Laboratory One: Fourier Analysis: ENEL312-11A
Laboratory One: Fourier Analysis: ENEL312-11A
Laboratory One: Fourier Analysis: ENEL312-11A
Fourier Analysis
1.0 Objective:
The purpose of this laboratory was to introduce Fourier analysis, Spectrum analysis and to get familiar
with the spectrum analyzer to take the measurements in the frequency spectrum.
2.0 Background:
In the laboratory manual, it is discussed that any physical function varies with time
with a frequency f can be ex-pressed as a superposition of sinusoidal components of
frequencies f, 2f, 3f, 4f, etc.
A physical function that is periodic with period 2π, of the real variable x can be
represented in the interval [-π, π] by the infinite sum:
1 1 1 1
f ( x )=sin ( ω ) + sin ( 3 ω ) + sin ( 5 ω )+ sin (7 ω ) + sin ( 9 ω )
3 5 7 9
Since only five harmonics were able to be represented using this software the square wave which was
implemented was not very tidy.
Figure 1: Practical Square wave frequency plot, trying to illustrate amplitude and frequency of five harmonics.
Figure 2: Theoretical Square wave frequency plot
When comparing the practical and theoretical square wave frequency plots it is apparent that unwanted
even order frequencies are present. This is seen in the practical frequency plot as slightly smaller spikes
between the higher spikes and in the theoretical as small spikes between the higher odd harmonics.
Also something to mention it seems on the practical square wave frequency plot that only the first four
harmonics are present. The reason for this could be our filtering or the signal has been mixed with noise
and we cannot see it.
For the same reasons as the square wave only the first four odd harmonics were input into the software
as more exceeded the maximum character allowance. This practical result can be viewed in Figure 3:
Practical triangle wave frequency plot. If the theoretical result and the practical result are compared it is
apparent that something is not quite right. The triangle waveform is suppose to be constructed from
only odd harmonics yet in both the theoretical and practical results the 2 nd harmonic and even the 4th
harmonic are present. This could be explained by interference from other machines nearby transmitting
the frequencies.
Figure 3: Practical triangle wave frequency plot
If a comparison between the calculated square waveform and the calculated triangle waveform is
carried out there is a noticeable difference in the waveform amplitudes. The square wave harmonics
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
have amplitudes of , , , respectively and the triangle wave has harmonic amplitudes of , , ,
1 3 5 9 1 9 25
4.3 Investigation of AM modulation
For this task, a single cosine wave was used to modulate an amplitude modulated signal, and analyze it
on a spectrum analyser at different modulation depths. The formula entered into the TekVISA Software
Where M is the modulation index, a value of 0.5 was used. ω m is the modulation frequency and ω c is the
carrier frequency which must be chosen to be much larger than the modulation frequency.
0% Modulation Depth
As expected the frequency plot displays a peak at the modulation frequency this is because at 0%
modulation no sidebands should be present.