Five-Star Case - Edited
Five-Star Case - Edited
Five-Star Case - Edited
Managerial Accounting
Table of Contents
Brief Introduction................................................................................................................................1
Contribution of each team in the recovery process............................................................................2
Value chain and changes...................................................................................................................4
Management Accounting Information...............................................................................................6
Analysis & Recommendation..............................................................................................................7
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
Brief Introduction
The main purpose of this study is to find out that how the company can manage its operation
during a severe pandemic and run its operations like before. Over the past seven years, sales
employs a sales, technological expert, cost, production, and engineering manager, as well as
other automated systems in the assembly plant. Covid-19, on the other hand, had compelled
them to alter their tactics and costing methods. It is now critical to classify each component
of the product value chain and reorganize overall strategies across all departments to reduce
risk. If things get worse, the teams' contributions to cost and recovery analysis will help the
business expand in the future. Working on big problems like production disruption, sales
declines, and profit margins in covid-19 will be difficult for line managers, but an accurate
approach will help the business remain successful even through this pandemic.
COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March
11, 2020 (Sohrabi et al., 2020; WHO, 2020a), highlighting the global uncertainty that had
dropped lives and health into a still-going crisis. According to a report issued by Fortune
magazine on Feb 21, 2020, before COVID-19 has been categorized by WHO as a pandemic,
the COVID-19 pandemic had disrupted the operations of 94 percent of Fortune 1000
corporations. Because of the extremely linked world we're living in, experts across
professional functionaries have long anticipated that a global pandemic will stretch the
components of global supply chains and demands (Daszak, 2012; Ford et al., 2009; Webster,
1997), initiating a cross-border economic catastrophe. The demand for essential goods like
personal protective equipment, medical equipment, and dry canned foods has risen.
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
Meanwhile, supply chain, logistics, and production capability confront plenty of issues that
are limiting their capabilities. Border restrictions, supply market lockdowns, vehicle
transportation, and foreign trade disruptions, Direct and Indirect labor shortages,
Warehousing cost, and keeping physical distance in manufacturing facilities are just a few
expected to have a serious impact on world foreign trade due to these multidisciplinary
effects on operations, direct cost, as well as other economic and financial problems (Dontoh
et al., 2020). The World Trade Organization (WTO), for example, has anticipated that global
trade will slow down by 13–32 percent in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
The biggest challenge the company will face in recovery is that transformative change may
be difficult for some workers. While some employees will prefer remote work, others may be
team, Areas of the Business operational areas which are finance, supply chain, purchasing,
HR, marketing, sales, and customer services should be contributing to the analysis. Put
confidence. This will aid in the governance, monitoring, and tracking of loss during the
Every organization's top priority should be based on workers' safety in a work setting where
such pandemics are a consistent threat. Companies can accomplish this by implementing a
rigorous set of guidelines and policies within each area, which may include improved
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
social distancing, and changes to current governance and practices. Finance and other major
areas like marketing, sales, and supply chain must forecast the impact of price increment to
expand the profit margin and overall profitability and prepare the budget for the possible
opportunities. The proper production schedule should be prepared because if the company
decides to reduce the price then it will automatically increase the demand for electric fans in
the market. Operations are impacted by ambiguity and uncertainty caused by sudden changes
separation and remote working procedures. Consider solutions that allow the accounting team
to successfully communicate and estimate the coverage of the company's fixed cost. To best
manage the fixed cost, activity-based costing will be accurate for decision-making.
Furthermore, the contribution margin of each fan and the correct costing method will result in
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
Immediate response and actions must be taken to ensure that people were safe and that
critical business functions continued to function. This brief period is characterized by high
effort and possibly chaotic activity. Each area of business operation should focus on having a
more organized and coordinated effort to make the operations stable again. They must plan to
restore the direct and indirect material and other resources needed to be enhanced,
basis and path forward, use experience gained and evolving trends from previous stages.
Covid-19 is expected to affect a wide range of value chains and operations. Demand volatility
and companies' capability to handle such volatility in demand are mentioned by researchers
in the field of demand management. COVID-19 has had an impact on consumer buying
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
patterns for both necessary and unnecessary items (Hakovirta and Denuwara, 2020,
Mollenkopf et al., 2020). Apart from demand fluctuations, a variety of industries are
Global Value Chains have been severely disrupted as a result of the pandemic. Household
appliance vendors have been hit hard by the drop in consumer demand for electricity and the
closing of retail shops in high-income countries. The effect hasn't been uniformed across the
board. Sports goods companies are rebounding as containment measures are lifted and stores
in key markets reopen, although household appliance companies are also struggling. Inbound
and outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service are the main operating activities of
the electric fan value chain. The purpose of these sets of operations is to create value that is
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
Five star should use cross-functional strategy to overcome and for sustainability in the future.
During the pandemic, almost every company started online operations because they cannot
afford to shut the business. Five star should start their operations online from the point of
initiation which is the acquisition of raw material to their end consumer which will reduce
their inventory levels. The change would give them an advantage in the pandemic. Customer
can find their desire product at their place by ordering online. The same goes for suppliers
and vendors, they can also collaborate online by using vendor-managed inventory. VMI will
help in not holding the extra stock and will save the cost for the warehouse. Logistics can also
be shift online so that the Real-time information will flow accordingly. When it comes to
marketing and sales, the best way to get the desire sales are by marketing online on different
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
may need to be checked. An extended lockdown may affect growth prospects, as well as
capitalization of borrowing costs. Estimates should be based on the best available information
When analyzing forecast conditions, both the consequences of Covid-19 and the considerable
government support measures in place should be taken into account. Due to the uncertainty
created by Covid-19, if 5-star estimates are based on accurate and supportable data, the
disruption in the supply chain will result in a significant increase in the cost of goods
include an exaggeration provision. Examine the vehicles' warranty and service support
Valuations are going to be difficult to assess due to the increased level of uncertainty about
where companies have dislocated their operations, the modifications may not be substantial,
so accountants should have no difficulty performing their accounting processes, and this may
concern should also be taken into account by the accountant. Covid-19 would likely have an
impact on such preliminary assessments. Assess the going concern's viability based on
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
accurate data, both historical and current; forward-looking information in hand; and incidents
that may have occurred after the financial reporting period's end date before the accounts are
This finding implies that when one segment fails to function properly, the entire operation is
interrupted. The impacts of demand, supply, manufacturing, trade, logistics, and relationships
will all combine to bring the decline in the profit margins. When direct raw materials are
scarce, increasing production is neither feasible nor practicable. An author reported in their
study that a hand sanitizer firm in Australia had to halt its production facility due to a
Supplier failures cause extreme production disruptions and backlog for businesses in the
production management area (Leite et al., 2020). Furthermore, other policy-related changes,
such as reducing office working hours as shown in Fig. 2 and making workers work on
alternate days to keep social distance in the office, have diminished the firms' production
capacity. Employees are still incapable of working full time as a result of this social
distancing and health concerning issues, resulting in a workforce shortage. Also, According
to (Dente and Hashimoto, 2020) the factory's limited activities caused the machine to be
outdated and damage equipment and capital assets. As a result, manufacturers have
experienced supply disruptions due to the abrupt closure of foreign vendors' activities
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors, may close or restrict their facilities. While physical
networks were the primary mode of distribution for many years, the pandemic has allowed
the company to go completely online or to choose a hybrid model. Furthermore, due to the
constraints, marketing expenses have been reduced and adversely affect the sales. While
Operation restructuring strategies have been suggested as a way to both mitigate current
effects and ensure a more robust operation in the post-COVID-19 period. Many companies
used the offshoring approach in the pre-COVID-19 period, establishing production plants in
developed countries with the required logistical support to reduce production costs.
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
Besides, due to existing measures of social distancing, only a small amount of workers are
line so that it can operate with less human interaction to increase production capacity despite
reduced staff. Companies must establish new operational alliances in addition to restructuring
strategies for continuity in the flow of goods and services. To ensure locational proximity, a
company may need to identify and establish relationships with new partners while re-shoring
It is also recommended to use organizational strategy models to address the sales area.
instead of focusing on markets, products and skills, projects, and so on. In a strong economy,
this may have worked well enough, but in a competitive market, focus on your sales function
to win business. The sales area is how you connect all of your products to the consumer, and
Lastly, many firms responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by shifting their sales interactions to
find the area of improvisation, rather than maintain it because the sales experience of the
customer creates value and differentiation for the future and customers to make the entire
experience more appealing. Consider new ways to assist consumers in recognizing concerns
and identifying opportunities that are still unconsidered before. With video and phone, the
company can track sales data and increase its overall market share by deeper knowledge and
Managerial Accounting: Case Study
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Managerial Accounting: Case Study
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