AUWC Registration System
AUWC Registration System
AUWC Registration System
1. MILIYON LETA……………………………….…………………..……IT-RW/037/06
2. EDASA AGA…………….……………….…………………..…………IT-RW/016/06
3. SAMUEL ABEBE...…….……..……………………..……………….…IT-RW/046/06
4. ARAFAT KASSIM……..……………………………………….………IT-RW/007/06
5. ZAYNU MOHAMMED…………………………………………………IT-RW/054/06
__________________________ _______________________
Chairman/ Dep’t head Chairman’s signature
__________________________ ________________________
__________________________ ________________________
This is to declare that the project work is done under the supervision of Mr. Lubak M and
having the title Online Registrar system for Ambo university woliso campus by contribution of:
1. Miliyon Leta
2. Edasa Aga
3. Samuel Abebe
4. Arafat Kassim
5. Zaynu Mohammed
No part of the project work has been reproduced illegally which can be considered as Plagiarism.
All referenced parts have been referenced properly. We will be responsible and liable for any
consequence if violation of this declaration occurs.
The project has been submitted for examination with my approval as University advisor.
______________________________ ____________________________
Executive Summary
The main objective of this project is to develop online registrar system for Ambo university
woliso campus. This system helps the registrar of the campus and also the campus community to
optimize and enhance the efficiency of the registrar tasks such storing, retrieving, grade
calculation ,handling add /drop cases, handling special grade cases ,final exam scheduling, grade
submission etc. This document is a technical report of the main activities performed from
inception to deployment of the project.
In chapter one the introduction and background of the organization, background of the system,
the problem statement, the objective, scope and limitation and significance of the project has
been included. Chapter two contains the requirement analysis activities such as the identification
of major functions of current system, business process of existing system and business use case
with its description, business rules analysis, scanned report formats and forms of existing system,
analysis of current system strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which help us to get
clear picture of the current AUWC registrar system problem. Moreover, functional and non
functional requirement of proposed system, feasibility study of the proposed system and data
flow diagrams has been dealt with. Similarly, in chapter three we described system design
activities such as current software architecture, proposed software architecture, UML of
proposed system such as use case diagram, use case description, sequence diagram, collaboration
diagram, activity diagram, deployment diagram, component diagram, class modeling, database
design and user interface screenshots.
Above the all, we would like to thank our Almighty God who through his infinite mercy and love guided
us throughout the duration of the program. Then we are deeply grateful to AUWC department of
Information technology for giving us this opportunity.
We are extremely grateful for our advisor Instructor Lubak M. for his continuous follow up, advice,
critical comment and encouragement throughout the completion of this project.
Finally, we would like to thank AUWC registrar office employees for giving us necessary information.
AUWC: Ambo university woliso campus
Declaration .................................................................................................................................................... ii
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................................... iv
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................................... v
Chapter one ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Background of the organization ......................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Background of the system .................................................................................................................. 1
1.4. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................................... 2
1.5. Objectives of the project .................................................................................................................... 3
1.5.1. General objective ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.5.2. Specific objectives ...................................................................................................................... 3
1. 6. Scope and limitation of the project ................................................................................................... 4
1.6.1. Scope of the project..................................................................................................................... 4
1.6.2. Limitation of the project ............................................................................................................. 5
1.7. Risks, constraints and assumption ..................................................................................................... 5
1.7.1. Risks ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.7.2. Constraints .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.7.3. Assumption ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.8. Significance of the project ................................................................................................................. 6
1.9. Beneficiaries of the project ................................................................................................................ 7
1.10. Team composition, budget and schedule ......................................................................................... 9
1.10.1. Team composition ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.10.2. Budget schedule ........................................................................................................................ 9
1.10.3. Time schedule ......................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
System requirement specification ............................................................................................................... 11
2.1. Overview of existing system ............................................................................................................ 11
2.2. Major functions of existing registrar system .................................................................................... 11
Chapter one
1.1. Overview
Registrar system is huge system in which many subsystems will communicate with each other
such as grading system, status determination system, class and exam scheduling system,
registration system, etc. Running up of all these subsystems by using manual system is bulky,
tedious, error prone and require more time, high cost, and man power.
The office of the registrar is responsible to handle exam scheduling, manage add/drop cases,
manage special case related to grade, compile and process the records of students enrolled, issue
documents for the graduates after the completion of the programs intended and so on. Besides,
the office is currently handling records of the alumni to provide appropriate information when
Error prone:-there is great chance of error such as assigning one class room for two or more
exams at the same time, register grade wrongly, incorrect calculation of SGPA and CGPA,
incorrect student status determination and etc.
Time consuming: - registrar system of AUWC is manually operating system. It performs many
activities such as SGPA and CGPA calculation, student status determination, scheduling class
and exam, prepare registration slips and etc. Since the system is manual, to calculate SGPA and
CGPA, to determine student status of now existing student, to prepare final schedule and etc, it
will take more time. As number of students assigned to this campus increases it needs more and
more time and more man power. For this reason Student academic report such like Grade report
and transcript is not provided to the student on time. Students are wasting their time while
registering for class by waiting their sequences. When mistakes are made or changes or
corrections are needed, often all action must be completely re-done rather than just updated.
Lots of paper work: - existing system require lot of paper work. Every data is stored as hard
copy in two or more than two copies. Loss of even a single register/record led to difficult
situation. Because of all papers are need to generate student transcript or other report. In
addition to this since campus is using physical notice board, to make the notice easily viewable
Storage place: - existing system stores the same copy of data in different location (in registrar
and in dep’t head). Because of the data is stored in hard copy, as number of students become
increasing, it needs large storage area to store.
Not secured: - the current system have no any form of authentication mechanism and the
document of one student can be seen by other users.
Needs high cost: -existing system needs many employees to operate as well as other necessary
resource such as paper and pen
Searching of information is so hard: - existing system doesn’t have organized record keeping
and searching for specific information needs to scan for all existing record which is tedious.
Generally existing AUWC registrar system is facing above mentioned problems, which
motivates us to automate it.
To study major components and functionality of existing system such like registration
management, status determination management, Grade management, final exam
schedule management, report management, student transcript management and etc.
To identify problems of existing system
To propose the solution for identified problems and make the system user centric and
user friendly by designing single data base, which will make the system effective and
efficient, more secured, give reliable search facility, to record new student
1. System will register and display course detail such as course code, course title, course
credit hour, course prerequisite, course department and etc.
2. System allows students to perform online registration including new students and existing
students. The system is able to check course prerequisites while registering existing
3. System informs instructors start and last grade submission(verification) date and allows
instructors to submit Grade within limited time frame being online
4. System has ability to handle special case grades (NG, Incomplete, FX, etc.) and it is
accurate to calculate SGPA and CGPA, displays the course taken by student with the
corresponding grade, SGPA and CGPA.
5. System has ability to determine student status for existing student (Dismissal, Dismissal
with Academic Re-admission (RE), In-progress) based on their academic result.
6. System is able to generate reports regarding to students such as grade report, student
status, GPA report and etc.
7. System will generate final exam schedule.
8. System has ability to generate automatic identification number (ID NO) for every student
when they are registered as new student.
9. The system will store all necessary information in a database and retrieve it by using
advanced searching mechanism
10. Enables registrar head, to post academic calendar on campus website
11. The system shall be able to deliver messages for the directed person through his/her
13. System will allow admin to create account for users and it will allow access to only
authenticated users.
14. The system enables users to change password, if the users forget their password.
15. The system administration can delete, update and view user data from system.
The user interface is only support English language i.e. another language is not
The system doesn’t support online payment for extension student registration as well as
for any punishment.
The system doesn’t handle registration of extension students for summer semester.
The system not able to manage Alumni
The system is not mobile based and cannot send SMS message
The system doesn’t perform new student placement
Power: - power may go continuously during the time of this project work.
Schedule: - because of the system is huge and has many functionality we may not
complete the project on scheduled date and within a given time by the campus.
Financial: - since the campus didn’t assign any budget, and group members have no any
income, it is clear that there is financial risk during this project work.
1.7.2. Constraints
Time given for this project is not enough
As beginners we are not sufficiently experienced.
Reference and technical material may not be satisfactorily available.
1.7.3. Assumption
We assume that everyone that uses the system has access to the intranet.
We assume that everyone of system’s user can understand English to use it.
Minimize the time and manpower: - our proposed system aim is to minimize time required to
perform certain actions such as student status determination, SGPA and CGPA calculation, final
exam scheduling by making it automatic.
Minimize errors:- since the system is automated, error occurring because of manual control
such as incorrect calculation of SGPA and CGPA, Assigning the same class for two or more
exam at the same time, and the like are aimed to be minimized.
Reduce resource wastage:- Resources wasted such as paper, pen, man power are aimed to be
reduced by reducing paper based work and number of employee required to operate with the
Create security of data and system: - the system allows authorized person to access
information only related with his/her permission. The system identifies the user permission based
on the user type that the user entering and the system direct the user to user type home page.
The general core importance of the project is to change the current manual work system to easily
manageable web based online registrar system. The system provides easy way for storage and
Department head:
Our system allows all department head of AUWC to:
Verify assessment method
Approve grade
Receive grade complaint and replay or reject complaint
Manage curriculum easily
View posted notices and access timely information
Save time and resource such as human resource, financial resource and etc.
Eliminate redundancy of data by storing in a single database.
Employee of Registrar:
Helps employee of campus by reducing workload.
Campus Dean:
Shall be able to retrieve all the necessary information with regard to the system from the
system quickly and easily.
Enables dean to view transcript request
The system allows the dean of the campus to verify original transcript.
The system allows dean to give comment on final exam schedule.
The system allows dean to view different forms of report.
Chapter 2
Ensures student necessary documents for admission, backgrounds, grades, clearances, etc are
maintained timely in each of student files and transferred to the main registrar for the
necessary information and documentation
Follows up status of discontinued students for various reasons and their file along with record
keepers and admission officer
Prepares and issues transfer, withdrawal, re-grade, etc. request forms upon request.
Ensures student grade complaints are resolved per the rules and regulations
Student registration is one of the activities of AUWC’s registrar system. To register students, registrar
announce registration date and as they has to be in the campus physically. At registration date
student goes to department head and take slip for registration. Then student fills and submits hard
copy of filled application form to the campus registrar to register for courses/class.
Add/drop course/courses are also handled by existing system. It can be performed in two ways.
The one way is voluntarily (Based on student wish) and the second one is forcedly. Forcedly
add/drop courses taken if course prerequisites not meet. It follows the process: Dep’t head
identifies student not meets course prerequisites by accessing the grade of courses having
prerequisites and finding the id number of students who score “F” on that courses and informs to
those students to drop course they are registered before fulfilling perquisites of the course and
adds another course/s which is/are under option by preparing the add/drop course form and gives
it to student. The students fill the form and submit to registrar.
Withdrawal is defined as cancellation of all classes/ courses for which student registered. Can be
based on student wish or based on academic enforcement. Voluntarily withdrawal is started by
student who request registrar for withdrawal within a given time frame. Then registrar gives
withdrawal form to student who request for withdrawal. Student fills all necessary information in
two copies. After filling all necessary information student must have to return it to registrar for
approval. Then registrar see as all filled information is valid. After checking validity of filled
information registrar put registrar seal on it to indicate as it is approved. After it is approved
gives one of its copy to the student and keeps the second for itself. If the student academic
performance is low he/she is also enforced to fill withdrawal. Registrar announces a student whose
academic performance is low to fill withdrawal. Then student fill withdrawal by following the above
Calculating SGPA and CGPA, preparing grade report for the students and determining of student
status are the major function of existing system. To calculate SGPA and CGPA, registrar
receives grades having course title, course code, course credit hour, course department, course
class year, course semester approved by department head from instructors. After collecting all
grades from instructors who was teaching the courses, the registrar records all the grade details
with its equivalent grade point based on campus grading system scale in excel. After completion
of recording grade, the registrar adds all grade point achieved in a semester and divide it to total
credit hour given within a semester to get SGPA.
AUWC registrar also calculate CGPA, after the completion of SGPA calculation, by adding total
grade points earned in all previous semester and now semester and divide it by total credit hours
given in all previous semester and now semester.
AUWC registrar has a way to measure student’s academic performance, called student status
determination. AUWC registrar, determine student’s status (pass, academic dismissal with re-
admission (AD/RE) and dismissal (ADD) from their own SGPA and CGPA based on evaluating
criteria interval of the AUWC. AUWC registrar does this activity repeatedly in every semester.
Prepare grade report is the activities of AUWC registrar. In AUWC registrar grade is the method
of student’s competency evaluation on specific course. Each of the courses taken by students has
its own grade. Grade report is the report of student’s competency on all the given courses per
semester. Official grade report is given by the registrar and must carry all the names, ID numbers of
students, department and necessary information. After completion of calculating SGPA and CGPA,
AUWC registrar prepares grade report for its students from all grade earned per semester, SGPA and
Similarly AUWC registrar is issues the transcript for graduates students. Transcript is records of a
student's academic performance in a campus life. It is generated from the collection of student
records and must include: University name, college/school/Institute, department, student name,
degree nomenclature, date of issued and university seal.
• Registrar office manager: - Manages the registration, result of student status this such as
academic dismissal, in progress, graduate and academic dismissal with readmission etc.
He/she is the one who manages the overall existing system of AUWC Registrar system.
• Admission officer: - responsible body to register students.
• Record officer: - responsible for recording all information related to existing system.
• Student: - Register, perform withdrawal, take grade report, add/drop course/courses, etc.
• Instructor: - get class and exam schedule, submit grade, change grade and etc.
• Registrar Secretary: - typing information related registrar system.
• Department head: - approve grade, give list of courses belongs to his/her department,
check course with prerequisites, prepare slip for add/drop course or courses and etc.
Give Course
Submit Grade
Change Grade
Give Transcript
Registrar head
Assign Instructor
Prepare Student ID
Approve Grade
Manage Registration
Prepare Registration Slip
Take Grade Report
Prepare Grade Report Admission Officer
Legal Withdraw
Withdraw Class Check Student Status
Forced Withdraw
Register Student
Post Notice
Registrar Secretory
Figure 2: Business use case of Ambo university WOLISO campus Registrar system
Use case ID: Represents identification number that enables us to make the use case
Use case name: Represents the name that we have used in the business use case model.
Participating Actor: Represents who interacts with the system either internally or
Precondition: Represents what is the expected situation before the use case can be
Event flow: represents the steps we have to follow to get output we want from system.
Post-condition: represents what is expected output at the end of use case.
Alternative Flow: steps we have to follow if there is another ways to get the same result.
Use case ID UC01
Use case name Prepare Registration slip
Participating actor Department head
Precondition Course detail must be existed
Event Flow
1. Department head must access course detail
2. Department head select those courses having the same class year and class semester
3. Department head leave place for student name, id and signature and date of registered.
4. Department head put all selected courses in a table format with their description such as
course code, course title, course credit hour and etc.
5. Department head leave place for his/her signature and registrar signature.
6. Department head notice students to fill the prepared slip in three copies and submit one of it to
registrar, one of it to him/her and receive the remain form himself/herself
Post condition Registration slip is prepared successfully.
Alternative Flow
Table 3: Business use case description for preparing registration slip.
CGPA ∑ ∑
Where n is total number of courses taken in all previous semester and now
Strengths are the strong parts of existing system that can be directly controlled. Existing system
has the following strength:
It doesn’t give grade report, temporary, official transcript and the like to the third party.
Weaknesses represent areas of existing system that can be improved by the proposed system.
After the study of existing system in detail the following weaknesses were identified:
Unethical employee of registrar system may change student grade, change student status,
print transcript for dismissed student or third party.
The proposed system aims to simplify the task of the Registrar system in different directions by
removing the bulky process of manual registrar system by automating it. The Registrar system is
responsible for generating and posting information related with campus registrar on the intranet
for different activities(such as to register student online, allows students to see their SGPA and
CGPA, allows students to Add/drop courses, allows students to see academic calendar, allows
students to see final exam schedule, enables student to withdraw, etc.). The system follows the
three tier client-server architecture. There is a centralized database, saving different data that are
used to generate information related with registrar.
There are many participating groups as actors in the system. These are:-
Students: - register for the course, request for grade report, request for Add/drop course, request
for course detail, request for final exam schedule, etc.
Instructors: - add assessment method, see students registered for his/her course, request for final
exam schedule, submit grade, change grade, etc.
Department head: - approve grade, manage curriculum, view registration report, and etc.
Registrar office manager: - post notice for student and staff, approve grade, post academic
calendar, deliver message to concerned body, print original transcript and etc.
By having above listed actors, the major benefit that the new proposed Online Registrar system
would provide is: -
1. To simplify the work load of the registrar’s employee.
2. To reduce loss of data.
3. Eliminate errors
4. Minimizes most paper based works.
5. To facilitate the working system of the registrar office.
6. To save time. Observation
The group members observed how the existing system is working, to get visual understanding of
the system and to design the suggested and an interesting system. Interview
The group members interview with campus registrar office manager to know how existing
system works and to identify the existing problem of the current system.
Unified modeling language (Star UML): is a standardized modeling language, used to draw all
diagram needed while designing the proposed system.
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font,
color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
AJAX: Ajax is a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database without the need
for a post back or a complete page refresh. Ajax is the method of exchanging data with a server, and
updating parts of a web page -without reloading the entire page.
XAMPP MySQL server: allows users to define the data in database and manipulate that data.
1. Entity: - An entity of registrar system is the source or destination of data. The source in a
DFD represents these entities that are outside the context of the system. Entities either
provide data to the system (referred to as a source) or receive data from it (referred to as a
sink). Entities are often represented as rectangles
2. Process: - is a place where input is given to the registrar system and output is generated
from the registrar system.
3. Data store: - is a place where a process stores data between processes for later retrieval
by that same process or another one.
1. Student
Registered Student
Record Student Evaluation Result 2. Provide
Grade Report/Transcript Academic Record
Figure 3: first level Data flow diagram for AUWC registrar system
3. Academic
Rule and
1.3. 1.4. 1.5.
Check Course Determine Check
prerequisite Status Availability
1.1. 1.2.
Accessed by
Check Check
minimum maximum
credit hour Credit hour
Figure 4: Second level data flow diagram for AUWC Registrar system
2. The system enables system administrator to manage user (create account for the new
users, delete existing account when account holder is graduated or dismissed, block
student account for the specified time if the student status is academic dismissal with
3. The system shall be able to deliver messages for the directed person through his/her
4. The system enables registrar to manage student information such as student first name,
last name, sex, age, department, etc. (Insert student information, delete student
information, update student information, view student information and etc.).
5. System enables student, department head and instructors to view student information.
6. The system enables department head to manage instructor information such as
instructor id, instructor first name, instructor last name, instructor sex, instructor
qualification, instructor department, etc. (Insert instructor information, delete instructor
information, update instructor information, view instructor information and etc.).
7. System enables student, department head and instructors to view instructor information.
8. The system enables department head to manage course information such as course
code, course title, course class year, course semester, course credit hour, course
department, course prerequisites and etc. (Insert course information, delete course
information, update course information, view course information and etc.).
9. System enables student, department head and instructors to view course information.
10. The system enables registrar to manage classroom information including classroom id,
classroom location and etc. (Insert classroom information, delete classroom
information, update classroom information, view classroom information and etc.).
11. System record and Trace student versus course profile(displays course allowed to be
taken by individual student based on prerequisites)
2. Reliability:
3. Scalability:
4. Security:
The system will have clear interface which will be easy for its user.
The system should provide the necessary information when the user commits
possible errors.
7. Effectiveness
The system will have the ability to perform right thing.
Chapter 3
System Design
3.1. Overview of system design
Registrar system design is the process of defining its architecture, its components, its modules,
its interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. It is intermediate language
between requirements and code and also it is the first step in moving from problem domain to
solution domain proceeding from abstract to more concrete representations. It is a creative
activity. It determines the major characteristics of a system. In this chapter we will use different
type of diagrams that are useful to design the proposed system.
Data tier: the data tier maintains the application data such as user’s data, department data, courses
data, student’s data, grades data, schedule data and etc.
Middle tier: the middle tier (web / application server) implements the controller logic and
presentation logic to control the interaction between the application client and data.
Client tier: the client tier is the application user interface connecting entry forms and client side
applications. It displays data to the user. The user interacts to the application through the user
To make the system economically feasible, we designed it with a single server on which registrar
application and XAMMP (web server) are installed. Web server (apache) has built in database server
called MYSQL which can be act as data tier.
Web server(Apache)
Client 1 Registrar Application server
. mysql
Data tier
Get response through html Registrar
Client n
Department head: -manage curriculum like registering new course, updating existing course,
deleting old course which is already out of dated, assign instructor for course, approve grade,
receive grade complaint, respond for grade complaint or reject grade complaint, view GPA
report and the like.
Registrar head: - approve grade, generate new student ID NO, deliver message to concerned
body, post grade submission date, registration date, upload academic calendar, and the like.
Deputy of registrar: - generate final exam schedule, maintain classroom information, and etc.
Admission officer: - register new and senior student, determine student status and the like.
Record officer: -record grade, calculate GPA including SGPA and CGPA, generate GPA report
and the like.
System administrator: - manage user account including creates account and deletes use account,
and handle user complaints (reject user complaint or replay for user complaint).
Drop Course
Change Password Database
Check Status
Delete Account
Add Course
Update Account
With Draw
Add Mark
Register Classroom
Verify Grade
Change Grade Delete Classroom
Deputy Registrar
Update Classroom
View Grade Submission date
Generate StudentID
Update Instructor
Deliver Message
Register Instructor
Delete Instructor
Register New Student
Delete Course
Senior Student
Update Course
Record Student Data
Register Department
Record Officer
Comment Exam Schedule
Delete Department
Verify Transcript
Update Department
Figure 6: Use case diagram for online registrar system (part one)
Registration Date
Post Academic Notice
Send Grade Complaint
Record Grade
Admission officer
Figure 7: Use case diagram for online registrar system (part two)
ID: Represents identification number that enables us to make the use case traceable.
Name: Represents the name that we have used in the use case model.
Actor: Represents who interacts with the system either internally or externally.
Pre-condition: Represents what is the expected situation before the use case can be
Extend: - is used when we have one use case that is similar to another use case but does a
bit more.
Main scenario (Basic flow of Events): represents the steps we have to follow to get
output we want from system.
Alternative scenario (alternative course of action): steps we have to follow if the main
scenario is not correctly given to the system.
Post-condition: represents what is expected output at the end of use case.
4. System validate
A1:Actors enter invalid user type, 1. The system display message “invalid user type, username or
username and password password”.
2. The system prompts the user to reenter the valid information.
3. Use case continues with step 3.
A2: if account is not existed 1. The system display Error message wrong user name or
2. Use case continues with step 3.
Table 6: Use case description for Login
1. The Actor click on Create account from drop down menu of user account
2. The system displays new Account Form.
3. The Actor fills the required user account information values.
4. The Actor select Create option
5. The system verifies values entered are valid.
6. System checks as entered information already reserved by someone else
7. The system saves the new account information to the database.
8. The system notifies new account created successfully.
9. The use case end.
Post-Condition: User account is successfully created.
Alternative course of action
Title Description
Brief Description User may graduate or stop because of some problems so user
account will be deleted.
Actor(s) Admin
1. The Actor clicks Delete account from drop down menu of User account.
3. The Actor press delete button of the account he/she want to delete
5. Actor confirm
Title Description
Actor(s) Admin
1. Actor clicks on Update account from drop down menu of User account.
2. System display all existing user account with update option
3. Actor select update option of the user account he/she wanted to update
4. System display form to fill
5. Actor fill all necessary information
6. System validate entered information
7. System asks the Actor for confirmation of operation (Do you want to update user account
8. Actor confirm( press Yes option)
9. System display account is update successfully.
Title Description
Brief Description -
1. Actor selects Add new student from admission officer home page.
3. Actor enters student information such as full name, id, age, birth date, region, zone, woreda,
kebele in their appropriate place provided by select each of alternative form fields.
Title Description
A. If the form is not filled 1.System display Error: fill the form properly
properly 2. Use case continues with step 3.
Table 10: Use case description for register new student
1. Actor selects the Instructor option from department head home page
Title Description
A. If the form is not filled 1.The system display message fill the form properly
properly 2. Use case continues with step 4.
Table 12: Use case description for Register instructor
3. System display all instructor information with update option for each instructor information
6. Actor fills the new information of instructor and press update button
9. Actor confirm
Title Description
Brief Description Instructor may be change work place then his/her information may be
4. Actor selects delete option of instructor information he/she want to delete and press delete
Title Description
Brief Description
4. Actor fill the forms with required course information and select register button
6. System saves the new course information to the database and displays success message.
7. Use case end
Post-Condition: The new course information has been registered.
Title Description
A. If the form is not filled 1.The system display message fill the form properly
properly 2. Use case continues with step 4.
Table 15: Use case description for register course information
Brief Description .
3. Actors Fills all required information (dep’t, class year, semester, etc) and sent the request.
Title Description
A1.Invalid entry 1. System display error message please fill all field with valid value.
2. Use case continues with step 3.
1. The Actor clicks Update Course from the drop down menu of course.
2. The system display course information available with respect to his department
3. The Actor select update option of the course he/she want to update
4. The system display form with old value
5. Actor cancel the old value and fills form with new necessary information
6. The system validates filled information.
7. The system asks actor for confirmation of the update course operation.
8. Actor confirm operation
9. System update course information
10. use case end
Post-Conditions: The course information has been Updated.
Alternative course of action
Title Description
A1. invalid entry 1. The system display invalid information entering
2. Use case continues with step 5
A2. If Actor didn’t confirm 1.system cancel operation
2. use case end
Table 17: Use case description for Update course information
Brief Description Course may be erased from curriculum then it may be deleted.
2. System display all courses detail with respect to his/her department with delete option for each
6. System delete the selected course information from database and informs actor as course
information is successfully deleted
7. use case end
Post-Conditions: The course information has been deleted.
Title Description
Brief Description Department may be opened then its information must be registered
Title Description
A. If the form is not filled 1.the system display message fill the form properly
properly 2. use case continues with 3
Table 19: Use case description for Register department information
1. The Actor clicks Update Department from drop down menu of Department.
2. The system displays all department information available with update option for each.
3. The Actor select update option of the department he/she want to update
4. The system display form
5. The Actor fill form with necessary information
6. The system validates filled information.
7. The system asks Actor to confirm the operation.
8. The Actor confirm operation
9. System saves changes on department information in the database and display successful
10. use case end
Post-Condition: The Department information has been Updated.
1. Actor select Delete Department option from drop down menu of Department
2. System display all department information with Delete option for each
5. Actor confirms
6. System delete selected department information from the database and informs actors, as
department information is deleted
7. use case end
Post-Condition: The department information has been deleted.
Title Description
Brief Description
Title Description
A. If the form is not filled 1.The system display message fill the form properly
properly 2. Use case continues with step 3.
Table 22: Use case description for register classroom information
2. System displays all classroom information with update option for each.
3. Actor select classroom he/she want to update and press update button of it.
8. Actor confirms.
9. System save changes in the database and displays classroom information is updated
10. use case end
Post-Condition: The classroom information has been Updated.
Alternative course of action
Title Description
A1. invalid entry 1. The system display invalid entry re enter
2. Use case continues with step 5.
A2. Actor didn’t confirm 1.system cancel operation
2. use case end
Table 23: Use case description for Update classroom information
Brief Description -
1. Actor selects Delete Classroom option from drop down menu of Classroom.
2. System displays all available classroom information with delete option for each classroom.
6. System saves changes into the database and informs actor, as Classroom information is
7. Use case end
Post-Condition: The classroom information has been deleted.
Title Description
Brief Description .
Actor(s) Student
Brief Description .
Actor(s) Student
A2. meet above maximum 1. The system display error message maximum credit hour per week
credit hour per week is reached.
Brief Description .
Title Description
Brief Description .
Title Description
A2. if the searched is not 1.system display the viewed is not found
available in the database
2. Use case continues with step 3.
Table 29: Use case description for view exam schedule
Brief Description .
Actor(s) Student
Brief Description -
Actor(s) Student
Title Description
A1: the user entered invalid data 1. The system display error message
2. The use case continues with step 3
Brief Description -
Title Description
Brief Description -
Title Description
Brief Description -
Title Description
1. The Actor selects Post registration date from drop down menu of Academic notice
2. The system displays the form in which actor fill necessary information about registration
date like start date and end date.
3. The Actors Fill the form with necessary information and press Post button.
4. The system validates all the filled information by actor.
5. The system saves the registration date in the database.
6. The system displays successful message.
7. Use case ends.
Post-Condition: Registration date is successfully posted.
Alternative course of action
Title Description
A1. If start registration date is 1. The system display error message start date is greater
greater than end registration date than end date. Posting registration date failure
2. Use case continues with step 3.
A2. If start and end registration 1. The system display error message posting already past
date is already past registration date is occur. Failure during posting of
registration date.
2. Use case continues with step 3.
Table 35: Use case description for post registration date
Actor HomePage
Login Controller Database
6 : Send information()
7 : Invalid()
11 : Check()
12 : Not Existed()
Create account
Admin page Create Account Controller Database
1 : Login to()
2 : Select()
7 : Invalid()
11 : Valid()
12 : Send()
13 : Existed()
14 : Error: User is already existed()
15 : Not Existed()
1 : Login to()
2 : Select()
4 : Display Form()
5 : Enter new student information()
6 : Send information()
7 : Invalid()
10 : Valid()
11 : Register()
12 : Successful registration()
1 : Login to()
4 : Display Form()
7 : invalid()
12 : Student status()
13 : ADD/R, Dismissal()
17 : Available courses()
21 : Save to database()
22 : Display list of courses that student felt to register b/c of prerequisite and successfully registered courses()
23 : prerequisite meet()
24 : Save to database()
Figure 11: Sequence diagram for Register for course use case
8 : Error message: Start registration date is greater than end registration date()
9 : Fill start registration date which is less than end registration date and press post button()
11 : Already past()
12 : Error Message: Already past registration date entering, please fill correct registration date()
14 : Send()
Figure 12: Sequence diagram for post registration date use case
1 : Login to()
2 : Select()
7 : invalid()
10 : Send()
11 : valid()
23 : Error message: Add mark for not registered student is impossible() 24 : Student id is found()
25 : Save mark()
5 : Open()
3 : Display Form()
9 : Successfully Registered() 2 : Request for New student registration form()
6 : Send()
8 : Successfully registration() Controller
7 : Register()
5 : Press Next()
4 : Fill Form with necessary information()
Actor 1 : Select Drop course option()
DropCourse UI
14 : Successfully Dropped()
13 : Save Dropped course()
8 : Display list of courses already registered for()
10 : Fill the form with student id and the mark that student scores()
Add mark UI
5 : Fill the form with necessary information and press Next button()
Click on Login
Login to system
Found? Error Message: Not found information
System select requested courses System Display Your status is not allow you to register
Pass, or Warning?
Prerequisite meet? System Save to Database
System display courses felt to register and registered successfully System Display Successful Message
Figure 18: Activity Diagram for Register for course use case
Start System Display Add course form Fill Add course Form
Actor Login to the system Actor Select Add Course option Error Message: Enter valid information
Valid? No
System Check maximum credit hour Error Message: Maximum credit hour reached
Yes No
Yes No
No Yes Free?
Figure 21: Activity diagram to generate final exam schedule use case
Actor Select Post registration date from drop down menu of Academic notice
Error Message: Start date cannot be greater than end date
Start Date> End Date
Figure 22: Activity diagram for post registration date use case
Actor fill form with student id and mark that student scores
Error message: Mark weight should not be above specified
Above specified?
Error message: Add mark for not registered student is impossible Yes
system save mark to database and display successful message
Is a Registration
Person +ClassYear
Grade +schoolID
+Fname +GradeID View +schoolName
+Add Course()
+Mname +Letter +Dep'tID 1
Student +Drop Course()
+Lname +Point * Course
+StudID +RegisterForCourse()
+Gender +CourseCode * -CourseCode
+PhoneNumber +StudID +Dep't *
+EmailAddress +CalculateGPA() * +SendGradeComplaint()
+DoB +View GPA() * +ReceiveReplay()
-Cr.Hour *
+Region +ViewGrade()
+View Mark() View Request -Prereq.Cocode
+Woreda +ViewCourse() 1
+Kebele +ViewCourse()
+ProfilePic * * Calculate
1 Transcript
* View
Report Has
* +Uni.Name
Is a +ReportID Belongs to +OwnerName
Belongs to
1..* +ReportType +DateOfIssued
+GenerateGPA Report() +RequestTranscript()
+Generate GradeReport() 1 +PrintTranscript()
Instructor +GenerateElligbleGraduateReport()
+InstID +GenerateStatusReport()
Record Officer
+Dep't +ViewReport() 1..*
* 1
-Salary +RecordOfficerID
+Teaches Course() *
+ManageDepartmentData() Department
+ManipulateGrade() 1 +ManageStudentData()
+ReceiveGradeComplaint() +PostTopScorers() +Dep'tID
+ReplayGradeComplaint() 1 +Dep'tName *
Admission Officer 1
+RejectGradeComplaint() View +OfficeNumber
Has +Location
-FirstName -SchoolID
1 Account
1 -MiddleName
0..* -LastName +UserName
has +AssignInstructor()
-EmailAddress Has +Password
1 +UpdateCourse()
+GenerateElligbleGraduate() +UserType 1 1 +DeleteCourse()
+GenerateReceivedCourseReport() -Security question
+GenerateStatusReport() -Security answer
1 +ReceiveGradeComplaint()
+Login() +ReplayGradeComplaint()
Has +ChangePassword() +RejectGradeComplaint()
1 +EditProfile() +RegisterInstructor()
* +DeleteInstructor()
1 H as
* Has
1..* 1..*
1 .
Academic Notice
+DeputyID +RegistrarHeadID
H as
+Fname +NoticeID +Fname Dean
+Mname 1 +NoticeTitle +Mname 1
+Lname +NoticeBody +Lname
Post -EmailAddress +Mname
-EmailAddress Read +PostMessage() +Lname
+PostGradeSubmissionDate() +PrintTranscript()
* -EmailAddress
1 Generate +ReadGradeSubmissionDate() Read +CommentFinalExamSchedule()
1..* +VerifyTranscript()
+ReadAcademicCalender() 1
+SchedID Comment
+Semester Complaint
+Day +ComplaintID Replay/Reject 1 1
+TimeStart Classroom +ComplaintType
+TimeEnd +RoomID +Description
+RoomID +Name +SenderName
+InstID Admin
+Description +ReceiveGradeComplaint()
+CourseCode +Capacity +ReplayGradeComplaint() +AdminID
+GenerateSchedule() * +RegisterClassroom() +RejectGradeComplaint() +CreateUserAccount()
0..* 0..1
+ViewSchedule() +UpdateClassroom() +RecieveSystemComplaint() +DeleteUserAccount()
+CommentSchedule() +ViewClassroom() +ReplaySystemComplaint() *
1 * +RejectSystemComplaint()
1. User account management: is the subsystem of registrar system in which registrar system
user’s security information is managed by using encryption mechanism.
2. Report management: is the subsystem of registrar system in which report generated in the
system like GPA report, Grade report, Status report and etc are managed.
3. Grade management: is the major subsystem of registrar system in which Grade of
students is processed. This component focuses on the Grade submission, Grade approval,
GPA calculation, grade access, and related activities.
4. Academic notice management: is registrar subsystem in which academic related notices
like academic calendar, registration date, grade submission date and etc are transferred to
concerned body.
5. Registration management: is a major component of registrar system in which current and
new student registration is managed. This component is also concerned with add/ drop
course/courses, register for course, withdraw class, and related activities.
6. Schedule management: is a registrar system’s component in which final exam is
generated and accessed by concerned body.
7. Transcript management: is a registrar system component in which student’s transcript
request and transcript printing activities are managed.
8. Department information management: is a registrar system component in which
department details like department location, department name, department id, department
chair man and etc is managed
9. Instructor information management: is the registrar system component in which
instructor’s information like instructor id, instructor name, instructor department, instructor
salary, and etc is maintained.
10. Student information management: registrar system component in which student details is
11. Course information management: registrar system component in which course details is
organized and processed.
System client
Dean Dep't head Admin Admission officer Registrar head Deputy of registrar Record officer
Instructor Student
Web server
Instructor information management Academic Notice management
Registrar Application
Report management
Course information management
Grade management
Student information management
Registration management
Transcript management
MYSQL Server
UC browser Mozilla
MYSQL Server
Entity Attributes
Person PersonID, Fname, MName, Lname, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress,
DOB(date of birth), Region, Zone, Woreda, Kebele, ProfilePic
Instructor InstID, Department, salary, PersonID, UserID
Student StudID, Dep’tID, PersonID, UserID
Department Dep’tID, Name, Location, Officenumber, chairman, UserID, SchoolID
Course CourseCode, Module, CourseCode, Cr.Hour, prerequisite
Grade GradeID, Letter, point, StudID, CourseCode
Report ReportID, ReportType
Schedule SchedID, ClassYear, Semester, Day, TimeStart, TimeEnd, CourseCode,
InstID, RoomID
Registrar Head RegistrarHeadID, Fname, Lname
AdmissionOfficer AdmID, Fname, Lname
RecordOfficer RecordofficerID, Fname, Lname
Registration StudID, ClassYear, Semester, CourseCode, RegisteredDate
Admin AdminID, UserName, Password,
Account UserID, Username, Password, UserType, securityQuestion, securityAnswer
Transcript TranscriptID,, StudID, Dep’tID, DateOfIssued, etc
School/College SchoolID, SchoolName, Dep,tID
Dean DeanID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, OfficeNumber,
TelephoneNumber, SchoolID, EmailAddress
Table: Registrar system entities with its attributes
In above table attributes which is singly underlined is primary key and double underlined one is
foreign key.
InstID 1...M 1...M
Assign DEPARTMENT Belongs StudID
1...M RegistrationID
AssID Dep’tID
OfficeNumber Semester Registration
CourseCode Offers M
Password ReportID
M RegisteredDate REPORT
Prerequisite Class year CourseCode
Teaches M
M COURSE ReportType
CourseCode GradeID
Course Title Module Has
Dep’tID Point Generate
M M StudID
Username UserID
RecordofficerID 1
Has Fname
1 1 Record Lname
1 1 1
M 1 Dep’tID
AdminID Has Generate
UserName ADMIN
H as M
1 Day CourseCode
InstID M
TimeEnd StudID
1...M ClassYear
DoRID Generate 0...M 1 Lname
1 SchedID
Fname 1 1 DEAN Fname
Description Comment
Capacity Manage
RoomID M NoticeTitle
RoomName REGISTRAR HEAD 1 NoticeBody
RegistrarHeadID PostedDate
Lname Fname Post NoticeType
Referential integrity is a relational database concept in which multiple tables share a relationship
based on the data stored in the tables, and that relationship must remain consistent.
As we try to mention on Entity relationship, Designed registrar system can generate different
reports like received course report, grade report, eligible graduates report, GPA report and etc by
selecting the necessary information from above mentioned table.
GPA Report:- stores number of students who score between a given SGPA and CGPA
Field Name Data type Null Primary key Foreign key Reference table
GPAReportID Varchar(20) No Yes - -
GPAID Varchar(20) No - Yes GPA
Min. SGPA Float(1,2) No - - -
Max. SGPA Float(1,2) No - - -
Min. CGPA Float(1,2) No - - -
Max. CGPA Float(1,2) No - - -
Student Int(5) No - - -
In our registrar system we use normalization mechanism to organize the data of registrar system
and to keep its consistency.
1st NF
Any row must not have a column in which more than one value is saved.
2nd NF
Person table
PersonID Email
1 Mi@
1 Le@
1 Mili Leta Gobu 0936 M 11/5/1995 Oromia Woliso 02
Grade table
GradeID StudID
1 037/06
InstID qualification
1 MScs in IT
1 Bsc in Software engineering
Drop_CourseID CourseCode
1 ITEC2020
1 ITEC2021
Drop_CourseID StudentID
1 IT-RW/037/06
Add_CourseID CourseCode
1 ITEC2020
1 ITEC2021
Add_CourseID StudentID
1 IT-RW/037/06
Jeffrey L. Whitten and Lonnie D. Bentley (2007), System analysis and design methods,
seventh edition
Jim Arlow and Ila Neustadt(2006), UML 2 and the unified process, Second edition
Interview questions
While requirement collection for the development of AUWC registrar system we use interview to get
over view of existing AUWC registrar system. We interview with registrar head office by asking the
following interview questions: