Vagabonds of Dyfed Print Version
Vagabonds of Dyfed Print Version
Vagabonds of Dyfed Print Version
eyeball It 27 oathbound 30
hellrIft 28 soulsnare 32
jellybones 29 traCker 33
Characters 49
enemIes and npCs 50
hIrelIngs, horses, and
hounds 50
Gameplay 35 NPC Loyalty 51
NPC Ability 51
How to Play 36
roll result 36
Combat 53
ImpaCt sCale surprIse 54
and stanCe 38
InItIatIve and
advantage and turn order 54
dIsadvantage 39
movement 55
ConCentratIon 40
pCs dealIng damage 55
permIssIon 40 Critical Hits 55
engagIng WIth Defeating Enemies
your Core flaW 41 Without Damage 55
pCs takIng damage 56 traps 69
Separate Enemy Damage deCays: hunger, thIrst,
Roll (Method 1) 56
dIsease, and poIson 70
Enemy Damage Determined
by PC Roll (Method 2) 56 Hunger and Starvation 70
Thirst and Dehydration 70
stanCe, rIsk,
Snake Venom
and damage 57 (Example Poison) 71
armor and damage 57 Zombie Rot
(Example Disease) 71
Zombie Rot effect 71
Outside of overland travel 72
Adventure 59 Magic from Techniques 73
Magical Items 73
doWntIme sCenes 60
Elvish Magic 73
soCIal sCenes 61
Travel and
Dungeoneering 63
Travel and
Dungeoneering 64
Weather and hazards 65
potentIal travel turn
CalamItIes 65
Weather as an Obstacle 66
Weather as Enemies 66
Special Rules for Weather 67
preparatIon and
plannIng 67
The Planning Roll 68
The Preparation Roll 69
Magic 73 Making Enemies 83
Divine Intervention or
Magical Bestowment 74
speed 84
Magic from Traits or hp 84
Other Sources 74
damage modIfIer 84
dIstIlled magIC 74 armor 85
Finding Azoth 74 traIt tags 85
Azoth’s Uses 75 abIlItIes 85
Azoth in Spells and Rituals 75
Alter environment: 85
Azoth Augmentations 75
Breath / Blast / Gas: 85
Azoth Rejection Mutation 75
Charge: 86
Critical weakness: 86
Equipment 77 Disarm: 86
Adventuring Drain: 86
Gear and Tools 78 Gargantuan: 86
Examples of Weapon Tags 78 Hit and run: 86
Examples of Equipment 79 Immune to [type]: 86
Currency Conversion 81 Invisible: 86
Knockback: 86
Morph: 87
Multiattack N: 87
Paralysis: 87
Pin: 87
Poison: 88
Reaction attack: 88
Reaction movement: 88
Resistant to [type]: 88
Special movement: 88
Stun: 88
Swallow: 88
Swarm: 88
Trip: 88
Bear 91
Beetle, Giant 91
Berserker 92
Bugbear 92
Cat, Great 92
Doppelganger 92
Dire Ants 92
Digestive Jelly 92
Dragons 93
Ghoul 93
Giant 93
Gnoll 93
Goblin 94
Hydra 94
Lizardkin 94
(Werewolf, etc.) 95
Record HP as is. 89
Medium 95
Ignore to-hit bonus. 89
Medusa 95
Roll damage as listed. 89
Minotaur 95
To convert descending AC: 89
Orc 96
To convert ascending AC: 89
Pixie 96
Scavengipede 96
Converting Enemies 89 Soldier 96
Note saving throws. 90
Spider, Giant 97
Note special abilities
Shrieker Shroom 97
or resistances. 90
Wraith 97
Zombie 97
Example Enemies 91
Acolyte 91
Amorgobbler 91 Character
Bandit 91
Archetypes 99
What is this
◊ PbtA/WoDu ◊ Sum of freeform
inspired traits instead of
In a nutshell
◊ 2d6 + mod I took my favorite parts of lots of other games
12 ◊ Supplemental — some small and some large, some old and
◊ Gradient successes
moves as some bleeding edge new — and kludged
◊ One core “move” “techniques” and cobbled and sewed them together into
about challenging the players as it is
about creating a shared story. Rather than
collaborating to tell an interesting tale,
you’re inhabiting the minds of characters
who believe their world to be very real; that
world behaves with internal consistency,
some measure of predictability, and the
cold hard impartiality of our own reality.
the players’ ideas are (embodied through or single solution — everything comes at
the personalities and approaches of their the expense of something else, everything
characters) the more a GM should reward requires sanding down the layers, nothing
this type of behavior. The players don’t want is for certain. Good people can exhibit evil
to be arbitrarily bested at every opportunity, and cruelty, just as despots can display great
outmaneuvered and out-strategized by their acts of kindness or malevolent sorcerers
enemy simply because the GM’s out-of- can weep honest tears of sorrow.
universe knowledge unfairly benefited
the NPCs. Likewise, how the characters solve a
particular problem or approach a situation
No, the GM-run characters in the world are is just (if not more so) important than the
just the same as the player-run characters. details of the scene itself. They want to feel
They’re limited by their in-world knowledge clever, they want to win. And a hard-fought,
and can absolutely be outsmarted by the bloody victory is all the sweeter and more
PCs. A common saying is that games such valuable if it is earned rather than given.
as Vagabonds treat combat as war rather
than as sport. The challenge and threat In order for them to make those choices, the
of an adversary can only be consistently players have to know — have to understand
overcome if every tactic — no matter how — the world. It has to be revealed to them
vicious or apathetic — is deployed. as inhabitants of that universe; fill their
senses with meaningful details, realistic
There are always layers that can be pulled and ugly truths. Let them immerse.
back; a bigger fish; a more powerful
sorcerer; a crueller lieutenant waiting in
the wings of every mercenary company;
an even more insatiably greedy prince
lurking in the shadows of every throne.
Core Mechanic
When you attempt an action that’s difficult,
relevant, and may cause an unwanted
outcome, roll 2d6 and add your aptitude, the
sum of relevant positive and negative tags
(max +3, min -3). Tags are discussed more in
Character Creation (page 17).
◊ You and the GM work out which
tags are relevant.
Core Mechanic
◊ Helpful tags give +1 aptitude each.
◊ Harmful tags give -1 aptitude each.
roll result
◊ 6 or less is a miss (things get worse
or turn out bad).
◊ 7 to 9 is a partial success (some
good with a complication).
◊ 10 to 12 is a complete success (you
do it without issue).
◊ 13 or more is a critical success (you
do it with an added benefit).
Trait tags:
Character Creation
natural magic
Technique: Pyromancer
Lineage: human
approaCh to ConflICt
◊ Aggressive ◊ Stealthy
◊ Violent ◊ Prepared
◊ Direct ◊ Pragmatic
◊ Patient ◊ Measured
◊ Calm ◊ Diplomatic
◊ Cautious ◊ Manipulative
◊ Deceptive ◊ Pensive
◊ Guileful
gImmICk or
memorable qualIty
goal, Cause, or ethos ◊ Flips a coin to ◊ Cuts their arm
◊ Honorbound ◊ To overthrow kill or release before combat
◊ Irrational temper ◊ Ugly
◊ Poor eyesight ◊ Poor fortitude
◊ Claustrophobic ◊ Overconfident
Who you used to be ◊ Gullible ◊ Dreadfully boring
◊ Born a slave ◊ Guildmaster
◊ Closed-minded ◊ Weak-willed
◊ Career soldier ◊ Trained as assassin
◊ Afraid of ◊ Hedonist
◊ Acolyte of Hynam ◊ Baron of Venmotte the dark ◊ Weak to the sun
◊ Merchant sailor ◊ Street vagrant ◊ Naive ◊ Clumsy
◊ Blacksmith ◊ Heir to vast fortune
◊ Court jester ◊ Dishonored monk
◊ Royal Guard ◊ Nomadic hunter
◊ High Councilor
◊ You have permission to attempt
otherwise impossible tasks to
22 remember esoteric facts or specific
information, or to solve puzzles.
Character Creation
unfamiliar territory.
◊ Select a creature or order of
creatures (feathered, furred, scaled,
tentacled)—you resemble this
creature, whether through magic or
natural hybridization.
◊ Gain +1 speed, and gain another
+2 speed when operating in terrain
that is native and endemic to your
◊ Treat your unarmed attacks as
light weapons, capable of rending,
cutting, and stabbing far greater
than a human can.
◊ You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) at
actions directly related to your
bloodline (wolves at hunting,
chameleons at hiding, etc.).
Every character starts with one technique,
and gains one new technique per level.
hand of forCe:
The technique selected must have been You can mentally project a weak
telekinetic force within close range.
24 reasonably acquired—through learning,
This force subtly distorts the air and
providence, infestation, or magic.
vision around it, and makes a very
quiet reverberation. It can lift or
Character Creation
transfer heat:
You can concentrate or manipulate 25
the flow of heat. Light or snuff a torch,
heat or freeze a cup of water, make
a brass key too hot to comfortably
hold, etc. This effect takes time and
concentration, and only works on
objects in close range.
You know how to read magical runes,
interpret scrolls, use wands, and identify
sundry other magical items without issue.
Truly complex artifice that requires magical
mastery to produce still requires a roll.
You ignore two points of speed
reduction from wearing armor (e.g.,
-3 speed becomes -1 speed). Pick one environment (jungle, forest,
mountain, desert, ocean, etc.) or one type
of creature (furred, feathered, scaled,
etc.). You can speak with the beasts and
creatures of this environment or type.
Better Safe Cutpurse
than Sorry You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when
attempting to pick a mundane or non-
You never fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when magically secured pocket, so long as
attempting to trigger, disarm, or avoid a trap. your target is unaware of you.
However, your party may not be so lucky.
26 Bottomless Lungs
You can hold your breath, without rolling,
for minutes equal to five plus your level.
Character Creation
Control Vegetation
You can use magic to command plant-life
and vegetation as part of another action.
Roll if you have specific, difficult goals. The
larger and more impressive the effect, the
more dangerous or exhausting it might be.
Roll to remove a disease, poison, or
curse from yourself or an ally. Devoted
◊ On a 6-, the target suffers damage Your devotion to a certain cause, deity, or
equal to your aptitude. existential meditation allows you to marshal
◊ On a 7-9, the affliction will be cured supernatural energy and abilities. When you
after the target’s next long rest. take this technique, pick devotions from the
list below equal in number to your level. Each
◊ On a 10-12, the affliction will be time you gain a level, pick another devotion.
cured by the end of the scene or Using a devotion does not require a roll, but
combat. may be used as part of a roll to overcome a
◊ On a 13+, the affliction is cured challenge or complete a noteworthy action.
immediately and the target heals HP
equal to your aptitude.
Augury: Restore:
Pray or concentrate for several moments, Concentrate on a small, mundane
asking the source of your power a simple object in your hand. As you speak
question (yes or no, left or right, more Words, you’re able to repair, clean, or
or less, etc.). You will receive an abstract mend the object back to perfect and
sign that will lead you to one answer or new condition.
the other.
You speak Words and concentrate
Ear to the Ground
You have a friendly NPC ally or asset in every
upon one ally. They make their next
urban center or stronghold nearby. As part of
roll at advantage. You can only bolster
Acquire in a downtime scene, you can meet
one ally at a time, and it requires your
with one without rolling, as if you rolled a 7-9.
concentration (preventing you from
taking other actions or rolls yourself).
Concentrate on a desecrated or tainted
Eyeball It
You can always determine near-
object. The larger the object and the
exact lengths, weights, and other
fouler its profanity, the longer it will take
measures by simple observation.
to sanctify (minutes for a small cursed
item, hours for a town’s well, days for
a cursed mausoleum). This affects both
magical profanity and mundane rot or
infestation. Favored Enemy
Pick one type of enemy (demon, orc,
Holy Ward: human, bear, etc.). You know how this
enemy behaves, where it sleeps, what it
Mark a visible circle (or another simple
eats, and you have a solid idea of its combat
shape) no greater than a few steps across.
abilities. In addition, you never fail (treat
While you concentrate at its center,
6- as 7-9) when attempting to determine
tiny beasts and insects cannot cross this
the weakness of a creature of that type.
threshold. Evil creatures, demons, and
sentient beings will feel resistance and
trigger your awareness, though you must
roll against their crossing.
Favored Environment
Invigorate: Pick one environment or ecosystem (forest,
jungle, desert, mountain, coastal, urban,
Heal +1 HP to yourself or one touched
etc.). When in this environment, you never
ally. You can only do this once per target
fail (treat 6- as 7-9) when attempting to
until they rest.
find rations, useful supplies, or shelter.
Favored Tactic
Pick a combat tactic (flanking, ambush,
high ground, charging, etc.), subject
to GM approval. When deploying this
tactic in a fight, you deal damage based
on your highest rolled d6 + aptitude.
Favored Weapon
Pick a weapon type. When fighting with
this weapon, you deal damage based You can attempt to summon a demon by
Character Creation
on your highest rolled d6 + aptitude. rolling. The longer the time spent concocting
the ritual and the greater the sacrifice,
the more powerful the demon summoned
(e.g., one hour and some blood calls a
Frothy Rage weak imp, twelve hours and an innocent’s
soul might manifest a greater fiend). The
While in the high-risk stance during a fight, demon may obey until the end of the
you get a critical success on a 12+ (instead scene or combat (or might break free).
of 13+).
◊ On a 6-, a horrifically powerful
demon breaches the summoning
circle and attacks you and
Healing Touch your allies.
Anytime you heal HP on yourself or another, ◊ On a 7-9, an appropriate demon
heal another +2 HP. (This additional appears, but it’s guileful,
healing does not trigger this technique.) disobedient, and capricious. It might
answer questions with riddles,
or require additional payment
before completing a task. At its first
opportunity, it might still attack or
attempt to escape your binding.
◊ On a 10-12, an appropriate demon
appears and will do your bidding
for a short while. It will take this as
hostile imprisonment and hold
a grudge.
◊ On a 13+, an appropriate demon
appears and will obey you out of
fear of your power.
Inner Compass
You innately understand the cardinal
directions, even if blindfolded, underground,
lost, or otherwise non-magically disoriented.
Iron Stomach
You can eat anything and gain sustenance
from it. Yes, anything—so long as you 29
can fit it in your mouth and swallow.
Last Word
You can touch the head of any corpse that
could communicate while alive (most
creatures with skulls), and ask the corpse
one question. It will answer the question
as long as it relates to something that it
could have experienced or observed while
alive or since it died (e.g., what killed it,
whether someone passed by recently,
or what danger lurks ahead). After
answering, the corpse crumbles to dust.
Light Sleeper
You always become alerted to danger
Jellybones while sleeping, so long as the approaching
threat is mundane or moving by
Your body and bones are soft and natural, non-magical means.
flexible. You can squeeze yourself out
of most restraints, through bars, and
into similarly confined spaces.
Linguist Oathbound
You fluently speak five languages of your Roll 1d6 or select (PC or GM choice)
choice. Work with your GM to determine from one of these oaths:
relevant languages. You gain a new fluent
language per level (if reasonable). 1. Integrity: avoid lies and
dishonorable conduct
2. Devotion: dedicate yourself to your
You can spark small flames and subtly
manipulate fire without rolling.
Roll if you’re using fire magic to
significantly affect the scene.
vaguely follow your orders until the
end of the scene or combat.
◊ On a 10-12, you raise the thrall and
have strong control over it. You
can give it commands or use it as
a weapon, which it will attempt to
follow to the best of its ability until
the end of the scene or combat.
◊ On a 13+, as a 10-12 but you retain
control over it until you break line
of sight or dismiss it.
You can walk or run on walls and ceilings
as if they were the ground, rolling as
How to play
2d6 roll.
How to play
using up their action in turn.
PC’s concentration is broken, even for only 13 doesn’t mean that they do so.
a moment. A character’s concentration
breaks if they’re hit by an attack or shaken
so vigorously so as to lose their line of Shorjahl’s pyromancer technique
sight to the object of their concentration. gives them permission to control fire
through concentration and magical
energy—a sort of pyrokinesis or fire-
Shorjahl must concentrate on shaping bending. The GM could perfectly well
and directing a twisting orb of block permission of other PCs that
pyromancer’s fire. They want the orb didn’t have this technique or some
to burn a particular path through similar widget, whether mechanical or
some ruins, and must maintain focus narrative.
in order to do so. When a ghoul rushes
the mage and bites onto their ankle, the At one point, Shorjahl attempts to use
pyromancer’s concentration breaks. pyromancy to melt a stone castle. The
The orb of fire dissipates into a wave of GM thinks this would break the internal
searing heat. consistency of the world and make
Shorjahl far too powerful of a mage.
The GM blocks Shorjahl’s permission to
attempt this—mechanically, at least. If
Shorjahl wants to try it and have it fail,
that’s fine, but their player can’t just roll
to “make it so.”
Engaging with UNDER THE
Once per session, you or the GM can get you
into or out of a terrible spot by engaging
with your core flaw. Doing this gives you
distinct authorial control. While the GM Following context is more important
can always get you into trouble, doing this than following rules. If the GM
makes the situation even more legitimate. thinks something is reasonable, it is.
You don’t have to engage with your core flaw If something just seems impossible
every session (and probably shouldn’t). or obvious, it is. Just because a 41
character can roll and get a 13+
When you engage with your core flaw, doesn’t mean that they should roll.
How to play
the GM frames a scene and you describe
how your character wriggles in or out of All of this is to say that fictional
the nasty situation. Your allies are likely positioning—the details and
hindered or harmed, or you’ll suffer trappings of the scene or narrative—
some consequences down the road. are the ultimate guideline for using
the rules. This is to encourage the
players to try to win, to overcome
Shorjahl’s core flaw is that they haven’t the challenge, as intelligently and
faced their problem directly, and that carefully and deviously as possible.
they believe their current actions will If they come up with a particularly
atone them for their lifetime of evil and clever way to ensnare and kill their
grotesque magic. enemies, they might roll at advantage
or even succeed without rolling at all.
During a session, the GM decides to
pull on this flaw, and frames a scene Likewise, if their strategy could never
in which Shorjahl comes across a conceivably succeed regardless of
battleground full of corpses being their characters’ skill, then they don’t
defiled by a necromancer’s thrall. This need to roll. They’ll just fail, or die, or
brings up bad memories and forces get captured.
Shorjahl to make a choice: challenge the
thrall or run away in shame and fear. Caution: This can quickly devolve
into a “mother may I” style of
In another session, Shorjahl and their authoritarian GMing. This game isn’t
party are surrounded by a cadre freeform roleplay; the GM is there
of slavers. The pyromancer uses to objectively adjudicate and make
their former master’s reputation to rulings in the spirit of verisimilitude
intimidate the slavers away, preventing and the game’s principles. But with
a fight. But word will spread, and this responsibility comes a high
Shorjahl’s former master may even hear demand for trust; misuse that trust,
of their whereabouts. and the game and group will
quickly fold.
and Speed
Every PC and NPC has a speed, or how
fast they’re able to move and react. A PC’s
speed starts at 0, but gains +1 per level. The
more you carry, the slower you are. Big and
bulky items are especially cumbersome.
The worse you’re encumbered, the more
negative tags the GM can bestow on you.
Loading down a limb gives you a -1 penalty
to speed. Armor further lowers speed equal
Your Character
Your Character
(page 60), though it may prompt one. seriously mangle their hand, bestowing
the injury tag [crippled hand] upon
Additionally, a conscious character can the pyromancer.
attempt to heal themself by rolling—on
a 7+, healing damage equal to the lowest Any time [crippled hand] is relevant to
d6 result + aptitude. Likewise, a character a roll, Shorjahl will suffer a -1 penalty.
can attempt to heal another character, Likewise, the GM might reason that
healing damage equal to the highest d6 certain actions are just not possible
result + aptitude. A character can only be with a [crippled hand], denying
healed by a given type of healing (magical certain permissions.
or non-magical) once between long rests.
Eventually, Shorjahl is able to make it
to Ft. Grondle and see the physician.
Shorjahl has lost some HP and wants He sets their bones and bandages their
to heal it. They roll to heal themself hand up tightly. After one day of full rest
(Shorjahl uses some magical energy in the fort, Shorjahl’s [crippled hand]
to invigorate themself) and get a 10 tag is removed. If the wizard hadn’t
(complete success). The lowest d6 was 3, received such care and rest, they’d have
with +2 aptitude, healing 5 HP. Shorjahl to suffer continuously. If such suffering
can’t attempt this method of healing lingered much longer, their hand would
again until they rest. become a [permanently crippled hand].
◊ +1 speed
If you wish, you can also rewrite any of
your tags that no longer fit your character.
Your Character
they made a significant discovery (+1
XP), killed a significant enemy (+1 XP),
and engaged with their core flaw by
Succumbing in a downtime scene (+4 XP,
3 + 1 from being human). This 6 XP is
enough to advance Shorjahl to level 2,
resetting their XP to 0.
◊ +4 HP (now at 14 HP)
◊ +1 speed (now at -1 speed
when fully loaded)
◊ New tag: magically burned
Hillspike Fort
◊ New technique: Frothy Rage
Read more in Making Enemies on page 83. Later, Shorjahl and the man-at-arms
are fighting some deserted soldiers
turned bandits. The GM is controlling
Helltopod: A demonic octopus
the man-at-arms, and grants Shorjahl
creature. Speed -2 on land, speed 0 in
advantage to an attack roll as the man-
water, speed 3 in liquid fire. 20 HP.
at-arms is in the thick of things against
+2 damage. Armor 0. Traits: eight
the bandits.
tentacles; ambush predator; drown and
burn. Abilities: immune to fire damage; Finally, Shorjahl commands the man-at-
snatch and grapple; multiattack 4 arms to attack an enemy archer from
(make four attacks per turn). a flank. This requires Shorjahl to roll,
adding an aptitude of +2, derived by
combining Shorjahl’s traits and those of
the man-at-arms.
NPC Loyalty When a PC forces a hireling to act in a way
that tests their loyalty, the PC commander
Every NPC hireling and ally has a loyalty tag, must roll, adding the hireling’s loyalty
a combination of a word and a number that as aptitude.
depends upon their morale and opinion of the
party and especially their PC “commander.” ◊ On a 6-, the hirelings disobey as
befitting their loyalty and skillset.
◊ Mutinous: -3
◊ On a 7-9, they follow their orders,
◊ Grumbling: -2 but take -1 loyalty.
◊ Suspicious: -1 ◊ On a 10+, they follow their orders.
◊ Neutral: 0 ◊ On a 13+, they follow their orders
◊ Accepting: +1 exemplarily and gain +1 loyalty.
◊ Committed: +2
Non-Player Character
◊ Zealous: +3 Shorjahl has hired a mercenary
with [committed] (+2) loyalty. The
This loyalty can be used when the PC pyromancer orders the mercenary to
commander attempts to order the NPC attack a pack of goblins, and the GM
hireling, or when the hireling is confronted calls for a loyalty test. They roll and get
with something truly horrifying or a 14; the mercenary charges in and goes
frightening. It works the same way for up to +3 loyalty.
both intelligent creatures and beasts.
Later, Shorjahl orders the mercenary
Most hirelings begin with [neutral] to hand over a powerful artifact that
(0) loyalty, but the PC commander can they looted. The mercenary wants to
attempt to influence it (especially at keep it, so the GM calls for a loyalty
initial hiring) by rolling. NPC loyalty test. Shorjahl rolls and gets an 8; the
also changes every mission based on: mercenary hands it over but loses 1
loyalty, going down to +2.
◊ Their pay and share of loot
◊ Their conditions, treatment, and
rations NPC Ability
◊ The amount of danger and nature As with a PC, the skillset of an NPC ally
of their work, compared to their affects what it can and can’t do; likewise, a
expectations highly competent NPC can grant advantage
◊ How well-informed they feel, if they (or an unskilled one disadvantage) to a
have a choice PC if the ally is being used as a weapon.
◊ The behavior and leadership of
their commanders Shorjahl’s hired mercenary is quite good
at combat. When the mage orders the
ally to face off against some bugbears,
the GM grants advantage to Shorjahl’s
roll due to the mercenary’s ability.
Surprise Initiative and
If one side of a fight is unaware of the
enemy, they’re surprised. PCs rolling Turn Order
to attack a surprised enemy do so at In general, the most fitting combatant
advantage. PCs rolling to defend while acts when most relevant, at the GM’s
being surprised do so at disadvantage. If discretion. However, if everyone is
someone is completely unaware and at ease, engaged in a fracas, the combatants act in
though, no roll is needed to attack them. turn order from highest speed to lowest.
Combatants with the same speed are acting
Ambush is not assumed from situation—
simultaneously, but PCs act before NPCs.
54 you’ll always need to roll to ambush an
enemy. Likewise, whenever an enemy is
attempting to ambush you, you’ll always Shorjahl is fighting a necromancer
get to roll to avoid it. GMs can couch or and their pack of zombies. The mage
abstract this language if they desire. unleashes some fiery death, and the GM
doesn’t call for a specific turn order;
Once an ambush is sprung, the surprise ends several zombies disintegrate and the
and the combatants engage as normal. necromancer has to move away.
result + 3 aptitude).
CrItICal hIts
When you get a critical success (13+) on a
roll for damage, double the damage dealt.
defeatIng enemIes
WIthout damage
Shorjahl has a base movement of 30’ per The GM can always declare that an NPC is
round. When they’re running through defeated due to narrative circumstances
some dense jungle thicket, they can only rather than sufficient damage to HP.
move 20’. When they come across a bog,
their speed is reduced to 10’. If Shorjahl
was unladen and had +2 speed, their Shorjahl rolls, but rather than dealing
base speed is now 40’ per round (or 30’ damage they intimidate an enemy
in the thicket or 20’ in the bog). with a show of magical force. The GM
declares that this enemy is defeated,
though not killed or even harmed.
If you’re not referencing another game, you
PCs Taking Damage can often roll as follows:
Shorjahl attacks an enemy and takes a
high-risk stance, calling it out verbally Shorjahl thrusts their spear at a bandit
to the GM. They roll and deal 4 base with 1 armor. Shorjahl rolls 5 damage,
damage +2 from the high-risk stance but only deals 4 (5 - 1 armor = 4). Later,
(for a total of 6). An enemy bandit Shorjahl uses some fire magic and rolls
attacks back and Shorjahl has to roll to 3 fire damage. The GM reasons that the
defend themself; since they’re still in the fire magic ignores the bandit’s armor,
high-risk stance any damage they take so they deal the full 3 damage.
would increase by +2.
Outside of
Outside of Adventure
Outside of Adventure
Shorjahl is a guest at a feast at Gribald
Castle. They have a conversation
with several NPCs, one of whom
questions Shorjahl’s sordid past as a
necromancer’s apprentice. Shorjahl flies
into a righteous rage and storms out of
the feast, making a massive impression.
dungeons, or similar places, split time into ◊ On a 7-9, there is a problem, but the
travel turns. Each travel turn is three hours focus PC can see it coming, warn the
aboveground or ten minutes underground. party, or affect its onset.
At the start of a travel turn, each PC describes ◊ On a 10-12, everything goes as
their actions (or their role) and how it might planned.
help the party. Here are some examples: ◊ On a 13+, everything goes very
smoothly because of the focus PC’s
◊ Torchbearer
perception or quick thinking.
◊ Scouting ahead
Over longer journeys in which the GM
◊ Surveying / map-drawing
has nothing particularly interesting
◊ Rearguard planned, a travel turn can be zoomed
◊ Hidden reaction force (following in out from several times a day to just
stealth) once a day, or even once for the entire
journey. The more often the party rolls for
◊ Quartermaster (keeps track of travel turns, the more dangerous, time-
rations, etc.) consuming, and narratively important
the area they’re traveling through is.
Potential Travel Turn Calamities
pC role dungeon CalamIty WIlderness CalamIty
Scout Falls into or triggers a trap Loosens precarious hazards
Torchbearer Plunges party into freezing darkness Burns up fuel, starts a wildfire
Surveyor Misses key danger, like a pit Gets lost, turned around
Guard Alerts nearby monsters Triggers an ambush
Stealth force Gets snatched up by monsters Gets separated due to terrain
Quartermaster Leaves a trail to be followed Loses all of the supplies
Shorjahl rolls to prep for traveling the Shorjahl wanders into a cave to seek
Alpine Road. They roll at disadvantage shelter, paying little heed to a bear
due to the short timeline, and only trap placed under some old pine
have one relevant trait. They get a 5, so needles. Shorjahl rolls and gets a 7 and
Shorjahl has to sacrifice their winter triggers the trap, getting their leg free
clothes at the onset of their journey (as but taking the injury tag [busted ankle]
chosen by the GM). in the process.
Later, Shorjahl rolls to prepare for a sea Deeper in the cave, Shorjahl is more
voyage. They get an 8, and so gain one careful, and rolls to detect and avoid
prep use for the trip. While out at sea any traps. They get a 10, so the GM
the ship gets blown off course; Shorjahl describes how they notice a goblin
burns the prep use to produce a sextant, spike trap before stepping in it and
which helps steer them back on track. losing a foot.
Hunger and Starvation
Decays: Hunger, ◊ Trigger: No food for one week of
magICal Items
Magical items only grant their power
while their specific criteria are met,
usually when being wielded or otherwise
connected with the PC using it.
elvIsh magIC
As an elf, you have subtle arcane control.
You can open your mind to and concentrate
Characters can acquire and use magic in upon latent magical energies, even
several ways: marshaling them to do your bidding. This
affords you very weak magical powers,
◊ Techniques (see page 24) such as the ability to detect magical items
and portals, read scrolls, use wands, etc.
◊ Magical items (scrolls, wands,
rings, swords, etc.) In addition, you can use magic as part
◊ Belonging to the elf lineage of a roll. The more you rely on magic,
and the more supernatural the intended
◊ Divine intervention or
effect is, the more dangerous it is for you
supernatural bestowment
(perhaps represented by stance). A roll
Optionally, the GM can allow PCs to use of a 6- likely means you take damage or a
magic if it makes sense with their character significant injury tag, cause unforeseeable
concept and is represented by one of their consequences, or even activate unintended
traits. Characters without a magic-related (and dangerous) magical maelstroms.
trait would be unable to use magic.
Distilled Magic
Arcane magic and similar artifice is powered
by azoth, a crystalline, iridescent metal
with a very low melting point. It appears
as fractal cubes of pearlescent mirrors,
casting a dizzying array of rainbows
within and without. Check out solid
74 bismuth for some real-world inspiration.
fIndIng azoth
Travel and Dungeoneering
Neither fire nor force can cause it to combust random or GM choice), and suffer
one below mutation as a permanent
or to waste; only other magical sources can
affect it. Because of this, some mages have injury tag.
taken to ingesting, injecting, or tattooing ◊ On a 10-12, as 7-9, but with
azoth into their own bodies. While this does no mutation.
indeed have augmentative powers, it can also
◊ On a 13+, gain one technique of
produce violent and unintended mutations.
your choice and +10 XP.
◊ Character-separable techniques
(gain [relevant technique] when
wielding this)
◊ Reload / Charge: once used, takes ◊ Caltrops: 1h, thrown, close range,
some time to use it again spray, anyone moving through
affected area takes damage equal
◊ Short range: works as a weapon up to attacker aptitude
to about twenty steps
◊ Dagger: 1h, arm, can be thrown
◊ Slow / Heavy / Clumsy: extra (1 use, short range)
-1 speed, +1 damage
◊ Gambeson: armor 1, worn
◊ Special: silver, cold-iron, skysteel,
blessed, etc. Treated in a unique ◊ Mace: 1h, arm, AP2
way or forged out of a unique ◊ Mail: armor 2, worn
material. Some enemies can only be
dealt damage by special weapons, ◊ Plate harness: armor 3,
and likewise with some armor worn, heavy
being penetrated. ◊ Polearm, long: 2h, reach, AP2
◊ Spray: spreads damage on hit ◊ Polearm, short: 2h, step, AP1
across all targets in a close cluster
◊ Shield: 1h, +1 armor
(usually about a ten-foot area)
◊ Spear: 1h/2h (+1 damage if 2h),
◊ Step: works as a weapon up to
reach, fragile 2, can be thrown
a step or two away
(1 use, close range)
◊ Two-handed (2h): must use with
◊ Sword, heavy: 2h, heavy, step,
two hands, -2 speed
bane vs unarmored
◊ Weak vs [type]: -1 damage versus
◊ Sword, light: 1h, arm, bane
a particular type of target
vs unarmored
◊ Worn: only works while being worn
(e.g., armor)
Gear and Kits ◊ Climbing kit: worn, fragile 1.
Contains 200 feet of rope, pitons, a
◊ Adventuring kit: 5 uses. Contains a
climbing hammer, and a climbing
backpack, rope, chalk, lanterns, and
harness. Gives permission to climb
sundry other items. When you need
up sheer cliffs, castle walls, and
something, pull it out, define it, and
similar. Roll if under duress.
mark off a use.
◊ Craft kit: fragile 2. Contains the
◊ Cartographer’s kit: 5 uses,
portable items necessary for you to
fragile 1. Contains sheets of
execute your craft (small hammers,
vellum, ink, a quill, sextants, a
chisels, high-temperature crucible,
protractor, and similar equipment
etc. for blacksmithing; paint and
for surveying and recording
80 topography and geography.
paintbrushes and canvas for
painting, etc.). These crafts can
Whenever you want to record a
be used pragmatically or sold if a
detailed map of an area, you’ll have
willing buyer is around.
Other Equipment
its average)
A typical nugget of azoth is
worth about 50sp or 5gp. Another way to gauge prices in an area
is to determine how many days’ worth
Gemstones vary in value and rarity
of skilled labor are required to create it
depending on the setting, though most
and bring it to sale. An average worker
gems’ value scales quadratically with
makes 2 copper pieces per day of labor,
raw size and clarity. A fist-sized diamond
while a skilled craftsman can make
might be worth 1000gp, whereas ten small
up to 2 or 3 silver pieces per day.
diamonds of the same overall volume
would be worth a total of only 250gp. A masterfully crafted, custom-fitted harness
of armor might take several hundred hours
Rather than list prices for weapons, armor,
of skilled work. This means that even on
and kits, Vagabonds assumes that the price
the low end it could cost upwards of 500sp
will always be haggled, negotiated, and
if bought from the smith who crafted it.
altered as suitable for your setting. When
determining the price of an item, think
of the following based upon the locale
in which the PCs are purchasing it:
Making Enemies
2 Medium: chainmail, their own or use PC techniques (page 24).
giants, crocodiles
3 Heavy: plate harness, Alter environment:
hydras, greater demons The enemy can smash walls, reveal
4 Impenetrable: articulated pits, trigger traps, produce fog, or apply
full plate, dragons any number of other environmental
effects that don’t affect the characters
themselves. Such abilities generally
apply disadvantage to certain rolls, or
Trait tags force reactions (e.g., when smashing
down a building with the PCs inside).
An enemy’s traits largely inform how it
behaves and define situations in which
the PCs would roll at disadvantage.
Breath / Blast / Gas:
The enemy attacks a wide area in
front of it or in a blast zone. The more
Trait Example Effect area covered, the weaker its effect.
Sneaky PC disadvantage to detect the
enemy while it’s in stealth ◊ Blinding gas: disadvantage
to perception and combat
Feral The enemy attacks in a
bestial, unrelenting way ◊ Flame breath: deal damage
mod to all in zone, AP2
Calculating The enemy will deploy
ambushes, flanks, tactics ◊ Forceful gale: strong
gust of air that knocks
Grappling PC disadvantage when trying PCs prone and prevents
to escape this enemy’s bonds missile attacks
Elite The enemy fights as a soldier,
Soldier holds the line, is calm
Charge: Such enemies are actually constructs
of multiple enemies added together,
The enemy rushes toward its target and each able to be targeted and defeated.
deals +2 damage if the target PC fails to If one such component is central to
defend. the creature’s function (e.g., its head),
destroying it will often kill all of the
Critical weakness: connected bits.
The enemy cannot die or resurrects (or Example: The Gargantuan
may not even be able to take any form Golden Wyrm of Akzoth is
of damage) unless its critical weakness actually made of four enemies—
is exploited. This weakness must be its head, body, wings, and tail.
86 telegraphed to the party, or must be Though they are part of the same
something known to those who are creature, each of these enemies
learned about this enemy. Examples: has its own set of abilities. The
wings grant permission to fly, the
Making Enemies
Gargantuan: Knockback:
The enemy is massively large, large On a 9- to defend, the PC is forcibly
enough for one or multiple PCs to stand moved around by the enemy to a
atop it. Some gargantuan creatures are reasonable location within short range.
so large that they can house a structure
or two on their back.
Making Enemies
morph: paralysIs:
Upon reaching a certain threshold (e.g., On a 7-9 to defend, the PC is
an HP value), the enemy can morph temporarily [paralyzed], which
into something else. Its abilities may reduces speed by -1 per turn until -7.
change, or it may simply add to its During this time, the PC struggles to
existing suite. fight and make physical actions. On
a 6- to defend, the PC immediately
multIattaCk N: goes to -7 speed. If they reach 0 HP,
the [paralyzed] injury tag becomes
This enemy can attack N times in one permanent.
action, either targeting the same PC
multiple times, or targeting many of
them within range. Most such enemies pIn:
have multiattack 2, very powerful ones On a 9- to defend, the PC cannot
3, and nemeses 4. move until they succeed at another
roll or until the enemy is sufficiently
distracted or damaged.
Poison: Swallow:
If an attack deals damage to a PC, the On a 7-9 to defend, the PC is caught
PC rolls to resist the poison. On a 7-9, in the enemy’s jaws, and can’t move
the PC takes the injury tag [poisoned], but can still attack. On a 6-, the PC is
which can cause slowness, vomiting, or swallowed and takes damage equal to
dizziness. On a 6-, the PC takes damage the enemy’s damage mod each turn
each turn equal to the enemy damage until they extricate.
mod. If they hit 0 HP, the [poison]
injury tag becomes permanent
until cured.
An aggregate of many smaller enemies
88 Reaction attack: collected into one. Swarms are treated
as a regular enemy except that their
This enemy gets an immediate attack as armor and damage modifier depend
Making Enemies
a reaction to any PC who attacks them upon how “full” they are. As they take
and rolls a 7-9. damage, their armor and damage
modifier decrease in proportion. Spray
Reaction movement: attacks are treated as armor piercing
against a swarm. Once a swarm
As reaction attack, but can move about has been reduced to one-quarter its
the battlefield instead of attacking. original HP, it breaks into several
individual creatures.
Resistant to [type]:
Select a type of weapon, attack, or Trip:
magic. The enemy has +1 armor against On a 9- to defend, the PC is knocked
this. prone and is vulnerable to a more
lethal strike. Additionally, the PC can’t
Special movement: move except to crawl or stand up, and
attacks at disadvantage until standing.
This enemy can fly, burrow, swim,
teleport, phase, or move in another
special way. Each form of special
movement requires a speed and counts
as its own ability.
Any PC that takes damage from this
enemy takes the temporary injury tag
[stunned], and loses their next action.
Each PC can only be [stunned] once in
this way.
Converting Enemies
To convert OSR enemies and monsters: roll damage as lIsted.
For PC-rolled enemy damage (method 2 in
reCord hp as Is. PCs Taking Damage, page 56), maximize
the monster damage and divide by three to
HP, or HD times 4.
determine its damage modifier (max +10).
A creature with 3 HD has 12 HP. 89
Roll 3d6+3, or convert to +7.
Converting enemies
to Convert desCendIng aC:
High to-hit (above +4) can be treated as
Every two points of AC below 10 is converted
the PC rolling to defend at disadvantage.
to 1 Armor, rounded down (max 4 armor).
Enemy with +5 to-hit instead forces Additionally, any AC less than 0 causes
PC disadvantage on defend rolls. PCs to roll attacks at disadvantage.
Example Enemies
Acolyte Combat dagger (arm), light bow (short
Notes: range), light axe (arm)
HP: 5 Spd: 0 Dmg: +1 Armor: 0
A junior priest, cleric, or disciple
Trait pious acolyte, minor
tags: divine magic, zealous HP: 30 Spd: 2 Dmg: +4 Armor: 1
Abilities: magical healing (restore 3 HP A hulking beast surprisingly difficult to kill
to one target, short range)
Trait powerful beast, scent
Combat 1h mace (arm), sanctified tags: tracking, tough hide
Notes: (or profane) oils
Abilities: charge, multiattack 2
Amorgobbler Combat
charges and focuses on a
single target until dead
HP: 5 Spd: 0 Dmg: +0 Armor: 4
Armadillo-like, ten feet in length,
Beetle, Giant
with slavering, drill-like teeth HP: 15 Spd: -1 Dmg: +2 Armor: 2
Trait hungry for metal, defensive Iridescent, clacking, and about fifty
tags: creature, quick to retreat times bigger than the garden variety
Abilities: immune to metal weapons, Trait pincers, hard carapace,
disarm (also works against tags: drops from dark ceilings
armor), swallow (only vs
weapons and armor) Abilities: wallclimb, spit acid
(breath, AP1)
Combat unlikely to damage
Notes: people, but will eat their Combat hide, acid spray from
weapons and armor (even Notes: ceiling, then drop and
attached to their body) attack as dagger (arm)
Berserker Doppelganger
HP: 12 Spd: 2 Dmg: +5 Armor: 1 HP: 5 Spd: 0 Dmg: +1 Armor: 0
A humanoid shapechanger capable
A warrior possessed by feral
of near-perfect facsimile
rage and wonton slaughter
Trait shapechanger, gains pleasure
Trait battle rage, careless,
tags: from deceit, hungers for flesh
tags: aggressive, willing to die
Abilities: mimic (after touch contact, can
Abilities: knockback, hit and run
morph into any humanoid)
Combat 2h axe (step), javelin
Combat will separate and mimic
Notes: (thrown, close range)
92 Notes: one, then try to eat PCs
Example Enemies
range, AP4), immune to fire
Combat seeks to hoard azoth, will stay hp: 30 spd: -3 dmg: +8 armor: 2
Notes: flying if possible, uses fire
A hulking creature no less than
breath as often as possible, will
twelve feet in height and breadth
land and swallow (long range)
Trait massive, strong, smashing,
tags: charging, slow, near-blind
Abilities: knockback, blast attack
(throwing stones, long range)
Combat throws stones, then uses
Notes: treetrunk club (short range)
hp: 15 spd: 2 dmg: +1 armor: 1
A hyena-like humanoid, foul and violent
spd: -4 / dmg: armor:
15 per
0 (sWIm) +9 4
A multiheaded serpentine beast
of mythological power
Trait four-headed, giant,
tags: serpentine, thickly scaled
Abilities: gargantuan, five segments
(four heads, one torso).
Example Enemies
to 0 HP from the lycanthrope
gains the affliction. If not
cured before the next HP: 22 Spd: 0 Dmg: +6 Armor: 0
moon—usually through ritual
magic—it is permanent) Cursed to forever wander labyrinths
and kill those who enter its domain
Combat A typical civilian or weak
Notes: humanoid. When morphed, Trait Maze master, raging
unaware of its actions, tags: bull, semi-intelligent
claws (step), fangs (arm) Abilities: special movement (maze
chase, multiple angles of
Medium attack), resistant to non-
magical attack (armor +2 vs
HP: 5 Spd: -1 Dmg: +1 Armor: 0 non-magical), hit and run
Example Enemies
delivers poison and paralysis) Notes: wall, kill one, and escape
(focus on magical PCs to
prevent weakness)
shrIeker shroom
hp: 12 spd: 0 dmg: +2 armor: 0 zombIe
A human-sized, semi-sentient hp: 8 spd: -4 dmg: +1 armor: 0
mushroom creature
The shambling, rotten undead
Trait cave- dweller, fungal, easily
tags: startled, afraid of light Trait undead, shambling,
tags: hungry for living flesh
Abilities: release spores (Stun,
long range, gas zone Abilities: critical weakness (immune to
attack, loud shriek) any damage not struck against
the head, usually measured
Combat generally non-aggressive, but
by a 13+ on an attack)
Notes: will release spores and shriek
when startled by light or Combat operates under the direction
violence, and fight if necessary Notes: of a necromancer, and can’t
travel far from such control,
unarmed bites and claws (arm)
These archetypes are designed to resemble
common character classes from D&D and
similar RPGs, or playbooks from PbtA games
such as Dungeon World.
A capable explorer, well versed
Character Archetypes
A divine and devoted scholar, capable
of great concentration and calling upon
cosmic powers.
One learned in the arcane and ancient,
capable of usurping the natural power
of the universe.
A dexterous thief, assassin, and
The knight, the brawler, the soldier.
Vagabonds LEVEL
Sum relevant positive and negative traits to Once per session, use to wriggle into or out
determine aptitude (max +3, min -3) of trouble, or succumb for +3xp
Run today, fight another day I never have to suffer my
problems so long as I
Plunder, pillage, and profit keep moving and running
MY GIMMICK: away from them.
Relentlessly overeager
Grew up in the ship’s galley LINEAGE
A procurer of artifacts
Highly risky
-1 speed for each loaded-down limb and
Waged war against pirates 10 1 point of armor; at -7, you are immobilized
Dyfed AVOWED 1
Sum relevant positive and negative traits to Once per session, use to wriggle into or out
determine aptitude (max +3, min -3) of trouble, or succumb for +3xp
Plodding and determined The plights of the world
are due to people’s lack of
[Quest] for their [belief] discipline, devotion, or piety.
[Pray] before and after battle
A bloodthirsty sellsword LINEAGE
A devout [cleric] of [Good]
Susceptible to lies
Battlefield medic
-1 speed for each loaded-down limb and
(1 armor, worn)
with holy magic)
light shield kit (5 uses)
(1h, +1 armor)
Dyfed Mage 1
Sum relevant positive and negative traits to Once per session, use to wriggle into or out
determine aptitude (max +3, min -3) of trouble, or succumb for +3xp
Proper application of leverage I will not be corrupted by
Power, I can control the
I will acquire true Power magic better than those who
MY GIMMICK: have failed before me.
Embrace the wizard cliché
Former diplomat and leader LINEAGE
I am a master of the arcane
Sheer hubris
-1 speed for each loaded-down limb and
orb of focus
bound scrolls
implement, cartographer’s
permission for kit
short-range force
attacks, ammo)
kit (5 uses)
Adept Hellrift
Arcanist Pyromancer
Dyfed Rogue 1
Sum relevant positive and negative traits to Once per session, use to wriggle into or out
determine aptitude (max +3, min -3) of trouble, or succumb for +3xp
Only when the time is right Finders keepers isn’t
wrong, so long as nobody
Coin, pure and simple else knows about it.
Always slinking in and out
Heir to a mighty business
Cutthroat and sneakthief
MY WEAKNESS: Smallfolk
Bit of a coward
Assassin of kings
Sly cutpurse HP ARMOR SPEED
-1 speed for each loaded-down limb and
Plumbed the dungeon deep 8 1 point of armor; at -7, you are immobilized
(1 armor, worn)
climbing kit
thief’s kit
daggers (3 uses, fragile)
(1h, arm, ammo
when thrown,
Assassinate Practiced Shadow kit (5 uses)
Dyfed Warrior 1
Sum relevant positive and negative traits to Once per session, use to wriggle into or out
determine aptitude (max +3, min -3) of trouble, or succumb for +3xp
Kill first, question later Violence is the root of all
power, and often is the best
I seek vengeance and only solution to conflict.
War stories for every occasion
Won my freedom from the pits
I perfect myself through war
-1 speed for each loaded-down limb and
Led the Adamantium Legion 8 3 point of armor; at -7, you are immobilized
full armor
harness (armor
vs unarmored)