GR 4 How We Organize Ourselves
GR 4 How We Organize Ourselves
GR 4 How We Organize Ourselves
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How We Organize Ourselves – the structure and function of organizations
Central Idea:
Access to equal opportunities and social justice depends on the actions of individuals,
organizations and governments.
Using Connecticut as a case study, students will study the process of making laws, and
investigate how governments create and uphold laws. Then, students will inquire into how
governments, organizations and individuals have a responsibility to protect human rights all
over the world. They will use the United Nations “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” to
learn about children’s rights that are protected by law.
Technology Tie-In:
During this unit, students will focus on note-taking on Google Docs and using the add-on
feature. They will then work independently to create a cause/effect paragraph.
Grade 4/January 2015 Unit 3/How We Organize Ourselves “Who’s The Boss?”
Field Experiences:
Students will visit the Connecticut Historical Society, where they will role play
situations from each of the three branches of government: legislative, judicial &
executive. During a tour of the State Capitol, students will learn how a government
provides basic services to its citizens.
Key Concepts:
Students will examine the function of our local government and how its laws are made.
They will understand that there are causes for the development of laws, which are
created in response to an identified need. They will learn that we all have a
responsibility to protect human rights – and will begin to ponder their own role in this
important social issue.
Approaches to Learning:
Throughout the unit, students will use their social skills as they accept responsibility
for their share of the work. They will listen to others and respect their viewpoints.
They will state their opinions without hurting others. Students will utilize their
communication skills when they view visuals and multimedia presentations and express
their ideas clearly. Using artistic expression, they will convey their message
effectively using an appropriate medium.
Think of an issue that is important to your family. Send a handwritten letter
to one of your local legislators (or the president!). Explain your concerns and
give a suggestion about how a change might be made.
The Declaration of Human Rights gives children freedom of expression, but it
clearly restricts expression that violates the rights and reputations of
others. Have a family discussion about what this means in being responsible
with words, actions – and social media.
PARENTS: Additionally, on the Media Center webpage, for each unit there will be suggested titles for more reading
on the topics and ideas in the units. These books are available in the school library.
Grade 4/January 2015 Unit 3/How We Organize Ourselves “Who’s The Boss?”
IB AT HOME Name ______________________
Teacher ____________________
Parents: please fill out any that apply and return to your child’s teacher.
My child has been demonstrating the approaches to learning (social, communication) by:
Grade 4/January 2015 Unit 3/How We Organize Ourselves “Who’s The Boss?”
IB Elements that Grade 4 students are focusing on during Unit 3/How We Organize Ourselves:
Approaches to
Accepting Responsibility
Respecting Others
Learning Co-operating
Resolving Conflict
Group Decision-making
Adopting a Variety of Group Roles
Non-verbal Communication
Appreciation Tolerance
We are sensitive towards differences and
We appreciate the wonder and beauty
of the world and its people. diversity in our world, and are responsive to
the needs of others.
Integrity Respect
We have a firm sense of fairness and honesty. We respect ourselves, others,
and the world around us.
I do the right thing. I accept other points of view.