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Real Time Interview Questions

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1.write 2 dimensional array syntax

2.write hashmap syntax
3.write fibboniccai series program
4.write duplicate occurrence of string in sentence print it's occurrence count
5.hashmap internal working
6.diffrence bet spring and spring bean
7.spring bean scope
8.ioc container
9.arraylist vs linklist
10.comoarator vs comparable
12.abstract class and interface when we select in bet that
13.string constant pool
14.code snippet for string object

1. Project architecture
2. Do we configure hibernate.
3. Actuators
4. Starters in Springboot
5. Why you want to change nd why you want to join citius.
6.new technology you learn from urself

1.Design patterns:Singelton,prototype
3.how you deploy project
4.java 8 code of get even numbers
5.java 8 bipredicate
6.functional interface
7.oops concept
8.spring boot and spring mvc
9.the whole rest api flow (how you create the project for rest api)
11.jboss architecture
12.abstarct class and functional interface
13.stream methods
14.comparable comparator
15.immutable objects
17.hashmap and hashtable
18.concurrent hashmap

Comparable n comparator
Copy constructor
Type of constructor
Oops concept
How you create a thread
Executor service
Java 8
Design pattern
Procedure return type
Call Procedure from.java
Micrp services
Diff between hashset n hashmap
Execption handling
Garbage collector
Logging framework
Core Java progrm
1.Java 8 feature
2.Logic for accessing multiple inheritance
3.implementation in java
4.String == comparator and equlas method
5.Hibernate session management
6.Object state in hibernate
How we use stream in collection
1.introduction with technology and role
2.java 8 features
3.if you have emp and empdto class and we need to filter imp object with greater
than 15000 salary and we need to store result int empdto list , How you will do
4.default method
5. Coding questions related to sting
7.differwnce between spring & spring boot


1.Have you used git for code integration ?

1.Factorial of a number
2.What is recursion
3.Singleton class
4.Oops concept
5.Query to get second highest salary
6.What is string
7.String builder and string buffer
8.Immutable class
9.How can we make class as immutable
1.oops concept
2.hibernate spring mvc
two program
3.on string
Experience on technologies which worked - Introduction

Did you work on Microservices – Why should we adopt for microservices?

How do we manage security in microservices?

6 different microservices authentication at a time?

What is Client-side load balancing in Spring Boot and how does it works

Rest Controller and @ controller?

I have text file I want to know which word occurred multiple items? Hash Map

Diff b/w Hash set and Hash Map

Hash Map can we maintain duplicates?

I have 3 different Implementations, at run time I need to pick up the object

dynamically and should to appropriate implementation.
Spring – When creating object by default what is the scope of the object

What is Single ton

What is @ Spring boot application

Auto configurations how does it works

How spring create object? - on what bases spring create class for object

Profiles? – What is Spring Profile

I want to make rest template to behave as client-side load balancer how do we do

that? - @ load balancer

Have you your used JPA – how do map ojo class to table

Why do we use exceptional handling?

Experience with microservice component like Service Registration and discovery

(Eureka), Client side load balancing (Ribbon) , Distributed Tracing(Zipkin and
slueth) ,configuration (Spring cloud Configuration) and api gateway (Z

Few examples of where you fix critical issues

Few Design Patterns you worked in core part

What is Factory Design Pattern?

Have you heard Abstract Factory design Pattern?

Singleton Pattern?


Adaptor Pattern?

Observer design pattern?

JUNIT- Mock frameworks

Solid Design principles?

Have you worked on Jenkins? Jenkins build is done , how to send notification

What is TDD means? TDD Principles

In Java how do you handle exceptions?

What is meant by checked and unchecked exception?

Compile time exception means what?

Custom exception
Logging framework in java?
What are the log levels
Any idea on app?

1. What are new features of Java 8

2. What does spring boot works
3. Why Spring Boot came into picture when Spring was there
4. What annotations are there used in SpringBoot and SpringMVC

What are the differences .between Annotations n XML configuration

.integration of

SpringBoot with Restfull webservice in order to call a service of an application

deployed on the server
5.Architecture diagram of Spring MVC
6. How u handle authentication n exceptional handling in Spring Boot n Spring MVC
7. Name some of the annotations n its use n functionality
1) what is Oops ?
2) types of inheritance
3) @bean
4) @Autowired
5) Functional Interface
6) how to provide security in spring boot?
7) what is jsp and servlet?
8) what is date class in java?
9) 4 mcq types programs..
10) Exception in spring boot
1.Interface and abstraction difference
2.Java 8 features
3.Spring n spring boot diff
4.Sql query to check second highest salary
5.Oops Concepts
6.Overloading and overriding
7.Functional interface
8.Return type of functional interface
1.what is the use of profile in spring boot?
2.What is spring boot context path?
3. http methods in spring boot
4.internal working of hashset
5.spring annotations name?
6.servlet life cycle
7. Program find prime no?
8.Difference between REST API and microservice?
9.Get and load method in Hibernate
10.Functional interface and lambda experiation
1.Reverse string
2.Pattern coding question
3.Arraylist and hashmap program
4.Arraylist vs hashmap
5.Opps concept implementation
6.Immutable class implementation
7.Design patterns
8.Projects related questions
9.Custom exception implementation
1.Spring annotation
2.Hibernate configuration and annotations
3.Hashmap and has set
5.Roles and responsibilities of project
6. Builder design pattern
7.Collision in hashmap
8.Multiple inheritance
1.Java 8 feature
2.Logic for accessing multiple inheritance 3.implementation in java
4.String == comparator and equlas method
5.Hibernate session management
6.Object state in hibernate
How we use stream in collection
1.introduction with technology and role
2.java 8 features
3.if you have emp and empdto class and we need to filter imp object with greater
than 15000 salary and we need to store result int empdto list , How you will do
4.default method
5. Coding questions related to sting
7.differwnce between spring & spring boot


1.Have you used git for code integration ?

1.Factorial of a number
2.What is recursion
3.Singleton class
4.Oops concept
5.Query to get second highest salary
6.What is string
7.String builder and string buffer
8.Immutable class
9.How can we make class as immutable
1.oops concept
2.hibernate spring mvc
two program
3.on string
Experience on technologies which worked - Introduction

Did you work on Microservices – Why should we adopt for microservices?

How do we manage security in microservices?

6 different microservices authentication at a time?

What is Client-side load balancing in Spring Boot and how does it works

Rest Controller and @ controller?

I have text file I want to know which word occurred multiple items? Hash Map
Diff b/w Hash set and Hash Map

Hash Map can we maintain duplicates?

I have 3 different Implementations, at run time I need to pick up the object

dynamically and should to appropriate implementation.

Spring – When creating object by default what is the scope of the object

What is Single ton

What is @ Spring boot application

Auto configurations how does it works

How spring create object? - on what bases spring create class for object

Profiles? – What is Spring Profile

I want to make rest template to behave as client-side load balancer how do we do

that? - @ load balancer

Have you your used JPA – how do map ojo class to table

Why do we use exceptional handling?

Experience with microservice component like Service Registration and discovery

(Eureka), Client side load balancing (Ribbon) , Distributed Tracing(Zipkin and
slueth) ,configuration (Spring cloud Configuration) and api gateway (Z

Few examples of where you fix critical issues

Few Design Patterns you worked in core part

What is Factory Design Pattern?

Have you heard Abstract Factory design Pattern?

Singleton Pattern?


Adaptor Pattern?

Observer design pattern?

JUNIT- Mock frameworks

Solid Design principles?

Have you worked on Jenkins? Jenkins build is done , how to send notification

What is TDD means? TDD Principles

In Java how do you handle exceptions?

What is meant by checked and unchecked exception?

Compile time exception means what?

Custom exception
Logging framework in java?
What are the log levels
Any idea on app?

1. What are new features of Java 8

2. What does spring boot works
3. Why Spring Boot came into picture when Spring was there
4. What annotations are there used in SpringBoot and SpringMVC

What are the differences .between Annotations n XML configuration

.integration of

SpringBoot with Restfull webservice in order to call a service of an application

deployed on the server
5.Architecture diagram of Spring MVC
6. How u handle authentication n exceptional handling in Spring Boot n Spring MVC
7. Name some of the annotations n its use n functionality
1) what is Oops ?
2) types of inheritance
3) @bean
4) @Autowired
5) Functional Interface
6) how to provide security in spring boot?
7) what is jsp and servlet?
8) what is date class in java?
9) 4 mcq types programs..
10) Exception in spring boot
1.Interface and abstraction difference
2.Java 8 features
3.Spring n spring boot diff
4.Sql query to check second highest salary
5.Oops Concepts
6.Overloading and overriding
7.Functional interface
8.Return type of functional interface
1.what is the use of profile in spring boot?
2.What is spring boot context path?
3. http methods in spring boot
4.internal working of hashset
5.spring annotations name?
6.servlet life cycle
7. Program find prime no?
8.Difference between REST API and microservice?
9.Get and load method in Hibernate
10.Functional interface and lambda experiation
1.Reverse string
2.Pattern coding question
3.Arraylist and hashmap program
4.Arraylist vs hashmap
5.Opps concept implementation
6.Immutable class implementation
7.Design patterns
8.Projects related questions
9.Custom exception implementation
1.Spring annotation
2.Hibernate configuration and annotations
3.Hashmap and has set
5.Roles and responsibilities of project
6. Builder design pattern
7.Collision in hashmap
8.Multiple inheritance

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