Assignment 1
A mixture Benzene (1) / Toluene (2) with a mole fraction xF,1= 0.4 should be
separated in a plate column in a distillate (D) and a Bottoms stream (B) with mole
fraction resp. xD,1= 0.96 and xB,1=0.04. The constant of relative volatility α of the
mixture, whose behavior can be considered ideal, is 2.42. The column operates with
a reflux ratio R=1.3 Rmin and the feed enters the column at the boiling point
(saturated liquid).
a) Calculate the minimum number of stages Nmin and the minimum reflux Rmin
applying the Fenske and Underwood equations.
b) Determine the theoretical number of stages, using both the Gilliland diagram and
the Molokanov’s correlation.
Molokanov’s correlation:
Assignment 2
A multicomponent distillation column should be designed in such a way, that a
concentrate stream of Ethane could be separated from a feed stream containing 6
hydrocarbons (hint: separation between Ethane and Propylene). Calculate the
required theoretical number of stages and the realistic number of stages when R =
1.25 ⋅ Rmin.
Separation requirements:
Mole fraction of Propylene in the Distillate: 0.025
Mole fraction of Ethane in the Bottoms: 0.050
Operating conditions:
Pressure: p = 27.3 bar
Feed quality: liquid at the boiling temperature (q = 1)
Average plate efficiency coefficient: E = 0.75
Feed composition:
Ethane (LK)
Propylene (HK)
total: 1.00