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Michael Melese

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A General Approach for Amharic SPEECH-TO-TEXT


A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa

University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Masters of Science in Information Science

Michael Melese
October 2009

A General Approach for Amharic SPEECH-TO-TEXT


Michael Melese Woldeyohannis

Signature of the Board of Examiners for Approval

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This thesis is my original work and has not been submitted as a partial requirement for a
MSc. degree in any university.

Michael Melese
August 2009

The thesis has been submitted for examination with my

approval as university advisor.

___________________ ___________________
Million Meshesha (PhD) Henock Leulseged

This thesis is dedicated to all people who shaped me into the person I am today,
especially my beloved Family.

All of my efforts would have gone for nothing if it had not been for the persistent help of
the Almighty GOD. Above all, I would like to express my warm gratitude to Him in the
first place who makes me I am.

Next to GOD, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Million
Meshesha and Henock Leulseged for his technical support, encouragement, guidance and
constructive comments that you have given through out this research work. Without your
constructive comment, things would have been much more difficult and the success of
this work would be doubtful.

In Addition to my Advisor, I sincerely would like to acknowledge Dr. Sebsibe H/mariam

for his helpful ideas and cooperation in all possible ways by devoted his precious time to
provide me technical guidance.

Finally, my earnest gratitude goes to the people who have supported me during my stay
in the University and encouragement of my family, friends and relatives are worth being
Table of Content

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Speech Recognition................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Challenges and Status of Speech Recognizer .................................................... 4
1.3 Statement of the problem and Justification ........................................................... 5
1.4 Objective of the study ............................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 General objective................................................................................................ 7
1.4.2 Specific objectives.............................................................................................. 8
1.5 Methodology ............................................................................................................. 8
1.5.1 Review of related literature ................................................................................ 8
1.5.2 Data collection and Preparation ......................................................................... 9
1.5.3 Development Tool.............................................................................................. 9
1.5.4 Testing Procedure............................................................................................. 10
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the study........................................................................... 10
1.7 Application and Uses .............................................................................................. 11
1.8 Organization of the thesis........................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................... 14
Review of Related Literature ............................................................................................ 14
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Amharic Language .................................................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Consonant......................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2 Vowel ............................................................................................................... 17
2.3 The Human Speech Production System .................................................................. 18
2.4 Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech........................................................................ 20
2.4.1 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) ...................................................................... 21 Spectrographic Analysis/Sound Spectrograph .......................................... 22
2.4.2 Natural Language Processing (NLP)................................................................ 24 Text Analysis............................................................................................. 25 Phonetic Analysis...................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................... 27
Speech Recognition Technique......................................................................................... 27
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 27
3.2 Techniques of Speech Recognition ......................................................................... 27
3.3 Hidden Markov Model ............................................................................................ 30
3.3.1 Basics of HMMs............................................................................................... 31
3.3.2 HMMs for Speech Recognition........................................................................ 32
3.3.3 Three problems of HMM ................................................................................. 34
3.4 The HTK ................................................................................................................. 40
3.4.1 HTK Software Architecture ............................................................................. 41
3.4.2 The toolkit ........................................................................................................ 42 Data Preparation Tools.............................................................................. 43 Training Tools ........................................................................................... 44 Recognition or Testing Tools.................................................................... 47 Analysis Tools........................................................................................... 48
Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................... 49
Experimentation ................................................................................................................ 49
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 49
4.2 Experiment .............................................................................................................. 50
4.2.1 Data Preparation............................................................................................... 52 The Pronunciation Dictionary ................................................................... 52 Recording the Data.................................................................................... 54 Labeling..................................................................................................... 54 Creating the Transcription Files................................................................ 56 Coding the Data......................................................................................... 58
4.4.2 Training ............................................................................................................ 59 HMM Prototype ........................................................................................ 59 Fixing the Silence Models......................................................................... 62 Realigning the Training Data .................................................................... 64 Making Triphones from Monophone ........................................................ 65 Triphone Construction............................................................................... 66 Making Tied-State Triphones.................................................................... 68
4.4.3 Experiment results............................................................................................ 70
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................... 77
Conclusions and Recommendations.................................................................................. 77
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 77
5.2 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 77
5.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 79
Reference........................................................................................................................... 80
Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 86
List of Figures
Fig. 2.1 Amharic voice along with their feature --------------------------------------------16
Fig. 2.2 The human vocal organs ------------------------------------------------------------19
Fig. 2.3 Simple text-to-speech procedure----------------------------------------------------20
Fig. 2.4 Simple Speech-to-Text procedure --------------------------------------------------20
Fig. 2.5: Spectrogram representation for the utterance “Bilen” --------------------------23
Fig. 2.6: Spectrogram representation for the utterance “Bilen” --------------------------24
Fig. 3.1 Speech recognition techniques ------------------------------------------------------29
Fig. 3.2: Message Encoding/Decoding ------------------------------------------------------33
Fig. 3.3: HTK software Architecture---------------------------------------------------------38
Fig. 3.4: Four Stages of HTK Processing----------------------------------------------------39
Fig. 3.5: Training sub-word HMMs ----------------------------------------------------------42
Fig. 4.1 design of the experiment ------------------------------------------------------------47
Fig. 4.2: labeling a utterances -----------------------------------------------------------------51
Fig. 4.3: Fixing Silence Models---------------------------------------------------------------59
List of Tables

Table 2.1Amharic consonant along with their feature: ----------------------------------- 16

Table 4.1Recognition result statistics: ------------------------------------------------------ 69
Table 4.2 Experimental result ----------------------------------------------------------------70

DSP Digital Signal Processing

FFT Fast Fourier Transform

HMM Hidden Markov Model

HTK Hidden Markov Toolkit

LPC Linear Prediction Coefficients

MFCCs Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients

MFCC_C Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients Compressed

NLP Natural Language Processing

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology


In this paper, the researcher has tried to investigate the capability of exploring speech
recognition technique for converting an Amharic speech to text taking native and non
native speaker of the language Amharic. For this, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used
as a model along with the tool Hidden Markov Modeling Toolkit (HTK) to implement
and get the desired result out of the training.

In the development process, a total of four hundred sentences are used for the training
and hundred data sets which are not included in the training set are used for testing the
performance of the speech recognizer.

The primary data has been collected from four different ethnic groups that could not
speak out Amharic as a mother tongue and one from the mother tongue, with an input of
hundred records from each group and secondary data from the previous researcher. Then,
the primary data has been labeled, preprocessed, trained and realigned as per the
requirement of the HTK for the purpose of training and testing the models.

During the experiment process, a lot of challenging issue pointed out which makes the
researcher to draw attention in order to confront the problems that suspend the success
from attainment to the point of end.

As a final point, through all this complication, the existence of the research comes to the
end provided the constraint the result obtained is promising and serve as a proof that it is
possible to build general speech recognition technique that convert an Amharic SPEECH-
TO-TEXT using HMM.

Once the experiment is completed and result obtained, analysis on the result is forwarded
through the justification that are supported by different researcher in addition to the
comparison of the result obtained.

As a final point, conclusion and recommendation are forwarded for the upcoming
research area in the field.


1.1 Background
These days, substantial efforts have been devoted for the development of devices with
fast processing speeds and large storage capacity using the current available information
and communication technologies. Further, computer software of increasing
sophistication, and hardware of increasing power, has opened up possibilities for
enhanced entertainment opportunities on digital platforms. This includes, access to the
Internet through devices such as personal computers or gaming consoles, digital
television and radio applications, digital telephony etc, [50].

Through all these complex and enhanced information communication technology, the
sound and text output provides communication access to people. The visually and
hearing-impaired are in the middle of these group of society that requires a special form
of assisting technology to easily access the available information and share their valuable
information regardless of their disabilities.

The term speech-to-text service refers to a variety of systems that convert messages
transmitted through sound to a text format. The text output provides communication
access to individuals who cannot hear, or otherwise process auditory information directly.
In the most common situation, the process involves a speaker (such as a class instructor),
a person and/or a computer and specialized software for converting speech to the desired
text, and a device like a laptop computer, TV monitor, LCD projector to be used by the
reader to view the text in real time [58].

1.2 Speech Recognition
In 1952, as the US government-funded research began to gain momentum, Bell
Laboratories developed an automatic speech recognition system that successfully
identified the digits 0 to 9 spoken to it over the telephone. This is followed by major
developments at Massachusetts Institute of Technology [9]. Later in 1959, they came up
with a system that successfully identified vowel sounds with 93% accuracy. Then, seven
years later, a system that had a vocabulary of 50 words was successfully tested and in the
early 1970’s, the Speech Understanding Research (SUR) program yielded its first
substantial results [6].

The HARPY system, at Carnegie Mellon University, could recognize complete sentences
that consisted of a limited range of grammar structures. But the computing power it
required was prodigious; it took 50 contemporary computers to process a recognition
channel [9].

As speech is a natural form of communication for human beings, and computers with the
ability to understand speech and speak with a human voice are expected to contribute to
the development of more natural man-machine interfaces [33]. This can be achieved
mainly with the help of speech recognition tools.

Since the inception, speech recognition has been playing and will play an important role
in future human computer interaction. In general, the field of speech recognition is a part
of the ongoing research effort in developing computers that can hear and understand
spoken information [37].

Speech recognition is the process by which a computer or other type of machine

identifies spoken words. Basically, by means of talking to computer, and having it
correctly recognizes what you are saying by understanding Utterance, Speaker
dependence, vocabularies, accuracy and training [49].

In other words automatic speech recognition (ASR) system can be described as a

mechanism capable of decoding the signal produced in the vocal and nasal tracts of a

human speaker into sequence of linguistic units contained in the message that the speaker
wants to communicate [2].

Modern speech recognition has a wide variety of applications. Speech recognizer is used
in telephone-based conversational agents that conduct dialogues with people by
converting in to text. Speech recognizers are also important in non-conversational
applications that speak to people, such as in devices that write the speech for hearing-
impaired individual [6].

Speech recognition allows you to provide input to an application with your voice. Just
like clicking with your mouse, typing on your keyboard, or pressing a key on the phone
keypad provides input to an application, speech recognition allows you to provide input
to the system by talking using different tool [23].

According to Henock [17], speech recognition helps people with disabilities such as
hearing and visually impaired, and also enables individuals to teach 24 hours a day and
365 days a year. In addition, it can also be used to read E-mail message through
telephone, listening music through e-mail and for applied research tool in laboratory for

According to Victor [50] expression, Speech recognition is a process of converting an

acoustic signal, captured by a microphone or a telephone, to a set of words. The
recognized words can be the final results, as for applications such as commands and
controls or can serve as the input to further linguistic processing in order to achieve
understanding of speech.

All the above mentioned different scholars are expressing the general concept of speech
recognition even if they are expressing in different ways.

Having the above mentioned facts in mind, speech to text conversion has the following
advantages [21]:

The first advantage is that audio forces linearity on the user. This is not something that
you can do with audio; you really have to start from the starting point and run all the way

to the ending point. This could be an advantage or it could be a disadvantage, but for
short ideas like a quick note, this should be an advantage.

The second advantage is that dictating prevents multi-tasking; that is, when you are doing
your audio recording, you cannot be working on all things at the same time. Like
listening music, while writing a paper as most people do. Setting up the recording
program means that you will do only dictating for a while.

The third advantage of audio is that it removes a barrier of entry for developing an idea.
Sometimes peoples feel too lazy to fully develop an idea into a document because it’s just
too complicated. In dictating, you don’t have worry about spelling, structure and you can
just simply jump around and take your idea down as soon as possible for smaller

A fourth advantage of dictating is that it is actually hands-free; so you could do

something if you really have to multi-task while you are dictating. So, in extreme case of
both multitasking and do something that requires you to use your hands and dictating one
idea to your computer using portable voice recorder.

Speech-to-text conversion is supporting human being with hearing inability as well as it

enables individual in sharing information with the community in unrestricted at large.

1.2.1 Challenges and Status of Speech Recognizer

Today, speech recognition research is interdisciplinary, drawing upon work in fields as
diverse as mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering [20]. Within these
disciplines, pertinent work is being done in the areas of acoustics, computer algorithms,
linear algebra, pattern recognition, phonetics, probability theory, signal processing, and
syntactic theory.

Despite the current status, Speech is a complex audio signal, made up of a large number
of component sound waves that can easily be captured in wave form, transmitted and
reproduced by common equipment such as telephone [15]. And once we move up the
complexity scale and try to make a computer understand the message encoded in speech,

the actual wave form is unreliable because different sounds can produce similar wave
forms and a mathematical representation of the entire signal is too large to manipulate in
real time.

The larger the vocabulary, the easier it is to confuse a recognizer if the vocabulary
contain words pronounced the same way but have different meanings and the presence of
an unusual accent [27] [20]. In addition, Speech recognition works best in quiet,
controlled environments and performs poorly in noise, especially with crosstalk from
other speakers. Since automated speech recognition degrades rapidly and it requires large
processing capability as noise increases.

In order to triumph over these challenges, most modern speech recognition uses
probabilistic models to understand a sequence of sounds. Hidden Markov models, in
particular, are used to recognize speech. To increase accuracy in speech recognition, the
language models are used to capture the information that certain combinations are more
likely than others [20].

1.3 Statement of the problem and Justification

It is no dubious that human beings from the early days on have gone through various
social and technological developments to achieve their goal. The development of
machine/technologies to the service of man in particular, has been growing so high and
fast that is difficult to believe [53].

People with disabilities such as blind and deaf are another part of the population that
benefit from using speech recognition system [57]. It is especially useful for people who
are hand-capped, in one way or another, from mild repetitive stress injuries to involved
disabilities that require alternative input for support with accessing the computer. In fact,
people who used the keyboard a lot and developed repetitive stress injuries became an
urgent early market for speech recognition. Speech recognition can also be used in deaf
telephony, such as voice-to-text voicemail, relay services, and captioned telephone.

There are many researches that are being conducted in different language including
English, Chinese, French and even for the local language like Amharic, Oromiffa,
Tigirgna and other.

Due to the fact mentioned above, Speech-To-Text systems are unequivocally vital for the
widespread sets of problems that are related to the communication and information
sharing among the individuals in all the Ethiopic languages, specifically for the language
Amharic. This is due to the characteristics nature of the Amharic language representation
and the corresponding symbols for the language.

The language Amharic has been for a long period, the principal literal language and the
medium of instruction and school subject in primary, secondary and tertiary school of the
country [8].

The difficulties mentioned above must be studied in order to minimize the amount of
resource that require for the purpose of smooth communication among these individuals.

People who have hearing difficulties often have a difficulty to speak too. Therefore
speech recognition gives such people the ability to communicate with people who do not
understand the sign language [43]. So that, hearing individual can effectively
communicate visual individual in a public.

A number of researches had been conducted in the area of speech recognition for
Ethiopic languages; Some of these work includes Concatnative Text-To-Speech (TTS)
synthesis for the Amharic Language [17], Hidden Markov Model Based Large
Vocabulary, Speaker Independent, Continuous Amharic Speech recognition [53], Text-
to-speech Synthesis of the Amharic Language [25], An experiment using HMM is also
conducted for the recognition of Isolated Amharic Consonant-Vowel (CV) syllable [46],
developing a speech synthesizer for Amharic language using Hidden Markov Model [3],
sub-word based Amharic word recognition: an experiment using Hidden Markov Model
[24], and Text-To-Speech System for Afaan Oromo [36].

However, most of the above mentioned researchers had investigated issues that are
related to Text-to-Speech. Only Kinfe [24], Zegaye [53], Bereket [3] and Solomon [46]

attempt Amharic speech to text. Solomon [46] tries to experiment and investigate the
Consonant-Vowel (CV) syllable recognition system for the Ethiopic language,
particularly for the language Amharic, where as knife [24] were exploiting the sub-word
based Amharic word recognition, while Zegaye [53] attempt to exploit the possibilities
of continuous Amharic speech recognition for speaker independent using a Hidden
Markov Model (HMM).

Both Zegaye [53] and Solomon [46] pointed out that the speech recognizer are developed
for those whose first language is Amharic or at least to those who can speaks out the
language Amharic fluently. And their main focus is on the recognition of those people
whose first language is Amharic or at least to those who can speak the language Amharic

Provided the reality, speech recognition systems that have been developed are intended to
serve as a mediator for human computer interaction in a real life situation.

Hence, the main aim of this research is to investigate the possibilities of designing a
general approach for converting an Amharic speech-to-text given native or non-native
spokesperson of the language Amharic.

This will help individuals with hearing inability and those that are not speaking Amharic
as a first language can communicate effectively with the public at large, and in addition it
will enable for the purpose of dictation system.

1.4 Objective of the study

1.4.1 General objective

The general objective of the study is to investigate the possibility of designing,
developing a general approach for Amharic Speech-To-Text recognition system, such
that visually impaired individuals can effectively communicate with those of hearing-
impaired and sharing information with the public at large.

1.4.2 Specific objectives
The research has the following specific objectives in order to achieve the above
mentioned general objective

 To conduct a literature review mainly on Natural Language Processing (NLP),

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and research that are done on the speech
recognition that are done previously in Amharic and other language so as to have
a clear understanding of how to develop speech recognizer for the Amharic

 To analyze, explore and select an appropriate algorithms for the purpose of

designing an Amharic speech to text recognition system.

 To build a prototype of Amharic speech recognizer that convert speech of native

and non-native speaker of the Amharic language to text.

 To evaluate/test the performance of the prototype recognizers on different data

sets and report the results.

 To draw conclusion and recommendation in favor of upcoming research area.

1.5 Methodology
The following widespread methodology has been engaged for the success of conducting
the research that has been proposed by the researcher.

1.5.1 Review of related literature

A literature review is a critical analysis of a segment of a published body of knowledge
through summary, classification, and comparison of prior research studies, reviews of
literature, and theoretical articles that are conducted by different researchers.

In this paper, a range of related literature in the area of Speech, Text-to-Speech and
Speech-to-text system has been reviewed, including the recognition of Amharic speech-
to-text. In addition, literatures that are related to Natural Language Processing, Digital
Signal Processing, and Amharic language have been reviewed for conceptual
understanding and that may forward the researcher to find the way to desired goal.
Moreover, to investigate and better understand the problem area comprehensive review of
literature from articles, books and resource from the interned are used.

1.5.2 Data collection and Preparation

Suitable time has been arranged to triumph over the problem that arise as from the
absence of well suited, silent and sound uninterrupted laboratory to record and prepare a
corpus dataset that have an effect on the experiments;

A set of text data that is used for the speech recognition have been obtained from the
Bereket [3], with a total number of 500 sentences which are having 1758 unique words
for both training and testing.

Typing errors are corrected on the selected text and further filtering done to have a text
data for a better training as well as evaluating the performance of the speech recognizer.

People are selected to speak out the text that has been selected from those who can’t
speak Amharic as a first language with determination of their capability to speak out as a
native and non native speaker from Oromo, Tigre, Gurage, Hadya and Amhara with equal
distribution purposefully.

1.5.3 Development Tool

As a development tool, the Hidden Markov Model toolkit (HTK) is used for exploring
the speech recognition technique which is recommended by many of the previous
researcher. In addition, the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used for speech recognition
development tools that support the tools HTK (Hidden Markov Model Toolkit) tool
which has been developed specifically for recognizing speech.

Furthermore, Perl is used for text preprocessing at different level which is important for
the Hidden Markov toolkit and the tool wavesurfer used for the purpose of analyzing and
processing which is recommended by Bereket [3].

1.5.4 Testing Procedure

For the purpose of training as well as for testing, corpus of data that has been collected
from selected ethnic groups is used after passing through different level. This recorded
data are further processed in such a way that it can be supported by the tools that are used
to train and finally test the performance of the recognizer.

These data are separated in to training data of which consisting eighty percent of the total
data where as the remaining twenty percent for testing the data that are not included in
the training data.

After the completion of the training, the Speech-to-Text system has been evaluated with
the testing data to the maximum possible extent using test data to measure the
performance level of recognizer developed in the research work.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the study

First and most of all, this research work is predominantly anticipated to explore the
general speech recognition approach for converting an Amharic speech to text. This
includes selecting an appropriate model that convert Amharic Speech-to-Text by taking
into account those individual that can speak Amharic as first language (native) and that
can not speak Amharic as a mother tongue (non-native).

For this, the researcher selected five ethnic groups of which, one of the groups can speak
out the language Amharic as a first language but not the remaining and each of the group
encompass 100 sentences to speak out.

This is done following a series steps through preprocessing the recorded speech,
extracting the feature and measuring the performance of the speech recognizer without
involving linguistic and semantic analysis of the text.

One of the limitations of this study was the absence of a convenient Amharic reference
and pronunciation dictionary for this recognition. The other limitation of this research is
the environmental factors that have an effect on the results of the experiments because of
the inconvenient recording area to favor the research due to the noise.

In addition to the above limitation, repeated power interruption and shortage of time are
also the major problem of this research. Provided this limitation, a lot of effort has been
exerted to boost-up the performance of the recognizer without trying to develop any
specific application.

1.7 Application and Uses

Most of the task that involves interfacing with a computer can potentially use Automatic
Speech Recognition (ASR). The following are the most common application area that are
identified by Sami [43], Solomon T et, al [48] and Henock [17] in the area of speech

 Applications for people with hard of hearing and visual impaired: The most
important and useful application field in speech recognition is the reading and
communication aids for those people with hearing and visual impaired.

 Educational applications: speech recognition can be used in many educational

situations. A computer with speech recognizer can teach 24 hours a day and 365
days a year. It can be programmed for special tasks like spelling and
pronunciation teaching in different languages that can be used with interactive
educational applications.

 Telecommunications and multimedia service: speech recognition enables

speech message to be forwarded through E-mail after converting in to text and

through a normal telephone line speech may also be used to speak out short text
messages (SMS) in ordinary mobile phones and converted to the text format of
the desired destination.

 Man-to-Machine communication: speech recognition may be used in all kind of

human-machine interactions. For example, in warning and alarm systems speech
recognizer may be used to give more accurate information of the current situation
by stating the exact place of alarm and also be used to receive some desktop
messages from a computer, such as printer activity or received e-mail.

 Fundamental of applied research: can serve as a laboratory tools for linguistic

processing if there exist some repeated experiment in order to provide identical
result in research.

 Dictation systems: This system includes medical transcriptions, legal and

business dictation as well as general word processing system.

 Command and Control systems: These are systems that use speech in order to
perform some specific actions by using utterances like "Open file", and the system
will respond by opening a file.

1.8 Organization of the thesis

This paper is organized in five different but interrelated chapters. The first chapter of the
thesis discusses the basic concept of speech recognition including the definition,
challenge and current status, general as well as the specific objective of the study. In
addition, this chapter also presents the statement of the problem and justification of the
study and methodology that are used to accomplish the research along with the scope and
limitation of the study and finally presents application area of speech recognition.

The second chapter presents review of related literature in the area of Amharic language
and text-to-speech and speech to text, speech production system along with the
spectrographic representation of speech. This chapter also reviews the concept of Digital

signal processing, Natural language processing which describe the analysis of text and
phonetic besides discussing related research work in the area of speech recognition.

The third chapter deals with the theories in speech recognition technique Hidden Markov
model and the three basic problems of Hidden Markov Model through providing the
suggested solution to overcome the problem that exists in the model and finally discuss
the notion of HTK toolkit which will guide the researcher to explore the applicability of
the general speech recognition technique for converting an Amharic SPEECH-TO-TEXT.

The fourth chapter deals with experimentation activities, which are under taken to
implement method and technique that are described in the third chapter. In addition to
this, the researcher describes the difficulties and success faced while trying to explore and
implement the techniques using the tools that has been selected. As a final point of this
chapter the researcher presents the result achieved after training the model and compares
and contrast the result of the experiment in order to conclude from the finding and
present recommendation for future.

The fifth chapter which is the last chapter summarizes the over all task performed in the
previous chapter and finally provides recommendation for the upcoming research area in
the field of speech recognition.


Review of Related Literature

2.1 Introduction
Language is a means of communication for sharing ideas by means of speech or verbal
communication with a well defined set of applications, and this is done through reducing
the overhead that are caused by an alternative way of communication methods.

This capability without a doubt is one of the facts that have allowed the development of a
society. In favor of speech, different scholars provide different meaning for the same
concept in one or more forms of the same approach.

As the language Amharic, is the one and unique language having its own writing system
along with script representation as shown in appendix A. that is spoken among African
countries [18]. And the following section discusses the concept of Amharic Language.

2.2 Amharic Language

Amharic is one of the official government languages spoken in Ethiopia, among 73
languages which are registered in the country [1]. It has 17.4 million speaker as a mother
tongue and 5.1 Million speakers as a second language according to the statistical census
in 1998 [13]. It also has five dialectical variations spoken named as: Addis Ababa,
Gojam, Gonder, Wollo and Menz (south shoa) [47].

Amharic is a Semitic Language of the Afro-Asiatic language group that is related to

Hebrew, Arabic, and Syrian. Amharic, a syllabic language, uses a script which originated
from the Geez alphabet (the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church).

The language Amharic which is phonetic in nature, having 33 basic characters each
having 7 orders of which six of them are Consonant-Vowel (CV) combinations while the
seventh is the consonant itself consisting more than 230 orthographic representation of
symbolic language as shown in appendix A. Unlike Arabic, Hebrew or Syrian, the
language Amharic is written from left to right. Amharic alphabets, as Chinese alphabets
differ from Arabic alphabets which makes unique to Ethiopia writing system as shown in
appendix B [5] [44].

Like any other language, Amharic speech communication plays an important role in
generating sound through the most common classification of sound either in the form of
consonant or vowel. The following section presents the human speech production system
after discussing the consonant vowel classification along with the method of articulation
for the language Amharic.

2.2.1 Consonant

A consonant is a sound in spoken language that is characterized by a constriction or

closure at one or more points along the vocal tract. The word consonant comes from
Latin meaning "sounding with" or "sounding together", the idea being that consonants do
not sound on their owns, but only occur with a nearby vowel even if it does not reflect a
modern linguistic understanding [55].

Each consonant can be distinguished by several features [16] [55]: These features are

• The manner of articulation of consonant, such as stops, fricatives, affricatives,

liquids, nasals or semi-vowels.

• The place of articulation where in the vocal tract the articulators of the consonant
act, such as bilabial, alveolar, or velar.

• The phonation method of a consonant is whether or not the vocal cords are
vibrating during articulation of a consonant. When the vocal cords are vibrating,
the consonant is voiced; when they're not, it's voiceless.

• The air stream mechanism is how the air moves through the vocal tract during

The phonetic representation of consonant sound in Amharic language are shown table 2.1.

Ÿ“õ^© Ÿ”ð`“ Ø`e/ ÉÇ© L”n© ƒ“Ò T’l`©

(Labials) Ÿ”ð` ¨c“© (palatals)
(Alveolar) (velars) (Labio-Velar) (Glottals)

#ÓÉ Voiceless ›=’³] p ý t ƒ k ¡ ax ¯

Stop Voiced ’³] b w tx Ø g Ó h I

Glottalized ð”Í= px å d É q p

iM¡M¡ Voiceless ›=’³] f õ s e sx i

Voiced ’³] z ´ zz »

Glottalized ð”Í= xx î

õƒÓ Voiceless ›=’³] c ‹

Voiced ’³] j Ï

Glottalized ð”Í= cx ß

Ñ<“© nasal m U n ” nx ˜

Voiced ’³] l M
Ñ<“© Liquids

r `
Li Liquids

ŸòM ›“vu= semi-vowel w ¨< Y Ã

Table 2.1Amharic consonant along with their feature: Adopted and modified from [16] [44]

Getahun [16] states that, every language has consonant phonemes as a result of different
type of air movement in human vocal organs. In a language Amharic there are 27
consonant phonemes among these the consonant ý /p/ : w/b/ : å /px/ are borrowed words.

In general, there are two type of right to be heard in the consonant either in the form of
voiced sound or unvoiced sound even if there exist sound that are both voiced and
glottalized “ð”Í=”.

2.2.2 Vowel
A vowel is a type of sound for which there is no closure of the throat or mouth at any
point where vocalization occurs. Vowels can be contrasted with consonants, which are
sounds for which there are one or more points where air is stopped. In nearly all
languages, words must contain at least one vowel [55].

òƒ (Front) SGŸM middle L(Back)

LÃ (High) ii ›= # ix ›< u

SGŸM (Middle) ›? ie ·e * o

‹(Low) › a


Fig. 2.1: Amharic voice along with their feature: Adopted and modified from [16] [44].

According to Solomon (46), there are 7 (seven) vowels in the language Amharic: /E/ (·),
/u/ (›<), /i/ (›=), /a/ (œ), /e/ (›?), /I/(#), /o/(*). Among these vowel /i/, /I/ and /u/ are high
vowels. /a/ is a low vowel and the remaining three are mid vowels. Concerning the

structure of the lip while speaking, the Amharic Vowel /u/ and /o/ are rounded while the
remaining /E/, /i/, /a/, /e/, and /I/ are not rounded.

The tongue is the main articulator in the mouth to determine the nature of the speech that
the individual speaks-out specifically, vowel. The movement of the tongues is
manipulated by a number of muscles that are available in oral cavity, which move it as a
whole within the mouth. The linguistic interpretation of sound while speaking different
words is done through the movement of tongue in the vertical1 and horizontal2 way as
shown figure 2.1.

2.3 The Human Speech Production System

The principle of speech synthesis using a voice coder is to simulate the process of human
speech production in the sense that the process of producing speech is expressed by the
production of a sound source and reverberation of sound [33].

Human speech is produced by vocal organs presented in Figure 2.2 ranging from the
diaphragm and lungs to the vocal and nasal cavities having different component in
between. When speaking, the air flow is forced through the glottis between the vocal
cords and the larynx to the three main cavities of the vocal tract, the pharynx and the oral
and nasal cavities. From the oral and nasal cavities the air flow exits through the nose and
mouth, respectively.

The V-shaped opening between the vocal cords, called the glottis, is the most important
sound source in the vocal system. The vocal cords may act in several different ways
during speech. The most important function is to modulate the air flow by rapidly
opening and closing, causing buzzing sound from which vowels and voiced consonants
are produced.

Vertical movement of the tongue is the movement of the tongue from the high (top) level to
middle or low (bottom) level or vice verse.
Horizontal movement of the tongue is the movement of the tongue from the front to mid or back
level or the reverse way of movement.

Fig 2.2 The human vocal organs. Sami L. [43]

(1) Nasal cavity, (2) Hard palate, (3) Alveolar ridge, (4) Soft palate (Velum), (5) Tip of the tongue (Apex),
(6) Dorsum, (7) Uvula, (8) Radix, (9) Pharynx, (10) Epiglottis, (11) False vocal cords, (12) Vocal cords,
(13) Larynx, (14) Esophagus, and (15) Trachea.

The pharynx connects the larynx to the oral cavity while the soft palate connects the route
from the nasal cavity to the pharynx. At the bottom of the pharynx are the epiglottis and
false vocal cords to prevent food reaching the larynx and to isolate the esophagus
acoustically from the vocal tract. The epiglottis, the false vocal cords and the vocal cords
are closed during swallowing and open during normal breathing.

The oral cavity is one of the most important parts of the vocal tract. Its size, shape and
acoustics can be varied by the movements of the palate, tongue, lips, cheek and the teeth.
Especially the tongue is very flexible, the tip and the edges can be moved independently
and the entire tongue can move forward, backward, up and down. The lips control the
size and shape of the mouth opening through which speech sound is radiated. Unlike the
oral cavity, the nasal cavity has fixed dimensions and shape. Its length is about 12cm and
volume 60cm3. The air stream to the nasal cavity is controlled by the soft palate.

2.4 Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech
Speech-to-text is the process of analyzing speech and producing its equivalent textual
representation. Where as, Text-to-speech is the process of producing the speech for an
equivalent of text given to the system [45]. Along with this, a number of research shows
that Speech-to-Text (STT) is the reverse process of Text-To-Speech (TTS) and different
researchers state that Speech-to-text and Text-to-speech more or less in the same way of

According to Sami [43], text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis procedure consists of two phases.
The first one is text analysis, where the input text is transcribed into a phonetic or some
other linguistic representation, and the second one is the generation of speech waveforms,
where the acoustic output is produced from the phonetic and prosodic information.

Input Text and linguistic Phonetic Prosody and Speech Synthesized

Text Analysis level Generation Speech

Fig. 2.3 Simple text-to-speech procedure (Sami [43])

Speech-to-text (STT) has also two phases as described in the Text-to-speech (TTS)
synthesis but the tasks done in the two phases are different. In speech-to-text the first
phase involves speech analysis, where the spoken input is recorded and analyzed as
shown in figure 2.3, and in text-to-speech first the text is analyzed and then converted to
speech through a set of procedure as shown in figure 2.4

Input Prosody and Speech Phonetic Text and linguistic Synthesized

Speech Generation Level Analysis text

Fig. 2.4 Simple Speech-to-Text procedure (modified from Sami [43])

In both Speech-to-text (STT) as well as for Text-to-speech (TTS) system, we need to
have some sort of mechanism that will enable us to arrive at the desired out put either in
the form of speech or text [10][23].

Speech recognition has two modules: Natural language processing (NLP) and Digital
Signal processing (DSP) [38]. The following section discusses the notion of Digital
Signal Processing and Natural Language Processing.

2.4.1 Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

Digital Signal Processing is the processing of an electrical signal carried by a wire or
telephones line by digital means either in the form of an analog or in digital [14]. Most
signals such as sound, images and other originate as continuous-valued (or analog)
signals, and must be converted into a sequence of samples to be processed using digital
techniques such as Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). It converts instantaneous
voltages of the microphone signal to corresponding numerical values, which are stored in
a digital memory, and can later be sent to a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) to
reconstruct the original sound.

However, signal processing is not an easy task, for example, the output signal from a
speaker may well be contaminated with unwanted signal/noise and processing can
remove or at least reduce the unwanted part of the signal. Increasingly nowadays, the
filtering of signals to get better signal quality or to extract important information is done
by Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques [11].

Having the above motioned fact in our mind, the over all performance of any speech
recognition systems is strongly influenced by the quality of the speech signal to be further
processed [35].

In addition to converting the continuous signals to discrete signal values or samples that
can be used to process and/or reconstruct the original signal, Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) provides a number of benefits that cannot be achieved with continuous or analog
signal processing [14]. These are:

 Analog hardware, such as amplifiers, filters, comparators, and the like are very
susceptible to noise and deterioration through aging. Digital hardware works with
only two signal levels (0’s and 1’s) rather than an infinite number, and hence it
has a high signal to noise ratio. As a result, there is little, if any gradual
deterioration of performance with age even if a digital hardware can suddenly and
totally fail, and copies of signal files are generally perfect, absent component
failure, media degeneration or damage, etc. which is not available in the analog
hardware and recording techniques.

 Analog hardware, for the most part, must be built for each processing function
needed. But in digital signal processing, each additional function needed can be
implemented with a software module, using the same piece of hardware, a digital

 Analog signal storage is typically redundant, since wave-related signals (audio,

video, etc.) are themselves typically redundant. And by taking into account this
redundancy as well as the physiological limitations of human hearing, storage
needs for audio signals can be reduced up to 95%, using digitally-based
compression techniques, such as MP3 and other technique.

 Digital signal processing makes possible signals to be transmitted at very low

power and to share the same bandwidth through a modern cell phone techniques,
such as CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) rely heavily on advanced,
digitally-based signal processing techniques to efficiently achieve both high
quality and high security through error correction.

And digital signal processing further can be illustrated using the spectrographic
representation and analysis in the next section. Spectrographic Analysis/Sound Spectrograph

Spectrographic analysis is the forensic science of voice identification that has come a
long way from when it was first introduced in the American courts back in the mid 1960's
and comparisons were made only on the pattern analysis of a few commonly used words.

The sound spectrograph, an automatic sound wave analyzer, is a basic research
instrument used in many laboratories for research studies of sound, music and speech. It
has been widely used for the analysis and classification of human speech sounds and in
the analysis and treatment of speech and hearing disorders by visual representation for a
given set of sounds taking time, frequency and amplitude as a parameters through which
the vocal sounds can be recorded and various qualities about the sounds can be analyzed
[43] [34].

Articulation is one of the most relevant of all the aspects of speech production, both for
the recognizer as well as for a human listener. Articulation is defined as the speed,
precision, timing, and co-ordination of the separate articulators, i.e., the lips, the different
parts of the tongue and the velum [30]. So that, after the articulated sound that are created
by the individual will be represented using spectrographic analysis as shown in Figure 2.5
and 2.6 below for the purpose of getting a better result in speech recognition.

In the two spectrographic representations for the utterance are taken from two individual.
But, the way they articulate the word “Bilen” are different from the point of the
spectrographic representation shown in Figure 2.5 and 2.6.

Fig. 2.5: Spectrogram representation for the utterance “Bilen”: (taken from [30])

Fig. 2.6: Spectrogram representation for the utterance “Bilen”: (taken from [30])

The presence of variation in spectrographic representation of utterance will result in

several problems in the automatic speech recognition system; even though it is possible
that some of these effects could be reduced by incorporating special adjustment to arrive
in similar mode representation. Beside the spectrographic representation of the utterance,
an environmental factor could also have an effect on the representation because of the
inconvenient recording area due to noise.

2.4.2 Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) does not have a single and agreed-upon definition
that would satisfy everyone in the area, but there are some aspects, which would be part
of any familiar goal to achieve human-like language processing.

Natural Language Processing is a theoretically motivated range of computational

techniques for analyzing and representing naturally occurring texts at one or more levels
of linguistic analysis for the purpose of achieving human-like language processing for a
range of tasks [31].

NLP can also be described as a field of computer science that concerned with the
interactions between computers and human languages by converting information from

computer databases into readable human language or converting human language into
more formal representations that are easier for computer programs to manipulate [54].

According to Henock [17] the main activities of natural language processing that are
incorporated in speech recognition are Text and Phonetic analysis which will be
discussed in the following section. Text Analysis

Text consists of alphanumeric characters, white spaces and possibly a mixture of one or
more special characters. Text analysis is one of the important stages that are presented in
the process of converting speech-to-text or text-to-speech. It helps to describe the general
structure and characteristics of text which will be displayed as an output or input to
speech synthesis respectively.

These input and output version of text needs to be processed and converted in to
linguistic representation of text in such a way that it will be suitable for further
processing [38].

The first step in text analysis involves pre-processing the given input text (including
expanding numerals, understanding the abbreviations and etc.) to convert it to a sequence
of words [38]. During text segmentation, the character string is split into manageable
chunks, usually sentences with each sentence subdivided into individual words.

Separation of words is fairly easy as words are usually delimited by white space. The
detection of sentence boundaries is less straightforward. For example, a full stop can
usually be interpreted as marking the end of a sentence, but is also used for other
functions, such as to mark abbreviations and as a decimal point in numbers in case of
English language [19]. But, when we take Amharic language (›^ƒ ’Øw / ::) is
interpreted as marking the end of the statement.

25 Phonetic Analysis

Phonetics is one of a discipline of linguistics, which focuses on the study of the sounds
that are used in speech without considering the real meaning of the sounds, the order in
which they are arranged, or any other external factor of how they are formed and
perceived, and their various properties [4].

Phonetics is highly related to phonology, which focuses on how sounds are understood in
a particular language having three major subfields of phonetics, focusing on a particular
aspect of the sounds used in speech and communication. These are auditory, acoustic and
articulator phonetics.

 Auditory phonetics: looks at how different individuals perceive the sounds they
have the sense of hearing.

 Acoustic phonetics: looks at the waves involved in speech sounds and how they
are interpreted by the human ear.

 Articulator phonetics: looks at how different sounds are produced by the human
vocal apparatus.

Articulator phonetics is where the greater part of people begins their study of phonetics
and it has uses for many people outside of the field of linguistics which include speech
therapists, computer speech synthesizers, and people who are simply interested in
learning how they make the sound which will be discussed next in detail in human speech
production system [4].


Speech Recognition Technique

3.1 Introduction
The continuous growth of information and communication technology is having an
increasingly large impact on many aspects of our day to day communication through
speech. And this communication is between human beings and information-processing
machines which is appropriate and more important.

The main aim of this chapter is to deal with speech recognition technique which is well-
known and most common modeling technique of Hidden Markov Models engaged in this
research; and discusses the most important and basic concept of Hidden Markov Model.
In addition this section discuss the use of Hidden Markov Model in speech recognition
and finally summarizes the HMM toolkit HTK that helps the researcher to develop a
prototype and implement HMM based speech recognizers with out trying to develop any
specific application.

3.2 Techniques of Speech Recognition

Speech recognition is one of the most popular and researchable areas in the field of
computer science. Currently many scholars are investigating the area to come up with
new findings. Speech recognition systems are generally classified as discrete or
continuous systems that are speaker dependent, independent, or adaptive [20].

Discrete systems maintain a separate acoustic model for each word, combination of
words, or phrases and are referred to as isolated speech recognition. Continuous speech
recognition systems, on the other hand, respond to a user who pronounces words,

phrases, or sentences that are in a series or specific order and are dependent on each
other, as if linked together.

A speaker-dependent system requires that the user record the word, sentence, or phrase
prior to its being recognized by the system. A speaker-independent system does not
require any recording prior to system use. A speaker independent system is developed to
operate for any speaker of a particular type. A speaker adaptive system is developed to
adapt its operation to the characteristics of new speakers.

Speech is the primary means of communication between people by automatic generation

of speech in the form of wave. Recent advancement in speech recognition has produced
recognizer with very high simplicity but the sound quality and naturalness still stay
behind a major problem in the speech recognition.

Text-to-speech is the automatic generation of a speech waveform, typically from an input

text. Where as, Speech-to-text starts from a database of wave form previously collected
to the typical output text [12].

In the process of text-to-speech system, text processing comes to beginning to deliver

recognized speech, while in speech-to-text processing the sound processing comes to the
starting so as to provide text output. In addition to this, many research shows that modern
speech-to-text system requires corpus of stored data or waveforms that can be understood
by the speech system beside the complexity of HMM algorithm, but naturalness remains
to be improved.

In general, speech recognition passes through a number of processes to reach to the point
that the desired result to be attained. For this research, the technique used to recognize
speech-to-text is illustrated in the following section briefly so as to convert a speech
signal into a text message

 Primarily, a set of training data is prepared that is used for the process of
recognizing the speech to a set of text. The training speech file are selected and
recorded as per the requirement specification as an input speech file shown in
figure 3.1. Following the speech file recorded, further feature analysis is

performed on the speech so as to make it ready for the next phases provided the
challenges in the absence of suitable recording area, segmentation of sound and
unreliability of wave form because of different sounds can produce similar wave

Fe a
An ture
al y
s is
ng del

Fig. 3.1 Speech recognition techniques

Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is selected for the purpose of training the model of the
speech file in such a way that can be recognized later using the testing data even though a
mathematical representation of entire signal is too large to manipulate in real time. Along
with this, word lexicon (tokenization and pronunciation dictionary) is also provided in
addition to the selected language model for both training and testing data for the

Once the corpus has been recorded and labeled, pronunciation dictionary constructed and
appropriate language model is selected along with the acoustic model training is
proceeded taking all the above as an input. Then finally the recognizer generates textual
output that can be compared with the test data using the available tool as shown figure
3.1 so as achieve result.

The next section explains the Hidden Markov Model selected as model for recognizing
the speech. The discussion of the Hidden Markov Model is mainly based on the
instruction book that is prepared by Mark G and Steve Y [32].

3.3 Hidden Markov Model

Hidden-Markov Models (HMMs) are popular statistical models used to implement
speech-recognition technologies [59]. The time variances in the spoken language are
modeled as Markov process with discrete state spaces. Each state produces speech
observations according to the probability distribution characteristics of that state. The
speech observations can take on a discrete or a continuous value. In either case, the
speech observations represent fixed time duration. The states are not directly observable,
which is why the model is called Hidden Markov Model.

The foundations of modern HMM-based continuous speech recognition technology were

laid down in the 1970’s by groups at Carnegie-Mellon and IBM who introduced the use
of discrete density HMMs. Hidden Markov Model-based technology is widely used in
today's modern speech recognition systems and although the basic framework has not
changed significantly in the last three decade [53].

Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a powerful statistical tool for modeling sequences that
can be distinguished by an underlying process generating an observable sequence in
signal and speech processing. In addition, it can be applied with a triumph to the lower
level Natural Language Processing tasks [40].

The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) statistical model provides a key benefit for the
statistical approach of speech recognition. So that, the required models are trained
automatically using the training data in such a way that can be recognized later using the
test data prepared as per the requirement of the tool.

3.3.1 Basics of HMMs
The use of HMM's for speech recognition has be come popular in the last three decade
[22]. Although the number of reported recognition systems are based on HMM's which is
too large to discuss in detail here, it is worthwhile to point out some of the most
important points for the success of these research. This section briefly tries to introduce
the basics of HMMs, a detailed description of the model can be found in Mark G and
Steve Y [32].

In most state of the art recognition systems, the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used in
the acoustic modeling technique [53].

Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a result of an attempt to model the speech generation
statistically [39], which are the most important components of a large vocabulary
continuous speech recognizer that are shown in mathematical equation on (1) shown

The input audio waveform from a microphone is converted into a sequence of fixed size
acoustic vectors which most of recognition systems use. Y 1:T = y1, . . . ,yT in a process to
provide a compact representation of the speech waveform called feature extraction. The
decoder then attempts to find the sequence of words w1: L = w1 , . .., wL which is most
likely to have generated Y, i.e. the decoder tries to find

W = argw max {P(w|Y )} ------------------------------(1)

However, since P(w|Y ) is difficult to model directly3, Bayes’ Rule is used to transform
the above equation (a) into the equivalent problem of finding:

w = argw max {P(Y |w) P (w)}

There are some systems that are based on discriminative models where P(w|Y) is modeled
directly, rather than using generative models, such as HMM.

The likelihood p(Y|w) is determined by an acoustic model and the prior P(w) is
determined by a language model.

3.3.2 HMMs for Speech Recognition

HMMs are generative models and although HMM-based acoustic models were developed
primarily for speech recognition, it is relevant to consider how well they can actually
generate speech. This is not only of direct interest for recognition applications where the
flexibility and compact representation of HMMs offer considerable benefits, but it can
also provide further insight into their use in recognition.

A Hidden Markov Model λ (A, B, π) is defined by its parameters [51]:

• A is the state transition probability;

• B is the output probability and

• π is the initial state probability.

Fig. 3.2: Message Encoding/Decoding (Young [52])

The model that this section describes is a special type of HMM which is normally used in
speech recognition even if it is not obvious on how the HMM related to the speech signal

Speech recognition systems generally assume that the speech signal is a realization of
some message encoded as a sequence of one or more symbols as shown in figure 3.2.

The continuous speech waveform is first converted to a sequence of equally spaced

discrete parameter vectors. This sequence of parameter vectors is assumed to form an
exact representation of the speech waveform [52].

The role of the recognizer is to map from a sequences of speech vectors to the desired
sequence of symbol even if there is a problem of mapping. Speech is not one-to-one since
different underlying symbols can give rise to similar speech sounds. Furthermore, there
are large variations in the realized speech waveform due to speaker variability, mood, and

environment in addition to the boundaries between symbols that cannot be identified
explicitly from the speech waveform.

3.3.3 Three problems of HMM

In order for the Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to be useful in building real-world
applications of speech recognizers, the following three fundamental problems of Hidden
Markov Model must be solved [22]. Evaluation problem can be used for word
recognition and decoding problem is related to the continuous recognition as well as to
the segmentation and finally the learning problem must be solved, if we want to train an
HMM for the subsequent use of recognition tasks and a detailed solution description can
be found from [39].

Problem 1: Given an HMM model λ= (P, B, π) and a sequence of observations O = o1,

o2, . . . , oT, what is the probability that the observations sequence generated by the
model P(O|λ) is the problem of Evaluation. This problem mainly relates to evaluating
how well a given model matches to a given observation and in order to solve this problem
the forward algorithm is used.

In order to overcome the evaluation problem having a model λ= (P, B, π), and a sequence
of observations O (o1, o2. . . oT ), the P(O|λ) must be found. This can be calculated using
simple probabilistic arguments. But this calculation involves number of operations in the
order of NT. This is very large even if the length of the sequence, T is moderate.

Therefore we have to look for another method for this calculation. Fortunately there
exists one which has a considerably low complexity and makes use an auxiliary
variable, αt(i) called forward algorithm.

The forward variable is defined as the probability of the partial observation sequence o1,
o2 , . . oT , when T terminates at the state i. mathematically,

------------------------------------ (1)

Then it is easy to calculate using recursive relationship and the required probability is
given by,

. ------ (2)


------------------------------------------- (3)

Using this recursion we can calculate

------------------------------------------------------------ (4)

and then the required probability is given by,

-------------------------------------------------------- (5)

The complexity of this method, known as the forward algorithm is proportional to ,

which is linear with respect to T whereas the direct calculation mentioned earlier, had an
exponential complexity to solve evaluation problem having a model λ= (P, B, π), and a
sequence of observations O (o1, o2. . . oT). In a similar way we can define the backward
variable βt(i) as the probability of the partial observation sequence O (ot+1, ot+2, ot+3, . . .
oT), given that the current state is i. Mathematically ,

----------------------------- (6)

As in the case of αt(i) there is a recursive relationship which can be used to calculate βt(i)

-- (7)


----------------------------------------------------- (8)

Further we can see that,

---------- (9)

Therefore this gives another way to calculate P(O|λ) , by using both forward and
backward variables as given in equation 10.

--------------------- (10)

Equation 10 is very useful, especially in deriving formulas required for gradient based
training in which the detail can be found from [39].

So that the evaluation problem is solved using the forward algorithm given the model and
sequence of observation.

Problem 2: The second problem of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is decoding. Given
the observation sequence O (o1, o2. . . oT) and the model λ= (P, B, π ), how do we choose
a corresponding state sequence Q= (q0, q1,..., qT) , which is optimal in some meaningful

The solution to this problem depends upon the way “most likely state sequence”' is
defined. One approach is to find the most likely state qt at t=t and to concatenate all such
‘qt’s. But some times this method does not give a physically meaningful state sequence.

Therefore we would go for another method which has no such problems.

In this method, commonly known as Viterbi algorithm used in which the whole state
sequence with the maximum likelihood is found to facilitate the computation by defining
an auxiliary variable,

-- (11)

Which gives the highest probability that partial observation sequence and state sequence
up to t=t can have, when the current state is i. and it is easy to observe that the following
recursive relationship holds.

----------- (12)


------------------------------------------------- (13)

So the procedure to find the most likely state sequence starts from calculation of δT(j),
1 < j < N using recursion, while always keeping a pointer to the ``winning state'' in the
maximum finding operation. Finally the state j*, is found where

---------------------------------------------------------- (14)

Starting from this state, the sequence of states is back-tracked as the pointer in each state
indicates. This gives the required set of states and the whole algorithm can be interpreted
as a search in a graph whose nodes are formed by the states of the HMM.

Problem 3: The third problem is to determine the learning parameter and a method to
adjust the model parameters λ = (P, B, π) to maximize the probability of the observation
sequence given the model.

Generally, the learning problem is how to adjust the HMM parameters, so that the given
set of observations called the training set is represented by the model in the best way for
the intended application. Thus it would be clear to optimize during the learning process
can be different from application to application. In other words there may be
several optimization criteria for learning, out of which a suitable one is selected
depending on the application.

For this, there are two main optimization criteria found in Automatic Speech Recognition
(ASR) in literature; Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Maximum Mutual Information
(MMI). This problem is in fact not possible to solve using a finite observation sequence
as training data, but we can choose λ= (P, B, π) such that P(X|λ) is locally maximized
using an iterative procedure such as the Baum-Welch techniques under the category of
Maximum Likelihood (ML) optimization.

To describe the Baum-Welch algorithm, also known as Forward-Backward algorithm, we
need to define two more auxiliary variables, in addition to the forward and backward
variables defined in a previous section of evaluation and decoding problems. These
variables can however be expressed in terms of the forward and backward variables. First
one of those variables is defined as the probability of being in state i at t=t and in state j at
t=t+1. Formally,

--------------------------------------- (15)

This is the same as,

-------------------------------------- (16)

Using forward and backward variables this can be expressed as,

---------------------------------- (17)

The second variable is the a posteriori probability,

------------------------------------------------------------ (18)

That is the probability of being in state i at t=t, given the observation sequence and the
model. In forward and backward variables this can be expressed by,

------------------------------------------------------- (19)

One can see that the relationship between γt (i) and ξt(i,t) is given by,

----------------------------- (20)

Now it is possible to describe the Baum-Welch learning process, where parameters of the
HMM is updated in such a way to maximize the quantity, P(O|λ). Assuming a starting
model λ= (A, B, π), we calculate the ' α's and 'β's using the recursions in equation 7 and
2, and then ' ξ's and 'γ 's using equation 17 and 20. The next step is to update the Hidden
Markov Model parameters according to equations 21 to 23, known as re-estimation

------------------------------------------------------- (21)

-------------------------------- (22)

--------------------------- (23)

These re-estimation formulas can easily be modified to deal with the continuous density
case too. Then using as an initial parameter instantiation, the forward algorithm
iteratively re-estimates the parameters and improves the probability that given
observation is generated by the new parameters. So that, the three major problems that
exist in the Hidden Markov Model are solved in such a way and the next section briefly
discusses the tools used for speech recognition based on the model Hidden Markov called
Hidden Markov Toolkit.

3.4 The HTK
This section tries to briefly introduce the basics of Hidden Markov Model toolkit (HTK)
and a detailed discussion of the toolkit is mainly based on the instructional book that is
prepared by Young S. and et al [52] and quotation will be made if otherwise.

HTK is the “Hidden Markov Model Toolkit” developed by the Cambridge University
Engineering Department (CUED). The Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) is a
portable toolkit for building and manipulating hidden Markov models [56]. HTK is
primarily used for speech recognition research although it has been used for numerous
other applications including research into speech synthesis, character recognition, gesture
recognition and DNA sequencing.

HTK is in use at hundreds of sites consisting of a set of library modules and tools
available in C source forms that are designed to run with a traditional command-line style
interface. The layout of the commands is the same for all tools. Each tool has a number of
required arguments plus optional arguments.

In addition, the operation of a tool can be controlled by set of parameters stored in a

configuration file. The main use of this configuration file is to control the detailed
behavior of the library modules on which all HTK tools depend.

The HTK tools can best be described in line with the steps involved to develop sub word
based continuous speech recognizers. The tools provide sophisticated facilities for speech
analysis, data preparation tools, training and testing along with analysis of the result
given the training and testing dataset.

In HTK, there are two major processing stages involved. Firstly, the HTK training tools
are used to estimate the parameters of a set of HMMs using training utterances and their
associated transcriptions. Secondly, unknown utterances are transcribed using the HTK
recognition tools.

3.4.1 HTK Software Architecture
Most of the functionality of HTK is built into the library modules ensuring that each and
every tool interfaces to the outside world in exactly the same way. They also provide a
central resource of most commonly used functions and the figure 3.3 illustrates the
software structure of a typical HTK tool and showing input/output interfaces.

Fig.3.3 HTK software Architecture [52]

Each of the file types required by HTK has a dedicated interface module. These
interfaces are:

• User input/output and interaction with the operating system is controlled by the
library module HShell.

• All memory management is controlled by HMem.

• Mathematical support is provided by Hmath.

• The signal processing operations needed for speech analysis are in HSigP.

• HLabel provides the interface for label files, HLM for language model files, HNet
for networks and lattices, HDict for dictionaries and HModel for HMM

In addition to the above mentioned interface module, HTK provides a lot of interface that
are necessary for the success of speech recognition.

As mentioned in previous section, HTK tools are designed to run with a traditional
command-line style interface having a number of required arguments plus optional
arguments in which the latter are prefixed by a minus signal all the time. In addition to
command-line arguments, the operation of a tool can be controlled by parameters stored
in a configuration file in order to load the parameters stored in the configuration file
during its initialization procedures.

3.4.2 The toolkit

The HTK tools are best described by introducing the four processing steps or phases as
shown in Fig. 3.4 in building speech recognizer these four main phases are: data
preparation, training, testing and analysis.

Fig. 3.4 Four Stages of HTK Processing (taken from [52])

42 Data Preparation Tools

Data preparation is the first stages in the process of speech recognition among the four
stages of HTK Processing.

For the data preparation, different commands that are available in the HTK tools are used.
Among these, HSLab, HCopy, HList and HLed are some of the interface that enables to
prepare the data for the training phase of the speech recognition. And at the end of the
data preparation, transcribed and the parameterized data will be readily available for the
training phase.

HSLab is an interactive label editor for manipulating speech label files. Before
constructing Hidden Markov Models, a set of speech data files must be prepared along
with the associated transcriptions.

Most of the times in order to build Hidden Markov Model, the speech data are obtained
from database archives, typically from CD-ROMs. Before using the speech corpus for the
purpose of training, it must be converted into the appropriate parametric form and any
associated transcriptions must be converted to have the correct format. If the speech
needs to be recorded, then the tool HSLab can be used both to record the speech and to
manually annotate it with any required transcriptions.

Although all HTK tools can parameterize waveforms on-the-fly, in practice it is usually
better to parameterize the data just once. The tool HCopy is used for this. As the name
suggests, HCopy is used to copy one or more source files to the desired an output file.
Normally, HCopy copies the whole file by taking the parameter of source and destination
file, but a variety of mechanisms are provided for extracting segments of files and
concatenating files. By setting the appropriate configuration variables, all input files can
be converted to parametric form as they are read-in. Thus, simply copying each file in
this manner performs the required encoding.

HList can be used to check the contents of any speech file in addition to converting the
input on-the-fly, it can be used to check the results of any conversions before processing
large quantities of data. Transcriptions will also need preparing.

HLEd is a script-driven label editor which is designed to make the required

transformations to label files. HLEd can also output files to a single Master Label File
(MLF) which is usually more convenient for subsequent processing.

Finally on data preparation, HLStats can gather and display statistics on label files and
where required, HQuant can be used to build a VQ codebook in preparation for building
discrete probability HMM system. Training Tools

Training stages is the stage in which the actual training takes place. It is the process of
speech recognition to build with any desired topology by receiving the data that has been
prepared by the previous stage of HTK Processing. Alternatively, the standard HTK
distribution includes a number of example HMM prototypes and a script to generate the
most common topologies automatically. With the exception of the transition probabilities,
all of the HMM parameters given in the prototype definition are ignored.

The purpose of the prototype definition is only to specify the overall characteristics and
topology of the HMM under which the actual parameters will be computed later by the
training tools. The definitions file of HMM can be stored externally as simple text files
and it is possible to edit them with any convenient text editor.

The following section shows how training is carried out in order to prepare an input that
can be used by the speech testing tool of HTK.

An initial set of models must be created that can be modified at the later stage of the

• If there is speech data available for which the location of the word boundaries
have been marked that can be used as bootstrap data.

• The tools HInit and HRest provide isolated word style training using the fully
labeled bootstrap data and each of the required HMMs is generated
individually by:

o HInit reading all of the bootstrap training data and cuts out all of the
examples of the required phone. It then iteratively computes an initial
set of parameter values using a segmental k-means procedure by
segmenting the training data in uniform size on the first cycle. Then,
each model state is matched with the corresponding data segments and
then means and variances are estimated.

o On the second and successive cycles, the uniform segmentation is

replaced by Viterbi alignment. The initial parameter values computed
by HInit are then further re-estimated by HRest. Again, the fully
labeled bootstrap data is used but this time the segmental k-means
procedure is replaced by the Baum-Welch re-estimation procedure.

HcompV tool is used when no bootstrap data is available and a so-called flat start
monophone can be used. In this case all of the phone models are initialized to be identical
and have state means and variances equal to the global speech mean of (0) and variance
of (1). The focus here is to create a model structure, the parameters are not important
because, the global mean and variance are modified at the successive phase of the

Fig. 3.5: Training sub-word HMMs [52]

HERest is one of the core HTK training tools that are designed to process large databases.
HERest performs a single Baum-Welch re-estimation on the entire training set of the
whole HMM monophone models simultaneously after the initial training set of the model
created successfully as shown Fig. 3.5.

For each training utterance, the corresponding phone models are concatenated and
forward-backward algorithm is used to accumulate the statistics of state occupation,
means, variances, etc., for each HMM in the sequence.

When all of the training data has been processed, the accumulated statistics are used to
compute and re-estimates the HMM parameters for the next phases.

In order to improve the performance of specific speakers the tools HEAdapt and HVite
can be used to adapt HMMs to better model the characteristics of particular speakers
using a small amount of training data.

46 Recognition or Testing Tools

HTK provides a number of tools that can be used for the purpose of data
preparation, training, testing as well as for analysis. Each tools providing its own specific
function in the areas that are mentioned in the introduction part of HTK.

The most important tool that is used in the testing section of this research is HVite tool
which will be described below along with the functionalities. HTK provides a recognition
tool called HVite which uses the token passing algorithm. HVite takes as input a network
describing the allowable word sequences, a dictionary defining how each word is
pronounced and a set of HMMs. It operates by converting the word network to a phone
network and then attaching the appropriate HMM definition to each phone instance.
Recognition can then be performed on either a list of stored speech files or on direct
audio input.

HVite can support cross-word tri-phones and it can run with multiple tokens to generate
lattices containing multiple hypotheses. It can also be configured to rescore lattices and
perform forced alignments. Along with HVite there are other tools that support testing
and recognition of speech and a detail can be found from the HTK book [52]: these tools


• HLStats

• HDMan and

• Hparse

47 Analysis Tools

Once the HMM-based recognizer has been built, it is necessary and important to evaluate
the over all performance. This is usually done by using it to transcribe some pre-recorded
test sentences and match the recognizer output with the correct reference transcriptions.
This comparison is performed by a tool called HResults which uses dynamic
programming to align the two transcriptions and then count substitution, deletion and
insertion errors.

Options are also provided to ensure that the algorithms and output formats used by
HResults are compatible with those used by the US National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). As well as global performance measures, HResults can also provide
speaker-by-speaker breakdowns, confusion matrices and time-aligned transcriptions.

Chapter 4


4.1 Introduction
The main concern of this chapter is to describe the designing, constructing and
developing of the general speech recognition technique for converting the Amharic
language that is capable of recognizing Amharic spoken language.

The intention was developing a prototype that is as general as possible, so that it can be
used, with slight modifications and some adaptive training as a speech interface for many
other application areas.

Any systems have a number of components that interact in order to achieve some
objective in one or more fashion. These interactions among the components results in
generating an output that might be used as an input to another systems or a system which
may also trigger another system.

Having this in mind, the development process of the speech recognition was performed
on the UNIX platform using the tools in Hidden Markov Model toolkit (HTK). Along
with this tool, various preprocessing tool such as wavesurfer for sound analysis and
sound transcription, and scripts that exist on the UNIX environment were also used. In
addition to this tool, scripts that exist in the Perl are also used for preprocessing the raw
text data that has been selected.

The recognizer that is going to be developed in this paper is intended to recognize an

Amharic speech. But, for the future systems this can be extended by a large set of corpus,
vocabulary that consists of a set of pronunciation of the speech to meet the requirement
of the new recognizer. The following section provides the experimental processes that
have been carried out in this work.

4.2 Experiment
The discussion of the experiment is presented in accordance to the experiment design
shown figure 4.1 while building such speech recognizer. Accordingly, the experiment
design is organized in to four parts preprocessing (data preparation), Training,
Recognition and finally Evaluation of the recognizer each of the phases delivering some
out for the succeeding phase of speech recognition.

The first phase mainly concerned with feature extraction on the text taking the raw
sentences. Since the application requires arbitrary set of sentence for both training and
testing the speech recognizer.

In this experiment, 500 different sentences have been selected which is consisting of a
total 1758 unique words. The text that is used for both the training sets as well as testing
sets are taken from Bereket [3] which has been selected using purposive sampling from a
corpus that has 11,670 sentences. This data is further processed so as to fill the
requirement of tools either for training or testing the data.

Once the data transcribed in to word and syllable label, it divides in to either for training
or testing the data up on the requirement of sample size. The data that are used for the
training passes through different level including realignment, converting from
monophones to triphones and additional rearrangement on the training so as improve the
accuracy of the recognizer.

After this point the training and the testing data are given to the recognizer to measure the
over all performance of the recognizer and finally the result of the recognizers are
evaluated using the tool HResult.

Figure 4.1 shows the design of the experiment used for this research and each of the
phases are illustrated following the diagram.

Fig. 4.1 design of the experiment

4.2.1 Data Preparation
Data preparation is the first stage of any development of speech recognizer and this
section presents the process that are involved in the data preparation task through process
of tokenization, pronunciation dictionary, recording the data, labeling, creating the
transcription files and finally coding the data in such a way that the data is ready for the
training phase of speech recognizer. The Pronunciation Dictionary

Pronunciation refers to the way a word or a language is spoken, or the manner in which
someone utters a word. A pronunciation dictionary is a file that contains all words along
with the way they are pronounced.

In order to create pronunciation dictionary first you need to have a list of unique words
extracted from the sample 500 sentences by tokenizing in to list of words. Tokenization is
the process of demarcating and possibly classifying sections of a sentence into a list of
words that are separated by a new line.

The script “promps2wlist” is used to tokenize the given sentence in to list of words that
are separated by space in a given sentence. This list of word contains repeated words that
are not sorted by excluding the first words from each line. Then the UNIX tool unique
sort is implemented in order to make the list sorted in addition to removing duplicate

The expected major deliverables of this task is a raw and unique word which is important
for the purpose of constructing the pronunciation dictionary that is used throughout the
experiment in this paper.

Pronunciation dictionary is an important and valuable resource in the process of building

speech recognizer. For the English language and other technologically supported
languages, commercial and public domain pronunciation dictionaries are available. But,
the language like Amharic and other languages that are not technologically supported, the
pronunciation dictionary need to be constructed manually.

In order to conduct a research in a language like Amharic, which is not supported
technologically, it is a must to prepare a list of pronunciation dictionary. This is done by
taking list of unique words that are prepared in the earlier stage of data preparation and
converting in to the form of unit of spoken language consisting of a single uninterrupted
sound formed by a vowel, diphthong, or syllabic consonant alone, or by any of these
sounds preceded, followed, or surrounded by one or more consonants.

The pronunciation dictionary prepared in this stage is to be used by the tool HTK has a
very simply format. Each line consists of a single unique word and the corresponding

The general formats used for each dictionary entry is:

Sample-word [output] pr1 pr2 pr3 . . .

Where pr1, pr2, pr3 … are the pronunciation of the sample-word in a given utterance. The
output in square brackets specifies the recognized string from a given sample word. If it
is omitted then the word itself is output.

For example the Amharic word ”›p×݆¨<”” can be pronounced as

›p×݆¨<” › p × Ý † ¨< ”

aqtxacxacewn a q txa cxa ce w n

And sample of the pronunciation dictionary shown below

siiqerexx sii qe re xx
siirotxu sii ro txu
siitay sii ta y
siiyagenxu sii ya ge nxu
siiyamesegixnuh sii ya me se gix nu h
siiyamsen sii ya m se n
siiyasxenfu sii ya sxe n fu
siiyasxenixf sii ya sxe nix f
siiyayew sii ya ye w
siiyayunx sii ya yu nx
sil [] sil

53 Recording the Data

Before recording the data all the text were classified randomly in a group of twenty five
sentences and written in the Amharic by transliterating the sample taken and prepared in
readable format.

Once all the data has been prepared and the pronunciation dictionary is constructed, for
both the training and test data need to be converted in the form of sound using the tool
HSLab in such a way that can be analyzed using the HTK tools. However, all the data
that has been recorded by the preceding researcher Bereket K. [3] were not suitable for
this work. For this, the researcher needs to record all the sound from the scratch to make
suitable for this research using the available and recommended combined waveform
recording tool.

HSLab is invoked by typing:

HSLab sample_num.wav

Where, sample_num.wav is the sound files to be recorded.

The database is prepared from utterances made by people whose first language is
Amharic, Oromiffa, Tigray, Hadya and Gurage has been selected due to the ease of
accessibility with a total sample of 500 utterances each with an equal percentage. Labeling

In addition to recording, the tool HSLab can be used for the purpose of segmenting the
sound uttered in to text based format to assign a label for each phoneme called labeling.

Once the sound recorded, labeling can be performed either automatically or manually.
But generating the label without human intervention leads to an enormous error.
Therefore, each and every labeling is carried out manually which is difficult, time
consuming and critical for the success measure of the performance of speech recognizer.

This labeling is done using the same tool that is used for recording the speech and sample
label for the utterance “beadiis abeba ketema yetekesetew yewixha ixtret”/ “u›Ç=e ›uv
Ÿ}T ¾}Ÿc}¨< ¾¨<G #Ø[ƒ” are shown below in figure 4.2 and the label file for
this specific utterance are generated automatically as you labeling the speech recorded
manually and saved with the same name as to the sound file with .lab extension.

Fig. 4.2: Labeling a utterances

So that, the file .lab extension will create the following label file which is an important
label information for the computing the mean and the variance in the training phase of the
experiment by taking the first value, the second value and the specific utterance for the
starting point, ending point and the pronunciation respectively .

5011875 9317500 sil 15872500 17478750 be

9317500 10410000 be 17478750 18892500 ba

10410000 11631250 a 18892500 21270625 ke

11759375 13687500 dii 21270625 22812500 te

13687500 14972500 s 22812500 24290625 ma

14972500 15808125 a 24290625 25961250 ye

25961250 27696250 te 35343750 37143125 ha

27696250 28981875 ke 37143125 38556875 ix

28981875 30652500 se 38556875 39906250 tx

30652500 31745000 te 39970625 40998750 re

31745000 33030000 w 40998750 42091250 t

33030000 34186875 ye 42091250 43955000 sil

34186875 35279375 w Creating the Transcription Files

After creating a label on the recorded data, HTK requires the transcription file to be
prepared and stored in a separate file. To train a set of HMMs, every file of training data
must have both an associated phone level and word level transcriptions side by side.

The starting point for both sets transcription is an orthographic transcription in HTK label
format. The complete set of the orthographic transcription is stored in a single file called
Master Label File (MLF).

This Master Label Files (MLFs) may be observed as an index files holding pointers that
are pointing to the actual label files which can either be embedded in the same index file
or stored elsewhere in the file system.

The Master Label files (MLFs) built in this experiment has the following format.

#!MLF!# .
"sample0001.lab" "sample0002.lab"
beadiis bixzu
abeba rixqet
ketema beixgracew
yetekesetew teguzew
yewha yemiiyagenxutixn
ixtxixret wixha


Once the word level MLF has been created as shown above, the syllable level MLF can
be generated from the already created pronunciation dictionary and the above word level
MLF using the label editor HLED. Assuming that the above word level transcription file
is named all_mlf, the command

HLED -l '*' -d dict -i syllable.mlf mkphone0.led all_mlf

generates a syllable level transcription of the following form and stores the output in the
file called syllable.mlf.

#!MLF!# te "’*’/sample0002 gu
"’*’/sample0001 ke .lab" ze
.lab" se sil w
sil te bix sp
be w zu ye
a sp sp mii
dii ye rix ya
s w qe ge
sp ha t nxu
a sp sp tix
be ix be n
ba txix ix sp
sp re g wix
ke t ra ha
te sp ce sp
ma sil w sil
sp . sp .
ye te

The HLED edit script mkphones0.led contains the commands EX, IS sil sil, DE sp Where
EX command replaces each word in the word level.mlf by the corresponding
pronunciation in the dictionary file while IS command inserts a silence model sil at the
start and end of every utterance. Finally, the delete DE command deletes all short pause
“sp” labels, which are not any more wanted in the transcription labels. Coding the Data

Coding the data is the final stage of data preparation, which parameterizes the raw speech
waveforms into sequences of feature vectors that are supported by many variants. Among
these variants, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) based and LPC-based analyses are
supported by HTK. In this research we use one of the many variant formats that are
supported by the toolcalled the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), which is
derived from FFT-based.

Coding can be performed using the tool HCopy configured to automatically convert its
input into MFCC vectors from one of the many variants. It requires different parameter,
one script file4 listing the path of the wave file (source file) names along with the
destination path which enables to create the .mcf file in parallel as its parameters.

The script file has the following format:

.../sample0001.wav .../sample0001.mfc

.../sample0002.wav .../sample0002.mfc

.../sample0003.wav .../sample0003.mfc

In addition to this, a configuration file (config) is needed which specifies all of the
conversion parameters with a reasonable and default settings. These settings are attached
in appendix C in which the detail can be found in HTK book [3]. This configuration file

Script file is the file containing all the source and destination address that will enables you to
convert the entire .wav file format to the computable .mcf file format that can be used by the tool HTK
having an extension of .scp.

reduces the amount of pre-processing required during the training phase, which is a time
consuming task.

The .mcf for the entire wave file is created by invoking the command assuming that the
above script is stored in the file codetr.scp and config consist of the configuration
parameter for MFCCs as shown in appendix C

HCopy -T 1 -C config -S codetr.scp

4.4.2 Training
In the data preparation stage of the experiment, all the activities that are required for the
training of Amharic speech recognizer prepared which is an important step for the
success of the well trained data for the recognition. Here, the tasks performed in
developing the recognizer by improving the performance of the training through
successive refining of the training model to put plain in words exhaustively. HMM Prototype

The first step in HMM training is to define a prototype model. The parameters of this
model are not important as they are modified later during training of the model even if it
helps to define the model to be used on the later stage.

In this section, the construction of a well trained and recommended set of single-Gaussian
monophone HMMs is described. The starting point has a set of identical monophone in
which every mean and variance is identical and entire means and variances of the states
in the models are simply assigned a value of 0 and 1 respectively.

These are then retrained, short-pause models are added and the silence model is extended
slightly and monophones are retrained further.

As stated by Young et al. [52], a good topology for phone-based system is 3-state left-
right topology. The same 3-state left-right model is tested for the syllable based
recognizer and resulted in degraded performance. Consequently, a 5-state left-right

topology has been used for each syllable with two non-emitting states. A better
performance obtained as compared to that of 3-state left to right. These are further
proceeded to improve the performance up to 8-state left-to-right tested and better
recognition results are obtained with 10 numbers of states in the previous research work.
So that, 8-state left-to-right is used prototype is selected for this work and the reason for
selecting 8-state topology is, due to the better performance improvement and the initial
selected using the standard that are recommended by HTK book [52]. The selected model
along with the detail information attached as an Appendix D.

Once the model is selected, the HTK tool HCompV scan a set of data files, compute the
global mean and variance and set all of the Gaussians in a given HMM to have the same
mean and variance by invoking the following command.

HCompV -C config –T 1 –A -D –m –M hmm0 -f 0.01 -m -S train.scp -M


Where –C calculate cluster-based mean and variance estimate and store results in the
specified directory, -M stores output HMM macro model files in the directory hmm0, -D
there will be no warning even if the name of a configuration variable is miss typed the
variable will simply be ignored and training data paths (scripts) are stored in the file
train.scp in similar fashion to that of the “codetr.scp” without the source data.

Then the command proto create a new version of proto and “vFloors” in the directory
hmm0. The previous state in which all the zeros mean and unit variances is replaced by
the global speech means and variances.

In addition to this, the “macros” file constructed by appending “vFloors” on the bottom
of the global mean and variance which serve as an input in determining the next state.
Alternatively, the “macros” file can be constructed using the UNIX command line

cat hmm0/proto hmm0/vFloors > hmm0/macros

Where proto and vFloors are the file created in the directory hmm0 previously and the
“macros” file is created by merging the file in the same directory.

Once the global means and variances computed, the new prototype model creates proto
and macro file under the directory hmm0. Then, Master Macro File (MMF) called
“hmmdefs” constructed from the newly computed model and the monophones that
containing a copy for each of the required monophone including “sil”.

These are created manually by combining the monophones and the proto file called
“hmmdefs” under the hmm0 directory because the initial monophones generated does not
contain “sil” phone.

To create the “hmmdefs”, copy the content of monophones0 and add the sil at the end of
the file hmm0 folder by renaming the monophones0 file to “hmmdefs”. And for each
phone in “hmmdefs” put the phone in double quotes, then add '~h ' before the phone,
finally copy from <BEGINHMM> to <ENDHMM> of the hmm0/proto file and paste it
after each phone.

Once you create the monophones the Flat Start Monophones are re-estimated using the
HERest tool. The purpose of this is to load all the models in the hmm0 folder, and re-
estimate them using the MFCC files listed in the train.scp script, and create a new model
set in hmm1.

Then the flat start monophones stored in the directory hmm0 are re-estimated using the
embedded re-estimation tool HERest invoked as follows

HERest -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 \ -S train.scp -H

hmm0/macros -H hmm0/hmmdefs -M hmm1 monophones0

The effect of this is to load all the models in hmm0 which are listed in the model list
monophones0. These are then re-estimated using the data listed in train.scp and the new
model set is stored in the directory hmm1. Then the next step is to embed the training
using the HEREST command. This simultaneously updates all the HMMs in a system

using all of the training data and the process is repeated two more times, creating new
model sets in hmm2 and hmm3.

Each time HEREST is run, it performs a single Baum-Welch re-estimation of the whole
set of HMM syllable models simultaneously, and this does not include the short pause
“sp” and on the next stage of the training includes the model “sp” in “hmmdefs” of the
hmm4 directory. Fixing the Silence Models

According to Rabiner[41], speech recognition system often distinct models for silence
and short pauses. The silence model “sil” may have the normal 3-state topology whereas
a short pause model “sp” may have just a single state.

So far, the step created HMM models does not include "sp" (short pause) silence model
which refers to the types of short pauses that occur between words in normal speech. In
order to make the model more robust by allowing individual states to absorb the various
impulsive noises in the training data, extra transitions from states 2 to 4 and from states 4
to 2 are added in the silence model.

This is normally done by copying the centre state from the “sil” model in the “hmmdefs”
file and adding it to the “sp” model, and then running a special tool called HHED to “tie”
the “sp” model to the “sil” model so that they share the same centre state.

Then, the “sp” has its emitting state tied to the centre state of the silence model. The
required topology of the two silence models is shown in Fig. 4.3 below

Fig. 4.3: Fixing Silence Models

The silence model "sp" is created using the following procedure in hmm4/hmmdefs as

• Copy and paste the “sil” model of hmm3/hmmdefs and rename the new one “sp”
without deleting the old "sil" model, make a copy of the sil model because we
need this model to tie in a head of time.

• Remove state 2 and 4 from new “sp” model keeping the centre state of old “sil”
model in new “sp” model. So that, you are creating single state short pause sp
model so as to avoid the “sil” and “sp” models competing with each other.
Beneath these steps, the “sp” model state can be tied to the center state of the “sil”
model as shown in figure 4.2.

The HMM command HHEd is used to add the extra transitions required and tie the “sp”
state to the centre “sil” state as shown below

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm4/macros -H hmm4/hmmdefs -M hmm5 sil.hed


Where sil.hed contains the following commands

AT 2 4 0.2 {sil.transP}

AT 4 2 0.2 {sil.transP}

AT 1 3 0.3 {sp.transP}

TI silst {sil.state[3], sp.state[2]}

The AT commands add transitions to the given transition matrices and the final TI
command create a tied-state called silst. The parameters of this tied-state are stored in the
“hmmdefs” file and within each silence model, the original state parameters are replaced
by the name of this macro.

Finally two more passes of HERest was made using the monophones1 rather than
monophones0 which include the short pause “sp” in addition to the “sil” resulting in the
final monophone based recognizer.

So that, in the next state a new and updated “hmmdefs” and “macros” file created under
the directory hmm6 and hmm7 by invoking the command as below for further training
the model

HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S train.scp -H

hmm5/macros -H hmm5/hmmdefs -M hmm6 monophones1 Realigning the Training Data

As dictionary may contain multiple pronunciations for some words, particularly function
words, the phone models created so far used to realign the training data and create new
transcriptions. This is done with a single invocation of the HTK recognition tool HVite as
shown below

HVite -l '*' -o SWT -b silence -C config -a -H hmm7/macros \ -H hmm7/hmmdefs

-i aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 -y lab \ -I allmlf -S train.scp dict monophones1

This command uses the HMMs stored in hmm7 to transform the input word level
transcription ‘allmlf’ to the new phone level transcription ‘aligned.mlf’ using the
pronunciations stored in the dictionary ‘dict’.

The key difference between this operation and the original word-to-phone mapping
performed by HLEd in step of creating the transcription files is that, the recognizer
considers all pronunciations for each word and outputs the pronunciation that best
matches the acoustic data.

Once the new phone alignments have been created, another two passes of HERest applied
to re-estimate the HMM set parameters again. This leaves the set of monophones HMMs
created so far in the directory hmm9.

The monophone models created in hmm9 could actually be used for speech recognition,
but recognition accuracy can be greatly improved by using Tied-State triphones. The
reason for this is that, the Tied-State triphones considers the transition from the previous
state to the current state and from the current state to the next state for the phonemes if
the phonemes are not starting or final point in a given word.

In addition to this, one of the major problems to be faced in the process of building any
HMM based system is the lack of sufficient training data. In order triumph over the
problem, HTK provides a variety of mechanism to implement the HMM parameters to be
tied together so that the training data is shared and more robust estimates result. So that,
the next section focus in discussing the process involved keep away from the problem
that aforementioned. Making Triphones from Monophone

Triphones reduce the possibility of error caused by confusing one sound with another,
because we are now looking for a distinct sequence of 3 sounds.

To generate a triphone (i.e. a group of 3 phones) declaration from monophones, the "L"
phone (i.e. the left-hand phone) proceeds "X" phone and the "R" phone (i.e. the right-
hand phone) follows it. Then the final triphone is declared in the form of "L-X+R".

With a triphone model, we are essentially looking for a monophone in the context of the
other monophones.

i.e. The one immediately before and after if they exist, which might be the
beginning or end of the words to greatly improve the accuracy of recognition.

Given a set of monophone HMMs, the final stage of model building is to create context
dependent triphone HMMs. This is done in two steps. Firstly, the monophone
transcriptions are converted to triphone transcriptions and a set of triphone models are
created by copying the monophones and re-estimating. Secondly, similar acoustic states
of these triphones are tied to ensure that all state distributions of the triphones strongly
estimated. Triphone Construction

Triphone Construction is done automatically using HLEd to convert the monophone

transcriptions to the desired equivalent set of triphone transcriptions. To do this,
‘aligned.mlf’ file that is created during training data realignment are used along with
‘mktri.led’ script as a parameter.

The construction of the triphones is obtained by invoking the following command which
generates triphones1 and wintri.mlf:

HLEd -A -D -T 1 -n triphones1 -l '*' -i wintri.mlf mktri.led aligned.mlf

Where -D Read a dictionary and use this for expanding labels when the EX command is
used, -l specifies the directory to store output label files, -i specifies that the output
transcriptions are written to the master label file.

The edit script ‘mktri.led’ contains the commands: WB sp, WB sil and TC. Both WB in
the ‘mktri.led’ scripts defines sp and sil as word boundary symbols.

As a result of this, all the monophone transcriptions have been converted to an equivalent
set of triphone transcriptions and are stored in a file named wintri.mlf (Appendix E), and
at the same time a list of triphones is printed to the file named triphones1 to improve the

accuracy of the recognizer using the tied state triphones. The fragments of the triphones
that are generated are attached as Appendix F.

Executing ‘maketrihed’ perl script by taking monophones1 and the triphones1 as

parameter will enable us to create the mktri.hed script which is an important for the next
step file by:

perl perlscript/maketrihed monophones1 triphones1

After executing the above mentioned command, the next step is creating the cloning of
models that can be done efficiently using the HMM editor HHEd:

HHEd -B -H hmm9/macros -H hmm9/hmmdefs -M hmm10 mktri.hed


This will create a new model hmm10/hmmdefs and hmm10/macros.

So far the set of triphones used, did cover only the training data. But here a new list of
triphones was required, containing all triphones from all type of data. It was then created
using the following command:

HDMan -A -D -T 1 -b sp -n fulllist -g global.ded -l flog dict-tri

This command generated the new list called fulllist that is expanded to include all the
triphones needed for recognition both in the testing as well as training the data. And this
new list was required by the AU parameter in the ‘tree.hed’ script.

Next create a new fulllist1 file and copy the contents of the fulllist and triphones1 into it
using the script fixfullist.pl, and executing this command will enable to remove any
duplicate entries to recognize all of the new previously unseen triphones in the new list.

perl fixfulllist.pl fulllist1 fulllist

Finally, and for the last time, the models are re-estimated twice using by invoking the
HERest command as follows:

HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config -I wintri.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S train.scp -H
hmm10/macros -H hmm10/hmmdefs -M hmm11 triphones1

The outcome of this stage is a set of triphone HMMs with all triphones in a phone set
sharing the same transition matrix. When estimating these models, many of the variances
in the output distributions will have been floored since there will be insufficient data
associated with many of the states and this problems can be prevail over in the following
section. Making Tied-State Triphones

In the triphone construction phase, the amount of training data is not sufficient to obtain a
reliable estimate of the model parameters, the overall performance may degrade
significantly. It seems therefore necessary to reduce the model size. To triumph over this
problem, the most common solution is to share some of the model parameters by tying
the state output probability distributions among different HMMs as.

In the previous step, the TI parameter used to explicitly tie all members of a set of
transition matrices together. However, the choice of which states to tie requires a bit more
subtlety since the performance of the recognizer depends crucially on how accurate the
state output distributions capture the statistics of the speech data.

HHED provides two mechanisms which allow states to be clustered and then each cluster
tied. The first is data-driven and uses a similarity measure between states. The second
uses decision trees and is based on asking questions about the left and right contexts of
each triphone. The decision tree attempts to find those contexts which make the largest
difference to the acoustics and which should therefore distinguish clusters.

A script for automatically generating the file ‘tree.hed’, ‘mkclscript’ available on the
HTK demo is used and part of the ‘tree.hed’ script shown in appendix G.

Decision tree state tying performed by running HHED in the normal way, i.e.

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed
triphones1 > log

The log file will include summary statistics which give the total number of physical states
remaining and the number of models after compacting.

The effect of the AU parameter is to use the decision trees to recognize all of the new
previously unseen triphones in the new list.

Once all state-tying has been completed and new models generated, some models may
share exactly the same 3 states and transition matrices that are identical. The CO
command is used to compact the model set by finding all identical models and tying
them together and producing a new list of models called tiedlist.

One of the advantages of using decision tree clustering is that it allows previously unseen
triphones to be recognized. To do this, the trees must be saved and this is done by the ST
command. Later if new previously unseen triphones are required, for example in the
pronunciation of a new vocabulary item, the existing model set can be reloaded into
HHED, the trees reloaded using the LT command and then a new extended list of
triphones created using the AU command.

After HHED has completed, the effect of tying can be adjusted up on the requirement.
Finally, and for the last time, the models are re-estimated twice using HEREST command
as follows.

HERest -A -D -T 1 -T 1 -C config -I wintri.mlf -s stats -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S

train.scp -H hmm13/macros -H hmm13/hmmdefs -M hmm14 tiedlist

HERest -A -D -T 1 -T 1 -C config -I wintri.mlf -s stats -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S

train.scp -H hmm14/macros -H hmm14/hmmdefs -M hmm15 tiedlist

In training, while estimating the models using the HERest command, two of the mean
and variances in the output distributions will have a value of not a number (NaN) value.
This is due to the absence off sufficient data available to train the data to the next phase

for those words that exist only once or twice in the training phase of the experiment. Had
it been more data for the purpose of the training, the problem could not arise because of
the sufficient number of phone for the training.

So that, the presence of not a number ‘nan’ (not a number) value in the training phase
would result not to proceed to the next level of the training. So, to triumph over the
problem that arise as a result of these single phone existence in the training of the model
shifting of the data made from the training set to the testing set without any overlapping
of the data between the training and testing set.

Since all the training completed, the next phase is to measure and analyze the
performance of the recognizer the given test set data.

4.4.3 Experiment results

Among the 500 sample sentences that has been recorded and preprocessed as per the
requirement of the tool, eighty percent of the recorded data is used for the purpose of
training and the remaining twenty percent of the data used for testing the recognizer using
the available tools of HTK.

The training is completed and all that remains is to measure the over all performance and
setting up some parameters. For measuring the performance of the recognizer, the
dictionary has already been constructed, and test data has been recorded and labeled as
per the requirement of the tool. Thus, all that is necessary is to run the recognizer and
evaluate the results using the HTK analysis tool called HResult.

All the data preparation activities discussed in the section 4.2.1 is done before the text is
given to the speech-to-text recognizer. These preprocessing activities are done in similar
technique as to that of the training such as transcription, ‘test.scp’ which holds a list of
the coded test (.mfc) files, then each test file recognized and its transcription output to an
MLF called ‘recout.mlf’ by executing the following after constructing the
“wordnetwork” from the available grammar as shown in Appendix H.

HParse gram wordnetwork

HVite -H hmm15/macros -H hmm15/hmmdefs -S test.scp -l ’*’ -i recout.mlf -w
wordnetwork -p 0.0 -s 5.0 dict tiedlist

Produce a recognition result recout.mlf as shown in appendix I.

The master level file ‘testref.mlf’ contains syllable level transcriptions for the test file to
be recognized and the actual performance can be determined by running HResults as
follows taking “testref.mlf” as an input for evaluating the recognition output as shown in
appendix J.

HResults -I testref.mlf tiedlist recout.mlf

All the results obtained using a tool HResult from testing using different criteria are
compared and contrasted in the following section.

The first experiment is conducted by training model with native speaker (those who can
speak Amharic as a first language) and testing with non native speaker (for those who can
not speak Amharic fluently or as a first language)

For these 400 training sets are used. From these training set 300 of the training data is
taken from Bereket [3]. And the remaining training 100 training set are collected from the
scratch in a similar fashion to that of the training data. The reason for taking 300 training
data is that all the data that has been recorded and labeled are equally distributed and
native speaker having one fifth of the total data and training and testing with only these
data resulted the researcher to have poor result due to the less number training data,
which is logically right due to even less number of the training data.

-------------------------------Overall Results-----------------------------------
SENT: %Correct =71.00 [H=71, S=1, N=100]
WORD: %Correct=77.04, Acc= 76.78 [H=302, D=0, S=6, I=1, N=392]


As a result of these, an improvement on recognition result accomplished after changing

the total number of the training dataset from 100 to 400 dataset. The result obtained from
a total of 100 dataset (80% for training and 20% for testing) 55% of the utterance

recognized along with 59.94 % of word level accuracy. After changing the training and
testing set of 400 and 100 respectively, the testing set gives the utterance level statistics
shows that of the 71 utterance in total, 100 (71%) of the utterances were recognized and
the word level statistics indicates that of the 301 words in total, 392 (76.78%) were
recognized correctly

The second testing and evaluation is conducted on the training as well as testing the
model with native speaker (those who can speak Amharic as a first language). And the
similar thing is pertained on selecting the number of training data set that to be used for
the purpose of training the model to get an enhanced recognition result.

-------------------------------Overall Results-----------------------------------
SENT: %Correct =82.00 [H=82, S=2, N=100]
WORD: %Correct= 83.76, Acc= 83.29 [H=361, D=0, S=6, I=2, N=431]


The total number of training data used for this particular testing is 400 with a testing set
of 100 data and the result obtained from this testing show that 82 in total of 100 (82%)
sentences were recognized. In addition to utterance level recognition, the word level
accuracy result shows that 359 words in total, 431(83.76%) recognized successfully.

The third testing and evaluation conducted on the training as well as testing the model
with non native speaker (those who can’t speak Amharic as a first language). And for
these additional 100 samples are recorded and labeled to have a uniform training as well
as testing set for this paper.

-------------------------------Overall Results-----------------------------------
SENT: %Correct =67.00 [H=67, S=2, N=100]
WORD: %Correct= 69.13, Acc= 69.13 [H=271, D=0, S=5, I=0, N=392]


To conduct the recognition 400 training set are used with a total testing set of 100 data
and the result obtained from this testing show that 67 in total of 100 (67%) sentences

recognized successfully with a word level accuracy result in that 271 words in total,
392(69.13%) recognized successfully.

The fourth and the last testing and evaluation is conducted on the training the model with
non native speaker and testing with native speaker are taken and the following result were

-------------------------------Overall Results-----------------------------------
SENT: %Correct =75.00 [H=75, S=3, N=100]
WORD: %Correct= 79.58, Acc= 79.58 [H=343, D=0, S=2, I=8, N=431]


The result obtained from this testing set the utterance level statistics shows that 75
utterances in total, 100 (75%) of the utterances were recognized and the word level
statistics accuracy indicates that of the 335 words in total, 431 (77.72%) recognized

The table 4.1 shows that the statistics obtained from the recognition result of the above
four experiment.

Native with Native with Non-Native with Non-Native

Native Non-Native Non-Native with Native
Sent word Sent word Sent word Sent word
Correct labels (H) 82 359 71 301 67 271 75 335
Deletions (D) 0 0 1 2
Substitutions (S) 1 6 4 6 2 5 3 2
Insertions (I) 2 1 0 8
Utterances (N) 100 431 100 392 100 392 100 431

Table 4.1 recognition result statistics

For the above experiment conducted, the development test set used 100 utterances with a
total training set of 400 sentences and the overall recognition results are based on the
calculation that are provided in equation (1) and (2) shown below for the clarification.

The percentage number of labels correctly recognized is given by

Percentage is calculated as

%Correct = H ∗ 100% (1)

And the accuracy is computed by:
(H − I )
%Accuracy = N *100% (2)
Where H- is the number of correct labels (Hits), D- is the number of deletions, and S- is
the number of substitutions, I- is the number of insertions and N- is the total number of

The sentence recognized notates the sentence-level accuracy based on the total number
of label files which are identical to the transcription files and the word recognized
measures the word level accuracy based on the matches between the label files and the

However, all these results are based on the development of the test set that compromise.
The entire dataset were used over and over again in order to test the factual robustness of
the system that recognizes the Amharic speech without any common training sentences in
the testing set and vice verse.

The following table 4.1 presents summary of the recognition result and the next section
presents the over all analysis of the result obtained while attempting to investigate a
general approach for Amharic speech-to-text recognition.

Training set Testing set Result

Native Non- Native Non Sentence Word Word level
speaker Native speaker Native recognized Recognized Accuracy
speaker speaker (%) (%) (%)
1 yes no yes no 82 83.76 83.29
2 yes no no yes 71 77.04 76.78
3 no yes no yes 67 69.13 69.13
4 no yes yes no 75 79.58 77.72

Table 4.2 experimental result

4.4.4 Analysis of the result
A total of twenty speaker of the language were selected to train and evaluate the system.
Half of them are female and the remaining are male speaker. Even though, male and
female are not treated separately, rather the speaker is treated based on their ability to
speak Amharic language as a mother tongue or not. Obviously, we find an individual that
can speak Amharic fluently as a first language being not Amharic a mother tongue.

For this work people are selected from those who can not speak Amharic as a first
language with determination of their capability to speak out as a native and non native
speaker from Oromo, Tigre, Gurage, Hadya and Amhara with equal distribution.

In general perfect 100% accuracy level result is unattainable due to the a number of
reason such as: the environment of the sound recording, the microphone were also
susceptible to external interference, unavailability of large corpus for the training along
with the inaccessibility of good support in the linguistic representation specially for those
language that are not technologically supported like Amharic and the faultless of the
speaker to speak the language Amharic as a first language.

As we can see from the table 4.2, training the data with a native speaker and testing with
a non-native Amharic speaker resulted in 71 of the sentences recognized out of the total
100 sentences having 76.78% word level accuracy.

While the second experiment, training and testing with a native speaker resulted in 82%
sentence having 83.29% word level accuracy which is better recognition result. These
results were to be expected, since the data set was recorded in a similar environment and
there exist a difference in the capability to utter the sentence from Native to Non-Native
speaker of the language Amharic.

Further, the recognition results degrades tremendously as we move away from the native
to Non-Native speaker provided the same recording environment as to the other
experiment. The experiment result in Non-native to non-native shows that, 67% of the
sentences recognized with the word level accuracy 69.13% due to the same reason above

Where as, the other recognition result obtained from training with non-native and testing
with native speaker of the Amharic shows that 75% of the sentences were recognized
with the word level accuracy of 77.72% percent which is a better result as compare to
that of the non-native to non-native testing and relatively similar to that of native to non-
native recognition result.

As to the belief of the researcher and from real life situation, a word or sentences uttered
by non-native speaker can be understood better by native speaker of the language than
that of the reverse given the same environment. In addition, this experiment result could
perhaps improve to a higher percentage level both for the word and sentence level had
there been more data both for the training and testing the recognizer. Further more, the
percentage of recognition result for both testing with native and non-native could also be
improved if the entire speech were recorded from the floor rather than using the
secondary data as to that of the remaining experiment.

From these experimental results, one can observe that a better recognition result is
obtained in training and testing with a native speaker of the language Amharic. Next to
this, a better recognition result achieved from training with non-native and testing with
native speaker and similarly the next better recognition result is obtained from training
with native speaker and testing with non-native speaker. Finally, the lowest speech
recognition result is accomplished from the training and testing with a non-native
speaker of the language.

So this shows that, there exists a high degree of deviation as we move away from the
native to non native. Provided the constraint of recording environment, external
interference of speaker and relatively small side data, the performance measure of the
recognition result obtained in this experiment is nearly good in terms of quality,
simplicity and naturalness.


Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction
This section present the conclusions drawn from the findings of the experiment and the
recommendations on further actions that can be taken and future research pertaining to
speech recognition are recommended.

5.2 Conclusions
Speech recognition has been developed gradually over the last decades and it has been
incorporated into several applications area such as for people with hard of hearing and
visual impaired, educational applications, telecommunications and multimedia service,
man-to-machine communication, fundamental of applied research, dictation systems
command and control system. Especially, people with disability are the suffering from
lack of communication with their relatives.

As a result of this and difficulties stated in the statement of the problem, many researches
are emerging as a result of these problem and others that are discussed in and the
opportunities that hinders their inability to communicate with other. Some of the
problems are solved by different researcher through different techniques and this work
appeared in favor of supporting the area specifically to the local language focusing on
native and non-native speaker of the language Amharic.

The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is selected along with the Hidden Markov Toolkit
(HTK) for developing a general approach that can recognize and convert an Amharic

To conduct this research sample text has been selected and further processed; speech file
recorded dividing in training and testing after processing the dataset as per the
requirement of the tool HTKs. Then, the selected training data are trained using the
appropriate tool and triphone is constructed to get better recognition result is out of it.

In this experiment, 82% of recognition of sentences having 83.29% word level accuracy,
71% sentence recognition having 76.78% word level accuracy, 75% recognition having
77.72% word level accuracy, and 67% sentence recognition having 69.13% word level
accuracy achieved for native with native, Native with non-native, Non-native with native
and non-native with non-native respectively.

Then, the recognition results compared and contrasted after evaluating the model despite
the circumstances and limitations that defend against the existence of this work.

In the presence of frequent power interruption, lack of Amharic pronunciation dictionary,

inaccessibility of room for recording the corpus a large, sufficient and a well balanced
reference database, the results obtained are encouraging. And had there been more time,
the performance of recognizer could be improved to the most level.

Finally, provided the constraint, the result obtained is promising and serve as a proof that
it is possible to build general speech recognition technique that convert an Amharic
SPEECH-TO-TEXT using the toolkit HTK and the HMM modeling technique.

Based on the experience and different problems that are raised in this experiment, the
following recommendations are drawn and forwarded to point out the upcoming research
in the speech related area.

5.3 Recommendations
The main aim of this work is to investigate the general approach for the speech
recognition technique that is capable of converting an Amharic SPEECH-TO-TEXT.

Amharic is one of the Semitic languages through which the continuation with effort to
build recognizer for the languages that are not technologically supported even though the
language are traced back to the first millennium B.C

• One of the major problems that faced in the experiment is absence of well defined
pronunciation dictionary for the language Amharic that consist all the word. So
that, the construction of dictionary might be of much service for feature research.

• In the experimentation, utterances made by people whose first language are

Amharic, Oromiffa, Tigray, Hadya and Gurage with a total sample of 500
utterances. So that, the recognizer developed out of it might not be well serving
for all human kind in the world except that their mother tongue is Amharic so that
it should be extended for the support for those who can not speaks out Amharic as
a first language.

• Since this research mainly focus for those native and non native speakers of the
language Amharic without considering the dialectical variations among the non
native speaker of the language Amharic. So that, this can further research need to
explore for dialectical variations among the non native speaker of the language.

• In addition to the statistical approach of the Hidden Markov model (HMM)

speech recognition can be extended using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
approach or a combination of ANN and HMM for recognizing speech the speech.

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Appendix A: the language of Ethiopia (“Fidel”)
Appendix B: Amharic Phonetic List, IPA Equivalence and its ASCII Transliteration Table [37]
Appendix C: The configuration parameter: config

# Coding parameters


TARGETRATE = 100000.0



WINDOWSIZE = 250000.0






Appendix D: The Prototype HMM

~o <VecSize> 39 <MFCC_0_D_A>
~h "proto"
<NumStates> 10
<State> 2
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<State> 3
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<State> 4
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<State> 5
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<State> 6
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<State> 7
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<State> 8
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<State> 9
<Mean> 39
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
<Variance> 39
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<TransP> 10
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Appendix E: Triphone construction sample
CL triphones1
TI T_a {(*-a+*,a+*,*-a).transP}
TI T_sp {(*-sp+*,sp+*,*-sp).transP}
TI T_ba {(*-ba+*,ba+*,*-ba).transP}
TI T_w {(*-w+*,w+*,*-w).transP}
TI T_tu {(*-tu+*,tu+*,*-tu).transP}
TI T_n {(*-n+*,n+*,*-n).transP}

TI T_nxu {(*-nxu+*,nxu+*,*-nxu).transP}
TI T_txi {(*-txi+*,txi+*,*-txi).transP}
TI T_qie {(*-qie+*,qie+*,*-qie).transP}
TI T_sxe {(*-sxe+*,sxe+*,*-sxe).transP}
TI T_wu {(*-wu+*,wu+*,*-wu).transP}
TI T_txie {(*-txie+*,txie+*,*-txie).transP}
Appendix F: Triphone generated
sil gix zo sa qix
sp qii xxie ru yix
be ro sie sii ku
a c txa wa bii
dii l ja rie mie
s je ra rii f
ba m ce ho mo
ke ya gii pii nix
te de zie cxii xx
ma q hu rix twa
ye d sxa nx tie
se we cx gwa v
w qa wo p zxix
ha ta da nu fix
ix le wii fa nie
tx na nii ko go
re cxe k mu nxe
t la j yu cxa
b y su zii nxa
zu txe xxe fu lu
r hii fii nxo six
qe tu ii ka mix
g me px kwa tix
gu po yo qwa dix
ze lii lie txu jix
mii h lo xxix xxu
ge bu cix no cie
nxu ga so ve bo
n to fe tii do
ne hix cxo pa bix
gie za hie qie wu
hwa wix txix ju dwa
qu sx sxix cxix rwa
kii ca qo swa vii
bie kie nxix fie fwa
kix cu z sxe co
xxa txwa yie du nwa
jii lwa die sxii zwa
fo txie o ie bwa
lix mwa zix txo cxu
Appendix G: tree.hed
RO 100.0 stats
TR 0

QS "L-Vowel" {*^a-*,*^e-*,*^ii-*,*^ix-*,*^ie-*,*^o-*,*^u-*}
QS "L-Stop" {*^b-*,*^d-*,*^px-*,*^g-*,*^k-*,*^p-*,*^t-*,*^tx-*,*^q-*}
QS "L-Nasal" {*^m-*,*^n-*,*^nx-*}
QS "L-Fricative" {*^f-*,*^xx-*,*^v-*,*^s-*,*^sx-*,*^z-*,*^zx-*}
QS "L-Liquid" {*^l-*,*^r-*}

QS "L-Medium_Vowel" {*^ie-*,*^e-*,*^o-*}
QS "L-Low_Vowel" {*^a-*}
QS "L-Rounded_Vowel" {*^o-*,*^u-*}
QS "L-IVowel" {*^ix-*,*^ii-*,*^ie-*}
QS "L-EVowel" {*^e-*}
QS "L-AVowel" {*^a-*}
QS "L-OVowel" {*^o-*}
QS "L-UVowel" {*^u-*}
QS "L-Unvoiced_Consonant" {*^c-*,*^f-*,*^k-*,*^p-*,*^s-*,*^sx-*,*^t-*,*^tx-*}

QS "L-xx" {*^xx-*}
QS "L-c" {*^c-*}
QS "L-j" {*^j-*}
QS "L-m" {*^m-*}
QS "L-n" {*^n-*}
QS "L-nx" {*^nx-*}
QS "L-l" {*^l-*}
QS "L-r" {*^r-*}
QS "L-ii" {*^ii-*}
QS "L-a" {*^a-*}
QS "L-ie" {*^ie-*}
QS "L-ix" {*^ix-*}
QS "L-o" {*^o-*}
QS "L-pau" {*^pau-*}
QS "L-SIL" {*^SIL-*}
QS "L-h#" {*^h#-*}
QS "L-brth" {*^brth-*}
TR 2

TB 350 "ST_a_2_" {("a","*-a+*","a+*","*-a").state[2]}

TB 350 "ST_ba_2_" {("ba","*-ba+*","ba+*","*-ba").state[2]}
TB 350 "ST_l_2_" {("l","*-l+*","l+*","*-l").state[2]}
TB 350 "ST_ta_2_" {("ta","*-ta+*","ta+*","*-ta").state[2]}
TB 350 "ST_ce_2_" {("ce","*-ce+*","ce+*","*-ce").state[2]}
TB 350 "ST_w_2_" {("w","*-w+*","w+*","*-w").state[2]}

TB 350 "ST_txwa_4_" {("txwa","*-txwa+*","txwa+*","*-txwa").state[4]}
TB 350 "ST_v_4_" {("v","*-v+*","v+*","*-v").state[4]}
TB 350 "ST_zxix_4_" {("zxix","*-zxix+*","zxix+*","*-zxix").state[4]}
TB 350 "ST_wu_4_" {("wu","*-wu+*","wu+*","*-wu").state[4]}
TB 350 "ST_txie_4_" {("txie","*-txie+*","txie+*","*-txie").state[4]}
TB 350 "ST_qie_4_" {("qie","*-qie+*","qie+*","*-qie").state[4]}
TB 350 "ST_mwa_4_" {("mwa","*-mwa+*","mwa+*","*-mwa").state[4]}
TB 350 "ST_sil_4_" {("sil","*-sil+*","sil+*","*-sil").state[4]}
TR 1
AU "fulllist"
CO "tiedlist"

ST "trees"
Appendix H “wordnetwork”


N=374 L=921 I=372 W=!NULL
I=1 W=sil
I=3 W=go J=0 S=2 E=0
I=4 W=mwa J=1 S=187 E=0
I=5 W=ju J=2 S=185 E=1
I=6 W=nxu J=3 S=1 E=2
I=7 W=cxix J=4 S=3 E=2
I=8 W=du J=5 S=4 E=2
I=9 W=xxe J=6 S=5 E=2
I=10 W=qie J=7 S=6 E=2
I=11 W=txie J=8 S=7 E=2
I=12 W=zxix J=9 S=8 E=2
I=13 W=v J=10 S=9 E=2
I=14 W=txwa J=11 S=10 E=2
I=15 W=sx J=12 S=11 E=2
J=13 S=12 E=2
J=14 S=13 E=2
I=353 W=de J=15 S=14 E=2
I=354 W=s J=16 S=15 E=2
I=355 W=dii J=17 S=16 E=2
I=356 W=da J=18 S=17 E=2
I=357 W=n J=19 S=18 E=2
I=358 W=nxa J=20 S=19 E=2
I=359 W=za J=21 S=20 E=2
I=360 W=t J=22 S=21 E=2
I=361 W=yo J=23 S=22 E=2
I=362 W=ro J=24 S=23 E=2
I=363 W=b J=25 S=24 E=2
I=364 W=be J=26 S=25 E=2
I=365 W=w J=27 S=26 E=2
I=366 W=ce J=28 S=27 E=2
I=367 W=ta J=29 S=28 E=2
I=368 W=ba J=30 S=29 E=2
I=369 W=a J=31 S=30 E=2
I=370 W=DIAL J=32 S=31 E=2
J=33 S=32 E=2
Appendix I sample recognition output
#!MLF!# 42500000 43100000 ru -455.939240
"’*’/sample0161.rec" 43100000 44200000 be -484.321808
12600000 13400000 ke -399.773712 44200000 44700000 da -361.279541
13400000 14300000 k -649.181335 44700000 45100000 sa -323.752625
14300000 15100000 nxa -612.041931 45100000 45400000 q -251.132172
15100000 16100000 me -795.159119 45400000 47400000 t -1186.151001
16100000 17600000 la -1191.398682 .
17600000 18500000 sii -704.109680 "’*’/sample0162.rec"
18500000 19000000 txe -352.604980 14000000 14200000 lie -96.782745
19000000 19500000 c -410.366852 14200000 15200000 ix -716.873413
19500000 20200000 zu -536.431580 15200000 17100000 ze -1289.521118
20200000 20400000 l -158.708755 17100000 17800000 ru -467.742523
20400000 21100000 be -376.760254 17800000 18200000 gii -300.457214
21100000 21500000 tix -294.373383 18200000 18900000 n -528.572876
21500000 22700000 ye -867.937195 18900000 19100000 nie -142.711426
22700000 23500000 gu -526.638855 19100000 19900000 zie -507.118317
23500000 23800000 ke -167.529892 19900000 21100000 s -840.098450
23800000 24100000 tix -210.380356 21100000 21900000 nxa -565.395874
24100000 24500000 ze -270.724182 21900000 22500000 de -427.420471
24500000 25200000 gu -455.115051 22500000 23200000 qa -524.071472
25200000 28000000 sil -786.409546 23200000 23900000 la -566.081665
28000000 28200000 ii -108.159096 23900000 24800000 ye -576.828247
28200000 29500000 ye -826.531311 24800000 25000000 le -166.236603
29500000 30200000 te -522.625488 25000000 25500000 ya -422.465942
30200000 30900000 w -540.291260 25500000 25700000 we -142.032883
30900000 31800000 q -744.315186 25700000 26400000 dix -286.365662
31800000 32500000 sa -549.529907 26400000 26700000 be -174.527740
32500000 32900000 ke -200.801498 26700000 27100000 to -312.207916
32900000 33300000 te -269.794495 27100000 27300000 qa -148.902390
33300000 33600000 ze -217.312347 27300000 27500000 ge -143.283737
33600000 33900000 tu -173.949036 27500000 29100000 d -1065.606201
33900000 34700000 te -599.175598 29100000 29600000 pii -378.401459
34700000 36300000 ma -1137.409912 29600000 29900000 q -243.778870
36300000 36600000 rii -213.306564 29900000 30500000 la -447.661011
36600000 36900000 ze -205.455948 30500000 30700000 to -185.576111
36900000 37100000 fe -146.503342 30700000 31500000 c -668.994629
37100000 37800000 c -501.246338 31500000 32000000 ke -240.990875
37800000 38000000 ca -120.628464 32000000 32600000 te -451.682800
38000000 39000000 c -766.913574 32600000 34300000 ze -1139.530273
39000000 39800000 gix -517.560181 34300000 35400000 re -790.063232
39800000 40600000 nxa -586.727295 35400000 35700000 dix -168.081772
40600000 41400000 wa -467.685791 35700000 36000000 sil -146.962112
41400000 42500000 tx -716.528503 36000000 36200000 dix -105.110641
36200000 37600000 t -782.414978
Appendix J sample label file

8554375 13545000 sil 31683750 33030625 txa

13623750 14891250 ke 33030625 34456250 txu
14891250 16158750 me 34456250 35565625 te
16158750 17188125 la 35565625 36595000 ma
17188125 18138750 w 36595000 37466250 rii
18138750 19326875 ii 37466250 38496250 wo
19326875 21070000 t 38496250 39208750 c
21148750 23366875 yo 39208750 40476250 ye
23366875 24634375 px 40476250 41585625 mii
24713750 26060000 ya 41585625 42694375 ma
26060000 28198750 sil 42694375 44278750 ru
28198750 29783125 ye 44278750 45704375 be
29783125 30733750 te 45704375 46971875 t
47050625 52278750 sil
30812500 31683750 w

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