment where edible oils, liquid shortening,
chocolate liquor, and other fatty food products come in contact with the metal.

(f) Cadmium shall not be used in any manner or form on the food equipment.

(g) Lead shall not be used within or adjacent to the food product zone with the exception of
its inclusion in dairy solder in an amount not to exceed 5%.

(h) Plastics shall be abrasion resistant, heat resistant, to the degree needed for the product
and for the cleaning process, shall be shatter-proof, and shall not contain free phenol,
formaldehyde, or a constituent which may result in the migration of any of the substances
to the food or otherwise affect the characteristics of the food with which it comes in

(i) All gasketing and packing material shall be relatively non-porous, relatively nonabsorbent,
and installed in a manner that results in a true fit to prevent protruding into the product
zone or creating recesses or ledges between the gasketed joints.

(j) Coatings used in the food product zone as a lining to prevent corrosion of the base
material of food equipment shall be non-toxic, unaffected by, and inert to the food in
contact with it or cleaning preparations used on it. Furthermore, such coatings shall be
relatively nonabsorbent, odorless and tasteless.

(2) Design and Construction - Food Product Zone

(a) All parts of the product zone shall be readily accessible or be readily removable for
cleaning and inspection.

(b) All parts of the food product zone shall be free of recesses, dead ends, open seams, and
gaps, crevices, protruding ledges, inside threads, inside shoulders and bolts or rivets which
form pockets and patterns.5

(c) All permanent joints of metal parts shall be butt welded. 6

(d) All welding within the food product zone shall be continuous, smooth, even, and flush with
the adjacent surfaces.

(e) All interior corners shall be provided with a minimum radius of 1/4 inch, except where a
greater radius is required to facilitate drainage or cleaning.

(f) The equipment shall be constructed and installed to provide sufficient pitch so as to be
completely self-draining.

(g) Equipment which introduces air into the food product or uses air to convey the food

To prevent protruding ledges and impediment to flow following assembly of parts, factory pre -alignment of parts is
Dissimilar metals should not be used in equipment construction if their contact with liquid products may create
deleterious chemical and electrolytic action.

product shall be fitted with a filter capable of withholding particles 50 microns or larger in
size. Such filters shall be readily removable for cartridge replacement or cleaning.

(h) Bearings shall be located outside the food product zone or outboard and shall be of the
sealed or self-lubricated type. Those intended for use with a dry granular or a dry
pulverized product directly adjacent to the food product zone shall be of the sealed type,
without grease fittings. The bearings shall be installed flush to eliminate any recessed
areas around the shaft within the food product zone.

(i) Shaft seal assemblies and packing glands shall be outboard, and shall be readily
removable. The shaft seal or packing shall be retractable within a space between the
assembly and bearing to facilitate easy removal of the sealing assembly and materials, for
cleaning and inspection.

(j) Screening and Straining Surfaces: All permanent screening and straining devices shall be
readily removable for cleaning and inspection. They shall be designed to prevent
replacement in an improper position.

(1) Liquid: Permanent screening and straining surfaces intended for use with a liquid or a
semi-liquid product shall be fabricated from perforated metal.

(2) Dry: Permanent screening and straining surfaces intended for use with a dry granular
or a dry pulverized product shall be fabricated from perforate metal. Provided, that
wire screen of not less than 30 x 30 continuous mesh may be used.

(k) All filtering surfaces shall be readily removable for cleaning and inspection.

(1) Filter papers shall be of the single -service type.

(2) Filter clothes and spun glass filters shall be launderable.

(l) Hinges and latches shall be of the simple take-apart type.

(m) Motors shall be of the totally enclosed finless type and shall be mounted on the equipment
whenever possible.

(n) Covers shall be provided on reservoirs, hoppers or other vessels, and they shall be readily
removable and shall be fitted with drip protective devices or facilities to prevent foreign
substances from falling into the product.

(3) Design and Construction Non-Food Product Zone:

(a) All safety or gear guards shall be removable for cleaning and inspection.

(b) All external surfaces shall be free of open seams, gaps, crevices, unused holes, and
inaccessible recesses.

(c) Horizontal ledges and frame members shall be kept to a minimum; external angles shall be
rounded and internal angles shall be avoided.

(d) Where lubrication of equipment is required, provision shall be made to prevent leaking or
dripping into the food product zone.

FF4.4 Installation of Equipment:

a. All equipment shall be installed on a foundation of durable, easily cleanable material.

b. Equipment shall be placed at least 18 inches7 from walls and ceiling, or sealed watertight
thereto. All portions of the equipment shall be installed sufficiently spaced above the floor
on a minimum number of supporting members to provide access for inspection and
cleaning, or be installed completely sealed (watertight) to the floor.

c. Whenever equipment passes through walls or floors, it shall be sealed thereto or sufficient
clearance shall be allowed to permit inspection, cleaning and maintenance.

d. Where necessary, drains and catch pans shall be provided and shall be of such dimensions
to collect all spill and drip and be readily accessible or readily removable for cleaning.

e. Where pipes pass through ceilings or processing areas, pipe sleeves shall be inserted in
the floor above so that their upper periphery is at least 2 inches above the floor.

FF4.5 Connections:

a. All electrical connections, such as switch boxes, control boxes, conduit and bx cables,
shall be installed a minimum of 3/4 inch away from the equipment and walls, or be
completely sealed to the equipment or wall.



FF5.1 Handling and Storage of Materials:

a. Foods - All food ingredients received at the plant shall be wholesome. Storage shall be in
rooms completely separate from food preparation and processing operations. Storage
conditions shall preclude contamination from rodents, insects, and other sources.
Temperatures of storage shall be in accordance with the following practices:

(1) Ingredients requiring refrigeration shall be stored at an air temperature of 40°F. or


(2) Frozen ingredients shall be stored at an air temperature of 0°F or lower.

b. Packaging Materials - Storage shall be in rooms completely separate from food

preparation and processing operations. Conditions of storage shall preclude contamination
from rodents, insects, and other sources.

c. General Housekeeping - Plant and premises shall be maintained so as to present a neat

and orderly appearance at all times.

Space between walls or ceilings and equipment should be 30 inches preferably.

FF5.2 Personnel Hygiene:

a. The services of an employee with any open sore on an exposed portion of the body or one
afflicted with an infectious or contagious disease shall not be used. Provided that services
of employees with finger cuts, or with bandages, finger cots, and similar type coverings
may be utilized on the condition that said employee wears rubber gloves. Any employee
with an upper respiratory infection shall be assigned duties outside of the areas of food
preparation, processing, and packaging.

b. Visitors to food preparation, processing and packaging areas shall comply with employee
requirements and such visits by unauthorized persons shall be restricted.

c. Practices for Employees Handling Unpackaged Food.

(1) Employees shall wear head covering and shall keep clothing in a clean condition
consistent with the duty being performed.

(2) Before beginning work, after each absence from post of duty, and after contact with
non-sanitized surfaces, each employee shall:

(a) Wash hands with liquid or powdered soap and warm water dispensed from a foot
or elbow operated device;

(b) Rinse hands in a chlorinated spray or other approved sanitizing agent;

(c) Dry hands with single -service towels.

(3) Minimize hand contact with food products.

(4) The use of a common dip bowl or tank is prohibited.

(5) In the event that rubber gloves are used, they shall be cleaned and sanitized in
accordance with hand washing specifications in FF5.2c, 2(a) and (b) of this section.

(6) Using tobacco in any form, chewing gum, or eating in rooms where food products are
stored, handled, or prepared shall not be permitted.

FF5.3 Plant and Equipment - Sanitation:

a. Plant and equipment shall be clean when put into service.

b. All floors, tables, splash boards, work surfaces, equipment, and utensils, shall be cleaned
and sanitized with approved agents and methods at the close of each shift. Critical areas
and all food contact surfaces shall be cleaned and sanitized at least once during each shift.

c. Equipment such as pipes, pumps, fillers and valves shall be dismantled for cleaning and
sanitizing; provided, that approved and effective in-place cleaning and sanitizing methods
will be acceptable.8
Suggested criteria for accepting cleaned-in-place systems are: (a) arranged so that cleaning and bactericidal

d. A thorough rinse with potable water shall follow any sanitizing operation that has been
completed with a chemical sanitizing agent.

FF5.4 Preparation and Processing:

a. Fans, blowers or air cooling systems shall not move air from raw material or preparation
rooms into processing rooms.

b. Only adequately cleaned, prepared raw materials shall be introduced into areas where
frozen pre-cooked foods are cooked and subsequently handled in processing operations.

c. Preparatory operations feeding to the packing line shall be so timed to permit expeditious
handling of consecutive packages in production and under conditions to prevent
contamination, loss of quality, or spoilage.

d. When batter, egg wash, or milk is an ingredient, it shall be maintained at a product

temperature not to exceed 45°F. Cracked or flacked ice used to refrigerate batters shall
meet bacterial standards for potable water. Batter remaining in machines and equipment
at clean-up time shall be discarded.

e. Breading materials that have come in contact with batter and have been removed by
screening shall be discarded.

f. Food ingredients or mixtures that are capable of supporting rapid bacterial growth shall be
maintained either at a product temperature above 160°F., or below 45°F.

g. Cooked food such as meat, poultry, sauces, and gravies shall be:

(1) Refrigerated or incorporated into the finished product within one hour following

(2) Refrigerated within 30 minutes following preparation at an air temperature of 50°F. or

less if the product is to be held from one to eight hours after preparation;

(3) Refrigerated within 30 minutes following preparation such that the internal
temperature of the food product will be 40°F., or lower, within two hours or
refrigeration if the food product has been comminuted, sliced, or is a liquid, and if the
food is to be held more than eight hours. Large solid food components such as those
that must be cooled before slicing shall be refrigerated at an air temperature of 40°F.
or lower.

h. Trays, pans, or other containers of ingredients destined for incorporation into the finished
product shall be protected with a clean cover unless these ingredients are used within 30
minutes of preparation. The cover shall not be of porous material..

i. Permanently legible code marks shall be placed on each immediate container or package

solution can be circulated throughout the fixed system; (b) such solutions will contact all interior surfaces; (c) the
system is self-draining or otherwise completely evacuated; and (d) the cleaning procedures result in thorough
cleaning of the equipment.

at time of packing. Such code marks, as devised by management, shall include date of
packing and establishment where packed.

j. The packaged product shall be placed in the freezer within 30 minutes of packaging.
Placement of packages in cases before freezing is prohibited.

k. Refuse from the food operations shall be promptly placed in containers that are
prominently marked "REFUSE" and equipped with lids. The handling of refuse shall be
done in such a manner as not to constitute a nuisance. All refuse shall be removed from
the premises on a daily basis and in such a manner as not to contaminate food products
being manufactured within the plant. Refuse containers shall be thoroughly cleaned
immediately after each emptying.

FF5.5 In-Plant Freezing:

a. During the freezing cycle products shall be cooled to 50°F. or lower within 2 hours and to
0°F. or lower within 36 hours.

b. Products shall be frozen by approved commercial methods.

c. When necessary, products shall be protected so that dehydration and discoloration will not
occur during the freezing cycle.

d. The freezer shall be precooled to an air temperature of 0°F. before loading. However,
during loading, the freezer may rise to temperatures above 0°F. for short periods of time.

e. If cold air is used as the freezing medium, the product shall be arranged by staggering the
individual items or by employing dunnage, spacers, or other suitable methods to permit
satisfactory circulation of cold air around the products. Also, the cold air shall be
circulated by a positive methods; natural air circulation is not satisfactory.

f. The freezer and associated equipment used for handling the product shall be maintained in
a clean and sanitary condition at all times.

g. A suitable indicating or recording instrument shall be used to measure the temperature of

the cooling medium (i.e., air, liquid, refrigerated plates or pipe coils).

h. Packaged items are to be frozen in a manner that will result in a minimum amount of
bulging or distortion.

i. After the freezing cycle the frozen product shall be transferred to a storage facility as
quickly as possible.


FF6.1 Equipment:

a. Vehicles of transportation shall be equipped:

(1) With a combination on insulation and mechanical refrigeration system, or other

refrigeration methods or facilities, capable of maintaining an air and product
temperature of 0°F., or lower, while loaded with any frozen food; and

(2) With a thermometer, or other appropriate means of temperature measurement

indicating air temperature inside the vehicle. the dial or reading element of the
thermometer shall be mounted on the outside of the vehicle.

b. Vehicles used for route delivery shall comply with all equipment provisions herein
specified for vehicles of transportation and shall be equipped with curtains or flaps in the
doorway area, or with port doors, to maintain refrigeration during stops.

FF6.2 Handling Practices for Over-the-Road Transportation

a. Vehicles shall be precooled to an air temperature of 20°F., or lower, before loading.

b. Frozen food shipments shall not be accepted for transportation when the internal product
temperature exceeds 0°F.

c. Frozen food shall be loaded within a vehicle of transportation to provide for free
circulation of refrigerated air at the front, rear, top, bottom, and both sides of the load,
except for vehicles of envelope type construction wherein refrigerated air circulates
within walls of said vehicles.

d. The mechanical refrigerating unit of vehicles shall be turned on and doors of vehicles shall
be kept closed during any time interval when loading, or unloading, operations cease.

e. The average product temperature of any shipment of frozen food shall be determined
during loading and unloading by adequate temperature readings.

FF6.3 Handling Practices for Route Delivery:

a. In addition to all provisions specified in FF6.2 of this section, the following provisions shall
be met:

(1) Each lot for individual consignment shall be refrigerated by means of mechanical
refrigeration, dry ice, or by any other means capable of maintaining an air and product
temperature of 0°F., or lower;

(2) Insulated containers shall be precooled to a temperature of 20°F., or lower, before

being loaded with frozen food; and

(3) Doors of vehicles shall be kept closed during any time interval that loading, or
unloading, operations cease.

FF6.4 Sanitary Provisions:

a. All interior surfaces of vehicles and devices used for transporting frozen food shall be
clean and free of objectionable odors before being loaded with frozen food.

b. Frozen food shall be securely packaged, or wrapped, in a sanitary manner before they are

accepted for transportation.


FF7.1 Equipment:

a. Each warehouse shall be equipped with suitable mechanical refrigeration capacity to

maintain, under extreme outside temperature and peak load conditions, an air temperature
of 0°F. or lower.

b. Each storage room and part thereof shall be maintained at an air temperature of 0°F., or

c. Each storage room shall be equipped with a thermometer, or other temperature measuring
device which is easily visible.

(1) The sensing element of thermometers and other temperature measuring and recording
devices shall be located not more than six feet or less than five feet from the floor and
not in a direct blast of refrigerated air or near entrance doors. When indicating
thermometers only are used they shall be read and recorded at least once every
twenty-four hours during each calendar day.

(a) Recording thermometers equipped with charts shall have a chart perforator.
Charts so used shall designate an operating range of at least 10° above and 10°
below 0°F. in graduations of one degree.

(b) The use of electric or hand wound clocks, as well as 24-hour or 7-day charts, for
recording thermometers shall be optional at the operator's discretion.

(2) Each chart, or record of observed temperatures, shall be dated showing the time
interval covered thereby and shall be kept on file for a period of at least one calendar

d. Each breakup room shall be maintained at a temperature not to exceed 20°F.

FF7.2 Handling Practices:

a. The operator of a warehouse shall not accept custody of a lot or shipment of frozen food
if internal product temperature exceeds 0°F., except as provided in subsections FF2.1 and
FF2.2 of these regulations and such exception is duly recorded.

(1) Notwithstanding this prohibition, custody of lots with an internal product temperature
in excess of 10°F, may be accepted by the operator on request of the owner of said
lot, provided said foods are detained from sale and the temperature of such product is
promptly returned to and maintained at 0°F., or lower, for the purpose of maintaining
residual quality pending chemical, bacteriological, or organoleptic examination.

b. Before a lot of frozen food is placed in storage, it shall be marked, or stamped, with a
code for effective identification.

c. Frozen food in storage shall be placed on pallets, racks, or skids and shall be stored no
closer than 18 inches to the ceiling and otherwise stored so as to permit free circulation of
refrigerated air.

d. Frozen food shall be stored under good sanitary conditions that preclude injury and
contamination from, or to other food held within the warehouse.

e. During the defrosting of overhead coils in storage rooms, stacks of frozen food shall be
effectively protected from contamination by condensation, drip or leakage.

f. Break-up rooms shall not be used for storage.

g. At time of removal from warehouse custody, the internal product temperature of frozen
food shall not exceed 0°F.

FF7.3 Sanitary Provisions:

a. Floors, walls, and ceiling of a warehouse shall be maintained in a good sanitary condition.

b. Premises of a warehouse shall be maintained in a good sanitary condition.

c. Toilet, Hand-Washing and Dressing Room Facilities:

(1) Warehouses shall have water-flush toilets so located as to be convenient to

employees. Toilet room or rooms shall be well lighted and ventilated and shall be
maintained in a sanitary condition. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be full-length
and self-closing.

(2) Adequate hand-washing facilities, including hot and cold or warm running water,
powdered or liquid soap in a suitable dispenser, and single service towels, shall be
provided adjacent to all toilet rooms. The use of a common towel is prohibited.
Washrooms shall be well lighted and ventilated and shall be maintained in a sanitary

(3) Warehouses shall have a dressing room or rooms for the changing and hanging of
wearing apparel. If individual lockers are provided, they shall be well vented and
maintained in a clean, sanitary condition and shall be free from disagreeable odors.
The dressing room or rooms shall be adequately lighted and ventilated and shall be
maintained in a clean, sanitary condition.


FF8.1 Equipment:

a. Each storage facility shall be equipped with suitable mechanical refrigeration capacity to
maintain, under extreme outside temperature and peak load conditions, an air temperature
of 0°F., or lower.

b. When storage facilities of the cabinet type are used:

(1) They shall be defrosted as frequently as necessary to maintain refrigeration efficiency
specified; and

(2) They shall be equipped with a thermometer indicating a representative air


c. When storage facilities of the walk-in freezer type are used:

(1) Frozen food in storage shall be on pallets, racks, of skids, and shall be stored in no
closer than 18 inches to the ceiling and otherwise stored so as to permit free
circulation of refrigerated air.

(2) They shall be equipped with a thermometer, the sensing element of which shall be
located within the upper third of the distance between floor and ceiling. Said sensing
elements shall not be placed in a direct blast of air from cooling units, cooling coils,
and heat exchange devices, or near the entrance door; and

(3) They shall be equipped with an automatic mechanism for defrosting refrigerated coils
when forced air blower type of refrigeration is used.

d. All frozen food display cases shall be designed, constructed, and equipped with
mechanical refrigeration facilities capable of maintaining an air temperature of 0°F., or

e. Frost on refrigerator coils and in air passages of display cases shall be removed as
frequently as necessary to maintain refrigeration efficiency specified in subsection

f. Each display case shall be equipped with a thermometer, the sensing element of which
shall be located in an appropriate place within the path of refrigerated air being returned to
the coils.

g. The product load line shall be designated by a distinctive line at inside terminal ends of
each display case, and such lines shall be at the highest point of discharge and return of
refrigerated air.

h. Each display case shall be equipped with separators to provide false walls located a
minimum of one-half inch from terminal ends to provide for free circulation of refrigerated
air between said terminal ends and displayed product.

i. All display cases in a retail outlet shall be so placed as to be relatively free:

(1) Of air currents resulting from door drafts, electric fans, and other factors that
adversely deflect the current of refrigerated air within the display case; and

(2) Of heat elements such as lights, heating units, and related devices that tend to raise
the temperature of refrigerated air within the display case.

FF8.2 Handling Practices:

a. Frozen food shall not be accepted for delivery by a retail outlet when the internal product
temperature exceeds 0°F., except as provided in section FF2.1 and FF2.2 of these
regulations and such exception is duly recorded.

b. All frozen food received at a retail outlet9 shall be immediately placed in storage facilities.

c. Each retail outlet shall be equipped with storage facilities of sufficient cubic displacement
to accommodate the storage of frozen food.

d. Frozen food shall not be placed above the product food lines within any display case.

e. All frozen food in a retail outlet shall be stored, and displayed under good sanitary

Retail outlets should employ the first-in first-out basis of inventory control.


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