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Ladroma, Ciara C. Bsm-Iv STS 10 - Science, Technology and Society Lesson 1: Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology

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STS 10 – Science, Technology and Society
Lesson 1: Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
Act 1.1
1. Using the table below, list down ten products of technology you see in your homes and identify its uses.

Technologies Uses
1. Rice cooker cooks rice in a convenient manner
for entertainment and watching of daily
2. Television
3. Light bulbs lights up the room/house
4. Ceiling fan for cooling and even air circulation
cooks microwavable food and heats up
5. Microwave oven
leftovers with convenience
paired with another device e.g. mobile
phone, through Bluetooth instead of
6. Bluetooth speaker traditional wired methods to boost the
volume of your audio media than what
your main device can emit
7. Refrigerator keeps food cold and stay fresh longer
generates hard copy and prints any
8. Printer
document, picture or any visual media
9. CD player plays audio compact disc (CD)
10. Turntable plays vinyl/phonograph record

Act 1.2
1. Read and study the PowerPoint Presentation on the History of Science and Technology in the World:
Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages (See attachment 1).
2. Using the space provided, describe briefly how science and technology evolved during each period in

During the Ancient Period, man’s knowledge of Science is inferential i.e. one makes
Ancientconclusions or deductions
Greeks believed that the only based
wayin tohisachieve
own experience
the highestand understanding.
knowledge is through This is why
ancient men believed that the Earth is flat and has no
reasoning and undermines observations. And finally, the Ancient Romans focuses more onend or is limitless—a conclusion
refinements from
rather thanhisnew
countless experience
ideas. They often getof traveling.
ideas fromIncluded
the Greeks in this period them
and tweak is thea Stone Age
little bit.
where men started using stone as primitive tools e.g. sharpened stones as spears and knives,
and used During
them thefor Middle
huntingAges, Arab Science
and gathering is largely
of food. Later,influence
then, in by thethe Greeks. Revolution,
Neolithic Many Arab
scholars prepared Arabic-translated texts out of Aristotle’s and Ptolemy’s
men stopped migrating from one place to another just to hunt and gather, and started forming writings. Arabs’
main contribution
agrarian communities in theandhistory of medicine
practiced cultivating wascrops
the establishment
instead. During of the
rise of They also
helped in thethe
Civilization, improvement
most notable of achievement
earlier distillation
of theapparatuses
people of Sumerand laidarethethe basis for modern
creation of the
earliest written language called Cuneiform, the invention of wheels and sails, tried
in the investigation of chemical transformation. In Indian Science, they have and
to calculate latitude
introduction and longitude
of the concept and
of time. Theyfashioned the decimal
also utilized system thatEuphrates
the surrounding is still present up to
and Tigris
riversday. Hindus
to water also
their prepared
crops an encyclopedia
by building irrigations and work that The
dikes. contained the firstduring
Babylonians, versionthe of
World Atlas. Since
of the Babylonian their religion
Civilization, was the prohibits them
first to use from in
fractions cutting up deadstarted
Mathematics, bodies, there
knowledge of anatomy is limited which lead them to use the five
making, developed a Calendar system and took great importance in the study of Astrology senses to make diagnoses.
Chinese’ contribution
and Astronomy. The toAncient
however, during is viewed the byAncient
as technology-
advances in several spheres of knowledge such as Engineering, Architecture, Medicine,most
rather than science-based. Acupuncture and the use of Herbal medicines are the etc.
notable contribution of Chinese in the field of medicine. They also
They also made paper using a stiff plant called Papyrus and introduced the embalming of the introduced the use of
paper to make paper currency that we are now familiar today. They also made gunpowder out
of serendipity in high hopes of Chinese alchemists in creating an elixir of immortality.
Act 1.3
1. Read and review “A History of Science and Technology in the Philippines” by Olivia C. Caoili (see
attachment 2).
2. Using the space below, create a timeline highlighting the major discoveries and development in science
and technology during each period.

Precolonial Science and Technology

 The first modern men (homo sapiens) from the Asian mainland lived in Palawan and
Developments in Science
Batangas around andyears
50,000 Technology
  For aboutthe
During 40,000
Spanish years,
Regimethey made simple tools or weapons using stones but eventually
developed techniques for sawing,
 Spaniards kick started the drilling
use ofand polishing
scientific hard stones.
research which in consequence caused the
 Men formed risesettlements in theprofessions.
of the country’s major Philippine islands.
 By 3,000  The B.C.,first
made adzes ornaments
of Spanish of seashells
rule brought aboutand pottery
decline in of various designs.
agricultural production and
 For over traditional
2,000 years., the
crafts. manufacturing of pottery became well developed and flourished
until it is The
rivaled by imported
religious order Chinese
influenced porcelain which causes
the development of the decline ofand
technology pottery makingof
in the country.
scientific research.
 Iron Age  Leoncame in Ma. which early Filipinos
Guerrero referred learned
to as the to make metal
“Father tools.
of Philippine Pharmacy”, made an
 Filipinos extensive
at this ageworkextracted iron from
on medicinal ore, of
plants smelting and refining
the Philippines but then
and their uses.again, is rivaled
by theimported cast iron from China.
In 1789, Manila was opened to Asian shipping which inaugurated an era of increasing
 Filipinos Philippine
were also exports
engagedofinrice, hemp, sugar,
agriculture. Theytobacco,
createdindigo, and others
dike fields and rising
and terraced imports
fields to
of manufacture
utilize spring waters fromgoods.the mountains of Cordillera.
 They learnt In to
boats was officially
for coastal opened to world trade and commerce.
 Philippine ports were opened.
 It is observed that Filipinos at this time do not understand any kind of work, unless it be to do
 Inactually
something 1865, the Jesuits founded Manila Observatory.
 In 1869, Suez Canal opened making it easier to travel, communicate and be connected
to the liberal ideas and scientific knowledge of the West.
 The Spaniards introduced the technology of town planning and building with stones,
brick, and tiles.
 In the second half of the nineteenth century, studies of infectious diseases were
 On your own words, what makes technology good or bad for us? Write your answer on the space
provided below.
Technology improves our quality of life and aids us in completing our tasks conveniently and efficiently
which is why is it good for us. It helps us save time thus giving us more time for other things. It is more
accurate, too. Plus, it concurs less cost in the long run. However, technology might become a bad thing
if we rely too much on its convenience and efficiency. We might start slacking off and might lessen our
drive in acquiring new knowledge since we’re already swimming in an ocean of knowledge. Machines
might also cause the loss of jobs of people since not only are machines accurate, it is also cheaper than
human labor in the long run.

 To check your understanding, write your own reaction or impression of our life today with the
advancement in science and technology. Use the space given below.
It is actually good to be born in the era of technology and in the age of knowledge, since communication
is made more accessible and cheap. Almost everything is discovered and all you have to do to if you’re
curious about a certain topic is to thoroughly search the internet. However, this abundance of knowledge
actually intimidates most people and makes them less driven in acquiring knowledge for the
advancement since everything is already handed to them in a plate.

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