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Validation of The Mathematical Modeling Attitude Scale For Malaysian Mathematics Teachers 11375

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EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2021, 17(12), em2047

ISSN:1305-8223 (online)
OPEN ACCESS Research Paper https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/11375

Validation of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude Scale for Malaysian

Mathematics Teachers
Riyan Hidayat 1*, Wan Izani Wan Idris 2, Hilman Qudratuddarsi 3, Muhamad Nazri Abdul Rahman 4
1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900, Perak, MALAYSIA
2 Bahagian Pengurusan Sekolah Harian, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, MALAYSIA

3 Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty Education, Universiti Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

4 Department of Planning, Research and Innovation, Institute of Teachers Education, MALAYSIA

Received 11 August 2021 ▪ Accepted 15 November 2021

This work sets out to examine the validity and reliability of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude
Scale (MMAS), a instrument measuring teachers’ attitude towards mathematical modeling. A
cross-sectional survey research was utilised to describe the validity and reliability of the MMAS.
The population of the present study focused on Malaysian mathematics teacher in primary and
secondary schools (N = 171) and this was achieved using convenience sampling. Exploratory
factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis were utilised in
analysing the data in the present work. EFA revealed that the data from the teachers had a four-
factor structure: constructivism, relevance and real-life, understanding and motivation and
interest. The CFA confirmed that the model fit indices established the four-factor structure of the
first- and second-order model. Although the Rasch analysis generally supported the finding of
EFA and CFA, there was still room for improvement in terms of the rating scale and DIF criterion.
Keywords: attitude, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, mathematical
modeling, Rasch analysis

leaders rely heavily on mathematical analysis and

INTRODUCTION modelling for direction and decision-making (Hunt,
There has been increased focus on mathematical 2007). Mathematical modeling is also deeply engaged in
modelling in recent years (Albarracín, 2021) especially in the industrial partnerships, outreach efforts, and any
the Asian context (Hidayat et al., 2018, 2021; Leong & other real-world connections.
Tan, 2020). The mathematical modeling approach plays Sabudin and Halim (2020) stated that the need for
an important role in Mathematics education (Galbraith, teacher training shapes the knowledge, skills and
2017; Shahbari & Peled, 2015) in terms of connecting attitudes of teachers in teaching and learning. Teachers
workplace mathematics and classroom mathematics have a critical role in designing and applying these
(Kohen & Orenstein, 2021). The Common Core State mathematical modelling requirements. The importance
Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) characterize for teachers to have a good attitude toward mathematics
mathematical modeling as a K–12 standard for practice (Leavy et al., 2017), including mathematical modeling
in mathematics and as a conceptual cluster for secondary (Asempapa & Brooks, 2020) has long been recognised.
education (CCSSI, 2010). Moreover, recent research Attitudes toward mathematics are influenced by
(Hallström & Schönborn, 2019) states that model and material coverage, teaching technique, and teaching
modeling concepts should be used as tools to promote quality (Ayob & Yasin, 2017). What and how teachers
science, technology, engineering and mathematics educate are influenced by their attitudes. Moreover,
(STEM) literacy and the transfer of knowledge and skills individuals will be inspired to view mathematics
between contexts both within and outside STEM positively if teachers emphasise student-centered
disciplines. Surprisingly, policymakers and business instruction, such as assigning tasks based on students’
© 2021 by the authors; licensee Modestum. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
riyanhidayat@fsmt.upsi.edu.my (*Correspondence) wanizani@gmail.com hilmandarsi@gmail.com
Hidayat et al. / Mathematical Modeling Attitude

Contribution to the literature

• This work sets out to examine the validity and reliability of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude Scale
(MMAS) in the Malaysian context.
• The current study is conducted to examine variations in teachers’ attitudes towards using mathematical
modelling between urban and rural instructors.
• The current investigation focuses on mathematical modeling attitude scale using EFA, CFA and
employing Rasch measurement model.

abilities and encouraging team project among classmates knowledge in terms of validating the teachers’
when tackling mathematical issues (Hamed et al., 2008). mathematical modeling attitude for the Malaysian
Mathematical modeling approach is seen to be settings. Extant literature proves that a comparative
appropriate to enhance attitudes toward mathematics study towards mathematical modeling attitude scale is
since it involves group activity, the application of real- generally an accepted measure for attitude towards
world situations, a deeper learning experience, and an mathematical modeling. However, content, internal
iterative procedure. A favourable attitude toward structure, and correlation among sub-construct of
mathematics may be created when teaching mathematical modeling attitude scale are important
mathematical applications (Kasmin et al., 2019) and this factors to consider in EFA and CFA. The current
can be done via gamification (Ali et al., 2019). However, investigation focuses on the mathematical modeling
many mathematics and science teachers hold a weak attitude scale using EFA, CFA and employing Rasch
attitude (Tajudin & Abdullah, 2018) and do not believe measurement model to validate in order to identify
modelling is an excellent way to learn mathematics, and deviant response such as person-fit statistics and item-fit
many frequently doubt their own mathematical statistics (Widhiarso & Sumintono, 2016), person
modelling abilities (Albarracín & Gorgorió, 2020). response and instrument quality (Bond & Fox, 2015) and
Hence, it is worthwhile to investigate and establish an also focusing only on item-fit statistics (high
instrument of teachers’ attitudes regarding interrelation among items). As a result, this work sets out
mathematical modelling. to examine the validity and reliability of mathematical
However, the use of instrument of teachers’ attitudes modeling attitude scale (MMAS), an instrument
regarding mathematical modelling is limited. Given the measuring teachers’ attitude towards mathematical
significance of mathematical modelling and its impact modeling adopted from Asempapa and Brooks (2020).
on teachers’ attitude, it is critical to comprehend how to One potential issue that may occur while adopting
apply the most suitable valid instrument. We follow the mathematical modelling attitude is the disparity
idea of Asempapa and Brooks (2020) to measure teacher between urban and rural areas. As a result, the current
attitude mathematical modeling including sub- study was conducted to examine variations in teachers’
dimensions of constructivism, understanding, relevance attitudes towards using mathematical modelling
and real-life and motivation and interest. As many between urban and rural instructors. The current study
scholars routinely adopt measures from one cultural would focus on answering the following research
context to another, numerous scholars provide proof on questions:
reliability and validity challenges. In order to implement 1. Could the mathematical modeling attitude scale
a mathematical modeling attitude scale in Malaysian be successfully adapted in the Malaysian context?
settings, a validated, culturally tailored test in Malaysia 2. Is the Malaysian version of mathematical
is required to measure teachers’ attitude towards modeling attitude scale valid and reliable?
mathematical modeling. Moreover, studies beyond the
United States (US) are needed to confirm and test the LITERATURE REVIEW
instrument, as well as its applicability to teachers in
other countries. On the basis of tests that were skewed Mathematical Modeling
due to cultural background, broad findings of
questionable validity were obtained. As stated by Clarke The goal of mathematical modelling is to show
(2013), a range of cultural roots are becoming more students that the mathematics they are learning can be
apparent. applied to real-world situations. Mathematizing real-
world events and developing mathematical models to
Most of the previous studies focus on using
represent the phenomena investigated are both part of
exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory
mathematical modelling (Albarracín, 2021). In
factor analysis (CFA) to examine evidence on validity
Mathematics education, mathematical modelling refers
and reliability problems across cultural background.
to the development of activities in a classroom setting in
Since the current research employs Rasch modeling
which learners are active in the search for answers to
analysis, it will generate new insight to the body of
real-world issues using mathematical understanding

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(Araújo & Lima, 2020). Mathematical modelling is often concept of the term attitude, it generally refers to a
concerned with utilising mathematics to analyse, predisposition or tendency to respond to some object,
explain, and comprehend things outside of the situation, concept, or other person (Aiken, 1970). As
mathematical realm (Leung, 2019). As it incorporates the stated by Mcleod (1992), attitude refers to affective
feature of practising mathematics, mathematical responses including positive or negative feelings with
modelling provides a deeper learning experience for the moderate intensity and reasonable stability. Examples of
student (Burkhardt, 2006). However, mathematical attitudes towards mathematics include liking geometry,
modelling procedure is typically seen as a group activity. disliking word problems, and being bored with algebra.
A diverse group of students develops comprehensive However, further definitions of attitudes have been
mathematising skills through the modelling cycle. Every established by current investigators. Attitude is also
learning activity begins with a whole-group defined as the evaluative process of emotions aroused by
conversation to exchange ideas, followed by an the situation, emotions related to the stimulus, expected
individual or small-group exercise, and concluded with consequences, and linking the situation with personal
a whole-group conversation of the analysis (Cobb & values (Hannula, 2002). In addition, to understand the
Gravemeijer, 2008). concept of attitude, the latest model suggests three main
The essence of mathematical modelling is problem dimensions: emotional disposition towards
discovery before problem solving (Pollak, 2011). As a mathematics, mathematical views, and perception of
procedure, mathematical modelling employs sharable, competence in mathematics (Di Martino, 2016).
changeable, and reusable conceptual tools to describe, In line with the conception of attitude mentioned
predict, and regulate real-world circumstances (Doerr et above, Di Martino and Zan (2001) distinguish two
al., 2014), which are iterative procedures (Asempapa & important typologies for the definition of attitudes. First,
Brooks, 2020). Models are interpreted, defined, clarified, the definition of a ‘moderate’ attitude describes it as a
justified, ignored, or modified by learners (English, positive or negative level of feeling related to a particular
2003). Mathematical modeling is an external subject. For example, according to this view, attitudes
representation of the modeling process (Sahin et al., towards mathematical modeling may refer to only
2019). In short, modeling competency refers to the positive or negative emotional tendencies towards
modeling process itself (Blum et al., 2007; Maaß, 2006). modeling involving emotions, associations,
Blum and Leiß (2007) provided the complex definition of expectations, and values. Unfortunately, this type of
mathematical modeling starting from constructing, definition ignores the cognitive component in attitude
simplifying, mathematising, working mathematically, (Hannula, 2002). Second, this concept is closely related
interpreting, validating and exposing. As stated by to other elements that influence the existence of
Maaβ (2006), making assumptions, recognising attitudes. Attitudes according to this typology are
quantities, constructing relationships, and searching for defined as three closely interrelated components in
accessible information are all ways to comprehend the attitudes; emotional responses, beliefs about the subject,
real situation and build a model based on reality. To behavior toward the subject.
create a mathematical model based on the real model, However, in order to capture teachers’ attitudes
students need to mathematize, simplify important about mathematical modelling scale (MMAS), the idea of
values, and select acceptable mathematical equations. Asempapa (2018), and Asempapa and Brooks (2020)
Next, to address mathematical questions within the were employed. Asempapa (2018) defined teachers’
framework of this mathematical model, this enables the attitude towards modeling practices in classroom as a
students to employ heuristic techniques and beneficial influence linked to mathematical modeling
mathematical understanding. At the same time, they are instructions. At the same time, mathematical modelling
also allowed to properly comprehend mathematical can assist in the formation or reinforcement of beliefs
results, generalise solutions, and evaluate solutions. about the value and concreteness of mathematics (Di
Finally, for the validation stage, they are required to to Martino, 2019). Furthermore, mathematical modelling
critically examine and reflect, to evaluate certain aspects can be used to inspire students to complete curriculum
of the model, to consider other approaches, and to requirements and to emphasise the value and relevance
generally challenge the model. of mathematics in resolving significant topics. In brief,
mathematical modeling is one of the ways to offer
Mathematical Modeling Attitude Scale (MMAS) student making connection mathematics with other
Leading researchers have provided many fields and to work professionally with mathematical
conceptions for attitudes available in the current modelling. In the current research we followed the idea
literature (Aiken, 1970; Di Martino & Zan, 2001; of Asempapa and Brooks (2020) involving sub-
Hannula, 2002). They are more likely to consider the dimensions of constructivism, understanding, relevance
appropriateness of the definition than its truth: the and real-life and motivation and interest.
adequacy of the definition depends on the issues studied Constructivism and understanding refer to cognitive
(Di Martino, 2016). Although there is no standard components in the teaching of mathematical modelling.

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Relevance and real-life refer to behavioral components METHODOLOGY

linked to teaching modeling. Finally, motivation and
interest refer to affective components linked to teaching Design and Sample
modeling. In constructivist education, Singer and
A non-experimental quantitative research design was
Moscovici (2008) developed a learning cycle that
employed in the current research. We utilised a cross-
incorporates problem posing as an elaboration and
sectional survey research to describe the validity and
implementation of problem solving. According to
reliability of mathematical modeling attitude for
Asempapa and Brooks (2020), constructivist pedagogy
Malaysian mathematics teacher. A cross-sectional study
usually believes that children perceive mathematics as a
is a study that looks at a group of people at one moment
result derived from real-world situations. Constructivist
in time (Campbell et al., 2007) to indicate the
teaching approaches highlight reflective, negotiated,
population’s attitudes, views, behavior, or traits
inductive, and cooperative components in instruction
(Creswell, 2014). The present study’s population are
(Tiilikainen et al., 2019). At the same time, mathematical
Malaysian mathematics teacher in primary and
modelling usually necessitates the translation of formal
secondary schools. The approach of convenience
mathematical components in terms of (personal or
sampling (Creswell, 2012) was utilised because of the
social, non-mathematical) fact as stated by Hennig
researcher’s proximity and accessibility (Anderson &
(2010). It may be stated that mathematical modelling
Mittal, 2000) to where the participants were given an
incorporates constructivism’s philosophy in
online survey.
mathematics teaching.
Before finishing the online questionnaires, the
Understanding towards mathematical modeling, as a
research’s goal were disclosed, and each participant
cognitive component, becomes a required component of
signed a written consent form. Teachers were asked to
the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Ferri (2014)
complete an anonymous survey that sought
indicated that future instructors must have a solid
demographic information as well as their opinions on
understanding of many aspects of modelling as well as
mathematical modeling attitude. We gathered
effective strategies for teaching modelling. Several
biographical responses from participants in the first part,
research indicate also in the same direction in terms to
such as gender, school locations, teaching experience,
the importance of the teacher’s role in the modelling
and educational level. In the second part, we wanted to
cycle (Barquero et al., 2018; Stillman et al., 2013). To
examine the variables relevant to the research question.
engage in modeling-based activities in the classroom,
Finally, this study enlisted the participation of 171
instructors must possess a broader range of abilities.
mathematics teachers in Malaysia. There were 87
Teaching mathematical modelling necessitates a respect
participants (51%) living in urban areas, and the
for mathematical reasoning, a grasp of the modelling
remaining 84 participants (49%), were living in rural
process, the ability to link mathematics to real-world
areas. There were 36 male participants (21%) and the
problems, and an awareness of how concepts and
remaining were 135 (79%) female teachers. The number
techniques interact (Asempapa & Brooks, 2020). In terms
of respondents from primary and secondary schools
of relevance and real‑life, Kohen and Orenstein (2021)
were 69 (40%) and 102 (60%) participants, respectively.
found the link between workplace mathematics and
classroom mathematics as demonstrated via
mathematical modelling. At the same time,
mathematical modelling is applicable to a variety of The measures of the mathematical modeling attitude
fields and is regarded as an excellent tool for STEM were adopted from a study conducted by Asempapa and
education (Hallström & Schönborn, 2019). Hence, Brooks (2020). The mathematical modeling attitude scale
Asempapa and Brooks (2020) measured teachers’ consists of 28 questions scored on a 6-point Likert scale
inclination towards action of relevance and real‑life in ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree).
modeling classroom. Finally, the attitude object could be There are four dimensions to the scale including
a social group, a product or a person (Albarracín et al., constructivism (6 items; e.g., ‘exploratory skills through
2005). When researching attitudes, it is critical to assess mathematical modeling foster conceptual
one’s perceptions and views regarding an object understanding’), relevance and real-life (7 items; e.g.,
(Osborne et al., 2003) as generally indicated in terms ‘mathematical modeling is a worthwhile tool for
such as prefer, enjoy, dislike, hate, and love. In understanding mathematics”), understanding (5 items;
mathematical modeling activities, a variety of scenarios e.g., ‘I understand modeling with mathematics’), and
can help build not just general educational usefulness, motivation and interest (10 items; e.g., ‘mathematical
but also mathematical usefulness and mathematical modeling motivates students to learn mathematics’).
education values (Doruk, 2012). Hence, values and
usefulness of mathematical modeling could be measured Data Analysis
by teachers’ motivation and interest in modeling
Several stages were involved in analyzing data in the
present work. The use of EFA, CFA and Rasch analysis

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improved the credibility of research results in a number of items, threshold order for all items and the
of different ways. EFA was used in the first step of the assumption of local independence in item. To ensure its
empirical method to explore the pattern and construct validity, there are some fit statistics to
interconnections of the items using IBM SPSS Statistics consider: (a) the value of accepted infit and outfit mean
Version 23.0. EFA is employed to investigate correlations square (MNSQ): .5 <MNSQ <1,5 (b) the value of accepted
between observed variable and to model these Correlation Points (Pt Mean Corr): .4 <Pt Measure Right
correlations using one or more latent variables (Goretzko <.85 (Boone et al., 2014). Rasch analysis allows the
et al., 2019). The main component of EFA used in this transformation of data. Transformation from the raw
study was varimax rotation and Kaiser criteria, but values to interval values are easier to interpret because
Osbourne (2015) indicated that it was not optimal. As across the scale, each change in one unit has similar
such, in this study the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value, weight (Alnahdi, 2018).
Bartlett, factor loading, eigen value, scree plot, and Finally, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (Cohen et al.,
varimax rotation were determined. The Kaiser-Meyer- 2011), composite reliability (CR) and average variance
Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett’s Test extracted (AVE) (Zainudin Awang et al., 2018) are used
of Sphericity were employed to determine if the data was to determine reliability, discriminant validity and
suitable for factor analysis. The p score for the Bartlett convergent validity. Construct reliability (CR) (more
test was less than .05, indicating that the data set was not than .60) and average variance extracted (AVE) of more
an identity matrix. KMO has a general acceptability than .50 are acceptable (Zainudin Awang et al., 2018).
value greater than 0.6. Eigenvalues larger than one Convergent validity is achieved when an observed
indicate the presence of separate components. Next, the variable significantly correlates with latent variables
scree plot was inspected again to ensure the number of (Obrad, 2020). Discriminant validity refers to whether
dimensions that should be preserved. For Hair et al. the constructs truly vary from one another (Ab Hamid,
(2010), the overall value of factor loading for each item 2017). Average Variance Extracted (AVE) can be used to
that exceeds .50 is significant for validating the determine convergent validity. A value that is greater
questionnaire meaningfulness. than one .50 is a desirable AVE index. The discriminant
CFA has long been used in mathematics education validity is additionally calculated by AVE scores which
(Asempapa & Brooks, 2020; Hidayat et al., 2021) and are higher than the maximum shared variance (MSV)
psychological study (Hidayat et al., 2018; Yong et al., and average shared variance (ASV) values (Hair et al.,
2020) to describe the theoretical aspects of instruments. 2014).
We used CFA to examine if the original dimension
structure remained true in Malaysian contexts RESULT
employing the IBM SPSS AMOS, version 18. A total of
two models were examined. The model parameters for Descriptive Analysis
the first- and second-order models for the mathematical
The sub-dimensions were computed, as revealed in
modeling attitude scale were conducted. The first-order
Table 1, for Mean, standard deviation (SD), skewness,
model was examined based on Asempapa and Brooks
kurtosis and inter-correlation.
(2020) involving four dimensions. Next, we developed a
second-order model in which the four mathematical Based on Table 1, kurtosis and skewness values for
modeling attitude dimensions worked on a higher-order all sub-dimensions and items fell within −3 and +3
latent variable. To evaluate and compare the overall (Brown & Greene, 2006) when using SEM. An evaluation
model fit of the first and second-order models, different of the multivariate normality analysis as indicated by
goodness-of-fit indicators were employed in this work to Mardia (1970) that the kurtosis score to be 279.38 with a
assess the adequacy of the postulated models. The critical ratio of 44.57, indicated that the study’s collected
following were the requirements for a good fit: chi- data was not normally distributed. We employed
square test (p > 0.05) (Hooper et al., 2008), χ2/degrees of bootstrapping (500 resamples) for this data set to achieve
freedom (<.50), the comparative fit index (CFI) (>.90), the more precise and reliable estimations (Awang, 2012). All
Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) (>.90) (Wang & Wang, 2019), scale items had significant relationships, and the four
the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) sub-dimensions had modest to strong associations
(<1.0) (Awang, 2012; Hu & Bentler, 1999). (ranging from r = .46 to r = .81, p < =.01). All associations
were less than .90, indicating that there was no
The research questions were also computed by means
multicollinearity (Kline, 2005). The mean score differed
of Rasch analysis, employing the WINSTEPS version
each sub-dimensions, with M = 4.71 and SD = .75 for
3.73. We provided reliability, separation, fit statistics,
constructivism, M = 4.61 and SD = .73 for relevance and
rating scale, unidimensionality, and item bias in Rasch
real-life, M = 4.17 and SD = .77 for understanding and M
analysis. There are various fit statistics to evaluate in
= 4.42 and SD = .78 for motivation and interest.
order to verify model fitness in Rasch analysis: the
unidimensionality test, differential item functioning
(DIF), item person separation reliability, Rasch model fit

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Table 1. Sub-dimensions with their mean values, SD, skewness, and kurtosis
Sub-dimensions Mean SD Skew Kurtosis 1 2 3 4
Constructivism 4.71 .75 -.77 2.81 1 .53** .27** .53**
Relevance and real-life 4.61 .73 .05 -.41 1 .58** .81**
Understanding 4.17 .77 -.20 -.13 1 .46**
Motivation and interest 4.42 .78 -.09 -.05 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 2. The results of the EFA

Loading Factor
Sub-Dimensions Items Communalities Eigenvalue % of Variance
1 2 3 4
Constructivism B1 .73 2.40 8.58 .83
B2 .81 .86
B3 .79 .86
B4 .65 .73
B5 .74 .77
B6 .77 .76
Understanding D1 .85 3.06 10.93 .75
D6 .76 .64
D2 .84 .72
D3 .85 .72
D4 .82 .66
D5 .81 .67
D7 .77 .68
Relevance and real- C1 .79 1.24 4.42 .85
life C4 .56 .61
C2 .85 .89
C3 .80 .80
C5 .82 .87
Motivation and E1 .79 15.42 55.09 .80
interest E2 .77 .80
E3 .77 .70
E4 .76 .73
E5 .88 .87
E6 .87 .82
E7 .82 .79
E8 .84 .82
E9 .83 .84
E10 .77 .81

Exploratory Factor Analysis explained 4.42% of the variance) corresponded to the

factor of relevance and real-life. The highest loading
The outputs of the EFA recommended that four
factor was item C2 (.89) (factor of relevance and real-life)
factors explained 79% of the variance (Table 2). The
while the lowest loading factor was item C4 (.61) (factor
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy
of relevance and real-life). The highest loading factor
was .94, indicating that the sample was appropriate, and
was item E5 (.86) (factor of motivation and interest)
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity provided a p-value of <0.001.
while the lowest loading factor was item E3 (.70) (factor
According to Osbourne (2015), these values were not
of motivation and interest). The highest loading factor
enough. Therefore, the current research employed KMO,
was item D1 (.75) (factor of understanding) while the
Bartlett, factor loading, eigen value, scree plot, and
lowest loading factor was item D6 (.64) (factor of
varimax rotation.
understanding). The highest loading factor was item B3
Based on Table 2, the communalities for these 28 (.86) (factor of constructivism) while the lowest loading
questions ranged from .56 to .88. The first factor (which factor was item B4 (.73) (factor of constructivism).
explained 55.09% of the variance) corresponded to the However, the factor loadings on all of the items were
factor of motivation and interest; the second factor more than .50. There were no cross-loadings in the
(which explained 10.93% of the variance) corresponded present work. The scree-plot test backed up the choice to
to the factor of understanding; the third factor (which keep four factors; hence the research maintained four
explained 8.58% of the variance) corresponded to the factors (Figure 1).
factor of constructivism; and the last factor (which

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the mathematical modeling attitude scale. In terms of a

first-order model, the goodness of model-data fit were
(χ2(171) = 864.008, p = .00, χ2/df = 2.512, CFI = .904, TLI
= .900, and RMSEA = .094, revealing an acceptable and a
moderate model-data fit. The item factorial loads for a
first-order model varied from .757 to .942. All of the
factor loadings were more than .50 and considered
acceptable (Hair et al., 2010). Furthermore, the
correlations between the mathematical modeling
attitude factors varied from .285 to .828; covariances
were also statistically significant (critical ratios ranged
from 3.238 to 7.331), indicating that the mathematical
modeling attitude factors were not independent. As a
result, the CFA model depicted in Figure 2 is the final
first-order model that depicts the structure of a
Figure 1. Scree plot of the 28 items for mathematical mathematical modeling attitude scale in the Malaysian
modeling attitude context.
At the same time, in terms of a second-order model,
the goodness of model-data fit were (χ2(171) = 868.834, p
Confirmatory Factor Analysis = .00, χ2/df = 2.511, CFI = .904, TLI = .900, and RMSEA
= .094, indicating an acceptable and a moderate model-
As the EFA recommended a four-factor solution, data fit. The item factorial loads for a second-order
confirmatory factor analysis was carried out in the model varied from .756 to .943. All of the factor loadings
present work. AMOS software was used to analyse and were more than .50 and considered acceptable (Hair et
compare the overall fit of the two frameworks: a first- al., 2010). The path coefficients for mathematical
order model consisting of four mathematical modeling modeling attitude factors varied among sub-factors:
attitude components and a second-order model, called constructivism (.58), relevance and real-life (.98),

Figure 2. The final first-order model for mathematical modeling attitude

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Figure 3. The final second-order model for mathematical modeling attitude

Table 3. The first- and second-order model comparison Reliability of the Mathematical Modeling Attitude
Model Scale
Criterion First-order Second-order
fit We examined the reliability of the mathematical
model model
modeling attitude sub-scales (constructivism, relevance
χ² p > 0.05 864.008 868.834
and real-life, understanding, and motivation and
χ²/df < 5.00 2.512 2.511
CFI > 0.900 .904 .904 interest) and overall mathematical modeling attitude
TLI > 0.900 .900 .900 items for the total respondents (N = 171) (see Table 4). In
RMSEA < 1.00 .094 .094 the present work, internal consistency scores were: a)
constructivism: α = .92, b) relevance and real-life: α = .96,
c) understanding: α = .91, and d) motivation and interest:
understanding (.59) and motivation and interest (.85). As
α = .97. The scale’s mathematical modeling attitude were
a result, the CFA model depicted in Figure 3 is the final
excellent Cronbach alpha coefficient (Hair et al., 2015).
second-order model that depicts the structure of a
The AVE values varied from .67 to .79, all over 0.5,
mathematical modeling attitude scale in the Malaysian
demonstrating that each dimension had satisfactory
internal consistency (Hair et al., 2017) and supporting
The model parameters for the first- and second-order convergent validity (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Again,
models for the mathematical modeling attitude scale are MSV and ASV scores were smaller than AVE scores,
shown in Table 3. When the two models were compared, indicating the good discriminant validity of the
it was clear that the final first-order model for the mathematical modeling attitude. Finally, composite
mathematical modeling attitude scale fit better than the reliability for the mathematical modeling attitude
second-order one. In other words, the goodness-of-fit ranged from .91 to .97, showing high internal consistency
indices for the second-order model of the mathematical as well.
modeling attitude scale were less favorable. However,
both model parameters met the criteria for excellent
model-data fit.

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EURASIA J Math Sci and Tech Ed

Table 4. The measurement model’s discriminant validity

Overall Alpha
Dimension Sub-dimensions CR AVE MSV ASV
Cronbach’s Alpha Value
Mathematical Constructivism .97 .92 .93 .67 .30 .48
modeling attitude Relevance and real-life .96 .96 .79 .69 .45
Understanding .91 .91 .68 .35 .22
Motivation and interest .97 .97 .78 .69 .40

Table 5. Reliability and separation Table 6. Unidimensionality test result

Person Item Variance in Eigenvalue units Eig Obs (%)
Separation 3.81 4.67 Raw variance explained by measures 33.8 54.7%
Reliability .96 .94 Raw Variance explained by persons 23.1 37.4%
Cronbach’s alpha .97 Raw Variance explained by items 10.7 17.3%

Rasch Analysis careless mistakes (i.e., incorrect response to easy items).

To fulfil the misfit detection, it is reported that the
Reliability and separation of instrument mathematical modelling attitude scale in the Malaysian
There are three kinds of reported reliability used context measures correlation ranging from .51-.83,
when validating instrument based on the Rasch indicating the alignment between students’ attitudes
measurement model (Adams et al., 2021). It is and responses to the item (Alkhadim et al., 2021).
mathematical model that pivots on the linear
relationship between an item and a person based on
latent traits such as perceptions or attitude (Scoulas et al., Unidimensionality is a measure to explicate the
2021). The reliability of the mathematical modelling capability of the instrument to estimate what the
attitude scale in the Malaysian context based on reported researchers intend to study. Its score exhibits
analysis using Winstep software version 3.7.3 for person relationship among items in the instrument. From this
reliability, item reliability and Cronbach’s alpha were analysis, we consider the minimum raw variance
.96, .94 and .97 respectively (Table 5). Another result to explained should be more than 24% (Purnami et al.,
consider is that separation of either item or person which 2021). The result of the unidimensionality test of the
should be more than 1.5 to be considered acceptable mathematical modelling attitude scale in Malaysian
(Suryadi et al., 2021; Tennant & Conaghan, 2007). context can be seen in Table 6. From the table, the
Separation for item and person for the mathematical instrument exceeded the minimum raw variance
modelling attitude scale in the Malaysian context were explained, accounting for 54.7% where 37.4% was
4.67 and 3.81 respectively. The excellent results of obtained from the person and 17.3% was obtained from
reliability and separation showed that the instrument the items. There was no need to check the second domain
can separate item and person to some groups very well because unexplained variance in the first contrast was
and show high internal consistencies of the instrument lower than 15%, accounting for 9.6% (He et al., 2021).
(Iseppi et al., 2021).
Rating scale
Item fit statistics Rasch analysis can calibrate the scale to guarantee
The evaluation of item fit statistics is the evidence of that the quoted data is appropriate for processing and
construct validity namely mean square (MNSQ) and analysis (A Aziz et al., 2019). This mathematical
Correlation Points (Pt Mean Corr). The former fit modelling instrument has 6 scales comprising “strongly
statistics showed the size of the discrepancies (i.e., disagree”, “disagree”, “somewhat disagree”,
randomness) and the latter examined the partial “somewhat agree”, “agree”, and “strongly agree”
correlation of each item with the total measure score, (Asempapa & Brooks, 2020). These categories are
item reliability, and separation statistics (Alkhadim et analyzed to ensure that the respondents understand well
al., 2021). The accepted score is .5-1.5 for MNSQ and 0.4- and be able to distinguish each category (Adams et al.,
0.85 for Pt Measure Right (Boone et al., 2014). Most of 2021). The desirable Rasch-Andrich threshold is 1.40–5.0
items had infit and outfit fall beyond the acceptable logit (Van Zile-tamsen, 2019), but it was found that the
range except item C1, C3, U1, U2, U5 (infit mean square) distance between “somewhat disagree” and “disagree”
and C1, C3, C4, U1, U1, U3, U5 (outfit mean square). The was less than the acceptable distance. It was also clear, in
high infit MNSQ score indicated underfitting, showing Figure 4, that the “disagree” scale did not appear as
the responses were too unpredictable from the Rasch another scale.
model’s perspective. The high outfit MNSQ reflected the
lucky guesses (i.e., correct response to hard items) or

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Hidayat et al. / Mathematical Modeling Attitude

Figure 4. Rating scale calibration

Figure 5. DIF based on school location

DIF based on location attitude towards mathematical modeling, adopted from

Asempapa and Brooks (2020). The EFA, CFA and Rasch
One vital analysis of the Rasch measurement model
model were employed in this work to analyse and
is Differential Item Functioning (DIF), a term to detect
validate the MMAS. The integration of Rasch modelling,
item bias based on demographic information (Rouquette
EFA and CFA provide a balanced connection in the
et al., 2019) (Figure 5). In the current study, an item can
evaluation of an instrument (Edelen & Reeve, 2007). The
be categorized as bias when its probability score on the
results of this study revealed that the items in the MMAS
Chi-Square test based on the Rasch model is less than
questionnaire were generally acceptable and
0.05 and its DIF contrast lower than .55 (He et al., 2021).
transferable for measuring teachers’ attitude in
Based on the school location, it was found that only one
mathematical modeling as perceived by Malaysian
item had a value of p=.045, i.e., item E2 (sub-construct of
respondents. The MMAS adequately captured the major
four dimensions of mathematical modeling attitude in
an internally consistent manner. Consistent with our
DISCUSSION initial hypothesis, we discovered that the MMAS had a
This work had set out to examine the validity and satisfactory EFA and CFA characteristic in general.
reliability of MMAS, a instrument measuring teachers’ According to EFA outputs, the data from the teachers

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EURASIA J Math Sci and Tech Ed

had a four-factor structure: constructivism, relevance MMAS (Asempapa & Brooks, 2020). The gap between
and real-life, understanding and motivation and interest. “somewhat disagree” and “disagree” was discovered to
The study’s results were consistent with previous work be less than the acceptable distance. It was also obvious
conducted by Asempapa and Brooks (2020) indicating that the disagree scale did not show as another scale.
that the MMAS were quite excellent for the 4-dimension Therefore, it was possible to modify the rating scale to be
model. The significant correlations discovered between 5 scale which could still provide good psychometric
the MMAS dimensions indicated the domains’ properties (Lee & Paek, 2014; Leung, 2011; Lozano et al.,
interdependence and demonstrated that a 2008) for the Malaysian version of the MMAS. One
multidimensional model was a good match for partial reason was that respondents were given the
investigating these diverse domains. Our work added to option of answering the middle alternative on a 5-point
the body of knowledge by demonstrating the scale. At the same time, the DIF criterion were analysed
repeatability of the MMAS in a diverse cultural to detect item bias based on location (rural and urban
environment. area). The results showed that one item such as E2
The CFA findings confirmed the EFA conclusion, (mathematical modeling enhances classroom discourse in
since the MMAS matched the data quite well. The learning mathematics) did not meet the DIF criterion of
findings of CFA revealed that the model fit indices being in the range of 0.5. This finding supported
established the four-factor structure of the first- and previous investigation in STEM competency in Malaysia
second-order model. At the same time, the MMAS sub- (Khairani, 2017). This was because teachers in rural
dimensions also had an excellent convergent and schools were similarly deficient in terms of talent,
discriminant validity. Constructivism was positively experience, and professional development.
associated to relevance and real-life; and motivation and
interest, with high relationship. Again, constructivism CONCLUSION
was positively linked to understanding with weak Teachers play an important role in developing and
correlation. Relevance and real-life were positively implementing these mathematical modelling objectives.
associated to understanding and motivation and Many mathematics instructors, on the other hand, do not
interest, with high relationship. Finally, understanding feel modelling is a great method to learn mathematics,
was positively related to motivation and interest, with and many regularly doubt their own mathematical
high relationship. We also discovered that all sub- modelling talents. As a result, it is beneficial to research
dimensions had acceptable internal consistency (.92 to and develop a tool for teachers’ attitudes towards
.97), person reliability (.96), item reliability (.94) and mathematical modelling including understanding,
Cronbach’s alpha (.97), which corresponded to constructivism, relevance and real-life, and motivation
Cronbach’s alpha in the US version. Hence, we may infer and interest. A validated, culturally adapted test in
that the four-dimensional structure and the diverse Malaysia was necessary to assess teachers’ attitudes
dimensions of constructivism, relevance and real-life, towards mathematical modelling in order to deploy the
understanding and motivation and interest as attitude scale in Malaysian contexts. The results of this
characterised by the MMAS emerged applicable to the study revealed that the items in the MMAS
Malaysian teacher population. The implementation of questionnaire were generally acceptable and
the EFA and CFA to the MMAS contributed to the transferable for measuring teachers’ attitude in
confirmation of the correctness and usefulness of the mathematical modeling. EFA outputs revealed that the
MMAS questionnaire. The Malaysian version of the data from the teachers had a four-factor structure:
MMAS may be used to assess teachers in mathematical constructivism, relevance and real-life, understanding
modeling attitude in Malaysia. and motivation and interest. The findings of CFA
The Rasch analysis provided additional support for revealed that the model fit indices established the four-
these results by examining the quality of each item and factor structure of the first- and second-order model.
answer category on the MMAS questionnaire. The Although the Rasch analysis generally supported the
findings of the Rasch analysis revealed that the MMAS finding of EFA and CFA there was still room for
had satisfactory item and person reliability. Again, improvement. For example, in terms of the rating scale
according to the Rasch evaluation, all of the MMAS and DIF criterion, the current work contributed to the
items had appropriate infit and outfit MNSQ statistics, body of knowledge by providing valid instrument for
indicating the alignment between student’s attitudes evaluating teachers’ attitudes toward mathematical
and responses to the item. Although Rasch analysis modeling, which was then analysed using EFA, CFA and
generally supported the finding of EFA and CFA, there a strong Rasch model. Lastly, future studies might look
was still room for improvement. The Rasch analysis at cultural variables influencing survey design and
revealed that the successive answer categories for all implementation. This implies that the tool may be
sub-domains in the Malaysian version of the MMAS utilised extensively independent of the grouping factors.
were not situated in the predicted direction. These
findings differ from those of the US version of the

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LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE Adams, D., Chuah, K. M., Sumintono, B., & Mohamed,
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Malaysian context and the instrument has the potential Education and Development Studies.
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setting, we admit that this study has several drawbacks.
Aiken Jr, L. R. (1970). Attitudes toward mathematics.
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which reduced the validity of the inferences derived
from the data. The data analysis used in this study was
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instructors. Second, convenience sampling (non- modeling projects oriented towards social impact
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this was dependent on proximity and accessibility of study. Mathematics, 8(11), 2034.
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