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Car Craft 07 July 2011

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LS2, LS3, LS7

HI-Velocity 95mm
Throttle Body
Our new LS mechanical throttle body features
polished black anodized billet aluminum for
good looks and corrosion resistance. The
throttle cable mechanism is located on the
driver's side of the throttle body for a clean
installation. This new Perfect Hi-Velocity throttle
body uses an LS1 Throttle Position Sensor
(TPS) and Idle Air Control Motor (/AC). - iectronlc Transmission Controller
• Key in number 65303 on our website This new stand-alone transmission controller is
search for complete specs and information. specifically engineered for these 4 -speed overdrive
GM electronically controlled transmissions and can
be used with any engine - gas or diesel. The Perfect
TORC uses a laptop interface to calibrate shift points
and line pressures. A VSS output is included for EFI
swaps and aftermarket speedometers. This system

.. allows for paddle shifting and has two separate shift
tables for both street and performance shifting.

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D ual Pum p Fuel D •livery System
Not just another electric pump! - This new fuel for complete specs and more information.
delivery system is a powerful dual pump pack-
age designed to provide sufficient fuel flow for S/16 Mora P1/o/11ss E/8&/rlc1/
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Get off the couch. please. Fisheye lenses make shooting long, skinny shops easy.


Are you guys n:ady for more awesome Crown Victoria ecfit?
' HANDS ON This month. Staffer John McGann documents the trials and
tribulations of a glossy. black paintjob.
It's back. Maybe to stay-what do you guys think?
Our '71 Demon sheds some serious weight as the stock
Guaranteed to be the life of the party.
K-member goes on the plasma-cutter diet.
We gained 30 hp for half a day's work.


Tech Editor Smith overhauls his Chevelle (the blue one) with one
of those fashionable satin paints. It's all one color now; just don't
call it Smurf blue


We document how one guy creates show-winning paintjobs
at home.

While others may have been stumped when asked how to make
a '69 Mustang handle like a new Ferrari, the answer was a walk
in the park for Tech Editor Smith.
Only in the world of comic books and car magazines is stuff like
this possible


Brian's mother, Louise, is one seriously cool mom. She loves this
383-powered Chevelle as much as her son does.


This car looks like it just drove out of a time machine from 1972.


Check it out! Two feature cars in a row with l5·inch Cragar S/S
wheels. You can practically hear Emerson. Lake & Palmer blaring
through the eight· track. ~If you remember Brain Salad Surgery, W<Ne
your AARP card!


Magneto uncovers a treasure trove of GM prototypes and test
mules. We love the LS! Roadmaster GM was doing LS swaps
way before anyone else.


Lots of cool stuff here. but we really want to drive the
302-powered lawn tractor.


Hot chicks and high voltage. Photographer Wes Allison called °'ON THE COVER
the shoot "shocking." You should see what he charged us. Jeff Smith remodeled his garage just for this
photo shoot.
Social norms were a lot different in 1956. Photo by Wes Allison.
can hear something creaking daydreaming. If you are lucky enough

I when I get out of the accursed

rolly chair in my office. I think it's
me. Lately corporate has been nding
to own a street machine, you can park
It and BS with friends, cruise it around
the fairgrounds with open headers. or
a skeleton horse with wings around enter 1t in the Real Street Eliminator
the cube farm, cracking the whip on for some magazine glory. Check out
the plebeians to break more rocks. CarCraft.com for the 20ll rule book.
That's confined me to the desk. and Speaking of magazines, we run several
I've developed a crouched. vulture- car features each year from the Sum-
like posture as a result. It doesn't help mer Nats. If your car is picked, It'll be
that the ever-glowing mon1to slowly shot by a professional photographer so
sucks the life out of my eyeballs and it will look its best.
fingertips. Wait what .,,. IS I talking This year we are also adding items
WITH THE PURCHASE OF A about? Oh yes . car sho isl to the midway. like the Pro Builders
QUALIFYING DYNOMAX The good news about all the tent where you can see some serious
extra effort is that the Company high-end street machines. and in some
CAT-BACK SYSTEM is making life more fun for you by cases, meet the builders and get the
adding lots of events to the calen- inside scoop on how they work. For the
dar this summer. That means once grommets. we have nondrivlng activi-
it's all set up. I'm finally q.. rt1ng ties like Revell model building and the
out of the chair to have ;ome fun. DIY garage where you can teach your
too- and you should take a day off kid how to install speed parts. And don't
and Join me. You might even meet forget the classics, like the burnout con-
our new publisher, Ed Zinke. and test and Miss Car Cra~ competition- if ·
notice that he sa>'s stuff like, "I once you are Into that kind of thing.
drove 2,173 miles from Los Angeles We've also reinvest ed In Cruisin'
to Kentueky so I could go to a car USA. the series In which we personally
show." He might even be more visit your hometown and attend your
hard-core than that 19-year-old who favorite street-machine·type event All
rode his lawn mower 41 miles to you have to do is follow the directions
the prom. The prom kid didn't want onllne (also in last month's issue) and
the job. give us the deets on your kind of fun.
Anyway, we are going on the road We will bring as many friends as we
and you need to join us. The Car can. and hopefully wreck the place.
Craft Summer Nats is coming up There Is plenty more on the cooker that
at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, isn't quite announcement·ready, so
OFFER VALID and you are invited. This year. the check out CarCraft.com and my Face-
MARCH 1ST -AUGUST 31ST. 2011 . event is held during the weekend of book page to see where we are and
SEE YOUR DEALER FOR DETAILS July 22 to 24. usually the best sum- what we are doing this summer
OR VISIT mer weekend of the year weather- -Douglas R. Glad
wise, so get your best car out into

~~ the sunshine. We usually see about

50.000 people and 6,000 cars. so
even if you don't have a car you
Car Craft Mag
can lawn-charr the deal and see 831 S. Douglas St.
enough stuff for an entire winter of El Segundo, CA 90245
(MAN CAVE) Pneumatic
Bike Seat
Shop Stool
Old Guys Rule
Old Faithful T-Shirt
Man Cave $1495 LAR-8585-2 ROG-726A001CHA
Embossed Sign

Kingpin RatFmk Propane
Folding Chair Neon Clock Grill

$139!~ $199!~ S79!l

Road 43" Neon

Rage Racer Staging
GEM-30676 Tree

Lethal Threat Stomberg

Rat Rod Carburetor
Work Shirt SpeedFreaks Lighted Clock
LT5-FE50101 "Whiplash'f Sculpture C5K-5TROM904210
ENE-CA06587 ~A A95
~ each $1191!

worth a chrome facial? There's nothing over Do us, and yoursell, a favo1 Look both ways.

there but broken dreams, shattered windshields Or 1f you insist on living on the edge, stop by the

and you splattered all over our pristine fimsh train tracks. At precisely 9.06 a.m Let us know

We honk. We flash our lights We even swerve. how that works out for you. All aboard, sucker.




Mothers• carnauba cleaner
wax and Spray wax. Gtveyour
paint the 5-star treatment. Mothers""
EOITOR1AL ADVERTtSING Cahlorrua Gold Carnauba Oeaner
Editor Douglas R. Glad Publishes' Ed Zinke
Managing Editor Kristen Prescott Maricet:ing Manager Jenny Schmrtz Wax features a light pohsh to smooth
Senior Technical Editor Jeff Smith Account Executive Brian Cox
Staff Editor John McGann Account Executive Bob Mehlholf minor flaws, and it's formulated to
Copy Edib>r Anu At.hanlkar Advertising Coordinator Monica Strock
LosAngeles work its magic m 1ust one applicahon.
ART DIRECTION AND DEStGN 831 S. Douglas Street
Art Director Edwin Alpanlan El Segundo, CA 90245,310/531·9900 And give your existing wax a boost
Photo Editor Taylor Lo
Director of Photography Randy Lorent7en New York with California Gold® Spray Wax. It
Archivist Thomas Vocnrlnger 260 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor,
New York, NY 10016. 212/726·4300 removes surface dust and fingerprints,
www.carcraft.com 31700 Telegraph Road, Suite 250, while adding luster, shine and.depth.
www.chevyhlporformanco.com Bingham Farms, Ml 48025, 248/594-5999
www.hotrod.com Chicago Just spray 1t on and buff to achieve
500 Nortn Dearborn, Suite llOO,
www.modlfledmustangsandfords.com Chicago, IL 60610, 3121396-0600 a brilliant shme.
www.SOmustangandsuperfonts.com Tampa
9036 Brittany Way
ADVERTISING INFORMATION Tampa, FL 33619, 813/675-3500
Please call Car Craft Advertising Ocpi!rtment at
310/531-9183. Related publleatlons ani Chevy High
Perlormance. 4-Wheel & Off·Road. Fcur Whee/et: Jp. ~.
Super Street; EutOtuner. Rod & o..stom. Cucle Track. Group Publishet Doug Evans
5.0 Mustang & Super Fords. Must1ng Monthly, Modi- VP, Sales and
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Email carcraft,,a~mallcustomerservice.com, call
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President and
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dress. six weeks' notice required. Send old as well
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as new address to Car Craft. PO. Box 420235. Palm Adminlstrative Officec Stephanie Justice
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Audit Burtau
of Ortulatlom
M ember M ED I A
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... : :. EJ _....P_ __;:O_~WE---i-...mL-.m_..R._.._!____:;s~n::a~e!=u:l~---
engine into the 10s. The new Hemi is a
great platform, with a deep-skirt block
757HP 682 LB·FTi..6.lL
and cross-bolted main bearing caps, but
1370C1) DODGE H~MI the 6.1 SRTS version ls especially good
~09DODGE with a forged crank, Improved pistons
and rods and the addition of piston oil
CHALLENGER SRTS squirters. The compression ratio is 10.3;1,
Karl Schello I Palmdale, CA and this combination ls rated at 425 hp at
A couple of months ago we were inv1t· the crank from the factory. In these heavy
lX·platform Chryslet"S, the combination is
ed to attend a private test and tune ses· generally good for 0 to 60 times of about
s1on at Auto Club Speedway m Fontana, 4.7 seconds and quarter-mlle times in the
California. Our host was Adam low 13s.
Montague. owner of ST Motorsports in
San Bernardino, who rented the track
so he and some of his customers could
run their cars and work out any tuning
Issues they had. What made this event
unique was that all the cars were
less than 6 years old, and all 10 of
them were able to click off 10-second
quarter-mile passes.
We will cover those cars. among ot h-
ers. in an in-depth article on late· model
performance in a couple of months But
as a teaser. check out the Hemi in Karl
Schello's '09 Challenger SRT8 With a
Kenne Bell supercharger on an other·
wise stock engine, Karl Is putting 533
hp to the ground. After a couple of
warm-up passes at 11.28 and 128. he
siphoned the premium unleaded out of
his tank and replaced it with Cl6 race
gas. did a quick pulley change, and
reflashed the ECM. Now he's making
that 757hp figure noted above. That's
757 al the wheels, folks.
At Karl's request. Montague piloted
the no-holds-barred pass. returning
with a 10.87 at 119.7. That's a big
improvement In e.t.. but notice the
huge drop In mph? That's because the
engine broke during the pass. We spoke
to Karl recently and got the postmor·
tcm report: broken ring lands on five
pistons. He said they also discovered a
bent valve but determined that he did
that during his burnout when he
bounced the engine off the rev limiter.
What's important to note is just how
much potential is lurking within the
confines of this engine. Montague is
reassembling the engine with a little
more compression, a 3.6L Kenne Bell.
and some nitrous. Karl wants to go 200
mph in the standing mile. As outra·
geous as that sounds In a stock-body
Challenger. we suspect he will pull it off
By John McGann I
Photos: John McGann
This 2.8L Kenne Bell Mammoth supercharger is an efficient twin-sat'W design, rather
than a Roots·type blower. It operates In a range of 8 to 24 psi of boost and will suppc>rt
up to 1.000 hp. The one on Karl's Heml Is the newest version, sporting an internal coolant
passage to help keep the case cool. The Intake charge still runs through an air-to-water
aftercooler Just below the supercharger case. Kart keeps the charge cooler full of cold
water plumbed from a tank In his spare tire well. Normally, he runs the car on 10 psi of
boost on 91-octane gasoline, and that l.s good for 535 hp at the wheels, a nice Jump from
stock. Raising the octane allows him to crank the boost up to about 20 psi and make an
Impressive 737 hp. That translates to low 10s at the dragstrip.


What it is: Miller Electric's new 30FX
portable welding table
Why you care: This is a great addition
to your shop if you weld frequently but
don't have a lot of space for a perma-
nent welding station Miller's new weld·
ing table can be folded up for easy
storage when you're not using it It's
great to have when you are welding
because the steel top provides a rock
steady work surface that will support
500 pounds. The clamps In l he picture
are sold separately, but they fit in the
slots to lock down your workpiece so
you are free to weld unencumbered.
How much: List price Is $247.00. and
you may be able to find it for less at your
local welding supply shop.
We say: Miller sells bigger ArcStations,
up to 30 by 60. tf you do want a perma-
nent welding bench.
Learn more: Miller Electric: Appleton.
WI: 800/426·4553 MillerWelds.com

What it is: New torsion bars for A-. B-,
and E·Body Mopars from Hotchk1s
Why you care: If your stock torsion
bars are trashed, these are a great
upgrade. If you want a better ride, check
these out. And If you want performance-
car handling for your classic Mopar, you
need a set Hotchkls developed these
new bars to work with Its Total Vehicle
System (TVS) suspension package for
'66 to '76 Dodge and Plymouth cars, but
they will also work with your stock sus-
pension. At 1.03 Inches, and made from
forged, high-strength steel, they are an
upgrade from stock. They are shipped in
a tough powdercoat finish complete
with new seals and retaining clips.
How much: $385.00
We say: Crank 'em down for a
cool rake!
Learn more: Hotchkis Sport Suspen·
sion; Santa Fe Spnngs. Ck 88&1735-
6425: Hotchkis.com
315 HP FOR $3,500
What it is: Edelbrock's E-Street crate
Why you care: You can thumb your nose
at the Great Recession by buying an ass-
embled·in·America crate engine from Edel-
brock. Starting with a brand-new. four-bolt
main short·block from General Motors.
Edelbrock adds its 185cc E·Street heads, a
Performer camshaft. valve covers. and 6
quarts of premium break-in oil to this
engine package. The compression ratio is a
reasonable 9.0:1. and the combination
should be good for 315 hp and 380 lb-ft of
torque, depending on Induction and
exhaust variables. If you have a little more
cash to spend, you can buy a complete
carb·to·pan E·Street engine with either a
carburetor or fuel injection.
How much: $3,495.00 for the long-
block. The complete engine runs about
$1,000.00 more.
We say: Stick that in your Chevelle and
smoke 1t. The tires. that Is.
l eam more: Edelbrock; Torrance. CA;
310/781·2222. Edelbrock.com
What it is: Garrett's Boost Advisor turbocharger selector iPhone app
Why you care: To the uninitiated. the process of choosing the correct
turbocharger for your engine can be baffling. Especially if you hate
math, graphs. long division. and numbers in general. Garrett feels your
pain and has developed a cool app for your 1Phone or iPad that skips all
that annoying math and chooses the most appropriate turbocharger(s)
based on your car and how much power you want to make. We saw an
early demo version. a!ld this thing 1s awesome. Download it from the
ITunes store or on Garrett's website.
How much: Freel
We say: How often do we get to say free in Speed Shop?
Learn more: Honeywell Turbo Technologies; Morris Township, NJ.

What it is: Meziere's electric water pump for Carnaro and Corvette
Why you care: While some readers groan at the sight of another LS-anything, others
are lapping them up like hungry dogs at dinner time. Based on what we're seeing at
shows and events, the LS market Is still expanding. One of the latest products to grace
our inbox was this release from Meziere, the company well known for quality electric
water pumps. While the company already offers electric pumps for LS engines, this par·
t1cular one is made to fit LS3 and L99 engines In '10 and 'll Corvettes and Camaros. It
flows an impressive 55 gallons per minute and fr~s up at least ll hp at the wheels. The
included idler pulley retains the stock belt, so there's no need to reroute anything.
How much: $895.40. That's up there, but the Corvette guys can likely swing it
We say: At 55 gallons per minute. 1t could flow more booze than Charlie Sheen. if you
were to use itto flow booze.
Learn more: Meziere Enterprises Inc.: Escondido. CA: 760/746-3273; Meziere.com
INTAKE AND EXHAI JS I --- --------- ----.
-------- ------- -------------- ----- ----.
The term bolt·on Is deceiving. often this isn't the case. as anyone experience that much more rewarding.
Technically, you could say reading this magazine can attest Fortu- The setting for this install was GTR High
building a car from a pile of nately, this install was an exception. It Performance in Rancho Cucamonga,
parts Is a bolt·on Job: you bolt the sus· was easy to do, required only a heat California, where Ricardo Topete, who
pension to the frame, bolt the engine gun for special tools, and took about co·owns the shop with his brother, did
and transmission together. But we've five hours of steady, but not frantic, the work on a customer's car, installing
come to understand the term to mean work. Even better, we were rewarded Ford Racing's mufflers, intake manifold,
a simple remove-and-replace, with httle with 30 extra horsepower at the wheels throttle-body, and cold·air kit. These
effort required to make things fit. Very of this '05 Mustang GT. making the parts fit all '05 to '09 Mustang GTs.


The new mufflCl'S fit the stock hangers per·
fectly. Topete loosened the tailpipes to aim
the mufflers. making sure they fit evenly
with each other and were centered in their
cutouts In the bumper cover.

Anyone famlllM with the modular engine is acquainted with what's Per the very thorough Ford Racing instructlons. the bracket
come to be known as wllcy crud. the smorgasbonl of stuff that col· that holds the alternator wiring must be modified. An ~
lec:ts In the V of the engine block. Here we were treated with the hole needs to be drilled, and part of the bracket needs to be
crusty remains of gastropods and rat poo. "I've seen ttlis befure. Rats bent about 90 degrees toward the front of the car to clear
like to grab the s nails and take them to a sheltered area to eat them," the new Intake and throttle-body.
Topete tells us of the shell fr.tgments and rat leavings that clogged his
shop vac.


Note that the Ford Racing manifold (Jeff)
has s lightly less plenum area but longer
runners. It also eliminates the inlet but·
terflles In the factory manifold. Known as
charge motion control valves from the fac.
tory, they are an el'nlssions-control device
designed to Increase air S!)eed at low
rpm. While customefS will experience no
driveabltity problems with eliminating this
system. the car's ECM Will need to be repro-
grammed to compensate. The computel'
will notice the misslng CMCVs, trigger a
"~k Engine" light. and alter the ignition
timing to compensate.

There are three Intake manifold bolts ot

different lengths, but their locations are
clearly mari<cd In the Instructions. The bolts
are torqued to sg ln·lb.

After cleaning the se;illng surface of the

cylinder heads, Topete dropped the new
manifold In place. As with most modem
engines, each runner ls se;iled with Its own
<>-ring, rather th3n a dedicated Intake mani-
fold gasket.

Though you could

reuse the factory
tllrottle·body, we'd
recommend upgrad·
Ing to a larger Ford
Racing piece. The
d ual 62mm butter·
flies offer a potential
Increase in airflow
over the stock dual,
55mm throttle-body,
giving you room to
grow as you continue
to mod"rfy your car.

The only bit of custom work we encountered

was the need to shorten one of the PCV tubes. The
lnstructlon bool< Includes det.tl led instructions on
how to do this, but it b3slca11y involves cutting
the tube away from the plastic quick-dlsconnect
fitting and then cutting the tube to the COCTeCt
length. Next. heal the tube with a heat gun (don~
melt IU) to soften It enough to slip the quick-
disconnect coupler back In. As the tube cools, it
fonns a tight seal around the base of the coupler.
This sounds more difficult than it actually is.
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Five hours later. Topete cycled the key to activate the ~ pump. ~
verifying that there were no fuel leaks, he fired the engine and chec
for vacuum leaks by spraying cart> deaner around ~intake Nnners
hoses. Though the engine did start and
and near the vacuum and PCV 1 body
add ition of a larger mass airflow sensor and thrott e-
The remainder of the job was simple. Topete reconnected all the run, the mod t the greater amount
required reprogramming the ECM to accom a e .
sensors and vacuum lines and Installed the new cold·alr Intake of air entering the engine. Topete reflashed the ECM before running
tube and alrtiox assembly. the car on his chassis c1yno. The result was 313 hp and 314 lb-ft. an
1ncniase of 29 hp and 5 lb-ft of peak power and torque.

The results were
better than we expected.
Because the Ford Racing
Intake parts are designed
to flow more air at high
rpm, we expected to see
a slight drop in power at
low rpm. Instead, we were
pleasantly surprised ~o
see a slight Increase '"
both power and torque
between 3,000 and 3,400
250 rpm. The package really

works above 4,000 rpm,
-0-RWl4PI and that 30 extra horse-
• llWTQ1 power at the wheels is
- -llWl4P2 something you will defi-
nitely feel. What's more.
these parts offer a good
foundation for further
mocllflcationS if plans for
a cam change or power·
adder are in your future.

High-flow throttle-body M·9926·3V 579.95 Ford Racing
Performance intake manifold M·9424-463V 549.95 Ford Racing
Cold-air kit with ProCal M-9603-GTB 655.99 Ford Racing
SVT muffler kit M-5230-S 589.95 Ford Racing
Performance Tool fuel and WMR·W89330 $39.95 Summit Racing
transmission line disconnect tools

GTR High Performance; Rancho Cucamonga, CA 888/447-6487: GTRHiPo.com
Ford Racing Performance Parts; Dearborn, Ml: FordRacingParts.com


FOR 375.00
~~ J~!.f ~~~t~ [ ~h_o~o~ ~e!_f ~"_!i~ __ _ ___________ _ __ _____ ______ ___ _ ____ __ ___ _

~This project started in- time. Then, barely three weeks before both doors when removed. so we had
--;/f"nocently enough. We ran the show, pal Kevin Doyle called me no choice but to plunge head first into
several races In an attempt to and said, "Hey, I just saw the list for the the great paint abyss.
wrangle a spot In the Optima Ultimate Optima event and you're on it." Two I pul out the Bat-Signal to my friends
Street Car Invitational right after last thoughts immediately did burnouts and Mike Paradis answered the call,
November's SEMA show. When we through my brain: The first was elation along with budoles Kevin Doyle, Kris
didn't finish strong enough at any of the at being invited to the Optima; the Shields, and CC staffer John fvlcGann,
qualifier races, we really didn't expect second, which quickly followed, was who offered up free labor for sanding
to get an invitation. We talked about major dread that we had precious little and other drudgeries. Paradis has his
putting in the effort to paint the car to time to make the car look presentable. own small shop called Quarters, Tops,
make it look nicer. but more pressing The race decals from the 341 Challenge Doors and Floors, where he does sheet-
magazine projects commandeered our had ripped large chunks of paint off metal work when he's not teaching at

Our effort to get tho Chevello painted in time for an upcoming race put teeth In the old saying, " If it was n't for the last minute, we'd never
get anything done!"


West Valley Occupational Center in
Woodland Hills. California Veteran
readers might recall that Paradis
helped us colorize our '66 Orange Peel
Chevelle ("How to Paint Your Car for
$750.00. • Apr '09). so we welcomed
his assistance. Since we didn't have the
luxury of time to stnp the old paint.
Paradis suggested we scuff the car, fix
the major flaws. and paint the Chevelle
a single-stage satin As Paradis
observed. "The satin will hide the
flaws." It was the perfect solution
He also suggested we contact TCP
Global. which sells a hne of single-stage
satin paint called Hot Rod Flatz. The
paint was more than affordable and
comes in a kit consisting of a gallon of
paint, a quart of reducer, a pint of cata-
lyst, strainers, and stirring sticks-all
for less than $180.00. We found Speed
Blue to be the closest to the Chevelie's
original hue, so we ordered il online
and it appeared a few days later. That's
when the thrash really began ....

L With deadlines looming (sounds like every

cable TV car reality show ever aired, doesn't
it?), our first step was to strip the Chevelle
of all trim pieces, Including the bumpers.
We left the dripnill trim in place to save

2. John McGann and I altllcked the existing

paint with 22().grit sandpaper, with special
emphasis on featheredglng all the areas
where the paint had peeled OI' ripped off
the body. The top and decklld suffered from
hundreds of tiny paint divots that demand-
ed to be sanded flush.

3. I could have passed for Papa Smurf after

sanding the Chevelle for a whole day. My
shop had not yet recovered from sanding
the white Chevello when this happened.
There Is now a fresh blue/white patina
covering nearly all the horl:tontal surfaces
In the shop.

4. Mike Parndls layered a thin coat of

plastlc flller on the left front fonder after
smoothing a previous dent repair that had
sprouted a nasty c rack. This was one of
only two places where he had to apply filler.
Everywhere else we Just sanded until it felt
smooth. If we were after a really great paint
Job, this could have easlly devoured anothef'
couple of weeks of late nights and week·
ends to make it perfectly straight.

5. With the lnltlal sandlng and bodywork

complete, we masked the car In anticipa-
tion of a coat of urethane l>'imer. Paradis
suggested shooting primer only on the
rewort<ecl areas, leaving the blue portions
of the body alone. This would reduce the
amount of time we would have to spend
wet-sanding the primer. The plastic pre-
vented overspray on areas we didn't want
to sand twice. ~Smurfelle!


6. After the primer dried overnight, Paradis
fogged a rattle-can flat·blac.k guldecoat
on the primer. Then It was just a matter of
block"5:1nding the car until the guidecoat
disappeared. This Is where we would nor-
mally have spent weeks making the body
straight, but Instead we were relying on the
satin finish to dampen the visual hiccups.
We used a spray bottle of water and 400-
grit weVdry pap«.

7. Next, we loaded the Chevelle up on our

trailer and hauled it ~ to the West Valley
Occupational Center, where the school was
kind cmough to allow us the use of a spray
booth during an evening class. Once in the
booth, Paradis spent an llour or so cleaning
the booth and dusting the car.

8. The Hot Rod Flatz paint appears almost

watery In the can, so we didn't use the sup·
pllcd reducer. The paint also calls for a L2
tip In tho gun with a regulator setting of 28
psi using :in HVLP gun.

9. Paradis lald out the color in two light

coats-.whlch covered very well-with
roughly a quart of paint left over that we'd
use to fill In details llke the door jambs or
any other s mall parts.

10. The beauty of any single-stage satin

paint Is that once the color Is on, you're
done. We returned llome that same evening
and allowed the paint to cure ~ight
Indoors. We noticed some streaks on the
horizontal surfaces that we later learned
were the result of not adding the reducer.
At a later date we'll reshoot the top of the
car to ellmlnate the streaks.

This quick and easy satin paintjob
turned out much better than we ever
expected, which led us to speculate
about another painting experience that
was less successful. Back in the Apr.
'09 Issue, we did a story called "Paint
Your Car for $750.00'' in which we
stripped and painted our '66 Chevelle.
The Orange Peel Chevelle's name is
well deserved because we really didn't
do a great Job on the bodywork. The
photos hide the many undulations,
dips. and cavities In the car's single-
stage gloss paint. but suffice to say it
waves to you 1f you get close. We
spent about the same amount of time
on the '66 that we did on the '65, yet
the results were far superior on the '65.
which led us to believe that applying a
s1ngle·stage clear satin finish might
just save the paint (and the pain) on
the orange car. Eastwood sells a Rat
Rod Clear (PNs included in the follow-
ing chart) that might just do the job. All
we'd have to do is even out the body-
work a httle. mask the car, and shoot
the satin clear Eastwood says two light
coats wlll deliver a 10 to 15 percent

24 CAR
lL With the satin body color.
we only had Ume for a quick
spray-can rune-up on all the
trim. We painted the grille
and all external trim, includ-
ing the fiberglass front and
steel rear bumpers, with
VHT cast aluminum, which
turned out fantastic.

12. Since the entire car now

had a satin finish, we decid-
ed to do the same with the
stainless window trim, using
medium Scotch·Brite pads
to produce a brushed finish.
We also added new door
~ and trunk weatherstripping,
along w ith a new stainless
steel hoodpln kit from our
friends at Original Parts
Group (OPG).

13. We bolted everything

back on Just In time to load
tho car on the traller Sunday
night and drive to Vegas
on Monday morning. I was
concemed about the paint
adhering to our minimal
prep wor1< when we slapped
the big Optima decals on
the doors but they came
off nicety after the race
was over. Our quickie paint
Job was a great low-buck


H~t Rod Flatz urethane KUS-KIT-HRF220·M TCP Global 173.07
Gfay urethane primer 50240ZP Eastwood 59.99
Activator for primer 50241ZP Eastwood 29.99
Feather·Rite plastic filler, gallon 50754ZP Eastwood 19.99
4t~O·grit wet/dry sandpaper 31356 Eastwood 16.99
2 O·grit sandpaper 31365 Eastwood 22.99
M~sklng tape,%", 3 rolls 51512 Eastwood 8.97
Green masking paper, 18'' 4367 Top Guns 25.29
VHT cast·aluminum spray paint SP995 Summit Racing 725
Grand Total 364.53

Door weatherstripping AMS5004 OPG 69.95

Trunk weatherstripping AMS0845 OPG 26.95
Quarter window seal AMS08400 OPG 16.95
Hoodpin kit. stainless steel HPK100 OPG 32.95
Eastwood Rat Rod Clear, qt. 12458ZP Eastwood 59.99
Eastwood activator, 8 oz. 21854z Eastwood 8.88

Eastwood; Pottstown, PA: 800/345-1178; Eastwood.com
TCP Global; San Diego. CA; 8581909·2110: TcpGlobal.com
Quarters, Tops, Doors & Floors; Santa Clarita, CA; 66V263·8025

7f; CAii CllAl'T 11 11 v mu

By Eric English/ Photos: Eric English
------------------------------------ ---- --- ----- -- --------- --
~ What image first comes to the do-it-yourselfer and his checkbook. worked for commercial collision shops
~ mind when you hear of a Right up front. this isn't a story that's and at other times right from his home
car that was painted in a ga· going to teach you the ins and outs of garage. In between, he's churned
rage? Do you envision a flawless finish paint and bodywork. We've run several cul some pretty cool garage jobs for
that is worthy of a high-caliber show articles In recent months that are ori· l1lmselr and friends, and we figured to
car? Probably not. Do you imagine a ented toward those disciplines, but our glean some helpful hints by looking
hulk with questionable bodywork and objective: here Is to show you how one over his shoulder for ei day.
more than an occasional rlaw in an expert gets stunning results-not from One thing we picked up on right
unremarkable topcoat? Maybe. The a high-dollar paint booth. but out of a away: Do nol misconstrue a garage
truth Is, where a car Is sprayed has nondescript 25x30-foot garage. palnLJob for a cheap palntjob. Expertise
much less to do with the end result No doubt. Dale Knutson is truly a doesn'l come cheap unless you pos·
than the expertise of the guy behind master of his craft after laboring some sess it yourself. and you'll pay for pro·
the bodywork and paint gun. As we'll 30 years in the industry, and. after fessional quality work no matter where
illustrate on the following pages. watching him at work. we wonder if it's done. That said, a guy like Knut-
remarl<able results can come from a he couldn't lay down a perfect finish son- essentially a one-man show who
most humble environment. a revela· in the midst of a Saharan sandstorm. has a lot less overhead than a big-time
tion that is equally important to both During his career. Knutson has at times shop-may be able to complete a job

28 CAR CAA" JULY 2011

for less overall cash Nevertheless. the
old axiom "you don't get something
for nothing" is definitely true here. To
be sure, what doesn't change based
on the location of the work is the cost
of materials Depending on the paint
system and color of your topcoat.
materials cost can be tremendous "A
few years ago, I did a custom Mustang
using a top-of·the·llne three-stage
product line, and the materials alone
were right at $5,000," Knutson says.
Of course. this is one end of the spec-
trum, but it's a point worth Illustrating.
"Conversely, a much simpler solid-
white hue using a quality two-stage
product could be more in the realm of
$600 for materials, but It all depends
on the specifics.'' We've recently cov-
ered worthwhile paint systems that
can be had for considerably less. so if
you have the ability to do 1t yourself,
yes, a garage pa1nt1ob can be cheap.
Again, it all depends on your situation
and skill set

As we mentioned earlier, Knutson's
garage measures a modest 25 by 30 Dale Knutson's two-stage Shp compressor has been serving duty for more than 30 years.
feet There's some accumulated clutter Built In the USA, it's a testament to quality construction.
after 30 years of use. but the majority of
the space 1s usable We'd consider the
detached nature of the structure man·
datory for keeping fumes away from liv-
ing spaces, one of several safety
considerations we'll focus on a bit later.
Winter temperatures can fal I to around
freezing, so Knutson uses a home fur-
nace to heat the space when required-
again. bringing up safety issues that
need to be the foremost consideration Knutson pre.pares to repaint the Torino hood
in your planning. using his Sata gun and Gerson reservoir.
The gun itself is about $500, likewise the We obviously caught this '72 Z28 post-paint
Iwata gun he uses for clearcoat. Good tools but found this side shot of t:he cr1sp body
EQUIPMENT are never cheap but aro critical for a profes- line and flawless finish more telling than a
Beyond the furnace. Knutson's equip- sional outcome. thousand words. Garage painted!
ment is basic but high quality. He pur-
chased a U.S.-made. Shp, two-stage air
compressor 1n 19n that's still running
strong today, and it's equipped with an
SQ-gallon tank. He's confident a 60-gal-
lon unit would provide plenty of capaci·
ty but would otherwise advise similar
specifications. We expected to see
some fancy air-drying equipment in use.
but after tracing the air line from the
compressor. up the wall. across the ceil-
ing, and clown to a simple water trap.
we realized there's nothing special
going on here. "I've never had a problem
with water in my air hnes," Knutson
says. "I just do what works for me."
There are surely some safety hazards associated with painting, so make sure you take all
Obviously what really works are his
precautions to protect your respiratory system and prevent fire/explosion. We know plenty
quality Sata and Iwata spray guns-one of painters who use a half·mask respirator with replaceable lllter cartridges such as this
for primer and paint. the other for one, but that's not to say it Is or isn't sufficienL Do your homework.

JUL\'20 11 CARCRAFT.l:OM ?'1

Knutson has used a
multitude of paint
products aver the
years, and among his
favorites are OeltJ'On
DBC and Glasurit SS.
As mentioned before,
using quality materi·
als guarantees a
garage paintjob won't
be cheap, but be
certain to price differ·
ent products before
purchase. Glasurit
Is often significantly
more money, but
Knutson pn!fers it
when the customer
allows. We priced
these two brands In two popular factory Ford colors, Wimbledon White and Candy-apple
Red. At our local paint supply store, the Glasurit was nearly twice as expensive as the Del·
tron in the white. but surprisingly, the Glasurit was slightly cheaper In the red.

As opposed to a booth, any normal environment is bound to have more airborne particles,
garages Included. Some will land while the paint Is wet, whereupon Knutson later simply
cuts any bumps with 1,000-grit wet sandpaper prior to the overall color-sanding. This hood·
A simple water trap Is all that's needed to scoop trim piece shows the process midstream, whereas the hood Itself has already been
keep Knutson's air lines dry. cut and buffed to perfection, complete with factory-type orange peel as dictated by the
clearcoat. In terms of the painting He finds that the airflow thi s creates given situation, and resist cutting any
equipment per se. this Is pretty much is primarily at floor level and doesn't corners here.
it-simple. huh? introduce debris into the air. We asked At least two major safety concerns
about some kind of forced ventilation come to mind when painting: health
PREPARING THE SPACE (a fan t hat might vent through the wall effects that can occur from expcsure
Again, we were surprised at the sim- or ceiling), but Knutson doesn't employ to volatile chemicals (VOCs and the
plicity that goes Into Knutson's prepa· any such measure due to his concern like): and the danger of fire/explosion.
ration of the garage prior to painting. that this wquld draw dust throughout On the respiratory end of things, Knut-
*First I sweep it out. then blow it out the workspace. son uses a simple half-mask respirator
with air, followed by hosing down the with disposable filter cartridges known
floor and squeegeeing the water out SAFETY as an air purifying respirator (APR).
the main door. I generally mask the car When painting out of a space like this, Supplied air respirators also exist in
the same day. and then I close every- you have to consider safety. It's nothing the industry. Is the simple respirator
thing up and let 1t sit overnight to let to take lightly. and understand that adequate? We encourage you to look
everything in the air settle down. The what we're descnbing here isn't the into the subject thoroughly, including
next morning I go over the car with a end-all for safety precautions. We're reviewing manufacturers' specs and
tack rag and I'm ready to paint" For simply relating how one garage painter discussing your selections with your
some semblance of ventilation. Knut· does •t. bringing up some food for safety supply house.
son generally sprays with the roll·up thought and laying the responsibility for As for the fire/explosion danger.
door open a couple of Inches, and the your personal safety on you. Determine remember that the majoriry of auto-
main door cracked a similar amount. a best course of safe action for your motive finishes are flammable during


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G Miller. MillerWelds.com/drive
The 72 Z28 seen In some of our pictures Is painted a '10 Corvette Blue. The
hue requires the two bottles of pearl additive pictured here, at a total of
$500 alone. Paint can be expensive no matter where it's applied.

A newbie isn't going to tum out much of a palntjob even in a $40,000

downdraft s pray booth; co~rsely, an expert In a garage can obtain some
pretty amazing results. Knutson painted this s how·wlnnlng '65 Shelby, a
Car Craft magazine cover car, In the very garage seen herein. Need we say

storage and application and are clearly environment warmed up to tempera· warm climates, be thankful.
at their most dangerous state when ture (roughly 70 degrees) for some In the end. we think many of our
in aerosol form. We've mentioned time before I'm ready to spray Then I readers will be surprised at the kind of
the need to heat the workspace in a switch offthe furnace, apply my first pa1ntjob possible in the simple confines
cold climate, but the potential for a coat. and leave the garage until the of a garage. This doesn't mean a paint
flammable atmosphere and ignition finish is dry. When dry, the fumes have booth isn't preferable- it most certainly
source is obviously of major concern. largely dissipated and I can warm the is both in terms of personal safety and
Knutson has a long-established sys· place up again in preparation for further ease of application-but 1t obviously
tern of precautions he's comfortable coats. followed by the same switch-off involves considerable cost Done right,
with. First and foremost. the furnace procedure." Remember that many gas you wouldn't know a garage-painted
is always turned off prior to spraying, furnaces will have a pilot light running car from a booth job if the two were
not Just w ith lhe thermostat. but also at all times, so carefully evaluate your displayed side by side. Could you do the
with a switch on the actual furnace given scenario and take appropriate same in a similar space? Given the right
unit "When it's cool out, I get the precautions Those of you who live in skills. the answer is. yes. you can. END

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No Equal.
Pastor Mark Jasa; Los Angeles. CA: Is average gs mean much more For is constantly loaded. a skidpad test only
there a bolt-on suspension for a '69 example. we could pull a 1..5 g on a evaluates it at che maximum loaded
Mustang that will give me Ferrari-like banked course, but that really doesn't point A better test 1s a slalom, where
cornering, like one g or more? Also, mean as much as it might if we did 1t the car is almost constantly in transi-
why are lateral acceleration stats dif· on a flat surface. The typical lateral tion The time required to run the sla-
ferent from track-performance values? acceleration test used to generate an lom 1s also an average and is dependent
For Instance. Road& Track will state average number is obtained by driving almost as much on the car's compo-
that a given Ferrari had a cornering the car on a 200-foot circle and mea· nents as it Is on driver skill.
ability of say 0.94. but at a given surlng the elapsed time for each lap. To maximize handling, the idea is to
moment on an actual track t hey might The formula is: be able to plant the tires to generate
generate 1.2 g according to the ln·car maximum cornering force. For example,
test equipment. It sounds like a large Lateral acceleration = 1.227 x [radius I with a car entering the corner, generally
discrepancy. Also, what suspension do [time x time] t he movement of the front suspension
you recommend I buy for my '69 Mus· If our car produced an 11-second lap on is regulated first by the shock absorbers
tang for track·day use? a 200-foot circle, it would produce followed by the effect of both the front
this result springs and the front antiroll bar. The
Jeff Smith: When you get a really Lateral acceleration (g) = 1227 x (100 I springs and front bar determine the
good tech question from a pastor. you [11 xllJ total suspension travel, which affects
have to answer it. right? So here goes, =
Lateral acceleration (g) 1.01 g how much the camber changes (either
Pastor Mark. Let's dive Into the lateral positive or negative) with suspension
acceleration question first. I think your This number is far more useful in movement The springs allow the sus·
Initial question has more to do with helping to determine how well the car pension to deflect, while the shocks
the huge difference between lnstanta· grips the road. However, with the driver determine how quickly or slowly that
neous tjs and average tjs. The num· located on the left side of the car. driv· movement occurs. Changing the front
bers you mention from the track ing counterclockwise will almost (and rear) suspension to come up with
appear to be instantaneous tjs com- always create a higher lateral g number an ideal combination is what deter-
pared with average tjs generated dur· than driving clockwise. That's why it's mines "tuning" the suspension.
ing the on-track test. Instantaneous best to drive in both directions and The quickest and most important
numbers are generated with a g-meter average the numbers. But keep in mind way you can improve the handling of
generally near the entry to a corner; that this test does not tell the whole your car is to improve the traction
these numbers are impressive, but story of handling. Since the suspension between the car and the pavement



Global West offers an entire range of SUS·

pension components for these Mustangs,
lncludlng a tubular upper control arm that,
when combined w ith a good set of shocks,
springs, and a sway bar, can tum a mushy
Mustang Into a comer carver.

with tires. Upgrading to a 16-17-, or

18·1nch tire and wheel package from a
factory 15-inch wheel will do more to
improve the handling of your car t han
any other single change. But traction
will only help to the extent that the tires
are limited by the suspension. Chassis
upgrades will allow the front and rear
suspensions to plant the tires properly
during cornering. As is the case with
most '60s and early '70s cars, under
load. the front suspension tends to pro-
duce what 1s called a positive camber
gain This is what causes the car to
understeer, or plow. in an aggressive
comer. Imagine your Mustang in a hard
lefthand tum Nonna! weight transfer
pushes more weight to the front-right
comer. quickly compressing the soft
coll spring and shock. This allows the
suspension to compress. As this hap-
pens, the camber angle of the right·
front tire tends to gain positive camber,
which Is the outward tilt of the top of
the tire. This angle Is the exact opposite
of what is considered ideal for best han-
dling. What Is needed Is a change in
geometry with a modified upper con-
trol arm that will create a negative cam-
ber gain when the suspension Is
compressed. This is what occurs when
you use components like Global West's
tubular upper control arm for the Mus-
tang In fact stock early Mustang sus-
pensions were so poor that these cars
were the first candidates for the Global
West negative roll design back 1n the
mid·'80s. This 1s similar but actually
better than the old Shelby modification.
which relocated the upper control arm
mounting pomts. The Global West. anns
also relocate the mounting position of
the upper arms but produce a much
more aggressive curve. When com-
bined with matched front and rear
springs, adjustable shocks, a front sway
bar, and better tires and wheels, the
result is nothing less than amazing.
While you may not be able to whip up
on Ferraris. you could certainly dramati·
cally improve the Mustang's current
handling prowess Keep your ride looking its best with Motherse tire and wheel care products.
Specially formulated to e linu.nate all types of brake dust, grease, dirt and
MORE INFO grime, you just spray them o n and hose them off. It's as simple as that.
Global West Suspension
Components; San Bernardino, CA; Foaming Wheel & Tire Cle~
909/890·0759; GlobalWest.net Our most universal formula worka on vutually all factory
wheels, hubcaps and tires, with no need to hand dry.
Tom Herman; via CarCraft.com: It
seems a Holley carb is worth 10 to 20
hp over a similar sized Edelbrock. My
question is why?

Jeff Smith: I'm not sure what your

question bases Its assumption on, but
there are a few details about both
carbs worth considering. When it
comes to the smaller four-barrel car-
buretors. such as the GOO·cfm fuel
mixers. our experience indicates there
is very little difference 1n terms of Pro-Strength Chrome Wheel Cleaner.
power potential The Edelbrock Per· formulated to quickly clean all types of chrome
former carburetors are based on the wheels Md rough cast aluminum "Mag" wheels.
older Carter AVS (air valve secondary)
series of carbs. These carbs use a
mechan1cal·secondary actuation and
then control secondary airflow with a
spring·loaded secondary air valve door
that opens as primary airflow velocity
increases, feeding air and fuel to the
engine as needed. These carbs come
in 500·. 600·. and 750-cfm sizes. The
Edelbrock carbs seem to enjoy a repu-
tation for running well right out of the
box. For performance applications
under 450 hp, the 750-cfm Performer
or EPS 80 0-cfm carbs would be a
good choice. Above 500 hp, these PolishedAluminumWheel Cleaner.
larger·cfm carbs may be limited based Safely and easily cleans uncoated polished
on maximum ruel flow because of a aluminum and anodized wheels.
single fuel inlet and needle and seat
compared with a dual-Inlet Holley of
the same cfm rating.
Let's assume for a moment that we
have a 400hp single-four-barrel small·
block Ford and we've decided to use a
600-cfm carburetor Let's say we've
chosen to compare a Holley 0-1850
($253.95 Summrt Racing) vacuum-
secondary carb with an Edelbrock PN
1405 ($273.95 Summit Racing). The
prices are very similar so that's not
really an issue. From a power stand·
poinL the difficulty 1n comparing these
carburetors Is that they are generic per-
formance carburetors. As such, they
will probably be very close In terms
of horsepower. but to get maximum ""-'TllERS'
mothera.c:om • dotailguido.c:om
If we were to compare a Holley 0-1850 600-
cfm carb (top) against a 600-cfm Edelbrock
Performer carb (bottom), with proper
tuning to optimize each earl> for the h!st
engine, there would probably be very little
performance difference. 1
benefit we would need to tune them for
the engine in question. The best way to
do that would be with a wide-band air/
fuel (A/F) ratio meter to ensure the
ratio 1s somewhere around 12.5:1 to
12.8:1 at wide-open throttle 0NOT) and
a leaner l3.5:1 to 14.7:1 at part throttle
for good throttle response and drive-
abillty. More than likely, these carbs will
be close but may requl re some tuning
with Jetting, power valves. or idle-mix·
ture adjustments to achieve these
numbers. If we were to put both carbs
on the engine on the dyno, our opinion
Is that you would be hard-pressed to
see more than a
5hp difference between the two.
Frankly, you would need a very repeat-
able bracket car to see even that small
a difference. and even then. the differ-
ence would be measured in hundredths
of a second
Both carbs have tuning advantages
and disadvantages. 111ere's no Slmple
way to change the secondary opening
rate for the Edelbrock. but on the Holley
you can swap secondary diaphragm
spnngs (the Thunder Series Edelbrock
carbs are more expensive but do offer
secondary adjustment). Primary meter-
ing adjustment for the Edelbrock is
really easy. It uses a combination of
metering rods and jets. and you can
access the primary metering rods from
t he outside of t he carb w ith a simple
Torx screwdriver. The Holley requires
you to drain and remove the fuel bowl
to change jets. The same is true for sec-
ondary metering adjustments on the
Edelbrock because the top needs to be
removed to access the secondary jets.
The latest version of the 0-1850C Hol-
ley has also eliminated the external
float adjustment which means both
carbs require disassembly to adjust the
float This might be a long answer to a
very short question, but in my opinion
there would be a very small, if any, per-
formance advantage of one carb over
the other. As the saying goes, "You pays
your money, and you takes your pick."

Kyle Buesing; via CarCraft.com: I
have seen several cylinder head flow
bench tests in books and magazines,
including Car Craft, in which there is a
flow reading on the exhaust, with and
without a short section of pipe
attached. and there are higher flow
numbers with the pipe attached. Since
an assembled, running engine is not
used with either
setup, what flow number Is relevant
and which one is useless gibberish?
The two different numbers could mean
The experts at DTS wlll
t he difference between needing a help vou with vour
single-pattern or dual-pattern cam. drlvetraln solutions
Tricks on a flow bench to change the
numbers mean nothing If it does not Two locations for all of
reflect something that would actually your drivetrain needs
be used on a running engine, such as
attaching an intake manifold to the
cylinder head on the flow bench. This
has made me curious for quite a while,
and any light you could shed on the
subject would be greatly appreciated.

Jeff Smith: I've noticed the quality of

questions over the past couple of
years has been steadily Improving in
that they are more in-depth and reveal
our readers are putting some genuine
thought Into them: great job, guys! Aluminum covers available
This is especially true with this ques-
tion, Kyle. Not long after we began
for most applications
testing cylinder heads on the flow
bench. I learned that adding a short
length of pipe to the exhaust part
tended to Improve the flow numbers O.E. to customdriveshafts and axles
by roughly 5 percent (slightly higher at
highervalve lift numbers and less for
very low lift numbers. such as 0100
inch, where the volume and flow
velocit ies were very low). This was not

IGNITION S YSTEM The reason all tunnel·ram Intake manifolds

havo V·shaped bottoms Is that it presents a
straight shot directly Into the port.
Pro Stock, drag radial, twin turbo
outlaw cars and 10.5" tire classes all
rely on the advanced programming of Intended as a trick as such but rather
an attempt to replicate the real·world
MSD's Programmable 7 ignitions. situation In which the exhaust port Is
mated to a header tube. The reason
The all new Power Grid delivers the pipe Is short Is because the flow
even more! effect of the pipe occurs mainly in the
first 6 or 8 inches. so the pipe can be
short and still see the same net results
as if it were 32 to 36 inches in length.
If your question has to do with which
number is more accurate, I would say
the flow numbers with the pipe.
For this same reason, if you were
really interested in accurate flow num·
bers on the inlet side. I would flow the
head wrth the intake manifold you were
planning on using so you would have a
more accurate idea of the difference in
Oow with and wrthout 1he manifold
Keep 1n mind that any additional duct-
ing on the inlet side will be a restriction.
but a better intake port is still going to
The most advanced ignition syste m avai/ab/el flow more than a poor one, regardless
of the manifold choice.
Simple USB connection with all new View programming software Your question about camshaft choice
based on the exhaust side ls also well
Over 550 primary volts and 210mJ of spark energy taken.The standard seems to be if the
exhaust port Is capable of 70 to 75 per-
CAN-Bus network easily accepts add-on modules and connects to a
cent (or more) of intake flow, you
Racepak Data system
should consider choosing a slngle-
Controller can be used with most MSD ignition controls and the Pro Mag pattern cam (the same exhaust dura-
tion as the Intake) or a cam with only a
Too many programming featvres to list - for details go to www.msdignition.com/powergrid small amount of additional exhaust
duration-perhaps along the lines of 4
POWER GRID CONTROLLER - PN n3o- to 6 degrees. Conversely. a cylinder
POWER GRID IGNITION - PN 7720* head with poor exhaust flow to the
intake (hke the LS·series rectangle-port
L92 heads) can really benefit from a
dual·pattem camshaft with 6 or more
additional degrees of exhaust duration.
Your question also reminded me of a
flow bench test Jim McFarland had me
do probably 25 years ago when he was
the engineering vice president at Edel-
brock and I was first learning how to
run a Oow bench. He made up four
exhaust stubs that were about 12
Inches in length using 15/a-tubing and
For a Free Catalog call 800-866-1493
MSD Tech line: (91 5) 855-7123
Any bend in tubing wlll create a short side
radius (A) and a long side radius (B). In the
tubing exen:lse described below, we mea-
sured this length of tubing, and the marks
on the tubing Illustrate how much material
would have to be removed to equallze the
two lengths.

welded to exhaust flanges to fit a small-

block Chevy head. The first pipe was
straight, the second had a 30-degree
bend, the third a 60·degree bend, and
the last had a very tight 90-degree
radius bend just downstream of the
mounting flange. He had me flow-test
each pipe across the entire valve-lift
curve and then compare the Aow num·
bers. Not surprisingly, the straight and
the 30-degree bend pipes flowed the
best the 60-degree pipe offered less
flow. and the 90-degree pipe flowed
the least Then he had me measure the
lengths of the Inside and outside turns
on the pipe. This represented roughly 4
Inches of difference, with the inside
radius obviously being shorter. We
marked the outside radius point where
the lengths were the same and
trimmed the pipe with a belt sander
until the pipe exit was angle-cut to
equalize the short and long side radii.
Then he had me flow-test the pipe
again. Amazingly, the flow Increased to
the point where this modified 90-
degree·bend pipe flowed almost as
well as the one with the minor
30·degree bend.
The point of this exercise, as I learned
from McFarland, is that you can fool air
Make your tire s and trim love you.
into acting like the pipe is not bent if the Treat them to Motherse Back-to-Blac~
effective lengths of the pipe on the It p rovides a high-gloss, long-lasting,
short and long side radius are as similar protective b arrier to keep your tires and
as possible. In a practical application,
the idea 1s to minimize how tight the rubber trim looking blacker, longer.
radius bends are with header or inlet
pipes, or, if that"s not possible. to
attempt to equalize the lengths of the
walls of the port or flow pipe. In the
case of an exhaust header. this might
not be possible, but at least you should
attempt to make the headers exit the
exhaust port as straight and as long as
possible before the first bend. That's
why the dyno headers at Westech are
mothen.com • detailguJde. com

shaped the way they are. I call them

Sprint Car headers because that's what
they look like. This is not an accident
and the difference 1n exhaust flow
between these Sprint Car headers and
a tight set of chassis headers is mea·
surable. Another excellent example of
this is the tunnel-ram intake manifold. If
YoU look at the original design of the
very early tunnel-rams, they were all
flat-bottom boxes with curved runners
leading to the port inlets. Then some-
body realized that if they created a
V·shaped floor, the ports could exit the
manifold wlth a straight shot directly
Into the ports, and power improved.
Development Ideas like this are why
horsepower numbers keep improving
by reducing restrictions to airflow.

Logan Farnsworth; Kaysville, UT: I am
a member of the University of Utah
Formula SAE team. a collegiate engi·
neering competition in which the
teams build a small, open·wheel race
car using an engine no bigger than
600 cc The motor we are using is a
600cc. dual·overhead·camshaft
engine from a Honda CBR600
F3. Because of the rules, we are
required to use a 20mm restrictor fol-
lowing the throttle, which effectively
reduces the efficiency of the engine at
higher rpm, which is where the engine
makes most of its power. I was won-
dering if It would be feasible to adjust
the cam timing on just the intake cam·
shaft to reduce the overlap, as I know
having a smaller overlap moves the
torque curve down the rpm range. The
F3 engine makes peak horsepower at
about 12,000 rpm, and we are hoping
to have peak horsepower occur at
about 10,000 rpm because that is
about where the restrictor should limit
the air Intake if we did our math cor·
rectly. I have already done some
research, and I know there is an adjust·
able cam sprocket available for these
motors The stock earn specs are:
Intake open 15 BTDC and close 35
ABDC; exhaust open 38 BBDC close 7
ATDC I also know that the next motor
in the same family. the CBR600 F4.
Check this out the has the cam specs of intake open 22
CC shop has a pair BTDC close 43 ABDC; exhaust: cpen
of lS·foot ceiling 38 BBDC close 7 ATDC. My thought
fans that move was to adjust the intake cam on the F3
slowly but move motor to close at the same time as the
air rapidly. Chee~ F4 so the specs become intake open 7
them out at BTDC close 43 ABDC. Would this have
BigAssFans.com. a negative effect on the performance

47 f'!AA~DA~T ll ll V"Jr\11
The Self Tuning EFI Solution
That Really Works... UNI' H'rtlz,.


Four-valve heads offer tremendous valve

flow area, which Is why these engines make
such great horsepower. You can treat a
four-valve head much like a two-valve head
In terms of cam timing. This Is a Ford mod
motor head.

of the motor in the lower rpm range or The FAST" EZ-EFl9 is the easiest, most effective self tuning electronic fuel
would it just effectively move the peak injection system ever created. Simply bolt the EZ-EFI• onto your carbureted
power down?
Arl'f insight woold be greatly appreci· engine, attach the clearly labeled wiring harness and follow the basic Setup
ated. as all my previous engine expen· Wizard on the included hand-held display. The EZ-EFI does the rest for you.
ence is with small·block Chevys and a For hot rodders and muscle car enthusiasts who crave seat of the pants per-
few Pontiac motors. so dual·overhead
formance, FAST"' engineers made sure that the EZ-EFI system works with
cams are something very new to
me. Also, for more info on the team or low-vacuum applications using aggressive camshafts. The system's adaptive
competition. here is the team website: learning technology tunes specifically to your applications needs as you drive,
eliminating the need for laptops and tuning experience. It's really that easy!
Jeff Smith: You are correct that the
intake closing point is the most impor- Giving your high performance vehicle better gas mileage during cruise nights,
tant of t he four valve events. The with the horsepower and torque needed where it counts, the EZ-EFl9 from
intake durat ion, and therefore the FAST'" is the only electronic fuel injection system you need.
intake closing point, determines where
peak torque will occur. The later t he
intake closing, the higher rpm at which
peak torque is achieved. Peak torque
" When it comes to electronic fuel injection,
then establishes the beginning point of
the power curve. which is defined as
it jus doesn't get any easier."
the rpm band between peak torque
and peak horsepower. I researched this • Simple to install & easy-to-use; no laptop or tuning experience
engine and found the stock power
rated at 105 hp at 12,000 rpm and • System includes ECU, wide-band oxygen sensor, wiring harness,
48.7 lb-ft of torque at 10.SOO rpm with fuel injectors, hand-held unit & throttle body for easy installation
120:1 compression. This makes the
stock powerband l500 rpm wide. • Engineered to work with aggressive camshafts & high performance
Wrth a restrictor plate. you said you engines; ideal for street rods & muscle cars
calculated that peak power will occur
at 10,000 rpm. That means if you
maintain the same powerband. peak Dual Quad Upgrade Kit
torque should be somewhere around For more aggressive appllca~ions, the EZ-
8,500 rpm So this is where it would EFl8 Dual Quad Upgrade Kit uses a second
be preferable to have the Intake clos· 4150 Throttle Body, injectors & linkage kit
ing point establish peak torque. If the to support 1000+ horsepower engines!



stock cam closes the intake at 35

degrees after TDC. we need to close
the intake sooner to establish a lower
torque peak by at least 8 degrees and
maybe even earlier:
Because the engine is inlet restricted.
1t seems to me 1t would be beneficial to
build more torque at a lower rpm to
help the car come off the comer
(assuming tire spin is not a problem).
Overlap 1s the period during which
New Adjustment Ran9e exhaust closing and intake opening
Softer settings now available on lower clicks. points cross over. We have to be careful
Higher clicks still feature the ultimate In handling and control. here because we have lots of valve
Stocker Star* Non-Adjustable Shocks area, so too much overlap can kill cylin-
High performance aluminum shocks at a budget-conscious price. der pressure. Is there an octane and
consequently a compression ratio
Mustang limit? One way to build cylinder pres-
Single and double adjustable aluminum struts. sure Jn the lower rpm range is to close
Shocks/struts available for all model years. the Intake valve sooner. If you can't add
Camaro more compression. you can alter the
point at which maximum effective
Single and double adjustable aluminum struts. pressure occurs with cam timing. I've
Shocks/struts available for all model years. listed your intake lobe specs again
Corvette (remember, you have to add 180
Single and double adjustable C5/C6 coil-overs. degrees to intake opening and closing
Shocks available for all model years. to get total duration) so we can evalu-
ate what' s going on here:

F3 intake open 15 BTDC: close 35

ABDC 230 degrees

F4 intake open 22 BTDC; close 43

A80C = 245 degrees

This intake lobe opens 7 degrees soon-

er and closes 8 degrees later.

Your proposed F3 open 7 BTDC; close

43 ABDC 230 degrees

This Intake lobe closes later, which

Improves high-rpm power, which is not
your goal.

My proposed F3 Intake: open 15 BTOC;

close 28 ABDC 223 degrees

This closes the intake valve earlier,

moving the torque peak lower.

The above change shortens the total

Intake duration and closes the intake
valve sooner Both are in an attempt to
lower the peak engine rpm power point
to 10.000 rpm. You may also have to
Hemi Bullet experiment with overlap to help the
This is the Hem1 f0< the midrange torque. That may require wid·
Dodge Demon pro1ect emng the lobe-separation angle slightly.
It's a 5.7 from a smashed but the only way to know for sure is to
'06 Dodge Ram pickup. test the engine. since there are several
How you want us to other variables that also affect the
build it? torque curve. Also, the width of the
powerband Is another essential consid-


eration because if you widen the pow·
erband, the car will be much easier to
Imitation is the since
drive and will require fewer gear
changes. Every shift is an interruption of form of infel'·
the application of power. A peaky, nar·
row powerband requires more gear
changes. That's why I think an approach
that widens the powerband without
sacrificing average power will be the
most successful. More area under the
The cone by which all other cones are measured.
power curve will make the car quicker
off the comers and easier to drive. And blatantly based upon. A genwne breakthrough is
reduce the number of shifts, and lower the result of research, testing and hard work. Not shameless
the lap times. Before you go this far. it imitation. Unfortunately, the latter appears to be the case with
might be worthwhile to data-log a lap some companies out there. We're flattered, but come on guys,
and then establish a hysteresis curve really? So if you're looking for the best cone-shaped foam
that will reveal the rpm band where the
metal polishing tool, go with the original: the PowerCone®
engine spends the malorl ty of its time.
Obviously, this Is affected by track from Mothers~Nothing e lse compares.
length, gear ratio. tire size. and drive
I• The king of cones. The PowerCone® is the perfect
technique. 9ut all of this will point you In '
a direction. The teams that concentrate (i o·: •' polishing tool. Its tapered shape provides unmatched
on peak power and build a high· \\
' I,
.}. surface coverage, while its ability to conform to
powered but peaky engine will suffer- virtually any surface makes polishing intricate
especially in short. tight autocross designs a snap.
courses that dominate the Formula SAE ~ ,
It' s all in the fingers. Unlike the spongy wannabes, the
PowerCone® features precision-cut, patented foam
LS SWAP lingexs, which create a more effecave larger poll.slung
Greg Deford; via CarCraltcom: I was sux:face. 'These fingers easily compress to get mto
wondering 1f you could give me some tight, difficult-to-re ach areas, and give your
info on the brand of motor mounts metal a deeper, nurror-lilc:e shine m the
Josh Kunkel used on hrs Camaro? Also. gentlest possible way.
when I was looking for an LS engine.
some are listed as manual or automat- Check out all of the Mothen• Power Line products. From the
ic. is there a difference or rs it that they original PowerBall® to the PowerBall Mini~ Mothers® brings
are just equipped with a flexplate or innovation and technology together to help you get your
flywheel? Tom Fogelsong mounted a polishing jobs done quickly and easily.
T56 to a 5.3. I am assuming it was
from an automatic since it came out of
a Suburban. Would there be an issue
with the piloL bearing? I'm planning on
putting an LS 6.0 Into an '87 Fireblrd.

Jeff Smith: We've kept In touch with

Josh and his father. Russ Kunkle, since
they always bring a nice car to the Car
Craft Summer Nationals in St Paul
every July. To answer your question on
engine difference. there is absolutely no mothen.com • d.etallg1ll.d.e.com
mechanical difference between a man- waxfora.m.com
ual transmission- and automatic trans-
mission- equipped engine except that
the manual comes wrth the pilot bush·
ing. If you are using a T56. the stock LS
pilot bushing Is what you want For
your motor mount question, I contact·
ed Russ and this is what he told me:
''The mounts we used on the Camaro
were from Spohn and we bought the
motor and transmission mounts as a
set. The motor mount rs actually a new

This is what the Spohn motor mount kit

looks like bolted In place on a third-gen
camaro along with the Spohn K-member.

franie mount and uses the fourth-gen

motor mount. They make tranny
mounts for either t he 4L60E or the T56.
We used the stock fourth-gen F-body
pan; Spohn has it figured out It's tight.
like 112 inch between the pan sump and
the K-member, but it fits. Josh kept the
4L60E with the mount bolted right up
to it. and we put a Yank 3.600-rpm-stall
converter m front of 1t So far. the only
folks I know of that make long-tube
headers for this particular swap 1s
Stainless Works-Spohn sells those
u 's Cut-Out also with a Y·pipe. but it's pretty spendy.
We used the stock manifolds and made
304 StafnftH StHI con1tructlon our own Y-pipe from 21/1-inch mandrel
Hltll Torque DC Otar motor bends and merged them mto a single
No ullau1t fHt nofH wllen cfoHd 3-inch. I think a guy could use the
shorty headers, but he would still have
Self adJustfnf, .,,, cltanfnf 1•t• to fab the Y·pipe. The rest 1s a Rowmas-
pro11fd11 llfttfmt ftat proof '"' ter American Thunder system. The pilot
Zero ob1tructlon1 wllen bearing shouldn't be a problem. In our
fully open Nova. we put a TK0-600 behind the
6.0L we bought as a kit. removed the
flexplate, and popped the bearing in the
end of the crank. The clutch, pressure
plate, and flywheel are LS7 stuff t hat
bolted right on."
Spohn makes a very cool front
111111.daug.tHd•r•.c•• K-member (PN 703-LSX, $515.00
Spohn) that uses the stock Camaro
steering and is lighter and stronger than
the factory piece. The Spohn motor
mount kit (PN 9n, $85.00 Spohn)
adapts an LS engine to either the fac·
tory subframe or the new Spohn
K·member, Spohn also makes a trans
crossmember to adapt the T56 six·
FNG speed to these earlier F·bodles (PN
You might have seen this LSXT56XM. $105.00 Spohn).
guy welding or drinking As Russ mentioned in his reply, the
beer in che new shop. His conversion to a manual would only
name is Grant Peterson require the flywheel. clutch. pressure
and he is the new CC plate, and factory hydraulic release
fabricator. He can weld bearing. You will also need a clutch
upside down in the dark pedal and actuator rod from a donor
and make it look easy car. You have your choice of clutch
companies. and there are a bunch to
I I ~'~~~
choose from. such as ACT. Centerforce,
Hays, Mcleod. Ram, Sachs. and a ton
more. All these companies will sell a
performance replacement of the stock
clutch If ybu choose to go with some-
thing better than stock. We are most
familiar with the Centerforce line. which
includes the Dual Friction system that
uses an Ofganic lining on one side of the
clutch with a puck-style friction mate-
rial on the other side. Combined with
the Centerforce pressure plate, this sys-
tem is more than capable of handling
the pawer A stock pilot bushing should
be added, and Centerforce suggests
adding a new hydraulic clutch master
cylinder as well as a new hydraulic
throwout bearing as part of the swap.
FAST-GATE™Sh ifter
These last two companents are factory The TCI"' FAST-GATE Shifter combines
replacement pieces we found for a high-quality components and cutting-
decent price at Rock Auto. We com- edge design to provide an easy-to-
pared the master cylinder piston diam- Install, high performance experience
eters (Dorman PN CM39838, $39.78 that won't break the bank. The TCI
from Rock Auto) and they are the same FAST-GATE"" Shifter features universal
as the 2002 master. so that's not an compatibility that allows it to be used in
issue. The hydraulic release bearing is virtually any 3- or 4-speed application.
also available (Dorman PN CS360058, street or race. The shifter's sturdy
$68.89 Rock Auto). Be aware there construction Is capable of withstanding
may be compatibility i~ues between the demands of racing, yet looks refined
the later-model hydraulic throwout enough for street vehic;les. Precision,
bearing and t he early master cylinder stamped components ensure smooth,
with hose connectors. accurate movements when shifting,
Also be aware thatthese late-model, and a reverse lockout mechanism
metric-style clutch assemblies use an eliminates the chance of transmission
alignment pin arrangement to align the damage from accldentally shifting
pressure plate to the flywheel as into reverse. The FAST-GATE- Shifter
oppased to shouldered bolts used in includes a stylish and durable injection
older clutch assemblies. If you are reus- molded cover, cable and all hardware
ing a factory flywheel, always use new required for a simple installation.
pins and factory flywheel bolts. Also.
• Universal design mounts in vir-
since the factory flywheel, clutch. and
tually any 3- or 4-speed vehicle
pressure plate are balanced as an
assembly, If you reuse the factory fly- • Precision components ensure
wheel, the assembly should be checked smooth & accurate shifting
to ensure it is in fact neutral-balanced
with the new clutch assembly. • Reverse lockout eliminates acci-
dental shifting Into reverse
Centerforce; Prescott. AZ.: Api:btions rd.Jde GM lH200, TH250.
928/771-84ll: CenterForce.com lH350, TH400, 2004R. 7oo=l4. 4LSOE,
Rock Auto; Madison. WI: 4L70E and 4lBOE; Foti Cd C6 and AOO;
866/762·5288; RockAuto.com Ovysler lf727. 1H004, TF998, A500, A.518,
Spohn Performance; Myersville, PA; 46AE and 47RE
888/365-6064: SpohnPerformance.net

Car Craft Mag
831 S. Douglas St.
El Segundo, CA 90245

151 Industrial Drive• Ashland, MS 38603

TRANS HELP"' 1.888.776.9824
As you can probably tell. Mil<e's shop Featured in an '08 lssue, the '69 BS blue Look closely to see the photos of the
ls expansive. It measures 30 feet wide Charge< 500 is one of 500 built to meet Molganb' '64 lightweight Galaxle and a
and a bowling-alley·like SO feet long, NASCAR homologation rules and was great wheels-up launch shot of the car
with an 18-foot double door on one Intended for the NASCAR superspeedway at the dragstrlp. Below the photos ls the
end and a single CM roll·up on the that predated the outlandish winged cars. original paper Car Craft license plate from
other facing the backyard. The shop The Molgards' Charger was originally our 1983 photo shoot. All of Mike's
Is heated and Insulated against those fitted with a 440 Wedge but now sports dragsttlp launch photos show his cars
nasty Colorado winters. a thumpin' 487ci stroker Heml and am with tho wheels ln the air-as they should
automatic. Mike yanked the motor for a be. Miko has owned both a '631/i and a
winter cam-and.converter refresh. '64, with the latter's claim to fame that of
winning class and setting the record with
f a best of 11.71 at ll7 mph at the '79 AHRA
Mike and Corena have owned the '65 Belvedere since buying it from Summer Nationals in Kansas City, Missouri.
its original owner In 1986. using it as a daily driver until the clock
pushed a quartor·mllllon miles. The Mopar has seen a roUer-cammed
360, then a 440 with an oven bigger cam, followed by a W5-headed
R·block Jg5cl smoll·block that ran 11.07. M ost recently, Mike i11fused
the all-steel, 3,400·pounder with a stroked Mopar 427cl all-aluminum
Sprint car small ·block with WS heads and a nasty mechanical roller
from John Partridge at Bullet cams. The B·Body's best run to date ls
a stellar 9.94 at 135 mph with '/•"'·mile trap speeds of a scorching lll
mph. On the engine dyno, Mike says the motor made 755 hp at 7,200
and 609 fOt" tOf"que at 5,500 rpm.


For some guys. busting knuckles on old muscle cars was something you did as a
kid, eventually lost like the intensity and passion of youth. For other guys like Mike
Molgard, working on new project cars in his shop has become a lifelong obsession.
As an over·the·road trucker, Mike spends too much time away from shop and
home. Time spent immersed in his machines is precious. so it might as well be
enjoyable. too. The problem (1f you can call it that) is that there is an ever-growing
hst of machines clamoring for attention. It's clear Mike's been at this a long time
since CC can trace our connection to him all the way back to a feature on his '64
Tho full· length Moroso oil pan was
Lightweight Galaxie In our July '83 issue. Since then, Mike and his wife, Carena, originally used on a Super Gas/Super Comp
have expanded their vehicular adventures with Mopars, Fords, Chevys, and even blg·block Chevy while the cast Intake is for
street rods. The Molgards aren't particularly brand loyal The car just has W7/W8/W9 Mopar small-block heads. The
to be cool. Diamond pistons are for a 440cl Wedge.

By Jeff Smith / Photo: Cory Van Pelt Photography


We couldn't ignore the high wheeler Corena Molgard's garage queen Is an all· The '55 Is a Molgard "performance
cycle that usually h<lngs on the wall In the stock '07 Roush Mustang with barely 7,000 emeritus" member having joined the family
shop. This one was bultt In 1898.. "My dad miles. ~It's a lot of fun to drive. as near In 2003. When new, It enjoyed a 265ci
could ride this thing with gusto •.• most as we can remember!" says Corena. The motor with a three-speed overdrive and
teenagers can't," Mike tells us. These Roush package consisted of a supercharger 4.U:l rear cogs. It's currently undergoing
bikes were originally developed In the bolted to the top of the 4.6L SOHC mod a full frame-off resurrection and wtlt twist
1880s because the tall, direct, drive-wheel motor that pushes out 4ZJ hp. The wheel It up with Rat motor grunt-if the Muncie
diameter produced higher speeds. These and tlre package Is finalized with 18-inch Jives.
bikes literally fell out of favor after the hoops and 27S/40Rl8 tires.
development of "safety bikes" and roller
bearing chaindrives. Another good reason
for their fall from grace was a nasty big·
city "sport" to shove a stick In the front
wheel spokes, which would Instantly
launch the rider face first Into the ground.
This created the first use of the tenn -J
"doing a header."

True veteran Molgard·famlly·member status re Ins with the '33 Ford frame and pickup
body that Mike has owned since 1966. He bought It while in high school in Council Bluffs.
The 468cl tunnel-rammed Rat motor sitting Iowa. In that previous life, the Competition Orange pickup scorched the pavement with a
on the Hoor is destined for the '55 and 270hp 283, a LaSalle trans. and a 'ST Pontiac rearend. Mike then Installed a succession of
proudly displays a set of Reher·Morrison bigger-bore variatlons-283 to 292 to the ultimate 0.125-over 301 until he bought his ftr'St
heads and a Jesel beltdrive. It will be 427 Galaxie. Then the '33 was stored at his dad's house ·•under an avocado tree" from 1971
backed up by a Muncie four-speed and a untll 1995. ttwlll now receive a complete resurrection with a 4-lnch, Super Seti dropped
Mopar 8'/.·lnch rearond. front axle a.n d a full complement of Posies and Pete & Jake's pieces.

11 11 v ?f\11 rAoroaCTrnu 4~

~Though this is the third part the paint was scruffy looking. I with hastily applied, aerosol-black on
- - ; , -in our series. the paint]ob thought I would be able to drive it the doors and roof before I was
was actually the first thing I around without caring what 1t looked scratching all that stuff off. From start
did to the car after buying It To recap, like, but those who know me would to finish, the whole job took five
this Is the '03 Ford Crown Victoria have pointed out my flawed thinking. weeks, working nights and weekends.
Police Interceptor I bought from Ken I'm the guy who washes his car rell· There are things I wish I had done bet·
Porter Auctions In Gardena, California, glously-once a week at least. So It ter, but the car looks pretty decent
for the paltry sum of $1,500. While only took about two days of looking at now. There are lots of pictures here, so
the body of the car wasn't bashed up, the dull. furry-looking finish, complete let's get to it.


1. Often, the dilemma when contemplating a
paintjob Is whether to strip the old paint or
Just scuff It before spraying the new stuff. I
did a combination of the two. This car was
wearing Its original paint, black with a white
roof and white front doors, but the white
paint was peeling off. I've heard from some
cops that they have the same problom-the
f3ctorv white l.s especially susceptible to
sun damage. I scraped all the loose white
paint off the roof with a razor blade.

2. The light bar had been secured to the

roof with sheetmetal screws behind the
weatherstripping Just above the 8-plllar.
I welded the holes closed using our TIG
welder, rather than a MIG because It gener·
ates fewer sparks.

3. Even so, If you weld anywhere near a

car's Interior, keep a fire extlngulsh()t' cl05e
and be absolutely sure that any sparks that
may have fallen Inside the car are com·
pletely cooled. We've heard horror stories
of cars burning to the ground because a
stray sparlt dropped somewhere deep In the
bowels of an lnteri<w panel where things like
Insulation and sound deadening material
can smolder for a while befon? eniptlng Into
a towering Inferno. I ran a bunch of corn·
pnissed air through each hole and avoided
singeing my headliner, but In hindsight. It
would have been safer to remove It prior to

4. I figured painting just the roof first

would be a good test of my ability to spray
a decent black palntJob. Here Is the roof
stripped of all the loose paint, loavlng
behind the stlll·good fac:to,y primer. The
remaining white areas were where the paint 5. Epoxy primer is a g ood goneral·purpose
was shielded from the sun under the light primer. It can be applied to bare metal and,
bar and under the car's number decals. unlike a surface primer, It resists moisture
This was a cool find because Santa Barbara once it's cured. This is beneficial If you don't
County had removed these roof numbers have time to spray the topcoat right away;
befwe sending the car to auction. Judg- you can leave your car outside In epoxy
ing by the shapes, mine was car 418. This primer and it won't absorb water if It gets
remaining paint still had a strong bond to wet. Usually epol(}' p rimers are available in
the primtlr, so there was no need to sand fight grey, neutral grey, and dartt grey. Obvl·
It all off. Just be sure to sand the transition ously, it's best to use a light primer If your
between the primer and the paint. This topcoat is a llght color.
technique Is known as featheredge sand·
Ing and It removes the ridge between the 6. When spraying something tall and
primer and the paint on top of It. To do this, relatively flat, it's good to make (or buy) a
I used 22().grit on a DA followed by 400 on platform that anows you to move the length
a sanding blod<. sanding until I could no of the surface. Standing on a ladder like
longer feel a difference between where the this, your passes with the gun become arc-
paint stopped and started. Once masked, shaped, especially toward the center of the
blow the surface with compressed air and roof. This can cause thin, uneven coverage--
wipe with degreaser, Eastwood's PRE In this not so critical for primer, but bad for the
case, prior to spraying any paint. topcoat.


1. To keep the costs down, I used a slngle-
stage acrylic; urethano rather than a more
expensive basec:oat/clean:oat palntjob.
To do the roof, I tried a couple of different
brands, one from one of those ''supen:heap-
carpalntsforonedollar" onllne stores on the
roof Itself, and this Valspar enamel on the
driprall moldings.

8. Charitably speaking. the results were

less than optimal The glltterflke effect on
the roof Is actually solvent pop.• Imagine
If you could flash·freeze a glass of Coke,
suspending the bubbles of fin In place as
they rise from the bottom of the glass. The
effect is similar here; the paint cured as the
solvents used to thin tho paint were still
evaporating out. Usually this Is an Indicator
of an Improper mh1 ratio or using too fast an
activator. The Valspar paint on the driprall
moldings (the L·shaped pieces between the
roof/back window and the quarter-panel)
came out better, which was Interesting
because I s prayed them at tho same time
and with t he same gun settings as the roof.
To be fair, the roof paint was nearly a year
old, and I had to thin It out more than the
recommended amount Just to get It to flow
through the gun, but the Valspar paint was
not q uite as old. Paint and Its additives defl·
nitely have shelf lives. Similar to the way
gasoline changes Into varnish if It is stored
too long, ac:tlvators and reducers lose
potency over time. often more quickly than
paint does. You may be able to use an older
gallon of paint, but buy new activator and
reducer. Always spray a test panel before
using unfamiliar paint, too. Whether it is a
scrap piece of steel or a section of your car,
spray something In the same condition as
your project and give it 24 hours to cure.
You don't want to be troubleshooting major
problems like this In the mlddle of your

9. After my experiment with the roof, I

got to work In earnest on the rest of the
car, stripping away the aerosol-blac:k on
the doors and block-sanding the entire
body with 150- and 220-grit sandpaper on
13 14
our Ourablock sanding blocks (seen In the
grille opening). I orlglnally planned to tape
off the window trim and door handles but
ultimately decided to remove all the win·
dow trim, door gloss, window felts, door
handles bumper covers ond exterior lamps.
That was extra work, but the finished Job
looks more professional as a result. The
window trim, glass, and door handles are all
secun!d by rivets. Make sure you'Ve got a
drill sharpener. 12. Check your progress by running a long
sanding block across the repair. The low
10. Block-sanding the paint quickly reveals spot has diminished, but I uncovered the
any lmperfec;tjons In t he sheetrnetal. As high spot that was created when the dent
stated earlier, the body was In good shape, was formed. By concentrating your hammer
with only a few small dents In the ded<Jid strikes on the high spot, white stlll pushing
and quarter-panel likely caused during the out with the dolly, you can move the metal
cuffing and stuffing of a few perps. I was from the high spot back to the low spoL
able to straighten these out with a slapper 14. Newer cars have flush-mount glass but
hammer and dolly. 13. The dent is fixed when the sanding finished with a metal·backed rubber chan-
mart<s are uniform across the repair area. nel. I tried to peel this out. but the backing
11. The dolly Is doing most of the work on This ls a good way to visually check your started to deform and I didn't want to have
the backside of the dent. Push hard on the wort<. While it's easy to feel high and low to replace It If it broke. However, you can't
dolly while lightly hitting around the crater spots in sheetmetal, very small irregulari· just mask this channel off, as it will leave a
wlth the slapper to shock the metal back ties can be tough to read by touch. That's hard tape tine at the transition between the
Into shape. A regular body hammer would why guys spray a guldecoat over primer ch:innol and the roof. 3M sells the solution
wort< OK here, but l prefer the slapper before block-sanding it. When the gulde- to this problem-trim tape. The exposed
because it spreads tho Impact force over a coat sands off evenly, you know the panel blue section is a semirigld plastic that you
larger area. ls straight. feed under the rubber trim.


15. With tho tnpo In placo, pool off the back-
ing to expose the adhesive and fold the tape
over tightly, Jn this case, fold lng It forward
onto tho wlndshlold.

16. Folding the tape forward pulls tho plastic

edge up, puffing tho rubber trim away from
the panel, which opens Just enough of a gap
to spray paint behind It. Whan you pull the
tape off, your now palntjob w111 extend past
the trim and look factory correct.

17. Masking a car ls a huge Job. I decided to

tape off tho door openings so I could keep
the doors opened and blend In the door
Jambs. Hore ls the car just before I began
spraying. Again. thoroughly blow the car
with compressed air and wipe It with a wax
and grease remover. Tech Up: masking mpe
does not stldc to tires. I tried to tape that
painter's plastic to the tires, but the tape
came undone several times throughout
the job and once blew the plastic Into my
paint. Fortunately, It stuck to the Inside of
the whool lip and didn't leave any external
marks. It would have been batter to cover
the tires with something hoavler like old
towels (watch out for lint. though), moving
blankets, or a set of canvas wheel masks to
look like a real pro. Or you could Just paint
the car with crap wheals and tlros on It.

1,8. This Is Valspar's Direct To Metal 2000

series tintable primer. It's the same stuff we
used to paint Editor Glad's El Guapo El Cami-
no In tho Doc. '08 Issue. Wo had good luck
with It then, so I bought another gallon from
Top Guns In Gardena, osking them to tint
It as dark as p0sslble. Tho mix ratio Is 4:1=1
(primer, reducer, actlVlltor), and I sprayed
two coats with our DeVllbiss Starting line
gun using a L8mm Up. You can topcoat over
this primer after 30 mlnutos of cure time,
but If It sits longer than 24 hours, you need 20. I painted the bumpers separately from
to sand it prior to topco;iUng. the car. Though you can mix nex additlvos
into the paint before spraying Oexible parts
19. I painted the car a couple of days later like these, modem paint is already pretty
with three coats of Nason Ful·Thane slngle- flexible, so I skipped it. They have held up
stage urethane, again using our DeVilbiss fine since then. For extra fun. see the Apr.
Starting Une spray gun with a L4mm tip. '09 issue on how to repair plastic bumpcl'S.
The paint was a goncri<: bllldc mixed by Tech tip: Support plastic bumper COYOrS
Meza Autobody &Upply, abo in Gardena. fully across their widest part lo pre\IW'lt
and was mixed 8:2:.1 with 441-21 medium- them from bending. If the paint dries with
temperature reducet" and 483-15 activator. a weird bend in it, it could c:racl< when you
Though I used only a gallon of primer on the put it back on the car. Also, check that the
car, it took almost two full gallons of paint material you're coating them with is com·
to cover it. Another reason to spray a test patible with the type of plastic you're work·
panel-you can gauge how much material it Ing with.Some bumpers need a speclflc
will take to complete the Job. primer, otherwise the two will react.


>/•·inch masking tape,3 rolls 515U Eastwood 8.97

11h·inch masking tape 51514 Eastwood 4.99

2L My paintfob was less than stellar for
3 M trim masking tape 4362 Meza 23.99 two reasons, and both of them were my
fault. First, sand scratches were visible
Fine line tape 50737 Eastwo0d 7.99 through the paint; second, the finish had
a lot of orange peel. I put the scratches in
18 -lnch green masking paper. 2 rolls 4367 Top Guns 50.58
there when I sanded the primer prior to
14' x 350' plastic sheeting Ask for it Meza 21.46 painting the car by attacking It w'lth 400·
grit dry paper. My belief was that 400-grit
PRE Painting Prep 21567 ZP Eastwood 2299 would give the topcoat more tooth to stick
to. But this primer does not sand well and
Epoxy primer kit, 1 quart 5ll26ZP Eastwood 39.99 it clogged the paper. Dragging the clogs
across the surface left gouges In the primer.
l OT mixing cups, set of five 51202 Eastwood 4.99 Again, this was my fault, not the primer's.
According to Valspar's Instructions, if it
Dura-Block. 7·piece kit 3l160 Eastwood 59.99 is mixed with more reducer, It acts like a
smooth-sanding filler primer. But mixed
lndasa 80-grit adhesive-backed 31375 Eastwood 2199 with less reducer, It acts like a sealer, giving
sandpaper roll it a harder surface that does not sand easily.
What I should have done lnltlally was scuff
lndasa U O·grit adhesive-backed 31375 Eastwood 15.99 the primer with a Scotch-Brite pad-not
sandpaper roll 400-grit dry sandpaper-then painted It.
However, once the damage from the 400-
lndasa 220-grit adhesive backed 19628 Eastwood 17.99 grit was done, I should have wet-sanded th.e
sandpaper roll car (because wet-sanding prevents clog-
ging} first with 400- then 800-grit paper
lndasa 400-grit adhesive-backed 31377 Eastwood 16.99 to ensure that all the gouges were gone.
sandpaper roll After the car had totally dried, I should have
sprayed one more coat of primer, following
Rhynalox 6-inch adhesive-backed 19619 Eastwood 17.99 immediately with the topcoat.
80-grit DA paper, 100 disc roll
22. Orange peel was my second problem.
Rhynalox 6 -lnch adhesive-backed 19616 Eastwood 27.99 It is caused by several factors: too much
120 ·grlt DA paper, 100 disc roll air pressure, holding the gun too far from
the surface, under-reduced. paint, or using
Valspar SuriCryl acrylic enamel. l quart Ask for It Top Guns 37.10 the wrong temperature reducer. Because
I used the correct reducer, I can't use that
Mar-Hyde acrylid enamel activator Ask for it Top Guns 23.80 as an excuse. In hindsight, I probably didn't
reduce the paint enough. The fix for both
Universal reducer Ask for it Top Guns 15.20 the orange peel and the sand scratches was
to wet-sand the car, and this is what you
Hammer and dolly set 3ll61 Eastwood 39.99 need for that job.
Slapper hammer HTS-0095 TM 45.00 23. 3M recommends soaking the paper
SEM EZ Coat primer for about 10 minutes prior to using it. This
62213 Top Guns 9.75
makes the paper more flexible so you don't
Evercoat Metal Glaze 30-oz pump bottle 31279Z Eastwood 34.99 have a sharp edge when you fold It.

Mixing board DYN.366 Meza 3.33 24. Use a f lexible sanding block and fold the
sandpaper around It. The block wlll apply
Body filler spreader four-pack GLllOl Top Guns 6 .86 even pressure to your car's various bends
and creases. Keep the surface wet, too.
DeVllbiss Starting Line spray gun kit U506 Eastwood 139.99 This prevents the paper from clogging. I'm
using a spray bottle filled with water and
PCL gun-cleaning solvent (Don't call me Ask for It Top Guns 15.08 a small amount of car-wash soap to make
lacquer thinner!), ! gallon the surface a little more slippery. Start with
I.000-grit and work down to 2,000-grit.
Valspar DTM 200 tintable primer. I 8007 Top Guns 189.00 As with block-sanding, when the surface is
gallon plus reducer and activator uniformly dull, you are finished.

54 CAR CRA" JULY 2011

Nason Ful-Thanne single-stage urethane. Ask for it Meza 562.00
1gallon plus reducer and activator
(281.00 per gallon. needed 2 gallons to
3 meters WetOrOry sandpaper, 32023 Top Guns 7.62
3 meters WetOrDry sandpaper, 32044 Top Guns 7.62
3M Perlect It compounding pad 05723 Top Guns 26.89
3M Perfect·It poltshlng pad 05725 Top Guns 2629
3M rubbing compound, l quart 05973 Top Guns 20.60
Motor Guard flexible sanding block SB·l Top Guns 3.99
Makita rotary buffer 9227C Somewhere 189.29
In Cleveland
3M Hook·lt Back-up pad 05717 Top Guns 43.03
Megulars Swirl Free polish 82 Top Guns 17.99
Liquid Camauba wax JW8 Jax Wax 7.95
Total: 1,838.24


25. You'll have to buff the paint to make it

shiny again, and here's what you need. The
white pad Is more aggressive and Is used
with rubbing compound. Use the black pad
and polish to remove the swirt marks left
by tho compound. You can wax the paint at
this point and be done with it, but I added
an extra appllcatlon of glaze before wax.
Tech lip: you can apply the swirl·free polish
with a low·speed random orbital machine.
Rubbing compound must be applied with a
high-speed buffer, though. Put some tape
on body lines and panel edges-It's easi·
ost to bum through tho paint there. After
buffing, remove the tape and apply rubbing
compound by hand on those areas.

26. Buff one panel at a time, working your

way around the car. Here you can see the
finished door next to the unbuffed
quarter-panel. Also note the masking tape
on the edge of the quarte<-panel to keep
from burning through the paint in this area.
-+ For extra safety, I propped open the doors
with a roll of tape so there was no chance of
The Eastwood Company; Pottstown, PA: 800/343-9353: Eastwood.com the buffer touching the panel next to them.
Jax Wax; Columbus. OH; 877/752-99'29; JaxWax.com
Meguiars; Irvine. CA. 800/347-5700;Meguiarscom V. Noarty all the sand scratches and orange
peel were fixed during the wet-sanding and
Meza Bodyshop Supplies; Gardena, CA; 3101516-6761 buffing process, but It took me two days to
Miller Electric; Appleton. WI; 920/734-9821; MlllerWelds.com do all that work. Hero Is the car going back
St. Thomas Assembly Plant; St Thomas, Ontario: En.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Sl_ together.
28. Two years later and the car still looks
TM Technologies; N San Juan, CA: 530/'292-3506; TinManTech.com pretty good. However, If I were to do it over
Top Guns Auto Paint And Supply; Gardena. CA: 310/538-1636; again, I'd use a basccoat/clearcoat system.
TopGunsAutoPalntAndSupply.com This paint scratches very easily and I con·
stantly have to polish It to keep it shiny. END
By Douglas R. Glad I
- -----
Photos: Douglas R. Glad and the canon Timer
-- - - ---------- - --- ----------------------
~So far. the Demon project rear lSxlO Halibrand mags command, That's right. turbo Hem1. And to get
~looks much cooler than we we found a pair of vintage U.S. Indy the snake pit under the hood. we
imagined. We wanted to cap· mags with the right offset for $60 on decided to go full enchilada and hack
ture the feel of Don Schumacher Craigslist the front end off the car, replacing it
poised on the line at OCIR in 1969 in We know it's fun to stare, but we with a Chris Alston 2x3 A-arm front
his record-setting Stardust Funny Car. don't do trailer queens at CC. This car frame system. Because that's what
To do this, we tried to adhere to the needs to be both quick on the street Schumacher would do. In addition to a
ethos even while using available parts and ultra brutal at the track If we are wicked stance, the subframe kills
that weren't as era-correct as they going to live with It Like salt sprayed somewhere in the neighborhood of
should be. A glaring example of this Is on a prewar jalopy from a lap at Bonne· 300 pounds of excess weight and
the use of ET Gasser wheels Instead of ville, the runny shoe-polish dial-ins and mates to the existing Chassisworks
Hallbrands or spoked Americans that car numbers on the flimsy plexlglass back half and four-link ready and wait-
you'd find In the late '60s. or the Cragar will be proudly displayed as we cruise ing in the rear
SS/T or Center lines you'd find on this Ruby's in Redondo Beach on Friday All you need to get this project done
kind of car throughout the 70s. We're nights, hopefully with some flame from yourself is a flat garage floor. a tape
also cheap, so instead of spending the the turbos licking the primer off the measure. a Sawzall. and a MIG welder.
$3,400 market price the era-correct welds. Let's go.


last month, we ordered a 3x2x0.083 boxed
frame from Chris Alston, which had a
29-lnch width and 6 Inches of ground dear-
ance. Using the 29 Inches as the base, we
added 131/ . Inches tor the suspension and
another 4 Inches f« the wheel offset to get
the distance from the outside of the w heel
and tlre to the Up of the front fender.

Before we rem oved any parts from the car,

we made a mart< on the door and measured
the distance from It to the front wheel
spindle centerline. With that number we
had the Information to position the new
frame under the car and retain the stock

Our measurement
25 Inches, whldl we had
wisely written on the door.
Using that l'lU'l1ber, -
made a new marll on the
floot' that represents the
spindle centerline. w. also'n-nd otf the driwr side and
COi•~ the dots with • green tape line
- used to line up the frame.



The auspenllon mounts - . . already

weld9d In ~ by the guys at Chris
Alston. 1r 1 an option we recommend. The
frame was Icing IO w e could cut It to flt.
In this photo you can see both caps and
where we Intended to weld the new frame
along the Inside of the o ld one.

This was the tricky part Knowing where we were fg::!e~::.,,

frame we needed to make a new measurement . mber
the s~tndte centerline to the rnoe of the plates on the cross~easi~
Having a tape tine ln both positions makes this measuremen •

The next measurement Is the height of the frameralt from the ground. Chasslsworl<s pro- Here, the frame is mod<ed In position and
vides a blueprint with each frame, which has this information. We measured from the supported at the correct height.
ground to the bottom of the steering rack mounting bracket and from the top of the frame
to the ground and compared the numbers with the blueprint.
Using the tape llne as
a guide, we made sure
the wheel sat In the
correct position In the

Here you can see the 4-inch distance from the fender lip to the outside of the wheel and tire.

Drag Race A-arm suspension Chris Alston's Chassisworks PKGH $1.398.00
and frame chp
Gasser ET wheels Speedway Motors 91058672 279.00

By midnight, we decided to take a break. We ordered the pizza using an IPhone and tracked its progress as It was checked for deliciousness
and delivered to the new shop. That Is a Boddlngtons that Gr.Int Peterson"s drinking.

After wo were satisfied that the frame

height was correct and everything was c:en-
tered In the car, we tack-welded the frame
to the crossmember.

Back to work, we double-checked to see if the frame was square by measuring diagonally
from the frame to the body In several places.
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hat started out as a street beast
became the Lau family cruiser.
By Jeff Smith I Photos: Eric McCl~elt~an~-----
Who: Brian and Louise Lau Vendors overdrive into the backside of that do a great job of convertlng kinetic
What: A Great White North '65 the trans to produce a highway-friendly energy into heat For power steering.
Chevelle 0.781 gear reduction that makes the the Chevelle relies on a stock GM 605
Where: Gleason. Wisconsin effective gear ratio a 2..n:l M&R Ser· box
Engine: The planned or1g1nal Rat gave vices did the 4-inch custom steel drive· Interior: While as a race car the Chev·
way to Winona. Wisconsin's Lawson shaft with forged ends to make it all fit elle might have operated a bit more
Racing Engines-built 383 small-block Rearend: Rather than a typical 12·bolt, sparsely, Mike and his dad retained the
that squeezes a 10:1 compression Brian chose a Ford 9-inch with a 3.551 stock seats but re-covered them in a
short-block with SRP forged pistons gearset and a limited slip just 1n case two·tone·style blue vinyl and added a
and a Scat crank and rods timed with a Mom wants to show the locals how factory tach and gauges. plus an Auto
Comp hydraulic roller camshaft with this rascal hooks. Mike also narrowed Meter complement of oil pressure,
0.520/0.530·1nch hft and serious the housing 61/4 Inches to fit those fat water temperature, and trans tempera-
valvesprings. The cam timing controls tires. ture They also added a pair of subtle
a set of 2.02/l60·1nch stainless valves Suspension/Brakes: This is where lights alongside the steering column.
In a set of ported GM iron heads. the action really started. Son Brian had with one as an oil-pressure warning
Topped off with an Edelbrock Perform· already boxed the frame for added light and the other as a shift light so
er RPM Air-Gap Intake, a Demon 750· stiffness and also b1.1llt a custom Mom knows when to move the shifter.
cfm carburetor, and a complete MSD removable t rans crossmember along She will also stay cool, as this was a
ignition system, the motor made 430 with new upper rear control arms for factory NC car the guys converted to
hp at 6.200 and a strong 457 lb·ft of the 9·inch. Global West rear springs Rl34a refrigerant. It appears that the
torque at 5.800 rpm Hooker Super keep everything at ride height. Brian boys may still get a chance behind the
Competition headers complete the also used Global West front springs wheel because there's a line-Loe but·
package. along with 2-inch drop spindles, KYB ton located on the shifter. Maybe Mom
Transmission: Since Mom would rath· shocks. and Hotchkis front and rear uses 1t as a hill holder. There are also
er not row through a Muncie four· sway bars. With all this horsepower, tunes to make the cruise to town more
speed, the Lau clan converted to a whoa power is also essential. Mom pleasant with a Custom Auto Sound
B&M TH350 automatic with a TCI doesn't have to worry about bumping head unit and 10-disc CD player, an
ll·inch converter that stalls around fenders because Brian dropped In Wil· MTX amp, and Infinity speakers.
2.800 rpm and then plugged a Gear wood Dyna-Ute calipers front and rear Wheels/Tires: This whole project
started with Mike's desire to stuff a big
tire under the car. Widening the rear
tubs by 31/z inches and moving the
trunk body mounts left plenty of room
for a pair of 275/60Rl5 BFGoodrich fat-
ties mounted on 15x81/z-lnch American
Racing Vintage 200S wheels. tn a
slightly smaller size. the fronls mea-
sure 15x4·1nch wheels with Hoosier
26x7.50 tires. END

11 11 V 7n l1 CARCRAl'T.COM 73
car during the early '70s. and this radical styling eventually led

f you go to a local car show or cruise night. chances are
quite high you'll run across a first-generation Camaro. These to the Pro Street era, which was an equally cool time in auto·
things are everywhere, and people continue to build them motive history.
in a variety of styles. You may even see a Pro Touring car. a Claude Minor has owned this Camaro since he was 17 years
drag car. and a restored stocker at the same event- there's old. He salivated over the car for three years, as it belonged to
absolutely no question about the first-generation Camaro·s his uncle. but the two finally struck a deal at $2,500-qurte
popularity. Looking back about 40 years though. building a the sum for a 17-year-old 1n 1983. Claude drove the car for
Camaro would result in the car you see here, which features three months and decided to have It painted, so he could have
big-and-little Cragar wheels, protruding rear tires. and highly his senior pictures taken with 1t. thus making him the coolest
visible traction bars. Those were the key components to a cool guy at his high school New quarter-panels and front fenders
road. A young lady he'd never met hopped out of her car to
got rid of the rust, while a slick coat of lacquer paint turned help him push it off the road. and she must have done a great
his beater Into lhe u\Limate high school cruiser. Unfortunately, job, because he ended up marrying her the next year. Tuey
the thermostat stuck one day and the sma11·block overheated. drove away from their wedding In this car, but It sat in storage
cracking the heads and putting the car out of commission. for several years before It was transformed Into the
Fast forward to 1989, and Claude Is ready to put the car back configuration you see nere. During lhe r~storatlon, Claude
on the ro<1d and drive It to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. for the went as far as tracking down the original owner to get the
Fall Grand Run. As It turns out, this trip would change his life story on the car and discovered Its original options. His
research revealed the car was a factory Super Sport 350 with
forever. Cheesy but true. the Rally Sport package. 1n addition lo air conditioning, power
Sitting 1n the legendary Pigeon Forge traffic, the Camaro's
alternator failed. leaving him stranded in the middle of the
steering, and power brakes. With a
highly optioned car like this one. most
folks would've opted for a full
restoration, but Claude decided to go
with an early drag racing theme.
Claude says. "I like cars the way they
were in the '60s and '70s. hot rod
After a five-year restoration. the
Camaro is nothing short of flawless.
inside and out. It has all the cool stuff a
car guy would've wanted back in the
day. in addition. It has a serious small-
block under the hood with plenty of
internal goodies that equate to 540 hp
and 520 lb·ft of torque on pump gas.
It's a killer street machine that perfect·
ly embodies a period restoration, and
Claude and his wife. Jennifer, are cer-
tainly proud of the finished product
Who: Claude and Jennifer Minor nally a four-speed. so he kept it that spacing. When you consider the
What: '68 Chevrolet Camaro RS/SS way but updated to a BorgWarner 26x7.5· and 28xl2.50·1nch Mickey
Where: Sevierville. TN Think Smoky Super TIO from a 78 Camaro. A Hays Thompson rubber, this combination
Mountains. flywheel hooks up to a Centerforce would've been a car guy's dream in the
Engine: The Mouse motor started with ll·inch clutch, while a Lakewood blow· early70s
a Dart Little M block. which offers a proof bellhousing contains it all. A Exterior: Claude only added a steel
final displacement of 415 ci thanks to a super-rare N.0.S. Hurst Ram Rod shifter cowl·1nduction hood to his '68 Camara
4.125-inch bore and a 3.875-inch selects the gears. dunng the restoration The stock body
stroke The Cola $-series crankshaft Chassis: The front suspension is all was sent to Boruff's Auto Body in
sends a set of Eagle 6·1nch H-beam stock aside from a pair of QAl shocks. Maryville Tennessee. to be prepared
rods and JE pistons into motion. With but the rear suspension has qurt:e a few for the car's onginal color of black. Jim
10.3:1 compression. this Is tame goodies. The stock leaf springs are Boruff laid down t he PPG base/clear
enough for pump gas, but the CNC· equipped with Lakewood traction bars paint, and he sanded and buffed the
ported Airflow Research 210 cylinder for the old-school look, while a finned· fresh materials to a mirrorlike finish.
heads offer big·time power. A Comp aluminum cover dresses the 12·bolt. This car is undoubtedly slick, and
Cams solid roller motivates the stain· The big rearend contains a 4.10:1 gear· Claude didn't spare any expense when
less steel valves, while an Edelbrock set, a Positraction differential, and a it came time to buy new moldings,
Victor Jr. intake draws in plenty of fuel pair of Moser axles. Braking power emblems, and trim. The rear spoiler
and air from the 830-cfm Race Demon consists of stock discs up front and has Grumps Group hand-lettered on it
carburetor A complete MSD ignition drums out back. while the original as a tribute to Grumpy Jenkins' racing
system lights the fire, while Hooker power steering setup is still intact as team from.
Super Comp headers relieve the engine well. A four-point rollbar and Chassis Interior: Deluxe houndstooth material
of its spent gases. Claude built the Engineering subframe connectors keep covers the seats. while the steering
engine himself but received help from the car sturdy. column Is fit with a vintage Stewart
Richard Reagan when it came time to Wheels/Tires: This is where some Warner tach, and a Grant three-spoke
tune It on the dyno, where it made 540 folks just don't get it. Cragar SIS wheel. Matching Stewart Warner gaug·
hp and 520 lb·ft of torque on wheels that protrude past the quarters es ride ln a three-gauge pod beneath
93-octane pump gas. The small·block are out of style, but they are absolutely the dash. Simpson harnesses add to
looks the part thanks to a set of N.O.S. perfect for this car. The fronts are the cool factor. as does the glovebox.
Mickey Thompson valve covers. l5x4.5, while the rears come in at which has been signed by The Grump.
Transmission: Claude's car was origi· lSxlO inches with 45 inches of back· END


TECH NOTES keep the manifolds." He acknowledges Wheels/Tires: This 1s the timeless
Who: Bruce Aherns there was a trade-off in Power and Cragar S/S and BFGoodrich combina·
What: '69 Mercury Cyclone admits he sometimes wishes he had lion. Up front are 215/70Rl5 tires on
Where: Maplewood. Minnesota installed headers instead. but overall, 15x8 wheels. while 275/60R15 tires on
Engine: The Cobra Jet was a perfor· he doesn't really miss the hassles and 15x10 wheels bring up the rear. We like
mance version of the 428 FE. With leaks they would have created. that Bruce bucked the trend toward
better-flowing cylinder heads and Transmission: The CG in Bruce's car 1s oversized wheels and rubber-band
upgraded connecting rods, the Cobra not original but 1t is has a '69 date tires.
Jets were rated by the factory at 335 code. It was beefed up with extra Interior: You can tell Bruce spent
hp. Bruce's CJ makes 508 hp at 5.900 clutches. a heavy-duty valvebody and many hours rehabilitating the interior.
rpm and 514 lb·ft at 3,900 rpm. It was a 3,000-stall TCI Breakaway torque The seats were re-covered by Thread·
built by MAS Performance in Ellsworth. converter. "It shifts hard," Bruce says. barren in Andover. Minnesota. Bruce
Minnesota. where the guys bored the Rearend: The 9-inch is original, but and his brother replaced the headliner
block 0.010 inch and upgraded to Bruce upgraded it with a Detroit Locker and Bruce rebuilt the door panels,
Super Cobra Jet-spec LeMans connect· differential, 3.50:1 gears, and 31-spline stretching the stock vinyl over new
ing rods and forged pistons yielding a axles. cardboard backings that he made. He
10.0:1 compression ratio. The recipro- Suspension: The underpinnings of the also replaced the yellowed and foggy
cating assembly was balanced before car are mostly stock. but Bruce tells us gauge lenses with Lexan. While he was
it was Installed into the block. Bruce the addition of aluminum cylinder at It, he added some extra gauges to
chose a Comp cam measuring 218/224 heads and intake manifold forced hlm the unusually Spartan Mercury gauge
duration and 0.513/0.520 lift. a set of to Install front springs that would have cluster. Bruce is able to monitor engine
Edelbrock Performer RPM cylinder originally been under a 351-powered functions with the Auto Meter tach
heads. and a matching Performer RPM car. "My car weighs 240 pounds less and two-gauge pod, which Mercury
intake manifold. The long-block is than my brother's Cyclone with a total· thought its customers would only use
topped off with a Holley 750-cfm car· iy stock engine. I put the drag pack for warning lights. Surprisingly, the car-
buretor that breathes through the fac· springs in and the front end sat about pet is onginal. "It was in really good
tory Ram Air hood We were a little 8 inches too high." We agree this shape. I just hosed it off." Awesome.
surprised to see the factory exhaust Cyclone wouldn't lend its. If well to the Paint/Body: After Bruce performed
manifolds, though. Bruce tells us that gasser look. While he was at it Bruce the quarter-panel surgery. he brought
issue was the subject of much mental replaced the stock bushings with ure· the car to Bob Van Canneyt at Central
debate 'Tue headers for those cars are thane ones. Auto Body In Minneapolis, who did the
a two·piece design and are hard to fit. Brakes: Stock stuff here-front discs finish work and sprayed the car in its
and they always leak, so I decided to and rear drums. original Medium Lime Metallic. END
Going, going, gone!
Escapees from GM's Crusher
By Steve Magnante I Photos: Steve Magnante

This '94 Buick Roadmaster sits on Impala

SS wheels, but the real secret lies under the
hood. A former test car at the GM Mesa,
Arl2ona, Desert Proving Grounds, it packs an
LSl Corvette powerplantt You read that cor·
rectly, there's an all -aluminum Gen Ill Chevy
t's been a few years since GM tee- ask. "Why do we crush our engineer· small·block powering this one. Remember,

I tered on the edge of financial abyss

Fortunately, the General is back and
perhaps stronger than at any time in
ing mule cars and other oddball stuff?
Why not let them out into the world
so collectors can appreciate and pre-
though, that while the m ass-production lSl
arrived In 1997, handbuift LSl engines were
running around In test cars at feast three
years earlier, and here's the proof. We didn't
recent history. During the '09 Barrett- serve them?" Naturally, most of these get a chance to lift the hood and search for
Jackson Collector Car Auction in Palm vehicles carried scrap titles-to prevent preproduction castings or neat dead-end
stuff, but the exhaust rumble was pure Cor·
Beach. Florida, GM decided to offer a their use on any public road . ever vette. Was Buick considering this as a pro-
selection of items from its in-house And so it was as dozens upon dozens duction offering to one-up the Ln·powered
vehicle archive/museum. the GM Heri- of former GM Heritage Collection vehi· '94 Chevy Impala SS? Unfortunately, no. GM
tage Collection. While some incorrectly cles were released into extremely grate- dropped all RWD fullsize cars after 1996,
a full year before the showroom arrival of
predicted this was a desperate, flre-sale ful private hands at auction. Though the LSl VS. So, what we have here is llkely
move intended to keep the lights on some of the offerings were little more a Corvette development car- no, seriously.
a few minutes longer the fact is. GM than dolled-up show cars meant to carmakers regularly hide new engines
regularly skims cars off the top to make be seen by the public, there were also and drlvetralns In older bodies so they can
perform real-world testing without attract·
room for new additions. many former top-secret critters scam- Ing premature public attention. Let's hope
For the spring 2009 Florida auction, pering away to safety. Let's have a look the new owner of this Roadmaster keeps it
somebody at GM had the foresight to at these refugees from the crusher. Intact and doesn't yank Its Corvette heart.
The slght of any '86 Pontiac 2+2 Is rare
enough, but one bearing a Vt N mal1<ed
EX4788 and with a GM·provlded descrip-
tion calling It an '85 model? Now that's
pretty wild. Though Pontiac did build
1,118 of these aerodynamically enhanced Notice something missing? Production 2+2s wear a huge glass bubble of a backllte that's
GPs for NASCAR homologatlon In 19S6, designed specifically to slip through the air at 200·mph NASCAR race speeds. The problem
this one's a preproduction prototype. was that the one-piece glass was so long, Pontiac had to compensate with a mall slot for a
Though it carries the some sleepy 165hp trunk lid. Also, each Installation called for a ton of hand fltment work that wasn't assembly·
305 as any other VS GP (sorry, no LSl). line friendly. Not here. Notice how t he trunk ltd Is fullsl:ie to allow complete access-also
The real news Is at the back of the car. note the 270-degree duckbill spoiler. Rendered In plastic, this molded trunk lld was very
likely considered a wind tunnel alternative to the glass bubble layout that ended up In pro-
duction. Wrth this structure, building the 2+2 wouldn't need any extra bodywork other than
substituting this simple trunk lld. and customers couldn't complain about the tiny trunk
opening. That said, the failure of this configuration to reach productlon Is likely based on Its
failure to perfonn as well as the glass bubble In tho wind tunnel. Truth be told, we're glad
this deal died on the vine. The bubble-back 2+25 are w ay cooler.

This Is normally a front·englne, front-wheel·

drive platform, but Balsley mounted another
power· train cradle under the back of this
spccl1.1l all-wheel-drive Citation. He stroked
each 2.S mill to 3.1 llters and added forged
and billet guts for a combined total of near-
ly 600 hp. Here's a peek at the handbuilt
, rear suspension. The VIN reads 15X0169, so
you can forget about registering this one for
stn!et use-unless you own an automobile
Ugh, an '80 Chevy Citation X/1L Few sights conjure memories of the bad old days like this factory and have manufacturer's plates
thing. No 135hp, H0-660 VG and fiberglass cold-air hood is ever going lo make a Citation available. Didn't think so.
cool. But what If Chevy stuck two engines In a Citation? That'd chang e things,
right? Well say hello to GM Engineering's " push me/pull me" Corvette proto·
type. Corvette? Yes, Corvette. Masterminded by GM engineer Richard Balsley
(who ran a '56 Ford with twin 312 Y·blocks on Woodward as a kid). this ts an
exploration into a possible twin-engine configuration to keep the Corvette com-
petitive In a post-VS world.

Inside, note the double-vision gauge setup to monitor ~coolant temp, oil
pressure. and alternator function of each engine. If GM had canceled all fur·
ther VS production In 19SO (as was considered), this is one way the Corvette
team might have allowed future Vettes to have world-class performance-and
acceptable fuel economy (the Citation body was just a mule to sort things out).
In the end, saner m inds prevailed (hello 5.7 Cross Are, TPI, LT1, LT4, LTS. LSl,
LSJ, LS9, and so on). That didn't stop Balsley from revisiting Woodward In this
thing a few times. He admits, "We liked to dust dentists on Woodward Avenue
In their Turbo Porsches."


To thwart those who migltt look a gift
horso In the mouth, GM placed these stem
wamlng and disclaimer stickers on the
windshield. Get out your magnifying glass
and don't cry when you get to the part that
reads, " Upon completion of your use of this
vehicle, it must be scrapped (completely
destroyed) by you." Yikes! Fortunately it's
In the hands of a caring Corvette collector
who (we hope) will refrain from removing
the dead-man-walking stickers.
A tot.al of 23,330 Col'vettes were built In 1994. What makes this one special is that Is
bears VIN 1G1YY22P4RSOOOOL See all those zeroes? Yep, this is the first regular·
production coupe built In 1994 (excluding preproduction prototypes), and that's cool. But
It's also an example of GM's continued philanthropy. After serving duty as a GM test car,
It was donated to Arapahoe Community College for engineering students to work on. GM
was cont.acted after students discovered the low VIN, then the car went to the Natlonal
Corvette Museum for display. Any Arapahoe grads out there remember this car'?

In reality, the patches must be removed for

nighttime test duty since this mule-like
all production CG Corvettes-was the first
Col'vette model since 1962 with exposed
nonretractable headlamps. Lifting the flap
exposes what appear to be production-
equlvalont projector beam headlamps.
There's a GM Miiford Proving Grounds
sticker on the windshield. Man, if only this
thing could talkl

Let's close things out with this amazing creat\Jre. Akin to buying a UFO from the CIA (the
truth Is out there), some lucky bidder ~cored this CG Corvette preproduction beta test mule.
During testing, these cars often go out on public roads as early as a full year before official
new-car announcement time, so padded vinyl cladding Is applied to disguise exact styllng
cues-llke the front fascia bra and cnide cover affixed to obscure the front fender scallop
detail. Note how the Velcro-backed patches approximate the look of the pop-up headlamp
pods used on the CS Corvette.
Though some mules wear simple, stamped,
metal VIN tags, this one has what appears
to be a normal VIN plate with the usual
GROOVY FACTOIDS etched characters and UPC bar coding,
until yoo notice the suffix that reads EX-
• If you"re digging the C4 CoNette's scene. you must read Corvette from for experimental. Going further, while
the Inside, former CONette Chief Engineer Dave Mclellan's tell-all book a regular '05 Corvette coupe VIN wouJd
read 1G1YY24U855100001. this one reads
on how the C4 was developed. It's from Bentley Publishers 1G1YY24UXSX7120EX. Yep, more Xs to
(BentleyPubhshers.com). or score a copy from Amazon.com. confound the OMV computer. The letter U
• As you read this. hundreds of engineers throughout Detroit are working In the eighth spot Is shared with produc-
on the top performance cars of 2015. No kidding. Conversely. what you buy tion Corvettes and signifies the new·fot'·'OS
6.0L, 400hp LS2 mill. Historically, cars
new today was designed a few years ago. A Detroit insider once lamented like this just don't survive or ever wind up
to us: "I hate buying new cars. From my vantage point they're already a In private hands. But thanks to the e>pen-
few years old!" mlndedness of the GM Heritage Collection,
this, and several other noteworthy engi-
neering test cars, will live on. Wouldn't you
Just love to show one of these things off to
your friends? Just don't try and get license
plates-it ain't gonna happen.
w IF?
This Is what hllPl*W wMn you own a car too long.

Who: Tony Harlin
What: '67 Dodge Dart GTS
Where: New York, NY
Why: Domina tors on top of a
blower on top of a Hemi, What's not
to like? It's a convertible, too.

Pick up a crayon or IPad, scrawl
your best version of Enghsh, and
send it to Car Craft Here's how:
email: careraft@carcraft.com
Online: GarCraft.com
mail: 831 S Douglas St . El
Segundo. CA 90245
disclaimer: If you can't write a
complete sentence, don't WOfry.
we will make your work compre·
henslble. That includes making up
stuff we thought you meant.

Build a second-generation Camar-0. It has
been overlooked. especially the later Z28
CHEATER SLICKS models Just be sure to get a perfect
Who: Randy Manning body. Ever try to align the doors and
What '55 Chevrolet windows on one of these? They all have
Where: Mission Viejo. CA rusty floorboards. and the plastic interior
Why: Randy sent this and a photo of some stripped gears in a Muncie to glorify his panels Implode over time. Go with a
full-throttle 1·2 shift and subsequent transmission K.O. We just like his car newer LS swap or try an old-school big·
block and foe the electncal system wrth a
Painless kit and save about 60 pounds in
SEATBELT-DELETE wiring alone. The '78·and·later Z28 has
Who: Giaco Kolafa
What: '53 Chevrolet 210 to come into ~ own at some point
Where: Desloge, MO That's why I k~pt mine for so long.
Why: Giaco bragged about his unsafe factory seatbelts and mohair headIIner. so we Chris G. via email
decided to run his photo. car ls kinda nice too.

Yup, small·blcx:k Chevy swap with a 700 ·R4 trans. LOVES THE 461
Just finished the Oct '10 issue and it was
the best in a very long time. Three. 461
engines and they all used a cam that
everyday drivers would use. I love thaL I
just built my Pontiac 461 I used an
XE268 Comp cam. and I kept it looking
stock like the 396 In the issue (although
on mine I ground off the Edelbrock name
and painted it hke a factory intake). I'm
not a big fan of anything but a Pontiac
engine in a Pontiac. but I can accept the
LS motor going in a Firebtrd 1ust to see a
Pontiac in your magazine. I don't write
often, but I Just wanted to let you know
that I enjoyed that issue more than any
in a long time
Ken Tobin. via email

JULY 2011 CARCRAn.coM 89

-+Look at how cool this Is? Can I buy one? No. Who: Thomas Kauffman
What: '81 Cub Cadet
Why: This thing is designed to tow a
GTI car at SCCA events rather than han.
die the lawn care. It runs, drives. and has
a cooling system-proving once again
that pit bikes and tow vehicles are cool.

and other stuff All new owners get to

be a part of the exclusive club, er,
• In case you didn"t wonder what the
plural of Prius Is. we won't tell you it's
Prii. And all along we thought the plu-
ral was "eyesore."
· The National Com Growers
Association is an official partner of
NASCAR It's an ethanol thing.
· While we're on the subject of
NASCAR: NASCAR meet fuel injection:
fuel injection, NASCAR.
'12 CHEVY CAMARO ZL1 • Looks like the famed twisties of
New model name alert: ZLI. Now, don't send us letters saying it already SoCal's Mulholland Highway are going
existed-you're half right. as it was previously the code name for the 427ci to get a centerline rumble strip. which
big-block developed for Can-Am series racing in the late '60s (69 Camaros ought to discourage any racing that
and two production Corvettes got the all-aluminum ZLI in 1969. ordered by an still goes down along that road.
Illinois Chevy dealership and a few others). However; the 430hp·rated engine · For anything and everything you
was never meant for regular production. Cut to the '12 Camaro ZU. It will need to know about registering and
sport an LSA 6.2L supercharged V8, at least 550 hp and 550 lb·ft of torque titling a vehicle In your state. head to
(yup, the quickest Camara yet), electric power steering, the h1-po Tremec the SEMA Action Network at
TR-6060 six-speed in MG9 form with a higher torque capacity, a new short· SemaSan.com There Is a breakdown
throw shifter, dual exhaust. a beefier rear axle. a limited slip, and a dnveshart. of laws, equipment, and emissions
The suspension has been specially tuned and uses Magnetic Ride Control with Info, plus the forms needed to do the
Tour/Sport mode, offering specific shock damping and bettet control of body deed. While you're there. become a
roll. There's also a track-ready braking system (Brernbo added its two cents member of SAN-it'll give you a voice
when it came time to design it) and new 20-inch forged-aluminum wheels 1n defeating or promoting bad or gOod
(lighter than what are on the Camaro SS) Among the exterior highlights are legislation.
the aluminum hood with a carbon· fiber insert and air extractors. while the
interior has alloy pedals, a redesigned steering wheel, and a heads-up display
with performance readouts and a four-pack auxiliary gauge system.

· The Ford GT .•. coming back .. as time since 1970 for a drop top.
a , hybrid? Oh, rumors. you • inter· · Cadillac Shield, che name of a new
est us. program from. yes. Cadillac. It covers
· Shelby American has introduced the brand's new maintenance program
a llmlted·edition '12 Shelby GT350 as well as courtesy rides if repairs are
in convertlble format. Ifs the first needed, 24-hour roadside assistance, The shleld without Mlchael Chlklls.
II.No. 47210
Trfok Front Springs
''A naked woman on the beach."-Ralph V. Gilles,
senior VP of product design for Chrysler Groue,~at the
Automotive News World cong~ regarding tne
inspiration for the look of the next Dodge Viper

Who: Gary Skelton What: A wooden rollaway Where: Collingwood. Ontario. Canada
Why: Gary had to take his toolboxes out of his garage to work at a dealership, leaving him without a place to st ore his stuff.
Instead of buying more boxes, he made this one out of composite wood and heavy plywood


GM Performance Parts 1s giving us the LSX Challenge Series. a points drag Cold-air Induction.
race (and car show) that ends with the fifth annual LSX Shootoul The series
requires GM Production-based LS and GMPP LSX engines and engine com·
ponents. The classes are LSX Drag Radial. LSX All Motor. LSX Real Street, LSX THE'SOS
Rumble. and Fifth-Gen Camaro Challenge. We've put the remaining dates in the Who: Brad Malloy
series below, but for more info head over to NMCADigital.com/lsx. What: '87 Pontiac Trans Am WS-6
• April 14-17; NMRNNMCA All-Star Nationals. Atlanta Oragway. Where: Vintondale, PA
Commerce. GA Why: This Is a pie of Brad's '87 TA waiting
· September 9·11 , Holley LS Fest. Beech Bend Raceway. Bowling Green, KY for summer. We're going to guess it has a
• October 6·9: NMCA World Street Finals/LSX Shootout Indianapolis Tuned Port 350 w1lh a 700·R4trans.
Raceway Park, Indianapolis, IN

"It's an '01 Ford SVT Lightning Just doln' what t hese

"This Is Allison Cinnamon's '73 AMC Ambassador. She ~s~peted trucks do best . . . haulin' ass. After the burnout, it pulled
in the High School Nationals seven times. each tlme getting a ilttle:et· both wheels off the ground and ran a 10.93 at 125 mph
ter. This year she asked me if she could do the burnout contest, an with a 15160-foot time." -Mark Maydan, Edison. NJ
she won it" -Steven Cinnamon. Belleville. Ml

"This ls my '75 Nova Custom at Orag""'.ay 4~ in West Salem.

Ohio. It runs 10.83 at 123 mph." -Wilham Ftnn, Salem, OR

"Here is a shot of me testing out a new shifter in a '70 Dodge Char·

ger 500. -Mr. Kaczor. via email

Ben Harrison sent us these photos after he If we can do this. you can too. Send
scattered his AMC 360 engine. Can you do BURNOUT!! Photos to the new
better" Send freshly killed part photos to address 831 S. Douglas St. El
car Craft magazine 831 S. Douglas St., El Segundo, CA 90245 or email it to
Segundo, CA 90245. or email them to CarCraft@carcraft.com with a sin·
CarCraft@carcraft.com. Don't forget to gle photo size of at least 1 MB. Then
include your name, where you are from. and you will live forever.
Blown Up in the subiect line.

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CAR CRAFT (ISSN 0008-6010); July 2011, Vol. 59, No. 7. Copyright 20ll by Source Interlink Magazines. UC. All Rights Reseived. Pub·
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