Unit 2 - Security Technology
Unit 2 - Security Technology
Unit 2 - Security Technology
Learning Objectives:
As one of the methods of control that go into a well-planned information security
program, technical controls are essential in enforcing policy for many IT functions that
do not involve direct human control. Networks and computer systems make millions of
decisions every second and operate in ways and at speeds that people cannot control in
real time. Technical control solutions, properly implemented, can improve an
organization’s ability to balance the often conflicting objectives of making information
more readily and widely available against increasing the information’s levels of
confidentiality and integrity.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Physical Design
• A firewall in an information security program is similar to a building’s firewall in
that it prevents specific types of information from moving between the outside
world, known as the untrusted network(eg., the Internet), and the inside world,
known as the trusted network.
• The firewall may be a separate computer system, a software service running on an
existing router or server, or a separate network containing a number of supporting
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
1. Packet Filtering
2. Application Gateways
3. Circuit Gateways
4. MAC layer firewalls
5. Hybrids
I. Packet Filtering
Packet filtering firewall or simply filtering firewall examine the header
information of data packets that come into a network. A packet filtering
firewall installed on a TCP/IP based network typically functions at the Ip level
and determines whether to drop a packet (Deny) or forward it to the next
network connection (Allow) based on the rules programmed into the firewall.
Packet filtering firewalls examine evry incoming packet header and can
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Packet Filtering firewalls san network data packets looking for compliance
with or vilation of the rules of the firewalls database.Filtering firewalls inspect
packets at the network layer, or Layer 3 of the OSI model. If the device finds a
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
packet that matches a restriction, it stops the packet from travelling from one
network to another.
The restrictions most commonly implemented in packet filtering firewalls are
based on a combination of the following:
1. IP source and destination address.
2. Direction (in bound or outbound)
3. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram protocol(UDP)
source and destination port requests.
The ability to restrict a specific service is now considered standard in most routers and is
invisible to the user. Unfortunately, such systems are unable to detect the modification of
packet headers, which occurs in some advanced attack methods, including IP spoofing
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
There are THREE subsets of packet filtering firewalls: Static filtering, Dynamic Filtering,
and stateful inspection
Static Filtering: Static filtering requires that the filtering rules governing how the firewall
decides which packets are allowed and which are denied are developed and installed.
This type of filtering is common in network routers and gateways.
Dynamic Filtering: Dynamic Filtering allows to react to an emergent event and update or
create rules to deal with the event. This reaction could be positive , as in allowing an
internal user to engage in a specific activity upon request, or negative as in dropping all
packets from a particular address when an increase in the presence of a particular type of
malformed packet is detected.
While static filtering firewalls allow entire sets of one type of packet to enter in response
to authorized requests, the dynamic packet filtering firewall allows only a particular
packet with a particular source, destination, and port address to enter through the firewall.
It does this by opening and closing doors in the firewall based on the information
contained in the packet header, which makes dynamic packet filters an intermediate form,
between traditional static packet filters and application proxies.
Stateful Inspection: Stateful Inspection firewalls , also called stateful firewalls, keep track
of each network connection between internal and external systems using a state table.
A state table tracks the state and context of each packet in the conversation by recording
which station sent what packet and when.Staeful inspection firewalls perform packet
filtering like they can block incoming packets that are not responses to internal requests.
If the stateful firewall receives an incoming packet that it cannot match in its state table
,it defaults to its ACL to determine whether to allow the packet to pass.
The primary disadvantage of this type of firewall is the additional processing required to
manage and verify packets against the state table , which can leave the system vulnerable
to a Dos or DDoS attack.In such an attack , the firewall system receives a large number
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
of external packets, which slows the firewall because it attempts to compare all of the
incoming packets first to the state table and then to the ACL.
On the positive side, these firewalls can track connectionless packet traffic, such as UDP
and remote procedure calls (RPC) traffic.
Dynamic stateful filtering firewalls keep a dynamic state table to make changes within
predefined limits tot eh filtering rules based on events as they happen.A state table looks
similar to a firewall rule set but has additional information, as shown in table 6-2.
The state table contains the familiar source IP and port , and destination IP and port , but
ads information on the protocol used (UDP or TCP), total time in seconds, and time
remaining in seconds.Many state table implementations allow a connection to remain in
place for up to 60 minutes without any activity before the state is deleted.
The example shown in Table 6-2 shows this in column labeled Total Time.The time
remaining column shows a countdown of the time that is left until the entry is deleted.
firewall is also known as a proxy server, since it runs special software that acts as a proxy
for a service request.
An organization that runs a Web server can avoid exposing thee server to direct
traffic from users by installing a proxy server, configured with the registered domain’s
URL. This proxy server will then receive requests for Web pages, access the Web server
on behalf of the external client, and return the requested pages to the users.these servers
can store the most recently accessed pages in their requested pages to the users. These
servers can store the most recently accessed pages in their internal cache, and are thus
also called cache servers.The benefits from this type of implementation are significant.
One common example of an application –level firewall or proxy server is a firewall
that blocks all requests for an responses to requests from Web pages and services from
the internal computers of an organization, and instead makes all such requests and
responses go to intermediate computers or proxies in the less protected areas of the
organizaionsnetwork.This techniques of using proxy servers is still widely used to
implement electronic commerce functions.
The primary disadvanatage of application-level firewalls is that they are designd for
specific protocol and cannot easily be reconfigured to protect against attacks on other
protocols. Since application firewalls work at the application layer they are typically
restricted to a single application (Eg, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, SMTP, SNMP). The processing
time and resources necessary to read each packet down tot eh application layer
diminishes the ability of these firewalls to handle multiple types of applications.
and then allow only authorized traffic, such as a specific type of TCP connection for
only authorized users, in these tunnels.
Writing for NIST in SP 800-110, John Wack describes the operation of a
circuit gateway as follows: “ A circuit-level gateway relays TCP connections
but does no extra processing or filtering of the protocol. For example, the use
of a TELNET application server is a circuit –level gateway operation, since
once the connection between the source and destination is established, the
firewall simply passes bytes between the systems without further evaluation of
the packet contents. Another
Another example of a circuit –level gateway would be for NNTP, in which the
NNTP server would connect to the firewall, and then internal systems NNTP
clients would connect tot eh firewall. The firewall would again, simply pass
V. Hybrid Firewalls:
Hybrid Firewalls combine the elements of other types of firewalls-that is, the
elements of packet filtering and proxy services, or of packet filtering and circuit
gateways. Alternately, a hybrid firewall system may actually consist of two separate
firewall devices: each is a separate firewall system, but they are connected so that
they work in tandem. For example, a hybrid firewall system might include a packet
filtering firewall that is set up to screen all acceptable requests then pass the requests
to a proxy server, which in turn, requests services from a Web server deep inside the
organization’s networks. An added advantage to the hybrid firewall approach is that it
enables an organization to make a security improvement without completely
replacing its existing firewalls.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
The first generation of firewall devices consists of routers that perform only
simple packet filtering operations. More recent generations of firewalls offer increasingly
complex capabilities, including the increased security and convenience of creating a
DMZ-demilitarized zone. At present time, there are five generally recognized generations
of firewalls, and these generations can be implemented in a wide variety of architectures.
• First Generation: First generation firewalls are static packet filtering firewalls-
that is, simple networking devices that filter packets according to their headers as
the packets travel to and from the organization’s networks.
• Second generation: Second generation firewalls are application-level firewalls or
proxy servers-that is, dedicated systems that are separate from the filtering router
and that provide intermediate services for requestors.
• Third Generation: Third generation firewalls are stateful inspection firewalls,
which as you may recall, monitor network connections between internal and
external systems using state tables.
• Fourth Generation: While static filtering firewalls, such as first and third
generation firewalls, allow entire sets of one type of packet to enter in response to
authorized requests, the fourth generation firewalls, which are also known as
dynamic packet filtering firewalls, allow only a particular packet with a particular
source , destination, and port address to enter.
• Fifth Generation:The fifth generation firewall is the kernel proxy, a specialized
form that works under the Windows NT Executive, which is the kernel of
Windows NT. This type of firewall evaluates packets at multiple layers of the
protocol stack, by checking security in the kernel as data is passed up and down
the stack. Cisco implements this technology in the security kernel of its Centri
firewall. The Cisco security kernel contains three component technologies: The
Interceptor/Packet analyser, the securitt analyser, the security verification engine
(SVEN), and kernel Proxies. The interceptor captures packets arriving at the
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
firewall server and passes them to the packet analyzer., which reads the header
information, extracts signature data,and passes both the data and the packet, map
it to an exisiting session, or create a new session. If a current session exists, the
SVEN passes the information through a custom-built protocol stack created
specifically for that session. The temporary protocol stack uses a customized
implementation of the approach widely known as Network Address Translation
(NAT). The SVEN enforces the security policy that is configured into the Kernel
Proxy as it inspects each packet.
computer with the addition of firmware based instructions that increase their reliability
and performance and minimize the likelihood of being compromised. The customized
software operating system that drives the device can be periodically upgraded, but can
only be modified using a direct physical connection or after using extensive
authentication and authorization protocols. The firewall rule sets are stored in non-
volatile memory, and thus they can be changed by technical staff when necessary but are
available each time the device is restarted.
likely to show up on the scanning actions performed by hackers than if they were only
connected for the duration of a dial-up session. Coupled with the typically lax security
capabilities of home computing operating systems like Windows 95, Windows 98 and
even Windows Millenium Edition, most of these systems are wide open to outside
intrusion. Even Windows XP Home Edition, a home computing operating system which
can be securely configured, is often a soft target since few users bother to olearn how to
congigure it securely. Just as organizations must protect their information, residential
users must also implement some form of firewall to prevent loss, damage, or disclosure
of personal information.
One of the most effective methods of improving computing security in the SOHO
setting is through the implementation of a SOHO or residential grade firewall. These
devices, also known as broadband gateways or DSL/Cable modem routers , connect the
user’s local area network or a specific computer system to the Internwtworking device-in
this case, the cable modem or DSL router provided by the Internet service provider (ISP).
The SOHO firewall servers first as a stateful firewall to enable inside to outside access
and can be configured to allow limited TP/IP port forwarding and /or screened subnet
In recent years, the broadband router devices that can function as packet filtering
firewalls have been enhanced to combine the features of wireless access points (WAPs)
as well as small stackable LAN switches in a single device. These convenient
combination devices give the residential/SOHO user the strong protection that comes
from the use of Network Address Translation(NAT) services.NAT assigns non-routing
loval address to the computer systems in the local area network and uses the single ISP
assigned address to communicate with the Internet. Since the internal computers are not
visible to the public network, they are very much less likely to be scanned or
compromised. Many users implement these devices primarily to allow multiple internal
users to share a single external Internet connection. Fig 6-6 shows a few examples of the
SOHO firewall devices currently available on the market.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Many of these firewalls provide more than simple NAT services. As illustrated in
Fig 6-7 through 6-10, some SOHO / residential firewalls include packet filtering, port
filtering, and simple intrusion detection systems, and some can even restrict access to
specific MAC addresses. Users may be able to configure port forwarding and enable
outside users to access specific TCP or UDP ports on specific computers on the protected
Fig 6-7 is an example of the set up screen from the SMC Barricade residential
broadband router that can be used to identify which computers inside the trusted network
may access the Internet.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Fig 6-9 shows a continuation of the configuration screen for the intrusion
detection feature. Note that the intrusion criteria are limited in number, but the actual
threshold levels of the various activities detected can be customized by the administrator.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Fig 6-10 illustrates that even simple residential firewalls can be used to create a
logical screened sub network (DMZ) that can provide Web services. This screen shows
how barricade can be configured to allow Internet clients’ access to servers inside the
trusted network. The network administrator is expected to ensure that the exposed servers
are sufficiently secured for this type of exposure.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
This list represents a selection of applications that claim to detect and prevent intrusion
into the user’s system, without affecting usability. The problem is that many of the
applications on the list provide free versions of their software that are not fully functional
, yet many users implement them thinking their systems are sufficiently protected. But
the old adage of you get what you pay for certainly applies to software in this category.
Thus, users who implement less-capable software often find that it delivers less complete
protection. Some of these applications combine firewall services with other protections
like antivirus, or intrusion detection.
There are limits to the level of configurability and protection that software firewalls can
provide. Many of the applications on this list have very limited configuration
options ranging from none to low to medium to high security. With only three or
four levels of configuration, users may find that the application becomes
increasingly difficult to use in everyday situations. They find themselves
sacrificing security for usability, as the application, packet, or service to connect
internally or externally. The Microsoft windows 2000 and XP versions of Internet
explorer have a similar configuration with settings that allow users to choose from
a list of preconfigured options, or choose a custom setting with a more detailed
security configuration.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Software Vs. hardware: The SOHO firewall debate: So which type of firewall should the
residential user implement? There are many users who swear by their software firewalls.
Personal experience will produce a variety of opinioned perspectives. Ask yourself this
question: where would you rather defend against a hacker? With the software option, the
hacker is inside your computer, battling with a piece of software that may not have been
correctly installed, configured, patched, upgraded or designed. If the software happens to
have known vulnerability, the hacker could bypass it and then have unrestricted access to
your system. With the hardware device, even if the hacker manages to crash the firewall
system, your computer and information are still safely behind the now disabled
connection, which is assigned a non routable IP address making it virtually impossible to
reach from the outside.
The configuration that works best for a particular organization depends on three factors:
The objectives of the network, the organization’s ability to develop and implement the
architectures, and the budget available for the function.
The internal addresses used by NAT consist of three different ranges. Organizations that
need Class A addresses can use the 10.x.x.x range, which has over 16.5 million usable
addresses. Organization’s that need Class B addresses can use the 192.168.x.x range,
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
which has over 65,500 addresses. Finally , organiazations with smaller needs , such as
those needing onlya few Class C addresses, can use the c172.16.0.0 to range,
which hs over 16 Class C addresses or about 4000 usable addresses.
See table 6-4 for a recap of the IP address ranges reseved fro non-public networks.
Messages sent with internal addresses within these three internal use addresses is directly
connected to the external network, and avoids the NAT server, its traffic cannot be routed
on the public network. Taking advantage of this , NAT prevents external attacks from
reaching internal machines with addresses in specified ranges.If the NAT server is a
multi-homed bastion host, it translates between the true, external IP addresses assigned to
the organization by public network naming authorities ansd the internally assigned, non-
routable IP addresses. NAT translates by dynamically assigning addresses to internal
communications and tracking the conversions with sessions to determine which incoming
message is a response to which outgoing traffic. Fig 6-12 shows a typical configuration
of a dual homed host firewall that uses NAT and proxy access to protect the internal
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
A common arrangement finds the subnet firewall consisting of two or more internal
bastion hosts behind a packet filtering router, with each host protecting the trusted
network. There are many variants of the screened subnet architecture. The first general
model consists of two filtering routers, with one or more dual-homed bastion hosts
between them. In the second general model, as illustrated in Fig 6-13 , the connections
are routed as follows:
1. Connections from the outside or un trusted network are routed through an
external filtering router.
2. Connections from the outside or un trusted network are routed into-and then
out of – a routing firewall to the separate network segment known as the DMZ.
3. Connections into the trusted internal network are allowed only from the
DMZ bastion host servers.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
The screened subnet is an entire network segment that performs two functions: it protects
the DMZs systems and information from outside threats by providing a network of
intermediate security; and it protects the internal networks by limiting how external
connections can gain access to internal systems. Although extremely secure, the screened
subnet can be expensive to implement and complex to configure and manage. The value
of the information it protects must justify the cost.
Another facet of the DMZ is the creation of an area of known as an extranet. AN extranet
is a segment of the DMZ where additional authentication and authorization controls are
put into place to provide services that are not available to the general public. An example
would be an online retailer that allows anyone to browse the product catalog and place
items into a shopping cart, but will require extra authentication and authorization when
the customer is ready to check out and place an order.
When selecting the best firewall for an organization, you should consider a number of
factors. The most important of these is the extent to which the firewall design provides
the desired protection. When evaluating a firewall , questions should be created that
cover the following topics:
1) What type of firewall technology offers the right balance between protection and
cost for needs of the organization.
2) What features are included in the base price? What features are available at extra
cost? Are all cost factors known?
3) How easy is to set up and configure the firewall?How accessible are the staff
technicians who can competently configure the firewall?
4) Can the candidate firewall adapt to the growing network in the target
The second most important issue is the cost. Cost may keep a certain make, model
or type out of reach for a particular security solution. As with all security
decisions, certain compromises may be necessary in order to provide a viable
solution under the budgetary constraints stipulated by management.
Once the firewall architecture and technology have been selected, the initial
configuration and ongoing management of the firewalls needs to be considered.
Good policy and practice dictates that each firewall device whether a filtering
router, bastion host, or other firewall implementation, must have its own set of
configuration rules that regulate its actions.
In theory packet filtering firewalls use a rule set made up of simple statements
that regulate source and destination addresses identifying the type of requests and
/or the ports to be used and that indicate whether to allow or deny the request.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
These and a myriad of other simple mistakes can take a device designed to protect
user’s communications and turn it into one giant choke point.
A choke point that restricts all communications or an incorrectly configured rule
can cause other unexpected results. For example, novice firewall administrators
often improperly configure a virus-screening e-mail gateway, which, instead of
screening e-mail for malicious code, results in the blocking of all incoming e-mail
and causes, understandably, a great deal of frustration among users.
describe the best practices most commonly used in firewalls and the best ways to
configure the rules that support firewalls.
1. All traffic from the trusted network is allowed out. This allows members of the
organization to access the services they need. Filtering and logging of outbound
traffic is possible when indicated by specific organizational policies.
2. The firewall device is never directly accessible from the public network for
configuration or management purposes. Almost all administrative access tot eh
firewall device is denied to internal users as well. Only authorized firewall
administrators access the device through secure authentication mechanisms, with
preference for a method that is based on cryptographically strong authentication
and uses two-factor access control techniques.
3. Simple Mail Transport protocol (SMTP) data is allowed to pass through the
firewall, but it should all be routed to a well-configured SMTP gateway to filter
and route messaging traffic security.
4. All internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data should be denied. Known as
the Ping service, ICMP is a common method for hacker reconnaissance and
should be turned off to prevent snooping.
5. Telnet (Terminal Emulation) access to all internal servers from the public
networks should be blocked. At the very least, telnet access to the organization’s
Domain Name Service (DNS) server should be blocked to prevent illegal zone
transfers, and to prevent hackers from taking down the organization’s entire
network. If internal users need to come into an organization’s network from
outside the firewall, the organizations should enable them to use a Virtual Private
Network (VPN) client, or other secure system that provides a reasonable level of
6. When web services are offered outside the firewall, HTTP traffic should be
denied from reaching your internal networks through the use of some form of
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
proxy access or DMZ architecture. That way, if any employees are running Web
servers for internal use on their desktops, the services are invisible to the outside
Internet. If the Web server is behind the firewall, allow HTTP or HTTPS (also
known as secure socket layer or SSL) through for the Internet at large to view it.
The best solution is to place the Web servers containing critical data inside the
network and use proxy services from a DMZ (screened network segment), and
also to restrict Web traffic bound for internal network addresses in response to
only those requests that originated from internal addresses. This restriction can be
accomplished through NAT or other stateful inspection or proxy server firewall
approaches. All other incoming HTTP traffic should be blocked. If the Web
servers only contain advertising, they should be placed in the DMZ and rebuilt on
a timed schedule or when –not if, but when-they are compromised.
Firewalls operate by examining a data packet and performing a comparison with some
predetermined logical rules. The logic is based on a set of guidelines programmed in by a
firewall administrator, or created dynamically and based on outgoing requests for
information. This logical set is most commonly referred to as firewall rules, rule base, or
firewall logic.
Most firewalls use packet header information to determine whether a specific packet
should be allowed to pass through or should be dropped. In order to better understand
more complex rules, it is important to be able to create simple rules and understand how
they interact.
For the purpose of this discussion, assume a network configuration as illustrated in Fig 6-
14, with an internal and an external filtering firewall. In the exercise, the rules for both
firewalls will be discussed, and a recap at the end of the exercise will show the complete
rule sets for each filtering firewall.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Some firewalls can filter packets by the name of a particular protocol as opposed to the
protocol’s usual port numbers. For instance, Telnet protocol packets usually go to TCP
port 23, but can sometimes be directed to another much higher port number in an attempt
to conceal the activity. The System or well-known ports are those from 0 through 1023,
User or registered ports are those from 1024 through 49151, and Dynamic or Private
Ports are those from 49152 through 65535.
The following example uses the port numbers associated with several well-known
protocols to build a rule base. The port numbers to be used are listed in Table 6-5. Note
that this is not an exhaustive list.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Rule Set-1: Responses to internal requests are allowed. In most firewall implementations,
it is desirable to allow a response to an internal request for information. In dynamic or
stateful firewalls, this is most easily accomplished by matching the incoming traffic to an
outgoing request in a state table. In simple packet filtering, this can be accomplished with
the following rule for the External Filtering Router. (Note that the network address for
the destination ends with .0; some firewalls use a notation of .X instead.)
From Table 6-6, you can see that this rule states that any incoming packet (with any
source address and from any source port) that is destined for the internal network (whose
destination address is and for a destination port greater than 1023 (that is ,
any port out of the number range for the well-known ports) is allowed to enter. Why
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
allow all such packets? While outgoing communications request information from a
specific port (i.e a port 80 request for a Web page), the response is assigned a number
outside the well-known port range. If multiple browser windows are open at the same
time, each window can request a packet from a Web site, and the response is directed to a
specific destination port, allowing the browser and Web server to keep each conversation
separate. While this rule is sufficient for the external router (firewall), it is dangerous
simply to allow any traffic in just because it is destined to a high port range. A better
solution is to have the internal firewall router use state tables that track connections and
prevent dangerous packets from entering this upper port range.
Rule set-2: The firewall device is never accessible directly from the public network. If
hackers can directly access the firewall, they may be able to modify or delete rules and
allow unwanted traffic through. For the same reason, the firewall itself should never be
allowed to access other network devices directly. If hackers compromise the firewall and
then use its permissions to access other servers or clients, they may cause additional
damage or mischief. The rules shown in Table 6-7 prohibit anyone from directly
accessing the firewall and the firewall from directly accessing any other devices. Note
that this example is for the external filtering router/firewall only. Similar rules should be
crafted for the internal router. Why are there separate rules for each IP addresses? The address regulates external access to and by the firewall, while the
address regulates internal access. Not all hackers are outside the firewall!
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Rule set-3: All traffic from the trusted network is allowed out. As a general
rule it is wise not to restrict outgoing traffic, unless a separate router is configured to
handle this traffic. Assuming most of the potentially dangerous traffic is inbound,
screening outgoing traffic is just more work for the firewalls. This level of trust is fine for
most organizations. If the organization wants control over outbound traffic, it should use
a separate router. The rule shown in Table 6-8 allows internal communications out.
Why should rule set-3 come after rule set-1 and 2? It makes sense to allow the rules that
unambiguously impact the most traffic to be earlier in the list. The more rules a firewall
must process to find one that applies to the current packet, the slower the firewall will
run. Therefore, most widely applicable rules should come first since the first rule that
applies to any given packet will be applied.
Rule set-4: The rule set for the Simple mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) data is shown in
Table 6-9. As shown, the packets governed by this rule are allowed to pass through the
firewall, but are all routed to a well-configured SMTP gateway. It is important that e-mail
traffic reach your e-mail server, and only your e-mail server. Some hackers try to disguise
dangerous packets as e-mail traffic to fool a firewall. If such packets can reach only the e-
mail server, and the e-mail server has been properly configured, the rest of the network
ought to be safe.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Rule set 5: All Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data should be denied.
Pings, formally known as ICMP echo requests, are used by internal systems
administrators to ensure that clients and servers can reach and communicate. There is
virtually no legitimate use for ICMP outside the network, except to test the perimeter
routers. ICPM uses port 7 to request a response to a query (eg “Are you there?”) and can
be the first indicator of a malicious attack. It’s best to make all directly connected
networking devices “black holes” to external probes. Traceroute uses a variation on the
ICMP Echo requests, so restricting this one port provides protection against two types of
probes. Allowing internal users to use ICMP requires configuring two rules, as shown in
Table 6-10.
The first of these two rules allows internal administrators (and users) to use Ping. Note
that this rule is unnecessary if internal permissions rules like those in rule set 2 is used.
The second rule in Table 6-10 does not allow anyone else to use Ping. Remember that
rules are processed in order. If an internal user needs to Ping an internal or external
address, the firewall allows the packet and stops processing the rules. If the request does
not come from an internal source, then it bypasses the first rule and moves to the second.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Rule set 6: Telnet (Terminal emulation) access to all internal servers from the public
networks should be blocked. Though not used much in Windows environments, Telnet is
still useful to systems administrators on Unix/Linux systems. But the presence of external
requests for Telnet services can indicate a potential attack. Allowing internal use of
Telnet requires the same type of initial permission rule you use with Ping. See Table 6-
11. Note that this rule is unnecessary if internal permissions rules like those in rule set 2
are used.
Rule set 7: when Web services are offered outside the firewall, HTTP traffic should be
denied from reaching the internal networks through the use of some form of proxy access
or DMZ architecture. With a Web server in the DMZ you simply allow HTTP to access
the Web server, and use rule set 8, the Clean Up rule to prevent any other access. In order
to keep the Web server inside the internal network, direct all HTTP requests to the proxy
server, and configure the internal filtering router/firewall only to allow the proxy server
to access the internal Web server. The rule shown in Table 6-12 illustrates the first
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
This rule accomplishes two things: It allows HTTP traffic to reach the Web server, and it
prevents non-HTTP traffic from reaching the Web server. It does the latter through the
Clean Up rule (Rule 8). If someone tries to access theWeb server with non-HTTP traffic
(other than port 80), then the firewall skips this rule and goes to the next.
Proxy server rules allow an organization to restrict all access to a device. The external
firewall would be configured as shown in Table 6-13.
The effective use of as proxy server of course requires the DNS entries to be configured
as if the proxy server were the Web server. The proxy server would then be configured to
repackage any HTTP request packets into a new packet and retransmit to the Web server
inside the firewall. Allowing for the retransmission of the repackaged request requires the
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
rule shown in Table 6-14 to enable the proxy server at to send to the internal
router, presuming the IP address for the internal Web server is
The restriction on the source address then prevents anyone else from accessing the Web
server from outside the internal filtering router/firewall.
Rule set 8: The Clean up rule: As a general practice in firewall rule construction, if a
request for a service is not explicitly allowed by policy, that request should be denied by
a rule. The rule shown in Table 6-15 implements this practice and blocks any requests
that aren’t explicitly allowed by other rules.
Additional rules restricting access to specific servers or devices can be added, but they
must be sequenced before the clean up rule. Order is extremely important, as
misplacement of a particular rule can result in unforeseen results.
Tables 6-16 and 6-17 show the rule sets, in their proper sequences, for both external and
internal firewalls.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Note that the rule allowing responses to internal communications comes first (appearing
in Table 6-16 as Rule #1), followed by the four rules prohibiting direct communications
to or from the firewall (Rules #2-5 in Table 6-16). After this comes the rule stating that
all outgoing internal communications are allowed, followed by the rules governing access
to the SMTP server, and denial of Ping, Telnet access, and access to the HTTP server. If
heavy traffic to the HTTP server is expected, move the HTTP server rule closer to the top
(For example, into the position of Rule #2), which would expedite rule processing for
external communications. The final rule in Table 6-16 denies any other types of
Note the similarities and differences in the two rule sets. The internal filtering
router/firewall rule set, shown in Table 6-17, has to both protect against traffic to and
allow traffic from the internal network ( Most of the rules in Table 6-17 are
similar to those in Table 6-16: allowing responses to internal communications (Rule #1);
denying communications to/from the firewall itself (rule # 2-5); and allowing all
outbound internal traffic (Rule #6). Note that there is no permissible traffic from the
DMZ systems, except as in Rule #1.
Why isn’t there a comparable rule for the subnet? Because this is an
unrouteable network, external communications are handled by the NAT server, which
maps internal ( addresses to external ( addresses. This prevents a
hacker from compromising one of the internal boxes and accessing the internal network
with it. The exception is the proxy server (Rule #7 in Table 6-17), which should be very
carefully configured. If the organization does not need the proxy server, as in cases where
all externally accessible services are provided from machines in the DMZ, tehn rule #7 is
not needed. Note that there are no Ping and Telnet rules in Table 6-17. This is because
the external firewall filters these external requests out. The last rule, rule#8 provides
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Another utility that can contribute to the protection of the organization’s systems from
misuse and unintentional denial-of-service, and is often closely associated with firewalls,
is the content filter.
A content filter is software filter-technically not a firewall –that allows administrators to
restrict access to content from within a network. It is essentially a set of scripts or
programs that restricts user access to certain networking protocols and internet locations,
or restricts users from receiving general types or specific examples of Internet content.
Some refer to content filters as reverse firewalls, as their primary focus is to restrict
internal access to external material. In most common implementation models, the content
filter has two components: rating and filtering. The rating is like a set of firewall rules for
Web sites, and is common in residential content filters. The rating can be complex, with
multiple access control settings for different levels of the organizations, or it can be
simple, with a basic allow/deny scheme like that of a firewall. The filtering is a method
used to restrict specific access requests to the identified resources, which may be Web
sites, servers or whatever resources the content filter administrator configures. This is sort
of a reverse control list (A capability table), in that whereas an access control list
normally records a set of users that have access to resources, this control list records
resources which the user cannot access.
The first types of content filters were systems designed to restrict access to specific Web
sites, and were stand –alone software applications. These could be configured in either an
exclusive manner. In an exclusive mode,, certain sites are specifically excluded. The
problem with this approach is that there may be thousands of Web sites that an
organization wants to exclude, and more might be added every hour. The inclusive mode
works off a list of sites that are specifically permitted. In order to have a site added to the
list, the user must submit a request to the content filter manager, which could be time-
consuming and restrict business operations. Newer models of content filters are protocol
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
The most common content filters restrict users from accessing Web sites with obvious
non-business related material, such as pornography, or deny incoming spam e-mail.
Content filters can be small add-on software programs for the home or office, such as Net
Nanny or surfControl, or corporate applications, such as the Novell Border manager. The
benefit of implementing content filters is the assurance that employees are not distracted
by non-business material and cannot waste organizational time and resources. The
downside is that these systems require extensive configuration and on-going maintenance
to keep the list of unacceptable destination or the source addresses for incoming restricted
e-mail up-to-date. Some newer content filtering applications come with a service of
downloadable files that update the database of restrictions. These applications work by
matching either a list of disapproved or approved Web sites and by matching key content
words, such as “nude” and “ sex”. Creators of restricted content have, of course, realized
this and work to bypass the restrictions by suppressing these types of trip words, thus
creating additional problems for networking and security professionals.
wide-spread in recent years, other options such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have
become more popular.
Before the Internet emerged, organizations created private networks and allowed
individuals and other organization’s to connect to them using dail-up or leased line
connections. The connections between company networks and the Internet use firewalls
to safeguard that interface. Although connections via dial-up and leased lines are
becoming less popular they are still quite common. And it si a widely held view that
these unstructured, dial-up connection points represent a substantial exposure to attack.
An attacker who suspects that an organization has dial-up lines can use a device called a
war dialer to locate the connection points. A war-dialer is an automatic phone-dialling
program that dials every number in a configured range (e.g., 555-1000 to 555-2000), and
checks to see if a person , answering machine, or modem picks up. If a modem answers,
the war dialer program makes a note of the number and then moves to the next target
number. The attacker then attempts to hack into the network via the identified modem
connection using a variety of techniques. Dial-up network connectivity is usually less
sophisticated than that deployed with internet connections. For the most part, simple
username and password schemes are the only means of authentication. However , some
technologies such as RADIUS systems, TACAS, and CHAP password systems, have
improved the authentication process, and there are even systems now that use strong
encryption. Authenticating technologies such as RADIUS, TACAS, Kerberos, and
SESAME are discussed below.
time the user logs in to a client computer-and then, at a later time during that session, it
can authorize the user to have access to a printer without requiring the user to take any
additional action. Kerberos also generates temporary session keys, which are private keys
given to the two parties in a conversation. The session key is used to encrypt ali
communications between these two parties. Typically a user logs into the network, is
authenticated to the Kerberos system, and is then authenticated to other resources on the
by the Kerberos system itself.
Kerberos consists of three interacting services, all of which use a database
1. Authentication server (AS), which is a Kerberos server that authenticates clients and
2. Key Distribution Center (KDC), which generates and issues session keys.
3. Kerberos ticket granting service (TGS), which provides tickets to clients who
request services. In Kerberos a ticket is an identification card for a particular
client that verifies to the server that the client is requesting services and that the
client is a valid member of the Kerberos system and therefore authorized to
receive service. The ticket consists of the client 's and network address, a receive
services. The ticket validation starting and ending time ,and the session key, all,
encrypted in the private key of the server from which the client is requesting
• The KDC initially exchanges information with the client and server by using
• these secret keys.
• Kerberos authenticates a client to a requested service on a server through
TGS and by issuing temporary session keys for communications between
the client and KDC, the server and KDC, and the client and server.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
• Communications then take place between the client and server using these
Temporary session keys.
The Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment (SESAME)
is the result of a European research and development project partly funded by the
European Commission. SESAME is similar to Kerberos in that the user is first
autherticated to an authentication server and receives a token. The token is then presented
to a privilege attribute server (instead of a ticket granting service as in Kerberos) as proof
of identity to gain a privilege attribute certificate(PAC).The PAC is like the ticketing in
Kerberos;however, a PAC
conforms to the standards of the European Computer Manufacturers Association
(ECMA) and the International Organization for Standardization/International
Telecommunications Union (ISO/ITU- T). The balances of the differences lie in the
security protocols and distribution methods used. SESAME uses public key encryption to
distribute secret keys.
SESAME also builds on the Kerberos model by adding additional and more sophisticated
access control features, more scalable encryption systems, as well as improved
manageability auditing features, and the delegation of responsibility for allowing access.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
• Encryption of incoming and outgoing data to keep the data contents private while
in transit over the public network but usable by the client and server computers
and/or the local networks on both ends of the VPN connection.
• Authentication of the remote computer and, perhaps, the remote user as well.
• Authentication and the subsequent authorization of the user to perform specific
options are predicated on accurate and reliable identification of the remote system
and/or user.
In the most common implementation, a VPN allows a user to turn the Internet in
private network. As you know, the Internet is anything but private. However, using the
tunneling approach an individual or organization can set up tunneling points across the
Internet and send encrypted data back and forth, using the IP-packet-within-an-IP-
packet method to transmit data safely and securely. VPNs are simple to set up and
maintain usually require only that the tunneling points be dual-horned-that is,
connecting a private network to the Internet or to another outside connection point.
There is VPN support built into most Microsoft server software, including NT and
2000, as well as client support for VPN services built into XP. While true private
network services connections can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to lease,
configure, and maintain, a VPN can cost next nothing. There are a number of ways to
implement a VPN. IPSec, the dominant protocol used in VPNs, uses either transport
mode or tunnel mode. IPSec can be used as a stand alone protocol, or coupled with the
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
Transport Mode
In transport mode, the data within an IP packet is encrypted) but the header
information is not. This allows the user to establish a secure link directly with the remote
host, encrypting only the data contains of the packet. The downside to this
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
implementation is that packet eavesdroppers can still determine the destination system.
Once an attacker knows the destination, he or she may be able to compromise one of the
end nodes and acquire the packet information from it. On the other hand, transport mode
eliminates the need for special servers and tunneling software, and allows the end users to
transmit traffic from anywhere. This is especially useful for traveling or telecommuting
There are two popular uses for transport mode VPNs . The first is the end-to-end
transport of encrypted data. In this model, two end users can communicate directly,
encrypting and decrypting their communications as needed. Each machine acts as the
end node VPN server and client In the second, a remote access worker or teleworker
connects to an office network over the Internet by connecting to a VPN server on the
perimeter. This allows the teleworker's system to work as if it were part of the local area
network. The VPN server in this example acts as on intermediate node, encrypting traffic
from the secure intranet and transmitting it to the remote client, and decrypting traffic
from the remote client and transmitting it to its final destination.
This model frequently allows the remote system to act as its own VPN server, which is a
weakness, since most work-at-home employees are not provided with the same level of
physical and logical security they would be if they worked in the office.
VPN vs. Dial-Up
Modern organizations can no longer afford to have their knowledge workers
"chained” to hardwired local networks and resources. The increase in broadband home
services and public Wi-Fi networks has increased use of VPN technologies, enabling
remote connections to the organization's network to be established from remote
locations, as when, for example, employees work from home or are traveling on
business trips. Road warriors can now access their corporate e-mail and local network
resources from wherever they happen to be.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
Remote access falls into three broad categories: 1) connections with full network
access, where the remote computer acts as if it were a node on the organization's n
work; 2) feature-based connections, where users need access to specific, discrete
network features like e-mail or file transfers; and 3) connections that allow remote
control of a personal computer, usually in the worker's permanent office. It is the first
category of connections that now use VPN instead of the traditional dial-up access
based on dedicated inbound phone lines.
In the past, mobile workers used Remote Access Servers (RAS) over dial-up or ISDN
leased lines to connect to company networks from remote locations (that is, when they
were working from home or traveling). All things considered, RAS was probably more
secure than the current practice of using a VPN, as the connection was made on a t
private network. However, RAS is expensive because it depends on dedicated phone
circuits specialized equipment, and aging infrastructure.
The alternative is VPN, which makes use of the public Internet. It is a solution that
offers industrial-grade security. VPN today uses two different approaches to the
technolgy-IPSec and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). IPSec is more secure but is more
expensive and requires more effort to administer. SSL is already available on most
common Internet browsers and offers broader compatibility without requiring special
software on the client computer. While SSL-based VPN has a certain attractiveness on
account of its wide application cability and lower cost, it is not a perfect solution. The
fact that it can be used nearly any where makes losses from user lapses and purposeful
abuse more likely.
Tunnel Mode
In tunnel mode, the organization establishes two perimeter tunnel servers. These
servers serve as the encryption points, encrypting all traffic that will traverse an
unsecured network. In tunnel mode, the entire client packet is encrypted and added as the
data of a packet addressed from one tunneling server and to another. The receiving ser
decrypts the packet and sends it to the final address. The primary benefit to this model is
that an intercepted packet reveals nothing about the true destination system.
Dr. Nalini N. Prof. & Head, Dept of CSE,NMIT,Bangalore
One example of a tunnel mode VPN is provided with Microsoft's Internet Security
and Acceleration (ISA) Server. With ISA Server, an organization can establish a
gateway-to-gateway tunnel, encapsulating data within the tunnel. ISA can use the Point to
Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), or Internet
Securi1 Protocol (IPSec) technologies. Additional detail on these protocols is provided in
Chapter 8. Figure 6-19 shows an example of tunnel mode VPN implementation. On the
client end, a user with Windows 2000 or XP can establish a VPN by configuring his or
her system connect to a VPN server. The process is straightforward. First, connect to the
Internet through an ISP or direct network connection. Second, establish the link with the
remote VPN server. Figure 6-20 shows the connection screens used to configure the VPN
link. .