Babe Sheep
Babe Sheep
Babe Sheep
T e a c h e r’s n o t e s 1
Babe-The Sheep-Pig
by Dick King-Smith
he Sheep-Pig is an enchanting children’s story 1978 at the age of 58. Since then he has published over
T about a polite little pig that learns to look after
sheep. Published in 1983, The Sheep-Pig
thirty children’s stories. King-Smith was born in
Gloucestershire, England, and fought in the Second World
immediately became a best-seller and won a book award War as a Grenadier Guard. He married and had children,
for children’s fiction. The captivating and highly working as a farmer for twenty years. He then switched
sections of text as the exercises at the back of the reader, 2 In pairs, students answer the following question:
and supplement those exercises. Further supplementary Who do you think is happiest at the end of the story
exercises, covering shorter sections of the book, can be and why?
found on the photocopiable Student’s Activities pages of
this Factsheet. These are primarily for use with class ACTIVITIES AFTER READING THE BOOK
readers, but with the exception of pair/groupwork
In groups, students write the story of The Sheep Pig from
questions, can also be used by students working alone in
the point of view of Babe. They begin the story with the
a self-access centre.
words: ‘The farmer took me in his arms . . .’
1 Put students into pairs. Ask them to look at the cover
of The Sheep-Pig and write down the names of the
animals on the cover. If they don’t know them, they
can use their dictionaries or ask you, the teacher. Then
It will be useful for your students to know the following new words.
write the following on the board - they are anagrams of They are practised in the ‘Before You Read’ sections of exercises at
the names of the animals. Ask students to spell the the back of the book. (Definitions are based on those in the Longman
names correctly. Active Study Dictionary.)
(a) ogd (b) rheso (c) eheps (d) gpi Chapters 1-4
(e) osego (f) iemc (g) ocw duck (n) this bird swims on water and people eat its eggs and meat
farmer (n) this person lives in the countryside in a house with a lot of
2 Teach students the word ‘favourite’. In pairs, students ground. He/she keeps animals.
ask each other what their favourite animal is and say field (n) ground with a wall or small trees round it; animals live here
pig (n) a fat pink animal with a long nose; people eat pigs
Example: What’s your favourite animal? politely (adv) speaking in a kind way
My favourite animal is a cat because it is pretty. sheep (n) an animal with a thick coat of (usually white) hair; people
Then ask students to find others in the class who like make clothes from the hair and eat the animal’s meat
the same animal. They can then say (as an example): sheep-pen (n) farmers put sheep in sheep-pens to stop them from
running away
‘I like dogs because they’re friendly. (Maria) likes them
too’. stable (n) a house for horses
truck (n) a big open car; animals go in it
ACTIVITIES AFTER READING A SECTION wolf (n) a big dangerous animal; it looks like a big dog
Chapters 1-4 yard (n) ground next to a house with a wall round it
1 Put students into pairs. Ask them to write down Chapters 5-8
everything they know about pigs. gate (n) a door in a wall outside the house; people often make gates
from wood
Example: Pigs are fat. They live on farms. People eat
trials (n) this is when animals do something (run, jump) and try to be
them. the best
Then ask students to answer this question:
Chapters 9-12
Ma says ‘You’re different, Babe.’ How is Babe different password (n) only you know these letters or words; in the bank, you
from other pigs? sometimes have to write them before you get money
2 At the end of chapter 3, Babe says, ‘Why can’t I learn points (n) you win these in a game; when you have more of them
than other people, you win the game
to be a sheep-pig?’ Put students into pairs. Ask them
to have this conversation between Fly and Babe. They
can then perform it for the class.
Student’s activities 1
Babe - The Sheep-Pig 3
Students can do these exercises alone or with one or more
other students. Pair/group activities are marked. 4
Activities before reading the book
Look at the cover and answer these questions. (b) Where does Fly go with Farmer Hogget and
(a) The name of the book is The Sheep-Pig. Why do you why?
think the book has the name Sheep-Pig? (c) What do the young dogs say about sheep? ELEMENTARY
(b) Where do you think the story happens? (d) Why is Fly sad?
(c) Do you like pigs? Why/why not? (e) What does Mrs Hogget want for Christmas
Now read the Introduction and answer these questions.
(f) What does Babe want to do?
(d) Was your answer to (a) right? What does a sheep-pig
do? 2 Work with another student.
(e) How does Babe learn to be a sheep-pig? Student A: You are a young dog. You work with
2 Write a letter from Farmer Hogget to a friend. In the Example: I live on a farm. I am fat and I eat a lot. I am
letter Farmer Hogget writes about Babe. pink and I have very small eyes.
Chapter 6 Ask: What animal am I? The other student has to
answer you.
1 Answer these questions.
(a) Why does Farmer Hogget take Babe to the north Chapter 10
field? 1 Are these sentences right or wrong?
(b) When Fly runs behind the sheep, the sheep don’t (a) Babe likes television.
go down the field. Why not? (b) Farmer Hogget is going to take his wife to the
(c) Why do the sheep want Babe? sheepdog trials.
(d) Why do the sheep call Babe a ‘sheep-pig’? (c) Farmer Hogget tells his wife about his plan.
2 In groups, act out Chapter 6. Four people play Babe, (d) Babe works with the sheep every morning and
Fly, Ma and Farmer Hogget. The others are the sheep. afternoon.
(e) Babe’s problem is that the sheep will be different
Chapter 7 at the trials.
1 Finish these sentences: (f) Only some sheep know the password.
(a) Babe wants to ............................. . (g) Babe can learn the password. Then the sheep
(b) Fly isn’t young now. She wants to will go into the sheep-pens quickly.
............................. .