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Speaking 9

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Part 2
(Hướng dẫn
ban đầu của
giáo viên)
In this part of the
test, I’m going to
give you two
photographs. I’d
like you to talk
about your
photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question from
Here are your photographs. They show people who are helping other people in
different situations.
I’d like you to compare the photographs, and say how important it is to help people in
these situations.

Sample speaking 1
How important is it to help people in these situations?
(Introduction) Both of these pictures show people getting some help; the first one
shows a football player who seems to be injured and the second one is an Asian tourist
getting help from a policeman.
+ Nói điểm chung hai bức tranh.
+ Nói tình huống đang diễn ra của từng ảnh.
(Similarities + Differences) Although both situations involve someone helping a person,
they are very different. In the first one, the football player needs help because he’s had an
injury and, probably, he can’t walk properly. On the other hand, in the second picture,
the tourist is probably asking for directions because he might be lost. Also, the footballer
is likely to be in pain, while the tourist may only be a little nervous.

(Question) As for how important it is to help these people, I’d say it’s important in both
situations. However, I strongly believe that the footballer needs more help than the
tourist, as his situation is obviously more serious.
Sample speaking 2

What are the advantages and disadvantages if living in the different places?
Both of these pictures show different places where people live; the first one is a
neighbourhood of detached houses, while the second one is a coastal city with many
(Similarities + Differences + Question) One advantage of living in the first place is that
you can have your own garden where you can relax with your family. Also, it’s a very quiet
place. On the other hand, the obvious upside of living on the seaside is that the weather
is usually mild and you can go swimming and sunbathing quite often.
As for the disadvantages, I believe that the neighbourhood in the first picture can be a
little boring for young people as there isn’t much to do.

Pictures about Living in different places

Why people might choose to live there?
The left picture shows some big city with a line of apartment blocks built right next to the
sea, while in the picture on the left we can see a peaceful village next to a train station
and a train passing by. While both photos have various residences in them, the left one
looks much more quiet than the other.
I believe that people who choose to live in a flat of a busy city do so because they have a
more active lifestyle – they commute to work, go to parties, restaurant, exhibitions and
other activities a city has to offer. In contrast, those who reside in a remote place like in
picture two prefer the more relaxed and slow pace of life.
Which place would you prefer to live in, and why?
I’m not a picky person so I don’t really have any specific preferences. But if I have to choose
one, I guess my top pick would be places that are a bit vibrant or a little bit lively. I love the
feeling of hustling through crowds of people, the energy of a metropolitan city. That would
be so crazy and fun.
Personally, I’d go with the quiet place next to the train station. I could commute to the city
centre by train, take morning strolls in the woods and enjoy everything nature has to offer.
I don’t party that much and I’m not into eating out, so I won’t miss out on most things a
busy city has to offer.

Pictures about Exercising

How the exercising might make people feel?

The right photo shows a girl on a river bank doing what looks like gymnastics, while in
the left picture a lady is in the middle of a tennis match. Both do some kind of sports
activity, however one is performed outside, while the other is done indoors. Moreover,
tennis requires special equipment such as a
racket, while the other exercise doesn’t need anything at all. 
I believe that both people feel content with what they’re doing as exercising energises you
and if you spend enough time doing it you might feel pleasantly exhausted. It is also
beneficial for your brain, allowing your mind to wander.
Which type of exercising would you prefer and why?
Even though I’m not very good at tennis, I would have to choose it over the activity in the
other picture – I’m hopeless when it comes to body balance! Tennis is a nice combination of
physical exercising and thinking – you don’t simply run after the ball – you have to
calculate your hits and plan ahead. I like this aspect of tennis very much.

Pictures about Different types of work

What difficulties the people might have when doing their jobs?
Both pictures here show people at work, but the nature of their activity is very different.
The lady in the picture on the left is facing a difficult creative task, judging by her body
language and the images on her laptop screen. In contrast, the man in the second photo
does a very physically-demanding job at something that looks like a construction site.
While the man’s job is fairly straightforward, it can be very dangerous to his health and
well-being. The woman’s task here seems to be rather tricky as she seems to be stuck with
the task. Undeniably, both jobs can be very stressful.
Which job do you think is more difficult?
I think the duties shown in picture two are much more challenging. Sure, creative thinking
is not easy, but physical and manual labour is always a struggle. No matter how good you
are at it, you have to perform very tiring, repetitive actions which is demanding both
mentally and physically.

Pictures about Places for holiday

Why people might choose to spend their holiday in each place?
Both picture one and two show various types of resorts. While the left picture looks
warm and peaceful, the other one looks rather cold and even a bit dangerous. However,
somehow both of them look equally cozy, though for different reasons.
People looking for a place to spend their holiday at may prefer huts by the seaside if they
come from a colder country and want to experience warmer, more pleasant climate. They
are also likely to appreciate the local food, rich with fruits and vegetables. As for the
second photo, it might be favoured by more active, young people, who are really keen on
sports and exercising.
Which of the two places is better to spend a family holiday at?
The location shown in the first photo is definitely much better for a family with kids.
Every member of the household can enjoy sunbathing and swimming, while some kids can
be too young to try skiing. Also, low temperatures of a ski resort may not be to some
people’s liking.
Pictures about Eating

Who you think enjoys their meal most?

Picture one and picture two both show people having a meal. One of the places seems
to be an expensive restaurant or a café, the other looks like a regular apartment. In the
left picture the people are dressed up for the occasion, while the right photo shows us a
person dressed very casually.
I believe that the girl in the right picture is enjoying her food more – she didn’t even put it
on plate, she is eating it right out of the frying pan. I guess she must be really hungry! The
women in the photo on the left seem to be more preoccupied with the conversation rather
than the food itself. They probably came to the restaurant to meet each other, not to eat.
How often do you eat out?
Almost never, I’m afraid. Eating out is rather expensive in my city. You also need to put on
some fancy clothes – you know, because everybody else does, and you don’t really want to
stand out. When I do go out, it is usually a very special occasion that needs to be celebrated
– like somebody’s wedding or a graduation ceremony. It makes it even better – each time is
really memorable!

Pictures about Business meetings

How people in these environments might feel?
In both of these photos we can see people discussing things connected with business. The
picture on the right shows a traditional, face-to-face way of communication, where
everybody is in the same room. However, the left photo presents a different way to
communicate – that is, using modern technology such as video conferencing.
I believe that the person in the left photo feels a bit detached from the meeting as the
people she’s communicating with are not physically present. However, she probably
appreciates the flexibility that online communication offers. As for the situation in picture
two, the office workers there are probably much more comfortable, engaged in the old-
fashioned business conversation in a meeting room.
Which type of business meeting is more efficient?
Well, I’d say that both ought to be pretty effective as businesses across the globe use them. I
believe that having a meeting using video calls might be a better choice – you don’t have to
spend time to go to the meeting and it’s much easier to arrange, you know, to make sure
everybody has free time. When every participant has to come to some place, it gets more

Pictures about Shopping

Which person is facing a more difficult choice?

In the left picture a lady is in what looks like a very expensive shop. She is deciding on the
particular style and colour of shoes to buy. The right photo shows us a teenage girl is
going through rack of clothes in what seems to be a thrift shop. The main difference
between the two situation is the amount of money the person is willing to spend – one is
ready to pay extra for the brand and prestige while the other probably wants to save
money on the purchase.
I believe that the girl from the right picture is having more difficult time as she has to find
something that suits her taste and won’t break the bank. The person in the right picture
seems to find shopping as yet another fun activity, a way to spend her time.
How often do you shop for clothes?
To tell the truth, I don’t do much shopping for things to wear. Our family is rather big
with lots of brothers and cousins, so I usually get a lot of hand-me-downs, you know, things
they no longer wear so I get them instead. I actually like this arrangement – I get free stuff
and it makes them feel better, it’s a win-win situation for everybody!

Pictures about Free time

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending your free time in these
In both of these pictures we see people doing things they enjoy. The girl in the left
picture probably prefers solitude, that’s why she is in a quiet library sitting between
bookstalls. In contrast, the group of friends from the second picture seem like the
outgoing and sociable type – they seem to be camping somewhere in the woods. 
I hold it that the advantages of being on your own are not that many – you don’t depend on
other people and you don’t have to do something you might not like. The disadvantage is
that sometimes your may feel lonely. As for the positive aspects of camping with friends –
they are numerous. The fresh air, good company, a nice change from your routine. I can’t
really think of any disadvantages!
Do you prefer spending free time alone or in a company?
I’m the reclusive type. I don’t need people around me all the time to feel comfortable.
Whether it’s reading, long walks in a park or even travelling – I’m in my element when I’m
on my own. I don’t mind being with friends occasionally, but I don’t feel like spending too
much time with others.

Pictures about Shopping for food

What they might find enjoyable while doing their shopping?
They show people shopping for food
While in the left picture we can see people making purchases in a supermarket, the
right picture had people buying food from a street vendor. The place in the first photo
probably has a wider variety of goods, but the food in the other picture is more likely to
be fresh and natural.
I believe that the family in the supermarket enjoy doing it together, making those decision
taking everyone’s opinion into account. They look really happy. The people in the right
picture are probably glad to have the opportunity to purchase fresh produce. The buyer
and the street vendor are likely to know each other, too.
Which type of shopping is more common in your country?
I can’t say that either of these types is more popular than the other. It really depends on
the part of country. Smaller towns and villagers tend to have many outdoor markets where
you could buy fresh, natural food. In bigger cities, people mostly shop in supermarkets.
Pictures about Kids with bikes
They show young people on bicycles. Compare the pictures and say what challenges
they might be facing?
Well, the little girl in the left picture is being taught how to ride the bike by her father.
In contrast, the boy in the right picture looks really confident with his BMX bicycle,
performing a stunt jump. Both of them are probably enjoying the experience, but for
different reasons.
The girl is probably feeling nervous, because she has to be steering the bike, maintaining
balance and being aware of her surroundings at the same time. It must be really difficult to
do all that when you’re just a beginner cyclist. This can’t be said about the boy, whose
challenge is quite different – he has to land his bike safely without breaking it or hurting
Is cycling popular where you live?
No, not at all. We have harsh winters and our summers are really short. You can see an
occasional cyclist, but it is more like a exception. It’s a shame, really – I wish we had
warmer climate, because cycling really looks like a fun thing to do!

Pictures about Manual work

They show people doing manual work. I’d like you to compare the photos and say why
they might have chosen to do this work?
The man in the right picture seems to be hanging from a high-rise building, cleaning
windows – this looks a bit scary, to be honest. On the contrary, the left picture has an old
man, probably he is father to the young girl next to him. They are tending to their crops – a
much more peaceful picture, if you ask me!
The man cleaning the windows probably chose that activity to make money, because it
looks rather dangerous – or maybe he is really into doing risky things, you know, for
adrenaline. The people in the right photo might be looking after the crops because they
depend on them, or it could be just their hobby, it’s hard to tell.
Which person finds their activity more satisfying?
Thiếu câ u trả lờ i

Pictures about Cooking

They show people cooking. Compare the two pictures and say how experienced they
might be at what they do, okay?
The left picture shows professional cooks preparing some elaborate dish in a spacious
kitchen of a restaurant or a café. The second picture, on the other hand, has an apartment
with a man cooking a much simpler meal. 
Even though the people in the first picture are more likely to have more experience of
dealing with food, it is not necessarily true. They could only be trainees – both of them look
rather young. The man is the second picture looks about the same age, but he might have
more years of cooking behind his belt, so you never know!
Who does the cooking in your family?
My mom does it, thankfully. I’m hopeless at cooking – anything more complex than frying
some eggs or boiling a sausage is way too much for me. I realise that it’s one of the best
skills to have, so I will probably try to deal
with this shortcoming of mine in the future.

Pictures about Travelling

1/ Compare the two photos and say what

might be good or bad for the people
traveling in these ways?
Both pictures show men on their own. In
the picture on the top there's a man on a
bicycle while in the other picture he's got
a motorbike. In the first photo he's out in
the countryside somewhere. In contrast,
this man is in a city and it looks quite dusty
and polluted. Here in the first image,
though, we can see it looks clean and the
air seems fresh.
I think there are good things about traveling by bicycle - it's good exercise and it's very
healthy. And cheap! On the other hand, riding a motorbike doesn't give any health benefits
and it's much more expensive because you have to buy petrol.
What about the downsides of the bicycle? I suppose it isn't very safe because cars don't
respect you. But that's the same on the motorbike sometimes. Oh, the bike is quite slow -
much slower than the motorbike. That's the really good thing about the motorbike - the
speed, and it's easy to find a parking space!
The top picture shows...
The bottom picture shows...
In one photo there are...
In the other photo there are...
In the picture above it looks as if...
In the one below it looks like...
In one respect the pictures are quite similar because...
In my opinion...
I'd say that...
I think...
It seems to me...
My view is that...
They've both got two people, but the first one looks like two friends and in the
other it looks like a couple. The first shows a trip to the countryside while the
second is in a city.

 possibly, probably
 might be, may be, could be
 it’s likely that, it’s possible that
 I guess , I imagine, I suppose
 maybe, perhaps
 seems, looks like

Pictures about Communication

Here are your photographs. They show people speaking to each other.
I’d like you to compare the photographs and say why the people haven chosen these
methods to speak to people.
You have a minute to do this.
Why have the people chosen these methods to speak to people?
How do you usually speak with your friends?
Pictures about People Studying in different places
What are the advantages of studying in these places?
Where do you normally study?

Pictures about People eating food.

Why have the people chosen to eat these types of food?
Which of these would you prefer to eat?

Pictures about People participating in sporting activities

Why sport is
important to people.

Which sport would

you most like to try?

Pictures about Visit in different places

What might the people find interesting about visiting these different museums?
Compare these two photos and say which one of them you
find most enjoyable:
Compare these two photos and say which one of them you find most enjoyable?
In these two pictures we can clearly see people having fun, although the people in these
pictures are having fun in quite different environments. In the picture on the left, there are
two women having fun in the snow, while in the picture on the right there is a father and
daughter having fun on the beach. Both locations are great in my opinion because even
though the climate in one is hot and in the other it is cold, there are plenty of fun activities
to do in either.
I personally prefer the heat, I love surfing, swimming even building sandcastles, but I have
plenty of friends who enjoy the cold. I have friends who love skiing, snowboarding, and all
sorts of cool activities people can do in the snow.
In the end, there is no wrong answer when it comes to this question, it just depends on
whether you are willing to leave your comfort zone and try something new.

Compare these two images and say whether it is better to eat

out or cook at home:
these two
and say
it is
better to
eat out or cook at home?
There are advantages and disadvantages
both to eating at home and to eating out.
When we eat out in my family, it is usually
a special occasion, for example a fun
Friday night, someone’s birthday or any other special event. While eating at home is
nothing out of the ordinary. In my family we eat at home most days. Some families eat out
more often than others and I have friends whose family never cooks at home because
nobody likes cooking or because it is cheaper for them to eat out. When comparing both
photos, I tend to lean towards eating at home, there is a feeling of coziness associated with
home cooked food and although eating at a restaurant is great, it doesn’t compare to a
nice home cooked meal with your family and friends.

Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to

work at home or in an office:
Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to work at home or in an
A good working environment is essential to being productive and having a good work-life
balance. In these two pictures we can see two quite common examples of how people are
choosing to work nowadays. One the one hand, working from home allows you to see your
friends and family more, but some people say it blurs the line between work and personal
life, as we are doing both activities in the same space. On the other hand, working from the
office can feel like a bit of a waste of time as people have to commute there and sometimes
the work done in the office could easily be done at home. I believe there needs to be a
compromise because many people feel like there is no need in spending five or six days a
week holed up in a stuffy office. In my view, there should be two or three days of office work
and two or three days of home-office work, in this way, meetings would be reserved for the
office time and people could be productive at home during their home-office hours.
Compare these two
pictures and say whether it is better to drink tea or coffee and
Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to drink tea or coffee and
This sometimes feels like a controversial question because coffee and tea have some avid
fans and it sometimes feels like you can only like one or the other. The obvious answer as to
which is the healthiest feels fairly obvious. Tea is healthier than coffee. Why? Because tea is
just water with some dried leaves in it. There is barely any difference between some herbal
teas and just drinking hot water. Even though the answer to this question seems
straightforward, many people have pointed out the health benefits provided by coffee. I am
not an expert, but I have heard coffee is quite a healthy drink as well. I will say though that
coffee warrants moderation, but I have never heard anybody tell me to drink less tea!
In conclusion, although both drinks are healthier than drinking a soda or drinking a beer,
my money is on tea being healthier because it’s basically just water and there is nothing
healthier than water.

Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to

draw by hand or using a computer:
Compare these two pictures and say whether it is better to draw by hand or using
a computer?
These two pictures show people drawing in two separate ways. Drawing on paper almost
feels like something teenagers would say is from the past, while drawing on a computer or
tablet feels like a much more futuristic way to draw. I know many people will say that
drawing on a tablet computer is much more practical because we all live our life in a
computer now. By drawing it in a digital format it is easier to share online on our social
medias, but I must say, that there is no comparison to drawing on a piece of paper. It is like
comparing reading a real book and a
digital book. Although the digital book is
much more convenient, as we can have
many of them in one device, many people
like me would say that a real book is a far
superior reading experience. Also,
computers tend to tire your eyes after a
while and so drawing on paper might be
better for them.
Regardless of whichever method you
choose to draw in, the most important thing is that people continue being creative and
creating art in whatever format for people to enjoy.

Compare these two photos and say whether both of these

activities are healthy or not:
Compare these two photos and say whether both of these activities are healthy or
In both photos we can see people doing an activity. Although the activities are quite
different, they are both considered a sport. The first picture shows a woman running
outside and the other picture shows a man playing chess inside.
There are health benefits to both of these activities. Running is a great way to get
physically fitter and is a great way to get outside and breathe in the fresh air. On the other
hand, playing chess is a mentally challenging exercise and helps keep a person mentally
Overall, I believe that both activities are important. A person should try to keep both their
mind and body healthy. If a person focuses only on one aspect they might lose out on the

Compare these two photos and say whether both of these jobs
have the same importance or not:
Compare these two
photos and say whether
both of these jobs have
the same importance or
In these photos we can see
two people doing their job.
One of them is a garbage
collector and one seems to
work in the healthcare field.
Both jobs are quite difficult I
would say. One job involves
collecting trash from the
streets and one involves
working in a hospital. Although I don’t have experience doing either job, I believe they both
have to work long hours and people don’t necessarily appreciate these people.
In my opinion, both of these jobs are essential for society. In a way they are connected. If
the garbage collector doesn’t dispose of the garbage we produce, everyone would probably
get sick, and the healthcare worker might be even more overworked. Overall, what I am
trying to say is that both jobs are important and we should be grateful to them for helping
us everyday.

Compare these two photos and describe the benefits of

having a big family and a small family:
Compare these two photos and describe the benefits of having a big family and a
small family?
As we can see from the photos, both families seem very happy. The big difference between
these two photos is that the family on the right has a lot of children, while the family on the
left has none. There are advantages and disadvantages to both ways of life. On the one
hand, the family with a lot of children have a lot to do, every day is an adventure and
raising children and watching them grow up can be very rewarding, on the other hand the
couple with no children has a lot more freedom, independence and probably a lot more
money, as raising children is said to be quite expensive.
In the end, everybody needs to reflect about what is the best lifestyle for them, in life there
are no right or wrong answers, just

Compare these two

methods of transportation and talk about the pros and cons
Compare these two methods of transportation and talk about the pros and cons of
In these pictures we can see two ways of reaching your destination. One is by air, and one is
by train. I have read that taking a plane is a more pollutive way of getting somewhere.
Apparently, planes need a lot of fuel and pollute the air a lot. On the other hand, they are a
lot quicker and definitely a great way to arrive at a destination on time. Despite all of that,
the train is a good option as well. Even though it takes longer, it is comfortable and
spacious and most certainly cheaper than a plane ticket. Another advantage of the train is
the views you can enjoy while riding one. Looking out the window is a relaxing way to
spend your time and great for photos!
All things said and done, it really depends on your time and also on your destination. If it’s
quick and effective you need, then take a plane, if you’ve got time and want to relax, take a

Compare these two photos and say which one might be the
better place to live:
Compare these two photos and say which one might be the better place to live?
In these photos we can see two beautiful places to live. One is a house in the countryside
next to a lake and the other is a luxurious apartment in the city center. There are definitely
advantages and disadvantages to each one. When it comes to making a decision on where
you want to live, there are many things to take into consideration. For example, are there
schools around, supermarkets, gyms, universities, jobs and so on. In that case the
apartment seems like the obvious choice. On the other hand, there are many people who
prefer the peace and quiet of living in the countryside. In my opinion, it depends on where
you are in life. If you are looking for a busy life with a lot of career opportunities and good
nightlife, then the best place is the apartment. If you are looking for a quiet place to raise a
family, enjoy nature and breathe fresh air, then, of course, it might be time to look into
buying a cabin in the woods.

Talking about the pictures in relation to yourself

 Compare the two houses shown in pictures A and B. 
 Which of the houses do you lake better and why? 
 Which house would you prefer to live in and why? 

 Which picture is closest to you/ ideal holidays?

 What is your favourite type of holiday? Why? 

would you take with you if you went on one of these holidays?

Talking about the pictures in relation to yourself 

 Compare the two jobs in the pictures.
 What qualities should a ballet dancer or a doctor have? 
 Would you like to be a doctor, a ballet dancer or neither of them? Justify
your answer
 Which of the above jobs would bo closer to your preference and why?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

 Which picture is closest to your ideal home? 

 Compare your own house to the houses in the pictures 
 Which house is most suited to your family's needs and why? 

Where would you rather eat to celebrate a special occasion?

 Why do people choose to eat in different places? 
 What type of food and drink are served? 
 Where would your family rather eat and why? 

 Which job do you find more interesting and why? 

 Would you choose to be a pobce officer or a businessperson? Justly your
 What is more important to you, fame or money? 
 Do qualffcations necessarily lead to a successful career?

 Compare the clothes in pictures A and B 

 What can you tell about the people weanng the clothes in pictures A and B?
Would you ever dress like them?

Describe the traditional clothes in your country. 

 Do you like to vary the types of clothes you wear?

 On a long journey where would you choose to eat? 

 What things would you expect to find if you chose to go on a ptcnic or to a
motorway station?
 What is your favourite place to eat and why? 

 Compare the two pictures. What do they have in common? 

 What kinds of pollution can they cause?
 What do you do to help keep the environment clean?
 "A little can do a lot" - What does this statement mean to you? 
 In what ways can individuals fight pollution? 


ever wear either of these types of clothes, and if you do on which occasions? 
 Which type of clothes do you feel most comfortable in? 
 What sort of clothes are most suitable for your everyday needs? 
 What factors influence you when you buy clothes?

 What are the pleasures of youth compared with those of old age? 
 What do you think the old and the young have in common? 
 How do you hope to spend your retirement? 

 How do these two pictures make you feel?

 What do you think can be done to stop this happening?
 What might happen if we don't take measures to protect the planet? 
 How can young children be encouraged to keep the environment clean? 
 If you were to take up one of the above two sports which one would you prefer?
 In what ways are these two sports similar? 
 Should sport be compulsory in schools?

 Compare the two types of activity. 

 Which would you prefer to do? Why? 
 Does sport have to be competitive? 
 Why does sport play an important role in many people's lives?

 What are the children doing? 

 Which would you prefer to be doing? Why?
 How do you think computers have affected the way children spend their leisure
 In what ways have computers affected our everyday lives? 
 Do you think their inftuence has been positive? 

What sort of health problems are associated with sun bathing and smoking? 
 Which do you think is worse for your health and why? 
 Should we do anything to protect people from these possible dangers? What? 
 What should people do to keep healthy? 
 What kind of things can you think of which may damage your health? 

 Compare the two pictures 

 In what ways have computers affected the way we work?
 Would you like to work with computers? Why? Why not?
 Can you think of any ways in which computers have had a negative effect?
 Can computers ever replace human beings?

 What sort of films are these?

 What do you think the films are about? 
 Which would you prefer to see? Why? 
 Are films a good or a bad influence on people?
 Which would you prefer to eat and why?
 Which do you think is better for your health and why? 
 What else should you do to be healthy?
 What measures should the government take to protect people's health?

 Compare and contrast these photographs saying how you feel about shopping in
each place. 
 Which would you prefer to shop in? 
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in those places? 

 Compare and contrast the photographs, saying how you feel about each form of
 Which method of communication do you prefer?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of these forms of communication? 

Compare and contrast the ways in which these people have chosen to protect their
money, saying what you think about each method. 
 Where would you rather keop your money? 
 Do you think it is important to save money? 
 Why is it difficult for some people to save money?

 Compare and contrast the types of crime shown, saying how each picture makes
you feel.
 Have you, or anyone you know, ever been a victim of any form of crime?
 What can we do to protect our homes from burglars?

Tranh thứ nhất thì lướt ván biển

Thứ 2 leo núi mô địa hình
Thứ nhất ngồi làm việc ở nhà
Thứ 2 làm việc ở quán cà phê
1. There are two pictures in front of me.
2. I want to compare and contrast them.
3. To begin with both pictures show different seasons.
4. In the first picture you can see a girl with a snowman in the park, whereas in the
second one there is a girl with balloons in the field.
5. The girl in the first picture has made a snowman and now she is sitting near it.
6. The girl in the second picture is playing with balloons.
7. Both pictures have a few
things in common.
8. In both pictures we can see
little girls of the same age.
9. One more similarity is that
both girls are smiling.
They seem to be happy
and they are enjoying
their activities.
10. Obviously, there are some
differences between these
two photos.
11. The first picture shows a cold winter day. /The first picture was taken in winter.
12. On the contrary, the second picture depicts a warm sunny day.
13. Another difference is that, the girl in the first picture is wearing warmer clothes
than the girl in the second one.
14. Choosing from these two seasons, as a child I preferred summer because the
weather is usually better. /As a child I preferred the season presented in the first
picture as…
15. Also in summer I could spend more time outside.
16. In conclusion, I'd like to say both pictures are quite interesting and worth
17. That’s all I wanted to tell you about these two pictures.
Cuố n số 4
Test 1 55
Test 2 102
Practice test 102
Test 3 125
Test 4 144
Test 5 163
Test 6 182

1/ where are you from?
2/ What do you like about living there?
3/ What’s your favorite subject at school? Why?
My favorite subject is critical thinking because it is very interesting and requires high
analysis. They help us to make good decisions, understand the consequences of our
actions and solve problems. ... It's the process of using focus and self-control to solve
problems and set and follow through on goals.
4/ What are your teachers like?
yeah the teacher I was impressed with was mr. Hung. His expertise is very good and he
imparts knowledge to students very well.
5/ Do you meet much homework every week? When do you do it?
I confess that there are not many exercises per week. The teachers didn't give me a lot of
assignments, so I felt quite disheartened when I studied because I didn't make much

6/ Do you do any sports? What do you like about it/them?

7/ What do you do enjoy doing after school?

8/ How did you spend last weekend?
9/ How did you spend last weekend?
10/ How will you spend the next school holiday?
11/ What countries would you like to visit in the future?
12/ What job do you hope to do after you leave school?
13/ what are you most like in your family?
14/ Do you have a best friend? What do you like about him/her?
15/ who do you spend time with after school? What do you do together?
16/ tell us about a good teacher you’ve had.
17/ What’s your favorite subject at school? Why?
Do you like reading? What do you like to read? Why?
Reading develops our brains and gives us the ability to understand life in a much better
fashion. Besides, there's a lot of room for grammar and language development. When
you read a lot, you learn new words all the time.
Do you enjoy using the internet in your free time? Why?
Do you like your school? Why
Do you like your school if yes why?
Yes, I like my school.

I like the way our teachers teach us every subject with care. The discipline of school also
helps us to lead a disciplined life. ... I also like the time of our play period when we go to
our school playground and we do physical exercises there.

Are there any nice places to go in? what are they? Why?
Where would you like to go for your next holiday? why

Part 2
People trying to win in different situations.
What you think might be difficult for the people about trying to win in these situations.
Which sports would you prefer to do?
People spending time outside in different situations.
What are you think the people are enjoying about spending time outside in these
Which of these things would you prefer to do? Why?
Your hometown, your interests your career plans
Where are you from?
What do you like about your living?
And what about you?
Do you spend most of your free time on your own or with friend? What do you usually do?
Do you prefer to be outside when you have free time? Why?
What is your favourite part of the day why
Do you enjoy shopping what sort of things do you not enjoy buying?
How much do you use the Internet?
Do you enjoy playing computer games why
What kind of music do you listen to? When do you listen to music?
Do you enjoy watching films?
Do you think you will use English a lot in the future?
What other languages would you like to learn? Why?
What is your favourite place for a holiday? Why
What do you enjoy doing on holiday?
Are you an active person in your free time? What sort of things do you do?
When did you last play a sport? What was it?
Which country would you most like to vist? Why?
Do you prefer going on holiday in a small group or a large group? Why
What is your favourite time of year?
Do you think you will alwars have the same friends why
Do you enjoy buying presents for people? Is it ever difficult to buy for someone?
What was the best present you received recently. Who gave it to you.

Hô m nay bạ n như thế nà o rồ i? Có ổ n hơn ngà y hô m qua khô ng? Mộ t mình, vẫ n ổ n chứ ?
Bạ n có cầ n mộ t ngườ i bên cạ nh? Mộ t ngườ i khô ng cầ n phả i nó i gì cả cũ ng khô ng cầ n phả i
khó c cù ng bạ n nhưng ngườ i ấ y sẽ ngồ i bên và lắ ng nghe bạ n để khô ng cò n khoả ng trố ng
nà o trong bạ n nữ a, đú ng khô ng? Mình biết, mình biết hiện tạ i bạ n khô ng ổ n xíu nà o cả .
Đừ ng nó i vớ i mình rằ ng bạ n khô ng sao. Bạ n có nhữ ng vấ n đề mà khô ng ai có thể hiểu
thậ m chí là khô ng ai quan tâ m. Bạ n luô n giữ kín nó như mộ t bí mậ t củ a riêng mình?
Đừ ng vậ y mà , đừ ng giấ u gì cả mà hã y tan vỡ câ u chuyện củ a mình cho ai đó . Đô i khi,
mình mở lò ng ra và chia sẻ thì mọ i điều sẽ ổ n hơn và nó khô ng cò n quá khó khă n như
mình tưở ng nữ a đâ u.
Khô ng biết ngà y hô m nay có ai nó i bạ n điều nà y chưa rằ ng bạ n rấ t tuyệt vờ i. Bạ n là mộ t
đứ a con ngoan. Bạ n luô n muố n bả n thâ n là m thậ t tố t để mang lạ i niềm vui cho mọ i ngườ i
bên cạ nh nhưng dườ ng như nhữ ng nỗ i đau, tổ n thương xâ m chiếm lò ng bạ n mấ t rồ i,
khô ng cò n chỗ cho nhữ ng điều tố t đẹp, nhữ ng suy nghĩ lạ c quan nữ a. Mình biết bạ n đang
đơn độ c đấ u tranh vớ i chính bả n thâ n mình để dà nh lấ y sự yêu thương nhỏ nhoi. Nếu
bạ n đang bấ t lự c vớ i chính mình và khô ng có ai để tuô n đổ nhữ ng điều đó thì hã y nhắ n
mình mộ t tin nhắ n thô i, mình sẽ giú p đỡ bạ n để chú ng ta cù ng biết rằ ng thế giớ i nà y vẫ n
Thờ i tiết Đà Nẵ ng hô m nay khô ng đượ c sá ng và đẹp nhưng điều đó sẽ khô ng là m tâ m
trạ ng chú ng mình xuố ng. Mỗ i ngà y đều quý giá và nhữ ng ngà y trô i qua chỉ cò n là nhữ ng
khoả nh khắ c. Ngà y hô m qua bạ n như thế nà o mình khô ng biết nhưng ngà y hô m nay là
mộ t ngà y mớ i, khô ng cò n nhữ ng điều tồ i tệ nữ a. Đừ ng cho phép nhữ ng điều khô ng tố t
tiếp tụ c và lấ y mấ t cả ngà y mớ i củ a bạ n. Hã y ích kỉ mộ t chú t, hã y giữ lấ y ngà y hô m nay
trá nh xa nhữ ng điều tệ và hã y số ng thậ t đá ng cho mộ t ngà y trong tình yêu thương.
Dù bạ n là ai là mình ngườ i mình thâ n hay khô ng thâ n, mộ t ngườ i mình biết hay chỉ là
mộ t ngườ i xa lạ . Nhưng mà nếu bạ n có nhữ ng nan đề gì khó khă n thì mình sẵ n sà ng cù ng
bạ n chia sẻ.

Dạ em chà o thầ y. Em là sinh viên lớ p Tư duy phả n biện 13 họ c sá ng thứ 4. Hồ i nã y em có

điện thầ y đó ạ . Em đã xem bả ng điểm trên hệ thố ng nhưng em chưa thấ y có điểm nà o hết
thầ y. Thầ y có thể đă ng bả ng điểm thà nh phầ n lên Ms Teams đượ c khô ng thầ y? Em cả m
ơn thầ y nhiều ạ .

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