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Would They Ever Learn That Lesson?

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9 Would They Ever

Learn That Lesson?

The disciples didn’t know what to over the hills of Galilee, He had taught
do. A “dog” was bothering them. They about the kingdom. The disciples
didn’t know how to get rid of it. They wanted a kingdom. And they wanted
couldn’t throw stones at this “dog,” Jesus to be their king. But the kingdom
because it was not a real dog. It was a they had in mind was different from
woman. the one Jesus talked about.
Yes, it was a woman, but she was not Many kingdoms surrounded the
one of God’s chosen people. She was a land of Israel. Egypt had a king for the
Gentile. Jews considered Gentiles as Egyptians. Syria had a king for the
lower-class people, no better than dogs. Syrians. Rome had a king for the
This Gentile woman wanted help. Romans. And the Jews wanted a king
She begged the disciples to help her, and a kingdom for the Jews in the land
but they did not pity her. After all, she of Israel.
was a Gentile. They only wanted her However, the Master never talked
to stop bothering them. Finally they about a kingdom for the Jews in the
went to Jesus and said, “Send her land of Israel. He told stories about
away. She keeps crying after us.” the kingdom of Heaven.
But Jesus did not send the woman He taught that anyone can belong
away. Here was His chance to teach to that kingdom, because God loves
the disciples a lesson about the king- Gentiles as well as He loves Jews. That
dom. He had been trying to teach was the lesson the disciples found so
them this lesson for a long time. But hard to learn.
they were such slow learners. Would
* * *
they ever learn that lesson?
That day Jesus and the disciples
* * * had left the land of Israel and gone
As Jesus and His disciples tramped northwest to a town on the shore of

Lesson 9

the Great Sea. He had gone into the Gentiles. But if she begged Him,
house of a friend, hoping for peace maybe, just maybe, He would cast out
and quiet. But somehow word got out the demon even though she was a
that Jesus, the Healer from the land of Gentile. For the sake of her daughter,
Israel, had come to town. she must at least ask Him. So she had
* * * gone, and the Man’s disciples treated
That was exciting news to one her scornfully, just as Jews usually
woman. She had a daughter with an treated Gentiles. But that did not dis-
evil spirit. She had heard Jesus had courage her.
power to cast out devils. She went into the house and knelt
Of course, the at Jesus’ feet, pleading, “Lord, help
Man was a Jew. me. Please cast the devil out of my
Likely He used His daughter.”
power mainly for Jesus answered, “It is not fair to
Jews. And she take the children’s food and give it to
knew Jews the dogs.”
despised Immediately the woman knew what
Jesus meant. He was saying He should
use His power to benefit Jews, not waste
it on Gentiles. But even that did not dis-
courage her. She replied, “True, Lord.
Yet even the dogs eat
the crumbs that fall
from the
Master’s table.”
This mother
saw Jesus as
her Master. She
was willing to be
called a dog if He
would give her a
Lesson 9

few crumbs of His power and cast the And that is exactly what happened.
demon out of her daughter. When the woman got home the
Her answer pleased Jesus. He did demon was gone. Her daughter lay in
not really look down on the woman. bed peacefully sleeping.
He loved her as much as He loved Did the disciples learn what Jesus
His disciples. He was only testing her had tried to teach them that day? Yes,
faith. Now He knew she truly they saw that He had helped the
believed in Him. He said, “Woman, Gentile woman. But they did not want
you have great faith. Whatever you to believe that “dogs” would have a
wish shall be done. The demon has part in the kingdom. Would they ever
left your daughter.” learn that lesson?

From the Story

Underline the best answer.
1. How did most Jews, including Jesus’ disciples, feel about Gentiles?
That they weren’t really people, but like dogs instead.

That they should have a part in the kingdom of God.

That they were lower class and no better than dogs.

2. Why was the woman excited that Jesus was in town?

She hoped Jesus could heal her daughter.

She knew Jesus’ disciples would have pity and help her.

She wanted to be a part of the kingdom of Heaven.

Who said it? Write J for Jesus, D for the disciples, or W for the woman.
3. “Send her away. She keeps crying after us.”

4. “It is not fair to take the children’s food and give it to the dogs.”
Lesson 9

5. “True, yet even the dogs eat crumbs from the Master’s table.”
6. “Woman, you have great faith. Whatever you wish shall be done.”

That’s Our God

Circle T for true or F for false.

7. T F The woman called Jesus her Master.

8. T F Jesus helped only Jewish people.

9. T F Jesus tested the woman’s faith and found that she believed.

10. T F Jesus wants both Jews and Gentiles in His kingdom.

For Me Today
11. Underline the lesson you can learn from Jesus and the Gentile

Be sure your family has all they want before you give to the needy.
Show God’s love to everyone; He wants them to be in His kingdom.
Show God’s love to everyone so they will stop bothering you.

How They Lived

Check the groups of people who had earthly kings.
12. Syrians 14. Egyptians
13. Jews 15. Romans

Lesson 9

We Remember
Circle the number and letter of the correct answer.
16. Jesus told His disciples that He would . . .
2-C be killed. 4-B be a king in Jerusalem.

17. Did the disciples believe Jesus would be killed?

6-E yes 3-C no

18. Jesus said, “I came . . . To finish the puzzle, color in the

squares on the puzzle, using the
1-D to be served.” circled answers in 16-23.
1-C to serve.”
19. Jesus came to . . .
6-C give His life for the
sins of the world.
5-D do miracles.

20. Jesus told the disciples that 3

they would . . .
5-C suffer. 4
4-B sit beside Him.
21. The disciples argued about . . .
2-D who was the greatest. 6
3-E who worked the hardest.

22. Who asked to sit beside Jesus

when He was king?
6-A Andrew and Peter
4-C James and John

23. Jesus said to be great in God’s kingdom is . . .

2-B to be humble like a child. 3-B to be an important person.

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