108 Hvpe
108 Hvpe
108 Hvpe
Prepared By:
Definition and Nature of Ethics- Its relation to Business, and Environment- Need
and Importance of Professional Ethics - Goals - Ethical Values in Various
Professions-Ethical theories about right action
Nature of Values- Good and Bad, Ends and Means, Actual and potential Values,
Objective and Subjective Values, Analysis of basic moral concepts- Right, ought,
duty, obligation, justice, responsibility and freedom, Good behavior and respect for
elders- Moral development theories
Value Education- Definition and its relevance to present days- Concept of human
values- Self Introspection- Self Esteem - Family values-Components-Structure and
responsibilities of family- Neutralization of Anger- Adjustability-Threats of family
life-Time allotment for sharing Ideas and Concerns.
Business ethics- Ethical standards of business- Immoral and Illegal practices and
their solutions-Characteristics of Ethical problems in Management- Causes of
Unethical behavior- Ethical abuses and work ethics.
Environmental and Social Ethics: Ethical theory- Man and Nature- Ecological crisis:
issues related pollution, waste, climate change, energy and population- Social issues
- Human rights violation and social disparities.
Ethics means good or bad right or wrong. It is a field of study which makes
judgement of human action. Every human action should be good and right. This is a
condition for healthy individual and social development. This condition applies to
all fields of activity, including business, and information technology, That is why,
the relevance and importance of ethics in expanding with the development of
science and technology and widening of modern spheres of activity
The word „ethics‟ is derived from Greek word „ethos‟ meaning character or
way of living. Derived from the Greek word, ethics is a brunch of philosophy that is
concerned with human conduct. Ethics is also called moral philosophy. The word
moral is from the Latin word mores which means customs or habits. Thus, ethics
consists of code of conduct for human being living is a particular society. It is an
attempt to guide human conduct and it is a also an attempt to help human being on
leading good life by applying moral principles.
In philosophy, ethics defines what is good for the individual and for society
and establishes the nature of duties that people owe to themselves and to one
another. It aims at individual good as well as social good, the good of mankind as a
whole. Ethics examines rational justification for our moral judgement; it studies
what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust. It refers to well based standards of
right and wrong that prescribe what human beings ought to do, usually in terms of
rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness or specific virtues. Thus, ethics is
related to issues of good and bad, rightness and wrongness.
Types of Ethics
Transactional Ethics : Human beings have to act and react with others through
different transaction or interactions. The practice of ethics in all these transactions is
called Transactional Ethics.
Recognitional Ethics : Human being are endowed with the ability to understand
the problems of others. This quality leads to the recognition of individuals,
institutions and societies. The correct recognition of the situation helps sole the
conflicting situations. This is called Recognitional Ethics.
Nature of Ethics
Deals with Human Conduct : Ethics is concerned with human beings. It deals
with human conduct which is voluntary or obligatory but not forced or coerced.
Also an art : Ethics is also an art because it sets guidelines for practical conduct and
also understanding the meaning behind moral conduct
Scope of Ethics
The scope of ethics indicates its subject matter. It deals with following
Moral Ideal : Ethics as a normative science deals with moral ideal or the good in
order to enquire the nature of our conduct.
Highest good : Ethics is also defined as the science of highest good. It is concerned
with the highest good or absolute good and investigates the nature of its notions like
right, duty and good.
Applied Ethics : Ethical principles have situational context – right or wrong, good
and bad depending upon situation, circumstances and place. This is called Applied
Ethics which falls which the broad field of Ethics.
Satisfying basic human needs- individuals have to follow right conduct to avoid
denial and exploitation
Uniting people and leadership- the right path will unite people and leaders
Long term gains- right conduct and behavior bring long term gains
Safeguarding the society- right conduct and behavior safeguards the people
Ethics and religion are related to each other. Ethics is the study of principles relating
to right and wrong conduct. It is morality or moral philosophy. Religion is
faithfulness to a given principle. Both stick to or conform to principles leading to
right and good conduct to achieve common good. Thus, ethics and religion are
closely related to each other. The relationship between ethics and religion can be
best understood by the following diagram.
Guiding principles of right or
Both ethics and religion have intersecting area of principles of right and
wrong, god and bad. The other part of ethics comprises ethical explanations for the
principles and that of religion encompasses beliefs, customs, traditions which form
the basis for the principles of moral conduct.
The relationship between ethics and religion is so strong that the influential
philosopher Immanuel Kant defined the idea of God as a basic requirement of ethics.
He suggested that every human being should be virtuous and do his duty. Secondly,
for many individuals their religion is centrally defining characteristic of who they
are such that they would be nearly unable to make ethical decisions independent of
their religion beliefs.
There are differences too between ethics and religion. Ethical principles are
based upon reasoning. Meta ethics gives ethical explanations to ethical principles
and standards. Religions tenets differences can only occur within the framework of
fundamental beliefs. But, both religion and ethics are related to each other.
Ethics and Politics are related in such a way that ethics influences the nature
and operations politics of any society or nation. Politics also influence the ethical
values to some extent depending upon the nature of governments. Especially, with
the transformation of police state to welfare state, the influence of ethics on politics
has become greater resulting in the emergence or birth of new branch of ethics
called Political ethics. Nowadays, it has become necessary and politically expedient
for those involved in politics to follow ethical principles at least to gain confidence
and support of the public in general and the voters in particular.
Politics, a word derived from Greek word „polis‟, means the state or
government. Politics includes and encompasses all the activities associated with the
governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.
Politics can also be understood as the process of making decisions applying to all
Politics and Ethics come together in the context of decision making and the
guidelines there of. This convergence resulted in the birth of a discipline called
Political Ethics. Political Ethics, also called political morality or public ethics is the
practice of making moral judgements about political action and political agents. It
covers two areas. The first is the ethics of process or ethics of office which deals
with public officials and the methods they use. The second area, the ethics of policy,
or ethics of public policy, governs judgements about policies and laws. Political
ethics deals not mainly with ideal justice, but with realizing of moral values in
democratic societies where citizens disagree about what ideal justice is.
There are two different views about the need for ethics in politics. Some
political thinkers argue that ethics has the place in politics. If politics are to be
meaningful in the real word, they should follow ethical principles. Some argue that
we should instead look more closely at two larger structures of society where the
most serious ethical problems exist. If politicians are to be effective in the real
world, they can‟t be bound by moral values. They have to pursue the national
interest. Nicocolo Machiavelli, father of political ethics, believed that in political
leader may be required to commit act that would be wrong if done by private
individuals. The politician use violence to prevent greater violence, but his act is still
wrong even if justified.
Ethics and laws are closely related to each other, so closely related that if we
remove moral cover from ethics and legislative cover from law, the content is same
in both ethics and law.. Both ethics and law relate to human behavior, the difference
lies in the point of view; the former looks the issue of right and wrong human
behavior from the angle of morality and the latter looks the same from the legal
perspective. The ultimate principles and standards of human behavior are same;
ethical principles are based on morality while legal principles are based on law of
the land. The relationship between ethics and law can be better illustrated by the
following diagram.
Ethics Law
Principle of human
conduct and
Moral science
The intersecting portion of ethics and law presents the principles of behavior
and conduct prescribed for human beings. But, law tries to prescribe them through
legal framework and jurisprudence while ethics tries to do so through moral science
and ethical explanations.
Ethics Laws
Despite the above differences, fact is that law is mostly based on ethics. Law
is made after considering ethical principles and moral values. The law is made by
the judicial system of the country. All the persons in the country are bound to follow
the law. It clearly decides what a person must or must not do. In the case of breach
of law, net result is punishment, penalty.
Ethics and Medicine are also related because the ultimate goal of both is
good and happy life, and avoiding pain in life. Ethics deals with right and wrong
conduct, with what we ought to do and what we should refrain from doing with the
ultimate objective of providing good and happy life. Medicine is a study or field
which deals with treatment of diseases and injuries in order to avoid or ameliorate
pain in life. Thus, there is one ultimate objective which is same for both ethics and
(i). Respect for autonomy: The patient, the physician and family members should
help patients come to their decisions by providing full information.
(ii). Beneficence : It means providing what is best for patient beneficence and
implies that the physician must consider patient‟s pain, their physical and mental
suffering, the risk of disability and death and their quality of life. At times, the
physician must avoid intervening if the benefit would be nominal.
(iii). Mal-maleficience: It means not to do harm in most cases, treating sick patient
adds little benefit. Most treatments involve some degree of risk or have side effect.
This principle reminds us to think over the possibility of doing harm, especially
when the patient‟s disease cannot be cured.
Environment and ethics are related; the former‟s existence and development
depends upon the latter. Without ethics, environment will degrade threatening the
very sustenance of human being. Environment refers to the surroundings or
conditions in which a person, animal or plant lives or operates. It includes the
natural world as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected
by human activity. And ethics is a branch of philosophy dealing with the human
activity and making judgemental values of right or wrong, good or bad.
Environment is natural world affected byhuman activity, and human activity is the
concern of ethics. Thus, environment and ethics are closely related to each other.
The close relationship between ethics and environment are best explained by the
terms environmental philosophy and environmental ethics.
There are many ethical decisions that human beings make with regard to
environment. These decisions are;
- Should human beings continue clear forest for the sake of their housing and
industrial consumption?
- Why should humans continue to propagate its species and life itself?
- How should humans best use and conserve the environmental space to rescue
and expand life?
Thus, Environmental Ethics not only prescribe human values but also make
philosophical debates about man‟s interactions with environment. Water and air
pollution, loss of biodiversity, destruction of ecosystems and global climate
challenges are all part of environmental ethics debate.
There was an argument whether ethics should form a part of business or not.
This resulted in three different views: utilitarian view, separatist view and
integration view. Utilitarians view that morality and ethics are related to business.
The separatist view expressed that business should concentrate on profits, and ethics
and morality do not form a part of business. The integration view defined a new area
called business ethics, where ethical behavior and business are integrated. The
external forces like government market system, law, and services will guide the
ethical behavior of the business.
All business exists and operates within society and therefore they should
contribute to the welfare of the society. To survive in the market business should
gain loyal consumers and perform social responsibility. As business gets larger, the
public takes more interest in it because it has greater impact on the community.
Thus, businesses, either big or small, must operate on ethical grounds and discharge
their social obligations to survive in the long run. The criticisms about business
ethics is, business being economic entity should have nothing to do with ethics or
Code of Values : First, professional ethics is a code of values and norms that
actually guide practical decisions when they are made by professional.
Essential: Professionals are life – savers. The life, liberty and safety of the public at
large are in the hands of doctors, lawyers and engineers. As the professionals render
essential service, it is necessary that they follow ethics.
Despotism: The professional enjoy autonomy in their decision making. But, there is
danger of enjoying this autonomy beyond limits. This leads to despotism which
needs to be controlled.
Professions are exclusive and unique occupations, different from jobs and
occupations. A professional are practitioner with some degree of skill acquired
through many years of experience, with an implication that this practitioner will
provide quality services. Given the unique nature, respectable status and the
responsibility and accountability associated with them, them professionals need to
follow ethical principles and adopt ethical values to keep up the dignity of the
professional. The work of professionals is not routine and not capable of
mechanized. It requires sophisticated skills, the use of judgement and discretion. The
membership in the professional requires extensive formal education, not simply
practical training and apprenticeship. Significant public good results from the
practice of profession. That is why, the public allows special societies or
organizations that are controlled by the member of profession into professions, to set
standards of conduct for members, and to enforce these standards. These are, in a
way, ethical values in various professions.
The ethical values for engineers are discussed in a branch of ethics called
Engineering Ethics. It is a field of applied ethics and systems of moral principles
that apply to the practice of engineers. The field examines and sets obligation by
Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;
Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity their clients (including
their employees) and the public; and Striving to increase the competence and
prestige of the engineering profession
1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public
in the performance of their professional duties
2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence; they
shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and
shall not compete unfairly with others.
3. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their
careers and shall provide opportunities for the professional and ethical
development of those engineers under their supervision
4. Engineers act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful
agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflict of interest or the appearance of
conflicts of interest.
5. Engineers shall respect the proprietary information and intellectual property
rights of others, including charitable organizations and professional societies
in the engineering field.
6. Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations.
7. Engineers shall issue public statement only in an objective and truthful
manner and shall avoid any conduct with brings discredit upon the
8. Engineers shall consider environmental impact and sustainable development
in the performance of their professional duties
9. Engineers shall not seek ethical sanction against another engineer unless
there is good reason to do so under the relevant codes, policies and
procedures governing that engineers ethical conduct
Doctors are the backbone of our health care system of course, many other
medical professionals such as nurses, orderlies, radiologists and dietitian are
employed in the health care industry, but vast majority of diagnosis and patient care
is performed by doctors. Doctors are highly educated medical professionals who
spend long year in study. They diagnose and treat patients, including prescribing
meditations. Doctors make decisions regarding patient care and then consult with
other medical personnel to make sure the care instructions are carried out. Doctors
are required to manage complexity and risk situations that can be characterized by
uncertainty and where error can have serious consequences. They assure
responsibility to exercise good judgement in situations beyond the scope of
protocols and guidelines. An important component of the professionalism of doctors
is their responsibility to maintain high personal ethical standards and respect to
others. Doctors abide by code of ethics; they soleminise the Hippocratic oath which
is nothing but moral code for doctors. Further, medical ethics involves application of
a moral wide to the practice of medicine.
The Medical Council of India, with the previous approval of the Central
Government, made the following regulations relating to the professional conduct,
etiquette and ethics for registered medical practitioners.
Character of physician
A physician shall uphold the dignity and honour of his profession. The prime
object of the medical profession is to render service to humanity; reward or financial
gain is a subordinate consideration
Every physician shall display the registration number accorded to him by the
state Medical Council Medical Council of India in his clinic and in all his
prescriptions, certificates, money receipts.
No evasion of legal Restriction: The physician shall observe the laws of the county
in regulating the practice of medicine and shall also not assist others to evade such
Obligation to the sick: Though a physician is not bound to treat each and every
person asking his service, he should not only be every ready to respond to the calls
of the sick and the injured, but should be mindful of the high character of his
mission and the responsibility he discharge in the course of his professional duties.
Patience, delicacy and secrecy: Patience and delicacy should characterize the
physician confidence concerning individual or domestic life entrusted by patients to
a physician and defects in the disposition or character of patient observed during
medical attendance should never be reveled unless their revelation is required by the
laws of the state
Prognosis: The physician should neither exaggerate nor minimize the gravity of a
patients‟ condition. He should ensure himself that the patient, his relatives or his
responsible friends have such knowledge of the patient condition as will serve the
best interests of the patient and the family.
The patient must not be neglected: A physician is free to choose whom he will
serve. He should however, respond to any request for his assistance in an
emergency. Once having undertaken a case, the physician should not neglect the
patient, nor should be withdraw from the case without giving adequate notice to the
patient and his family
Engagement for an obstetric case: When a physician who has been engaged to
attend an obstetric case is absent and another is sent for and delivery
accomplishment, the acting physician is entitled to his professional fees, but should
secure the patients consent to resign on the arrival of the physician engaged.
Consultations for patients’ benefit: In every consultation, the benefit to the patient
is of foremost importance. All physicians engaged in the case should be frank with
the patient and his attendants.
Fees and other charges: A physician shall clearly display his fees and charges on
the board of his chamber and /or the hospitals he is visiting prescription should also
make clear if the physician himself dispensed any medicine.
Consultant not to take charge of the case: When a physician has been called
consultation, the consultant should normally not take charge of the case, especially
on the solicitation of the patient or friends.
Be fair and take action not to discriminate: IT professionals have to follow the
values of equality tolerance, respect for others, and the principles of equal justice
govern this imperative.
Honor property rights including copyrights and patent: Violation copyrights,
patents trade secrets and the terms of license agreements is prohibited by law in most
Give proper credit for intellectual property: Computing professionals are
obligated to protect the integrity of intellectual property.
Respect the privacy of others: It is the responsibility of professionals to maintain
the privacy and integrity of data describing individual.
Honour confidentiality: IT professionals have to respect all obligations of
confidentiality to employers, clients and users.
IT professionals should
-strive to achieve the highest quality, effectiveness and dignity in both the process
and products of professional work
-acquire and maintain professional competence
-know and respect existing laws pertaining to professional work
-accept and provide appropriate professional review
-give comprehensive and through evaluations of computer system and their
impact, including analysis of possible risks
-honor contracts, agreements, and assigned responsibilities
-improve public understanding of computing and its consequence
-access computing and communication resource only when authorized to do so
1. Do not use the computer in ways that may harm other people
2. Do not use computer technology to cause interference in other users work
3. Do not spy on another person‟s computer data
Respect: Managers need to treat staff members, customers and their own
supervisions with the same respect they would expect for themselves
Flexibility: Managers should be patient and work with those in need of assistance.
They should also show their workers how jobs are best performed, then monitor
workers and after suggestions and tips
Only lawyers alone can practice law. They have some of the privileges. A
lawyer has the privilege to represent his clients in the court and tribunals. A lawyer
Honesty: Honesty is the most important quality that an advocate should possess. His
thoughts words and deeds should have sincere co-relation to each other with
Courage: it is the duty of an Advocate to fearlessly uphold the interest of his client
by all fair means without fear of any unpleasant consequences to himself or any
other person.
Wit: Judges and lawyers have to deal with a variety of serious and important matters
affecting life and liberty of the people. So constant clash between them is common.
Occasional wit and humour, provoking sharpen a smile or laughter will help them to
ease the tension and refresh themselves to sharpen their brain for the effective
discharge of the duties
Eloquence: Eloquence means the fluency, force and style of using the language.
Strong vocabulary is one of the powerful weapon which an Advocate should posses.
Judgement: It means the ability to come to a sensible conclusion and make wise
decision at the relevant time in the proper way. It is on the basis of these conclusions
he should employ the necessary facts and the techniques in the case which he is
Fellowship: In legal profession one advocate fights with another advocate for
justice before the learned judge. There may be controversies and contradiction in
their contention relating to the case, but that shall never affect the fellowship. The
dvocate should address other advocates as “Learned Friend” and the judge should be
referred as “Learned Judge” in order to maintain the fellowship
2.Proper Estimation of the values of the Legal Advice: An Advocate shall not
over estimate or under estimate the values of his advice. He must always give proper
legal advice to the client
3.Honest and Respect : He must be always honest and respectful to the court
4.Preparation of the Case: He must prepare the case thoroughly before presenting
it to the court.
6.Loyalty to Law and Justice : He must always give advice to enhance loyalty to
law and justice
7. Fellowship : He must be always friendly with the fellow-members of the Bar and
more friendly with the young lawyers and encourage them
8.Fairness : He must be fair in his dealing with the client, with the court and with
the public
9. Systematic Study: He must develop the habit of systematic of the law and
acquined with the latest development in Law
10.Prudence and Diligence : He must always vigilant active. He must avoid the
easy come and easy- go method
Ethics or moral philosophy is, at its simplest, a study of right and wrong
behavior, with the ultimate aim of defining what is right and wrong. There is vast
difference between ethics and morality. Ethics is the field of enquiry. Morality is the
object of that enquiry ,the code or codes of behavior acceptable within a particular
group at a particular time. Ethical theories deal with these aspects.
Ethical Theories
Meta ethics
Normative ethics
Applied ethics
Meta ethics deals with the entire gamut of ethical issues. It can be defined as
“the study of origin and meaning of ethical concepts.”The field of meta ethical
enquiry is not very well defined. Broadly, however, meta ethics deals with three
1. Metaphysical issues that deal with the question whether the moral values
exist independently of humans or whether they are simply human
2. Psychological issues that dewal with the psychological basis of moral
actions, and
3. Linguistic issues that deal the meaning of the key moral terms we use.
Normative ethics
The word „teleological‟ is derived from two Greek words “telos” meaning
„end‟ „goal‟ or „purpose‟ and “logos” meaning „logic‟ or „reason. Teleological
Egoism : An action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more
favorable than unfavorable only to the individual performing the action.
Altruism : An action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more
favorable than unfavorable to everyone except the individual
The three theories focus on the consequences of actions for different groups
of people and lead to different conclusions.
The word „deontological‟ is derived from the Greek word “deno” meaning
„duty‟ or „obligation‟. Deontological theories focus on certain fundamental duties
that we have as human being, such as not committing murder or theft.
The duties stress that rightness of an act is derived from some feature of the
action itself, with reference to its consequence. The duties upheld by deontological
theory may be classified under three headings.
Virtue ethics
Applied Ethics
Ethical theories lay down certain moral standards that provide a reference
point for judging the moral value of a decision. When applied to business, these
theories should enable the manager to distinguish between right and wrong and to
take morally acceptable decision.Ethical behavior is important for long – term
success in business and adversely affects performance in the long run. Let us see
how unethical practices distort the market system.
(i). Principles : Values are principles, rules, standards by human behavior and
(iii). Positive : Values are supposed to be good and have favourable effects on
individual and society.
(iv). Social approval : The values are approved by society as good and beneficial.
(i). Moral : Values are burdened with morality; they are recognized as reasonable
and right.
(ii). Absolute : Ethical values are independent of other values and thus preferred for
their own sake.
(iii). Pre-eminent : Ethical values are preeminent over other human values like
political, civil, economic.
(iv). Universal :Values are universal in the sense that they apply to everyone and
necessary for everyone.
(v). Changing : Values will be changing from time to time, may be in long term
(vii). Obligatory : Values are obligatory- the individuals have choice to follow.
Values guide individuals to judge actions and their results as good or bad.
Values, themselves can be divided into good and bad. Some values are good while
Good Bad
- Abstract, not sensed - Abstract, not sensed
- Feel pleasure in its existence - Feel painful in its existence
- Something desired - Something not desired
- Ought to exist - Ought not to exist
- We say good when we mean that - We say bad when we mean that it
it is desired is desired in
in existence in existence
in effect in effect
Regarding good and bad, there are two different views. Some philosophers
think that good and bad are absolute. Values, action and results are good or bad
absolutely. There is no ambiguity or dilemma regarding what is good and bad. Some
are good to all and at all times and places while others are bad without exception.
But, some philosophers believe that good and bad are relative. What is good for one
may be bad for others, what was good at one time may be bad at other times. These
philosophers think that good and bad are not absolute, but relative-ethical relativism.
For them, there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. But, truth is that we
have to judge whether something is good or bad by its effect or result, it is good
when result in pleasure and bad when result in pain. To Einstein relativity may be
true in physics but not in ethics.
Ends and means is an esoteric discussion, Ethics sometimes enter into. Ends
are objectives behind an action or something and means are methods and
instruments used in order to achieve the objectives. The discussion refers to the
evaluation of something or action in an objective (end) or as an instrument (means)
for achieving the objective. For that matter, values are ends or means. Ethics tries to
evaluate whether a value like charity is an end in itself or a means to achieve a more
noble objective. The identification of ends and means leads to next step of
evaluation of an action as good or bad either on the basis of result or end
(teleological) or on the basis of instrument or means (deontological) or means to
justify ends (Gandhi) .
Means End
The term ends refer to aim, purpose, goal or result. It is the result sought by
an action. The word means or refers to an instrument or condition for a purpose,
what serves to the attainment of any end. It is a resource, or a method. Aldous
Huxley in his book “Ends and Means An Enquiry into the Nature of Ideals and into
the Methods Employed for their Realization” defines ends as ideal to be realized and
means as the methods employed for realization.
However, the distinction between ends and means cannot be final; because
sometimes ends can become means. A thing becomes means when human reason
plans to employ it for the attainment of some end and human action really employs
it for this purpose. Sometimes, means employed might have to be limited to be an
end itself. That is why, it is important to distinguish, at a point of time, place or
context, between means and ends and make value judgements. In some cases ends
may be justified, in other cases means may be justified, in still other cases means
have to justify the ends.
Actual is something that is real or exists in fact. It exists in act or reality, not
just potentially. The synonyms of actual are real, present and positive. The potential
is that which can develop into something. It is a possible result. It exists in
possibility, not in actual. The synonyms of potential are expected, future and
estimated. The actual results are something that is already realized while potential
ones are currently unrealized ability. Actual is also understood as active and
energetic while potential in understood as something endowed with energy and
Values are guidelines for evaluation of human conduct, yet the judgement is
made by human with feelings, emotions, preconceptions and preferences. That is
why, though values are mere guidelines the judgement may be influenced by
persons, their feelings and emotions. If the value judgement is influenced by these it
is called subjective; if the value judgement is not influenced by these things it is
called objective. So, it is important to understand the values per se, whether they are
objective or subjective, and whether the judgement can be objective or subjective.
Objective Subjective
- Fact/observation - Faith/opinion
- Existence, measurable - Beliefs, not measurable
- Not influenced by feeling, emotion Influenced by feelings and emotions
- Perspective based on facts - Perspective based on faith
- Based on observed facts - Based an expected outcomes
- Based on reason - Based on intuition
- Observed by a person and are directly
- Experienced by a person and not
verifiable by others verifiable by others
- Universal, common - Non-universal specific
- Ex: Truth, freedom - Ex: Optimism, pessimism
o Legal social or ethical principle of freedom or environment.
o Common claim of people which every utilized society recognizes as essential
claim for their development and which are enforced by state/Government
(iii). Common claim – right is a claim which an individual can afford to have.
(iv). Essential for development – right is essential for individual to develop.
(v). Reorganization; right is recognized by society as essential by the state.
(vi). Enforced by State ; because right is essential it is enforced by the state.
(i) Natural right: Any right that exists by virtue natural law, not by law
(ii) Moral right: Right bestowed by morality, duty or traditions
(iii) Legal right: right bestowed upon a person by a given legal systems.
(iv) Civil right: right that protects individual freedom from enforcement by
Government and private persons.
(iv) Political right: right endowed upon a person by the political system- right to
(v) Economic right: right endowed upon a person as an economic unit-right to
- Used to indicate obligation or duty- you ought to work harder than that
- Used to indicate desirability – you ought to have attended the interview, you
would have got post.
- Used to indicate logical consequence- the result for this problem ought to be
(i) Duty: ought refers to duty or obligation action that should have been
(ii) Advisability : ought refers to an action that in advisable for good or positive
The concept of ought is a modal verb and this means that it does not behave
like ordinary verb. The concept is generally used to show when it is necessary or
would be a good thing to perform the activity refer to.
Duty means one‟s due. In this sense, duty is very important in ethics. Every
individual has to perform his/her duty so that society exists in perfect order and
progresses in desirable path.
(ii) Part of one’s job: duty is a part of one‟s job, the job requires more than one
(iv) Moral/ legal binding: duty refers to a action for which are is morally or
legally bound to perform.
Cicero, a Roman statesman stated that duties come from four different
sources- as a result of being human, as a result of one‟s particular place or position,
as a result of one‟s character and as a result of one‟s own moral expectation. Thus,
duties can be divided to four types.
(i) Natural duties: duties which arise by virtue of being human- duty to protect
(ii) Civic duty: duties which have to be performed as a citizen- duty to pay tax.
(iii) Ethical duty: duty which arises out of moral obligation- duty to look after
(iv) Professional duty: duty which arises out of one‟s position, status or
profession – duty of doctor to save life.
Derived from Latin word, obligation means “to bind”. It means an action one
is forced to do because it is one‟s duty. Thus, obligation refers to duty that is
binding, a commitment. Every individual has obligations to others and to society. He
is morally bound to do these. So, it is important in ethics.
(i) Civil obligation: one which binds in law, and which may be enforced in
court of justice.
(ii) Natural obligation: one which binds a person in honour or conscience, but
which cannot be enforced in a court of justice.
(iii) Moral obligation : arise from three sources-law, promises, and principles
(vi) Family obligation : mutual giving within a family that offers support .
iv. Retributive justice : people deserve to be treated in the same way as they
treat others
(i) Natural justice : fair results for action- reward for those who do good and
punishment for those who do bad
(iii) Political justice: equal opportunities for all people and sections to
participate in political process.
(iv) Economic justice: fair distribution of wealth and income as per the effort
and contribution.
(v) Legal justice : fair treatment to all sections in the legal process
(vi) Cultural justice : equal treatment of all languages, religion and cultures
(vii) Ethical justice : fair treatment of all races and ethic sections of society
- Act or having a duty to deal with something or having control over someone.
- Dealing with – Responsibility implies that one has the duty to deal with
somebody or something
- Taking care The person who is responsibility has to take care of somebody
or something which is crucial
- Types
Personal Responsibility: the duty of a person to do his own duty and take care of
Legal Responsibility: the duty to respect and act according to law and legal
- The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without any restraint
or constraint
(i) Individual freedom – individual rights and liberties guaranteed by law and
(v) Cultural freedom – right of individuals and groups to follow their own
religion customs and traditions
(vi) Spiritual freedom – right to have beliefs and thought which exist in the
health, minds and souls of individuals
Good behavior is the most important moral concept because it is the ultimate
objective of ethics. Ethics provides guidelines in the form of good or bad, right or
wrong, for good and right behavior and thus lays down a path of happiness and well
being. Thus, good behavior is the summun bonum of ethics.
- Acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals typically think
are good values
Action: good behavior involves action because it concerns with the individuals
Morally right: Good behavior is a behavior that is morally right, good to all other
Equality: treating others equally irrespective of gender, caste creed race and
Individual right: state of respective individual rights and protecting one‟s own
Character and conduct are twin values of individuals, the former shows what
the individual „is‟ and the latter shows what the individual „does‟. If we call the
former a structural aspect, the latter is a functional aspect. They are so inseparable
that character and conduct is considered singular and we use singular verb.
- Attributes that determine a person‟s moral and ethical actions and responses,
(ii) Respect : one should treat ethics with respect, use good manners and be
considerate to other‟s feelings. One should be tolerant and accepting of differences.
(iv)Fairness : An individual should treat others equally and with fairness. He should
be open minded and also listen to others. He should not take advantage of others.
(v)Caring : one should be kind to others, be compassionate and show care. At the
same time one should show gratitude, forgive others, help people in need.
(vi)Citizenship : one should be a good citizen and contribute one‟s share to make
one‟s community better, get involved in community affairs. One‟s should obey laws
and rules, protect the environment, volunteer and participate in community affairs
Character and conduct are intertwined to each other. They are two sides of
the same coin of personality. A characteristic property defines the behavior of an
individual. The character is exhibited through conduct. Character is the expression
of the personality of a human being and it reveals itself it one‟s conduct. In this
sense, every individual has a character which is unity of qualities with a
recognizable degree of constancy in mode of action.
Respect for the elderly is common through the world, and it is a natural
human impulse that has become enshrined in collective wisdom. While different
cultures have different ways of showing respect, it is nearly ubiquitous in ancient
cultures. Throughout the world, young people are taught to respect older people.
Part of this has to do with how much the elderly can help the younger generation,
and it is often people who are too old to work who teach valuable lesson to the
younger generation. When formal education was rare, the elderly would often serve
as the primary teachers of younger generations
Aging is part of life and no one can escape this transition. A child grows into
an adult and with every passing day age takes a toll on each one of us. It takes many
years to earn the kind of experience an elderly person has accumulated over his life
span. Therefore we can say that our elders are similar to a guide who can steer us
through the tough journey of life, successfully. For this and plenty of other reasons,
our elders command our respect.
1. Learn lesson from their experience : We must respect our elders as they
also have been life closely and are be always willing to share their
experiences and guide us through. Experience from their life can act as a
torchbearer for us in the long run
2. Promote a cultured social setup : Elders are very important for an equitable
growth of society. Any social setup is considered more cultured if its people
treat their senior citizen with respect and care
3. Elders are transistors of moral values : Elders are very important in the
busy world of today where most of the married couples are working. It
results in no time for their kids which end up swayed in wrong direction in
absence of right teaching
4. We all are bound to see old age : it is very important that our young
generation knows what gaining is like and should be aware that aging is the
harsh reality of life.
6. Elderly are carriers of culture and tradition : Elders are likely the trees of
wisdom. Therefore it is very important to preserve their wisdom and pass on
t the next generation so that the continuity remain intact
9. Elders are like children who need complete care: It is a rule of humanity
to help the weak. And while we do take care of our children, we sometimes
forget that even our elderly citizen are like children whose care and
wellbeing is our responsibility
10. It is our moral duty to look after the elderly: Most importantly, it is our
moral duty to respect your elders without string attached. Any deviation
from the rule can act as a deterrent to your peaceful stay in the civilized
Our blessed elders certainly deserve our respect. Though tradition and ways
of life vary from tribe to tribe, showing respect to our elders is a way to remember
tradition, pay homage to our ancestry, and to carry our forward beliefs forward to
our upcoming generations of new leaders.
3. Ask to Advise : if we are ever in need of advise about how respond in a life
situation, we take some time out of your day seek the counsel of an elder.
Their advice may be better than what the doctor ordered.
4. Visit them : Sometimes our elders may spend time without the benefit of
their communities because they may be at home, in an elder retirement
facility or simply sitting alone
5. Let them Eat First : in many tribal communities it goes without saying that
at any social event, the elders eat first. In any case you can show an elder
respect by offering to get them a plate before you get anything for yourself
6. Ask about Tradition : it‟s a great show of respect to ask the elders of the
tribe to tell you about tradition and culture. You can also learn from them in
the process, which not only is respectful, but of benefit to learning the ways
of your ancestors- a definite with-win.
7. Ask about Their Lives : By asking an elder about their life, we can hear
some of the most amazing stories. It is also shows that you are interested in
them, and that you care.
8. Tell Them you Respect and Appreciate them : Through we may practice
respect to our elders by listening, being polite or visiting, how often do we
actually say „ I respect you greatly and appreciate that you are here. „ thus
may seem simple, but it can be overlooked
Basically there are two theories of moral development – Kohlberg theory and
Gilligan‟s Theory. Their fundamental approach is same with regard to stages of
development. But, they differ with regard to their assumptions and perceptions.
(i) Kohlberg Theory: Moral development in human being occurs over age and
experience. Kohlberg suggested that there are three levels of moral
development, namely pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional,
based on the type o reasoning and motivation of the individuals in response
to moral questions.
In the pre-conventional level, right conduct for an individual is regarded as
whatever directly benefiting one self. At this level, individuals are motivated
by obedience or the desire to avoid punishment or to satisfy their own needs
or by the influence by power to them. All young children exhibit this
tendency. At the conventional level, people respect the law and authority.
Rules and norms of one‟s family or group or society are accepted, as the
standards of morality. Individuals in this level want to please or satisfy, and
get approval by others and to meet the expectations of the society, rather than
their self interest (e.g., good boy, good girl). Loyalty is regarded as most
important. Many adults do not go beyond this level.
At the post conventional level, people are called autonomous. They
think originally and want to live by universally good principles and welfare
of others. They have no self-interest. They live by principled conscience.
B. Characteristic
1.Justice 1. Reason
2.Factual 2. Emotional
Thus, value education is always essential to shape one‟s life and to give one
an opportunity of performing on the global stage. The need for value education
among the parents, children, teachers etc is constantly increasing as we continue to
witness increasing violent activities, behavior disorders and lack of unity in the
society etc.
Value education enables us to understand our needs and visualize our goals
correctly and also indicate the direction for their fulfillment. It also helps remove our
confusions and contradictions and enables us to rightly utilize the technological
Value education plays a very important role in creating a better society, more
ethical organizations and groups, and better human beings.
Value education can help to build human being who possesses strength,
integrity and fortitude.
Building character in young people who will lead the country in the future.
Identifying the core universal values of truth, righteous conduct, peace, love
Help create a foundation of the quality of life and strike a balance between
external and internal values.
Fostering value in
universal core individuals
values -physical
integrity Emotional
discipline -intellectual
justice -spiritual
values in Creating a
society leading Holistic
to individual education
and societal system
Understanding Universal human values: Values form the basis for all our thought,
behavior and action. Once we know what is valuable to us, these values become the
basis. Then only we can be assured of a happy and harmonious human society.
Complementarity of values and skills: To fulfill our aspirations both values and
skills are necessary when we identity and set the right goals and produced in right
direction. Hence, there is an essential complementarity between values and skills for
the success of any human endeavour.
Evaluation of our beliefs : Everybody believes in certain things and we base our
values on these beliefs, be they false or true which may or may not be true in reality.
Value education helps us to evaluate our beliefs and assumed values.
Technology and human values: The present education system has become largely
skill based. The prime emphasis is on science and technology. However. Science
Human Values:
Human values are values regarding human thought, attitude behavior and
interaction. Human beings have the unique ability to define their identity, choose
their values and establish their beliefs. All three of these influence a person behavior
and interaction with others. They show the desirable ways of thinking behaving and
interacting. They are shared by all human beings, whatever their religion, notability
culture, personal history or social status. By nature, they induce consideration for
other. Thus, they are the formulation for life in the society; they build space for a
drive, a movement towards are another which lead to peace and prosperity.
Human values are the virtues that guide us to take into account the human
element when one interacts with other human beings. They are the many positive
dispositions that create bonds of humanity between people and thus have for all of
us a s human beings. They are our strong positive feeling for the human essence of
the other.
Human values are universal; they are shared by all human beings whatever
their religion their nationality their culture their personal history. By nature, they
induce consideration for others
The function of most of these basic values is to make possible for every
human to realize or maintain the very highest or most basic universal core values of
lifelike love and happiness. Human values are universal and are important
consideration to take into account, hen interacting with other people. These values
help to create bonding between people of different nationalities, race, religious
beliefs and culture. Examples of human values include love, kindness, justice, peace,
honesty, respect, openness, loyalty and equality. Today, human values play a great
role in establishing peace and protecting society. Respect is one of the most essential
values that people need to have. To show respect to a person, one must be able to
appreciate that person‟s other people to do him or her. Ideally, respect is considered
the most basic value from which all other social standards are derived.
Human values are the principles, standards, conviction and beliefs that
people adopt as their guidelines in daily activities. Principal human values are the
Human values are passed by parents to their offspring soon after childbirth
and are instilled throughout the children‟s upbringing. As they grow, children learn
more values from their peers,religious leaders, teachers, friends and society at large.
These attributes include honesty, trustworthiness, diligence, discipline, fairness,
love, peace, justice, are for one another and being gainful of the environment,
including plants and animals. In addition, selflessness and putting the well – being
of all before a person own needs are desirable human values. Generally, human
values are highly encouraged in society. While negative attributes are discouraged
and condemned. These values are passed from one generation to another. People
with excellent human values are usually held in high esteem, admired and rewarded.
The traits are important especially in leaders and people in influential positions. All
cultures and societies encourage teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians,
businesspeople and other professionals to have strong human values
Human values as values regarding human behavior and interaction are the
mortar in the brick wall and society. They build good bandage between people and
dicing of society which are necessary for social peace, solidarity and property, so
families, educational institutions, organizations should play their role in property
and strengthening these make and pasting on from generation to generation.
Self – Esteem
Smith and Mackie defined self – esteem by saying “the self – concept in
what we think about the self; self-esteem is the positive or negative evaluation of the
self as “how we feel about it”
Self esteem is of two types- low and high self esteem. Low self esteem
comes from a poor self image. Low self esteem also depends on other factors like
your job. Low self esteem feeds us negative thinking and causes us to believe the
criticism others make of us. High self esteem is the opposite of the above. High self
esteem boosts us with positive thinking and makes us believe the good words
spoken about us.
Importance of Self-esteem
The importance of self esteem for the foundation of our existence cannot be
underestimated. It is important because it has an impact on our life and choices.
Self-value is the source of our mental health. Self-esteem is the idea that we have
about ourselves and it is important because;
5. Self-affirm: once we have demonstrated our ability, allow yourself to feel good
about it, proud, satisfied, or pleased with yourself.
Self –Introspection
The word self – introspection literally means „looking inward‟ „to look
inside‟ and describe the act of thinking about our own actions or inner thoughts.
When we examine what we do say and think or feel and how it affects our life and
the lives of others, that in introspection. Introspection is looking inward especially
the act or process of self examination or inspect one‟s own thoughts and feeling, the
cognition of which the mind has of its own acts and status.
- Allows people not only to check the validity of their mental processes in
terms of their accuracy, but also their moral or ethical status
Family values are the lessons parents teach their children about what is
important and values in family, such as good morals and disruption. Although each
family is different, some of the popular family values are honesty, good self-esteem,
kindness, good. Family values, sometimes referred as familial values, are traditional
or cultural values(that is, values passed from generation to generation within
According to the Dictionary. Com, „family values‟ are defined as “the moral
and ethical principles, traditionally held and transmitted within a family, as honesty,
loyalty, industry and faith
Family values involve all of the ideas of how you want to live our family
life, and they are often passed down from previous generations. They can help
define behavior in various situations, help youth make good choice, and solidify the
bond that our family has
Types of values
Although every family‟s list of values will be different, there are different
categories of values that tend to be similar.
Social values
Social values consist of things like peace, justice, freedom, equality, and
bettering our community – Not hurting others and helping others, being courteous
and respectful in our interactions, being generous with what we have, volunteering
time and skills for the society
Moral values
Moral values are our individual values about what we think is right and
wrong. Moral values provide the foundation from which we make decisions. Moral
values are learned from the parents and their experiences – Being honest and
trustworthy, being courageous, never giving up, being patient
Recreational values refer anything that involves fun and play. Recreation is
important in the family because it fosters closeness in the family, opportunities for
learning, creating memories, improving social skills, and developing empathy –
Providing unstructured play time, having family game nights, taking vacations
Political values
There are certain political values that remain constant across political parties
–Patriotism, following law and respecting those who enforce it, treating everyone
Religious values
Religious values center around the expectations that people have about
themselves and others based on the beliefs of their faith. Although each faith has its
beliefs, there are common values that many faiths tend to share – Showing
compassion to those in need, continually learning both spiritually and intellectually,
treating others as one would like to be treated
Work values
Work values include such things as our philosophies about our job, jour
finance, and how we spend your money. For children these values include how they
approach school and their education – Always doing the best work, working in a
team, being proud of achievement, making education a priority, treating co-workers
and others the way that we want to be treated.
The family values are very important that they form the foundation stones for
the social structure and function. The families have to realize this and try to teach,
cultivate and propagate these values. The educational institutions also should
include these values in their daily curriculum.
Family is a group of people who are closely related to one another by blood
and marriage. It includes a set of parents and their children. In the context of human
society, a family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity or co-
residence or some combination of these. In a dynamic sense, family refers to all
persons that live within a household as well as family member who may live outside
the household , still maintaining relationship with the main family. A family is the
building block of a society. It is the family with which we connect ourselves in
relationships to past current and future generations. Family provides many physical
and non physical things to us protect us and prepares us for the challenges we face in
our life and society
Components of family
Family structure: Family structure refers to the numbers and the relationships
thereof. It shows who are living in the family with consanguine and affinity
relationship. A family structure, (nuclear, joint and extended) influences the
relationship between parents and children and others, like grandparents, grand
children, uncles and aunts etc.
Marriage: There should be married couple in the family either with children or
without children, either with their parents or without parents.
Love and Nurturing: Love towards children to the parents or to the caregiver. Love
is an essential component in a family. Parental love and nurturing play important
roles in a family.
Permanent and specific relationship: The family members should have permanent
relationship with one another and the relationship should be well defined and
Family Structure
Nuclear family
Joint family
If two or more nuclear families live together under a common shelter and
share a common hearth and common purse, then this type of family is known as
joint family. The Hindu joint family is the best example of such type of family in
which several uterine brothers live together.
Extended family
The family is also expected to educate and transmit the societal norms and
culture to its offspring and also give them a position or status in life.
- Nurturing and raising the children, teaching the children morals and values
It is important to note that the above roles and any other traditional roles
assigned to either parent could be performed by any of the parents. Indeed,
both parents are to complement to each other in the performance of all these
Family is one of our most precious gifts. Family members are available to
lend a helping hand, make us laugh, be a support system and cheer us up. They help
us overcome our challenges and offer guidance during those life-changing decision
we are likely to face. Unfortunately, our greatest gift, our family, is deteriorating
rapidly. In reality, the individual household is the basic unit, not only of society, but
also of our markets and all of our larger institutions. But, at present, there are many
types of attacks talking place. Here are three threats to our family we need to be
aware of
Social problems
Our society has completely switched gears into what is normal behavior for a
family. Unfortunately, divorce, cohabitation, no desire for children, pressure for a
successful career instead of a family is all threats that are happening daily.
Even strong families are not immune to the threats that are attracting them.
One large threat to the family is that they go through life with their eyes closed.
They do not see the attacks coming at them.
Why are families in such disarray as we enter the new millennium? What is
different in our culture that makes the quality of our home life such a struggle? Why
are marriages failing? Why do teens struggle so much? Here are nine ideas that may
lie close to the heart of the problem.
Parental absence during infancy and early childhood disrupts the attachment
bond upon which future relationship are built.
Weakened commitment
Their lack of emotional control makes them self-centered. The result is poor
listening skills, less tact and respect in conflict resolution, unwillingness to
compromise, and an inner neediness that leads to demand and possessiveness. They
lack the ability to empathize and give to others.
Old neighborhood ties are replaced by “virtual” communities with less face-
to- face contacts and real involvement with others. Without developing their own
support system, families are more isolated and alone in their struggles.
3. When children need our attention, give it to them. Avoid other distraction,
sink to their level and listen
4. Accepting that we and our family will not be perfect and don‟t beat ourselves
up when mistakes happen
5. Keeping yourselves and our family members in good health so we have the
energy to spend time together, travel together
These are the important human and family values that strengthen the family
system and contribute to the family peace and solidarity which are essential inputs
for the effective functioning of society and also other subsystems of society
including business organizations.
Neutralization of Anger
Anger ruins and healthy relationships, it can be observed that people tend to
get angry, most often, with those wish them well, strive for their well being or
sacrifice for their sakes. We all knew the evil effects of anger, hence anger
neutralization practice is essential instead of appreciating their efforts, or repaying
their kindness, people tend to lose their temper.
Anger is a vile temperament, which only leaves pain and misery in its
wake, and is best avoided becomes obvious. With this realization the need to
neutralize anger fills the mind. A mere resolve not to succumb to bouts of anger is
not enough. A suitable anger neutralization practice, which enables superimposition
of imprints which is essential.
Take a writing pad or a dairy and make a list of the people we are prone to
get angry with, most often. Write down names in the order of priority-people with
whom we get angry very often to come first. It is concern that the top in the list
might be closely related to us. If married, the first name might be the name of wife,
Select these names one by one and ask ourselves the following questions.
Do research into these questions with all the names in the list. Find out the
reasons and expunge them. Take a vow not to get angry again with the person again.
Spend a week with one name in meditation, for second week with the second name.
this you Can neutralize your anger with anybody
2. At first write down the name of the persons on whom you get anger. Then
serialize the names according to the high degree and more frequency of your
anger and take up the first person in the list.
What is the reason for conflict? Is he the causative factor for your anger or
does it include your mistakes also? Was your anger able to remove his
mistake? Write down the benefits and losses that resulted when you got
anger several times.
4. Say the following many times within your mind “ in future I shall not be
anger when I come in contact with this person. Without forgetting, I shall be
always aware. Under any circumstances, I shall protect my wisdom without
getting anger. “ For a week, by-heart this anger neutralization resolutions
both morning and evening
The time allotment for sharing ideas and concerns can help relieve many
individual and social tensions the family members face, build family spending and
private happiness. Nowadays family members work outside different places like
outside and perform many different soles. This raises many concerns also members
should get the idea and concerns of others. So, there shared be time allotment for
sharing ideas and concerns. Family meeting will provide opportunity for this.
On the surface, the purpose of the Family Meeting may sound simple
and straight forward
Show appreciation
Distribute allowance
But when we look deeper, the benefits of holding regular family meeting are
anything but simple. The family meeting can almost be referred to as the engine that
keeps families moving in a purposeful and positive direction. Without that forward
momentum, many families find themselves stuck with problems and situation that
just won‟t go away. That we were a family that cares for each other, plans together,
protects and respect each other and moving in the same direction. A family is a gift
God that needs to be cultivated and nurtured. Family conferences or meetings
provide the opportunity to do just that. The family meetings of different durations
can help the family achieve understanding toleration and sacrifice. The family
meetings can be as follows.
Watch together: Eating together may not be possible is a family with different ages
and occupational settings. In such case, the family members can watch together
entrainment programmers in T.V or any other social programmers. This also gives
an opportunity to share our views, preferences and attitudes.
Weekly outings: On weekly basis, the family members can opt for outings as
picnics or cinema or any other meetings. The family members can visit temples,
fairs, malls or picnic spots, where they can share their feelings and concerns.
Religious tourism: The family can take up religious tourism comprising temples,
places of interest, tourist spots and spiritual centers so that the trip is meaningful to
all ages. This will have an overall impact an all members and society.
Social meets: The family members have to unavoidably attend social meetings
where members of family belonging to siblings, relatives and friends meet. This is
an opportunity for all ages to interact with their counterparts in other families and
helps widen their perspectives and understand right aptitudes and preferences.
All these, if followed with commitment, will definitely enhance status of the
Adjustability is one of the important family values that faster peace in the
family or family peace. Family peace has many implications and bearing an society
and also an individual‟s/members ethics performance and efficiency in education
employment business, work place, family solidarity and social progress. Other
family values for family peace one neutralization of anger, sharing of love and
Adjustability means the quality of being adjustable i.e., the quality to change
to fit to circumstances, particularly new circumstances. Adjustability is the quality
of being adjustable. It is generally defined as the ability of somebody, especially of a
child, do adjust to new surroundings. At the family level adjustability implies the
ability of members of family to adjust to the altitudes, behaviors and responses of
other family members. Each member of the family including father, mother, children
(grandfather, grandmother and grand children, uncles, and aunts in joint family), has
unique personality, attitudes preferences principles as balancing paths These may
promote any confrontation. To avoid this, each member has to understand, tolerate
and accept others‟ attitudes and behavior. This is in essence adjustability. Thus,
adjustability is not compromise or surrender, adjustability in understanding,
toleration, accepting; it is sacrificing one‟s ego to live with others.
Adjustability – Dimensions
A family consists of one or two couples and children depending upon the
type of the family. The family members have different statuses and play different
role. They have different responsibilities too. Hence, the issue of adjustability has
many dimensions. For the welfare of the family, everyone in the family should feel
their responsibilities and perform their duties. Ones wisdom and good character
should induce other members of the family to correct themselves. All the family
members should be made to learn to adjust with one another to make the family
Employee Relations: how the company or manager relates and works with
Customer Relations: how a company takes care of, relates to and communicates
with customers.
Vendor Relations: how a company relates with those who supply the products and
State Relations : relationship with the Government and its bodies and agencies.
To the Company
Sales: Business ethics helps companies attract customers to their products and
thereby enhance sales.
Employee Loyalty : Business ethics make employee stick to the company and
build employee loyalty.
Customer Loyalty: Business ethics also help build the customer loyalty easier than
Attract Employees: Business ethics help companies attract more and better
employees to the organization.
Attract Investors: Business ethics help companies attract more investors.
Long – term growth: Business ethics help achieve long-term growth of the
Cost and risk reduction: The public need to spend less if all the companies follow
business ethics
Anti-capitalist: Business ethics helps lessening of anti-capitalist sentiment.
Resource Utilization: Business ethics results in effective utilization of limited
Protection of Natural World: Business ethics help to protect the natural world
from devastation and destruction.
Protection to developing countries: Business ethics, particularly the multi national
companies, will protect the developing countries from exploitation and degradation.
Survival and Growth: Business has to survive and grow. In order to survive,
develop and excel, business must earn social sanction of the society where it exits
and functions.
Goodwill and promotion: Business ethics with earn goodwill and helps
promotional effects of the company. Maintaining quality standards, following fair
price policies and avoiding unethical marketing will certainly bring goodwill to the
company. This will help promotion or marketing.
External –Power
External – Freedom
Ethical standards are the principles that when followed promote values such
as trust, good behavior, fairness and/ or kindness. There is not one consistent set of
standards that all companies follow, but each company has the right to develop the
standards that are meaningful for their organization. Ethical standards are not always
easily enforceable, as they are frequently vaguely and somewhat open to
interpretation (men and women should be treated equally, “or meet the customer
with respect and kindness); others can be more specific such as „do not ask the
customers‟ private information with anyone outside of the company.
Macro Level
At a macro level, sometimes called the system level, ethic are defined and
influenced by the wider operating environment in which the company exists.
Business owners and managers must be aware of how these pressures affect
operations and relationships and how they may impact on makes locally, nationally
and internationally.
Company Level
Individual Level
Since business are run by people, the ethical standards of individual in the
business are an important consideration. Individuals may well have a very different
set of ethical standards from the employer and this can lead to tension. Managers
and business owners should be aware of this to manage potential conflicts.
The ethical standards of a business are a key factors in how that business is
defined. A business reputation impacts its customers, employees, potential for
growth and overall success. The ethical standards consist of three components.
The nation is a society bound by laws. These laws define the difference
between right and wrong and what is considered acceptable behavior by the majority
of people. A business organization must abide by these laws to uphold its ethical
standards. Wage and hour laws protect employees are one example, while guidelines
overseeing environmental protection are another.
If a business ignores or breaks the ethical standards at each level, there are
notable consequences. If a business does not adhere to the law, consequences may
include fines, penalties or even jail sentences for owners. These consequences will
most certainly have a financial impact due to time and cost involved, and may also
negatively impact employee morale as business operations are strained under the
pressure. Hence, it is necessary for businesses to follow and maintain standards.
The term “immoral” means not moral, inconsistent with moral rectitude,
purity or good morals. It also means contrary to conscience or the divine law. The
term “illegal” means forbidden by established rules and regulations. It also means
contrary to law especially criminal law. Thus, immoral practices mean all those
actions which are not consistent with or contrary to moral codes and principles that
are normally followed in business. The illegal practices mean all those policies and
action which are normally forbidden by the law in general and business laws in
particular. Compromising with the quality of the product, discrimination almost
employees are some of the examples of immoral practices. Paying low wages to
field employees, asking the workers to work for more hours without pay are some of
the examples for illegal practices. In business, we find both these types of practices,
both moral and illegal practices.
The distinction between immoral and illegal practices is not clear and or
final. The distinction between immorality and illegality is the distinction between
that which applies to the private sphere of man‟s mind and that which governs the
behavior of men in social setting. All that which is immoral is not necessarily also
illegal and vice versa. Some moral actions may not necessarily be illegal and some
illegal acts may not be immoral. However, it is true that all those actions which are
contrary to law based on morality are both illegal and immoral.
Immoral Practices
Paying low wages : if the company exploits the labour and pay wages less than
minimum wages it is called illegal practice
Busting unionization : unionization is a legal right to the workers across the world.
Some companies exploit the workers and do not allow them to unionize by closing
the company
Getting overtime work : some companies force their workers to work overtime
without pat and denying them health insurance
Stringent laws and regulations : the laws and regulations should be stringent
universally without any exceptions on political, regional or communal groups
Leadership: legislation is no substitute for the presence of leaders who support and
made ethical behavior
Code of ethics : every organization should frame and follow the wide of conduct
strictly. The code of conduct should incorporate all possible aspects of ethics and
ethical violations
Corporate social responsibility: CRS should ply greater sole in the organization‟s
day to day affairs
Employee Behavior
Suppliers/customers relationship
Time theft can be a more subtle from of ethical abuse. Common forms of
time theft involve altering time cards or time sheets to cover up late arrival or early
departures, or even standing around the water cooler instead of working
Stealing Arrest
Ethics violation can also involve stealing items, including office supplies and
computer equipment. Workers may also steal merchandise from a business.
Managers should have theft detecting mechanisms all over the organization.
Misconduct Avoidance
Dumping pollution into the water supply rather than cleaning up the
pollution properly
Releasing toxins into the air in levels above what is permitted by the
environmental protection agency
Refusing to give an employee a final paycheck for hours worked after the
employee leaves the company
What drives employees to make unethical decision or break from the norm
and begin behaving in unethical ways? They may be many reasons that drive people
to cross the line and act unethically. Some examples include
Pressure can drive people to do things they wouldn‟t normally do. Pressure to
succeed, pressure to get ahead, pressure to meet deadlines and expectations,
pressure from co-workers, bosses, customers, or vendors to engage in
unethical activities or at least look the other way
Some people make unethical choice because they are not sure about what
really is the right thing to do. Often, ethical problems are complicated, and the
proper choice may be far from obvious
Self-interest, personal gain, ambition and downright greed are at the bottom
of a lot of unethical activity in business
Misguided loyalty is another reason for unethical conduct on the job. People
sometimes lie because they think in doing so they are being loyal to the
organization or to their bosses. They may well have reason themselves as
good, loyal employees
Some might have simply never learned or do not care about ethical values.
Since they have no personal ethical values, they do not have any basis for
understanding or applying ethical standards in business. These people do not
think about and wrong. They only think, “what‟ in it for me? And “can I get
away with it?
Ethical Abuses
HR Ethical Abuses
Safety violation
Time Theft
Time theft can be a more subtle from of ethical abuse. Common forms of
time theft involve altering time cards or time sheets to cover up late arrival or early
departures, or even standing around the water cooler instead of working
Ethics violation can also involve stealing items, including office supplies and
computer equipment. Workers may also steal merchandise from a business.
Work Ethics
Work ethics is a value based on hard work and diligence. A work ethic is a
set of moral principles an employee uses in his job. Certain factors come together to
create a strong work ethic. A strong work ethic is vital to a company in achieving its
goals. Every employee, from the CEO to entry-level worker, must have a good work
ethic to keep the company functioning at its peak.
Capitalists believe in the requirement of hard work and its ability to enhance
character. In the context of class conflict, Marxists view the cultural engagement of
this value as a means to delude the working class into creating more wealth for the
upper class. In the Soviet Union, the regime portrayed work ethic as an ideal to
strive for. According to capitalized worth ethics is – not just work but also act of
accompanying virtues, whose crucial role in the development and sustaining of free
market too few now recall
Five factors which combine together to form a strong work ethics are(i)
maintaining integrity,(ii) sense of regularity,(iii) emphasis on quality,(iv) Discipline
and (v) spirit of team work.
Integrity: Integrity is being truthful to one‟s word at all times and in all
circumstances. It stretches to all employees. An employee with integrity fosters
trusting and healthy relationship with clients, coworkers and superiors.
Quality: Quality means doing the best in terms of outcome. Employees emphasizing
quality do their best to produce great work. The employees commitment to quality
improves the company‟s overall quality.
Teamwork: Team work is to work together. Most employees have to work together
to meet company‟s objectives. An employee with high sense of teamwork helps a
team to meet its goals and deliver quality work.
Developing strong work ethics is very much important for any organization
for its survival and growth. In this context, the top level management has a greater
role to play; they have to role models to other employees. Further, strong work
ethics should be inculcated and enriched through rewards and punishments. Then
only, the organization, its employees and other stakeholders will reap the benefits of
the existence and functioning of an organization.
Anthropocentric approach
Axiological approach
Eco- centric approach
The anthropocentristic approach focuses on the utility that human being can
derive by protecting the environment. Since the survival and well being of human
beings depends on the environment, it is the moral responsibility of human beings to
support and preserve the environment.
Environmental Issues
A majority of the environment issues that India faces are related to air
pollution. Carbon emission levels are very high in the country. According to the
World Health Organization (WHO) environmental report, new Delhi is one of the
top ten most polluted cities in the world. It was found that respiratory diseases
caused due to air pollution in New Delhi are about 12 times the national average.
Another study revealed that the ratio of vehicle pollution to gross domestic product
was 8:2.5. Also, premature deaths occurring each year due to air pollution is the
highest in our country. The growing environmental concerns and the related in our
daily lives have given birth to a separate body of environmental law. The
constitutional provisions are backed by a number of laws, Acts, rules and
notifications. The Environmental Protection Act of 1986 (EPA) came into force
soon after the Bhopal Gas tragedy and is considered umbrella legislation as it fills
gaps in the existing laws. This Act is aimed at promoting greater awareness about
the growing importance of environment related legal issues in the country.
Nature refers to the physical world including plants, land, soil, animals and
other elements of earth. There is deep relation between man and nature. There is a
long association of man and trees, dependent on each other, striking a balance in the
eco-system. Both human being and trees have been bound by a bond association
since ancient times. It is but common knowledge that the carbon-di-oxide released
by men are used by trees while the oxygen released by trees are used by men. Trees
supply food, furniture, and shelter to men while the latter manure trees, water them
and transplant them from place to place. Man cannot live without the corn, fruit,
followers, vegetables and leaves supplied by plants and tees. On the other hand,
trees cannot survive in the face of weeds, parasites and drought from which man
alone can save them. This shows that both men and trees are dependent on each
other. We all know that a harmonious relation among trees, animals, and people is
responsible for a balanced eco-system.
Human being live in the realm of nature, they are constantly surrounded by
it and interact with it. The most intimate art of nature in relation to man is the
biosphere, the thin envelop embracing the earth, its soil cover, and everything else
that is alive. Our environment, although outside us, has within us not only its image,
as something both actually and imaginatively reflected, but also its material energy
and information channels and process. This presence of nature in an ideal,
materialized, energy and information from in man‟s self is so organic that when
these external natural principles disappear, man himself disappears from life. If we
lose nature‟s image, we lose our life.
Man is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he
breathes. The water he drinks the food he eats, and the flow of energy and
information. And many of his troubles are a response to the natural processes and
changes in the weather, intensified irradiation of cosmic energy and the magnetic
storms that rage around the earth. In short, we are connected with nature by “blood”
ties and we cannot live outside nature. During their temporary departures from Earth
spacemen take with them a bit of the biosphere. Nowhere does nature affect
humanity in exactly the same way. Its influence varies depending on where human
beings happen to be on the earth‟s surface. It assigns them varying quantities of
light, warmth, water, precipitation flora and fauna. Human history offers any
number of examples of how environmental conditions and the relief of our planet
have promoted or retarded human development.
Man is not only a dweller in nature , he also transforms it. From the very
begging of his existence, and with increasing intensity human society has adapted
environing nature and humanity converts all kinds of incursions into it. An
enormous amount of human labour has been spent on transforming nature.
Humanity converts nature‟s wealth into means of the cultural historical life of
Man and nature interact dialectically in such a way that, as society develops,
man tends to become less dependent on nature directly, while indirectly his
dependence grows. This is understandable. While he is getting to know more and
about nature, and on this basis transforming it, man‟s power over nature
progressively increases, but in the same process, man comes into more and more
extensive and profound contact with nature, bringing into the sphere of his activity
growing quantities of matter, energy and information.
Misuse, Exploitation
Air pollution: the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere.
Common gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide,
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and
motor vehicle. Photochemical ozone and smog are created as nitrogen oxides
and hydrocarbons react to sunlight. Particulate matter, of fine dust is
characterized by their micrometer size PM to PM.
Effects of pollution
Pollution has multifarious ill effects. Adverse air quality can kill many
organisations including humans. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory diseases,
cardio vascular diseases, throat inflammation, cheat pain and congestion. Water
pollution causes approximately 14000 deaths per day, mostly due to contaminate of
drinking water by untreated sewage in developing countries. Oil spills can cause
skin irritations and rashes. Noise pollution includes hearing loss, high blood
pressures, stress, and sleep disturbance. Mercury has been linked to development
deflects in children and neurologic symptoms. Older people are majorly exposed to
diseases induced by air pollution. Pollution has been found to be present widely in
the environment. These are a number of effects of this including the emission of
greenhouse gases leading to global warming which affects ecosystems in many
ways. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can cause acid rain, which lower the ph
Types of waste: There are many types of waste defined by modern systems of
waste management
Social costs - wastes cause costs to the society many of the environmental
burdens are more often borne by marginalized groups, such as racial minorities,
women and residents of developing nations
Waste management
Climate change
Factors that can shape climate are called climate forcings or forcing
mechanisms. These include processes such as variations in solar radiation in the
Earth‟s orbit, variations in the albedo or reflectively of the continents and oceans,
mountain-building and continental drift and changes in greenhouse gas
Energy Crisis
The energy is the concern that the world‟s demand on the limited natural
resources that are used to power industrial society are diminishing as the demand
rises. These natural resources are in limited supply. While they do occur naturally, it
can take hundreds of thousands of years to replenish the stores. Governments and
concerned individuals are working to make the use of renewable resources a
priority, and to lessen the irresponsible use of natural supplies through increased
An energy crisis is any great bottleneck (or price rise) in the supply of energy
resources to a economy. In popular literature though, it often refers to one of the
energy sources used at certain time and place particularly those that supply national
electricity grids or serve as fuel for vehicles
It would be easy to point a finger at one practice or industry and lay the
blame for the entire energy crisis at their door, but that would be a very naïve and
unrealistic interpretation of the cause of the crisis
2. Overpopulation : another cause of the crisis has been the steady increase in
the worlds population and its demand for fuel and products
6. Wastage of Energy : in most parts of the world, people do not realize the
importance of conserving energy
9. Wars and Attacks: Wars between countries can also hamper supply of
energy specially if it happens in Middle East countries like Saudi Arabia,
Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, UAE or Qatar.
10. Miscellaneous factors: Tax hikes, strikes, military coup, political events,
severe hot summers or cold winters can cause sudden increase in demand for
energy and can choke supply.
2. Buy Energy Efficient Product : replace traditional bulbs with CFL‟s and
LED‟s. they use less watts of electricity and last longer
4. Easier Grid Access : people who use different option to generate power
must be given permission to plug into the grid and getting credit for power
you feed into it
6. Perform Energy Audit : energy audit is a process that helps you to identity
the areas where your home or office is losing energy and what steps you can
take to improve energy efficiency
Human population has been growing continuously since the end of Black
Death around the year 1350, although the most significant increase has been in the
last 50 years, mainly due to medical advancements and increase in agricultural
productivity. The rate of population growth has been declining since the 1980‟s. The
United Nations has expressed concern on continued excessive population growth in
sub-Saharan Africa. Recent research has demonstrated that those concerns are well
grounded. As of January 26, 2017 the worlds human population is estimated to be
7.48 billion by the United States Census Bureau, and over 7 billion by the United
Nations. Most contemporary estimates for the carrying capacity of the Earth under
existing conditions are between 4 billion and 16 billion. Depending on which
estimate is used, human overpopulation may or may not have already occurred.
Nevertheless, the rapid recent increase in human population is causing much
concern. The population is expected to reach between 8 and 10.5 billion between the
years 2040 and 2050. In May, 2011, the United Nations increased the medium
variant projections to 9.3 billion for 2050 and 10.1 billion for 2100
Better Medical Facilities: Science was able to produce better means of producing
food, which allowed families to feed more mouth. Medical science made many
discoveries thanks to which they were able to defeat a whole range of diseases.
Combining the increase in food supply with fewer cases of mortality tipped the
balance and became the starting point of overpopulation
Immigration : many people prefer to move to developed countries like U.S, U.K
Canada and Australia where best facilities are available in terms of medical,
education, security and employment. The end result is that those people settle over
there and those places become overcrowded.
Lack of family planning: most developing nations have large number of people
who are illiterate, live below the poverty line and have little or no knowledge about
family planning
Effects of Overpopulation
Depletion of Natural Resources : the effects of overpopulation are quite serve. The
first of these is the depletion of resource.
Degradation of Environment : with the overuse of coal, oil and natural gas, it has
started producing some serious effects on our environment
Conflicts and Wars : conflicts over water are becoming a source of tension
between countries, which could result in wars. It causes more diseases to spread and
makes them harder to control.
Solutions to Overpopulation
Ethics is a rule that is applied in order to curb the relationship with others so
that good communication can be established and familiar. So is social ethics consists
of rules adopted by a social order is the result of human creation are created with the
aim to maintain a good community relation and harmony
Every action we take must be in accordance with the prevailing social ethics
in the area. This applies globally wherever we live. Whether it is in the western
hemisphere, east, south or north each has its own rules to maintain the good life in
his neighborhood.
Social ethics deals with the human desire. Most others courses deal with the
means of carrying out these desire. Everyone has sooner or later to find out what he
There are many examples of social ethics. When going into someone else‟s
house, we have to knock on the door and greet or ask for permission. A visit should
not be at night. The goal is to respect privacy and not to disturb those who are
resting at night. In the area of Java, we have to bow when passing by or walking in
front of others, especially older ones. It is a symbol of respect. People who are
getting advice or warning from parents should be lowered face. It is again respect
and obedience.
Social Ethics Touches All Interest: social ethic compares all these desires and
traces result so far as is necessary for a man to orient himself among them and to
decide what he, individually and in his group, intends to do about it.
Helps Toward Making Decision : Social ethics leads us to organize our interests,
in view of their meaning and their consequence. So to decide what we want most.
Aims to solve Human Problems: Social ethics are the philosophical or moral
principles that, in one way or another, represent the collective experience of people
and cultures. This sort of ethics often act as a sort of “code of conduct” that governs
what is and is not acceptable, as well as providing a framework for ensuring that all
members of the community are cared for.
Standard ethics are typically driven by individual morals that determine right
or wrong. Within a society, the focus is usually more on what may be considered
appropriate behavior for people as a whole. People perceive things differently,
however, and various cultures share often widely opposing beliefs; as such, what is
deemed “right” for one group may not necessarily be consistent universally- and
defining social ethics as an absolute is often very difficult.
Social ethics are the philosophical or moral principles that, represent the
collective experiences of people and cultures. This kind of ethics often acts as a sort
of „code of conduct and ethics‟ that governs what is and what is not acceptable, as
well as providing a framework for ensuring that all members of the community are
cared for. Standard ethics are typically driven by individual morals that determine
right or wrong. Within a society, the focus is usually more on what may be
considered appropriate behavior for people as a whole. People perceive things
differently, however, and various cultures share often wildly opposing beliefs. As
such, what is deemed right for one group may not necessarily be consistent
universally, and defining social ethics as an absolute is often very difficult.
Human rights violations are actions that violate the personal freedom and
rights of a human being. These violations may be caused by another individual who
is acting on his or her own accord under the influence of a group. Human rights
violations may also be driven by a larger authority, such as a government or dictator.
There are a number of activists and organizations that work together to fight
violations against humans. Many of these organizations have missions to prevent
specific violations, such as human trafficking.
Some of the gravest violations of the right to life are massacres, the
starvation of entire populations, and genocide. Genocide is commonly understood as
the intentional extermination of a single ethnic, racial or religious group killing
group members, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing measures to
prevent birth, or forcibly transferring children are all ways to bring about the
destruction of group. Genocide is often regarded as the most offensive crime against
humanity. The term “war crime” refers to a violation of the rules of jus in bello
(justice in war) by any individual, whether military or civilian.
Other war crimes include taking hostages, firing on localities that are
underfunded and without military significance, such as hospitals or schools,
inhuman treatment of prisoners, including biological experiments, and the pillage or
purposeless destruction of property. Women and girls are often raped by soldiers or
forced into prostitution. For a long time, the international community has failed to
address the problem of sexual violence during armed conflict.
Torture is used in some cases as a way to carry out interrogations and extract
confessions or information. Today, it is increasingly used as a means of suppressing
political and ideological dissent or for punishing political opponents who do not
share the ideology of the ruling group. In addition to torture, tens of thousands of
people detained in connection with conflicts “disappear” each year, and are usually
killed and buried in secret
But, conflicts sometimes progress beyond the state at which international law
can help. As the number of victims grow and more individuals are taken as prisoners
tortured, or executed ,it becomes more difficult to resort to legal path. In addition, it
is often difficult to reconcile the safeguarding of human rights with conflict
resolution. Many peacekeeping forces and conflict-preventing initiatives have failed
both to protect human rights and help the parties towards conflict resolution. Hence,
in order to truly address human rights violations, we must strive to understand the
underlying causes of these breaches. It is only understanding and ameliorating the
root causes and strengthening civil society that we can truly protect human rights.
Social Disparities
Gender disparities
Age disparities
Disparities in Health