Audit UNIT 1
Audit UNIT 1
Audit UNIT 1
Management makes similar assertions for each account in the financial statements; in a
financial statement audit, the independent auditor investigates evidence about whether these
assertions are appropriate.
In turn, reporting means communicating an opinion in a written report to interested users of
the financial statements. The opinion an auditor conveys in all audit report depends on the
information content of evidence gathered during the audit and may indicate either that the
financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP or that the statements are
not presented fairly.
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) defines an audit as:
An audit is a work performed by an auditor to enable him/her to express an opinion whether
the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an identified
financial reporting framework.
As the above definition shows an audit does not certify or guarantee that the financial
statements are correct or not; it only gives a reasonable assurance that the financial statements
are free from material misstatements. An audit may fail to detect over material misstatements
because of the following reasons.
i) An audit is based on a sample. Therefore, the evidence collected is persuasive
rather than conclusive
ii) Internal control systems that auditors rely on to perform their work have their own
An assurance service is an independent professional service that improves the quality of
information for decision makers. Such services are valued because the assurance provider is
independent and perceived as being unbiased with respect to the information examined.
Individuals who are responsible for making business decisions seek assurance services to
help, improve the reliability and relevance of the information used as the basis for their
decisions. Assurance services can be done by CPAs or by a variety of other professionals.
One category of assurance services provided by CPAs is attestation services.
An attestation service is a type of assurance service in which the CPA firm issues a report
about the reliability of an assertion that is made by another party. Attestation services fall into
five categories:
1. Audit of historical financial statements
2. Audit of internal control over financial reporting
3. Review of historical financial statements
4. Attestation services on information technology
5. Other attestation services that may be applied to a broad range of subject matter
An important question a student might ask is "why do organizations request an audit?" The
answer to this question can be found in the economic relationships that exist within an
organization, and between the organization and other parties that have a vested interest in the
organization. Among the reasons the majors are the following.
a) Control Mechanism
Audits whether internally or externally performed are valued as important control
mechanisms for accountability the overall need for monitoring activities, especially financial
activity includes the need for auditing to provide credibility for reported and unreported
b) Conflict of Interest
The agency relationship that exists between an owner and manager produces a natural conflict
of interest because of the information asymmetry that exists between the manager and the
absentee owner. Information asymmetry means that the manager generally has more
information about the "true" financial position and results of operations of the entity than the
absentee owner does. If both parties seek to maximize their own self-interest, it is likely that
the manager will not act in the best interest of the owner.
Whenever there is a conflict of interest between parties, the need for an arbiter or a non-
partisan view is obvious. In financial affairs there are natural grounds for conflict of interest
between information preparer and user, which can result in the production of a biased
information data. Thus an audit is required for an objective review of the information.
c) Consequences
The ultimate objective and function of accounting is to provide information for economic
decision-making. Information is used for decisions that have serious and substantial economic
consequences. Thus the need for an audit for verifying the accuracy of information before
they are used in decisions that may bring damaging consequences.
d) Remoteness
Because of the separateness of the management from the owners; information is prepared in a
place far from the user. The user is prevented from directly assessing the quality of
information he obtains. Thus the need for auditor services to assess the information on the
users' behalf.
e) Regulatory Requirements
Many business laws, memorandum of association and regulatory agencies acts make audits
annual requirements to be complied with for renewal of license or permit. For example the
security exchange commission (SEC) in the US; the Commercial Code of Ethiopia (1966),
and latter the Public Financial Regulation of Procl 163/1999 in Ethiopia make the filing of
audited financial statements annually. Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission
(DPPC) requires NGOs to prepare and submit their annual financial statements. Thus
compliance requirements create a very large demand for auditing services.
Economic demand for auditing
To illustrate the need for auditing, consider the decision of a bank officer in making a loan to
a business. This decision will be based on such factors as previous financial relationships with
the business and the financial condition of the business as reflected by its financial statements.
If the bank makes the loan, it will charge a rate of interest determined primarily by three
1. Risk-free interest rate. This is approximately the rate the bank could earn by investing in
U.S. treasury notes for the same length of time as the business loan.
2. Business risk for the customer. This risk reflects the possibility that the business will not be
able to repay its loan because of economic or business conditions, such as a recession, poor
management decisions, or unexpected competition in the industry.
3. Information risk. Information risk reflects the possibility that the information upon which
the business risk decision was made was inaccurate. A likely cause of the information risk is
the possibility of inaccurate financial statements.
Auditing has no effect on either the risk-free interest rate or business risk, but it can have a
significant effect on information risk. If the bank officer is satisfied that there is minimal
information risk, because a borrower’s financial statements are audited. The bank’s risk is
substantially reduced and the overall interest rate to the borrower can be reduced.
Many financial statement users and members of the general public confuse auditing with
accounting. The confusion results because most auditing is concerned with accounting
information, and many auditors have considerable expertise in accounting matters. The
confusion is increased by the fact that auditing is performed by individuals described as
public accountants.
Accounting is the process of recording, classifying and summarizing economic events in a
logical manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision-making
accounting is constructive. It starts with the raw financial data to process and produce
financial summary through reports known as financial statements as the end product of its
work. The function of accounting, to an entity and to society as a whole, is to provide certain
quantitative information that management and others can use to make decisions. To provide
relevant information, accountants need to have a thorough understanding of the rules and
principles and provide the basis for preparing the accounting information.
Auditing on the other hand is analytical work that starts with the end product of accounting to
lend credibility and fairness of the measurements. In auditing, the concern is with determining
whether recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the
accounting period. Since the accounting rules and principles are the criteria for evaluating
whether the accounting information is properly recorded, any auditor involved with this data
must also thoroughly understand the accounting rules and principles. In the context of the
audit of financial statements these are generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
In addition to understanding accounting, the auditor must also possess expertise knowledge in
the accumulation and interpretation of audit evidence. Determining the proper audit
procedures, sample size, particular items to examine, timing of the tests, and evaluating the
results are unique to the auditor. It is this expertise that distinguishes auditors from
While there are many types of audits based on the definitions previously provided, generally
they are discussed under three types:
i) financial statement audit
ii) compliance audits, and
iii) operational audit
The purpose of an operational audit is to assess performance, identify areas of improvement,
and develop recommendations. Sometimes this type of audit is referred to as a performance
audit or management audit. Because the criteria for effectiveness and efficiency are not as
clearly established as are generally accepted accounting principles and many laws and
regulations, an operational audit tends to require more subjective judgment than do audits of
financial statements or compliance audits. For example, quantifiable criteria often must be
developed by the auditors to be used to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the
Comprehensive Audit
A comprehensive audit encompasses the determination of (1) the fair presentation of financial
statements, (2) the compliance with legislative or relative authorities, and (3) due regard for
the economy and efficiency in the administration of resources and the effectiveness of
programs (commonly known as value-for-money). Since the audit for the fair presentation of
financial statements has been discussed earlier, we shall focus our attention on the value-for-
money aspect of the comprehensive audit. The objective of a value-for-money audit is to
assess management's accountability for the economy and efficiency of the entrusted resources
and the achievement of objectives (effectiveness). Economy measures the relationship
between resources acquired and their costs. Thus, economy is achieved when the appropriate
resources are acquired at the lowest possible cost. Efficiency reflects the relationship between
inputs and outputs.
It is considered efficient when a maximum amount of output is produced from a given input
or a minimum amount of input yields a maximum amount of output. Effectiveness refers to
the accomplishment of a set of goal or objective. Therefore, the degree of effectiveness is
judged by the extent to which the goal is achieved.
There are a number of different types of auditors; however, they can be classified under three
headings; internal auditors, external auditors and government auditors. Each type of auditor
will be discussed briefly. One important requirement of each type of auditor is independence,
in some manner form the entity being audited.
a) Internal Auditors
Nearly every large organization maintains an internal auditing staff. A principal goal of the
internal auditors is to investigate and evaluate the effectiveness with which the various
organizational units of the company are carrying out their assigned functions. Much attention
is given by internal auditors to the study and appraisal of internal control.
The institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) has developed a set of standards that should be
followed by internal auditors and has established a certification program. An individual
meeting the certification requirements set by the IIA, which includes passing a uniform
written examination, can become a certified internal auditor (CIA).
Like external auditors, internal auditors must be objective and independent. To help ensure
the objectivity and independence of internal auditors, the IIA suggests that the director of
internal auditing report directly to either the board of directors or the audit committee of the
board or have free access to the board. Regardless of their reporting level, however, internal
auditors are not independent in the same sense as external (independent) auditors. The internal
auditors are employees of the company in which they work, subject to the restraints inherent
in the employer – employee relationship.
Internal auditors can be involved in all three types of auditors. Their primary activities are to
conduct compliance and operational audits within their organization. However, they may also
assist the external auditors with the annual financial statement audit. Unlike the external
auditors, who are committed to verify cash significant item in the annual financial statements,
the internal auditors are not obliged to repeat their audits on an annual basis.
b) External Auditors
External auditors are often referred to as independent auditors or certified public accountants.
Such auditors are called "external" because they are not employed by the organization being
audited. An external auditor conducts financial statement audits for publicly traded and
private companies, partnerships, municipalities, individuals and other types of entities. They
may also conduct compliance and operational audits for such entities. An external auditor
may practice as a sole proprietor or as a member of a CPA firm.
The CPA certificate is regulated by state law through licensing department in each country.
The requirements for becoming a certified public accountant vary among countries. In our
country the General Auditors grants the license to work as an independent auditor when
someone has the certificate of certified public accountant through passing the qualification
exams given in US (CPA) or UK (ACCA). In addition to these qualification exams the
individual should possess at least three-year experience in audit.
Professional’s standards require that external auditors maintain their objectivity and
independence when providing auditing or other attestation services for clients. Later in the
text, independence and objectivity will be discussed in depth.
c) Government Auditors
The Government of Ethiopia has an auditor general the various regional governments are
expected to have Auditor Generals who are responsible for auditing the agencies who report
to that government. These government auditors may be appointed by committee or by the
government or party in power in jurisdiction. They report to their respective legislatures and
are responsible to the body appointing them. The primary responsibility of the government
audit staff is to perform the audit function for government. The extent and scope of the audits
performed are determined by legislation in the various jurisdictions.
For example, in 1977, the Federal Parliament made a revision to existing legislation in
passing the Auditor General Act which required the Auditor General to report to the House of
Commons on the efficiency and economy of expenditures or whether value-for-money had
been received.