Loan Management System For HESFB
Loan Management System For HESFB
Loan Management System For HESFB
JULY 2019
I dedicate this report to my beloved mother Mrs. Nakabugo Josephine for her continued
support towards my education, the love, care and cooperation. May the almighty God
richly reward her.
It's on this note that I still come extending my sincere gratitude to my only one beloved
sister Nakibuule Esther. Thanks for the care and encouragement towards me.
I acknowledge the Almighty God who granted me good health life and knowledge to
successfully finish my project.
In the same breath, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my host supervisor Mr.
Serunjogi Ambrose upon whose guidance I could follow always throughout the entire
project period.
Further appreciation goes to the Higher Education Students Financing Board (HESFB)
for availing me with all the system information and guidance.
In the same regards, I must pay humble gratitude to all my friends for the great
cooperation, particularly Kibande Micheal, Mulapada Seth, Tumuhe Hildah and the
entire Bachelor of statistics computing class.
Lastly but not least, can‟t forgetting the school of statistics library for availing me with
the necessary materials and data to complete my project.
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES/ PICTURES .................................................................................................viii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1Background to the problem and the HESFB.............................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Statement .................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives of the Project ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Purpose of the study .................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Scope of the Project .................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 3
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Development of the information Management System ............................................................ 4
2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Loan Management System .......................................... 5
2.4 Design of the Loan Management System ................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY................................................................................... 6
3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Statistical hypothesis................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 System Analysis and Design..................................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Current System Investigation................................................................................................. 6
3.2.2 Analysis of Existing system ................................................................................................... 6
3.2.3 Problems of Existing system.................................................................................................. 7
3.2.4 Advantages of Proposed system ............................................................................................ 7
3.2.5 Design and implementation Methodology ............................................................................. 8
3.2.6 Software Requirements .......................................................................................................... 8
3.2.7 Software tools used ................................................................................................................ 8
3.2.8 System Testing and Validation .............................................................................................. 9 System Testing .................................................................................................................... 9 System validation ................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.9 System Development Approach ............................................................................................ 9
4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 10
4.1 System requirements ............................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Functional requirements....................................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 Non-Functional requirements .............................................................................................. 10
4.2 System Operation Description ................................................................................................ 10
4.2.1 Features of the administration panel .................................................................................... 10
4.2.2 Features of the user panel..................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Data flow diagrams ................................................................................................................. 11
4.3.1 The system context diagram ................................................................................................ 11
4.3.2 Level 1 Dataflow diagram.................................................................................................... 12
4.4 Data modeling and design....................................................................................................... 13
4.4.1 The Entity Relations Diagram ............................................................................................. 13
4.5 Data dictionary ........................................................................................................................ 14
4.6 Project Screenshots ................................................................................................................. 15
5.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 25
5.1 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 25
5.2 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 25
5.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 25
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 26
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 28
ADMIN Administrator
PK Primary Key
The Computerized Loan Scheme Information Management System Project was designed
and implemented in order to study the existing system, identifying the problem, and
improving it for more proficiency. With much data but without experience in managing
this loan, the system information is confusing and unorganized.
The existing system is still operating in manual system; therefore, the computerized
system should be implemented to enhance the efficiency to become a more the systematic
The project covers the system analysis and design of getting loan detail process, settling
process, and receiving payment process. The existing system presents the problems
occurring from manual operations. This project is arranged to overcome many problems
such as data redundancy, data incorrectness, time consuming, miscommunications and
very many others. The new computerized system will reduce errors while providing a
better control over the process and better management information in a timely manner for
implementation strategies.
The study of this project begins with the requirement definitions and analysis of the
existing system. After studying, it shows the inefficiency in loan document collection;
therefore, the management agrees that Loan Scheme Information Management System
should be changed from manual to the computerized system.
The results of the system study are proposed in various forms such as data flow diagrams,
relational tables among others, which are demonstrated in the process of the existing
The new system is implemented in a user interface technology and well checked to
ensure that there is no error in the programs.
Its outputs are met with the target of the Higher Education Students Financing Board
(HESFB). To enhance the effective management of customers, the system should be
further developed so that it supports other bidding loan information like bank statements.
1.0 Introduction
This is an introductory chapter that entails the project background, problem statement,
objectives of the study, scope of the study as well as its significance
These Loans are given to the intelligent but needy students joining higher institutions of
learning and are to be paid back at either zero or very low interest rates. In this, a clear
and authentic information flow channel is required which at the same time can keep truck
of the entire transaction process in terms of loan disbursement and repayment.
According to (Aaron_Hill, 2003), loans are either secure or unsecure basically there are
six types of loan as mentioned below; Personal loans, Cash advances, Student loans,
Mortgage loans, Home-equity loans and lines of credit, Small business loans.
However, this project focuses on the student loans in Uganda and how their management
can be improved efficiently in cooperation with the HESFB through the Loan Scheme
Management System.
The Loan Scheme Management System can be modified into different aspects say an
android application, Desktop Application but for a mean time, it is to be employed as an
online system unless if there happens to be a specific demand for such a modification.
This system has numerous features such as passwords at various levels, interlinked to
other sites like the secure jobs and internship sites among other features.
1.2 Problem Statement
The existing system only interacts with administrators and basically spreadsheet
interfaced, where students‟ tuition invoices are submitted in form of hard copies and rear
communications are made upon payment deadlines. In this manual driven system,
students are never given a chance to know how much funds have been allocated to their
institution accounts in respect to the requested variances usually occur. The only mode of
communication across the students and administrators is through phone text massages
which are expensive yet inefficient.
The Loans Information Management System for the above issues is to strictly put much
emphasis on availing a central portal from which all inter-communications will be made
in relation to disbursements among other document management and will be over sighted
by the Board Secretarial department.
The system trucks the entire loans disbursement process and centralizes communication
in all the 20 universities and the proceeding 34 tertiary institutions.
2.0 Introduction
Generally, the pattern of scholarships (social loans) was well established before the
United States of America even existed, and, as in England, was usually a matter of gifting
between elite families (Thelin_J.R&Wilkinson, 2011). In 1639, the American system of
higher education was established to continue the tradition of sponsorship, charity, as per
the patronage was established by European universities (Fuller, 2014)
He argues that financial support were generally from three sources namely:
a) The student-paid
b) Church-paid
c) Crown- or state-paid
By 1643, Harvard had received funds for its first endowed scholarship from Lady Anne
Radcliffe Mowlson, who stipulated that interest on her donation of £100 be used to aid
poor students‟ pursuit of education (Mowlson, 1643).
In 1838, Harvard established a private student lending agency responsible for making
zero-interest loans to students who could otherwise not afford to attend. The program,
known commonly as the Harvard Loan
Program, was a part of Harvard‟s General Beneficiary Fund raised by wealthy alumni and
benefactors (Harvard_University, 1874).
It‟s in that age of then that student loan scheme management systems were given
thoughts and built to track the funds and communication flows among the scheme
All systems were to be built under the guidance by the Higher Education Act of 1965
which was a highlight in President Lyndon Johnson‟s legislative accomplishments and
stands out as one of the seminal moments in American higher education history (Cohen_
AM:& Kisker, 2009).
In regards to this report, the Loan management systems are mainly used to store
transactional data for given loans and bridge out customer institution communications.
They record data for given sums, returned sums for principal, taxes and rates. Some
authors (Niţescu, 2012, pp. 53-62) focus on customer factors influencing a customer
(student) behavior and their impact on early repayment of loans. Niţescu also analyzes
the period of loan payment.
Others (Kohler et al.2012, pp. 8-20) connect the term “loan management systems” with
Usually loan management systems operate with confidential databases. Thus they are
usually not used in scientific research.
Researchers prefer to use other forms of collecting data – for instance focus group
In the same vein, (Akram, 2011) defines an Information System as the arrangement of
groups, data, processes and Technology that accumulates together to process, store and
output information as per needed to enhance and speed up the process of decision
(Dhungana, 2002) explains that an information system lays a clear flow of information in
an organization following four strategic levels from the strategic to the operational level.
2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Loan Management System
There are many advantages as per attached to the loan management system and these
include: reduction in supervision costs, eased follow up process on the repayment
process, automated analysis among the enrolled patterns most so in terms of gender as
pointed out by (Hua.Shen, 2010).
To a smaller extent, the loan information management system has some disadvantages
and these include higher risk to hackers accessing the restricted information, increased
costs in terms of payments made to the system administrators, developers and all in all,
loss of jobs to some of the data workers.
With all the above, the merits of the loan management system outweigh the demerits and
hence I was given a way forward to develop the system.
All these languages are mothered by C language which then upgraded to C++ and php
inherits its basics from html.
(Benita, 2006) expresses seven main reasons for the use of php in such a system and
these are; Php is speed and robust, superior on Memory Management, has no hidden costs
with PHP, integration with MySQL database, it is closer to Java/C++ Style of
Programming, it never shows Stopper Bugs and on to that, it employs the cross-Platform
Migration Strategy.
3.0 Introduction
Generally, the New system takes up four main stages in its development. These are;
i. Software and information analysis
ii. Design
iii. Coding and implementation
iv. Testing and maintenance
Within these stages, particular concepts are looked up for and these are preceded as
Ha: The use of the manual system is less efficient than the use of the computerized Loans
Management System.
On the administrator side, I collected primary data that contained of the actual number of
institutions financed, the type of documents required in the disbursement process towards
the students, anticipated number of students to be supported by the system among other
Besides texting, the other communication mode between the students and administrators
is transitive where information is conveyed to student coordinators by calls and these
later pass on the information to the students.
In the same line, students submit any of the required documents in hard copy form.
3.2.5 Design and implementation Methodology
At the design level, I developed a context diagram, dataflow diagrams and the entity
relation diagram.
We are to then use the prototype model for implementation where at first, the proposed
system will be used alongside the existing manual system.
Keen analysis shall be made on the prototype efficiency, fix the will be available
problems and officially be finalized.
WAMP is the abbreviation of the package: Apache, MySQL, and one of Perl,
PHP, or Python in the Microsoft Windows operating system.
The database used will be MySQL because it is easy to retrieve and maintain
records using simple queries. I further used SQLite as the Database Management
System because it makes working with MySQL databases easier.
Visual_Paradigm_15.2 to draw the data flow diagrams (DFDs) and the Entity
Relation Diagrams (ERD).
Php was the main language used and I adapted to it because with a prior
knowledge on HTML, php was easy to learn than any other language.
3.2.8 System Testing and Validation System Testing
Generally, we test the system by failing it, we tested it in line with user requirements
(system testing) and the system was secure and further met other expected requirements
like consistence in accessibility.
The Loan Scheme Management system has been interacted with some few students and
administrators who have reviewed whether it fulfills all their requirements and perform
the activities to their expectations.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter full comprehends the functioning system that was designed for the Higher
Education Financing Board with illustrations.
This system provides group chats across institutions, store the chats and a general
chat from which all administrative communications shall be passed.
The system also accesses students with all required information about the HESFB.
The system provides an On-line registration option to all those who would wish to
apply on to the scheme through already benefiting students.
These have different roles, and view different dash boards however data and information
from both panels is communicative.
4.2.2 Features of the user panel
i. A responsive chat room connecting all institutions but with sub chat room options
which are to be used for scheme matters communication at any level.
ii. The user panel provides a disbursements section where users can upload all their
documents concerned with the disbursement process, and be able to view recent
iii. User panel provides downloadable documents on all information about the
iv. It opts to have a career class from which users are recommended with available
internship, volunteer and job opportunities.
A “REQUEST” covers all instructions from the user to the system and may include
username verification among others, on the other side, information entails all sorts of
system responses including those of authentication.
4.4 Data modeling and design
The system database was first modeled using Visual paradigm 15.2 (Desktop
Application) as shown in the figure below and then designed using SQL Desktop
Application under the Wamp as the development environment.
4.5 Data dictionary
Attribute Name Notes Data Type Field Length Description
4.6 Project Screenshots
The Login Panel
The User is prompted for Username and password for authentication into the system, sign
up in case he or she is new.
This is the user dashboard or Home page for the user „s panel and not the administrator‟s
File Uploading Panel
This browses your device to access and upload any light file on it to the system.
Disbursement Form
This form captures full details of the students Bio Data
Chat Room Panel
Here students‟ coordinators can create chatrooms and add in all students from their
collages which groups are authenticated with group passwords except the general
chatroom created by the administrators.
The New Student application on to the scheme panel
On this panel, students enrolled for higher education can apply to join the scheme.
Administration Panel Access
The same login panel diverts access to two different home pages/ dashboards and this is
through the system authentication code upon which students are given a 1 and 2 for the
Administrators. It is only the administrators who can change the access code of any user.
Figure 11: .Screen shot after the Administration panel is accessed successfully
Administrators’ Panel
The administrator can add a new user, delete or edit any user information except the
password and he can navigate through the entire user panel.
Add New User Panel
The administrator can add a new user and then it is the user to complete the registration
as he/she fills in the Bio data.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter gives an overview of the loan management system aspects built, the
proposes and future prospects raised.
5.1 Summary
There are resources wasted in in terms of time, paper, money among others in the
secretarial section of the loan scheme most so in the disbursement and record keeping
processes. This is because the section hasn‟t yet incorporated technology sufficiently.
In the pursuit to lower the costs and facilitate efficient communication, technology was
the only way to go and hence the development of the loan scheme management system
that is to center all operations between the students and the administrators in the
secretarial section.
5.2 Conclusion
In conclusion, the designed loan Scheme Management System is efficient, user friendly
and adequately meets the minimum expectations that it was designed for.
The old system will be abandoned due to inefficiency and take up the new system though
mobilization will be done first to inform the student users upon its existence and main
5.3 Recommendations
I recommend other researchers who might want to take up further development of the
same system to include transaction modules between the scheme and other institutions
such as banks, universities among others.
I also recommend HESFB to implement this system as it will ease information flow
between them and the students, provide a 24-hour documentation access among other
which in the long run will improve the scheme efficiency and reputation significantly.
The researcher further recommends all students on the scheme to make use of this system
but first understand its major aims.
Lndex.php. (2018, December 2nd). Retrieved from hesfb:
Cohen_ AM:& Kisker, C. B. (2009). The shaping of American higher education:. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Hua.Shen. (2010). Advantages and disadvantages of students loan systems. International
education studies, 45-47.
Keneth, L. &. (2007). Managing the digital firm. Management Information Systems, 103 -
Keneth, L. (2007). Managing a digital firm. Management information Systems, 103 -125.
Mowlson, A. R. (1643, May 9). Bequest of Lady Mowlson. Retrieved JUNE 5, 2019,
from Bequest of Lady Mowlson Cambridge,MA, United States of American:
Mussa, A. (2015, March 16). International Journal of Management Sciences and Business
Research. pp. 45-47.
Creating the chat Table
CREATE TABLE `chat` ( `chat_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `chat_name` varchar(60) NOT
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="toggle-btn"></div>
<li><a href="about.php">ABOUT</a></li>
<li><a href="terms.php">TERMS&CONDITIONS</a></li>
//now creating nav bar
<li><a>HOME PAGE</a></li>
<li><a href="
<li><a href="
organisations-to-volunteer- for- in-uganda/">voluntary work</a></li>
<li><a><a href="">Jobs</a></li>
<li><a>LATEST NEWS</a>
<li><a>Chat Room</a>
<li><a><a href='user/'>chat</a></a></li>
This is just part of the system code and for any case, the entire zipped code can be
downloaded from: