(Fundamental Theories of Physics) V. Kulish - Hierarchical Methods - Hierarchy and Hierarchical Asymptotic Methods in Electrodynamics. Volume 1 - Kluwer Academic Publ (2002)
(Fundamental Theories of Physics) V. Kulish - Hierarchical Methods - Hierarchy and Hierarchical Asymptotic Methods in Electrodynamics. Volume 1 - Kluwer Academic Publ (2002)
(Fundamental Theories of Physics) V. Kulish - Hierarchical Methods - Hierarchy and Hierarchical Asymptotic Methods in Electrodynamics. Volume 1 - Kluwer Academic Publ (2002)
ALWYN VAN DER MERWE, University of Denver, U.S.A.
Volume 123
Hierarchical Methods
Hierarchy and Hierarchical Asymptotic
Methods in Electrodynamics, Volume 1
Victor V. Kulish
National Aviation University, Kiev, Ukraine and
Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Acknowledgments xv
Preface xvii
1.1 One Illustrative Example
of the Multi-Frequency Oscillation–Wave Systems 1
1.2 Essence of the Hierarchical Approach 4
1.3 Classification of the Hierarchical
Methods Discussed in the Book 7
2.1 Nonlinear Oscillations and Nonlinear Systems 9
2.2 Hidden and Explicit Oscillation Phases 12
2.3 Resonances 13
2.4 Slowly Varying Amplitudes and
Slowly Varying Initial Phases.
Complex Amplitudes 20
2.5 Harmonic and Non-Harmonic Oscillations 21
3.1 Definition of the Wave 23
3.2 The Phase and Group Wave Velocities 24
3.3 The Phase of a Wave 26
1.1 Determined Hierarchical Systems 72
1.2 Averaging Operators 76
2.1 Factors of Stochasticity in Dynamical Systems 78
2.2 Example of Hierarchical Model
of Stochastic System 79
3.1 Standard Hierarchical Equations
in the Case of Hierarchical Wave Problem 82
3.2 Classification of Problems 85
3.3 Krylov–Bogolyubov Substitution 87
3.4 Case b) 88
4.1 A Few Introductory Words 90
4.2 Van der Pol’s Method’s Variables 90
4.3 Truncated Equations and
Their Hierarchical Sense 92
5.1 Bogolyubov’s Standard System 95
5.2 The Problem of Secular Terms 99
6.1 Two-Level Systems with Slow and
Fast Variables. General Case 100
6.2 Two-Level Systems with
Fast Rotating Phases 102
1.1 A Few Introductory Words 107
1.2 Formulation of the Hierarchical
Single-Particle Electrodynamic Problem 109
1.3 Classification of Oscillatory Phases
and Resonances. Hierarchical Tree 112
1.4 Reducing Hierarchical Multi-Level
Standard System to the Two-Level Form.
The Scheme of Hierarchical Transformations 117
2.1 Formulation of the Problem 119
2.2 Algorithm of Asymptotic Integration 120
2.3 Accuracy of Approximate Solutions 124
2.4 Asymptotic Integration of Initial Equations
by Means of Successive Approximations 127
2.5 Peculiarities of Asymptotic Hierarchical
Calculational Schemes Based on
the Fourier Method 128
3.1 Formulation of Problem 130
3.2 Solutions. Non-Resonant Case 131
3.3 Solutions. Resonant Case 134
4.1 Formulation of the Problem 139
4.2 Algorithm of Asymptotic Integration 140
5.1 Essence of the Problem 143
Contents ix
7.1 Averaged Kinetic Equation 244
1.1 Statement of the Motion Problem 253
1.2 Averaged Characteristics for the Motion Problem 254
1.3 Back Transformations 260
1.4 Integration of the Averaged Quasi-Linear
Equation for the Beam Velocity 261
2.1 Continuity Equation of
the Two-Velocity Electron Beam 263
2.2 Averaged Characteristics and
the Averaged Quasi-Linear Equation 264
2.3 Back Transformation 268
2.4 Characteristics of
the Averaged Continuity Equation 270
3.1 Averaged Maxwell’s Equations 271
3.2 Back Transformations 275
3.3 Solving the Averaged Quasilinear
Equation for the Electric Field 276
3.4 Truncated Equations for the Harmonic
Amplitudes of a Space Charge Wave 277
3.5 Some Commentaries for the Obtained Results 279
Appendices 349
Results of calculations in the second approximation 349
Index 351
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The author thanks his son Vol.V. Kulish, all friends, colleagues,
present and former students, for their efforts in helping to make this
book an accomplished reality.
The book had been written with the support of Grant No. 1457 given
by the US Government via the Scientific Research Center of Ukraine.
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that the Supreme Being has created our world with some hierarchy and
that the arrangements of the Universe, of the human nature, of man’s
social order follow similar patterns, etc.. It seems incredible, but we
have found some similarity between modern physics and engineering. In
particular, there is hierarchy in condensed matter physics, cybernetics,
and coding and systems theories, etc. [1–9]. Recently the hierarchy has
been studied in the theory of oscillations and waves [3,10,11], too. (It
should be mentioned that the oscillatory wave like dynamical systems
namely are the main objects of interest in this book).
The characteristic feature of the hierarchical system is that some of
their specific properties allow us to use the concept of hierarchy to elab-
orate various asymptotic calculational procedures. That is why it is
natural that in spite of the explicit calculational trend of the book we
discuss some of the main ideas of the general theory of dynamical sys-
tems, too (see Chapters 1 and 2).
In what follows let us especially draw the reader’s attention to the fol-
lowing topic. There is a widely accepted opinion that the basis of modern
hierarchical theory in physics has formed during the last twenty years
[1–9] and this theory has philosophical–cognitive significance mainly.
However, it is a relatively little known fact that some calculational as-
pects of the hierarchical approach really have bean practically from used
at least the third decade of the twentieth century (!) in electrodynamics,
and electrical and radio engineering. It is important especially to note
that specific philosophy, terminology, and concepts which are character-
istic for the modern hierarchical theory, are not used here traditionally.
That is why this observation remains some way removed from the at-
tention of the ‘traditional hierarchical’ experts.
It is interesting that researchers (for instance Van der Pol [12], Krylov
and Bogolyubov [13, 14], Leontovich [15], and many others) have, as a
rule, no interest in the philosophy of the problems concerned. Their main
interest had been in the realization of hierarchical like calculational pro-
cedures in practice, e.g., to develop new types of highly effective asymp-
totic calculational methods. In this connection we may mention the Van
der Pol method [12, 16], the set of averaging methods [11, 13, 14, 16, 17],
the slowly varying amplitude method [11, 15, 18], various types of meth-
ods based on different types of transformations (conformal mapping,
convolution, operational calculus, and so on), etc.. From the modern
(‘new’) point of view, these methods can be regarded as the simplest
(two-level) versions of the hierarchical asymptotic analytical–numerical
methods, because specific transformations used here have explicit hier-
archical nature.
[4] H. Kaivarainen. Hierarchical concept of matter and field. Earthpuls Press, 1997.
[5] B.M. Vladimirskij, L.D. Kislovskij. The outer space influences and biosphere
evolution, volume 1. In Series ‘Astronautics, Astronomy’, Znanije, Moscow,
[6] V.V. Druzshynin, D.S. Kontorov. System Techniques. Radio i Sviaz, Moscow,
[7] V. Ahl, T.F.H. Allen. Hierarchy theory. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1996.
[8] T.C. Marshall. Free electron laser. Mac Millan, New York, London, 1985.
[10] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical oscillations and averaging methods in nonlinear prob-
lems of relativistic electronics. The International Journal of Infrared and Mil-
limeter Waves, 18(5):1053–1117, 1997.
[12] B. Van der Pol. Nonlinear theory of electric oscillations. Russian translation.
Svyazizdat, Moscow, 1935.
[18] M.I. Rabinovich. On the asymptotic in the theory of distributed system oscil-
lations. Dok. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 191:1253–1268, 1971. ser. Fiz., Sov. Phys.-
[19] V.V. Kulish. Nonlinear self-consistent theory of free electron lasers. method of
investigation. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 36(9):1318-1325, 1991.
[20] V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko. Method of averaged kinetic equation and its using
in nonlinear problems of plasma electrodynamics. Fizika Plazmy (Sov. Plasma
Physics), 19(2):216-227, 1993.
[21] V.V. Kulish, S.A. Kuleshov, A.V. Lysenko. Nonlinear self-consistent theory of
superheterodyne and free electron lasers. The International Journal of Infrared
and Millimeter Waves, 14:3, 1993.
[23] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, A.G. Kailyuk. New acceleration principle of charged
particles for electronic applications. hierarchical description. The International
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter waves, 19(l):3-93, 1998.
[24] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical method and its application peculiarities in nonlinear
problems of relativistic electrodynamics. general theory. Ukrainian Physical
Journal, 43(4):483-499, 1998.
[25] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical theory of oscillations and waves and its application
for nonlinear problems of relativistic electrodynamics. In Causality and locality
in modern physics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London,
[26] S.A. Przybylki. Cache & memory hierarchy: A performance directed approach.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, New York, 1990.
[28] P. Luchini, U. Motz. Undulators and free electron lasers. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1990.
[30] A.A. Ruhadze, L.S. Bogdankevich, S.E. Rosinkii, V.G. Ruhlin. Physics of high-
current relativistic beams. Atomizdat, Moscow, 1980.
[31] R.C. Davidson. Theory of nonlinear plasmas. Mass: Benjamin, Reading, 1974.
[32] A.G. Sitenko, V.M. Malnev. Principles of plasma theory. Naukova Dumka,
Kiev, 1994.
[33] A.P. Sukhorukov. Nonlinear wave-interactions in optics and radiophysics.
Nauka, Moscow, 1988.
[34] N. Bloembergen. Nonlinear optics. Benjamin, New York, 1965.
or, taking into account the estimations chosen above for the FEL pa-
rameters, it is not difficult to obtain the estimation for a number of
calculational steps:
ical (or exact or asymptotic analytical) methods for the solution of the
truncated equations obtained.
Let us point out that in the case discussed all information about
all faster motions (oscillations) turns out to be ‘enciphered’ in the cor-
responding transformation relations. The characteristic feature of the
hierarchical methods considered in the book is that such transformation
relationships can very often be found in simple analytical forms.
The ‘truncated’ solution obtained cannot be used as a solutions for
the initial problem. For this we should perform preliminary, so called
inverse transformations. The latter is based on the joint use of the
transformation relationships mentioned and ‘truncated’ solutions. In
this way we can finally obtain the complete solutions of the initial prob-
lem. Therein these solutions contain all groups of the above mentioned
oscillation periods of different hierarchies.
Thus any calculational algorithm of the hierarchical type consists of
the three following stages:
a) accomplishing corresponding hierarchical transformation of the ini-
tial equations up the hierarchical levels, i.e. these are transformations
from the lowest hierarchical level to the highest one (obtaining the trun-
cated equations);
b) solving the equations of the highest hierarchical level (i.e., trun-
cated equations);
c) performing the inverse transformations of solutions for the highest
hierarchical level to the lowest (initial) level.
All these stages are illustrated in more detail below in Fig. 1.1.2.
In what follows let us illustrate once more this calculational of idea
by the simplest example of a FEL model represented in Fig. 1.1.1. But
this time we will try to do it mathematically.
In the view of what has been said the corresponding initial equa-
tion set for the electron motion in the FEL working bulk must contain
some periodic functions. In turn, these periodic functions should com-
prise various oscillation phases and their harmonics (see below about
the concepts ‘phase’ and ‘harmonics’). These phases are determined by
electron oscillations under common action of periodic pumping field (of
the spatial period and the periodic signal–wave field (spatial period
Therein the initial motion equations can be represented by some
nonlinear vector equation (see Fig. 1.1.2)
where and are new vectors and a new vector-function for the
hierarchical level (in the considered particular FEL example the
total number of hierarchical levels equals 2 or 3, — see Vol-
ume II, Chapter 9 for more details), and are some
vector-function and operator, whose construction methods are given be-
low in Chapters 2–4. As a result of accomplished transformations the
initial equation (1.1.4) can be rewritten in the form of a truncated equa-
tion of the hierarchical level (see Fig. 1.1.2):
the general theory of oscillations. This mainly concerns the basic ideas,
definitions, and concepts used in the following Chapters.
Let us start with the simplest concepts ‘nonlinear oscillations’ and
‘nonlinear oscillatative systems’.
Here the material point of mass oscillates near the vertical axis
It is not difficult to obtain the differential equation for describing the
particle’s motion. As is known from any standard course of general
physics, the generalization of the second law of dynamics (see below
subsection 1.4) for rotational motion can be written in the form:
will be clarified below. The expression (1.2.5) represents the wide class of
mathematical objects which are called nonlinear equations. Generaliz-
ing, we can say that all equations which contain some nonlinear functions
in their right part (in the case above we have the trigonometric sine),
could be classified as nonlinear equations. Besides the differential equa-
tions the integral and mixed integral–differential nonlinear equations are
known also. However, we will take an interest in the differential nonlin-
ear equations only.
All physical systems whose dynamics are described by nonlinear equa-
tions of any type are called nonlinear dynamical systems. The nonlinear
pendulum (see Fig. 1.2.1 and equation (1.2.5)) represents their simplest
partial type which are called nonlinear oscillation dynamical systems.
In the theory of nonlinear systems, the concepts of linear equation
and linear system are also used. They play a very important role in the
theory of nonlinear oscillation dynamical systems. In particular, these
objects are used as the so called comparison equations and comparison
systems (generating equations or systems, also). The concepts of weakly
nonlinear equations and weak nonlinear systems can also be defined by
means of the latter. Further, we illustrate this in more detail.
Let us consider the pendulum to do small oscillations In
what follows we expand the sine in (1.2.5) in power a series in :
In what follows we take into account the second term in the expan-
sion (1.2.7). After routine calculations it is not difficult to obtain the
following nonlinear differential equation:
2.3 Resonances
In what follows let us discuss the concept of ‘resonance’. We dis-
tinguish the proper and stimulated (induced) oscillations. The proper
oscillations occur in the case of a system with no external influence.
One can be convinced that the oscillations of a mathematical pendu-
lum are proper, because the acting force (Earth gravitation) is a part
of the system considered. I.e., this force can be treated as an internal
one. The stimulated (induced) oscillations take place in the situations
some external periodic force exerts influence on the system. According
to the definition given, we can regard the model of FEL (see Fig. 1.1.1)
as a system with stimulated oscillations. The electron oscillations un-
der action of the magnetic pumping system could be treated as proper
oscillations. On the other hand, the action of an electromagnetic signal
wave on electron motion could be regarded as a stimulated (induced)
influence. The stimulated (induced) system oscillations are connected
with this influence.
Thus the dividing oscillations into proper and stimulated, strictly say-
ing, are relative. This can be explained by it depending on the defining
The sense of the resonant point and resonant vicinity is obvious from
this figure. Namely, the resonant point corresponds to the point of
maximum The vicinity of the resonant point is determined by the
interval on which the efficiency varies from
through the point until
We mention that the realization of slow braking of the electron motion
is a characteristic peculiarity of the FEL interaction mechanism [2–4].
Therein the transformation of kinetic energy of the electron into the
signal energy of the electromagnetic wave occurs. This means that the
velocity of the longitudinal electron motion in the situation considered is
a slowly varying function of time As follows from definitions (1.2.14),
(1.2.15), (1.2.19), (1.2.20), (1.2.24) the resonant function in the
general case is a slowly varying function of time too. The latter
appears in Fig. 1.2.2 as a slow motion of the working point A along
the resonant curve from the right side to the left side. In principle the
tion phases (1.2.19), (1.2.20)) could be exited, too. In this case we get
a complex case of the multi-periodic multi-harmonic oscillations.
Then we consider that all medium points always interact with one
another. According to the above suppositions this interaction should be
Let us note that the directions of vectors of the phase and group
velocities coincide only in the simplest case of isotropic medium. In
the general case these vectors are directed arbitrary. Both these cases
can occur in the above discussed FEL model. For instance, the phase
and group velocities of the signal wave in traditional FEL H-ubitron ar-
rangements, as a rule, are coincided [2–4]. However, some other rather
exotic physical situations could be realized in some Dopplertron type of
FELs. Their characteristic design feature is the use intense electromag-
netic waves (including microwaves) as FEL pumping [1]. Therefore the
situations with opposite directions of the phase and group velocities can
occur really [16, 24, 25]. The physical models of such type are discussed
in Chapters 10–13, Volume II.
Taking this into account we can rewrite the definition (1.3.2) in more
general form
It can easily be seen that the sign of the energy density (and the
wave energy, too) depends on the correlation of magnitudes of the two
different energies and in (1.3.13). In particular, we have
the ‘usual case’ of positive wave energy in the case
The opposite case describes the system with the negative wave energy.
If both energies are equal we have to do with the zeroth wave energy.
All these three types of waves are used further in the book. For in-
stance, the electromagnetic signal wave in FELs is characterized by the
positive energy always. The slow space charged wave (SCW) in electron
beam plasmas in parametric Raman’s FELs is the wave with negative
energy. In addition, at last, an example of a wave with zeroth energy
is shown by increased and dissipated waves in the beam models with
where is the force. In the nonrelativistic case the second law can be
rewritten as
4.4 Rotation
The simplest case of curvilinear motion is rotation. In the rotation
kinematics, besides the linear values, the angular values are introduced
also. Including, the angular displacement is:
is called the energy. One distinguishes the kinetic and the potential
energy. The kinetic energy characterizes the motion dynamics of a body.
In general relativistic case it is
where all designations are given above. The value is called the rest
energy, is the rest mass. In the case of nonrelativistic motion the
expression (1.4.13) can be reduced to the following well known form:
You must distinguish the potential and vortex fields. The condition
of field potentiality can be written as
Below we will use both above mentioned field types. Therein the
electric field can exist in the potential form (it can be generated by
charged particles) as well as the vortex field (that is excited by a time-
varying magnetic field — see Volume II for more details).
Thus the kinetic energy is related to the body motion, whereas the
potential energy corresponds to the position of the body in a force field.
resulting from external and intrinsic sources of fields, and are the
space charge densities caused by similar sources, is the nabla operator.
The intensity vector of electric field is force that acts on some positive
unit charge (+q) in a given point of the electric field:
As mentioned earlier, there are two different types of the electric fields.
They are the scalar (potential) and the vortex electric fields. As follows
from equations (1.4.23), electric charges create the scalar electric fields,
whereas a time-varying magnetic field creates the vortex electric field.
The vector of electric displacement is connected with the intensity
vector by the following relationship:
through this point in each time instant Therefore, each point of the
beam volume is put in relation to a certain point of the field of velocities
The velocity function is an Euler variable, as well as the
phase the angular velocity etc., could be regarded also
as the Euler variables.
Thus the Lagrange formalism is related with the one-particle descrip-
tion of the system, whilst Euler formalism is associated with its many-
particle description. This distinction will help us to avoid misunder-
standing in the analysis of the nature of quantities to be considered in
what follows. In the account below, we employ widely both: the La-
grange as well as Euler approaches.
Most of the objects investigated in physics and engineering are var-
ious types of systems. Therefore, the knowledge of general features of
the systems allows to better understand the problems studied. It con-
cerns both: the mathematical description of the problem, as well as
the analysis of results obtained. Apart from that, peculiarities of some
systems (for instance, the hierarchical dynamical systems) allow us to
construct corresponding highly effective asymptotic calculational meth-
ods. In other words, the systems properties can be useful in solving the
mathematical part of the problem, too. Lastly, the set of concepts and
ideas considered in the general system theory is very interesting in itself.
So let us discuss some general features of dynamical systems.
the beams ‘warmth’ is taken away from the system. Here, it seems that
we have a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. However, it
is not so, because any accelerator (including EH-ubitron one) is ther-
modynamically an open system. It means that the required energy for
the ‘cooling’ procedure is taken from the surrounding medium (in the
present case from external source).
Other similar examples are the effects of phase and polarization dis-
crimination (see Chapter 12, Volume II) [31–33]. In the first case the
initial slowly varying oscillation phases of electromagnetic waves always
strive for the same magnitudes during the nonlinear resonance interac-
tion, irrespective of their initial magnitudes. In the case of polarization
discrimination the wave polarization behavior is characterized by the
analogous trend.
ity of observing the system behavior through only a few small apertures
which are placed on different sides of the box. It is obviously that the
observed pictures which we can see through different apertures can be
essentially different. Each such picture (i.e., the supervisor projections)
demonstrates some separate group of the object properties only. There-
fore each such group can be described by some ‘proper’ theoretical (i.e.,
particular) model. Thus in spite of the initial single object we obtain,
eventually, a number of theoretical models describing different proper-
ties of the same model. It is obviously that some of these properties can,
in principle, exclude each other.
Then let us assume the volume V is divided into two parts (see
Fig. 1.6.2). The particles can take their positions within identical vol-
umes and in four different ways. However, only two of them really
are different. Inasmuch as both particles (and the volumes are iden-
tical, the states of the system, as a whole, described by drawings a) and
d), should be considered equivalent. The same situation takes place with
the states shown in drawings b) and c). Therefore the system shown in
Fig. 1.6.2 can have two different microstates. Let us continue this imag-
inary experiment with the increasing number of particles. Doing this,
we can obtain some generalization for the case of system consisting of
N interacting particles and partial volumes. Doing this we obtain the
expression for calculational of the total numbers of microstates W:
It can be shown (see, for instance, [10]) that both entropies are related
by some constant factor. This means that, in principle, both these con-
cepts could be considered to be equivalent in the system theory. Let us
note, however, that the information entropy characterizes more general
property of the surrounding world than the thermodynamic or physi-
cal ones. The concept of information entropy will be used further in
Chapter 2 to discuss peculiarities of hierarchical systems.
Three fundamental laws form the basis of thermodynamics. The
first is the generalization of the energy conservation law for thermo-
dynamic systems (the first law of thermodynamics). The two other laws
are specific characteristics of thermodynamic system property. There
are known seven classical equivalent formulations of the second law of
thermodynamics. For instance, the formulation of Clausius is: the en-
tropy of a closed system in thermodynamic equilibrium can only increase
or remain unchanged. According to the third law of thermodynamics
(Nernst’s theorem), the entropy tends to a finite limit, vanishing for
zero system temperature.
It should be mentioned that the applicability of entropy to describe
complex systems is an open question in modern literature (see, for in-
stance [28]). This is explained by the discussed above peculiarities of
complex systems. The author’s position coincides with the position given
in [10].
6.10 Complexity
Complexity is rather clear intuitively, however it is relatively difficult
for the formal description. We distinguish structural and algorithmic
complexity. The first one characterizes the number of structural elements
of a system. The second one is related to the degree of development
of reciprocal connections between them. However, both concepts are
closely connected.
The structural complexity can be illustrated by examples of the theory
of electrical circuits. For instance, let us assume an electrical circuit
characterized by inputs and outputs. The dynamics of the system
can be given by some multi-terminal network (see Fig. 1.6.3).
We assume that the currents flow into the system through the
system inputs, and the currents flow through the outputs. There
are some interactions between currents of both types within the system
volume. Therefore each current can correlate (in the general case)
with any current
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[2] T.C. Marshall. Free electron laser. MacMillan, New York, London, 1985.
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Oxford, 1990.
[11] R.K. Dodd, J.C. Eilbeck, J.D. Gibbon, H.C. Morris. Solutions and nonlinear
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[15] V.V. Kulish, S.A. Kuleshov, A.V. Lysenko. Nonlinear self-consistent theory
of superheterodyne and parametrical free electron lasers. The International
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 14(3):451–560, 1993.
[16] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical oscillations and averaging methods in nonlinear prob-
lems of relativistic electronics. The International Journal of Infrared and Mil-
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the nonlinear problems of plasma electrodynamics. Fizika Plazmy, 19(2):216–
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[22] S.S. Kohmanski, V.V. Kulish. To the nonlinear theory of free electron lasers
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[25] V.P. Zakharov, V.V. Kulish. Explosive instability of electron flux in the field of
dispersing electromagnetic waves. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 6:878–881, 1985.
[27] D.H. Menzel. Fundamental Formulas of Physics. Dover Publications, Inc, 1960.
[29] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, O.B. Krutko, I.V. Gubanov. Effect of cooling of rel-
ativistic beams of charged particles during of their acceleration in the crossed
[30] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, A.G. Kailyuk. New acceleration principle of charged
particles for electronic applications. The International Journal of Infrared and
Millimeter Waves, 19(1):33–93, 1998.
[31] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, A.G. Kailyuk, I.V. Gubanov. New acceleration princi-
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Chapter 2
2.1 Hierarchical Principles
The system of hierarchical principles is put in the basis of the dis-
cussed version of hierarchical method. These principles [10–16] are gen-
eralization of the above discussed self-modeling idea, and they summa-
rize known today experimental facts and observations. The five following
hierarchical principles can be formulated in this way, e.g. one general
hierarchical principle and four particular fundamental ones.
where << 1 is the scale parameter for the first hierarchical level.
The physical sense of the approximation is that influences of neigh-
boring hierarchical levels are accounted only. The model of the Universe
above can be used as illustration supporting this assumption. Indeed,
the Sun exerts the main influence upon the motion, for instance, of
the Earth. At the same time its influence upon the Moon’s motion is
inessential, whereas the motion of the latter is mainly determined by
influence of the Earth (see Fig. 2.1.2). However, other higher hierarchi-
cal levels also exert some small influence upon the given level (the other
planets and Sun weakly perturb the motion of the Moon in the grav-
itational field of the Earth). This calculational situation is illustrated
in Fig. 2.2.1. The illustration of the scheme of interactions between the
zeroth and other hierarchical levels of the dynamical system is given.
Taking into consideration the above formulated supposition about ac-
counting only neighboring interactions only, we obtain the system any
hierarchical level interacts with neighboring levels only. It means that
in such a case we can ‘travel’ through the hierarchical system only ‘step
by step’, from one level to neighboring next level and in back direction.
The calculational technology taking into account the influence of other
(higher) hierarchical interactions (see illustration in Fig. 2.2.1) can be
elaborated on the way of further developing of the approach discussed
here (for instance, by perturbations). In this book, however, we are not
interested in such calculational situations. We propose this problem for
the reader, as an teaching tusk.
at this level we further ‘slip down’ the found solutions (the inverse prob-
lem — Fig. 2.2.3). In what follows we find required solutions for the
zeroth hierarchical level (see also Fig. 1.1.2 and relevant commentaries).
Namely this version of hierarchical calculational technology is the main
object of our interest in this book.
[5] B.M. Vladimirskij, L.D. Kislovskij. The outer space influences and the biosphere
evolution, volume 1 of Astronautics, Astronomy. Znanije, Moscow, 1986.
[6] V.V. Druzshynin, D.S. Kontorov. System-techniques. Radio i Sviaz, Moscow,
[7] V.V. Kulish. Nonlinear self-consistent theory of free electron lasers. method of
investigation. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 36(9):1318–1325, 1991.
[8] V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko. Method of averaged kinetic equation and its use in
the nonlinear problems of plasma electrodynamics. Fizika Plazmy, 19(2):216–
227, 1993. (Sov. Plasma Physics).
[9] V.V. Kulish, S.A. Kuleshov, A.V. Lysenko. Nonlinear self-consistent theory of
superheterodyne and free electron lasers. The International journal of infrared
and millimeter waves, 14(3):451–568, 1993.
[10] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical oscillations and averaging methods in nonlinear prob-
lems of relativistic electronics. The International Journal of Infrared and Mil-
limeter Waves, 18(5):1053–1117, 1997.
[11] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical approach to nonlinear problems of electrodynamics.
Visnyk Sumskogo Derzshavnogo Universytetu, 1(7):3–11, 1997.
[12] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, A.G. Kailyuk. New acceleration principle of charged
particles for electronic applications, hierarchical description. The International
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter waves, 19(l):33–93, 1998.
[13] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical method and its application peculiarities in nonlinear
problems of relativistic electrodynamics. general theory. Ukrainian Physical
Journal, 43(4):83–499, 1998.
[14] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, O.B. Krutko, I.V. Gubanov. Hierarchical method and
its application peculiarities in nonlinear problems of relativistic electrodynam-
ics. theory of eh-ubitron accelerator of charged particles. Ukrainian Physical
Journal, 43(2):33–138, 1998.
[15] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical method and its application peculiarities in nonlin-
ear problems of relativistic electrodynamics. single-particle model of cyclotron-
resonant maser. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 43(4):98–402, 1998.
[16] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical theory of oscillations and waves and its application
to nonlinear problems of relativistic electrodynamics. Causality and locality
in modern physics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London,
[17] Andre Nataf. Dictionary of the Occult. Wordsworth Editions Ltd, Hartfordshire,
[18] F. Kapra. Dao of physics. ORIS, St. Petersburg, 1994.
[20] D. Fortune. The mystical Qabalah. Alta Gaia Books, New York, 1989.
[22] C. Ponce. Quest books. Kabbalah. The Thesophical Publishing House, Wheaton,
Illinois, USA Adyar, Madras, India, 1995.
[23] W. Parfitt. The New Living Qabalah. Element, Shaftesbury, Dorset Rockport,
Massachusetts, Queesland, 1995.
[24] V.V. Kulish. Methods of averaging in non-linear problems of relativistic electro-
dynamics. World scientific Publishers, Atlanta, 1998.
Chapter 3
The new dynamical equation for the first hierarchical level (3.1.4), in
correspondence with the above discussed hierarchical principles, should
be simpler that the initial equation for the zeroth hierarchical level
(2.2.5). Therefore, the equation of this type usually referred to as the
truncated equations. Relevant solutions of equation (3.1.4) allow to find
the dynamical (functional) operator (see equations (3.1.2), (3.1.3)),
and as the result, to construct the solutions for variables of the zeroth
hierarchical level (see definition (3.1.1)). Owing to application of the
hierarchical method, this calculational algorithm is found to be actually
simpler than in the case of solving the initial problem (2.2.4) immedi-
In the case the discussed dynamical system, besides the zeroth, has
two higher levels of hierarchy else (the first and the second, correspond-
ingly) , we could follow in the analogous way. Namely, we consider prob-
lem (3.1.4) as a new initial one (analogous to problem (2.2.4)). This
means that it could be solved by the analogous method (see also illus-
trations in Fig. 1.1.2 and corresponding commentaries):
are ‘enciphered’. This situation is like that, as in the ‘true’ gene the in-
formation about some organism is enciphered. Providing some ‘culture
medium’ for our ‘mathematical gene’ one can evolve it into the original
system (2.2.4) (similarly, for instance, to situation with developing of
the human embryo). In our formal case the functional operators
and the generalized hierarchical equations of the type (3.1.2), (3.1.7),
(3.1.10), etc. play the role of such peculiar ‘culture medium’ for devel-
oping our ‘equations embryo’ (3.1.10). It is clearly that in this case we
indeed can hope for simplifying of general solution procedure because
any embryo in nature always is simpler the whole organism.
Thus this analogy once more illustrates that all natural hierarchical
dynamical systems apparently have a common nature. Moreover we
might hope that these ‘common nature’ could be described in framework
of the proposed new hierarchical approach.
At last, we should mention that this method, generally, has some
difficulties. Most of them originate from peculiarities of integration
of generalized hierarchical equations (3.1.2), (3.1.3), (3.1.7), (3.1.10).
These difficulties relate to the special form of a chosen structural op-
erator. It is obvious that such calculational schemes have of practical
interest in the one case only. Namely, in the case when the total labor-
intensity of the joint solution procedure (for hierarchical dynamical equa-
tions (2.2.4), (3.1.4), (3.1.6), (3.1.9) and corresponding generalized ones
(3.1.2), (3.1.3), (3.1.7), (3.1.10)) is less than the procedure of solving
initial equation (2.2.1) ‘immediately’. This result can be attained re-
ally if some analytical algorithms could be constructed for the solving
generalized hierarchical equations like to (3.1.2), (3.1.3). This holds at
a practice for special structural operators M only. General situation is
simplified in the case of periodic (oscillatative) systems. A number of
structural operators of such kind can be constructed for such situations.
It should be mentioned, however, that most widely used such operators
are based on the well known Riemann theorem of integral averaged value
[1] :
series holds here. Then the Fourier series express the func-
tion Z in the domain For the last case the relevant Fourier expansion
can be written as
ters 12, 13, Volume II) we will consider and illustrate various particular
features of these systems in the framework of the method of averaged
kinetic equation (see Chapter 6).
where all notations are obvious in view of context of the about said. It is
seen that mathematical structure of equations (3.2.6) and, for example,
(2.2.5) is the same. Hence, hierarchical calculational scheme set forth
above can be applied for solving the stochastic problem, too. However,
there are here some methodical difficulties. The latter are connected
with some peculiarities of calculational procedures for back transforma-
tions from the system with total derivatives to the system with particular
derivatives. The essence of idea of these transformations and the tech-
nical ways of overcoming of the mentioned difficulties will be discussed
below in other Chapters. In particular, one example of such hierarchical
technology is described in this book in a form of the method of averaging
characteristics, method of averaged quasi-hydrodynamic equation, and
where I is unit matrix, the expression in the right side of the second
equation is the product of the diagonal Jacobian matrix of order
Therefore the initial system (3.3.1) obtains the form of relevant ‘true’
single-particle equation like (3.3.1) or (2.2.1):
where the ‘prime’ is ignored further for simplicity. In this case, the
functional operator can be found from the Krylov–Bogolyubov sub-
3.4 Case b)
But let us turn to the problem discussed above in Subsection 3.2.
Assume that function R in standard form (3.3.1) can be developed in a
Fourier series. Separate out the zeroth Fourier harmonics
is the linear oscillatative phase (see Chapter 1, Section 2). The variables
and are referred to as Van der Pol variables. Van der Pol’s main idea
is to assume that the solution of the nonlinear equation (3.4.1) is formally
described by the same expression as the solution of the linear equation
(3.4.2). The difference is that the amplitude is slowly varying function
of The physical meaning of the term slowly varying function is that
the amplitude weakly changes during one oscillation period
(for more details about this concept see in Chapter 1, Section 2). The
result becomes appreciable only after a long time which includes
many oscillation periods If the amplitude is slow,
then the phase for reasons given above, is the fast variable. It is
reasonable to assume that the weak nonlinearity does not modify the
general behavior of the solutions though gives rise to small nonlinear
corrections in the relevant weakly nonlinear equation. In what follows
we derive such equations from the slow amplitude and the fast phase.
We require that the new functions and satisfy, along (3.4.3),
the condition
Taking into consideration the definition for the hierarchical small pa-
rameters (2.2.3) we can consequently conclude that these variables are
related to different hierarchical levels of the system. Besides that, we
can detect that the Van der Pol’s description discussed above could be
treated as simplest and earliest version of the hierarchical approach in
the theory of oscillations and waves.
which makes this approach even more attractive for the researcher.
The idyllic situation is violated, however, by some difficulties. In
particular, it had been unclear for a long time whether the solutions ob-
tained by the Van der Pol method are sufficiently accurate, i.e., to what
extent the exact solutions of the initial equation (3.4.1) are equivalent to
those of the truncated systems (3.4.13), (3.4.14). This made the essence
of the mathematicians’ main object against the Van der Pol method
[36]. This aspect has disturbed the practical engineers far less. They
have been quite satisfied with the observation that in most cases the re-
sults obtained by this method had been in fairly good agreement with the
experimental data. Few rare cases of obvious discrepancies did not influ-
for all
Accordingly with the general hierarchical scheme (see above Section 1)
the dynamical equation for the first hierarchical level should have similar
to (3.5.2) mathematical structure:
The connection of the proper variables of the zeroth and first hi-
erarchical level we find in form of the Krylov–Bogolyubov substitution
(transformation — see also (3.3.17) and commentaries)
The generalized hierarchical equation of the first order (3.1.2) for the
unknown functional operator (transformation function) in this case
can be obtained in the form:
Thus it is shown that in view of above set forth general idea of the
hierarchical approach (see Sections 1–3), the Bogolyubov method in-
deed can be regarded as a particular variety of hierarchical method.
More obviously this thought is illustrated in the diagram represented in
Fig. 3.5.1.
In principle we might also have some other algorithm for the discussed
version of the averaging method [19]. Such algorithm can be realized if
the idea of generating equation (see (3.4.2) and comments) is used. (In
reference such equations are also called to as equations of comparison
[19]). In this case the structural operator can be chosen in the following
6.1 Two-Level Systems with Slow and
Fast Variables. General Case
Bogolyubov’s standard system of the type (3.5.2) represents the sim-
plest object for application of the averaging methods. Historically such
systems have been the first fully fledged realizations of the hierarchical
ideas [12,13]. Later a few other more general versions of such realiza-
tions have been developed [6,14–19]. Let as illustrate one of theses ‘more
general versions’ at an example of so called system with slow and fast
Indeed, assuming
where represents the slow part of the vector and represents the
fast part of it. The standard system of such kind can be presented in
the form
Then we should to point out that the general algorithm for obtaining
of analytical solutions of the discussed type systems is not known today
[19]. Therefore, at a practice some particular cases of the systems similar
to (3.6.5) are use, as a rule. The systems with fast rotating phases
represent one of such particular cases. Owing to their specific features
namely these systems are found to be most interesting for practice.
In this case the fast variable is called as to the fast rotating phase
[1] M.M. Khapaev. Asymptotic methods and stability in theory of nonlinear oscil-
lations. Vysshaja Shkola, Moscow, 1988.
[2] V.V. Kulish. Hierarchical oscillations and averaging methods in nonlinear prob-
lems of relativistic electronics. The International Journal of Infrared and Mil-
limeter Waves, 18(5):1053–1117, 1997.
[4] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, A.G. Kailyuk. New acceleration principle of charged
particles for electronic applications, hierarchical description. The International
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter waves, 19(l):33–93, 1998.
[5] G.A. Korn, T.W. Korn. Mathematical handbook for scientists and engineers.
McGraw Hill, NY, 1961.
[8] R.K. Dodd, J.C. Eilbeck, J.D. Gibbon, H.C. Morris. Solutions and nonlinear
wave equations. Academic Press, London, 1982.
The hierarchical systems with fast rotating phases are the most ‘pop-
ular’ (amongst other asymptotic hierarchical methods) in electrodynam-
ics applications. Firstly, because the physical models which can be de-
scribed by such equations, are widespread in a practice. Secondly, be-
cause, as mentioned above in Chapter 3, Section 6, analytical algorithms
of asymptotic integration of systems of this type can be constructed
without excessive difficulties. Taking this into consideration we will pay
special attention in this and the following Chapters for studying the
systems with fast rotating phases of different types.
1.1 A Few Introductory Words
We begin this Section with discussion of some basic ideas of the theory
of hierarchical oscillations in electrodynamic systems. Therefore here we
will take an interest, mainly, in the mathematical part of the problem.
This problem, as will be understood latter, can quite often be reduced to
the asymptotic integration of the hierarchical systems with fast rotating
In what follows it should be pointed out that the purely mathematical
part in training the theory of hierarchical systems, in itself, is not the
only source of the principal difficulties for a student or an expert. Let
us turn the reader’s attention to another side of the discussed object.
As mentioned above in the Preface, this book is intended first of all
for students and experts concerned with physical electronics, accelera-
tion devices, plasma electrodynamics, radiophysics, etc.. Initially the
idea of the book originated from the lecturing experience gained by the
where and are the electric field intensity and magnetic induction
field. and are slowly varying complex
amplitudes of electric and magnetic induction fields of partial waves
(proper and stimulated); are slowly varying
quasi-stationary and quasi-homogeneous electric and magnetic induction
fields, and are wave harmonic numbers ( ).
The quantities
and x is the vector whose components are slowly varying variables only,
are partial vectors of different hierarchy of the vector of fast rotation
(revolving) phases are slowly varying part of velocity vector of fast
rotating phases, are relevant vector-functions, is hierarchical level
number, and m is the number of the highest hierarchical level.
In view of the setting forth in Section 2, initial equations (4.1.3),
(4.1.4) in standard form (4.1.5) mean that some ‘hierarchicisation law’
(structural operator (2.2.6)) of the given dynamical system is de-
termined. Real form might be found, from experiments or other consid-
Within context of the definition (2.2.4), large hierarchical parameters
in (4.1.5), (4.1.6) can be determined as
method [10] and others. There are also semi-empirical approaches based
on qualitative peculiarities of a studied physical picture [6, 7].
We assume the procedure of finding of all particle oscillation phases
(hidden and explicit) has been completed. Analyzing the rates of par-
ticle phase varying we find that their total set involves both types of
phases: slow components of vector x and fast components of vector
Moreover, some nonlinear combinations of two, three or more Lagrange
fast phases produce slowly varying functions. Each slow phase resulting
from this ‘combination’ action ( in the general case) corresponds
to some physical mechanism of particle resonance. We distinguish quasi-
linear and parametric resonance (relevant definitions in Chapter 1, Sub-
section 2.3). Quasilinear resonances are characterized by two-phase (or
in the general case) combinations where one of phases only is
associated with explicit period of the system. The magnitude of stimu-
lated wave force acting on the particle is always linearly dependent on
wave field amplitude in the lowest order in some small parameter. There-
fore these resonances are quasilinear . Examples: cyclotron resonance;
various types of synchrotron resonances; etc..
Parametric one-particle resonances correspond to cases when all
phases forming slow phase combination are of wave nature. For instance,
parametric resonances of third-, fourth-, and higher orders [11–18] can
realize in free electron lasers (FELs), in parametric electronic devices
(Adler’s lamp, parametric electron-wave lamps), etc. [17, 18]. In general,
slow and fast combined phases of coupled-pair parametric or
quasilinear resonances can be defined as
With the aid of Fig. 2.2.4 we show that in our model the generation
of hierarchical levels with negative numbers is possible, too. It
takes place in the realization of special case of self-consistent systems For
instance, it occurs if nonlinear generation of highest resonant harmonics
and wave modes is realized. Such generation process really breaks down
when imposing real restrictions. The latter can be determined by pe-
culiarities of system design, satisfaction of the conservation principles,
etc., or by realization of the effect of hierarchical degeneration.
with all evident definitions. Apart from the scale parameter of the first
hierarchical level (the leading term in hierarchical series (4.1.6)), all
the other fast phases are relatively slow quantities. This ob-
servation is useful to construct required hierarchical algorithm of asymp-
totic integration reducing complex total system (4.1.5) to essentially
simpler two-level hierarchical form of the type (3.6.10):
where is the expanded vector of slow variables (here all partial fast
phases excepting the first one are considered as its com-
ponents), and so on. We now write the Krylov–Bogolyubov substitution
for the system with rotating phases (the dynamical hierarchical opera-
tor (2.2.7)). But at that time we do it with respect to corresponding
components of the vectors and
terms discussed above (see Chapter 3, Subsection 5.2 for more details) let
us write the Krylov–Bogolyubov substitutions as the asymptotic series
Thus the above mentioned contradiction really does not take a place.
Then we substitute (4.3.7) and (4.3.8) in the first equation (4.3.5) and
assume that the coefficients of similar exponential functions are equal.
Thus we obtain
We remind the reader that the problem in the discussed case of two
scalar phases has been formulated under the assumption that both phase
rotation velocities are commensurable, i.e.,
It is readily seen from the latter system that, as a result, of the ac-
complished transformations:
a) the variable can be regarded as a component of the new slow
b) the functions and are periodic with respect to one fast
phase only (rather than two fast phases and of the system
(4.3.1)). In other words, the mathematical properties of the system
(4.3.24) are similar to those of the system (4.2.1), in which one should
pass to the form initial equations with large parameter (instead of the
form with small one ). Hence we can employ the relevant asymptotic
integration algorithm, which is described above in Section 2.
also the Fig. 1.2.2 and relevant comments). For each interval of values
of we have to check whether the solutions obtained really contain the
resonance denominators (4.3.15). The results of the check up determine
whether the non-resonance or resonance asymptotic integration proce-
dure should be employed. In the general case, when solutions of both
types occur (associated with different stages of interaction), we have to
join the solutions together in terms of some special procedure [7] (see
below in Subsection 3.4).
Then we turn to discussion of the algorithm of asymptotic integration
in the discussed resonance case.
At the first stage the procedure of separating out the slowly varying
combination phase could be modified in order generalize it. The general
‘multi-phases’ procedure of this type is described in monograph [23]. In
our case of two scalar phases only it reduces to the following simplified
form. We introduce the trivial non-degenerate linear transformation,
which relates the fast phase vector to the vector of combination
phases to be given by
Since the combination phase has been shown to be slow and, hence,
is associated with a component of the vector of slow variables
In turn, the combination phase by virtue of the definition (4.3.26),
must be considered as a fast one. The relations between the old and
new variables in such situation are given by the following simplest linear
But the algorithm for solving such systems is described above in Sec-
tion 2. This means that the above formulated resonant problem is solved.
Further we turn our attention to the case of harmonic resonance.
Analogously to (4.3.25) the relevant harmonic resonance condition (i.e.,
in the case or or simultaneously) may be
written as
where all notations are self-evident in the above. We look for a solution
to system (4.4.1) in the form of dynamical hierarchical operators (4.1.13):
Upon substituting (4.4.8), (4.4.8) into (4.4.4) and equating the co-
efficients with equal exponents, we obtain expressions for amplitudes
and functions
The first is the zone which corresponds to non-resonant part of the so-
lution. Characteristic feature of the latter is that the considered physical
process here carries an explicitly non-resonant nature. According to the
general theory, which was set forth above in Subsection 2.3, Chapter 1,
such non-resonant states can be determined by some conditions such as
the following
where and are corresponded fast and slow combinative phases (see
definition (4.1.10) and relevant comments). As shown in preceding Sec-
tion 4, condition (4.5.1) can be assumed to be equivalent to condition
In view of the above, it is obvious that in the general case the non-
resonant and resonant solutions have essentially different mathematical
structures, because they are obtained in different mathematical ways.
Thus the problem of sewing them should be solved in order to obtain
the complete solution
invalid within this zone. But, on the other hand, it is obvious that the
non-resonant solutions should transform into the resonant ones within
the ‘gray’ zone. In principle, more than one such ‘gray’ zones can ex-
ist in a general multi-resonance case. We may assume that some point
where the non-resonant solutions transform into resonant one im-
mediately, should exist for each such ‘gray’ zone . It is obvious,
that we should have one such point only in the simplest one-resonant
particular case illustrated in Fig. 4.5.1.
In what follows, let us turn to the problem of formulating the sewing
condition. It is assumed that a vector of slow variables
and some vector of fast rotating
phases characterize the considered system. Ac-
cordingly with the above said, we should satisfy the following
sewing conditions for realization of the sewing procedure in any ‘gray’
The equation
[1] A.A. Ruhadze, L.S. Bogdankevich, S.E. Rosinkii, V.G. Ruhlin. Physics of high-
current relativistic beams. Atomizdat, Moscow, 1980.
[2] R.C. Davidson. Theory of nonlinear plasmas. Benjamin, Reading, Mass, 1974.
[3] A.G. Sitenko, V.M. Malnev. Principles of the plasma theory. Naukova Dumka,
Kiev, 1994.
[4] L.P. Landau, E.M. Liftshitz. Theory of field. Nauka, Moscow, 1974.
[5] V.V. Kulish. Nonlinear self-consistent theory of free electron lasers, method of
investigation. Ukrainian Physical Journal, 36(9):1318–1325, 1991.
[6] V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko. Method of averaged kinetic equation and its use in
the nonlinear problems of plasma electrodynamics. Fizika Plazmy, 19(2):216–
227, 1993. Sov. Plasma Physics.
[7] V.V. Kulish, S.A. Kuleshov, A.V. Lysenko. Nonlinear self-consistent theory of
superheterodyne and free electron lasers. The International journal of infrared
and millimeter waves, 14(3):451–568, 1993.
[14] L.A. Vainstein, V.A. Solnzev. Lectures on Microwave electronics. Sov. Radio,
Moscow, 1973.
[15] V.I. Gaiduk, K.I. Palatov, D.M. Petrov. Principles of microwave physical elec-
tronics. Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1971.
[16] A.F. Alexandrov, L.S. Bogdankevich, A. A. Ruhadze. Principles of plasma elec-
trodynamics. Vyschja Shkola, Moscow, 1978.
[17] A.N. Kondratenko, V.M. Kuklin. Principles of plasma electronics. Energoat-
omizdat, Moscow, 1988.
[19] A.I. Olemskoi, A.Ya. Flat. Application of the factual concept in the condensed-
matter physics. Physics-Uspekhy, 163(12):1–104, 1993.
[21] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, A.G. Kailyuk. New acceleration principle of charged
particles for electronic applications. The International Journal of Infrared and
Millimeter Waves, 19(1):33–93, 1998.
ner that the transforming and heterodyne signals have the possibility
to propagate within the same system working bulk in mutually oppo-
site directions along the system optical axis. Electron gun 3 generates
non-relativistic electron beam 5, which also moves along this axis. So
electron beam 5 moves in the working bulk of the device in the field of
two opposite directed transverse running electromagnetic waves Namely,
they are transforming 1 and heterodyne 10 waves with frequencies
and respectively. Owing to nonlinear properties of plasmas of beam
5 longitudinal Langmuir electron wave with the differential frequency
(difference frequency electron wave) is excited. This wave
also propagates in the direction of electron beam motion. The frequen-
cies and (that belong to submillimeter-IR range) are chosen close
to each other, so that the differential frequency lies within
the microwave range (i.e.,
(see for more details about the concept of drifting standing wave in Chap-
ter 10, Volume II). Here c is, as before, the velocity of light in vacuum
(the general concept of the phase velocity is discussed also in Chapter 1,
Section 3). It can easily be seen that in our case the phase velocity
always, because, as mentioned above, Moreover, for
(i.e., for the case of non-relativistic drifting ve-
locities can occur. In the particle case the velocity
and hence the drifting standing wave transforms into the ‘usual’
standing wave.
Then, we remind that in the considered device the electron beam 5
also moves, as a whole, along the optical axis. At that the direction
of the drifting wave in the case considered is the same as the direction
of electron beam 5. Such direction of the drifting wave is attained by
the mentioned special selection of the frequencies In
particular, the case is possible when the so called strong synchronism
appears. This takes place when the drifting wave velocity on the
one hand, and the electron beam velocity on the other hand, are
found to be equal
As the analysis show [5, 11], the highest effectiveness of the electron
beam modulation (i.e., excitation of the difference frequency electron
Then, we note that very often requirements for the beam modulation
process (5.1.2) and for the maximum of transformation effectiveness of
the retarding system 7 (5.1.3) cannot be satisfied simultaneously. Two
special pairs of electrodes 4 and 6, correspondingly, are introduced in
the device shown in Fig. 5.1.1 for correction of this drawback. Earlier
we talked about the modulation section but never concretizes its de-
sign. These electrodes, and part of the electron beam between them,
form the modulation section discussed above. Owing to the electrodes
we have a possibility to change beam velocity in the working bulk
of the modulation section and, consequently, to provide satisfaction of
optimal conditions (5.1.2). Or, in other words, we can provide in this
Analyzing the initial system (5.1.4) from the point of view of defini-
tion (5.1.5), one can surely be convinced that equation (5.1.4) possesses
an integral of motion (conservation law) with respect to transverse com-
ponent of the canonical momentum:
Let us chose version (5.2.10) as the more convenient for our purposes.
But it is interesting to point out that, as the analysis shows, the choice
of that or other above discussed versions does not exert any influence at
the terminal calculational result.
It is necessary turn the reader attention also at some another specific
calculational feature of discussed type problems. Namely, here, accord-
ing to the definition given above of problem large parameter we should
determine it as a ratio of fast to slow variables. We have two different
variants for such definition:
Thus the main problem on this step is determining the unknown trans-
formation functions and the functions
in right hand parts of truncated equations (5.2.21). Let us solve this
problem following with the algorithm discussed above. Therein we con-
fine ourselves by calculations in the first approximation only of the av-
eraging method Therefore, we will keep only the terms in right
hand parts of equations not higher than cubic order, with respect to am-
plitudes of the running electromagnetic waves The latter supposition
can be substantiated by the following observation. The values
where the averaged values can be found from the truncated equations
Following with this analogy we can introduce formally for the model
considered the concept of quasi-potential field. In contrast to the case
with ‘true nonlinear pendulum’ (see Fig. 1.2.1) this field belong to the
first hierarchical level. Action of this field provides nonlinear electron os-
cillations on the first hierarchical level, which is similar with oscillations
of the nonlinear pendulum on the zeroth level in potential gravitational
field (see Fig. 1.2.1).
It should be mentioned that the concept of proper field of a hier-
archical level looks, at list, unusual and somewhat whimsical. Therefore,
let us discuss it in more detail. We revert for this to the discussion about
hierarchical nature of our Universe (see Chapter 2, Sections 1 and 2; and
also Tables 2.1.1, 2.1.2, Fig. 2.2.5, and corresponding discussion). Be-
sides that, we will compare some hierarchical properties of the Universe
and the considered model ‘an electron in the field of electromagnetic
standing wave’, as hierarchical dynamical systems. It is not difficult to
see that general situation in both systems is similar, which in itself, looks
incredibly in principle. Analogously to the situation in the considered
model, some proper set of fields also exists on each Universe hierarchi-
cal level. But, in contrast to the considered model, all proper fields on
all Universe hierarchical levels carry explicitly expressed fundamental
nature. For example, weak and strong interactions are proper for the hi-
erarchical level ‘elementary particles’, electromagnetic fields are proper
for the atoms and molecules, gravitational field is proper for the planet
and star systems, and (it is possible) for the galactic systems, and so on.
But let us once more turn to the topic of fictitious (effective) and
fundamental fields in the physics. The quasi-potential field is a ficti-
tious (effective) one. It is obvious that it cannot be considered as the
fundamental one. We regard the quasi-potential field as one of many
displaying of a ‘hidden’ acting the electromagnetic wave fields (that be-
long, as noted, to the zeroth hierarchical level) on the first hierarchical
However, we should recognize that, talking about the fundamental
nature of Universe fields, we have in the mind the fact that they are
really some postulates only. Indeed, all these fields appear as a result of
many experimental observations and they can not be obtained strictly
in framework of some general theoretical approach. (We avoid here
discussion of basic problems of the unified field theory). Or, in other
words, by this we would like say the following: it is not known surely to-
day how the proper (fundamental) fields of higher hierarchical levels are
connected with proper (also fundamental) fields of the lower hierarchi-
cal levels. The specific peculiarity of the hierarchical structure given by
the considered model ‘electron in the field of standing electromagnetic
or, after integration, the sought first motion integral can be found:
Let us clarify the physical sense of this integral and the constancy of
H in our case. Substituting definition (5.2.13) into (5.2.44) and multi-
plying this equation by the relativistic electron mass and
the coefficient we transform expression (5.2.44) to the form of
the energy conservation law:
Thus as can be obviously seen, the first motion integral (5.2.44) by it-
self, from physical point of view, has the sense of the energy conservation
law for the first hierarchical level (5.2.32). To obtain equation (5.2.45)
we also used the relationships (5.2.13), (5.2.41), and the definition of the
averaged longitudinal electron velocity
Making use of the Fourier expansions for the elliptic functions cn[...]
and dn[...], we rewrite solutions (5.2.50) in the form
where is the energy of the electron that moves along the sepa-
ratrix. We make use of (5.2.55) for to find that
Hence electron oscillations are harmonic near the bucket bottom which
corresponds to the case of small oscillations. As normalized energy H
increases, the nonlinear nature of the energy dependence of the oscil-
lation frequency (H) is revealed to greater extent (see (5.2.54)). As
a result the motion is appreciably modified. Near the separatrix, we
have and the oscillation frequency tends to zero:
The plot of velocity versus time, resembles
a sequence of solitons (see Fig. 5.2.2).
The distance between the neighboring solitons (bumps) is approxi-
mately equal to and each soliton width is close to This
means that the number N, defined by equation (5.2.54), is a measure of
relative pulse duration of the sequence of pulses–solitons. The analysis of
the Fourier amplitudes of electron oscillation harmonics (making use of
the solutions of (5.2.51)) reveals rich oscillations spectrum in the vicinity
where solutions for the averaged values are obtained in the form
hierarchical level problem. This means that we need to use in this par-
ticular case the second hierarchical level for obtaining the full solutions
of the initial problem. But in fact the situations of such type (when the
problem of some lower hierarchical level has an exact solution) are not
typical in practice. Moreover, they are rather rare. That is why further
in the following Subsection we will give another version of calculational
scheme for the considered problem. At that time we will conditionally
assume that exact solutions for the first hierarchical level are not known.
We will look in this case for approximate solutions which can be obtained
by using of the hierarchical method.
(here all notations are self-evident considering what was said above) we
transform equation (5.3.11) into the standard form similar to (3.4.8),
has the same order as the Duffing parameter Hence, the Duffing pa-
rameter can be used here as hierarchical problem small parameter.
Accomplishing numerical estimations for for typical characteristic sit-
uations (for instance, taking the device shown in Fig. 5.1.1 as a basis),
we can find that, indeed, the Duffing parameter might be considered
as the small parameter of the problem (really
Apart from that, considering condition (5.3.7) and the fact that
we take into account that
Solutions of system (5.3.19) can be found using the method that is set
forth in Chapter 4, Subsection 2. For solution of the problem of secular
terms (see Chapter 3, Subsection 5.2) we should accept the presump-
tion about absence of non-periodical terms in right parts of equations
(5.3.18). As a result we obtain
always, i.e., the ‘super-slow’ phase of the second hierarchical level (see
definition (5.3.3))
Then we follow the calculational scheme that was set forth in the pre-
vious case (see Subsection 3.2). The difference is only in the following:
in the studied case we consider that the phase is a slowly varying vari-
able (for the zeroth hierarchical level, naturally). This supposition fol-
lows from the physical sense of synchronism condition (5.1.3). The fact
of satisfying the condition (5.1.3) means that any electron during of its
motion along axis ‘sees’ practically the same phase of the transformed
(third, retarded) electromagnetic wave Or, more exactly, this
phase could slowly change only during many electron oscillations with
fast phases This effect is referred to as the elementary mechanism
of the stimulated Cherenkov instability [4]. It is also put in the basis of
operation principle of traveling wave tubes (TWT) [5].
As a result of performed transformations we obtain an equation for
nonlinear pendulum similar to (5.2.36), where influence of the trans-
formed (third) electromagnetic wave is taken into account in the right
hand side of the equation of stimulated nonlinear pendulum
All other notations were already given above in this Section.
Comparing systems (5.4.4) and (4.3.1) we can observe that both these
expressions possess the similar mathematical structure. This means that
here, in principle, two different ways of constructing the solutions system
(5.4.4) can be realized. The first is non-resonant case, when velocities
of the phases and changing are incommensurable values. In this
situation the calculational scheme described in Chapter 4, Subsection 3.2
can be used. In the second case, if the resonant condition
and quasi-fast
Simplest analysis show that in the nonrelativistic case we can neglect the
influence of the magnetic component of the Lorenz force in comparison
with the influence of its electric component (electric Lorentz force)
to the situation with ‘unperturbed’ model (see Figs. 5.4.3 and 5.4.4),
this means that in any fixed cross-section with coordinate
part of electrons always decelerate under the influence of the electric
Lorentz force (electrons number 4,5 — see Fig. 5.4.5b). At the same
time, other particles (electrons number 1,2 and 3) accelerate under action
of this force. As a result, the electrons of the first group lose their
energy, whereas electrons of the second group increase the energy (see
Fig. 5.4.5a).
Then we recall that above in our model we have made the supposition
that the frequency of free electron oscillations is close to the wave fre-
quency (i.e., the following resonance condition is achieved:
This means that all electrons oscillate synchronously collinearly to the
vector of Lorentz force But, as was mentioned above, this occurs
with different (accelerative and decelerative) initial phases. Owing to
such synchronous arrangement of the system, each electron ‘sees’ ap-
proximately the same oscillatative phase of the transformed wave dur-
ing many of its oscillations. In this case it is usually said that the
quasi-stationary action of oscillatative electric wave field on the (also
oscillated) electrons of the ensemble [4] takes place. In vacuum physical
electronics such formulation of the resonant condition is tra-
ditionally called the principle of quasi-stationary interaction [4]. Such
treatment turns out to be very useful for analysis of so called electron
devices with long-time interaction [4].
However, the question arises: what consequences will the fact of re-
alization of the above mentioned long time mechanism have for general
The difference is only in the following: in this case the averaged kinetic
energies of different electrons are found to be different. Apart from
that, they adiabatically slowly change in time. The electrons that are
additionally accelerated by electric field of the third (perturbed) wave
have bigger energies, and the decelerated electrons have smaller energies
(this situation is clearly illustrated above in Fig. 5.4.5a. The result of
this difference is somehow unexpected. Because the electrons with bigger
energies oscillate more slowly than the decelerated electrons which drive
oscillatative phases of the second ones to phases of the first ones. In more
detail this situation is shown in Fig. 5.4.7b. It can be easily seen that
the ultimate time comes when the slowly and fast oscillating electrons
meet in the vicinity of the same point, where they form the phase bunch
(phase cluster — see in Fig. 5.4.7b). During some time this cluster
[1] L.A. Vainstein, V.A. Solntzev. Lectures on microwave electronics. Sov. Radio,
Moscow, 1973.
[2] V.I. Gaiduk, K.I. Palatov, D.M. Petrov. Principles of microwave physical elec-
tronics. Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1971.
[3] A.N. Kondratenko, V.M. Kuklin. Principles of plasma electronics. Energoat-
omizdat, Moscow, 1988.
[4] V. V. Kulish. Methods of averaging in non-linear problems of relativistic electro-
dynamics. World Federation Publishers, Atlanta, 1998.
[5] V.V. Kulish. On the theory of devices with difference-frequency signal separa-
tion in an electron beam. Sov. Microwave Electronics, 4:25–38, 1978. Super-high
Frequency Electronics.
[6] T.C. Marshall. Free electron laser. Mac Millan, New York, London, 1985.
[8] P. Luchini, U. Motz. Undulators and free electron lasers. Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1990.
[13] V.V. Kulish, N.Ja. Kotsarenko. Optical frequency transformer. Patent of USSR
No. 615799 (Cl.H 03D 7/00). Priority of 04 June 1976.
[14] V.V. Kulish, N.Ja. Kotsarenko. Free electron laser. Patent of USSR (Cl. H 01
J 25/00; H 01 S 3/00). Priority 05 October 1978.
[15] A.M. Kalmykov, N.Ja. Kotsarenko, V.V. Kulish. Transformation of laser ra-
diation frequency in electron beams. Pis’ma Zh. Tecn. Fiz. (Sov. Tech. Phys.
Lett.), 14:820–824, 1978.
[16] L.P. Landau, E.M. Liftshitz. Field theory, volume 2. Nauka, Moscow, 1974.
[17] V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko. Nonlinear selfconsistent theory of free electron
lasers. stimulated radiation of electrons oscillating in buckets. Ukrainian Phys-
ical Journal, 37(5):651–659, 1992.
[18] A.V. Gaponov, M.A. Miller. On the acceleration of charged particles in mov-
ing high-frequency potential well potential wells. Zh. Eksp. Fiz. (Sov.Phys. –
JETP), 34(3):751–755, 1958.
[19] G.M. Zaslavsky, R.Z. Sagdeev. Introduction in nonlinear physics. Nauka,
Moscow, 1988.
Chapter 6
and the number of particles inside the sphere of radius is much greater
than unity, i.e.
Using (6.1.6), one can obtain the continuity equation in the form:
in the case when the given functions and their derivatives satisfy
the conditions of compatibility. These conditions guarantee that the
differentiation of two or more equations (6.1.13) leads to coincidence of
the highest derivatives of the sought functions The conditions of
compatibility can be obtained by excluding of the functions and their
derivatives from some sequence of the equations. In turn, this sequence
could be obtained by differentiation of equations (6.1.13).
Let us start discussion of the hierarchical methods of asymptotic inte-
gration of differential equations with partial derivatives with the method
of averaged characteristics [13].
where essence of all designations is obvious from what was set forth be-
fore in Chapter 4. Then according to the general procedure (see Chap-
ter 4) we separate the complete set of problem large parameters and
construct the hierarchical series
where all large parameters are determined by the standard method (see
(4.1.7) and corresponding commentaries). The asymptotic solutions of
the system (6.2.4) can be represented in the form of hierarchical sequence
of the Krylov–Bogolyubov substitutions (see Chapter 4, Subsection 1.4).
where all averaged values can be found from the equations for the first
hierarchical level:
i.e., it could be used for the straight transformations in this case also.
But in contrary with the above discussed situation with exact differen-
tial equations, here we can not immediately use the relationships like
(6.2.8) for constructing solutions of the initial problem (6.2.2) (i.e., for
performing the back transformations). For this we additionally should
have some special correlation between proper coordinates of the neigh-
boring hierarchical level like The correlation of such
type, as will be shown below, can be constructed really. Modernized in
such manner calculational procedures embody the main task of the third
step of the considered algorithm. Totality of all procedures, which allow
and so on.
Taking this into account, let us expound the function
in the Taylor series in the vicinity of equivalent spatial point of
hierarchical level.
Substituting then all differences like (6.2.9) into this series we obtain
the required set of approximate correlation between any two neighboring
hierarchical levels. For instance, we can do it with respect to the differ-
ence between the first (averaged) and zero (initial) levels, respectively:
and so on.
Below we accomplish the chain of successive analogous back trans-
formations between each pair of neighboring hierarchical levels. As a
result, the back transformation procedure sought could be constructed
eventually. It allows to accomplish the back transformations from any
higher hierarchical level (including the highest one ) to initial
(zero) hierarchical level
Thus we can realize that key point of the discussed above calculational
technology is a special combination of the concept of characteristic and,
3.1 Method of Characteristics. The Scalar Case
We begin with the scalar differential equation of the first order because
it is the most convenient for the following:
it is necessary:
1) to construct the system of characteristics (6.3.3) or (6.3.6);
2) to find all independent integrals (6.3.4);
3) to replace the independent variable in integrals (6.3.4) with its
initial value
In the case we have to deal with multiple and real roots only, the
considered system is related with the parabolic type of equations with
partial derivatives. Analogously, the system could be classified as a
hyperbolic one in the case when all roots are complex.
Now let us make one more remark. The systems of the type
In this case the characteristics of the system (6.3.42) are the surfaces
for which the conditions
The illustration example for the vector case. Let us consider the
problem of propagation of the sound wave within some physical medium
(see the corresponding qualitative picture in Section 3, Chapter 1). The
equation system that describes this process can be written in the form
where and are some constants. System (6.3.45) in the matrix form
can be written as
As we can see, arrangement and calculational technology of the
method of averaged characteristics are far from simple. A practice shows
that their comprehension sometimes requires some additional training.
Therefore, this Section and the following Chapter are dedicated to dis-
cussion of illustrative examples which allow better understanding of the
main calculational peculiarities of the method.
The choice of the examples was done according to the following prin-
ciple. The first example (that is set forth below in this Section) have
purely abstract nature. Here a simplest system of two equations with
oscillatative right parts is chosen as a basic illustration object. The goal
of this example is to demonstrate the practical calculational technology
of the method using simplest means. The second example [17] (which is
set forth below in Chapter 7) has some other purpose. Namely, specific
features of the use of considered method in a real electrodynamic prob-
lem are shown there. This includes as well the problem statement (i.e.,
reducing the initial electrodynamic equations to the standard form) and
the solving of the obtained standard equations. The nonlinear theory of
two-stream instability in two-velocity relativistic electron beam is chosen
as a convenient illustration object for this.
4.2 Characteristics
According to the general procedure of the method of averaged char-
acteristics, we should construct on the first step the equations for char-
acteristics of equation (6.4.1) (see Fig. 6.2.1). For this we find the de-
terminant (6.3.36)
The following stage is the subdividing of all variables into slow and
fast ones. Taking into consideration the specific mathematical structure
of systems (6.4.5), (6.4.6), we can assume that the variables and can
be treated as the slow variables. (Here let us recall that slow variables are
the ones whose magnitudes do not essentially change during the system
period — see Chapter 1, Section 2). The phase correspondingly, plays
the role of the fast variable (because it changes greatly during the system
period). Then the large parameter of the system (hierarchical large
parameter) can be determined by the standard method (see Chapters 3–
Differentiating the definition (6.4.7) by it is not difficult to obtain
the differential equation for the phase As a result of the performed
transformation we can reconstruct equations (6.4.5), (6.4.6) into the two
parametrical standard forms like (6.3.2):
where the initial (or boundary) conditions for the arbitrary functions
(solutions!) coincide with the analogous conditions for equiva-
lent functions for equations (6.4.1). According to the described in Sec-
tion 2, the back transformations should be performed (see Fig. 6.2.1) for
obtaining of the complete asymptotic solutions for the zeroth hierarchi-
cal level.
and so on.
After not very difficult calculations we have the complete approximate
solutions of the considered problem (here we restrict ourselves by keeping
only the terms of order in (6.4.15):
As has been illustrated above, one of the key points of the method of
averaged characteristics is the transformation of an equation with partial
derivatives into some equivalent system of exact differential equations
(see Fig. 6.2.1 and corresponding commentaries). However, it should be
mentioned that such a type of straight transformation technology is not
the only one. Moreover, historically the first time the analogous, in prin-
ciple, idea (that is, however, based on the use of definition for momentum
derivative (3.2.3), (6.4.4)) was when it was proposed for nonlinear wave
resonant electrodynamic problems [14, 16, 26, 27]. This hierarchical ap-
proach is found to be suitable for solving motion problems mostly. The
Boltzmann kinetic equation (3.2.4), (6.1.1) has been used there as a ba-
sis (see Chapter 3, Subsection 2.2). That is why the developed method
is called the method of averaged kinetic equation (see Section 7 below in
this Chapter).
Unfortunately, the method of averaged kinetic equation turns out to
be inconvenient in some calculational situations. First, this takes place
quite often in the case of self-consistent problems. The matter is that
the field part of this problem is solved in three-dimensional space (be-
cause of the Maxwell equations), whereas Boltzmann’s equation (3.2.4),
(6.1.1) (the motion part of problem) is written for six-dimensional space.
The connection relationships (6.1.7)–(6.1.9) are used for the spatial co-
ordination of the field and motion problems. As a result the general
calculational scheme sometimes looks somewhat complicated.
Second, the taking into account of kinetic properties of the considered
plasma-like system quite often turns out not necessary (for instance,
in the theory high-current electron and ion beams in accelerators or
relativistic electron devices [1, 2, 28–30] — see Volume II). So the kinetic
approach, which is put in the basis of the method of averaging kinetic
equation, possesses superfluous possibilities in such situations. But the
cost of this superfluous generalization is the unjustified complication of
calculational procedures.
Some other version of the same idea had been proposed in [16] and
developed in [15]. The quasi-hydrodynamic equation (6.1.5), (6.3.41) is
used here as an initial basis. Because of this the calculational procedure
proposed is called the method of averaged quasi-hydrodynamic equation.
Inasmuch as the quasi-hydrodynamic equation is three-dimensional, the
above mentioned problem concerned the spatial coordination does not
arise there. Besides that, the kinetic plasma processes are not considered
In the case that some or all phases of are wave, use of (4.1.2) yields
operators (2.2.7) for the first hierarchical level can be written as the
Krylov–Bogolyubov substitutions (see (6.2.6)):
and so on.
For equations of the first hierarchical level we have (see (6.2.7)):
Comparing (6.5.8) and initial one (6.1.5) we find that both these
equations have analogous mathematical structure, i.e. hierarchical re-
semblance principle holds in the problem wave considered. Because of
special form of the latter we call equation (6.5.8) the averaged quasi-
hydrodynamic equation of the first hierarchical level. Besides that, the
second hierarchical principle is also satisfied (hierarchical compression
principle). This means that the original hierarchical system on each
hierarchical level is reproduced in its general dynamical structure, but
essentially simpler. The other two hierarchical principles are satisfied
here, too.
In the simplest case the system contains only two hierarchical levels
— the zeroth and the first ones. So, in order to obtain complete solu-
tion of initial non-averaged equation (6.1.5) we find solutions of trun-
and so on, i.e., inversely proportional to the power of the scale parameter
Consequently, we can obtain approximate solutions of required
accuracy using corresponding expansions:
The other parameters were defined earlier already. Then, using sim-
ilar (to the case of quasi-hydrodynamic equation method) calculational
scheme we write down the dynamical operators and corresponding equa-
tions for the first level of hierarchy:
where and are the slowly and fast varying averaged vector-phases,
which include as components the ordinary phases as well as combina-
tion ones (4.1.9); are functions, whose calculational
procedures are given in Chapter 4.
Further we construct the hierarchical series of large parameters. In
the case we restrict ourselves with taking into consideration the first
hierarchical level only (characterized by the large parameter ), we
can transform (6.6.5) into the Euler form (i.e., the form with partial
The two-fold averaged values are calculated by using the equation for
the second hierarchical level:
and so on.
Here is the averaged part of the vector from which new fast phase
was separated out. Considering the above reasoning, the meaning of
other functions is evident.
Following successive calculational scheme eventually we can reach the
ultimate (i.e. ) hierarchical level. It is important that
averaged current density function does not depend on any oscillating
and so forth.
Here, as before, subscript and superscript denotes the order of
multiplication of performed averaged procedure.
The obvious advantage of equation (6.6.14) lies in the fact that the lat-
ter is simpler mathematically than similar equations of lower hierarchical
levels, including the lowest (zero) level (6.6.1). We employ some calcula-
tional method (numerical or analytical) to find solutions of
( averaded) current density equation (6.6.14). Then performing
back transformations we obtain non-averaged function the
solution determining the dynamics of the zeroth hierarchical level equa-
7.1 Averaged Kinetic Equation
Similar calculational scheme can be constructed for the Boltzmann
kinetic equation (6.1.1) chosen as an initial equation. Let us discuss
main peculiarities and advantages of such calculational procedure.
First of all we note that characteristics of equations (6.1.1) coincide
with the single-particle Hamiltonian equations (4.1.3). So the method of
averaged kinetic equation, as well as the method of quasi-hydrodynamic
equation, can actually be considered as specific case of the method of
averaged characteristics.
By virtue of this or using relationship (3.2.3), we can reduce the gen-
eral calculational procedure to the form analogous to presented above
and so forth, where corresponding averaged values are found from cor-
responding reduced (truncated) equations for the first hierarchical level:
The corresponding relations for the second hierarchical level are found
in similar way. The next large parameter of hierarchical series (4.1.6)
serves as required scale basis. In a similar way we deal with sequence
of levels until hierarchical series (4.1.6) is exhausted. The correspond-
ing back transformations are accomplished according to the scheme de-
scribed above (see (6.7.9), (6.7.10), and other).
It is interesting to compare both the latter discussed hierarchical ap-
proaches (quasi-hydrodynamic and kinetic) in the beam motion prob-
lem. One can be sure that essential point is in the choice of specific
basis metrics of the problem space. In the quasi-hydrodynamic case
only three-dimensional space coordinates are involved. In the kinetic
case six-dimensional coordinate space is required. Therein the kinetic
approach seems more complicated for use. On the other hand, this ap-
proach has a wider area of application, inasmuch as it is more general.
Their common characteristic is that both cases contain some
set of equations much simpler mathematically than the initial
ones on final stage of calculations.
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current relativistic beams. Atomizdat, Moscow, 1980.
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[3] A.G. Sitenko and V.M. Malnev. Principles of the plasma theory. Naukova
Dumka, Kiev, 1994.
[4] L.A. Vainstein, V.A. Solnzev. Lectures on Microwave electronics. Sov. Radio,
Moscow, 1973.
[5] V.I. Gaiduk, K.I. Palatov, D.M. Petrov. Principles of microwave physical elec-
tronics. Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1971.
[10] E.M. Liftshitz, L.P. Pitayevskiy. Physical kinetics. Nauka, Moscow, 1979.
[11] I.V. Dzedolik, V.V. Kulish. To the nonlinear theory of parametrical resonance
of electromagnetic waves in plasmas of a high-current relativistic electron flux.
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[14] V.V. Kulish, A.V. Lysenko. Method of averaged kinetic equation averaged ki-
netic equation and its use in the nonlinear problems of plasma electrodynamics.
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[15] V.V. Kulish, P.B. Kosel, A.G. Kailyuk. New acceleration principle of charged
particles for electronics applications. the general hierarchical approach. Inter-
national Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 19(1):3–93, 1993.
[17] V.V. Kulish, V.I. Savchenko. Method of averaged characteristics in the nonlinear
theory of two-stream instability two-stream instability. Gerald of Sumy State
University, ser. Physics and Mathematics, 2:13–18, 2002.
[18] A.I. Olemskoi, A.Ya. Flat. Application of the factual concept in the condensed-
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[19] R. Rammal, G. Toulouse, M.A. Virasoro. The gnats and gnus document prepa-
ration system. Reviews of Modern Physics, 50(3):765–788, 1986.
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[26] V.V. Kulish. Nonlinear self-consistent theory of free electron lasers. method of
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Chapter 7
Again about instabilities and resonances. It is well known that two-
stream instability in electron beams (as well as its specific case — the
plasma-beam instability) is one of the most complex objects for studying
in electrodynamics [1–9]. Two main causes determine such situation.
The first cause is the uniqueness of a physical nature of the two-stream
instability. It should be mentioned that the concept of ‘instability’ in
electrodynamics is often confused erroneously with the concept of the
‘resonance’ (about these concepts see also in Chapter 1, Section 2).
Such situation could be explained by the following: most of the real
oscillation–wave systems, which are traditionally studied in electrody-
namics, are characterized by the presence of instabilities as well as reso-
nances, at the same time. On the other hand, according to the standard
definition, the resonance is usually treated as any steep increase of the
oscillation amplitude, but only in the case if the so called resonant condi-
tion (like in (1.2.13), for instant) is satisfied (see Chapter 1, Section 2 for
more details). This condition, in turn, is satisfied if the frequency of an
external (stimulated) perturbed force coincides with one of the proper
system frequencies (see, for instance, the definitions (1.2.13)). Or in
the other words, the simultaneous presence of external (stimulated) and
proper oscillations is necessary condition for realization of the resonance.
The weakly nonlinear models with harmonic (i.e., one-harmonic) ex-
ternal stimulated oscillations (or waves) are studied in practice most
often. The presence of such harmonic stimulated oscillation (wave)
‘imposes’ an evolving scenario for the resonant process. One of spe-
cific features of the resonant interactions is a relatively narrow resonant
frequency band around of the resonant point vicinity, where this phe-
nomenon appears remarkably (see Fig. 5.2.1b and corresponding com-
Following the tradition, we divide the initial general self-consistent
problem into two formally independent parts. The first is the problem
about motion of a two-velocity relativistic electron beam in some given
(i.e., known) electromagnetic fields (it is the motion problem). The
second is the problem of generation (excitation) of those fields on a given
motion of the beam (field problem). Self-coordination of both these parts
gives the complete self-consistent solution of the initial problem. Let us
begin our study with the motion problem.
case we may assume that all electron motion processes occur along
As a result we obtain the fact that the electric field in the system
is longitudinal only. The intensity of the wave part of this longitudinal
field can be represented in the form of Fourier series:
Thus the motion problem is stated, and then we can proceed with the
constructing procedure of asymptotic integration of equation (7.1.4).
in the discussed case only three large parameters of the problem can be
The passage onto the first hierarchical level is the following step of
our calculational procedure. The Krylov–Bogolyubov substitutions are
used for performing these hierarchical transformations:
where the averaged variables are determined by the equations of the first
hierarchical level:
Now we should recall that the averaged parameter (see the third
of equations (7.1.31)) here plays the role of a parameter. Besides that,
it is interesting to point out the following. It is easy to be convinced
that, in spite of equation (7.1.32) being formally obtained in the first
approximation only, it turns out to be actually valid for the second
approximation too. This can be explained by that the zeroth re-
sults (7.1.14), (7.1.26), (7.1.28), and (7.1.30) are obtained in the second
approximation. It is obvious that the mentioned conclusion does not
concern the calculational results for oscillation parts of relevant expres-
Comparing (7.1.32) and (7.1.4), we see that the first of those equa-
tions has essentially simpler mathematical structure (because it contains
The integrals of the system (7.1.39) should be found at the next step
of the used calculational procedure. They can be found easily:
It is obvious that the solution for the averaged velocity in this case
can be obtained as
problems. They are the problem of continuity of the electron beam and
the field problem, in itself. Let us begin the study of the field problem
from the first one.
where we have omitted the ‘prime’ symbol for simplicity; the function
Y and other notations are self-evident. Therein we consider
where all averaged values are found from the equations of the first hier-
Then we use the standard hierarchy scheme described in Chapter 4
and already applied to the preceding problem. Restricting ourselves to
the first approximation (on only we obtain the following expressions
for the unknown functions in (7.2.11) and (7.2.12):
Taking into account the above-obtained result, after not very difficult
transformations we can rewrite expression (7.2.2) in the following form:
2.4 Characteristics of
the Averaged Continuity Equation
So, let us come back to averaged quasilinear equation (7.2.29)
Here as before we have neglected the double prime symbol for sim-
As we did before, we separate out the large parameters of the problem:
Here, let us recall once more that averaged spaces in this and the
previous problems are different. This means that the values and
differ from the analogous values in the preceding problems.
As before, we restrict ourselves by keeping only terms in calcu-
lational of the auxiliary functions in expressions (7.3.11), (7.3.12):
that is equation with partial derivatives for the first hierarchical level.
We can treat equation (7.3.25) as the averaged Maxwell’s equation.
It should be mentioned that the values and in (7.3.25) are some
known functions in the averaged space of the considered field problem.
It should be emphasized that, in contrast to the situation which takes
place in the previous cases, the values and in the considered case
can be essentially different from the analogous values obtained in the
preceding Subsections.
The calculational scheme of solution of equation (7.3.25) will be pre-
sented somewhat later. Now let us turn to the problem of back trans-
or, after some transformation, we obtain the sought solutions for the
initial problem (7.3.2), which we can represent in the form like
where and are some arbitrary functions (of the stated argu-
ments) that do not contradict to the definition (7.3.32) and bound-
ary condition (7.3.31). Substitution of any of expressions (7.3.37) into
(7.3.29) solves the stated initial problem (7.3.1). However, obtained this
way solutions possess non-evident form. We should then reduce a non-
evident solutions like (7.3.29) to evident form (7.1.3). Corresponding
expressions for the harmonics in (7.1.3) for the beam space
charge waves should be formulated for this.
does not means that we really should always deal with unrestricted num-
ber of harmonics. The matter is that the obtained solutions like (7.3.38)
possess the approximate nature. I.e., they are obtained with some given
precision, which, in our case, is determined by an accepted supposition
about the number of approximation (in the terms of the small param-
eter In this Chapter we have used the second approximation on
This circumstance determines the real number of harmonics, which
accounting makes sense for the accepted accuracy. It is necessary to in-
crease the calculational precision in the case if we would consider more
harmonics. For instance, to accomplish the analogous calculations, but
in the next approximation on However, let us discuss this topic in
more detail.
As was mentioned before, the peculiarity of the discussed type of
methods (see, for example, Chapter 4) is that the precision of solutions
which should be obtained, is determined beforehand. This means that
if we want to accomplish calculations in some approximation, the
method used guarantee the given precision for some first harmonics
only. This number of harmonics can be obtained from the following
obvious condition:
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[4] J. Weiland, H. Wilhelmsson. Coherent nonlinear interactions of waves in plas-
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[5] L.A. Vainstein, V.A. Solnzev. Lectures on Microwave electronics. Sov. Radio,
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[7] A.F. Alexandrov, L.S. Bogdankevich, A.A. Ruhadze. Principles of plasma elec-
trodynamics. Vyschja Shkola, Moscow, 1978.
[8] A.N. Kondratenko, V.M. Kuklin. Principles of plasma electronics. Energoat-
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[9] B.E. Zshelezovskii. Electron beam parametric microwave amplifiers. Nauka,
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[10] V.V. Kulish, V.I. Savchenko. Method of averaged characteristics in the nonlinear
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fication electromagnetic waves in the plasma-beam system. Radiotechnika i
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[14] Perekupko V.A., Silivra A.A., Kotzarenko N.Ja., V.V. Kulish. Patent of USSR
No. 8335259, 19. Priority of 28.01.80.
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[19] V.V. Kulish, B.P. Pugachev. To the theory of effect superheterodyne amplifica-
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[21] V.V. Kulish. To the theory of relativistic electron-wave free electron lasers.
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[23] V.V. Kulish. Physics of two-stream free electron lasers. Gerald of Moscow State
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[24] V.V. Kulish, V.E. Storizshko. Free electron laser. Patent of USSR No. 1837722.
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tional Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 14(3), 1993.
Chapter 8
As follows from the materials of the two previous Chapters, the hier-
archical asymptotic methods, like the method of averaged characteris-
tics, could be quite effective for solving nonlinear electrodynamic wave
problems. At the same time, we have a possibility of seeing that these
methods have some limitations with respect to their areas of application.
In particular, it had been made clear that essential difficulties appear in
the case of asymptotic integration of systems with number of variables
more than three, etc.. As had been found, these limitations, predomi-
nantly, are determined by using some specific ‘improving’ of the method
of characteristics, which is used here as one of the key elements (see
Chapter 6, Section 3 for more details).
However, we note that the method of averaged characteristics is not
the only method of the class discussed. There is a number of other
methods which can also be effective, especially in the situations [1–12],
when the method of averaged characteristics is not expedient. Some of
them (such as the method of slowly varying amplitudes [1–5, 7–9]) are
well known and widespread in practical research. Others (such as the
Mitropol’skii method [10,11] or the method of hierarchical transformation
of coordinates [12]) are not as popular, although they can also be quite
useful in some specific calculational situations.
It should be mentioned that the traditional version of the method
of slowly varying amplitudes is found to be suitable only for special
calculational situations when the right-hand sides of some considered
equations are described by some periodic and quasi-harmonic functions
[11–15]. The systems of such a type are called Rabinovich standard sys-
tems. On the other hand, in studying the plasma-like systems researchers
very often face specific physical phenomena which are found to be far
behind the mentioned standard situation. For instance, they are the
nonlinear generation of quasi-stationary fields and currents (which are
non-periodic), the degeneration mechanisms of wave resonant interac-
tions, when the same resonance condition is satisfied for more than one
couple of waves, etc. [16–22]. This means that the method of slowly
varying amplitudes should be essentially improved (modernized) in the
case of its application for the electrodynamic nonlinear plasma-like wave
resonant problems. The main purpose of such modernization must be
relevant extending the application area for the mentioned standard ver-
The goal of this Chapter is to give for the readers some general infor-
mation about some of these ‘other methods’. Below, the main attention
is paid to the method of slowly varying amplitudes (including its so called
modernized version). Besides that, we will discuss some general ideas of
the Mitropol’skii method and the method of hierarchical transformation
of coordinates.
This ‘improved version’ of the method was named the rigorous version
of the method of slowly varying amplitudes.
Unfortunately, the essential complication of calculational procedures
turned out to be an unpleasant price for achieving the rigor and versatil-
ity mentioned. On the other hand, there are a lot of practical situations
in which these rigor and versatility are not required. That is why below
we will discuss both these versions.
which was previously called the general standard form (for the method
of slowly varying amplitudes).
Here A, B, C are square matrices of size is some
vector-function in Euclidean space with coordinates
P is some linear differential operator in the space
R(...) is a given weak nonlinear vector-function, is some scalar vari-
able (for instance, the laboratory time). As a result of the straight
transformations we performed some equation for the first hierarchical
level (i.e., truncated equation) like the following
should be obtained. Here superscript (1) denote that this value belongs
to the first hierarchical level.
the complex amplitude of the s-th wave (see the concept of complex am-
plitudes in Chapter 1, Subsection 2.4), is the cyclic frequency, and
is the wave vector of the wave; is the vector of spatial co-
ordinate. Differences between these solutions lies only in the following:
the values, which are constants in the linear case (8.1.4), become slowly
varying in the corresponding nonlinear solutions. As can be easily seen,
we have two such constants that characterize the linear wave process
(8.1.4). Namely, they are the real amplitude and the initial phase
respectively (see Chapter 1, Subsection 2.4). It is important to note
that these values play the role of slowly varying real amplitudes and
slowly varying initial phases in the discussed method. Thus the concept
of complex amplitude (see Chapter 1, Subsection 2.4)
can also be used for description of the nonlinear system dynamics. In
connection with this we, to be exact, talk about the method of slowly
varying complex amplitudes. But, in fact, further we will use the short-
ened version of this term: the method of slowly varying amplitudes.
In what follows we should additionally apply some resonant condition
in the case of the wave resonant system.
Substituting solution (8.1.4) and assuming the amplitudes to be the
slowly varying functions
It can be easily seen that (8.1.7) is the simplest case of the standard
form (8.1.1). Here and are dimensionless time, dimensionless spa-
tial coordinate, and dimensionless phase velocity, respectively. Further
we will omit the prime in the values and for the sake of simplicity.
The second wave that is characterized by the value plays a role
of the pumping wave. The amplitude of this wave is considered to be
much greater then the first wave (so called approximation
of strong pumping [5, 7, 19]). We can suppose that, in contrast with
the first wave, the amplitude of the second wave could be considered
approximately constant. So we can consider the field of the pumping
wave as a given one. The functional dependency we choose in
the form
is the first step of the first stage (first substage). We will seek for the
solution of (8.1.9) in the form (generating form of the solution)
where the dispersion law (see Chapter 1, Subsection 3.6 and below in
Chapter 8, Section 2) could be found after substitution of (8.1.10) into
(8.1.9). After trivial calculational this law could be easily found:
Two types of solutions for the equation (8.1.13) can be found there.
The first solutions are non-resonant ones. They are not interesting for
our study. Therefore, here we omit its analysis. The second are resonant
solutions. They are essentially more interesting as well from the physical
and calculational points of view. So let us discuss this case in more detail.
The resonant state of the system in the case of Lagrange description
can be determined (see introduction for this Chapter and Chapter 1,
Subsection 2.3) as a closeness of velocities of oscillatative phases change
for proper and stimulated waves. One can easily see that this definition
is equivalent to the closeness of phases of proper and stimulated waves in
the case of Euler description (because variables and are independent
values here). In our case the proper wave is connected with the phase
In turn, the stimulated waves are described by the terms in the right side
of expression (8.1.13). As can be easily seen, four combinational waves
with the phases that correspond to four stimulated waves,
can exist in the considered system. According to the given definition,
the resonant state of the system could be reached in the case when the
exponent exp in the left side of equation (8.1.13) is equal to one of
the combinative exponents exp in the right side. Simplest
analysis shows that interaction of two of the stimulated waves with the
phases only with the proper wave can have the resonant
nature. Thus the two remaining waves interact in the non-resonant man-
ner. Generalizing, we can say that both mentioned resonant conditions
could be written in the following form:
As was mentioned above, the traditional version of the slowly varying
amplitude method is intended for application in studying weak nonlinear
wave resonant problems that occur in arbitrary distributed systems of
different physical nature. Thus traditionally it is supposed only wave
type processes realize. Standard system which describes such situation
can be represented by the second of equations (3.3.21) for In
the alternative case, we talk about the modernized version of the method
of slowly varying amplitudes discussed below in Section 3.
Then let us turn the reader attention that the simplified version of the
method of slowly varying amplitudes, discussed above in the preceding
Section, sometimes turns out to be too rough for practical applications.
Here, besides the laboratory ‘ordinary’ time and the ‘ordinary’ co-
ordinate the slow time and slow coordinate are introduced addi-
tionally, i.e.,
Using (8.2.6) solution for linear system (8.2.5) can be written as (see
above (8.1.4))
The determinant
where and are the frequency and the wave number of stimulated
wave, Within (8.2.7) resonant wave condition (i.e.,
closeness of the frequencies and wave numbers of proper and stimulated
waves) can be given as
The condition (8.2.14) holds only for a finite number of waves since
the system always has dispersion.
For the above reason we look for the solution of (8.2.4) for the slowly
varying amplitudes generally as
The dispersion function does not vanish for the improper (stimulated)
waves (see formula (8.2.21)). Then, within Kramer formulas, we find the
We substitute (8.2.41) into (8.2.26) with regard for (8.2.40) and use
(8.2.32). Thus we obtain equations for slowly varying wave amplitudes
accurate to the second-order terms in
Here is the
wave phase. We carry out the same procedure as in previous subsection
to obtain the equation of the first approximation (see (8.2.28))
where the terms of the order of are allowed for, and so on, and so forth.
where all notations are obvious. It is readily seen that by using definition
(8.3.5) and current density equation (6.6.1) we can complete system
(8.3.1) by the equation
where notations for and are evident, and are the vectors
of non-averaged and averaged slow variables, respectively. So the earlier
4.1 Main Idea of the Hierarchical
Previously we discussed some version of application of the aver-
aged current–density equation method in framework of the modernized
method of slowly varying amplitudes. Analysis shows (see, in partic-
ular, Chapters 12, 13, Volume II) the calculational procedures of the
discussed class could be very promising for solving problems of various
nonlinear theory of wave dynamical systems. For instance, electrody-
namic systems with high intense electron or plasma beams very often
are characterized by complicated dynamical surface configurations. In-
cluding intensive electron beams in relativistic two-stream systems, rel-
ativistic high current electron devices (free electron lasers (FELs), can-
cerotrons, gyrotrons, etc.), various high-current acceleration systems,
such as linear induction accelerators, radio-frequency accelerators, EH-
accelerators, etc.. The considered hierarchical methods could be used for
overcoming the difficulties connected with such type of peculiarities. We
take in view, in particular, the partial variety of the hierarchical ideology
realization that is known as the method of hierarchical transformation
of coordinates [12].
The proposed approach can be especially effective for solving of the
earlier discussed nonlinear dynamical problems characterized by complex
non-stationary boundary conditions on the beam surface. Including,
the situations if the beam surface being a self-consistent function of the
solved problem (i.e., it is also the subject of determining). It should be
mentioned that this problem is rather old for the physics of intensive
high-current electron and ion beams. However, its has no acceptable
solution even today [14, 15]. This circumstance additionally stimulates
researcher for developing of new, of principle, conceptual ideas of such
where all the quantities have been defined earlier. Hence, we represent
the vector U as
and so forth. Here notations of all the quantities are quite clear within
the context of above accomplished discussions. We proceed the proce-
dure of successive hierarchical transformations until the terminal hier-
archical level will be attained. Here we solve the constructed
averaged truncated equation
and so on.
It is obvious that
Previously, in this and preceding Chapters, we considered the asymp-
totic integration algorithm for a certain class of systems of weakly nonlin-
ear partial differential equations. The common property of the discussed
before methods is specific combination of the straight and back trans-
formations. However, some other technical realizations of calculational
schemes of such type are known also. In spite of that, some universal
basic ideas of the averaging method are employed here too, formally,
these algorithms essentially differs from the above discussed ‘classical’
calculational procedures. The discussed method is described in refer-
ences [10, 11]. Taking into consideration the surname of their principal
author, this method had been call as the Mitropol’skii method.
At the same time, the problems of electrodynamics of distributed-
parameter systems sometimes can be reduced to the standard form that
is characteristic for this method. So, let us further to discuss shortly
some main ideas and calculational peculiarities of the Mitropol’skii
Let us show that in the case (8.5.2), the partial differential equa-
tion (8.5.1) reduces to a system of ordinary differential equations. The
asymptotic integration of these equations can be carried out by means
of Bogolyubov–Zubarev method (see Chapter 4).
Maxwell equations can be reduced to hierarchical standard form like
to (8.1.1), (8.2.2), and (8.2.50). Let us demonstrate this at the examples
of kinetic and quasi-hydrodynamic versions of slowly varying amplitude
method. Thus we will take into account that both they are differed by
the definitions for the vector U (see (8.3.3) and (8.3.4)) only.
In the most general case the linear parts and can be written
[0] are 3 × 3 zero matrices; (0) and {0} are three-dimensional zero-row
vectors and zero-column vector, respectively. The function can be
represented as
is chosen as the basic for the motion problem. Here all definitions are
given for (6.1.5), (7.1.1). Similarly with the case discussed in Chapter 7
The solutions for the system (8.7.6) could be written in the form of
the Krylov–Bogolyubov substitutions like (7.1.10):
where the following equations of the first hierarchical level can be con-
structed for the averaged values:
we obtain:
Analogous calculations for the two-dimensional function
because the integral on is equal zero. The second term is also equal
Carrying out the inverse passage from total derivatives to partial ones
in first of equations (8.7.30), and using the second equation, we obtain
the averaged quasi-hydrodynamic equation
difference is only that the partial derivatives in left side of initial equa-
tion in the case of the method of averaged characteristics can be ‘rolled
up’ into the total derivative immediately, i.e., without use of the concept
of characteristics.
Comparing equation (8.7.31) and initial equation (8.7.3) one can be
convinced that the first is essentially simpler because the right side of
the latter is non-oscillative. Various known solution methods (including
the method of characteristics — see Chapter 6, Section 3) could be used
for its integration. In the particular case of stationary model (when
the averaged velocity only, i.e., it does not depend on time
) equation (8.7.31) can be integrated, for instance, by the method of
separation of variables. In what follows, we assume that the considered
model is stationary and relevant solution is known.
(let us turn the reader attention that in the considered case, accord-
ingly with the (8.7.29),
Thus we got the expression for the averaged beam velocity as a
function of averaged values which, in turn, depend on
and implicitly. Accordingly with the calculational procedure of the
considered method, we should accomplish the back transformation for
obtaining solutions into the initial form (see Chapter 6, Subsection 5.2).
We perform for this the expansions of expressions (8.7.32) in the Tay-
lor series for two variables confining ourselves by only
accounting terms no higher
Here, as before,
Then we rewrite continuity equation in (8.7.36) in the form:
Equations (8.7.35), (8.7.43), (8.7.44) forms a self-consistent system
which allows to analyze self-consistent nonlinear dynamics of the con-
sidered model. Numerical methods of analysis are used further for ac-
complishing of such analysis. Some results of this analysis are shown in
Figs. 8.7.1–8.7.3.
First of all, let us turn the reader attention that tree types of waves
can exist in the considered two-stream system. The first are the elec-
trostatic waves that determined by the wave part of expression (8.7.1).
The second are the electron-density waves defined by expression (8.7.37).
And, at last, the third are the kinematic waves (connected with particle
motion) determined by definitions (8.7.38). All these waves are closely
connected each with other, forming the only wave process. It should be
mentioned that the understanding of intrinsic wave structure of this pro-
cess is very important for its physical analysis. Unfortunately it is not a
rare event in the literature that ignoring this obvious circumstance leads
to some unpleasant results. Let us give one example which can obviously
illustrate such a kind of situation.
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Appendix A
Results of calculations in the second
for Chapter 8, Subsection 7.2
averaged current–density equation, 242 case of small oscillations, 181, 188, 201
Cauchy problem, 223, 225, 226
ability to model principle, 38 chaotic system, 37, 60
action postulate, 41 characteristic root, 228
algorithmic complexity, 45, 46 Cherenkov instability, 194, 195
amplitude, 11, 14, 20–22, 24, 28, 91, 92, closed hierarchical system, 59, 61, 115
113, 129, 160, 164, 172, 187, closed system, 32, 36, 44
194, 199, 201, 202, 249, 258, collision integral, 80, 208, 246
279, 284, 287–289, 291, 297, collision scale parameter, 80
306, 308–310, 344–346 combination oscillations, 22
analysis problem, 64 comparison equation, 10, 287
analytical–numerical methods, xvii, 1, 52, comparison system, 10
89 complementarity postulate, 40
angular acceleration, 9, 30 complex system, 37, 39–42, 44, 49, 50, 68,
angular displacement, 30 208
angular velocity, 30, 34, 35 condition of parametric resonance, 291
approximation of strong pumping, 288 conditions of compatibility, 213
artificial system, 60 conservation laws, 32
autonomy postulate, 39 continuity equation, 211, 238, 262, 263,
averaged current–density equation, 314 271, 342
averaged equilibrium state, 315 convergence problem, 310
averaged kinetic equation, 246, 348 coupled resonance, 17
averaged Maxwell’s equation, 275 cyclic frequency, 11, 15, 20, 23, 91, 193,
averaged quasi-hydrodynamic equation, 254, 287, 295
237, 239, 240, 339, 340
averaged quasilinear equation, 259, 261, definition of resonance, 14
268, 270, 271, 275 determined system, 36, 60
averaging operator, 63, 76, 77, 92, 96 dielectric permittivity, 34
averaging operator on spatial coordinates, Dirichlet–Jordan theorem, 77
76 dispersion equation, 27, 207, 250, 278, 295
averaging operator on time, 76 dispersion function, 27, 295, 300
dispersion law, 27, 289
Bhatnahar–Gross–Krook collision model, dispersion relation, 27, 109, 278
210 distributed system, 72, 78, 82, 293
Big Bang point, 116 distribution function, 79, 208, 209, 211
bucket, 179, 181, 182, 198, 201, 202 drift motion, 182
bunch, 196, 203, 204 drifting standing electromagnetic wave,
canonical form, 208, 228, 323 Duffing’s equation, 11, 146, 189, 194
canonical variable, 33, 168 Duffing’s parameter, 189
dynamical hierarchy, 101, 115 general standard form, 83, 285
dynamical operator, 176, 241, 296 generalized hierarchical equation of the
dynamical parameter, 54 first order, 73, 96, 120
dynamical system, xix, 18, 32, 35, 36, 50, generated form of solution, 286
52, 57, 59–63, 65, 67, 68, 71, generating equation, 10, 91, 99
73, 75, 83, 111, 175, 314 gravitational field, 174, 175
dynamical variables, 50, 56, 61, 83, 296 gray zone, 143
Grebennikov’s method, 113
effect of electron beam modulation, 159 group velocity, 25, 301, 307
effective potential, 176 grouping mechanism, 196, 197
electron clusters, 197
electron oscillation phase, 13, 168 Hamilton’s function, 33
electrostatic support, 329 Hamiltonian equations, 33, 244
elliptic function, 179 Hamiltonian formalism, 33
energy conservation law, 32, 44, 178 harmonic oscillations, 21, 22
energy parameter, 179 Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 41
equation of nonlinear pendulum, 10, 178, hidden oscillation phase, 12
179, 186, 188 hierarchical analogue of the second ther-
equation of stimulated nonlinear pendu- modynamic principle, 59, 67
lum, 194
hierarchical analogue of the third thermo-
equations of comparison, 99
dynamic principle, 187
equations of higher hierarchical level, 4
hierarchical asymptotic analytical-
equations of the first hierarchical level, 81,
numerical methods, xvii, xix,
93, 94, 127, 139, 184, 239, 256, xx, 4
hierarchical military unit, 114
equivalent linear system, 81, 286, 295
hierarchical oscillation system, 13, 111
essentially nonlinear system, 11
hierarchical principles, xx, 50, 58, 60, 63,
Euler variable, 35
73, 74, 83, 84, 113, 114, 176,
Euler's variable, 34, 112
218, 239, 302
explicit oscillation phase, 13
hierarchical series, 53, 54, 57, 58, 61, 90,
extended combinative phase, 186
extended coordinate vector, 86 114, 117, 119, 215, 240, 242,
246, 255, 313
extended nonlinear dynamical vector-
function, 86 hierarchical series in the normalized di-
mensionless form, 58
fast oscillation phase, 13 hierarchical system, xviii, xix, 36, 39, 44,
fast rotating phase, 12, 102, 107, 108, 111, 49–58, 60, 62, 64, 67, 69, 71,
119, 130, 138, 145–147, 167, 72, 78, 95, 107, 108, 111, 114,
168, 171, 215, 331 116, 130, 182, 192, 195, 218,
fast variable, 90–92, 101, 102, 119, 134, 239
233, 245, 295 hierarchical theory of oscillations and
fast varying combination phase, 16 waves, 17
field of forces, 31 hierarchical transformations, xviii, 89,
field oscillation phase, 13 218, 256, 318
first integral of motion, 178 hierarchical tree, 51, 52, 66–69, 78, 114–
first law of thermodynamics, 44 116, 185, 196
force, 9, 12–14, 29, 30, 32–34, 51, 110, hierarchy, xviii, xix, xxi, 4, 5, 13, 17,
113, 167, 176, 177, 194, 199– 49, 52–54, 56–58, 61, 64, 73,
202, 249, 295 84, 90, 101, 111, 114, 117, 118,
four-wave parametric resonance, 16 213, 218, 241, 242, 246, 265,
Fourier–Bessel series, 188 316, 317
free electron laser (FEL), 1, 4, 5, 13, 18, highest hierarchical scale parameter, 4
22, 77, 94, 161 holographic principle, 52, 59
functional operator, 64, 73, 75, 84, 88, 96, homogeneous equation, 213
improper wave, 27
general hierarchical principle, 58, 60, 64, information entropy, 44, 59, 61, 115
83 initial phase of oscillations, 11
instability, 14, 49, 249–252, 258, 282, 315, modernized version of the method of
329, 342 slowly varying amplitudes, 293
instantaneous acceleration, 29 moment of inertia, 9, 30
instantaneous velocity, 29, 208 moment of momentum, 30, 32
intensity vector, 34 moment of momentum conservation law,
inverse problem, 64, 65, 71, 72 32
momentum, 5, 29, 30, 32, 33, 79, 80, 111,
kinetic energy, 19, 31, 32, 115, 198–200, 164, 166, 167, 208, 212, 214,
203 219, 232, 236, 237, 239, 245
kinetic equation, 59, 79–81, 83, 208, 236, momentum conservation law, 32
244, 245, 310, 311, 313, 326 motion integral, 32, 174, 178
klystron, 251, 252 motion integral of the first hierarchical
Kramer’s formula, 296, 300 level, 174
Krylov–Bogolyubov’s substitution, 88, multi-frequency nonlinear resonant
96, 117, 120, 127, 150, 153, oscillation–wave problem, 3
155, 173, 189, 215, 220, 221, multi-frequency nonlinear resonant
233, 234, 239, 242, 244, 245, oscillation–wave systems, 3
256, 265, 268, 275, 321, 332, multi-harmonic periodic oscillations, 22
338, 340 multi-resonance system, 17
multiple resonance, 16
lag-effect, 24, 26
Lagrange oscillation phase, 34
Langmuir’s electron wave, 159 natural hierarchical system, 51, 54, 55, 60,
Lantzos' method, 112 69
large particle, 34, 197, 204 negentropyness, 37
large scale parameter of the problem, 103 new fast oscillatative phase, 184
linear differential equation, xviii, 10, 91 Newtonian formalism, 33
linear frequency, 202, 203 non-bound resonances, 17
longitudinal wave, 26 non-harmonic oscillations, 21, 22
lumped system, 71, 82 non-isochronous oscillator, 181
non-resonant case, 146, 151
magnetic permeability, 34 non-resonant zone, 143
many-particle description, 35 nonlinear dynamical system, 10, 143
mathematical pendulum, 9, 12, 13 nonlinear equation, xviii, 10, 91
Maxwell’s equations, 33, 83, 210, 211, nonlinear oscillatative system, 9
236, 238, 262, 271, 309, 311, nonlinear oscillation dynamical system,
315, 317, 326, 327, 342 10
method of averaged characteristics, xx, 7, normalized combinative phase, 188
72, 89, 207, 213, 222, 225, 231, normalized energy, 181
232, 235–237, 244, 250, 254, normalized potential function, 179, 180
271, 273, 280, 283, 285, 320, normalized time, 188
329, 339
method of averaged current-density equa- one-particle description, 35
tion, 240 open system, 36, 38, 60
method of averaged kinetic equation, 79, oscillation, 21
236, 244
oscillation amplitude, 12
method of averaged quasi-hydrodynamic
oscillation phase, 12
equation, 236
overdetermined system, 212
method of characteristics, 85, 207, 213,
219, 222, 227, 228, 261, 276,
283, 288, 340 parabolic type, 228
method of exact solutions, 186 parametric amplification, 288, 293
microstate, 42 parametric electron-wave lamp, 113
Miller–Gaponov potential, 176, 177, 198, parametric resonance, 16, 113, 193
199 parametric resonant damping, 293
moderately nonlinear system, 11 partial solution, 212
modernized standard system, 309, 317, particle ensemble, 196, 197, 209
320 passage motion of particle, 198
percussive excitation of highest harmon- Russian matryoshka, 53
ics, 258
period of oscillations, 14
period of the oscillations, 3 saturation of amplification, 20, 345
perturbed model, 201, 203, 204 SCW, 28, 254
phase grouping, 204, 205 second law of dynamics, 9, 29, 31, 33, 177
phase mismatch, 291 second law of thermodynamics, 44
phase velocity, 25, 26, 160, 161, 164, 194, secular term, 99, 100, 120, 129, 133, 190
288 sefirot, 51
physical definition of the concept of God, self-consistent system, 344
68 self-modeling principle, 50, 52, 56, 59, 116
potential energy, 31, 32, 177, 179, 198, 199 self-organization, 50, 204
potential field, 32, 174 self-resemblance, 50, 51
potential function, 32, 176, 177, 179 separatrix, 179, 181, 182
potential well, 174, 177, 179, 199, 202 shortened form, xvii
principle of hierarchical resemblance, 59, simplified version of slowly varying ampli-
61, 83 tude method, 284
principle of information compression, 58, single particle problem, 163
64, 83, 93 slow electron wave, 330
principle of physicality, 38 slow resonance, 17
principle of quasi-stationary interaction, slow variable, 102, 112, 114, 118, 136, 147,
200 167, 169, 170, 233, 238, 313,
problem small parameter, 61, 189, 309, 331
314 slowest dynamical variables, 4
proper field of the zeroth hierarchical slowly varying amplitude, xix, xx, 7, 20,
level, 174 21, 72, 82, 89, 207, 208, 250,
proper oscillations, 13, 249 279, 283–285, 287–289, 291,
proper wave, 27, 109, 250, 290, 295, 297, 293, 295, 297, 302, 305, 309,
299 310, 312, 314, 320, 324, 326,
pumping wave, 14, 26, 161, 288 329, 330, 342, 343, 345
purposefulness, 37, 42, 49, 50 slowly varying amplitude method, 320
purposefulness principle, 38, 42 slowly varying combination phase, 16, 137
slowly varying cyclic frequency, 21
quasi-harmonic oscillations, 21 slowly varying initial oscillation phase, 20
quasi-potential field, 175–177, 180 small oscillations, 10, 203
quasilinear resonance, 16, 193 small parameter of the problem, 16, 91,
186, 189, 322
Rabinovich’s standard form, 85, 307, 310
space charge wave, 254, 277, 305
relationship of characteristics, 228
relativistic factor, 15, 111, 172, 210, 241, spatially one-dimensional model, 288, 294
253, 258, 261, 278, 344 standard equation of zeroth hierarchical
resonance, 13, 14, 18–20, 38, 108, 113, level, 6
114, 130, 134–139, 150, 161, standard system with partial derivatives,
170, 192, 197, 200, 238, 249, 213
250, 284, 291, 296, 305 standing electromagnetic wave, 158, 164,
resonances of the same hierarchy, 17 176, 185
resonant case, 143, 146, 195 static hierarchical system, 54
resonant condition, 15, 16, 18, 20, 143, static system, 36
144, 150. 195, 197, 200, 249, stimulated Duffing’s equation, 146
250, 287, 290, 297 stimulated oscillations, 13–15, 146, 249,
resonant curve, 18, 19 250
resonant point, 18–20, 135, 249 stochastic system, 36, 60, 79, 80, 208
resonant zone, 144 straight problem, 64
rigorous version of the method of slowly strong hierarchical series, 111
varying amplitudes, 285, 294 strong synchronism, 160
rotating motion of the nonlinear pendu- structural complexity, 45, 46
lum, 198 structural hierarchical scale parameter, 53
rotating vector phase, 102 structural hierarchy, 53, 54, 57, 62
structural operator, 62, 63, 73, 75, 84, 85, uncertainty postulate, 41
99, 109, 111 underdetermined system, 212
successive approximation method, 244 uniqueness, 37, 60, 249
successive approximations, 128 unperturbed model, 198, 204
surface wave, 27
synchronous condition, 162, 164, 170 Van der Pol’s method, xix, 93, 94, 125,
synthesis problem, 64 126, 284
system definition, 35 Van der Pol’s variables, 91, 146, 189, 194
system for optical signals transformation vector of slow variables, 101, 117, 118,
into microwave signals, 159 137, 145, 146, 171, 331
system property, 36, 39, 41, 44, 204 vicinity of the resonant point, 18
system with constant rotation frequency, volumetric wave, 27
171 vortex field, 31, 32
system with fast rotating phases, 102,
103, 111 wave energy density, 28
system with slow and fast variables, 100 wave number, 15, 24–26, 165, 193, 295,
thermodynamic probability, 43, 44 wave period, 15, 23, 24
third law of thermodynamics, 44 wavelength, 24, 26, 27
threshold, 41 weak nonlinear dynamical system, 11
transversal wave, 23, 26 weak nonlinear mathematical problem, 21
tree of life, 51, 55, 66 weak nonlinear oscillations, 11–13, 21
two-level hierarchical system, 95, 101, 216 weak predictability, 37
two-multiple resonance, 16 weakly nonlinear equation, 10
two-stream instability, 14, 29, 208, 231,
249–253, 258, 278, 329, 342 zero-level equation, 61
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