Determination of Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) by HPLC With Post-Column Enzymatic Derivatization and Fluorescence Detection
Determination of Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) by HPLC With Post-Column Enzymatic Derivatization and Fluorescence Detection
Determination of Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) by HPLC With Post-Column Enzymatic Derivatization and Fluorescence Detection
by HPLCwith Post-ColumnEnzymatic
Derivatization and FluorescenceDetection
J. Meyer/U. Karst*
Anorganisch-Chemisches Institut,Westf0hsche Wilhelms-U niversit0t MO nster,Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 8, 48149 MOnster, Germany;
E-Maih uwe.karst@u ni-m uenster.cle
0009-5893/00/02 163- 05 $ 03.00/0 9 2001 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Table I. Acetonitrile-water binary gradient profile used with system A. The flow rate was 0.7 mL many) protected by a guard column 8 mm
min 1. long but otherwise identical. The mobile
Time (min) 0 5 7 8.5 9 10 (stop) phase was a mixture of deionized water
Concentration of CH3CN (%, v/v) 20 20 100 100 20 20 (400 mL), phosphoric acid (85% aqueous,
40 ixL), and acetonitrile (80 mL). Elution
was performed isocratically at a flow rate
of 1 mL min 1.
./valve The injection volume was 20 ixL for all
chromatographic measurements. The wa-
Computer velength for UV-Vis spectrometric detec-
Analytical .~ tion was set to 254 nm.
column t
Sample Treatment
UV/vis detector Fluorescence ] Tablets 'Dolomo TN' from Klinge Phar-
ma (Munich, Germany) were used for
LJ~ ~ Mixing T = 35 ~ measurements on spiked urine samples.
./tee One tablet with a stated content of 250 mg
paracetamol was dissolved in 50 mL deio-
Oven nized water in an ultrasonic bath. The re-
sulting turbid mixture was filtered and di-
Figure 1. Schematicdiagramof chromatographicsystemA withpost-columnderivatization. luted to 100 mL in a volumetric flask. This
solution was diluted by factors of 103 and
Experimental flow cell and focussing optics for flow- 104 and these solutions were used to pre-
through measurements obtained from pare (i) a mixture of diluted tablet solution
Chemicals Polytec (Waldbronn, Germany). Com- (500 ixL), human urine (50 ixL), and deio-
pounds were separated on a 150mm x nized water (450 ixL), and (ii) a mixture of
Paracetamol, ammonium chloride (ACS 4.6 mm i. d., 5-1xmparticle, 100-A pore size diluted tablet solution (500 ixL) and deio-
reagent), N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine- Discovery ClS column (Supelco, Deisen- nized water (500 ixL). Thus two solutions
N'-[2-ethanesulphonic acid] (HEPES) so- hofen, Germany) protected by a guard were obtained with an expected concentra-
dium salt (99.5%), microperoxidase (MP- column 20 mm long but otherwise identi- tion of 1.25 mg L 1 (8.3 ixM)paracetamol,
11) sodium salt (90%), and horseradish cal. The profile of the gradient used with two others with an expected concentration
peroxidase (HRP) [EC] (116 units system A is shown in Table I. of 125 ixg L 1 (0.83 ixM). This would cor-
mg 1, RZ 1.3) were obtained from Sigma The post-column instrumentation used respond to unspiked urine samples with a
(Deisenhofen, Germany). Hydrogen per- with system A was a Knauer (Berlin, Ger- respective concentration of 25 mg L 1 or
oxide (35%) was from Aldrich (Steinheim, many) 64 HPLC pump (pump 1), a Sie- 2.5 mg L 1.
Germany). Acetonitrile (gradient grade) mens (Karlsruhe, Germany) prototype A patient will suffer from paracetamol
was purchased from SDS (Peypin, HPLC pump (pump 2), two mixing tees intoxication if the concentration in his
France). Ammonia solution (25%, analy- from Upchurch (Oak Harbor, WA, USA), blood is > 2 0 0 m g L 1. Approximately
tical grade) and phosphoric acid (85%, an 18-m knitted Teflon capillary (pre- 10%o of this concentration will be found
purum DAB) were supplied by Grfissing pared as described elsewhere [17]) with an unchanged in the urine [18]. In our experi-
(Filsum, Germany). Methanol (gradient inner diameter of 0.3 mm, and a non-com- ments, therefore, the high concentration
grade) and acetic acid (micro select) were mercial oven to heat the reaction capillary spiked urine sample simulates a real sam-
from Fluka (Neu-Ulm, Germany). to 35~ HRP (10mgL 1) in NH3- ple from a person with paracetamol intox-
NH4C1 buffer (pH 9.5, 0.1 M) was deliv- ication, whereas the low-concentration
ered at a flow rate of 0.4mLmin 1 by sample is a factor of 10 more dilute than
Instrumentation pump 1 and H202 (10mM) was delivered that.
at a flow rate of 0.05mLmin 1 by pump
Fluorescence spectra were recorded with a 2. A schematic diagram of the arrange-
Shimadzu (Duisburg, Germany) R F ment of the chromatographic system is Results
5301-PC spectrofluorophotometer. presented in Figure 1.
Chromatography was performed with System B comprised an LC-10AS Two different methods were used for de-
two systems. System A comprised two pump, SPD-M10Avp diode array detec- termination of paracetamol. The first used
LC-10AS pumps, SPD-10AVvp UV-Vis- tor, SIL-10A autosampler, and CBM-10A chromatographic system A and detection
detector equipped with a high-pressure controller unit with Class LC-10 Version was performed photometrically (before
flow cell, and CBM-10A controller unit 1.6 software, all from Shimadzu. Com- PCD) and fluorimetrically (after PCD).
with software Class LC-10 Version 1.6, all pounds were separated on a 70mm x This was a method newly developed. The
from Shimadzu (Duisburg, Germany), 3 mm i.d. ChromCart cartridge packed second uses chromatographic system B,
and an Aminco Bowman AB2 spectro- with 5-1xm particle, 100-A pore size Nu- with photometric evaluation only. This
fluorophotometer equipped with a 8-1xL cleosil Cs (Macherey-Nagel, Diiren, Ger- method, which was developed for the de-
TaMe III. Results from analysis of the real sample (diluted pharmaceutical and spiked urine samples). Errors are given as the standard deviation of the
mean (n = 3).